Saturday, 2015-08-29

pleia2hopefully fungi hasn't EoD yet (even though he probably should, it's late!)00:03
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anteayaclarkb: thank goodness for mondat00:09
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/os-testr: Allow blacklist lines without a comment
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jeblairmordred: think we're done with ?00:11
mordredjeblair: I believe you are right00:12
jeblairmordred: at the very least, if we want to do further testing, we should probably do it on centos700:12
mordredjeblair: ++00:12
jeblairmordred: i'll delete it to unblock pleia200:12
pleia2thanks jeblair00:12
jeblairpleia2: done!00:12
* pleia2 launches and hopes for no vcpu quota warning ;)00:13
pleia2jeblair: aw, that one wasn't big enough, only 6144 free00:14
fungisorry, back now. catching up00:15
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fungipleia2: yes, it should be safe to delete the old at this point. if you have any question as to which it is, i'm happy to do it myself00:16
fungimy proper internet connection came back online finally00:16
pleia2fungi: I assume we delete the older, 12.04 one, not the newer 14.04 one00:17
fungipleia2: correct!00:17
pleia2ok, on it :)00:17
anteayafungi: yay00:19
pleia2great, now we're on our way00:19
fungipleia2: i can help look at things we can prune further there00:19
pleia2fungi: appreciated00:19
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pleia2Unable to download file /maven2/org/wildfly/wildfly-dist/9.0.1.Final/wildfly-dist-9.0.1.Final.tar.gz from the server responded with status 50300:28
pleia2maven /o\00:28
pleia2why u hate me00:28
clarkbits friday00:28
clarkbthats why00:28
pleia2probably so :)00:29
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anteayamaven hates everybody00:29
anteayaso I understand00:29
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fungimaven probably takes friday nights off00:33
fungii know if i used that much java i would too00:33
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fungipleia2: heads up, you have two instances named (according to nova list anyway)00:36
clarkbso 218504 yay today or monday?00:36
pleia2fungi: oh wow, the old one is really old, I could have just deleted that one, I think it has pootle00:37
pleia2I'll delete that one, lest we get confused00:38
fungiand yeah, we're really in need of requesting more quota there00:39
fungii think summit.o.o _might_ be unused at this point, should check with ttx00:39
fungialso clarkb has two git08 servers for the moment, but that's not permanent00:40
clarkbI can keep an eye on 218504 for a few more hours if yall are willing to try it00:40
pleia2I'd like to see it go in (so I'll +2) but I won't be around to help00:41
fungiclarkb: i'm good with it00:41
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clarkbfungi if you want to approve I will watch00:41
fungiand i'll stick around for a few hours00:41
pleia2I can approve then00:41
fungithanks pleia2!00:41
pleia2thanks to clarkb :) I'm very interested to see how this goes00:43
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anteayasuccess \o/00:44
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EmilienManteaya: I found a new topic where you could help us next week00:49
EmilienManteaya: I'm thinking about creating a repo for Puppet OpenStack documentation (that would replace or complete Wiki pages)00:50
EmilienManteaya: and hosting them like other developers pages00:50
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Swap out git08 to new centos7 node
anteayaEmilienM: that would be worth investigating00:51
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anteayathe generated and published doc pages seem to be easier for folks to discover00:51
EmilienManteaya: yeah, I would ask your experience with that kind of things - first we need to get feedback from our group00:51
EmilienMand using gerrit to write doc is awesome00:52
EmilienMinstead of wiki00:52
anteayabut if the group says yes, then I would most certainly assist with set up00:52
EmilienManteaya: cool00:52
anteayareviewed docs tend to be most helpful00:52
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anteayathat reminds me I have to book my train00:53
anteayavia boujour00:53
anteayacan you hear the word via without also hearing bonjour in your head?00:53
EmilienMyes :)00:53
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EmilienManteaya: I stop for this week - have a good week end anteaya and @infra folks00:54
pleia2have a nice weekend, EmilienM00:54
anteayaEmilienM: enjoy your weeken00:54
anteayaEmilienM: you have to spend more time in canadian train stations00:54
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anteayavia boujour00:54
anteayaI'm spelling it wrong00:56
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clarkbcentos7 git08 seems to be in the rotation now01:04
clarkbhaproxy log isn't looking like it broke01:04
pleia2clarkb: does dns need to be set up for puppet? was hoping to just let the puppet run go again on schedule but it hasn't come around01:05
pleia2(I did accept the ssh key for ansible)01:05
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clarkbpleia2: ya ansible uses dns to ssh01:06
