Wednesday, 2015-09-09

aeng_thanks anteaya00:00
pleia2aeng_: I had a question for camunoz, but perhaps you can help, see line 18 in the link anteaya shared00:00
jeblairooh it's time!00:00
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SpamapScrinkle: ACK.. so .. I don't know if that is right, or if it should be br-vlan2500:00
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aeng_etherpad loaing00:01
pleia2shutting down zanata for translate.o.o to prep for db stuff00:01
SpamapScrinkle: where is our record of what is going wrong booting?00:01
aeng_cant see the etherpad00:02
jeblairpleia2, aeng_: that etherpad is not loading for me either :/00:02
clarkbits db backup time00:02
* clarkb guesses as to why it can't be read :/00:02
anteayaaeng_: here is the question: English (en) is the source language, it is not included in the list above but it is enabled, does it need to be on the server as a langauge or should we switch it to not-enabled?00:02
aeng_it needs to enabled00:03
pleia2ok, thanks00:03
fungiclarkb: yeah... db backups00:03
aeng_and it need to be on the server as a language too00:03
crinkleSpamapS: I don't see anything in any logs that pinpoints it, just `nova list` continuously shows it as spawning00:03
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anteayahere is a paste of the contents of the etherpad:
jeblairaeng_: it just loaded for me00:04
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aeng_jeblair, yup, just got it too00:04
fungii think the mysqldump just finished moments ago00:04
StevenKpleia2: Re: step 4, if those are clean checkouts, then your for loop looks fine00:05
SpamapScrinkle: nova-compute.log has some errors00:05
greghaynescrinkle: I tend to ls -ltr in the logs dir to see what is being written to then just walk up the list00:06
greghaynes(not at a computer right now so cant)00:06
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SpamapSah the subnet is wrong00:07
StevenKpleia2: I'm not certain about step 7 -- we want to switch, sure, but all of the pull jobs use transifex to do so, and I thought the plan was we picked a small project and switched it first00:07
crinkleSpamapS: oh good00:07
SpamapScrinkle: is reserved for the cloud itself00:07
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SpamapScrinkle: should help00:08
SpamapSbut I doubt that would prevent the spawn00:08
SpamapSjust the reachability00:08
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SpamapScrinkle: 53, 54, and 55 are all "for vms"00:08
SpamapSanyway, I have to run pick my son up.00:08
SpamapSbbiab to continue looking00:09
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crinkleSpamapS: okay thanks00:09
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pleia2camunoz: oh no, I disabled en-US and kept en x_x00:14
pleia2I think I'll have to start over with the database stuff00:14
anteayalots of time00:14
camunozsorry pleia2, late to the party... I'm also adding one extra validation in there00:14
pleia2no worries00:15
aeng_mind the en language00:15
pleia2so do we need to keep en and en-US?00:16
camunozjust en-US as a source language00:16
pleia2ok, thanks00:16
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aeng_hmm.. anteaya mentioned "en" is source? or there's mapping in Zanata?00:17
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anteayaaeng_: I copy/pasted from the etherpad00:17
pleia2en-US is the source00:17
aeng_ah... ok00:17
clarkbpleia2: so we are good with db things as is then?00:18
pleia2ok, dev is updated, back to database things00:18
pleia2clarkb: no, need to drop all the tables again (in the right order) and do the script again00:18
clarkbpleia2: ok00:19
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pleia2camunoz: re: 1C, looks like Definer is zanata@%00:23
pleia2(seems right)00:23
camunozlooks good then00:23
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pleia2ok, seems to be up with the migrated user database00:26
anteayaI see a rendered page00:27
anteayashould I log in?00:27
fungiseeing if i get the same userid i had on -dev00:27
anteayaor try to?00:27
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camunozI can log in00:27
clarkbpleia2: should I run the project registration?00:27
pleia2does someone want to confirm that matches ?00:28
pleia2I'm spot checking, but I was the one who checked this earlier today00:28
pleia2it *seems* ok00:28
pleia2clarkb: just a moment, want to make sure I don't need to run this bit again00:28
aeng_data seems correct in UI00:28
pleia2aeng_: thank you00:28
anteayapleia2: looking00:29
pleia2clarkb: I think we're good to go now00:29
clarkbok running now00:29
anteayaI don't know what the language codes are, so not much help spot checking the list00:29
clarkbpleia2: done00:30
pleia2anteaya: no worries00:30
StevenKpleia2: Hold a sec, I have a script to completly check the language codes00:30
pleia2clarkb: hooray, I see projects now00:30
pleia2StevenK: cool00:30
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StevenKpleia2: My script reports no issues00:31
fungijust poking around at random00:31
clarkbpleia2: I too see projects00:31
pleia2ok, I'm going to do step 4 now00:31
pleia2go go gadget for loop00:31
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anteayashould I be trying to sign in?00:32
camunozanteaya, I think I already did :P ... sorry if I wasn't supposed to00:32
pleia2anteaya: did you have an account on -dev?00:32
anteayaI don't know00:33
anteayapleia2: no00:33
pleia2anteaya: sure, give it a try00:33
* anteaya gives it a try00:33
pleia2camunoz: nah, we're all good, hopefully it gave you admin access and all like it should (it did for me)00:33
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camunozyup, I have admin access and belong to the spanish team as I did on dev00:34
pleia2ok, step 4 is going to take some time00:34
anteayaWe're sorry, your username or password does not match an existing record.00:34
anteayaemail and gerrit/launchpad password00:34
pleia2but it seems to be working
clarkbanteaya: it uses openstackid so its your foundation account00:34
anteayaI have no idea what that is00:35
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anteayaI will try and find out00:35
fungianteaya: same account you use to log into www.openstack.org00:35
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anteayawhich I rarely do, however I am successfully logged into as we speack00:37
anteayaand am looking at a screen for a new user for zanata00:37
pleia2StevenK: ok, while #4 is running forever, we should chat about #700:38
camunozanteaya, that means you probably didn't have a dev account... this will only happen the first time you log into zanata00:38
anteayait wants my name username and email, is that what you saw earlier today fungi?00:38
StevenKpleia2: Sure00:38
fungiyep, that's the current level of openid support in zanata00:38
fungianteaya: ^00:38
anteayacamunoz: yes, I didn't have a -dev account00:38
anteayaokey dokey00:38
anteayaso working as expected then00:38
pleia2StevenK: so our plan is that all translations for Liberty are done in Zanata from now on, so we'd like zanata to start doing the submissions to gerrit, yeah?00:39
anteayaI am signed in00:39
aeng_#7 seems like config work in gerrit?00:39
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StevenKpleia2: Yes, I'm basing my answer on what Daisy said in the session in Vancouver, but the timing doesn't give a lot of time00:41
clarkbStevenK: pleia2 do we have any of that written at this point? Is it a simple matter of changing jenkins jobs around?00:42
pleia2StevenK: ok right, so it's not essential to get the submissions going tonight, but we do need to work to make sure we get them in before release00:42
pleia2and probably turn off transifex submitting them asap00:42
pleia2and I'm sorry I didn't catch this loose end :\ it's pretty important00:42
anteayais there anything standing in the way of getting submissions going tonight?00:42
asselin_clarkb, any reason why this needs to be configurable?
pleia2StevenK: I owe you like, all the beers in Japan00:43
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clarkbStevenK: thats a fun one :)00:44
clarkbStevenK: thanks00:44
StevenKclarkb: Then we can switch to the -zanata job group00:44
camunozStevenK, already getting free beer... good on you00:44
StevenKpleia2: I have a plan that doesn't involve you murdering my liver :-P00:45
pleia2StevenK: haha, lead the way :)00:45
pleia2just as long as I don't have to sing00:45
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anteayaI'm sure you are a great singer00:46
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pleia2translations sync (step 4) is on horizon, but I think this one is the biggest import00:47
anteayais on horizon, meaning it is up to the horizon team to do?00:47
pleia2(see line 66 for the command that's being run, it lists the projects the script is going through and it goes in the order they are listed)00:47
pleia2anteaya: ^^00:47
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anteayaso you are about 1/3 of the way through your list of projects00:48
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anteayabut perhaps halfway through the work00:48
pleia2anteaya: yep00:48
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anteayagot it thanks00:48
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anteayaI'm watching my cat sleep00:49
pleia2hopefully mostly done the work, #5 is Daisy, 6 is just poking around (and it's mostly done) and 7 is being discussed00:49
anteayapaws and tail twitching00:49
anteayawell done00:49
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pleia2one of mine is sitting next to me on the couch, he wants some fresh kibble in his bowl00:50
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anteayais there anything else supportive standers by can do to help00:50
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anteayain addition to giving cat status updates?00:50
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aeng_gambateh! gambateh!00:51
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anteayaI have to look that up00:51
pleia2thanks folks :)00:52
aeng_or 加油,加油00:52
anteayaeven better00:52
anteayaI do need to work on getting some japanese before tokyo00:52
anteayagambateh is a good start, thanks aeng_00:52
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pleia2on neutron now00:53
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anteayapleia2: yay00:53
fungiganbatte kudasai00:53
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aeng_just download google translate in offline..00:53
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clarkbpleia2: so do you want to try getting StevenK's change merged tonight?00:54
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pleia2clarkb: sure, I don't actually have plans, and we have StevenK's attention00:55
* pleia2 starts reviewing00:55
clarkbI should review too then00:55
StevenKAt least until I have to go out to buy lunch00:55
clarkbStevenK: thats what I need to do real soon now too00:55
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clarkboh this doesn't update zuul at all00:56
clarkbso ya easy to get in nowish00:56
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StevenKI also haven't changed the topic for the review we submit00:57
StevenKSo it will still say transifex00:57
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anteayaI'm liking ganbarou00:58
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clarkbpleia2: it has the +2s it needs but will let you approve, note it won't change the jobs that run so it should be super safe00:59
anteayamy copy/paste has failed me for my weechat terminal, no idea why00:59
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clarkbStevenK: mabbe you want to throw up a change to change the job for a project?00:59
clarkbI do need to run out and grab noms soon01:00
anteayaI have no chance of lifting that to put into a translator01:00
pleia2StevenK: ah yes, in I see the `git review -t transifex/translations`01:00
StevenKclarkb: Sure, but which project?01:00
anteayaclarkb: you haven't eaten? it is late01:00
pleia2ok, approving this01:00
clarkbStevenK: maybe horizon :) since its the hard one01:00
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StevenK... yay?01:00
pleia2maybe ask Daisy01:01
StevenKI see clarkb wants me to chew my fingers to stubs while that change lands :-P01:01
pleia2she left for breakfast 2+ hours ago, I'll see if I can find her on email01:01
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StevenKemail. Yeah, I should look at that01:03
pleia2no, there be dragons01:03
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clarkbpleia2: ok gonna pop out as it looks like things are mostly good?01:06
clarkbwill keep an eye from phone and can approve things if necessary01:07
clarkbhave to take advantage of full babies to get food ourselves01:07
anteayayay full babies01:07
pleia2clarkb: yep, thanks01:07
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Redo function that pulls translations from Zanata
pleia2StevenK: so, the plan is to switch on these jobs we're landing for one project as a test first?01:08
StevenKpleia2: Sounds fine to me01:09
pleia2ok, hopefully Daisy will check her email soon01:09
StevenKpleia2: I was going to disappear to buy lunch, hopefully Daisy comes back with something while I'm out in the scary blue room01:10
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pleia2on oslo.service now re: step 401:10
pleia2StevenK: enjoy01:11
anteayaI'm staying here until StevenK and clarkb return01:11
anteayanot sure how much help I'll be01:11
StevenKMoral support!01:11
pleia2I appreciate the support :)01:11
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anteayamy cat is resting on the back of a chair, her tail draped calmly against the chair back01:11
anteayathat I can do01:12
pleia2mine left (I fed them)01:12
anteayaha ha ha01:12
anteayashe is facing away from the lamp, her front paws tucked under her forelegs01:12
anteayaher chin extended upon the chair back01:13
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openstackgerritfumihiko kakuma proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job for the ovs mechanism driver with native mode
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pleia2swift! we're coming near the end :)01:15
anteayashe stretched and repositioned, she is now facing away from me01:16
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anteayaeveryone once in a while I think "it would be nice to have a dog again" but then I remind myself "you are flying out again on the weekend" and refocus on how grateful I am for the cat01:17
anteayacats don't miss me01:18
anteayathey can be upset I left01:18
anteayabut they don't miss me01:18
anteayathere is a difference01:18
anteayaand cats know it01:18
pleia2my Siamese is pretty needy, but we can leave for a couple days without worry01:18
pleia2woo, all done01:19
anteayaand you have a great cat sitter01:19
anteayawooooo, done01:19
anteayanow what?01:19
pleia2wait for Daisy to have a look01:20
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pleia2hi Daisy!01:20
DaisyHi, pleia201:20
anteayahi Daisy01:20
anteayayay Daisy's here01:21
DaisyThank you for keeping on work.01:21
pleia2Daisy: we've completed the move and uploaded the current translations from Transifex into Zanata, can you log in and take a look?
