Wednesday, 2015-03-04

clarkbalso we should probably reaudit our uids and gids once this is solved00:00
clarkb covers the gotchas with stages00:01
* SpamapS points at LDAP standing in the corner looking ignored and sad like most senior citizens.00:01
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clarkbjeblair: is ready to be approved now. do you want to rereview? my rebase of it removed your earlier +200:02
clarkbSpamapS: I think ldap wold be massive overkill here but considering we only need to separate two sets of uid/gid groups00:03
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nibalizeralso ldap+kerb is notoriously sadface00:03
jeblairclarkb: aprvd00:03
nibalizerclarkb: did you get it figured out?00:03
clarkbnibalizer: well I know why its happening but don't know fix00:03
jeblairSpamapS: i suspect the gertty bug has to do with the list of affected files being larger than the screen size.00:04
clarkbnibalizer: we need something like that for User and Group globally00:04
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clarkbSpamapS: also its only ~10 users00:04
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clarkband last but not least I would probably have a sad if I needed ldap to login to things when clouds break00:05
clarkbnibalizer: were you there for the dns depends on ldap, ldap depends on dns explosion?00:06
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nibalizerclarkb: no, before my time00:06
crinkleclarkb: is the reference re: resource default scope, tldr is it depends where you put it00:06
clarkbcrinkle: thank you00:07
pleia2clarkb: good to know, thanks00:08
nibalizerclarkb: so given that code if you include openstack_project::users then realize () some users it should work00:08
clarkbnibalizer: yes that works fine00:08
clarkbnibalizer: problem is we also have system users00:08
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ianwdstufft: sorry, looks like a garden variety dependency ordering issue.  pip is trying to install cryptography before it has installed the version of six that it needs00:09
openstackgerritSyed Ismail Faizan Barmawer proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add ironic-lib to openstack
nibalizerclarkb: so the problem is you have conflicts or?00:10
clarkbnibalizer: the problem is puppet is mostly unordered so if you create a system user or regular users before realizing any of the admin users the gids/uids can conflict00:11
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-ansible: Remove embedded ansible role
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nibalizerclarkb: hrm okay00:14
nibalizerso login.defs needs to go before any packages get installed that set up their own users, that kind of thing?00:14
nibalizerlogin.defs seems to start the uids at 3000, so the 20xx uids of the sysadmins shouldn't conflict, as long as it goes in the right order00:15
clarkbor before puppet does anything00:15
nibalizerso the default login.defs seems ot start uids at 1000, at least on ubuntu00:16
nibalizerso either login.defs hasn't been laid down yet, and users get created in the 1xxx range, or login.defs has been laid down, and users get created in the 3xxx range00:17
nibalizeri don't see how there is room to conflict on the 2xxx range00:17
clarkbnibalizer: well its doing both, for example with gerrit2 on gerrit server the uid:gid was 1001:200100:17
clarkbnibalizer: I think it may be a race00:17
clarkbbut not sure where exactly00:17
clarkbensuring that login.defs happens well before anything else should hoepfully avoid such racing00:18
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clarkbI think what may have happened there was the group for mordred with gid 2000 ran before the login.defs applied00:19
clarkbbecause there is no require there00:19
clarkbthen gerrit2 got a user at max_gid+1 == 200100:20
clarkbthen gerrit2's uid was set to 100100:20
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nibalizerwell you can stage => 'setup' on the login.defs, but that is notoriously hated00:20
nibalizerbut might be a good use here00:20
clarkbthen login.defs is applied00:20
clarkbthen mordreds user with uid 2000 is create00:20
nibalizerya that makes sense00:20
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clarkbwe could just make an ansible play to apply the login.defs before puppet runs >_>00:22
dstufftianw: what version of setuptools?00:22
clarkbanyways this is the sort of problem that deserves some though00:23
clarkbso I won't go trying to fix it right this second00:23
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Update gerrit topic to downstream-puppet
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add "downstream-puppet" gerrit topic
jeblairasselin: ha! :)00:28
asselinI got in first :)00:28
jeblairasselin: you win!  i will abandon00:28
nibalizeronly one can win00:28
jeblairasselin: even our commit messages were almost identical!00:28
clarkbjeblair: any additional input on the user creation stuff?00:29
clarkbI am reapproving 158175 and child now00:30
jeblairclarkb: ah, yeah.  i was also thinking that using ansible for this might not be terrible, but i think since the values are specified in puppet, we should try to keep doing it there to localize concerns00:30
jeblairclarkb: so i lean toward trying stage00:30
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nibalizerwe could also make everything in openstack_project::server depend require the login.defs file00:31
clarkbok I will draft that change up shortly00:31
clarkbnibalizer: I am not sure I trust all other things to require server explicitly to set up the graph right00:31
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nibalizeror put a Package { require => File['login.defs'] }00:32
nibalizersince really its packages that cause this issue00:32
nibalizeri suppose a user here and there00:32
jeblairnibalizer: oh that's an interesting solution too00:32
clarkbmy concern with that is it requires us to actively do it or the entire world is broken00:32
clarkbwhich isn't a good way to fail00:33
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jeblairclarkb: i understood nibalizer's suggestion to be adding that one line to one place which would cause it to be applied universally?00:34
clarkbjeblair: no, it would't be universal, crinkle's link above explains it00:34
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jeblairi have not read that yet :(00:34
clarkbthe only way to make it universal would be to put it in site.pp globally after deining the file in site.pp globally00:34
clarkbat least that wsa my reading of the scoping of resource defaults00:35
ianwdstufft: setuptools 0.9.8 i'm pretty sure.  it seems "pip install "six>1.9" cryptography  does not the get version of six installed before cryptography needs it00:35
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Require login.defs in resource defaults
dstufftianw: you need a newer setuptools00:35
nibalizerjeblair: clarkb that ^^ is one approach00:35
dstufftianw: luckily, I have a COPR just for you!00:35
clarkbnibalizer: don't you also need to define the file resource at a global level?00:35
clarkbnibalizer: I don't think that iwll work00:35
clarkbbut apply test should confirm or deny that00:36
dstufft(the answer about why this happens is finnicky and requires  abunch of terrible background knowledge to fully grok)00:36
nibalizerclarkb: welllllll apply test uses csplit right... so it may cut those global definitions out00:36
clarkbnibalizer: oh that too00:36
nibalizerjeblair: the stage proposal is one line in one place, and should work00:37
dstufftbut if you add that copr and then yup update to get a newer python-setuptools00:37
dstufftmagic should shappen00:37
nibalizerbut everyone hates stages in puppet (not that we're afraid of going against the grain)00:37
nibalizermost of the hatred of stages is that usually stages are tried when we need to bootstrap some component of puppet, and puppet fails hard at that00:37
ianwdstufft: this is the unholy world of devsatck ... see the last line of where we pip install -U setuptools00:37
nibalizerusing stages to lay down login.defs so that all package and user resoruces behave correctly is probably a decent use00:37
nibalizercrinkle: Hunner  may have thoughts on that00:38
nibalizerill send up the stage proposal for review as well00:38
dstufftianw: if you're doing pip install -U setuptools you should be using setuptools 12.3 or so00:38
clarkbnibalizer: cool that would be good to compare00:38
clarkbnibalizer: thank you00:38
ianwdstufft: yes, i think we are00:39
clarkbnibalizer: also don't forget to cleanup the current resource default as it won't be necessary and may not work given the require across stages00:39
ianw[root@devstack-ps centos]# pip list | grep setuptools00:39
ianwsetuptools (12.3)00:39
dstufftianw: hmm, that error looks like the one that setuptools 7 fixed, but if you're actually using setuptools 12.3 unles sit regressed it shouldn't happen there00:40
dstufftunless it's a different error..00:40
ianwdstufft: but yeah, it doesn't get it right :
clarkbugh only on classes too00:40
ianwdstufft: "pip install "six>=1.9" cryptography" ... leads to "Installing collected packages: cryptography, six" , wonder if it got flipped around somewhere00:41
dstufftianw: the problem before was that it installed it, but the sys.path ended up in the wrong order00:42
dstufftI don't have time to dig into it more right now though :(00:43
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Install standalone ansible roles
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Rename roles.yml to roles.yaml
ianwdstufft: ok, that's cool, from i can see that it hasn't made an attempt to install six first -- you think this is more a pip issue?  i don't imagine the cryptography pkg dependencies are wrong00:44
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dstufftianw: it was a combination of pip/setuptools last time, and it appears it's probably the same again00:44
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ianwdstufft: ok, i will file a github issue as a first step here00:45
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Set the openstack_project::users class to run in 'setup' stage
nibalizerokay thats a draft, i'm not super confident that the syntax there is all right but we might need to iterate on it a bit00:46
anteayaclarkb: you had a comment on patchset 4 that they needed to add -21 to the job name to get an f21 node, is this correct?
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add #openstack-rally to accessbot
clarkbanteaya: ya00:47
clarkbnibalizer: thanks00:47
anteayaclarkb: thanks00:47
clarkbnibalizer: you need an explicit include stdlin?00:48
anteayatried watching a movie, at the 6 minute mark the two main characters who had never met before were in bed00:48
clarkbeg stgaes aren't part of puppet proper?00:48
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anteayadecided to come back and do code review as there was more reality in gerrit00:48
clarkbnibalizer: oh is stage setup part of stdlib? why not include stdlib closer to the stage use then?00:49
nibalizerclarkb: not really
nibalizerprobably we should stage { 'setup': before => Stage['main'] } in site.pp actually00:49
clarkbya looks like that named stage is from stdlib00:49
nibalizeras opposed to using stdlibs stages00:49
nibalizeralso i included stdlib wrong, its stdlib::stages00:50
clarkbnibalizer: I would like to avoid using site.pp if possible00:50
nibalizerserver.pp works for me :P00:50
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clarkbits better to keep things local to wher they are used imo00:50
nibalizerya me adding stuf to site.pp braeks our csplitting00:50
nibalizerokay i have to change locations, can we pick this up later on this evening, or tomorrow?00:50
clarkbya no rush, I am not making any new nodes today00:51
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ianwdstufft: yeah, so if you switch the command-line ordering to "cryptography, six>=1.9" it works and six is installed first.
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dstufftianw: that makes sense, the order you specify them in matters for what order pip will install them in00:53
dstufftbecause pip doesn't have a dep solver00:53
dstufftso it tries to fake one00:53
anteayaStevenK: so help me understand why descriptions should be mandatory?00:53
ianwdstufft: well not really, if i say "six>=1.9, cryptography", i'd expect in that order, not the other way around?00:53
StevenKanteaya: Because browsing should be self-explanatory, rather than having to know the code name or the repository name00:55
dstufftianw: we reverse the order, because we add things in the order we find them, so we find "cryprography" first, and we do CRAP_TO_INSTALL.append("cryptgoraphy"), then we donwload that, and inspect it and we find it depends on six, so we do CRAP_TO_INSTALL.append("six")00:56
dstufftonce we have a big list of things to install, we reverse it00:56
anteayaStevenK: well the heat ones aren't very useful00:56
dstufftto try and install dependencies first00:57
dstufftit's not very smart though00:57
anteayaas they just reiterate the repo name00:57
anteayaa lot of the python clients to the same00:57
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StevenKanteaya: "OpenStack Orchestration (Heat) Templates" is not useful?00:58
anteayaI have no objection to you adding descriptions I'm just not sure testing for it is the right approach00:58
ianwdstufft: so you're saying "cryptography" should be *above* "six" in ?  maybe i've been reading this in the wrong order :(00:58
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anteayathat is what I see when I browse git.o.o/cgit00:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Functional test job for Kolla
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StevenKanteaya: That's the default description00:59
dstufftianw: um00:59
StevenKanteaya: Which is used when no description is set00:59
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dstufftianw: that might fix it00:59
dstufftwhere fix means do a terrible hack that might mask the problem00:59
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run smoke test for stackforge/networking-odl jobs
anteayalike I said I have no objection to you adding descriptions, I just don't know what you are going to get if you test for the presence of them01:00
anteayaif you want to review for a good description that makes more sense to me01:00
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StevenKanteaya: That was AJaeger's suggestion -- testing for a description works, since all of the repos under openstack/ and so on now have one set. Which also means that anyone adding a new repo will be required to have a description01:01
clarkbnibalizer: fwiw we do use stdlib so I think its ok to use its run stages if it helps readability with those familar with stsdlib01:01
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ianwdstufft: ok, so i'm a bit confused if this is a bug in pip/setuptools, or expected behavior of the limited dep solver.  understand if you don't have time, maybe you could comment on that github issue when you do01:02
dstufftianw: it's a bug in that it shouldn't happen01:02
dstufftit might be a bug that occurs due to the lack of a dep solver01:02
anteayawe don't test that an acl file has a -release group for pushSignedTag but we sure do review for it01:03
anteayacan you split the patch and have the test be a child patch01:03
anteayathen we can merge your descriptions01:03
anteayaas I agree with having them01:03
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anteayajhesketh: did you want to monitor this one as it goes in?