pleia2ok, I'll set up dns then01:06
clarkbso you need to accept the key and make sure dns is correct01:06
* pleia2 nods01:06
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pleia2alright, should be sorted now01:10
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clarkb seems to be picking up on the bandwidth use01:11
clarkbmemory use is almost nil01:11
fungipleia2: yeah, `sudo ssh` on the puppetmaster and make sure you get a root shell on it without any prompting01:11
pleia2fungi: yeah, all good01:12
fungiclarkb: i wonder if we could go back to 4 git servers01:12
clarkbfungi: that would be neat01:12
fungigranted, it's not too busy at the moment01:12
clarkbwill need more data but initial numbers look good01:12
fungibut we can trend in cacti for a week or two and decide once we have data01:13
clarkband if this one doesn't show any problems spin up a few more to get even more data01:13
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fungiyeah, side-by-side comparisons within the cluster will be interesting01:16
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marziffungi,  please help at your convenience:
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pleia2clarkb: success! ssl cert looks good too, thanks fungi!01:36
pleia2we don't want people using this yet, since we still have work to do with camunoz to get the user database imported from -dev (he's working on instructions)01:36
pleia2and getting all the scripts pointed in the right places01:37
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Tell proposals server to use translate.o.o
pleia2^^ set WIP for now01:40
anteayapleia2: did you get as far as you wanted to get tonight?01:40
pleia2anteaya: yep01:40
anteayayay you01:41
anteayawell done01:41
pleia2thanks, good to get there eventually :)01:41
openstackgerritpangwa proposed openstack-infra/git-review: fix encoding issue on Windows
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anteayapleia2: you did it01:46
anteayaand support01:46
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fungipleia2: awesome news, glad it's working as planned01:46
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack/requirements: Updated from generate-constraints
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openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python34 to list of jobs of EC2-API project
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openstackgerritJesse Pretorius proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Reduce openstack-ansible commit check timeout"
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openstackgerritGal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest / install jobs to dragonflow
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove re-exec functionality
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add ClamAV Plugin support
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support for link-to-last-build option in html publisher plugin
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openstackgerritGal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest / install jobs to dragonflow
openstackgerritGal Sagie proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tempest / install jobs to dragonflow
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for GroovyAxis
openstackgerritAssaf Muller proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for Neutron functional failure bug 1490051
openstackbug 1490051 in neutron "test_assert_pings_during_br_int_setup_not_lost fails with oslo_rootwrap.wrapper.NoFilterMatched" [High,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: copy_puppet_logs: copy dstat logs if exist
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mordredpleia2: woot! exciting!17:58
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odyssey4meis it at all possible to have gate checks run on bare metal nodes?18:07
odyssey4meSomeone mentioned that TripleO checks are run on bare metal nodes, but I can't seem to find any differences between the TripleO checks and any others.18:08
clarkbnot currently unless the tripleo cloud switched to bare metal18:08
clarkbthey arent baremetal iirc18:08
clarkbthe plan was to eventually baremetal but the test env setup there hands out VMs not baremetal18:09
odyssey4meok, it's possibly a misconception then18:09
odyssey4meand is it possible to perhaps get a different 'flavor' of node? ie more ram?18:10
clarkbat least historically we have asked people to be nice and stay within the confines of 8GB18:10
odyssey4methat's perfectly reasonable18:10
clarkbso much so we reduce the ram available on hpcloud from 30GB to 8GB using kernel boot params18:10
clarkbotherwise it becomes hard for devs to reproduce locally without a bunch of real hardware or expensive VMs18:11
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odyssey4mefair enough18:11
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odyssey4meI think we'll need to shift to multiple multi-node checks. An AIO check is just not working any more.18:12
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clarkbyes hpcloud cpus are slow so we use a larger flavor to get more cpu cycles but then have to reduce the ram18:12
clarkbwhy isnt it enough?18:12
