Thursday, 2015-06-04

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fungifrickler: good find!00:00
nibalizermordred: ianw rcarrillocruz wrote a restapi patch to nodepool for exactly that^00:01
fungiso, now that i know this is intentional, i need to see what got missed in the parameter function script00:01
mordrednibalizer: yup00:02
nibalizersince we get so many node hold requests downstream00:02
mordrednibalizer: are you guys using it downstream?00:02
nibalizerwell i guess more as a component of the system described up there00:02
ianwnibalizer: yeah, isn't that review markred WIP?  i do think that would be useful, also for a status page that show image build status00:02
jrolldoes the global requirements generally update test-requirements.txt? we had an old hacking version in ironic-python-agent that managed to break our gate :/00:02
nibalizermordred: no, we're hoping it lands upstream then we use it ... but yea its pretty old now00:02
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ianwi did also think that putting nodepool interface on the internet would be a security challenge, recent discussions about trust not withstanding :)00:04
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fricklerfungi: default_params_precise in zuul/ seems to use trusty nodes only when trusty is in the job name?00:05
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fungifrickler: i think it's _supposed_ to run on any worker which has registered the job00:06
fungifrickler: but yeah, looks like you're right00:06
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fungifrickler: though the puppet_re is set to bail out of the set_node_options selection00:08
harlowjaping to get so that i can continue on getting that code it has in it made better (and chop out code from projects that copied a previous version)00:09
ianwfungi: if you could hold devstack-centos7-rax-dfw-2872335 that would be great00:09
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fungiianw: done--have an ssh key you want granted access?00:09
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ianwfungi: thanks00:12
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fungiianw: ssh jenkins@
fungiand let me know when you're done poking around on it so i can delete it00:13
hogepodgeHrm, don't understand this gate failure.
ianwfungi: thanks00:13
ianwwow, firewalld is really hard to kill00:13
fungii would turn that into a zombie joke, but it's getting late over here00:14
jrolldoes the global requirements generally update test-requirements.txt? we had an old hacking version in ironic-python-agent that managed to break our gate :/00:14
anteayahogepodge: see thi spec:
anteayait has an entry in index.rst00:15
anteayayou need one too00:15
fungiWARNING: document isn't included in any toctree00:15
fungiyeah, what anteaya said00:15
fungibasically sphinx is trying to let you know that you've added a document which is unreachable from the table of contents00:16
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fricklerfungi: puppetunit_re doesnt match, its gate-system*, not gate-puppet-*00:16
fungifrickler: ahh, yep. an oversight on our part. that's our one infra puppet module repo that doesn't start with puppet-00:17
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add system-config to puppet_re in zuul parameters
fungifrickler: ^00:19
fungianteaya: asselin: ^00:19
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mikalDoes anyone here have any thoughts on jeepyb reliability?00:19
fungimikal: jeepyb is a loose collection of scripts. what specifically in jeepyb are you interested in being reliable?00:20
openstackgerritChris Hoge proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Spec to host in infra
mikalfungi: so, I did a quick and dirty audit of docimpact bugs for nova yesterday00:20
mikalfungi: it seems that a bunch of bugs haven't been created by the post commit hook thingie00:20
mikalfungi: I'm wondering if this is a well understood problem already00:20
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fungimikal: have an example? i can try to work out why might not have fired for it00:21
anteayahogepodge: looks like that should do it00:21
mordredmikal: I blame systemd00:21
mikalfungi: are there logs? Would it help if its a recent example? Or do you have logs for everything?00:22
hogepodgeanteaya: Yea, I may submit a readme patch to note that00:22
hogepodgeanteaya: thank you00:22
fungimikal: well, we have a lot of logs, but if it's too old i also get to try to map up any behavior changes in that script's commit history to the timeframe you're looking at, so more recent is more better00:22
anteayamordred: can you review 188219 please?00:22
anteayahogepodge: welcome00:22
mikalfungi: so, 46b24541647a6bf5b1facae0ba84a08f51de2ef3 is a relatively recent nova commit where I can't find the docimpact bug in openstack-manuals00:23
mikalfungi: but there are plenty of others too00:23
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ianwfungi: is dead ... if there's anything on the console that would be helpful00:26
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mordredanteaya: +300:29
fungiianw: rackspace says the instance is still active, but the virtual console is blank and not responding to a carriage return00:29
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anteayamordred: thank you00:30
fungiianw: this is a lot, lot, lot like what i was seeing when recreating the glusterfs tempest job node disconnects00:30
ianwfungi: yeah :( .... i am testing a change that i just realised sends neutron into a failure loop.  hopefully this is the cause00:32
fungiusually i did find out of memory conditions logged by the kernel once the node became active again, but no idea if that's a cause or a symptom00:33
asselin_fungi, any updates on 188156...?00:33
asselin_missing nodes....00:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Consume os_client_config defaults as base defaults
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anteayafungi: 188219 failed pep8 on line too long00:34
fungiianw: i think once devstack-gate hits its configured timeout, the node will regain sanity00:34
fungianteaya: lovely. thanks00:34
anteayaasselin_: yes, once fungi fixes the line length on 188219 please review00:34
* asselin_ looks00:34
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Use disable_vendor_agent flags in create_image
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add system-config to puppet_re in zuul parameters
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Rely on defaults being present
anteayaasselin_: so set jobs for trusty only, which is what jenkins masters wanted, but we didnt' tell zuul so it wanted precise only00:36
anteayaasselin_: so 188219 is the fix00:36
asselin_ok I see00:37
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anteayagreat, so awaiting pep8's review of the current patchset00:38
asselin_so is that patch going to get stuck behind the others?00:41
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: WIP: more extensive testing of requirement parsing
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fix everything by requiring setuptools>=16.
fungiasselin_: if it does, i can reorder the queue00:43
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greghaynestchaypo: "fix everything" orly00:43
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anteayatchaypo: yeah, does your patch do windows?00:43
* anteaya looks at her windows00:44
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tchayposo typical00:44
tchaypolifeless comes up with a clever commit message, i cop the teasing00:44
anteayaha ha ha00:44
tchaypoI’ll be happy if the change fixes the fails in my WIP change :)00:45
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fungiwell, he's a known troll. we expect you to be an upstanding citizen by comparison00:45
mordredfungi: lifeless is a troll?00:45
tchaypoI’ve been learning from rob for years00:45
mordredthat would explain so many things00:46
tchaypoif I’m an upstanding citizen it’s only because my learning is incomplete00:46
anteayaha ha ha00:46
fungimikal: i actually have logs from when that change merged, and am finding no errors00:47
* tchaypo waits for jenkins to run tests00:47
anteayacan we disable a few pep8 rules for project-config?00:48
anteayaE126 continuation line over-indented for hanging indent00:48
anteayafungi: back to you00:48
fungianteaya: nah, i should just remember to test it myself. seems marginally silly that we're linting that script, but whatever00:48
anteayait is feeling silly, yes00:49
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add system-config to puppet_re in zuul parameters
fungii tested it myself that time00:49
lifelessanteaya: actually, it does do windows :)00:50
anteayalifeless: awesome, send it over00:50
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add keystone endpoint resource methods
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Keystone service resource methods
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Split security group list operations
mikalfungi: le huh, like I said I can't find the bug. Does the log have a bug number in it?00:55
fungimikal: gerrit really only has an error log where it logs exceptions raised00:57
fungii agree, i can't find the bug which would have been opened for it00:58
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fungiwe could do like the welcome-message hook does and spit some debug info on stdout00:59
fungibut by default gerrit doesn't log the hooks it runs00:59
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add port resource methods
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fungimikal: my concern is that bug creation via api call to lp could timeout and fail to create anything. though i would expect a launchpadlib exception to get raised in that case01:01
fungiwhich should then appear in the gerrit error log01:01
fungiianw: the console's still dead for me on that node, btw01:03
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mikalfungi: yeah, I was hoping the notify_impact script logged the bug number of the bug it created. I will add that so we can see what's happening next time.01:05
mikalfungi: I'm just surprised by how many bugs are missing, I don't particularly think its unreasonable for notify_impact to sometimes fail01:06
ianwit broke good01:06
fungimikal: awesome. see if you can rip off the logger implementation from for consistency01:06
mikalfungi: ok01:06
mikalfungi: does zuul have some sort of retry mode which could retry these jobs until they return something which indicates success?01:06
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fungimikal: it's not something run by zuul. it's an event callout hook in gerrit01:07
mikalfungi: ahhh, bummer01:07
fungimikal: and no. gerrit expects these things to be fire-and-forget so the script would need to do its own polling and retrying01:07
mikalfungi: it could be zuul though, right?01:07
fungiand trapping exceptions appropriately01:07
mikalfungi: its in the event stream IIRC01:08
fungimikal: yeah, we could probably have a zuul job that opens bugs. zuul also doesn't retry jobs when they fail, but we get a lot more logging detail at least01:08
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [WIP] run centos7 with neutron
ianwfungi: going again in ... see what happens.  dependent neutron change shouldn't end up in a loop this time01:13
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fungiianw: what time did the job on the held node start and how long is the devstack-gate timeout for it?01:14
fungijust trying to figure out when d-g is likely to try to regain control from whatever has run amok01:14
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fungithough in the past i think it's been that mysqld leaks memory and when the kernel kills it, then whatever else had the system held hostage finally choked and stopped01:15
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anteayayay curiousity01:24
fungiwell, my curiosity is keeping me from doing other evening things01:25
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anteayaha ha ha01:26
anteayalike beer?01:26
anteayaor scotch type evening things?01:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Port ironic client port.list() to a Task
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Port ironic client node.list_ports() to a Task
anteayaah yes01:27
anteayagot to remove obstacles to those01:27
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fungii've bumped the second change ahead of it to see if that will solve this01:41
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fungibecause it did not seem to be deciding to look for other node labels for that job after the reconfigure, presumably because it already had it farmed out to the gearman queue01:42
fungithat does seem to have knocked down the waiting build:gate-system-config-puppet-syntax:bare-precise count by 1 and raised the waiting build:gate-system-config-puppet-syntax count01:44
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fungithere it goes. running!01:44
anteayathat sounds promising01:44
anteayaand yay01:44
anteayait worked01:44
fungiran on bare-trusty-hpcloud-b4-287354801:44
fungias intended01:44
anteayaand finished01:45
fungiso should be all set01:45
anteayathanks fungi01:45
anteayaand thanks asselin_ for bringing this to our attention so we could examine it01:45
fungiif there are still system-config changes hanging around in the check pipeline when i wake up tomorrow, i'll bump their commit messages or something01:45
anteayacartoons then?01:45
fungibut at least any new uploads or any that make it into the gate at this point should work01:46
fungiyep, toodles all01:46
ianwfungi: so didn't die01:46
anteayanighty night01:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add Keystone service resource methods
fungiianw: excellent news01:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add keystone endpoint resource methods
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Split security group list operations
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add port resource methods
asselin_fungi, anteaya thank you (on behalf of the cinder team!)01:46
fungiianw: also the held node is still hung01:46
ianwmy change must have made neutron go made, i guess01:46
fungiianw: do you want to keep waiting for it, or shall i recycle it back into the aether now?01:47
ianwfungi: you can recycle, thanks01:47
fungidone. thanks01:47
fungiokay, disappearing for the night01:47
asselin_fungi, goodnight01:47
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tchaypoget ready to laugh again01:57
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [WIP] run centos7 with neutron
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: WIP: more extensive testing of requirement parsing
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fix everything by requiring setuptools>=16.
