Wednesday, 2015-06-10

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docaedojeblair: mordred: fingers crossed I got it right this time, except puppet-apply-trusty still fails for something I'd like to believe is unrelated to the apps site...)00:17
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nibalizerI can't see the error00:22
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docaedonibalizer: if you can't see it, no chance would I catch it :)00:26
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* nibalizer will debug00:27
nibalizerI should really just run my own nodepool at this point00:28
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funginotmyname: great news! let us know if there's anything else we can do to help00:41
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fungidocaedo: my comment was regarding your question in irc earlier that day about how to specify continuously deploying the master branch tip using vcsrepo00:45
openstackgerritSomay Jain proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support for more conditions type in conditions-buildstep plugin
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fungidocaedo: looking back at it now, i wonder if i meant to comment on a change to the apps_site puppet module rather than that change00:49
* fungi tries to reenter his original headspace00:49
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anteayacan you find it?00:50
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docaedofungi: you don't have git rewind installed in your head?00:50
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fungidocaedo: i have to git bisect all my previous questionable thoughts to get there00:51
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nikeshm_is any one facing issue in creating instances in devstack after rebooting of server00:56
nikeshm_ with kvm enabled00:56
nikeshm_and on ubuntu 14.0400:56
anteayacan you share some additional context?00:56
anteayathis is on your ci system?00:56
nikeshm_No valid host was found. There are not enough hosts available.00:56
anteayaare you running jenkins with a gerrit trigger plugin or zuul and nodepool?00:57
nikeshm_zuul and nodepool00:57
nikeshm_nodepool for dynamic vms00:57
anteayawhat is happening that you are rebooting a server running devstack00:58
fungidocaedo: digging back through and trying to recompile my prior thoughts, i may have been confused ;)00:58
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fungidocaedo: though to redeem myself, i see why that change is failing the apply job00:58
nikeshm_anteaya:hmm,due to some maintenance work,00:59
fungidocaedo: the vhost.erb at needs to be moved into a templates subdirectory00:59
nikeshm_anteaya: its ok for now,but just wanted to know is any one facing the problem or not01:00
docaedofungi: ah ok I think I moved it once when I got an error when I was testing locally, but expected it to be in a templates subdir, I'll fix that now.01:00
nibalizerdocaedo: the problem is you dont have the template01:00
anteayanikeshm_: okay so if it is a devstack vm let nodepool delete it and start fresh01:01
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nibalizerye you need templates/vhost.erb to be in the apps_site module01:01
docaedofungi: after I fix that, should I update the commit message for the system-config cr to point to the new one?01:01
funginibalizer: it's actually in the module, but needs to move into the templates dir01:01
anteayanikeshm_: I don't think so as most folks I know would let nodepool delete the vm01:01
nibalizerdocaedo: yes01:02
anteayanikeshm_: rather than restarting it01:02
fungidocaedo: yeah, if you update the system-config change's commit message to depends-on the template fix in the module, it should pass01:02
nikeshm_anteaya:yes but rejoin is not working in devstack,so nodepool is unable to create new instances and so i have to do unstack clean and stack again in cloud provider as of now01:02
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nikeshm_anteaya: so no issue in nodepool,01:03
openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Move vhost.erb into templates directory
anteayanikeshm_: rejoin is not working in devstack? devstack shouldn't know anything abour rejoining anything else that I know of01:05
anteayaI still don't understand01:06
openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Apps Site to System Config
anteayawhay not let nodepool delete the instance and when you have a fresh node install a fresh devstack01:06
anteayawhy not01:06
nikeshm_anteaya: after server is reboot,i think we have to rejoin manually to start screen sessions for services01:07
anteayawhich server are you rebooting?01:07
nikeshm_anteaya: ohh i got yur point01:07
fungianyway, nothing seems broken, so i'm out for the night01:08
anteayafungi: g'night01:08
nikeshm_anteaya: cloud provider server is get rebooted,this server is running devstack01:08
docaedofungi: thanks for your help (and thanks to everyone else too!)01:09
anteayacloud provider server?01:09
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anteayahave you created a production cloud using devstack?01:09
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funginote, devstack is intentionally not usable after a reboot without restarting services because the devstack authors wanted to explicitly discourage its use as a production deployment mechanism01:10
nikeshm_anteaya: we will move to production latter,right now since its learning phase we are working with devstack01:11
nikeshm_for cloud provider to nodepool01:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add os-brick to workspace setup
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anteayafor cloud provider for nodepool?01:12
anteayaokay yeah what fungi says01:12
anteayadevstack is not meant for production01:12
nikeshm_in nodepool.yaml,we can give cloud provider details where jenkin slaves will be created01:12
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openstackgerritSomay Jain proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Improvement in the Credentials Binding Plugin
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [WIP] run centos7 with neutron
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nibalizerwoot passing01:23
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nikeshm_anteaya fungi : thanks01:24
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openstackgerritThai Tran proposed openstack/requirements: Adding django-babel plugin to Horizon
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openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed stackforge/gertty: Adds a toggle for filtering WIP reviews
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openstackgerritJustin Shepherd proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding doc gate job for openstack/defcore
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openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed stackforge/gertty: Refactor: move getRepo out of the App object
openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed stackforge/gertty: Removes the need to pass around the app object
openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed stackforge/gertty: Add the initial CLI implementation
openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed stackforge/gertty: Use a named argument for server
openstackgerritDavid Stanek proposed stackforge/gertty: wip: add sync CLI command
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Turn debug logging on for beaker jobs
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Don't hardcode pip.conf values
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Don't hardcode pip.conf values
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove novnc service from congress-dsvm-api jenkins job
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ParsectiXGood Morning06:48
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wznoinskgood morning07:09
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openstackgerritNeill Cox proposed openstack/requirements: Add babel-django plugin for Horizon
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wznoinskis anyone from infra operational already?07:35
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openstackgerritSamuel BARTEL proposed openstack-infra/project-config: add project fuel-plugin-vxlan
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-gerrit: Allow to send javaOptions in gerrit.config
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openstackgerritAlan Pevec proposed openstack/requirements: TEST ONLY in Kilo: Drop SQLAlchemy upper bound.
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openstackgerritDi Xu proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support deep merge of defaults
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openstackgerritAlan Pevec proposed openstack/requirements: TEST ONLY in Kilo: Drop SQLAlchemy upper bound.
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wznoinskanteaya: hi, do we have Monday's third party meetings still happening?09:43
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electricalhow about a 4th party or 5th? I'm always in for more parties :-)09:46
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Fully qualify selinux class
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Expand fingerprint for 1463478
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sdaguemordred / fungi / etc al - is the minimum set of changes I need to make grenade out of tree plugins a thing in devstack-gate11:51
sdagueif folks could take a look, that would be appreciated11:52
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openstackgerritEkaterina Chernova proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-murano-devstack-dsvm voting again
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Fix in rsyslog haproxy path
mordredsdague: I can't tell you how thrilled I am that your patch was 8 lines12:12
mordredand they all made sense12:12
sdaguemordred: :)12:13
sdaguethe grenade patch is a few more than 8 lines, but it's not that bad either -
sdagueespecially as 1/3 of that patch is the documenation explaining it12:14
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electricalpelix: your issue with the defaults merge thing has been solved12:22
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fungisdague: lgtm12:27
sdagueyou can see it in action through some clever depends on -
openstackgerritWitold Bedyk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: added project stackforge/monasca-log-api
fungioh, neat! failing, but still neat12:29
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fungido you have a job to start collecting the pluginrc?12:32
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fungier, a change to the job12:32
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mordredfungi, jeblair: on the heels of all of our stuff about properly finding ipv4 addresses in clouds in shade ... I started thinking about nodepool12:35
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mordredfungi, jeblair: and when we go in to add support for using the new functions in shade to make sure we have public ipv4 - I kinda want to go ahead and also collect ipv6 if it's there12:36
fungii am 110% in favor of that12:36
mordredI think nodepool itself needs a config option for whether it wants to prefer ipv6 that's a deployer choice, unless there is a way to discover that locally12:36
fungieasier to add at the same time than work it in later when we actually need it12:37
mordredand if it's true, we'll just always grab an ipv6 address as the node address if it's there12:37
mordredfungi: exactly12:37
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fungiwasn't there a change (or maybe just a proposed spec or something) jerryz had about that?12:37
maishsk_afkanteaya: Thank you for your neutrality and clear head.12:37
fungithe prefer-v6 part i mean12:37
fungii want to say their nodepool environment is in such a situation where only their v6 addresses are actually reachable, but you can't tell nova not to assign v412:38
fungiand so nodepool was happily picking the not-working v4 address over v612:39
mordredfungi: yah12:39
mordredfungi: well, the new shade logic should happily error on their private v4 addresses12:39
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fungithat's good too. i mean, i agreed it was definitely a reasonable use case12:40
fungithough unfortunate that you can't currently make nova only assign/report v6 for instances you boot12:40
mordredI'm pretty sure that you can12:41
mordredif you made a neutron network with no ipv4 subnets on it12:41
fungioh, interesting12:41
mordredI have not done this12:42
mordredbut the data collection on the other side certainly makes it seem possible12:42
mordrednow - he may not have had control over that network config in his cloud12:42
mordredlike, as a user that may not have been available12:42
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mordredsince that's a deployer setup12:42
pelixelectrical: I saw, thanks, I think the code can be refactored to be much smaller and clearer as to how it works, just need to think a little before pulling the trigger. I also think we need a second compare job to test non-default config behaviour as well before pulling the trigger on this one12:42
mordredfungi: dreamcompute is setup to give you a private v4 anda  public v6 on every vm12:43
mordredfungi: and if you want public v4 you can floating ip12:43
electricalpelix: i agree. its a horrible looking feature. and i was planning to extend it so you can exclude certain keys but that would be globally/12:43
fungithat's a perfectly reasonable future-leaning deployment12:43
fungiafter all, my instances only need v4 until third-world countries like the usa start giving people v6 addresses12:44
eantysh9Hello! I see that a few people are interested in, can anyone of CRs take a look? It was discussed here last week, it prevents some CIs from sending lots of unused information.12:45
* fungi doesn't want to route your filthy ipv4 packets any more12:45
mordreddguerri: if you get bored, see above scrollback and as a patch we probably want to build on top of when we go to make nodepool consume shade's shiny new ipv4 finding logic12:45
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openstackgerritGauvain Pocentek proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add #cloudkitty to the list of eavesdrop channels
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sdaguefungi: oh... right, I'm not collecting that yet12:48
sdagueI should do that12:48
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fungisdague: yeah, i tried to confirm it was working as advertised, but whether it's loading that from the pluginrc is a black hole where the trail stops cold12:48
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add work around to enable heat grenade config
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: collect grenade pluginrc if it exists
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sdagueok - has the support12:52
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sdaguefungi: so... the following let you know things are working as advertised -
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sdaguealso things like -
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch to using $() for subshells, part 1
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch to using $() for subshells, part 2
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Drop usage of `` in if statements
fungisdague: okay, cool. my search-fu was failing when digging in the grenade logs13:00
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Rename ironic-milestone group in gerrit to ironic-stable-maint
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Import puppet-stackalytics into openstack-infra
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Announce release tools changes in relmgr-office channel
EmilienMAJaeger: your comment on - can I use 'Other OpenStack projects' section ?13:02
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openstackgerritwill soula proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for the Naginator Plugin
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a non-voting Python 3.4 job to Glance
openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Puppet: move from Stackforge to OpenStack
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: create GRENADE_PLUGINRC to pass through grenade external plugins
dguerrimordred: so we need to add ipv6 support asap13:07
dguerrifungi: ^13:08
dguerrimordred: fungi that'd be easy, I *think*13:08
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mordreddguerri: yah. I think it will too13:08
dguerrimordred: additional patch or a separate?13:08
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mordreddguerri: logic is "if the node has ipv6, it is assumed to be routable" :)13:09
dguerrilol I mean same or separate13:09
dguerrimordred: yes, we agreed on that13:09
dguerrimordred: :D13:09
dguerrimordred: I think it's a good point... and since we are best effort there, it would be fine :)13:09
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for grenade fails to ping server bug 1463631
openstackbug 1463631 in grenade "60_nova/ fails intermittently" [Undecided,Confirmed]
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.msg: don't use devstack for rabbit func tests
