Thursday, 2015-04-02

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clarkbjogo: I have no idea what that is about00:03
clarkbjogo: are you talking about VMs sharing addresses? hypervisors sharing addresses?00:03
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clarkbjogo: related to that bug possibly?00:09
openstackLaunchpad bug 1092347 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "DHCP fails after live migration when using network multi host" [Medium,Incomplete]00:09
jogoclarkb: looking into
jogoclarkb: its not a a live migration test00:09
clarkbyes I see the logs my problem is I don't parse half of what you and vishy said00:09
clarkbbut that bug explains share_dhcp_address so I think I understand now00:10
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clarkbjogo: why did you zero in on dhcp? ssh failed to hit an address which could be any number of things00:11
jogoclarkb: vishy did00:11
clarkbyes but how? I am not convinced00:11
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clarkbah ok00:12
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jogoanyway tomorrow it may be nice to take one of  the aiopcpu nodes offline and investigate it in more detail00:12
jogovishy: would you be around tomorrow?00:12
vishyi can be sure00:12
vishyshould have more time for openstack stuff now :)00:13
clarkbso dhcp is going to send an l2 broadcast00:13
jogovishy: oh?00:14
clarkbthen any listening dhcp server should respond with an offer.00:14
vishyjogo: you missed the news today?00:14
clarkbso either the broadcast is filtered or the response00:14
clarkbor there was no response00:14
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jogois this an April fools thing?00:15
dtroyerunfortunately no00:15
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dstufftthe worst date to announce that :( Although I doubt any company would do an april fools of "we're shutting down"00:15
lifelessIts 2nd april now :)00:16
vishyyeah terrible timing00:16
vishywe really hoped to announce yesterday00:16
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dstufftlifeless: not where Nebula's HQ is ;P00:16
vishybut we couldn’t get it organized in time00:16
lifelessdstufft: so many folk living in the past00:16
dstufftvishy: I'm sad about it, Nebula was my first real start up ;(00:16
vishyyeah it is sad00:17
vishystartups are hard :)00:17
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clarkbjogo: one thing to start with is likely `tcpdump -n -e -i any port 67 or port 68` on both hosts and just write that to a log file that you collect00:20
clarkbjogo: I don't expect those files to get too gigantic00:20
clarkbjogo: though it will catch hpcloud dhcp traffic00:22
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openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Status: Use $DEST_DIR instead of $BASE_DIR/public_html
openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Status: Move external dependencies into public_html/lib
openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Status: Fix JSHint violations and commit settings
mordredvishy: oh!00:24
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clarkbmordred: `sudo ansible logstash-worker* -m shell -a 'grep fb2e0ad /var/log/logstash/log-worker-*-debug.log'` is one of my favorite things now00:25
mordredclarkb: ++00:28
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clarkbtrove functional tests take a LONG time00:39
clarkbwaiting on one job before I can restart 07 then all the jenkinses are done00:40
clarkbjhesketh: you still around?00:41
clarkbjhesketh: can you double check the -1 there? jeblair and I came to that conclusion a bit earlier today. And it would be good to move forward on that if possible00:42
clarkb(was mostly me catching up to what jeblair had said all along)00:43
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jogoclarkb: if you think just collecting tcpdump works that sounds good to me00:45
clarkbjogo: well its an easy thing we can start with00:46
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clarkbjogo: and since this doesn't happen 100% of the time might be a good place to start until we can narrow the problem down to something a bit more concrete00:46
jogoclarkb: agreed, you want to push the patch up?00:46
clarkbjogo: no, I am busy babysitting jenkinses00:46
jogoas it sounds like you have a clear idea of what you want00:46
clarkbthen I have to go put together a bassinet00:46
jogoclarkb: is that practice for the real thing?00:47
clarkbjogo: preparation00:47
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clarkbrestarting jenkins 07 now00:50
jheskethclarkb: replied00:51
jheskethjeblair: replied to
jogoclarkb: the babysitting jenkinses part too?00:52
jogoclarkb: anyway thanks, I'll pick this up tomrrow00:52
clarkbjhesketh: right, but in that change you also copy them via scp00:53
clarkbjhesketh: which is what the confusion is about. So I think we just need to remove the scp copies00:53
jheskethclarkb: ah I see, yes you are right00:55
jheskethclarkb: so the index_footer.html still appears in the index and is directly accessible when uploaded by swift... do we want it to also be accessible when uploaded by scp00:56
jheskethwhich also means we end up with a copy of the footer at the time of the logs00:56
jhesketheven though it's not the one apache serves00:56
clarkbjhesketh: I don't think so00:56
clarkbjhesketh: we should keep the old logs working the same and new logs do whatever they need to do00:57
jheskethyep, that was my feeling, just checking00:57
jheskethwill fix then :-)00:57
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Upload devstack-gate documentation with logs
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update devstack log publisher to use new macro
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: zuul-swift-devstack-logs includes console
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jheskethclarkb, jeblair: ^00:59
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clarkbjhesketh: thanks01:02
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clarkbalso 07 is happily back up again so all jenkins masters with dynamic slaves have been restarted today01:02
clarkbjhesketh: I will bug jeblair to rereview tomorrow (to make sure everything lines up for him) then I can babysit that stack01:05
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clarkbjhesketh: we are so close to getting this done, very exciting01:05
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HenryGI lost the "Toggle CI" button in gerrit. This happened to me before but I can't remember why?01:06
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clarkbHenryG: its there for me after a hard refresh01:06
clarkbHenryG: maybe try that? I suppose its possible that your cache'd js is funny01:07
HenryGclarkb: hard refresh did it, thanks!01:07
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HenryGI have been ad-blocking clippy all day, that probably messed things up01:08
clarkbah ya that could do it01:08
clarkbthey are both served by the same block of html + js01:08
HenryGNext year I am taking April 1 off. :D01:09
clarkbalso clippy is awesome01:09
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jheskethclarkb: awesome, thanks!01:17
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mordredclippy ++01:43
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fungiHenryG: i plan to start considering it a personal holiday02:06
fungidifferent people have holidays dedicated to their religions, so why shouldn't i?02:06
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Krinkle404 Not Found -
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fungiKrinkle: i think we don't deploy that file, but i'll check02:22
Krinklemaybe forgot to run when updating the install on that domain02:22
Krinkleother dependencies are deployed properly02:22
fungino, looks like it should get deployed...
Krinklesomeone renamed it a couple weeks back02:23
fungiyep, so it seems02:23
Krinkle might help02:23
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KrinkleOh interesting02:24
Krinkleit's not deployed using the shell script02:24
Krinkleit fetches upstream master directly02:24
fungiyeah, but looks like we install -min there02:24
Krinklethat seems a bit risky? Wouldn't one normally use a submodule, or tag, or some other versioning?02:24
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fungiwe do continuous deployment on lots of things. at the moment the page flies under the radar a bit since it's not our primary status page for zuul02:26
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fungilooks like that exec should probably just be replaced with a file resource02:28
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Krinklefungi: I'm debugging a cache issue with the main Zuul status.json entry point. It seems in the past few weeks in the refactoring by openstack, the ajax() call was change to no longer provide a cache buster query string. However now, using our install, it is hitting a never-ending cache.02:34
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KrinkleIt seems the 304 Not Modified header is always returned.02:34
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Link non-minified jquery-visibility
fungiKrinkle: ^ that's probably the fix for zuul.openstack.org02:34
KrinkleI guess the Zuul install for openstack is no longer behind apache or some other caching layer. So it always gets a  fresh 200 OK02:34
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fungiKrinkle: it's still got apache in place... checking to see what our vhost config looks like currently02:36
KrinkleE.g. using you can observe it's hitting 304 constantly after the first request02:36
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Krinklein the Network panel, status.json 304, status.json 30402:36
fungiKrinkle: this is the puppet erb template for our vhost on zuul.o.o
KrinkleWell, I guess it's not working.02:40
Krinklehitting repeatedly always gives me 200 OK with a fresh Last-Modified.02:40
Krinkleeven within 5 seconds02:40
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fungii'm not surprised. a derivative of "if it's not tested it's broken" is "if nobody uses it, it's broken"02:41
* fungi checks to see if mod_mem_cache is present02:41
fungiyep, it's enabled02:42
fungiboth mod_cache and mod_mem_cache02:42
KrinkleAnd I assume mod_cache as well?02:42
Krinkleintuitively though, this kind of caching should not be the definition, only the optimisation. E.g. Zuul itself already sends 304 headers that communicate with the browser about what and when to cache.02:43
Krinklethe proxy helps so that different users share a common cache as additional caching02:43
fungicache.load, mem_cache.conf and mem_cache.load are all linked within the /etc/apache2/mods-enabled directory, so it's presumably not the conditional disabling it02:43
KrinkleI suspect Zuul might be senders the headers wrongly and as such Apache is complying with not caching those requests.02:43
Krinkleand Varnish (at Wikimedia) is interpreting them as allowing caching and doing that, but to the point that it never expires.02:44
fungiKrinkle: that sounds plausible. it's getting late for me, but jhesketh i think has a good grasp of this topic and it's his daytime02:44
Krinkleawesome :)02:44
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KrinkleSo (zuul+varnish) caches too much, and caches too little.02:45
fungibe also has a separate zuul instance running in production, so probably can verify things as well02:45
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jheskethKrinkle: heya02:51
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mordredI blame jhesketh02:52
mordredbut that's mostly because he's awesome and can take it02:52
jheskethmordred: you think that now... ;-)02:53
jheskethKrinkle: so zuul only supplies a 'last modified' as best as I can tell.. any caching from there is up to apache/varnish/etc02:55
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Krinklejhesketh: Relevant information:
Krinklejhesketh: Yeah, it should provide more headers, right?02:58
jheskethKrinkle: what header(s) would you expect?03:00
Krinklejhesketh: Well, I've worked a lot with caching for Wikipedia's caching layer two years ago. Afaik it is not valid HTTP to only send Last-Modified.03:01
KrinkleTo expect caching, it needs more information03:01
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KrinkleTypically Expires is involved03:04
KrinkleAnd a Cache-control: public, max-age=XXX, s-maxage=XXX03:04
KrinkleCache-control:public, max-age=2592000, s-maxage=259200003:05
KrinkleLast-Modified:Fri, 27 Mar 2015 18:08:30 GMT03:05
KrinkleExpires:Sat, 02 May 2015 03:04:07 GMT03:05
KrinkleDate:Thu, 02 Apr 2015 03:05:13 GMT03:05
KrinkleThat's an example of a resource last refreshed a couple days ago and expires in a month.03:05
Krinklewhere browsers honour max-age, and proxies s-maxage (optional)03:06
jheskethhmm, okay03:07
jheskethI don't know much about caching, but I don't see any reason why zuul couldn't provide those details03:07
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jheskethKrinkle: have you tried adding them to the webapp?03:10
KrinkleIt's a lot to install locally.03:11
KrinkleI'll give it a shot in a bit.03:11
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Krinklejhesketh: Yeah, totally. I'll make a patch that adds them to Zuul and defaults to e.g. 1 minute caching03:11
