Tuesday, 2014-11-18

jogoclarkb: that is why I was hesitant to refactor that code until I knew the logic at least worked00:01
jogoas it took me a few revs to get it right too00:01
clarkbjogo: :) it has really helped my understanding of a lot of the stuff that goes on there though00:01
jogoerr working not right per se00:01
clarkband that should get us arbitrary subnode support and ssh known hosts properly everywhere00:02
clarkbso fingers crossed this actually works this time00:02
jogoclarkb: oh sudo vs the tee trick00:02
jogoI thought the tee thing was pretty nifty00:02
clarkbjogo: ya this runs after we chown that dir, which means I have to sudo stuff there00:03
clarkbI think I will try moving it to before the chown at some point but that makes the refactor even bigger00:03
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jogoclarkb: looks like we hit nodepool quota00:05
jogoso it will take time to get feedback on those changes now00:05
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clarkbjogo: its running now00:06
mtreinishfungi: it looks like rev2 on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135121/ passed jenkins00:06
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fungimtreinish: it feels like that's not the right way to address that conflict, but i may be overthinking it. that same conffile is used by both the server and worker classes, and therefire the dburi has to be passed in through both of them. there ought to be a way to just do that in init.pp instead00:08
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fungiexcept i guess we'd need to instantiate tboth the base class and worker or server classes to be able to do that?00:08
mtreinishfungi: the conf file is not used by the server.pp right now00:09
fungiclarkb: ^ ?00:09
fungimtreinish: oh, just the dburi is i guess?00:09
mtreinishit just inline the uri on the db manage cli command00:09
fungigot it00:09
fungieh, that's probably okay then00:09
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mtreinishfungi: it was a bit more difficult to do that on the worker side because I used oslo config, so I'd have to play some games with overriding the config value with something I passed in via argparse00:10
mtreinishit's doable, but I was holding off on getting things working before I did that cleanup00:10
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jogoclarkb: nice00:12
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jogoclarkb: some of the patches lower down the stack can't accept rechecks yet00:12
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clarkbjogo: I don't think that matters. we know the first patch makes the ssh stuff fail reliably00:13
clarkbjogo: and the other three are being tested now00:13
clarkb(at least not for the immediate future, I am more interested in specific results right now than jenkins +1s)00:13
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jogoclarkb: yeah its not a big deal00:15
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add non voting rally performance job to zaqar project  https://review.openstack.org/13513200:17
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clarkbjogo: woot tempest is doing stuff on that change00:20
mtreinishclarkb: I thought we got tempest passing in Paris?00:21
mtreinishI haven't really been following today00:21
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clarkbjogo: /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts looks good on those nodes too00:21
clarkbmtreinish: we did. but apparently there was a gap in ssh known hosts and nova resize/migrations00:22
clarkbmtreinish: we were not properly accepting host keys so ssh would fail in some cases. jogo exposed that by always forcing those ops onto the other node00:22
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable Ironic periodic-stable jobs  https://review.openstack.org/13513300:22
jogoclarkb: nice!00:23
mtreinishclarkb: ah, ok. It's always something00:23
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jogomtreinish: yup00:25
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jogoclarkb: woot resize passed on that patch00:26
jogoFailed: 000:26
clarkbso now I need to rebase my thing on that change00:27
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anteayawould someone have the time to disable 10386 odl-jenkins OpenDaylight CI odl-openstack@opendaylight.org00:28
mtreinishjogo: have we tried the block migration test yet? http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tempest/tree/tempest/api/compute/test_live_block_migration.py00:28
fungianteaya: i can do it now00:29
anteayafungi: thanks00:29
jogomtreinish: about to do another run of tempest-full00:29
fungianteaya: done00:29
anteayafungi: thank you00:29
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova multi host on aiopcpu tests  https://review.openstack.org/13160400:29
clarkbjogo: ^ rebased my change going to check experimental that now00:30
clarkbbut that gets us on the path of nova multi node alongside your tempest full stuff00:30
clarkball very exciting00:30
jogoclarkb: very exciting yeah00:30
jogomtreinish: http://logs.openstack.org/39/134639/7/experimental/check-tempest-dsvm-aiopcpu/31adb1f/logs/testr_results.html.gz00:30
jogohmm we are skipping pt272.2: tempest.api.compute.test_live_block_migration.LiveBlockMigrationTestXML.test_live_block_migration[gate]00:31
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* jogo wonders why00:31
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mtreinishjogo: the tempest flag probably defaults false00:32
mtreinishand devstack probably doesn't understand how to change that00:32
fungiclarkb: any objections to 135121? i have time for one more attempt to build the subunit worker tonight if that merges soon00:32
* clarkb looks00:32
