Tuesday, 2015-02-17

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greghaynesmordred: oh? youre wanting to add a vhd output format to DIB?00:12
greghaynesmordred: if you know of a good way I can test the resulting image id be up for hacking on that00:13
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to run neutron func setup  https://review.openstack.org/15642100:13
greghaynesalso, vhd, really?00:15
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mordredgreghaynes: I do not know a good way00:20
mordredgreghaynes: I know the current way I use :(00:20
greghaynesis that to upload to rax?00:20
mordredqemu-img convert -O raw ubuntu.qcow2 ubuntu.raw00:20
mordredsudo docker run -v $(pwd):/images emonty/vhd-util convert -s 0 -t 1 -i /images/ubuntu.raw -o /images/intermediate.vhd00:20
mordredsudo docker run -v $(pwd):/images emonty/vhd-util convert -s 1 -t 2 -i /images/intermediate.vhd -o /images/ubuntu.vhd00:20
mordredgreghaynes: I believe step one is "make vhd-util not come from a docker image"00:20
mordredwhich likely means an PPA for now00:21
mordredor something00:21
greghaynesaye, is that the deal we docker because its part of xen essentially00:21
mordredwell, kinda - it's actually because you need a patched version of vhd-util00:22
mordredand I didn't feel like actually dealing with debs00:22
mordredgreghaynes: https://github.com/emonty/vhd-util/blob/master/build.sh00:22
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to target only neutron functional setup  https://review.openstack.org/15642100:23
mordredgreghaynes: so, I mean, turning that build script into a debian package won't be rocket science00:23
greghaynesheh, yes00:23
mordredgreghaynes: but ultimately I'd "love" to do -t qcow2,vhd and just have happiness ensue00:23
mordredbecause then there would actually only be one other difference in the playbook - and honestly, it's adding two rax-specific parameters that would be no-op on hp anyway00:24
greghaynesyea, and we can just make dib check for $(which vhd-util) for that00:24
jogotchaypo: yes, but I have a question for you too00:26
jogotchaypo: it sounds like ttx reached out to stable-maint about this but not sure where that took place00:26
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marunsdague: I've proposed a new job that just runs the neutron functional job's setup. Given that it won't be subject to the vagaries of test execution, I'm hoping you'll be willing to have devstack gate on it once it proves stable.00:28
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tchaypojogo: was that your question? I don’t know what happened either00:29
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tchaypoexcept that I’ve been looking for something to do, and mordred mentioned that he’d like it if someone could help out, and I thought it sounded roughly like something I might be interested in, so I’m now poking around to see if it is something I want to pick up00:30
tchaypoI’m only just getting through the thread from a week ago now - I didn’t see it at the time00:31
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marunjogo: the skip-if bug is pretty obvious in retrospect00:32
jogotchaypo: hmm00:32
marunjogo: it predates skip-if, actually.00:32
marunjogo: every attribute of metajobs is copied only if it's explictly defined...except for voting, which defaults to true00:33
jogomarun: ohhh that is fun00:33
marunjogo: so, I'll have to ensure that jobs default to voting=True but metajobs default to something like None00:34
marunjeblair: so, storyboard for zuul bugs?00:34
clarkbI dont think its just the voting value00:35
marunclarkb: there is one other boolean, yes00:35
marunclarkb: I'd handle both of them00:35
clarkband yes storyboard00:35
marunclarkb: hold_following_changes00:35
jogotchaypo: so one place where stable maint is missing tooling is around dependencies00:35
jogotchaypo: pinning direct stable/juno requirements still leaves space for secondary requirements to break us00:36
marunclarkb: thanks00:36
jogoand the second part thing that is needed is http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-February/057089.html00:37
marunclarkb: is linking supported in commit msg like for launchpad?00:37
clarkbmarun no not yet, just do it as if it were though00:37
clarkbreviewers know to look it up00:37
marunclarkb: how to tell between lp id and sb id?00:37
clarkbthey numbers dont overlap00:38
greghaynesI believe they just carry over00:38
marunclarkb: ah, ok00:38
jogotchaypo: and probably more transparent reporting of stable branch statuses somehow.  So its easier to see if its working not working etc.00:38
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tchaypotaking those one at a time00:39
tchaypothe “Dependencies” you’re talking about would be things like00:39
tchaypooslo-sphinx depends on sphinx, so we cap that; but we don’t directly mention pygments, so we could be broken by a new version of that00:39
tchayposo the “tooling” in this case would be building an exhausting list of transitive dependencies and pinning them?00:40
tchaypo(which I believe I’ve heard still doesn’t fully give us reproducible environment builds, but it’s a step)00:40
jogotchaypo: correct00:40
jogoso harlowja_away has played with this a bit00:41
jogoone way to do this though is: take pip freeze from a working job00:41
jogoand re-install via 'pip install --no-deps -r pip-freeze.txt'00:41
jogoor something like that00:41
mordredgreghaynes: I just made debian packaging for vhd-util - testing now00:42
greghaynesoh, well then00:42
clarkbjogo maybe first step is fixing your pins :)00:42
tchaypoI could swear I saw a conversation the other day where someone asserted that this isn’t sufficient00:42
clarkbtchaypo its not00:43
clarkbsetup.py is turing complete00:43
jogotchaypo: something like this http://nvie.com/posts/better-package-management/00:43
jogoclarkb: well they work, just aren't pretty00:43
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Use python3 compatible urllib  https://review.openstack.org/15515000:43
clarkbit can do whatever it wants and often do00:43
tchaypoI think the specific thing they were talking about was cases where packages in the system leak into the venv, so installing the same pinned deps on different base systems can lead to different installed code?00:43
clarkbjogo they work for a subset of packages00:43
clarkbthat list isnt static00:43
jogotchaypo: ahh yes that is correct00:44
jogoclarkb: no, I just added caps00:44
jogoyou have an example of something that needs fixing?00:45
clarkbjogo >=0.2.0,<=0.2.000:45
jogoclarkb: that works :)00:45
clarkbthat should be either ==0.2.0 or >=0.2.0,<0.3.000:45
jogobut >=0.2.0,<=0.2.0 is still valid and works00:46
clarkbits valid for pip00:46
clarkbwill only confuse humans00:46
clarkbyes so should be fixed...00:46
* greghaynes has flshbacks of the BASIC notequal operator00:47
clarkband ideally bumped to <0.3.0 if project semvers00:47
tchaypostepping back to "one way to do this though is: take pip freeze from a working job and re-install via 'pip install --no-deps -r pip-freeze.txt’"00:47
tchaypowhat is “this” here?00:47
clarkbtchaypo reproduce an installed wnv00:47
tchaypoIs that meant to mean “One way to test if we have a full set of deps”, or was that something else?00:47
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tchaypookay, I think I understand.00:48
jogoclarkb: well I am not sure I agree. As capping reqs means something different here. it means this is what upstream is testing00:48
jogonot beyond this won't work00:48
jogoanyway we at least need to better clarify this00:49
clarkbjogo no thats pinning00:49
clarkbcapping is what I describes00:49
clarkbanyways to avoid confusion we should reduce the pins/caps as possible00:49
jogotchaypo: yeah --no-deps means you can specify the versions of everything and dependencies aren't installed. But you still need to sort out the system vs pip installed stuff00:49
jogoclarkb: well long term I think we need to pin (==) everything00:50
tchaypoit sounds to me like —no-deps is only useful after you have a fully specified list of requirements00:50
jogoand have a requirements.in and .txt file00:50
clarkbjogo I disagree but ok00:50
jogotchaypo: yes00:50
jogoclarkb: oh?00:50
tchaypoand getting that fully specificed list is at least half the battle00:50
jogotchaypo: yes, its not easy00:51
tchaypoalthough in theory pip-compile should do that for us00:51
clarkbI stopped working on this stuff because no one agrees witg me on how it should be fixed :)00:51
jogowell you have to make sure the full list passes tempest00:51
clarkbso I am letting others do it for the most part00:51
jogojust because we can install everything doesn't mean it won't cause a bug00:51
jogoclarkb: how do you think it should be fixed?00:51
clarkbI think pinning is bad00:51
clarkbcapping is ok00:51
mordredgreghaynes: https://github.com/emonty/deb-vhd-util <-- should be a git-buildpackage version of the thing that I pasted in earlier00:51
* mordred disagrees with clarkb00:52
clarkbjogo you want to pull in bugfixes for releases00:52
clarkbmordred yes I know00:52
clarkbso does sdague and jogo00:52
greghaynesmordred: what is this -s 0 -t 1, -s 1 -t 2 args to the same command? Is there just some jankyness to vhd-util where it requires two passes?00:52
clarkbwhich is fine yall are doing the work heee00:52
mordredI think all bugfix pulls should be explicit - because there are literally no python devs who don't break everything all the time00:52
mordredclarkb: although I _WANT_ to agree with you00:52
mordredbecause you're right00:52
jogoclarkb: so actually had a good chat with dhellmann about this00:52
mordredgreghaynes: yes.00:52
mordredgreghaynes: I have quite literally no idea what that does00:53
clarkbmordred so the problem with that attitude is breaking is a stick to get the fix00:53
clarkbno pins will ever be bumped in your prescribed world00:53
jogoand we will use ~= (actually a cap, allows for compatible changes) for oslo libs00:53
jogofor kilo00:53
mordredclarkb: fine by me00:53
clarkbjogo so thats a cap not a pin...00:53
clarkbjogo very different00:53
jogoclarkb: right, that is what I said.00:54
jogowait I am confused00:54
* mordred also agrees with clarkb's statement that mordred is not doing the work - so will honestly just occasionally say things but agree with anyone stepping up to the plate00:54
clarkbjogo earlier you said pin everything00:54
jogoexcept for oslo libs00:54
clarkbjogo I said dont do that cap instead00:54
clarkb~= is a cap00:54
mordredgreghaynes: oh! btw - it does an in-place transform which we should probably figure out how to kill00:54
mordredgreghaynes: as it kills the raw file00:54
clarkboslo is no better or worse than * and should be treated the same00:55
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mordredgreghaynes: OR - we should copy the raw file first00:55
jogoclarkb:  use <= currently installed version, for everything but oslo libs. where we use '~='. Since we trust oslo to not break things for is00:55
jogoand when they do we move to00:55
greghaynesyes, ill just copy it for now00:55
clarkbjogo I dont see reason for the distinction00:55
clarkba dep is a dep00:56
clarkbI dont trust oslo00:56
jogoclarkb: oslo lib owners know about are release cycle and will maintain stable branches etc.00:56
clarkbhistory says oslo will break stable just as ofteb as everything else00:56
jogothat is completely different though00:56
jogoanyway yeah, unless you will do the work ...00:57
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clarkbits a single global list of deps00:57
clarkbany one can break you00:57
jogoclarkb: those weren't compatible dot releases00:57
clarkboslo by definition isnt special here00:57
jogo(0.1.0 vs 0.2.0)00:57
jogo(0.1.0 vs 0.2.0 or 0.1.0 vs 0.1.1)00:57
jogoso take that up with dhellmann00:58
jogobut lets revisit this in a bit00:58
jogowant to hear more from tchaypo00:58
clarkbjogo no I think go the other routr00:58
jogoas I am hoping to sucker him into doing work :)00:58
clarkbuse ~= on all deps00:58
jogoclarkb: so I have a hunch others share your view. so why not respond to the ML thread sigmavirus24 started00:59
clarkbjogo because its a day off :)00:59
mordredgreghaynes: btw - this whole thing is so bonghits00:59
clarkbI havent read the ML today00:59
clarkbmordred YES01:00
tchaypotchaypo is confused by this discussion01:00
jogoclarkb: I know. why is everyone here01:00
tchaypotchaypo has nothing to say right now01:00
jogotchaypo: just ignore what we said01:00
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greghaynesmordred: oh, I can tell. I was just thinking of how I miss the days when getting software to work required hunting down a random patch on some mailing list01:01
jogotchaypo: TL;DR do we allow room for compatible releases in the requirements file01:01
greghaynesIn an I totally wasnt thinking that kind of way01:01
tchaypooh. I think the answer to that is no01:02
jogotchaypo: so say pip-freeze says foo==1.0.0, in global requirements do we say: foo<=1.0.0 or foo<=1.1.001:02
jogotchaypo: so say pip-freeze says foo==1.0.0, in global requirements do we say: foo<=1.0.0 or foo<1.1.0*01:02
tchaypofor master, sure. for stable, the requirements should be “this exact config is known to be stable"01:02
mordredgreghaynes: :)01:02
tchaypowe can’t possibly assert that versions that aren’t released yet will be stable01:03
jogotchaypo: right, so the risk there is if a bug fix comes out stable-maint must semi manually accept the new release01:03
tchaypothat makes sense to me.01:03
mordredbecause we have seen ZERO examples of the positive thing happening01:03
mordredand 10000000 examples of the negative thing happening01:03
mordredthe "what if a bug fix comes out" is a complete myth01:03
mordredit has literally never happened and not broken something01:03
jogomordred: who fixes bugs, we just call them features01:03
mordredjogo: ++01:04
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mordredI mean, the only think worse than python releases are jenkins releases01:04
tchaypoIf pip-freeze says  foo==1.0.0, shouldn’t global-requirements say  foo==1.0.0?01:04
mordredtchaypo: there is a camp of us who believe that01:04
clarkbmordred pbr did it recently01:04
tchaypoI wouldn’t want to say <=1.0.0 because I don’t know what features are missing from 0.9.901:04
clarkbmordred so the positive case happens01:04
tchaypoand I wouldn’t want to say <1.1.0 because I don’t know what bugs 1.0.1 will have01:04
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mordredclarkb: sure. but maybe if the stable-maint team didn't have to spend 100% of their time chasing the negative cases, they could positively bump requirements from time to time01:05
mordredalso - if nobody in stable got that pbr release, neat01:05
mordredunless someone needed it, in which case they could propose it01:05
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jogotchaypo: so global reqs is used for two semi distinct things01:06
mordredrmdir: failed to remove ‘debian/vhd-util/usr/local/share/doc/xen’: Directory not empty01:06
mordredis why debian packaging sucks01:06
mordredI DON'T CARE01:06
jogotchaypo: 1) specify versions we test in the gate. 2) signal to downstream consumers what versions we are compatible with01:06
jogotchaypo: from the gate point of view I think using '==' makes the most sense01:06
mordredmaking me figure out why usr/local/share/doc/xen has a file in it is a complete and total waste of time01:07
jogotchaypo: from the downstream consumer point of view, I may want to test and validate a different set of deps. But I want to know what range upstream *thinks* maybe safe01:07
tchaypomy understanding is that == isn’t a complete fix (because of possible conflicts with system packages) but it’s a neccessary part of the fix01:07
jogotchaypo: but really that distinction of which to use should be made by stable-maint team01:07
clarkbtchaypo and turing complete packaging01:07
clarkbbut it does help quite a bit01:07
tchaypoyeah, downstreams should feel free to maintain their own patch on top of the requirements if they want :)01:07
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tchaypoclarkb: well yes. that too.01:08
clarkbtchaypo no push them up01:08
tchaypohas anyone implemented a rubix cube solver in setup.py yet?01:08
jogotchaypo: so see my commit message https://github.com/openstack/requirements/commit/499db6b64071c2afa16390ad2bc024e6a96db4ff01:08
jogotchaypo: and this https://github.com/openstack/requirements/commit/499db6b64071c2afa16390ad2bc024e6a96db4ff#diff-19163fe3a94f2bd3c8227ad62f5d069aR2301:08
jogothis is the insanity that is deps01:09
clarkbmy favorite setup.py thing recently was someone showed me package that opened a link in your browser upon install01:09
jogopip-freeze says suds 0.4.101:09
jogowhich isn't even out yet01:09
jogobut ubuntu has it01:09
jogoclarkb: amazing01:09
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tchaypo"Grenade and tempest-full pip-freezes are different and do not work with each other"01:10
jogopretty fun isn't it01:10
greghaynesmordred: so, does it really matter that vhd-util modified the raw in place? AIUI the only reason we re-convert images even when we dont need to is to save space01:10
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greghaynesthe caching shouldnt be an issue because we cache the original rootfs tarball/cloudimage, not the converted raw (I think)01:11
jogoand we use a lower ibvirt-python then we allow in g-r01:11
tchaypodo you mean that “pip freeze in these environments results in different output from the same input”?01:11
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jogotchaypo: correct. well very similar inputs01:11
jogoboth stable/juno packages01:12
tchaypoor do you meant that we need different dependencies because of other dependencies (eg, the issue where tempest itself was requiring a different version of something than the tools it was testing required)?01:12
jogoerr openstack synced with g-r01:12
jogotchaypo: tempest is now self contained01:12
jogoso it can require anything and won't break the world01:12
tchaypore suds 0.4.1 - do we know how that happened? was it an issue where 0.4.1 release got pulled but the distros had already distributed it, or was it something else?01:12
jogotchaypo: download http://logs.openstack.org/40/154740/1/check/check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-full/c232cfe/logs/pip-freeze.txt.gz01:13
jogoand the grenade version of that pip freeze01:13
tchaypoclarkb: that’s nuts.01:13
jogoand diff them01:13
jogotchaypo: for suds all I know is this:01:13
jogo0.4 http://changelogs.ubuntu.com/changelogs/pool/main/s/suds/suds_0.4.1-11build1/changelog01:15
jogo  * Merging upstream version 0.4.01:15
jogoso they forked?01:15
adam_gdebian merged a beta01:15
adam_git looks like?01:15
adam_g* Merging upstream version
jogoadam_g: lol WTF01:16
adam_g-- Daniel Baumann <daniel@debian.org>  Sun, 31 Oct 2010 16:10:08 +010001:16
adam_ghttps://fedorahosted.org/suds/ lists 0.4.1 Beta (NOT AVAILABLE)01:16
jogoadam_g: so this is another issue -- we use a terrible mix of pip and apt-get installed python packages01:16
jogowe need to stop that01:16
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mordredplease god yes01:16
clarkb+1 to that01:17
jogoactually this shouldn't be too nard01:17
jogojust delete lines from devstack01:17
mordredjogo: I've made that patch like 4 times01:17
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jogomordred: and?01:17
clarkbjogo mordred you have to install "optional" deps too01:17
mordredwell, I either get shot down, or ignored, or somethign doesn't work01:17
clarkbso mysql-python, libvirt-python and so on01:18
marun+1 to pip only01:19
marunbtw, I've started prototyping something that would figure out the os dependency graph of neutron's python dependencies01:20
marunit's a manual process, but uses docker to try to install each dep in a bare system with only specified distro packages01:20
marunit's ubuntu only for now but could be extended to be multi-distro easily enough01:20
tchaypojogo: you also mentioned "more transparent reporting of stable branch statuses somehow.  So its easier to see if its working not working etc.” - could you elaborate on that?01:20
tchaypomarun: I think that if I said “can’t you just use pip-compile for that?” and pointed you at http://nvie.com/posts/better-package-management/01:21
tchaypoyou’d respond “no, because that doesn’t help you capture the dependencies you aren’t noticing because the system has them already"01:21
marunmanual meaning that I've had to deduce which os packages are required when failure occurs.  but validating that a package installs with only specified deps is easy with docker01:21
jogomarun: neat!01:21
tchaypodoes “os” in this instance mean “operating system” or “openstack”?01:21
maruntchaypo: ah, sorry01:22
marundistro pckages01:22
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jogotchaypo: yeah, so make it easier for everyone to know what the current status of stable branches are01:22
jogoare they working, broken etc.01:22