jheskethawesome :-)03:11
jheskethcurious to know if that helps03:12
Krinkleany dedicated proxies or configs like wikimedia and openstack's can extend that via the proxy if they want to cache longer03:12
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix naming inconsistencies in rebuild_server tests
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Normalize projects.yaml
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add some unit test for create_server
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openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Status: Support older versions not having
openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Status: Use vertical-align for progress bar instead of margin
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openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Status: Increase width of change-progress-row-left
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KrinkleI'm pretty sure that gate-zuul-python26 is a false failure. It seems to be failing on all my patches.09:44
KrinkleI'm not touching any backend files.09:44
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack/requirements: Bump last version of ceilometer-client
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openstackgerritSergey Kraynev proposed openstack/requirements: Bump last version of ceilometer-client
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pelixis there a way to have the console logs for all the jobs run to check a patch appear at It's missing the output of the pep8, docs, and coverage builds for JJB, however they do exist and I can find the docs build output but it's pretty inconvenient to have to hand construct a url to check the build output as it also10:56
lifelessman, I'm over these please answer my questions for my phd mails.10:57
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grue_pmpelix you got truncated - there's a character limit in irc10:58
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pelixoops. ok looking at for a given patch I can only see links for the output of three of the jobs10:58
pelixIt's missing the output of the pep8, docs, and coverage builds for JJB, however they do exist and I can hand construct urls to find them10:59
pelixsuch as but it's pretty inconvenient10:59
pelixany way to have all the logs that are actually present under be listed there?10:59
pelixSince we have a link checker running as part of the docs build it's useful to be able to check the output11:02
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openstackgerritTimo Tijhof proposed openstack-infra/zuul: web: Allow clients (browsers, proxies) to cache status.json
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pleia2clarkb: re: nested kvm, apparently it's gotten much more stable since I looked at it in late 2013, but given our throughput I don't think "more stable" is sufficient to make it a wise decision still, even if our cloud hosts let us do it - which would be a tough sell, since the kernel panics are on the host, messy11:37
* pleia2 back to vacation11:37
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporarily add trove plugin configuration
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed openstack-infra/project-config: saharaclient: enable Python3 jobs
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix docs nit - make it clear the arg is a string
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sdaguejeblair: so... Depends-On is breaking down with dependent patches being updated. The latest version of the trove patch is still checking against version #2 of the devstack-gate patch -
sdagueversion #5 is needed12:40
mordredsdague: hrm. I never would have expected that behavior12:41
sdaguewhich also is troubling for using it cross project12:41
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sdagueI don't have any idea why12:41
sdaguebut I've been banging my head on why the localrc line wasn't showing up12:41
sdagueand then realized it wasn't using the right patch revision12:42
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openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a PgSQL Designate DSVM Job
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mordredKiall: ewww12:45
Kiallmordred: I know12:45
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Fix naming inconsistencies in rebuild_server tests
Kiallbut pgSQL keeps breaking, and we have a review up that finally fixes it again12:45
mordredKiall: you could go the other way and just stop supporting it ...12:45
sdagueKiall: or test at a lower level12:45
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Kiallsdague: yea, I have every intention of dropping SQLite support and moving the py27 jobs to use mysql/postgres next cycle.. but just didn't have the time to do this this go around :(12:46
Kiallmordred: re dropping postgres? We could, but if there's no real need to other than we need write better migrations, it seems fairly harmless to support it12:47
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mordredKiall: indeed. it's more my general "openstack should stop trying to support multiple databases" bandwagon - but I have not yet gotten enough traction on that12:48
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sdagueKiall: if it's just migrations, those are already up and running for unit tests12:51
sdaguewe test all the migrations on both dbs in nova during unit test runs12:51
sdaguerunning a full devstack is way more than you should do for validating that12:52
Kiallsdague: yea, you mentioned that in Sunnyvalue from memory ..  We just didn't get time to go figure it out this cycle, and I wanted to have something that would keep pgSQL working for stable/kilo once cut, and drop it from master after we get it going in the tests12:52
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KiallSunnyvalue? lol.. Sunnyvale12:53
sdagueKiall: yeh, my experience is if you put that test in there, you'll never get rid of it12:53
sdagueseeg: nova12:53
KiallI think he meant, "see: nova" ;)12:53
sdagueyeh, apparently xchat won't let me type 'see :'12:54
sdaguewithout the space12:54
seegbugger :)12:54
sdaguewithout auto correcting12:54
seegperils of autocompletion :)12:55
mordredsdague: maybe we should just accept that as a new spelling12:55
KiallHere's a possible way to avoid that (the never get rid of it, not the autocorrect) - cut rc1, apply the new job only to {stable,proposed/kilo} - that way, it never lands on master in the first place?12:56
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Allow for passing cache class in as a parameter
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Namespace caching per cloud
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add task management framework
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Migrate API calls to task management
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sdaguemordred: yeh definitely picking 167412,213:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Create swift container if it does not exist
sdagueso that's in no way confusing13:21
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add some unit test for create_server
sdagueI guess I'll leave this broken until jeblair comes around so he can figure out why13:22
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Document installation from repository
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Migrate API calls to task management
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Rename summit server to design-summit-prep
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Update ttx public SSH key
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fungisdague: jeblair: mordred: i have a feeling it's related to having an outdated git dependency on 167412,214:02
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sdaguefungi: except that's not in the change path14:03
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fungisdague: i know it's not, but it's the only connection i find to that older patchset. when zuul loads a change it also loads any changes for the same repo which depend on it, and i wonder if the bug is somewhere in that code path14:05
sdaguefungi: could be14:05
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fungiif i get a sec i'll dig up the relevant debug logs14:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Document installation from repository
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Sync Swift core group
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add --server option to openapproved script
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add GERRIT_KEY and GERRIT_SERVER options in scripts
anteayaclarkb: on I was waiting on the governance patch to merge, I personally don't like to +A patches until their dependencies have merged because you can't tell from the dependency that there is a patch that depends on it, so if the dependency is edited prior to it merging there is no way to trace back to ensure the patch that depends on it is also accurate, and14:12
anteayayou might not catch that until after both have merged, and in project creation that is more work than just a revert14:12
anteayajeblair: thanks for evaluating the etherpad14:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewstats: Update docs and security-docs teams
anteayajeblair: yes I have concerns that the new direction makes my work harder14:13
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anteayajeblair: mostly in that I have zero idea what to do now14:13
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Adjust regression exceptions for Nova Cells V1 job
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fungianteaya: also with the current behavior around depends-on relationships, pre-approving the depending change won't trigger anything in zuul, so you still end up having to revisit it to reset or add an approval anyway before it will get picked up for gating14:17
fungiso i agree there's not a lot of point to approving them when the change they depend on in another repo hasn't been approved yet14:18
anteayatrue, and thanks for stating you share my perspective14:18
anteayathough I belive zaro is working on some code to fix this situation so that approved patches with depends-on get picked up and merged automatically14:19
anteayaI have no idea on the status of that work14:19
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anteayaoh and I'm currently not -1'ing much anyway right now14:20
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Skip passing in timeout to glance if it's not set
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add delete_image call
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Poll on the actual image showing up
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mpaolinosdague, I'm planning to release a new, plug-in based, version of as you suggested14:30
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mpaolinobut I'm quite new to external plugins, can you (or anybody else) point me to an example of such a plugin?14:31
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mpaolinoI would have a few questions: shall I create a new change-id?14:31
mpaolinosorry, I messed up with copy paste :P14:31
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Rename summit server to design-summit-prep
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sdaguempaolino: see -
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mpaolinoso basically the external plugin has to be located to
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add commit needed-by
mpaolinoor can it be located to a whatever github repository?14:54
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jeblairfungi, sdague, mordred:  i think that should fix 2 problems at once.  needs testing.14:55
mordredjeblair: looking14:55
fungijeblair: yep--that looks like it14:56
jeblairanteaya: ^ that also fixes the thing you were just talking about.14:56
jeblairand i did not know zaro was working on that14:56
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jeblairsdague: to muddle through now, i think we will need to push updated patchsets of all the changes in the series in order to get zuul to refresh the cache14:59
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fungijeblair: see a formatting issue, comment inline15:00
fungioh, it also failed jenkins jobs because of that15:00
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sdaguejeblair: ok, if you want to, that would be cool, I'm chasing a couple of other things15:01
sdagueI think functionally the patch series is right now15:01
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jeblairsdague: i'll probably focus on getting the zuul fix in then since i think this is a fairly big violation of what we expect from it15:03
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add commit needed-by
sdaguejeblair: coolio15:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Skip passing in timeout to glance if it's not set
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Fix docs nit - make it clear the arg is a string
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Add delete_image call
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Do not merge me - I am for testing.