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Remove templatedir directive from puppet.conf
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add integration tests to os-brick
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: Update i18n files
openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: Remove out-of-date paragraph from the 'not found' page
Kennanhi tchaypo02:19
tchaypoKennan: hi!02:19
Kennantchaypo we followed openstack commit Implements bp or partially-implments02:20
Kennanbut when click that link in git message02:20
Kennanwe can not access02:20
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Kennandoes any config in infra to allow that ?02:20
Kennanlike this in ceilometer
tchaypocan you point me at the rev.. ah, thanks02:21
Kennanmagnum sessm can not do that now02:21
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Kennantchaypo this is one magnum patch
Kennanit can not find bp in that openstack bps02:22
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tchaypoI searched on launchpad for just the word “policy” and it funds a bunch of BPs, some have names that sound similar02:24
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tchaypoand doesn’t quite match the name but it seems to match the intent of the change02:24
tchaypoI’m wondering if maybe you just have the wrong name for the blueprint that’s being implemented?02:24
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tchaypoas far as I can tell, gerrit is marking up the link correctly- I get a link that takes me to which is what I’d expect02:25
tchaypothere just doesn’t seem to be any blueprint by that name02:25
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: [WIP] run centos7 with neutron
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ianw2015-06-04 05:00:07.431 | git.exc.GitCommandError: 'git remote prune --dry-run origin' returned with exit code 12805:04
ianw2015-06-04 05:00:07.432 | stderr: 'fatal: Could not read from remote repository.05:04
ianw2015-06-04 05:00:07.432 |05:04
ianw2015-06-04 05:00:07.432 | Please make sure you have the correct access rights05:04
ianw2015-06-04 05:00:07.433 | and the repository exists.'05:04
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openstackgerritMichael Still proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add some logging to notify_impact.
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zxiirois there a way to set jjb tiemout?05:11
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add a script for Zanata
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: WIP: more extensive testing of requirement parsing
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fix everything by requiring setuptools>=16.
StevenK"Fix everything"05:14
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jeepyb: Fix logrotate on jeepyb calls
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Drop usage of `` in if statements
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch to using $() for subshells, part 1
openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Switch to using $() for subshells, part 2
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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Kennannot sure if tchaypo still here ?06:23
Kennanlifeless there?06:24
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mikalAnyone home?06:27
mikalOr are we all asleep now?06:27
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openstackgerritSteve Kowalik proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Support pushing translations to Zanata
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tchaypoKennan: about to sign off for the day06:56
Kennantchaypo: ok it is late for you07:00
KennanI will try ask to others07:00
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Kennanstill bp it same our projects not can be find in openstack07:01
Kennanit seems07:01
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nibalizeryolanda: ping07:10
nibalizeri have some nodepool questions07:10
yolandahi nibalizer07:10
nibalizerso when i do show node <nodename> in nova, for a nodepool node07:11
nibalizerit says the keyname is '-'07:11
nibalizerso does nodepool boot nodes with a key or what is going on there?07:11
yolandayou can pass a key in the provider manager, and if not, it generates its own keypair for the node07:13
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yolandai think we don't have a fixed keypair, and it's generated on the fly07:14
nibalizeroh so you can boot a nova node with a temporary keypair or something?07:14
yolandathe keypair is generated into the base snapshot that we use to get nodes07:15
yolandawe call the nova command to add a keypair to that snapshot07:15
yolandahowever, if specified in config, it's possible to use a fixed keypair07:15
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Fix in database discrimination
openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make heatclient-dsvm-functional gating for heatcli
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fix everything by requiring setuptools>=16.
tchaypoKennan: do you have a link to the bp on launchpad?07:20
Kennanyes tchaypo07:21
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Kennanlet me show you one07:21
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Kennanthis is one in our project07:21
Kennanbut can not search in openstack07:21
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Kennanseems all our projects bp could not find from openstack07:22
Kennanit seems configuration issue, I suspect07:22
Kennanbut not sure07:22
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tchaypoLooking at
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tchaypoI don't see magnum listed there07:27
tchaypoI don't know what needs to happen to change that07:27
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tchaypoBut there's a list of admins there07:31
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Kennantchaypo ok let me check07:41
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Kennanhi clarkb: there?07:42
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make heatclient-dsvm-functional gating for heatcli
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make heatclient-dsvm-functional gating for heatcli
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lifelessKennan: hi08:25
lifelessmikal: hi08:25
openstackgerritJens Rosenboom proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add pleia2 to statusbot_auth_nicks
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pelixwaynr: that works for me, just need to make sure they are cross referenced so that it's clear there is additional work that should be aligned with any API changes. The only concern I have is that some of that work may impact the API work.08:37
openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Support for the new Devstack plugin model in Rally
BobBallmordred / sdague: I saw you guys discussing something around XenServer, DomU deploment of nova-compute and some new security-related pattern with reference to some spec or other? :) Which spec is being discussed here, becasue I'd like to understand it and how it relates / complicates the XenAPI case08:38
lifelessBobBall: mordred had a plan to securely get the host fingerprint for ssh by asking nova-compute to knock on port 22, and then complications ensued with discussion that e.g. nova-compute might not have access to that network at all08:40
BobBallIn the XS case we must have access to the network; that's how nova-compute talks to XenAPI (i.e. it's not by some magic channel()08:41
lifelessBobBall: the network of the other DomU's ?08:41
BobBallOh, no - sorry I thought you meant the xenserver host08:42
BobBallSo you want nova-compute to be able to talk to the VMs that the nova-compute spins up?08:42
lifelessnot per se; that was an implementation detail08:42
lifelesswe want to be able to ask the cloud 'what is the ssh host fingerprint of my VM'08:43
lifelessand have that be robustly available and securely handled (e.g. not MITMable like doing it by probing over the public internet is08:43
BobBallI see.  TBH I think the control plane should be able to be kept 100% seperate from the VM-accessible ranges08:43
BobBallI imagine the only secure way to do that is to have a specific host on the VM-accessible ranges to provide that service08:44
BobBallXS doesn't rely on this for security (of course) but it's considered best practice to keep everything entirely seperate08:44
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BobBallI think that some OpenStack deployments (e.g. Mirantis) specifically enforce that the control plane cannot talk to the VM data planes08:44
BobBallAnyway - is there a spec that I can look at, or was it just in idea phase?08:45
lifelessI would imagine a neutron service like the dhcp-agent could do the thing securely08:45
lifelessand fit within the existing models08:45
BobBallThat would work - yes08:45
lifelessone could even do a (bit complicated) dance using a dedicated vm of one's own and private networks08:46
lifelessidea phase08:46
BobBall*nod* indeed.08:46
BobBallOkay.  Thanks for explaining the idea.  I'll keep an eye out for the spec :)08:46
BobBallI suspect that whatever is decided will work in the XenAPI case though08:46
BobBallbecause we can always put a plugin in dom0 where the hypervisor could theoretically have access to the same network as the VM08:47
BobBallJust exposes the same security risks that it does for libvirt-based hosts :)08:47
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Move clouds.yaml configuration inside nodepool
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Move clouds.yaml configuration inside nodepool
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openstackgerritMichal Rostecki proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Support for the new Devstack plugin model in Rally
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Move clouds.yaml configuration inside nodepool
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gilliardBobBall: not this?
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Support passing template into nodepool, and allow a list of jenkins master to be passed and auto-populated with the template.
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-nodepool: Support passing template into nodepool
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BobBallBingo gilliard - thanks10:00
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add initial designate read-only operations
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Neutron/Nova Floating IP list/search/get.
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sdaguelifeless: so... that's an interesting thought, the network agents have to have access to the guests for that reason. Ask them to do it. Either n-net or neutron-l310:27
openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Neutron/Nova Floating IP create (allocate to project)
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Neutron/Nova Floating IP delete (de-allocate from project)
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openstackgerritDavide Guerri proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add Neutron/Nova Floating IP attach/detach
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Start using jfryman/puppet-selinux
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openstackgerritDave Walker proposed openstack-infra/yaml2ical: Add Calendar Name and Description to output ical
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Stop including policycoreutils-python
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mordredsdague, BobBall, lifeless: brilliant12:27
yolandahi mordred... i have a problem with selinux, and i sent a pair of patches, can i have your opinion?12:27
yolanda and
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Start using jfryman/puppet-selinux
mordredyolanda: ugh. my opinion is probably "just turn it off"12:29
mordredbut I'll look12:29
yolandamordred, i like your ideas :)12:29
mordredyolanda: :)12:29
mordredyolanda: 188357 seems reasonable12:29
yolandait fails for dupes, so i chained the cgit patch12:30
mordredboth look good to me12:31
yolandagoing to move that downstream as well, we cannot use selinux now12:31
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Update Copyright year
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openstackgerritEvgeny Antyshev proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Don't send reports without any job
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: bump os-client-config to 1.2.0
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Stop including policycoreutils-python
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Added non-voting karma test job to horizon.
rcritI'm looking to add a whole new class of testing and could use some hand holding13:23
rcritI want to add a job to test when tls-proxy is enabled13:23
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rcritand just want to run the tempest smoke test (tox -esmoke). I've worked out that passing in no *_TEMPEST_ env variables in will do that13:24
rcritand I've added tls-proxy to features.yaml13:25
rcritbut I'm not sure how to tie the rest together13:25
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fungircrit: what do you think is missing? bits to install tls-proxy in the devstack environment?13:42
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rcritI'm about 2 commits away from having tls-proxy work in devstack13:42
rcritlet me try to explain13:43
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Stop including policycoreutils-python
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rcritthis affects pretty much every project, so I want to have a single test for most (if not all) to run the tempest smoke test with tls-proxy enabled13:44
rcritso each project, or at least nova, glance, cinder and keystone, enable tls-proxy, run devstack, run tempest smoke test13:45
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rcritthe enabled services I focused on so far are: ceilometer-acentral,ceilometer-acompute,ceilometer-alarm-evaluator,ceilometer-alarm-notifier,ceilometer-anotification,ceilometer-api,ceilometer-collector,cinder,c-api,c-bak,c-sch,c-vol,dstat,g-api,g-reg,heat,horizon,h-api,h-api-cfn,h-api-cw,h-eng,key,mysql,n-api,n-cond,n-cpu,n-crt,n-net,n-obj,n-sch,rabbit,sahara,s-account,s-container,s-object,s-proxy,t13:46
rcritbut, for example, myself isn't really tested in SSL mode, and ceilometer and heat are enabled but smoke doesn't actually exercise them13:46
rcrita lot of issues get exercised merely in installation13:47
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rcritso even just having the services enabled and installable is in effect, a test13:47
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rcritso I'm poking around in openstack-infra/project-config and not exactly sure what changes to make, where13:48
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Revert "Add heat-translator to global requirments projects"
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fungircrit: it's probably easiest to test-drive a throwaway change to devstack or devstack-gate to try out the things you want it to do, then translate that difference into environment variables you can pass in from a job definition in project-config once you have it working13:55
fricklerfungi: two patches are still stuck in zuul because of the puppet thing from earlier, I didn't want to resubmit them in order not to lose the votes, do you have some other means of rescheduling?13:55
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/releasestatus: New-style page for Liberty-style tracking