mtreinishjogo: although I'm not sure the compute-feature-enable.live_migration flag should default false00:33
mtreinishsince there is also a multiple host check which will raise a skip00:33
clarkbfungi: mtreinish what does that get us?00:33
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fungiclarkb: avoids puppet complaining about a duplicate declaration of /etc/logstash/subunit2sql.conf00:34
mtreinishclarkb: it should unbreak the manifest, the issue is puppet complains about duplicate definitions for everything that doesn't have a suffix var in the name00:34
jogomtreinish: so should I push a patch to remove that conf flag?00:34
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jogomtreinish: or turn it on by default?00:34
mtreinishjogo: no we still need the flag, because some hypervisors don't support live migration (I think)00:34
jogomtreinish: so turn it on by default then?00:34
fungiclarkb: because we instantiate subunit2sql::worker four times in the manifest being applied to teh machine00:34
mtreinishbut yeah we can change the default to true (if things blow up we'll know why)00:34
jogomtreinish: yup00:34
mtreinishclarkb: I guess I didn't have to move everything over to init.pp but it seemed liked the better way00:35
* jogo is super excited for multinode00:35
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kevinbentonhas anyone run into an issue where devstack will not exit from ./stack.sh when it’s being invoked via ssh?00:37
jogomtreinish: what is the difference between live_migration and block_live_migration?00:37
fungikevinbenton: sounds like you probably have an open file descriptor?00:37
fungikevinbenton: are you trying to start devstack over ssh and then disconnect and leave it running?00:37
kevinbentonfungi: yes, this is for a 3rd party CI system00:38
fungikevinbenton: you probably need to redirect stdin, stdout and stderr of whatever command you're backgrounding00:39
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Change rally job to use fake drivers in cinder  https://review.openstack.org/13513700:39
mtreinishjogo: dunno00:40
mtreinishthose tests pre-date me working on tempest I think00:40
jogottx: I think one is cinder related00:40
fungikevinbenton: and possibly fds above 2 as well depending on what it does00:40
kevinbentonfungi: hmm. well it’s just “ssh ubuntu@$NODE_IP ‘~/devstack/stack.sh’”00:40
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jogodoh, mtreinish ^00:40
kevinbentonfungi: and it worked fine when it was running on 12.10, this only showed up when i changed to 14.0400:40
mtreinishjogo: well there is one test which requires cinder and iscsi00:40
fungikevinbenton: try "ssh ubuntu@$NODE_IP? '~/devstack/stack.sh </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &'"00:40
mtreinishand another which says it doesn't00:40
kevinbentonfungi: will do00:40
mtreinishbut they both say they block migrate00:40
mtreinishjogo: let me dig up the client api call00:41
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mtreinishjogo: it looks like it's just live migration: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tempest/tree/tempest/services/compute/json/servers_client.py#n40500:42
kevinbentonfungi: oh, but that immediately returns00:42
mtreinishand one test case does it with an attached volume00:42
kevinbentonfungi: i need to actually wait until stack.sh finishes00:42
jogomtreinish: are the servers created the same way though?00:42
fungikevinbenton: in that case, everything stack.sh does needs to properly close out or redirect its file descriptors. will likely take some experimentation to figure out what's leaving some open but not disassociating from the calling process00:43
mtreinishjogo: yep, looking at the test code both are created the same way00:43
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kevinbentonfungi: ok, doesn’t infra do something similar to setup its test nodes?00:44
fungikevinbenton: nope. we only ever start and use devstack once, then discard the machine and grab a fresh one00:44
jogomtreinish: one attaches a volume to the instance00:44
kevinbentonfungi: yeah, that’s what i’m doing here too00:44
jogoblock_migrate_for_live_migration does00:45
jogowe should eventually turn that on too00:45
kevinbentonfungi: this script that sets up devstack on a remote machine does it to a fresh image each time00:45
jogobut lets get one working first00:45
jogowill post a second patch to turn that on as a WIP00:45
fungikevinbenton: currently devstack is started as a child of a jenkins slave agent process, and does it on the local machine where the job is being run00:45
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fungiclarkb: though perhaps that ^ changes for subnodes in a multi-node devstack now?00:46
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Move worker pieces that are only need once to init.pp  https://review.openstack.org/13512100:46
kevinbentonfungi: ok, this seems to only happen when stack.sh is triggered via ssh00:46
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Clarify changes needed for new puppet repo  https://review.openstack.org/13439300:46
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clarkbfungi: it does, we run it over ssh00:48
fungiclarkb: do we hold the ssh socket open for the duration of the job?00:48
clarkbkevinbenton: fungi ^ if you search for stack.sh there you will see where it happens00:48
mtreinishjogo: the only difference looks like one attaches a volume before it runs live migrate on the server00:48
clarkbfungi: no, we only run stack.sh during a small portion of the job00:48
mtreinishjogo: d'oh you just said that00:48
fungiclarkb: oh, so at least for the devstack configurations on our subnodes, stack.sh is allowing the ssh connection to close once it completes00:48
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clarkbthen tempest runs and talks to the resulting cloud00:48