tchayposo a dashboard kind of thing?01:22
jogothat has been an issue when they break the world. stable maint people don't know right away01:22
adam_gspeaking of which01:22
adam_gnova stable/juno is currently broken01:22
jogotchaypo: yeah, not sure what it would look like. how that fits in other things01:22
jogoadam_g: ohh see I didn't even know that01:22
adam_gjogo, :)01:22
adam_ghttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/156410/ is needed there01:23
marunclarkb: does pip-compile install distro deps?01:23
clarkbit just lists deps from pip01:23
tchaypojogo: how do stable-maint people find out about the breakage?01:23
marunclarkb: so it's python-only deps?01:23
clarkbmarun aiui yes01:23
jogoanyway heading out for a bit01:23
tchaypoI’m hoping the answer is “the daily job fails and emails” rather than “someone complains eventually"01:23
marunclarkb: ah, ok.  That would make it easier to build the graph.01:24
adam_gtchaypo, both of those01:24
adam_gtchaypo, the daily jobs only run the project's py2*, doc jobs for bitrot01:24
marunclarkb: there is still a need to figure out which distro deps are required by a given python dep (if any)01:24
marunclarkb: that's the main thing I was doing, the hard way as it turns out.  pip-compile will make the process easier01:24
tchaypomarun: is your work somewhere I could take a look at it and see if I can contribute?01:24
adam_gtchaypo, when things like requirements break project wide tests like the tempest or grenade jobs, that usually doesnt get noticed until someone cant land code01:25
marunclarkb: I figure once it's done, we could add the relationship between python dep and distro dep to the requirements repo or something like that01:25
clarkb marun ya the mapping is the hard bit01:25
maruntchaypo: hah, no.  it's a shell script, yaml file, and some docker images.01:26
maruntchaypo: so, very little.  but if you want I could paste it up01:26
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tchaypomarun: well, I’m a bit jetlagged right now so I won’t be doing anything with it tonight anyway01:31
maruntchaypo: I'll work on getting it up on github later this week then.01:32
pleia2anteaya: thanks, honored to be considered among that list01:32
tchaypoand for tomorrow my goal is just to play with devstack01:32
maruntchaypo: feel free to poke me if I'm too slow.01:32
tchaypothat’d be cool :)01:32
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Use Python 3 compatible configparser  https://review.openstack.org/15592202:07
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Use TempDir fixture for working dir  https://review.openstack.org/15595602:20
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openstackgerritImran Hayder Malik proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add details to credentials param in scm docs  https://review.openstack.org/15614102:24
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Use TempDir fixture for working dir  https://review.openstack.org/15595602:35
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ironic grenade fail 1422556  https://review.openstack.org/15645303:32
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Run openstackclient functional tests against keystoneclient master  https://review.openstack.org/15645603:47
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use nodepool 'generate-log-config' command to generate log config  https://review.openstack.org/15645704:17
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add generate-log-config command  https://review.openstack.org/15390404:18
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix bytes vs string python 3 issues  https://review.openstack.org/15596904:22
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openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix bytes vs string python 3 issues  https://review.openstack.org/15596904:36
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andrey-mpplease, can someone review this - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156293/ ?05:14
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs to the magnum gate  https://review.openstack.org/14933405:24
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add docs to the magnum gate  https://review.openstack.org/14933405:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use correct regex for EC2 tempest gating  https://review.openstack.org/15629305:36
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Make gerritbot report changes from Gerrit 2.9.4 branch  https://review.openstack.org/15545005:48
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Spec for nodepool image update retries  https://review.openstack.org/15530507:47
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devvesagood morning. could a core dev do a quick review on this patch? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156268/08:04
devvesai would appreciate a lot, cause it blocks our development08:04
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amotokihi infra team, could you add me (amotoki@gerrit) to the inital gerrit groups for our stackforge projets? the group names are networking-nec-*08:16
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gilliardDoes anyone else find underscore characters to be invisible in gerrit's code view?08:25
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AJaegerdevvesa: please ping again at US time. I already +2ed and I'm not sure whether jhesketh or SergeyLukjanov are around to review 15626808:28
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add nodepool image testing spec.  https://review.openstack.org/13959808:28
AJaegeramotoki: I'm sure one of the admins will add amotiki@gerrit to networking-nic groups in Jenkins. Let's ask fungi or clarkb and hope for scroll back ;)08:29
AJaegeramotoki: both are US based, so will take a few hours.08:29
AJaegergilliard: do you have an example review to look at?08:29
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devvesaAJaeger: ok. I'll try again this afternoon08:30
devvesa('my' afternoon :) )08:30
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AJaegerdevvesa: If you're also European based, it's our afternoon ;)08:32
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anteayagood afternoon08:37
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anteayamikal: prepatory ping to you for nova-net to neutron migration meeting in 23 minutes08:37
gilliardAJaeger: I'm looking at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/151664/2/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py,cm line 534608:38
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AJaegergood morning, anteaya. What timezone are you in?08:38
anteayaAJaeger: eastern08:39
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AJaegeranteaya do you have time to help devvesa with approving https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156268/ ?08:39
anteayathe middle of the night meetings08:39
AJaegeranteaya: time to sleep!08:39
anteayaafter meetings08:39
gilliardAJaeger: http://i.imgur.com/2e0WqfY.png08:39
AJaegergilliard: this displays just fine in firefox for me08:39
AJaegergilliard: in 5350 you have the underscores but not in 534608:40
anteayagilliard: I'm in firefox I can not see the underscores on the line you mention08:40
AJaegergilliard: try without colours: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/151664/2/nova/virt/libvirt/driver.py08:40
anteayaAJaeger: I confirm what you see08:41
AJaegergilliard: works in chromium nicely as well for me08:41
gilliardso I see 'VIR DOMAIN JOB FAILED' and yous all see 'VIR_DOMAIN_JOB_FAILED' ?08:41
AJaegergilliard: correct08:42
anteayahang on08:42
gilliardOK no worries. I'll just change the font a bit with a script. It's usually pretty obvious where the _ are.08:42
anteayain line 5346 of the view you posted gilliard I do not see the underscores08:42
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anteayagilliard: why are you using that view?08:43
anteayacan you use the old view that AJaeger posted?08:43
AJaegeryes, the screenshot does not show it08:43
anteayagilliard: I believe you are using the new view in gerrit08:43
anteayayou can set it in settings08:43
gilliardyes I changed at the nova midcycle because it seems a bit nicer on the whole-patch view. but an individual file view has this problem.08:43
gilliardThe old view is fine http://i.imgur.com/1SBrjMR.png08:45
anteayagilliard: yes that is what I see08:46
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anteayadevvesa: so do you need to keep pypi jobs on your repo or not? Your commit message says you don't need them yet they are still in http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/jobs/projects.yaml#n3743 as well as the zuul/layout.yaml file08:47
anteayadevvesa: if you don't need pypi jobs can you remove them in both files please?08:47
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openstackgerritBob Ball proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add support for requsting that config-drive be used.  https://review.openstack.org/15577008:47
gilliardYou can see from L#5350 that it's not happening on every _ char, so I figure it's a rendering bug in firefox, but no harm in asking :)08:47
anteayaI find it concerning that one of gerrit's views is changing the code08:48
devvesaanteaya: oh. that's a typo error. I meant pypy08:48
anteayaI consider removing underscores from the view to be changing the code08:48
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anteayadevvesa: can you update the commit message please?08:48
gilliardYes I've almost -1'd a couple of patches because of what I thought must be typos.08:48
anteayagilliard: that is concerning08:49
openstackgerritJaume Devesa proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove jobs for networking-midonet patches  https://review.openstack.org/15626808:49
devvesaanteaya: AJaeger: done08:49
anteayagilliard: do you know if there is any bug filed to gerrit about it?08:49
anteayanot sure if it is a gerrit issue or browser issue08:49
gilliardI'll have a look.08:50
anteayabut if the old view doesnt' do it and the new view does, I would start with gerrit08:50
anteayagilliard: thanks08:50
amotokiAJaeger: thanks. I know it is mainly US based. I wil request it later.08:50
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devvesaanteaya: thanks08:51
gilliardsorry, anteaya, better link: http://code.google.com/p/gerrit/issues/detail?id=173408:52
gilliardBug is over 2 years old...08:52
anteayaI don't know what to suggest08:52
gilliardI'll get over it :)08:53
anteayadoes the description match your experience?08:53
anteayagilliard: :)08:53
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gilliardperhaps I'll start by removing all the underscores from nova.08:54
anteayagilliard: hey, there's an idea08:55
anteayasure to have a beneficial outcome08:55
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AJaegerdevvesa: I'll approve your patch soon08:56
AJaegeramotoki: I hope one of the admins scrolls back the chat channel and just does the right thing ;)08:57
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devvesaAJaeger: awesome. Thanks for taking care of this08:58
AJaegerdevvesa: you're welcome!08:59
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove jobs for networking-midonet patches  https://review.openstack.org/15626809:03
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AJaegerdevvesa: Now the setup needs to be updated, if you run recheck on your change in half an hour, the jobs should be removed.09:05
devvesaAJaeger: Gotcha! Thanks09:07
devvesaAJaeger: there is a job in the 'post' pipeline called 'publish-specs-site' in zuul09:08
devvesado I have to wait this one?09:08
AJaegerno need to wait for that one09:09
AJaegerthese are independent09:09
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anteayajhesketh: are you in a postion to rouse gus and mikal?09:16
anteayajhesketh: they are awol at the migration meeting and I kind of need them both09:16
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jheskethanteaya: outside of pinging them like you just did I hold no special powers sorry09:28
jheskethI'll send them a text though09:28
anteayajhesketh: thank you09:28
anteayajhesketh: oh that may help09:28
jheskethanteaya: unfortunately mikal apologises he will not be able to attend09:30
anteayajhesketh: thanks for texting him and relaying the message09:31
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anteayahe did inform me it was right in the middle of putting children to bed09:31
anteayabut I was hopeful09:31
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jheskethyeah, he's also been up since incredibly early09:38
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix wrong casing in JDKAxis <name> tag  https://review.openstack.org/15651909:39
anteayajhesketh: ah yeah that would do it too09:39
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix error notifications  https://review.openstack.org/15524209:41
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove jenkins console-log publisher from infra  https://review.openstack.org/15652009:42
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable swift logs for python jobs  https://review.openstack.org/15652109:42
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Upload python test results to swift  https://review.openstack.org/15652209:42
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openstackgerritVictor Sergeyev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python3.4 job to Ironic  https://review.openstack.org/15653010:05
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openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed openstack-infra/lodgeit: Check if MySQL connection are alive  https://review.openstack.org/15653210:16
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix wrong casing in JDKAxis <name> tag  https://review.openstack.org/15651910:17
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bup: Make backups period configurable  https://review.openstack.org/15654210:57
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add an index on accesstokens table tor access_token column  https://review.openstack.org/15654310:58
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Not even close to finished - use shade  https://review.openstack.org/15632211:19
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bup: Make backups period configurable  https://review.openstack.org/15654211:19
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Split auth in api and change user_tokens  https://review.openstack.org/15359111:34
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bup: Make backups period configurable  https://review.openstack.org/15654211:42
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openstackgerritVictor Sergeyev proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add python3.4 job to Ironic  https://review.openstack.org/15653011:48
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed openstack-infra/puppet-bup: Make backups period configurable  https://review.openstack.org/15654211:59
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Datetime instances from SQLAlchemy now all contain timezone.  https://review.openstack.org/15508312:32
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Authorization codes validate on TTL.  https://review.openstack.org/15508412:37
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gilliardHi Infra. 'recheck' or 'reverify' ? I get conflicting reports of which I should use. Is there a doc somewhere?12:41
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AJaegergilliard: recheck, see the infra manual12:48
gilliardI don't see anything in the -dev ML recently, and https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GerritJenkinsGit looks out of date12:48
AJaegergilliard: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#automated-testing12:48
gilliardAJaeger: Thanks :)12:49
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* AJaeger just added a short note to the wiki page12:51
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Split auth in api and change user_tokens  https://review.openstack.org/15359113:06
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added branches to storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/15044713:42
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mordredzaro: when you get in, see the scrollback between gilliard AJaeger and anteaya13:44
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AJaegermorning, mordred!13:44
mordredmorning AJaeger !13:45
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for layout configuration split  https://review.openstack.org/15229013:50
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openstackgerritAleksey Ripinen proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Added milestones  https://review.openstack.org/15250013:57
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fungiamotoki seems to have dropped off, but i added him as the initial member of networking-nec-core and networking-nec-release per scrollback. also made networking-nec-release the owner of networking-nec-ci14:01
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AJaegerthanks fungi!14:04
AJaegerand good morning, fungi!14:05
fungiAJaeger: thanks, it's definitely morning here, but the goodness has yet to be empirically determined14:06
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openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for layout configuration split  https://review.openstack.org/15229014:11
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AJaegerfungi: Let's assume it's good until the days convinces us otherwise - instead of the other way round ;)14:13
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openstackgerritgordon chung proposed openstack/requirements: add ceilometermiddleware  https://review.openstack.org/15460714:15
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mordredAJaeger: I agree14:25
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mordredfungi: btw - it's -8 here and we've gotten probably another 2 inches of snow - so just a normal tuesday14:33
mordredhow's the winter storm for you?14:33
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fungimordred: mostly ice here--we got freezing rain mixed with sleet. i'm reserving judgement until after lunchtime, but the big issue is that i'm looking at an 80+ mile drive to norfolk on long bridges and poorly-maintained back roads, along with the distinct possibility that after all that the airport might still decide that it can't operate early morning flights tomorrow when everything refreezes14:36
fungiso it's sort of wait-and-see here still14:36
AJaegerfungi: ;(14:37
mordredfungi: you people with your not-living-inside-of-airports choices14:39
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fungimordred: those chairs get uncomfortable after a few days14:40
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fungittx: anteaya: tristanC: is there any preliminary plan for who's officiating the interim tripleo ptl election?14:43
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tristanChum, good question. If no one shows up, should it be up to the TC to find an interim ?14:47
fungitristanC: i think if nobody working on a particular project wants to be ptl, then nobody's really working on that project and it doesn't need to continue ;)14:48
fungitristanC: at least in the past, while we've had some close calls, we've never had a situation where nobody self-nominated for an official election14:49
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: actually save hook logs  https://review.openstack.org/15660514:49
sdaguefungi: ^^^14:49
sdaguethat would be kind of nice to get in sooner rather than later14:50
fungitristanC: usually all it takes is jogo threatening to become their ptl, and _someone_ will volunteer14:50
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mordredfungi: what if we elected jogo ptl of everything?14:50
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sdaguefungi: thanks14:55
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fungisince Ng was the first to reply on that thread, i think he's the defacto nominee14:59
Ng"tag, you're it!"15:00
NgI hope jslagle stands :)15:00
timrcHello, for https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156252/ -- would someone who has access to a rax node be willing to test run this for me to confirm it works?15:01
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fungitimrc: i'll give it a try now15:01
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timrcfungi, Thank you!15:02
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fungitimrc: looking at it, i think the first problem you're going to find in rax is lack of a metadata server15:02
timrcfungi, Oh :P lol.15:03
fungitimrc: suspicion confirmed, no response from
timrcfungi, Well I learned something today.15:03