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk (sileht) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.msg: don't use devstack for rabbit func tests
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openstackgerritHenry Gessau proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-cisco: move from stackforge/ to openstack/
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Handle the case of REMAINING_TIME <= 0
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wznoinskfungi: hi, do you still see my ssh sessions from yesterday and anything bad about them ( ?13:34
* kashyap wonders if everyone is using the (relatively) new Gerrit "Change View" - with this, the commit message summary is no longer in bold :-(13:35
fungiwznoinsk: nope, your connections don't seem to be established any longer13:36
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Host Stackalytics Service
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fungiwznoinsk: though one other catch is that review-dev is running gerrit 2.10 because we're trying to validate it before we try again to upgrade review (which is running 2.8 still)13:36
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gilliardCan someone give me a hint where the code is which adds logs to the elasticsearch index please?13:37
fungiso it's possible that the hung stream-events behavior we get under 2.8 is gone (or at least different) under 2.1013:37
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wznoinskyes, that was my next suggestion, do you have gerrits of your production version we can test? do we still want to test it if you move to 2.10?13:37
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fungiwznoinsk: unfortunately we don't currently. normally review-dev serves that purpose but as i said at the moment we're trying out 2.10 on it in preparation for an upgrade13:39
gilliardMagic, thanks fungi13:39
wznoinskif you're keeping an eye I can connect to review.openstack.org13:40
fungiwznoinsk: sure, also do i need to reenable your account first or has someone already done that?13:41
wznoinskyes please, I'm still locked13:42
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fungiwhat was the username? wznoinsk or something else?13:43
wznoinskyes, that's the one13:43
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fungiwznoinsk: okay, that account should be working for you on again13:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create repo for oslo.reports
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Create new stackforge project tap-as-a-service
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Disable future parser check on puppet-swift (juno)
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: networking-ovn: Allow setting devstack-gate env vars
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: jenkins/jobs/tripleo/puppet: drop puppet-openstack
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-hound module for managing hound
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added coverage job to Magnum
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Announce diskimage-builder in infra channel
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add swig packages
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add non-voting python34 job for glance_store
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Update project-team-guide groups
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added new SF repository for Fuel SolidFire Cinder
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: [dragonflow] Add branch creation permission to the core team
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wznoinskfungi: works, another point is that if we're hitting some deadlock or race condition you will only hit it on busy environment (! review-dev)13:51
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fungiwznoinsk: yep, that was my other concern about trying to reproduce it there. but it was worth a shot13:52
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wznoinskfungi: now i'm connected and see event comming, let's take one step at a time13:52
wznoinskyou should see 2 sessions now, one is stopped on my side (so potentially naughty)13:52
fungii currently show two connections from you and no tasks (running or waiting)13:52
fungii'll continue to watch this for a bit and see if a long-running/stuck stream-events task appears for that naughty connection13:53
gilliardfungi: The reason I ask about that is because I see jobs fail without their console.html ending up in e-s13:53
wznoinskyup, a long shot but it may be my socks proxy closing 'too long lasting' connection you see pro blems with so let's wait and see13:53
gilliardfungi: eg
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fungigilliard: they're not indexed instantaneously, and you can see the graph of our indexing farm's backlog at the bottom of
fungigilliard: at the moment the logstash job queue is somewhere around 17k waiting to index13:55
gilliardfungi: Thanks. So the idea is that any job matching the regex on line#17 should have all those files indexed (if present) ?13:56
fungigilliard: yes13:57
gilliardfungi: thanks :)  For the record, I think e-r is great. Such a time-saver.13:57
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fungigilliard: also i see that log is nearly a day old, so it's possible it didn't get indexed for some other reason13:57
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fungigilliard: it is indexed13:58
fungigilliard: go to and search for message"devstack-trusty-hpcloud-b5-2942998" in the past 48 hours13:59
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fungioh, wait, that may be a typo on my part13:59
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fungigilliard: yeah, message:"devstack-trusty-hpcloud-b5-2942998" i meant13:59
fungishould turn up one log line...14:00
fungigilliard: what was making you think the console log for that job didn't end up in the elasticsearch cluster?14:01
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add senlin project meeting
gilliardI did a search for build_change:"189733" then looked in the facets for "tags". Nothing seems to be tagged with "console"14:01
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fungiwznoinsk: bingo! show-queue:9076860c 13:56:41.940 Stream Events (wznoinsk)14:02
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fungiwznoinsk: refreshing the process queue i see that task is still running14:02
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fungijeblair: wznoinsk may have helped us find a way to recreate our stream-events issue!14:03
gilliardfungi: probably pebcak. The facets likely don't work like I expect.14:03
gilliard(it's clearly there)14:03
fungiwznoinsk: so i think what's happening (and let's please not confirm it right now when people are actively using the system) is that once we get 10 of these, each one is stalling one of the 10 stream-events worker threads and they never process any other stream-events tasks after that14:05
sdaguegilliard: so... the sidebar tags only show the top 5 in some window14:05
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sdagueif you pop up the tags sidepanel by clicking on it, then click on "Score" you'll get a breakdown over 2000 events (instead of the top 5 in the last 500, which is the popup view)14:06
openstackgerritPh. Marek proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove the surplus comma, it breaks the tempest tests
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flip214asselin_: ^^, pretty please?14:07
fricklerwas there some change to git:// recently? my nodepool image-build is failing when trying to clone that repo. it may also be my fault though, this is the first time I'm trying to get this to work14:07
fungiflip214: ahh, i think that was supposed to be there if you're enabling multiple backends14:08
asselin_flip214, done. you'll need to get some cores to look at that simple 1 line fix14:08
flip214fungi: no, that's simply a typo.14:08
flip214asselin_: thank you!14:08
openstackgerritQiming Teng proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add senlin project meeting
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sdaguefrickler: I approved the change to make it a thing, you might have gotten an intermediary point where the repo wasn't mirrored yet14:09
fricklersdague: hmm, I'm still seeing the same error currently14:10
fungifrickler: nodepool image building will fail if there's a repo listed in which isn't being served correctly from git.openstack.org14:10
asselin_fungi, good morning. Anything big going on in infra? or should we try to merge a few of the downstream-puppet changes?14:10
fungifrickler: there tends to be up to an hour window where that can be the case, even if things are working correctly14:10
fricklero.k., so I'll just wait for an hour and retry, thx14:11
fungifrickler: looks like it's been merged for an hour. i'm going to see if something went wrong with it14:11
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fungiyeah, looks like that project still dne14:12
frickleris that a job in the post pipeline? that seems to be stuck since 2h14:12
wznoinskfungi: the blocking one is the one established by earlier or later of the two?14:13
wznoinskby me*14:13
fungifrickler: not stuck, just waiting on available workers. post jobs are low-priority14:13
fungifrickler: looks like puppet agent just hasn't updated on since 12:58:45 utc. might be something going on with our puppetmaster14:14
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fungifrickler: i don't have enough details to identify which of those connections is being serviced by the stuck task14:15
fungifrickler: can you try ending one of them and we'll see if it makes any difference?14:15
fungifrickler: er, sorry, those last two lines were for wznoinsk14:16
anteayawznoinsk: third party meetings still happen, yes14:16
* fungi is having trouble keeping conversations straight today14:16
wznoinskanteaya: thanks14:17
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wznoinskfungi: i've closed and DCd the running one, the stopped one is still there14:17
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fungiwznoinsk: so now i see one connection which started at 13:50:44 and a stream-events task stuck since 13:56:4214:18
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wznoinskare you sure they're related or the stuck one can be 'after' the other connection maybe?14:18
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dtantsurhey infra! can I have some reviews on the project rename spec please? As I understood rename is scheduled this Friday, but not much review up to now. Thanks!14:19
fungiwznoinsk: i'm not certain they're related, which is why it would be good to see if you can revive and close the other connection. not sure what state it's in at your end at this point14:19
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wznoinsk[1]+  Stopped                 tsocks ./ --mode listen14:19
wznoinskgetting it back to running state in 3secs14:19
wznoinskany changes?14:20
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fungiwznoinsk: the stream-events task stopped running, and your connection is still established14:20
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fungiwznoinsk: so this definitely looks like server-side buffering14:20
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wznoinskyes, because I restored the job just now so I'd expect it to be still working - I can even see events comming still now14:21
wznoinskso you don't see that stuck event anymore?14:21
fungiwznoinsk: i'm guessing the delay in it showing up is once the socket buffer is full the task starts queuing additional data but can't write it into the socket buffer, and so sticks around waiting on the buffer to clear14:21
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fungiwznoinsk: yeah, it's no longer stuck14:22
wznoinskfungi: so we can check if that's the case by connecting to review-dev and generating loads of events? ;>14:23
wznoinskthe case on 2.10*14:23
fungiwznoinsk: yep, in theory14:23
flaper87fungi: do you think it's too late to get this in before the next build?
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wznoinskI can do generate loads of reviews I think by submitting a change that has many commits as dependencies14:25
fungiflaper87: yeah, probably14:26
fungiflaper87: though i think an untimely project addition followed by a terribly delayed ansible/puppet run has likely tanked all our image updates today anyway14:26
flaper87fungi: :( ok, I guess I'll wait 'til tomorrow (or until the current issues are solved)14:27
fungiwznoinsk: or you can just flood a change with very long comments14:27
flaper87I'll keep an eye to nodepool14:27
wznoinskfungi: doing so14:28
fungiasselin_: i'm not opposed as long as the delayed puppet run i'm watching isn't in serious trouble. i think it hit the mysterious centos 6.x git remote timeout bug and caused it to lag14:28
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wznoinskfungi: when I was browsing over http 500 internal server error happened a few times to me, just so you know14:31
fungiwznoinsk: that seems to happen if it gets timed out from its database server. did it stop happening after the first few page loads?14:32
fungiit seems to retry the database connection once it realizes it's dead14:32
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wznoinskyes, I think when it started to work again it didn't happen anymore, possible after a long idle time14:32
fungiwznoinsk: we tend not to see that in production because the system is fairly active, but the database servers are set to an 8-hour timeout on the mysqld side14:33
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fungiand gerrit doesn't interact with the backend db if it is completely idle14:33
wznoinskdepends what's the focus to gerrit but I guess it should be checking the connection hearbeat14:34
fungiso it's conceivable that review-dev didn't need to hit its db for 8 hours before you connected14:34
wznoinskfungi: keep an eye on review-dev now, I'm being quite verbose in my comments there14:35
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fungiwznoinsk: yep. i see two open connections but no running stream-events tasks yet14:35
wznoinskyou mean running or running-away? cause I'm listening constantly now, 1 job stopped, 1 job running and I see events for my comments there14:36
wznoinskI guess you may see stream-event task only when there's actually an event beaing broadcasted14:36
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wznoinskmy review-dev http page is stalled on publishing a comment14:37
fungithe stream-events worker threads aren't one-per-connection. they wake up to add events to each of the open streams and then go idle when not writing14:37
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fungiwhich is why having them stuck is detrimental. once there are as many bad stream-events connections as there are stream-events worker threads, then all the threads are blocked waiting to write to bad clients and don't service any others14:38
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wznoinski can see the picture now, thanks14:39
fungiand since there are only 10 worker threads for that, it doesn't take many bad client connections to quickly kill stream-events for everybody14:39
wznoinsklike my 12 for example ;-)14:40
fungiheh, yep14:40
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wznoinskmy gerrit httpt page still stuck on adding a comment, anything your side about that or running stream events?14:40
fungistill not seeing any stream-events tasks stuck on review-dev14:40
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fungiso it's possible this behavior has changed or disappeared on 2.1014:41
funginot conclusive, but encouraging14:41
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fungifrickler: looks like the manage-projects run on review.o.o finally fired about 2 minutes ago, so should know shortly if it's safe to retry your image updates14:42
wznoinskfungi: iti would be best if you can broadcast the load from review to review-dev before upgrade, but if you can't I think that's all we can do at the moment to try to reproduce the problem14:43
flip214AJaeger: thanks for the plusses14:43
wznoinsklet me know if you have some other ideas, I'm happy to help14:44
fungiwznoinsk: agreed. we've talked about finding a good way to load-test review-dev and i think mordred was going to write up something, maybe along with zaro14:44
fungiwznoinsk: still no stuck task on review-dev, btw. so for now, i think we've got some good ideas as to how this happens, have some indication that it might be fixed in 2.10, and just please avoid recreating the problem in production from your end for now14:46
wznoinskit depends what's the trigger for a new event, if it's in a database you could just be injecting records to database in review-dev etc14:47
fricklerfungi: thanks, but I've worked around that for now, using an older projects.yaml in create-repo-list. Can't wait to see what other surprises nodepool has in store for me14:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add swig packages
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wznoinskfungi: sure, that was during my (a bit messy) testing I left these jobs running stopped instead of finished14:48
wznoinskI'll avoid that and production setup won't do that at all14:48