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fungikevinbenton: so that suggests that in at least some devstack configurations (on ubuntu trusty) it's not hanging the callingn ssh socket after completion00:49
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kevinbentonfungi: ok. i’ll have to figure out what is special here00:50
clarkbsudo -H -u stack stdbuf -oL -eL ./stack.sh > /dev/null is how we run it there00:51
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clarkbmaybe the stdbuf is important?00:52
kevinbentonclarkb: i saw that. what do the -oL and -eL and stdbuf do?00:52
clarkbkevinbenton: it says line buffer stdout and stderr00:52
kevinbentonclarkb: oh i see00:52
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kevinbentonstdbuf is a command, not a magic sudo option i couldn’t find00:52
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kevinbentonlet me try with that00:53
clarkbso we are sudoing stdbuf which then runs stack.sh00:53
clarkbwith line buffering00:53
kevinbentonthis is annoying to troubleshoot. have to wait ~7 minutes to see if what i changed worked…00:54
jogomtreinish: https://review.openstack.org/13514100:54
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add required puppet module files and .gitreview  https://review.openstack.org/13437300:55
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clarkbjogo: I would like jeblair's input on the use private IPs everywhere change. He original had concerns with that a while back but I think those are no longer issues00:59
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kevinbentonclarkb: unfortunately that didn’t do it01:00
clarkbjogo: I much prefer consistency and would prefer that we do that instead of putting some things on private like gre and other things on public like nova01:00
clarkbmy change looks happy now too01:00
clarkbjogo: you should probably check experimental the tempest full change now too?01:00
jogoclarkb: yeah I am on in rush to actually land these patches01:00
jogoclarkb: one step ahead of you already running01:01
clarkbhttps://jenkins06.openstack.org/job/check-tempest-dsvm-aiopcpu/19/console is nova multi host01:01
jogoclarkb: cool if your multi host patch works I will rebase my tempest-full test patch on top of it01:02
kevinbentonclarkb, fungi: it looks like this process is hanging around ubuntu    3023  3018  0 00:54 ?        00:00:00 python /home/ubuntu/devstack/tools/outfilter.py -v -o /opt/stack/logs/devstacklog.txt.2014-11-18-00540001:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 3023 in launchpad "team emails do not set headers right" [Medium,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/302301:02
kevinbentonwhen i killed that, stack.sh exited as expected01:02
jogoclarkb: the big test for nova will come tomorrow or later though: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135141/01:04
jogomtreinish: we will need another tempest test for doing live migration for boot from volume instances btw01:05
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clarkbjogo: https://jenkins06.openstack.org/job/check-tempest-dsvm-aiopcpu/19/console succeeded, but don't rebase tempest full until your job testing that is finished running01:06
clarkbif you rebase and push it will stop that job01:06
mtreinishjogo: well you can add it after we get multinode working01:07
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asselinanyone seen this? Parameter name failed on Database_user[root@]: Invalid database user root@ at /etc/puppet/modules/mysql/manifests/server/account_security.pp:801:15
clarkbasselin: ya it means that your fqdn fact is empty01:16
asselinclarkb, thanks01:16
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clarkbyou need to manipulate /etc/hosts to make it have an fqdn longer than hostname.01:16
fungimtreinish: don't hit me, but Could not find dependency Class[Logstash::Indexer] for File[/etc/logstash/jenkins-subunit-worker-A.yaml] at /opt/system-config/production/modules/subunit2sql/manifests/worker.pp:4201:18
fungimtreinish: probably needs an 'include logstash::indexer' line?01:18
mtreinishfungi: sigh, yep, looks like it01:18
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mtreinishone more patch...01:18
fungimtreinish: i'm going to pretend not to work for a while, but can test again tomorrow morning01:19
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jogoclarkb: agreed01:19
jogomtreinish: right, live migration testing is the feature I am most excited for nova wise01:19
mtreinishfungi: ok, I can bug clarkb then :)01:19
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clarkbmtreinish: lol I am so jetlagged01:19
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clarkbbarely awake at this point01:19
fungipoor clarkb thinks it's 2am01:19
clarkbI am going to try to make it to 8pm tonight01:20
fungigood luck... you still have a couple hours to go in that case01:20
clarkbjogo: tempest full just succeeded01:21
clarkbjogo: with nova net, still waiting on neutron01:21
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for test_baremetal_server_ops timeout  https://review.openstack.org/13473801:22
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add missing logstash import  https://review.openstack.org/13514501:24
mtreinishclarkb, fungi: ^^^ that should fix it01:25
mtreinishclarkb: heh, did you just get back home today?01:25
clarkbmtreinish: yesterday01:26
clarkbI then proceeded to get two 4 hour chunks of sleep and was awake by about 4am01:26
clarkbjogo: neutron failed01:26
mtreinishclarkb: ah, ok yeah that was pretty much Sat. for me01:27
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mtreinishI got back on Fri01:27
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clarkbit was a good week01:29