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fungitimrc: however it might be available via configdrive15:03
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fungitimrc: do you have a public ssh key i can grant access? i can help you dig into the configdrive details15:04
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timrcfungi, http://paste.openstack.org/show/5zPcyyyJSYnTS0GHAoEV/15:05
mordredfungi, timrc: honestly, I'd kinda prefer to have nodepool write the UUID like it writes other things15:05
timrcmordred, I thought about that as well.15:05
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clarkbI dont think we configdrive yet15:05
mordredmetadata service is pretty flaky to be something to be used in a test node15:05
clarkbyou have to request configdrive right?15:05
mordredyou do15:06
fungimordred: yeah, we could just stuff it in /etc/nodepool/15:06
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mordredbut - during node boot, you'll have access to the uuid, so writing it to /etc/nodepool would be safe for both clouds and perfectly scalable15:06
fungivia the ready script15:06
fungiclarkb: yeah, i would have to manually boot an instance with configdrive. however i have one handy in another tenant15:06
timrcI'd prefer not to reach out over the network to get this information if that's a possibility (which it sounds like it is)15:07
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clarkbalso why is node uuid importamt in the build log?15:07
clarkbthat should be transparent15:07
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clarkband if actually needed is retrievable from nodepool logs15:08
mordredclarkb: to help diagnose cloud issues15:08
fungiclarkb: i think it's in case we need to open a case with the provider?15:08
clarkbmordred see nodepool log15:08
fungibut yeah, we do have that data, it's just not published15:08
mordredclarkb: yeah - that's way more not-accessible to people15:08
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clarkbmordred its accessible to the people that can fix cloud problems or submit tickets15:08
mordredclarkb: that might not be the case in all deployments15:09
mordredclarkb: where, for instance, there may be teams of people who would like to help diagnose and fix underlying cloud issues, but who are not infra-core or infra-root equiv15:09
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mordredalso - pretty much anything where the answer is "go look in the log file on the server" should be treated as a bug because it's an instance of bottlenecking working on an issue on us, even upstream15:10
mordredI mean, if the gate is goign bonkers in the middle of the night, one could imagine someone without root looking athte build logs and talking to someone at their cloud-provider company to see if there are endemic cloud problems15:11
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clarkbsure, that could happen15:11
timrcclarkb, In which log is the uuid written? nodepool.log or debug.log?15:12
clarkbI dont think its a bad idea was trying to understand the use case behind it15:12
clarkbtimrc both15:12
clarkbpretty sure the uuid is logged at info level15:12
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timrcclarkb, Giving people that are having failing runs due to things like network failures the information they need to pass along for someone to diagnose the problem at a physical level.  By the time network failures are detected the node is usually deleted, so having that uuid printed to the log at least gives them something to work with.15:13
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Initial integration tests for storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/15604415:14
timrcI'm not seeing the uuid in nodepool.log and I found something that I thought was the uuid in the debug log, but it didn't have hyphens..15:14
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clarkbtimrc I see. It is a good thing if you can get hpcloud to proactively debug things :)15:15
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove tripleo-test-cloud-hp1 from nodepool config  https://review.openstack.org/15661515:15
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timrcclarkb, Ah I think my mistake was looking at zuul logs.15:17
timrcAnd not the more obvious nodepool logs :)15:17
mordredtimrc: :)15:18
mordredtimrc: and yes, I agree with clarkb - since the network errors you're seeing are almost certainly the same network errors we're seeing - if this helps folks fix it, AWESOME15:18
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anteayafungi: we can invoke this: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/governance/tree/resolutions/20141128-elections-process-for-leaderless-programs.rst15:19
timrcmordred, Okay well, I'll take your advice and write this out to /etc/nodepool and read from that rather than relying on a meta service server being available.15:19
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mordredanteaya: we've had precedent for a PTL stepping down mid-cycle before too - when gabriel stepped down from horizon and david-lyle took over15:21
clarkbtimrc looks like it may be debug for uuid though15:21
mordredanteaya: that time gabriel just appointed david essentially15:21
anteayathe precent for stepping down is appointment15:22
anteayain which case no election is needed15:22
clarkbthere is an info level launchnode log that logs nodepool id but cloud uuid appears to be debug15:22
anteayait happened at least one other time as well15:22
mordredit did?15:22
anteayastraight appointment15:22
* mordred is losing his memory15:22
anteayait might not have been an openstack repo ptl15:22
mordredSpamapS: ^^15:22
anteayaso many repos15:22
anteayaso the way I see it, 3 opions15:23
yolandaAJaeger, you rock, really, you reviewed the patch almost immediately15:23
yolandaso yes, i turned to non-voting and only for check15:23
anteayaI'm leaving, here is my replacement, nothting to see here, let's get to work15:23
anteayaI'm leaving, peace out, in which case either have an election or invoke the tc resolution15:24
yolandai need feedback from zuul-cloner, jeblair will take a look today15:24
AJaegeryolanda: fine with me - almost is 6 mins ;)15:24
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yolandaamazing :)15:24
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anteayaso for the election option to work, we need candidates15:24
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AJaegerso, first a call for candidates, correct?15:25
fungitimrc: just to get you pointed in the right direction, you'll likely want to remotely write something like an /etc/nodepool/node_uuid file in nodepool.NodeLauncher.writeNodepoolInfo()15:25
anteayaif we don't have an appointment yes15:26
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anteayalet me read my email now15:26
anteayathen I will come back15:26
AJaegerdoes anybody know what's HP "changed focus for deployment" is?15:26
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timrcfungi, Thanks for the tip.15:26
fungiAJaeger: i would assume there are more details on the way at some point15:27
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BobBallIs there any way to automate setting "xenapi_use_agent=false" on an image created by nodepool?15:30
mordredBobBall: it's currently in work15:31
clarkbis that a metadata value?15:31
mordredclarkb: it's a glance property15:31
BobBallmordred: via https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154132/5/tools/update-rax-metadata.sh ?15:31
clarkbnodepool supports arbitrary metadata on images already15:31
mordredBobBall: don't listen to me then - it's already ni15:31
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sdaguefungi: can you give me a dpkg -l of a base image for nodepool? I'm trying to figure out what installs python-requests15:33
sdaguebecause that seems like devstack doesn't go anywhere near it, and it would be nice to get that out of the base image15:33
clarkbcloud init15:33
clarkbsdague ^15:34
sdagueoh really?15:34
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mordredit's one of the reasons I want cloud-init out of our base images15:34
rcarrillocruzfolks, do you know if nodepool have support for user-data customization scripts?15:34
fungiclarkb: sdague: interestingly not in rax15:34
mordredfungi: rax doesn't use cloud-init15:34
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sdagueright, and cloud init needs it because python is stupid pants and doesn't validate certs15:35
mordredso - this is why I've been working on making sure we can have base images that do not need cloud-init or nova-agent15:35
mordredbecause otherwise we step on test content15:35
sdagueok, I missed that point15:35
sdaguegood to know15:35
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed openstack/requirements: Bump pycadf to 0.8.0  https://review.openstack.org/15565215:36
sdaguewell, in parallel I started doing this patch - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156594/15:36
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sdagueso I think that + your thing gets us close15:36
mordredsdague: AWESOME15:36
fungiyeah, that's been a long time coming15:36
mordredsdague: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154132/15:36
mordredthere's my thing, fwiw15:36
mordredwell, it and the patch before it15:36
sdaguebut I just realized in the last run that devstack isn't installing python-requests even secondarily15:36
mordredsdague: for now you could put in a hack-around for it to uninstall python-requests15:37
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mordredsdague: it'll cause cloud-init to uninstall, but by that point, that is not a problem15:37
sdagueyeh, true15:37
clarkbor just use --upgrade on requests special cased15:38
anteayafungi: thanks responded15:38
sdaguethough, in reality, that's also fixable with dtroyer's venv direction as well15:38
anteayaso here is a question, I don't know if we have had a ptl election in the middle of a release before15:38
fungisdague: have you tried stacking a change on top of that which just dumps dpkg -l into the devstack log and then see what's still missing (and try go get samples from runs in both rax and hpcloud)?15:38
anteayaI'm uncertain what the eligility period is for collecting the electorate15:39
anteayaI believe it should be 365 days prior to the election15:39
anteayasdague: will there be a tc meeting today?15:39
mordredanteaya: I think ttx actually proposed skipping it today15:39
anteayasdague: I potentially have a question for the tc15:39
anteayamordred: yes he did, he left the decision up to sdague15:40
anteayawho would be chairing if one were held15:40
sdaguefungi: haven't yet, though I think per mordred's info I'm not sure I need that now15:40
sdagueanteaya: oh, I was under the impression that it confirmed that it would be skipped15:40
anteayaI might need to ask the tc about the elegibility period for an impromptu election15:40
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* sdague goes and reads the email more careful15:40
anteayawell I'm going to go with 365 days then15:41
mordredsdague: that was my impression too15:41
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sdagueanteaya: given the suddenness on this, I don't think it would be appropriate agenda content anyway, we try to set the agenda at least a day in advance15:41
anteayasdague: fair enough15:42
sdagueso I'd suggest starting an ML thread instead15:42
anteayatrue since if we have an election, we have to have nominations open for a week15:42
anteayaso that gives us time to determine the time span for eligible voters15:43
anteayaI'll wait to hear from tripleo if they want to appoint or elect15:43
mordredyeah - some of it's quite moot if there are less than 2 people interested in the positino15:43
anteayahappy to ferret out the concencous but only if we have at least 2 nominees15:44
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sdagueok, I responded to the tc email thread to cancel the meeting15:46
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rverchikovGuys, what is the process of adding users to a group on gerrit? Mostly interested in this group: https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/597,members15:48
anteayasdague: thanks15:48
anteayawomen are present in the channel as well15:49
anteayasome might even be able to respond to your question15:49
clarkbrcarrillocruz: no direct support but nodepool does know how to run a ready script prior to marking a node active15:49
clarkbrcarrillocruz: that can approximate the user data scripts that nova supports15:49
rcarrillocruzyeah, just wondering if the nova thing was already in... for some reason i thought i read something about it in the channel lately, configdrive/user-data or something15:50
rcarrillocruzmust have been for shade15:50
rcarrillocruzwill search, thx15:50
anteayamordred: it was the marconi/zaqar appointment15:51
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clarkbrcarrillocruz: config drive is independent of the user data here since I don't think nodepool knows how to supply user data to the config drive that is eventually mounted15:54
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rverchikovanteaya: I didn't want to be offensive, it's just my poor english, to me "guys" means "all", nothing personal15:56
anteayaall works then15:56
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anteayayou ask fungi to add you to the cloudv-core group in gerrit15:57
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anteayaif he needs more info he will ask15:57
anteayafor instance is rverchikov your gerrit username?15:58
anteayathen that makes it easy for him15:58
clarkbany gerrit admin can do it...15:58
anteayaclarkb: able to do it?15:58
clarkbya taking a look now15:58
anteayaclarkb: thanks15:59
rverchikovclarkb: Thanks!15:59
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sdake_wscan someone with magic powers use #endmeeting in openstack-meeting-alt?16:01
sdake_wssomeone left theirmeeting open16:01
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sdake_wsnm, all set16:01
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fungisdake_ws: if it's been more than an hour, anyone can16:02
clarkbsdake_ws: fwiw anyone can do it an hour after the meeting was started16:02
rverchikovanteaya, clarkb: could you share a link which describes the process of adding new users to a gerrit group? I think I'm not the only person who should be added to cloudv-core group (and I don't have a list of all users at the moment)16:03
anteayarverchikov: we add one, you add the rest yourself16:04
clarkbrverchikov: you have been added to cloudv-core and cloudv-release16:04
rverchikovgreat, thank you!16:04
anteayarverchikov: go to the core page you should see a text box and a button named add16:04
anteayaadd whoever you need to16:04
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rverchikovyes, seem to be working, thanks!16:05
sdake_wsfungi clarkb ook thanks I tried #endmeeting and it didn't seem to work16:06
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anteayasdake_ws: sc68cal ended it for you16:07
anteayaat 16:0116:07
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SergeyLukjanovfolks, could you please take a look on my attempt on puppet scripts? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156542/ (make bup backup period configurable externally)16:08
sc68calsorry I got interrupted for a couple seconds and didn't end the meeting at 1600 sharp16:09
anteayasdake_ws: it didn't work for you since the meeting was still in progress and had to be ended by the chair16:09
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sdakeya its al lgood folks16:10
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sdagueso... the ironic jobs are all fail now? - http://logs.openstack.org/05/156605/1/check/check-tempest-dsvm-ironic-pxe_ssh/7a823fa//logs/devstacklog.txt.gz ?16:15
sdaguethat's the 2nd change of mine today that it's errored like that16:15
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clarkbpossible they added a new image and we haevn't cached it yet?16:17
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: lgtm16:17
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clarkbsdague: I don't see any new images in a quick grep through devstack's git log16:18
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, thx16:19
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Use remote git path in DEVSTACK_LOCAL_CONFIG  https://review.openstack.org/15521716:19
clarkbsdague: oh I see that part of the job is running DIB to make an image16:19
clarkbsdague: and that image builds needs the trusty base image. So likely just missed caching here16:19
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dvorakI'm probably missing something obvious, but I've got gate tests failing due to rubygems being flakey.  How do you retrigger gate tests to run again?16:21
dvorakit looks like "recheck no bug" just retriggers the check tests16:22
clarkbdvorak: `recheck` and `reverify` are now equivalent and you have to pass check before going to the gate. So if you have a -1 then recheck should send you to check to get a +1 and if ou get a +1 it should go to the gate16:22
dvorakhuh, ok, so the gate tests may just be queued and not run yet?16:23
clarkbdvorak: maybe you can check at http://status.openstack.org/zuul/16:23
AJaegerdvorak: just "recheck" is enough, no need to pass "no bug"16:23
dvorakok.  I'll do some more research, thanks :)16:23
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Not even close to finished - use shade  https://review.openstack.org/15632216:26
openstackgerritTristan Cacqueray proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for layout configuration split  https://review.openstack.org/15229016:27
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sdagueclarkb: so nothing has changed recently in devstack in this area16:34
sdaguewhat specifies that base image?16:35
clarkbsdague: disk image builder16:36
clarkbBobBall: I have reviewed your nodepool change to enable config drive as an option. couple of small things noted inline16:36
sdagueso disk image builder had a release, and now the ironic jobs are the fail until some time in the future?16:36
clarkbsdague: possibly, or ironic changed their base image from say precise to trusty16:37
clarkbsdague: OR if you look at the log the host the file lives on doesn't respond so it could be something changed ubuntu side16:37
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clarkbI guess I can check if it pings from here16:38
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clarkbya `telnet 80` establishes a connection from here16:38
BobBallthanks clarkb - new patchset on it's way!16:39
* BobBall just does a few tests first...16:39
sdagueso that to me indicates that this whole test path is too fragile to be voting16:39
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mordredsdague: if we turns off voting on a piece of the stack every time a part of the environment caused a problem, there would be no gating jobs in openstack16:40
sdaguemordred: well, my patience with jobs connecting to the open internet is low16:42
jeblairclarkb: nodepool image log mentions trusty-server-cloudimg-amd64-root.tar.gz16:42
jeblairsdague: ^16:42
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clarkbjeblair: ya I think devstack knows where to get that image but dib doesn't16:42
jeblairclarkb: that sounds reasonable16:42
mordredsdague: sure. but it seems to be a bug in the script, not a "whole test path too fragile"16:43
jeblairat any rate, way forward seems to be to have that script use the local cache...16:44
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sdagueok, so who's working on it?16:44
mordredgreghaynes, SpamapS: ^^ you're both smart in this area16:44
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jeblairdevananda: ^16:44
sdaguemore importantly, dib should have a fail if talks to the network mode16:44
mordredoh yeah. devananda too :)16:44
mordredsdague: ++16:45
jeblairthat would be swell16:45
sdaguebut, the fact that it doesn't, does mean it's adding a ton of fragility, on a job that has managed to stick itself on a ton of projects16:45
sdaguejeblair: unrelated, but on a patch that got nailed by this, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156605/16:46
sdaguethat no longer passes unit tests, because the unit tests now try to sudo16:46
sdaguegot thoughts about the way to resolve that?16:46
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack/requirements: Remove failing project nova-docker  https://review.openstack.org/15626016:46
* greghaynes reads backscroll16:46
mordredgreghaynes: tl;dr - a) ironic's use of dib is not making use of the pre-downloaded base image that devstack-gate provides16:47
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mordredgreghaynes: b) we need to make sure dib has as "fail on attempt to access network" mode16:48