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wznoinskit's good to know it restores once I get the job back running my end and not leaving stream-event in a limbo state14:49
anteayawznoinsk: thanks for you support and understanding14:49
openstackgerritKurt Taylor proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Propose new Third Party CI Working Group meeting time
anteayawznoinsk: would you mind posting a follow up email to the mailing list thread so other third party operators learn from your experience?14:50
anteayawznoinsk: in terms of what kind of behaviour to avoid14:50
wznoinskanteaya: will do, thanks14:50
anteayawznoinsk: thank you14:50
fungiwznoinsk: yep, this has been a HUGE help. thanks for your assistance in diagnosing this14:51
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wznoinskfungi having your attention, could you whenever you have a moment add the author of the change: Sean Mooney to the intel-nfv-ci-tests-release and intel-nfv-ci-tests-core groups?14:53
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wznoinskfungi: no problem, glad I could help14:53
fricklernot sure I would post this to the ML before it is fixed. this may be too easily exploited14:53
wznoinskfrickler: fair point14:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for grenade fails to ping server bug 1463631
openstackbug 1463631 in grenade "60_nova/ fails intermittently" [Undecided,Confirmed]
jeblairfungi, wznoinsk: that's great!14:54
fungiwznoinsk: i've updated those groups now as requested14:54
anteayafrickler: this is the second time it happened and both times it was due to a script, should someone try to exploit it we disable their account and restart gerrit14:54
wznoinskat least till there would be an utomatic job to find these and block the users/restart stream-event14:55
anteayafrickler: same as we do now14:55
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wznoinskfungi: thanks14:55
fungiyou're welcome!14:55
anteayaright now we are being taken out by people who don't want to do so and don't realize they are doing that14:55
fungifrickler: it looks like that new project is appearing correctly on so normal nodepool image updates ought to be working again14:56
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fricklerfungi: confirmed, thx14:57
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fungijeblair: so anyway, looks like if you open a stream-events session under tsocks (not sure yet whether that's significant) and then stop the local process, after a few minutes we'll have a stuck task indefinitely eating one of the worker threads. waking up the process on the client side again allows the task to resume and complete normally14:58
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add get_server_external_ipv6 to meta
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wznoinskfungi: I can share the python script I have if you want to use it, as it happened for someone else maybe it's worth checking a generic ssh stream-events command being paused (with CTRL+Z) on the shell?15:02
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fungiwznoinsk: yeah, i plan on seeing if i can simplify the steps to reproduce later today as time allows15:04
fungiwznoinsk: but if you want to publish your script somewhere, that'll be a great help too in case it becomes more complex than i'm expecting15:04
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wznoinskI don't mind helping you test it now either, I'd prefer to send a post to ML on something more generic to avoid ppls impression 'he wrote a sh*ty script that's all' ;-)15:05
openstackgerritMichal Vanco proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support for image gallery publisher
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pabelangerjeblair, I'd like to request a new release of gertty.  How should I go about doing so?15:07
pabelangerthere is about 80 commit or so since the last release15:07
jeblairpabelanger: you just did!15:07
pabelangerand really looking forward to the change-list-options!15:07
pabelangerjeblair, w00t15:07
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jeblairpabelanger: it'll be a little while; it looks like there's enough new things in there i should do a little changelog + announcement15:09
pabelangerjeblair, Ya, I was looking to see if there was any major changes too15:09
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docaedoHi - seems like this work is caught in a bad spot now:
pabelangerdocaedo, which part?15:11
pabelangersince I was the one to do the -115:12
docaedopebelanger: I made those changes last night with tips from nibalizer, fungi, jeblair and mordred15:12
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pabelangerdocaedo, I missed the discussion.  Mostly my comment was for the future, since site.pp could blow up with more puppet syntax15:12
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pabelangerdocaedo, however, mostly was looking to start a discussion on it.  But if that has already happened, I'll read the scroll back15:13
docaedoI don't really have much care how this is implemented as long as the infra team is happy with it, what's the best way forward?15:13
jeblairoh, yeah, mordred and i thought that this looks like a nice and clean layer separation that didn't need anything in openstack_project.  ideally all of our hosts will look like this in the future.15:14
docaedo:) Yeah they helped me get it fixed and working yesterday, I think it was around 4-5pm PST15:14
fungiwznoinsk: well, if you want to try a simplified reproduction, i can continue querying the connections and task queue for gerrit15:14
wznoinskfungi: I'm planning to publish my script once it's production ready (in next day or so I hope) so I'll leave you with a link as well15:14
jeblairpabelanger: i do agree that if it grows openstack-specific logic, we should add an openstack_project file.  but hopefully that won't happen :)15:14
fungiwznoinsk: awesome--thanks15:14
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: add experimental job for integration testing with rake on chef cookbooks
pabelangerjeblair, right, since this is the first module we are directly calling in site.pp wasn't sure we wanted to go down that path15:16
pabelangereither way, not a hard -115:16
pabelangerjust more a discussion point15:17
wznoinskfungi: stopped a raw ssh command line connection now so please shout if you see something15:17
pabelangerdocaedo, basically -1 was for
pabelangerfile no longer exists15:17
docaedopebelanger: yep, thanks for catching that, I'll update right now (have ~4 minutes before getting on a plane, plenty of time!)15:17
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove the surplus comma, it breaks the tempest tests
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove the surplus comma, it breaks the tempest tests
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openstackgerritJustin Shepherd proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding doc gate job for openstack/defcore
openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add Apps Site to System Config
fungiwznoinsk: nothing yet, but it's only been a couple minutes so far15:19
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anteayatornado watch just issued for my area15:21
anteayait is warm outside and the sky just went black15:21
anteayano personal risk but I might go offline15:21
pabelangerdocaedo, LGTM15:21
docaedopebelanger: thanks :)15:21
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openstackgerritJan Klare proposed openstack-infra/project-config: grouped all chef jobs into chef-test-jobs to dry projects.yaml
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jklarei guess my rebase removed the +1 workflow here, could someone add it again?
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flip214A "git review" just told me15:31
flip214    class DownloadFlag(argparse.Action):15:31
flip214AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'Action'15:31
flip214has anybody seen that yet?15:31
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fungiflip214: that's a new one on me. sounds like a broken install?15:34
fungiflip214: was this for a new change or an existing one?15:34
flip214fungi: I just noticed that it works *outside* of vim. Perhaps the Fugitive plugin does try to "help"15:35
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flip214sorry for the noise.15:35
fungiflip214: ahh, yep maybe there's missing environment bits15:35
flip214No, I believe the ":Git" vim function doesn't really understand the "review" action or so.15:35
fungiwznoinsk: still no stuck task, so maybe the socks proxy is relevant after all?15:35
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wznoinskI'm going via tsocks now as well15:38
wznoinsksry, by 'raw' I meant the command line ssh, still via tsocks/socks proxy15:39
openstackgerritJerome Hourquebie proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add cloudbees folder creation support
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wznoinskI'm going to leave it for another 20mins if that's ok15:39
fungiwznoinsk: absolutely fine15:40
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fungiwznoinsk: in that case, perhaps there's some difference between what your script is doing to establish the connection and what openssh does15:40
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adding #openstack-searchlight IRC channel
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jktsdague, jhesketh: here's what I have so far,
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make gate-murano-devstack-dsvm voting again
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack/requirements: Bump SQLAlchemy upper bound.
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fungiwznoinsk: still no stuck tasks, so it does seem to be something specific to the script16:00
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wznoinskfungi: I had to reset my ssh connection ~15mins ago but yes, it looks like it's not causing issues, I see recv-q is growing on my side for the stopped two I have, I wonder if that was the case with my script (don't have these data - netstat ) from 'then' - it might have been accumulated on gerrit side16:05
fungiwznoinsk: entirely possible it comes down to client-sode socket options16:06
fungier, client-side16:06
wznoinskyes, I can throw my client once more if you don't mind16:06
yamamotowhen the next project renames will likely be?16:07
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jeblairyamamoto: friday
yamamotojeblair: thank you!16:08
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asselin_fungi, jeblair these are the 3 downstream-puppet patches I think we should merge. Jenkins: and
fungiasselin_: thanks. taking a look16:10
asselin_zuul small change:
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Puppet: move from Stackforge to OpenStack
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wznoinskfungi: I still saw recv-q buidling on my stopped script connection, I'll leave it here and reply to ML16:14
fungiwznoinsk: thanks16:15
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fricklerfungi, wznoinsk: just found this referenced from
marcusvrnasselin_: patrickeast I was thinking about some improvements to scoreboard like pagination, summarize... I've never contributed to stackforge project.... may I have to create some doc to get approved before submit the patch or just send the patch?16:21
fricklerso should be fixed in 2.9.2 upwards16:21
patrickeastmarcusvrn: just submit patches, i don’t think we need anything formal at this point16:21
fungifrickler: yeah, we were eyeballing that bug but weren't sure it was the culprit16:22
marcusvrnpatrickeast: perfect! :)16:22
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pleia2good morning16:23
anteayamorning pleia216:24
fungifrickler: it was originally not supposed to be present in the mina-sshd in gerrit 2.8, but looks like that may have been incorrect16:24
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pleia2fungi: did we need to do anything special post-patch to get the manage_projects stuff to run for intel-nfv-ci-tests? (I see the groups are there now, and initial people have been added, but I'd like to know for the future :))16:25
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fungipleia2: nope, it solved itself once the correction merged16:26
pleia2fungi: great, thanks16:26
fungiand then i manually added initial members to those groups this morning, as usual16:26
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* pleia2 nods16:26
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jktI would like to teach Zuul and Turbo-Hipster about the difference between a build failure and test failure (KDE is a C++ thing)16:28
jktI read through the code and it seems that there's plenty of hardcoded stuff, some documented bits which apparently expect UNSTABLE as Jenkins calls it, etc16:28
jktbut on the other hand, also plenty of stuff which simply checks status != 'SUCCESS', which is also OK with me16:28
jktwhat I would like to get is some agreement on what values to use so that we're less special snowflakes16:29
fungijkt: yeah, jenkins lacking additional failure modes means we possible didn't catch places in zuul where we could have made result handling more generalized16:29
fungier, possibly16:29
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jeblairjkt: what do you want zuul to do differently in those cases?16:30
anteayafungi: do you have an etherpad going yet for the friday renames?16:30
jeblairjkt: just report a different result, or actual behavior difference?16:30
fungianteaya: not yet. figured i'd start it tomorrow16:30
anteayaI ask because it appears that we can retire a gerrit group at that point16:30
jktjeblair: no behavior change really, this is about having a reasonable visual presentation which shows what it's all about16:30
anteayaah okay, hope I don't forget my note then16:30
jktfor example at , some of the red lines are apprently "just" because broken tests, and these tests are IMHO quite questionable16:31
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jktwe are not doing gating, just advisory checks unfortunately, but even then a difference between a broken build and a broken test scenario is important16:31
anteayawe won't need ironic-discoverd-core after the renames16:31
fungianteaya: stick it at and i'll incorporate it16:31
anteayaah thanks16:32
jktwe've historically been letting test failures through, but broken build is a no-go because we need the build artifacts for building rest of our stack16:32
jeblairjkt: i believe the intent is that zuul should mostly care about SUCCESS or !SUCCESS.  so i think if there is cleanup related to that, it should be straightforward and welcome :)16:32
jktso what I'm planning to do is tweaking my launcher a bit and teaching turbo-hipster about proper !SUCCESS states16:32
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jeblairjkt: there is a related issue, which is that if the worker returns no result, zuul considers the worker to have died catastrophically and restarts the build on a new worker16:33
jktI think that one is fine for me, or shouldn't it be fine?16:34
jeblairjkt: i don't know that affects your goal or work, but it is somewhat related so wanted to make you aware ofi t16:34
jktthe "Return code from test script was non-zero (1)" is actually what T-H sends as a status instead of "FAILURE"16:34
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jktmaybe it makes more sense to treat it as a free-string field after all and just react on SUCCESS vs. anything else16:34
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jktjeblair: btw, what I saw the other day was that `nova destroy` on a bunch of VMs with my gear workers left the respective "job queue names" visible in gear's output for many, many hours16:36
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jktjeblair: I suppose you don't see that that much because you don't nuke your jenkins slaves, right?16:36
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openstackgerritKurt Taylor proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Propose new Third Party CI Working Group meeting time
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Create a jenkins server like
jeblairjkt: yeah, i think we're pretty close to that; i see a use of FAILURE related to stats reporting.  you may want to consider how that affects things -- do you report to the statsd metric 'zuul.pipeline.gate.job.python27.Return code from test script was non-zero (1)' ?16:37
jeblairjkt: sorry, that was re 'free string'. ^16:37
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jktjeblair: right :), we don't use statsd here16:38
jktan alternative would be attaching some JSON metadata to each job results and calling that a site-specific thing which dashboards and what not can react on16:38
jeblairjkt: i think that's an argument for trying to keep a limited set of result values, but perhaps making them configurable/extensible, etc.16:39
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jeblairjkt: or, perhaps just change the stats reporting to match the SUCCESS or !SUCCESS idea16:39
jeblairjkt: i think that section was there to avoid reporting times for unstable jobs16:40
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jktin order not to damage some statistical predictions I suppose, that makes sense16:40
jeblairjkt: i think returning additional data is okay if you want to go down that path16:40
anteayadougwig: can we have a rebase please?