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kevinbentonan amazingly hacky fix is to kill the python process after stack.sh and the ssh process will then be able to exit01:31
kevinbentonssh ubuntu@$NODE_IP “~/devstack/stack.sh && kill \$(ps -ef | grep outfilter.py | grep -v grep | awk '{ print \$2 }')"01:31
clarkbkevinbenton: I don't recognize that process. some of the devstack devs might though01:31
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kevinbentondtroyer: are you around? ^^01:33
stevebakersdague, clarkb: I've realised why test_server_cfn_init is failing in non-heat-slow jobs. They use config drive, so user_data is executed before networking is fully up. This is not an issue when polling the nova metadata service01:33
mtreinishstevebaker: oh, did that patch with the loop never land? Or did we end up abandoning it? (or was it on a different test)01:35
stevebakermtreinish: different test, which is designed to run in the main jobs01:35
mtreinishstevebaker: ah, ok01:35
mtreinishit still seems like something we'd want to be tolerant of in the general case though01:35
dtroyerkevinbenton: I'm in & out01:36
mtreinishbecause it's not like there's a config flag to specify whether it's config drive or not01:36
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kevinbentondtroyer: just wanted to know if you knew of anything that would block outfilter.py from exiting when stack.sh is executed over ssh01:36
stevebakermtreinish: I remember, I was attempting to move a different test out of heat-slow and hit this issue https://review.openstack.org/#/c/110507/501:36
mtreinishstevebaker: ah, ok yeah that's it01:37
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stevebakermtreinish: I suppose the tests should JustWork whether config drive or not, so there needs to be a retry loop which hits some URL until success, then continue with the other network operations01:38
dtroyerkevinbenton: I'd start by suspecting something connected to the loggin and redirection stack.sh does, I'm not certain how it will behave if there is no tty.01:38
mtreinishstevebaker: yeah, that's what I was getting at01:38
dtroyercan you try the ssh with -t?01:38
kevinbentondtroyer: yeah01:39
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/13476301:40
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Grouping the two projects Groups portal in storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/13433001:40
kevinbentondtroyer: whatever it is worked fine on 12.10 but broke on my change to 14.0401:40
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dtroyerkevinbenton: hmmm…that suggests not a tty problem.  when you changed to 14.04 you had roughly the same devstack checkout?01:41
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kevinbentondtroyer: yeah01:42
kevinbentondtroyer: a recent change pushed devstack to use mariadb, which required more hacking to get to work on 12.10 so i figured i would change images today01:42
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kevinbentondtroyer: was working fine with 12.10 as of early yesterday01:43
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dtroyerkevinbenton: can you give me a command like or something to try to reproduce it?01:43
kevinbentonssh -i ~/keys/openstackCI.key ubuntu@$NODE_IP “~/devstack/stack.sh”01:44
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kevinbentondtroyer: that is run from the system controlling the test nodes01:45
dtroyerkevinbenton: ok, simple enough, and I'm wondering why I haven't done that before ;)01:46
dtroyerso it hangs at the noremal end of stack.sh?  (I'm running one on trusty now)01:46
kevinbentondtroyer: yeah01:47
kevinbentondtroyer: for some reason outfilter.py doesn’t exit, if i do “stack.sh && kill $OUTFILTER_PID” it then exits01:48
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kevinbentondtroyer: so i think stack.sh actually completes, but outfilter is stuck01:48
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack/requirements: Add oslo.context to projects.txt  https://review.openstack.org/13514701:50
kevinbentonssh -i $DEVSTACK_SSH_KEY ubuntu@$DEVSTACK_IP "~/devstack/stack.sh && kill \$(ps -ef | grep outfilter.py | grep -v grep | awk '{ print \$2 }')"01:50
kevinbentondtroyer: ^^ that’s my temporary workaround01:50
kevinbentondtroyer: i have to step away for a bit, let me know if you need any more info from me01:51
mmedvedekevinbenton: not sure if relevant, but I did run devstack through ssh like this:   ssh $USER@$ip -t -t "bash -l -c 'cd devstack && ./stack.sh'"01:51
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kevinbentonmmedvede: so perhaps the tty is the issue01:52
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dtroyerkevinbenton: ok, …   fwiw, my run just hung, so repro here01:53
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kevinbentondtroyer: ok. i am doing one more run to check if the ‘-t’ flag helps01:54
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mmedvedekevinbenton: note that one vs two -t flags is different01:55
jogoclarkb: will look in a bit01:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for test_baremetal_server_ops timeout  https://review.openstack.org/13473801:56
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova/oslo.db pg test bug 1393633  https://review.openstack.org/13514902:08
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1393633 in nova "test_postgresql_opportunistically fails with "database "openstack_citest" is being accessed by other users"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139363302:08
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kevinbentonmmedvede, dtroyer: a single -t flag seemed to fix it02:09
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova/oslo.db pg test bug 1393633  https://review.openstack.org/13514902:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1393633 in nova "test_postgresql_opportunistically fails with "database "openstack_citest" is being accessed by other users"" [High,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139363302:14