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Poll on the actual image showing up
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mordredjeblair: so - sometimes uploads to swift fail. I'm thinking about adding an iterate_timeout interface so that shade keeps retrying the put up until the timeout value. what do you think about that?15:53
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mordredit's not an image upload that's failing15:53
mordredit's a failure on setting the associated metadata15:54
jeblairmordred: mixed feeling -- sometimes create servers fails, but not really, so it would be awkward to retry that behind the scenes15:54
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jeblairmordred: is that because some task is not finished yet (even thought it says it is?)15:54
mordredjeblair: maybe15:54
mordredjeblair: I will investigate further- I thought it was a different problem15:55
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/bindep: Support for older dpkg
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jaypipesmordred: am I missing something? did the "toggle CI votes" button thing disappear from the Gerrit web UI?16:02
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mordredjaypipes: i still have it16:03
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jaypipesmordred: weird. if you go here:, where do you see it?16:05
jaypipesmordred: I see the old web  UI screen...16:05
zarojeblair: here's the upstream change the thing anteaya was referring to:
mordredjaypipes: I agree! I do not see it on that screen16:06
jaypipesheh, weird.16:06
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mordredjaypipes: I did see it exist for a minute while the page was loading16:07
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zarofungi: you happen to know which version of mysql gerrit is using? i'm wondering if i should test on similar version or does not even matter?16:07
mordredzaro: Server version: 5.1.73-1 (Debian)16:08
mordredalso WOW16:08
mordredthat's old16:08
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sdaguejaypipes: it's getting set to display: none16:09
zaromordred: you think that's older than one provided by precise?16:09
jeblairzaro: oh okay, yeah.  that's a different problem than the zuul problem i worked on this morning.  carry on!  :)16:09
zaroohh actually precise has ver 5.5, so yeah that is really old16:09
zarofungi, mordred : well then maybe i just won't bother trying to use the same version.16:11
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mordredjeblair, zaro: we may want to think about a database migration to a new instance at some point16:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/shade: Fix docs nit - make it clear the arg is a string
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sdaguejaypipes: the regex is failing with the patchset version included16:14
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jaypipessdague: hah, indeed, that's right :) nice work, Holmes :)16:18
sdagueok, fix inbound16:18
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/system-config: fix hideci regex to work on /#/c/XXXXX/YY
sdaguejeblair: ^^^16:21
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fungizaro: yeah, it was one of our first trove instances, so we're running whatever version of mysql rackspace was deploying at the time16:23
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fungiwe could consider an extended outage to extract/load into a newer instance too16:23
fungizaro: also i believe the mysql version in the trove instance for review-dev matches if you want to just take gerrit offline there and test it out16:24
mordredalthough if we're going to do that - I think we should think about our database design and strategy16:24
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mordredthat we would have to do an extended outage to roll to a new database server is kinda not cool16:24
fungiperhaps trove people know whether there's an in-place upgrade option i'm overlooking16:25
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mordredI'm more talking about the fact that we can't do replication16:26
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mordredwhich is the way I'd normally deal with this - set up slave, let it catch up, perform failover, rebuild old master, reattach to new master as slave16:27
fungiyep, understood16:27
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mordredalso - the facebook team says that the lossless semi-sync in 5.7 is very good16:28
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jeblairmordred: do we really want to go down the mysql replication route at this point?  the app itself is single-homed16:29
mordredjeblair: not saying we do - saying we should consider whether we should16:29
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jeblairmordred: and we take downtime all the time just to maintain the app, we can probably handle a db switch16:29
jeblairmordred: yeah16:29
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clarkbalso I think trove does allow for replication16:30
clarkbit just may not do it for you16:30
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mordredI thought it did not allow for it at all16:30
mordredlast time  I checked16:30
mordredbut I could be wrong16:30
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* mordred can play with it later16:31
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Do not merge me - I am for testing.
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fungii too am for testing16:34
fungibut first, i am for lunch16:34
fungiback in a bit16:34
mtreinishfungi: oh, you know that's a good idea. I should do the same16:35
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clarkbjeblair: 167158 had the scp thing addressed16:39
clarkbjeblair: I am happy to babysit that change if you approve it16:39
clarkb(or if anyone else approves)16:40
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add elements for Infra servers
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mordredclarkb, fungi: ...17:00
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add test for multi format image
clarkbjeblair: ^ that adds a test like you suggseted, but I did it in a follow up change to avoid losing your +217:02
clarkbmordred: ?17:02
mordredclarkb, fungi: I cannot ssh in to it17:03
mordredwhat is it?17:03
clarkbthe cloud docs site looks like17:03
mordredbut we scp things to it17:03
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mordreddocs.o.o is a cloud site thing17:03
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clarkbya I think we may have a user set up to do that?17:04
mordredclarkb: so you can also not ssh to it?17:04
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clarkbI can17:04
mordredok. I think it just has a stale key for me17:04
mordredfrom way back in the day17:05
clarkbmordred: I can manually update your key with the current public key17:05
clarkbgive me a couple minutes17:05
mordredclarkb: thanks! (I'm investigating why the shade docs don't publish)17:05
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clarkbmordred: I will let you remove the old public key as desired17:06
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clarkbmordred: try now17:07
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mordredclarkb: I'm in17:07
mordredclarkb: wow. ... is this actually the _original_ un-puppeted machine?17:08
clarkbmordred: looks like we use the hudson user to scp to that host17:08
mordredperhaps we want to finish moving off of this one ...17:08
jeblairclarkb: 167158 aprvd17:08
clarkbya the swift stuff is moving along ^17:08
clarkbjeblair: awesome thank you17:08
clarkband once we have swift for logs next step is swift for docs iirc17:08
clarkbor at least that is an option we have17:08
mordredyah. but this isn't related to docs.o.o17:08
clarkbmordred: thats true we could host ci.o.o independently without much fuss17:09
mordredyah. I mean, we can also just wait17:09
jeblairi think we want to move everything on ci.o.o to docs.o.o/infra17:09
jeblairat least, we've been putting new stuff there, like specs and the infra manual17:09
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jeblairi figured we'd move the ci.o.o content there too, and then keep a redirect around for a while17:10
jeblair(we can move the redirect to static when everything else is moved)17:10
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jeblairclarkb: that looks like just the test i imagined!  :)17:11
jeblairi'm going to go into zuul land and work on 170155 for a while.  back later.17:12
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clarkbhave fun17:12
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clarkbI have approved the 2 changes after 167158 as that will actually get that log footer stuff on the dg specific dsvm jobs17:18
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clarkblooking at nodepool coverage reports I have discovered is a bug in os_loganalyze17:19
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clarkbI will try to sort that out today as well17:20
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pabelangerDoes nodepool only keep so many images for base snapshots on the cloud?17:20
pabelangerfor example, max of 2?17:20
clarkbpabelanger: it keeps 2 yup17:20
clarkba current image and the previous image17:20
pabelangerclarkb, do you know where that is check? is that a perodicjob?17:20
clarkbpabelanger: ya its the periodic cleanup internal cron job17:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Upload devstack-gate documentation with logs
clarkbwhich runs every 15 minutes iirc17:21
pabelangerokay, thanks17:21
pabelangerlooks like cleanupOneImage is the function I want17:21
Shrewsmordred: this ... _tasks.NetworkCreate(body=dict({'network': network}))17:23
Shrewsmordred: that's not supposed to be a dict within a dict, is it?17:23
mordredShrews: probably not17:24
Shrewsmordred: let me test it....17:24
mordredShrews:  I would say that's almost certainly a bug17:24
clarkbShrews: are dicts the new turtle?17:24
mordredclarkb: they are in neutronclient17:24
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Do not merge me - I am for testing.