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anteayajhesketh: I didn't approve it, just reviewed it01:08
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jheskethanteaya: I don't know if nodepool has been restarted with the change yet01:09
clarkbanteaya: thinking about that one a bit more I wonder if we should add a trailing || true to have it not fail jobs if nodepool ins't writing the uuids yet01:09
anteayajhesketh: very good01:09
clarkbmight be a nice thing for any downstream contributors01:09
clarkbjhesketh: ya ^01:09
anteayaclarkb: having it not fail is good01:09
clarkbbut I can check if our nodepool is uuid'ing yet01:10
jheskethclarkb: ++01:10
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anteayaclarkb: did you want to add that comment?01:10
clarkbdoes not look like we are01:11
clarkbya I can leave a comment01:11
* anteaya pictures clarkb with green ears01:11
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clarkbhrm the nested cat may effectively make it work that way01:13
clarkboh wait its checking th efile exists derp01:13
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clarkbya I think we can put this in as is for now then restart nodepool to get the info01:13
clarkbits late in the day is my excuse01:13
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anteayathe motivation was sound01:14
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clarkbI can approve it once the ansible thins are done (almost, waiting for next ru nto confirm everythingstill works)01:15
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clarkbhrm looks like it may have failed01:16
clarkbI am going to run it manually01:17
anteayaapprove when you are ready01:17
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Need to force ansible role installs
clarkbmordred: jeblair ^01:21
clarkbjhesketh: pleia2 ^ as well01:21
jheskethclarkb: +201:22
clarkbthank you01:22
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/puppet-subunit2sql: Add backup before running db migrations
mtreinishman I suck at writing puppet, already 7 revs for something stupid simple01:23
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: channel configuration for #openstack-ko
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openstackgerritRandy Bertram proposed openstack/requirements: Update Magic Search version
clarkbI am running 161059 by hand to confirm a full run with it is happy if so I will self approve01:34
clarkbnow I get error: /etc/ansible/roles/puppet doesn't appear to contain a role.01:35
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Preload Story and Creator in state
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Preload tasks in state resolution.
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for sources
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for reporters
greghaynesjhesketh: ^01:36
greghaynesjhesketh: let me know what you think01:36
clarkbok I manually moved the old puppet ansible role aside and that got the forced ansible galaxy install to work01:37
clarkbmordred: ^ you may want to look in on that later but I am going to move ahead if this runs puppet01:37
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pleia2mtreinish: me too, and this is supposed to be my job, don't tell anyone :)01:41
clarkbpleia2: can haz review on 161059? I can self approve it just looking for extra eyes01:41
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pleia2clarkb: approved, doesn't seem to be related to later errors you get01:42
clarkbya I have worked around those now by manually moving aside the old puppet role01:42
clarkbI think ansible-galaxy was expecting a meta dir with content to know about the role package stuff01:42
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clarkball the old data is preserved so mordred can look at it later01:43
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timrcmordred, Hi... out of curiosity where are nodepool TODOs items kept.  I'm specifically looking for the one where someone made mention of rebuild as being a replacement for delete/create.01:45
pleia2timrc: some are in specs, or proposed as specs01:46
timrcpleia2, Okay.  I'll look for proposed.  I don't see anything obvious in the current nodepool specs.01:46
pleia2so and,n,z01:46
* pleia2 nods01:46
pleia2I don't personally know about that particular one01:47
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clarkbwe should also probably ocnsider expanding our parallelism. I think the puppetmaster can handle >10 nodes at a time01:50
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Need to force ansible role installs
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add 'rebuild' to shade
clarkbtimrc: any initial data on whether or not rebuids are faster?01:52
openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add 'rebuild' to shade
timrcclarkb, I haven't done that quite yet :) I futzed around with adding tests for my change :P01:53
timrcunit tests*01:54
timrcI noticed they are... lacking... for shade.01:54
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for triggers
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for sources
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clarkbtimrc: its a mordred project :)02:04
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mtreinishpleia2: heh, well I guess it's good to know it's not just me02:09
bhunter71do you think the following indicates 0 changes in total, or just 0 changes needing re-indexing?02:10
bhunter71root@review:~# sudo su - gerrit2 -c -- "java -jar review_site/bin/gerrit.war reindex -d /home/gerrit2/review_site"02:10
bhunter71[2015-03-04 01:57:31,668] INFO : Defaulting core.streamFileThreshold to 444m02:10
bhunter71[2015-03-04 01:57:32,107] INFO : Enabling disk cache /home/gerrit2/review_site/cache02:10
bhunter71Collecting projects:    902:10
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bhunter71Reindexing changes: projects: 100% (9/9), done02:10
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bhunter71Reindexed 0 changes in 0.5s (0.0/s)02:10
bhunter71it doesn't look 'good' to me02:10
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openstackgerritTimothy R. Chavez proposed openstack-infra/shade: Add 'rebuild' to shade
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: skip rerunning requirements changes in devstack
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openstackgerritDiego proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add details on using git-review over https
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openstackgerritZhi Yan Liu proposed openstack/requirements: Bump glance_store to 0.1.11
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greghaynesclarkb: zuul race?
greghaynesCurious if your patch to fix race issues is for that one04:14
clarkbno but its likely a similar issue if you want to compare to my fix04:15
clarkbI should just comb through all the tests for that issue04:16
BharatKclarkb: Hi, please review this when you have some time04:16
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openstackgerritDiego proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Automatically use port 443/80 for http(s) reviews
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clarkbif anyone notices that zuul is cranky you can blame reboots05:02
clarkbI'm not going to try and fix tonight as I don't know how many to expect or when they are complete05:03
clarkbeasiest to just pick up the peices in the morning05:03
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add details on using git-review over https
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clarkbI have got things moving for now at least but no promises it will survive overnight05:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add reference to IRC services document
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add openstack-ko to eavesdrop
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openstackgerritGauvain Pocentek proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add #cloudkitty to the list of eavesdrop channels
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BharatKI got  Code-Review+2 Workflow+1 to this patch07:00
BharatKWaiting for Jenkins approval07:01
BharatKBut I waiting since 3 hours, and I am not able to find this integration job in
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AJaegerBharatK, that is strange, let me recheck...07:03
BharatKAJaeger: yeah... thank you07:04
notmynamelooks like the test jobs are queued for that patch07:04
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BharatKAJaeger: now it is running07:05
BharatKAJaeger: thank you07:05
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BharatKnotmyname: I think we can see queued jobs also in
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BharatKAJaeger: After giving recheck job created in check pipeline07:12
BharatKAJaeger: I think after workflow approval it should be in integrated right?07:12
AJaegerBharatK, correct07:13
AJaegerBharatK, clarkb mentioned that Zuul is cranky, so this is a result. Sorry for that07:13
BharatKAJaeger: Not a problem. I think giving one more +1 to work will run gate job I guess?07:15
BharatKAJaeger: * +1 to workflow07:15
AJaegerBharatK, it will go into the gate automatically.07:15
BharatKAJaeger: okay07:15
AJaegerBut will take it's time since our CI is really busy right now07:15
timrcclarkb, jeblair, mordred, whomever else is interested: Whipped up a little program to time server recreates and rebuilds using same and different images.  Results can be found here:, benchmark code can be found here:, and the shade review with the rebuild change can be found here:
BharatKAJaeger: okay07:17
timrcWe'd probably want bigger sample sizes then erm 1, but it does show a pretty clear difference in time between recreates and rebuilds.07:17
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timrcyolanda, ^^07:17
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yolandanice, timrc, that's useful07:18
yolandai'll go with reviews in a while07:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add ironic-lib to openstack
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AJaegerclarkb, the check queue is not moving forward according to the status page07:59
AJaegerBharatK, hope your job is through tomorrow, please have some patience07:59
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ttxanteaya: FWIW I agree with jeblair's interpretation: ATCs (=voters) are the contributors which also happen to be Foundation members.08:15
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ttxThe challenge always has been to check if contributors were actually members.08:16
ttxsince they need to be both in order to be ATC (and vote)08:16
AJaegerttx, FYI: We have a problem with reboot and Zuul is having problems, the check queue seems stuck right now ;(08:16
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AJaegerwith reboot: I understood clarkb to mean reboots of external cloud infrastructure08:17
ttxAJaeger: ack -- I think RAX had planned maintenance windows this week08:17
AJaegerThat would explain it...08:18
* AJaeger is going to send an email as service announcement...08:18
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ttxanteaya: fully agree that the manual process won't work in a 20-30-large tent. We could use tooling to handle self-nomination / checking / listing of candidates instead of the ML08:19
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ttxAJaeger: let me quickcheck my facts08:19
AJaegerttx, please do08:19
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ttx says there will be a sliding maintenance window but doesn't really say precisely when08:21
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ttxBut I bet that is it08:21
ttxDFW: Tuesday, March 3rd 22:00 - Wednesday, March 4th 06:00 CST08:22
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ttxAJaeger: ^08:23
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AJaegertttx, thanks08:25
AJaegerttx, what do you think of this email:
ttxsounds good :)08:26
* ttx could try sticking a statusbot warning08:26
AJaegerOk, I'll send it out...08:26
AJaegerttx, if you have the power to do so, it would be great!08:26
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ttx#status alert Zuul check queue stuck due to reboot maintenance window at one of our cloud providers - no need to recheck changes at the moment, they won't move forward.08:28
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openstackstatusttx: sending alert08:28
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AJaegeris the bot affected by the reboot as well? ;(08:29
AJaegeror just slow?08:29
AJaegerslow - just got it on #openstack-doc08:30
AJaegerthanks, ttx08:30
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul check queue stuck due to reboot maintenance window at one of our cloud providers - no need to recheck changes at the moment, they won't move forward.08:30
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ttxAJaeger: wed just need to remember to "#status ok" when things are back to normal08:31
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openstackstatusttx: finished sending alert08:32
AJaegerttx, put a stick it up ;)08:32
AJaegerpost-it I mean08:32
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GheRiveromorning all08:36
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/puppet-cgit: Add configurable Timeout settings on git vhost
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DuncanTLooks like wiki is out. I assume because of the rackspace maintenance work, but just a heads up09:06
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jeblairopenstack: welcome back15:29
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* mordred hands openstack a fluffy llama15:29
dimsyep, i can see it. thanks15:29
anteaya6 and a half hours missing of channel log15:30
anteayait runs like a deer15:30
anteayaI had picutred it like a horse15:31
mordredwho knew?15:31
* mordred has a new knowledge now15:31
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anteayame too15:31
anteayaalso I had deer on my lawn not long ago, but I didn't mention it before15:32
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anteayay'know busy15:32
anteayaso elastic-recheck, how is it?15:32
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anteayaI also have no idea what kdc01 is but it looks like it is offline15:36
jeblairanteaya: i will check on the logstash system15:37
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack/developer-reference repository
anteayajeblair: k15:39
BobBallAny sensible way to inject an API key into a node when running the jobs?  I want to upload to swift directly from the job, but need to upload one-at-a-time to get the content-encoding right, so can't use tempurls and the formpost middleware which the current swift uploader uses...15:39
jeblairjenkins-log-client on logstash.o.o was not running15:39
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anteayaI see if I can clone from all the git backends15:40
jeblairBobBall: are you using os-log-analyze to serve the logs from swift?15:41
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BobBallNo - I tried to use zuul-swift-upload-logs-with-console15:42
BobBallBut that (quite understandably) uses tempurl with formpost middleware to bulk-upload15:42
BobBallbut formpost middleware doesn't support setting the content-encoding so file.txt.gz is a gzip binary rather than a txt file with gzip encoding so you have to download it15:43
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BobBallI do have serving from swift working nicely, but using pyrax to upload ( but that needs the swift API key15:44
anteayaI ran this command `git clone git://` for git 01-05 and checked the git log on all clones, they worked and matched15:44
BobBallso I was trying to find a safe way to inject that into the nodes15:45
jeblairBobBall: we intentionally don't do that because we don't trust the jobs with real credentials15:45
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BobBallsafe(r) of course15:46
BobBallUnderstandable.  Can I pull them back from the node then run the upload from Jenkins itself?  I wouldn't know how to begin to do that since everything seems to be node-centered...15:47
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Import release notes script from oslo-incubator
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anteayalooks like this server doesn't exist anymore:
cmlucianocan anyone point me to the correct RDO kilo mirror?15:48
jeblairBobBall: can we look into why tempurl isn't setting the content type correctly?15:48
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anteayathat was ci-puppetmaster.o.o15:49
mordredcmluciano: we don't really have anything to do with RDO in here, sorry15:49
BobBallencoding type, not content type.  It just doesn't pass any additional headers through AFAIK15:49
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cmlucianomordred: Ah ok, thanks15:49
jeblairBobBall: that seems like a bug though, yeah?15:49
mordrednotmyname: I hear you know things about swift ^^ is there any good way to deal with content type via formpost middleware?15:49
BobBallArguably a bug, arguably a new feature :)15:50
mordredBobBall: :)15:50
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jeblairencoding, i'm told :)15:50
jeblairclarkb, mordred: remember how many log worker processes we ran on each log worker node?  they don't seem to be set to start on boot...15:51
anteayacan someone check git05 server? the eth1 traffic is non-existant, is this expected?