fungircrit: that will also help you determine what things you need to do via modification to devstack or devstack-gate and what parts are already doable simply through envvars13:55
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rcritfungi, so that's one of the things giving me a headache right now13:56
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rcritso tls-proxy executes within devstack13:56
rcritbut it is affected by all the other projects, and is really quite sensitive to breakage due to other projects13:56
fungifrickler: i'll go ahead and bump them and reapprove the one that's already approved13:56
rcritso someone can do a glance commit that breaks things, I need to run the gate job there, not for devstack13:56
rcritdevstack just pulls everything together in an install13:56
rcritbut devstack changes can break things too13:57
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fungircrit: sure, i'm not suggesting you write a job to exercise devstack changes, i'm suggesting you can work out, with a devstack change or a devstack-gate change that you don't intend to actually have merged, what the missing bits are first13:57
rcritI'm sorry, I still don't follow13:58
fungithat's basically how the entire multi-node (nova live migration testing, neutron dvr) jobs were ironed out13:58
rcrityou're suggesting getting it working in one project first, and then moving out from there?13:59
rcritand starting with devstack is as good a place to start?13:59
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rcritas any?13:59
fungircrit: er, i may have misunderstood you, so let's back up. is tls-proxy a separate service or something you need directly patched into all the services projects individually?13:59
rcritwell, it's a quasi service.14:00
rcritit exists only devstack. When enabled it starts a bunch of stud proxies to proxy SSL14:00
fungido you want the individual api server projects to individually configure tls-proxy, or do you want the deployment to add and configure tls-proxy?14:00
rcritthe deployment. I basically want ENABLED_SERVICES += tls-proxy14:01
fungidevstack being "the deployment" for the sake of our testing jobs14:01
fungiso you're needing devstack modified, not necessarily all the api services themselves14:01
rcritso the changes for tls-proxy are in devstack now (or 2 patches or so away)14:01
rcritso one can theoretically check out devstack, add tls-proxy to the services and end up with an SSL-enabled openstack install (for a subset of services anyway)14:02
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fungifor starters, this is probably a conversation better had with the tempest and devstack maintainers in #openstack-qa. i have some perspective on how devstack-gate and project-config come into play across all kinds of jobs, but my understanding of devstack and tempest is not so deep14:02
rcritok, I'll give it a shot. Thanks for your help14:03
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/puppet-releasestatus: Switch release status tracking to Liberty
rcritbtw, I'm starting this now, before all the patches have landed, because this has been a moving target14:03
fungircrit: so anyway, it sounds like you're talking about modifications to devstack, forget for a moment the projects on whose changes you want your eventual test job to run14:03
rcritevery time I get it working some project breaks it14:03
rcritit's a mixed bag.14:04
rcritso the tls-proxy "service" is all in devstack. I've had to fix things in various projects to make SSL work14:04
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rcritbut the majority of it is properly configuring things and that is all in devstack14:04
fungiand so a way to figure out how you want the job to work is to start with a change that hard-codes what you want the job to do into devstack and/or devstack-gate so that it modifies the behavior of one of the existing jobs that runs on them and see if it works14:04
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fungiand once you know based on that experiment what needs modifying, then write the change(s) for the additional knobs you might need in devstack and/or devstack-gate to support that case, followed by a change to project-config to set those options in a new job14:05
rcritI've manually run the tempest tests, not exactly the same thing, but I have some hope that it work in gate14:05
fungibut starting from the change to add the job is likely to end in frustration14:06
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rcritok, I think I can force-add tls-proxy as a service in devstack-gate. I guess I"l start there14:06
fungiwell, there are already jobs that run tempest against devstack and devstack-gate changes, which is why i suggest that you can propose a not-really-serious change to one of them to set the things you think would need to be set and see what happens14:07
fungibecause unlike project-config changes, devstack-gate and devstack changes are self-testing so you can see the results of proposed modifications reported back from our ci14:08
rcrituh, you lost me there14:08
fungiproject-confg changes drive a bunch of automation to create and configure jobs in multiple ci systems, so you can't actually see the results of a proposed change. it's like shooting in the dark14:08
rcritI was just going to make changes to devstack-gate on some local VM and fire up the script14:08
fungior you can do that too, sure14:09
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fungijust pointing out that if you propose a change to devstack-gate, you can see what happens to all the jobs we run for that change14:09
fungiincluding experimental jobs configured for that repo14:09
rcritok, I see what you're saying. Make a change, submit it, and let the current CI do all the testing for me14:10
fungiwithout needing to set up your own environment to do so14:10
fungiyep, and then abandon that change once you have the results you're looking for14:10
rcritok, gotcha, that is where I was unsure. I wouldn't want to waste anyone's time on a throw-away patch14:10
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rcritthat's rather clever :-)14:11
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fungimark it workflow -1 (work in progress) and add something like "DO NOT MERGE" in the commit subject14:11
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fungithen nobody will waste their time reviewing it14:11
rcritok, I think I'm heading in the right direction now, thanks14:12
fungisure thing. and just as a point of reassurance, we've developed some _very_ complex jobs using that lazy-testing technique14:12
fungiit's remarkably convenient14:12
electricalfungi: the guys at work want a separate yaml list file for job names which then can be included in a project. currently we have a var called plugin_name with an array of plugin names, but they want to source the array from an other file. any idea's ?14:12
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fungielectrical: sounds like you're talking about a job-group?14:14
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electricalfungi: sort of. we have a list of plugins and we want the same job for those. but the whole list of plugins they want in a separate file so they can generate it and simply write it into a single file14:15
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fungiyou create a job-group which lists the group of jobs with some name for that set, and then you add the job-group by name to each project (along with setting parameters you want picked up in any job-templates which are part of the job-group)14:15
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fungii'm not following14:16
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electricalhehe. sorry14:16
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electricalI got a project called logstash-plugins-rspec14:16
fungihow does the list file relate to what gets run?14:16
electricalwithin that project def i got a variable called plugins14:16
electricalthat variable contains a list of plugin names14:16
electricalthat variable i use for the job-template to fill up14:17
electricalfungi: <--14:17
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add allow_hosts to pydistutils.cfg
electricalfungi: that list of plugin_name we would like to pull from an other file instead in the jobs file14:20
electricalthis way the team managing that list can generate it14:20
fungielectrical: got it. so some sort of list object defined in a separate file, or an inclusion or something14:20
electricalfungi: yeah indeed14:21
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fungii've not done that, but i'll look at the docs and see if a solution jumps out at me14:21
electricalcool thanks!14:21
electricali tried the include option but didn't work14:21
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fungii suspect the current include mechanism operates after yaml.load() rather than splicing raw files into each other14:22
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electricalfungi: most likely yeah14:23
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electrical <-- this at least didn't work14:23
fungiooh, "anchors and aliases are expanded internally within JJB’s yaml loading calls and are not limited to individual documents"14:23
fungiwonder if that could be exploited to this end14:23
electricalAttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute 'items'14:24
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fungidid you try any solutions involving
electricalhmm good one. will look at that14:24
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fungijust considering briefly, seems like you could define a parameter list in one file and then reference it in the projects list14:25
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fungithough maybe that only works within a job-template14:25
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pabelangerLooking for a few more +1, and even a +2 for the puppet-stackalytics module!  Governance is looking real good for it:
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fungipabelanger: since you're adding this repo to an existing project (infra) you didn't need to make it depends-on the governance addition, especially since jeblair has voted in favor of the governance addition14:34
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fungiit doesn't hurt anything, just might delay merging the change since it will have to wait for the tc to approve this way14:34
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pabelangerfungi, Right.  Still trying to figure out the whole governance process for importing git repos14:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/releasestatus: New-style page for Liberty-style tracking
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ttxfungi, AJaeger: if you would review that would be great -- it kinda goes together with the above-merged ^14:37
fungipabelanger: it's mildly confusing, agreed. basically if it's going into an existing project and the ptl has blessed it, then the governance change is a bookkeeping formality and doesn't need to hold up the project creation process. if the repo is for a proposed new official openstack project which is not yet recognized by the tc, then the project-config change needs to depends-on the governance14:38
fungichange becaus ethe tc needs to approve the project itself (rather than merely the repo)14:38
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fungittx: 19-week cycle this time?14:40
* fungi pulls up a calendar14:40
ttxfungi: I checked that it works14:40
ttxfungi: the math behind those numbers is a bit weird14:40
ttxdue to how the gauge javascript works14:40
fungicolor me surprised14:40
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ttxI should fix it one day14:40
ttx(it's the number of subticks between major ticks14:41
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fungiso oslo-incubator is not going to be an integrated release repo this time around?14:41
openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add #openstack-neutron-release channel
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ttxfungi: we may end up adding it again -- I wanted to start with a clean slate of "server" projects14:41
fungittx: lgtm then14:42
ttxalso "integrated" is a bit of an abusive view. I would rename the file if it didn't involve two atomic changes in two repos14:42
electricalfungi: tried all kinds of things but no luck so far :-(14:42
fungittx: heh. yep, at-6-mo-cycle-end.yaml is also sorta wordy14:42
ttxwe'll fix it one day too. This is more of an "about time we display liberty there" hotfix14:43
fungielectrical: i would not be surprised if yours is a use case not yet met. i recommend discussing in greater detail with zaro and/or pelix when they're around14:43
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electricalfungi: will do. thanks for looking though :-)14:44
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fungielectrical: my pleasure14:44
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asselin_how do we disable a third party ci system?14:45
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boris-42fungi: hi there14:46
boris-42fungi: one simple question14:46
asselin_I'm in contact with the owners of 'IBM GPFS CI', but they're having issues turning it off.
boris-42fungi: why syncing requirments syncs as well ?14:46
boris-42fungi: is there any reason why all should be the same?14:46
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boris-42fungi: like we really would like to have synced requriments but we want custom setup.py14:47
fungiboris-42: because global-requirements-using projects are assumed to also be using pbr, and pbr has some very particular behaviors around what needs to contain14:47
fungiboris-42: i recommend discussing with lifeless and/or mordred to see if there's a good way to accomodate whatever use case you have for customized in python packages14:48
fungiideally pbr would glue in anything you need from static configuration in setup.cfg instead14:49
mordrednope. you do not want custom setup.py14:49
fungiasselin_: is it a voting or non-voting ci? i.e., are you wanting to stop it from voting or completely stop it from commenting?14:50
mordredit's a VERY BAD IDEA14:50
asselin_fungi, stop from commenting14:50
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asselin_it is non-voting14:50
mordredand I will not support it in infra14:50
asselin_they're trying to turn it off, but not able.14:50
fungiasselin_: in that case it requires a gerrit admin to disable the account it's using. i'll take care of it14:50
asselin_fungi, thanks14:50
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fungiasselin_: there are two accounts with that name. one is linked to and the other to
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack/requirements: cap WSME to <0.7
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fungiasselin_: i've disabled both of them and flushed gerrit's caches now. hopefully their comments will cease at this point14:56
asselin_fungi, ok interesting14:56
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boris-42fungi: so this is the case
boris-42fungi: just to do bashcompletition stuff out of the box14:59
boris-42fungi: unfortunatelly we can't move this in setup.cfg14:59
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Do not automatically target bugs for stable releases
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fungiboris-42: seems like it should be possible to specify additional data_files in setup.cfg. if pbr doesn't support that then it's probably a reasonable enhancement... but i thought it already did. looking for a good example now15:00
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-apps_site: Create site for
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boris-42fungi: just a sec15:01