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clarkbmtreinish: dansmith re ^ as a user of qcow2 images and glance and nova, I think we should probably just use the .img by default?17:27
clarkbdefinitely get the test working that way first though :)17:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: zuul-swift-devstack-logs includes console
dansmithclarkb: yes, I think we should be doing that by default17:27
mtreinishclarkb: yeah the tempest test/code using that is dumb17:27
dansmithclarkb: but given where we are, probably don't want to switch that right this moment17:28
mtreinishI need to fix it, but until I figure out the best way to do that devstack should be able to make it work with the wonky config options17:28
clarkbdansmith: ya no rush from here. Just trying to put my user hat on and improve tests if possible17:28
dansmithyeah, definitely17:28
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Update devstack log publisher to use new macro
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dansmithclarkb: there are different code paths in cinder and nova when UECs are involved, though, so it seems like maybe having _some_ run that exercises that code is still good17:29
dansmithclarkb: even if just a background one17:29
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clarkbdansmith: in other news dtroyer +2'd my devstack change for mangling the cpu map. progress!17:30
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dansmithclarkb: like, yay :)17:30
mtreinishclarkb: do you have a link?17:31
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clarkbmtreinish: probably good to get sdague's feedback too because I know he was thinking about how to do this as well17:32
clarkbmtreinish: and he may have come up with even better plans17:32
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greghaynesclarkb: your nodepool multi format patch is going to break my monkeypatch patch :(17:33
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clarkbgreghaynes: awesome17:33
clarkbgreghaynes: how badly?17:33
Shrewsmordred: very surprisingly, it works that way AND without the {} AND without the dict()17:34
greghaynesnot that badly, im still wrapping my head around how this works in nodepool - but basically were changing the -o param to dib to not have the file extension with your patch, right?17:34
clarkbShrews: it really is turtles the whole way down17:34
clarkbgreghaynes: correct17:34
greghaynesclarkb: yea, so the fake-dib thing relies on the old format17:35
clarkbgreghaynes: because dib was removing it anyway and doing the right thing. So we are making nodepool a bit more accomodating of dib behavior17:35
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Shrewsclarkb: python is much smarter than I17:35
greghaynesclarkb: yea, you have to if youre doing multiformat17:35
greghaynesclarkb: basically the fake needs to fake the -t behavior17:35
clarkbgreghaynes: gotcha17:36
greghaynesclarkb: another question about it - do we detect a dib failure based on exit code or what files it produces?17:36
clarkbgreghaynes: exit code17:37
greghaynesso, if dib makes a qcow and fails to make the vhd...17:37
greghaynesah, ok, theyll both fail17:37
greghaynesprobably a good thing to test :)17:37
clarkbgreghaynes: yup which is the behavior we want because we want t have the same image in use across the board17:37
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add commit needed-by
jeblairthat passes tests locally ^ (has test fixes);  now to add a new test17:38
mordredShrews: WOW17:38
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sdagueclarkb: +A17:40
openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add API method create_subnet()
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add API auto-generation based on docstrings
mordredShrews: ^^17:48
mordredShrews: just for yo17:48
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Shrewsmordred: aw shucks17:49
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Shrewsmordred: now I can see what my docs from look like!17:49
Shrewswhich is basically a novella17:50
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add API auto-generation based on docstrings
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish shade docs to
mordredclarkb, jeblair: ^^ also, if teh plan is to publish to the new location, might as well do it for shade17:54
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JayFWe're in desperate need of a devstack change landing so we can enable Cleaning in Ironic by default for K; I've asked for reviews in -qa a lot, but asking here now: just bumping a timeout on a tempest test for ironic-only (since deletes take longer) and adding an Ironic setting to avoid shredding in devstack17:55
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JayF+1s from lots of Ironic folks, and the Ironic patch that depends on it is passing all tests17:56
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clarkbok I see the issue with binary data and os_loganalyze. With the on disk logs we only run .txt(.gz)? and .html(.gz)? through htmlify but with swift we run everything through it17:57
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add commit needed-by
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clarkbsdague: jhesketh ^  Iam going to work on having the swift object getter return the raw data if it doesn't match those above rules17:57
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add commit needed-by
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jeblairclarkb, mordred, fungi, sdague: ^ is ready for real review; it has tests that replicate both problems it tries to fix and passes tests locally18:00
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clarkbjeblair: cool will take a look shortly18:01
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sdaguejeblair: ok, I'm not sure i know enough zuul to provide helpful review on it18:04
sdaguejeblair: will fix the Toggle CI button missing on a bunch of pages that jaypipes reported earlier18:04
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jeblairsdague: no problem18:06
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jeblairsdague: +2 with a suggestion for another incremental improvement.  i can +A than now if you want.18:12
sdaguelet me look, I can respin now18:14
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sdaguejeblair: I'll respin, one sec18:15
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/system-config: fix hideci regex to work on /#/c/XXXXX/YY
sdaguejeblair: fixed18:17
fungijeblair: now that i'm back from lunch, i'll see your and raise you
fungi(for science!)18:18
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Shrewsfungi: i loved watching bob ross back in the day. but i can no longer view him the same way after having watched this:
jeblairsdague: +2 fungi: do we _have_ happy clouds?18:22
jeblairShrews: i don't know what that is but i refuse to watch it if it will alter my perception of bob ross18:22
mordredjeblair: Family Guy18:23
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fungiseth has no idea what he doth mock18:23
fungii'm sure i saw every episode of it several times as a child. my grandmother was an artist and painter by trade, and the joy of painting was a favorite of hers18:24
fungi"Ross’s 36 ocean paintings were also more likely to feature cliffs, clouds and rocks than the average painting."18:25
fungistatistics is awesome18:25
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mordredfungi: "What is the probability, given that Ross painted a happy tree, that he then painted a friend for that tree?"18:26
fungiyes, that's was a great quote. also the comparison of cumulus vs cirrus clouds is amusing18:27
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fungi(and almost topical here!)18:28
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dstufft bob ross remix18:29
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asselin_can we get these pushed through? needs another core:
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jeblair"The majority of people who watch Bob Ross have no interest in painting," she said. "Mostly it's his calming voice."18:31
jeblairi really need the voice of bob ross reading the -dev list18:31
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fungialso their lithium prescriptions18:31
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish shade docs to
mordredjeblair: what if we could make a computer thing that would narrate the emails of -dev in bob ross's voice?18:32
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Have swift pass through non log data unoutched
clarkbsdague: ^ tahts really ugly and needs testing, but your early input would probably be valuable.18:33
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fungino doubt there's a festival plugin in the works18:33
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dstufftThe early life section of is pretty cool18:33
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sdagueclarkb: looking18:34
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clarkbsdague: I think it might be better to completely rewrite a good chunk of that code to make the error handling and generator retrieval a bit less obtuse18:34
fungiasselin_: what's the plan with 167444? do you intend to flesh out puppet-openstackci's dependencies and then subtract those from system-config's modules.env?18:35
asselin_fungi, ??18:36
fungiasselin_: mostly wondering what things look like once we start reconsuming puppet-openstackci from within system-config18:36
sdagueclarkb: do the objects in swift have public urls ?18:36
clarkbsdague: they do not18:36
clarkbsdague: we could do a redirect instead if we ste that up though18:36
clarkbsdague: but we haven't set that up18:36
sdagueyeh, that I think would be much better if it wasn't too hard18:36
asselin_fungi, e.g. the depends-on change:
clarkbsdague: actually thats probably the best way to do it18:36
fungiasselin_: since there's no reason for system-config's modules.env to load puppet-openstackci unless system-config is going to start making use of that module18:36
clarkbsdague: let me look into what will need to be done to do this with rax swift18:37
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sdagueyeh, otherwise we're loading this stuff into apache memory fully, and then flushing it out on the wire18:37
sdaguewhich seems, weird.18:37
clarkbsdague: agreed18:37
asselin_fungi, right...the depends on change is the plan.18:37
sdagueok, so how about I hold really looking at that patch for a day to figure out if we can instead go a 302 route instead18:37
fungiasselin_: yeah, just started looking at that. it's a great example--thanks!18:38
clarkbsdague: sure sounds good18:38
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sdagueclarkb: ok, let me know what you find on making public urls of these things18:38
clarkbsdague: from memory we have to use rax's cdn and you get an hmac'd dns record to use18:38
sdagueclarkb: ok, I only half understand that last part18:39
fungiasselin_: i would have expected a little more mention of why in the commit message, but in the grand scheme of things it's a one-line change and people looking at the change in context later will have no problem figuring out the reason so lgtm18:39
asselin_fungi, yeah I can mention the spec18:39
clarkbsdague: basicall its a ridiculous dns record that I am not sure we can generate independently, so it would have to be a config option to os_loganalyze18:39
asselin_in the commit message18:39
fungiasselin_: no need, it's approved18:39
clarkbsdague: but it allows swift to negotiate with the cdn without auth iirc18:39
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asselin_fungi, thanks18:40
sdagueclarkb: but it's stable? doesn't change over time?18:40
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clarkbsdague: it only changes if your container changes, so mostly stable18:40
notmynameclarkb: cdn domain names with rax?18:40
clarkbnotmyname: ya18:40
sdagueyeh, that seems ok for putting it into the config then18:40
clarkbnotmyname: for public swift object access18:40
sdagueit's roughly the same as the swift creds18:40
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notmynameclarkb: I'm looking in the code to find the method that creates them18:42
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clarkbnotmyname: I thought there was a shared secret involved so that rax and cdn could generate the same key and trust each other?18:42
clarkbnotmyname: and since we don't have that we can't generate it independently but I am probably misremembering18:42
