Friday, 2014-11-21

dougwigjeblair: ok, thank you, i'll try it.  is that exception in the log anything to worry about, or just noise?00:00
adam_gclarkb, who ends up using ssh keys/etc stashed to $BASE/new/.ssh/ in dsg ? $STACK_USER?00:01
clarkbadam_g: ya $BASE/new is the stack users homedir00:01
clarkbso it uses that key by default00:02
adam_gclarkb, ah, gotcha00:02
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harlowjathx mtreinish00:05
jeblairdougwig: it's probably due to an earlier failed api call while syncing, it should recover the next time it tries to sync the affected change00:05
fungiianw: clarkb: dougwig had an interesting suggestion on that change as well... we might should prepend to existing $PATH in case a platform expects unusual additional entries in it00:05
jeblairdougwig: (which you can force by hitting ctrl-r)00:05
fungiclarkb: also, i will be around in the morning to help with nodepool maintenance00:06
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clarkbfungi: awesome00:07
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fungithough for tonight i think i'm packing it in early00:08
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ianwfungi dougwig: response inline, but the point is more to standarise and not rely on funny things being done00:08
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ianwfungi: how many hours from now is morning for you?00:09
fungiianw: sometime after i sleep and wake up again00:10
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dougwigianw: unless you can standardize how the vendors generate their images (and you can't), carrying forward their PATH plus your minimum is my idea of standardizing.00:10
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clarkber wait thats not right. 13ish? anyways jet lag has ruined my mornings00:10
fungiclarkb: roughly, yeah00:10
fungialso i've been unable to artificially recreate the manage-projects failure mode by leaving a MySQLdb connect() open to the trove instance from review.o.o00:11
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fungiso i think something is causing that socket to get prematurely closed, it's not a general timeouty00:11
ianwfungi: ok cool, very interested in the nodepool update for obvious reasons but i don't think there's much i can do00:11
fungii can try manually applying the fix from 136079 on review.o.o and approving some project creation changes to see if it helps, but i'd like to have a better idea of why we're actually losing the socket00:12
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clarkbmtreinish: harlowja: I approved the stable compat job revert change00:16
clarkbso now we wait for that then we can put the taskflow ervert through00:16
notmynamehow does one test translations? also, where's the better place to ask that question?00:16
harlowja still going through the tubes00:16
clarkbnotmyname: you can change $LANG for the processes you want to test with translations to the language you want to test00:17
clarkbnotmyname: the translations list may have better ideas, but if you do that you should get text back that is in the language you specified00:17
notmynameclarkb: ie start it up with `LANG=foo /path/to/some/server` ?00:18
clarkbnotmyname: yup00:18
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lifelessclarkb: notmyname: you can set domain at runntime, if this is for automated tests00:22
notmynameclarkb: lifeless: more for hand-tests right now00:23
notmynameclarkb: hmm...that's not working for me00:23
notmynameclarkb: does it have to be installed that way?00:24
notmynameor is it the whole systme locale?00:24
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clarkbnotmyname: you do have to make sure that the .po files are installed in places where gettext looks for them00:26
clarkbnotmyname: I am pretty sure that a pip install does not do this00:26
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lifelessyou may need 'mo's00:27
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Temporarily to remove stable compat jobs on taskflow
clarkblifeless: I think it will compile them at run time but I may be mistaken about that00:27
lifeless*blink* _testcapi is present in my python2.7 distro install.00:29
lifelessColour me verra surprised00:29
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mtreinishharlowja: ^^^ the stable compat revert landed if you want to fast approve the revert00:36
mtreinishthen we can promote it to the top of the queue00:36
harlowjamtreinish still going00:36
harlowjaor should i recheck?00:37
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harlowja*recheck to chop off the icehouse jobs that are still active00:37
mtreinishharlowja: it should be ok it doesn't look like the icehouse jobs are running00:37
mtreinishat least according to status.o.o00:37
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harlowjamtreinish k, lets wait, they hopefully won't start running00:38
harlowja :)00:38
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dougwigjeblair: confirmed your suggestion, thank you00:46
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notmynameclarkb: lifeless:
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clarkbnotmyname: so you did need to compile to mo and copy to a different location, but it worked after that?00:53
clarkbthats exciting :)00:54
notmynameclarkb: yup00:54
notmynameclarkb: and those instructions weren't written down anywhere (that was findable)00:54
notmynameI pulled them from a gerrit comment on a patch merged last year for a locale unit test we have in swift. fortunately the dev who wrote the test was sitting physically next to me and remembered it00:55
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mtreinishharlowja: looks like 136174 came back if you want to +A it so it can get promoted01:14
wuhg2014-11-20 14:52:25.909 | [SCP] uploading file: '/srv/static/logs/73/135273/6/experimental/check-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph/d80a5a8/logs/horizon_error.txt.gz'01:14
wuhgit jenkis run log
wuhgwhere can i get the horizon_error.txt.gz?01:15
harlowjamtreinish will do01:17
harlowjamtreinish +Aed01:18
clarkbwuhg: if you go to you should have a logs dir01:18
mtreinishharlowja: cool, thanks01:18
clarkbwuhg: and in that dir will be the horizon error log01:18
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^ when you get a chance if you could promote 13617401:18
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clarkbit doesn't need promotion01:19
mtreinishoh it's in a separate queue, I didn't realize that01:19
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wuhgclarkb:yes , i see it ,but can't open ,01:20
clarkbwuhg: its empty01:21
wuhghorizon_error.txt.gz should be downloaded ,right01:21
clarkbit is but its empty01:21
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Temporarily to remove stable compat jobs on taskflow"
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mtreinishwuhg: the horrizon error log is normally empty. There is only 1 thing during the run which uses horizon (it just logs in) and if that went wrong the test would fail01:22
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mtreinishwuhg: but looking at the log that job hit the jenkins timeout well before the horizon test would have gotten executed01:23
jamielennoxmtreinish: does the taskflow wrapt thing only affect stable, seems to break keystoneclient but only against neutron01:23
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mtreinishjamielennox: it should only affect jobs that use devstack icehouse (which is a surprising number of things)01:24
mtreinishjamielennox: looking at: it was the icehouse jobs that failed01:25
wuhgmtreinish:i have a horizon patch that jenkins have a verify error from check-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph01:25
clarkbwuhg: I think thats ok. that job is not voting and is experimental01:26
jamielennoxmtreinish: ok, yea - it's the neutron/icehouse jobs that are failing all through there01:27
wuhg mtreinish:, the only error in check-tempest-dsvm-full-ceph related to horizon is horizon_error.txt.gz01:27
clarkbwuhg: you can ignore that test, it has never passed01:27
wuhgok ,thank you clark:  mtreinish:01:28
wuhgclarkb: the the quenston is that jenkins desn't verify my patch
wuhgclarkb:but all Jenkins check are success01:31
clarkbwuhg: its in the queue. see
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wuhgclarkb:many thanks01:36
wuhgmtreinish:many thanks for the explain01:37
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add mysql-proxy to enable read-only access to a db
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^ if you're still around do I need to add an iptables rule for the proxy on logstash.o.o there?02:07
openstackgerritAbhishek Chanda proposed openstack/requirements: Add docker-py to global requirements
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Magnum is not ready for requirements check
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harlowjamtreinish alright, is good to go02:35
harlowjaso i guess can fix whatever tempest stuff is needed ?02:35
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harlowja*or someone can fix* :-P02:35
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wuhgwhat is  the column Workflow in the Reviewer table from
wuhgwhat does the column Workflow do?02:54
nibalizerits where the 'work in progress' flag would be02:54
nibalizeror the 'approved' flag02:54
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mtreinishharlowja: yep, the tempest on icehouse fix was already in progress
mtreinishI'm not sure how prevelent it was but it bounced the reqs change from the gate twice03:14
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zxiiroHi, is anyone here available to help me with my account?03:26
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup gerrit ACLs
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zxiironevermind i figured it  out :)03:33
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Temporarily to remove stable compat jobs on taskflow"
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Switch dsvm-docker as a Nova check jobs
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Config File Provider to Maven Project module
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Config File Provider to Maven Project module
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: New Gerrit ACL for puppet-openstack-cloud
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wuhghi, all , how do i know if bugs Fix has published in a milestone?04:54
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add nodepool script to preseed testrepository from subunit2sql
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Config File Provider to Maven Project module
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openstackgerritdaisy-ycguo proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add a new project in stackforge named as i18n-test to maintain the test codes for i18n and l10n functions.
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openstackgerritThanh Ha proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Config File Provider to Maven Project module
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add is_debian and is_ubuntu_or_debian functions
openstackgerritJulie Pichon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add integration tests to the Horizon check gate
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openstackgerritMike Heald proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix tests for GitPython>3.2.0.RC1
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openstackgerritMike Heald proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix tests for GitPython>0.3.2.RC1
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/zuul: Enforce ref only for gerrit events that supply a ref
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openstackgerritMike Heald proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Fix tests for GitPython>0.3.2.RC1
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Integration Testing
openstackgerritAnn Kamyshnikova proposed openstack/requirements: Upgrade oslo.db>=1.1.0
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bookwarwhy this patch here is not merged? I don't see it in zuul queues or something..11:43
nibalizeroh thats super old11:45
nibalizermaybe try a recheck ?11:46
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dimssdague: quick one when you get a chance - need to disable requirements job -
sdaguedims: +A12:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Magnum is not ready for requirements check
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Setting up a StoryBoard python client
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Setting up a StoryBoard python client
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openstackgerritNikolay Fedotov proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove 'git_dir' and 'zuul_url' from [zuul] section
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Integration Testing
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Integration Testing
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NikitaKonovalovhi, can anyone help registering a project on pypi?13:16
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NikitaKonovalovThe project is python-storyboardclient
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akuznetsovaHi guys! I have a question. I need that "Closes-Bug" works on commit to some repo. Do you know what I have to configure for that?13:29
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tchaypoI don’t know the answer13:41
tchaypobut looks relevant13:41
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Revert "Temporarily to remove stable compat jobs on taskflow"
tchaypofrom it sounds like you need to set up a commit hook. the doc is silent on how to do that (or at least, doesn’t link to the docs on how to do that)13:43
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openstackgerritJulie Pichon proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add integration tests to the Horizon check gate
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed openstack-infra/project-config: New Gerrit ACL for puppet-openstack-cloud
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anteayaakuznetsova tchaypo a patch to update the commit message syntax and hooks merged last august/september and I have been looking for it but so far I can't find it13:58
anteayaand I don't know where that code lives otherwise I would point to it13:58
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anteayaNikitaKonovalov: I have never registered a project on pypi, so I don't know, the only part that needs to be registered is the name as far as I know13:59
anteayaNikitaKonovalov: are you being asked for information other than the name of the project?13:59
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anteayaNikitaKonovalov: for instance here is the python-novaclient page:
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tchaypoNikitaKonovalov: I’ve done this on pypi recently, what help do you need?14:03
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tchaypo*reads review*14:04
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tchaypoOh, I see.14:05
tchaypoyou can use the form at to register the package name14:05
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openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add per-provider env vars
tchaypo talks about this in a bit more detail14:06
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fungiNikitaKonovalov: i'll take care of it if nobody has done so yet14:17
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: New Gerrit ACL for puppet-openstack-cloud
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fungiNikitaKonovalov: actually, it'll have to wait a few minutes... is having some sort of trouble and i can't log into it14:20
EmilienMfungi: can I be admin of the new Gerrit group called "puppet-openstack-cloud" please?14:21
fungiakuznetsova: can you point me to the review which failed to update some bug and i can tell you what's missing/needed14:21
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akuznetsovafungi, for example this one
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make devstack docs job only run on master
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fungiEmilienM: the acl for stackforge/puppet-openstack-cloud currently only lists the puppet-manager-core group (which you're in). since only merged a moment ago it hasn't been applied yet. i'll add you once it's there in a few minutes14:24
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fungiakuznetsova: that bug is for the python-mistralclient project in launchpad, but your patch attempting to close it was to the stackforge/mistral project in gerrit14:26
EmilienMfungi: cool no problem. It's not urgent. Thanks :)14:26
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: centos7 devstack jobs should not be run on icehouse
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akuznetsovafungi, I thought that it is not important and bug is searching by id14:27
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akuznetsovafungi, but thanks, now it makes sense14:28
fungiakuznetsova: the script requires the project name for the patch in gerrit (without the part before the / separator) to match the project name in launchpad. you can override that in gerrit/projects.yaml by giving the gerrit project a groups entry matching the correct launchpad project name but that's a one-way mapping14:29
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fungiakuznetsova: it's a safeguard against committers accidentally mis-typing a bug number, to avoid our automated systems updating bugs for projects outside our sphere of control and annoying random people on the internet14:30
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add details to event subscription
akuznetsovafungi, thanks for clarification14:31
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fungianteaya: btw, that 136098 change you approved modifies gerrit/projects.yaml and i seem to remember you sending some announcement that we were not approving those until!/story/2000017 was fixed? (no harm done though--i've got my proposed fix hand-patched in and wanted to see if it helped anyway)14:32
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sdagueso exactly when did -nv jobs get to be voting?14:32
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add more details on event dashboard
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add integration tests to the Horizon check gate
fungianteaya: also, it seems to have worked! (or else we got lucky and didn't trigger all the broken this time)14:33
anteayafungi: my understanding was that the problem was only with new repo creation14:33
fungisdague: give me a specific job name and i should be able to tell you. chances are it's modified by a matching expression in the jobs list after the one at the top setting them all non-voting14:34
anteayaif the problem encompasses all of gerrit/projects.yaml then yes, I did approve in error, but I didn't know that it did14:34
sdaguefungi: yeh, I think it's a bad regex thing14:34
anteayathank you for bringing that to my attention and please accept my apologies14:34
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fungianteaya: well, the bug is exhibited from new gerrit group creation, but yeah you're right it only breaks nodepool image updates if that coincides with adding a new project14:34
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anteayafungi: and I am glad my mistake did not trigger the error14:35
anteayaah new gerrit group creation, which does14:35
anteayayes, you are correct and I am wrong14:35
anteayaI will update the email if only for my own benefit14:35
fungianteaya: i'm hoping that's a sign that my proposed fix works. unfortunately i can't seem to reproduce the bug in a simulated test14:35
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: -nv jobs should remain non voting
mriedemclarkb: i will say, that was a nice 4th quarter last night for what looked to be a stinky game14:36
fungianteaya: well, don't. i want to experiment a little more, but this may be fixed by the review i pushed up14:36
fungiin which case you'll be wasting the time it takes to write that e-mail ;)14:36
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fungiEmilienM: i've added you to puppet-openstack-cloud-core now14:37
EmilienMfungi: thank you14:37
anteayafungi: okay I won't send the email14:37
fungisdague: so you're asking about check-tempest-dsvm-ironic-pxe_ssh-nv et cetera?14:38
anteayafungi: and your patch isn't merged but it is on the server?14:38
fungianteaya: right14:38
anteayaah okay14:38
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make devstack docs job only run on master
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: centos7 devstack jobs should not be run on icehouse
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: -nv jobs should remain non voting
fungianteaya: i manually edited on as a test because i was having trouble recreating the failure condition14:38
sdaguefungi: yeh14:38
anteayafungi: makes sense14:38
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sdaguefungi: mostly, I was looking at the enormous job growth on devstack which just isn't sane in my opinion, and trying to prune back14:39
nibalizergood morning infra14:39
fungianteaya: normally i would avoid doing that, but couldn't find a better option14:39
anteayafungi: well anytime you are ready to test it with new repo creation we have some lined up, they are -2'd14:39
fungianteaya: oh, awesome--thanks! i'll ping you in a bit14:39
anteayafungi: yes that makes sense14:40
anteayanibalizer: morning14:40
anteayafungi: since there was an idea floated at some point that this same mysql port timeout (if that is what this is) might be affecting paste as well14:40
nibalizerdid fungi's change merge and/or fix the problem with projects un-creating?14:40
anteayafungi: would there be any point in testing this on paste?14:41
fungisdague: i think it's this line overriding it...