anteayait is different from git01-0415:51
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mordredjeblair: I do not15:52
jeblairmordred: ^ can you check that while i finish up logs?15:52
jeblairclarkb, mordred: i'm starting 3 for no15:52
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mordredanteaya: it seems to be serving things15:53
anteayamordred: okey dokey15:53
mordredanteaya: otoh - why do _any_ of the nodes have eth1 traffic15:53
anteayaI could clone from it, but the graph looked odd to me15:54
mordredthat's the private interface - are we doing somethign with that?15:54
jeblairmordred: does the lb communicate with them on that?15:54
mordredit's a clarkb!15:54
anteayamorning clarkb15:54
clarkbjeblair 3 is the safe number15:54
anteayaclarkb: grab your kevlar15:54
jeblairclarkb: yay i guessed right!15:54
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clarkbjeblair not set to start on boot because the safe number wasnt really knowm when we added them. we should change that now. I can write the changes15:55
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mordredjeblair: nope15:55
mordredjeblair: they're configured to use public ips15:55
jeblairclarkb: i haven't check the es cluster health yet; want to check on that?15:55
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anteayaclarkb: fwiw the zuul status graph says it has no life15:56
clarkbjeblair: sure15:56
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clarkb"status" : "green", and "number_of_data_nodes" : 6, which looks good15:57
clarkbinfo from `curl -XGET 'http://localhost:9200/_cluster/health?pretty=true'` on any of the nodes15:57
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clarkber any of the esXX nodes15:57
clarkbanteaya: and yes this was fully expected to be a fun morning when I saw the rax announcement15:58
AJaegerjeblair, once everything is working again, please send a status ok to the statusbot on IRC and reply to my email and state that everything is fine again. I'm leaving now...15:58
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anteayaah life on the graph, it was probably flatlined as it had nothing to index15:58
anteayaclarkb: ah yes, you came prepared15:58
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anteayaAJaeger: thanks for the email and help with the channel status15:58
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add note about checking ES cluster health
jeblairlogstash workers should be running now16:00
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jeblairanteaya: actually i think there was no line because the log-client, which runs the gearman server that is being graphed there, was not running16:02
clarkbjeblair: you said the gearman log client wasn't running? that does appear to be an enabled service in puppet so should start on boot16:02
anteayathat would be the jenkins-log-client you restarted16:02
clarkbsame with the log workers I need to go read puppet docs apparently16:03
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anteayais the jenkins-log-client and the gearman log client two names for the same thing?16:03
jeblairclarkb: hrm, the symlink looks correct16:04
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clarkbanteaya: yes16:05
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anteayaclarkb: thanks16:05
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anteayaI found this:
notmynamemordred: BobBall: good morning. how can I help (logs in swift, form post, content type stuff, I gather?)16:08
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clarkbjeblair: ya /etc/rc5.d/S20jenkins-log-worker*16:09
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clarkbjeblair: is it possible that is happening before upstart has networking up? so connections are unhappy?16:09
openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add networking-bagpipe-l2 project
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anteayaah this looks better:
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clarkbjeblair: 'gaierror: [Errno -3] Temporary failure in name resolution' from the logs16:11
jeblairclarkb: i think we're at runlevel 2, but the links are there too16:11
openstackgerritThomas Morin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: new-project
clarkbjeblair: I don't think upstart does runlevels :(16:12
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clarkbso rc5 == rc3 == rc216:12
clarkbbut that error is from when things went down not when it tried coming back up16:12
jeblairclarkb: well, it has to pick one of them :)16:13
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jeblairand "runlevel" reports 216:13
clarkbreading the logs from when it started back it appears to have only started when you manually restarted it16:13
clarkbso I don't think it tried to start on boot at all16:13
clarkboh wait no I see16:14
mtreinishjeblair: heh, isn't that multiuser no networking? :)16:14
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jeblairclarkb: unbound and log-client are both at S2016:14
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sdaguemtreinish: not on ubuntu16:14
clarkbjeblair: yup I think we need to push back when the log pusher starts16:14
clarkbjeblair: probably to 95 to be around when es is coming up16:14
clarkbsdague: mtreinish or any other upstarted distro aiui16:15
jeblairclarkb: sounds good16:15
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jeblairoh mysql-proxy is also not running16:15
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clarkbprobably for similar reasons16:15
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clarkbso I think our use of unbound as a puppet managed service defaults to S20 which everythign else gets and may cause trouble16:15
jeblairoh, right, we use simpleproxy now16:16
clarkband if name resolution causes you to fail (which is not unreasonable) things get cranky16:16
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openstackgerritGorka Eguileor proposed openstack/requirements: Bump rtslib version to have config persistence
jeblairclarkb: should probably move it to S1516:17
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clarkbya I am trying to sort out how to change those values in puppet now16:17
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mordredclarkb: so that says to me "you don't"16:23
mordredclarkb: actually - wouldn't you just make sure that there is an LSB block at the top of the script?16:23
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clarkbmordred: so there is one but I have no idea if puppet respects that16:24
mordredclarkb: well it SHOULD just be running "update-rc.d foo defaults"16:24
mordredand if it's not, it's crazy16:24
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greghaynesjhesketh: pong16:24
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clarkbI will rwite a change to use that method which is easy to test16:25
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clarkboh looks like I can tell it to start after $all16:26
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clarkbok, after 5 minutes of digging the unbound init script in ubuntu does not provide $named so we can't just depend on that16:30
clarkbwhich would've been a simplish fix16:30
clarkbI will use a require on $all instead16:30
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clarkbhrm elasticsearch depends on $named, maybe there is some magic here that I am not following16:31
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Disable gate-oslo-incubator-python34 for Icehouse
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor: Start processes after network and named
clarkbnow I need to figure out how to apply that to my puppet test env...16:36
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Re-enabling the glusterfs job for Cinder
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vivcheriHow do I join the OpenStack Infra Team ?16:56
anteayavivcheri: that is a good start16:57
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anteayawhat would you like to accomplish?16:57
anteayaas part of the team16:57
anteayaor do you know yet?16:57
vivcheriI am Vivek Varghese Cherian, an OpenStack Enthusiast and the Co-Author of the Open Stack Beginner's Guide Essex release.16:58
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vivcheriI use OpenStack daily at work.16:58
anteayahave you ever contributed a patch before?16:58
anteayait would be good to start there if you have yet to do that16:59
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vivcheriCurrently I am integrating OpenStack with Ceph as well as making OpenStack work with various hypervisors and creating a VM farm powered by OpenStack.16:59
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anteayaso lots of ops experience17:00
anteayawe also do quite a bit of dev work17:00
anteayaand reviews17:00
anteayalots and lots of reviews17:00
vivcheriRyan_Lane, Hi, this is Vivek Cherian.17:00
anteayahave you interacted with our gerrit before? it is at review.openstack.org17:00
vivcheriNice to meet you after a while.17:01
Ryan_Lanevivcheri: hi17:01
anteayaRyan_Lane: hey there17:01
clarkbmordred: fwiw I cannot get update-rc.d to respect the lsb headers. defaults sets the defaults which are not what we want17:01
vivcheriRyan_Lane, trying to help out here.17:01
anteayanice to see you, how's things17:01
vivcheriRyan_Lane, Do you still volunteer for the Wikimedia foundation, I know you moved jobs. Just wanted to know if you still volunteer there ?17:02
vivcheriI am fine.17:02
Ryan_Laneanteaya: great. at the salt conference right now17:02
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for reporters
anteayaRyan_Lane: awesome! say hi to everyone there for me17:02
Ryan_Lanevivcheri: I do volunteer there a bit still. not a lot, overall, though17:02
Ryan_Laneanteaya: will do :)17:02
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Choose correct branch for rebase when submitting
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clarkbmordred: unless and this is probably what is happening, $network and $named are both available at 2017:03
vivcheriHow did Fosdem go, we had the talk by Thierry Carrez right ?17:03
anteayaThierry is ttx17:03
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anteayayou can ask him :)17:04
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vivcheriok :), I wanted the video and slides :)17:04
clarkbmordred: nope changing to $all doesn't change the order17:04
anteayattx meet vivcheri, (s)he knows your work17:04
ttxvivcheri: let me see if that was uploaded yet17:04
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ttxSlides at
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ttxNo video yet:
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anteayayay slides17:05
vivcherianteaya, Thanks for the intro to ttx.17:06
vivcherianteaya, and I am a male.17:06
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vivcheris/a male/male17:06
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clarkbaha! we have a /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootordering that explains it17:07
clarkbI give up, init is hard17:07
anteayavivcheri: cool thanks17:07
mkj_wkclarkb: thanks for the ssh -T suggestion, it worked :)17:07
ttxclarkb, jeblair: did anyone clear the statusbot alert I added this morning ?17:08
mkj_wkclarkb: it let me ditch the whole annoying patch17:08
anteayavivcheri: so what next? how can I help you get started?17:08
vivcherittx, Thanks for the slides.17:08
anteayattx nope not yet17:08
clarkbmkj_wk: cool thats good news17:08
clarkbttx: doesn't look like it no17:08
mkj_wkargh, and now  after submitting it I see another review with more feedback to look at... behind on email d/t meetings17:09
vivcherianteaya, Setting up, automating openstack deployments can be a good sarting point. Do we do that here ?17:09
anteayawell we do use devstack to set up testing environments17:10
anteayawe mostly run testing infrastructure in infra17:10
ttxclarkb: shall I clear now ? I think we are past the issue ?17:10
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anteayavivcheri: have you seen:
anteayawe do automated testing on all patches submitted to gerrit17:11
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vivcherianteaya, I am talking a look.17:11
vivcheriI see, ok.17:11
anteayaso we have tools to read the gerrit event stream and trigger tests17:11
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ttxsomething like #status ok Issue solved, gate slowly digesting accumulated changes17:11
anteayabut the tests need to run on something, so we have nodes ready with a set testing environment for the jobs to run in17:12
anteayattx that works for me17:12
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anteayavivcheri: we set up devstack thousands of times a day, we don't deploy openstack as an operator would though17:13
anteayavivcheri: do you see the difference?17:13
clarkbttx: yes, I think functioanlly we are past the issue17:13
ttx#status ok Issue solved, gate slowly digesting accumulated changes17:13
openstackstatusttx: sending ok17:13
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vivcherianteaya, yes.17:14
anteayavivcheri: great17:14
anteayaso we create tools to help devs develop17:14
anteayaand the first step to understanding that workflow is from the perspective of a developer17:14
vivcherianteaya, But devstack uses the trunk right ?17:14
anteayait has to, in order for the tests to be effective17:14
anteayathe tip of master everytime17:15
anteayaso if you have yet to submit a patch and interact with our gerrit at review.openstack.org17:15
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Issue solved, gate slowly digesting accumulated changes17:15
anteayaI do think that would be a first step to understanding the big picture of what infra does17:15
vivcherianteaya, Ok.17:16
anteayavivcheri: so take a look at
vivcherianteaya, Ok.17:17
anteayaand work your way through17:17
anteayait is designed to be a manual so someone can get started17:17
anteayalet us know if you have questions17:17
openstackstatusttx: finished sending ok17:17
anteayavivcheri: is that fair?17:17
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vivcherianteaya, Yes it's Kosher.17:18
anteayagreat thanks17:18
anteayaif you have a question, just ask you don't need to wait for me or ask to ask17:18
anteayamany people can help you17:18
vivcheriI got it.17:19
anteayawelcome aboard17:19
vivcherianteaya, Thanks.17:19
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clarkbok our rax images seem to come with legacy bootordering built in17:21
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clarkba dpkg-reconfigure sysv-rc appears happy so I am not sure that that is actually broken17:21
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/python-storyboardclient: Added milestones controller
anteayamorning zaro17:26
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Added new OAuth Parameters
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add logging to #openstack-api
tsgzigo: ping17:27
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for sources
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Added new OAuth Parameters
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openstackLaunchpad bug 1024658 in sysvinit (Ubuntu) "problems during update: Can't exec "insserv": No such file or directory at /usr/sbin/update-rc.d line 402." [Undecided,Invalid]17:31
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clarkbmordred: jeblair so I think the answer here is packages17:35
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clarkbbecause ubuntu's init system is compeltely broken17:35
tsgclarkb: a question for you on our discussion from a few days ago on getting a new package (liberasurecode) integrated into jenkins slaves - we have a debian package available - does the package have to be pulled into an official ubuntu release before we submit a request to add it to infra?17:35
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add gerrit notifications for #openstack-api
clarkbtsg: if you want to gate on it the typical answer is yes17:36
tsgclarkb: zigo has packaged the deb for Debian .. do you have guidance on how to get the package into Ubuntu?17:36
clarkbmordred: jeblair or we can upstartify these init scripts17:37
clarkbtsg: I do not, not sure what that process is17:37
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tsgclarkb: ok - thanks.  zigo said he was the openstack debian package maintainer, but said he had no control over when ubuntu pulls a package, so I thought may be you'd know.  I will research this further17:39
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clarkbmordred: jeblair also I bet this works fine on debian...17:46
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vivcherianteaya, Hi17:46
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tsgclarkb: are the jenkins slaves based on Ubuntu 14.04.2?17:47
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vivcherianteaya, Still there ?, If you guys use puppet, then I can help out in that area.17:47
clarkbtsg: 14.04 updated. I think that gets 14.04.latestpoint+updates17:47
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tsgclarkb:  thank you.  And do we have main, universe and multiverse (?) in apt config?17:48
tsgclarkb: also is there a way to add a new software source, or standard sources only?17:49