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Initial files for the puppet-openstackci repo
notmynameclarkb: ah, yes18:45
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add puppet-openstackci to included modules
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timrcmordred, When will nodepool restarted next so that the task metrics start getting pushed into graphite?18:54
timrcbe restarted*18:55
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mordredtimrc: not sure  ... jeblair, clarkb, fungi: ^^ thoughts?18:56
jeblairclarkb, sdague: i thought we worked out streaming the swift stuff through apache, so we weren't loading everything fully into memory18:56
clarkbjeblair: I have commented on 170155 I think it can merge as is but figured I would get a chance to talk bout those comments before approving18:56
fungitimrc: we're really not particularly underwater, so i can restart nodepoold right now if nobody objects18:57
clarkbjeblair: it uses fileinput iterators and the swiftclient iterator implementation18:57
fungithe additional metrics may help us characterize what we're seeing from a provider performance standpoint anyway18:57
clarkbjeblair: so it will load as much into memory as those do (I think the file input iterator will do the right thing, unsure about swiftclient)18:57
notmynameclarkb: if it does, it's a bug18:58
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Create a log server like
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: fix hideci regex to work on /#/c/XXXXX/YY
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clarkbjeblair: do you have a perference for proxying it all through apache and not complicating setup with rax cdn?18:59
timrcfungi, That'd be great.  I have the afternoon to spend on playing around with visualizing those numbers.18:59
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use common log server implementation
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fungitimrc: well, the numbers from this afternoon will be pretty dull, but it's a start!19:00
clarkbnotmyname: thanks, I think it uses requests under the covers which is probably what really implements it?19:00
fungiclarkb: jeblair: mordred: objections to me performing a controlled nodepoold restart now?19:00
clarkbnotmyname: but in any case good to know that if this doesn't work as expected yall would consider it a bug19:01
clarkbfungi: none here19:01
jeblairclarkb: a slight one preference for not involving the cdn, i think.  not a strong one.19:01
timrcfungi, Well... I'm going to be playing around with cubism and graphene, so that won't much matter to me at the moment.  Just having a data source will be a Good Thing (tm).19:01
jeblairfungi: no objection19:01
mordredfungi: nope. go for it!19:01
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clarkbbtw should use the new log footer swift stuff19:01
fungirestarting now19:01
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clarkbjeblair: I think I have an idea of how to rewrite that code to make proxying it with the wsgi much simpler19:02
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clarkb"At this time, there is no way to publicly access the objects stored in Cloud Files unless that container is published to CDN." and
clarkbso we would have to do what I describe19:10
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clarkbjeblair: considering your preference I will give a bit more time to the passthrough option19:11
clarkbsdague: ^19:11
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/bindep: Accept old dpkg-query errors
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krotscheckCan someone help me out with a pep error? I'm getting a "multi line docstring summary not separated with an empty line" error on this:
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krotscheckAnd, well, I have zero idea what it's trying to tell me.19:16
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clarkbkrotscheck: like a git commit your docstring should have a single subject/title line then additional content19:16
fungikrotscheck: it expects a title line which fits within a single line, not wrapped19:16
* krotscheck signs19:16
* krotscheck sighs19:16
clarkbthe reason for it is help(foo) rendering19:16
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clarkbits actually a not ridiculous rule19:16
krotscheckclarkb: Your opinion may vary from mine.19:17
clarkbkrotscheck: do you use help()?19:17
krotscheckclarkb: Nope.19:17
clarkbyou should give it a try :)19:17
fungiright, when in invoke context documentation within the interactive interpreter, i'm quite thankful for people providing well-formatted docstrings19:17
fungier, when i19:17
fungiit's also beneficial for things like sphinx autodoc19:18
krotscheckPerhaps, however enforcing that in Unit Tests seems a little overkill19:18
tchaypojeblair: I think I need to start digging into what’s in my gertty queue some more. I went to bed with 3000 items and woke up with 2773019:18
fungikrotscheck: look at it as an annoying requirement which will result in you needing to write less actual documentation separate from your source code19:18
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fungitchaypo: how many projects do you subscribe to?19:19
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fungii would already be seeking medication if my queue was 3000, much less nearly 10x that19:20
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mtreinishclarkb, fungi: do you have any thoughts on: if you don't want os-testr reviews here I can respin the patch to drop -infra19:21
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tchaypoMost of these projects I’ve got just in case  I want to look at one or two reviews occasionally19:23
tchaypomaybe I should forget about using gertty as my main way to acccess gerrit and just list a few projects I care a lot about19:23
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fungitchaypo: in that case some of jeblair's patches form this week will probably interest you (sync changes you own, support for starring changes and syncing those by default)19:24
fungier, from19:25
fungimtreinish: i'm on the fence... it feels like it might fall into the same realm as devstack, which while of potential infra interest only reports changes in #-qa19:25
tchaypoyeah, that chain does look interesting19:26
mtreinishfungi: heh, yeah I was on the fence too19:27
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fungicould make it easier to not bother syncing those projects... just ctrl-o to plug in the change number and then star it so you can continue to track it without tracking all changes for that repo19:27
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tchaypoI’ve already got 168181 included19:28
fungii still need to take a minute to try those out, but am excited by the prospect19:28
tchaypoI think maybe I’d like to be able to subscribe to a search rather than a project19:29
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fungithat's an intriguing idea19:29
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tchaypostatus:open branch:stable/juno19:30
mordredfungi: you restarted the nodepool, yeah?19:31
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tchaypofor someone trying to keep on track of open reviews in all the stable branches, that’s a much smaller set of changes to sync than subbing to everything that has a stable branch19:31
mordredfungi: I don't see any new counters in graphite - wondering if I should debug more19:31
fungimordred: i did. i was about to go fishing in graphite to check for stats19:31
tchaypoI wonder if I could try that out by having something scrape gerrit, then poke gertty’s DB to star all those changes19:32
mordredfungi: yah - I don't see task in the nodepool namespace at all19:32
tchaypoalthough really I think this calls for a new status rather than re-using starred19:32
fungimordred: nor do i. so either we're both going crazy or something's not quite right there (or both!)19:33
fungitchaypo: star has the benefit that it's a feature present in gerrit19:34
timrcBlah cubism seems so much more simplistic than graphene but it requires a CLA to contribute... who in their right mind would require one of those... oh wait :)19:34
mordredtimrc: who indeed?19:34
fungitimrc: fascists, that's who19:34
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fungimordred: /opt/nodepool is current, but pip list says the git sha is from march 18. i'm going to check puppet logs but i suspect pip failed to upgrade nodepool19:36
mordredfungi: yay!19:36
clarkb it works!19:37
clarkb also19:38
clarkbjhesketh: ^ thanks a bunch19:38
clarkbwas that the last step before wide rollout? I think so (though I should figure out binary data and swift and os_loganalyze soon)19:38
tchaypofungi: agree. this would be more equivalent to a bookmarked search url, or maybe a dashboard19:39
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for bug 1431724
openstackbug 1431724 in tempest "test_preserve_preexisting_port failing against icehouse" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Andrea Frittoli (andrea-frittoli)19:39
fungitchaypo: ahh, sync all changes matching a configured dashboard sounds like a reasonable feature19:39
clarkbsdague: ^ check out those log footers19:39
tchaypoWhen I do a search like "status:open branch:stable/juno” in gertty, is it submitting that to gerrit, or just returning matches in the local db?19:40
* tchaypo thinks out loud while checking source19:40
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openstackgerritDexter Fryar proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Fixed a dead link to the git-review docs
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fungihere's something i find worrisome...19:42
fungidigging in the syslog on nodepool.o.o19:42
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fungi_YUM_ is installing packages19:43
tchaypowhat distro is this machine?19:43
greghaynesfungi: dib?19:43
clarkbyes that would be dib19:43
mordredfungi: log snippet? (sounds like a dib thing)19:43
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fungigreghaynes: oh, maybe this is dib activity in a chroot ending up in the logger19:43
greghaynesthat would be my guess19:44
mordredyes. I think that's what it is19:44
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fungithe timestamps look right for image updates19:44
greghaynesfungi: although when we switch to fedora-minimal itll be yum outside the chroot19:44
fungiokay, less worried now19:44
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fungiit does make the syslog on this machine interesting to search through19:44
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fungiso here's the breakdown apparently.19:46
tchaypookay, it looks like these searches are parsed and run locally on gertty’s db. So it sounds like this would require a bit of a change, in that the dashboard queries would have to be sent off to gerrit to get a list of results. but that shouldn’t be any different to asking for a project’s open changes.19:47
greghaynesclarkb: what do you think of merging the monkeypatch stuff first, and then letting me patch it up in your multi format change? That way we can actually test it19:47
fungiwhen pip tried to upgrade nodepool it wanted to update to a new mysql-python19:47
fungibut couldn't compile the c extensions because mysql_config is not installed19:47
greghaynesotherwise were just doing the "This works, really I promise"19:47
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for bug 1431724
openstackbug 1431724 in tempest "test_preserve_preexisting_port failing against icehouse" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Andrea Frittoli (andrea-frittoli)19:47
mordredfungi: *stab*19:48
fungiwould nodepool work fine with pymysql? ;)19:48
fungii'm tempted to "fix" it that way19:48
greghaynesI bet19:48
mordredprobably. although we might want to just pin the mysql-python depend for now19:48
greghaynesThe only differences I have found are random encoding stuff in error messages19:49
greghayneswhich I really hope you dont use19:49
clarkbgreghaynes: either way is fine. my change has been hanging around for forever, another few days won't hurt it19:50
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clarkbyes I would expect pymysql to just work (tm)19:50
greghaynesclarkb: sweet, if someone would like to review I can then make the multi dib format patch not break after it merges19:51
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clarkbbut lunchtime, I need to run errands and things19:51
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clarkbwill try to pick os_loganalyze things back up when I get back19:52