anteayanibalizer: not merged yet, but he changed the code on the server to test it14:41
sdaguefungi: yeh14:41
anteayanibalizer: he can't recreate the conditions so this was the only option left14:41
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sdaguefungi: so,cm fixes it, right?14:41
fungianteaya: possibly something similar could be inserted into
fungisdague: i _think_ so but we should be able to tell from the job results14:43
sdagueI really wish cgit ui wasn't the most terrible thing in the world, basic lacking features like line highlighting make me sad14:43
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix nonglobal variables in template names
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mtreinishnibalizer: oh, I didn't even realize that was a define. (I thought I used class there) I was confused by you earlier comment but just went with it, but now it makes sense...14:43
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fungisdague: i believe the zuul parser as invoked in the layout job will mention non-voting status14:44
sdaguefungi: ok14:44
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nibalizermtreinish: i dont have any experience  with mysql proxy14:44
nibalizerbut it kindof looks like it call all just go in a mysql_proxy class14:44
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nibalizerunless there are multiple configuration stanzas or something14:45
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mtreinishnibalizer: no there shouldn't be, my intent was to use a class there, I don't know where I copy and pasted using define there from.14:45
anteayafungi: what version of sqlalchemy is paste using?14:47
fungianteaya: i don't know that it is using sqlalchemy at all. did you see a reference to it in the source there?14:48
fungianteaya: oh, i see it's importing there14:48
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add mysql-proxy to enable read-only access to a db
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fungianteaya: yeah, so it's likely the fix wouldn't really be similar... the problem may not even be the same. sqlalchemy is supposed to automatically reconnect if it detects a problem. the bigger issue there may be implicit transaction rollback14:49
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anteayaI did find this in my searching:
fungiSQLAlchemy==0.8.1 is installed on paste.o.o14:51
anteayahow would we detect what would be triggering a rollback?14:51
anteayaor is that a default behaviour14:51
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fungianteaya: mysqldb's ping documents that if it gets a disconnect mid-transaction, the software should take into account that any previously completed parts of the transaction will likely get rolled back14:52
fungianteaya: so it's possible lodgeit isn't properly retrying when a write fails14:53
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fungianteaya: i probably need to go digging and find the full traceback from one of the paste failures to have a better idea of where and what is breaking14:55
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openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Test CI
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anteayafungi: sure, when you have time it feels like you have a backlog already, in the meantime I am going to read up on the sqlalchemy Pool class:
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anteayait feels aplicable somehow14:56
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AJaegergood morning!14:57
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anteayamorning AJaeger14:57
AJaegersdague: regarding - don't we need to block docs publishing of stable/* for all projects?14:57
sdagueAJaeger: honestly, I don't know14:58
openstackgerritKyle Rockman proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: hipchat bug fix
sdaguebut I know for devstack, we definitely don't want it14:58
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sdagueand I was just trying to fix that bit14:58
AJaegersdague: ;)14:59
AJaegerI assume that we don't want it for e.g. nova either - the docs on are contantly updated14:59
AJaegerand we don't want icehouse there but trunk14:59
reedfungi, I see aptira's blog post multiple times on planet, I swear :)15:00
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AJaegerfungi, anteaya: I'm not seeing any disabling of the stable docs publishing - shouldn't this be done?15:00
AJaegersdague: I prefer to understand the big picture first ;)15:00
fungireed: checking15:01
sdaguereed: I assume they are using terrible blog post software that violates rss15:02
anteayaAJaeger: this is a good question15:03
anteayaAJaeger: I don't know either15:03
reedsdague, so you see it multiple times, too?15:03
anteayaAJaeger: what does annegentle say on the topic?15:03
sdagueyeh Nov 19th and Nov 16th15:03
fungireed: ahh, yep, the "Product Management lies dreaming" post15:03
reedi'm not crazy?15:03
sdagueso their blog software didn't keep the guid15:03
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AJaegerfungi, reed: Yeah, I noticed that one as well in my RSS feed15:03
* reed is not crazy ahahhahha iahihiihihi hahhahah15:04
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fungireed: i'm not sure this proves anything at all with regard to your sanity, but i do agree the blog post is duplicated. hopefully only in our cache?15:04
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fungii can delete and regen15:04
AJaegeranteaya: for openstack-manuals we publish a few documents to /juno - that is all special cased...15:04
anteayafungi: sqlalchemy does document a connection timeout workaround:
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sdaguefungi: yeh, if you delete and regen, the old one isn't in their rss15:05
anteayaAJaeger: then if the default case is publish master branch documentation only, I can get behind a patch that makes that happen15:05
sdaguenotice the link for the older one goes to something else entirely15:05
fungianteaya: cool. if this is timeout related that may help. i'm unconvinced it's a timeout though, but would want to figure out who in rax to ask about how their trove instances are tuned for idle sockets15:05
dteselkinHi. It looks like something is wrong with test for nodepool progect - I made a simple commit to nodepool (touch ci.test) and it failed.
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dstufftmordred: pfft, you're in Philly and you didn't even tell me? ;P15:06
anteayafungi: I had an offer from johnthetubaguy yesterday to find out and felt that yesterday was premature15:06
anteayafungi: I'll go hunting for a name15:06
sdaguedstufft: it was on the twitters15:06
mordreddstufft: yeah. oh. crap. right. you live in philly15:06
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anteayajohnthetubaguy: so yes, we are now ready to have a chat with any rax folks that tune idle sockets on trove instances15:07
mordreddstufft: we accomplished good drinking, BTW15:07
anteayajohnthetubaguy: how would I go about finding such a person?15:07
fungidteselkin: i agree, it looks like the allocator tests have bitrotted. perhaps triggered by an update in a dependency15:07
mordredfungi: you know mysql my.cnf params can be changed via trove api ...15:08
fungimordred: ooh! can they also be introspected?15:08
johnthetubaguyanteaya: good questions, probably a silly question, look for trove commits with rackspace email addresss?15:08
mordredfungi: yes15:08
openstackgerritKyle Rockman proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: adding support for the custom tools plugin
anteayajohnthetubaguy: I will start there15:08
fungimordred: i will seek out documentation15:08
dstufftsdague: I didn't notice apparently :(15:08
mordredfungi: show global variables15:08
dstufftmordred: ah well, at least good drinking was had :D15:08
fungijohnthetubaguy: anteaya: mordred says we ought to be able to check and if necessary tune them ourselves15:09
johnthetubaguyanteaya: I can't remember the names of folks right now, which is annoying, I spoke to them15:09
AJaegeranteaya: doing a proper patch would be great - just take care that it does not touch openstack-manuals jobs15:09
anteayaah the best way15:09
clarkbpeople still use twitter?15:09
* dstufft uses twitter 15:09
dteselkinfungi, ok, just wanted to know that someone else knows about the problem :)15:09
AJaegerclarkb: yeah, when travelling ;)15:09
jedimikeoooh, cores are awake! :) should be a quick review to fix zuul for the newer GitPython release, if anyone can take a look :)15:09
anteayajohnthetubaguy: not to worry, I will hunt someone down if we still need to, thanks15:09
zhiyanfungi: hi, could you pls help take a look on this failure, i got no idea :/
johnthetubaguyanteaya: cools, let me know if the trail goes cold, and I can try from inside15:10
anteayaAJaeger: sounds like you are willing to let me offer the patch, you must be busy15:10
anteayaAJaeger: I can do that15:10
anteayajohnthetubaguy: thanks I will do15:10
AJaegeranteaya: sitting in Florida at the pool, soon shopping and then flying back home...15:10
sdaguedimsum__: what's up with the docker job on nova check?15:10
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AJaegeranteaya: I can also do it next week15:10
anteayaAJaeger: dude, get off irc and enjoy the pool15:11
anteayaAJaeger: I'm mixing up a patch15:11
clarkbjedimike I am not convinced that is all we need to change. a little worried that those exceptions can be thrown in other code paths breaking zuul. but if we dont have test coverage for that its hard to know :) at the very least we can start with that change then look for other oddities15:11
fungizhiyan: you should check out sdague's podcast today. it's all about debugging jobs like that one15:11
AJaegeranteaya: ;)15:11
AJaegeranteaya: thanks!15:12
jedimikeclarkb, thanks, I can look through GitPython and see where those exceptions are thrown and go through zuul and see where we call those codepaths. Sound sensible?15:12
zhiyanfungi: ok, i met this begin yday15:12
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openstackgerritKyle Rockman proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: hipchat bug fix
dimsum__sdague: at the moment a sequencing problem (3 changes in nova broke docker-dsvm) -
clarkbjedimike ya a quick scan of places where that might be thrown may be good15:13
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jedimikeclarkb, great, I'll make a start15:13
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dimsum__sdague: waiting for 136071 to merge15:13
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zhiyanfungi: can you show me a link for the podcase? sdague15:15
fungizhiyan: i think that's a new job which just got applied to glance-store and perhaps devstack/devstack-gate are not set up to pre-clone it15:15
zhiyanfungi: ok, can you disable it a while before devstack-gate fix it?15:16
dimsum__sdague: if we dont think nova should have a docker-dsvm, then we should just rip it out and not run it silently (which was what was happening for a while now)15:16
fungizhiyan: it's in about 4 hours...