jeblairresult=FAILURE reason="test setup failed"16:41
jktI was thinking more along result=FAILURE data = {buildWarnings: 10, testFailures: ['foo', 'bar']}16:42
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anteayafungi: did you know the networking rename patches appear to be a stack or at least some of them?16:43
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jeblairjkt: one think we've also wanted for a while was for the worker to be able to send a WORK_WARNING packet on the first test failure, even before the job completes.  that's really complex with jenkins.  maybe easier in your setup.  :)  but that mostly helps with gating which i think you aren't doing.16:44
jktjeblair: we're gating for some projects, so in there it would be useful, yup16:44
anteayafungi: this appears to be the parent:
jeblairoh cool16:45
jktanyway, I've got two patches which I'll send in later tonight, one for `zuul enqueue` to be able to fake ref-updated16:45
jktthe second one is a bit more questionable because it adds reporting of jobs (or rather "QueueItems") via HTTP PUT or POST, for example to couchdb which is that thing which powers that dashboard I linked to16:46
fungianteaya: yeah, i think they were trying to do that to avoid merge-conflicts come approval time. we'll most likely do that for the whole set some time on friday16:46
jeblairjkt: i think an HTTP reporter is a great idea16:46
anteayaokay, just wanting to ensure you aren't surprised on friday16:46
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fungijkt: somewhat similar to the idea we had floated before about a database reporter16:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Expand fingerprint for 1463478
jktjeblair: the problem is that it isn't a reporter because I needed access to QueueItem, as just Job is rather limited in what it knows16:47
jktfungi: yup, sdague and jhesketh mentioned that to me a couple days ago16:47
jeblairjkt: okay, let's see what you need there and maybe we can adjust the data model16:47
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openstackgerritJan Kundrát proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Include pipeline name in JSON data about queue items
openstackgerritJan Kundrát proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add reporter for uploading of JSON data upon each queue item completion
openstackgerritJan Kundrát proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for enqueueing ref-updated events
jkt^^ that's what I have so far16:49
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Move vhost.erb into templates directory
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fungimorganfainberg: ttx has asked me to ping you16:55
fungi(i do not know why)16:55
pleia2ooh, I figured out why the zanata service keeps restarting16:55
morganfainbergI know.16:55
fungimorganfainberg: they are apparently waiting for you in a lobby16:56
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fungimorganfainberg: but if upi16:56
fungiif you've decided to skip dinner i'll let them know16:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: grouped all chef jobs into chef-test-jobs to dry projects.yaml
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* fungi feels like a protocol relay between two nearby point in germany via the usa16:57
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jeblairfungi: at least you're on the east coast?16:59
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fungijeblair: yep, and water is a better conductor than air, so it's pure win17:04
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support anonymous credentials to jenkins plugin info retrieval
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wznoinskdtroyer: thanks for the review17:06
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support anonymous credentials for Jenkins plugin info query
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: Add python_dateutil to global requirements
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dougwiganteaya: on it17:26
anteayadougwig: thank you17:26
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anteayadougwig: also if you can, it never hurts to be available during the rename in case we have questions, 2200 on friday17:27
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mordredpleia2: why?17:29
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pleia2mordred: puppet, we shall never speak of this again17:30
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pleia2just some dependencies we didn't quite think through, detangling now17:30
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pleia2mostly I feel silly for looking at zanata/wildfly first, when our puppet config was the one causing the problem17:31
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anteayayou have to step over the obvious about 60 times before you recognize you are doing so17:31
pleia2anteaya: ++17:31
pleia2also learned that we're downloading a 111M wildfly file every half hour or so, so that's neat17:32
* pleia2 headdesk17:32
mordredpleia2: ++17:32
pleia2sorry maven17:32
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/octavia -> openstack/octavia
dougwiganteaya: done, and will do17:33
anteayadougwig: thank you17:33
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Use common jenkins master implementation
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openstackgerritLouis Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the searchlight project
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asselinfungi, just merged ^^ ..let me know when it's all good17:51
asselinwell..just saw it merge...was a few minutes back 10:3817:51
greghaynesmordred: ansible question - I have a complex variable (the machine-information.json inflated) registered, and I want to make use of it in a module ive written...17:53
greghaynesmordred: do I need to be passing that in?17:54
greghaynesfrom a playbook17:54
mordredgreghaynes: yes - you should pass it as a parameter17:54
mordredgreghaynes: and it'll show up in python as a dict or whatnot17:54
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greghaynesoh! I dont template it, I just var=registered_var17:55
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greghaynesI was var={{ registered_var }} and thus getting confused on how it was supposed to work17:55
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mordredtaron: do you have a github id - someone just +1'd the hound bug thing and I was going to mention you in the response18:06
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fungiasselin: no puppet errors for the jenkins masters, so looks like we're probably in the clear18:12
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pleia2so the last thing there is my problem, but I don't know why the md5sum is changing, on the filesystem it's always* 77ac9feb5113adf9065ff3a82136e303 *obviously not always, but I don't know what abc951efdaea0d21aaa0851cd9fde513 is or when it lands18:14
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greghaynesmordred: hrm, not working out, heres the playbook and the machine-information.yaml is just contains corp_machine_info: [machines]18:14
pleia2standalone.xml is created from a template, but that shouldn't cause it to change18:15
greghaynesmordred: that is passing in just the literal string corp_machine_info18:15
asselinfungi, thank you! 2 more tasks done! :)18:15
anteayaasselin: good work18:15
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fungimordred: taron's github id (based on our commit log for a change she authored) is
fungier, they authored18:16
nibalizerfungi: can confirm18:16
* fungi is terrible with pronouns18:16
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fungiasselin: eyeballing the puppet-zuul glue next18:17
mordredgreghaynes: have you tried using the debug module to see what the vars are?18:17
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greghaynesmordred: yea, the var is populated fine18:17
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greghaynesmaybe passing inflated vars is not really a thing you do?18:18
mordredgreghaynes: hrm. are you sure you don't need to {{ }} the var?18:18
mordredit is18:18
mordredI do it places18:18
greghayneswell, if I {{ }} then im serializing it to a string so I need to encode/decode in the module18:18
greghaynesI think...18:19
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fungifor some reason we have been accumulating waaaay too many alien nodes in rackspace the past couple days18:21
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greghaynesindication of an alien invasion?18:21
fungidfw is now completely full of alien nodes, after i deleted yesterday's (when ord was nearly full). ord is also back up to 40 already18:21
fungiiad by comparison has scant few at all18:22
pleia2aha, wildfly fiddles with standalone.xml once it's launches, so it looks different than what we apply our template to18:22
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fungiaha, i bet is to blame for this18:22
fungicleaning them up now18:22
asselinfungi, anteaya  thank you! 2 more tasks done! :)18:22
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jeblairfungi: ah thanks18:24
jeblairfungi, mordred: did anyone do the 'store some metadata for auto alien cleanup' thing for nodepool?18:24
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fungijeblair: not yet afaik, no18:24
jeblairmaybe we ought to do that rsn.18:24
russellbsooo ... what path should i use for the checked out source tree in the shell part of a jenkins job.  $DEST is not defined where I used it in this patch:,cm18:24
openstackgerritLouis Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add the searchlight project
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asselintristanC, in case you missed it, your patches merged and live! ^^18:25
fungirussellb: i think that looks correct...18:25
mordredjeblair I thought I did that patch18:26
russellbfungi: when it ran $DEST was empty18:26
fungirussellb: oh, i wonder if $BASE is still available in the post_test_hook18:26
jeblairrussellb: the added lines in that patch run before the checkouts happen18:26
jeblairfungi: ^18:27
greghaynesmordred: hah! so you cant do it key=val style, you need to pass the var yaml dict style and {{ }} it18:27
jeblairthey are outside of a hook18:27
russellbohhhh ... well that's not going to work either18:27
fungigah! i was reading that as part of the post-test hook18:27
fungiyeah, my bad. it is definitely pre-anything. you're running that before you start devstack-gate at all18:27
russellbwhat i wanted was a way to set env vars from a file outside of project-config, so i didn't have to bug you guys for updates18:27
mordredgreghaynes: ah ... I always do yaml style so I didn't notice18:27
russellbgot it18:27
jeblairrussellb: does adding that to the work?18:28
russellbjeblair: no, because the DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_REGEX env var doesn't survive18:28
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russellbi guess the pre_test_hook is run in a sub-shell or whatever18:28
russellbthat was my last attempt18:28
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fungirussellb: yeah, it's those devstack-gate scripts you're calling at the end of the builder which actually copy the repos into place, checkout the change(s) being tested, install packages, run the hook scripts and whatever else18:30
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russellbok got it18:30
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jeblairrussellb: yeah, i think the hooks are run in a subproc for timestamp + output redir purposes18:30
russellbany ideas on clever ways to set the DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_REGEX env var other than putting it in project-config?18:30
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fungirussellb: it might be that we want an additional hook of sorts to export envvars in the wrapper script's environment shortly after changes are checked out, so that they could reference an auxiliary environment list18:31
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fungiand not run that in a subshell like the other hooks18:31
jeblairfungi, russellb: yeah, maybe set an env var to a path of a file that d-g should source18:31
jeblairif it exists, it sources it, otherwise ignores18:31
fungisimilar to how the devstackrc override works18:32
fungier, localrc, whatever18:32
russellbcool, that sounds like a nice idea18:32
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add get_server_external_ipv6() to meta
russellbthanks for the help!18:33
russellbi'll work on that in devstack-gate18:33
jeblairmordred: are you thinking of this patch?
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jeblairmordred: so then we would look for alien nodes with metadata of nodepool.provider == a known provider; and presumably a create time older than now-create_timeout18:35
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mordredyah, I think thats what I was thinking18:36
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add standalone.xml.template that we can track
mordredand we could either write a nodepool command or an ansible playbook to do that18:36
pleia2^^ could use some puppet brains there, there's probably a less crazy way to do this18:37
jeblairer, i think it should be a nodepool cron18:37
jeblairmordred: ^18:37
mordredI do too18:37
fungiyeah, i'd like to see that retried in a similar cadence to how deletes are retried18:37
jeblaircool, so that's halfway done, if we merge that.18:37
jeblairi can do the cron part this afternoon18:37
funginodepoold should just know that it's safe to try to delete those when it sees them18:38
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mordredjeblair: cool18:38
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zanata: Add standalone.xml.template that we can track
fungianyway, current aliens are all deleted18:38
fungii think. rerunning my check to find out now18:38
fungibut hopefully our node count will get a bit of a boost again18:39
jeblairback after lunch18:39
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fungiflip214: fyi, your job addition is being used as an example of successfully integrating testing for your driver into the openstack ci and it might be helpful to reply to that, if you have time, with any lessons you learned throughout the process18:48
fungisince your experiences might help others18:49
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anteayadougwig: let's have a fixed patchset please:
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jerryzfungi: what is the requirement to request to be owner group member of a project in gerrit?18:53
fungijerryz: what group?18:54
jerryzfungi: for example, i created a stackforge project and project-core group18:55
pleia2crinkle: ooh, Augeas is great, thanks!18:55
jerryzfungi: who is going to determine the initial member of the core group?18:55
fungijerryz: if there are no group members yet, then you either need to be the one who submitted the change to create the project or get the person who did to ask for you to be the initial group member18:55
fungijerryz: then just let us know the link to the change which added the project and one of us (gerrit admins) can take care of it18:56
jerryzfungi: got you. is there a owner group for project created some 2 years ago?18:57
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crinklepleia2: yay \o/18:57
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dougwiganteaya: oh, that's fun.  standby.19:01
anteayadougwig: thanks19:02
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openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/octavia -> openstack/octavia
dougwiganteaya: ahh, i see what i did.  fixed uploading now.19:03
fungijerryz: all projects have acls with controlling groups, yes. what project are you interested in?19:04
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anteayadougwig: ta19:09
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dougwiganteaya: i botched the merged, and added back the old entries by mistake. i checked all the files for dups.19:10
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dougwigcan i get a project-config core to peek at this lbaas job review?