DaisyLooking now01:21
anteayahere's to timing01:22
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rick-chenanteaya: Hi Anita.01:23
anteayarick-chen: hello rich01:23
anteayaI don't know when thingee will be back from burning man01:23
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DaisyThe languages, the users, and the projects look wonderful.01:24
DaisyI'm checking the translation progress now.01:24
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rick-chenanteaya: Hey. You know what I ask.01:24
anteayarick-chen: yup, you have been asking it for over a week01:25
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rick-chenanteaya: Seem many CI gerrit account pending long time not only ours.01:25
anteayarick-chen: I have no opinon on the matter01:26
anteayain this case I have to wait for thingee to tell me what he wants01:26
anteayait is his decision, not mine01:26
rick-chenanteaya: OK, So keep to wait he return, right.01:26
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anteayarick-chen: well in the meantime you can participate in the cinder channel, get to know the cinder developers and the other third party ci operators01:27
anteayarick-chen: that actually is the best use of your time, participate in cinder01:27
Daisypleia2: I don't know if I'm wrong. But I see the translation progress is not same with Transifex.01:27
rick-chenanteaya: OK, Thanks.01:27
anteayarick-chen: then you are part of the project01:27
anteayarick-chen: welcome01:28
pleia2Daisy: I'm not sure how transifex and zanata precisely calculate translations, so they may differ slightly01:28
pleia2Daisy: are you seeing any that seem very wrong?01:28
DaisyIf you look into openstack-manuals->Japanese->admin-guide-cloud, in Zanata, the progress is zero. In Transifex, it is 36%.01:28
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StevenKHas the loop gotten to openstack-manuals?01:30
anteayais there an indexing function for progress which needs to be run?01:30
StevenKLast I saw, it was oslo*01:30
pleia2Daisy: I see, so it pulled in japanese translations for common and glossary, but not admin-guide-cloud01:30
pleia2StevenK: loop is all done01:30
aeng_Daisy, can I have the link to the transifex for openstack-manual?01:30
DaisyIf you look at openstack-manuals->Korean(South Korea), the progress is 0% in Zanata, but Korean team has made some translations in Transifex:
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DaisyI don't kow what's wrong.01:30
aeng_comparing doc.. it might due to the cache in Zanata01:30
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anteayaDaisy: do you see any link that has any progress in zanata?01:30
anteayaDaisy: or are all zanata links 0% progress?01:31
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StevenKI saw ko_KR fail yesterday due to invalid Unicode during my playing around with translate-dev01:31
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StevenKpleia2: Do you have the full output from the loop of the doom?01:32
pleia2I should have dumped the output of the run into a log file :\01:32
anteayawhat an odd percentage01:32
pleia2StevenK: unfortunately not01:32
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anteayafor both japanese and korean01:32
pleia2anteaya: translations are huuuge, not uncommon01:32
camunozDaisy, openstack-manuals has no translations for Korean01:32
anteayathe exact percentage for both01:32
aeng_but there;s translation in transifex01:33
aeng_for ko-Kr01:33
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DaisyI'm checking Horizon project now.01:33
StevenKpleia2: You can try and do 'zanata-cli -B -e push --push-type trans' to only push the translations for openstack-manuals and see if you get an ugly traceback01:33
pleia2StevenK: in the openstack-manuals directory?01:34
StevenKpleia2: As jenkins on the proposal slave in the that directory, yes01:34
* pleia2 thumbs up01:34
DaisyHorizon in Zanata is 0 progress, which is completed different from Transifex.01:34
aeng_I can see doc "admin-guide-cloud" is 36% in transifex but 0 in zanata01:34
aeng_anyone with admin access, can please try to clear the cache in zanata?01:35
aeng_just to be sure01:35
pleia2camunoz: care to do the honors and tell me how? :)01:35
aeng_camunoz, clear the cache in java melody01:35
aeng_i got no admin access01:35
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camunozaeng_, done... but that should have no bearing on this... the documents are actually empty01:36
aeng_yeah.. now that i looking at the doc01:37
aeng_there's no translations01:37
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pleia2so after running the command StevenK shared above, got this when it got to Ko-KR glossary: [org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 7; columnNumber: 63661; An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1d) was found in the element content of the document.]</body></html>]01:41
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pleia2which ended the import, nothing after was brought in01:42
aeng_ok.. so that stops the subsequent import01:42
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pleia2so if we're running into other unicode errors (seems likely) then it could account for why not everything is being imported01:43
aeng_well.. as a start. is the database created as utf8?01:43
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StevenKpleia2: I have sufficently prepared for visiting the scary big blue room, I'll be back in ~30 or so01:44
Clintaeng_: utf8 or utf8mb4?01:44
pleia2StevenK: ok01:44
StevenKThe usual, semi-automatic weaponry and flak armour because Australian wildlife :-D01:44
aeng_this is what we use to create zanata db: CREATE DATABASE zanata /**!40100 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET utf8 **/01:45
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pleia2aeng_: we're using trove, so database creation is done via an api or web interface (not mysql commands)01:46
pleia2trying to figure out how/if we did this one differently than our dev server01:46
aeng_next is the glossary file itself01:46
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aeng_this might be the answer:
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DaisyThe progress of django_openstack_auth and horizon is zero. The importing job for these two projects are not run yet ?01:51
pleia2Daisy: everything has run01:51
pleia2Daisy: so please do keep making a list of ones that are missing, and we'll work to get past the errors that are making imports fail01:52
DaisyHorizon translations for all languages are not imported . I guess, it's not because of the unicode error.01:52
Daisypleia2: I will do.01:52
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aeng_pleia2, how the translation is being import ?01:53
aeng_did a pull from transifex and zanata push01:53
pleia2everything is set by default to utf-8, so this database should be too, mysql-fu is failing me, how do I see the character encoding of the database?01:53
pleia2aeng_: sec, I'll dig up the script we're using01:54
pleia2so yeah, we're doing a `tx pull` then a `zanata-cli push`01:55
aeng_that looks fine01:55
sflaniganaeng_, it sounds like this problem:
pleia2yeah, seems to work for many of the imports01:55
pleia2hey sflanigan o/01:55
sflaniganhi pleia201:56
fungii might be able to dig up clarkb's notes from when he converted the etherpad databases from 3-byte (mysql default) utf-8 to 4-byte, if it's needed01:56
aeng_yup, its the invalid char in xml01:56
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sflaniganI think the best current workarounds are:01:56
sflanigan1. edit the file(s) to remove the invalid character(s)01:56
pleia2fungi: do you know how to tell what the database currently is?01:56
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sflanigan2. upload the affected file(s) via the web interface01:57
aeng_sflanigan, must it be web interface upload?01:57
aeng_can't use zanata-cli?01:57
fungipleia2: really not sure, though if the issue is the one sflanigan linked then it should be unrelated to that01:57
sflaniganmaybe if you can tell it to use the generic File endpoint.  I don't think that's really working yet though.01:58
pleia2fungi: yeah01:58
sflaniganit's a org.xml.sax.SAXParseException, so I don't think the error is generated by the DB.  It's an XML problem.01:58
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aeng_I think can try on editing the file and do the push again01:59
aeng_script from sflanigan, grep --color='auto' -P -n '\x08' *.po02:00
sflaniganunfortunately, it's hard to say how many others there might be, in that file or in others.02:00
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sflaniganaeng_, that was for the particular control character used in the bug report02:00
aeng_for this case, its (Unicode: 0x1d)02:01
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sflaniganI just hope there aren't other bad characters too.02:01
anteayawhat would be involved in uploading via the web interface?02:01
clarkbfungi the etherpad wiki has details02:01
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clarkbits easy but I forget the incantation02:01
anteayaits easy if you know how02:01
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fungithat i suppose02:02
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aeng_anteaya, is uploading single file for each language for each file02:02
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anteayaaeng_: ah so many files02:03
fungiso in theory we could check character set on the tables if we end up concerned that we need 4-byte02:03
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aeng_fungi, i dont think its the db charset issue.02:04
anteayaI think pleia2 was wondering how to check character set on tables02:04
fungidoesn't sound like it at this point, no02:04
anteayaor was it the entire db02:04
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aeng_Its the character in xml files02:05
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pleia2ok, for horizon and django_openstack_auth we're not getting errors like we are for openstack-manuals, just a whole lot of skipping02:05
fungiyeah, i think we're having parallel, unrelated conversations, so i'll leave this for later in case it becomes necessary02:06
aeng_pleia2, can you run this command  "grep --color='auto' -P -n '\x1d' **/*.po" in the project folder and see if it returns antything?02:06
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pleia2aeng_: sure02:06
anteayaokay well I am no help and don't want to drive anyone who might be helpful02:07
anteayapleia2: g'night, may you find a solution02:07
pleia2anteaya: thanks, good night02:07
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pleia2aeng_: had to adjust the grep a bit, but:02:10
pleia2glossary/locale/ko_KR.po:724:msgstr "오프젝트 스토리지 오브젝트, 컨테이너, 계정의 무결성을 검사하는 프로세스입니다. Auditors는 오브젝트 스토리지 계정 auditor, 컨테이너 auditor, 오브젝트 auditor에 대한 전체를 다 말합니다."02:10
pleia2wow, that looks horrible on my screen02:10
pleia2but you get the point :)02:10
pleia2fortunately it's the only one in the openstack-manuals project with a problem02:10
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Daisypleia2: I find Portuguese is lost. I don't know the reason. Hope it is not because of my origin list.02:11
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pleia2Daisy: what's the code for it?02:11
pleia2ah, pt02:11
Daisypleia2: Sorry, I'm wrong. It's not lost. There is it.02:11
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aeng_pleia2, if you can locate the char and edit it02:12
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Daisypleia2: I found the translations for pt are not imported. That made me feel the language is not there. Let me check carefully again.02:12
pleia2Daisy: you're right, pt is not in the language list, let me check on translate-dev to see if it was disabled or something02:13
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Daisypleia2: Yes, it is disabled.02:13
Daisypt is in the language list. It is disabled.02:13
pleia2it's enabled, just not Default02:14
pleia2or did you just enable it?02:14
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DaisyI did nothing.02:15
DaisyDo you need me to enable it ?02:15
pleia2it is enabled02:15
pleia2it's just not set as a default02:15
pleia2oh, zanata logged me out, it is on translate.o.o but also not default there02:15
pleia2I'll add it as default02:16
Daisythank you, pleia202:16
pleia2now it should have still imported translations if there are any, can you find a non openstack-manual instance where pt translations are missing?02:16
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pleia2actually, it's not in the list [INFO] Locales to push: [it, fr, es, as, ca, brx, fil, cs, de, en, en-AU, he, hi, hu, id, ja, kn, ru, sr, en-GB, ar, ne, el, bn-IN, bg-BG, es-MX, fi-FI, ka-GE, ko-KR, nl-NL, pa-IN, pl-PL, pt-BR, sl-SI, te-IN, tr-TR, vi-VN, zh-CN, zh-TW, gu, kok, ks, mai, mni, mr, ta, ur]02:17
aeng_pleia2, Daisy, is openstack-manual the only one that have issue with translations?02:18
DaisyNo, aeng_02:18
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DaisyHorizon and django_openstack_auth also have.02:19
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aeng_alright.. it might due to that first error encountered and stops the rest?02:20
DaisyHorizon and django_openstack_auth have issue with all language translations.02:20
aeng_or we have other errors in the log?02:20
pleia2found the bad character in the ko_KR file, trying to figure out how to fix02:21
StevenKpleia2: Replace it with a space?02:21
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pleia2StevenK: I think so, I'll put in gerrit momentarily02:22
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pleia2this is not a small repo :)02:23
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DaisyI have checked the top 6 projects. Although the percentage number is not exactly same, the translations are there, except pt.02:23
pleia2StevenK: so horizon seems to have a non-explode-world problem
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StevenKno locale entry found from project config for every single .po ? :-(02:24
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sflaniganI think the offending character is invisible when rendered in github, so maybe it should just be deleted.02:25
pleia2same for django_openstack_auth02:25
pleia2sflanigan: yep, I'm preparing a change to fix it now02:25
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pleia2need to get approved by doc folks though, and so it likely won't be until tomorrow that we can fix the manuals02:26
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camunozStevenK, can you share the zanata.xml for that project? see why it's not picking up any of the translation files... it's probably the mapping rules02:26
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aeng_pleia2, for horizon.. I think its due to file mapping02:26
aeng_ah.. camunoz got it02:26
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pleia2ok, this is the change that should eventually fix our ko-KR problem
Daisyaeng_: If you look at project glance_store, some documents are described as "No content". What does it mean ?02:30
Daisypleia2: ko-KR problem is caused by bad translation ?02:30
aeng_the document is empty02:30
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aeng_uploaded document is empty02:30
StevenKDaisy: Bad Unicode character in the translation02:30
pleia2Daisy: a bad character in a .po file02:30
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StevenKpleia2: I think there's one other too02:31
DaisyThat's bad.02:31
StevenKcamunoz, pleia2:
aeng_its the source uploading02:32
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StevenKpleia2: That should match what you have on the real proposal slave.02:32
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Daisypleia2: I'm not able to see the "bad unicode char" in the patch. It looks like nothing there.02:32
aeng_well.. check the pot files downloaded02:33
aeng_from transifec02:33
pleia2StevenK: indeed it does02:33
StevenKDaisy: It's a unprintable character02:33
DaisyAuditors는 is replaced with Auditors 는02:33
pleia2Daisy: yeah, it's not showing up in the review, unfortunately02:33
pleia2but it's there if you clone the change02:33
StevenKIt's Unicode 0x1d02:33
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DaisyI wonder what caused this bad unicode char.02:33
sflaniganBTW, I think this will pick up most of the control characters which break XML, including the one above: grep --color='auto' -P -n "[\x00-\x1F]" **/*.po02:34
pleia2hmm, will fixing this here actually work, or do we need to do it in transifex?02:34
pleia2I think I'm getting tired02:34
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pleia2probably the change needs to be done in transifex :\02:34
Daisypleia2: I could do it in Transifex now, if you think it's an easy way.02:34
sflaniganfortunately, that seems to be the only bad char in the PO files for openstack-manuals02:35
pleia2Daisy: please do02:35
pleia2I'll abandon this change02:35
Daisyok. will do it now.02:35
camunozDaisy, I was wondering the same thing... sflanigan suggested things like copying pasting from a word doc, but who knows02:35
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aeng_good thing doing in transifex.. you can run the script again02:35
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/requirements: Bump minimum tempest-lib version
sflanigan(or from a web page, eg a github page)02:35
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pleia2Daisy: it should be on line 72402:36
DaisyOK. I need to use Transifex UI by searching. :)02:36
pleia2if that helps you find it, but search the document for "Auditors" will help too02:36
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/requirements: Bump minimum tempest-lib version
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StevenKI'm updating repos on my proposal slave to do the grep sflanigan has pasted02:37
aeng_camunoz, can you pick up anything wrong in the mapping rule?02:37
Daisydone. pleia2.02:38
camunozlooking at it with pahuang02:38
pleia2Daisy: thank you02:38
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pleia2now let's try to do this again...02:39
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StevenK/api-site/api-ref/locale/ko_KR.po:41:"부 게이트웨이를 통해 외부 네트워크 위에서 작동하는 NAT를 해주는 논리 entity."02:39
StevenK./api-site/api-ref/locale/ko_KR.po:1202:"트워크에서 다중 VLAN, VXLAN 터널 ID, VLAN을 지정할 수 있습니다."02:39
StevenKBut two in api-site02:39
DaisyI updated in Transifex through the web UI. When I move cursor through the translations, I could see there is a unprintable char. There is a unprintable char between Auditors and the Korean character.02:39
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DaisyStevenK: need I update them ?02:40
StevenKpleia2: Hold off, maybe Daisy can look through api-site02:40
StevenKDaisy: Yes, it will cause the same problem02:40
aeng_we need to check all project's translation02:40
StevenKNot sure if that pasted correctly, my IRC client is displaying Unicode very badly02:41
aeng_downloaded translations02:41
StevenKaeng_: I've already done so02:41
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/requirements: Bump minimum tempest-lib version
StevenKpleia2: You'll want to run git clean -df in every directory before re-running that loop02:41
DaisyStevenK: I cannot find api-site in Transifex. It's not belong to Openstack manuals ?02:42
pleia2StevenK: ok02:42
StevenKDaisy: It's under openstack-manals in transifex, right.02:42
sflaniganStevenK, that grep might output some characters which are legal, specifically \n NL, \d CR and \t Tab.02:42
StevenKsflanigan: I only get 3 lines, so much success02:42
DaisyStevenK: what's the name in Transifex ?02:42
StevenKDaisy: Let me have a look02:43
StevenKDaisy: api-ref ko_KR in Openstack-Manuals02:44
StevenKWhich I can't do, because not a member of the Korean team02:45
* StevenK shakes fist at Transifex02:45
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StevenKcamunoz: Have we broken you and pahuang with the Horizon zanata.xml? :-)02:46
DaisyStevenK: could you show me the source strings ?02:47
StevenKThe paste eats the unprintable char, but it's at the end of the line for the first one, and directly after the first 'VLAN' for the second.02:48
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pleia2wait, api-site is its own openstack project, not in openstack-manuals, right?02:48
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camunozStevenK, down but not out :) ... pahuang is still having a look02:48
StevenKpleia2: It's in the openstack-manuals umbrella for transifex02:49
pleia2ah :)02:49
StevenKpleia2: It's its own repo and own project in Zanata02:49
* pleia2 nods02:49
StevenKSo not confusing at all02:50
* StevenK attempts to brain some more02:50
pleia2I'm just happy it's now below 30C in my condo (it's 28 now)02:50
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pleia2no, 2902:50
StevenKSend it here, that sounds delightful02:50
DaisyDone, StevenK.02:50
pleia2my graphics card died from the heat while I was gone02:50
pleia2things are going pretty well over here D:02:51
StevenKpleia2: That's not proper heat :-P02:51
nigelbI thought that sort of thing only happened to me.02:51
StevenKpleia2: It's 19C here02:51
nigelbStevenK: send some here, pls02:51
pleia2StevenK: that sounds lovely02:51
StevenKpleia2: I was dying in Christchurch, it was ~7C02:51
DaisyStevenK: anything else ?02:51
Daisyany other bad unicode char ?02:52
StevenKDaisy: No, I couldn't see any others.02:52
openstackgerritSHIGEMATSU Mitsuhiro proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Make hiera default values optional
pleia2StevenK: I'm going to do a thing in the etherpad re: what I should run in a moment02:52
StevenKpleia2: I am on the edge of my seat :-P02:53
pleia2StevenK: ok, line 6802:53
* StevenK closes some tabs so he can find the etherpad again02:54
pleia2hopefully this will also pick up our missing pt translations :\02:54
StevenKIt will02:54
StevenKActually, let me confirm02:54
StevenKYes, t'will02:55
pleia2alright, look good? are we ready?02:55
StevenKpleia2: That second loop looks good, if you're happy with the assumption that no branches have changed.02:55
pleia2suppose I could do a git pull origin master still02:56
StevenKpleia2: And it won't work for Horizon02:56
StevenKWell, it will do what the last run did02:56
openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed openstack/requirements: Bump minimum tempest-lib version
pleia2yeah, horizon is still broken, and the django one02:56
Daisypleia2: could you look at glance-store? some files have no content there.02:56
pleia2but I figure we'll do those as one offs later02:56
aeng_camunoz, is looking at the file mapping rule02:56
pleia2I want to get this script going (with logs!) so we can focus on fixing the other things02:56
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StevenKDaisy: 3 of the .pot files for glance_store have no translations at all02:57
StevenKpleia2: Run the loop, I can help Daisy02:57
clarkbok catching back up02:57
pleia2StevenK: thanks02:57
clarkbis the DB encoding still a problem?02:57
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DaisyStevenK: you mean, it has no source strings in Transifex ?02:58
DaisyStevenK: 3 pot files have no contents in Transifex?02:58
StevenKDaisy: Sorry, I'm basing on my answer on the up to date git repo02:58
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pahuangStevenK, try this
DaisyOk. StevenK. Got it.02:59
StevenKDaisy: Based on that, glance_store-log-warning.pot should have one string, glance_store.pot should have a bunch, but glance_store-log-critical.pot, glance_store-log-error.pot, glance_store-log-info.pot will have no content because they have no strings in them02:59
pleia2yay, pt strings for barbican show up now02:59
StevenKOh grr,03:00
DaisyStevenK: OK. The glance_store resources in Transfiex might out of date.03:00
StevenKBlew away my zanata.xml for horizon03:00
StevenKpahuang: Looking03:00
StevenKpahuang: Based on memory, replacing the locale with ** ? :-(03:01
aeng_pahuang, seems like problem with "<rule pattern="horizon/*.pot">"03:01
aeng_the value is correct03:01
aeng_its the "horizon/*.pot" that is not working03:01
aeng_i tried with **/*.pot.. and it works03:01
pahuangStevenK, because it has folders in between horizon and the final pot file03:01
StevenKSigh, yes03:02
StevenKhorizon/locale/*.pot should fix it too03:03
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aeng_ horizon/locale/*.pot is not working too.03:03
aeng_tried in local machine03:04
pahuangStevenK, need the ./ at the beginning for some reason. but that should be a bug for us03:04
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StevenKpahuang: Ah ha, so ./horizon/locale/*.pot ?03:04
StevenK(And the other, but eh)03:04
aeng_working: <rule pattern="./horizon/locale/**.pot">horizon/locale/{locale_with_underscore}/LC_MESSAGES/{filename}.po</rule>03:04
StevenKBut yeah03:05
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pahuangthat glob library from java is a bit weird. i need to look into that (why it can't match ./)03:06
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aeng_StevenK, seems like working: <rule pattern="./horizon/locale/*.pot">horizon/locale/{locale_with_underscore}/LC_MESSAGES/{filename}.po</rule>03:06
aeng_    <rule pattern="./openstack_dashboard/locale/*.pot">openstack_dashboard/locale/{locale_with_underscore}/LC_MESSAGES/{filename}.po</rule>03:06
aeng_  </rules>03:06
StevenKaeng_: Yup, preparing a change03:07
pleia2thanks StevenK03:07
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix the rule pattern for Horizon
StevenKpleia2, Daisy: We should come up with some prose for the front page of, too03:10
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DaisyGood idea, StevenK03:10
DaisyHow to update this page ?03:10
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StevenKBRB, flying to Brisbane to get camunoz to fix the session timeout. :-P03:11
StevenKDaisy: Once you're logged in, has an action to edit the page content03:11
pleia2Daisy: django_openstack_auth was the other one you thought should be translations but there aren't? any others?03:11
camunozStevenK, you buy me a beer in Tokyo, I'll have it changed the next day ;)03:11
* StevenK thinks camunoz is angling for more beer03:12
Daisypleia2: till now, I find gantt , django_openstack_auth and Horizon03:12
pleia2camunoz: we're planning a "how Liberty translations went" tooling session in the i18n track, I think we'll all be buying beers that night D:03:12
pleia2maybe all the beers03:12
pleia2in tokyo03:12
StevenKRight, I shall pack a spare liver.03:13
StevenKAnd some Australian wine03:13
nigelbI suggest freezing some now for later regeneration03:13
camunozpleia2, count me in... sounds like a good session03:13
pleia2so django_openstack_auth had the same deal as horizon with the output03:13
Daisyyes, pleia2, and gantt has the same problem too.03:13
StevenKgantt has no source strings in its repo?03:14
StevenKOr locale directory03:14
StevenKOr code03:14
clarkbgantt is dead isnt it?03:14
clarkbI wouldnt translate it03:14
pleia2yeah, nothing in gantt03:14
DaisyOk. then resources in Transifex is out of date again.03:15
aeng_what about
aeng_the file is empty?03:15
* StevenK ponders trolling clarkb about translating things *into* en_US03:15
clarkbStevenK g'day mate -> good morning03:15
aeng_ too03:15
StevenKclarkb: That's en_AU -> en_US03:16
StevenKZanata's source language isn't en_AU03:16
StevenKBut maybe it should be :-P03:16
nigelbmaybe you should have an en_ARRRRR, which will say "Ahoy, matey!"03:16
aeng_seems like all *log-critical is empty03:17
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pleia2anyone else looking at django_openstack_auth?03:18
StevenKI am03:18
StevenKBased on the zanata.xml, it should work03:18
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StevenKIt uses the 'simple project' function that everything else uses with the exception of the special snowflakes03:18
aeng_only 1 doc in there03:18
StevenKI get it03:19
aeng_but empty translations03:19
pleia2it told me
StevenK-rw-r--r-- 1 jenkins jenkins 2.0K Sep  3 05:24 openstack_auth/locale/openstack_auth.pot03:20
StevenK-rw-r--r-- 1 jenkins jenkins 2.2K Sep  3 05:24 openstack_auth/locale/zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/django.po03:20
camunozStevenK, I think it's the same thing as with horizon03:20
StevenKThey don't match, no pushing for us03:20
pleia2I don't even know how to fix that easily03:20
StevenKNeither do I :-(03:21
clarkbwith more beer?03:21
camunozthat would help :)....03:21
camunozbut seriously... StevenK the mapping just need to be stricter03:21
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camunozinstead of using {filename} we need to explicitly list the actual doc names03:22
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StevenKReplace {filename} with django.po and django_openstack_auth stays a special snowflake03:22
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* StevenK goes to crack open the cooking wine he has to dull the pain03:22
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EmilienMianw: I'm still unsure why we need ansible to run nodepool03:23
pleia2clarkb: can you look at this one to fix horizon?