mordredgreghaynes: c) as a follow on from that, we really do need better integration between dib and d-g pre-caching16:48
clarkbsdague: should those test sudo?16:48
sdagueclarkb: the test does not16:48
mordredgreghaynes: in descending order of immediate importance and ascending order probably of difficulty16:48
greghaynesThere is an "offline mode" for dib, although its possible theres some places that dont use the setting properly16:48
sdagueit calls a function which needs sudo16:48
clarkbsdague: I see its the function, ya16:48
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sdaguebasically we've not been collecting hook logs for some large amount of time16:49
mordredgreghaynes: place that don't use the setting properly are just bugs - so the existence of the setting is awesome16:49
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Not even close to finished - use shade  https://review.openstack.org/15632216:49
sdaguebecause the collector didn't have permissions16:49
jeblairsdague: can we replace it with a fake?16:49
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jeblairsdague: put a 'sudo' in the start of $PATH?16:49
clarkbsdague: we could remove the sudo check from the job, though if there is some way to avoid that it would be nice (I like unittests that don't require priveleges)16:49
clarkbjeblair: ++16:49
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i'd rather be able to run unit tests locally16:50
sdagueoh, sure, pathing trick sounds interesting16:50
clarkbwould a sudo function work too?16:50
clarkbmight be easier in the context of the unittests16:50
jeblairor also call "$SUDO" and then define that conditionally...16:50
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jeblairclarkb, sdague: yeah, actually i think either the sudo function or variable approaches are probably preferable to pathing16:51
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ironic grenade bug 1422520  https://review.openstack.org/15645316:51
openstackbug 1422520 in grenade "check-grenade-dsvm-ironic-sideways failing test_list_baremetal_node" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142252016:51
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greghaynesYep, looks like cache-url doesnt make use of DIB_OFFLINE like it should16:52
greghaynesso thats a bug16:52
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greghaynesand also looks like the offline mode isnt used in that test16:54
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sdaguegreghaynes: could we get some dib tests that try to build a real image as part of that and tests some of these assumptions. It looks like the first time we try to do any of this for real is the check-tempest-dsvm-ironic-pxe_ssh job16:56
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: actually save hook logs  https://review.openstack.org/15660516:57
sdaguejeblair: so I made the minimum possible change for that, I think adding additional SUDO use can be future patches16:58
mordredyeah - if we could have a job that gates dib on building an image in offline mode that contains the elements that the ironic job would be containing (minus any elements from ironic)- that would be neat16:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ironic grenade bug 1422520  https://review.openstack.org/15645316:58
openstackbug 1422520 in grenade "check-grenade-dsvm-ironic-sideways failing test_list_baremetal_node" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1422520 - Assigned to Adam Gandelman (gandelman-a)16:58
mordredand would give us a template for a job that we could use to test the combination of dib elements that infra would be using too16:58
greghaynesSure, checking that offline mode 'works' is hard by dib itself since elements can do whatever they want. In this case it would just pass even if you passed offline mode because the element just doesnt respect it16:59
jeblairsdague: cool, thx16:59
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mordredgreghaynes: I betcha that ubuntu-minimal does not respect it all, come to think of it16:59
sdaguegreghaynes: what tools does it use to call out to the network?16:59
mordredgreghaynes: how hard would it be to run dib in a container without outbound network access?16:59
sdagueyou could poison them all16:59
mordredsdague: anything - elements are comprised of executable scripts17:00
greghaynescurl, git and pip are the big ones17:00
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greghaynesor just firewall off outbound port 80, 443 would hit most of it17:00
mordredgreghaynes: and apt-get and yum17:00
greghaynesoh right17:00
mordredgreghaynes: ++17:00
jeblairor put a counter on those ports17:00
greghaynesso yes, sounds like there are solutions :)17:01
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sdaguegreghaynes: you want to take https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/1375488 and assign it to dib as well for this? Because I think those fixes you are working on is the solution17:02
openstackLaunchpad bug 1375488 in OpenStack-Gate "ironic devstack jobs downloading from cloud-images.ubuntu.com occasionally fails" [Undecided,New]17:02
devanand_I think I'd prefer if the ironic jobs could just consume artifacts built by previous jobs, rather than running dib.17:04
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sdaguedevanand_: well no such other jobs exist at this point, right?17:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Update the test-metrics-db spec to reflect recent changes  https://review.openstack.org/14185517:04
mtreinish^^^ heh, I had forgotten about that17:05
devanand_Also, I need to make irssi/irccloud use the same account17:05
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devanand_sdague: the coreos image builder used by IPA17:05
sdaguedevanand_: hey, if you want to fix the jobs to not be doing this on the fly, more power to you :)17:06
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clarkbyolanda: commented on the storyboard integration tests change. let me know if you need more clarification on my comments17:06
devanand_jroll: the agent job fetches the image, rather than builds it, right?17:06
yolandaok, let me take a look17:06
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sdagueI mostly want whatever makes this more solid so that things like fixing devstack-gate bugs aren't blocked by it17:07
jrolldevanand_: agent_ssh fetches the image, agent_ssh-src builds it. run on ironic and ipa respectively17:07
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devanand_sdague: totally agree. I'm suggesting a better approach, which is what we're using with IPA17:07
yolandaclarkb, so there is no need of specifying master branch? i want that zuul-cloner runs the clone on zuul_ref for the {name} project, and the master branch for the {target_name} project17:07
yolandawill zuul-cloner figure itself?17:07
yolandait woud be much simpler then17:08
yolandaas i can create same jobs for the  2 projects17:08
jrolldevanand_: an IPA post job builds the image and publishes it, I think dib could do the same17:08
clarkbyolanda: zuul-cloner knows how to read the ZUUL_* env vars to checkout the correct branches based on what zuul has told it17:08
jrollsdague: ^17:08
yolandaoh, that's amazin17:08
yolandaso just 2 zuul-cloners without caring of branches and will do the job, right?17:09
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clarkbyolanda: just one zuul-cloner17:09
yolandabut i need 2 projects to be cloned17:09
clarkbyolanda: with a single list of projects to checkout17:09
yolandaah ok17:09
clarkbyolanda: ya you provide a list17:09
devanand_greghaynes: ^17:09
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clarkbyolanda: let me find an example17:10
yolandai digged on infra, but only saw the infra-config, that was one repo17:10
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clarkbyolanda: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/tools/apply-test.sh#n44 starts about there17:10
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clarkbyolanda: I don't think the clonemap.yaml is necessary for your use case so you should be able to ignore it17:11
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yolandaso either i use the clonemap and specify the list of projects there, or i pass them from command line, right?17:11
clarkbyolanda: no you always have to pass in from the command line I think. The clone map just overrides where things are cloned to if you need that17:12
yolandanot my case then17:12
clarkbyolanda: since puppet expects repos in specific locations we use the clonemap in that job but I don't think your job needs it17:12
yolandaclarkb, that's a really useful tool, i regret not having looked at that before17:13
yolandavery useful for some of our downstream builds17:13
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yolandaclarkb, to use it , we need to have that zuul binary installed on the slaves, right?17:13
yolandai think we are behind that17:13
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clarkbyolanda: yes, our image builds put it in a virtualenv then put that virtualenv's zuul-cloner executable in $PATH17:15
yolandait's worth to take a look, really17:16
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greghaynesdevanand_: hrm? the coreos-image-builder comment?17:19
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greghaynesIm guessing that must also have some type of pre-populated cache tooling, otherwise it has the same issue...17:21
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sdaguegreghaynes: I bet it doesn't, but it's a post job, so when it fails it just fails and doesn't stop anything17:25
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stevemarsdague, dhellmann SergeyLukjanov could i get a review of https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155652/ as it's holding up a keystone bp from landing in k317:27
stevemarmorganfainberg, ^17:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add test job for sheepdog devstack plugin  https://review.openstack.org/15460517:29
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zaronibalizer: replied to your concern on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155142/17:30
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sdaguestevemar: why is that holding things up?17:32
sdagueoh, I see17:33
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Not even close to finished - use shade  https://review.openstack.org/15632217:33
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: have swift functional tests use tox  https://review.openstack.org/15667617:35
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sdaguenotmyname: can you take a look at https://review.openstack.org/156676 when you get about, I think that should be a safe flip for swift17:36
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notmynamesdague: ya, I just did. just trying to grok it now17:37
sdaguemordred: also, ^^^ is needed to be able to land the devstack package pruning17:37
notmynamesdague: so using tox instead of the included .functests script?17:37
sdaguenotmyname: correct17:37
sdaguewhich means the test requirements will get installed for the test17:37
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notmynamesdague: I don't understand why that changes requirements17:37
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sdagueso, if you tox -e func17:38
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sdagueit builds a virtenv with requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt automatically17:38
sdagueand uses that17:38
notmynamesdague: instead of just whatever is installed on the system17:38
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove nova v3 regex from devstack-virtual-ironic  https://review.openstack.org/15556417:38
clarkbsdague: do you have a plan for mysql-python, libvirt-python and friends yet?17:39
notmynamesdague: I'm a huge fan of using project-specific requirements (if they don't conflict with global requirements) for testing!17:39
clarkbsdague: mostly asking because there is a spec in oslo to deal with optional deps (and figure these things are related)17:39
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sdagueclarkb: not yet, I'm just trying to delete things like python-nose and python-mock from the devstack package list17:39
sdagueand once swift is using a tox target for functional tests, we should be able to, as it will install what it needs on demand17:40
openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add migrate askbot to infra spec  https://review.openstack.org/15406117:41
dhellmannstevemar, sdague : it's nice that an unintended consequence of capping requirements in stable forces us to update minimums when we need something new :-)17:44
sdaguedhellmann: yeh, though honestly it would also be cool if our code had sane fallbacks :)17:45
dhellmannsdague: one step at a time :-)17:45
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dhellmannat least this way the question is raised17:45
sdagueagreed, I did +2 the patch :)17:45
clarkbsdague: wold really help upgrade flexibility to have that17:45
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dhellmannsdague: I saw, I just approved it17:45
sdagueclarkb: yeh, it opens a whole other ball of wax17:45
* dhellmann thinks maybe the logo for openstack should be someone juggling17:46
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jeblairmarun: question on neutron-functional -- does that job exercise any openstack components other than neutron?  eg, nova?17:47
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marunjeblair: it does not17:48
marunjeblair: the intention is neutron-only in-tree.  We'll use fakes if we need something nova-like.17:48
jeblairmarun: sounds good then, thanks17:48
openstackgerritMax Rasskazov proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support of specify of multiple ssh-agent credentials  https://review.openstack.org/15668117:48
jeblairmarun: (just needed full context to understand the devstack-gate $PROJECTS change and related work)17:49
zarogilliard, anteaya, AJaeger, mordred : missing '_' doesn't seem to be an issue in Gerrit 2.9, here's a test: https://review-dev.openstack.org/#/c/5331/1..2/driver.py17:49
clarkbjeblair: 156222 does not have any of the potential issues that the skip-if change(s) had right? safe for me to approve?17:49
jeblairclarkb: i think that should be fine17:49
marunjeblair: cool17:49
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anteayazaro: I think it was the new view that caused the problem17:50
openstackgerritMax Rasskazov proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support of multiple ssh-agent credentials  https://review.openstack.org/15668117:50
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jeblairmarun: are you planning on hacking on zuul to make the metajob booleans trinary?17:50
notmynamesdague: I left my +1 on the review. and I mentioned it in -swift so that other people are aware17:50
notmynamesdague: thanks17:50
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zaroanteaya: yep, i checked with new screen and i don't see the problem.  you can verify yourself.17:50
marunjeblair: I'm working on it, yes.  Will have a patch up today.17:50
fungiclarkb: we're still booting devstack-trusty-dib nodes in hpcloud... any reason? should we clean that up now?17:50
anteayazaro: trying now17:50
marunjeblair: it looks like a trivial fix, but I'm debugging seeminly unrelated test failures.17:50
clarkbfungi: at the time I thought I would use them with rax17:51
fungiahh, okay17:51
clarkbfungi: but it has been slow going. we can probably remove them now and add something similar back in when rax is ready17:51
fungiwell, i just held one out of convenience because ready devstack-trusty nodes start running jobs before i can grab them in jenkins and tell them not to17:51
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jeblairmarun: cool; so for sanity, we probably want to hold further skip-ifs on that (otherwise, we'll have to have extra-rigid rules about the order they appear in the file (as opposed to just the normal rules))17:52
marunjeblair: definitely a good idea17:52
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jeblairmarun: feel free to push up a wip if you want me to look at any test failures17:52
anteayazaro: yes I see the underscores in line 5346: https://review-dev.openstack.org/#/c/5331/2/driver.py17:52
anteayazaro: thanks17:52
marunjeblair: will do.  I can push up what I have sans-tests shortly.17:53
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Run translation jobs only if translation files change  https://review.openstack.org/15622217:59
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sdaguemordred can you take a look at - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156356/1 for correctness in building and using wheels in devstack?18:04
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clarkbsdague: I am not sure WHEELHOUSE as an env var does the right thing, trying to confirm18:10
clarkbsdague: the command line arg to pip is --wheel-dir which means I think PIP_WHEEL_DIR is what you want?18:10
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use job templates for gerritlib builds.  https://review.openstack.org/15606818:11
greghaynesclarkb: I think that sets PIP_WHEEL_DIR to WHEELHOUSE18:11
clarkbgreghaynes: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156356/1/tools/build_wheels.sh doesn't do anything with PIP_WHEEL_DIR18:11
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greghaynesah, was looking at https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156356/1/stackrc18:12
clarkbstackrc does it, but that allows you to get out of sync18:12
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use job templates for gerritlib builds  https://review.openstack.org/15606818:12
clarkbmaybe that line in the script should just be removed?18:12
clarkbya I think that is what I will suggest18:13
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hogepodgefungi where should I get started on the board team and defcore project? ttx uploaded this but has it marked wip https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155738/18:14
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fungihogepodge: probably there--taking a look now18:15
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fungihogepodge: ahh, yep, so next will be to write a new repo creation change which depends on that governance change, using the same repo name18:16
fungihogepodge: i can do that real quick unless you want to take a stab at it18:16
hogepodgeI like real quick. I'd probably flail.18:17
hogepodgefungi: ^^18:17
fungii just flail fast18:17
AJaegerjeblair, clarkb, fungi: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156068/ has a depends-on - but that change-id exists twice, once for the job that is needed and once for an abandoned job.18:17
AJaegerWill this work?18:17
clarkbAJaeger: no you cannot depend on an abandoned change iirc18:18
clarkbAJaeger: well you can but you won't merge18:18
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AJaegerclarkb: thanks for confirming my guess18:18
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job runtime system package and database setup  https://review.openstack.org/15669818:22
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fungihogepodge: that's ^ not it by the way18:22
fungijust switching gears ;)18:22
clarkbfungi: ooh is that working happily now?18:23
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fungiclarkb: no, wip. i need to expand the packages list18:23
zaroAJaeger, clarkb : wondering if creating a new change id for the *good* change is a viable workaround?18:24
fungiclarkb: though the db prep and creation macros should be working now18:24
fungiclarkb: tested that the commands do what i think they should anyway, getting closer to trying nova unit tests to see what's still lacking18:24
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed openstack-infra/git-review: Support authentication in run_http_exc  https://review.openstack.org/12441018:24
AJaegerzaro: that means abandon the good change and resubmit of it. Yes, one option18:24
clarkbzaro: I think that is the only workaround18:24
jeblairzaro, AJaeger: this is an interesting edge-case for CRD18:24
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clarkbfungi: nice18:25
jeblairzaro, AJaeger: perhaps the desired behavior is actually just to ignore abandoned CRD.18:25
fungiclarkb: i _think_ i'd like to look into resurrecting lifeless's bindep project to replace most/all of the base-packages macro18:25
jeblairi think it's a question with no clear right answer ..18:25
clarkbjeblair: ya I think either way you end up with confusion and potentially extra work18:25
clarkbjeblair: it would be surprising if say a change merged without a dependency because that dep was abandoned18:26
fungiclarkb: since that way we could stash info on what system packages are needed for a to run tests inside the individual project repos18:26