mtreinishclarkb: in my experience using pymysql instead of the other one just works19:52
mtreinishalthough that's mostly just with subunit2sql stuffs19:52
fungiyeah, we already switched something else over to it as well i think, just can't recall what19:54
mordredfungi: it's worth a shot for sure19:54
mordredfungi: obvs would have to change the db url19:55
mtreinishfungi: is there something else which uses it during a nodepool build? because that's why we used it with subunit2sql19:55
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smoserhey. cloud-init using stackforge.19:59
mordredsmoser: welcome to the jungle19:59
smosersays "Cross-platform instance initialization"19:59
smoserany way to not have it say ?19:59
smoseri'm fine with it saying '' or something.20:00
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smoseras a "cost" of free infrastructure.20:00
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harlowjahmmm, pretty sure enough people pay $$ for the free part; lol20:00
mordredhrm. I'm not 100% sure where that comes from20:00
harlowjaincluding yahoo...20:00
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smoserbut i dont want confusion on inclusion of it as part of openstack.20:00
smoserwell, its free to me, harlowja20:01
harlowjasmoser fair enough :)20:01
mordredyah. understood - similarly, I do think it's weird to have on stackforge projects in the other direction either20:01
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mordredI think it may just be an unplanned thing20:01
mordredone sec20:01
harlowjamordred wants to use more of cloudinit i hear smoser20:02
fungimordred: maybe that's our default homepage url in projects.yaml?20:02
mordredand the project entry does not specify a homepage in it20:03
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fungismoser: harlowja: you want a "homepage" parameter in openstack-infra/project-config:gerrit/projects.yaml (see pecan for an example)20:04
mordredfungi: I don't think jeepyb will update the homepage entry with changes to projects.yaml right?20:04
fungii believe so20:04
fungier, well, it used to20:04
fungimaybe we stopped updating on not-creation to cut down on github api failures?20:05
funginow i don't remember20:05
mordredI think we did20:05
mordredI removed it for now20:05
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harlowjamordred while we are having a pow wow how can smoser  and i help u with :)20:06
harlowja*hugs not included*20:07
smoserwhat do you use there?20:08
smoserinstead of cloud-init20:08
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fungismoser: harlowja: rackspace does some funky things with a special secret sauce agent daemon to handle network setup, which we're trying to work around. distro packages of cloud-init (which seem to come by default on a lot of "cloud" images) drag in distro-packaged python library dependencies which also have the potential to conflict with things on our job workers20:13
fungismoser: harlowja: though i think there is hope to work around those things at some point20:13
fungismoser: harlowja: in the meantime we're relying on dhcp where available (seriously? protocols written decades ago already supported network auto-configuration? who knew?) and config drive metadata where not20:14
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harlowjaimagine that, dhcp , ha20:15
harlowjasounds magical20:15
mordredwhat fungi said20:15
fungiit is so totally magical20:15
greghaynesI wonder what the h and c stand for20:15
fungiyou know, unless you've ever taken the time to run a dhcp server or hundreds. then it's not so magical20:15
harlowjai try to avoid that and let other people do it, ha20:15
mordredsmoser: I wrote a very small python script to just pull network info and ssh keys out of config-drive if config drive exists20:16
fungigreghaynes: the h and c stand for "it does more than networks"20:16
mordredsmoser: because it's just config drive, it doesnt' need any other depends, so the impact on the dependency chains of he machiens is minimal20:16
mordredsmoser: I'd love, as you start working on v2 of cloud-init20:16
mordredsmoser: to chat about how a minimal install of cloud-init that doesn't need extra things for situations like ours could be accomplished20:16
harlowjahow mimimal do u want mordred ?20:17
mordredsmoser: if we got to a place where we deleted our simple-init thing and just used a minimal install of cloud-init (that could read the rax vendor data) that would be neat20:17
harlowjano deps at all?20:17
mordredharlowja: I want zero deps20:17
mordredharlowja: for config drive, you need nothing but json, which is in the standard lib20:17
fungipure python no deps would be awesome, but we could also install in and run from a virtualenv if we have to20:17
JayFOh man, cloud-init with pure python no deps would be pretty amazing20:18
harlowja^ i think is doable; urllib3 and such avoid me from crying when i have to use urllib220:18
mordredwe could ... but I'd like to start from teh conversation of what would a pure minimal install look like and how awful would it make harlowja and smoser's life20:18
JayFIt's a pain right now to ship non-distro-packaged cloud-init as a hoster as well20:18
smoseri'm kind of confused on . you could remove cloud-init and its dependencies, but a distro's choice of packages included in their images is always going to potentially conflict with what you're using.20:19
fungiyou hosters and your crazy ideas about getting to sleep at night20:19
mordredsmoser: we're not using disto's cloud images20:19
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack/requirements: Add os-testr to global requirements list
mordredsmoser: we're building our own20:19
harlowja doesn't exactly have alot of non-python-deps (i guess yaml might try to pull in a c module)20:19
JayFfungi: more like I don't want my customers to have to wake up if they unpin my cloud-init, "upgrade" to a crappy distro version, and their machine break on next reboot20:19
fungismoser: yep, which is why we're building our own base images now to omit things like that20:19
harlowjapyserial also (but those are optional)20:19
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mordredsmoser: which also has less to do with any given distro choices and more to do with cloud vendors _Also_ modifying images20:20
fungiJayF: i understand. also as a customer i want the freedom to do just that and keep both pieces20:20
mordredthis is why DHCP is the better answer20:20
mordredbecause it doesn't require running anything special20:20
mordredbut, you know, meh20:20
dansmithI don't think this dhcp thing is going to catch on20:20
harlowjadepends on your infrastrucutre layout...20:20
fungidansmith: it has an rfc (several in fact!) and everything. you never know20:21
JayFdansmith: DHCP doesn't work for all cases; such as Ironic bare metal in secured networks20:21
mordredharlowja: sure. I'm just stating my preference as a rather large cloud consumer20:21
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JayFdansmith: although I greatly appreciate the sentiment :) I wish I didn't have to use cloud-init to assemble my bonds and hook up vlans and could handle it all server side :/20:21
smoserJayF, well we'd for sure like to fix cloud-init for your use case.20:22
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JayFsmoser: I'm talking about the deps stuff, more or less20:22
harlowjamordred sure; rather large cloud consumer yahoo still using config-drive (dhcp in places); so i'm biased as well (but idk all the reasons, forgot them, lol)20:22
smoserbut your statmeent of "i don twant my customers to have to wake up if <THEY DO SOMETHING WRONG>" seems a bit impossible to solve .20:22
JayFsmoser: even if my stuff gets upstream, I still have to inject an updated cloud-init into >50% of my supported images20:22
mordredsmoser: that's not something wrong20:22
mordredsmoser: that's a user installing software in their machine20:22
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smoserit is in JayF 's statement.20:22
smoseras it will break their system.20:22
jrollsmoser: JayF had a bad problem statement :P20:23
JayFsmoser: my statement is the problem still exists even if I require a non-downstream-patched, but newer than $distro_package cloud-init20:23
mordredright. but a user shouldn't need to have a patched version of cloud-init for their machien to boot onto the network20:23
jrollsmoser: what if I upgrade a cloud-init dependency and it breaks cloud-init?20:23
lifelessthe OS dependency metadata should prevent that20:24
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jrollthe what now20:24
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smoserwell, i think generally you're ruunning into the problems of the way distributions are done.20:24
JayFjroll: our pain is because we're using non-distro cloud-init, and distros want to uninstall our version in favor of the distro version20:24
jeblairtchaypo: i'd really like to get gertty working for you; it should work fine subscribed to > 100 projects.20:24
mordredso - there are two different things here ...20:24
mordredone is JayF's pain20:24
jrolllifeless: sure, so now they can't install python-xyz which depends on a newer version of a cloud-init dependency, which is even sadder20:24
mordredone is ours20:25
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mordredthey are actually opposite pain20:25
jeblairtchaypo: from what you describe, i feel fairly certain there's a bug there.20:25
fungihaving spent years in ops and customer support at a hosting provider, i'm inclined to believe that whatever breaks inside the bounds of the guest os is up to the customer to fix. and yes i've absolutely been brought in on special calls where i had to fix an 'rm -rf /' a customer did by accident20:25
lifelessfungi: +120:25
jrollfungi: even when you embed hacks in their image to make their guest boot at all?20:25
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fungibut ultimately, we told them that we would try to help (if they paid us to) but no guarantees it would be recoverable20:25
jroll(you as the provider)20:25
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lifelessjroll: well, both redhat and canonical have realised that user workloads shouldn't be in the same namespace as platform workloads20:26
fungijroll: right, one of the reasons we tried not to embed hacks in their systems to get them to boot in our environment20:26
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jeblairtchaypo: feel free to paste some debug logs at me20:26
tchaypojeblair: I have 432Mb of debug log from the last run of gertty20:26
lifelessjroll: so as a user if you want python-xyz version NEW, that should be in a new container/venv/click-package/software-collection anyway20:26
tchaypomay be a little too large to paste :)20:26
mordredlifeless: OR20:26
jeblairtchaypo: what's it compress to?20:26
jrolllifeless: I agree with not using distro packages, but that's not everyone's world view, see also openstack20:27
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lifelessjroll: well, its more nuanced than that - see the new distro packaging formats that are just namespaced off20:27
jrollfungi: yeah, that's a larger problem I can't reasonably solve :/20:28
fungijroll: in our case, the main problem with distro-packaged python libs on our job workers is that we have some projects which need a very few select python libs which can't install into a virtualenv (for example python-libvirt until very recently) and so have to operate their text venvs with system site packages enabled20:28
fungier, their test venvs20:28
lifelessoh which reminds me, does python-libvirt work with pypi?20:28
clarkblifeless yes20:29
lifelesslike, if I went batshit insane and wanted to add pypi jobs....20:29
clarkbyou need libvirt >0.9.8 iirc20:29
fungiso minimizing python libraries installed into the global system namespace is something we try to achieve20:29
lifeless[see the twitters a few days ago]20:29
mordredlifeless: could you expand on that?20:29
clarkbpypi jobs?20:29
mordredlifeless: I'm probably not going to see the twitters from a few days ago :)20:29
fungilifeless: i don't follow the tweeter, but related at all to your posts on the distutils-sig ml?20:29
lifelessfungi: no, entirely different20:30
jeblairtchaypo: i will pm you a way to send me the file20:30
tchaypojeblair: it was running for ~3 days, but lost connectivity many times during those 3 days. this time around it’s only been going for an hour or so, but it has touched neutron and nova and hasn’t blown up - currently sitting around 1200 in queue20:30
lifelessthread here.