zhiyanfungi: or how can i do it now?15:16
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fungisdague: mtreinish: any objections to reverting the -src jobs on glance-store in the short term? do you agree that's the diagnosis?15:17
dimsum__fungi: when changes from git:// get merged, does the zuul job get restarted?15:17
fungidimsum__: no, it only applies to changes which are not yet in the pipeline15:17
fungidimsum__: oh, depending on what the change is though15:18
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dimsum__fungi: y, the one i was poking at was the gerrit owner in status.json15:18
fungidimsum__: but in general, dependent queues will not be rearranged for changes already running jobs i don't think15:18
timrcIt looks like the way etherpad-lite is getting deployed, the repo is being checked out on the 'develop' branch at whatever the latest rev happens to be and once it's present on the node, it'll not get updated.  So, how does openstack-infra update these applications?  Is it as simple as rm -rf'ing the checkout on the node and letting puppet recheck out the latest rev?15:18
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fungidimsum__: ahh, i think it depends on whether zuul has re-queried gerrit for that metadata15:19
clarkbtimrc you can change the ref in puppet15:19
mtreinishfungi: sorry I wasn't following, what's up with glance_store?15:19
timrcclarkb, Is that how you do it?15:19
reedsay a group wants to use Storyboard but doesn't need gerrit or git... how can they?15:19
dimsum__fungi: right. will keep an eye on it15:19
fungitimrc: we manually update the ref and test it on an etherpad-dev server first, because epl has a tendency to be broken in random ways so you sometimes have to pick a "sweet spot" in the commit history15:20
clarkbthat ^15:20
clarkbbut once you find a spot yup15:20
timrcclarkb, Cool15:20
timrcfungi, Thanks15:20
mordreddstufft: also, cheesesteak eggrolls15:20
fungimtreinish: zhiyan just brought it to our attention15:20
clarkbalso I want to switch to trusty nodejs at some point15:21
zhiyanfungi: thanks15:21
clarkbits non suck on trusty iirc15:21
fungimtreinish: i believe that means it's not in devstack-gate's list of projects to put in the devstack git cache15:21
rcarrillocruzfound a bug in nodepool15:21
rcarrillocruzit's now supposed to be filed on storyboard, right?15:21
mtreinishfungi: yeah that's what it looks like15:21
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clarkbyes storyboard.15:22
openstackgerritKyle Rockman proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: add support to git for changelog against branch
clarkbreed I think there is a way but you still add it to projects.yaml15:22
rcarrillocruzk, thx15:22
fungimtreinish: so i guess we need to back those two jobs out of layout.yaml for glance-store temporarily while we get support landed in devstack-gate, then revert the disablement15:23
clarkbreed what is it for?15:23
clarkbfungi or just update d-g?15:23
mordredwe should support that case for sure15:24
mtreinishfungi: is it blocking us from landing the d-g (or devstack) changes we need to cache it?15:24
fungiclarkb: d-g changes have to walk the gauntlet for a while15:24
mordredit'll come up more than once15:24
fungimtreinish: no, it's just blocking glance-store devs from getting patches reviewed/merged15:24
clarkbmordred I thought jeepyb already supported it15:24
reedclarkb, the Win The Enterprise group, trying to evaluate how painful it would be for me to lower their expectations on Storyboard or teach them how to use a wiki or ... just let them go buy something else somewhere else or ...15:24
clarkba storyboard only project type. maybe I am imagining a wanted feature as an implemented feature15:25
clarkbreed right but what is use case?15:25
mtreinishfungi: the issue with dropping the src jobs is I think it's the only functional testing on the project, if we drop it they;re opened up to landing broken code15:25
fungiclarkb: reed: "bugs with no associated code?"15:25
reedat the moment I'm ambivalent between teach them to use the wiki and give them a storyboard.. the use case is filing and tracking tasks15:25
clarkbwe can throw people at bug trackers and wikis or buy tools but without an intended use case hard to know whats best15:26
reedno bugs, no code... more like a 'trello' with no process15:26
fungimtreinish: great point15:26
clarkbreed gotcha, we should put them in storyboard then15:26
timrcclarkb, btw, hipchat is way less hip without you on it :~(15:26
openstackgerritKyle Rockman proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: adding support for the custom tools plugin
fungitimrc: now he's on shoot-from-the-hip-chat15:27
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clarkbhipchat now with less hip and more gifs!15:27
timrcfungi, Nice :P15:27
fungiclarkb: that sounds like 4chan15:27
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AJaegerbye for now!15:27
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reedclarkb, I'd be start a conversation on a review... should I send a change to projects.yaml and discuss there? any clue what the syntax should be?15:28
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clarkbreed no and it may not support it yet. but if you push a wip change we can add that in15:29
fungimtreinish: oddly, openstack/glance_store is already in the projects list in devstack-gate15:29
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reedclarkb, ok, let me ask krotscheck too.15:30
mtreinishfungi: hmm, could it be that sdague's patch to construct the git path is wrong and it's trying to clone something by mistake?15:30
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Set region_name kwarg to None if provider does not have a region
fungimtreinish: looking at the setup workspace log for that job, it did indeed sync in openstack/glance_store and update it15:33
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openstackgerritKyle Rockman proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: add support for pyton and tox matrix project axis
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fungimtreinish: yeah, i'm suspecting something is odd here deeper inside devstack15:36
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Documentation publication should be based on master
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sdaguefungi: which thing?15:37
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fungisdague: devstack-gate definitely sync'd it into /opt/stack/new but devstack is trying to clone it anyway15:38
sdaguefungi: yep, the fix is here -
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fungiaha, grenade tanked it because of trouble on juno?15:38
sdagueit borked for some reason15:39
sdaguejavelin seems to have died, don't know why15:39
fungior just $other_random_failure perhaps15:39
anteayawhy is the trove api documentation on github?15:40
anteayaSlickNik: ^^15:40
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mtreinishsdague: looks like server create died15:41
sdaguemtreinish: because we couldn't allocate memory -
fungireed: planet should be cleaned of the extra aptira post now15:42
anteayaconfiguration-parameter-show  Shows details of a configuration parameter.15:43
reedthanks fungi15:43
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sdaguefungi: anyway, the glance_store issue has a fix there with tests so it doesn't revert. But given how many jobs are defined on devstack... someone probably just needs to recheck babysit that all the way through.15:44
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mtreinishsdague: hmm, that error looks familiar15:45
sdaguethat fix was created 2 days ago15:45
mtreinishbut I didn't see it in e-r15:45
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mordredanteaya: link?15:45
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mordredanteaya: (like, where is the trove-api docs?)15:46
anteayamordred: from
sdaguefungi / mordred / et al15:46
openstackgerritKyle Rockman proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: hipchat bug fix
fungimordred: also says "Trove API Documentation on github"15:46
fungier, what anteaya said15:46
sdaguezuul does the extra tests on changes, how difficult would it be to add the inverse to drop tests on changes15:47
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sdaguebecause, it occurred to me this morning, that running any dsvm* jobs on project requirements changes is actually of 0 value15:47
sdaguebecause devstack ignores the contents of that file15:47
fungisdague: what do you mean by extra tests on changes?15:47
fungisdague: oh, you mean if file path is changed, run these additional tests15:48
mtreinishsdague: so on a change which just touches requirements only run the reqs job and nothing else15:48
sdaguemtreinish: no, still run the unit tests, because those matter15:48
fungisdague: so the trick would probably be adding a feature to match when *only* files in a specific path change15:48
mordredwow. the trove README has a whole other project's readme in it15:48
fungisdague: or a way to do inverse matches i guess (only run this job if files outside this list of paths change)15:49
sdaguebecause every time we land a requirements change now we kick off about 400 tempest jobs, that actually have 0 value15:49
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sdagueso we mostly just block actual work from getting done, which is sadness15:50
fungisdague: and we definitely want to run things like style checks and unit tests, but i agree devstack-gate-based jobs don't use those files15:50
sdaguefungi: yes, agreed15:50
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sdaguethis is mostly about reducing the storm of really long and provably non useful tests15:50
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sdaguefungi: also like... seems silly that it runs tempest tests15:54
mordredfungi, anteaya, SlickNik
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jeblairi think you could do that today with a negative lookahead on the file regex, but that would probably only work for one file.  doing it right by adding a new negative match term would not be hard.15:55
mordredsdague: hang on ... don't we do the requirements syncing in devstack anymore?15:55
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jeblairmordred: i'm assuming sdague is referring to changes to individual project requirements (eg tempest), rather than to global reqs?15:55
mordredstill coffeeing15:55
mordredI now fully undersatnd15:56
jeblair(aiui, devstack tests of changes to global reqs is still useful)15:56
fungijeblair: mordred: which we generally propose en masse and generate a storm of jobs when that happens15:56
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sdaguejeblair: yes15:56
fungi(e.g. when a change lands on global reqs)15:56
* mordred agrees about not running dsvm then15:56
sdaguelike I said, this is about not doing a wasteful thing that we *know* isn't testing anything15:57
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sdagueespecially as it consumes close to 50% of our capacity when it happens15:57
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clarkbI almost ready to start building new nodepool host15:58
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sdaguejeblair: you got a pointer as to where I might hack on that?16:00
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jeblairsdague: yeah, i think all of the occurences of the word 'files' in and are the relevant bits to copy/past/invert16:01
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Set region_name kwarg to None if provider does not have a region
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mesteryanteaya: The ODL CI has two succesful sandbox runs now under tykeal's gerrit account: and
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mesteryanteaya: What else do we need to do to get it enabled again?16:03
tykealanteaya: the IP for both of those was
tykealanteaya: display name in gerrit is 'Andrew Grimberg'16:04
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jeblairi have to run to an appointment; back in a few hours16:05
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openstackgerritDmitry Teselkin proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Add per-provider env vars
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anteayatykeal: okay please respond to this thread:
tykealanteaya: can do16:10
anteayatykeal: include this url
tykealalso can do :)16:10
anteayatykeal: which links to the sandbox runs16:10
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anteayaping emagana and find one other operator to reply to your post stating they feel you should be re-enabled16:11
anteayaonce I see those posts, we can re-enable you16:11
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anteayaalso stay close to emagana for times when he needs someone else to verify someone's system16:11
anteayathat helps us all16:11
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emaganatykeal: I am around if you need to chat16:13
tykealemagana: k, I'm just about to finish sending the note to the list per anteaya's request16:13
emaganatykeal: ;-)_16:13
tykealand away it goes16:14
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tykealthough it's awaiting moderation, wee!16:14
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tykealemagana: for quick reference the ODL CI was disabled earlier this week. We've resolved the errors causing bad builds and got a couple of successful runs triggered off of the sandbox available for viewing here:
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clarkbfungi: ok I think I am ready to start booting the trusty nodepool node.16:21
clarkbfungi: anything else you want to see done first?16:21
fungiclarkb: nope, i'm on deck if you run into trouble16:22
clarkbmy current plan is spin it up. It should then start building images then get min ready nodes16:22
clarkbat that point I change dns and shutdown old server16:22
clarkband finally clean up alien things16:22
clarkbthat should just about cover it16:22
fungithe clean up alien things should wait a couple hours after cut-over16:22
fungito avoid killing running jobs by deleting nodes out from under them16:23
fungihowever, we're likely going to see serious over-quota errors in the meantime16:24
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clarkbfungi: its friday though so it shouldn't be too bad on the over quota error front16:24
fungiyeah, hoping that the node utilization is starting to trend downward around the time we do the cut16:25
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clarkbok starting image build now16:27
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clarkbpuppet is running16:31
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ryanpetrelloclarkb: any idea if the tox infra is using is > 1.8 ?16:33
ryanpetrellothe new parametrized/generative stuff is pretty cool and I'd like to use it for pecan :)16:33
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krotscheckAnyone out there able to look at storyboard logs for me? I’m looking for a failed login attempt from mbitard, it might be throwing some kind of an encoding error16:35
clarkbhrm I think pyzmq failed to build. we will see if puppet treats that as a failure and I have to rebuild or if I can get on the node and see post puppet16:35
clarkbryanpetrello: it should be latest16:35
ryanpetrellookay, awesome16:35
clarkbryanpetrello: we pinned for a while but upstream fixed the bugs that hit us so now we install latest16:36
clarkbkrotscheck: if no one beats me to it I can as soon as this node build is done16:36
krotscheckclarkb: Thanks. I’ve got an appointment at 9, so if you can’t do it by then then I’ve got after 10.16:36
krotscheckI mean it can wait until after 1016:36
krotscheckSeriously, sometimes I feel that my fingers are dyslexic.16:37
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clarkb x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc: error trying to exec 'cc1plus': execvp: No such file or directory we may just be missing the compiler? or puppet order of ops is biting us?16:39
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mtreinishfungi, clarkb: do you think we'll have time today to give setting up the mysql proxy a try?16:45
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Install build-essential for nodepool installation
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make devstack docs job only run on master
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: centos7 devstack jobs should not be run on icehouse
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: -nv jobs should remain non voting
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: move nova-tox-functional to experimental until there is content
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Install build deps for nodepool installation
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clarkbfungi: ok I am going to attempt starting nodepool on new host now16:51
fungimtreinish: i can try later on today if things get quiet16:51
clarkbhrm isn't happy16:51
mtreinishfungi: ok sure, no worries. It's not really a high prio16:51
clarkbthe number of packages we need to install this stuff is really much higher than I expected...16:52
clarkbmore patches coming16:52
fungiclarkb: yeah, i think we determined that older/other base images included all of build-essential but some newer (trusty? pvhvm?) images do not, and we only really ensure it present on slaves not general purpose servers16:52
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clarkband I need libffi-dev and libssl-dev16:54
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clarkband maybe more16:54
fungioh, yep16:54
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mtreinishclarkb: heh, maybe just use:
mtreinishgranted most of that probably isn't needed :)16:57
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fungimtreinish: yeah in this case i think some of it is related to the nodepool->swiftclient->keystoneclient->lxml dependency chain, and then whatever the thing is wanting a c++ compiler16:59
clarkbyes novaclient and six and pycryto and we can't have nice things17:00
fungier, nodepool->novaclient->keystoneclient->lxml i mean17:00
clarkbAttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'db' something is hosed17:00
clarkbI wonder if that means we haven't puppeted the db stuff for nodepool17:00
fungii was conflating it with zuul->swifclient->keystoneclient->lxml which is similarly annoying17:00
clarkboh unless is the db connection info different?17:00
fungiclarkb: why would the db connection info be different? it's local, right?17:01
clarkbya its local and it seems to be configured17:02
clarkbso I have no idea what is going on there yet17:02
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clarkbI just cofirmed I can connect with the nodepool db uri17:03
clarkbso thats not the issue17:03
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clarkb(it uses localhost)17:04
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clarkbnodepool schema has 4 tables in it which matches the old host17:08
clarkbtable slook sane so I think the initial db bootstrapping was fine17:09
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jogoanteaya: morning17:12
anteayajogo: hello there17:12
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tykealanteaya: got an ok (sort of?) from Doug on that thread... just waiting on emagana I suppose?17:12
anteayatykeal: yes, let's wait for edgar17:12
jogoanteaya: have you been hit by the freezing cold weather?17:12
anteayatykeal: that test is supposed to fail btw, that is the point, two patches, one expected to pass, one expected to fail17:13
anteayatykeal: edgar's invention17:13
jogothe same system that dumped several feet in buffalo17:13
tykealanteaya: ah, ok, I just wanted to be sure!17:13
anteayajogo: yes, cold and snowy here, but doesn't compare17:13
anteayajogo: yes, we just have the top edge of it, only about 2 feet here17:13
anteayanormal weather17:13
anteayatykeal: of course, thanks for the confirmation run on the failing patch :D17:14
jogoanteaya: haha 2 feet is normal wow17:14
anteayatykeal: the only thing that concerns me is the mention of setting it up and going on vacation17:14
jogoanteaya: anyway wanted to poke you about
anteayatykeal: happy vacation, but is someone able to admin whilst you are gone?17:14
tykealanteaya: I'm on pager duty, even if I'm on vacation17:14
jogoanteaya: I was surprised to see a change to nova's tests land without a nova-core +117:14
* anteaya loves working whislt into a sentence17:14
anteayatykeal: boo17:14
tykealanteaya: and yes, there are other admins that can deal with it, I'm just point for ODL wee!17:15
superdanjogo: anteaya: yeah, same17:15
tykealanteaya: the only time I get real vacation time is if I a) go out of country or b) go camping ;)17:15
anteayatykeal: do that17:16
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anteayasuperdan jogo okay well just speaking for myself here, since I haven't discussed this with other cores17:16
tykealanteaya: and it turned out the reason why the CI kept failing was a job configuration which the project committers ( mestery being one of ) can modify on their own17:16
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jogoanteaya: and was wondering if there is some sort of informal policy around adding tests and requiring +1s from the core teams17:16
clarkbfungi: looking at how the db is configured I think some of the other reconfigure* calls are failing which prevents us from setting the db config17:16
anteayabut for a silent or experiemental non-voting moving to a check non-voting I haven't been alerting repo cores/ptls17:17
clarkbfungi: but there are no other stacktraces that I see...17:17
anteayabut I can for nova if that is your wish17:17
anteayabut I do for moving a non-voting to voting job17:17
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superdananteaya: I think that'd be good17:17
anteayasure I have no problem with that17:17
anteayawould you like that patch reverted?17:17
jogoanteaya: thanks, ahh that makes sense17:17
jogoanteaya: after discussion in openstack-nova it sounds like we are fine with the patch17:17
jogoanteaya: but were just a bit surprised17:18
superdanit's not my preference, personally, but not worth a revert at this point17:18
anteayaso going forward, does nova want to weigh in on non-voting experiemental/silent jobs moving to non-voting check?17:18
anteayasuperdan says yes17:18
anteayawhat do you want jogo?17:18
superdanI think any non-silent change is probably good to get input on17:19
anteayasuperdan: I can do that17:19
anteayaand post to infra to express your wishes17:19
jogoanteaya: yes that would be great, thanks!17:19
* anteaya composes a post17:19
fungiclarkb: which reconfigure calls?17:20
clarkbfungi: in nodepool.nodepool:updateConfig()17:20
clarkbthat we have a wrapper try except that says "Exception in startup" and that is not hit17:21
clarkbso I am really confused17:21
clarkb104.130.154.112 is the new node btw17:21
openstackgerritBradley Klein proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-monasca acls and review group.