dougwiganteaya: turns out that i'm supposed to be driving the kids camping during the rename. i'm working on finding an octavia core who can be on standby at that time.19:13
lifelesskrotscheck: for clarity; I want to help you get your js requirements bits done19:13
lifelesskrotscheck: we're figuring out how in my head, not if.19:13
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anteayadougwig: yes, it happens during rebases19:16
anteayadougwig: ah okay yes, just in case we need a rebase like today19:16
anteayadougwig: I hope you all have a good time camping19:16
* anteaya loves camping19:17
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dougwiganteaya: as long as it's not 100; then the kids just wilt in place.  :)19:17
anteayaha ha ha19:17
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lifelessmordred: fungi: please review
lifelessfungi: I think we're ready to define the experiment reverse-set jobs now19:19
lifelessfungi: I've looked inside devstack, and the mechanism is going to be setting REQUIREMENTS_MODE to constraints19:19
diemtHello, I'm using a common Gerrit account for 2 CIs, and I'm seeing that only one CI result is displayed at a time in the result table. i.e. Earlier result will be replaced by later one.19:19
diemtThe account name is Oracle ZFSSA CI. Here is an example:
diemtboth oracle-zfssa-dsvm-nfs and oracle-zfssa-dsvm-iscsi already reported results, but only oracle-zfssa-dsvm-nfs is shown in the table, as it came after oracle-zfssa-dsvm-iscsi19:20
diemtI really appreciate any help19:21
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fungidiemt: yes, the hideci.js only reports the most recent result from a given ci account. earlier results from an account for the same patchset are assumed to have been the result of rechecks19:21
diemtbut I'm seeing other CI having all results displayed19:21
fungidiemt: have an example?19:22
diemtsuch as Hitachi: both hitachi-hbsd-iscsi and hitachi-hbsd-fc are displayed19:22
fungidiemt: have a link to an example?19:22
diemtIn the example link, Hitachi CI is just above Oracle ZFSSA CI19:22
fungiyour 10 words are worth 1% of a picture ;)19:23
fungioh, you linked it earlier19:23
fungii should have read further back, sorry19:23
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diemtThat's okay :)19:23
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fungidiemt: hit the toggle ci button at the bottom and look at the result comments from which that table is extracted19:24
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fungidiemt: Hitachi HBSD CI is leaving a comment with the results of two jobs19:24
diemtSo it means that, if I want both jobs' results to be displayed, then the results need to be in one comment?19:26
fungidiemt: yes, your example is for a single ci running multiple jobs rather than multiple ci systems sharing one account19:27
flip214fungi: I'll try to, tommorow.19:27
marcusvrndiemt: are you using zuul?19:27
diemtI indeed have multiple CI systems sharing one account. Is there any way to achieve the same thing?19:27
diemtNo I'm not19:27
fungidiemt: this will get further complicated when you reach voting status, as gerrit will only provide a means to record one verified vote per account in the review table19:28
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fungidiemt: so your two ci systems will end up needing to have some way to negotiate between themselves whose vote with that one account takes precedence19:29
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dhellmannaccording to the mox3 package is owned by openstackci, but I don't see an obvious git repo anywhere on Does anyone know where that code really lives, and who manages it?19:30
dhellmannmtreinish: ^^ is it under QA?19:30
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diemtfungi: I see, thank you for the insight19:30
krotschecklifeless: I get that.19:30
krotschecklifeless:  I still disagree on the linting rules though. Python has the privilege where the rulesset can be expressed as a dependency, while in javascript only the linter itself can be expressed as a depedency. Not keeping the linting rules right next to the place where we define the tool that we're using makes NO sense. Keep everything together.19:30
fungidiemt: one option would be to set up a zuul service which can reach both your jenkins masters and coordinate them over gearman protocol. another option would be to use separate ci accounts for each jenkins to report with19:30
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dkranzjeblair: Any more info on periodic job failures? Seems like the zuul fix happened, but back to the previous error "/opt/stack/new/devstack-gate/ line 457: cd: /opt/stack/new/devstack: No such file or directory"19:31
sdaguedhellmann: I thought it was a one off force port by the ubuntu folks19:31
krotschecklifeless: Unless you can think of a better place to keep it.19:31
dhellmannsdague: was it? I honestly don't know the history. it's the source of some of our pbr conflict errors, so I wanted to try to fix it.19:31
lifelesskrotscheck: sure, make a new js tool equivalent to flake819:31
krotschecklifeless: It exists. It's called eslint. Or jscs19:32
krotscheckAnd it's configurable. And that is NOT a bad thing.19:32
anteayacan someone please disable gerrit account id 9751:
fungidkranz: have a link to the latest log you're looking at? i'll see if i can run down what's going on and whether it's the same cause as i saw earlier19:32
anteayapleia2: are you about?19:32
lifelesskrotscheck: so I don't understand then; how is that different to pep8/flake8 where we have local project config as well ?19:32
diemtfungi: thank you very much. I think the better option is to go with a separate CI account. But I'd like to confirm whether it's acceptable? The 2 CI systems are for 2 drivers of the same product (using 2 different protocols)19:32
pleia2anteaya: hey19:32
krotschecklifeless: How many people actually use that?19:32
anteayapleia2: can someone please disable gerrit account id 9751:
sdaguedhellmann: is as close to an origin as I can figure out19:33
lifelesskrotscheck: nearly every project19:33
sdagueit was definitely never owned by QA19:33
krotschecklifeless: Is there a local project config that defines custom language style rules?19:33
dhellmannsdague: k, thanks19:33
* krotscheck doesn't remember that.19:33
lifelesskrotscheck: yes, its called 'hacking'19:33
pleia2anteaya: yep, on it19:33
anteayapleia2: thanks19:33
lifelesskrotscheck: and plugins can and are defined locally too19:33
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pleia2anteaya: done19:34
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anteayapleia2: thank you19:34
sdaguedhellmann: zigo, jd__ and sileht are listed as the debian package maintainers, maybe they know more19:34
anteayasdague: done and I will reply to list19:34
fungisdague: dhellmann: i believe mordred manually created the sdist and uploaded mox3 to pypi, though he can confirm when he's around19:34
krotschecklifeless: I think I know where we're disconnecting here.19:34
krotschecklifeless: So, python has many stylistic things that are baked into the language.19:35
fungisdague: dhellmann: i think it predated a lot of our formal source hosting and release uploading mechanisms19:35
krotschecklifeless: Javascript doesn't have that. In fact, there are TERRIBLE things that you can do in javascript that nobody ever should.19:35
lifelesskrotscheck: no, it doesn't19:35
lifelesskrotscheck: that might be were the disconnect is arising :)19:35
dhellmannsdague: k, I'll see19:35
krotschecklifeless: indentation? Whitespace significance?19:35
dhellmannfungi: fun19:35
dhellmannsdague, fungi : maybe I should just propose that we import it, if we're going to be doing the releases19:35
krotschecklifeless: lack of closing brackets?19:36
krotschecklifeless: These are things that javascript devs have to care about.19:36
lifelesskrotscheck: the first two are syntax not style. closing brackets are optional, so sure they are style19:36
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lifelesskrotscheck: but go on19:36
sdaguedhellmann: or... propose all projects put sprints in place to get mox out of their code. Because it's way more confusing than mock, and it's going to be there for another decade at this right.19:36
fungidhellmann: is it being used? i guess if so we should take it over officially (we already control it on pypi so we effectively have) and figure out if it has any future at all19:37
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "networking-ovn: Allow setting devstack-gate env vars"
dhellmannsdague: I'd like to unscrew my pep8 tests, and then fix the rest of the world.19:37
sdaguedhellmann: that's cool :)19:37
dhellmannfungi: right19:37
sdaguefungi: yeh, it was stop gap until projects got over to mock19:37
fungisdague: dhellmann: evidence suggests it originated at
fungiteh dates definitely line up fairly well for that19:38
lifelessfungi: its being used19:38
dhellmannfungi: nice, thanks19:38
lifelessfungi: see the thread [openstack-dev] [release][oslo] oslotest release 1.7.0 (liberty)19:38
krotschecklifeless: Assume that there's a scale of language readability, that goes from "not at all readable" to "Oh I get this". Python is way closer to the latter. Javascript needs linting tools to bring it to that level.19:38
krotschecklifeless: The rules I'm proposing are things like.... (just a sec)...19:39
krotschecklifeless: This one -
krotschecklifeless: That's perfectly legal in javascript.19:39
dhellmannsdague, mtreinish : would qa want that lib, or should I ask dims about having oslo own it?19:39
lifelesskrotscheck: so I get all this (I started JS back in 1997 :))19:39
fungidiemt: sorry for the delay, yes it's fine to have more than one ci account as long as the projects you're reporting on are okay with it. i assume the reason for having two ci systems is that they live in different places and don't have access to the same equipment, nor can they easily achieve that access?19:39
krotschecklifeless: So I can blame you? Oh good!19:40
lifelesskrotscheck: what I don't get is your assertion that this is different to the linting ecosystem/situation we have with Pyton in Openstack19:40
lifelesskrotscheck: lol no; started using.19:40
* krotscheck dumps 20 years of language frustration on lifeless.19:40
lifelesshere's the linting situation with Python19:40
jeblairfungi, mordred: i want an option to git-review like "git review f70a3dda6b715f0b36b16a965eb1a40f38369705" which rebases f70a3dda6b715f0b36b16a965eb1a40f38369705 on master and pushes it19:40
lifelessthe base language has many degrees of freedom19:40
jeblairfungi, mordred: does that sound like a good idea?19:40
lifelessas a community we've decided we want less19:40
lifelesswe've picked some tools which gave us that, but we wanted less still19:41
jeblairfungi, mordred: (use case, i just wrote a stack of commits but they are actually independent and i don't want to do all the git work to rebase each and push)19:41
lifelessso we wrote a tool to give us that ('hacking') which works as a layer on top of the linters that are out there19:41
jeblairfungi, mordred: perhaps i actually want an option which is "rebase each outstanding commit on master and push individually".  maybe both.19:41
lifeless[impl sidebar: its a plugin into flake8, which itself aggregates multiple linters]19:41
lifelessso we have an openstack maintained thing which implements common lint policy19:42
lifelessand is maintained by folk that are interested in that19:42
fungijeblair: so an option that, when given an explicit local ref, would just propose a change or new patchset with a (assumed default to gerrit/master) option to base on another specific ref?19:42
krotschecklifeless: Is there a way that you can, globally across openstack, _disable_ a rule in the default pep8?19:42
lifelesskrotscheck: I believe we can do that via hacking, should we want to.19:43
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krotschecklifeless: or is what you're doing purely additive?19:43
fungijeblair: or rather to gerrit/$defaultbranch19:43
lifelesskrotscheck: I may be wrong, jogo or sigmavirus24 would know better.19:43
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fungijeblair: as the default19:43
jeblairfungi: yeah, probably should treat branches as normal.  my proposed syntax is probably not ideal :)19:43
jrolllifeless: I can only imagine the hell that rained down if hacking added a new rule that suddenly broke all the gates :P19:43
sdaguekrotscheck / lifeless: it's additive only19:43
fungijeblair: right, i'm trying to ignore the syntax implementation details and think through the bits we'd need to generalize19:44
sdaguejroll: it happens :)19:44
lifelesssdague: is that by implementation or capability ?19:44
sdagueor has happened19:44
lifelesssdague: like, if we did want to disable something globally, could we do it via a hacking release ?19:44
taronmordred: oop, yeah, sorry, that is my github (and I'm conveniently reminded of my other summer project, coming up with a less terrible username.)19:44
sdaguelifeless: not cleanly, I'm sure we could hack a thing19:45
fungijeblair: git-review already has a mechanism to test-rebase onto the remote/gerrit/$defaultbranch for the current commit, and an option to force that prior to pushing19:45
* taron finished finals yesterday, feels the aftermath in the form of just having woken up19:45
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sdagueanyway, this seems to be pretty deep in the weeds, right?19:45
sigmavirus24ah, so krotscheck the way to globally do that is to either have hacking disable it for everyone, or for everyone to put that rule into a config file19:45
fungijeblair: so i think it's close, we just need to have it ignore parent commits when doing that, and add the ability to specify a particular local ref?19:45
sigmavirus24that said, if all of openstack wants to disable a rule, the sensible place is to do it in hacking and that's plausibe19:45
lifelesskrotscheck: anyhow; if the thing you want to achieve is a linter config file in every js repository19:45
sigmavirus24probably tricky, but plausible19:45
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sigmavirus24lifeless: cookiecutter, no?19:46