lifelessbah, I meant pypy. morning holiday brain.20:31
lifelesstchaypo: you're poking at the gerrit perf regression again ?20:31
mordredlifeless: that is mindless trolling20:31
fungipypy not pypi. no wonder i was confused20:32
mordredlifeless: "if openstack wants to obsessively use python, why not invest in making python better?" WE DO20:32
mordredwhat a jerk20:32
tchaypolifeless: only in the sense that I seem to have triggered it again and captured logs20:32
clarkbuhm we pypy...20:33
fungiindeed. we have jobs20:33
clarkbits all there to be used if you want it20:33
mordredyeah. someone was cranky and decided to post anti-openstack things20:33
lifelessmordred: I know, and I answered :)20:33
mordredlifeless: stronger man that I20:33
mordredlifeless: I'd kickban that crap20:33
fungiwe even maintained special worker images until we got trusty where reasonable recent pypy happens naturally20:33
lifelessclarkb: oh, we have pypy jobs already ? cool. I'm out of date.20:33
clarkbwe have had them for a long time now20:34
fungifor a year or two anyway20:34
mordredlifeless: we've had them for something like 1.5 - 2 years20:34
clarkband as fungi points out we did extra work just for them20:34
lifelesslibs and cli only?20:34
mordredI believe all of swift gates on it20:34
lifelessoh awesome20:34
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jrolllifeless: it's available, just not widely used20:34
lifelessI think I'll not add to the thread :)20:34
mordredlifeless: :)20:34
fungiit's mostly cli jobs which were initially added, but alex was also pretty involved in getting it going for swift yeah20:34
clarkbso if people are interested have at it nothibg stops you20:34
lifelessinstead I'm going to go fly pretent spaceships in 4K20:34
clarkband this is why I dont twitter20:34
fungiwe had pypy movers and shakers directly involved in getting it running and up to the present point20:35
jrolllifeless: up until recently some eventlet/oslo things like loopingcall didn't work on pypy because shenanigans, we had pypy running on ironic-python-agent for some time20:35
jrollbut then bugs20:35
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fungiso whoever commented that there was no openstack interest in pypy is apparently not actually involved in pypy development in general20:35
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fungiand is instead a bridge troll20:36
lifelessfungi: well, I might have said that20:36
fungilifeless: well, you are also a known troll ;)20:36
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jrolldreid is pretty involved in pypy, fwiw20:36
lifelessI didn't think as a project we had a specific interest in it20:36
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lifelessI'm glad we have some jobs20:36
fungithough i haven't seen alex in here in recent months20:37
mordredlifeless: well, as a project, we don't particularly care, because it doesn't particularly matter20:37
mordredlifeless: however, we're pretty open and inviting20:37
mordredso when people show up and care20:37
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lifelesssure, and thats what I said20:37
mordredwe do what we can to enable them20:37
mordredI'm pretty sure NOBODY cares about pypy20:37
mordredit's not just us20:37
jrollfungi: he's no longer at rackspace, probably part of it20:37
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jrollmordred: I would love to run my cloud on pypy20:37
mordredjroll: awesome!20:38
fungijroll: oh, well if you run into him let him know we miss him!20:38
jrollwhether it actually makes an impact is tbd20:38
jrollfungi: he's still on freenode :P20:38
mordredjroll: (when I say nobody, I mean broadly, not that literally no humans care :) - I think pypy is neat)20:38
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openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs build, requirements check to IPA
fungimordred: you're a robot20:38
fungiwe have evidence and all20:38
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jrollmordred: ok, that's slightly more reasonable -- however I would love to see folks invest time on it20:39
jrollbut there's generally too much to do to prioritize it, I'm sure20:39
clarkbjroll anyone can :)20:39
clarkbwe arent stopping you20:40
jrollclarkb: oh, I'm aware20:40
fungineat, so alex is working for the us dept. of veterans affairs now20:40
jrolllike I said, priorities20:40
lifelessalso whether it will help20:41
lifelessif there are bugs that are only fixed by using pypy20:41
lifelessI think we'd have a fairly substantial cross-project decision to come to20:42
clarkbone issue I do have with pypy is cffi20:42
lifeless[to whit: to stop supporting cPython for servers]20:42
clarkbianw has found at least one lolzy problem with that20:42
lifelessthe install one?20:42
lifeless[which is hilarious]20:42
clarkbthe explode memory use one20:42
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clarkbbut the install one is another20:43
lifelessoh, I haven't seen that one20:43
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lifelessdoes it have a scrypt implementation internally or something?20:43
clarkblifeless the cparser apparebtly doesnt gc well20:43
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fungiclarkb: it's like your jenkins bug... maintainer asks for a better bug report immediately, but goes silent as soon as one is provided20:44
openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs build, requirements check to IPA
clarkbfungi yup20:44
openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs build, requirements check to IPA
lifelessits not really a better report20:45
lifeless'uses X memory to parse' isn't a bug per se.20:45
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clarkbuses an order magnitude more is...20:46
fungiit's certainly fuzzy as to whether the cryptography devs should be digging into it first20:46
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fungithough when he opened they basically said go talk to the cparser folks20:47
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lifelessclarkb: apples and oranges20:47
lifelessclarkb: the old bindings were a C module - already compiled. The new bindings are ffi based, so import time resolving20:48
lifelessclarkb: the most obvious space issue to me is that the AST is being kept around at all, not that the AST is big.20:48
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clarkbthats not apples and oranges. we use pyopenssl it uses way more memory now for same thing. that is a bug20:49
lifelessthat is20:49
lifelessthis bug report is not that bug report20:49
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lifelessthis bug report is that pycparser is a large chunk of ram inprocess of a thing using pyopenssl20:50
fungii think it's just going to resort in us pinning to cryptography<=0.13 because 0.14 introduces a larger memory requirement20:50
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lifelessfungi: I think thats wise20:50
fungiand letting the cryptography folks know that if they want to see projects using 0.14+ they should look into making it less memory-hungry20:50
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greghaynesdont you need to pin pyopenssl, not cryptography?20:51
greghaynescryptography has had the bindings for a while AIUI20:51
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greghaynesits just that pyopenssl switched to using them20:51
fungier, right pyopenssl<=0.1320:52
fungipyopenssl 0.14 started using the cryptography library, which is the source of the difference in behavior20:53
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dtroyermordred: so os-client-config doesn't have an LP project…should I just create it or is there other process for that?21:00
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dtroyerclarkb, fungi: ^^^ also21:01
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sdagueclarkb: so, one last though on the pass through thing before I run to make dinner21:01
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sdaguecan we just make our own apache pass through separate from os-loganalyze?21:02
sdagueso we 302 to that21:02
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sdagueor do we actually need python code to read out of swift in all cases here?21:02
mordreddtroyer: uh - oh - yeah - I guess it should have one. it's been a while since I've made one of those ...21:02
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fungidtroyer: there's a writeup dhellmann did in the infra manual... just a sec21:03
clarkbsdague we could21:03
jlvillalDid the "Toggle CI" button disappear for anyone else?21:03
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clarkbsdague its all mod rewritten in there and we could add a similar rule21:04
clarkbto what exists21:04
clarkbjeblair ^21:04
morganfainbergdid the "toggle CI" thing disappear from gerrit?21:04
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jlvillalThat's what I asked morganfainberg ! :)21:04
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dtroyerfungi: thx21:04
sdagueclarkb: it would simplify the thinking about os-loganalyze if it wasn't a generic layer, just the layer we hit when we cared about the logs adds.21:04
morganfainbergjlvillal hah! :)21:04
sdagueanyway, will chat tomorrow about it21:05
fungimorganfainberg: jvrbanac: i think we may have added a recent commit which modified them and sometimes gerrit seems to not notice when we tickle the file it watches to know to reload them. i'll give it a nudge21:05
jlvillalmorganfainberg: It disappeared for me21:05
fungisee if it comes back now21:05
fungier, jlvillal (sorry jvrbanac!)21:05
morganfainbergfungi, yep back now21:05
morganfainbergfungi, thnx21:05
funginp. sorry for the annoyance21:05
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jlvillalfungi: It is back.  Thanks! :)21:06
morganfainbergfungi, hah not an annoyance at all.21:06
morganfainbergfungi, just suddenly looked different21:06
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clarkbsdague thats a good point about it constraining os-loganalyzes feature set21:07
fungii think our puppet attempt at touching ~gerrit2/review_site/etc/GerritSiteHeader.html when modifying javascript isn't always sufficient. i've noticed that if i manually modify the javascript and then touch that file immediately without delaying a few seconds, gerrit doesn't refresh the changes21:07
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sdagueclarkb: or if we need it in python, put it in a separate wsgi app in tree21:08
sdagueagain, to simplify roles21:08
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sdaguebecause the break out point for pass through is weird given the current generator stack21:09
clarkbya I have a plan to break it out and simplify the generator dtack21:09
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sdagueanyway, random thoughts. But I need to deal with dinner.21:09
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clarkbI may write that and the vhost change both so we can have options21:09
sdagueclarkb: ok, before you do that, lets sync up, because there are some other things I want to add in that the current stack makes easy21:10
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sdaguemaybe tomorrow once you get on21:10
fungiaha, it's storyboard that i was trying to remember is using pymysql21:10
clarkbsdague ok21:10
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mtreinishfungi: heh, yeah I wouldn't have guessed that :)21:12
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JayFHey, someone have a moment to help me figure out something with a failed test? is indicating ironic-python-agent-docs does not exist (which is correct) but Ironic has ironic docs jobs that don't appear to be defined in jenkins/jobs/ironic.yaml21:15
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JayFSo wondering what I'm missing from to make the job work21:15
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greghaynesfungi: yep, and that mostly 'just worked' except for one bug that I really hope doesnt apply to nodepool21:17
greghayneswhich basically comes down to the way oslo.db does ForeignKeyConstraintError is nasty21:18
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clarkbno oslo.db in nodepool21:18