clarkbfungi: since they can/will differ. that makes sense to me18:26
jeblairclarkb: yep, otoh, in this case, if you accidentally create a change with the id and realize it's no longer needed, you have to make a new change for any changes that _should_ land18:26
fungiclarkb: and also prevents us from installing nova system requirements to run keystone tests, et cetera18:27
fungiso some potential streamlining to recoup the efficiency loss from job run-time package installation18:27
fungipre-caching these to speed up installs is also going to be a separate exercise18:28
jeblairfungi: bindep is in-tree specification of binary deps?18:28
fungijeblair: yeah, with some cross-distro support18:28
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jeblairfungi: with something like that, the node prep scripts can crawl all gerrit repos and pre-cache the superset18:29
fungiit's tractible, just need to flesh out the details18:29
clarkbor maybe we have a list of global system bindep deps in requirements repo?18:29
fungihttp://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/bindep is already in gerrit btw18:29
clarkbI don't like either option a whole lot but both should work18:29
funginot sure how working it is yet18:29
jeblairclarkb: i like in-tree better than global18:30
zarojeblair: what if we can depend on multiple things?  like depend on change id & topic?18:30
jeblairclarkb: i don't see a reason we need a single review bottleneck on that18:30
fungiyeah, global solves pip/pypi problems that distro packaging won't have18:30
fungidistros already solve that problem for themselves18:30
fungiunless we start mixing and matching external package repositories or something18:30
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fungiwhich, you know, we should just try to avoid doing in gratuitous amounts18:31
clarkbjeblair: well possibly because fedora vs ubuntu vs centos don't support a required C package18:31
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clarkbjeblair: but in theory the python dep review would catch that18:31
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fungialso keeping the bindep manifests in the projects means that changes to it self-test with the jobs using those18:33
clarkbpc_m: your functional job should be voting soon :)18:33
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clarkbfyi I have been avoiding merging any new project changes while the ansible bug is outstanding18:35
pc_mclarkb: Hi. I was holding that review as WIP, because of some other concerns. I sent email to ML asking whether we should change directory layout and have a second functional test job to handle StrongSwan implementation.18:35
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use job templates for gerritlib builds  https://review.openstack.org/15606818:35
pc_mclarkb: Please look at the thread...http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-February/057138.html Would love to get some feedback on how we should proceed on this.18:36
fungihogepodge: do you have any initial git content you need imported into openstack/defcore so we can preserve its commit history, or is this green-field?18:36
clarkbpc_m: that change was no WIP in gerrit...18:37
pc_mI might have forgot to mark it so.18:37
clarkbpc_m: I have removed my approval please mark it WIP if that is what you want18:38
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: WIP: Not even close to finished - use shade  https://review.openstack.org/15632218:38
pc_mclarkb: Thanks. I just did.18:38
pc_mclarkb: Please look at the thread on ML. Maybe this can proceed, but I'd like to hold to see if things are OK as-is.18:39
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clarkbpc_m: assuming the current driver system works in that test I don't see why you shouldn't test it18:40
clarkbpc_m: then your transition to the other driver can be self testing (or as much as it can be)18:40
pc_mclarkb: Current driver does pass. Will need new job for new driver (as different env setup).18:42
pc_mclarkb: Not sure if directory structure can be reused as-is or if it should be organized differently.18:42
pc_mclarkb: question 8 in my email.18:43
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clarkbpc_m: I don't know how to ansewr that, I think it is up to the project to decide how tests are organized18:44
reedclarkb, I added "Many IRC channels are logged and recordings are publicly accessible. If you're concerned about privacy consider using a cloak, tor, hide your real name and be mindful not to write sensitive data in these channels. " to https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/IRC18:44
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add a remote url override location  https://review.openstack.org/7605718:44
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reedwith links to freenode FAQ18:45
clarkbreed: sounds good18:45
reedclarkb, not sure we need to put a notice in /topic, too... as you said, IRC should always be considered public anyway18:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: We have a stable/juno branch ready  https://review.openstack.org/15626218:49
reedmrmartin, is this https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/1082784 the story you need to add to https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154061/?18:49
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anteayaso neutron-vpnaas is using this line to pull in neutron as a dependency for testing: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/neutron-vpnaas/tree/tox.ini#n1318:50
anteayahow often does an egg get updated?18:50
hogepodgefungi we can call this is green-field. There is existing code in refstack, but we we'll want to start a new repo18:50
clarkbanteaya: in that case since its via the git repo it is always as up to date as the source repo18:50
anteayathank you18:50
fungihogepodge: we can use git filter-branch to split out any files from refstack on which you want to maintain commit history18:51
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add the docs-on-rtfd job to stackforge/vmtp  https://review.openstack.org/15634118:51
hogepodgefungi ooh, yeah, that would be nice.18:52
sdagueclarkb: any chance you could take a look at gerrit memory bloat? it feels like it's started to get slow again18:53
fungihogepodge: can you get me a list of files or subtrees you want split out?18:53
hogepodgefungi everything in this directory https://github.com/stackforge/refstack/tree/master/defcore18:53
mrmartinreed ah, we have two stories for that: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/200015818:53
jeblairsdague: we identified memory bloat as the cause?18:53
fungihogepodge: perfect--can do18:53
sdaguejeblair: I believe that's what clarkb said the last time18:53
reedmrmartin,  interesting, I get: 401: GET /api/v1/stories/2000158: No error details available.18:54
reedoh, now it works18:54
mrmartinawesome, when I made this story, storyboard was down18:54
clarkbjeblair: sdague: gerrit was bumping up against its 8GB jvm heap size last time18:54
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reedmrmartin, https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/story/1082784 is listed as "merged" anyway18:55
clarkblet me grab a link to the java melody graphs18:55
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fungihogepodge: is there any stratification of maintainers for the repo (just a core group)? do you plan on tagging repo state at various points (maybe via a separate release group)?18:55
* reed dances to the java melody18:55
clarkbjeblair: https://review.openstack.org/monitoring?part=graph&graph=usedMemory&period=mois18:55
mrmartinreed, it was a different task:  Create a git repo in gerrit in which customization plugin and skin can go. << just for the askbot-theme gerrit and project18:55
reedmrmartin, ACK18:56
clarkbjhesketh: good morning18:56
pc_mclarkb: Yeah, looking (hoping) for some guidance on what may be a good way to organize the test dir to support two functional jobs18:56
hogepodgefungi there could be. board members should have more power over core members, especially in appointing core members. core members should be able to merge though.18:56
anteayajhesketh: morning18:57
hogepodgefungi we can handle that socially, though, if it adds too much complexity18:57
hogepodgefungi know the meeting is soon, so we can continue later.18:57
krotscheckmrmartin, reed: That issue you two encountered _might_ be fixed by this patch, it’s still pending: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155943/18:57
fungihogepodge: okay, we may have to noodle on how the delegation works, but it won't impact the patch i'm writing in that case18:57
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Change test folder name to 'fixture' for consistency  https://review.openstack.org/15266418:59
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clarkbjhesketh: fwiw I haven't had a chance to look into the upload slowness yet18:59
clarkbjhesketh: hopefully this afternoon I will take a look19:00
clarkbjhesketh: I was wondering if requests is making a single POST with all of those files sequentially rather than 10x POSTs19:00
fungihogepodge: is anyone going to be committing updates to that directory in refstack in the next few days? we may want to consider that content effectively frozen while the new repo is created19:00
jeblairmeeting time!19:00
jeblaircebruns: we're in #openstack-meeting19:01
jheskethclarkb: all good. Yeah I'm not sure and I didn't get a chance either :-(19:01
cebrunsjeblair: thanks - wrong tab.  :)19:01
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hogepodgefungi yes, we want this to land, but it can wait https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155866/19:04
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fungihogepodge: any chance you want to rush it in before i make the split-out copy?19:04
hogepodgefungi there's no rushing with this project19:05
fungiokay, in that case once we get the new repo created, that change can be abandoned and reproposed to it19:06
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove jenkins console-log publisher from infra  https://review.openstack.org/15652019:11
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jogomarun: ping, any updates for how to get around the non-voting to voting issue for skip-if?19:15
marunjogo: I have a wip patch I'm about to post for review by jeblair.19:15
marunjogo: so, in process :)19:15
jogomarun: cool19:16
jogomarun: also can you check https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156214/1/zuul/layout.yaml,cm to make sure it doesn't hit that bug?19:16
jogoI think it may19:16
jogosdague: ^19:17
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AJaegerjogo: I agree, it would hit jobs ending with "-nv"19:18
sdaguefor someone that wasn't around for the bug, what is the core issue?19:18
AJaegerjogo: you might be lucky that none match today but no promises for the future19:19
fungimarun: jogo: once the fix is merged to the zuul repo, the layout job run on your project-config change should show whether it sets any nonvoting jobs to voting19:19
fungiit's just an informational job though, not gating19:19
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jogofungi: ahh, would it 'fail' iff it changes anything back to voting? or do we have to go log spelunking19:21
jogoclarkb: FYI https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156434/2/files/debs/nova,cm19:21
jogoclarkb: can I remove anything else from that?19:21
clarkbjogo: where is libvirt being installed now that you remove it from that list?19:21
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jogoclarkb: its pip installable now19:22
clarkbjogo: but not in an requirements lists19:22
clarkbjogo: the python-mysql* packages and whatever postgres packages are used would also be candidates for removal19:22
fungijogo: no, you'd just need to look through the parsed output of the layout in the console log to see if there are any -nv jobs without voting:false set19:22
jogoclarkb: huh, that is a great question19:23
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed openstack-infra/zuul: WIP Stop metajob application of undefined attrs  https://review.openstack.org/15671619:23
marun_jeblair: ^^19:23
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jogoclarkb: oh libvirt is still apt-get installed  http://logs.openstack.org/34/156434/2/check/check-tempest-dsvm-full/6b69884/logs/devstacklog.txt.gz#_2015-02-17_03_41_15_29819:25
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-zuul: Lockfile removed from requirements  https://review.openstack.org/15672119:30
sdaguejogo: yes, nothing changed about that19:30
dansmithI know this is silly, but can I submit a config change to adjust the ordering of the jobs in the oslo.versionedobjects tests?19:30
sdaguejogo: so... I was doing a more comprehensive purge today - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156594/19:31
sdagueI didn't notice your thing existed19:31
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fungidansmith: can you elaborate? you mean the order in which the results are posted in a gerrit comment?19:32
jogosdague: happy to abandon mine19:32
dansmithfungi: yeah19:32
jogosdague: you can get rid of a few more things though19:33
fungidansmith: i'd have to look at whether zuul uses an ordered data type for those or not19:33
jogosdague: see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156434/2/files/debs/nova,cm19:33
sdaguejogo: well, getting rid of the stuff with native libs really negatively impacts one of the primary use cases, which is using devstack for reals outside of the gate19:34
dansmithfungi: they always seem very consisent19:34
dansmithfungi: I'll check to see if the layout matches the order they're reported in19:34
jogosdague: because it will take a few minutes longer to run?19:34
clarkbdansmith: fungi its determined by the order ofthe jobs list in zuul's layout.yaml19:34
fungiclarkb: in that case the job-templates complicate that pretty heavily i suspect19:34
dansmithclarkb: yeah, seemed to be very consistent19:34
openstackgerritClint 'SpamapS' Byrum proposed openstack-infra/reviewstats: Deactivate Robert Collins from TripleO  https://review.openstack.org/15672419:35
sdaguejogo: and do all the dev package installs19:35
jogosdague: mixing system and pip packages is an even worse19:35
clarkbfungi: yup19:35
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dansmithclarkb: is it too insane for me to submit a reordering change?19:36
sdaguejogo: can we do this in phases? because I'd rather do all the slam dunks here, see what the fallout might be, then come up with a binaries story later19:36
AJaegerdansmith: seems to be a  virus this week ;) https://review.openstack.org/#/c/154291/19:36
fungidansmith: so based on it being ordered based on parsing the yaml combined with expanding project-templates, it will likely be fiddly19:36
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jogosdague: yes we can do it in phases. that is why I didn't -1 your patch19:36
AJaegerdansmith: that was last week ;)19:37
dansmithfungi: I'm fine with the ordering I can achieve even with the templates19:37
dansmithfungi: by moving a single line in my config :)19:37
dansmithAJaeger: OCD is not a virus :P19:37
sdaguejogo: and I'd like to wait until dtroyer's wheel cache bits are in place before we touch these19:37
fungidansmith: sure, if it's important to you, put in a patch. i'd have spent less time to review than to discuss ;)19:37
sdaguethese == stuff we have to compile19:37
AJaegerdansmith: OCD?19:37
jogosdague: kk19:37
dansmithfungi: sorry :/19:38
openstackgerritDan Smith proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Reorder python jobs in oslo.versionedobjects  https://review.openstack.org/15672719:38
dansmithAJaeger: obsessive compulsive disorder19:38
marun_jogo, sdague: are we removing distro-supplied python packages?19:38
dansmithAJaeger: being overly concerned with minor details19:38
jogomarun_: IMHO we should19:38
dansmithfungi: https://review.openstack.org/15672719:38
dansmithfungi: I'll sleep much better with that :D19:38
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marun_jogo, sdague: I'm filtering them out for the neutron functional job because we don't use them, but that means there's a difference between the dependencies of functional and integration neutron19:39
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marunI'm more than happy to see us use just python packages19:39
marunand let the distros worry about validating their packages19:39
sdaguemarun: yeh, so I have a patch up to purge everything that's 100% python19:39
AJaegerdansmith: spent the team a round of beer in vancouver ;) and don't expect quick reviews19:40
sdaguemarun: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156594/19:40
marunsdague: /url 119:40
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marunsdague: nice19:40
marunbut only for deb?19:40
marunare you intending to do the same for rpm distros?19:40
dansmithAJaeger: I owe more than I can afford already :/19:40
sdaguemarun: well mostly I wanted to see the test fallout19:40
jogomarun: we do gate on RPM stuff so in theory we can do that too19:40
sdagueyes, the intent is to do it on the rpm side as well19:40
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marunsdague: What's the rational for not stripping all python deps, not just the pure ones?19:41
sdaguemarun: because stripping the others are more complicated, because that means you need to make sure you install all the packages to make them compile correctly all the time19:41
marunsdague: I'm working on a solution for that.19:42
sdagueand I haven't done all the -dev package analysis there19:42
marunsdague: but did I hear that dtroyer is as well?19:42
sdaguemarun: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156356/19:42
AJaegerdansmith: we spent so much time discussing that I just approved it ;)19:42
marunsdague: I have a prototype that will take a requirements list and a mapping of requirements to distro deps, and try to install each requirement in a bare distro + known requirements19:43
marunsdague: it uses docker for the base distro19:43
dansmithAJaeger: see, that's the strategy.. discuss so much that approving the patch is the simplest way to stop the bleeding :)19:43
dansmithAJaeger: and thanks :)19:43
AJaegerdansmith: next time I hide better ;)19:43
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marunsdague: I went through neutron's requirements and test requirements, could go through the global requirements and do the same thing easily enough19:43
AJaegerdansmith: glad that we could make you happy with such a trivial patch ;)19:43
fungimarun: i'm also planning to see if http://git.openstack.org/cgit/stackforge/bindep will work for getting lists of non-python deps tracked in individual repos19:44
marundtroyer: hi19:44
dansmithAJaeger: ...this time :)19:44
sdaguemarun: so I think in this case it's not clear that we want to use the distro bits19:44
fungimarun: as part of our current effort to stop having different worker types for devstack and unit test jobs19:44
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use nodepool 'generate-log-config' command to generate log config  https://review.openstack.org/15645719:44
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed openstack-infra/release-tools: Rename oslo_release.sh to library_release.sh  https://review.openstack.org/15128519:44
marunfungi: bindep is only for ancillary deps right now, though19:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Bump pycadf to 0.8.0  https://review.openstack.org/15565219:45
marunfungi: I'm talking about being able to map python dep -> distro requirements & other python deps19:45
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marunfungi: it's simple enough, I need to post it on github this week19:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: update python-heatclient>=0.3.0  https://review.openstack.org/15498919:46
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dtroyermarun: hey19:47
clarkbfungi: marun's thing may more completely solve your issue19:47
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clarkbfungi: if it can just feed off of the requirements.txt and test-requirements.txt directly19:47
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marundtroyer: I hashed together something that maps python deps to distro deps and validates them on clean hosts using docker19:47
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marundtroyer: I was wondering if it would be useful in the work you're doing here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156356/19:48
marundtroyer: to make the dependency mapping more explicit19:48
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove unnecessary path joining for dib filenames  https://review.openstack.org/13970419:48
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fungimarun: yeah, tangential to what i'm doing, just want to make sure if you have better suggestions... and also trying not to step on your toes19:48