sdaguesigmavirus24: right, definitely not straight forward19:46
jeblairfungi: yeah, i think a lot of the plumbing is there.19:46
lifelesskrotscheck: I'd put a mode into that copies it from hacking into the project.19:46
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fungijeblair: so maybe an option for ignoring parent commits, and a positional argument for ref name?19:46
sigmavirus24sdague: yeah, not straight-forward in the slightest, but if that's ever something we need, I could easily figure out a way to do that19:46
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krotschecksigmavirus24, lifeless: So here's the thing. I have to have that config file syncted _anyway_. The reason is that even if we were to do something like hacking - write a plugin for eslint in this case - we would still have to synchronize a config file that tells eslint to load that plugin.19:46
sigmavirus24and if that way lives in flake8 that'd probably be okay19:46
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add support for DEVSTACK_GATE_SETUP_ENV
fungijeblair: then that can be combined with the force rebase option to achieve the desired result i think19:46
russellbfungi: jeblair ^^^ something we discussed earlier today19:47
sigmavirus24krotscheck: projects wouldn't opt-in individually?19:47
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lifelesskrotscheck: which is fine; put the reference file in hacking's tree; and copies it19:47
sdaguekrotscheck: so that's probably ok right, just let them opt-in19:47
jeblairsdague: ^ see russellb's thing at some point19:47
fungitaron: welcome to the land of not-being-a-student-for-a-while19:47
sdagueok, it will have to be at some point tomorrow, as I'm about to be on daddy daycare for the rest of the day19:47
krotschecksigmavirus24, lifeless: Also, the existing extension models for the linters under consideration (eslint, jscs) are additive only. I cannot write a plugin to tell a rule to turn off, I can only add new rules.19:48
jeblairsdague: np; is an fyi19:48
sdagueI have starred it for first thing in the morning19:48
sigmavirus24krotscheck: that's how flake8 used to be until we took an openstack to the knee19:48
taronit'll be nice to write something that isn't ugly c++ for a bit19:48
lifelesskrotscheck: so lets not solve the world today. The thing you want to achieve is a precise copy of X in every repo ?19:48
krotschecksigmavirus24: Well, if you have all those javascript devs just raring to go fix things, I'd be happy to give that a shot.19:48
lifelesskrotscheck: the existing pattern for that is a proejct-config switch in propose-updates.sh19:48
sdaguekrotscheck: so, honestly, in my experience with how we evolved this in the openstack community19:49
sdaguejust start with a tool that has a default base line19:49
lifelesskrotscheck: the place it copies from is relevant to the thing being copied: today manuals sync from docs and dependencies from requirements.19:49
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lifelesskrotscheck: thats two tiny patches19:49
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use DEVSTACK_GATE_SETUP_ENV in networking-ovn
sdaguepeople will build new rules, people will adopt them in projects over time and eventually converge19:50
sdagueand it will be fine19:50
jktsigmavirus24: I can tell you that my latest JS + CouchDB + jQuery experience which I got subjected to earlier today made me look forward to my usual C++ and Qt programming :p19:50
krotscheckRIght. And I believe that the linter in use, and the rules that are used, should be considered one dependency, i.e. one requirement.19:50
sigmavirus24jkt: @mentioning the wrong person?19:50
jkter, s/sigmavirus24/taron/19:50
sdagueanyway, need to run, catch folks tomorrow19:51
lifelesskrotscheck: I respect that opinion, I just disagree with it19:51
sigmavirus24krotscheck: also, consider my vote for jshint just to mess with downstream redistributors ;)19:51
* jkt blames his scrollback grepping skills which are sub-par again19:51
krotschecklifeless: you're allowed to be wrong.19:51
lifelesskrotscheck: it doesn't follow the pattern we've used for python, and there's nothing clicking with me about why it should be19:51
krotschecksigmavirus24: ...19:51
krotschecksigmavirus24: That's brilliant.19:51
krotschecklifeless: Maybe because it's not python?19:51
taronjkt: oh lord I know that feeling, I've been doing R wrapped in regular PHP wrapped in Drupal at work recently, plus a 65 line SQL query19:51
lifelesskrotscheck: no, because this is about social constructs19:51
lifelesskrotscheck: not languages and not linter implementation19:51
krotschecklifeless: By all means, enlighten me.19:52
lifelesskrotscheck: at a high level the details are exactly the same: there is a tool X with a config Y19:52
sigmavirus24krotscheck: just because npm is terrible doesn't mean you have to recouple all 10000 decoupled dependencies in your JS projects that are 10 line files19:52
lifelesskrotscheck: for python its flake8 and tox.ini. For js its eslint or whateve and .esrc or whatever19:52
lifelesskrotscheck: selection of the tool is a licensing and redistribution discussion, and thats requirements.19:53
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jkttaron: sounds like serious "fun"19:53
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krotschecklifeless: I disagree. selection of a tool is a usability and maintainability problem, and thus the decision must be made so that the tool used is as easily maintainable as possible.19:54
dougwiganteaya: for the rename, xgerman and johnsom will be online for any octavia issues, or the octavia patch.19:54
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krotschecklifeless: Which means _not_ spreading common configuration files around.19:54
lifelesskrotscheck: by that logic hacking would be part of global requirements19:54
mordredit is19:54
lifelesskrotscheck: which its not19:55
* taron doesn't know why they hoped professional developers would write any better php than random people on the street19:55
mordredwe have hacking version puns19:55
krotschecklifeless: It is. Beause it can be expressed as a dependency. Which js linting configuration files can't.19:55
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lifelesskrotscheck: right the TOOL should be listed in global requirements19:55
krotscheckmordred: I prefer hacking version puns.19:55
lifelesskrotscheck: the CONFIG should not.19:55
krotschecklifeless: The config is necessary to make the tool useful.19:55
lifelesskrotscheck: and? I don't see how that alters the model.19:56
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jkttaron: if you're experienced with JS and what not, I would appreciate some review of how much this is considered hackish today, that jQuery thing at
krotschecklifeless: This isn't going anywhere.19:56
krotschecklifeless: I'm disengaging from this conversation, because we're clearly not willing to compromise, we're just telling each other how the other person is wrong.19:56
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lifelesskrotscheck: I'm worried that you're going to suffer significant confusion and friction maintaining config files in a repo that is under serviced by reviewers today19:56
krotscheckSo I'm done.19:57
lifelesskrotscheck: fair enough19:57
lifelesskrotscheck: I'm feeling the same way19:57
lifelesskrotscheck: Can we context switch and talk about the actual requirements bits?19:57
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krotschecklifeless: What part needs to be discussed?19:57
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lifelesskrotscheck: I wanted to see if my thoughts about vs a new script (in the same repo) made sense to you19:58
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lifelesskrotscheck: and if not why not19:58
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taronjkt: far from it, sadly19:59
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taronjkt: I generally avoid direct use of jquery whenever possible, but I don't know of a good lightweight wrapper, seems like everyone I know just slaps angular on everything20:00
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record interesting info into nova metadata
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openstackgerritStephanie Miller proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tests for bifrost
krotschecklifeless: Just read your email. The policy thing is interesting to discuss. Not certain about the implementation details you were dicussing, I was thinking more of a tool that scans a repository for paths, matches them against... I dunno, maybe plugins from stevedore?... and then passes the appropriate paths-to-be-modified to the plugins.20:04
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krotscheckSo might be "Load all my plugins, see which paths I need to check, do they exist? Run that plugin?".20:04
krotscheckThe policy thing is...20:04
krotscheckSo, let's start with: Righ tnow I only care about peerDependencies and devDependencies, and _only_ in package.json.20:05
krotscheckbower is a battle I'm not ready to have yet.20:05
krotscheckAnd, with those, I'm perfectly ok locking them down to a hard version.20:06
openstackgerritVincent Fournier proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Surveil: add publish to Pypi
krotscheckBecause, as you can imagine, those tools are explicitly for development, not for runtime.20:06
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krotschecklifeless: An important thing to make sure happens though is that no dependencies use fuzzy version matching, and that- if a child dependency is inferred and has fuzzy matching  - it is locked down.20:07
anteaya47 patches for friday's rename20:08
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pleia2anteaya: oof, I'll clear some time tomorrow morning to review20:08
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anteayaI'm working off of:
pleia2anteaya: thanks for keeping track20:09
anteayathe strikethroughs have enough reviews to go through20:09
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Import mox3 library
lifelesskrotscheck: btw if you haven't looked at it - is worth a read20:09
anteayaonce the core who -2'd votes +220:09
pleia2good to know20:10
anteayapleia2: most of the networking ones are stacked20:10
lifelesskrotscheck: by inferred I presume you mean a transitive dep ?20:10
pleia2anteaya: nods20:10
anteayapleia2: if you want to start with either the chef or puppet stuff that would be great20:10
lifelesskrotscheck: this is the generator for transitive closures for python deps
pleia2anteaya: noted20:11
jeblairanteaya, pleia2: if you feel like setting topics to 'project-rename' that will help at least me later on, possibly others.  :)20:11
anteayapleia2: I'll work on the networking things first and finish them up20:11
lifelesskrotscheck: [] - I have no in principle objection to being a plugin based thing, but I wonder if theres really enough commonality to make sense20:11
anteayajeblair: sure, I think you have gotten to all the ones I have reviewed so far but I can go back and confirm20:11
lifelesskrotscheck: .e.g I don't want to have to think about pom.xml manipulation from python20:11
lifelesskrotscheck: when there are so many java things that know how to do that already20:12
krotschecklifeless: Well, to use your own argument, it's a thing that reads a file, checks for dependency versions, and updates them.20:12
lifelesskrotscheck: absolutely20:12
krotschecklifeless: So are we going to create a requirements repo for every language?20:12
lifelesskrotscheck: and thats why I have no objection... still have the question about net win20:12
krotschecklifeless: Because multilanguage repos are of the devil.20:12
lifelesskrotscheck: we could. Or we could could separate the tools and the config20:13
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dhellmannanteaya, fungi, jeblair, pleia2 : can you please prioritize looking at so we can fix up the mox3 dependency issues?20:13
lifelesskrotscheck: and have N tool repos and one policy repo20:13
krotschecklifeless: That sounds like a pain to maintain.20:13
lifelesswe already have stuff processing the policy from out of tree, so we can't do atomic code-and-config changes anyway20:13
krotschecklifeless: It's that institiutional "oh no that lives over there" that I'm afraid of.20:13
pleia2jeblair: looks like all the topics are already set to project-rename \o/20:14
lifelesskrotscheck: its a tradeoff certainly; on the one hand there's reimplementing language-native things in Python, and on the other hand there's friction because add-feature, then add config20:14
jeblairpleia2: w00t!20:14
jeblairanteaya: ah, that's not 47 patches, a lot of them are the same patch20:15
anteayaoh good, glad I am wrong20:15
pabelangerjeblair, I quickly asked you at the summit about mid-cycle infra meeting (formal or otherwise) any scheduled meeting happening?20:15
pleia2yeah, thankfully the puppet and chef ones are clumped together20:15
anteayaoh wonderful20:15
pleia2and that's a huge chunk of the work20:15
krotschecklifeless: EHn, to me, parsing XML and/or JSON isn't language specific.20:15
jeblairpabelanger: ah, not yet.  we should start talking about that.20:15
fungidhellmann: 190330 lgtm. i'd like to get mordred to weigh in on it though, at least at a high level, since it's his fault ;)20:16
lifelesskrotscheck: for those generic language formats its not; python isn't one of those :/. Does golang use a generic language?20:16
anteayadhellmann: the pymox git repo has 3 branches and a tag20:16
anteayadhellmann: you want to import it in that state?20:16
lifelesskrotscheck: I'm more worried about the implementation of relations and version parsing semantics (e.g. PEP-440 versions) being language specific20:16
dhellmannfungi: thanks20:16
krotschecklifeless: AH, right. Semver, fuzzy matching, etc.20:17
lifelesskrotscheck: exactly20:17
dhellmannanteaya: yeah, it's ok I think20:17
lifelesskrotscheck: I'm not scared of reimplementations of things :) - was my fault20:18
lifelesskrotscheck: but its something to be cognizant of20:18
anteayadhellmann: is this the mox3 pypi page?