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kevinbentonmmedvede, dtroyer: two -t flags fixes it as well :-)02:20
mmedvedekevinbenton: yay!02:20
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kevinbentonmmedvede: no idea why it wouldn’t fail on 12.10 though…02:21
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dtroyerkevinbenton: ok, good.   I'm wondering if it a bash issue?  when it hangs, the top-evel bash is in a wait4() call for pid -1, which of course doesn't exist02:23
mmedvedekevinbenton: don't know either. Did not work for me on 12.0402:23
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dtroyerkevinbenton, mmedvede: how do you guys have LOGFILE and VERBOSE set?02:24
kevinbentondtroyer: ^^02:25
mmedvededtroyer: I had LOGFILE=$DATA_DIR/logs/stack.log and VERBOSE=True as well02:27
dtroyerok, thanks, so both have the same logging and fd setup02:28
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dtroyerI'm not sure how much farther this is worth persuing, at least tonight.  What I'm seeing is the top-level bash process getting  daemonized and owned by init, while the sshd is still waiting for input...02:38
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Switch to installing subunit2sql from git instead of pip  https://review.openstack.org/13516104:17
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Switch to installing subunit2sql from git instead of pip  https://review.openstack.org/13516104:23
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: testing aiopcpu with tempest full  https://review.openstack.org/13463904:28
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jogois it possible to set tempest.conf from devstack-gate?04:30
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openstackgerritPraveen Kumar proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add perlcritic capability to violations method  https://review.openstack.org/13486705:02
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openstackgerritSteven Weston proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Third Party CI Dashboard Spec  https://review.openstack.org/13517005:42
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: tooz: gate against py{27,34}-mysql  https://review.openstack.org/13520610:06
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Create puppet-forge credentials on the pypi slave  https://review.openstack.org/13483510:15
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move tooz from Stackforge to OpenStack  https://review.openstack.org/13521510:32
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add API call to return task statuses  https://review.openstack.org/13522110:38
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add API call to return task statuses  https://review.openstack.org/13522111:18
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add oslo.context to projects.txt  https://review.openstack.org/13514711:28
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openstackgerritOpenStack Proposal Bot proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/13523311:29
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-dev/hacking: Updated from global requirements  https://review.openstack.org/13523312:07
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openstackgerritDenis M. proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix Trove gate timeout  https://review.openstack.org/13526312:23
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed openstack-infra/project-config: oslo.messaging: typo fix  https://review.openstack.org/13526612:32
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move tooz from Stackforge to OpenStack  https://review.openstack.org/13521512:33
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openstackgerritDenis M. proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Fix oslo.messaging funtional tests job template  https://review.openstack.org/13526812:34
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denis_makogonsdague, ping12:41
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sdaguedenis_makogon: just ask your question13:01
denis_makogonsdague, sure, in your opinion, what should we do with our long-running tests(https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135263/1) ?13:01
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sdaguedenis_makogon: so it doesn't seem like waiting 3 hrs for test results on patches is really a managable code flow. Breaking up the tests to figure out if there are smaller testable parts is probably worth while13:03
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sdaguewithout completely diving through trove internal architecture I probably don't have concrete ideas for you. However test runs that exceed an hour really shouldn't be pre-gating13:04
denis_makogonsdague, so, you want to say that we should split our tests into two suits, and run them as two different jobs in parallel, right?13:04
sdaguenot really13:04
sdaguewhat are the steps in the replication tests? why do they take so long? what optimizations and contracts can be done.13:06
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denis_makogonsdague, replication does automated mysql replication procedure that requires pushing data into Swift, spinning up new instance, applying swift data into it13:07
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denis_makogonand of course verifying that replication workflow was executed correctly13:08
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sdagueok, like I said, I don't have the ability to break that up for you without learning all of trove and proposing more surgical test steps there. However while Trove is part of the integrated gate, delays in it's tests block merging patches in others, so a 3 hr time limit isn't an option.13:11