pleia2clarkb: context in channel ~20 minutes ago03:24
DaisyCould somebody take a look at operations-guide? There are only Japanese and Chinese translations in Zanata. But in transifex, Korean, Vietnamese, and ect also have progress.03:24
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change rule for django_openstack_auth
StevenKpleia2: And there's django_openstack_auth.03:26
StevenKpleia2: Finding some lunch before my stomach leaps out and finds its own food03:27
pleia2StevenK: yes, please do03:27
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StevenKpleia2: Haha, is that another way of saying "Love your work, but please bugger off" ? :-P03:27
pleia2StevenK: I am a very nice person! take care of yourself :)03:28
pleia2eating is nice03:28
aeng_im starving there... getting lunch now03:28
pleia2I need to pause for dinner soon03:28
Clintso much eating03:29
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clarkb pleia2 ya cando03:29
pleia2Daisy: made a note to take a look, thanks for your work finding these things, sorry it's such a bumpy process03:29
Daisypleia2: you are welcome. I understand how big the migration work is.03:30
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aeng_operation-guide, not all source is imported,
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Daisysecurity-doc also have the problem. There is no translations in Zanata, but in Transifex, Japanese has made 79% translation. Links:,
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix the rule pattern for Horizon
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Daisyswift has problem. In Zanata, Turkish and Chinese has zero translations. But in transifex, Turkish and Chinese are the top 2 translated languages. Links:,
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pleia2alright, script finished running, pt translations should be included now and hopefully openstack-manuals is in better shape03:38
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DaisySwift is very interesting. Some languages, like Arabic and Assamese don't have translations in Transfiex, but have a few translations in Zanata.03:39
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aeng_whats the transifex url for swift?03:45
DaisyYes, aeng_03:45
aeng_hmm.. only 1 doc uploaded to Zanata, but there's 5 in transifex03:46
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aeng_seems like its totally different project03:49
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pleia2clarkb: if you're still around, we have this one pending too (for django_openstack_auth)
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clarkb pleia2 looking03:51
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aeng_Daisy, i think i know why there's some translation in Zanata but not in transifex03:53
clarkbwhat is locale with underscore?03:53
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aeng_we didnt disable copy-trans03:53
aeng_clarkb, its a variables03:53
Daisyaeng_: ok. sounds reasonable.03:54
aeng_for example, its detect en_US, but not en-US for dir name03:54
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pleia2Daisy: if you look at line 95 and below, I think I've captured all your concerns and linked to the fixes, or if they still need fixes
aeng_did we enable the copy-trans on purpose? or just something we forgot03:54
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Daisycopy-trans will copy exactly same or copy fuzzy ?03:55
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aeng_copy for translated string with the exact same source string03:56
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aeng_from all projects in the instance03:57
Daisypleia2: looks good.03:57
Daisypleia2: thank you for the summary.03:57
pleia2back to trying to fix them :) just didn't want to lose track03:57
aeng_Daisy, to be safe, its better to switch off the copy-trans03:58
aeng_so we can compare the state with transifex.03:58
clarkbpleia2 are the currebt problems all with the jenkins jobs?03:58
Daisyaeng_: ok. where to disable it ?03:58
clarkbpleia2 or some with populate too?03:58
aeng_pleia2, Daisy,, need to update the script03:59
pleia2clarkb: we haven't even gotten to the jenkins jobs03:59
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clarkbpleia2 arent the fixes I just approved for jenkins jobs?03:59
aeng_pleia2, Daisy, zanata-cli -B -e push --push-type both --copy-trans false03:59
aeng_line 4303:59
StevenKaeng_: Except we've already run that twice03:59
pleia2clarkb: this is just initial import of translations from transifex into zanata03:59
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Daisyaeng_: if copy-trans will copy the exact same translations, it's ok for me. :)04:00
StevenKpleia2: Have you re-run Horizon since the fix landed, or you were waiting for django_openstack_auth as well?04:00
aeng_Daisy, if thats the case..then no need for updating the script04:01
pleia2StevenK: haven't yet, might as well try it now04:01
Daisyaeng_: Thank you, aeng_.04:01
DaisyI will leave for a while.04:01
pleia2Daisy: did you make it through everything?04:02
Daisypleia2: Yes, pleia204:02
pleia2ok, thanks04:02
clarkbso mostly just the funky projects04:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Change rule for django_openstack_auth
StevenKOh, which project did we want to switch?04:03
pleia2I haven't run the thing on horizon yet, should I use --copy-trans false there?04:03
DaisyFor some cases, the progress has a big gap, like, in Transifex it is 50%, in Zanata it is 35%. Do you think we need to debug these things ?04:03
aeng_example project?04:04
pleia2and we've been using --push-type trans (not both)04:04
Daisypleia2: if you are able to set --copy-trans false, please set it.04:04
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Daisyaeng_: as aeng_ said, it's easy to compare.04:04
StevenKDaisy, pleia2: I've set a short sentence as the content on
StevenKA heading would be nice, but I'm not sure if it's markdown, RST or neither.04:05
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StevenKaeng_: Do you know?04:05
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aeng_StevenK, its seam text04:06
aeng_But I would recommend just plain text for the time being04:06
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Daisyaeng_: if you look into nova, check the progress of Chinese, Italian, Japanese and Korean. Refer:,
Daisyaeng_: I don't know if it is caused by the out-sync of Transifex source files and Zanata source files. For some cases, the sources files in Transifex are out of date, but the sources files in Zanata is the latest version, getting from repo.04:09
aeng_Daisy, if that.. then yes, the translation percentage will lower in Zanata04:09
Daisyaeng_: I guess, it will cause the change of the translation process. And for some cases, the percentage will bigger. :)04:10
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pleia2StevenK: yay it's not blank anymore04:10
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StevenKJust 90% blank04:10
Daisyaeng_: some cases, the translation percentage is not 100% in Transifex, but it is 100% in Zanata.04:10
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DaisyI'm getting something eat. I will be back soon.04:11
aeng_Daisy, few scenario.. can be by copy-trans04:11
aeng_or update source remove certain string04:11
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openstackgerritPaul Carver proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added doc publishing for networking-sfc
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StevenKpleia2, clarkb: Shall I look at updating the topic we set in gerrit for transifex vs zanata?04:16
aeng_pleia2,, not all transaltion migrated from transifex04:16
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pleia2StevenK: right now I'm trying to go through the things that aren't fixed on the etherpad (see line 95 and below)04:17
pleia2StevenK: and it sounds like from aeng_ & Daisy that we should patch to use --copy-trans false (I can push this patch if you agree)04:18
aeng_we should if possible04:18
StevenKpleia2: I'm not sure of the value of that, since the plan is we never run it again04:18
StevenKBut if you wish04:19
pleia2heh, there is that :)04:19
pleia2but for all these one-offs we are doing, might be useful to have it in there04:19
StevenKThe other side of the coin is we're done with the script so bin it :-P04:20
pleia2well, if they do want all the translations to use this, I'll need to run it again04:20
StevenKOh wait, have we not run it for django_openstack_auth and Horizon, or are they done?04:21
pleia2horizon is chugging away04:21
aeng_pleia2, i would say for now, lets get other stuff fix, the copy-trans option seems like low priority04:22
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use --copy-trans false when importing to Zanata
pleia2^^ was a quick enough patch04:23
pleia2horizon is big, taking a very long time, but it's working :)04:23
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aeng_disabling the copy-trans will help with the performance too04:23
aeng_faster upload04:23
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pleia2ok, so looking at the things left to debug, we have no translations in openstack-manuals/admin-guide-cloud & operations-guide, security-doc, swift and nova with differing translations stats between transifex and zanata04:28
StevenKpleia2: I'm looking at admin-guide-cloud now04:28
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StevenKSince you convinced me that it would be good to drive those to zero04:29
pleia2ok, I'll have a look at swift04:29
aeng_guys, i will be back in 30mins04:29
StevenKNeed to fix ~jenkins/.transifexrc on my pretend slave04:30
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pleia2[org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 6; columnNumber: 727; An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1d) was found in the element content of the document.]</body></html>]04:31
StevenKFor what?04:31
pleia2ko-KR again, let's see..04:31
Daisy_Another unicode error?04:32
StevenKpleia2: For Horizon?04:32
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pleia2horizon is doing good04:32
StevenKFound them04:33
StevenKLet me tx pull for everything ever and re-run that grep04:34
pleia2Daisy_: are you still around to fix it?04:35
pleia2looks like there's one in heat too04:35
pleia2and api-site seems to still have one04:36
pleia2that's all I get for errors in my log (which I made the last time I ran this for loop, gold star)04:36
Daisy_No, I'm not with my laptop. I am able to get back in 10 minutes.04:36
pleia2all for ko-KR, so it seems one of the translators may be using a tool that's dumping in unfrieldy things04:36
pleia2Daisy_: ok, we'll find the things that need fixing for when you return04:37
StevenKI am waiting for tx pull, and then I will prepare a proper pastebin with directions04:38
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pleia2I don't know why we have incomplete translations for security-doc, operations-guide and nova04:42
pleia2nothing obviously went wrong from what I can see04:42
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pleia2but I'm also not the best at understanding the transifex interface, so04:43
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pleia2at some point soon we probably should pause until tomorrow and send out an announcement with what should be good to go and what folks should wait on working on for another day (until we can work on it tomorrow)04:44
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DaisyHi, I'm back.04:46
DaisyWhat strings need I fix ?04:46
pleia2StevenK is working on getting you a list :)04:46
Daisya list ? oh...04:46
StevenKI'm still waiting for tx pull04:46
camunozhi StevenK, pleia2 I'm back from meetings... anything I missed?04:46
StevenKFire... so much fire04:47
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pleia2camunoz: trying to fix up the last problems on the etherpad (line 95 and below)
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pleia2also, I had a banana04:47
* camunoz slowly steps back into a meeting04:47
camunozStevenK, do we have a log for operations-guide when pushing?04:50
pleia2I can get it for you, sec04:50
camunozthx, having a look04:53
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camunozpleia2, StevenK when I look at I only see japanese and chinese... no korean, or vietnamese files04:57
camunozperhaps this is why the issue on line 108 is happening?04:57
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StevenKcamunoz: Transifex too, the populate script pulls *everything* from Transifex04:57
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camunoz... don't seem to have access to transifex... need to log in maybe?04:58
camunozyes I do04:58
* StevenK falls asleep waiting for tx pull04:59
camunozmmm... StevenK when you look at the directory where the Zanata client is being invoked, does it have files for all these other langs?04:59
StevenKpleia2: ^04:59
* pleia2 looks05:00
camunozjust want to make sure all bases are covered... cause the logs indicate that the zanata client only found those two languages05:00
StevenKpleia2 is the one at the wheel, I'm backseat driving today05:00
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StevenKDaisy: Hi, was just wondering where you had gone :-)05:01
pleia2doc/glossary/locale/ and doc/openstack-ops/locale/ has just what git.o.o has05:01
pleia2glossary.pot  ja.po  zh_CN.po05:01
DaisyStevenK: I didn't notice the network was broken.05:01
pleia2ja.po  openstack-ops.pot05:02
pleia2I don't really understand how transifex has more than that05:02
camunozok, so that is why the other langs are not being pushed.... did the transifex pull work correctly?05:02
Daisywhat's wrong ?05:03
pleia2Daisy: we're only seeing two languages in operations-guide
camunozDaisy, just going through the list of issues on the etherpad trying to figure out what to do to solve them :)05:03
StevenKDaisy: I've got the list for you.