marunfungi: No toes to step on yet, though I have similar goals to you.19:49
greghaynesmordred: clarkb idea about the ssh key issue for public images - why not just make two images? Just run a post-build operation that copies the built image and adds a joejob password to the user on the image19:49
dtroyermarun: the wheel cache bits pre-build PyPI packages that we don't want to have to build 5 times to create 5 venvs.  I'm really not considering distro python packages at all.19:49
marunfungi: I'd definitely like to see individual repos be responsible for currating their dependencies.19:49
marundtroyer: not distro python packages19:49
marundtroyer: distro non-python packages19:50
fungimarun: also my plan makes them self-testing19:50
marundtroyer: you're already doing that mapping, but it's very loose19:50
dtroyermarun: ah, the pre-reqs needed to build them?19:50
fungiwhich means less chance of breakage from infra changing package lists in our repos19:50
marundtroyer: e.g. https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156356/1/files/venv-requirements.txt19:50
sdaguemarun: so ... are you basically building an openstack package manager? :)19:50
marundtroyer: yes19:50
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mordredgreghaynes: that's entirely too sane19:50
sdaguewhich, I actually support as a concept, because we seem to keep dancing around it and putting that logic in other places19:51
openstackgerritpatrick-crews proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Increase py26 timeouts for nova-stable  https://review.openstack.org/15673419:51
* greghaynes gets out of here with these reasonable ideas19:51
marundtroyer: so there would be an explicit mapping between, say, mysql-python and the underlying distros build deps19:51
dtroyermarun: right, and that is loose, and doesn't handle things like multi-node DevStack and compute-only nodes, etc.19:51
dtroyerI'm just focused on getting services into venvs right now19:51
marundtroyer: ok.  no overlap as of yet, then.19:51
marunsdague: maybe?19:51
* greghaynes -> train19:51
marunsdague: I'd just like the relationships between our projects, python deps and distro deps to be more explicit so we can manage it better.19:52
marunsdague: I'm kind of surprised that python doesn't already have a mechanism for doing this.19:52
marunsdague: It seems obvious19:52
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marunfungi: will ping you later, I'm interested to hear what you're planning especially the self testing.19:53
sdaguemarun: so from what I can tell the python answer is wheels19:53
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sdagueexcept wheels that work generically on linux are hard19:53
sdaguebecause of lib drift, in a way that mac/windows it is not19:53
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clarkbsdague: not to mention abi changes. see that f22 is making the big leap for c++11 support in g++?19:54
sdagueclarkb: right19:54
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marunsdague: wheels is the result19:56
marunsdague: Hmmmm19:57
sdaguemarun: right, but for mac/windows because they have such a limitted toolchain, wheels is the starting point19:57
sdaguebinaries just run19:57
marunsdague: I seem to recall eggs promising the same thing19:57
marunsdague: I used to use them for that very reason19:57
marunsdague: So maybe I'm simply trying to solve a higher-order problem that openstack will shortly not have.19:58
marunsdague: but who distributes the wheels?19:58
marunsdague: are they autobuilt and distributed on pypi today and I don't know about it?19:58
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marunack, bbiab19:59
sdaguemarun: they can be - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/numpy/1.9.119:59
sdaguealthough it looks like it's up to the author to push them, so you only get one platform - https://pypi.python.org/pypi/lxml/3.4.220:01
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clarkbya pypi isn't building them in a farm or anything20:02
clarkbits a thing you can do when uploading (we always upload an sdist and wheel wherever possible)20:02
sdagueyeh, though in the noarch case it's less interesting20:03
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sdagueyeh, so without a build farm, it doesn't really solve much20:03
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Reorder python jobs in oslo.versionedobjects  https://review.openstack.org/15672720:05
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fungisdague: though you can upload multiple wheels of the same release version targeting different platforms20:07
clarkbfungi: but I don't think it knows how to distinguish among linux distros20:08
asselinjeblair, just to reconfirm, third-party is now a priority effort? That refers to this, right? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/139745/20:08
clarkbfungi: so you have linux, OSX, windows, maybe *BSD20:08
fungiclarkb: right, it's mostly for py2.x vs 3.x pure python wheels, or osx vs windows20:08
jeblairasselin: yes, and we'll probably combine the openstack_project refactor in there too (it's partially related)20:09
sdagueyeh, the numpy and lxml links are interesting data points20:09
asselinjeblair, great! thanks!20:09
sdaguethe naming, leaves a lot to be desired20:09
mordredclarkb, sdague: basically, uploading binary wheels for linux to pypi is the worst idea ever20:09
openstackgerritDmitry Tantsur proposed openstack/requirements: Do not break on projects without setup.cfg  https://review.openstack.org/15622020:09
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mordredand I believe that pip will not use those by default current20:09
mordredyou have to tell it "no, seriously, screw my entire computer"20:09
sdaguenumpy-1.9.1-cp34-cp34m-macosx_10_6_intel.macosx_10_9_intel.macosx_10_9_x86_64.macosx_10_10_intel.macosx_10_10_x86_64.whl (md5)20:10
fungigotta love that filename20:10
clarkbreally what wheels should've been were like windows installers where every dep is vendored20:10
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fungiclarkb: that also sounds like most mac os/os x applications20:10
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fungialso sco unix, rpath linux...20:11
clarkbwe could use nix for everything20:11
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fungiright, that recent nixos thing20:11
fungii was trying to remember the name of it20:11
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clarkbyou can just use nix the package manager and get all the fun on whatever distro too20:13
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dcramer_Anybody have experience with Ansible's OpenStack inventory script? I'm unclear on how to make it aware of my credentials. https://github.com/ansible/ansible/blob/devel/plugins/inventory/openstack.py20:14
nibalizersdague: impressive20:14
* jeblair -> lunch20:14
openstackgerritPranav Salunke proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Updates training guides jobs  https://review.openstack.org/15211820:15
AJaegerI'd appreciate an approval for this patch to infra-manual: https://review.openstack.org/15406520:15
nibalizerclarkb: or whomever so i have a question: when a change to e.g. nova gets pushed up, it runs devstack, does it do that on ubuntu and centos, or just one?20:15
nibalizerit seems that there are dvsmcentos7 nodes in the nodepool image list20:15
funginibalizer: ubuntu trusty for master and juno, precise for icehouse20:15
nibalizerno centos?20:15
funginibalizer: no, those are a work in progress i believe. there may be an experimental job trying to use them20:16
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: For openstack projects, add dependency on governance change  https://review.openstack.org/15674520:16
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AJaegerhere comes by action item from the meeting, anteaya please review ^20:16
clarkbya centos7 isn't working right now aiui20:17
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nibalizerokay, with the stackforge/puppet-* stuff we've got some minimal integration testing running on ubuntu, but there is great desire to test it on centos as well20:19
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AJaegerthanks, fungi!20:20
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-manual: Update to reflect recent governance changes  https://review.openstack.org/15406520:20
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lifelessfungi: -yes- :)20:21
fungilifeless: while i suspect i have context for your affirmation, i am going to pretend it's just a blanket yes for anything else i might have said too ;)20:22
lifelessfungi: naturally20:23
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mordredhey everybody - if dcramer_ comes back, I wrote that inventory and would be happy to help out20:27
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Fix two typos  https://review.openstack.org/15675320:27
clarkbgreghaynes: mordred because the whole point is that anyone can use the image as is and this is already a mostly solved problem (metadata server/cloud init)20:27
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sdaguenibalizer: so my advice is to get one platform working the way you want it first20:27
clarkbgreghaynes: mordred: while I think asking people to run `diskimage-create` isn't a huge deal it would be cool if things just worked as we build them20:27
greghaynesclarkb: sure, you can tell people they have to cloud-init... have you tried to preseed a vm with cloud-init data recently?20:28
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clarkbgreghaynes: mordred: its another reason I am still slightly skeptical of mordreds cloud init rewrite20:28
clarkbgreghaynes: yes, it involved isos for config drive20:28
mordredclarkb: cloud-init will not help people booting these ina  vm20:28
clarkbgreghaynes: its like back in the 90s when we had CDs20:28
clarkbmordred: why not?20:28
greghaynesyea, its a giant PITA. IMO we should tell the users to just edit the images then, itll be a lot easier than telling them to cloud-init20:28
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clarkbmordred: it can set an ssh authorized key file for them20:29
clarkbmordred: and now we don't have to wrry about it20:29
mordredclarkb: I think you are far overestimating the ease of doign that20:29
clarkbgreghaynes: except most users already have cloud init20:29
mordredno they don't20:29
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clarkbgreghaynes: eg anyone using hpcloud20:29
mordrednot in their local vms20:29
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clarkbmordred: my local VMs cloud init...20:29
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mordredclarkb: do not use yourself as a typical exampel user :)20:30
clarkbmordred: well thats how ubuntu's published images work20:30
clarkbmordred: so if you consume their images already you have solved this problem20:30
mordredclarkb: when you boot them in what?20:30
clarkbmordred: kvm20:30
mordredok. how do you set up the metadata?20:30
clarkbmordred: config drive with iso20:30
mordredok. how do you make the iso?20:30
clarkbmordred: some tool does it for me20:30
tmcpeakhey all - I'm trying to set up tags for versioning.  The doc here: http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/creators.html#tagging-a-release  suggests that I run "git tag -s -m "descriptive message" $version" followed by "git push gerrit $version", but we're using Gerrit reviews.  I can't push directly to gerrit.  Does anybody know how I should proceed?20:30
fungifor that matter, rackspace's debian images preinstall cloud-init. i had to hack around several tuning changes it was overwriting20:31
mordredand how to you tell it to expose the config-drive as the correct device?20:31
clarkbmordred: again some tool does it all20:31
clarkbmordred: its actually pretty handy20:31
clarkbI am looking up the tool I was using20:31
anteayaAJaeger: thanks, commented20:31
greghaynesanyhow, just editing the image is easy, and then in theory users can just download and boot, not sure why that isnt a win?20:31
fungitmcpeak: if gerrit is refusing the tag push, then your acl probably either lacks an entry to allow that or your account isn't in the group it's allowing that for20:31
lifelesscloud-init really is everywhere :)20:32
nibalizermordred: ya I hacked the cloud-init from extra drive thing in a completenly different environment20:32
nibalizerits a real thing20:32
fungitmcpeak: which project?20:32
lifelessunless you use rackspace20:32
tmcpeakfungi: Bandit20:32
fungitmcpeak: looking now20:32
tmcpeakfungi: thanks!20:32
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fungitmcpeak: the push signed tags permission for that repo is granted to this group https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/444,members20:33
clarkbmordred: it just feels weird to optimize for an already solved problem20:33
mordredclarkb: well, that's neat - I still categorically and completely disagree with you - but like I've said at least 100 times before I think there is 0 chance we're going to sort that out not in person20:33
tmcpeakfungi: ahh, cool20:33
clarkbmordred: I get the concerns but thenI see its a 360 line change of custom stuff to resolve problem and I rethink whether or not its worth it20:33
mordredclarkb: yes. I understand your concerns20:34
AJaegeranteaya: thanks, rewritten20:34
fungitmcpeak: you should get the current member of that group to modify the membership to include anyone who is expected to be pushing tags (usually kept to an intentionally small subset of your core reviewers)20:34
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clarkbthe 360 lines of custom stuff probably works fine, but everyone else will now have to have 2 systems to use our images and their images20:34
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: For openstack projects, add dependency on governance change  https://review.openstack.org/15674520:34
mordredI am not going to have this particular argument in IRC since I'm going to see you this week in person20:34
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clarkbor at least 1.5 because you can bake in the necessary bits20:34
tmcpeakfungi: ok cool, Jamie will add us now.  Thank you!20:34
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fungitmcpeak: you're welcome20:34
clarkbmordred: if you haven't yet you should give uvtool a go20:35
clarkbmordred: its like docker for kvm20:35
mordredclarkb: neat - I'll play with it!20:35
clarkband deals with all of the config drive stuff for you20:35
krotscheckjeblair: Wasn’t there a new “requires:” tag that you were working on?20:35
greghaynesclarkb: That line is amazing20:35
clarkbgreghaynes: I knew you would like it :)20:35
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fungikrotscheck: are you thinking of http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-February/056515.html20:36
krotscheckfungi: Yep.20:37
pc_mclarkb: ping20:37
openstackgerritMORITA Kazutaka proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add Sheepdog test job to cinder check pipeline  https://review.openstack.org/15386820:37
clarkbmordred: sure I will be in seattle soonish :) we can argue in person20:37
clarkbpc_m: hi20:37
mordredclarkb: :)20:38
pc_mclarkb: So looking for some guidance on how we should organize the directory for functional tests...20:38
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Updated storyboard configuration for pymysql.  https://review.openstack.org/15675520:38
krotscheckgreghaynes: ^^20:38
pc_mclarkb: Have the need for two functional jobs, one for each of the device drivers that VPN will have.20:38
mordredclarkb: do you know how to use it to boot an existing qcow2 image?20:38
clarkbpc_m: as I said I don't really have an opinion and the project should just decide something20:38
clarkbmordred: my solution for that was just copy pasta via virsh the things they do for a random qcow2 image20:39
mordredoh. so, it's useless then20:39
* mordred stabs everyone20:39
pc_mclarkb: understood. Just wondering what the choices are. I have some ideas, but not sure they'll work. Wondering if you (or anyone) has suggestions.20:39
clarkbmordred: its useful for local things20:39
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: For openstack projects, add dependency on governance change  https://review.openstack.org/15674520:39
clarkbmordred: its not like that iso changes much across nodes20:40
mordredclarkb: unless I want to use custom images20:40
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clarkbpc_m: I really don't have an opinion :)20:40
mordredclarkb: but all of a sudden now I'm doing crazy things with virsh20:40
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clarkbmordred: weren't you doing those already?20:40
mordredGOD NO20:40
clarkbah ok20:40
mordredI absolutely hate everything that exists about the tools for running vms on a laptop20:41
clarkbsee I was doing carzy things with virsh completely by hand before I uvtooled20:41
mordredthey're all terrrible20:41
greghayneskrotscheck: We need to either install pymysql manually there or add pymysql to requirements.txt and also wait for that patch to merge20:41
pc_mclarkb: fair enough. I'll try on the QA list and see if there are any suggestions.20:41
mordredand I havea  cloud20:41
mordrednone of them are even CLOSE to being docker20:41
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krotscheckgreghaynes: I’m thinking having a default database driver packaged with storyboard is a good idea.20:41
clarkbmordred: greghaynes has a thing that may do what you want eventually20:41
greghaynesclarkb: you mean my d3.sh20:42
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clarkbmordred: its basically build dib image boot that image but no config drive support yet20:42
greghaynesjust to make js devs mad20:42
clarkbgreghaynes: ya20:42
krotscheckwait what?20:42
greghayneshaha, its actually called dib-dev-deploy but I really wanted to call it d3.sh20:43
fungiyour abbreviation contains an abbreviation20:43
anteayagreghaynes: you name stuff better than mordred20:45
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clarkbmordred: also maybe we should just make nova installable on its own for laptop use20:46
clarkbmordred: no keystone, no glance, no swift, just a nova for laptops :)20:46
clarkbmordred: then pip install nova-laptop just works out of the box (I can dream right)20:47
mordredwell, nova without glance makes no sense - BUT - yes, I agree with you, I've wanted that for a while20:48
mordredbecause it turns out nova is good at launching vms without me having to edit xml20:48
clarkbmordred: you don't need glance because all disk images are already local right?20:48
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add PyMySQL to requirements  https://review.openstack.org/15676420:48
mordredclarkb: something has to tell nova where they are20:48
mordredclarkb: glance is a registry20:48
clarkbmordred: ah I see20:48
greghayneskrotscheck: ^ should make your puppet edit commit message point at that20:48
mordredclarkb: but I still think "apt-get install nova-laptop" could still totally work20:49
sdagueclarkb: mininova?20:49
krotscheckgreghaynes: Oh dude, rebase that to the front.20:49
krotscheckBecause the first patch breaks all the things.20:49
clarkbsdague: ya20:49
greghayneskrotscheck: oh? I thought we established that the first patch wont cause issues in storyboard.o.o because the puppet explicitly installs mysql-python20:49
clarkbsdague: that will fork off one of each necessary service and configure everything to nova networking and use sqlite20:49
sdagueso I thought someone had done a nova api implementation like that20:49
krotscheckgreghaynes: Yes, but we have downstream people who might be impacted.20:50
greghaynespsh, users20:50
krotscheckWho needs users.20:50
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Updated storyboard configuration for pymysql.  https://review.openstack.org/15675520:51
sdaguedtroyer: ah there it is20:51
dtroyerI started adding vbox support to it a while back…20:51
dtroyerthen realized that was just re-inventing nova...20:52
clarkbya I don't see much reason this should need to be a separate project20:52
clarkbits just a matter of composing an openstack nova deployment specifically for single node laptop use20:52
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clarkbthis means using nova net, sqlite, and so on20:53
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova resize bug 1422901  https://review.openstack.org/15676620:53
openstackbug 1422901 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "test_delete_server_while_in_verify_resize_state fails with "ValueError: You must specify a valid interface name."" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/142290120:53
clarkband people say there is no reason to support sqlite20:53
fungi(or nova-net!)20:53
sdagueclarkb: so... that's interesting20:53