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clarkbyes it appears all three are enabled. I am semi surprised about multiverse thats probably just part of the base image17:49
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openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add gerrit notifications for #openstack-api
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anteayavivcheri: great17:55
anteayavivcheri: I'm not a guy17:55
anteayavivcheri: we use a lot of puppet17:55
vivcherianteaya, ok, nice to see a woman contribiter. We need more women in computing :)17:55
anteayalots in openstack17:56
anteayaso everything that is openstack-infra/puppet*
vivcheriYea, that is a healthy trend.17:56
anteayaplus openstack-infra/system-config17:56
anteayaall puppet17:56
anteayato contribute you will need to know how to use our gerrit17:56
anteayaso the developer document I pointed you to earlier17:57
vivcheriI am read through it once.17:57
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anteayavivcheri: great now you have to follow the instructions18:00
anteayaand have a patch up on the sandbox repo18:00
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anteayaif you can get a patch up on sandbox you know you have completed the minium steps to contribute18:01
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tsgclarkb: thank you.  And was there a way to add a new source source (PPA)?18:01
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clarkbtsg: there is but not for gating18:02
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tsgclarkb: ok. so the package has to be part of standard repos for gate18:02
clarkbif you want to test a stackforge project with a PPA that would be fine but we have pretty much disallowed PPAs in the integrated gate because its hard to keep tabs on them and when they fail and so on18:02
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clarkbtsg: that is the current expectation18:02
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clarkbthere has also been talk of having our own package repos for things but I don't think anyone is actively working on that18:03
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tsgclarkb: ok.  we'll try to work within18:03
tsgclarkb: I will file an Ubuntu bug to get liberasurecode synced from Debian and see how that goes18:04
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notmynameI saw a notice from the bot saying that the zuul change is done. will the channel topic messages be restored, or is that up to each channel to fix?18:05
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clarkbhrm the bot should've reset the topics18:06
vivcherianteaya, ok18:06
* clarkb goes to read bot stuff to figure out why it didn't18:06
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notmynameclarkb: thanks18:07
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clarkblooks like the bot was restarted between commands (likely due to the node reboots) and I think it lost the old topic state :/18:11
clarkbjeblair: ^ that sound right to you?18:11
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for triggers
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sdagueclarkb: so... is the lack of in use nodes a function of hp cloud issues? and if so, are they reported, Kiall mentioned there was no issue listed when he looked this morning (and I didn't have context except for a comment you made yesterday)18:32
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack/developer-reference repository
dhellmannAJaeger, anteaya: I had to resubmit ^^ using a new change-id for the depends-on linking to work properly.18:33
clarkbsdague: I haven't checked this morning post rax reboot18:33
clarkbsdague: but I guess I can give up on fixing init on ubuntu for now and check nodepool18:33
anteayadhellmann: isn't that interesting18:34
clarkbyes hpcloud is at almost 100% failure rate right now, let me see if logs tell us why18:34
dhellmannanteaya: yeah, I had both changes using the same change-id so they would be linked together, but that doesn't allow the depends-on ordering thing you wanted18:34
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anteayaoh I see18:35
anteayayes that would make sense18:35
clarkbsdague: ClientException: Unknown Error (HTTP 500) from novaclient18:36
mordredclarkb: that means there was an error18:37
clarkbmordred: yes I agree18:38
mordredclarkb: anything I can do to help investigate?18:38
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clarkbmordred: you know many things of novaclient at this point, any better way to get info? I suppose I can nova show out of band to see if I can catch the state transition with info?18:39
mordredclarkb: yeah - I Think that's what you probably need18:39
mordredclarkb: there may also be an error field in that show18:39
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clarkbhrm randomly selected building node says its active but without a floating ip18:40
clarkblet me check the floating ips18:40
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: Bump oslo.config to latest release
stevemardhellmann, ^18:40
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clarkbthere are a large number of floating ips unassociated18:40
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mordredawesome. I love the floating ip leak18:41
mordredwe should delete those I think18:41
pelixzaro: tempted to approve, & - generally loath to be the second core reviewer on my stuff but these have been sitting waiting for a month or two with no negative feedback18:41
clarkbagreed let me dig up a thing to do that18:41
clarkbmordred: its better to use neutron client ya?18:41
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dhellmannstevemar: +218:42
mordredclarkb: yeah - I thnik it's one less API hop18:42
pelixcourse if anyone else with core reviewer on JJB would like to take a look over those ^^^18:42
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clarkbmordred: also my favorite thing in the world is that neutron and nova clients use different commands for floating ips18:43
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mordredclarkb: yup18:45
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clarkbmordred: `venv/bin/neutron floatingip-list | grep -v '10\.0\.' | sed -e '1,3d' -e '$d' | cut -d'|' -f 2 | xargs -n 1 -P 10 venv/bin/neutron floatingip-delete` how does that look?18:47
* clarkb gives it a whirl18:47
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vivcherianteaya, I am off to bed, talk to you later. Thanks folks for the warm welcome. Bye.18:49
mordredclarkb: looks  good!18:49
clarkblol I got ratelimited then neutronclient blows up on __init__() got an unexpected keyword argument 'retry_after'18:49
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clarkbso this may require a couple passes18:49
anteayavivcheri: bye18:49
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clarkbalso I realize that the grep and sed and cut can all be a single sed but for whatever reason grep -v and cut make sense in my brain for those operations18:50
clarkbI am reducing to parallelism of 1 and trying again18:50
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jeblairclarkb: i didn't follow your thing about init scripts18:51
clarkbjeblair: let me collate everything in one cohesive thought here18:51
openstackgerritAndrey Pavlov proposed openstack/requirements: Add botocore to requirements
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clarkbjeblair: Ubuntu does not support insserv. insserv is the tool that update-rc.d uses to map out dependencies and set sequences based on LSB header info. So when you run update-rc.d $service defaults you get the legacy defaults which is start sequence 20 and stop sequence 80. You do not get any lsb header derived values18:52
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clarkbjeblair: ubuntu implements this by placing a /etc/init.d/.legacy-bootorder file in /etc/init.d/ and update-rc.d uses its presence as a flag to mean don't use LSB header info18:53
clarkbjeblair: if you remove .legacy-bootorder from /etc/init.d update-rc.d breaks because inisserv is not in its path because the ubuntu insserv package is broken18:53
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clarkbI have a hunch that ubuntu has done this because they made a decision to not fix all sysv init scripts to include lsb header info and instead focus on upstart scripts18:54
clarkbthe problem with that is it make sysv on ubuntu not super useful18:54
jeblairclarkb: can we specify the priority in puppet?18:54
clarkbjeblair: no, there is a puppet bug that essentially says that its the distros problem (via mechanisms like update-rc.d and chkconfig)18:55
clarkbthe most aggravating thing about htis is ubuntu does nothing to update the update-rc.d and insserv man pages on ubuntu so that I can figure this out in a sane way18:56
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jeblairwow.  sysv init worked for 32 years, and now this.18:57
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jeblairi feel like converting to upstart is not a good idea because our next operating system is certain not to use it (one way or another)18:58
clarkbjeblair: agreed18:58
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jeblairi'm pretty sure that puppet bug is wrong.  sometimes admins need to reorder things.18:59
mordredwell ...18:59
mordredwe could skip update-rc.d and the puppet thing18:59
jeblairperhaps we should just manage the symlink ourselves in puppet.18:59
mordredand just make the sym links18:59
mordredjeblair: jinx18:59
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clarkbso the tricky thing with that and I would need to test this. is if you set service enable => false puppet will actively remove the symlinks for you18:59
clarkband if you set service enable => true it will make the symlinks19:00
clarkbso we basically need a new service resource that we can use :/19:00
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clarkbfloating ips are mostly deleted at this point19:01
clarkbwe should see hpcloud pick up19:01
sdagueclarkb: cool, that would be nice19:02
sdaguehelp chew through the backlog19:02
sdagueclarkb: is there a way to get ahead of an issue like that one?19:02
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clarkbsdague: fix neutron/nova19:03
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-dev/pbr: Allow overwriting sphinx builder from command line
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sdagueis there a bug for this? so I can figure out what part of fixing is needed?19:04
clarkbthere is not a reliably unracy way to delete a floating ip then delete a node atomicly19:04
clarkbI think so, would have to dig through some git logs in nodepool19:04
mordredor a reliable way to create a server and a floating ip such that you could re-use an existing floating IP that isn't racy19:05
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clarkbsdague: is the supposed fix for nova19:06
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clarkbits merged so maybe hpcloud hasn't deployed it?19:06
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sdagueI have no idea what's in hpcloud19:06
sdaguebut that would be in juno19:06
clarkboh right you have to disassociate then delete19:07
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zarowaynr: i will most likely not attend jenkins conference.  i think i have a schedule conflict.19:07
mordredtteggel, gilliard: ^^ any chance that that patch has been deployed in HP Public Cloud?19:07
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clarkbexcept that completely breaks the world if it isn't atomic because your lookup table is nova/neutron19:07
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zarowaynr: i coincidentally am going to give a JJB talk in seattle next month.  my slides for it will be available soon.19:09
clarkbI wonder if novaclient needs to do something different too19:09
clarkbsdague: ^19:09
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clarkbsdague: is a patch that was supposed to set us up for using novaclient properly19:09
zarowaynr: i do highly recommend for you to submit a talk @ juc though.19:09
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clarkbsdague: because the delete call should disassociate and delete atomicly via the nova change above, but maybe that requires novaclient to do things differently19:09
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clarkbjeblair: thoughts on fixing the channel topics? statusbox was restarted between changing all of the topics and the ok19:11
jeblairclarkb: only way to do that is to dig through the logs and find the old topics19:11
clarkbjeblair: do we just need to go through each of them, find old topic in scrollback/logs and reset?19:12
jeblairclarkb: i'll look19:12
clarkbactually I wonder if statusbot logged that when it changed them19:12
clarkbwhich may be a good source of info19:12
anteayaI think it does19:12
sdagueclarkb: ok, I need to dive into a few other things first. It would be nice if we had a consolidated bug on this. It would be interesting if there was a good reproduce in a devstack env for it so we could get it nailed down.19:12
anteayatopic changed to blah from foo19:13
anteayasdague: have you had a chance to look at the nova-net to neutron migration spec yet?19:13
clarkbsdague: I have no idea what causes nova/neutron to disassociate then fail to delete19:13
sdagueanteaya: that's my "few other things bit"19:13
clarkbsdague: so not sure where to start19:13
anteayasdague: great thank you19:14
sdagueclarkb: my guess.... load19:14
clarkbsdague: and there is a bug
openstackLaunchpad bug 1356157 in OpenStack Compute (nova) icehouse "make nova floating-ip-delete atomic with neutron" [High,Fix released] - Assigned to Aaron Rosen (arosen)19:14
sdagueso the test case is probably a stress test19:14
sdaguemordred: can we get a confirm that that code is in hpcloud, so we know whether to reopen?19:15
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clarkbI'm going to step out for early lunch curious on further init hackarounds19:16
clarkbits possible that we could fix the insserv package and remove the .legacy-bootloader file and have it work properly19:17
clarkbI did not test that19:17
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clarkbthat would not prevent us from breaking if ubuntu psuehd packages with bad init scripts though19:17
clarkbso not sure I care for that option19:17
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pelixzaro: once lands for pbr and is released it should be possible to add a separate check for the documentation external links in JJB so that the standard 'tox -edocs' isn't dependent on external network access nor are we spamming the jenkins wiki from user desktops as well19:18
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e0nehi, i've got a question about grenade job19:26
e0nehow should/can we merge patch fo cinder if it requires changes in a grenade job to modify config?19:27
anteayae0ne: can you share some details19:27
pelixjhesket clarkb fungi jeblair: wonder if any of you might have a chance to look at, & and see if they are ready to be +2CR'ed? Probably a few others belonging to zaro that are blocked waiting on another core-reviewer to approve as well19:27
anteayae0ne: have you a patch up?19:27
e0neanteaya: we've got patch only for cinder now (
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e0neanteaya: and we need something like for cinder19:30
pelixjhesketh clarkb fungi jeblair:,n,z full list where we are currently trying to avoid self approving but essentially blocked from landing at the moment.19:30
e0nebut we don't know right way to get it merged - CI always will put -1 for it19:31
pelixwould appreciate some help with those19:31
jeblaire0ne: i can't help with specifics, but i think that generally you should probably create a change to devstck or grenade that supports the new configuration, and then set your cinder change to "Depends-On" it19:31
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jeblairpelix: ack19:31
pelixjeblair: thanks19:31
anteayae0ne: when you say CI will always put a -1 for it, do you mean that it fails Jenkins tests?19:32
e0neanteaya: yes19:32
e0nejeblair: oh! is it cross-project dependency for patches?19:32
anteayagreat following jeblair's instructions should get you to a place when the tests pass for jenkins19:32
anteayae0ne: yes19:32
e0nejeblair, anteaya: great! it's very easy. thanks19:33
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clarkbalso note that grenade partially exusts to prevent you from doing that19:34
clarkbthat is a backward incompatible change19:34
anteayaI wonder how other projects have started using oslo.middleware and have it work with grenade19:34
anteayadhellmann: have you any thoughts? ^^19:35
jeblairpelix, zaro: i will try to look into those this week19:35
pelixjeblair: cheers, appreciated19:35
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e0neanteaya: it's a good question19:36
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anteayae0ne: so do the cross repo dependency and have a chat with dhellmann, hopefully that helps you make progress19:37
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e0neanteaya: thank you. we try to to it tomorrow. i could update you with our status but it should be ok19:38
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Removed Process Pool execution.