fungiclarkb: oh, is it possible we're depending on manual schema changes we made in the db to support some recent feature addition and neglected to adjust the table creation calls accordingly?17:21
fungihopping in17:22
jesusaurusclarkb: are you trying to deploy nodepool on trusty?17:22
* jesusaurus is trying to follow along17:23
fungijesusaurus: yep17:23
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clarkbfungi: no I don't think that is what is breaking us. sqlalchemy appears to have populated the tables properly17:24
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clarkbjesusaurus: ya, I have a new patch I need to push up to cover the install stuff17:24
clarkbmaybe I push that up and delete this node then try again. I suppose its possible that my efforts to cleanly reinstall have failed17:24
clarkbfungi: ^ what do you think? I guess I should let you poke around a little first17:24
anteayajogo superdan is my email draft17:26
anteayaclarkb fungi ^^17:26
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fungiclarkb: hrm, yeah a fresh start is probably a good idea. if nodepool dependencies didn't all actually get properly installed you could see a myriad of weird issues17:27
clarkbfungi: ya that is what I am thinking let me push this patchset up, get that merged then give it another go17:27
fungiclarkb: i don't entirely trust a new node launch until i get puppet to run clean on it in the first pass17:27
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Install build deps for nodepool installation
clarkbfungi: ^ that should give us a clean node launch17:29
anteayadevananda: can we get a rebase on
jogoanteaya: looks good to me!17:30
openstackgerritKyle Rockman proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: adding support for the custom tools plugin
anteayajogo superdan and then can we get a core to weigh in on
anteayajogo: thank you17:31
clarkbfungi: but I will put it in my dev env and try it from there17:31
* clarkb deletes the current node17:31
openstackgerritKyle Rockman proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: adding support for the custom tools plugin
fungiclarkb: yeah, lgtm but not sure if there's any effort to keep puppet-nodepool working on non-ubuntu17:32
jogoanteaya: done17:32
fungialso that might conflict with puppet-zuul if someone tries to coinstall them (which some third-party ci operators do)17:32
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anteayajogo: thank you17:32
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* asselin is paying attention...we install nodepool and zuul in one17:33
clarkbdamnit puppet17:33
clarkbthat is all I have to say about that :)17:33
anteayafairly clear17:33
asselinbut we're on ubuntu :)17:33
anteayaclarkb fungi any objection to me sending out:
anteayajeblair: if you are back from your appointment ^^17:34
clarkbfungi: second build is running17:35
fungianteaya: sorry, too many simultaneous discussions in different channels. i've generally tried to get the ptl to weigh in on new voting (or even non-voting, experimental) job additions and changes of any of them to voting, but in absence of a ptl at least a couple regular core reviewers from the project(s) in question17:35
clarkbanteaya: my only concern is that there will be times where we change nova's jobs without asking nova. sorry17:35
clarkbanteaya: like when we removed py2617:35
clarkbanteaya: or when we added requirements checking17:35
anteayajogo superdan ^^17:35
anteayaI can't box infra into a corner here, but I am trying to play nice17:36
fungiclarkb: i think when infra needs to make changes to a project's jobs, we do that and give them a heads up17:36
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clarkbfungi: sure, but this is all very much phrased in the way of "we must ask for permission"17:36
fungii see this as more of a "when some interested party proposes a job change and is not a core reviewer for the project that job is voting on"17:36
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superdanclarkb: you understand the intent here, right?17:37
anteayafungi: if that is the case, I need to chage the language of the email17:37
fungiexempting infra/qa/release where we'd just let them know and sort out our differences after the fact17:37
clarkbsuperdan: yes I think this specific case the correct thing to do is ask nova core17:37
fungianteaya: so anyway, what i've tried to do in the past is use common sense. unfortunately common sense is hard to codify in policy17:38
superdanclarkb: We didn't really ask for an email or a policy change, we'd just like to be consulted on things like this particular thing17:38
clarkbsure I think thats fair17:38
clarkbbut I don't want this to become a policy of *-core must +1 any job changes that affect their project outside of the silent queue17:38
anteayafungi: yes17:38
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anteayaI don't have to send an email17:39
clarkb(which is what jogo's comment implies he wants)17:39
anteayahowever SergeyLukjanov isn't around much and andreas is offline right now17:39
anteayaso while I can say yes for me I don't know what they will do17:39
anteayaand unfortunately SergeyLukjanov hasn't been reading commit messages lately when he approves code17:40
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fungianteaya: i think a reminder to the group is fair, that if it looks like there's a non-urgent job change (where urgency is generally related to release process and gate breakage), then get some reasonably authoritative input from the projects affected and try to make sure it's reflected somehow in the review prior to approving17:40
superdanthe py26 change was well understood and socialized, right?17:41
superdanwe all knew it was coming17:41
superdanthis particular change landed in eight hours, and it wasn't urgent, AFAICT17:41
fungisuperdan: yeah, we announced it in advance in multiple venues and projects had plenty of time to object17:41
fungithe py26 change i mean17:41
superdanright, needing a +1 on the actual final patch isn't at all the point17:42
clarkbsuperdan: ok I may have misread what jogo wanted17:42
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superdanclarkb: well, I'm not speaking for him, but I don't think that's really what he meant17:42
clarkb"I am just a little surprised this landed without a +1 from nova core"17:43
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fungithat's one of those where i would have sought out mikal to +1 or at least two or three nova core reviewers17:43
superdanclarkb: well, because that was an eight hour window and a single revision17:43
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superdanclarkb: I don't think he meant that any patch that lands needs a +1 from us, I think he meant "WAT?"17:43
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clarkbAttributeError: 'Module_six_moves_urllib_parse' object has no attribute 'SplitResult'17:44
anteayayay for fast turn around on project-config17:44
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clarkbvia novaclient17:44
jogosuperdan: yes I meant 'WAT'17:46
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anteayajogo: you try slowing down andreas and his reviews17:46
clarkbsure enough no SplitResult17:46
anteayajogo: I rarely see a review he hasn't hit first17:46
fungiclarkb: seems like that may be the wrong version of six?17:46
jogoanteaya: heh17:47
fungiclarkb: maybe it's pinned in requirements.txt or in the reqs of a dep?17:47
anteayabut yeah, I hear the "WAT"17:47
anteayajust not sure how to rope in those sleeping in the way we mean17:47
clarkbfungi: no Ithink oslo.utils is broken17:48
clarkbmaybe not still digging17:48
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clarkboslo.utils requires six>=1.7.017:50
clarkbwe have 1.5.217:50
clarkbnow to find out why17:50
fungiyeah, that's exactly what i was suspecting17:50
* clarkb should make a rule that you must support six 1.017:51
tykealanteaya: and emagana FYI I need to hit the road, I saw that mestery responded about the concern over the log showing a fail but the job giving a pass, hopefully y'all can work that out ;). I will be checking back in on the mail thread later today so if our CI account gets reactivated I can get it running again. Many thanks for the help!17:51
pleia2good morning17:51
pleia2digging out of piles of email today, but I'm around :)17:51
anteayatykeal: enjoy vacation17:51
anteayapleia2: morning17:51
tykealjust a single day, mostly so I can drive up to my parents place for an early thanksgiving tomorrow ;)17:51
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clarkbdoing a local install to a venv to see if that makes grep work better17:52
mesterytykeal: Enjoy Thanksgiving!17:52
* tykeal waves17:52
anteayatykeal: nice17:53
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anteayatykeal: I hope you have a nice drive17:53
anteayaI am about to go for a walk, back later17:53
fungiclarkb: i suspect you're going to find something (possibly transitively) listed after six in requirements.txt is causing 1.7.0 to get downgraded to 1.5.217:53
mordredfungi, clarkb, jeblair: I made some comments on it, but you guys may want to as well17:54
clarkbfungi: ya17:54
clarkbdhellmann: btw this is why I say don't pin six17:54
mordredI believe that it's a step towards what we want out of nova+neutron+dns - but there are some specific real-world implications what's in the spec mgight have on us17:54
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dhellmannclarkb: I support not pinning six.17:55
clarkbhrm in a virtualenv I get 1.8 I bet trusty has six 1.5.217:55
clarkbfungi: I am just going to try a manual upgrade of six17:55
* dhellmann also supports not using distro packages17:55
mordreddhellmann: ++17:55
fungiclarkb: oh! is the base image coming with python-six already installed maybe?17:56
clarkbdhellmann: mordred the issue is that pip without --upgrade says meh17:56
clarkbeven if the version isn't correct17:56
clarkbbecause you know that would be too helpful17:56
clarkbnodepool is now running with six 1.8.017:56
clarkbstill broken17:56
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fungiclarkb: same traceback?17:57
clarkbfungi: ya17:57
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fungiclarkb: did you manage to uninstall the distro package cleanly?17:57
clarkbideally pip would at least fail17:57
clarkband say use the --upgrade flag17:57
clarkbfungi: no, I just installed six via pip with --upgrade17:57
fungiyeah, python is quite likely finding the old copy17:57
clarkbreally? hrm I can try nuking old six17:58
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fungisince debs and pip put them in different places, it will depend on library search path order17:58
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clarkblol this will remove cloud init17:58
fungiahh, yep. i now remember, cloud-init depends on python-six17:59
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add iptables to log dropped packets
clarkbalong with requests and urllib317:59
nibalizeradam_g: what about this ?17:59
nibalizerinstead of the other thing17:59
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fungiwhich we remove all of in our worker builds, right?17:59
nibalizersin the other thing affects every server in infra17:59
clarkbfungi: maybe17:59
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clarkbI am going to give it a go and see what happens17:59
adam_gnibalizer, that chain gets managed centrally via puppet18:00
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mordredclarkb: we don't need cloudinit18:00
mordredclarkb: once the node is booted, if puppet causes cloud-init to be removed, that's fine18:00
adam_gnibalizer, also that will append it to the bottom of the chain, after the -j REJECT18:00
clarkbnope no luck18:00
mordredthe _only_ thing we use it for for real is getting ssh keys onto machines18:00
clarkbI think something is properly broken in nodepool18:01
nibalizeradam_g: well we can figure out how to do the insert thing to iptables18:01
clarkbmaybe sqlalchemy related?18:01
nibalizerbut the way nodepool works is puppet runs once on the nodepool node then doesn't touch the machine again, the tests run, then the machine is turned off forever18:01
nibalizeri think you probably actually want to log much more packets than 2/minute, and you can do that if you do it in the test right there18:02
clarkbI have stopped the nodepool service on the new host18:02
clarkbneed a break and caffeine18:02
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adam_gnibalizer, i dont understand, whats the issue with doing it in puppet? thats the way that chain has been updated in the past18:02
clarkb(but /var/log/nodepool/debug.log on is full on infos)18:03
adam_gand its persistent across all devstack slaves18:03
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nibalizeradam_g: if yo uchange it there then it goes to all infra server nodes as well18:04
nibalizerso the gerrit and paste servers will be logging ip traffic to syslog18:04
adam_gnibalizer, ah18:04
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nibalizerso i think we can hoist your change to a different place and i'll be much happier18:04
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clarkbdstufft: should I file a bug for pip not upgrading packages or not erroring when a package is already installed but at an older version than what was requseted?18:05
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anteayaactually as I think about it, I would put the onus on the owner of the patch changing the job to source agreement from the repo in question18:05
adam_gnibalizer, yeah18:05
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anteayaperhaps even going so far as marking the patch wip until that communication has been aquired in a comment18:06
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nibalizeradam_g: here i think18:08
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adam_gnibalizer, yah, pushing a new rev now18:08
nibalizerok woot18:09
clarkbI also tried downgrading sqlalchemy to the version that was on the precise server. no luck there either18:09
openstackgerritBradley Klein proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-monasca acls and review group.