Daisyok. StevenK, I will fix them.05:03
pleia2oh, I think it's only 2 there because we only commit to the repo what's 75%+ done?05:03
StevenKDaisy: I've replaced the broken Unicode characters with a literal '?' so you can find them easily05:04
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pleia2but I don't know why it's not pulling the rest from transifex for our own purposes05:04
DaisyThank you, StevenK05:04
StevenKRight, I have everything ever pulled from transifex, let me look05:04
pleia2thanks StevenK05:05
StevenKThat's special05:05
pleia2woo, horizon just finished05:05
camunozanother snowflake?05:05
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StevenKWe ignore it for every manuals project except openstack-manuals itself05:06
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StevenKWe may have to revisit this now the -manuals translations are seperated via projects05:06
camunozhorizon looks better05:07
StevenKcamunoz: Everything is a special snowflake, except for the things that are not, which makes them special snowflakes.05:07
camunozgot it05:07
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StevenKI know there is special handling in the code for glossary, not sure if the glossary between operation-guide and openstack-manuals is the same/very similiar05:09
DaisyStevenK: I have changed the strings in Heat and Swift.05:10
StevenKpleia2: Huh, I don't have any translation in doc/admin-guide-cloud/source/locale/05:10
StevenKDaisy: Thanks! We were still seeing them in api-ref, did you check them again?05:12
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pleia2StevenK: and yet
StevenKpleia2: Yes05:12
StevenKTransifex, you make me sad.05:12
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pleia2ergh, django_openstack_auth is still unhappy05:14
DaisyStevenK: I don't see them in api-ref.05:14
StevenKpleia2: A clue! admin-guide-cloud does not appear in my output for tx pull05:14
DaisyStevenK: I don't see them in api-ref.05:14
pleia2StevenK: weird05:14
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StevenKpleia2: But why that is, I don't know :-(05:16
DaisyStevenK: Not sure if I change the right place. I can only see the resource name, the original string and the translated string. There is no line number.05:16
DaisyI changed api-ref in openstack-manuals-i18n.05:17
StevenKYeah, I can't see them any more05:17
pleia2ok, heat is feeling better, doing swift now05:18
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StevenKWell, I can't see them in the web interface, but searching transifex is like beating my head against a few quarries of rock05:18
pleia2hooray, swift is good too (all those turkish translations show up now)05:19
DaisyStevenK: what do you want to search ?05:20
StevenKDaisy: I was searching for those Korean translations05:20
StevenKIt was rather painful05:20
DaisyYou could search in "translation text"05:20
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pleia2api-site is still broken05:21
DaisyNot that painful. I'm not able to read Korean too. Copy a part of Korean translation, and then use search in "translation text"05:21
pleia2and I need to go refill my glass and pet a couple cats, will be back in a few minutes05:22
StevenKDaisy: I find the search interface a little clunky, based on the javascript popping up and paste not acting normal, but you have more experience with it than I do :-)05:23
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StevenKpleia2: Ah ha05:24
aeng_are we debugging from line 97 now?05:24
StevenKpleia2: So if I remove the ko_KR.po from api-site and then re-run tx pull, the invalid characters disappear05:25
DaisyHorizon looks wonderful !05:26
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DaisyI18n could start Liberty translation then.05:26
StevenKI'm still trying to determine why tx pull doesn't do so for admin-cloud-guide05:26
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StevenKI may have to construct a resource slug by hand05:26
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camunoz??? how so?05:27
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StevenKcamunoz: tx pull is pulling from Transifex, but -a doesn't pull it down05:27
DaisyI take back what I said just now.05:27
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aeng_horizon looks awesome now05:28
StevenKDaisy: I've updated the strings from Transifex for Swift, Heat and api-site, no more invalid unicode05:28
DaisyGreat, StevenK. Let me look at them.05:29
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StevenKDaisy: Based on what pleia2 said, Heat and Swift should be sorted, but not api-site -- that's waiting for pleia2 to get back from cat-petting05:30
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DaisyWhile I'm trying to do some tranlation, sometimes I meet with this error: 09/09/15 13:29 No response from server. Please refresh your page and make sure server is still up.05:30
aeng_Daisy, in Zanata?05:30
pleia2StevenK: that worked for api-site, thanks :)05:30
DaisyYes, aeng_. The error is not able to reproduce. It appear random.05:30
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aeng_might be due to timeout issue.. need to increase timeout05:31
Daisyaeng_: I'm working with zh_CN translation for Horizon.05:31
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camunozDaisy, let me try spanish05:31
aeng_Daisy, invalid character too?05:31
aeng_camunoz, you making changes in transifex or Zanata?05:32
camunozI'm not making changes anywhere05:32
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DaisyNo, aeng_. Just regular operations. Like clicking "incompleted", "completed".05:32
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camunoz:)... just trying to replicate what Daisy is seeing05:32
pleia2ok, so we have some final issues with nova, operations-guide, security-doc and sadly django_openstack_auth05:32
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pleia2it's 10:30pm here and I'm tired05:33
StevenKpleia2: Can haz django_openstack_auth log?05:33
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pleia2StevenK: yep, sec05:34
StevenKI should rebuild my proposal slave too05:34
StevenKBut that will take roughly an hour05:34
aeng_should get logs for all identified project05:34
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pleia2sure, I'll prep those momentarily05:35
DaisySwift looks good too.05:35
camunozDaisy, haven't hit the error yet, although it's not as quick as I expect it to be05:36
pleia2StevenK: just kidding re: django_openstack_auth, my brain was just broken \o/05:36
pleia2it looks good now
* StevenK curls up in the fetal position under his desk05:36
camunozDaisy, it's better now actually05:37
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aeng_44.66%, not sure whats the status in transifex05:37
Daisycamunoz: the error occur random. I guess, it is caused by the busy jobs in server.05:37
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DaisyHeat looks good.05:38
DaisyStevenK: I don't know where is api-site in Transifex?05:38
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StevenKDaisy: api-site is api-ref and friends under OpenStack Manuals05:39
StevenKapi-guide api-quick-start api-ref api-ref-guides05:39
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aeng_404 in translate.openstack.org05:41
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StevenKpleia2: The reason for the missing admin-guide-cloud is the setup code for manuals passes a minimum percentage to tx set, which means it gets written to .tx/config. Which then is NOT overridden when we pass --minimum-perc=0 on the command line05:42
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StevenKpleia2: The way we work around it is grep out/delete those lines with a text editor, run tx pull -a -f and then zanata-cli -B -e push --push-type trans --copy-trans false05:43
pleia2good grief05:43
DaisyStevenK: Chinese translation of api-ref and api-ref-guide is not imported. Korean translation of api-ref is not imported.05:44
StevenKDaisy: Highly likely related to what I'm discussing with pleia205:44
pleia2StevenK: ok, so I'm editing .tx/config?05:44
aeng_percentage set when pulling from transifex05:44
StevenKpleia2: grep -v minimum-perc .tx/config > .tx/ ; mv .tx/ .tx/config  would work too05:45
pleia2I added the pull/push logs for operations-guide, security-doc and nova in the etherpad05:45
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StevenKmimimum_perc sorry05:45
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StevenKgrep -v minimum_perc .tx/config > .tx/ ; mv .tx/ .tx/config  to be sure05:46
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DaisyStevenK: as to the translation memory, did you export TMX file and import into Zanata ?05:46
Daisyjust want to understand how you did with TM.05:47
aeng_StevenK, nova is having the file mapping issue05:48
StevenKDaisy: I did no such thing, since translate-dev seemed to sort itself out WRT TM05:48
StevenKaeng_: It is?05:48
aeng_skipping files05:48
aeng_probably same as before, missing "./"05:49
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StevenK    <rule pattern="**/*.pot">{locale_with_underscore}/LC_MESSAGES/{filename}.po</rule>05:49
StevenKIs the rule for nova05:49
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pleia2transifex is all of a sudden being slooow for these pulls05:52
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aeng_StevenK, shouldn't it be rule pattern="**/*.pot">nova/locale/{locale_with_underscore}/LC_MESSAGES/{filename}.po</rule>05:52
StevenKaeng_: trans-dir is nova/locale05:53
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StevenKpleia2: We'll need to do the same for api-site05:53
aeng_ah..ok.. didnt know that part...05:53
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pleia2StevenK: nods05:53
StevenKpleia2: And if we may as well do the others05:53
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aeng_StevenK, can I see the zanata.xml?05:54
aeng_for nova?05:54
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pleia2sorry :)05:56
StevenKI switch to my browser for two seconds!05:56
pleia2at least they're the same, small victories05:56
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Daisypleia2: I tried to translate Horizon in Zanata. It runs well. Thank you. I think, it's fine for Horizon translation now.06:00
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StevenKpleia2: The tx pull with no minumum_perc for just admin-cloud-guide took a long while too06:01
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
DaisyThe documentation projects are not so urgent as Horizon. I know it's late for you. If you want to call it a day, that's fine. Thank you very much for your work.06:03
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pleia2Daisy: wonderful, please let us know if you run into other bugs06:03
pleia2Daisy: I'll finish up the couple of things I'm working on and send a mail to the i18n list explaining what is still to be done06:03
pleia2StevenK: heh, yeah, still going06:03
DaisyGreat, pleia206:03
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Fix typo in job template name propose-translation-update-zanta
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camunozpleia2, StevenK, Daisy, aeng_ thanks all, great job... still some issues to solve, but overall looking good I reckon06:05
Daisypleia2: I wonder if I can upload a glossary file to
pleia2yes, thank you all! it would have been a much bigger struggle tonight without help from the zanata team :)06:05
Daisypleia2: I don't want the uploading of glossary breaks anything.06:06
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StevenKcamunoz: Yes, echoing pleia2, thanks for all the help today. Your beer can be collected in Tokyo :-)06:06
pleia2Daisy: a new one for horizon?06:06
openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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Daisyno, a global glossary file, in cvs format.06:07
camunozStevenK, I'm holding you to that... ;)06:07
StevenKCVS format makes me switch06:07
camunozDaisy, shouldn't be a problem06:07
aeng_shouldn't affect translation06:07
aeng_entirely different monster in the system06:08
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StevenKpleia2: Is Transifex there yet, or do we need to send them some more hamsters?06:09
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow puppet to configure 'Report Bug' in Gerrit UI.
pleia2MOAR HAMSTERS06:10
aeng_I'm lost06:10
pleia2I think it's getting toward the end, assuming it's alphabetical06:10
pleia2(it's funny to assume these things)06:10
pleia2aeng_: using the tx client to download translations can be slow :\06:11
aeng_broken by this migration.. lol06:11
pleia2it's not alphabetical :)06:11
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Customize the 'Report Bug' link on Gerrit UI
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pleia2ok, doing the zanata bit now06:17
aeng_pushing to zanata?06:20
pleia2aeng_: yep06:20
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pleia2StevenK: ok, so also api-site, what about operations-guide and security-doc?06:21
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StevenKpleia2: Them too06:21
openstackgerritGhanshyam Mann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nova v20 jobs as experimental in Tempest gate
* pleia2 nods06:21
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StevenKpleia2: I've updated the Fix for openstack-manuals, you can strike it out when the push is done06:23
aeng_StevenK, can you see if there's any translation pull for nova in zh-CN lang?06:24
aeng_nova-log-error doc06:24
StevenKaeng_: There is not06:24
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StevenKRe-running tx pull in my nova repo06:24
aeng_minimum-perc again?06:25
StevenKI seriously doubt it, that was due to -manuals being a special snowflake06:25
StevenKBut I shall check06:25
aeng_yeah,, that is why the translation is not in Zanata06:25
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StevenKjenkins@zanata:~/nova$ grep -c minimum_perc .tx/config06:26
StevenKOh my god06:26
StevenKfile_filter = nova/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/nova.po06:26
StevenK /wrists06:26
pleia2ergh, openstack-manuals admin-guide-cloud is still showing not translated06:28
* aeng_ :(06:28
pleia2api-site is done, hopefully that one looks better06:28
aeng_pleia2, check if there's any translation pulled06:28
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StevenKYeah, doc/admin-cloud-guide/<mumble>/locale should be full of directories06:29
pleia2yeah, it is06:31
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aeng_check doc/admin-cloud-guide/.../locale/ja06:31
aeng_po files with translation?06:32
aeng_pleia2, have you got the log?06:32
pleia2didn't make logs for all these06:32
aeng_can you send me the po file?06:33
StevenKOh, Transifex, I hate you.06:33
pleia2but I really do need to stop soon :(06:33
pleia2still have an email to write, and I'm exhausted06:33
aeng_agree.. marathon 5-6 hours06:33
StevenKI changed nova to file_filter = nova/locale/<lang>/LC_MESSAGES/*.po and it dutifully wrote out nova/locale/zh_TW/LC_MESSAGES/*.po06:34
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StevenKGlobs, they are a thing. Except if you are Transifex.06:34
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aeng_alright po file look ok06:35
aeng_i think something wrong in the pushing part... any file mapping rules for this?06:36
StevenKAnd it should match     <rule pattern="doc/admin-guide-cloud/source/locale/admin-guide-cloud.pot">doc/admin-guide-cloud/source/locale/{locale_with_underscore}/LC_MESSAGES/admin-guide-cloud.po</rule>06:36
* StevenK pre-empts aeng_ 06:36
aeng_StevenK, "./" ?06:36
StevenKSad. Face.06:36
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aeng_gosh... i need the beer now06:37
StevenKYeah. That's going to require some thought06:38
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StevenKSince it might be ./ for security-doc06:38
StevenKand a rule of ././ would be hilarious06:39
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StevenKpleia2: Right, there's no point doing operations-guide, but security-doc will work fine06:40
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StevenKopenstack-manuals and operations-guide need a fix06:41
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aeng_and nova?06:41
pleia2hm, I'll try security-doc again, but it wasn't working so much06:41
StevenKaeng_: nova requires more investigation, but the issue is because tx pull will not download anything that isn't nova.po06:42
aeng_StevenK, yup.06:42
StevenKI may have to write a loop with tx set and tx pull by hand06:43
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Switch overcloud-f21puppet-nonha to be instack based
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add support for the puppet ceph job
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add support for the puppet ha job
StevenKBut tomorrow, before pleia2 falls asleep at her keyboard :-)06:43
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aeng_so same file mapping issue for operation guide too?06:44
pleia2StevenK: yeah, it just skips all:
StevenKsecurity-doc is special cased to ./06:45
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StevenK    <rule pattern=".//security-guide/source/locale/security-guide.pot">.//security-guide/source/locale/{locale_with_underscore}/LC_MESSAGES/security-guide.po</rule>06:46
StevenKYeah, *that* will help.06:46
aeng_.//? double slash?06:46
StevenKI want nice things. Why can't I have nice things.06:46
pleia2the // is the culprit06:46
pleia2I deleted one in the zanata.ini and it's going now06:47
pleia2but we should fix because editing this live was naughty :)06:47
aeng_so now all identified project is due to file mapping.. except for nova06:47
aeng_well... thats great progress06:47
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Set DocFolder correctly for Zanata
StevenKpleia2: zanata.xml. zanata.ini is something else entirely06:48
StevenKAnd there, you can haz fix06:48
pleia2right, that06:48
aeng_zanata.ini if your personal config file, zanata.xml is project config file06:49
StevenKpleia2: operations-guide is the same thing as openstack-manuals, not just the missing ./06:49
StevenKTwo causes because yay06:49
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pleia2ok, I sent an email off to i18n list06:51
pleia2we'll pick this up tomorrow for these last bits06:51
aeng_guys, im about to offline now. If you got any question, can reach me at loones1595@gmail.com06:51
pleia2aeng_: thank you!06:51
pleia2StevenK: and thank you too!06:52
DaisyThank you, pleia2. Have a good rest.06:52
aeng_pleia2, what time you planning to continue tomorrow?06:52
pleia2aeng_: I'll probably look through changes in 10 hours or so and complete what I can, nova debugging may be left until 0000 utc again (though I can only stay until 0045, I have an event tomorrow night)06:52
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StevenKpleia2: I have an idea for nova, but it's going to be ugly06:53
aeng_well.. you know my/carlos email if you need us06:53
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StevenKBut that's a Transifex issue, not a Zanata issue.06:53
* pleia2 nods06:54
pleia2I tend to be around 1600 - 0000, but I may sleep in a little tomorrow ;)06:54
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pleia2anyway, good night06:54
StevenKpleia2: Night! *hugs*06:54
aeng_good night.06:54
pleia2StevenK: hugs!06:54
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aeng_see you guys!06:55
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zigoTrying to build nodepool, I've found out that it has *very* outdated requirements.07:48
zigoCan we get this updated?07:48
zigoAlso, when it runs unit tests, it tries to connect to MySQL. Where is the config for that?07:49
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zigoIt's looking like it's hard-coded ...07:49
zigo        db = pymysql.connect(host="localhost",07:49
zigo                             user="openstack_citest",07:49
zigo                             passwd="openstack_citest",07:49
zigo                             db="openstack_citest")07:49
zigoI'd need at least a mechanism to change the default port.07:51
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hashar_zigo: good morning :-}07:57
hashar_zigo: nodepool looks up for /etc/nodepool/nodepool.yaml  which is where you can define the user/pass/dbname/host/port07:59
zigohashar_: I'm talking about unit tests when I build the package.07:59
hashar_have you seen my packaging attempt?07:59
zigohashar_: I believe I did, yes, and took stuff from it.07:59
zigoI'd have to look again.08:00
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zigohashar_: I've managed to upload the remaining dependencies for zuul too.08:01
zigohashar_: Now, Zuul has a few unit tests issues.08:01
zigoIf we fix that, then I can upload zuul.08:01
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zigohashar_: FYI, I'm *very* happy to be able to talk to you on IRC ! :P08:01
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openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: ec2api job: add rally as plugin to rally job
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update nodepool to use secure.conf file
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cdentan overeager merge has broken ceilometer in the gate. this should fix it:
cdentcan someone give that a push?08:49
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matrohonHi all,08:50
matrohonI have an issue on the bgpvpn project08:51
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matrohonlaunchpad blueprint are not updated when a patch that address it is submitted08:52
matrohondes anyone have an idea?08:52
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove placeholder hiera defaults
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Switch overcloud-f21puppet-nonha to be instack based
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add support for the puppet ha job
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add irc notifications for new tripleo repositories
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sdaguecdent: +A10:32
cdentawesome, thanks sdague10:32
sdaguecdent: how comfortable are you feeling about the ceilo remove patch from devstack10:33
sdagueI have that in a -2 hold until you were ready for it to go10:33
cdentall the infra changes are up for review (the other projects that use ceilo in the gate)10:33
cdentbut they are not yet approved and one even has a -1 on it10:33
sdagueok, you have a list of reviews I can look at there10:34
cdentyeah, just a sec10:34
cdentthis is the devstack one you're aware of: and the various infra changes are linked from here:
cdentthere originally was a belief that tripleo needed one too, but that was a bad grep10:35
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sdaguecdent:,cm ianw brings up a cleanliness point on that one10:43
sdagueshould be pretty easy to tweak10:43
sdagueI +2ed the rest of that stack10:43
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odyssey4meI'm not sure if this is required behaviour for some reason, or whether it could be considered a bug or design flaw - zuul puts all patches for a repo that have +workflow in a dependent pipeline for the merge checks. If the top one fails, they all reset and start again. This is fine for patches in a single branch, but this happens regardless of the patch branch. It would seem better to me if it would chain the patches on a per branch basis.10:45
odyssey4me Does anyone have any idea why it does what it does today?10:45
jokke_hey anyone able to explain the local merge comment for me from gerrit I did cherry pick and it dropped in without any issues10:46
sdaguejokke_: try to rebase again against latest master10:47
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sdaguegerrit uses jgit which is more conservative about merge resolution10:47
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jokke_sdague: ok, thanks ... hopefully it merges now10:48
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cdentsdague: yeah, I saw that one and thought about just stealing the commit and fixing it but thought I better find tim first10:54
sdaguecdent: honestly, just steal the commit10:55
sdaguehe'll still get credit for it10:55
sdagueit's based on gerrit owner10:55
cdentright on, will do10:55
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openstackgerritChris Dent proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use Ceilometer plugin for Congress gate devstack
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clarkbodyssey4me its for upgrade testing11:16
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add limited tempest job to swift3 check pipeline
clarkbyou cant gate on upgradrs if you split the branches, so not a bug, but deliberate design11:17
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odyssey4meclarkb ah, that does make sense - it'd be nice if we could set a flag or something where that sort of pipelining is needed instead of it being a blanket behaviour :)11:25
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Export DIB_REPOREF var in cherrypick function
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix puppet-glance issue on RedHat distros
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Added DB Seeding support
openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for whitesource plugin
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add support for the puppet ceph job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Add support for the puppet ha job
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Switch overcloud-f21puppet-nonha to be instack based
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Bump trunk repository to one from 2015-09-09
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackid: Added DB Seeding support
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove devtest support
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smarcetfungi: i figured out why the new servel roll up was failing, mcrypt php extension was not being loaded12:22
openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python-tripleoclient events to the #tripleo channel
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smarcetfungi: i proposed a change for that and for the initial db seeding ( disabled by default) here
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fungismarcet: thanks! i'll have a look12:24
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openstackgerritBrad P. Crochet proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add additional gerrit events to the #tripleo channel
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openstackgerritPaul Carver proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Added doc publishing for networking-sfc
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openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack/requirements: Removes posix-ipc from global-requirements
openstackgerritGal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest / install jobs to dragonflow
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openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack/requirements: Remove the cap for python-neutronclient
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add DB API methods to deal with test metadata
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add option to specify global test attr prefix in subunit2sql
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jasondotstarmordred: ping13:18
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Get instack and deps from
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dshaware dev questions regarding gitreview appropriate for this channel :P?13:23
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mordredjasondotstar: ohai!13:26
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jasondotstarfigured I'd touch base with you on ansiblizing the project renames13:26
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jasondotstarmordred: ^^13:27
* jasondotstar is grokking atm13:28
mordredjasondotstar: yes! that is an excellent topic to sync up on13:28
mordredjasondotstar: sadly, I'm about to go to a meeting and be afk for the next 3-ish hours13:28
jasondotstarmordred: no worries13:28
mordredjasondotstar: TDL items real quickly:13:28
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mordredjasondotstar: there are parts of the steps  (which you can find in the changes to the documentation in that patch) that are not yet ansiblized. Doing the database queries, for instance13:29
mordredthose could use adding13:29
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mordredthen also, we ultimately want to have a list of from/to pairs13:30
* jasondotstar ack13:30
mordredbut some of the steps want to happen once, not once for each rename13:30
mordredwe could make an ansible list-of-dicts and iterate over it in each of the parallel tasks13:30
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fungidshaw: feel free to ask git-review development or usage questions in here. pretty much all the primary authors hang out here13:31
mordredwe could split the playbook into more than one playbook - have bash run ansible over lists of names in one script, then run single-time taskks like stopping and restarting gerrit13:31
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mordredjasondotstar: I'm more of a fan of the first, because it means the whole thing is encoded. clarkb is more of a fan of the second because he thinks it'll be readable13:31
mordredjasondotstar: it might be worth looking at both so we can make a call (and neither should be terribly hard to do)13:32
* jasondotstar nods13:32
mordredjasondotstar: that enough braindump to hold you over for a few hours? :)13:32
* jasondotstar agrees :-)13:32
jasondotstarI'll mull over these....13:32
StevenKfungi: Can I beg for a review for to ease picking up the issues with the migration to translate.o.o in the morning?13:32
jasondotstarmordred: ultimately we need to figure something out b4 friday13:32
fungiStevenK: you bet. also get to bed13:32
jasondotstarbecause someone with root xs has to execute this, yes?13:33
StevenKfungi: But daaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad, I'm not tired!13:33
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StevenK(That is actually a lie, I'll be going to bed shortly-ish)13:34
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mordredjasondotstar: yes.13:34
mordredjasondotstar: but I think my hope is that we can have a playbook in system-config - and then we can make a patch which contains the from/to list of names13:34
mordredland that patch13:34
mordredbut still have "run-renames list.from.9.11.yaml" be the thing the root person runs13:35
mordredrather than the root person walking through a runbook script of steps13:35
fungiStevenK: odd that it doesn't like paths starting in .// (or doesn't treat them the same as ./)13:35
mordredthat way we can all sign off on the from/too names and whatnot and it _should_ be very unstressful13:35
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StevenKfungi: Right. I suspect the Zanata developers will be taking a good look at the globbing library they use for rule matching, but for now, we're stuck.13:37
openstackgerritRonald Bradford proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Create a code coverage index page
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fungiStevenK: yeah, kinda gross, but approved nonetheless13:37
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StevenKfungi: Thanks!13:38
* fungi blames java13:38
StevenKSounds like an excellent idea, and very plausible.13:38
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jasondotstarmordred: makes sense13:40
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jasondotstarmordred: well, I've got some things to 'chew' on. I'll catch up with you again later today...13:41
jasondotstarmordred: thx!13:41
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Remove pin of docker-io
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Set DocFolder correctly for Zanata
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clarkbmordred considering I cant figure out github repo transfers all ansible is probably fine14:01
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mordredclarkb: kk14:01
mordredwe'll try to make it intelligible14:01
clarkbtge split repo name on / and compare prefixes then do different api calls is where I thought it would have a sad14:01
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clarkbmaybe if you rename and rename to different org it just works?14:03
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Get instack and deps from
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dshawfungi: thanks for the help, will ask away :)14:07
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dshawhey all, I'm wanting to add functionality to Stackalytics to allow connection to Gerrit via HTTPS. I know git-review already supports this ability. I was wondering if anyone had information on where git-review is allowing this functionality or has any tips. I'm a bit new :P14:08
fungidshaw: you just want to switch your queries from ssh to http(s)?14:09
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mordredclarkb: totally agree that would have a sad14:09
mordredI believe I'd do that in python though14:09
fungidshaw: in that case, git-review isn't going to be much of an example... really it's just a well-documented rest api, so point the http library of your choice at the appropriate url and query away14:10
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mordredmake a 'github-rename' module that does rename or transfer as is appropriate14:10
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mordredclarkb: because yeah ... doing that logic in playbook/jinja would teh suck14:11
dshawfungi: yeah pretty much. thanks for the info! I wasn't sure if it would be a bit tricky given review.openstack requires the specific username and pass, but I suppose it's no different than any other website that has these credentials14:11
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fungidshaw: a more relevant example of basic queries to it might be
fungidshaw: basically just using the requests library in python to make authenticated queries to our gerrit14:13
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dshawfungi: I'll give these a long look, appreciate it again14:15
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openstackgerritGlauco Oliveira proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Trigger reindex only when secondary index is set.