sdaguejeblair: so... given that the world was broken, this might be an invalid issue19:41
anteayae0ne: let us know if you need more assistance19:41
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sdaguehowever - has another one of those Jenkins -1ing a thing for a merge conflict part way through a patch series19:41
e0neanteaya: thanks once more. i'll do19:41
sdaguesorry, not for a merge conflict19:42
sdague"This change depends on a change that failed to merge."19:42
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Pin sqlalchemy-migrate >= 0.9.5
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jogoclarkb: want to +W the bottom of this series
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jeblairsdague: cool, let me see if i can find something tractable in the logs, or if it's too entangled in the brokeness19:55
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clarkbjogo: I thought we were going to fix the cpumodel20:00
clarkbjogo: ideally we wouldn't test aiopcpu with i386 images unless there was no alternative20:00
jogoclarkb: I was going to save that for the next pass at things.20:01
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jogoclarkb: being this works and I want to get live migrationion testing landed20:01
jogoclarkb: then we can iterate20:01
clarkbjogo: except its still all experimental and you can iterate fine with depends on20:01
jogoclarkb: true depends on does help, didn't think of that20:02
jogoI do want to move this out of experimental sooner rather then later though20:02
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jogojust still unclear on how we do that20:02
clarkbI don't think we should do that with i386 test nodes20:02
clarkbor we should switch devstack proper to i38620:02
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jogoclarkb: whats the concern there?20:03
jogoclarkb: btw off topic, can you take a look at and its dependency20:04
jogothat should shave about 5 minutes off of all devstack jobs20:04
jogo(devstack has been taking 20 minutes recently)20:04
clarkbjogo: consistency, I don't want to have one or the other break and us spend days deugging because we forget that the architectures are different20:04
clarkbjogo: didn't jeblair -1 and say use the normal caching stuff?20:05
jogoclarkb: consistency of the cirros image being used you mean?20:05
jogoclarkb: yeah, mtreinish addressed that point I think20:05
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clarkbjogo: of the image and the qemu emulation20:05
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clarkbjogo: but yours is doing a copy still? oh I see because it goes in files/20:06
clarkbjogo: you should use mv20:06
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jogoclarkb: mtreinish thought a cp was better because we may need something  for the grenade case20:06
jogoclarkb: but I can make that a mv again. either way20:06
clarkbjogo: hrm devstack/grenade should use the same wheelhouse imo20:06
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jogoclarkb: yeah, it should, but AFAIK doesn't right now20:07
clarkbregardless of new vs old20:07
jogosdague: ^20:07
jogowell old doesn't use a wheelhouse at all ... yet20:07
mtreinishclarkb: devstack uses $DEST/.wheelhouse as the default path for the wheelhouse20:07
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clarkbmtreinish: maybe it should use a different path then?20:07
mtreinishjogo: I guess we could just add a WHEELHOUSE=$path to the localrc20:07
jogomaybe we should first cahnge it to $HOME/.wheelhouse?20:07
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clarkbI am trying to think if two would be required for some reason20:10
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jogoclarkb: I can't think of any reason20:10
clarkbbut pip should do resolution properly in one as long as that single wheelhouse has the deps for both20:10
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jogodtroyer: ping ^20:10
mtreinishclarkb: it should based on how the caching script is written20:10
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mtreinishit should make one big wheelhouse with all of the requirements in all the branches20:11
clarkbI wonder if it would just be simpler to mirror wheels20:11
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* jogo wonders that as well20:11
mtreinishclarkb: well, devstack is running pip wheel at the beginning of it's run. Would that work with mirroring them?20:12
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waynrzaro: cool, with your blessing I will begin working on adapting my internal puppetlabs presentation for the upcoming JUC20:13
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sdaguejeblair: thanks20:14
jogoclarkb: well does bandersnatch support wheel mirroring?20:15
jogofor our own wheels20:15
clarkbjogo: no, we would have to resurrect pypi-mirror or similar20:15
sdagueclarkb: where would it mirror from?20:15
jogoclarkb: in that case, my hunch is that is more work then this20:15
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greghaynesmy pypi-mirror is still running strong20:16
clarkbsdague: our existing pypi mirrors20:16
jogosdague: did you see the backscroll, wondering about devstack's default wheel dir20:16
sdagueclarkb: we have wheels for all the things?20:16
sdaguejogo: honestly, ask dtroyer20:16
jogosdague: we *can* have wheels for all the things20:16
jogosdague: guh, devstack takes 20 minutes to run now20:17
jogoand caching wheels shaves 5 minutes off20:17
sdagueok, anyway, I can't look at this one today20:17
jogoclarkb: how about this. I'll change my patch to do a mv20:17
jogoand we can sort out the devstack default dir when dtroyer is around20:18
mtreinishanteaya: how much is this really happening?:
* dtroyer catches up20:18
jogooh hai dtroyer20:18
anteayamtreinish: ha ha ha20:18
anteayausually with some frequency20:18
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anteayaright now probably quite a bit20:18
dtroyerso I think a mv is safe, setting WHEELHOUSE might be just as easy though20:18
anteayaexcept the new money is plastic to doesn't take the ink20:19
jogodtroyer: what about the default wheelhouse location20:19
dtroyergrenade itself isn't going to care, once $OLD does wheels, it just needs to have the right versions available, doesn't care where it comes from20:19
anteayathat is sir wilfred laurier under the ink20:19
anteayathe usual presider over the $520:19
dtroyerthe location is arbitrary.  I set the default so it was sane for developers20:19
jogodtroyer: but by default it looks for them in $OLD/.wheelhouse20:20
dtroyerhow?  we don't have anything in a stable devstack doing this yet20:20
mtreinishjogo: that's what I was saying just put WHEELHOUSE in the localrcs20:20
dtroyeralso, a wheel mirror should work just fine if you can come up with one ;)20:21
mtreinishanteaya: heh, ok, it seemed pretty cool to me. But, I was just wondering if it was something that got blown out of proportion by the press20:21
dtroyerthe entire point of doing this is to only build c-dependant packages one time, pays off with N venvs down the road20:21
mtreinishso the bank of canada had to issue a statement20:21
anteayanope probably not20:21
anteayawe have been doing it for years20:22
anteayaif you look back in the tc meeting logs I mentioned it when trying to build support for laurier20:22
anteayaas an L name20:22
anteayaif the bank of canada decided to issue a statement they aren't doing it for kicks20:22
anteayathe spock five20:23
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Zuul: log gerrit at debug level
jeblairsdague: ^ and also!/story/200018920:23
dtroyersdague: right now wheels are built for a short list of annoying packages in files/venv-requirements.txt, it didn't seem worthwhile to do everything, at least for typical dev use20:23
greghaynesclarkb: what was the motivation for switching off pypi-mirror?20:23
greghayneswas it adding deps?20:23
anteayabank of canada doesn't do anything it doesn't have to in terms of press releases20:24
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: If wheelhouse is pre-generated, set WHEELHOUSE in localrc
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jogomtreinish dtroyer: like this20:27
jogodtroyer clarkb: also mtreinish's patch to actually generate the wheelhouse needs a review or two
anteayamtreinish: the bank of canada takes care of printing the money, they aren't a retail bank20:28
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anteayamtreinish: they set interest rates though and the other big 5 national banks usually follow suit pretty closely20:28
mtreinishjogo: yeah I think that should work20:28
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Revert "Add features.yaml entry for 'no services'"
jogomtreinish: cool, and that solves the grenade case as well20:29
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mtreinishanteaya: yeah I realized that. They're closer to the fed in the us. (except they print money too)20:29
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clarkbgreghaynes: it was so we didn't have to manually build the entire thing and manage that list20:29
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anteayamtreinish: glad you knew that :)20:30
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greghaynesclarkb: ah, it wasnt just in a cron?20:30
clarkbgreghaynes: no, you have to have a list of packages to mirror20:30
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clarkbgreghaynes: and you have to build it on the distros and releases you support (at least for wheels)20:30
greghaynesok, so what im wondering is why not hit the common case (global-reqs) and then also have bandersnatch as an index20:31
greghaynesso itll fall back20:31
anteayasdague: to be clear the only part I am hoping you convey to operators is
anteayasdague: the merged part20:31
anteayasdague: the part you just rechecked is in negotiation20:31
anteayaand the lastest is that the current direction is not supported by nova20:32
anteayaso we are in deep flux right now20:32
anteayahoping to work that out this week and next20:32
anteayabut only the published part is what is agreed upon, the specs.o.o material20:32
clarkbgreghaynes: because then you have to do what I describe20:32
clarkbwe dont want to do that20:32
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sdagueanteaya: yeh, so the first part seems mostly background, I was just reading it and the unmerged bi20:35
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anteayasdague: sure20:35
anteayajust know that is based on the idea of a proxy in nova20:35
anteayawhich is deeply unsupported by dansmith20:35
anteayaso once we figure out the new direction, I expect that spec to completely change20:35
anteayain the how portion, not so much the what20:36
sdagueVM impact scope and the sideways matrix (from what to what is going to be supported) seems like the meaty parts20:36
dansmithanteaya: I'm -1 on the what too :)20:36
sdaguethose I feel comfortable with20:36
sdagueso... we're deep into liberty then I assume for doing this, if the spec hasn't gotten agreement yet20:36
dansmithanteaya: the notion of a proxy in/from/near nova isn't so much the problem with the "how"20:36
dansmithanteaya: I talked to mikal last night and we seemed on the same page regarding all that stuff, I think he was going to sync back up with you/others20:37
anteayadansmith: awesome20:37
anteayahe hasn't yet20:37
anteayado go ahead20:37
anteayawhat is the lastest20:37
dansmithI meant, I think he's on the same page as I am, so "the latest" hasn't changed, AFAIK20:38
anteayasdague: oh yes, we have redirected to L now20:38
anteayaso what page are you on20:38
anteayapretend I'm an idoit20:38
dansmithyou keep telling people what page I'm on, so...20:39
anteayaI thought I knew20:39
dansmithI don't think that this is something we should be doing/spending time on at all20:39
dansmiththat's the first thing20:39
dansmithbut if we're going to,20:39
anteayalet's start with the first thing20:39
anteayawhat is your vision of the world if we don't spend time on the migration20:40
sdagueanteaya: yeh, so I think I have enough background on what's written, no glaring questions come up20:40
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anteayasdague: thanks20:40
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sdagueso, we should probably take this to either neutron or nova, and not filly up infra with it if we're going to keep going20:41
anteayadansmith: tell me where you take it, I'll join you20:42
dansmithI didn't really expect to get into this conversation here20:42
dansmithI just keep getting pings of anteaya telling people I hate everything, so ... :)20:42
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/puppet-log_processor: Retry on EAI_AGAIN name resolution failures
clarkbjeblair: mordred ^ I am not proud of that but it may be the simplest fix for now20:43
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mtreinishSpamapS: the last time I did a cloud deploy I named it stratocumuliform, mostly because I feel clouds should be named after real clouds20:43
anteayadansmith: I said you didn't support it20:43
dansmithanteaya: hyperbole added for effect :)20:43
anteayawell you and I don't ahve a good history of getting along, I am really am trying to improve that20:44
clarkbjeblair: mordred: also I need to figure out how to test that locally without completely hosing my machine20:44
mordredclarkb: docker?20:44
clarkbmordred: except docker breaks resolv.conf20:44
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anteayaso I am trying here, but if you don't even support the direction of a migration, I would like to hear your thoughts20:44
clarkbmordred: so I don't think I can do that, but will give it a try20:44
mordredclarkb: sorry - I was total snark20:45
mordredignore me20:45
mordredclarkb: change +220:45
greghaynesyeaaa how can docker even work for that, its a syscall20:45
clarkbgreghaynes: well it will still refer to the /etc/resolv.conf in the container20:45
clarkbgreghaynes: problem is docker bind mounts that in read only and sets it to google dns iirc20:46
greghaynesoh wow, I always assumed because the namespacing magic didnt exist for that20:47
notmynameclarkb: FYI, based on your conversation with tsg earlier around the pyeclib and dependencies, this is something that's critical for having EC in Swift for Kilo. The Mar 19 dependency freeze is what I'm looking at. it's a risk to ec in kilo20:48
notmynameclarkb: so I'm working with tsg on it and helping any way I can20:48