fungianteaya: yep20:18
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record interesting info into nova metadata
fungianteaya: note we (openstackci) already control it20:18
anteayaokay I'm fine with it, so we are waiting for mordred to review then?20:19
anteayafungi: yes, saw that just confirming20:19
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fungii'm okay with just getting him to verbally confirm in irc if we can nail him down, unless it's super urgent now now merge it now20:19
dhellmannanteaya: yes20:20
krotschecklifeless: Ok, so in a world where each language has its own update/build dependency tools, what would the repositories look like, and how would they work together?20:20
anteayadhellmann: happy mordred hunting20:20
dhellmannfungi: it's not super super urgent, but the pbr version conflict is causing us some trouble20:20
dhellmannI suppose I could fix that on github and get someone else to upload a new release, or give me permission to do so20:21
lifelesskrotscheck: I think having a single requirements repo to steer people to is a good idea. So - one of those with each per language dep list20:21
lifelesskrotscheck: then add new language specific tooling as needed; [FWIW I don't think multi-language repos are evil, but happy to work with separate repos for folk that do - and I do acknowledge there are costs]20:22
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lifelesskrotscheck: in terms of nouns, I'd say openstack-infra/manage-$lang-requirements20:23
krotschecklifeless: This seems sane.20:24
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krotschecklifeless: How would that work for stable branches?20:26
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krotschecklifeless: We'd jsut get updates pushed to master.20:26
lifelesskrotscheck: as we do today, a branch of requirements for stable branches20:26
krotscheckOh, gotcha20:26
lifelesskrotscheck: unless we had cause, we'd run a single branch of the language tooling20:26
lifelesskrotscheck: this actually solves a headache we have today which is that we have to backport tooling fixes to stable20:27
anteayaoh I see what you are saying the chef renames all take place in one patch20:27
lifelessnot that it happens a lot20:27
krotschecklifeless: I'm pondering whether it makes sense to - rather than push from requirements to other repositories - create a jenkins job that makes sure your requirements are in sync. Pull vs. push verification.20:27
lifelesskrotscheck: thats exactly what happens today20:28
krotschecklifeless: Eh? I thought that any merge to requriements has a patch issued to the requisite projects?20:28
lifelesskrotscheck: there's a periodic job that looks at whats in requirements and proposes it as a patch to each repo.20:28
lifelesskrotscheck: so, each repo is pulling from requirements20:29
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krotschecklifeless: Yes. I'm thinking more along the lines of a lint/style test that pulls the global requirements and fails any jobs if those update.20:29
lifelesskrotscheck: separately, each change to a project repo is verified against current requirements20:29
krotscheckGot it.20:29
lifelesskrotscheck: (thats the check-requirements jobs)20:29
lifelesskrotscheck: changes to requirements will shortly be cross-checked for compat against all repos as we move to a single lock-step version of python deps20:30
krotschecklifeless: Gotcha, so that's coming.20:30
jeblairlifeless: (actually reqs proposals are in the post pipeline so they happen asap after merge)20:30
* krotscheck makes a note in his roadmap.20:30
lifelessjeblair: thanks for the errata!20:30
jkttaron: thanks, I have yet to read their docs20:31
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fungiright, it's the constraints proposal we're planning to do from the periodic pipeline since that's changing as much for transitive dependencies outside our control as it is for tags we push or changes we merge20:32
jkttaron: I was hoping for "something" to just feed a real model, MVC-like, to a ready-made UI code; from what I read, a templating engine is indeed nice, but maybe not worth the effort if it doesn't go all the way20:32
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lifelesskrotscheck: yes, this is my plan to stabilise the gate20:33
lifelesss/stabilise/remove firedrills/20:33
krotscheckOk, in the meantime I'm going to drop everything openstack in favor of figuring out the guts of npm and bower and see how we can actually publish javascript things to those.20:33
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lifelesskrotscheck: levelling up :)20:34
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fungijeblair: zaro: i can't figure out why i've been getting this for tox -e zuul on the tip of project-config master for a while now
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fungijeblair: zaro: it doesn't seem to be happening outside of my workstation20:35
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jeblairfungi: any chance you have a stale local file in jenkins/jobs?20:38
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fungijeblair: this is immediately after a git clean -dfx20:39
jeblairfungi: branch-tip wfm.20:39
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fungialso git grep '{pipeline}-neutron-dsvm-api{branch-designator}' turns up just the definition in jenkins/jobs/neutron.yaml and two instantiations in jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml20:39
jeblairlooks right20:40
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zarofungi: maybe not the latest jjb?  error msg should include location of duplicate20:40
lifelessfungi: rm -r .tox/zuul20:40
lifelessfungi: try again20:40
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fungigit clean -dfx took care of that20:41
openstackgerritChristopher Aedo proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Enable logging on openstack-app-catalog IRC channel
fungizaro: the seems to clone and use the master branch tip of jjb20:43
reazemHey guys! Can someone explain how I can create a new branch in gerrit?20:43
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zarofungi: with the latest jjb you should get a message like this when it finds duplicates.. "jenkins_jobs.errors.JenkinsJobsException: Duplicate entry found in '/Users/khaido/PycharmProjects/jenkins-job-builder/defs/demo/simple2.yaml: 'simple' already defined"20:46
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zarofungi: maybe it's the cache.  try deleting it and rerun20:47
anteayadougwig: xgerman and johnson, thank you20:47
fungireazem: in the gerrit webui do Projects -> List -> filter for the project you want -> Branches and then fill in the fields to create a new branch (assumes your project's acl has a group with create permission on refs/heads/* and you're a member of it)20:48
fungizaro: tried that first. deleted ~/.cache/jenkins_jobs but it made no difference20:48
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zarofungi: so can you grab the git sha for jjb and make sure it's master?20:51
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reazemfungi: Thanks! I'll open a PR to add this permission20:52
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fungizaro: oh, wow. it's not. it's somehow got da04a21dc45358bd3dda339fba8f0a40a0ba0db2 checked out in .test/jenkins-job-builder20:52
fungizaro: now to figure out how/why that's happening20:52
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Change logstash multiline stream identity
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openstackgerritVincent Fournier proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Surveil: add create to surveil-core
zarofungi: i think checkout is with zuul-cloner maybe?20:54
fungizaro: nope, just plain git clone20:54
fungizaro: oh!20:54
fungii see why now20:54
zarois it this  ?20:54
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fungigit clean -dfx doesn't delete .test/zuul and .test/jenkins-job-builder because they're git repos20:55
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fungiand the test script only reclones them if they're not already there, and doesn't update them20:55
fungizaro: the git clones in question are in the project config repo, tools/run-layout.sh20:56
fungiit probably should do a reset --hard origin/master or something there20:56
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fungithat's _much_ better now. after deleting .test completely, i'm getting results i can do something with20:59
jeblairmordred: did you test your metadata patch?20:59
jeblairmordred: Metadata property value '[u'Ubuntu Server 12.04.5 LTS (amd64 20150127) - Partner Image']' for key 'groups' is not a string. (HTTP 400)20:59
zarofungi: cool20:59
funginow to see if i can also fix the script in project-config to do something less silly20:59
jeblairmordred: that's with hpcloud; maybe it behaves differently elsewhere?  but it looks like it just wants key/value strings20:59
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jeblairwhat is the ansible inventory thing expecting?21:00
mordredjeblair: I tested a version of it a while back - it's possible something bitrotted on it or my brain21:00
mordredjeblair: let me look21:00
jeblair(maybe it should be json encoded?)21:00
mordrednah - the library shoudl do that I think21:01
mordredone sec - lemme look at thepatch and at the current state of things in shade (which is where I'd know it shoudl work right)21:01
sakshamHi! I was trying to back-port a change to stable/kilo of the stackforge/networking-cisco repository when I saw Jenkins failing with a pbr versioning error: . Does any one have a clue what's going on here?21:01
jeblairmordred: k is nodepool patch21:01
fungizaro: i see tools/ has the same issue21:01
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fungizaro: in jenkins-job-builder21:02
mordredjeblair: I expect that to work -let me make aquick synthetic test21:03
fungisaksham: looks like you need to merge a change to that stable branch to adjust setup.cfg for whatever your next point release on that branch is planned to be21:03
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openstackgerritVincent Fournier proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Surveil: add publish to Pypi
fungisaksham: look at the same branch of neutron for an example21:04
zarofungi: doesn't the 'rm -fr .test' negate the problem?21:05
sakshami see is it the release tag that needs to be changed 2015.1.0 to 2015.1.1 ?21:05
sakshamyeah the version in setup.cfg of stable/kilo (neutron) is 2015.1.1 and not 2015.1.021:06
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mordredjeblair: ok. I've reproduced the problem21:08
iurygregoryHello everyone, i'm having a problem when trying to submit a patch and i'm getting the following message:21:08
iurygregoryfatal: ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information. Please review your contact information: fatal: Could not read from remote repository. Please make sure you have the correct access rights and the repository exists.21:08
iurygregoryI've try to update contact info but i get Code Review - Error21:08
iurygregoryServer Error Cannot store contact information on gerrit, anyone can help?21:08
iurygregoryI have deleted my ssh-key and generated another, git review -s works, but git review does't21:08
sakshamthanks fungi! I think the version needs to be fixed.21:08
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anteayaiurygregory: let us know if you need more than that21:09
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fungizaro: oh, yep i missed that. maybe we should just do that to project-config too. quick and dirty, but effective21:10
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change tag ACLs for library projects to library-release team
mordredjeblair: yup. I suck. inventory expects a comma separated list. I don't know what my brain was thinking21:11
mordredjeblair:     for extra_group in server.metadata.get('groups', '').split(','):21:11
zarofungi: wfm21:11
mordredjeblair: fix coming21:12
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fungiiurygregory: anteaya: that question should probably be merged with (we've already merged two questions there, i guess a third can't hurt)21:12
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anteayajeblair: can you -2 this one please?
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anteayajeblair: you have -2'd a lot of them might as well keep it to one person21:13
iurygregoryfungi, so i need tu update my accont to foundation member?21:13
anteayafungi: I have no disagreement with merging responses21:13
anteayaiurygregory: yes21:13
iurygregoryok, i'll try thanks anteaya and fungi21:14
jeblairanteaya: feel free to -2 it yourself; we can remove it21:14
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anteayaHenryG: I'm looking at
* HenryG looks ...21:15
anteayaHenryG: if you look at the others in the stack prior to yours, they all have governance changed merged21:15
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anteayaHenryG: does yours and it just isn't in the commit message?21:15
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HenryGanteaya: I just did what AJaeger asked in his comment on patch set 221:16
fungijeblair: thoughts on symlinking the tools we're putting in /usr/*-env/bin/whatever as /usr/local/bin/whatever so they can be in the executable path without hard-coding their paths into tox configs and stuff?21:16
HenryGanteaya: maybe I misunderstood AJaeger's comment?21:17
jeblairmordred: note the error i pasted was from a node build for a snapshot image build; so its image name was very weird and contains all kinds of punctuation21:17
mordredjeblair: any of the punctutation , ?21:18
mordredjeblair: like, should I escape commas in the comma list?21:18
anteayaHenryG: do you have a change up to the governance repo for this change?21:18
mordredor - figure out some other thing to do with them on both sides of the split?21:18
jeblairfungi: hrm.  that seems reasonable, but part of me thinks maybe we should try to keep the test machines pristine?21:18
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump python-glanceclient
jeblairmordred: none of the ones we use right now do, but there's no telling when hpcloud will stick a comma in there.  they do for "SOASTA CloudTest - Maestro or Results Service, v3"21:19
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record interesting info into nova metadata
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mordredjeblair: ok, fair enough. otoh - I hope to stop using cloud provider images in the not-too-distant-futgure21:19
jeblairmordred: i think either json-encoding (if you want to make it a real data structure), or else do not have nodepool add the base image name to metadata for snapshot image builds21:20
mordredjeblair: so I'm sort of inclined to leave it as a comma list - unless you think json encoding would be better21:20
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anteayaHenryG: thank you21:20
mordredjeblair: ok. I'll json encode21:20
jeblairmordred: why not the second suggestion?21:21
mordredjeblair: we could also do that21:21
HenryGanteaya: feel free to fiddle with the Depends-Ons in the commit msgs if I did something wrong21:21
mordredjeblair: we can always add it later if we feel like we need it21:21
fungijeblair: i agree on the pristineness front... mostly trying to figure out how to not force people who want to take advantage of, say, zuul-cloner in tox configs to expect devs to install it to the exact same path21:21
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record interesting info into nova metadata
anteayaHenryG: you didn't, just tracking all the things, thanks21:22
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HenryGanteaya: great! Thanks for doing all the tracking21:22
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dhellmannmordred: can you peek at this change to import mox3, so we can release a new version that fixes the pbr dependency?