boris-42fungi: but this doesn't work15:01
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Remove last vestiges of alpha release handling
fungiboris-42: oh, you want a python package to install files into /etc (relative to the root filesystem)?15:02
fungiboris-42: that's extremely virtualenv-unfriendly15:02
fungibad idea15:02
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boris-42fungi: sooo NOPE15:02
boris-42fungi: what we would like is next15:02
boris-42fungi: if you are installing as a root => /etc15:02
boris-42fungi: if you are installing in venv => etc/15:02
boris-42in venv without root15:03
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boris-42fungi: that was the goal15:03
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fungiyeah, i see your "if os.getuid() == 0" there now15:03
boris-42fungi: yep15:03
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fungiboris-42: so... this is something that needs additional pip support. there was a distutils-sig thread recently about marking file types so that they can be ushered into the right locations on different platforms based on local conditions of the install15:04
fungiboris-42: but in the interim it's probably better to just recommend people installing the software copy files into /etc themselves15:05
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boris-42fungi: asking people to do extra steps is always bad idea =( I like when everything just works..15:05
fungithey may not want configs in /etc even if they installed as root15:06
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fungiand pip is not a full-featured system package manager15:06
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/release-tools: Do not automatically target bugs for stable releases
boris-42fungi: I know that why we have script15:06
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boris-42fungi: so probably we will move there workaround for bashcompletition15:07
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fungiboris-42: so anyway, your options as i see them are either to stop sync'ing global requirements, or keep manually modifying the requirements sync changes on that project to not modify your custom, or get features into pbr and/or pip to support your use case cleanly15:08
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fungior, yes, add that deviation to a separate installer script/documentation15:08
asselin_fungi, fyi, i emailed them letting them know the status15:09
fungiasselin_: thanks!15:09
boris-42fungi: yep a lot of choices=)15:09
boris-42fungi: or just have 2 jobs one that checks requriments and anoother that checks ?15:10
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boris-42fungi: because doing sync of is not so hard like doing sync15:10
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fungiboris-42: so... we really want all pbr-using projects to have a standard, unmodified because as soon as they start opting out of that they risk serious breakage. i think having the in sync with requirements is important for the projects we care about15:11
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fungiessentially, pbr devs expect you to have a stripped-down, and they're not going to help you if you don't15:12
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boris-42fungi: heh15:13
boris-42fungi: ok15:13
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boris-42fungi: we will think about script and so on15:13
fungiand if you want a custom requirements sync that doesn't touch your customized files, it's easy enough to propose that to your project yourself instead of using the standardized one15:13
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fungijust set up a cron job on your workstation that runs a patched copy of the sync script and proposes the results as a change to your project, or something15:14
pelixelectrical: I've commented on your gist, it should be possible to achieve what you want since JJB supports a custom "!include" tag to include the contents of a file and treat it as yaml at that point15:17
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openstackgerritRob Crittenden proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE - testing enabling tls-proxy service
electricalpelix: will try again since i tried that as well. but didn't had the .inc at the end of the file15:18
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pelixelectrical: ah, yes it's just important to change the line ending so that JJB doesn't try to read that file directly.15:18
boris-42fungi: ok thanks15:19
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pelixelectrical: sorry not line ending, meant end of file suffix15:19
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electricalpelix: ahhh okay. works like a charm now. thank you!15:19
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pelixelectrical: good to know :)15:20
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electricali tried it with .yaml file instead of :-)15:21
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pelixand JJB complained about something being invalid?15:22
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electricalpelix: yeah indeed15:22
fungipelix: electrical: awesome! i'll add that to my bag of tricks15:22
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pelixfungi: another trick (slightly scary) is the ability to use '!!python/object/apply:<function> [arg0, arg1, arg2, ...]' to have PyYAML execute arbitrary python code...15:28
mordredboris-42: sorry - I'm back - I was driving and on my phone before15:28
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boris-42mordred: so we are just discussing regarding to bash completiton15:28
mordredboris-42: you can already install files to arbitrary locations with pbr15:28
boris-42mordred: and making it work out of box15:28
mordredso you should just be able to list those in pbr and have it work15:29
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boris-42mordred: the issue that in case of root installation we would like in one place and without root in another15:29
mordredyou want a root installation to work15:29
mordredand you don't want the non-root installation to try to install into root locations15:29
boris-42mordred: exactly15:29
mordredthis works today15:29
boris-42mordred: how how how ??)15:29
boris-42mordred: any examples?)15:30
mordredlet me cook you up a quick example15:30
fungiagreed, i didn't find it in the documentation15:30
mordredbut yes - I share your desire15:30
mordredso I remember adding support for it15:30
mordredthe manpage installation makes use of it15:30
fungii'll happily add a doc patch for pbr to cover the permission-dependent install locations stuff15:31
mordredfungi, boris-42: look at neutron15:31
mordredin the [files] data_files section15:32
mordredyou'll see they specify a bunch of etc/ blah things15:32
mordredthose will install correctly if it's a root installation15:32
mordredand will also not be installed there if it's a virtualenv15:32
rcritfungi, sorry to bug you again, but I submitted a devstack-gate change as you suggested, but no tests were started:
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rcritdid I disable workflow too soon, or is this not what you were suggesting?15:33
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boris-42mordred: lookign at it15:35
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mordredboris-42: if it doesn't fully work, it's a bug and we should fix it - but neutron has been doing that for quite some time15:35
boris-42mordred: so etc/ will mean different in case of root and non-root?15:36
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fungircrit: no, jobs still run regardless of whether it's workflow -115:36
rcrithmm, so maybe lack of patience on my part?15:37
mordredboris-42: yes15:37
fungircrit: oh, i see you abandoned the change15:37
boris-42mordred: uh great amayzing15:37
fungircrit: hit the restore change button and it should start testing it again15:37
boris-42mordred: thansk15:37
mordredboris-42: I mean - test it for sure - you may be the first to want to depend on it for something important15:37
boris-42mordred: yep will do it15:38
fungircrit: look for 188436 in once you do to see its progress15:38
mordredboris-42: there may be bugs we should fix - but that's the intent for sure15:38
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fungimordred: excellent. that's arcane knowledge. i'll make sure it's more obvious in the docs15:38
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rcritok, I see it. Just lack of patience on my part :-(15:39
boris-42mordred: testing in process... =)15:39
fungircrit: yep, some of those jobs take an hour or more to complete15:39
jeblairkrotscheck: all of the storyboard-webclient jobs seem to be structurally failing, see:
esmute_mordred: Hi. I am starting to use the os ansible modules that you have in your github feature branches and im having issues when i use them. Wondering if im doing something wrong. For example, the os_security_group gives me a syntax error even though im following the example you have in the source file.15:41
jeblairkrotscheck: are there problems with the job config changes you made there recently, or is storyboard-webclient missing some infrastructure they expect?15:41
mordredesmute_: piddle. let me look ... Shrews ^^ also, we have a customer who has found the brokens15:42
esmute_mordred: actually os_security_group worked for me.. The one giving a syntax error was os_security_group_rule15:42
esmute_Also os_keypair is giving me errors as well.
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mordredesmute_: oh - wow. that's just a terrible bug in the example code15:43
esmute_mordred: and os_network also doesnt like me.
fungijeblair: "Npm module "grunt-cli" not found. Is it installed?" but i definitely see it retrieve grunt-cli and get a 200 ok. definitely odd15:43
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mordredesmute_: it's high on my list to make a better documentation and examplse - maybe I'll start work on that immediately15:45
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esmute_mordred: i did this and that is giving me the error15:47
mordreddguerri: ^^ we may have some broken ansible modules we should fix real quick15:47
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Pin pyngus version as python-qpid-proton is not in pypi
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rbrndtQuick question about jenkins automated testing. I'm trying to disable running a functional test, but jenkins always seems to find and run it15:51
rbrndtHow/where do I change which tests are run?15:52
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: More explicit data_files install location docs
esmute_dguerri: os_network is giving me issues but the one im using is  the one already in the ansible repo. Should i be using this one?15:54
fungirbrndt: it depends on what you mean by "tests" but if you are actually talking about individual tests and not entire jobs then it's determined by how your particular test runner (testr?) is configured and invoked15:54
rbrndtfungi: I tried modifying the testr config to use a specific directory, but that made no difference.15:55
dguerriesmute_: looking now your error15:56
fungirbrndt: are these tempest tests, maybe?15:56
rbrndtfungi: Not that I know of15:56
mordredesmute_: the quantum_ modules will be deprecated soon - but we need to make sure we've found the bugs in os_network before we do15:56
fungirbrndt: i'd need to know more about what you're running where to be able to have much of a chance of providing useful guidance, sorry15:57
tim_o_Where can I find out more information on how to group jobs in the Gerrit Summary:  <-- HP Networking CI check has 5 jobs/status messages grouped under it.  How is this done?15:57
dguerriesmute_: which module are you using esactly?15:57
rbrndtfungi: alright, I'll give it another go and see what i can find15:57
esmute_dguerri: os_network15:58
rbrndtfungi: thanks15:58
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fungitim_o_: if you're using zuul that happens automatically. if you're using gerrit-trigger plugin for jenkins the configuration is documented at
asselin_tim_o_, that's done in the zuul layout.yaml configuration15:59
dguerriKeyError: 'state'  esmute_16:00
dguerriso it seems that param is not there mordred ^16:00
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mordredhrm. did we miss a branch when we removed state from the global params?16:00
dguerri   state:16:01
dguerri     description:16:01
dguerri        - Indicate desired state of the resource.16:01
dguerri     choices: ['present', 'absent']16:01
dguerri     required: false16:01
dguerri     default: present16:01
dguerrithis is quite an important default :)16:01
bknudsonis proposal bot supposed to post new reviews when it's the same as the existing review?
dguerri(sorry for the noise)16:01
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mordredyah. well, it used to be in the global set of params ... but then we removed it from that and put it in each module because os_server needs a more complex set of states16:02
tim_o_fungi, asselin_ thanks; I'm using Jenkins FYI16:02
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esmute_dguerri: if i add the 'state' param, i get
dguerrireading (but you should have a default!)16:02
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dguerriso there is a bug16:03
esmute_if i add state: present, i get that error i just pasted16:03
fungitim_o_: as long as it's reporting all your job results together in a single gerrit comment, then the configuration i linked should allow you to format that comment properly for our javascript in gerrit to find and extract it16:03
dguerrithat's brilliant16:03
dguerristate: "unsupported parameter for module"16:03
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dguerrilet me dig into that... Sorry I am not aware of latest changes on that specific code16:04
mordredyah. I got it - one sec16:04
dguerrioh cool16:04
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mordred(we missed a copy/paste)16:04
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dguerri\o/ for mordred  :)16:05
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mordreddguerri, esmute_
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove the EOFError query
esmute_mordred: thanks .. let me try that..16:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Switch to using '-' in clouds.yaml
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esmute_how about the issues with os_security_group_rule and os_keypair ? :)16:12
dguerriesmute_: error message?16:13
mordredk. that fix is now merged upstream16:13
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mordredlet's fix security group and keypair  now16:13
dguerriesmute_: ? right?16:14
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esmute_dguerri: yes16:14
dguerrisyntax error16:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/pbr: Move CapturedSubprocess fixture to base
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed stackforge/gertty: Fix waiting for tasks
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump keystoneclient version
jeblairmordred: ^ that should fix the "Unable to find change" when you try to open a change by number in gertty16:16
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krotscheckjeblair: Checking, just a minute16:17
openstackgerritDave Walker proposed openstack-infra/yaml2ical: Add Calendar Name and Description to output ical
mordredjeblair: oooooh16:18
krotscheckjeblair: So, the way the storyboard-webclient grunt is setup is that it will run linting on every job, not only during the lint job. It appears your patch removed the use of getLimit, but still declares it?