mordredshould I read scrollback on that?20:48
clarkbmordred: probably20:49
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add logging to #openstack-ansible
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openstackgerritMax Rydahl Andersen proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Remove nonexistent servername and cleanup build publisher
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Clean up to make it easier to reuse
SpamapSmtreinish: I love that .. would be my favorite. ;)20:50
clarkbmordred: there is a new C lib that they wrote for it that isn't in ubuntu20:50
SpamapS"A small cap-like cloud over a cumulonimbus"20:50
clarkbmordred: we don't use PPAs in the gate20:51
clarkbmordred: how test20:51
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SpamapS"Nothing to see here, just hanging out over a terrifying thunderstorm"20:51
openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable functional test job in CI for neutron-fwaas
mordredclarkb: ah20:51
mordredclarkb: so - the first real-world example of "the project would like to express a c-depend that is not in the distros yet"20:51
mtreinishSpamapS: heh nice. You should put it on the surveymonkey, it'd get my vote20:51
clarkbmtreinish: yes20:51
clarkber mordred ^20:51
mordrednotmyname, clarkb: link to the lib?20:52
notmynamemordred: getting it. know that it's not simple though :-)20:52
notmynamemordred: is on pypi (and repo links are there too)20:53
mordrednotmyname: thanks20:53
notmynamemordred: but 0.9.8 is bad, not the least because it pulls stuff from the internet on install :-(20:53
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notmynamemordred: however the 1.0 upstream repo is better. and has split some stuff into a c library20:53
notmynamemordred: liberasure (the C part) is in debian, but didn't get picked up by ubuntu in the last minor patch rev20:54
notmynamemordred: and so getting that stuff straightened out is what's currently going on20:54
SpamapSmtreinish: I'm kind of hoping we just name it infra cloud. :)20:54
SpamapSmtreinish: even though Pileus is more fun. :)20:54
clarkbSpamapS: I have a strong vote for vanilla20:54
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clarkbI mean vanilla ice cream, vanilla coke, vanilla cloud: what do they all have in common? awesomeness20:55
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notmynamemordred: current CI tests are based on 0.9.8 and are on the jenkins slaves, so we're so-so ok for now. but not for a release20:55
mordredvanilla coke is awesome20:55
clarkbSpamapS: also it bugs me that surveymonkey does not tell you what the numbers mean20:55
mordrednotmyname: yeah- ok, so it's in debian at least20:55
SpamapSvanilla is also often misunderstood20:56
SpamapSSeeing as it is super super rare in it's natural form, it's weird that we use it to mean "the same as everything else"20:56
notmynamemordred: right. so I'm tracking it right now as part of the EC work to get done by kilo. since it's a dependency, I'm looking at the dep freeze date as my deadline20:56
SpamapSor "without specialness"20:56
SpamapSbecause vanilla is really hard to cultivate and find.20:56
SpamapSFortunately, vanilin is really easy to synthesize.20:57
notmynamemordred: and since it's basically the part that actually does the erasure code math, it's pretty important to the feature in swift ;-)20:57
mordrednotmyname: hehe20:57
jeblairSpamapS, clarkb: we have the name of the effort, but we also get to name the two installs of it as well.20:57
notmynamemordred: anyway, I know tsg and clarkb have been working on it. so my comments are more of an "infra, FYI, kinda important think you might see me yell about" thing20:58
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jeblairSpamapS, clarkb: so if we don't name the effort vanilla, we can name one of the installations vanilla20:58
clarkbmordred: I think I will just have to use a VM to test this EAI_AGAIN behavior20:58
clarkbmordred: I can't figure a sane way to docker it20:58
notmynamejeblair: isnt' vanilla the name of the openstack V release?20:58
clarkbjeblair: +1 :)20:58
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move neutron api job definition to neutron.yaml
jeblairnotmyname: nice... :)20:58
clarkbjeblair: before I go testing is that something you would be ok with as an intermediate step?20:58
clarkbjeblair: I don't want to go spend time constructing a largish system test for this thing if you will -2 :)20:59
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SpamapS6 responses so far21:00
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jeblairclarkb: that's okay.  i feel like actually being able to specify boot order is not an insane thing for us to work on.21:01
marunjeblair: when you get a chance, can you please confirm that adding the neutron functional job -nv to the d-g check pipeline is ok as we discussed?
jeblairclarkb: but +2 if that's what you want21:01
clarkbjeblair: ya specifying a boot order is something else we should work on, but I expect it to take more time as we figure out how to get puppet, update-rc.d, and whatever we come up with to work together21:01
jeblairmarun: will do21:02
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marunjeblair: thank you!21:02
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clarkbugh hpcloud is still a mess21:05
clarkbOverLimit: Maximum number of ports exceeded (HTTP 413) (Request-ID: req-377aafe6-0585-43c0-819a-67158fab6968)21:05
clarkbtheory time, something else is causing resources to leak21:05
* clarkb goes to figure out how to unleak ports21:05
jeblairwe don't explicitly allocate those, do we?21:05
clarkbjeblair: we do not21:05
openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create experimental job for neutron-fwaas
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Drop ironic tempest regex, stop running all of Tempest
clarkbalso Conflict: Instance 717da90b-516f-45b8-a2e3-dfc1462f277f is locked (HTTP 409) but not sure if that is on an hpcloud node yet21:06
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove use of DEVSTACK_GATE_TESTR_ARTIFACT_TARGET
clarkbyup ^ is hpcloud too21:06
clarkbport-list confirms we are basically at peak port21:07
clarkbbut port-list doesn't seem to show any association to nodes21:07
openstackgerritDiego proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add details on using git-review over https
clarkbso not sure how you are supposed to figure out which ports are in use and which aren't, possibly by using the ip addrs as a key?21:07
greghaynesjhesketh: Hey, id like to pop out of the patch stack21:08
greghayneser, sorry21:08
greghaynesoh, wait, no, thats right :)21:08
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clarkbdoes anyone know of a better way to map ports to hosts so I can delete ports that are not assocaited with nodes?21:09
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clarkbok nodepool and hpcloud are mostly in agreement over the number of nodes ~offby2021:13
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove configurable testr artifact processing
clarkbwhich means we have leaked somewhere around 100 ports21:13
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clarkbthere doesn't seem to be an easy way to map fix ip to ndoe either21:15
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clarkbI can list the ports that belong to routers...21:17
sdaguemarun: - now that your other fixes are in, do you think that's still -121:17
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marunsdague: it should be good to go21:18
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sdaguejeblair: oh, in case you needed a data point - is a review where author was reset in git, but stays the same in gerrit.21:24
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clarkbok neutronclient port-list by default has heavily editorialized what it shows you21:29
clarkbyou can hwoever pass in an explicit list of columns via port-list -c21:29
clarkbthe list seems to match up with what we have at
clarkbthat would be all fine and dandy if the client actually docuemnted this behavior :( anyways onward, new info indicates we may not actually be leaking ports21:31
clarkbwe seem to have a device id for each port21:31
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clarkbI do see a lot of hpcloud timeouts21:34
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clarkband if that nova/neutron floating ip leak is related to load perhaps we are seeing that happen more because thigns are slow? I am digging through more logs to see if I see anything21:35
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mriedemfungi: py33 here wouldn't work right? - i mean, we don't have py33 jobs anymore i thought21:38
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clarkbmriedem: its fine to have, we just won't exercise it21:40
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Story events may now be filtered by event_type.
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krtaylorclarkb, do you know of any way to manually push a meeting log to ?21:44
openstackgerritDoug Wiegley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: New job for in-tree lbaasv2 tempest tests
krtaylorthe openstack bot wasn't running during our meeting this morning21:44
clarkbkrtaylor: other than an infra root copy pastaing logs from soewhere no21:45
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krtaylorclarkb, I have the log, and it is still in channel21:45
clarkbkrtaylor: it is still in channel?21:46
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krtaylorclarkb, yes21:46
clarkbI don't understand what that means21:46
krtaylor#openstack-meeting-4 scrollback21:46
krtaylorat least my scrollback log anyway21:47
clarkbya scrollback is client independent21:47
clarkbkrtaylor: if you post the logs somewhere I can get them I can see what I can do21:47
krtaylorI guess I could just paste it in a little bit at a time21:47
krtayloras long as no meeting is running21:47
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clarkbthat would be one way I guess, sort of a meta log but probably will mostly work21:48
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krtaylorclarkb, if that would be easier for you, I'll give it a try21:49
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dolphmto whoever finally implemented Depends-On in commit messages: <321:49
clarkbkrtaylor: well the benefit of replaying like that is you can get the bot to build the summary for you and all that21:49
clarkbkrtaylor: if I was given a text log I would just stick that on the server without the summarization21:49
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krtaylorclarkb, good point, will do21:50
anteayadolphm: well that would be a whole lot of jeblair and a good helping of clarkb and fungi21:50
anteayadolphm: and glad you like it21:50
dolphmjeblair: clarkb: fungi: thank you!
clarkbkrtaylor: I am happy to stick the log file in though if that is easiest :) either way works for me21:51
lifelesscan depends-on be used within a single repo ?21:51
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clarkblifeless: yes, but you should likely use git deps instead21:52
jeblairlifeless: (and don't make a cycle)21:52
lifelessclarkb: why?21:52
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lifelessjeblair: obviously :)21:52
clarkblifeless: so that your local testing does what you expect and for the additional checks provided by gerrit21:52
dolphmclarkb: can you use multiple Depends-On in a single commit?21:53
lifelessclarkb: git deps cause a lot of friction in deep stacks that are not always textually dependent21:53
clarkbdolphm: you can21:53
lifelessclarkb: your answer isn't a particularly satisfying one to me21:53
clarkbdolphm: just list multiple depends-on on multiple lines21:53
clarkblifeless: ok21:53
dolphmclarkb: =D21:53
lifelessclarkb: what additional checks do we give up when we use depends-on ?21:53
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clarkblifeless: the gerrit sanity checks when pushing a stack is one21:54
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clarkbthe did anything change checks21:54
clarkblifeless: you also get merge checks though those aren't well exposed in current gerrit but will be when we upgrade21:55
jeblairlifeless: also, it might be nice to reflect that dependency in the git graph itself21:55
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jeblairlifeless: but we do support it so if you find a good reason to, you can :)21:55
clarkbthe more I look at nodepool logs the more I think floating ip leak is a symptom not a cause of the problems21:56
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add microsecond columns to the test_runs table
clarkbnumerous timeouts for many operations appears to be the larger issue and that did not go away with the floating ip cleanup21:56
lifelessjeblair: sure; I'm thinking of a couple of scenarios; one is when two people have divide-and-conquered a problem, e.g. A makes an API and B uses it, where the continual rebase-churn placed on B is quite a burden21:56
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lifelessthe second one is the reviewer impact on stacks of 5 or 10 deep patches where the bottom one has maybe one meaningful change per 10 or 20 updates21:57
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jeblairlifeless: *nod* let me know how it goes? :)21:57
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lifelessjeblair: if and when we try, yes21:58
jogowhen is the next nodepool image built?21:58
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clarkbjogo: 1400UTC is when they start21:58
jogoso its too late to land until the next one21:59
jogoclarkb: I would really like to get and landed21:59
jogoas devstack is taking way too long right now21:59
jogoand this will shave off a lot of time from our jobs21:59
clarkbok will review21:59
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jogojeblair: ^22:00
clarkbso I think there is a major bug in 160548, that doesn't run in the chroot22:00
jogoclarkb: very possibly22:00
jogomtreinish: ^22:00
* mkj_wk adds unit tests...22:00
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clarkbgreghaynes: can you confirm my -1 on ?22:02
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jogoclarkb: not sure where the chroot would go, don't see anything around the download command etc.22:02
stevebakerI'd really like to try this out, any chance for some reviews?