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: stackforge/networking-bagpipe-l2: add python-jobs
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fungismarcet: to clarify your answer to my question on i'm just trying to make sure i understand the implication of that deployment option. since it doesn't have logic to detect whether or not it should initialize the database, i'm assuming for deployment of a completely new server we would set openstackid::use_db_seeding=1 temporarily in our global site manifest, and14:34
fungithen remove that again once we have the server up (but for deploying a replacement server we should not do that step)?14:34
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smarcetfungi: thing is14:35
smarcetwe raraley want to re seed db14:35
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smarcetfungi : its not the common case, deploying a new server with a empty db set 114:35
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smarcetfungi: deployed a replacement server, with an existent db set 014:36
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fungismarcet: _we_ (openstack) rarely want to, but someone else installing an openstackid service (to test it out or to run a fork of it for their own purposes) should also need to know how to deploy14:36
smarcetfungi: normal deployment update, set to 014:36
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fungiright, thanks! i'll amend the change with some additional comments to document that bit of manual workflow14:36
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openstackgerritBenjamin Koep proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added gitlab plugin
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openstackgerritBenjamin Koep proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add slack notification support, largely inspired by hipchat module
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glaucoMay I get these patches reviewed and workflow'ed? and and
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openstackgerritJames Slagle proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Fix tuskar-ui disablement
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sdaguemordred: you about? we could *really* use your pbr assistance in -cinder to figure out this os-brick thing15:07
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openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: stackforge/networking-bagpipe-l2: add python-jobs
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tmorinping fungi15:13
tmorinyou helped me identify an issue 10 days ago: python-jobs missing in zuul layour for the networking-bagpipe-l2 project15:14
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Bump trunk repository to one from 2015-09-09
tmorinI would need change 221790 to be merged, so as to be possible to merge new changes in networking-bagpipe-l215:15
tmorinfor reference, log of the conversation we had:
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timrcjeblair, *bats eyelashes* So I finally have two reviews, one that touches gearman-plugin and the other which touches zuul to add the ability to submit metrics from zuul by node label.  I know you're a busy guy, but I'd like to put (gearman-plugin) and (zuul) jeblairadar.15:23
timrctwo reviews with one +2 each*15:23
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fungitmorin: yep, lgtm. it's trivial, so i won't block on getting additional reviews there15:28
tmorinfungi: thanks !15:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: stackforge/networking-bagpipe-l2: add python-jobs
greghaynescrinkle: 'morning - did you get past your node booting issues?15:35
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electricalHi all15:36
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electricalwaynr: hiya bud. Finally got a bit more time for JJB and ran into a weird thing i thought we fixed together a while ago with the defaults merging thing. Let me know if you have time at some point. thanks!15:38
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greghaynesclarkb: For the nodepool gearman builder, im thinking of making the builder config file be the nodepool config (it just will only read the diskimages and providers sections), then it isnt a totally breaking change for folks... seem sane?15:40
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greghaynesI also dont have to rewrite all the test this way ;)15:41
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openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Dependencies from undefined projects
mordreddstufft: in setuptools/pkg_resources - is there a way to ask where a data-file might have been put?15:44
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dstufftdata_files is a bad feature ATM15:44
dstufftI recommend not using it15:44
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dstufftthe location it drops them depends on if you're using distutils or setuptools in your, and then changes again depending on if you install from sdist or wheel15:45
mordredso - what is the 'right' way to install data files?15:45
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dstufftI generally use package_data15:47
waynrelectrical: yo, what's up?15:47
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dstufftif you can't use that for whatever reason, then you're stuck with data_files :(15:47
mordreddstufft: nod15:47
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electricalwaynr: hiya bud. been a long time :-)  You remember that hack i tried with the defaults merging? If i have something in defaults namespace 'x'  but not in defaults it fails. i remember we looked at it and fixed it, but lost it :-(15:48
dstufft(to be more specific, there's basically two different places data_files get installed too, distutils puts them relative to sys.prefix, setuptools puts them relative to the site-packages, wheel used the disutils behavior and puts them relative to sys.prefix)15:48
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dstufftI think the setuptools behavior is silly15:48
dstufftif you want something relative to site-packages, package_data already exists15:48
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crinklegreghaynes: nope15:49
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greghaynescrinkle: cool, I can have a look if you need some help?15:50
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crinklegreghaynes: that would be great15:50
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mtreinishdstufft: oh, that actually helps me a bunch. It probably explains some of the bugs that were reported against tempest for the data_files usage15:51
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greghaynescrinkle: Wheres the os env vars file?15:52
greghaynescrinkle: on the controller node15:52
mordreddstufft: and then finding package_data15:52
greghaynescrinkle: oh, derp, was on the compute15:52
dstufftmtreinish: my brain is a sad database of packaging screw ups15:53
mordreddstufft: it should just be "import foo ; location=os.path.join(foo.__file__.)" right?15:53
dstufftmordred: do you care about supporting zipped installs?15:53
mordreddstufft: not even partially15:53
dstufft(including pex which is kinda cool tbh)15:53
dstufftmordred: then yea, that's fine15:53
mordreddstufft: we disable them in pbr15:53
clarkbgreghaynes yes15:54
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greghaynescrinkle: oh wow, thats been spawning for 6hrs?15:54
greghaynescrinkle: should have errored by now for sure15:54
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fungidisappearing to run some lunch errands, back in a while15:54
crinklegreghaynes: ikr15:55
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glaucoI have been trying writing acceptance tests for puppet-cgit, but it is really hard finding a vagrant box with Selinux enabled. Is there one from the project itself I could use?15:57
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clarkbglauco we dont vagrant but centos cloud image defaults appear to be to have selinux enables15:58
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clarkbglauco you can always enable it yourself with setenforce iirc15:58
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glaucoclarkb: right now beaker tests consumes puppetlabs/centos7 vagrant box, which comes with selinux disabled.15:58
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zaroelectrical: you mean this one?
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zaroor this?
greghaynescrinkle: hrm, the only wierd thing I see is that fail from nova to get fips for the node from nova... but theres not an error associated with it so im thinking that isnt actually a problem16:00
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crinklegreghaynes: that's the only thing i've found too16:00
greghayneser, to get fips from neutron16:01
glaucoclarkb: Since it is disabled, we need to edit /etc/selinux/config and then reboot the machine16:01
electricalzaro: its mainly   when i have a job template with defaults: mydefaults  and have values in that defaults namespace but not in global, it fails to find it. only when i put the key in the global defaults namespace its fine.16:01
clarkbglauco yes, or yoy can run beaker like the gate runs beaker16:01
glaucoclarkb: how is that?16:01
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greghaynescrinkle: did you fix those neutron errors where it wasnt connecting to rabbit?16:02
clarkbglauco it runs against the localmachine16:02
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clarkbglauco so you boot whatever image you want and beaker sshs into that and uses it instead of vagrant (or maybe still vagrant but via ssh and not vagrant itself)16:03
crinklegreghaynes: yes that was because the compute node was using nova-net instead of neutron like you pointed out16:03
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zaroelectrical: i believe that's always been how it worked16:04
crinklegreghaynes: or do you mean the AMQP errors where it wasn't connecting - that's probably just because i was rebooting rabbitmq-server16:04
electricalzaro: yeah indeed. waynr and i solved it ages ago but lost the fix :-(16:04
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greghaynescrinkle: hrm, I think the one I was looking at was too long ago that it should be an issue16:05
crinklegreghaynes: yeah that would have been some time yesterday16:06
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glaucoclarkb: where is that code? I've checked openstack-infra/beaker-localhost and openstack-infra/beaker-nodepool but these repos seem empty16:06
zaroelectrical: sorry, i never knew it was fixed.  maybe take a look at the git Changelog?16:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for whitesource plugin
electricalzaro: we didn't fix it upstream because of the whole discussion for the deepmerge of defaults :-( and i completely forgot about it in the meantime ( to busy with other projects )16:06
zaroelectrical: or was there a test for it?16:06
electricaland lost the fix after moving to a new dev server16:07
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crinkleglauco: check the nodepool-*.yml nodesets16:07
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zaroahh.  well lets try to get it upstream16:07
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electricalzaro: yeah. i'm trying to recreate the fix :-)16:08
electricalhoped waynr remebered it ;-)16:08
crinkleglauco: if you're on linux you can use dib to build an image and to run it16:08
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greghaynescrinkle: "2015-09-09 16:15:08.246 27993 ERROR neutron.api.extensions [-] It was impossible to process the following extensions: subnet_allocation because of missing requirements"16:09
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crinklegreghaynes: okay cool16:10
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greghaynescrinkle: We should totally be getting a good error for that. So if that ends up being the issue we have some bugs to file16:10
crinklegreghaynes: so if you neutron net-list and neutron subnet-list are those sane?16:10
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greghaynescrinkle: I dont think its a config issue, that reads to me like a dep issue, but I need to read some code16:11
crinklegreghaynes: hrm16:11
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SpamapScrinkle: greghaynes ok I'm more engaged today. ;)16:12
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greghaynesSpamapS: welcome back :)16:13
SpamapSanything I can help with right now?16:14
glaucoclarkb: crinkle: would that be a problem if I created a vagrant box and used it on default.pp? That would only be used for local testing, right?16:14
jeblairtimrc: ack, added those 2 changes to my list, thanks16:14
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greghaynesSpamapS: We were doing some reps on using puppet bifrost stuff to set up a new bm host, I was about to nuke the last one we did and try to make one that should 'just work'... maybe a good thing to do is check the updates we made to that patchset and maybe set up a new bm host?16:14
timrcjeblair, Thanks!16:15
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greghaynesSpamapS: is where most the changes went in16:16
SpamapSgreghaynes: ok. did you guys figure out the instance booting thing yet?16:17
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greghaynesSpamapS: no, havent tried out the vlan config drive stuff yet16:17
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greghaynesoh, you mean for crinkle16:17
greghaynesSpamapS: I just started digging, the log error above seems like it might be related16:18
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greghaynesSpamapS: If you want to do that instead I can do the bm host stuff...16:19
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wznoinskhi infra16:21
wznoinskwould somebody know whether the ATC codes can be regenerated to cover the whole ticket price?16:22
electricalzaro: waynr found the fix again i think :-)16:22
SpamapSgreghaynes: no I don't have any preference. I'll poke at the patch.16:22
crinklegreghaynes: lol there's a comment in the code, "Consider whether this error should be fatal"16:23
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update nodepool to use secure.conf file
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Use the devstack version of nodepool.yaml
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greghaynescrinkle: yea, its not fatal, it also is just silly16:23
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electricalzaro: <-- this would be the solution.. basically currently we traverse the global defaults and only override those that is in the list.. if its not there we don't override it16:25
electricalthis patch allows us to specify a default value which exists in namespace x but not in global16:25
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zaroelectrical: propose to gerrit?16:26
electricalits bit of a hack because i see the different defaults namespaces as different projects.16:26
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electricalzaro: will do16:26
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openstackgerritRichard Pijnenburg proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Override all defaults from namespace
electricalzaro: ^^16:29
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electricali do need to add a test for it though16:29
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electricalwas to quick with the git review command16:30
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greghaynescrinkle: ok, if IIUC ml2 and subnet_allocation are mutually exclusive16:31
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greghaynescrinkle: well, specifically what we are hitting is that our plugin does not provide router support and subnet_allocation extension requires that16:33
clarkbwznoinsk fungi is the person to talk to, I think they may be doing that but stress early registration is important for planning16:33
clarkbfungi should be able to confirm when back from errands16:33
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wznoinskclarkb: thanks for that, should I catch him next week then?16:34
crinklegreghaynes: okay16:34
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clarkbwznoinsk no today is fine but bot sure when he will be back today16:35
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add 'debian' user in bootstrapServer()
wznoinskclarkb: on the other note, did you give grok some thoughts recently?16:35
anteayawznoinsk: can you expand? as I have no idea what you are asking about, not sure if clarkb does16:36
clarkbI havent, I looked into why the bug was closed and havent thought about it since16:36
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add 'debian' user in bootstrapServer()
clarkbthough I imagine if it is useful to others and someone puppets it on the git backends no ome would object16:37
clarkbanteaya its a git repo mirroring system that tells clients when and what to update16:38
clarkbanteaya so you dont have to blindly poll all the repos all the time16:38
waynrelectrical: there is definitely a problem with JJB defaults...defaults set at the job-group or project level don't include JJB expansion parameters (ie, triggers, builders, etc), only JJB variables16:38
anteayaclarkb: ah thank you16:38
waynrin order to get expansion parameters from a set of defaults you have to set those defaults on a job-template directly16:39
electricalwaynr: ah, haven't hit that yet. i set the defaults value on the job-template at the moment16:39
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anteayaclarkb: the thing mordred filed an infra bug about a year ago, now I recall the conversation16:39
clarkbanteaya ya16:39
anteayagreat thanks16:39
greghaynesclarkb: did you ever find some docs on configuring provider networks16:39
clarkbgreghaynes no16:39
waynrhmm i'm not sure what you are referring to with regard to the defaults merging16:39
greghaynesclarkb: splendid16:39
wznoinskor in other words, if you want to have your own git server with all openstack repos instead of git clone/fetch on ALL repos, using grok on grok-slave (like your personal server) you would read Manifest file from grok-master ( and fetch only the repos that has changed16:40
electricalwaynr: when specifying a key in global namespace 'puppet' but not that same key in 'global' namespace. it fails to merge it because it can't override it since it doesn't exist16:40
anteayamorning pleia216:40
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jeblairpleia2: good morning!  are there any outstanding zanata issues you need help with?16:41
anteayawznoinsk: ah I can see that being useful16:41
wznoinskI'm kicking off such local git repo project for our networking and yet to appear nfv ci here at Intel, hence the question why not to make it more efficient with grok16:41
pleia2jeblair: I'll let you know, when I hung up my hat at midnight there were some patches being dreamed up, I shall see if they've been submitted :)16:41
waynrelectrical: so you have a key in the 'puppet' defaults but not in the 'global' defaults that doesn't make it in to the job?16:42
greghaynescrinkle: that is us16:42
electricalwaynr: correct16:42
anteayapleia2: you worked a long time after I went to bed16:42
clarkbI saw fungi approved one earlier to deal with .// rooted paths16:42
greghaynescrinkle: and we are not properly configured for that AFAICT16:42
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pleia2clarkb: ah, good16:42
anteayawznoinsk: efficientcy is good16:42
crinklegreghaynes: that's what i've been working from16:42
clarkband there is email to the list about missing korean font characters16:42
waynrelectrical: yeah i vaguely recall that now, my hacked together defaults fix from a month ago might help--I can push the patch to if you wanna try it out16:43
clarkbthough I would expect that to be a browser not server issue16:43
electricalwaynr: yes please :-)16:43
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greghaynescrinkle: ok, well neutron seems to not be loading our routing plugin properly16:44
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greghaynescrinkle: which I think is what they call linuxbridge in our case16:44
clarkbah yup they responded it was a browser thing16:45
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clarkbgreghaynes what routing is there with provider networking?16:45
greghaynescrinkle: oh, actually, IMBQ16:45
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greghaynescrinkle: yea, none. So that error deal might be a red herring16:45
clarkbshould just be linuxbridge l2 to your provider net16:45
greghaynescrinkle: I wonder if the subnet we made isnt properly marked as "external" if theres a way to do that?16:46
greghaynescrinkle: hrm, that looks right from the docs16:47
crinklegreghaynes: did I set the wrong gateway?16:47
greghaynescrinkle: that shouldnt result in this kind of fail16:48
greghaynescrinkle: oh, huh16:48
greghaynescrinkle: SpamapS I didnt catch something earlier yesterday re: our network layout16:49
crinklegreghaynes: using based on
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greghaynescrinkle: SpamapS If were going to subdivide our /22 into /24's are we going to then make the controller node route for the non 52.0/24?16:50
clarkbthats not provider networking fwiw16:51
greghaynesI think this is a slight oversight ;)16:51
greghaynesthats probably what we need to do though, make controller node be rotuer as 53.116:53
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openstackgerritRyan Carey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Artifactory plugin
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anteayapleia2: so whenever you have a sense of the current state of things do share so we can help16:57
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openstackgerritWayne Warren proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: WIP Fix defaults application.