pleia2good morning16:19
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jeblairkrotscheck: that is confusing.  is it possible to avoid running linting except on the lint job?16:19
krotscheckjeblair: Absolutely, let me go do that, just a minute.16:20
jeblairkrotscheck: woot, thanks; i'll go remove the defn16:20
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove limit parameter from browsing
openstackgerritDave Walker proposed openstack-infra/yaml2ical: Add Calendar Name and Description to output ical
mordreddguerri: I merged the two security group related PRs into
mordreddguerri: however, since they're not merged, perhaps now would be a good time to port the to to the new security group support in shade?16:23
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Removed eslint from compile step
krotscheckjeblair: ^^ All the things.16:23
jeblairkrotscheck: has the js-integration job ever run?16:23
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krotscheckjeblair: No idea?16:24
krotscheckjeblair: I'd ping yolanda for that one.16:24
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run check-storyboard-js-integration on real nodes
jeblairkrotscheck, yolanda: ^16:24
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run check-storyboard-js-integration on real nodes
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Remove limit parameter from browsing
jeblairmordred: can you approve please?16:27
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mordredjeblair: yup16:27
mordredjeblair: done16:27
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yolandaah it was approved before i checked16:28
jeblairyolanda: plenty of time to change our minds :)16:30
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krotscheckjeblair: Anything else we need storyboardwise before I dive into oslo things?16:30
krotscheck(Actually, horizon things, then oslo things)16:31
jeblairkrotscheck: thats all i know of, at least until the tests come back, thanks :)16:31
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yolandajeblair, asselin, i added  a pair of changes to the puppet-nodepool module:,
yolandaone for the jenkins master, and moving nodepool.yaml template to puppet-nodepool, another to move clouds.yaml as well16:33
asselin_yolanda, thanks. I have to step out. will look at those when I get back16:34
yolandaok, no rush16:34
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jeblairyolanda: mordred should look at
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mordredsooo... I'm not sure we want that to be nodepool tha tmanages it16:36
mordredbecause we'll also want a clouds.yaml on the upetmaster eventually16:36
jeblairyolanda: for i thought we were going to move the jenkins parameters out of that file?16:36
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Simplify oscc argument conversion
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mordredalso - I think we should probably move the file to /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml and make sure that both the nodepool user and root can read it16:37
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yolandajeblair, my idea there, is that we provide a path to a template externally - from openstack_project/nodepool or from puppet_openstackci/nodepool16:38
mordredwow. that patch hasn't landed yet?16:38
yolandathen we pass that targets array to nodepool module, and that module replaces the right content, and puts the template on place16:38
jeblairmordred, yolanda: should we have something that provides a puppet resource nodepool can depend on for clouds.yaml then?16:38
jeblair(a new puppet module seems overkill for it, but i don't puppet enough puppet to know how to puppet it differently)16:39
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nibalizerI still think the nodepool module should be managing the nodepool configuration files16:39
nibalizeror at least that behaviour should be possible16:39
jeblairnibalizer: i think the argument for clouds.yaml is that it's not just a nodepool config file16:39
yolandanibalizer, but that clouds.yaml is a bit generic, as mordred says16:39
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yolandaso at this point, i'd say to use a different puppet module, or place that into a subclass of some module that could fit16:40
jeblairso you get into a weird place if you want to run nodepool on your puppetmaster (not saying _that_ is a good idea)16:40
nibalizersounds like a nodepool::cloudconfig class could do it16:40
nibalizerthat way its close to nodepool and a puppetmaster type server can include nodepool::cloudconfig16:40
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yolandamm, but then you are enclosing that clouds.yaml into nodepool16:41
yolandaand this is more generic16:41
yolandafor example shade, ansible use that, right?16:41
fungithough that implies that the clouds.yaml is a nodepool-only concept16:41
jeblairanother way to look at it is that perhaps we should avoid putting it it /etc/ and just have a nodepool private copy and instead focus on not duplicating the data in our manifest, possibly by putting it in hiera in a structured format?16:41
fungiwhen in theory we could use the same config for other things in other programs managed by other puppet modules16:42
jeblairyolanda: correct (re shade/ansible -- i think that's what mordred was thinking ahead to when he mentioned puppetmaster)16:42
fungithat's certainly a reasonable route. have multiple copies of that file in different places, but source them all from something in project-config16:42
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fungiso that they're kept consistent16:42
nibalizerI would be okay with nodepool::cloudconfig being a hillariously thin wrapper around another class called shade::config16:42
jeblairfungi: s/project/system/16:42
fungier, system-config righto16:43
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mordredI just responded on the change itself16:43
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mordredit's not shade::config16:43
mordredos-client-config is a thing used by many things, of which shade is one16:44
yolandamordred, and there is a module for that, or makes sense to have a puppet-os-client-config module?16:44
mordredjeblair: the main reason I was suggesting /etc/openstack was to make it easier for folks to run nodepool commands16:44
mordredjeblair: but I thin you made a good point - so let's scratch that part16:44
mordredyolanda: yah - somethin glike that16:44
jeblairmordred: well, i'm still brainstorming at this point :)16:45
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mordredjeblair: cool16:45
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mordredto be fair - ~/.config/openstack/clouds.yaml overrides /etc/openstack/clouds.yaml - so for the all-in-one case, we could install one in ~nodepool16:45
fungiwell, it could be puppeted into ~nodepool but still group-owned admin and group-readable16:45
mordredso maybe we want to make a input param flag16:45
jeblairmordred: (i think with all the dib work, it's actually fine to require nodepool to be run as nodepool user regardless of this)16:45
fungibut yes, we already have a lot of situations where the nodepool cli needs to run as the nodepool user, so what's a few more16:46
fungii've fairly quickly gotten accustomed to remembering to just do that always16:47
yolandayes, normally all nodepool cli calls have to use nodepool users. The ones that give trouble if you run with root are the dib ones, but it should be a good policy to run everything as nodepool user16:48
mordredso maybe the cloud config puppet module should take as ann input parameter which user it should install a clouds.yaml for?16:48
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yolandamm, user of users... if we want to use that module on different situations, we may end with duplicate resource declaration16:49
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nibalizerprobably a list of users16:49
yolandatake that you want to use for shade16:49
yolandathen for nodepool16:49
yolandapuppet will claim16:49
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nibalizeror use a defined type16:50
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mordredwait - what?16:50
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yolandaif we call puppet-cloud-config { 'user': nodepool... } and then in other module we do puppet-cloud-config { 'user': 'shade' } ... puppet will complain16:50
yolandaabout dupes16:50
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mordredthis is starting to sound like it's getting very complex to hand a file that is a list of yaml dicts. that may be ok - but I'm worried that we're going to end up with more code to manage the config file than is in os-client-config in the first place16:51
mordredyolanda: yah - I think nibalizer is right about that 0 if we do it as s defined type we should be fine16:51
mordredwith the user as the type name parameter thing16:51
yolandai need to dig more about puppet defined types, don't know much about it16:52
nibalizerAlso probably nodepool::config just uses os-client-config internally and no one needs to know how16:52
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nibalizerexcept for us obviously, but right after doing it, we can forget16:52
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jeblairnibalizer: also, the nodepool module could either require that type be defined externally or use a supplied data structure like in
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krotscheckhey, mordred: The refstack people are looking for a temporary cloud account/project to host while infra gets their ducks in a row. Right now it's davidlenwell's personal instance, with him paying for it. In the interest of getting refstack hosted quickly, do you mind if we pester you regularly to get approvals to happen? ALternatively, if things go slow, can HP fund an account for them for a couple of months?16:56
jeblairkrotscheck: what ducks need alignment?16:57
mordredjeblair: there is a spec up for review right now16:57
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add new project: puppet-refstack
jeblairnibalizer, yolanda: can one of you summarize what you think we should do to make sure we're on the same page?16:58
openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/zuul-packaging: WIP - update zuul packaging for zuul 2.0.0
yolandamm, first create that puppet cloud config module16:58
yolandaand make that manage configs as a defined type, but really i need to read about it16:58
davidlenwellwe are mostly there with all the needed things.. but we were told that it would still be a month or so.16:58
mordredkrotscheck: I dont think it'll take more than a few weeks - but yeah, pester me all you want, and if you want to move the current thing from david's account to, say, your account (Which is free) while we get the details worked out, I think HP is fine with that16:59
yolandanibalizer knows more about puppet, so he may have that clearerr16:59
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davidlenwellmordred: paying for the hosting for a few weeks .. isn't a problem16:59
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davidlenwellmoving it is probably more effort than it is worth for just a few weeks16:59
mordredk. yeah - I forsee no substantial issues in getting it moving17:00
dguerriesmute_: are you sure about the os_keypair error?17:00
dguerri esmute_17:00
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davidlenwellso lets just focus on getting moved as soon as we can .. and if things are blocked on something let me know and I will do what I can to unblock17:00
esmute_dguerri: looking..17:00
mordreddavidlenwell: awesome. I'm about to run out for lunch, but will look at the spec when I get backk17:01
jeblairit's 1 week to get that spec approved, then however long it takes to do the work, and how long it takes to spin up the server depends on how correct the puppet modules are :)17:01
yolandajeblair, about .. that i did there doesn't collapse with moving nodepool.yaml outside17:01
yolandai'd like that puppet-nodepool to accept a template path17:01
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mordredyah. I've got another server to spin up soon too - so I can probably do them both at the same time17:01
jeblairi gather the work has already started in parallel, so that should compress that bit in the middle :)17:01
yolandathen that module creates the nodepool.yaml and replaces vars17:01
nibalizerjeblair: I'll hop on the review and leave my ideas there17:01
yolandamysql pass, and jenkins masters17:01
nibalizerdoing a meeting right now though17:01
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davidlenwelljeblair: that should already be done..17:02
yolandathat should be first step, then next step is to update openstack_project/nodepool to do it17:02
yolandaor puppet-openstackci/nodepool17:02
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esmute_dguerri: yes.. im still getting the same error.. here is my task in case im doing something wrong:
jeblairdavidlenwell, krotscheck: if no one has mentioned it yet, it would be good to have a page in openstack-infra/system-config/doc/ ; these get published to and are basically our 'sysadmin reference docs'17:04
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jeblairdavidlenwell, krotscheck: that is something you can also parallelize17:04
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davidlenwellthanks jeblair17:04
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jeblairyolanda: why not work toward the end goal? modify puppet-nodepool to accept the parameters and write the new config file, modify nodepool to use the new config file, move nodepool.yaml (without the credentials) to project-config, and modify puppet-nodepool to accept the file path like other puppet-project_config users?17:07
fungidavidlenwell: for example, docaedo has a patch up to add that for at the same time as it gets a server instantiated in our puppet global site manifest
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krotscheckjeblair: I'm guessing that should be mentioned in the spec then, yes?17:08
davidlenwellkrotscheck: ^^17:08
yolandajeblair, but that puppet-nodepool change is first step17:08
jeblairkrotscheck: yeah, would be good to note in the "Documentation" section17:08
yolandai can add more patches after that, of course17:08
krotscheckdavidlenwell: (I think that's more of a hogepodge thing ;) )17:08
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davidlenwellgood point17:08
jeblairyolanda: i don't see why it needs to be the first step17:09
yolandajeblair, well, chained steps. I need to add more patches, but there are different projects17:09
hogepodgekrotscheck: davidlenwell what's my thing?17:09
davidlenwellsee jeblair's message above17:09
jeblairyolanda: i think my sequence is sufficient and minimal17:09
davidlenwellhogepodge: ^^17:10
krotscheckhogepodge: Added a note in the refstack spec to add documentation to system-config/doc17:10
yolandajeblair, so you mean, don't use a template in puppet-nodepool, but an already generated file17:11
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yolandaand move that logic of generating the file to the caller modules17:11
yolandanodepool_prod or puppet-openstackci/nodepool17:11
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jeblairyolanda: no, i am suggesting step 1 is: modify puppet-nodepool to write /etc/nodepool/nodepool.conf with mysql and jenkins credentials17:11
hogepodgekrotscheck: davidlenwell Ah, I see17:12
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yolandajeblair, that's what i'm trying to do there. I take a template, and jenkins and mysql creds, and write /etc/nodepool/nodepool.yaml17:13
hogepodgejeblair: or anyone else, comments on dbaas and ha welcome.