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clarkbjogo: dib manages the chroot, we can get away with it when just downloading things because we aren't building packages. but wheels are essentially release specific packages so should go in the chroot'd steps of dib22:03
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clarkbstevebaker: does install all of its dependencies?22:03
clarkbstevebaker: the bare-trusty nodes are pretty bare22:03
stevebakerclarkb: right now it is brazenly assuming diskimage-builder is installed22:04
stevebakerclarkb: but I could always fix that after ^ lands?22:04
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clarkbstevebaker: sure, I have a few other comments though so either way22:05
anteayait is a post job22:05
stevebakerclarkb: ok. does bare-trusty have pip?22:05
anteayaso what happens to a merged patch if a job fails in post?22:05
clarkbstevebaker: I don't even think it has that22:05
anteayaany repurcussions?22:06
clarkbanteaya: it merges then the job fails22:06
jeblairdolphm: :)22:06
anteayaokay so low risk22:06
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clarkbstevebaker: actually no, bare-trusty does haev pip22:07
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stevebakeroh, good22:08
clarkbstevebaker: so thats probably fine if you have your script install that22:08
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clarkber s/that/your deps/22:08
dolphmjeblair: \o/22:08
clarkbwe install tox via pip, not sure why I was thinking no pip on that image22:08
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greghaynesclarkb: yep, thats correct22:09
anteayaclarkb: what file do I check to see what bare-trusty has on it?22:09
stevebakerclarkb: do I need to use sudo for pip installd?22:09
jeblairanteaya, marun: devstack-gate job changes lgtm, aprvd, thanks much!22:09 does't seem to b it22:09
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anteayajeblair: thank you!22:09
greghaynesjogo: basically that needs to happen in one of the install.d phases22:10
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greghaynesjogo: rather than extra-data.d22:10
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clarkbstevebaker: yes, and you should have sudo there22:10
clarkbstevebaker: also left one comment for unrelated thing22:10
clarkbanteaya: the nodepool/scripts/ prepare scripts22:10
anteayaclarkb: thanks22:11
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sdaguejeblair: does Depends-On work inside a single repo?22:11
greghaynesclarkb: did we determine that shipping wheelhouse with images is the way to go for now?22:11
clarkbgreghaynes: the work is mostly done for it so I am fine with it for now22:11
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sdagueor would I be doing terribleness if I used it that way22:11
clarkbgreghaynes: especially sine we aren't making several wheelhouses for grenade22:11
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clarkbsdague: lifeless just asked about that :) its fine22:11
clarkbsdague: the other rules still apply though, no cycles etc22:12
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jeblairlifeless, sdague: oh, right another tradeoff is that you miss the dependency links in the gerrit interface (i mean, you can still click depends on in the commit message, but you can't go the other direction, and fewer automated tools understand it)22:13
sdagueit's just going to help in stacking these micro versions changes in nova and making sure we merge them in the right order without pushing everyone into 1 branch22:14
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jeblairlifeless, sdague: still may be worth the tradeoff it some cases, just worth being aware22:14
sdaguejeblair: yeh22:14
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sdagueso I think what it actually does really neat here is allow for multiple parents on a patch22:14
jeblair(without being a merge commit)22:15
sdaguebecause we have a patch series for each of these, and the last one actually lands the microversion. Then we can chain those in the right order22:15
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greghaynesjhesketh: hello there22:16
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: import aeromancer to stackforge
jheskethgreghaynes: hey, thanks for the abc work. Did you see my comment on one of them?22:17
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greghaynesjhesketh: yes, and I replied22:17
greghaynesI also left a new one22:17
* greghaynes finds22:17
mtreinishjogo: yeah I saw clarkb's comment I'll move the wheelhouse building into a script in install.d22:18
jheskethgreghaynes: awesome, I'll take a look :-)22:18
anteayamorning jhesketh22:18
greghaynesjhesketh: is the question you asked22:18
greghaynesjhesketh: basically I dont think thats something we want to assert, in general22:19
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greghaynesjhesketh: Id also like to remove from the patch stack because it shouldnt be needed if were using abc correctly22:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make devstack-gate stable jobs non-voting
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jheskethgreghaynes: okay I'll have a play with that later22:22
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add the neutron func job (nv) to devstack-gate
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greghaynesok, let me know because the parent of needs to reparented / updated22:23
dhellmannAJaeger, anteaya, jeblair : can someone please explain to me what I'm supposed to do to make land? Do I have to resubmit the governance patch to get a new change id?22:23
clarkbdhellmann: that is probably the biggest gotcha with depends-on right now, long story short either remove the depends on or change it22:24
clarkbdhellmann: OR unabandon the other change and merge it22:24
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clarkbbut I am guessing it was abandoned for reasons22:24
dhellmannclarkb: I have 2 patches with the same change-id because that used to be the way to link related things together22:25
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Better image checking in update_image command
clarkbdhellmann: it still is22:25
dhellmannI abandoned one, because I couldn't have Depends-On point to a change id that was the same as the current patch22:25
anteayaI had asked for a depends-on22:25
dhellmannso I resubmitted the original project-config patch with a new id22:25
clarkbdhellmann: depends on doesn't distinguish between branches though22:25
anteayawhich is what we decided would be the workflow for additions to the openstack namespace22:25
clarkboh hrm is there ever a reason to have a depends on self?22:25
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* dhellmann grumbles22:26
clarkbmaybe I need to understand that. (its implied fwiw)22:26
dhellmannI'll go resubmit the governance patch with a new distinct id and use that one22:26
anteayadhellmann: yeah this line: Depends-on: I95dc9a36e2e2635dfbd5902c620ce525b981a19b22:26
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dhellmannI guess I was too clever? I don't know.22:26
clarkbwhy would you have a depends-on: self though? /me tries to understand the use case22:26
dhellmannclarkb: it was not depending on itself. It was depending on another patch in a different repo with the same change-id22:27
clarkbdhellmann: oh I see, ya that wouldn't work22:27
clarkbjeblair: ^22:27
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dhellmannif I had known that I needed to use depends-on, I wouldn't have set up the original patches that way22:27
dhellmannI was trying to avoid having the TC have to revote on that patch, but I'll just submit a new one22:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add Fedora 21 image build to nodepool
jeblairianw: ^22:28
ianwjeblair: thanks, i'll check in on the image build in a bit22:28
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clarkbnote that hpcloud is unhappy at the moment so we may not see that take practical effect for a bit22:28
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add openstack/developer-reference repository
ianwjeblair: i'm guessing my counter-argument in (Add generate-log-config command) has not been persuasive?22:29
jeblairdhellmann: setting aside some other rough edges with depends-on here, i do think that may be a slightly overzealous use of a shared change-id; i usually think of it meaning the _same change_, eg, a backport from a different branch, or updating the pbr version in every project...22:29
dhellmannjeblair: that's fair22:30
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jeblairdhellmann: i think you have found a grey area :)22:30
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Consolidate CFP settings into a common function
dhellmannjeblair: usually I use a blueprint or topic to link the changes, but there's no blueprint for this22:30
dhellmannjeblair: and now that i know, I won't make the mistake again22:30
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jogoclarkb mtreinish: ahh good catch22:31
dhellmannit was just annoying to find another procedural change22:31
dhellmannanteaya: is the creator's guide up to date with this?22:31
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jeblairdhellmann, clarkb: that said, depends-on self could probably be excluded if it isn't already; and i'd be open to interpreting 'depends-on abandoned change' as treating the abandoned change as nonexistent.  that's probably the right thing to do.22:31
anteayaI'll check22:31
dhellmannah, it is22:31
asselinhi dib experts. What should I set RELEASE to?
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greghaynesasselin: context?22:35
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Mention Depends-On where the commit is made
dhellmannanteaya: ^^22:35
asselini'm just starting to try using disk image builder. I'm getting the error on line 34 posted ^^22:35
asselinbut it's not clear what it's supposed to be? ubunut? master?22:36
lifelessso thats nodepool specific code; I'd guess you need to look at the nodepool invocation of dib to see how its being called22:36
greghaynesasselin: the os element tends to set DIB_RELEASE IIRC, like ubuntu for example22:37
lifelessdib itself tries to guess22:37
greghaynesthe ubuntu element sets it to trusty if its not set looks like22:37
greghaynesasselin: what elements are you building with?22:37
asselinoh I see..maybe I should try this on a trusty node. I'm using precise...probably not a good idea. ok thanks!22:37
greghaynesIt should work fine on precise22:38
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enhance to support functional testing
clarkbgreghaynes: mordred fwiw I just tried setting my resolv.conf to point at non existant resolver and got -2 error not -3 (EAI_AGAIN) I think what you need is actually a resolver that can't resolve rather than a resolver that ins't there?22:38
asselingreghaynes, ok, then I'll try setting it to ubuntu while on that os.22:38
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clarkbI think I may just put my changes on a node and reboot it >_> simplest way to test22:38
jeblairclarkb: ++ we do have 20 of them22:38
lifelessasselin: what exact command line are you running dib with ?22:39
greghaynesasselin: well my concern is that youre somehow not buliding with one of the elements that sets it, which is wierd22:39
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jeblairclarkb: what's the latest on hpcloud-badness?22:39
asselinI did this: DISTRO="ubuntu" bash tools/
clarkbjeblair: lots of timeouts, I think this is the underlying issue leading to floating ip leaks22:39
clarkbjeblair: we do not appear to actually be leaking ports22:40
jogoI am having trouble booting my own VM in hp cloud22:40
clarkbjeblair: Exception: Timeout waiting for ssh access and URLError: <urlopen error [Errno 110] Connection timed out> are common22:40
jeblairclarkb: the urlerror is jenkins0422:40
jogocloud-init-nonet[15.40]: waiting 120 seconds for network device22:40
pleia2hanging out with cinerama doing zanata things \o/22:40
jeblairpleia2, cinerama: rock on!22:41
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clarkbjeblair: I thought I saw it happen with nova clietn too22:41
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jeblairwe have 12 nodes from hpcloud in use :(22:42
anteayadhellmann: thank you22:42
greghaynesasselin: looks like that should be running with the ubuntu element...22:42
clarkbalso 04 looks down down, I am guessing it didn't come back up after reboots22:42
cineramawe are outside doing some OG street hacking22:42
asselingreghaynes, lifeless ok, I added the extra environment and it got past that error. Not sure what broke afterwards. full log is here:
lifelessasselin: that variable is wrong22:43
rhe00if anyone has time for CI assistence I could use some help. my node is trying to load devstack as part of the dsvm test but fails with: "fatal: repository '' not found"22:44
asselinrhe00, that might be ok22:44
greghaynesyes, it should be trusty, im just still very confused why you need to set it22:44
* asselin trying trusty22:44
rhe00it stops loading devstack shortly after that without any error messages. sort of frozen22:45
rhe00Jenkins still thinks the test is running22:45
lifelessasselin: thats the docs; it should not need to be set. if you're havnig to set it there is a bug somewhere.22:45
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greghayneshey, theres super fancy web docs now ;)
clarkbjeblair: grep tells me I am wrong, no url errors from novaclient. So thats a good thing22:46
lifelessasselin: in fact yes, I think the nodepool element is buggy22:46
greghaynesYes, thats my suspicion - I bet nodepool explicitly sets it22:46
lifelessasselin: DIB_RELEASE in the code is always guarded22:46
greghayneswhich is why it hasnt come up22:46
jogoclarkb: you may be seeing something similar to what I am seeing on my HP acccount
lifelessthat said22:46
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lifelesselements/ubuntu-minimal/environment.d/10-ubuntu-distro-name.bash:export DIB_RELEASE=${DIB_RELEASE:-trusty}22:46
clarkbjogo: we don't cloud init though22:47
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clarkbjogo: but maybe its related? I can try getting some console logs for our nodes22:47
lifelessubuntu-minimal is not a dep of ubuntu22:47
marunjeblair: great!22:48
lifelessah, its a totally different codepath22:48
asselinlifeliess, wehre do you see ubuntu-minimal?22:48
jogoclarkb: right, but network related?22:48
lifelessasselin: yep, confirmed - that nodepool code is broken22:48
mtreinishclarkb: inside the dib chroot can I get to /home/jenkins/cache/files? Or is that outside the chroot?22:48
lifelessasselin: DIB_RELEASE is an optional variable, the normal state is for it not to be set22:48
asselinbtw, DIB_RELEASE="trusty" works. Fails with the usual "git" protocol which is blocked at my site22:48
openstackgerritMichael Johnson proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Choose correct branch for rebase when submitting
marunclarkb: any suggestions for how to best test modifications to  Is my only option recreating the gate env locally?22:49
greghaynesah right, its not global22:49
lifelessclarkb: ^ see above22:49
marunclarkb: re:
clarkbmtreinish: that is in the chroot, the extra-data scripst actually write into the FS that will be chrooted into so its availab22:49
clarkbmtreinish: the issue is to get wheel to build the right thing it needs to run in the chroot and not just copy into it22:49
clarkbmarun: you should be able to run that script and have it run your tests22:50
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mkj_wkclarkb: 12 unit tests added in this last review request :)22:50