SpamapSgreghaynes: Yeah that was what I was thinking, otherwise we'd have to ask the NOC to setup CIDR on the upstream router.16:57
greghaynesSpamapS: yep16:57
pleia2anteaya: thanks, running the latest imports now thanks to the recently merged change16:58
greghaynesI think we are basically doing ml2 + linuxbr then, not provider networking16:58
greghaynesalthough im not an expert on that, so IMBW16:58
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SpamapSgreghaynes: we could probably just ask them16:58
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waynrelectrical: okay I pushed my work in progress up, sadly it breaks JJB tests currently (thought I had fixed that last month, oh well)16:59
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anteayapleia2: may they import successful16:59
electricalwaynr: hehe okay. Will take a look at that and see what it does :-)16:59
waynrI seriously don't have the time I want to work on JJB without deleting my social life16:59
anteayapleia2: does that leave any outstanding imports if they complete as you expect?16:59
SpamapSgreghaynes: or we could _not_ subdivide the /22, and just reserve the first /24 for the cloud allocation, but I wonder if we'll find a loop in there.16:59
pleia2anteaya: not sure yet17:00
openstackgerritRodrigo Barbieri proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename Manila CI jobs
crinklethe 4b docs show the provider network as completely different from the external network, so subdividing the external network threw me off17:00
clarkbSpamapS how do you isolate l2?17:00
SpamapSclarkb: you don't?17:00
greghaynesSpamapS: hrm, we'd have to put some custom iptables stuff on hour hypervisors17:00
clarkbyou have to with untrusted VMs17:00
clarkbsince you dont get arp spoofing protection from neutron in that setup iirc17:00
SpamapSYeah you might not.17:01
greghaynesclarkb: actually, someone said we do17:01
greghaynesI havent verified17:01
clarkbpretty sure you only do with l2pop17:01
clarkbare you l2popping? please say no17:01
greghaynesone of the neutron people was in here the other day saying we do17:01
SpamapSright, it does do the ebtables rules, but I don't know if that's on provider networks17:01
greghaynesusing ebtables17:01
clarkbI guess its easy enough to test17:02
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electricalwaynr: hehe no worries. social life is important as well :-)17:02
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greghaynescrinkle: Lets make the subnet be the whole /22 for now, then configure dhcp agent to only give leases out of the /24 we want17:02
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odyssey4meuh hang on guys - are you deploying Liberty and are having issues with floating addresses?17:02
greghaynescrinkle: then we can evaluate whether that is secure enough17:02
anteayapleia2: ah okay17:02
crinklegreghaynes: okay17:03
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clarkbodyssey4me no fips here aiui17:03
greghaynesodyssey4me: yep, no fips17:03
anteayagreghaynes: do you recal who?17:03
greghaynesanteaya: I dont17:03
anteayagreghaynes: :(17:03
anteayamakes it hard for me to follow up17:03
anteayagreghaynes: if you recall do let me know17:03
greghaynesYea, we can test it though which we should do anyways17:03
clarkbanteaya its ok, easy to double check once in place17:03
greghaynesbut thanks though17:03
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odyssey4meclarkb greghaynes ah ok, because
openstackLaunchpad bug 1483315 in neutron "ebtables ARP rules don't account for floating IPs on LinuxBridge" [Undecided,In progress] - Assigned to Kevin Benton (kevinbenton)17:04
greghaynesthats fun17:04
SpamapSodyssey4me: we actually just want to stick all our VM's on a provider network directly.17:04
greghaynesbut that also suggests ebtables are set on linuxbr17:04
odyssey4meit may be something similar though for the same reason17:04
waynrelectrical: let me know if that patch helps17:05
greghaynesodyssey4me: So far were just hitting PEBKAC, not actual bugs AFAICT17:05
odyssey4mewe did the following as a workaround:,cm17:05
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SpamapSodyssey4me: these will be fixed IPs I think.17:05
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odyssey4meok, I just happened to see ebtables and thought of it - as you were :)17:06
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SpamapSodyssey4me: thank you, it's a good loop back if we don't see rules being made17:06
odyssey4mefwiw the arp issue with floating ip's also affects ovs17:06
SpamapSclarkb: so if we have compute hosts enforcing l2 isolation, I think this might work.17:07
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clarkbSpamapS ya it should17:07
SpamapSgreghaynes: so basically, /22 for everything, subnet has dhcp allocation starting at and ending at
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clarkbodyssey4me any idea how that isnt caught in testing?17:08
greghaynesSpamapS: yep (said that to crinkle a few lines back ;))17:08
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greghaynesSpamapS: do that for now, test it17:08
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clarkbit may not work onsingle node but the multinode job should catch it17:08
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SpamapSgreghaynes: and then we have our BM host doing allocation for the real servers with
odyssey4meclarkb the original patch to implement it explicitly disabled testing for it17:08
SpamapSOh haha ok17:08
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clarkbodyssey4me that would explain it thanks17:09
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SpamapSodyssey4me: hah.. "For some weird reason this test doesn't work anymore so I'll disable it." -- WTF? ;)17:09
greghaynescrinkle: SpamapS Actually, I said only dhcp out of the /24 but SpamapS  is right - its the 22 - control plane /2417:09
ganso_hello guys, could anyone please take a look at this:
odyssey4meclarkb also I think a lot of the tempest tests don't do a floating ip based ssh connection to the launch vm... most of the jobs I've checked have that disabled, probably because it fails so often17:10
clarkbodyssey4me the multinode testing definitely does that several times17:10
odyssey4mewe have it enabled for every commit, and take the pain of the often unrelated failure because making sure that it does work is important17:10
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clarkbit even does VM to VM over fip tests17:10
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odyssey4meSpamapS yeah, that was our exact response when we saw the commit17:11
odyssey4meclarkb very nice - testing in this cycle has definitely improved17:11
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clarkbsorry only one vm to vm over fip test, not plural but ya we should catch this stuff better17:12
anteayalook I appreciate that both neutron and hp networking have issues17:12
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anteayabut all my work to fix things gets undone when projects are riducled in here17:13
anteayaso I would really appreciate if you feel you have an issue17:13
anteayathat you talk to me so that I can continue to do what I can to remedy the issue17:13
anteayathe people who are doing the most work to help are really tired and frustrated by getting knocked down by others17:13
anteayaand I can't tell you how dispppointed I am when it happens in this channel17:14
anteayaso please going forward reach out to me if you need some assistance I will do what I can to help17:14
* anteaya makes a cup of tea17:14
ganso_anteaya, asselin, asselin_, krtaylor: could you please take a look at
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openstackgerritChris Burroughs proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: support for the phabricator plugin
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fungiwhee errands accomplished. now catching up on ~300 lines of scrollback in this channel alone17:59
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clarkbfungi: wznoinsk wanted to know about summit passes at current rate18:02
fungiwznoinsk: if you already have a discount code and it's for the old price please e-mail and ask them to switch your old code for one which covers the current price. they may be willing18:02
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clarkbpleia2: I am about to get lunch and run errands (new plates for new car woo) so will be out a chunk of the midday but when I get back intend on offering whatever help I can with zanata things18:20
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pleia2clarkb: thanks, I think I'm in a good spot now, need to confirm with daisy that a couple projects are done, and follow up later today with StevenK and Zanata folks about nova18:20
clarkbpleia2: is nova the only one that you think is currently a problem?18:21
pleia2openstack-manuals and operations-guide had some issues too, but I think those are fixed (will confirm w/ Daisy)18:21
pleia2so yeah, I think nova is it18:21
clarkbpleia2: and the issues there were mostly the .// path thing ya?18:21
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clarkbso once nova looks good next step is to switch a project's jenkins jobs over?18:22
pleia2that and a non-overridable minimum percentage download option in the .tx/config that was preventing some big translations from being downloaded18:22
pleia2that's right18:22
clarkbpleia2: oh! so the min percentage was biting us? :(18:22
clarkbI really don't like the min percentage thing18:23
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clarkblet users decide if the translation is worth enabling or not18:23
pleia2yeah, it was kind of a mess18:23
clarkbpleia2: so you have to rerun the populate script after editing the project tx configs?18:23
pleia2I don't know why decisions were made about this18:23
clarkbpleia2: the theory is that users shouldn't be given translations that are incomplete18:23
clarkbpleia2: but in those cases they just get the sourcel agnauge for untranslated things anyways so I dunno why we bother18:23
pleia2and fortunately it shouldn't be a problem going forward since it's the only sync from transifex we'll ever be doing18:23
clarkbAJaeger can probably educate us18:24
pleia2right :\18:24
pleia2yeah, and he's back next week \o/18:24
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pleia2I'm out on Monday (holiday) but will sync up with him on Tuesday to see if he has thoughts/comments on various things18:24
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anteayaclarkb: new car woooo18:25
clarkbpleia2: what are Nova's symptoms?18:25
pleia2clarkb: transifex isn't letting us download some of the translations for some reason18:25
clarkbanteaya: its really not that exciting, they cost a lot of money and take a lot of time, but I can fit the dual baby stroller in the back so yay18:25
pleia2likely another config issue, or who knows18:25
clarkbpleia2: huh but it isn't the min translation thing?18:25
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pleia2maybe, I'll rerun momentarily and see if it fixes things18:27
clarkbpleia2: cool, any idea if there is a change to switch a project to zanata with the jenkins jobs yet? maybe horizon based on your email?18:27
pleia2I think maybe a smaller project than horizon, that's their big-most-important one18:27
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anteayaclarkb: yay for cargo space18:28
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clarkbanyways I am happy to help get that change merged and babysit it this afternoon18:28
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fungimy 20 year old hatchback is terrible for the environment, but has plenty of cargo space18:28
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fungialso doubles as a convenient habitat for the island's diverse spider populations18:29
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anteayafungi: oooh environmental offset18:32
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fungiexactly. they help balance out my negligence18:33
anteayaat least you stay balanced18:33
anteayawhich all the chinese philosphers tell me is the point of existance18:33
anteayaif I need accurate spelling to achieve the next level of existence I am not going to make it18:34
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pleia2clarkb: ah, so no, nova's .tx/config18:36
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anteayafungi: speaking of automated scripts for renaming things, have you any links to your scripts you use? could you perhaps share them on
pleia2clarkb: doesn't have a min percentage thing18:36
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fungianteaya: i've just been linking a paste from the etherpads previously, though there's nothing it was doing that the ansible playbook is likely to miss. regardless i'll find that paste18:42
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anteayaokay, just trying to follow up on jeblair's request that tools we use for renaming end up in system-config18:43
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fungi is what i was doing before. i can certainly submit a change review for those four shell commands18:43
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fungiit's a script-generating script18:43
anteayathanks, I think that would be consistent with what I understood jeblair was asking for yesterday in the meeting18:44
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anteayathe best kind of script18:44
fungijust basically spits out the commands i was pasting into the etherpads previously for reviewing18:44
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reedfungi, I have a couple of colleagues asking about the summit invites: is there another batch coming? when was the last one sent?18:45
reedtheir patches merged before milestone-3 was cut18:45
fungireed: previous batch was on august 27 and i'm planning to send one more tomorrow18:45
reedcool, thanks18:46
fungimy spot check today shows we added 98 more contributors in the past two weeks18:46
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reedin line with the past, from what I remember :)18:46
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reedwill there be one more batch?18:47
fungiwe'll have sent just shy of 2000 invitations to people who had contributions for official openstack projects merged over a span of 4.6 months (from april 30 to tomorrow)18:47
reedafter tomorrow's I mean18:47
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fungier, 4.5 months18:48
reedi guess with big tent those numbers will increase for Austin18:48
fungiless than 4.5 really, but the 6 was due to my fat fingers18:48
fungiyeah, we scaled back to just contributions since the most recent release and we're still back at 2k active contributors even for that short span of time18:49
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pleia2hooray, new graphics card, my screen no longer looks like it's having a snow storm \o/18:51
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anteayapleia2: yay18:55
anteayafungi: woooo?18:55
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fungii suppose!18:55
anteayaI just sent this to the author of the compass rename patch and cc'd the infra list:
anteayawas about to send the same thing to the cloudpulse author18:56
anteayaanything I should fix for the next email?18:56
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pleia2anteaya: lgtm18:57
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* anteaya copy/pastes18:58
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fungismarcet: i have another candidate openstackid-dev server launched with your proposed 221716 change up and running at 2001:4800:7817:101:be76:4eff:fe05:f78b now. puppet didn't report any errors and there _is_ a symlink at /srv/openstackid/w this time, but i still get a 403 forbidden when trying to hit it with a browser19:02
glaucoFacing a few problems while trying to provision a machine using puppet-bandersnatch. The puppet-apply works fine but once I hit httpd on port 80 it gives me a permission denied error. Shouldn't it allow all requests?19:03
fungii'll see what i can find in the apache logs19:03
mordredfungi, clarkb, jeblair, pleia2: I poked pvo about quota and he said cool - not sure on timeframe for upping19:03
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jeblairmordred: cool, thanks!19:04
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Move yaml logic into seperate class
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add !include support
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fungiglauco: it looks like we have some bits at we use to set up the web front-end for it and run it periodically19:05
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fungioh, looks like that's not even using the puppet-bandersnatch repo19:05
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fungiyeah, we don't seem to use the bandersnatch module19:06
fungithe entrypoint for our mirrors from our global site manifest is
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funginotnownikki seems to maybe still be working on the implementation there?19:08
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pleia2mordred: great :)19:10
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fungiglauco: or may be looking for help finishing that migration... i don't see any obvious candidate changes to the system-config repo to switch us to using that bandersnatch module19:10
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fungismarcet: i have a feeling this is the permissions in the vhost config needing some tweaking to accommodate the non-backward-compatible behavior changes in apache 2.4. i'll experiment and see what i come up with19:12
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anteayafungi: so os-ansible-deployment is becoming openstack-ansible, they rename their gerrit acl file which is all we need for the parts to function, do we care if their gerrit group names use the old repo name?
anteayaI don't care but thought I would ask19:14
anteayaor clarkb ^19:15
fungianteaya: i don't care, but they can have us rename those while we're at it as long as they update the acl to suit19:15
anteayaI'll put as much in my review and leave it up to them19:15
pabelangeryolanda: rcarrillocruz: where do you stand on your secure.conf patch for nodepool? Looks like you are having some testing issues?19:16
fungismarcet: adjusting the config to add "Satisfy Any" to the directory block for the docroot gets me further, now seems like i'm maybe raising an error in the framework "Whoops, looks like something went wrong."19:16
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asselin_ganso_, reviewed19:17
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yolandahi pabelanger, asselin was trying that19:18
pabelangerrcarrillocruz: my mistake19:18
asselin_yolanda, pabelanger let me see the status of the last patch19:18
yolandaproblem is making devstack plugin work with new secure.conf file19:18
pabelangeryolanda: asselin_: sure, interested in the break out. But haven't been following much19:19
asselin_ok it got passed the previous error19:19
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asselin_also not sure how to work around this:
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pabelangerasselin_: do you need jenkins master? IIRC nodepool will start without it19:28
asselin_pabelanger, no I don't, but it was complaining when it wasn't there.19:29
asselin_pabelanger, perhaps the updated code needs to be adjusted19:29
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pabelangerasselin_: Ya, looking at the patchset, it adds that code block.  I'd remove it, then follow up on it in another patch19:29
pabelangerotherwise, you'd likely need to open a socket for nodepool to connect to19:30
asselin_pabelanger, link/line?19:30
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pabelangerOh, I see. Looking at the patch, it seems to change functionality about jenkins master19:32
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asselin_pabelanger, yolanda but still failing to create the nodes. I guess that could be related?