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sdagueso if I fixture extract out the functional stuff enough, I think it's going to be pretty close to that20:54
sdagueit would probably not take a ton to make another binary in nova that did that20:54
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sdagueit's sort of nova-all, plus a glance directory20:55
clarkbsdague: neat20:55
* sdague sticks it on list of things that might fall out of this 20:55
clarkbthe number of knobs you actually need to turn are probably 1) location of image store 2) thats it go get a drink20:57
sdagueactually, a few networking knobs as well20:58
sdaguenetworking is kind of the suck20:58
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clarkbsdague: really? assuming its a laptop again, just pick the interface with an IP addr20:58
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clarkbsdague: then set up your IP range in a range that doesn't conflict with that20:58
clarkbrequires a little bit math but shouldn't be hard20:59
clarkbsdague: then allow for overridden things if it matters to the user20:59
sdagueyeh, maybe, will have to ponder20:59
sdagueI know that ends up as the sticking point inside of devstack, actually getting guests that can connect to the internet and that you can ssh to21:00
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clarkbsdague: so what do you need minimally? nova-api, nova-conductor, nova-compute, nova-net, nova-scheduler, somethingforglance ?21:04
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mordredclarkb: you need keystone21:07
* morganfainberg feels a disturbance in freenode.21:07
clarkbmordred: hrm for some reason I thought you could just admin it up and avoid keystone with a magic string21:07
mordredclarkb: beacuse none of the clients do sane things without it21:07
clarkboh the clients ya didnt' consider how they would be affected21:07
mordredkeystone + nova + glance is the minimum thing you need here21:08
clarkbits kind of annoying that keystone is actually required21:08
clarkbit makes sense 99% of the time21:08
mordredyah - that's why it doesn't bother me :)21:08
clarkbmordred: well except that it means running apache on your laptop21:08
clarkbwhihc is :(21:09
mordredwe're talking about running libvirt and it's apache that is :( ? :)21:09
morganfainbergclarkb, you could run eventlet keystone21:09
clarkbmorganfainberg: I did for a bit remember? it doesn't work :P21:09
morganfainbergit's not the end of the world to do that on a lap[top21:09
* morganfainberg is missing context now... *tries to swap back into the conversation for realsies*21:10
clarkbkeystone eventlet is molasses slow21:10
clarkbso the fix was well just run a shitload of them21:10
clarkbwhich isn't laptop friendly21:10
mordredmorganfainberg: we're talking about a laptop install of openstack for ease of operating local vms21:10
mordredbecause all of the other tools are batshit crazy bad21:10
morganfainbergmordred, master or like juno?21:10
morganfainbergcause... next week eventlet keystone may not be that slow >.>21:10
mordred"it's easy, just set up your bridge and then edit this xml file with virsh..."21:11
morganfainbergat least that's the hope21:11
mordredmorganfainberg: the chances we actually bother to do this are pretty low21:11
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morganfainbergplus using SQL Pool, and/or LDAP connection pool = 3-5x improvement21:11
lifelessmordred: fig + kolla21:11
morganfainbergmakes me consider a conductor thing for keystone *wince*21:11
lifelessmordred: IMO21:11
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clarkbmorganfainberg: well the idea is this would just use sqlite, be simple21:12
lifelessclarkb: 'fix' :)21:12
clarkblifeless: exactly :)21:12
morganfainbergclarkb, no don't do that pleaseeeeee don't do that21:12
lifelessok, time for me to be constructive and hope on a plane21:12
openstackgerritTravis McPeak proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Setting up Bandit integration with PyPI  https://review.openstack.org/15677221:12
clarkbmorganfainberg: why not? its a laptop install21:12
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lifelessalso sqlite is awesome21:12
clarkbmorganfainberg: its like exactly what sqlite exists to solve21:12
morganfainbergsqlite doesn't really work for keystone21:12
mordredclarkb: mysql is not the hard part of openstack21:12
morganfainbergsome constraint issues.21:12
* clarkb gives up on his hopes and dreams21:12
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mordredmysql on a laptop is easy and a solved problem for distro pacakges21:12
morganfainbergmordred, ++21:12
clarkbmordred: you would never know that if you pay attention to the mail lists21:13
clarkbalso I ran mysql on my laptop for a while (silly kde) never again21:13
morganfainbergclarkb, use postgres then *duckpleasedon'thurtme*21:13
mordredI'm trying to remember the last time there _wasn't_ a mysql21:13
greghaynesoh, well KDE also tried the non-server mysql for a while to21:13
greghayneswhich was bonghits21:13
greghaynes"Itll be easy" they said, "itll just work"21:14
mordredlifeless: fig + kolla does not even come close to solving the use case we were talking about21:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova resize bug 1422901  https://review.openstack.org/15676621:14
openstackbug 1422901 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "test_delete_server_while_in_verify_resize_state fails with "ValueError: You must specify a valid interface name."" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1422901 - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)21:14
mordredlifeless: if I want to use a container, I'll use docker, because it has an awesome UI21:14
clarkbthere is nothing so special about these services that they couldn't all be forked and managed by some openstack-laptop parent process, all use sqlite, linux networking via nova net for comms, and zmq for message bus (avoids running another service)21:15
clarkbin theory all of this is already supported21:15
clarkbuntil you ever actuall look at doing anything like this then you just go back in your hole and cry21:15
mordredclarkb: this is why all of the vm toolchains make me so sad21:16
mordredclarkb: why in the hell is there not a uvt-boot $name $path_to_qcow221:16
clarkbit bugs me when people argue that "sqlite is useless kill it with fire" or "only use apache anything else isn't worth it" and so forth21:17
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Bandit is a stackforge project  https://review.openstack.org/15677421:17
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AJaegerdansmith: now it's me ordering lines ^21:17
mordredclarkb: except the only reason we're even having this conversation is because there is not a proper simple vm launcher21:18
clarkbmordred: sure I guess what I am trying to assert is that openstack isn't special here and it could/should be that too21:18
dansmithAJaeger: just feels right... right?21:18
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clarkbmordred: especially since we as a project refuse to do the whole "make one single thing work well" thing21:18
AJaegersometimes ;)21:18
mordredclarkb: it could - except our half-assed attempt to do that is what keeps us from making good architectural decisions21:18
clarkbmordred: if openstack said ^ instead I would definitely say don't use it for this21:18
mordredrather than continuing to support a toy like sqlite21:18
mordredif we ditched all database support except for mysql like the sane choice would be - we could actually start depending on mysql behaviors and known patterns for scale21:19
morganfainbergmordred, ++ i really want to kill sqlite support... heck i'd like to go out on a limb and say use mysql like XXX and it works well.21:19
clarkbbut we do in theory support zmq which is great for this, we do in theory support sqlite which is also great for this, we do in theory support running processes without apache, and so on21:19
mordredas it is, we dance around with bs like "but postgres is important!!!"21:19
mordredit's not21:19
mordreda database is21:19
morganfainbergmordred, +∞21:19
clarkbmordred: fwiw I would be fine with openstack deciding postgres was *the* database to use :P21:20
mordredme too21:20
mordredI'd be fine with either one, tbh21:20
clarkbbut yes you need a relational DB oyu don't need 321:20
morganfainbergclarkb, a clear decision yes.21:20
mordredbut both is stupid21:20
mordredand - mysql has the proven track record21:20
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mordredwhich is the only reason I suggest it over pg - but just pg would be 100x better than now21:20
clarkbmordred: its a similar story with hypervisors and message busses and so forth, some will be easier to multiplex than others21:21
morganfainbergmordred, honestly the only time i'd start complaining is if someone said use $non_opensource_rdbms ad the default21:21
mordredmorganfainberg: ++21:21
mordredclarkb: yup - see my current source of rage with rax and xen :)21:21
mtreinishmorganfainberg: db2... :)21:21
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morganfainbergmtreinish, is is really opensource?21:21
morganfainbergmtreinish, if so and it works, sure. standardize21:22
mtreinishmorganfainberg: heh, no not even close. I thought that's what you were raging about in the past21:22
morganfainbergmtreinish, nope.21:22
mordredoh - wait- I forgot - let's use mongo - that'll solve everything :)21:22
morganfainbergmordred, it's webscale21:22
mordredit's holding my coffee right now ...21:23
mordredso it's currently more important than any other database21:23
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morganfainbergmordred, that is a strong argument for mongodb21:24
morganfainberga very strong argument for it21:24
fungimorganfainberg: it solves all your problems, as long as all your problems have to do with there not being enough marketing buzzwords in your documentation21:24
thingeeoverheard from morganfainberg this convo. Just wanted to pop in a say if we're considering mongodb, to rethink and consider mango db which is actually CLOUD SCALE https://github.com/dcramer/mangodb21:25
clarkbthingee: we already require mongodb for the most part21:26
clarkbseveral projects depend on it at this point21:26
morganfainbergclarkb, (it's like an onion article)21:26
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clarkbhttps://pypi.python.org/pypi/fuckitdb/0.1.3 /me hopes anteaya doesn't get mad for me linking that21:27
clarkbmordred: ^ you might enjoy that21:27
mordredclarkb: :)21:27
fungi"Never use this for anything important, it's an experiment."21:27
mtreinishclarkb: heh, I like that21:28
morganfainbergtoss up between mangodb and that one you just linked clark21:28
morganfainbergboth are pretty awesome.21:29
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zarofungi: i keep getting an 'Invalid certification chain' when i try to use REST api on review-dev.  do you happen to know how to make it work?21:29
clarkbmorganfainberg: also https://github.com/philipl/pifs21:29
fungizaro: how are you trying to use the rest api, specifically (from what tool/client)?21:29
clarkbzaro: you have to tell curl/wget/$thing to ignore untrusted certs21:29
zarofungi: curl https://review-dev.openstack.org/changes/533121:29
clarkb"They said 100% compression was impossible? You're looking at it!"21:30
clarkbthough I believe the math it relies on is unproven21:30
fungizaro: curl --insecure ...21:30
clarkbso it may not actually work :)21:30
fungizaro: according to the manpage anyway21:30
zarocool. thanks.  that worked.21:31
fungiany time21:31
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clarkbjhesketh: ok I think I am up to date reviewing the various swift related changes21:32
clarkbI have also reviewed the specs that were pointed out21:32
clarkbasselin: ^ I left comments on yours21:32
clarkbjhesketh: also sigmavirus24 says we should use threads/processes and do post one file at a time using requests.post21:33
sigmavirus24Well you're currently posting a single file at a time serially21:33
clarkbsigmavirus24: right21:33
sigmavirus24You can do the same in threads safely21:33
clarkbsigmavirus24: serially?21:33
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sigmavirus24In each thread, yes21:34
sigmavirus24Unless there's a different way to upload multiple files simultaneously to swift21:34
clarkbI need food then will likely hack on that next21:34
clarkbsigmavirus24: I think thats the way to do it, iirc the swiftclient implementation doesn't work though21:34
clarkbnotmyname: uploading >1 file to swift concurrently21:35
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notmynameclarkb: yes. do that to saturate your network21:35
notmynamesigmavirus24: clarkb: any chance you have the files locally in a .tar[.gz]?21:36
* sigmavirus24 is just advising on the usage of requests21:36
sigmavirus24I think the log files are usually compressed before hand though21:37
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clarkbthey are compressed before hand but not tarred, and if we added tarballs we would likely still need them exploded out too21:37
notmynameswift has a feature to allow you to upload a .tar[.gz] file and have the components stored as separate objects in the cluster21:37
clarkbnotmyname: oh! that might actually be handy, is the tar still available too?21:38
jogoReleases are named after Van Halen songs.21:38
notmynamebut that doesn't help the speed. they'd still be uploaded serially as the tar is streamed21:38
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jogoansible has a good naming scheme21:38
notmynameclarkb: no.21:38
clarkbnotmyname: ok so likely wejust want to do each file upload in a different thread and let the IO saturate a bit more21:38
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notmynameclarkb: yes. that's the normal best practice21:40
sigmavirus24clarkb: notmyname just to be clear, the way you're currently doing this, you're reading the entire file into memory, storing it in a string and sending that all at once to swift21:41
notmynamesigmavirus24: no. that would be terrible :-)21:41
sigmavirus24If you were streaming the file upload it would take forever21:41
sigmavirus24notmyname: no that's what is currently happening :D21:41
clarkbhaving the file in memory should be fine right? this is about network IO not memory/disk21:42
notmynameoh. then I'm not sure. like you're helping with requests, i'm the guy who does the swift backend part. i'm not sure of the infra tooling :-)21:42
sigmavirus24clarkb: okay just making sure we were on the same page :)21:42
sigmavirus24notmyname: I'm one of the requests core developers in case you didn't already know21:42
clarkbsigmavirus24: I mean the kernel is gonna cache it all in memory anyways so this shouldn't be much different21:42
sigmavirus24clarkb: :thumbsup:21:43
notmynamesigmavirus24: ya, I figured that out :-)21:43
sigmavirus24I keep noodling on an idea to improve streamed file uploads but I keep thinking it's a bad bad idea that should never be done :-P21:43
sigmavirus24(Actually 2 ideas)21:43
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fungithe only thing better than a bad idea is 2 bad ideas21:44
clarkbfungi: 3 bad ideas make a right idea21:45
sdaguenotmyname: so regarding the earlier patch, swiftclient doesn't seem to have the tox target, can you take a look at my change to add it - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156719/ so we can keep the ball rolling?21:48
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notmynamesdague: what's up with http://logs.openstack.org/19/156719/1/check/check-swiftclient-dsvm-functional/ac76eb3/console.html#_2015-02-17_19_42_33_02921:48
sdaguenotmyname: all check-swiftclient-dsvm-functional fail like that21:49
notmynamesdague: ok let me rephrase. why? ;-)21:49
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sdaguedoes that jobs specify swiftclient installs from git?21:50
notmynameI don't know21:50
sdaguethat's my guess21:50
sdaguebecause by default devstack now installs libraries from pypi, not from git trees21:51
sdaguethat changed back in ... Nov?21:51
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make swiftclient functional job use swiftclient from git  https://review.openstack.org/15678721:54
sdaguenotmyname: I think that ^^^ will fix it21:54
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Upload files concurrently to swift.  https://review.openstack.org/15678821:56
clarkbso that change is completely untested :) I am going to WIP it until I get a chance to test21:56
clarkbjhesketh: ^ but I think that should help21:57
jeblairclarkb: is the short version of the outcome that individual files are currently as fast as they can be and we should simply upload all files in parallel?21:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix comments put method  https://review.openstack.org/15579021:58
clarkbjeblair: yes notmyname suggests not uploading serially :)21:58
clarkbjeblair: the old code uploaded 10 files at a time serially21:58
notmynameclarkb: jeblair: normally uploading a single object to swift will not saturate your uplink. so uploading a bunch at once makes it go faster21:59
notmynameclarkb: jeblair: if that doesn't work, we could consider adding racing stripes and a spoiler21:59
jeblairnotmyname: makes sense; just wanted to verify that we'd determined that's the bottleneck22:00
jeblairclarkb: 10 files?22:00
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sigmavirus24jeblair: I can confirm, it was happening serially and it was killing performance22:01
clarkbjeblairs ya pretty sure it iterates 10 at a time22:01
* sigmavirus24 always shoots for the puns22:01
jeblairclarkb: i don't quite understand serially 10 at a time22:01
BobBall_AWOLHow much memory should zuul-server take? is 3gb normal or unreasonable? ;)22:02
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clarkbjeblair that is what it was doing22:02
clarkbit gave requests a dict of 10 files to post. requests does so serially22:03
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sigmavirus24wait a second. I misunderstood the code22:05
jeblairclarkb: where's 10 come from?22:05
jeblairclarkb: like, what varable has a value of 10?22:05
sigmavirus24clarkb: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/scripts/zuul_swift_upload.py#n174 is sending 10 files at once? If that's the case it's sending them all at once22:07
sigmavirus24i.e. files has 10 files in it?22:07
clarkbjeblair: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/project-config/tree/jenkins/scripts/zuul_swift_upload.py#n151 from there22:07
clarkbjeblair: I think its a thing that zuul sets22:07
clarkbsigmavirus24: yes22:08
sdaguefungi: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156676/ the depends on won't help right, because they don't share a queue?22:08
clarkbsigmavirus24: but its doing so as a serial stream like a tarball right?22:08
sigmavirus24I misunderstood that then. It's doing them all as one giant multipart/form-data post22:08
clarkbya ok22:08
fungisdague: it will still prevent one from merging before the other22:08
sdaguefungi: it will?22:08
sigmavirus24So it reads all of them into a string and send that to the server22:08
clarkbso I think this should still help things but maybe my change isn't quite right22:08
sdagueI didn't realize that22:08
fungisdague: even if they don't share a queue, yes22:08
sdagueok, great, will do22:08
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Switch from mysql-python to PyMySQL  https://review.openstack.org/15233922:08
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: have swift functional tests use tox  https://review.openstack.org/15667622:09
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make swiftclient functional job use swiftclient from git  https://review.openstack.org/15678722:09
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Reorder py27 test to happen after py3 tests  https://review.openstack.org/15516122:09
sdagueand I get to use the magic rebase button \o/22:09
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Use python3 compatible httpclient  https://review.openstack.org/15513922:09
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Use python3 compatible unicode types  https://review.openstack.org/15514022:09
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Use python3 compatible urllib  https://review.openstack.org/15515022:10
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Use Python 3 compatible configparser  https://review.openstack.org/15592222:10
fungisdague: basically referring to the gate pipeline section of jeblair's announcement http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2015-February/056515.html which addresses that case specifically22:10
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Use TempDir fixture for working dir  https://review.openstack.org/15595622:10
fungi(in the second paragraph)22:10
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sdaguefungi: ok, I guess I read too fast22:10