yolandai think i'm not following you , sory17:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add allow_hosts to pydistutils.cfg
jeblairyolanda: yeah, except i'm saying write "nodepool.conf".  that is the new nodepool configuration file that holds credentials that we discussed yesterday.  it is not nodepool.yaml.17:14
jeblairhogepodge: writing them now, thanks17:14
yolandajeblair, then i missed that bit, i was messing with nodepool.yaml17:14
yolandaok , so your idea is to create a new config file17:15
yolandathe one with the etherpad17:15
yolandathen update nodepool.yaml, it really won't have any secret to replace17:15
yolandait will reference the jenkins masters as it references the clouds now17:15
yolandaso we can generate a nodepool.yaml without any replacement, and it can be a plain file17:16
yolandahave i understood?17:16
jeblairyolanda: yep17:16
fungihogepodge: i left you some comments on the spec17:17
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greghaynesjeblair: is there a spec for this? I have some questiobs but phone ircing ATM17:17
yolandasorry but i was messing nodepool.conf and nodepool.yaml all time yesterday17:17
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yolandasounds good, and more in the approach that we are following with clouds.yaml as well17:18
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greghaynesIm basically wobdering if we did clouds.yaml, the mysql homedir cobfig file, is there otger secrets wed need to split out?17:18
greghayneswow phone typibg is hard17:19
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yolandagreghaynes :)17:19
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jeblairgreghaynes: no spec, just some irc conversation.  the only creds left in the file after the clouds.yaml extraction (which is complete) are mysql and jenkins17:19
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jeblairgreghaynes: the proposal is to move them to a conf file, then nodepool.yaml can be text-only and put in project-config (where it arguably has always belonged)17:20
jeblairgreghaynes: (we simply could not move it at the time due to the templating of the credentials)17:20
yolandajeblair, ok, i'll poke with that on these days17:21
jeblairyolanda: cool, thanks17:21
greghaynesyea, any reason to not set default mysql client creds in the nodepool homedir and use that... then I wonder if jenkins might have a similar thing17:21
yolandajeblair, it was hard but i finally understood :)17:22
jeblairgreghaynes: i don't know that the pymysql module will read those17:22
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jeblairgreghaynes: we could have nodepool do that, i suppose, but the dburi, with or without creds, still needs to be supplied17:23
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greghaynesyep, youd have to do some string munging, just an idea17:24
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krotscheckjeblair: Tests are back:
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jeblairkrotscheck: cool, and the not-registered should be fixed after the reconfiguration completes17:26
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pleia2crinkle: tsk, these proposed nodepool instructions by clarkb worked great a couple weeks ago! now it's all gone sideways17:30
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pleia2crinkle: did you get it working with a hardcoded path to ssh key in the nodepool.yaml? I'm running into different errors now17:30
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crinklepleia2: I haven't entirely got it working, having some trouble understanding when and where the key gets added to the node17:33
crinklebut fixing the key path at least eliminates that particular error17:33
crinklepleia2: what errors are you seeing?17:34
pleia2I get past that error, and then on to lots of
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crinklepleia2: that's where i am!17:35
crinkleso i'm not crazy17:35
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pleia2I don't know what's going on, this used to work ok :)17:35
pleia2going to poke around some recent changes to nodepool to see if there's something I've got wrong now17:35
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jeblairpleia2, crinkle: or potentially changes to the image build scripts17:36
crinklei was digging into the code, it seems like it's supposed to deal with the key in the updateImage stage, but that doesn't get called automatically - not sure if i have to manually run a nodepool image-update?17:36
pleia2we're calling our custom in this nodepool.yaml which runs a bunch of this stuff17:37
jeblairpleia2, crinkle: iirc, nodepool is just passing information to the puppet (or possibly dib) run to do the actual installation17:37
pleia2I see this stuff scroll by in my nodepool-log-wall-of-text17:37
pleia2 is the change in question17:38
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jeblairpleia2: ah, so the custom prepare script _only_ sets up a jenkins user with your public key.  that seems simple enough.  you might look at the build log for when nodepool built the image and read the output from when that ran17:43
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* pleia2 nods17:45
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jeblairfungi: i got a notice from rax that our database instance <meaningless uuid> is going to be shut down and moved to another host, immediately.17:48
jeblair14 hours ago17:48
fungijeblair: er... fun!17:49
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jeblairlooking up uuid now17:49
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fungii'll dig up the ticket and grep for it in hiera unless you've done so already17:49
fungioh, nm then!17:49
fungimtreinish: ^ you probably don't care, other than to test and make sure it's still working17:49
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mordredjeblair: when you get a sec, could you look at 188201 and 188202 - the tl;dr is that we want to move to requiring that an oscc config object be passed in (this actually is closer to how nodepool works anyway)18:05
mordredjeblair: baby steps being - land those and release, then land a patch to nodepool which starts pasing the object in in addition to the **kwargs18:06
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mordredjeblair: at which point we can start reworking some things to just use the object instead of using teh object and a pile of kwargs18:06
crinklecan an abandoned change be restored by a non-admin non-core user who is not the original author?18:07
crinklethe internet makes it sound like no, which seems unfortunate18:07
mordredcrinkle: nope. must be core or admin or original author18:08
mordredcrinkle: you got one you want restored?18:08
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lifelessboris-42: what do you need in a custom ?18:08
mordredlifeless: already covered18:08
crinklemordred: I can restore it since I have core but I'm wondering about the general case18:08
mordredcrinkle: nod18:08
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mordredlifeless: he wants to install things to /etc/ when installing as root, but not fail trying to do that when installing into a venv18:08
crinklemordred: thanks18:08
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mordredlifeless: which is already supported - although possibly buggy since it's not used much in anger18:09
lifelessmordred: ah; the distro-friendly iteration being worked on in distutils-SIG will help with that18:09
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mordredjeblair: although I need to rebase the stack for merge conflict18:11
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* dhellmann wonders if everyone took the day off or if zuul's queue is just empty18:16
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SpamapSquick fill it!18:17
dhellmannactually, I did just submit a patch and I dno't see it in the check queue18:17
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SpamapSdhellmann: many many many school districts in the US end today.18:17
dhellmannwhat! no more schools?! think of the children! what of our future!?18:17
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annegentledhellmann: heh18:18
* dhellmann may be reading SpamapS too literally18:18
annegentledhellmann: fifth grade "promotion" ceremony for us today :)18:18
dhellmannannegentle: congrats!18:19
annegentleand they still have to go to school tomorrow due to the one weather day we had this year, lol18:19
annegentlethanks. Really it's survival at some point :)18:19
dhellmannI'm sure my parents felt the same way when I was that age18:19
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annegentleit's more fun every year18:20
fungicrinkle: the main reason it's limited to a repo's core review group and the change owner is that there's one acl permission for both abandon and restore, and we don't want random users going around abandoning others' changes. too ripe for (even accidental) abuse18:21
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crinklefungi: that makes sense18:22
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fungicrinkle: it's also why, at least for infra repos, our core reviewers don't just arbitrarily abandon stale changes18:23
fungiwe generally only abandon changes which are very obviously not the preferred path forward and can't be easily updated to become so18:23
fungifor example, when we split an existing repo and the change was proposed to code which is now somewhere else and should be reproposed as a new change18:24
dhellmannfungi, jeblair : kidding aside, is there anything going on with zuul? it doesn't seem to be launching test jobs18:24
fungidhellmann: um... wow. looks like it hasn't seen a gerrit event for an hour18:25
fungii'll check to see if we're hung on the gerrit side18:25
anteayaso far stream events isn't streaming for me18:26
fungiyep, tons of hung stream-events tasks starting around 17:25:16.19618:26
fungii think we probably need a gerrit restart18:26
fungijeblair: mordred: ^18:26
anteayais that the first since we had the third party script problem?18:26
mordredfungi: yay18:26
pleia2crinkle: so it looks like there is a small window where I can log in, so the does work, but something happens after to make it not work, continuing to investigate18:27
fungii see a bunch of non-waiting stream-events tasks for the "wznoinsk" user18:27
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anteayawznoinsk: can you let us know when you are online?18:28
anteayahe is an intel ci operator18:28
anteayamet him at summit18:28
fungii'm going to disable that account and try to kill his tasks first to see if that helps18:28
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anteayanfv ci and networking ci18:29
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anteayaunless he is doing something with his person gerrit account18:30
crinklepleia2: is it just during the snapshotting stage that the key works?18:31
anteayawould it be this one? Waldemar Znoinski - test CI <>18:31
fungianteaya: id 1428718:31
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pleia2crinkle: possibly, running through again while keeping an eye on nova instance output18:32
anteayathat is his personal account18:32
anteayaI had hoped he had known not to use his personal account for ci things18:32
dhellmannso we have someone telling gerrit to stream events, and then not consuming them, and that messes up gerrit?18:32
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fungidhellmann: it's hard to know for sure. we're still trying to figure out how to reproduce the behavior18:33
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fungiwhich is why we're curious to know what that account was doing which might have caused it18:33
dhellmannfungi: makes sense18:34
anteayadhellmann: the last time this happened we had a third party ci operator create a run a script that created and held open a number of ssh connections18:35
fungiokay, i've disabled that account, killed all his not-waiting stream-events tasks in gerrit, flushed its caches (just in case)18:35
anteayathey didn't know it caused us problems18:35
anteayafungi: thanks18:35
fungibut i still don't see the number of waiting stream-events tasks falling18:35
anteayahe is in eu, so might be a while before he gets back to us18:35
fungi#status notice Gerrit has been restarted to clear an issue with its event stream. Any change events between 17:25 and 18:38 UTC should be rechecked or have their approvals reapplied to initiate testing.18:37
fungigrr... statusbot is also on vacation apparently18:38
openstackgerritPaul Belanger proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Host Stackalytics Service
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fungimet with a ping timeout at 01:22:16 utc and never reconnected18:39
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pleia2crinkle: ok yeah, so we can log into the template that's created as the image (can do this quickly, before it's deleted), but not the resulting VM that it spins up from that snapshot18:40
fungiit's still joining channels, but once it finishes i'll send the notice18:40
fungi#status notice Gerrit has been restarted to clear an issue with its event stream. Any change events between 17:25 and 18:38 UTC should be rechecked or have their approvals reapplied to initiate testing.18:41
openstackstatusfungi: sending notice18:41
fungimuch better18:41
pleia2crinkle: so it's something to do with the VMs we build from the daily snapshots18:41
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Gerrit has been restarted to clear an issue with its event stream. Any change events between 17:25 and 18:38 UTC should be rechecked or have their approvals reapplied to initiate testing.18:42
dhellmannfungi: thanks, it's picking up changes again!18:43
openstackstatusfungi: finished sending notice18:43
fungidhellmann: yep, thanks for pointing it out!18:43
boris-42lifeless: I talk with mordred18:44
dhellmannfungi: I would suggest setting up monitoring of some sort, but I realize you've crowd-sourced that service ;-)18:44
boris-42lifeless: so seems like pbr magically can do the same via setup.cfg18:44
boris-42lifeless: so we won't need customization=)18:44
pleia2dhellmann: yeah, that's how we do monitoring around here18:45
dhellmannpleia2: I'm not knocking it, it works :-)18:45
crinklepleia2: are you using a nova keypair or is the prepare script supposed to copy the key?18:45
fungiboris-42: lifeless: mordred: also attempts to make that more obvious in the pbr documentation18:45
pleia2crinkle: I don't think nova is involved, it seems to bring up the VMs themselves fine, it just ultimately fails because it can't ssh in18:46
pleia2and ssh is now nodepool checks that the vm is healthy enough to run tests18:46
greghaynespleia2: are these images made with dib?18:47
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greghaynespleia2: if so, you might need to bake in the ssh key at build time, theres an env var you can export IIRC18:47
pleia2greghaynes: following the instructions here, using a base ubuntu cloud image that we load into glance
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pleia2very simple18:47
greghaynespleia2: instructions where?18:48
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pleia2paste faily18:48
greghaynespleia2: ah, so no di18:48
pleia2just an image with some ssh stuff plopped in18:49
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greghayneshrm, how does it do that prepare_node? doesnt it need to ssh in for that too?18:51
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pleia2greghaynes: nah, it definitely applies it to the template that's created18:51
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fungiprep scripts happen during image creation, ready scripts happen after the node has booted18:52
pleia2I can ssh in to the template that's created, before it's deleted18:52
pleia2can't ssh into the resulting VM that's created18:52
mordrednodepool uses keypairs to get a keypair on the box for initial building things18:52
mordredbut expects taht the prep scripts will install keypairs such that vms booted from it will be happy18:52
greghaynesmordred: uses keypairs?18:52
crinkleit autogenerates one or you can specify one
mordredgreghaynes: nova keypairs. "nova boot --keypair=foo" - then ssh into that vm over that keypair to run the prep scripts, then snapshot and boot without keypair18:53
greghaynesoh, looks like it then falls back to the distro specific cloud-init users18:54
greghaynesso yea, thats why that part works18:54
greghaynesso it must be the prepare script thats messed up?18:56
* greghaynes should resurrect his nodepool deal18:56
pleia2yeah, it could be the script has stopped working18:57
pleia2this all worked fine 3 weeks ago when I was doing testing ;)18:57
crinkleI kind of expected the user-specified keypair might stick around with the node instead of just being used for snapshotting18:58
crinklebut it doesn't seem to work that way18:58
jeblairpublic service announcement: i think we should aim to get specs that we want to vote on next week on the agenda at before this weekend, so that when pleia2 sends out the meeting announcement, the agenda has some semblance of accuracy18:59
openstackgerritJustin Shepherd proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Adding statusbot to the openstack-defcore channel
fungijeblair: thanks, agreed18:59
jeblairmordred, hogepodge, pabelanger: ^ might interest you18:59
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fungii'm writing another one now for our code search service19:00
fungisince taron, our outreachy intern, wants to do that project for us19:00
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fungii'll hopefully have a draft of it up later today19:00
crinklejeblair: what is the process for adding specs? just edit the wiki?19:00
crinkleI want to move forward but i'm not sure its ready yet19:00
jeblairfungi, taron: that sounds great!19:00
pleia2crinkle: yeah, to the meeting agenda19:01
crinklepleia2: okie19:01
fungii figure, what better way to provide a clear scope and guidance than to have a spec ;)19:01
jeblairfungi: ++19:01
pleia2and don't want to scare her off by making her write it ;)19:01
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add infra-cloud spec
pleia2woo infra-cloud \o/19:02
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dhellmannmordred: could I get a review of this requirements bump for stevedore, please?