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asselin_pabelanger, going to lunch. I will take a look afterwards in my debug setup.19:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Remove the cap for python-neutronclient
asselin_pabelanger, yolanda this should be ready to review:
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andrey-mphello infra team. can anyone review my changes? it will unblock me in fixing rally gate job in our ec2 project19:41
pabelangeryolanda: asselin_: Added comments, but there is a change in behavior that you are running into. You'll need to default target to None, if nothing found in secure.conf19:42
pabelangeryolanda: asselin_: otherwise, if you add dummy credentials nodepool will try to connect and fail19:42
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anteayadoes anyone know if is openstack-ansible?19:48
anteayahaving just reviewed the openstack-ansible rename patch19:48
glaucofungi: thanks! :)19:50
openstackgerritGlauco Oliveira proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bandersnatch: Add acceptance tests for puppet-bandersnatch
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mordredanteaya: yes19:54
mordredanteaya: ansible upstream is working with the openstack-ansible project19:55
anteayamordred: thank you19:55
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anteayaI'm hearing about multiple ansible initiatives19:55
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anteayaand wondered where this one sat19:55
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pabelangerYa, interested to see what the future holds moving forward20:01
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anteayawhat ever it holds, my future includes all the people working so hard to keep our puppety things puppetying20:02
pabelangerindeed. I don't see that going away any time soon20:03
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anteayadoes anyone know any of these people's irc nicks?,members20:08
anteayaAdri2000: are you adrian otto?20:09
Clintanteaya: i've seen adrian otto as adrian_otto20:10
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anteayaClint: thanks he isn't online then, sigh20:10
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anteayaI don't know anyone else on that list20:10
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pleia2anteaya: when I'm not sure, I google for: their name launchpad.net20:11
anteayaawesome thanks I will try that20:11
pleia2since most folks still need a account, and there's an IRC nickname field there :)20:11
pleia2so if they fill that out, lucky!20:11
anteayayou're so smart20:11
anteayawe have 5 acl files for solum that all say the same thing20:12
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anteayanot going to add a comment to the patch since based on prior comments this could take a week to sort out20:12
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anteayabut if I find someone I can just ask20:12
pleia2makes sense20:12
anteayaasalkeld: are you online?20:13
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anteayaI've tried 3, I'll move on20:15
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anteayaoh apparently there is a solum channel according to the patch20:17
anteayait isn't in eavesdrop20:17
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EmilienMhello infra, could we go ahead with and ? Thanks a lot20:21
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anteayamuralia: thank you20:25
anteayamuralia is a solum core reviewer and will ask other solum folks if we can streamline to one solum acl file20:25
muraliaim on it. thanks anteaya20:26
anteayathank you20:26
pleia2nice work anteaya :)20:28
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pleia2the finder of people \o/20:28
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mtreinishfungi: you've helped me with regex before, when you get a sec could you take a look at:
mtreinishI get kinda twitchy whenever I have to use regex20:29
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anteayapleia2: with your help :)20:29
fungiregex and i are old drinking buddies20:29
mtreinishthey never work how I want them to20:29
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anteayafungi: what beverage does regex favour?20:31
* anteaya takes notes20:31
fungithe blood of innocents20:31
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fungimtreinish: so... are you wanting to iterate over multiple [] bracket sets?20:35
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mtreinishfungi: well in the normal case the attrs are appended to the end of the test_id inside of []20:36
mtreinishI only want to get those20:37
fungimtreinish: looks like you only expect one set of [] in the input, so that regex should be fine20:37
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mtreinishI don't think there could be a test_id with the python run stack with other [] in it, because it's normally the path of the test function20:38
fungimtreinish: if someone gets multiple [ or ] into the string, then it's going to take the first and last bracket and assume the others are part of the inner string20:38
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fungibut that seems like an acceptable or perhaps nonexistent risk20:38
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mtreinishyeah, I think I'm fine with that. I guess if it breaks someone out there they can always file a bug20:38
fungiright, this is an optional codepath anyway20:39
mtreinishwell that regex is the new default to try and match the old behavior but using regex now. I'm making it optionally configurable for those weird cases20:40
fungioh, yep someone can define a stricter match if they need20:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add option to subunit2sql for attr regex
mtreinishfungi: ^^ oh, cool I forgot infra core has +2 on subunit2sql20:41
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jtrovoclarkb: we made some tests here with the zmq event publisher and it seems to not send the environment vars at all, only the config parameters are being sent on the event to the zmq subscriber we created for tests20:42
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clarkbjtrovo are you loading the env vars into jenkins?20:50
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jtrovothe EnvInject plugin you mean? we tried this test with our production jenkins today20:52
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openstackgerritdevdatta-kulkarni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/solum -> openstack/solum
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sdagueclarkb: any idea why I can't connect to ?20:56
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anteayaI am able to connect20:57
sdagueoh, I know why20:57
anteayaand create a new pad:
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sdagueapparently I had a hosts entry because... crazy20:57
sdagueI guess etherpad just moved servers20:58
sdaguewhich would make sense, I honestly have no idea why I had this hardcoded20:58
anteayawell you don't anymore20:58
anteayaproblem solved20:58
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fungisdague: yep, i replaced the etherpad server over the weekend. the new one's running on trusty instead of precise, latest etherpad develop branch tip, and includes jeblair's work to enable websockets and clarkb's work to switch to distro-packaged node.js20:59
fungiso wins all around20:59
fungihere's hoping it's the most etherpad-stable summit ever21:00
fungioh, also i deployed the replacement on a machine with 4gb ram instead of 2gb21:00
fungiso it has some more breathing room for caches21:01
sdaguefungi: yep, all wins, except for my hosts entry21:01
sdaguewhich is now fixed, so win there21:01
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sdaguebut I have no one to blame but myself on that :)21:01
anteayaglad it was a fast discovery21:02
fungii bet you hard-coded it while we were testing our previous etherpad production upgrade21:02
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claudiubhello. just to make sure, the project renaming stackforge -> openstack takes place in october 17th, right? Or was it changed?21:02
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anteayaclaudiub: the mass renaming takes place oct 17th yes21:03
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fungiclaudiub: it's still october 17
anteayawe are doing a small renaming on friday for a handful of projects that have been accepted into the governance/projects.yaml file21:04
anteaya6 projects21:04
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anteaya14 repos21:05
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claudiubI see. well, I'd like to also include networking-hyperv in that list, if possible. I'm adding the patch to governance now. I saw that there are plenty of networking-something in governance under neutron21:05
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anteayaclaudiub: if it is listed in governance you can be moved on friday21:05
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anteayaclaudiub: have you a patch to project-config for it?21:06
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anteayaif you are offering the patch to governance now, it won't be merged by friday21:07
anteayathe project has to already be in governance by now to be considered for friday21:08
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anteayahowever if you want to be listed in governance, proceed with your patch, when your repo is moved in october then your repo will be in the openstack namespace as well as listed in the governance repo21:09
anteayaas the existance of your repo in the openstack namespace and its existence in governance are two different things21:09
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update nodepool to use secure.conf file
anteayaI have to go for a walk now21:12
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clarkbpleia2: ok I am back for the afternoon21:13
fungii too am here21:13
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clarkbpleia2: any luck with nova?21:14
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fungiso happy to help with translateythings if needed21:14
clarkbor anything else I can add a second set of eyes to?21:14
pleia2clarkb: nope :\ I think I'm going to need to snag the other folks who know more about the bits21:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove nova v21 old jobs
claudiubanteaya: so, not sure what to add to project-config. networking-hyperv already exists in stackforge. as for the governance patch:
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openstackgerritsebastian marcet proposed openstack-infra/openstackid-resources: Summit Application API
pleia2clarkb: another pair of eyes may help, let me write up in the etherpad what I've been doing+looking at (and location of files on the proposal slave to look at)21:15
clarkbpleia2: thanks and maybe we can pick a guinea pig project for the jenkins siwtch over?21:15
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jesusaurusjtrovo: you were saying that the zmq event publisher doesn't pass env vars to the log processor?21:16
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clarkbjesusaurus: ya, I think that that may be because they aren't being loaded into jenkins21:17
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openstackgerritClaudiu Belu proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adds networking-hyperv to gerrit project.yaml
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jesusaurusclarkb: what do you mean by 'loaded into jenkins'?21:18
clarkbjesusaurus: there are jenkins env vars which jenkins loads into its process and hands out to forks and there are env vars that are set in bash that jenkins knows nothing about21:18
jesusaurusclarkb: do you mean not actually exported to the environment?21:18
clarkbjesusaurus: there are plugins to pull from bash into jenkins and similar21:18
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clarkbzmq isn't going to know about the things that are just export FOO=bar in bash21:18
clarkbbut it should know about anything that was loaded into jenkins via a plugin that does that21:19
clarkbpleia2: I am going to try pulling nova from transifex on my host without a tx config and see what I get21:19
clarkbpleia2: I want to avoid any environmental things21:20
jesusaurusyeah, I would expect it to only know the env vars from an inject properties-content or somesuch21:20
clarkbya that21:20
pleia2clarkb: so specifically for nova, I think we are downloading the languages now (see bottom of etherpad) but the translations %s don't sync up well with transifex, I don't remember how it looked last night when Daisy brought up the problem21:22
pleia2so might have her look at it when she gets online21:22
clarkbpleia2: are the percentages higher on zanata? I know it was copying 1:1 source to translation strings from other projects that had been translated21:23
pleia2the .tx/config we create doesn't have the min percentage issue though, could be things were fixed some other way21:23
pleia2lower in zanata21:23
pleia233% vs 50%21:23
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pleia2they may calculate percentages differently, but I don't know21:23
clarkbmaybe we dropped a language due to encoding errors? I am not quite sure what happened with the encoding error previously21:24
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove the neutron pg jobs from periodic qa pipeline
mtreinishsdague: ^^^21:25
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pleia2clarkb: maybe just wait on poking at nova until we confirm it's still a problem21:27
clarkbpleia2: ok, I am trying to look around on zanata to find my way around. I see 12% translated for nova not 33% fwiw21:27
reedI'm seeing 500 errors on Ask.openstack.org21:27
clarkbpleia2: oh! you know what it may be? we have the log docs too21:28
pleia2clarkb: yeah, I was looking at a specific language, zh-CN was the one Daisy noted was a problem21:28
clarkbpleia2: and those all live under nova in zanata, but I wonder if in transifex its split out21:28
pleia232.95% in zanata for zh-CN, 50% in transifex21:28
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jeblairreed: consistently?  (wfm)21:29
reedjeblair, inconsistently21:29
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fungii'm unable to reproduce so far21:29
reedi should have been more precise21:29
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clarkbpleia2: ya I bet that is what is happening, trying to see more concrete info but the main doc for nova seems to match up with what transifex says21:30
clarkbpleia2: then we have a bunch of untranslated error logs thing that pull the total down21:30
reedoh well... maybe it was just a moment of high traffic or something21:30
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fungireed: any particular pages/actions that seemed to trigger it?21:30
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clarkbpleia2: hrm transifex sees them as being more translated21:30
reed failed a few minutes ago21:30
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reedbut it seems fine now21:31
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clarkbpleia2: but I think that is still related, we may not be populating all of the docs properly21:31
clarkbpleia2: nova-log-error is 0% in zanata but 96% in transifex21:31
fungireed: the last error in the apache log was from 16:30:51 utc, so presumably the 5xx is coming from deeper in the stack21:31
pleia2clarkb: ah, yeah, we were seeing some problems with the log-error files21:32
reedfungi, internal server error, yeah, when that happened in the past it was somewhere else21:32
clarkbpleia2: that file and the other log related translations appear to be where the discrepancy is21:32
pleia2clarkb: nods21:32
fungi[Wed Sep  9 21:17:48 2015] init: askbot-celeryd main process (12918) terminated with status 25521:33
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clarkbpleia2: can you check if you have the translations for those in your populate repo?21:33
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fungireed: does it correspond to a 21:17:48 utc service termination?21:33
asalkeldanteaya: ...21:33
pleia2clarkb: there's a nova-log-error.pot21:33
pleia2clarkb: ah, but not in zh_CN/LC_MESSAGES/21:33
pleia2just nova-log-critical.po  nova-log-info.po  nova.po21:33
reedfungi, yes, roughly21:33
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asalkeldanteaya: (i'll be in-n-out sorting kids for school)21:34
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openstackgerritdevdatta-kulkarni proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/solum -> openstack/solum
clarkbpleia2: so it didn't grab them at all?21:34
pleia2clarkb: apparently not21:35
clarkbpleia2: fwiw log info and log warning also don't match zanata and transifex so whatever the problem is there doesn't appear to only affect error21:35
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clarkbpleia2: does that give you enough to work with or should I keep digging? I am guessing its just a matter of getting the populate script to pull the complete po files for those and push them up into zanata?21:36
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add option to ignore ref-updated events emitted by branch deletions
clarkb(I don't want to do a bunch of duplicate work if you are off to the races now)21:36
clarkbianw: when ou wake up, curious to know if you had an luck with the iptables on hpcloud centos721:36
pleia2clarkb: no races here, I'm really not sure why it's not grabbing these files from transifex21:37
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ianwclarkb: sorry, i got totally side-tracked, just going through a few reviews then going to start up a vm and do what you said yesterday to get my head around it21:38
clarkbpleia2: so it runs `tx pull -a -f --minimum-perc=0` after setting the project up? I am going to try to do sme local reproduction21:38
clarkbianw: sounds good, let me know if you have questions about the fail mode21:39
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pleia2clarkb: yep21:39
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reedneed to quit, bbl21:41
clarkbpleia2: I notice --source-file ${project}/locale/${project}.pot which won't do the .pot for the logs unless I am misunderstanding21:41
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clarkbpleia2: so maybe we just need to rerun where $project is the name of the logs .pot?21:41
clarkbI will try testing that21:42
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jtrovoclarkb: adding jesusaurus on the loop21:43
jasondotstarhi all21:43
jasondotstartrying to finish up a lingering task re: bup validation21:44
jasondotstarI've got something up and running to verify, but I want to confirm the appropriate behavior21:44
clarkbpleia2: "AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'startswith'" best error message ever not even a stacktrace21:44
jasondotstarwhen I ssh connect to a bup server, there's no pty, right? so how will i know when the bup is complete?21:44
pleia2clarkb: ugh21:44
jasondotstarfor me, just just kinda sits there21:45
jtrovoclarkb we're trying to make it pass along some injected variables but zmq event publisher seems to only send build parameters as event data21:45
clarkbpleia2: also doesn't look like any of the errors or warnings etc have made it into git, so what we pushed up is likely just what was in git21:45
clarkbjtrovo: can you show with jjb config how you are injecting the variables?21:46
jasondotstarpabelanger: ^21:46
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jtrovoclarkb we tried with a raw job on jenkins, with an EnvInject build step21:47
clarkbjtrovo: unfortunately it is hard to share that config21:48
clarkbjasondotstar: the bup client will know?21:48
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clarkbjasondotstar: I am not sure I understand the question21:49
jasondotstarclarkb: sure...21:49
jasondotstarso, I've got two nodes running locally setup using system-config21:49
jasondotstarfor simplicity sake21:49
jasondotstarI did 1 bup server21:49
jasondotstarand the paste.o.o site21:49
jasondotstaras the server to back up.21:49
jasondotstarfollowing the instructions here:21:50
jasondotstarI'm simulating the backup of the paste.o.o local server to the backup local server21:50
jasondotstarwhen i switch back to the paste.o.o local server, and ssh to the bup local server21:51
jasondotstaraccording to the dox that should kick off the bup server and 'start backing up the box' (i'm guessing)21:51
jasondotstarbut i don't get any 'feedback' other than a blinking cursor21:52
jasondotstaris it doing anything? i dunno....21:52
jasondotstarclarkb: ^^^21:52
clarkbjasondotstar: all that does is make sure that ssh is working21:52
clarkbhence the ^D to close the connection21:52
jasondotstarclarkb: ack21:52
jasondotstarso where are the next steps in the process21:52
clarkbjasondotstar: the backups themselves are driven out of cron, if you used puppet to set them up ou can check roots crontab21:53
jasondotstarthat actually kick off the back up?21:53
jasondotstari did use puppet...21:53
* jasondotstar checks21:53
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clarkbpleia2: ya so I don't think any of the non matching project name log .po files are getting updated21:53
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clarkbpleia2: so whatever we have in zanata now is whatever was merged into git21:53
clarkbpleia2: still haven't figured out how to make transifex client work locally, I may just write a config file manually21:54
jasondotstari see21:55
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clarkbpleia2: apparently you can't do this unauthenticated21:56
clarkbpleia2: which makes me scared I am going to write over something :/21:56
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clarkbjasondotstar: yup that looks right21:57
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pleia2clarkb: to tx?21:57
clarkbjasondotstar: so it runs a tar with excludes and pipes the result through bup21:57
clarkbpleia2: ya21:57
clarkbpleia2: mostly because I don't understand all these tools yet, time for more doc reading21:57
pleia2clarkb: pulls should be safe21:57