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: Add API call to return task statuses  https://review.openstack.org/13522113:12
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dimssdague: would you support this feature? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/123464/ ('Save last setting of Toggle CI button') - been stuck for a while13:14
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sdaguedims: yeh, need to do a bunch of non code things today though, ping me late in the day13:16
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dimssdague: ack. thanks13:17
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openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Move tooz from Stackforge to OpenStack  https://review.openstack.org/13521513:39
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openstackgerritMike Heald proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add module for deduplicating files on a path  https://review.openstack.org/13528713:51
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clarkbafazekas can you review the stack of changes on you multihost d-g change?13:57
clarkbI will approve your change this morning13:57
clarkbbut would be good to have your input on the additional updates13:57
rcarrill`hi there13:58
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rcarrill`may i please get a core reviewer look at the following changes, it's pending just one +2:13:58
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sdaguedims: you need an infra person for the final +2, I'm only +1 on that repo14:01
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fungidims: lgtm. i'll need to make sure to touch the header as soon as that merges though14:02
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clarkbafazekas in particular the change to update known hosts files14:03
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afazekasclarkb: I added a comment14:03
clarkbawesome thank you /me looks14:04
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afazekasclarkb: I planned to setup the dev/null as know hosts file, but looks like this part is not in the current code14:04
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afazekasOriginally that a 3 line double for loop handled the know hosts file with the iptables settings as well.14:06
dimssdague: fungi: thanks!14:06
clarkbafazekas: I think we should do our best to set up known hosts properly14:07
clarkbafazekas: which jogo's change does now14:07
clarkbalso I don't think we need that in the base change and I still plan to approve your change as is in a little bit14:07
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afazekasclarkb: how jogo's commit ensures the stack user from the primary node knows about all other hosts ?14:09
clarkbafazekas: it puts the host keys in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts so it is system wide for all users14:09
afazekasclarkb: on the subnodes14:09
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clarkbafazekas: it does primary node and subnodes14:10
clarkbafazekas: it creates the file on the primary node, then copies that to /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts on all of the nodes14:10
clarkbafazekas: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134670/12/devstack-vm-gate.sh line 468 is where it does it for the primary node14:10
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anteayaI'm about to approve a patch to create a new repo, there were some hiccups with new project creation in the recent past, anything anyone wants me to do before I approve?14:13
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anteayastevebaker: any thoughts about making this job experimental or non-voting whilst you working out any kinks with dib enabled? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134422/114:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make existing requirements parsing more forgiving  https://review.openstack.org/13463714:24
mmedvedeanteaya, yesterday the new irc-meetings project has taken about 2.5 hours to be properly created. I have brought it up with fungi initially. Not sure if he had to do anything manually14:24
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fungimmedvede: yeah, i couldn't see any obvious errors from when it should have initially been created. retriggering replication seemed to get the commits to appear in our git farm though14:25
fungiwould be good to keep an eye out for similar incidents so we can correlate and possibly narrow down the cause14:25
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anteayafungi: did you want to watch this one move through?14:27
anteayammedvede: yes that was the project I was thinking of, thanks for reminding me of the name14:28
clarkbI just approved afazekas' d-g change14:28
fungianteaya: not sure there's much to watch, but if it doesn't show up with any commits on git.openstack.org then i'll see if i can find more details14:28
clarkbonce that is in I will follow up with a layout.yaml change to make that a check test against d-g (does anyone want it to be gating as well?)14:29
anteayaokay, I'll go ahead and approve it14:29
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mordredclarkb: I just realized - why are you awake?14:37
clarkbmordred: the jetlag is strong14:37
mordredclarkb: ah. condolensces14:37
mordredthis is clearly not a time that a clarkb norally enjoys being awake14:37
clarkbI fell asleep at about 7pm last night. woke up at 3:30am after ~8 hours of sleep. Had breakfast then IRC14:37
clarkbmordred: the worst part is nothing is open this early in the morning. I could got to sheris and thats about it14:38