greghaynesanother crisis averted ;)21:19
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Switch from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
fungigreghaynes: clarkb; ^ guess we'll find out21:19
greghaynesit also especially doesnt apply because no py3 for nodepool and the encoding issues only show up there21:19
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fungiassuming that works out, i'll submit the accompanying puppet-nodepool (and system-config?) change(s)21:24
* fungi will brb21:26
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci: Simple script to setup and test log server
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clarkbfungi +2 but didnt approve because I cant watch it21:48
JayFclarkb: do you have 5m to spare to help me with a project-config change? I think there's just one piece of the puzzle I'm missing/don't understand.21:49
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clarkbJayF in a bit. Almost back home from mid day errands21:50
JayFclarkb: sweet! Thanks21:50
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clarkbask.o.o 502ing for anyone else?21:52
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JayFclarkb: WFM, at least just loading the homepage21:54
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JayFclarkb: I checked both http and https for throughness, and it's working and loading at a speed I'd expect21:55
clarkbya neither work from my phone21:55
JayFloads on chrome from my moto x (android 5.0)21:56
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Delay Gerrit events by 5s
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jeblairsdague, clarkb, fungi, mordred: ^ that's the "fix" to the other known issue from CRD.  i think that's all of 'em.21:59
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jeblairclarkb: i agree with your comments, but I think i'm going to leave 170155 as-is.21:59
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clarkbjeblair: wfm22:02
clarkbJayF: ok I am home22:02
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JayFclarkb: is the change in question -- the test is failing saying ironic-python-agent-docs doesn't exist, but I'm confused and can't find where the equivalant job is added for Ironic22:03
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clarkbJayF: it comes from the openstack-publish-jobs.yaml file22:05
clarkbJayF: so in jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml under ipa you want to add openstack-publish-jobs to your job list22:05
clarkbJayF: ironic has this if yo uwant to see an example22:06
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clarkbsdague: the zuul stuff in gerrit is shiny22:07
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clarkbthough doesn't seem to load each time? in any case \o/22:07
JayFclarkb: how does that jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml interact with jenkins/jobs/ironic-python-agent.yaml ... ipa has entries in both22:07
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clarkbJayF: projects.yaml is where we instantiate job templates. the other .yaml files either create jobs directly or define templates that must be instantiated with some arguments22:09
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JayFclarkb: okay, that makes sense. I understand a bit more now, thanks. I'll push up that fix and then would appreciate a review on it if it looks good then :D22:11
* JayF thrilled to finally have docs for IPA22:11
clarkbJayF: basically our jobs come in two flavors, the - job: and the - job-template. templates have to be explicitly instantiated for each occurence22:11
clarkbregular jobs are added directly to jenkins as is22:11
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openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs build, requirements check to IPA
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fungirace in zuul's test_crd_check_git_depends test?
fungitesttools.matchers._impl.MismatchError: u'1,1 2,1' != '1,1'22:22
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clarkbI think I have a couple zuul changes to fix some of those22:24
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fungilooks like self.history ordering may not be deterministic there22:25
bruffping for an infrastructure account question for a CI account22:26
clarkbfungi: it has to do with how we release the jobs, it can be made deterministic22:27
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clarkbfungi: which is what my changes do, they more carefully release things in order so that we get deterministic results22:27
clarkbbruff: ask away22:27
fungiyeah, self.history[0].changes has what the test was expecting in self.history[-1].changes instead22:27
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bruffclarkb - I'm trying to associate an CI account with an OpenID.  Our CI account was added manually as22:27
bruff13144   oracle-zfssa-ci Oracle ZFSSA CI22:27
bruffI was hoping to create an OpenId account and match up with this account, but now I've got another account, when I tried to login to
bruffAccount ID    1586322:27
bruffI would like to keep an account for using.22:28
bruffuserid: oracle-zfssa-ci22:28
bruffname: Oracle ZFSSA CI22:28
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fungiclarkb: i'll find and review your changes, and recheck the one that failed to merge on this in the meantime22:28
clarkbbruff: we cannot merge accounts, we have just been having third party ci users use the newer openid based account as they move that direction22:29
bruffclarkb:  so can I get the userid on the new account set to oracle-zfssa-ci  ?22:30
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fungiclarkb: is it mainly just ? i guess the other crd tests need something similar to what you did to the duplicates test there?22:32
clarkbbruff: no, they have to be unique, you will haveto use a new username22:32
clarkbbruff: but that should be fine since typically the only person that needs to know what that string is is the third party CI operator22:32
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clarkbfungi: and
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bruffclarkb: Is this the username field on the Settings Profile page on
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clarkbbruff: yes22:33
bruffclarkb: Then that propagates through the various Infra servers from there?22:34
bruffclarkb:  Also for CI user, do I need to agree to the New Contributor Agreement for that user?22:35
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clarkbbruff: the only server that knows about that username is gerrit22:39
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clarkbno CLA required to post CI votes22:39
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bruffclarkb:  OK, how do I associate it with the CI group?22:40
asselin_bruff, I can do that22:40
fungiclarkb: it's not immediately obvious to me how 160050 deals with nondeterminism in the tests. were you seeing build cancellation racing with status updates in the crd tests?22:41
bruffFull Name22:41
bruffEmail Address22:41
bruffApr 2, 2015 1:33 PM22:41
bruffAccount ID22:41
bruff is the new CI account user22:41
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asselin_bruff, you're here now:,members22:42
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bruffclarkb: asselin_: Many thanks22:46
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fungiclarkb: hrm, and 160491 failed in the gate on a different problem in the zuul unit tests now22:52
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fungi'SUCCESS' != 'ABORTED': Build should have been aborted (in test_abandoned_gate)22:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Add commit needed-by
mtreinishfungi: heh, on my gerritbot patch I just realized the same reasoning could also apply to subunit2sql, which reports in both :)22:53
clarkbfungi: I think thats another race, the job is running to completion before the thing that triggers abandonment occurs22:55
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jeblairfungi: are you looking into that or do you want to hand it off to me?23:02
* jeblair is back and catching up23:03
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fungijeblair: i was about to dig into finding a fix for the nondeterminism in test_crd_check_git_depends and got sidetracked by test_abandoned_gate, but am trying to stick with the first problem first23:04
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jeblairfungi: i'll take abandoned_gate then23:05
fungijeblair: also if you're fine with i think that may help with our current install/upgrade problems on nodepool.o.o23:05
jeblairclarkb: i double checked and i think i did not copy the problem you fixed in 160491 to any new tests23:05
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Switch nodepool from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
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clarkbjeblair: cool23:12
jeblairfungi: +2d both pymysql changes23:12
jeblairdid not aprv23:12
jeblair(i expect to head out in a few mins)23:12
fungijeblair: no problem. i can take care of approving and restarting nodepool (and if absolutely necessary reverting and restarting it again)23:13
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mordredfungi: woot!23:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Switch from MySQL-python to PyMySQL
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix race in CRD Git depends test
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fungistab in the dark ^ based on clarkb's earlier fix, because something's horked up with my gcc at the moment so tox can't install stuff needing to build c extensions23:27
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fungihrm, that didn't do what i expected23:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix checking all builds are waiting in tests
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ so that was fun!23:39
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'm pretty sure the race condition in the test was an ACTUAL race condition in reality23:39
fungijeblair: oh! that could be affecting more tests than just that one to23:39
jeblairso, um, "it only happens in tests" takes another knock :)23:39
fungiand "tests do find bugs" gets another notch23:40
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krotscheckWhere all do I have to define a job again? I thought I caught all places in , but clearly I missed one :/23:47
mordredkrotscheck: you have defined a job-template but have not instantiated the template anywhere23:49
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mordredkrotscheck: look in jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml for a horizon section23:50
krotscheckmordred: Thanks, checking23:50
mordredthat's where you'll instantiate the job template for the horizon project23:50
mordredkrotscheck: the  multiple places thing is one of the things we're hoping to fix with zuulv323:50
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add NPM Command Execution as a Build Target
krotscheckmordred: Let's see if that does it, thanks :)23:52
fungimordred: interestingly, when puppet upgraded nodepool from git just now, it set the package version to 0.0.1.post10023:52
fungii'm guessing we got a new pbr in the bargain23:53
mordredfungi: yay!23:53
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mordredfungi: I wanna see new metrics!!!23:53
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fungiwell, i haven't restarted nodepoold just yet23:54
fungistill checking the logs to make sure the pip install succeeded with the switch to pymysql23:54
* mordred is weirdly overly excited to see time breakdowns by API call23:54
fungii mean it _seems_ to have23:54
fungiyep, syslog lgtm23:55
fungiokay, restarting nodepoold now23:55
mordredthe fun part is we should immediately get some counters, because it runs a bunch of flavor lists and stuff on restart to repopulate its internal caches and stuff23:56
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jeblairmordred: if you have a sec for 170319, it would be good to get it in before a zuul restart23:58
jeblairwhich i think i might to tomorrow23:58
jeblairmordred: oops, meant 17030023:58

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