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add iptables rule to log dropped packets
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clarkbalso I have confirmed that the same version of nodepool is installed on both servers18:12
clarkboh this is curious18:12
clarkblibmysqlclient-dev is not installed18:12
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clarkbhow did MySQL-Python get installed?18:13
fungihrm, we do need that for the mysqld module18:13
clarkbdoes MySQL-Python no longer link against libmysqlclient-dev?18:13
fungii doubt it did fully get installed. it likely errored out in the pip install and didn't exit nonzero so pip assumed it was successful when it's only really partly there18:13
clarkbfungi: except that sqlalchemy is able to put the tables into the db18:14
clarkbso its able to do some stuff?18:14
fungioh, hrm18:14
mtreinishclarkb: is there an ubuntu package for it that doesn't depend on libmysqlclient-dev?18:14
clarkbmtreinish: oh maybe let me see18:14
fungithere's a possibility... is the deb for that lib installed?18:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Require dnspython>=1.12.0
clarkbah yup18:14
fungithat s'plains it18:14
clarkbbut its called python-mysqldb18:14
clarkbthe same version is on both nodes too (1.2.3)18:15
fungiyeah, debian python packaging guidelines are generally that the module/package provided for import should be prefixed with python- to make the deb name, rather than whatever upstream named their project18:15
clarkbshouldn't it be python-MySQL-python?18:15
fungiso since you import MySQLdb from it, debian/ubuntu call it python-mysqldb18:15
clarkbbecause I really really want to see the distros do that :)18:15
fungipython-<whatever the import name is>18:16
fungiyou don't import MySQL-python18:16
fungioh, and they translate _ to - in the module name too when making the package name18:16
clarkbI am stumped then18:16
clarkbshould take a braek18:17
fungido we need a newer mysqldb than what we're trying to use there?18:17
fungithough i got the impression that module moved pretty glacially upstream18:17
clarkbya its slower than glaciers18:18
clarkband that is the same version as on the old box18:18
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clarkbback in a bit. /me finds food18:26
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mrmartinhi. I need some review for this: and fungi if you had time to create a self-signed cert for groups-dev portal, the cert could be go to proper hiera variables18:27
fungimrmartin: sorry, i meant to, and it's still on my to do list so hopefully today18:28
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mrmartinok, thnx.18:28
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zarofungi: did you still need me to help you with that launchpad thing?18:43
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fungizaro: yes please, if you're not too busy18:44
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zarofungi: what did you need again?18:44
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fungizaro: on change the maintainer to "OpenStack Continuous Integration Administrators (openstack-ci-admins)"18:46
fungizaro: that way i'll be able to complete the lp->sb migration and lock down lp bug reporting18:47
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boris-42fungi: hi could you please take a look at infra patch that adds rally job to zaqar (already has PTL +1 and one +2) thanks18:50
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zarofungi: done for gearman-plugin, what was the other project?18:54
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fungizaro: that was it, thanks!18:59
zarofungi: cool19:01
adam_gcrinkle, hogepodge looks like that PPA i was telling you about in paris got seeded for kilo:
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crinkleadam_g: awesome!19:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add non voting rally performance job to zaqar project
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Setup /etc/hosts for aiopcpu
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openstackgerritKyle Rockman proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: adding support for the custom tools plugin
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flashgordonzaro: I have a new gerrit UI question19:12
flashgordonzaro: how do I tell what revision I am looking at? I keep looking at the wrong one19:12
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dhellmannpleia2, anteaya : I'm interested in working on turning into a section of the infra manual during the upcoming sprint. Is that something you're still interested in having or are you going in a different direction with that guide?19:17
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pleia2dhellmann: perhaps not straight conversion (might be too oslo-specific), but as I understand it that is the kind of material we do want to pull in19:20
dstufftclarkb: what's the issue?19:20
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dhellmannpleia2: right, removing the oslo-ness is the "work on" part :-)19:20
dhellmannpleia2: but good, I'll block out some time those days19:20
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pleia2dhellmann: great, thank you :)19:21
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clarkbdstufft: there is a system install of six==1.5.2 for cloud init. We install software via `pip install $pathtorepo` that repo has a transitive dep on six>=1.7.019:22
clarkbdstufft: the end result is pip returns 0 and leaves six at 1.5.219:23
dhellmannpleia2: I may want to pick your brain about how best to deal with the oslo-specific parts -- I'd hate to have the reader have to go back and forth between a wiki page and the manual, for example. Is there room for the oslo workflow in the manual as a separate chapter? That would make it easier to share content.19:23
clarkbdstufft: imo it should update to >=1.7.0 OR return an error19:23
dstufftclarkb: does anything have a transitive dependency on "six"19:23
clarkbdstufft: yes. in this case nodepool depends on novaclient which depends on oslo.utils which depends on six>=1.7.019:23
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dstufftclarkb: no I mean just "six"19:23
dstufftno qualifier19:23
clarkbdstufft: no19:23
clarkbdstufft: at least not that I found19:23
dstufftor a qualifier that includes 1.5.219:23
clarkbdstufft: yes nodepool itself says >=1.4.1 iirc19:24
dstufftknown bug then :/19:24
dstufftthere's a ticket19:24
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fungidstufft: i think the concern here is the (arguably surprising) behavior in pip where it won't upgrade an already installed dependency, even if a later one is requested, unless you explicitly provide the -U option. i get that it's likely not solvable (or not worth solving) outside of whatever the solution for 988 ends up being19:27
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pleia2dhellmann: I haven't had a very close look at it, but just going over it quickly it seems like sections 5-7 can be pulled in directly (with some edits to 7 for a world with Storyboard), 8 can be generalized for releases and I wonder if 10 could happen earlier in the docs to prevent some skipping around19:29
dstufftfungi: right, the behavior is super wrong19:29
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dstufftI'm not arguing that :)19:29
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dstufftjust saying you don't need to file another ticket b/c we have one for that issue already19:29
pleia2dhellmann: well, maybe not "directly" but with few edits :)19:30
clarkbdoes pdb not step across threads?19:30
clarkbalso yes I am running nodepool in pdb now :/19:30
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dstufftclarkb: fungi the low level problem here is pip is stupid and it just uses the "highest" tier requirement in the face of duplicate requirements19:32
dstuffte.g. nodepool depends on six>=1.4.1 which depends on something which depends on six>1.7.wahtever, so the nodepool dependency on six is "higher" in the dep tree19:33
clarkbso if we update nodepool it should be happier?19:33
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Setup /etc/hosts for aiopcpu
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dhellmannpleia2: yeah, it doesn't have to say "oslo" if the process is generally applicable to any library. Some of the steps won't apply to applications, though, I think (e.g., 9). 8 only applies to libraries, but Oslo isn't the only project managing libraries now so I think you're right I can generalize that. I'm not sure if 10 can happen earlier or not -- chicken and egg. But if it's so late, and the middle step of the process is "go follow the19:34
dhellmann instructions in this part of the infra guide" then maybe that doesn't matter and then we can keep this wiki page with the oslo-specific parts at the beginning and end. I'll spend more time on it, maybe it's not as bad as I feared as far as flipping back and forth.19:34
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dstufftclarkb: if you switch nodepool's six dependency to be six>=1.7.0 it'll do what you're hoping for right now19:35
dstufftwithout the use of -U19:35
fungidstufft: even if pip finds that six is already installed? that's the situation here19:35
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/reviewday: Escape double quotes for the subject field.
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dstufftfungi: yes, the problem is that pip find's nodepool's "six>=1.4.1" and goes "ok six 1.5.1 satisifies that" and it ignores the transitive dep on six>=1.7.019:37
fungidstufft: ubuntu cloud server image with a deb of cloud-init installed, which depends on a deb of python-six so that's also installed. then we pip install something which wants newer six without uninstalling the python-six deb first (which arguably also has other negative side effects)19:37
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dstufftif nodepools six dep is changes to six>=1.7.0 it'll look and go "ok 1.5.1 doens't satisify that" uninstall it and install a version of six that matches six>=1.7.019:37
fungidstufft: neat, even without -U?19:38
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funginot that it will be able to completely successfully uninstall the deb of six, though, so not sure what the actual outcome ends up being there19:38
dstufftfungi: yes even without the -U19:39
dstufftthe only reason the -U works is because that tells it to unconditionally upgrade "six>=1.4.1"19:39
dstufftwhich happens to be also be >=1.7.019:39
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dstufftif nodepool's six dep was six<=1.6 instead, then -U wouldn't fix it19:39
fungii suppose also reordering the requirements.txt so that whatever's depending on newer six is before the nodepool dep entry for six itself, then it will have a similar effect19:40
fungisince the first entry it will encounter for six will ask for newer than it finds currently installed19:41
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dstufftI forget exactly how pip picks which "duplicate" specifier it's going to pay attention to and which it's going to ignore, but it's something like "first one we've seen" or "closest to the root of the tree" or something like that19:42
dstufftbasically it's terrible19:42
fungiheh. thanks for the insight as usual!19:42
dstufftif my PEP 440 branch lands I might be able to fix it for the easy case without going full blown depsolver19:42
dstufftit gets hard because when you start combining multiple specifiers from multiple projects, as you get more specifiers you might have to backtrack and redo it19:44
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dstufftand then you're basically writing a SAT solver19:44
fungii'd imagine the tricky part is working out dependencies specified dynamically based on execution of setup.py19:45
dstufftwe tell to build us a static representation of it19:45
clarkbok I think this is hanging because the thread that sets up the DB config is getting stuck waiting for gearman connection to go through which should be blocked by firewalls19:45
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fungiclarkb: oh! spooky thread interactions. that seems like not a great bootstrapping story19:46
clarkbfungi: ^ I am going to propose an update to nodepool to use newer six. Then I am going to rebuild and if that works except for the current issue I will try removing gearman from nodepools config until we are ready to switch19:46
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clarkbfungi: ya its not great...19:46
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arosenfungi:  any idea where this is coming from?
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arosenI'm wondering if it the failure is because: Host not found: 3(NXDOMAIN)19:47
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arosenI set: scripts/${NODEPOOL_PYPI_MIRROR:-}19:47
fungidstufft: i'm unable to picture how that works... A requires B, B runs to express that it requires C so you only find that out after downloading B, C requires D, and D requires a different version of B than you've already downloaded... lather, rinse, funny farm19:48
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Match novaclients transitive six dep
clarkbfungi: ^ review on that would be awesome19:48
dstufftfungi: yea that's when you start needing a SAT solver19:48
dstufftfungi: particularly one that can handle iteratively adding things to it for best performance19:49
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openstackgerritJaime Flynn proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: adds safe-output to email-ext in
arosenfungi: doh19:49
arosensorry i see.19:49
fungidstufft: well, the whole " might calculate different dependencies on different platforms" situation implies you could wind up downloading all of pypi to figure it out, unless this is only going to be implemented for wheels19:49
clarkbfungi: self.gearman_client.waitForServer()19:50
dstufftfungi: we'll you'd calculate it at runtime whne you do pip install19:50
clarkbso ya nodepool just sits there waiting for the connection to happen if it is configured to gearman. if it is not configured to gearman it won't do that. so I will remove its gearman config until images are built19:50
clarkbthen add it back once we flip flop the servers19:50
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dstufftfungi: so should be deterministic within a single pip install run (unless you're doing something crazy in your, in which case glhf)19:50
fungidstufft: yeah, which gets fun when it's a runtime-determined dep of something you haven't downloaded yet19:51
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dstufftfungi: we basically won't support runtime-determined deps that change based on anything other than properties of the actual system it's being installed into19:52
dstufft(OS, Python version, etc)19:52
dstufftif you do something like that you get undefined behavior19:52
clarkbI need to run mail out to the mail box before it gets picked up. Back shortly19:52
fungidstufft: yeah, requiring it to be declared in some other metadata instead so that the determining mechanism can be abstracted out of altogether seems like the sanest route19:52
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dstufft(more or less it'll be implemented like, "the first time we download B-1.0.tar.gz in a particular pip install run, we'll run egg_info which will print requires.txt inside the egg-info directory we'll parse that and that's your dependencies for B 1.0 in this particular install run, if your dynamically adjusts install_requires in a way that subsequent egg_info's would give idfferent results on the same machine19:53
dstufft within minutes of each other, glhf)19:53
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Setup /etc/hosts for aiopcpu
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT COMMIT disable config drive
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fungidstufft: right, i guess the point is just that because dependencies _can_ be declared run-time, you can't calculate them in advance before downloading things, and therefore can't prevent possibly downloading lots of packages you end up not using because later requirements ended up run-time expressing a need for different versions of them19:56
dstufftfungi: yup19:56
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dstufftwe'll just end up downloading a bunch of stuff19:56
dstufftwhen things aren't wheels anyways19:56
dstufftor sdist 2.0 whenever that happens19:56
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dstufftboth of those will have static metadata whch will be exposed directly in a future PyPI api19:57
fungiclarkb: i'm uncertain whether 136474 is necessarily the ideal solution, but we can iterate on better fixes the bleeding stops. i think for example this will cause people running nodepool with earlier novaclient releases to upgrade to a newer six that they actually need (because nodepool works with novaclient versions which didn't need such a new six)19:57
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clarkbfungi: ya but six does forward compat so it should be ok19:59
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clarkbfungi: if not ideal19:59
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fungiclarkb: oh, except we can't land that patch because nodepool tests bitrotted and i haven't gotten to the bottom of it yet20:00
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fungiclarkb: something to do with the allocator tests20:00
fungiAttributeError: 'RoundRobinTestCase' object has no attribute 'results'20:00
fungii'm thinking that's a testing-cabal new release of something20:01
fungiAttributeError: 'AllocatorTestCase' object has no attribute 'results'20:01
fungiet cetera20:01
mtreinishfungi: do you have a full stack trace I can give you a hand20:02
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krotscheckclarkb: You free enough to look at those logs for me?20:02
fungimtreinish: is this something you recently corrected in tempest?20:02