fungiwhat was the code search platform we demoed for a while before mordred found hound?19:04
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Host OpenStack Apps Catalog Service
fungiYES. thank you anteaya19:04
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anteayafungi: welcome19:04
fungii was totally spacing on the name19:04
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mordredjeblair: the rollcall vote patch may have the largest number of +2's ever19:05
anteayafungi: thinking I'll email wznoinsk to tell him why his gerrit account is disabled, should I cc -infra or ... ?19:06
mordredfungi: does your spec reference
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fungimordred: nope--hadn't found that19:07
fungianteaya: please do19:07
mordredfungi: oh - and speaking of that - can we turn it back on? we had stopped it the other day when we were getting git ddos'd19:07
taronpleia2: eh, I've written worse :P19:08
pleia2taron LD19:08
anteayafungi: thank you19:08
fungimordred: sure, it seems safe enough. i don't think it was actually the cause19:08
mordredfungi: I tink there is still more work to be done to make that fully production ready ... including at least one go patch if anyone is interested19:08
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fungimordred: it also seems like something we might want a puppet module for, rather than embedding it into the openstack_project module19:10
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* pleia2 seeks burrito19:13
openstackgerritColleen Murphy proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Perform puppet module functional testing
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add spec covering puppet 4 readiness
mordredfungi: oh totally19:14
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mordredfungi: in fact, I only stuck it in the openstack_project module so that I could put the code up for review so that we could decide if we liked the route before we created a dedicated repo :)19:14
fungipleia2: "pleia2 seeks burrito" sounds like a classified ad19:15
fungimordred: very cool. i'll point to that as a demo/reference starting point19:15
jeblairpleia2: i'm going to gordo's for lunch; but the one in berkeley, so i probably won't see you there19:15
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mordredfungi: I think there are at least two upstream hound coding tasks we may want to call out: a) adding support for noticing config file changes without shutting down and restarting (bug filed upstream, they're thrilled to get a patch for that)19:15
anteayafungi: email sent19:15
jeblairmordred, fungi: yeah, i was planning to execute the rollcall vote change after my burrito19:15
* anteaya wonders if she has burrito ingredients in the house19:16
mordredfungi: b) the repo list is a select box, and doesn't have namespacing, which is particularly unwiedly for us19:16
* mordred did not have a burrito19:16
Clintcontagious burrito desire19:16
anteayaI likely won't make it to berkley in time19:16
jeblairmordred: that is funny.  scroll down 700 entries to the one you want.19:17
fungijeblair: i'm happy to do the database update to migrate the existing votes from the old category names to the new one, but not sure if it can be done live. might want to save it for a gerrit outage so we can also rerun the lucene reindex?19:17
mordredI mean - as with many things, we may be the first people using to use it with QUITE this many repos19:17
mordredbut I bet they'll be thrilled to get our massive-scale feedback and help19:17
fungijeblair: as you mentioned, we can reference comments on changes for the old values in the interim19:18
jeblairfungi: oh, if it's that complicated, i think we should consider not doing it.19:18
jeblairi mean, merge the change and skip the db migration.19:18
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mordredjeblair: I think we can all deal with the old comments for votes19:18
fungijeblair: well, i did it before to migrate from old-style approval votes to workflow votes. it wasn't complicated but i don't recall if it needed a reindex19:18
jeblairfungi: i feel like that's a more worthy reason to do it than this one.  :)19:19
fungiyep, agreed. this impacts very few actual changes19:19
jeblairwe're dealing with two repos where i feel confident ttx and i can do the math for one week's worth of votes :)19:19
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fungiheh, absolutely19:19
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mordredfungi: ok - hound is running again, just in case it does wind up being another git storm19:25
fungimordred: thanks for the heads up19:25
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fungimordred: what did you like about hound that livegrep was lacking?19:28
pleia2burrito, with guac, must enjoy walks on my roof deck19:32
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anteayapleia2: nice19:34
anteayafungi: it can rebuild the index19:35
anteayalivegrep indexes once and we would have to build the feature where it finds the updates19:35
anteayahound has a cron job19:35
fungianteaya: perfect feedback. thanks19:35
anteayanow for us we should build a cron job offset19:35
anteayaso we don't hit every repo at once19:35
sdaguebtw, I would like to say thank you to all the people that made the gerrit based agenda / ical stuff work.19:37
taronat the very least the 30 second timer absolutely cannot stay19:37
anteayasdague: ttx tonyb ^^19:37
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sdagueI happily imported a number of ical files today19:37
anteayataron: agreed19:37
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anteayataron: I look forward to hearing your thoughts on how we should address it19:37
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* taron , too, goes to acquire a burrito and ponder offsets on the way there19:38
funginow i want a burrito, but i don't need a burrito19:39
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mordredhey all - zaro has suggested tasks.o.o as a name for the maniphest server - I think bikeshedding here rather than in the review is maybe better?19:40
taronlast time I did something like this I had tasks that were kicked off when a user registered and then ran every 30 minutes afterward, which immediately fell apart if the service was restarted19:40
pleia2mordred: tasks seems fine to me19:41
anteayagood to have that as a datapoint19:41
fungimordred: in the interest of non-bikeshedding, i'm happy with that suggestion19:41
fungitasks.o.o lgtm19:41
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add maniphest bug tracking spec
mordredok. good enough for now. we CAN bikeshed it in the spec19:43
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tarontwo thoughts - have merges trigger a reindex of that repo, or fashion some sort of queue where a repo is popped off to be reindexed every x seconds/minutes/etc19:53
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mordredjeblair, SergeyLukjanov, pleia2, fungi: I just added a suggestion to pabelanger's stackalytics spec:
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anteayataron: I like both thoughts19:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Introduce upper-constraints to requirements.
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: bump os-client-config to 1.2.0
anteayaactually if it reindexes on change that should be enough19:56
taronthere's an enable-push-updates option in the sample config, I'll look into if that does what we want19:57
anteayaas reindexing otherwise is just a waste of resources19:57
mordredfungi: well, the other thing I liked is that it took  me 5 minutse to set up19:57
anteayataron: awesome19:57
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taronyeah, exactly re: extra reindexing19:57
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tarongod I love git hooks19:58
fungimordred: yeah, it's taking me much, much longer to write the specification ;)19:58
mordredfungi: yah. it's a super easy config file, and it's not a giant deal ilke livegrep is19:58
mordredalso - the etsy folks are awesome19:58
anteayataron: yay19:58
taronlivegrep being in three parts both fascinates and terrifies me19:59
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mordredtaron: oh - it looks like that push update thing is a thing that expects a github webhook to be installed that woudl notify hound19:59
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mordredtaron: I mean, ,we COULD go crazy and implement a gerrit event stream listener in go for hound :)20:00
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taronI think I like the idea of a post-merge hook a little better20:01
taronthat said I haven't used them much so I don't know how much one can do with them20:02
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mordredtaron: well, in our case, we'd either be looking at something run by zuul, or something run by a gerrit hook20:02
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anteayataron: jenkins jobs builders can speak shell:
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anteayataron: so you can tell it do to anything you like20:03
tarongood point20:03
mordredtaron: also - we update bug statuses from here:
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mordredtaron: which is invoking this:
mordredbenefits are that it doesn't use a build host - drawbacks are that the logging may be a bit more opaque if somethign goes wrong20:05
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taroneasy enough to write something to trigger the reindex on the gerrit side of things then, but the hound side may need some prodding (unless there's some facility to tell it "go reindex x repo" that I'm not aware of yet)20:07
anteayataron: what command does cron run?20:07
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mordredtaron: I _think_ that's what's going on here:
gordcmriedem: has this error been discussed recently?
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gordcerrr... i guess it's not the right error to query on.20:10
taronmordred: yup, that looks exactly like what I was looking for20:10
mriedemgordc: haven't seen it lately20:11
taronchange-merged calls curl on that endpoint, reindex problem hopefully solved20:11
gordcmriedem: kk. i think it's actually a warning rather than real error20:11
mordredtaron: btw:
gordcmriedem: just blindly looking through logs to see why something is failing20:12
jeblairmordred: hypothetically, if we ever used a second component of phabricator, would it be on a different hostname?20:13
mordredjeblair: no. phab does not support that20:13
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jeblairmordred: that suggests to me that phabricator.o.o might be the best name20:13
jeblairalso, not that this binds us in any way, but fwiw
taronmordred: noted, will hack on it as soon as I get the chance20:14
jeblairzaro: ^^20:15
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jeblairmordred: regarding 188201; in your end-state, is it possible to use shade passing in arguments entirely from python?  eg, will there be a functional replacement for a current OpenStackCloud(auth={...}, region_name=...)?20:23
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jeblairmordred: [it seems fine to me if you can say OpenStackCloud(cloud_config=oscc.CloudConfig(auth={...}, region_name=...)) ]20:24
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jeblairmordred: but if the answer is "no you have to set env vars if you want to do that" then i'd probably consider it a regression we should not accept20:25
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Host a code search service
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fungitaron: pleia2: mordred: ^20:25
fungilet the bikeshedding commence20:26
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jeblairoh good there's a DNS entries section!20:26
fungiyes. yes there is20:26
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jeblairnodepool graph looks too purple.20:32
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jeblairOpenStackCloudException: Error getting compute endpoint: The request you have made requires authentication. (HTTP 401)20:32
jeblairthat's in tripleo-test-cloud-rh120:33
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jeblairi have emitted that information to #tripleo20:35
jeblairthere is a possibility this is happening for all clouds20:36
jeblairis it because of the -/_ change to clouds.yaml?  does nodepool need a restart?  does shade or oscc need an upgrade?20:37
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timrcHi is there a trick to force manage-projects to re-apply the ACLs for a project?  We have a project who's ACL's are not getting updated (remain the defaults of a project that might have been created by hand)20:41
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fungitimrc: you can call manage-projects with the name of a specific project, but it should automatically update the acls if they change. try deleting the cached copy of the acl config file for that repo out of ~/acls20:43
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jeblairokay after a restart we're now getting:  OpenStackCloudException: Error getting compute endpoint: Tenant not found (HTTP 401)20:43
fungitimrc: and then reapplying puppet20:43
fungitimrc: assuming you're using a similar puppet trigger for that stuff anyway20:44
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timrcfungi, ah the puppet apply was what I was missing... I think there's a legit exception happening that's preventing the ACLs from updating.  Looking into that now.20:44
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Switch to using '-' in clouds.yaml"
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jeblairfungi, mordred, Shrews: ^ that did not work as advertised.20:47
fungithat would explain the last ~3.5 hours in the node graph20:48
jeblairfungi: i'm afraid we leaked some nodes too20:48
fungii'll get to cleaning those up now20:49
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rcarrillocruzi'm testing a 2.4.2 to a 2.8 upgrade of Gerrit20:51
fungiper dkranz's e-mail to the -infra list, what did we change recently that introduced zuul-cloner in the periodic tempest jobs?20:51
rcarrillocruzapplied the vhost change for avoid the permissions problem when clicking on changes20:51
rcarrillocruzthere are still some things i can't figure out20:51
rcarrillocruzfor some views, like for example 'Drafts' I get a nice NPE on the logs:20:52
rcarrillocruzrings a bell anyone?20:52
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rcarrillocruzzaro: ^20:52
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rcarrillocruzfungi: i believe you also did quite a bit of upgrade testing on gerrit from 2.4.2 to 2.8 ?20:53
fungircarrillocruz: we intentionally break the drafts feature in our gerrit, so anything necessary to support it has likely gone unnoticed by us20:54
dkranzfungi: to clarify, it is all periodic jobs, not just tempest. That includes stable periodic.20:54