openstackgerritgreghaynes proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix bytes vs string python 3 issues  https://review.openstack.org/15596922:10
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fungisdague: makes for an excellent mechanically-enforced safety net22:10
* sigmavirus24 just noticed that storyboard is using a GPL'd library22:11
krotscheckWhich one?22:11
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sdagueok, good, so that's all queued up and just waiting for the swift team to approve the tox change - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156719/22:12
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sigmavirus24krotscheck: rfc3987 is GPL'd22:13
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sigmavirus24If you're looking for RFC 3986 compatible URI parsing/validation then rfc3986 has it and is already in g-r22:14
sigmavirus24rfc3986 is also Apache 2.022:14
krotschecksigmavirus24: I’ll look into it.22:14
sigmavirus24krotscheck: different API though probably and Nova's using it for URI validation (or maybe keystone is, I forget which service)22:15
krotschecksigmavirus24: python-crontab is also gpl'd22:15
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix wrong casing in JDKAxis <name> tag  https://review.openstack.org/15651922:15
krotschecksigmavirus24: As is pika22:15
jheskethclarkb: (catching up over here). Cool, that looks good, although we're still reading all the files into memory22:15
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stevemarrodrigods, around?22:16
clarkbjhesketh: I don't think reding the files to memory is a big deal they end up in memory regardless22:16
marunwe have a funny problem with tox right now22:16
stevemaroops wrong channel22:16
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fungimarun: knee-slapping funny or side-splitting funny? i have to prepare myself accordingly22:16
clarkbkrotscheck: apscheduler for cron like things is what zuul uses22:16
clarkbkrotscheck: and pika's package page claims to be mozilla public licensed22:17
marunfungi: sad funny?22:17
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fungiaww, that's less fun22:17
openstackgerritMax Rasskazov proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support of multiple ssh-agent credentials  https://review.openstack.org/15668122:17
krotscheckclarkb: It’s dual licenced.22:17
marunfungi: less fun, indeed.22:17
clarkbkrotscheck: then you can ignore that it is gpl if you use it under the terms of the other license22:17
marunfungi: the syntax on the left requires tox > 1.8, but 1404 ships with 1.622:17
sigmavirus24krotscheck: rfc3987 is GPL GPL'd, not LGPL'd or AGPL'd though which I thought was where we drew the line (I'm not bothered by it personally)22:18
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marunfungi: we're wondering whether to set minversion and force developers to figure out how to install a new-enough version, or use the syntax on the right for distro package compat22:18
* marun shakes fist at distro-packaged tox22:18
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clarkbmarun: fungi its for development, just set minver imo22:18
fungimarun: i guess it depends on what releases of tox you're supporting. we install the latest tox, pip, virtualenv, setuptools, et cetera on our workers22:19
marunfungi: latest from pypi?22:19
fungimarun: yep22:19
marunI guess we'll go with minver then22:19
clarkbyou also needed newer tox than trusty has to support py3422:19
krotschecksigmavirus24: I am. I think the GPL needs to die in a fire.22:19
marunclarkb: ah, that settles it then22:19
fungiand i run the latest pypi version on my dev systems/workstations too22:19
clarkbmarun: you need 1.7.0 for that iirc22:19
sigmavirus24krotscheck: fair enough22:19
sigmavirus24I'm not so opposed to the GPL but I know lots are which is why I pointed it out22:20
marunclarkb, fungi: danke!22:20
fungikrotscheck: that's too bad. i don't use gpl for my personal projects, but it's definitely got some good points and has done a lot for software freedom in general22:20
* greghaynes throws a wet rms at krotscheck22:20
krotscheckfungi: You’re entitled to your opinion, as am I.22:20
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clarkbthe wet rms falls over then gets on a bus in the wrong direction22:21
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greghaynesclarkb: oh no, not again22:22
sigmavirus24At least wet rms didn't reject clang improvements to gcc22:22
greghaynes(nibalizer may have actually sent an rms on a bus in the wrong direction when he came to visit us at uni)22:22
sigmavirus24krotscheck: if you remind me some other time I'll try to shim rfc3986 into storyboard for you or just build in the API y'all need for it to work well22:24
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krotschecksigmavirus24: I’m working on it.22:26
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clarkbjhesketh: I think my biggest current concern with that is going to be api rate limiting22:27
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clarkbjhesketh: which was potentially a problem before but my change means we will hit it 10x quicker22:27
jheskethclarkb: yeah I hadn't thought of that...22:28
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jheskethnotmyname: maybe you can save me some time here.. we were using swift's formpost middleware because I thought I could push x (10) files at at time rather than with the tempurl where we can only do one... If we are threading each form post individually anyway, should we instead go back to tempurl22:30
jhesketh(the downside with tempurl is that we need to know the full path to push into beforehand so it's likely that's not practical)22:31
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notmynamejhesketh: slight diversion on tempurl, but just last week we added container-level tempurl keys. so that's cool and something to look forward to22:31
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notmynamejhesketh: but wouldn't formpost still do the requests serially? it's just on POST with a huge MIME payload, right?22:32
notmynamejhesketh: yes, it's 10 files "at one time". but more specifically, it's 10 files in one request. not concurrently22:32
clarkbnotmyname: right its similar to your tar example22:33
clarkbbasically everything is lined up as one long string then copied sequentially22:33
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jheskethyeah, thought as such, just checking your opinion on the difference22:34
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a project to track DefCore reference data  https://review.openstack.org/15680722:36
fungihogepodge: ^22:36
jheskethclarkb: so in your change we're still looping over the files in chunks set by the max_file_count out of the formpost middleware. ie, we're doing 10 threads at a time, waiting for those to finish, then starting another 10 threads22:37
clarkbjhesketh: yes22:37
clarkbjhesketh: I figured it needed some sort of rate limiting22:37
fungihogepodge: the split-out repo clone url is in the gerrit/projects.yaml addition. clone a copy of that and make sure it's how you want22:37
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jheskethclarkb: would it be better to create a thread pool?22:37
jheskeththen we're not waiting on the really large files to finish before starting the next batch22:38
cebrunsWhat's the best way to request a new feature for Gerrit code review flow?  Basically would like style checks failures to be inlined as code review comments rather than having to dig through logs.22:38
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jeblairkrotscheck: i believe that use of plain gpl (not lgpl) libraries by liberally licensed python libraries is unsettled territory, but potentially problematic, and should probably be avoided.22:40
jeblairkrotscheck: i believe that use of plain gpl (not lgpl) libraries by liberally licensed python programs is unsettled territory, but potentially problematic, and should probably be avoided.22:40
jeblaircorrection ^22:40
clarkbjhesketh: ya thats a lot less simple though :)22:41
krotscheckjeblair: Yep. Working on that.22:41
jeblairand in the future, it would be great if we could talk about this without using charged language.22:41
nibalizeryes my first guidline is not to play host for rms22:42
clarkbjhesketh: but if you think that would be a good improvement I can work on it22:42
nibalizermy second guideline is if you ignored #1, don't lose him22:42
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jheskethclarkb: any thoughts how to test it?22:44
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clarkbjhesketh: I was planning on maybe grabbing the files from swift for a job that ran the upload them again to a different location and see if it goes any quicker22:45
clarkbjhesketh: but I haven't start that process22:45
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krotscheckjeblair: What happens if a library that we’re using makes use of a GPL library?22:48
* krotscheck is looking at jsonschema, which uses rfc398722:48
krotscheck(The first is MIT, the second GPL)22:48
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for bug 1422901  https://review.openstack.org/15681922:49
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openstackbug 1422901 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "test_delete_server_while_in_verify_resize_state fails with "ValueError: You must specify a valid interface name."" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1422901 - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)22:49
clarkbjhesketh: I will probably take a stab at the thread pool first because you are right that it will be better22:49
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jeblairkrotscheck: yeesh! that's confusing.  i think the safe thing would be to avoid it22:49
krotscheckYeah, I’m going to file a ticket on that github project.22:49
jeblairkrotscheck: it's interesting to note jsonschema is in global-requirements22:50
mtreinishjeblair: yeah jsonschema is being pretty widely used22:51
mtreinishjeblair: both nova and tempest have been using it for some time now22:51
mtreinishglance also22:51
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jheskethclarkb: that's a good idea (re re-uploading). If we can get a job held we should still have the same creds from zuul22:52
jheskethclarkb: do you want me to help with the thread pool?22:52
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sigmavirus24krotscheck: jeblair so jsonschema is but rfc3987 is optional and rfc3986 has shim code in nova (or keystone) for the validation that's performed22:53
clarkbjhesketh: nah I think I have it, just going to put a bunch of (url, kwarg) tuples into a queue, then start X threads that exit when queue is empty22:53
sigmavirus24clarkb: does multiprocessing.pool.ThreadPool not exist on Py3?22:53
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krotschecksigmavirus24 jeblair: Yeah, there’s a try/catch block around the import22:54
jheskethclarkb: sounds good22:54
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sigmavirus24krotscheck: yeah, rfc3986 is only used by one openstack service now for URI validation but it can hook into jsonschema as necessary22:54
* sigmavirus24 should probably add something to rfc3986 that just auto-registers itself as a validator22:55
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clarkbsigmavirus24: neither python2 nor python 3 documentation document that object22:55
sigmavirus24clarkb: intersting22:55
sigmavirus24*interesting, I'm almost certain I've used that22:55
clarkbalso I was pretty sure multiprocessing did processes22:56
sigmavirus24clarkb: so ThreadPool is for using the threading library iirc22:57
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sigmavirus24multiprocessing.Pool is the process-based pool iirc22:57
* sigmavirus24 could be mis-remembering though22:59
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cebrunsjeblair: What's the best way to request a new feature for Gerrit code review flow?  Cinder folks looking for an enhancement.23:04
jeblairzaro: ^23:04
jeblaircebruns: they have an issue tracker and mailing list...23:04
jeblaircebruns: probably file an issue if you just want to record the suggestion...23:05
jeblaircebruns: if you have resources to develop it, i'd start talking on their mailing list23:05
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cebrunsjeblair: Great - thanks!23:06
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fungicebruns: http://code.google.com/p/gerrit/issues/list23:07
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cebrunsfungi jeblair: Thanks - I was thinking more an infra script that would run a style check test/review for any commits (see https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/styleChecksInReviews) Would that be a BP request for Infra?23:09
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jeblaircebruns: that's probably something that should be done in zuul23:10
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cebrunsjeblair: Great - would I submit a BP to get the feature request noted/tracked?23:15
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support excludes when recursively processing paths  https://review.openstack.org/6889523:15
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Removed rfc3987 library  https://review.openstack.org/15683323:16
jeblaircebruns: you can file a story here: https://storyboard.openstack.org/#!/project/67923:16
jeblaircebruns: i think actual implementation of that would require an infra-spec23:16
jeblaircebruns: because it will require some coordination between zuul and the jobs that it runs23:16
clarkbwould need to serialize the lint output to someting that zuul could process right?23:17
jeblairclarkb: yeah, that's what i'm thinking23:17
jeblairclarkb: and then need to be handed back to zuul somehow23:17
jeblairthen zuul can post to gerrit23:17
jeblaircebruns: is anyone interested in hacking on this?  would be mostly python i think.23:17
cebrunsjeblair: nobody tagged right now - but it would be really useful.  Is it one of those "whoever brought it up...." type of assignments?  :)23:19
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jeblaircebruns: i think anyone could pick it up, but our backlog is pretty deep, so if someone is enthusastic enough to start hacking on it, i'd be happy to help them get started23:21
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anteayaclarkb: /me is disillusioned and could care less23:23
cebrunsjeblair: I'm willing to give it a go - just need some direction to get going.  Thx!23:23
jeblaircebruns: okay, so why don't you send a mail to the openstack-infra@ mailing list with the suggestion, and we can respond with some suggestions about how to do it23:24
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jeblaircebruns: that should get us in place for a short spec23:24
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cebrunsjeblair: Will do.23:26
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed stackforge/python-jenkins: Provider helper classes for plugin data management  https://review.openstack.org/15431623:26
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Update query for bug 1422901  https://review.openstack.org/15681923:27
openstackbug 1422901 in OpenStack Compute (nova) "test_delete_server_while_in_verify_resize_state fails with "ValueError: You must specify a valid interface name."" [Critical,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1422901 - Assigned to Matt Riedemann (mriedem)23:27
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jogoclarkb: any luck reproducing the aiopcpu issue around the subnode?23:31
zarojeblair: trying to use gertty with review-dev but running into issues.23:31
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Upload files concurrently to swift.  https://review.openstack.org/15678823:31
clarkbjogo: no23:31
clarkbjhesketh: ^ still completely untested but that should be at least more structurally sound23:31
zarojeblair: looks like gertty always attempts to clone with '/p/' in url which won't work if gerrit isn't setup with the reverse proxy thing correct?23:32
jogoclarkb: hmm23:32
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jogowell tempest-full multi node is working now23:32
clarkbjogo: but not with neutron right? seems like I saw neutron failing but nova net worked23:33
zarojeblair: or maybe it's the rewrite rules.23:33
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clarkbzaro: no gerrit supports the /p/ url out of the box23:33
jheskethclarkb: cool, will look :-)23:34
zaroclarkb: does it need to be enabled or something?23:34
clarkbzaro: no I don't think so, it was just stanard23:34
zaroclarkb: it's not available for review-dev23:34
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zaroclarkb: i see it in gerrit.vhost.erb file in puppet-gerrit repo.23:35
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clarkbzaro: that may be because our apache vhost config doesn't work with apache 2.423:35
clarkbseems like asselin had to fix it for the zuul mergers to run on trusty23:35
clarkbhey there I thinkzaro needs your apache2.4 magic for gerrit repo mirrors23:37
zaroclarkb: i don't see any reference to /p/ in gerrit docs.  what would it be under?23:37
asselinI had to add some additions: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/155154/23:37
fungiyeah, the cgi perms23:37
fungimost likely23:37
clarkbzaro try removing the stuff in apache in review-dev it should work via gerrit then23:37
clarkbbut we want to fix the apache config23:37
zarowill give that a try.  thanks23:39
clarkbcebruns fwiw it would be super nice if devs always ran the linter(s) locally and those jobs never failed :)23:39
jogoclarkb: hmm let me double check I think neutron actually works now23:40
cebrunsclarkb: Yep - I agree with ya.23:41
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marunjeblair: did you get a chance to look at my naive bugfix?23:48
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jheskethclarkb: commented on 156788. Just one small thing and it lgtm, the rest are nits23:48
marunjeblair: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/156716/23:49
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zaroclarkb: there's lines for 'AliasMatch', 'ScriptAlias', and 'RewriteCond' in gerrit.vhost.erb   should all of those be removed?23:49
clarkbjhesketh: thanks and good catch, ya I kept the whole fileincr thing just so that multiple files per post were still a possibility23:49
marunjeblair: the test failure I see in tests.test_scheduler.TestScheduler.test_client_get_running_jobs suggests that some metajobs may actually depend on voting defaulting to true?23:50
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marunjeblair: I was assuming that metajobs should not be setting any values that aren't explicitly defined, is that incorrect?23:50
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set up ssh_known_host based on hostname  https://review.openstack.org/13659623:52
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set custom cpu_model for live_migrate  https://review.openstack.org/14153023:52
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Setup /etc/hosts for aiopcpu  https://review.openstack.org/13615823:52
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Allow root user to ssh in as stack  https://review.openstack.org/13717623:52
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable live block migration  https://review.openstack.org/13576823:52
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jeblairmarun: not yet, sorry23:53
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marunjeblair: no worries23:54
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jogoclarkb: moving on to getting block migration working23:54
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zaroclarkb: i removed all of those which allows '/p/' to work, but not sure if that's correct.23:56
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jeblairmarun: i'm inclined to think (without having looked too deeply), that we should probably consider that a mis-feature and deprecate it.23:56
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clarkbzaro that confirms its an apache problem, the fix is what asselin did23:57
marunjeblair: I'm a bit confused by zuul's various job aggregation mechanisms.23:57
marunjeblair: I've noticed that skip-if matchers don't match on jobs that are defined by template, for instance.23:58
zaroclarkb: ahh, ok. i'll diff with asselin's change to see.23:58
marunjeblair: or maybe I'm just confused, but jobs are properly skipped in the check pipeline but then not skipped in the gate pipeline.23:58
marunjeblair: anyway, don't mean to distract if you're busy. I'll try to have more for tomorrow if you have some free time.23:59

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