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fungikrotscheck: what specifically did you need in the sb logs? something about a failed login...20:02
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mtreinishfungi: we had an issue were attrs we set in tempest weren't getting added to the test_id20:03
krotscheckfungi: Yeah, mbitard was getting a 500 error when logging in, and all the weird test cases I’ve tried to build locally have all passed :/20:03
mtreinishwhich broke regex filtering...20:03
mtreinishthis looks to be different20:03
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fungikrotscheck: you expect to see it mentioned in /var/log/apache2/storyboard-error.log or somewhere else?20:05
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krotscheckfungi: Yep.20:05
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fungiaha, storyboard-ssl-error.log actually20:05
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fungikrotscheck: mbitard is not mentioned in that log file. have a timestamp i should be looking at?20:06
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krotscheckfungi: Wish I did, but no. Any 500’s in there?20:06
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fungikrotscheck: http response codes aren't listed in there unfortunately20:07
krotscheckfungi: Dagnabbit20:07
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krotscheckfungi: Ok, last test. Do you see oauth_validator in there somewhere?20:08
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fungikrotscheck: i find tons of 500 responses in the access log though (just not echoed in the error log)20:08
krotscheckfungi: Oh yeah, that makes me feel happy20:09
fungikrotscheck: yeah, tracebacks mentioning oauth_validator20:09
* krotscheck might be sarcastic.20:09
krotscheckfungi: Can you grab one of those?20:09
krotscheckfungi: I believe that’s probably the culprit.20:09
fungikrotscheck: most recent is 18:56:22 utc today (a little over an hour ago)20:09
fungikrotscheck: can do, just a sec20:09
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mtreinishfungi: from what I can tell those failures are happening because the tests are running in the super class and they didn't used to20:14
clarkbfungi: ya likely testtools release20:14
* clarkb looks20:14
mtreinishmy guess is a discovery change in testtools when it moved to unittest220:14
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fungikrotscheck: that's everything which happened at 18:56:22 in the error log20:15
krotscheckfungi: Cool. That’s not the issue we’re looking for, but it’s probably the issue that’s preventing people from remaining logged in.20:15
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j^2is it possible to get bugs reported to my #openstack-chef channel?20:15
j^2when people open them that is20:15
clarkbmtreinish: oh something like that ok20:15
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krotscheckfungi: If I fix that it’ll hopefully clear up the lgo a bit.20:16
fungij^2: someone would need to write a bug watcher bot. we don't have one (yet!)20:16
clarkbya I think its finding the test cases in despite it being __init__.py20:16
j^2fungi: ah nice, yeah i figured; i couldnt find the docs on it ;)20:16
j^2fungi: shouldn’t be *too* hard ;)20:16
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clarkbmtreinish: so do we work around that by not inherting the base test class until we absolutely need it?20:17
fungij^2: something which watched a pop/imap mailbox subscribed to a project in lp would probably be sufficient20:17
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j^2interesting idea20:18
fungij^2: i _think_ that's the closest thing it has to a filtered event stream20:18
mtreinishclarkb: I can try to come up with something, I mean a simple fix is change the test runner regex to exclude __init__.py20:18
mtreinishthey'll still get discovered by the tests won't be run20:18
fungithat seems like a reasonable workaround20:19
clarkbI think it would be nicer to see if we can change the class hierarchy to make it stop20:19
clarkbalso I hate testtools220:19
clarkbI am going to refer to unitest2 + testtools as testtools220:19
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clarkblet me whip something up quickly20:20
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mtreinishclarkb: yeah that works too, just move the code from tests/ to test.py20:20
mtreinishand change the imports20:21
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix test discovery by new testtools
clarkbmtreinish: ^20:24
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barnabyhi, quick nodepool question, if I'm building my nodepool images from existing images (not using dib) is the assumption that I have pre-baked the ssh keys into it?  I don't see any configuration in nodepool to specify the keypair or the security group.20:25
mtreinishclarkb: yeah that looks like it'll work.20:25
mtreinishclarkb: except I always get confused with the super() calls in setUp() are they going to be handled correctly?20:25
clarkbbarnaby: the assumption is that the build scripst will bake an ssh ke into the nodes20:25
fungibarnaby: the expectation is that something your prep scripts or dib elements to to the image will install authorized keys entries for the relevant accounts on the filesystem20:26
clarkbmtreinish: ya that should work properly20:26
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clarkbmtreinish: jenkins should confirm or deny :)20:26
fungibarnaby: in our case, we do it by having prep scripts/dib apply a puppet manifest which sets up accounts and ~/.ssh/authorized_keys files20:26
mtreinishclarkb: heh, fair enough :)20:27
barnabyfungi, so the providers: images: <image-name>: setup: is what would do that?20:27
fungibarnaby: if you're not using diskimages (dib) instead, then yes should run something either directly or indirectly to set up accounts on your image20:28
barnabygreat, thanks20:29
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fungibarnaby: if you're using diskimages, then you'd instead have a dib element run something to accomplish that20:29
fungibut same basic principle20:29
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barnabyyup, I just needed to understand the principal, I am too used to specify the keypair & security group when I launch instances20:30
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clarkbbarnaby: the potential problem with that is in many clouds it depends on metadata server20:31
clarkbwhich never works20:31
barnabymakes perfect sense20:31
fungior more generally, it's hard to make portable across multiple cloud providers20:31
fungisome are using metadata service, some disk injection, some config drive, you have to hope cloud-init or whatever similar thing yuo're using knows where to find the data, et cetera20:32
clarkbmtreinish: my understanding of how it works is that you are called in breadth first order as long as each init function properly calls super20:32
fungiand as clarkb points out, for metadata service in particular, if it's flaky then that means unnecessarily discarding a lot of nodes20:32
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fungiclarkb: it worked, so rushed approval in and will recheck your reqs bump momentarily20:33
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mtreinishclarkb: ok, that makes sense. My concern was on the super going to object(which would cause an attr error) instead of TestCase.20:35
fungiclarkb: also, i think we should go ahead soon and review/merge/tag a new gerritbot. it's been super-stable since i upgraded it on review.o.o20:35
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clarkbfungi: awesome. what did we change?20:36
clarkbfungi: or did we just deplio from source instaed of a tag?20:36
krotscheckAGH. I cannot figure out this issue that mbitard is running into :/20:37
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix test discovery by new testtools
krotscheckI’ve tried every permutation of weird character, and they all work.20:37
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fungiclarkb: well, we were running an oooooold release from 2012 for starters, and i can't remember now why we rolled back, but i upgraded to latest master plus dimsum__'s reconnect fix and it's been rock-solid for more than a week now20:37
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dimsum__i attribute it all to the latest master :)20:38
anteayadhellmann: would love to have your content and presence during the infra manual sprint, thank you20:38
dhellmannanteaya: watch for patches :-)20:38
clarkbfungi: once the six dep change merges I am going to build a new host20:38
anteayadhellmann: /me rubs her hands with glee20:39
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fungidimsum__: i'm half expecting that whatever stability issues i vaguely recall us seeing with the more recent gerritbot are fixed by your patch20:40
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dimsum__fungi: thanks!20:40
mordredkrotscheck: have you tilted your head to the side?20:41
fungikrotscheck: can you get a reasonably precise timestamp and/or source ip address? i can try to narrow it down in the logs20:41
mordredkrotscheck: have you tried turning it off and on again?20:41
* krotscheck slaps mordred around a bit with a large trout.20:41
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mordredmmm. fish20:42
krotscheckfungi: Maybe? The bug was reported in the channel at 16:12:22 UTC.20:42
fungikrotscheck: i'll try to see if anything around that timeframe is telling20:42
krotscheckfungi: Thanks20:43
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fungimordred: can you weigh in on ? i'd like to go ahead and knock out a bunch of pending third-party ci account requests20:43
mordredfungi: it sounds very unlike something I would normally to do actually be useful20:44
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anteayaokay so Yongli He and Shane Wang and my contacts from Intel for setting up ci for SR-IOV for nfv20:46
anteayaif either of them show up, do find me20:46
arosenfungi: finally got my dib node pool nodes showing up in jenkins :)20:46
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mordredarosen: woot!20:47
morganfainbergarosen, AHA you're hiding here!20:47
anteayathey know zip about openstack and have to get a ci running on their hardware20:47
morganfainbergarosen, i was trying to figure out where to find you.20:47
arosenmorganfainberg:  i'm in openstack-dev too :P20:47
mordredanteaya: that's fine - we don't know anything about openstack either :)20:47
anteayathis is the place then20:47
anteayaflashgordon: I will need you as well when these folks show up20:47
morganfainbergarosen, i must have checked at the wrong time.20:48
clarkbmordred: I dunno this multinode stuff has me in a position where I can deplo opensatck with nova network20:48
arosenmorganfainberg: what's up?20:48
fungianteaya: their employer is our newest platinum board seat provider, so hopefully they learn quickly?20:48
clarkbmordred: its weird to finally understand how some of this stuff works :)20:48
anteayahere's hoping20:48
mordredclarkb: gross!20:48
flashgordonanteaya: let me know what I can do to help20:48
anteayathough I was hoping that intel would hire a bunch of folks like hp did and have found out that they are only hiring for santa clara20:48
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anteayaflashgordon: so far be on the lookout for anyone who resembles these names Yongli He and Shane Wang20:49
anteayaand welcome them20:49
clarkbI could drive out to hillsboro and find keith20:49
anteayaI have no idea what they know20:49
clarkbsecurity would probably throw me out20:49
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anteayaso getting them on irc and introduced around is my first step20:49
anteayaand thanks flashgordon20:49
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anteayaand I just found out they are both in china20:50
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anteayahow is your overlap with china flashgordon?20:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nodepool: Match novaclients transitive six dep
clarkbfungi: ^ danke I am rebuilding new nodepool.o.o now20:51
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fungiclarkb: w00t20:51
clarkbif it all comes together then we will have a non gearman listening nodepool building images20:52
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openstackgerritTerry Howe proposed openstack/requirements: Add in python-openstacksdk to requirements.txt
clarkbmtreinish: re ^ did you ever look into working with them20:53
fungikrotscheck: if i were really useful i'd open stories for all the various errors in this log20:53
clarkbI still have a hunch that tempest clients are what should be used20:53
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clarkbsince they are tested a million times a day20:54
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fungikrotscheck: File does not exist: /var/lib/storyboard/www/config.jsonFile does not exist: /var/lib/storyboard/www/config.json20:54
krotscheckfungi: That would be really useful :)20:54
fungikrotscheck: it's like we get that on lots and lots of requests20:54
krotscheckfungi: yep, that’s by design.20:54
mtreinishclarkb: I asked jamielennox|away about it20:54
fungikrotscheck: by design we report that as an error?20:55
krotscheckfungi: Well, no.20:55
krotscheckfungi: But that’s an apache 404 log error, no?20:55
fungikrotscheck: possibly. as i said the error log doesn't echo http response codes20:55
krotscheckfungi: So it’s reporting accurately that the file isn’t there, but the client knows how to recover.20:55
clarkbpuppet is running20:55
fungikrotscheck: Hostname provided via SNI and hostname provided via HTTP are different20:56
fungikrotscheck: tons of that over and over too20:56
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mtreinishclarkb: there wasn't any overlap, they're building on top of the keystone token stuff from keystone client20:56
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krotscheckfungi: Huhn. That’s… interesteing.20:56
clarkbmtreinish: well the overlap is common sdk for openstack20:56
fungikrotscheck: SNI (whatever that is) seems to append a trailing .20:56
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clarkbmtreinish: which you all have basically implemented20:57
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fungikrotscheck: which under normal circumstances should be the same as long as you don't assume the possibility of relative hostnames (e.g. fqdn only)20:57
flashgordonanteaya: with china? not very good I think20:58
clarkbmordred: if I said the sky is blue would you agree with me on that even more?20:58
flashgordonI am California20:58
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clarkb* except in the NW where it is gray20:58
anteayaflashgordon: yeah, not ideal20:59
anteayahmmm anyone know when jhesketh is expected back on line?20:59
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clarkbanteaya: ~3 weeks post summit20:59
clarkbso after US thanksgiving I think20:59
anteayakk thanks20:59
jheskethanteaya: heya, still on holiday until next week20:59
anteayajhesketh: heya20:59
jheskethI should be back in aciton by the 26th20:59
anteayaokay well enjoy holiday20:59
annegentleaccio jhesketh! Nice one anteaya :)21:00
anteayaI have a lineup of apac stuff to dump on you once you are here21:00
clarkbfungi: woot that got nodepool up and running but now the db thing. I am going to stop nodepool, edit config file then start it again21:00
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Setup /etc/hosts for aiopcpu
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT COMMIT disable config drive
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: testing aiopcpu with tempest full
anteayaannegentle: :D it works!21:00
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anteayajhesketh: so rest up21:00
jheskethcurrently in front of an open fire with a red in France21:00
jheskethso doing well ;-)21:00
mordredclarkb: with you being in portland I would find it hard to agree with a statement from you about a blue sky21:00
anteayajhesketh: is there cheese involved?21:00
jheskethanteaya: there was cheese...21:00
clarkbwoot its doing stuff21:01
anteayajhesketh: I'm jealous21:01
clarkbmordred: did you see my disclaimer :) but ya the rain came back21:01
clarkbwe had nice sunny weather for a while was cold though21:01
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fungikrotscheck: so no python exceptions in the error log for a couple hours before the problem was mentioned in irc then21:01
clarkbimages are building \o/21:01
krotscheckfungi: Got it.21:01
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krotscheckfungi: That SNI error is related to running https as a virtual host apparently.21:02
fungikrotscheck: if that was a fresh observation then it's not resulting in any obviously related error messages. nothing but file not founds21:02
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krotscheckfungi: And, in particular, the hostname certificate resolution.21:02
clarkbianw: I know it is your weekend but hopefully I can have dib building centos7 images next week21:02
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krotscheckfungi: Great. Dagnabbit.21:02
clarkbbut now that I have said that I know it will fail :/21:02
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krotscheckfungi: Ok, I’ll circle around with the user again on monday and see where that leaves us.21:03
fungikrotscheck: if you can get a source ip address i can filter down the access log for any obvious non-error content21:03
krotscheckfungi: Thanks for your help.21:03
clarkbwe have a lot of images to build...21:03
clarkbpoor git farm21:03
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anteayaand a book I ordered came in so I am going to zip up and pick it up, back in a bit21:03
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krotscheckfungi: I’ll see if I can get that plus the URL in quesiton.21:03
fungiclarkb: is qemu-utils installed?