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mordredclarkb: that's my least favorite part too14:38
mordredclarkb: I mean, even in New York, when you wake up at 3:30am, the things that are open are not really the things you want to go to in a jetlagged state14:38
clarkbI had to wait about 8 hours yesterday before I could get a burrito14:39
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mordredthat's the worst14:39
clarkbpost europe burrito was amazing. Got it smothered in mole poblano. Finally some food with a little heat14:39
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clarkbit was so good I am really tempted to go back for another today14:40
anteayaclarkb: noone in paris understood heat?14:40
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clarkbanteaya: european food is good, but is built on salt and fat. I don't think they know what peppers are14:41
fungiparisian cuisine was remarkably lacking in foods spicy enough make your mouth numb14:41
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anteayaclarkb: yes I do recall the salt and fat, saw red peppers but they were sweet14:41
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anteayafungi: true I have no memories of numb mouth14:42
clarkbso there was a craving for new world food14:42
anteayaI can hear that, yes14:43
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clarkbif I go back and get a chimichanga today instead of a burrito that may justify going back today14:43
fungihad a big bowl of habanero chili first thing when i got back. it was goood14:43
anteayaclarkb: what is the latest state of agreement about goes in the gate test pipeline and what goes in the check test pipeline?14:43
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clarkbanteaya: typically we try to keep them inline for voting tests14:43
anteayaclarkb: you have to justify your food choices?14:43
anteayaclarkb: okay thanks14:44
clarkbanteaya: only because I am tired :)14:44
anteayaclarkb: ah justify away then14:44
anteayaif I have a craving I just listen to it14:44
anteayaI figure there must be a reason and I'll figure out what it is after I am full14:44
clarkbfungi: that sounds good14:46
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Save last setting of Toggle CI button  https://review.openstack.org/12346414:53
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clarkbfungi: ^ I assume you will be restarting gerrit for that?14:54
clarkbor did we fix the issues around that?14:54
fungii'll touch GerritSiteHeader.html on review.o.o as soon as that gets puppeted in14:54
fungithat's supposed to solve the issue14:54
clarkbfungi: do we need to update our puppet manifests to do that?14:54
fungiclarkb: perhaps14:55
clarkbI am still not sure I understand how that all broke ast time14:55
clarkb(which is why I have not been reviewing js changes for gerrit)14:55
fungilast time i got paranoid because i was on a crappy ancient netbook with too old of a browser to support the hideci stuff, but it wasn't actually broken. the time before that i was confused as to what file i was supposed to touch14:56
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Restart ssh after configuring sshd_config  https://review.openstack.org/13437114:56
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clarkbfungi: puppet touches that file for us14:57
clarkbwhen it actually broke that time you touched manually?14:57
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fungiyeah. could be a race there i suppose14:58
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clarkbI don't think it was racing, I think we touched the wrong fiel14:58
clarkbbut I am not sure if we touched the wrong file for the data being updated or if it was a manual touch or if puppet was just wrong14:59
fungiwell, i suppose we'll be able to tell this time around14:59
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fungiany moment now14:59
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fungimtreinish: i've set up a puppet dev env to deploy the subunit worker out of, so we can end the death by a thousand patches15:00
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fungimtreinish: i'll let you know in a sec if your latest patch is sufficient, or extend it for you if not15:00
mtreinishfungi: heh ok awesome (although I was enjoying the stat padding :)15:00
mtreinishfungi: ok cool, let me know15:01
fungihuh... it finished, no errors15:01
fungii'll get it into dns in a moment15:02
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Move puppet-monasca to Stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/13465815:04
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fungiokay, hideci.js has a new timestamp and is no longer working in the gerrit ui. now to try bringing it back15:05
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add barbican-cover to check pipeline  https://review.openstack.org/13358215:05
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fungithough worth noting, puppet _does_ seem to have updated the timestamp on GerritSiteHeader.html at roughly the same time15:06
clarkbI think we need to touch a different file then?15:07
fungii have proceeded to touch it as well, and so far no effect15:07
fungino, wait, it's back now15:07
clarkbmaybe the css file?15:07
fungiso there may be a need to introduce a delay15:07
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clarkba sleep 1 in the puppet touch exec?15:08
funginot sure whether it took several minutes for puppet touching that file to take effect, or me touching it a second time a couple minutes later15:08
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fungithough there was also a noticeable delay, say 30 seconds (perhaps a caching layer in front had to refresh), once i touched the file15:09