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dhellmannmordred: please21:23
anteayaHenryG: are you HenryVIII on pypi?21:23
* HenryG can't remember and goes to check ...21:23
anteayasomeone is21:23
anteayaand owns your pypi repo21:23
anteayabetter be you21:23
HenryGanteaya: It is me!21:24
anteayaoh good21:24
* anteaya is relived21:24
jeblairfungi: tools/ ?  (but you know i believe the right place for an integration test setup is _outside_ tox)21:24
anteayapleia2: needs another review21:24
HenryGThat was before my openstack days21:24
anteayapleia2: how do you want me to mark that on the etherpad?21:24
anteayaHenryG: ages ago you might say21:25
jeblairfungi: to elaborate, have tox call something in tools/ which invokes zuul-cloner appropriately.21:25
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jeblairfungi: otoh, i'm okay with symlinking it if we think it's a good idea21:25
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jeblairit probably won't mess anyone up.21:26
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Attempt to decode json from the groups metavar
fungijeblair: yeah, i'm mostly just looking at 189647 and wondering whether there's a way to make it more general21:26
mordredjeblair: there's a json-receiving change to the meta processing in case we want to handle that as a use case in the future21:27
mordredjeblair: mostly did that while it was on my mind21:27
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jeblairmordred: well in that case, may as well go json :)21:27
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mordredjeblair: also - we could just put both things in groups - there is no special meaning to the singular group21:29
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jeblairmordred: okay, then i am now in favor of only using groups and using json21:31
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SpamapSonce you go json, you'll never go .. to..  Tucson?21:31
jeblairSpamapS: this is my sincere hope21:31
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waynri lost the link to openstack-infra's graphite page, could someone link me?21:31
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: Add python_dateutil to global requirements
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waynrnevermind, found it21:32
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fungiwaynr: all i can say about that url is that it's memorable21:33
jeblairthat's the decoy server21:33
fungiwell, i can _also_ say that often times our server name choices are less than creative21:33
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lifelessfungi: <- [nagging, I know!]21:34
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record interesting info into nova metadata
mordredjeblair: k. there you go21:34
fungilifeless: yep, trying to unwind today's stack but i hit a stack overflow somewhere21:35
jeblairmordred: cool, i just finished setting up a nodepool test env.  perfect timing.21:35
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anteayaj^2: please rebase
fungilifeless: i haven't yet stopped running into bugs to fix along the way to fixing the other bugs i was going to fix21:35
j^2anteaya: will21:35
anteayathank you, j^2 also please ensure the topic is set to project-rename21:36
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lifelessfungi: ouch, kk21:36
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anteayaj^2: also please plan on being available in channel on friday at 2200 utc21:37
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fall back to git clone if zuul-cloner not available
j^2i’ll put it on my calendar now21:38
anteayaj^2: thank you21:38
fungizaro: i swiped pelix's jjb change ^21:38
jeblairmordred: do yo want to make nodepool a single meta var and json encode it too?21:38
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jeblair| metadata                    | {"groups": "[\"Ubuntu Server 12.04.5 LTS (amd64 20150127) - Partner Image\", \"hp\"]", "nodepool_image_name": "Ubuntu Server 12.04.5 LTS (amd64 20150127) - Partner Image", "nodepool_provider_name": "hp"} |21:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fall back to git clone if zuul-cloner not available
jeblairmordred: ^ that looks good (well, at least as good as json in json can get)21:40
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jeblairmordred: i'm updating21:45
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record interesting info into nova metadata
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add periodic propose-requirements-constraints jobs
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Record interesting info into nova metadata
waynris it possible to prioritize jobs/projects in zuul?21:51
waynralso, is it possible to throttle the number of jobs being run at once using gearman/zuul?21:51
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jeblairwaynr: you can prioritize pipelines, but not jobs or projects.  there is a 'window' option for pipelines to only run jobs for the top N changes in a pipeline; this primarily affects gate pipelines though21:53
pleia2anteaya: I'd just remove the strikethrough, I haven't started doing much review yet21:53
anteayapleia2: okay I didn't bother to strike that one through21:54
pleia2ah ok :)21:54
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waynrjeblair: cool, what about throttling?21:57
jeblairwaynr: just the window option in zuul.  when using nodepool you can tell it the max number of servers to spin up though.21:58
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jeblairmordred: latest PS works all the way through.  i'm not sure image_name is actually the data you want, but that can be changed later.  the mechanics work.22:02
jeblairi will build on that for the alien cleanup22:02
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tonybjeblair: ping?22:06
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mordredjeblair: woot!22:10
mordredjeblair: I think I may want to figure out a json interface for all the meta variables generally, yeah22:10
openstackgerritArmando Migliaccio proposed openstack-infra/project-config: networking-ofagent: move from stackforge/ to openstack/
armaxanteaya: ^^22:13
anteayaarmax: thank you22:13
* anteaya thinks armax is amazing22:13
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armaxanteaya: I rebased it directly to master…do you think it’s okay?22:14
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anteayawe'll find out22:14
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anteayaoh I see you removed it from the end of the stack22:14
anteayanot to worry, fungi says we will probably rebase all the patches together on friday22:15
openstackgerritJJ Asghar proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Rename stackforge/cookbook* to openstack/cookbook*
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j^2anteaya: i think i got it ^^22:17
anteayaj^2: thank you22:17
j^2there were A LOT of changes that needed to be rebased it seems22:17
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j^2the topic didnt change though oddly enough22:17
anteayawe might need to do another on friday, we can leave it until then though22:18
anteayathat's good22:18
anteayawe want that topic22:18
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j^2oh ok22:18
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dhellmannfungi: could you give a look when you have a few minutes? we're already using the feature in the oslo.messaging docs, and I want to make sure we have accurate requirements22:24
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anteayamorning jhesketh22:37
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed openstack/diskimage-builder: Revert "Remove unused map_nbd function"
j^2anteaya: is there a way to do the check again to make sure all the gates pass?22:37
anteayaj^2: jenkins hasn't commented yet on patchset 1722:39
j^2ah yeah, so i thought i read in the infra manual is that if it’s -2’d it won’t go through the gates again until the -2 turns to a -122:40
anteayaj^2: that is true22:40
anteayabut it didn't -222:41
anteayanow this test has failed:
anteayasomehow your rebase collected a number of jobs without getting the job definitionss22:41
anteayanot so much22:42
jeblairtonyb: usually it's best to just go ahead and say what you need rather than ping22:42
tonybjeblair: okay.22:42
anteayaj^2: I'm close to the end of my day and don't have the energy an unwinding requires22:42
j^2anteaya: same here22:42
j^2but i nede to get this done22:42
anteayaj^2: feel free to take a swing at it yourself when you feel up to i22:42
anteayaj^2: well it is possible you might just make it worsse22:43
jeblairin a very strange turn of events, i have just worn my lovely summit windbreaker for the first time because it is raining here.22:43
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tonybjeblair: So when we wnet life with the irc-meetings stuff you removed some of the yaml files because they weren't IRC meetings22:43
anteayaj^2: let's make a point of starting off tomorrow and seeing if we can sort this out22:43
j^2yeah i’m re-cloning down the repo, then refetching the patch then gonna walk awai22:43
anteayaj^2: we have thursday22:43
anteayaj^2: okay22:43
j^2i’ll ping you tomorrow22:43
anteayajeblair: how does it work as a keep the rain off item of clothing?22:43
tonybjeblair: the phone/vidyo/hangouts I'm on the fence about but I think the cimmunity hours are good to have in the iCal22:43
anteayaj^2: sounds good22:44
tonybjeblair: I'm wondering if you have deeply held views on such matters?22:44
jeblairtonyb: i think maybe they were on an un-logged channel?  i agree that's a grey area.22:44
tonybor if I can add the Neutron meeting and (re) add the other community hours22:44
jeblairtonyb: i do have _very_ deeply held feelings about non-irc meetings though :)22:45
tonybjeblair: Yeah the community hours are unlogged but that's a 'feature' in the eyes of the meeting chairs22:45
jeblairtonyb: okay, it's probably worth having that conversation on a review to re-add the community hours22:46
tonybjeblair: Hmm that (my statement) isn't a fair synopsis.22:46
tonybjeblair: can you add your views here:
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jeblairtonyb: i could see that as a feature for 'community' office hours22:47
jeblairbut i think things like release management office hours should be logged22:47
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tonybjeblair: Yeah I agree on that.22:48
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jeblairmestery: are you okay with openstack-neutron-release being logged?22:48
pleia2he submitted the patch for it
tonybjeblair: Thanks for you time.  I'll pick this up after I get back form the school run.22:49
pleia2so I'd say yes22:49
jeblairpleia2: he, i looked but search fu failed22:50
pleia2I happened to remember it :)22:50
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Neutron office hours
jeblairi put a depends-on ^22:50
tonybjeblair: I'll commit to adding somethign to the Meetings wiki that helps people understand what's appropriuate for irc-meetings and what need to saty on the repo22:51
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tonybjeblair: Ahh thanks.22:51
tonybjeblair, pleia2 Assuming I get buy in I'll do something similar for #openstack-community and #openstack-relmgr-office if required22:52
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jeblairtonyb: sounds good.  i'd prefer everything be logged; if there is a reason not to have -community logged, i just want that recorded somewhere (ideally a review, or a mailing list post)22:53
jeblairi know relmgr already is22:53
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tonybjeblair: Sure.  I'll poke at it on openstack-dev22:53
tonybjeblair: okay22:54
tonybjeblair: I only found out about relmgr today.22:54
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tonybokay so I'll approve the Neutron change and do the rest once the kids are in school.22:54
tonybjeblair: Thanks.22:54
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Add Neutron office hours
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dhellmannfungi, jeblair : can one of you tell the meeting bot in #openstack-meeting to close the meeting that was left open by the last team, please?23:03
dougwigjeblair: gertty question, saw your mail, grabbed the latest from git.  is this a known error?23:03
dhellmannjeblair, fungi : nevermind23:04
fungidhellmann: never had one, never needed one23:04
fungitonyb: ideally the reason for a meeting in a non-logged channel would also be explained as part of the meeting description23:04
asselinfungi, trying to understand why this failed.
fungitonyb: because that's a very unusual choice23:04
asselinfungi, zuul changed from earlier today23:05
fungidougwig: that looks like the file mentioned in the oserror may have permission issues. is it owned by your user?23:06
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dougwigyes, and all of its parents.  and writable.23:07
fungiasselin: known but not reliably reproducible bug23:07
fungiasselin: i've rechecked it23:08
asselinfungi, ok thanks23:08
jeblairdougwig: it should be okay to rm that file by hand to test it out23:08
dougwigjeblair: ok, will do23:09
fungidougwig: i'm unfortunately not familiar with the nuances of python interpreting errors from underlying c libs on... what is that, hp/ux? next?23:09
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jeblairoh, i wonder if that's a directory23:10
fungibut yeah, looks like your os told gertty it couldn't delete that file23:10
dougwigjeblair: yep, it's a dir23:10
fungimmm, os.remove() won't unlink that23:10
dougwigfungi: mac23:10
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fungii don't think23:10
dougwigfungi: it won't. it's an unlink, not an rmdir.23:11
dougwigis my git tree messed up, or gertty issue?23:11
fungion linux i get OSError: [Errno 21] Is a directory: 'foo'23:11
jeblairdougwig: gertty+NeXT issue23:11
fungislightly more verbose23:11
jeblair                if e.errno != errno.EISDIR:23:11
jeblairgertty has that23:11
ianwfungi: hey, so i'm getting closer.  i've got netconsole setup and have it sending to a remote end.  i don't think the kernel is oopsing.  so i think the external networking is getting killed somehow23:12
fungiooh, betting that's not portable to hfs+23:12
dougwigjeblair: that is a lousy errno it's tossing, indeed.23:12
jeblairdougwig, fungi: so... i _guess_ we need to check for errno 1 as well, though that's unfortunate.23:12
fungii wonder if there's a better way to qualify that by platform or something23:13
fungiianw: that's certainly a possibility23:13
dougwigjeblair, fungi: man page, this is how it came to that unintuitive errno:23:14
dougwig     [EPERM]            The named file is a directory and the effective user23:14
dougwig                        ID of the process is not the super-user.23:14
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ianwfungi: yeah, i'm just setting up for a run where i'll stuff "ip route / ip link" in to /dev/kmsg and i should keep getting that even if the network drops out23:14
ianwi'm not sure how quickly the host gets reaped once it drops off though23:14
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dougwiginteresting, linux lists both EISDIR and EPERM as 'not allowed to remove dir' errors.  clearly it uses EISDIR.23:15
fungiianw: it takes at least a few seconds from the completion of the job before nodepool finds out and gets around to calling nova which in turn takes at least a few more seconds to get around to killing the instance23:16
ianwfungi: anyway, if i get the host running, you can hold it ... even if i can't get into it, if it's still sending stuff via netconsole that's a big clue23:16
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add CRUD methods for Keystone domains
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add domain support to keystone user management
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Ignore EPERM when pruning refs
jeblairdougwig: try that out ^23:17
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fungiianw: sure, i'll be around just give me a heads up on which one you want held23:17
jeblairgotta run23:17
dougwigjeblair: thank you, it's happily chugging away now.23:19
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add CRUD methods for Keystone domains
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add domain support to keystone user management
dougwigjeblair, fungi: the linux man page states that EPERM is the posix defined error code to use.  linux is just being different.23:21
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [WIP] run centos7 with neutron
fungidougwig: makes sense. linux does make some odd non-posix choices in a lot of places23:22
fungidougwig: i expect they extended posix there because someone decided it wasn't a specific enough error code and was overloaded with other cases23:22
dougwigfungi: it does make for a lousy error code. i didn't even think to check if it was a dir.23:23
dougwigtransitioning home.  thanks.23:23
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tonybfungi: the main agrument is that community hours aren't really meetings.  They don't set the project direction etc.  So holding them in an an "official" meeting channel utilises a limited resource.23:37
tonybfungi: Well that's the reason for having them in say #openstack-community23:38
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tonybfungi: it doesn't speak to any objections to turning logging on.23:38
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Let puppet-zuul manage log configuration files
asselinfungi, there it is! ^^23:40
fungilifeless: i'm clearly doing something wrong when locally testing 189249. executing the entrypoint after pip installing into a venv tries and fails to 'from openstack_requirements.generate import main' complaining "ImportError: No module named openstack_requirements.generate"23:41
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump SQLAlchemy upper bound.
fungiasselin: yep, now to keep an eye on
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* asselin looks23:42
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fungiasselin: an ansible-orchestrated puppet apply run is already underway, so we'll probably have to wait for the pulse after this one to succeed23:43
asselinfungi, ok....browsing around...not sure where to look/what to look for23:43
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fungiasselin: the reports for the zuul node. first making sure they don't fail when that change gets applied23:44
pleia2asselin: click on "nodes" and look for the one where your change will live23:44
tonybSo this change allows eavesdrop to log the channel ie enables
fungitonyb: yep23:45
tonybbut IIUC (and I probably don't) it doesn't grant meetbot +t so that still means that you can't do # startmeeting etc?23:45
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fungitonyb: right, that happens in the accessbot config23:45
asselinfungi, pleia2 ok so it ran at Wednesday, June 10 2015 4:41 PM, so gotta wait until 5:10pm for next run?23:45
tonybwoot I'm learning :)23:45
fungitonyb: a change which we would be unlikely to approve23:45
pleia2asselin: yeah, thereabouts23:46
tonybfungi: okay.23:46
fungitonyb: ftr,
pleia2I think the meeting commands would work, they just wouldn't be able to change the topic23:47
tonybfungi: and that'd be for reasons of trying to keep meetings to a limied number of locations as  we've discussed befoer right?23:47
tonybfungi: Thanks.23:47
fungitonyb: yep23:47
fungitonyb: you can see that only the officially sanctioned meeting channels have a meetbots list in them23:48
tonybfungi: Yup.23:48
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tonybSo just for the mental excercise if we wanted to add an openstack-meeting-5 we'd add it in eavesdrop.pp and then add it and the meetbot hunk in accessbot/channels.yaml?23:50
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fungiyep, probably the accessbot config first, then the eavesdrop config23:52
fungibefore all of that we'd register the new channel name with the network and add teh openstackinfra account (used by accessbot) as a channel founder23:53
fungiand after those two changes merged and everything tested out okay, we'd announce the new channel availability23:53
tonybfungi: thanks.  Yeah I guess that'd help :)23:53
ianwfungi: well i take that back, i just got a nice oops23:54
fungiianw: oops!23:54
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fungiianw: i didn't hold it, so did it maybe oops while nodepool was deleting it?23:55
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ianwfungi: no, jenkins hasn't noticed it failed yet23:55
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ianwovs_vport_cmd_get -> lookup_vport -> boom ... so OVS23:57
davideagnelloHello, our review is still pending:  Can we get this merged soon?23:57
ianw looks like exactly it23:58
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