clarkbfungi: it is21:04
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fungi(which btw i -1'd due to redundancy)21:06
fungiarosen: ^ feedback?21:06
clarkbfungi: whats redundant?21:06
clarkboh ya21:07
fungiclarkb: python-yaml as we already have PyYAML in the requirements.txt21:07
clarkbgood catch21:07
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morganfainbergso, looks like we (keystone) are missing our logs in gate now. this was abandoned but the devstack screen thing isn't being captured.21:07
clarkbmorganfainberg: what does the abandoned change have to do with it?21:09
morganfainbergclarkb, it was trying to capture the apache logs21:09
clarkbmorganfainberg: we are capturing all apache logs and should be getting all screen logs too21:09
fungimorganfainberg: picking a recently completed devstack-gate job at random, i agree21:10
clarkbmorganfainberg: can you link to example?21:10
morganfainbergclarkb, sec.21:10
bknudsonthere's no horizon logs either, right?21:10
bknudsonoh, there's horizon_error.txt.gz21:11
fungibknudson: screen-h-*21:11
clarkbor mabe I only +2'd that change21:11
clarkbfungi: thats heat21:11
clarkbso I am going to guess a devstack change21:11
fungiwe need to avoid projects starting with the same error. there are already too many ;)21:11
clarkbor maybe the multinode thing21:11
clarkbexcept that the other screen logs are retrieved21:12
clarkbwhich really makes me think devsatck21:12
morganfainbergi honestly don't know when these stopped being captured21:13
morganfainbergjust noticed it today21:13
morganfainberg2 things, yay for keystone not breaking things21:13
morganfainbergboo for making it hard to find.21:13
fungimorganfainberg: so running under apache we should be collecting the apache logs instead i guess?21:13
morganfainbergfungi, yeah.21:13
clarkbthere is a change to get those logs21:14
clarkbmorganfainberg: what happened to the screen logs?21:14
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clarkbI thought we had those even with apache21:14
morganfainbergclarkb, i don't know. i was sure we did for a while.21:14
bknudsonI'll try run devstack with keystone in httpd here and see if I get some logs.21:14
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clarkbthats the one we want I think21:15
clarkbhrm I approved it why didn't it merge21:15
fungiconveniently, already approved21:15
morganfainbergclarkb, depends on a non-approved patch?21:15
fungiclarkb: dependency21:15
fungiclarkb: reviewing now, you already have added you blessing21:15
bknudsonhas keystone.txt and keystone_access.txt21:16
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arosenfungi:  i'm seeing this warning from jenkins about my dib images;: Disk space is too low. Only 0.993GB left on /home/jenkins. i guess that is fine?21:16
clarkbarosen: depends on how much disk you need to run your tests21:16
clarkbit also does things like complain if there is no swap21:16
clarkbjenkins is funny21:16
morganfainbergyeah that does have the output21:17
morganfainbergfrom the one you were asking why it hadn't merged21:17
clarkbmorganfainberg: ya I know I had checked it before I approved21:17
arosenclarkb:  is disksize configurable somewhere?21:17
clarkbarosen: when you boot your nodes with the flavor21:17
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fungimorganfainberg: that should be headed into the gate pipeline nowish21:18
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clarkbarosen: your dib images should autoexpand to fill the entire disk space available to the VM21:18
morganfainbergfungi, ++ thanks :)21:18
arosenclarkb:  hrm in my experience the disk size is defined by: qemi-image create xxx 40G21:18
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clarkbarosen: thats another way to do it21:19
clarkbarosen: but not the way dib does it21:19
clarkbbceause you don't know where you will be booting these21:19
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arosenclarkb: right now my flavor for Disk says 021:20
arosenprobably need to update that in the cloud to something other than 0 i guess.21:20
clarkbarosen: probably21:20
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clarkbmost of our nodes come with a 20 or 30GB / then a much larger ephemeral disk that we mount under /opt21:21
clarkbbut /opt has nothing to do with the dib images in those cases21:21
fungiarosen: you're uncovering bugs we don't see, as we don't maintain a cloud and define our own flavors21:21
fungiwe're stuck with whatever the service provider has set forth21:22
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sdagueanyone up for pruning a few jobs -,n,z21:26
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arosenfungi:  :)21:27
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clarkbsdague: how did video go?21:28
sdagueclarkb: I think well, it's up on the youtubes now21:29
sdagueI just send the link to the list21:29
clarkbI dont think is right21:29
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clarkbyou want to restrict the branch for the nonvoting jobs too21:30
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clarkbsdague: fungi ^21:31
fungiclarkb: perhaps, but if so it needs a separate section21:32
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fungiclarkb: the problem is that entry was shadowing the ^.*-nv entry and unsetting the voting:false21:32
clarkbya but now you hvae broken all of those tjos21:32
fungiclarkb: i think it causes check-tempest-dsvm-ironic-pxe_ssh-nv to run non-voting on stable/icehouse21:33
clarkbright which isn't a cleanup21:33
fungiclarkb: right, potentially undesirable, but not blocking anything. still i'll unapprove for edits21:34
fungidone. feel free to -1 with details21:34
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clarkbwell I think second nodepool has derped the world21:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: centos7 devstack jobs should not be run on icehouse
clarkblook at zuul status21:36
clarkbI do not yet understand how this could have happened21:37
clarkbbut its happening21:37
clarkbunless hrm21:37
clarkbmaybe its the log server?21:37
clarkband I am just keyed in on nodepool21:37
sdagueclarkb: so the ironic folks have a bunch of compounding logic here I need to unwind?21:38
clarkblogs claims to have tons of disk space21:38
clarkbsdague: yes21:38
* sdague looks at adam_g sternly21:38
clarkbsdague: you basically need to preserve the exclusion of the stable branch on the -nv jobs. just add a second section21:38
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fungiclarkb: xvdk seems to be f'd21:39
fungiclarkb: dmesg is spammed out of existence on static.o.o21:39
fungiclarkb: i'll see if i can recover, but this is going to be hella messy21:39
clarkbok let me know if I need to undistract myself from nodepool21:40
fungiend_request: I/O error, dev xvdk, sector blah21:40
fungiall over21:40
fungii'm wondering how best to contain the damage, because a fsck is going to take a _while_21:40
clarkband xvdk is one of the volumes behind /srv/logs?21:41
clarkbfungi: we might just want to stop zuul21:41
clarkbas much as that sucks21:41
fungiwe could put all teh jenkins masters in prepare for shutdown maybe21:41
fungiand let zuul queue a ton of crap21:41
clarkbya that would also quiet things21:41
clarkband potentially allow zuul to catch back up over weekend21:41
fungiso that it doesn't get lost21:41
fungii'll start that now21:42
fungi#status alert gating is going offline while we deal with a broken block device, eta unknown21:42
openstackstatusfungi: sending alert21:42
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: gating is going offline while we deal with a broken block device, eta unknown21:44
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openstackstatusfungi: finished sending alert21:46
fungiokay, all 8 masters are in prepare for shutdown now21:47
fungii'm going to start by unmounting everything in /srv21:47
fungiand put my plans for a spicy friday run drink on hold ;)21:48
adam_gsdague, clarkb there is a patch to name those properly tho im having trouble convincing people thats correct21:48
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sdagueadam_g: so, to be honest, I don't think we should be running those 2 jobs on devstack changes21:48
arosenclarkb: fungi changing the size value on flavor seemed to fix this disk issue i was having :)21:48
clarkbfungi: I hve the cinder uuid handy if you need it21:48
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clarkbfungi: for that particular volume21:49
adam_gsdague, how about one?21:49
sdagueI think we need to isolate the parts for setting up ironic correctly and run a smaller thing21:49
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adam_gsdague, that jobs been broken multiple times by changes to devstack prior to it being voting21:49
clarkbfungi: and show on that volume doesn't say much21:49
sdagueso, let's figure out what parts of devstack need to be constrained, and test those parts21:50
clarkbI guess cinder doesn't have the same sort of state machine for states like nova21:50
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sdaguewe don't make this system any less fragile by co-gating everything21:50
adam_gsdague, that job is still currently using the tempest regex to target a small subset of tests, i'd be happy limiting it further to only tempest.api.baremetal.* and tempest.scenario.*baremetal*21:50
clarkbfungi: also you might want a drink :P21:51
jgriffithclarkb: we have *no* state machine :(21:51
fungii've taken static.o.o out of /etc/ansible/hostfile on puppetmaster.o.o so i can disable the bandersnatch cron21:51
sdagueanyway, it's basically friday. I'll cut you a deal of +2 a change that gets us down to 1 job for now, but realize I do think that devstack shouldn't run every config under the sun. We need to pick a few cross sections, and just hotfix the rest when it's an issue.21:51
fungithough that should just get deleted soon anyway21:52
clarkbfungi: you should be able to just puppet agent --disable?21:52
clarkbon satic.o.o21:52
fungiclarkb: thanks, i'll do that and put it back21:52
adam_gsdague, hot fixing that stuff after the fact is what we were doing in the past and it was insanely painful--ironic was basically unable to merge code for days at a time21:53
clarkbjgriffith: so question for you21:53
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jgriffithclarkb: sure21:53
sdagueadam_g: it is also insanely painful for me not to be able to fix other project's issues with devstack because ironic is racing21:53
clarkbjgriffith: rax says use raid over the top of your volumes. Does cinder make sure that volumes for a single tenant do not all end up on the same underlying device?21:53
clarkbjgriffith: because us doing raid is pretty useless if cinder doesn't do that21:53
jgriffithclarkb: nope, but I have a solution for that :)21:54
sdagueso all you are saying is it's better for other people to feel pain than you... I get everyone feels that way, however that's not leading us to a less fragile world21:54
* fungi hopes its a snarky solutiojn21:54
clarkbok so rax shouldn't actually suggest that like it will make the world better for us21:54
clarkbjgriffith: good to know21:54
jgriffithclarkb: in the general case no, but RAX is different21:54
jgriffithclarkb: RAX backend for CBS is kinda unique21:55
clarkbjgriffith: except that we run on openstack21:55
jgriffithclarkb: touchet21:55
clarkband shouldn't take advantage of that too much21:55
jgriffithclarkb: we're working on DRBD21:55
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jgriffithclarkb: also still have a BP somewhere to auto create two vols on seperate backends via a special type and do the raid thing21:56
jgriffithclarkb: if there's interest from anybody but me I'd be thrilled to have an excuse to work on the patch for it21:56
adam_gsdague, thats not what i am saying, and singling out ironic in that regard isn't fair, sorry21:57
clarkbjgriffith: I think we mostly want a better story for resiliency in our 14x1TB volume lvm fs21:57
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clarkbjgriffith: unfortunately cinder doesn't give us good tools for that21:57
clarkbI think we are almost btter off running ceph on cinder21:57
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clarkbacross tenants21:57
jgriffithclarkb: yeah, I've been waiting for that21:57
sdagueadam_g: you are not getting singled out, you are just first21:57
clarkbbut even then we don't actually get assurances that our data doesn't all end up on the same underlying device21:58
jgriffithclarkb: TBH that may be true, however...21:58
sdaguebecause ironic actually got in the way of fixing real issues this week21:58
jgriffithclarkb: if you wait another month or so we'll have a better answer for you21:58
jgriffithclarkb: the DRBD work is coming along, but there's a backlog of things in front of it21:58
clarkbjgriffith: and with that cinder basically runs with a backup mirror for each volume?21:59
jgriffithclarkb: yup21:59
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fungiokay, i've managed to cleanly umount everything on that vg21:59
jgriffithclarkb: and this time the linbit guys are working on it with the newer version of DRBD21:59
jgriffithclarkb: when I tried it last summer it was a 40% perf hit :(21:59
jgriffithbut they know how to fix that22:00
jgriffithclarkb: anyway, don't know what your timelines are like or if that even works for you or not22:00
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jgriffithclarkb: I'm assuming your proposal is the "undercloud" or whatever it's called these days22:01
clarkbjgriffith: well we just dropped a volume22:01
jgriffithclarkb: and the gating defaults remain the same, just on top of something a bit more robust22:01
clarkbjgriffith: so its topical :)22:01
jgriffithclarkb: not sure what you mean 'dropped a volume'22:01
clarkbpoor fungi is in the trenches fixing it22:01
clarkbjgriffith: xvdk died on us22:01
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fungivgchange -a n is hanging on me22:02
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adam_gsdague, how is ironic different here than any of the other known gate issues causing rechecks? i know there is a bug atm and ive spent the better part of the week trying to get to the bottom of it, but there are many others that happen much more frequently that aren't being threatened with removal22:02
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clarkbfungi: the underlying volume may still be dead?22:03
clarkbwe may need to ping rax22:03
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update ironic pxe job names to reflect voting status
sdagueadam_g: I've been looking at all kinds of jobs to remove this week22:04
clarkbjeblair: you may be interested if your morning things are done22:04
sdagueand I've been deleting and skipping tests left right and center the last 2 weeks when they are unreliable22:04
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fungiclarkb: one step ahead of you... already logged into their ticket system22:04
arosenclarkb: fungi have you guys tested running 1 jenkins with multiple different nodepool machines?22:04
clarkbfungi: fi you want volume uuid I still have22:04
clarkbarosen: doing it right now22:04
clarkbarosen: it mostly sort of does work22:05
adam_gsdague, 134620 updated to remove the postgres job and update naming to reflect reality22:05
arosenclarkb:  it looks like that State doesn't always go to used :(22:05
fungiit had to timeout with writes to /dev/xvdk1 but i was finally able to get the vg deactivated22:05
sdagueadam_g: it also shouldn't add to the nova gate22:05
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sdaguehonestly, all the pg jobs should be removed22:05
aroseni wonder if the zmq stuff sends it to the wrong nodepool node maybe?22:05
sdaguetesting that db layer should be back in ironic to assume equivalency22:05
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arosenclarkb:  you see anything like this?22:06
clarkbarosen: no22:06
clarkbarosen: jenkins uses a pubsub so all nodes should get the onstarted events22:06
adam_gsdague, fine by me--the nova job was added during review b/c there seems to be an underwritten policy of ensuring voting check jobs run in the gate, happy to remove it22:06
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arosenclarkb: hrm maybe it's just a weird bug if you don't have enough workers rready or something.22:07
sdagueadam_g: yeh, honestly, that symetry really isn't needed with clean check, and reducing the spurious gate resets is worth running a lighter set on the gate22:07
arosenit seems to be working now22:07
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arosentried it a few additional times but i still have a node in ready state that jenkins is using22:07
clarkbarosen: it is possible for the first event to be missed22:08
adam_gsdague, that sounds appropriate to me and was under the impression thats idea for devstack/tempest/dsg--the projects i wasn't sure of22:08
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clarkbso there is a race there we have mostly ignored since we offline on jenkins side then cleanup after 8 hours22:08
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: move nova-tox-functional to experimental until there is content
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: make devstack docs job only run on master
fungiclarkb: you grabbed the xvdk uuid reported by cinderclient?22:10
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Update ironic pxe job names to reflect voting status
clarkbfungi: ya want it?22:10
clarkbfungi: 53ae3137-de6b-4da0-9281-e1d86660f1d9 claims to be xvdk when you run show on it22:10
adam_gsdague, updated to clean out postgres from everywhere other thanir22:10
fungiclarkb: you bet. will save me several seconds since i want to paste it into the ticket22:10
fungiclarkb: thanks!22:10
sdagueadam_g: coolio22:10
sdagueadam_g: ok, I dropped mine22:11
clarkbnew nodepool has almost built all the images22:11
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: pulling in unmerged devstack patch
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fungii've uncommented all the lvm-contained filesystems in /etc/fstab and am about to poweroff and recycle static.o.o22:12
fungijust fyi22:12
clarkbfungi: I am seeing jobs starting on some jenkinses22:12
clarkbfungi: uncommented?22:12
clarkbso they will mount and fsck?22:12
fungiclarkb: commented out, sorry22:13
clarkbI am going to look at jenkinses and shutdown mode them more22:13
clarkbfungi: kk22:13
adam_gsdague, plz dont think the racing job isn't on my radar--i've been trying to get more debug out of the gate and have been running the test in a tight loop for the last 3 days trying to reproduce locally. i will end up bribing clarkb with margaritas next week to hold a node for me if nothing else22:13
mordredmmm. margaritas22:13
sdagueadam_g: right, I don't actually think it's not on your radar22:13
fungii will manually activate the vg and if possible fsck the lvs once i recycle it22:13
clarkbfungi: awesome22:13
clarkbfungi: godspeed22:13
clarkbor cthuluspeed?22:13
sdaguebut I think we've gotten in this reactive mode where any break between systems means we glue everything into 1 ball22:13
fungiclarkb: i pray to the great old ones22:13
sdaguewhich we need to break the habit of22:14
fungiclarkb: may their insanity spur me onward22:14
mordredsdague: (btw, reading scrollback, we should totally delete postgres)22:14
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adam_gsdague, +122:14
* adam_g relocates to cafe22:14
sdagueand be much more selective about "what happened that caused the break, how do we specifically isolate that issue"22:14
clarkbmordred: are you catching the great turkey day log outage of 2014 in scrollback too?22:14