clarkbmkj_wk: nice and that ssh flag is still working well?22:50
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clarkbjogo: ok I have infos22:50
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mkj_wkclarkb: yup, never failed22:51
mkj_wkclarkb: 16 patch sets is rather many, though some of them were just to get jenkins to run to figure out why it failed on py26 (git version differences)22:51
mtreinishclarkb: ok sure, I just don't have a complete env picture in my head for the dib side. So I was writing it with a blind assumption that path would work22:51
clarkbjogo: jeblair
mtreinishfigured I should check first22:51
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clarkbmtreinish: yup no problem and you can write straight to it you don't need the prefix stuff like in the extra-data.d script22:52
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clarkbjogo: jeblair that is for a devstack-trusty node, going to see if I can find one that isn't dib image built22:52
jogoclarkb: that looks bad22:52
clarkbjogo: jeblair I want to rule out our image being bad22:52
clarkbjogo: yes22:52
jeblairclarkb: that would indeed explain a lack of ssh connectivity :)22:53
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jogoclarkb: related to the mtreinish's patch and using the chroot, doesn't that mean the apt-get cache stuff fails too22:53
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clarkbjogo: its possible22:54
jogoclarkb: we try sudo', 'apt-get', '-y', '-d', 'install22:54
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clarkbjogo: which will just grab things for outside the chroot22:54
jogobut we are still downloading a lot of packages during each install22:54
clarkbjeblair: jogo ok bare-trusty looks better and it looks like we have those ready and used22:54
clarkbjogo: jeblair so it is entirely possible something in our images is causing this to explode22:55
jogoclarkb: right, and won't get copied into the images22:55
clarkbjogo: right we would still download them, just like we would still build wheels. They are probably not the correct data in either case22:55
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jeblairclarkb: want to delete current and fall back to previous?22:55
asselinlifeless, greghaynes ok seems to be running now....caching repos....thanks22:55
clarkbjeblair: its worth a shot, will start with hpcloud-b122:56
jogoclarkb: right, but that command needs to be run inside the chroot22:56
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clarkbjogo: yes, I agree22:56
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Build wheel house during nodepool devstack caching
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^ I think that should do the trick23:01
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix nodepool.yaml whitespace
mtreinishjogo: ^^^ you seem driven on this too :)23:01
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jeblairclarkb: aprvd23:03
clarkbjeblair: thanks23:03
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jeblaircourse that will take a long time to land23:04
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clarkbthere are a set of nodes building in hpcloud-b1 with the old image now23:04
clarkbwill pay attention to them to see if they fail23:05
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clarkbalso, I wonder if it would be possible for qemu/kvm to say "hey booting failed let me ERROR" when running in a cloud23:05
clarkbbecause chances are good that busybox shell does me no good23:05
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jeblairclarkb: hrm, i suppose you could build an initrd that halted or something... i wonder if it could issue an instruction that the hypervisor could treat as an error condition.23:06
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clarkbI have disabled puppet on nodepool.o.o to get that whitespace change in23:10
clarkbcommand line nodepool commands break if they can't read the config23:10
jeblairyeah, we need a syntax gate check on that23:11
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jeblairclarkb: also, i think nodepool stopped building nodes23:12
clarkbjeblair: I think it did that when I updated the config because the managers got reconfigured23:13
clarkbit should start again23:13
jesusaurusclarkb: can you give another review?23:13
clarkbjesusaurus: not right now :) but will try to swing around when things are happy again23:13
jesusaurusclarkb: cool23:14
jeblairException: No image available for that upload. Please build one first.23:15
jeblairException: DIB failed creating /opt/nodepool_dib/devstack-fedora21-dib-1425510899.qcow223:15
jeblairAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'image_name'23:15
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clarkbjeblair: ugh23:16
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ianwargh ...23:17
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clarkbjeblair: would that prevent new nodes from building?23:17
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix pkgs-to-install path
clarkbjeblair: I am still not seeing demand calculations or building nodesu23:17
jogoclarkb: I think I found the apt-get install -y issue ^23:18
jeblairclarkb: i have no idea.  i'm starting at the end and working backwards.  :(23:18
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clarkbjeblair: yup confirmed, checkformissing images short circuits the run loop :(23:20
clarkbjeblair: I am going to manually back out the f21 dib change on nodepool.o.o unless you want more data23:20
ianwi'm looking for why it's trying to grab /pub/fedora/linux/releases/21/Cloud/Images/x86_64/Fedora-Cloud-Base-20141203-21.x86_64.qcow2/Fedora-Cloud-Base-20141203-21.x86_64.qcow223:20
jeblairclarkb: nope sounds good23:20
ianwclarkb: you going to look at the loop-stopping issue?23:21
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clarkbianw: sure, once I confirm nodepool is going again and get some images building in hpcloud I will look at the run loop23:22
bookwar can you help me with gating here? so it asks for rebase, but then it sets Verified +2 label23:22
clarkb is the trace back fwiw23:22
bookwardo i need to wait for merge or still rebase is required23:22
jogomtreinish: inline comments on your patch23:23
clarkbbookwar: gerrit decided there was a merge conflict there that zuul did not detect23:23
ianwclarkb: great, thanks ...23:23
jogomtreinish: also figured out why we keep pulling apt packages from the network
bookwarclarkb: so it is better to rebase23:23
clarkbbookwar: yes you will need to rebase23:23
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix exception in dib image cleanup
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clarkbstill no building nodes after cleaning up nodepool.yaml23:27
clarkbok I see why23:28
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clarkbjeblair: ^ thoughts on just rebooting?23:28
greghaynesjogo: so the interesting thing about that is
clarkbrestarting the service?23:28
SpamapSwoo, looks like I'll be talking about infra on 3/26 at OpenStack LA23:28
SpamapSI should probably, you know, learn about infra. :)23:29
clarkboh wait23:29
greghaynesjogo: and also
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clarkbits because I didn't remove that image completely from the config?23:29
* clarkb tries again23:29
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greghaynesjogo: so im not sure how that apt-get -d install will be useful23:30
lifelessoh joy23:30
jogogreghaynes: look at the output of a real run23:30
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jogowe download a while slew of things23:30
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jeblairfrankly, i'm not sure i want to approve any more nodepool config changes until there's some actual testing around this.  i can't believe how many bugs we're finding right now.23:30
greghaynesjogo: yes. My point is that at the end of a dib bulid were going to clear the cache23:30
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greghaynesjogo: so even if you download stuff into it, itll get deleted23:30
clarkbok I have more properly fixed the config, lets see if that shakes some nodes loose23:31
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jogogreghaynes: hrrm23:31
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greghaynesI think we need to make a disable cleanup flag23:32
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clarkbjeblair: +1, I have started some of that work in a stack and ianw increased testing to catch some other issues. obviously much more we can do23:32
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jogogreghaynes: or just disable the sharing of apt-cache mirrors?23:33
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jogogreghaynes: or just disable the sharing of apt caches*23:33
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greghaynesjogo: They are both issues - the sharing means youll get stuff in the cache you might not care about but it should still work, the cleanup means it doesnt matter for this use case23:34
* greghaynes makes a couple patches23:34
clarkbI don't think updateConfig is able to handle removals of images23:34
jogogreghaynes: thanks,  I am trying to make devstack build faster (its close to 20 minutes right now)23:35
clarkbjeblair: I am ready to restart nodepool if you are23:35
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jogogreghaynes: which is the context for this23:35
mtreinishjogo: yep, I forgot to check the script exists first23:35
jeblairclarkb: go for it23:35
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greghaynesjogo: yep, this is the same kind of stuff we battled with in tripleo CI for a while :)23:36
ianwclarkb / jeblair : as a start this indenting of the yaml file is rather insidious ... it's too easy to make copy-paste errors when you're moving from a local copy into the system-config copy ... and it's really long so it's not like it immediately stands out to your eye23:36
clarkbgreghaynes: di deletes the cache in the image?23:36
clarkbgreghaynes: *dib23:36
clarkbgreghaynes: that is subpar23:36
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greghaynesclarkb: yes, because typically you prefer the image to be small and dont want the cache23:37
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Build wheel house during nodepool devstack caching
clarkbgreghaynes: ugh23:37
mtreinishjogo: ^^^ added the check23:37
jeblairianw: zuul has a config file syntax test, nodepool should too23:37
greghaynesclarkb: it also bind mounts the apt cache in from the build host23:37
clarkbnow I think we are waiting for nodepool to timeout on jenkins0423:38
clarkbmaybe I will take a timeout and go reboot that node more forcefully23:38
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clarkbhrm rax doesn't seem to support nova console-log23:41
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clarkbwoot finally connection timed out23:41
clarkbI am going to give the web ui console thing a try23:42
clarkbbefore I reboot23:42
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ianwclarkb / jeblair: alright, i'll copy the zuul method (using voluptuous) and add a command to validate config.  sound ok?23:43
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greghaynesjogo: also check out DIB_APT_LOCAL_CACHE var in
clarkbianw: yup I think thats the route we should use for that23:43
clarkbianw: it will cover whitespace things as well as more of the datastructure itself23:43
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clarkbwell console failed with my browser not doing flash23:44
clarkbI will pull up the flash brwoser and try again23:44
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clarkbok images are building again23:45
ianwpart of my issue is that whatever emacs yaml mode does by default isn't what openstack yaml looks like.  i'm sure there's something i can tweak just like the c indent modes23:45
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clarkbI am ging to fix jenkins04, then go back to debugging this image and why it won't boot in hpcloud23:45
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Create and upload heat test images to tarballs
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clarkbso jenkins04 does have a console no crazy errors on it, but it does unping and ssh doesn't connect23:47
clarkbso I think given that there isn't much more info to go off of I am going to try a reboot of it23:48
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clarkbok that unwedged 0423:49
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Do not try to upload building disk images
jeblairclarkb, ianw: that's the second of two patches i have written based on the exceptions we've just seen ^23:50
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add expiremental devstack plugin based ironic functional job
jeblairclarkb, ianw: (i have not tested those)23:51
jeblairianw: that sounds awesome.  also, i use emacs to edit yaml...23:51
jeblairianw: that == using voluptuous23:51
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jogogreghaynes: thanks, sounds like a few more patches to make the deb caching stuff work23:53
clarkbjeblair: I have removed the newer devstack-trusty image from all hpcloud-b* providers. I have also copied the qcow2 that was uploaded there to my homedir so that we can investigate why it doesn't boot without worrying about nodepool deleting it later23:53
ianwjeblair: have you tweaked it at all?  it always indents too far for me23:53
jeblairianw: not that i'm aware of, i'll try to pay attention next time i'm editing and see if it works, or if i'm just fixing it23:53
clarkbjeblair: should I manually upload it to hpcloud under a name not used by nodepool too?23:54
clarkbjeblair: better question, do you want to interact with this image in hpcloud? if so I can upload it under a non nodepool name23:54
jeblairclarkb: not at the moment23:54
clarkbok I will just download it locally to dig into it here23:55
jeblairclarkb: regarding did that keep happening, or was that a one-time thing?23:55
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greghaynesjogo: yes. actually, why arent you just installing the packages during the dib run rather than doanloading?23:56
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jeblairclarkb: nm i can answer that :)23:56
jeblairclarkb: twice23:56
clarkbjeblair: it kept happening23:56
clarkbjeblair: I think that the configUpdate method doesn't handle image removals gracefully23:56
jogogreghaynes: AFAIK its we don't want to actually install all packages23:56
jogofor example postgres vs mysql db23:57
clarkbjeblair: so it kept trying to make the devstack fedora21 dib image even after I removed it. This is why I restarted the service23:57
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jeblairclarkb: it seems like it wasn't in the diskimages section, but it was in the providers...23:57
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clarkbjeblair: ya that was first issue, then I removed it completely (well commented it out)23:58
clarkbjeblair: and the exceptions in the main run loop continued23:58
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greghaynesjogo: ah, that makes some sense. Although just installing all of them isnt bad, and then only using the ones needed on the test?23:58
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clarkbqcow2 download is going to take some time, going to step out for a few23:59
jogogreghaynes: not sure, that is a really good question23:59
clarkbgreghaynes: jogo it is intentional to not install anything23:59
clarkbgreghaynes: jogo devstack is supposed to be self testing23:59

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