dkranzfungi: I only realized that today20:54
rcarrillocruzk, i get that same NPE for other views, like watched changes and starred changes20:54
rcarrillocruzyou remember getting NPEs during your testing on any of those?20:55
fungircarrillocruz: i do not remember that, no20:55
rcarrillocruzlooks like a good candidate20:56
fungidkranz: so, for example, periodic stable nova python27 jobs are also showing zuul-cloner errors? that's... strange20:56
jeblairi believe the change referenced in dkranz email should only affect devstack-gate jobs20:57
openstackgerritRob Crittenden proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE - testing enabling tls-proxy service
jeblairdkranz, fungi:
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dkranzjeblair, fungi : sorry, I didn't realize we had periodic non-devstack jobs20:57
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jeblairdkranz: so the current version of the problem statement is "periodic devstack jobs are affected", right?20:59
fungijeblair: thanks--that's what i was hunting for. i failed to review that change20:59
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dkranzjeblair: I think so.21:00
fungijeblair: dkranz: i was discussing the errors with mtreinish a few days ago, and it looked to me like something had happened in devstack-gate to start assuming the presence of ZUUL_BRANCH and ZUUL_REF in branch fallback determination21:00
fungivariables which won't be set in periodic jobs21:00
jeblairyep, i'll propose a fix21:00
tonybsdague, anteaya, ttx: I just arrived at the end others did the hard work.21:00
fungii didn't yet get a chance to git blame those lines and see what likely brought in that behavior change21:01
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tonybsdague: You said "an number of ical files" does that mean you're runing yaml2ical locally?21:01
sdaguetonyb: yeh21:01
dkranzfungi, jeblair: thanks, guys! I hope the first problem does not come back.21:01
sdagueso I could get personalization21:01
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tonybsdague: cool.  I'm working on a public personalised ical like we talked about.21:02
fungidkranz: i think the "old" problem and the "new" one are likely the same problem manifesting in different places (the fact that we only test changes to devstack-gate in an environment where variables are present that are not present in periodic jobs)21:02
tonybsdague: it's more of a backroung thing ATM :(21:02
sdaguetonyb: awesome, you will win my heart forever with that21:02
dkranzfungi: excellent21:02
tonybsdague: awwww shucks :)21:02
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fungijeblair: actually not really any alien nodes to speak of21:03
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jeblairfungi, dkranz: actually, i think the current master version of zuul-cloner should work without modification, but we only install released versions on the image; i think it's time for a zuul release21:08
fungijeblair: oh! right, clarkb had that change in to allow it to guess sane default params21:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use "Rollcall-Vote" for TC and infra-council
anteayafungi: the email to wznoinsk seems to be hijacked, I'm not really sure what the person posting is expecting as a reply21:14
anteayafungi: if you have a chance can you offer an opinion?21:14
anteayaif only to me so I might compose an appropriate reply21:14
jeblairi am confused by zuul's assertion that it is running 2.0.1, which does not exist.  i think that's due to pbr changes, we should probably fix.21:14
anteayajeblair: the third party folks have been giving me 2.0.1 as a zuul version for a while21:16
anteayait confused me too21:16
anteayaand i was told pbr magic as a reason21:16
jeblairanteaya: i suspect it is because you sent a mail saying "Your Gerrit Account has been temporarily disabled" to a public mailing list with 562 subscribers21:16
fungijeblair: zuul likely needs a change similar to the one i proposed to gertty to use the extended version info from pbr rather than the truncated info21:16
jeblairfungi: yeah, i think that would make it more clear21:17
anteayaso the fact it was to wznoinsk seems to be missed21:17
anteayaokay my fault21:17
fungijeblair: i assume that's actually saying you have a slightly newer patch of zuul running than the most recent tag21:17
* dhellmann doesn't expect to hear any more guff from anteaya about *his* email shenanegans21:17
jeblairfungi: yeah, i think so21:17
anteayadhellmann: oh I can dish it out and take it too21:18
anteayadhellmann: you aren't safe21:18
dhellmannanteaya: :-P21:18
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Be more verbose on non-tagged versions
fungijeblair: ^21:21
jeblairfungi: cool, thanks.  for better or worse, i have pushed zuul 2.1.0.  i assume it will break everyone who installs zuul from pip.21:21
fungihey! we install zuul from pip!21:22
jeblairer pypi21:22
dstufftY'all have and glance_store21:22
dstuffton PyPI21:22
dstufftare they the same project21:22
dstufftI assume yes?21:22
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fungidstufft: sort of. one is a transitional package to pull in the non-namespace version21:27
fungiassuming it's at all like the oslo libs that did the same transition21:27
fungimordred: dhellmann: ^ you probably have a better recollection of how that renaming transition worked in principle21:29
dstufftfungi: this is the only openstack lib that has both of these names21:29
dstufftI ask because there are 9 total projects on PyPI that differ only in punctuation21:29
dstufftand I want to make all punctuation equivilant21:29
dhellmanndstufft: why?21:30
dstufftwhat what21:30
dstufftwhy what*21:30
dhellmannwhy do you want all punctuation to be equal?21:30
dstufftbecause it's confusing?21:30
fungidstufft is a proponent of equality for all punctuation21:30
dhellmannfungi: yeah, flaper87 may remember more, but I think there was a with a ns package and then as we started moving oslo away from ns packages they changed their package too21:30
dstufftthere are only 9 that differ, and 6/9 of them appear to be the same project that just randomly switched from one puncuation to the other at somepoint in the process21:30
dhellmanndstufft: because when I type a thing I want my computer to use the characters I type21:30
dstufftthen you don't want python packaging becasue we already transform the things you type.21:31
dhellmannyes, let's not make it any worse?21:31
dstufftand in particular, we're considering these equivilant in some cases but not in others21:31
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fungii assume the eventual goal is to just be able to support the set of [a-z0-9-] in package names?21:32
* dhellmann gives up, it's too late in the day start on packaging21:32
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dstufftfungi: more or less21:32
fungiis all the extended unicode package naming support going to get taken back out (or has it already?)21:33
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dstufftthat's been gone awhile21:33
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openstackgerritClint Adams proposed openstack-infra/zuul-packaging: WIP - update zuul packaging for zuul 2.1.0
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dstufftanyways, it looks like was used for two versions (0.0.1a1, 0.1.0) and then at some point it switched to glance-store which has been used since 0.1.121:36
dstufftso it appears the fact that both of these exist is at least confusing if not a mistake21:37
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openstackgerritKyle Mestery proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Log #openstack-neutron-release
fungiright, was a namespace package and its corresponding git repo was also named glance.store21:39
fungithe git repo was renamed to glance_store and a transitional package uploaded to to depend on the new name21:39
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fungiassuming it happened in the way that some of the earlier renames like python-quantumclient->python-neutronclient did21:40
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fungithough it's also possible that when the repo was renamed, new releases were uploaded to pypi under the new name with no actual transition package21:41
dstufftthere is no transactional package on PyPI21:41
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dstufftth eold one doesn't depend on the new one21:41
fungiyep, so it's the latter then21:41
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dhellmannyeah, the transition was to update the dependency name in the projects using the lib when they were ready to move to the new version21:42
dstufftthere is.. 11 downloads a day on the old one, can we remove it?21:42
fungiit's _probably_ fine to just "move" the packages into the glance_store tree?21:42
dstufftI can do that too, it'd be more effort over removing it, but I can totally do it21:43
fungiseems questionable to delete old packages from pypi if you don't know for sure that nobody;s depending on those releases21:43
dhellmannfungi, dstufft : please talk to the glance team before deleting their artifacts21:43
dstufftWho do I talk to21:43
fungiflaper87: nikhil_k: ^21:44
* fungi needs to go find a meal. bbl21:44
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add os-brick to workspace setup
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timrcfungi, I think we hit an edge case with, but I'm not experienced enough with Gerrit/jeepyb to be sure.  We had a user create a global ACL file (let's call it A) which a project ACL file (let's call it B) inherits from.  B does not specify any ACLs for "groups", relying on all that to be defined in A.  This causes the problem.  The function looks for "groups" in B and if found, writes out21:54
timrca groups file and adds it to meta/config.  If the groups file was not created but 'git add groups' executes, an exception will be thrown and the whole thing falls apart.21:54
timrcIt seems valid that B inherit from A without needing to provide an ACLs itself, but that doesn't seem to be supported.21:55
timrcany ACLs*21:55
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jeblairtimrc: the 'groups' in a project is a list of name->uuid mappings referenced in the acl file of that project; if the project config doesn't need a group it doesn't need to be listed in its groups file, and conversely, if it does need it it should be.21:57
jeblairtimrc: so in your example, the 'groups' file for project B needs an entry for group "foo" if and only if the 'project.config' file in project B has an entry that references "group foo"21:59
timrcjeblair, So this is a bug then I think...21:59
jeblairtimrc: if group "bar" is referenced only in the 'project.config' file of project A, then only project A's 'groups' file needs an entry for "bar".22:00
jeblairtimrc: is it the case that 'project.config' in project B has no "groups" entries?22:00
timrcThe "git add groups" will run and fail and cause an exception if the ACL file does not have any groups defined.22:00
jeblairer no "group ..." entries, i should say22:00
timrcjeblair, Yep, that's the case.22:00
openstackgerritLouis Fourie proposed openstack-infra/irc-meetings: Changed service-chain meeting time to 1700
jeblairtimrc: that does sound like a bug22:01
timrcjeblair, I'll work on a fix and put it up for review shortly :)22:01
jeblairtimrc: cool, thanks!22:02
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openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Switch to SwiftService for segmented uploads
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add support to get a SwiftService object
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Revert "Switch to using '-' in clouds.yaml"
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asselinHi, running into a zuul issue. I setup on a new vm, but the vm's ip address changed. Now in the zuul ui, the job link always points to the old ip address. But the job does run on the correct jenkins url. zuul.conf looks good.22:31
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asselinI see that url in the zuul's debug.log file....22:36
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patrickeastasselin: i saw that issue too, i swapped my ‘dev’ and ‘live’ jenkins masters (switched ip/hostnames) and the links on the zuul status page point to the old one22:38
patrickeastasselin: spent a few min browsing around the configs and didn’t see any reference to the old one22:38
patrickeastasselin: but didn’t find anything22:38
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asselinweird...and the jenkins job uses the correctly url to get the zuul refs22:39
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patrickeasthaha yea, i left it alone since everything else was working correctly22:39
patrickeastjust the ui’s links22:39
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asselinright.....just the ui links...which seem to come from zuul somewhere via jquery.zuul.js
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openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: WIP: more extensive testing of requirement parsing
openstackgerritJames Polley proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Fix everything by requiring setuptools>=16.
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nibalizer and its dependent stack is looking nice if people have time to review23:04
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pleia2nibalizer: ah, speaking of dependent stacks, care to rebase this one on not 171344 (which is a duplicate, and other one already merged)?
pleia2I should have noticed before +A, but I didn't23:06
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nibalizerpleia2: can do23:09
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-puppet: Module is puppet, not simpleproxy
nibalizerpleia2: done23:12
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pleia2nibalizer: cool, thanks, I'll +A again soon23:16
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed openstack/requirements: Bump fasteners up to 0.7
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/jeepyb: Only add 'groups' file to the repo if it exists
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add beaker-localhost and beaker-nodepool hypervisors
openstackgerritSridhar Ramaswamy proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add tacker-horizon repo for Tacker project
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Kennandhellmann there?23:44
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Kennanttx ping23:45
Kennanfungi ping23:47
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sridhar_ramanteaya: AJaeger: infra-team: I fixed up the stackforge reqs with upstream tag. I hope this is the final version. Please help to review.23:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-puppet: Module is puppet, not simpleproxy
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