clarkbit works fine for devstack + tempest18:12
odyssey4meAs OpenStack grows, so does the resource usage. As we're doing gate checks for a full deployment of a production environment, resources in one vm just won't be enough with everything deployed.18:13
clarkband when memory pressure has been a problem we have successfuly managed to get projects to cut back18:13
clarkbdevstack does a full deploymwnt too?18:13
odyssey4meyeah, we have plans to switch to a different gate check strategy that will break things up more18:13
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odyssey4meour deployment has a lot more than devstack :) see the diagram at the bottom of
clarkbI just wonder if there isnt a bug that needs fixing. last time we were OOMing rwgularly it was a bug in pycparser18:14
clarkbso actually debugging rather than using baremetal, multiple nodes, larger flavors, is valuable18:15
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odyssey4mewe're getting a lot more ssh connection faliures than we used to - I'm running several diagnostic reviews to try and figure it out18:16
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odyssey4memy queries were largely just to be aware of options :)18:16
clarkblooks like you do galera and that will eat a bit of memory18:17
odyssey4meyeah, we do try and manage that in the gate18:17
clarkbmaybe try only galera x 2 + garbd?18:17
clarkbyoud free up one mysql worth of resources with garbd18:18
odyssey4methat's a good idea, actually - especially for an AIO which will remain as a tool for development even when we do expand to multi-node gate checks18:19
clarkbbut ya if you really do need more and its not just ssl going crazy the 2 node env is where I would look18:19
odyssey4mewe've hit a ton of bugs that have exposed that not doing a decent multi-node deployment on commit is not helping us18:20
odyssey4mewe're also doing quite a bit of fiddly stuff for the AIO use-case, which doesn't help much18:20
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clarkbodyssey4me and you will hit a ton of bugs when you do multinode :)18:21
odyssey4mehahaha, yes - we actually have a heat template for a multinode deployment which works pretty well :)18:21
clarkbits been interesting to find some of those with the current multinode tests against things like live migration and nova shelve18:21
odyssey4mewe've worked through a ton of issues with tunnelling networks in networks18:22
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odyssey4meyeah, we've also ended up registering upstream bugs based on our own findings - I would guess that the deployment projects are going to be quite valuable in that regard18:23
odyssey4meclarkb a general question on a different tangent... what's the general process for adding nodes to nodepool?18:25
odyssey4meie if we had an openstack cloud and wanted to provide space for nodepool18:26
clarkbthere is a doc let me find a libk18:26
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack-infra/groups: Cleanup and convert the README file to RST
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odyssey4meclarkb thanks - I'll file that for some time soon :18:30
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack-infra/groups: Use '#!/usr/bin/env bash' as shebang in script files
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack-infra/groups: Use '#!/usr/bin/env bash' as shebang in script files
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openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python34 to list of jobs of EC2-API project
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed openstack-infra/groups: Remove local Leaflet library and use version 0.7.3
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greghaynesTheJulia: SpamapS Youall know more about this ipxe chainloading - heres what im hitting on when deploying right now
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greghaynesI see in the nginx access log it pulls the file down fine20:19
greghaynesso must be something with the ipxe itself20:19
clarkbgreghaynes you need to chmod +x the image >_>20:21
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greghaynesI wish20:22
greghaynesI think my second dnsmasq isnt quite configred correctly20:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Handle ssh failures with reboot in
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Silence the INFO logs from zuul-cloner
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greghaynesah! I think I got somewhere20:38
greghaynesafter sufficient head->desk application dnsmasq seems to do what I want20:38
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clarkbgreghaynes shouldnt you be building sand castles in the wind and rain?20:59
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greghaynesclarkb: I tried going down to the beach, its like a giant sandblaster21:02
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marzifhere: anyone could approve this review would be greatly appreciated:
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greghaynesTheJulia: Aye, do we have the boot.ipxe magic you did anywhere? I just changed perms on it so ironic overwrote it when I restarted21:37
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