jasondotstarclarkb: gotcha21:57
clarkbpleia2: ok21:57
clarkbpleia2 `tx pull -a -f --minimum-perc=0` is always pull to local right?21:57
pleia2clarkb: yep21:58
jasondotstarso... that last cmd ensures that the pipe will work....21:58
jasondotstarwe should maybe mention that in the documentation?21:59
jasondotstarthat the actual bup job is in crontab21:59
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mmmporki'm working on updating the README files for the diskimage-builder elements, i'm currently working on the one for Centos and I have a question21:59
mmmporkfirst off i found a bug in launchpad that suggests that dib does not support centos -, is this current?22:00
openstackLaunchpad bug 1182723 in diskimage-builder "RHEL and CentOS not supported" [Wishlist,Triaged] - Assigned to Om Kumar (om-kumar)22:00
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mmmporkthe element itself looks incomplete and points to the redhat-common element. there's no bin directory for this element, but i also don't fully understand how dib works...22:00
clarkbpleia2: ya ok manually configured transifex config pulled the error logs translations22:01
mmmporkthe readme in the element currently suggests to use redhat-common, sorry22:01
clarkbpleia2: so I think what I need to do is figure out how to make auto-local work, then we need a new loop that grabs all of info, error, warning, debug, etc in addition to the main project doc22:01
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pleia2clarkb: what was in your config?22:01
clarkbjasondotstar: sure?22:01
stevebakeranteaya: were you looking for a heat person?22:02
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mmmporkthere's a couple of variables DIB_CLOUD_IMAGES and DIB_RELEASE that were mentioned in redhat-common, but not actually used by anything there...22:03
clarkbpleia2: basically the name of all the .po and .pot files is different, once that is changed it seems to grab the appropriate things22:03
mmmporkso my guess is that if someone wanted to use centos, they have to provide a path to a local image, they can't point to anything remote?22:03
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jasondotstarclarkb: perhaps I can write up something.... just seems like I didn't follow what was happening in that last step of the doc. now i do. :-)22:04
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clarkbjasondotstar: yup if you think you can make it more clear definitel write the change22:04
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* jasondotstar nods22:06
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clarkbpleia2: looks like there is a setup_loglevel_vars and setup_loglevel_projet22:08
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clarkbpleia2: so I think we start by adding that setup to the populate script22:09
openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Update redhat-common elements README from free text to table formatting
* pleia2 nods22:09
clarkbpleia2: see
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clarkbpleia2: then rerun on one project ? not sure if the zanata client is going to need more info too for setting that up and pushing, though it did push what was in git so I hope not22:10
clarkbpleia2: want to give that a go?22:10
pleia2sure, having a look now22:11
clarkbpleia2: do be warned it grabs a lot more langs than zanata has22:11
clarkbpleia2: not sure if that is expected22:11
pleia2yeah, it's been doing that22:11
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mordredmmmpork: greghaynes is your dib expert22:13
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mmmporkmordred: thanks! i messged him as well but thought i'd check in the general channel22:14
mmmporki think i figured it out, but i'll double check with him22:14
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jtrovoclarkb I'm gonna create a job using JJB if you want, but even on existing jobs here on our infra it's only sending config parameters22:15
mmmporkit looks like you can only specify a local image, so you can't use those other variables i'd removed from the redhat-comon README, but i'll confirm that with him22:15
clarkbjtrovo: it will make it easier to reproduce elsewhere22:15
jtrovoclarkb we created a sample client for zmq event publisher, connected to our production jenkins and still no success22:16
jtrovoclarkb but I will try to create a simple sample with jjb22:17
mordredmmmpork: you _should_ be able to use a not-local image22:17
mordredmmmpork: I've never used a local image myself when building - always built from remote22:17
clarkbpleia2: if that works, we should probably rerun it for all the projects to be sure we got all of them22:17
clarkbpleia2: let me know if you want more eyes on that I am going to go find a new place to hack this standing desk is too much stnading22:18
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pleia2clarkb: I think I need more help with exactly how this works22:18
pleia2clarkb: but please find a comfy spot first :)22:18
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mmmporkmordred: ooh ok yeah i just misunderstood, yeah you can it looks like when you run cloud-image22:19
mmmporki'm documenting the overrides22:19
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mmmporkso it looks like while you can override the local image, there isn't anything to override the remote image in the extract-image script for redhat-common22:20
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mordredmmmpork: ah - nod22:21
mmmporki think that's what was confusing me, i forgot about the whole cloud-image part haha22:21
mmmporkforest, trees, you know22:21
clarkbpleia2: ok I am in a chair now22:23
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clarkbpleia2: I think what we want is to run all of those setup functions like they are run in the link I gave you in the populate script22:24
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clarkbpleia2: I can push that as a change in a minute22:24
pleia2ok, great22:24
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pleia2clarkb: so the challenge is we can't really run them for all projects at this point, Daisy noted the projects with issues and we only put a pause on those for translators, they've started work on other projects today22:25
pleia2in Zanata22:25
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed openstack-infra/tripleo-ci: Bump trunk repository to one from 2015-09-09
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pleia2if there's a way to spot update, like uploading *just* a missing error log for a project from the transifex .po file to zanata, we could do that22:26
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Get log translations in populate translations
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clarkbpleia2: ^ thats what we need(ed)22:27
pleia2ok, I'll give this a try on nova22:27
clarkbpleia2: for doing it piecemeal we can probably update the populate scripts zanata client invocation to only push specific docs not sure about specific translations22:28
clarkbstevenk may hav ethoughts on that22:28
Daisypleia2: There is a patch proposed to gerrit at Sep 10, 2015 6:21 AM. Is it from Transifex or from Zanata ?22:28
clarkbDaisy: it is still transifex right now in jenkins22:28
clarkbDaisy: it should be fine if that merges as any updates from zanata will just overlap and overwrite22:29
Daisyok. Thank you clarkb.22:29
clarkbDaisy: did you see the comments about how the log translations were not copied for nova properly? can you check the other projects?22:29
clarkbDaisy: I am not sure if any other projects have had their logs translated yet22:30
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Daisyclarkb: could you copy the comments there? I didn't see them.22:30
Daisyclarkb: Yes, I could check other projects.22:30
clarkbDaisy: basically the script that grabbed from transifex and pushed to zanata did not pull the nova-log-*-translations so the nova-log-* pos that were updated in nova were only those already in git22:31
clarkbDaisy: I am worried that other projects have similar problems and we will need to update those but as pleia2 points out we have to be careful not to overwrite any new translations22:31
clarkbpleia2: would zanat aclient overwrite? I guess it would if a specific line has been updated from the translation that was in transifex22:32
pleia2clarkb: I believe it would overwrite22:32
Daisyen...I don't think there are new translations. I would check other projects now.22:32
pleia2can check the zanata-cli docs for that though22:32
clarkbDaisy: thank you, let us know what you find22:32
pleia2on list someone from the korean team said they had started using Zanata22:32
pleia2so I imagine others have too22:32
Daisypleia2: I think he just made a trial.22:33
pleia2yay, we have a nova-log-error22:34
Daisypleia2: if he translates, it would be a very very tiny one. Of course, it's better to re-run as soon as possible.22:34
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clarkbpleia2: I know, for the others we do transifex pull, zanata pull (overwrite any changes that were made), then zanata push22:35
pleia2clarkb: running this for loop across everything takes at least an hour (over 2 hours if you include horizon) so if it all possible, it may be best to do this selectively22:35
clarkbpleia2: that needs testing obviously but should be safe except for the very small race where someone could write a change to a string between pull and push22:35
clarkbpleia2: we should be able to do ^ on a selective basis but it should also be safe to just run if we confirm it works22:35
clarkbmaybe we test against nova :)22:35
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clarkbdoes that make sense?22:36
anteayastevebaker: thanks for the pickup I was looking for and found a solum person22:36
clarkbpleia2: first step is likely to make a change to string in zanata against nova (just a throwaway one)22:36
clarkbpleia2: we can use that to confirm the system works22:36
stevebakeranteaya: cool22:36
clarkbpleia2: I am going to work on the double pull change now22:37
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anteayaclaudiub: yeah, so the governance patch is just offered now, you don't need to offer anything to project-config just make sure your project is listed on and it will move in october22:38
Daisyclarkb and pleia2: I checked glance and cinder. the log translations are not imported. I think you are right.22:38
anteayastevebaker: thanks for checking though :)22:38
clarkbDaisy: ok, I think we have a safe fix for them thta will preserve any new translations in zanata22:39
pleia2Daisy: can you check to see if there is anything missing in horizon?22:39
clarkbpleia2: Daisy I think horizon was already special cased enough to not have this problem22:39
clarkbbut good to double check22:40
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Get log translations in populate translations
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clarkbpleia2: ^ something like that. I would make a change that you can back out after to nova that updates an untranslated string with "TESTING" or whatever and double check it gets through22:41
Daisypleia2: Horizon looks fine. There is no log* documents there.22:41
claudiubanteaya: it is on that list. :)22:41
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DaisyHorizon only have django* documents.22:41
clarkbpleia2: but also double check that we don't end up deleting translatings from transfiex that were made (I don't expect that to happen as the cli pull should only write things that are new)22:41
clarkbDaisy: that matches up with my expectactions so I think we are good with horizon and django openstack auth and the openstack manuals22:41
clarkbits just the "normal" set of projects that are needing the special attention22:42
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Daisypleia2: I have to leave now,  to cook breakfast, send my son to school. I will be back a few minutes after 0100 utc.22:42
pleia2clarkb: right, I made a change in zanata and now testing this pull/pull/push in nova22:42
clarkbDaisy: thank you for checking in, I think pleia2 and I can work thorugh this in the interim22:42
Daisythank you.22:42
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pleia2phew re: horizon, I really didn't want to run that one again :)22:43
clarkbpleia2: ha22:44
pleia2while I let this nova one run, I'm going to look through other translations and kick out ones that don't have [missing] log files22:44
pleia2(wow, I won't miss how these things in transifex are "organized")22:45
clarkbpleia2: if this works we can even run it next week to pick up any straggler translations in transifex22:45
clarkb(or whenever)22:45
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anteayaclaudiub: great then you are done22:46
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Update nodepool to use secure.conf file
anteayaclaudiub: your project will move in october22:47
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pleia2clarkb: that worked \o/22:48
pleia2my totally not spanish change was preserved after the run22:48
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clarkbpleia2: and it didn't seem to delete any that were there in transifex but not zanata?22:49
clarkbthats less of a concern since we already synced those for the most part (only the logs shouldn't be synced)22:49
pleia2no, percentages remained the same afaict22:49
clarkbwoot, so I guess pick another project to run on? glance?22:49
pleia2glance it is22:49
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pleia2[org.xml.sax.SAXParseException; lineNumber: 6; columnNumber: 3159; An invalid XML character (Unicode: 0x1d) was found in the element content of the document.]</body></html>]22:54
pleia2bad character in another ko-KR translation22:54
clarkbpleia2: is that the same problem from last night?22:54
clarkband it wasn't related to the db encoding?22:55
pleia2no, Daisy had to log into transifex and remove the character22:55
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clarkboh wow 0x1d is unprintable22:56
clarkbso what is that doing in the translation?22:56
clarkbanyways seems like the way to do it is the just remove it22:57
pleia2our suspicion is that someone is using some text editor that's doing horrible things22:57
clarkbits good that zanata seems to explode on htat a bit more22:57
clarkbjust painful now :/22:57
clarkbpleia2: are you able to go in and delete thta character?22:57
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pleia2I don't know how to use transifex :)22:57
pleia2but yeah, I can from the .po file on disk22:57
clarkbpleia2: I can try to figure it out on transifex if you give more more info22:58
pleia2I'll make a note in the etherpad to remove it from transifex in case we need to run this again22:58
pleia2yeah, sec22:58
clarkbin theory I have admin rights and can do this22:58
pleia2clarkb: easy enough, two bad characters in the last line (294) of glance/locale/ko_KR/LC_MESSAGES/glance-log-warning.po22:59
clarkbpleia2: can you give me the source string?22:59
pleia2#: glance/registry/api/v1/
pleia2#, python-format23:00
pleia2msgid "Member %(id)s not found"23:00
clarkbhuh I am not a membre of this project and don't appear to be able to translate it23:01
clarkbI did find the string though23:01
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clarkbmight be easiset to just have Daisy fix that when back23:03
clarkbIt isn't clear to me how I become a translator for the project23:04
clarkbpleia2: you are able to make progress locally though right?23:04
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pleia2clarkb: yeah, weird stuff is still happening with glance-log-critical, grabbing logs of the run now so we can look at it later23:05
pleia2I'll just make note of this and Daisy can look later23:05
clarkbpleia2: weird it failed stuff?23:05
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pleia2clarkb: yeah, every locale with translations is having TextFlow problems? (download, see line 740) and in the UI it has "No Content"
clarkbpleia2: maybe thats just how it fails if there is nothing there23:09
clarkbI wouldn't worry too much since transifex says no content23:09
pleia2doing cinder now23:10
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clarkbI am guessing thats the zanata client going "I dunno what to do when you tell me to push things that don't exist"23:11
clarkbmaybe carlos or aeng can confirm?23:12
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clarkbaeng: see the glance-log-critical file has no content on transifex side and that log seems to be the zanata cli complaining about it?23:12
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clarkbgrep for TextFlow23:13
aengah... just warning from Zanata23:13
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aengthere's no content in the source file, so when Zanata found matching translation file, it tries to upload it without source string to match. and it spit out warning23:14
clarkbaeng: ok so expected in this case, thanks23:14
aengno prob23:14
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pabelangerianw: regarding !include, nested should work. Did a quick test and it didn't blow up.23:20
pabelangerianw: but, should be a great way to reduce the redundant code for nodepool.yaml23:20
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clarkbpabelanger: iirc someone had trouble with it recently23:21
clarkbthe include directives had to be for yaml docs within the same file?23:21
clarkbit was something weird like that where we collapse all the yaml files into one big doc in JJB but the include directives happen at ymal parse time so before the collapsing happens23:22
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clarkb(something to keep in mind if you want to use that)23:22
clarkb(and maybe something to debug further/fix)23:22
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pabelangerclarkb: interesting23:22
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pabelangerclarkb: did any patchset get posted for JJB?23:22
clarkbpabelanger: no I think just a bug report23:22
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clarkbit really reduces the utility though and is arguably a bug23:23
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clarkbI am just not sure how easy/hard it is to fix23:23
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pabelangerYa, the code is pretty simple. I _think_ some other python yaml libraries have native support (what ever that means) but haven't researched it more23:25
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EmilienMcan anyone look and please ?23:31
clarkbpleia2: how is cinder going?23:31
clarkbanything else I should be looking at? or are you just going projects by prject now to get the log translations up?23:31
pleia2clarkb: went well, doing a bunch of the rest now23:32
pleia2spot checking them as I go, not doing ones that don't have logs23:32
clarkbpleia2: comparing against transifex?23:32
pleia2clarkb: yeah, when the project doesn't have logs in zanata23:33
anteayaEmilienM: we aren't ignoring you but I have to focus on rename patches for friday and clarkb and pleia2 are trying to get translations finished up23:34
clarkbpleia2: zanata or transifex? since zanata may be wrong23:34
pleia2clarkb: look in zanata, if it has logs - hooray, and I run an update against it anyway because things like the glance-fail-on-bad-char may have happened, if they don't have logs at all in the document list I look on transifex and see if they live there23:35
clarkbpleia2: cool, I just worry we will miss them if they weren't in git at all23:35
* pleia2 nods23:35
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pabelangerEmilienM: did you see my comments on patch 9?
pabelangerEmilienM: I think that code can be deleted with a simple patch23:36
EmilienManteaya: no worries, sorry I did not want to push23:36
pabelangerand will reduce the burden of maintaining it23:36
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EmilienMpabelanger: thanks for your comment, I'll let anteaya reply and take your comment in account when she will have time23:37
EmilienMgood luck folks with wip :)23:38
anteayathanks for understanding EmilienM23:39
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ianwpabelanger: ok, cool.  main thing was just to document the path format, otherwise LGTM23:41
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pabelangerianw: Ya, working on that now. Hoping to push it up for tonight23:41
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openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add !include support
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pabelangerasselin_: looks better now23:47
asselin_pabelanger, cool thanks for your help.23:47
pabelangerasselin_: np, looking forward to it landing23:48
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asselin_hey it passed! \0/23:48
openstackgerritAugustina Ragwitz proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Update fedora elements README from free text to table formatting
ianwEmilienM: i thought i reviewed 22066123:50
ianwoh, i did, commit msg change23:51
asselin_ianw, sorry don't understand your comment here:
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EmilienMianw: thx23:53
clarkbpleia2: should I start at the end of an alphabetical list and check for you too?23:54
ianwasselin_: oh, ok, maybe ignore me, i thought you were referencing the file out of a checkout, not /etc23:55
pleia2clarkb: nah, all done, just running scripts now23:55
clarkbpleia2: ok23:55
pleia2clarkb: save your eyes for post import all the things spot checking (though I think it'll be fine)23:55
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clarkbwill do23:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: ldappool is only python-2.7
StevenKpleia2: Excellent to see my project-config patch fixed the -manuals debugging23:56
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pleia2StevenK \o/23:58
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StevenKRight, so I think my morning will be refreshing my fake proposal slave23:59
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added hipchat publisher for HipChat plugin >=0.1.9
pleia2StevenK: btw, needed this to bring in all of nova's logs

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