clarkbI am going to try and take advantage to speed up the nodepool switches22:15
clarkbsince idle jenkinses means I can clean up old nodepool more aggressively22:15
fungithis might be the great purge of all existing static web content if we're particularly unlucky22:15
mordredclarkb: I am not - I am still very out of touch with anything that is happening22:15
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fungimordred: me too!22:15
clarkbfungi: :/22:15
sdaguespeaking of which.... on the libraries from pypi front, I'm realizing that we probably don't need to do both n-net and neutron jobs22:16
sdaguethat if we just do neutron we should cover things22:16
clarkbdoes n-net not use libraries?22:16
sdagueit does22:16
sdaguebut it also has unit tests22:16
sdagueso ... the likelihood that a library changes in a way that *only* breaks the 4% of nova code in n-net daemon, and nothing else in openstack, seems small22:17
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sdagueagain, back to this, stop using an elephant gun to swatch a fly issue22:18
fungiCouldn't find device with uuid UI8f7L-pZ6O-Wv8n-OJs3-3492-QIEh-Dv3VJi.22:18
fungithat's after a hard reboot22:18
fungii'll see if cinder detach/attach helps22:18
clarkbsdague: so I like it theory problem is we have proven that the untangling doesn't work22:18
clarkbwe have alrady tripped over like 5 things this week alone22:18
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sdagueclarkb: we have proven that edge cases still exist22:19
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sdaguebut, honestly, on paper you could have seen the stable branch issue with oslo coming22:19
barnabyok, I think one last nodepool (or related question jenkins) question.  What is the groovy script to take a builder offline in order to ensure that another job doesn't run on a node before nodepool can take it out of rotation?22:19
clarkbbarnaby: we don't use one. instead the gearman plugin we use has the option to put the node offline as part of starting jobs22:20
sdaguebut we need to fix edge cases with edge fixes, not with giant bunkers22:20
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fungihad to rescue ~root/ci-launch/ out of the ci-puppetmaster:~root tarball22:21
clarkbsdague: I like it in theory I just think we have only made it more ocmplicated that the old thing though22:22
sdagueclarkb: we have clearly made it more complicated22:22
clarkbdebugging these issues is a lot more convoluted and requires a lot more lockstep process than it did before22:22
sdaguehowever, the old way doesn't work unless we have 10x more nodes22:23
sdagueand it honestly wasn't helping a ton on debugging22:23
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clarkbfungi: what does that do?22:25
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clarkboh its the env file. I just used the normal launch env22:26
fungiclarkb: i've detached and reattached that volume now22:26
clarkbfor my cinder list and cinder show22:26
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: only test libraries in a neutron config
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fungiclarkb: and pvs no longer throws errors about xvdk1 which is helpful22:27
clarkbfungi: you going to fsck ya?22:27
fungiclarkb: yep, able to vgchange -a y so that's next on the agenda22:27
sdagueok, time for beers with mtreinish for his birthday22:28
clarkb(note nodepool is near a consistent state since jenkinses are not doing anything so I can easily help with the volume fire or take advantage and flip the nodes over)22:28
clarkboh I never dropped the DNS record TTL /me does that now22:28
arosenWhat component tells jenkins to run a job? I see commits are queuing up on zuul but jenkins isn't running them ?22:29
fungifsck'd all other lvs in that vg, and /dev/mapper/main-logs is running a fsck now22:29
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clarkbarosen: zuul. we have stopped running any jobs until we can log them22:29
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clarkbas the broken log fs has resulted in failed jos across the board22:30
clarkbfungi is doing his magic to fix it22:30
arosenclarkb:  this wouldn't have done anything on my end though would it?22:30
clarkb(super interseted in a run down of what you did when its all done)22:30
clarkbarosen: no22:30
fungiit's not _my_ magic. i just push the buttons. someone else wrote the magic22:30
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* fungi does not like to take credit for the awesome of others22:31
clarkbA and AAAA records for nodepool.o.o shortened to 5 minutes22:31
fungigood call22:31
fungiwere they an hour before?22:32
clarkbI got all excited by the volume thing and forgot that I need to update DNS22:32
fungiso in an hour you can switch dns rrs i guess22:32
clarkbya and that when the majority of the switch happens. will allow me to connect via gearman to zuul and get zmq pub sub on jenkinses22:34
fungiclarkb: good news! we'll be running "very few" jobs at that point (where "very few" tends toward 0)22:35
fungii suspect the fsck will be running for a while neyond22:35
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fungiit recovered the journal and made it into pass 1 (checking inodes, blocks, and sizes) a few minutes ago22:36
fungifsck of a mostly-full and somewhat fragmented ~14tb filesystem takes "a while"22:37
clarkbwhen all running jobs are done I am going to turn off old nodepool22:37
clarkbthen I can start deleting the nodes it had control of (but won't clean up images yet)22:37
fungisounds good22:37
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patrickeastmy ci started to fail with “Connecting to (||:80... failed: Connection refused.” is that related to the issues you guys are working on right now?22:38
clarkbpatrickeast: yes22:38
fungii guess this is the weekend where we break all the things. luckily i'm not scheduled to be anywhere special22:38
patrickeastclarkb: ok cool, ill just turn it off until this is resolved ; )22:38
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fungipatrickeast: yeah, catastrophic cinder backend failure in rackspace i;m working through now22:38
fungiwhile this runs, i'll open the provider trouble ticket22:39
fungiphschwartz: around?22:40
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clarkball images are rebuilt on new node side \o/22:40
* anteaya is back22:41
anteayahow can I help?22:41
fungianteaya: redirect people asking about problems with the sites served from static.o.o or jobs not running/zuul pending everything to the channel topic22:42
anteayavery good22:42
fungiooh! fsck is rewriting error blocks now!!!22:42
fungi"Error reading block <foo> (Attempt to read block from filesystem resulted in short read) while reading inode and block bitmaps.  Ignore error? yes  Force rewrite? yes"22:44
fungiit only scrolled by for a minute or so, therefore guessing we only lost somewhere in the neighborhood of 10k files22:45
fungia pittance, ultimately22:45
clarkbfungi's secret ability: eyeballing lost files during fsck22:46
* anteaya is reading scrollback and agrees 10k logs is a pittance22:46
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fungiclarkb: i have muddled through filesystem recovery on servers for much more of my life than i like to admit. it's old hat now22:47
clarkband this is why I want the fungi's secrets to file system recovery rundown :P22:47
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fungii'll see about incorporating it into my memoirs, right after the section on repairing out-of-warranty scsi tape library robots22:50
anteayaha ha ha22:50
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clarkbI am going to take advantage of this too to clean up the jenkins offline nodes22:50
fungiclarkb: feel free. by the time everythig is running again, none of it will hold relevance22:51
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fungifor the record, rax ticket 141121-ord-0001241 has been opened to track this issue22:56
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fungifirst signs of trouble in static's syslog were at 21:07:56 utc22:57
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mordredfungi, clarkb: wow, I'm missing all the fun22:57
mordredanything I can do to be helpful?22:57
anteayayou caught ia at about 21:3922:57
fungimordred: i have fun for you if you want any ;)22:57
clarkbya fungi's things aer more urgent than mine22:58
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fungian lp (because of elastic-recheck) bug mentioning this stuff will be helpful once we get everything back online22:58
clarkbfungi: e-r won't be able to catch any of it22:59
clarkbfor better or worse because it relies on logs that were never written22:59
fungiclarkb: fair point, no logs22:59
clarkbso storyboard should be fine22:59
mordredso just a storyboard story saying that there was a massive cinder backend failure at rackspace?22:59
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openstackgerritSurojit Pathak proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Fixing broken loop to import a module in hacking
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clarkbmordred: static.o.o lost xvdk, unmounting everything, rebooting, then manually bringing everything back online after detaching and attaching the volume seems to be correcting things23:01
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funginot sure i'd publically classify it as massive23:01
fungihit 1 out of 14 of our volumes23:02
fungithe impact on _us_ was massive23:02
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fungibut for all i know it's a hardware failure in some tiny component among a fleet of arrays at rax23:03
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fungiand we may have just been "lucky"23:03
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openstackgerritSurojit Pathak proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Fixing broken loop to import a module in hacking In function, is_module_for_sure(), the while loop to parse through the fully qualified module name was broken. In every first attempt, it used to get an ImportError, the fallback exception handling, which w
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anteayaquite the title23:04
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anteayaflashgordon: you want to do the honours ^^23:04
mordredclarkb, fungi!/story/200002223:05
flashgordonanteaya: hacking should -1 that automatically23:05
fungithanks mordred!23:05
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fungifwiw i expect the other fsck phases to take a while23:05
fungibecause, yaknow, 14tb23:06
JayFIs it expected that tarballs.o.o is impacted by this as well? Getting 404s where things used to exist.23:06
jeblairfungi, mordred, clarkb: i'm back, though not at 100%.  i'm catching up now23:06
openstackgerritSurojit Pathak proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Fixing broken loop to import a module in hacking.
fungiJayF: yep, served from as an apache vhost23:06
jeblairmordred: i read your story.  it's a sad story. :(23:06
fungijeblair: i recommend taking the evening off ;)23:06
JayFfungi: that was my presumption but wanted to be sure. Thanks and gl.23:06
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anteayacorvus: rest well23:07
mordredcorvus: I really only like making art that produces tears23:07
anteayaexplains some of your patches23:07
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mordredI believe anteaya just won Friday23:07
jeblairanteaya: nice! :)23:07
anteayaI won a Friday23:08
fungiyou can take your extra friday tomorrow. i insist23:08
anteayaha ha ha23:08
jeblairfungi: do you think this is similar to the event that took the afs volume offline?23:09
fungijeblair: since i don't work at rackspace supporting their disk arrays, i honestly have no idea. it's i/o errors23:09
fungiso, yeah, superficially similar i suppose23:09
JayFfungi: Have you guys filed a ticket or anything? Gotten a notice from Rackspace that it's down?23:10
fungiJayF: Ticket ID23:10
JayFI won't go look at your tickets because I wouldn't know what to do with them anyway; just wanted to make sure we had done the right thing and told you or you guys had made  sure we knew23:10
fungiJayF: still in new status for the moment23:11
fungiJayF: as you should expect, i spent my time first doing what i could to get our systems on the road to recovery, _then_ opened the ticket, so it's not terribly old yet23:11
jeblairi don't see a proactive email for this one23:12
funginor i23:12
JayFLets say I don't wanna say I pinged someone to look at that ticket23:13
openstackgerritSurojit Pathak proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Fixing broken loop to import a module in hacking.
fungithey totally need to recommend raid on top of their raid again though. that one never gets old23:13
JayFbut that's definately the sort of thing I'd do ;)23:13
fungiJayF: your "inaction" is appreciated ;)23:14
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clarkbI am just about ready to stop old nodepool and begin deleting its nodes23:15
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clarkband in about 15 minutes I can do the DNS record update23:15
anteayaoh does new nodepool on trusty work?23:15
clarkbanteaya: yes I hit it with a hammer long enough23:15
anteayawell done23:15
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clarkbok old nodepool service is stopped23:16
fungii'll make sure to take all our gating offline for you ;)23:17
anteayawell on the bright side we didn't have to schedule a downtime to switch over to nodepool on trusty23:17
fungiunscheduled downtime is so much more sexy23:17
fungiwe can collect pity points on it23:18
mordredI feel like we could have fixed or avoided this by using docker in some manner23:18
fungimordred: we could have avoided this by growing handlebar mustaches on our handlebar mustaches?23:18
fungiin reality, we would have avoided this by moving whole hog to swift log storage. too bad the timing was off23:19
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clarkbok I have a for loop deleting nodes that were associated with old nodepool now23:20
clarkbI will leave images alone for now so we can fall back onto it23:20
clarkbif necessary23:20
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clarkbwe are using 20% of /opts disk space on new nodepool but centos7 dib image built23:22
clarkbthis is without vpc images23:22
fungithat seems safe but we may want a cinder volume later23:22
fungisince we're only just beginning our foray into converting our images23:23
fungiultimately that will probably be pushing it23:23
clarkbIam just excited that that bit seems to have just worked23:23
clarkboverridden tmpdir and cache dir and all23:23
* fungi too!23:23
fungisorry i didn't help more23:23
clarkbyou jumped on the big fire of the day :)23:23
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fungii was chilly23:24
anteayayeah, you will never ever get the trophy for not-doing-enough fungi23:24
fungii can dream23:24
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anteayaif volumes come back23:26
clarkbI should've parallelized this a bit more. oh well. no rush considering the other thing23:26
fungiyeah, i think you can take as much time as you need23:27
fungii'm going to take a break to start a batch of sourdough bread while this continues running23:27
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davideagnellohello, why is there no content in ""?23:33
anteayahi davideagnello23:33
jeblairmaybe we should update the status to mention that and point to the story23:33
davideagnellois there some maintenance, should I wait?23:33
anteayatake a moment and read the channel topic23:33
anteayajeblair: sounds good23:33
jeblairanteaya: to be fair, the topic does not mention tarballs :)23:33
anteayajeblair: fair enough23:33
davideagnelloups, thanks23:33
anteayadavideagnello: we are dealing with a storage failure, unexpected23:34
fungijeblair: in actuality, i could probably bring everything besides logs.o.o back online. the rest of the filesystems checked clean and could be mounted again for now23:34
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jeblairfungi: that's probably a good idea then23:34
anteayadavideagnello: unknown time for finishing23:34
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jeblairfungi: is your fsck in screen?23:34
clarkbthere is something wrong with the fedora21 dib build though23:35
clarkbTypeError: execve() arg 3 contains a non-string value23:35
clarkbI think that means its env is bot set correctly23:35
fungijeblair: no, it should have been but i wasn't thinking ahead23:35
fungiokay, tarballs and docs-draft and whatever else is not on logs.o.o is back online now, apache restarted and all23:37
jeblairfungi: :( just thinking of ways to get you off the hook and drinking again, but i'm guessing we'll want to know what fsck says when it's done23:37
fungijeblair: i'm committed to sticking around anyway23:38
anteayasometime in the next hour I need to go outside and load the stove, will probably take about 20 minutes23:39
fungii think we'll manage23:40
fungistove comes first23:40
anteayaokay I'll go now23:40
* fungi findly recalls his childhood, when the cast iron wood stove was the primary heat source through the winters23:40
jrollrandom question that just occurred to me, y'all ever consider serving tarballs.o.o over ssl?23:41
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fungijroll: considered, yes, though so far it's not been our primary distribution channel23:41
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fungijroll: likely worth doing soon anyway, so it's on my radar23:41
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fungijroll: biggest challenge is that it would require either a separate instance or a special cert (wildcard or aliased)23:42
clarkbok I am updating nodepool.o.o DNS records now23:42
jeblairfungi: the fsck is using 3g of ram23:43
jrollfungi: I see, cool23:43
fungijroll: since it shares an ip address with other vhosts right now23:43
fungijeblair: ext4 is dirty business23:43
jrollfungi: right, and not everything supports SNI because sadface23:43
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clarkbforward dns is done23:45
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clarkband reverse is done23:46
jeblairclarkb, fungi: since fungi was hogging all the fsck fun, i fixed the afs server23:46
fungijeblair: yay!!!23:46
jeblairstop; unmount; fsck; mount; start23:46
jeblairwas clean23:46
clarkbI will confirm ability to hit jenkins for zmq and zuul for gearman shortly and once that is confirmed restart nodepool23:46
clarkbwe should consider deleting the fedora21 image once things settle23:46
clarkbits making ENOISE23:46
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clarkbok I am stopping nodepool on new nodepool, reenabling gearman, then starting it up23:51
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clarkbok its doing things23:53
kevinbentonhi folks. Can someone give me a quick pointer to where the gate-rally-dsvm-neutron-neutron job is configured?23:53
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kevinbentoni'm going to add a new rally scenario but i'm not sure how the current one is being discovered23:53
clarkbnote I have enabled puppet on the new node without first merging my change to add the new deps23:54
clarkbbut it should be just fine since they are only package installs and are already there23:55
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kevinbentonclarkb: thanks. i take it devstack-rally-gate probably has the logic i'm looking for23:56
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kevinbentonclarkb: yeah, i think i see how it works now. thanks for the pointer23:57
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