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fungidims: the cookie does seem to be effective across tabs, as intended15:10
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clarkbya it seems to be working for me15:11
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mtreinishfungi: cool, so everything worked, now I guess it's more a test if the worker daemons do the right thing...15:11
clarkbfungi: krotscheck: ok I have multihost d-g mostly dealt with. On to storyboard. Should I be approving the docs updates as I go?15:12
fungimtreinish: yep. once that one-liner patch of yours merges, i'll enable puppet updates for that worker15:12
clarkband should we draft and announcement email?15:12
clarkband fungi said he would do lp at some point (happy to help with that too)15:13
fungiclarkb: i think krotscheck said he was drafting the announcement15:13
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fungiand yeah, i need to do final passes with the import script before closing down bug reporting on any projects15:13
hasharfungi: clarkb: the GerritSiteHeader.html and other css are rendered inline by Gerrit which keep its own cache version of them15:13
hashariirc its cached for 5 minutes15:13
fungihashar: aha, so perhaps i just didn't wait long enough15:14
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clarkbhashar: that would explain it15:14
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fungiclarkb: i guess next time let's give it something like 10 minutes from the js file update before giving up and souching the site header file15:14
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dimsfungi: i opened 1 tab, make sure i don't have any jenkins runs, then i opened 2 more, (no jenkins runs on all 3), then i click toggle button on one of them and refresh the other 2. should see jenkins runs on all 315:15
clarkbfungi: sounds like a plan15:16
fungidims: yep, that's what i tried15:16
fungidims: seems it works15:16
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dimsfungi: cool15:16
hasharclarkb: fungi: I am wrong, should be more or less immediate, well I guess whenever Gerrit figure out the files have been changed on disk and regenerate the cache file and inlined versions .  files under /static/ have a 5 minutes expire.  https://review.openstack.org/Documentation/config-themes.html#_http_caching15:16
fungihashar: ahh, right, this was a file under static15:17
fungihashar: in the past it's appeared that gerrit doesn't notice changes to files in static unless a file in etc gets updated triggering it to rebuild its bundled content15:18
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mrmartinclarkb, fungi: hi15:22
mrmartinI like to get to ssl certs for groups.openstack.org and groups-dev.openstack.org. https://blueprints.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+spec/groups-oauth2-authentication :)15:23
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mrmartinI've switched the auth mechanism from openid to oauth2, because openid.sreg was missing some key fields that required for retrieve picture urls.15:24
mrmartinbut openstackid is enforcing ssl for two-way communication between the oauth2 provider and third party app.15:24
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add missing logstash import  https://review.openstack.org/13514515:25
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fungimrmartin: oh, so we do have oauth2 support in openstackid? i thought that got ripped out when they shifted gears to implement openid there15:26
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mrmartinwe have. :)15:26
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Flush out the db api documenation  https://review.openstack.org/12940515:26
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mrmartinI made a dev-vagrant box for openstackid, that works in my dev environment, and I wrote an oauth2 module for drupal, it seems to be working well.15:28
fungimrmartin: i can go ahead and buy one for groups.openstack.org, but can't we configure openstackid-dev.openstack.org to trust the self-signed cert groups-dev.openstack.org is using?15:28
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Reorganize the python api documentation  https://review.openstack.org/12940615:28
mrmartinfungi, I gues self-signed cert is totally enough for groups-dev, the only thing we need to check, maybe we need to inject to self-signed cert as a root-one into openstackid-dev15:28
fungimrmartin: right, probably need to add it to wherever openstackid is looking for its trust chain15:29
mrmartindon't forget that.15:29
fungi/etc/ssl/certs or similar15:29
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mrmartinyep, I'm working on the required system-config patch, if everything goes well, I'll publish that tomorrow.15:29
swestonttx: ping, hello, when you have a moment, could we get your input on this? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135170/ the question has been raised on the proper location for this spec ... is this the correct location for it, or does it qualify for cross project?15:29
fungimrmartin: sounds good. i'll add the ssl cert to my to do list15:29
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mrmartinok, thanks, let's focus on the groups-dev one, this is required for testing at staging server, and if it works well, we can roll-out to prod server with a real certificate.15:30
anteayasweston: did you want to clean up the whitespace errors on that patch? and perhaps fill in some values for the license header?15:31
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clarkbdoes openid not need ssl certs to be trusted?15:32
clarkband if so isn't that a bug?15:32
swestonanteaya: arg, yes, I didn't notice that until this morning .. was pretty tired when I submitted this15:33
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fungiclarkb: i think openid doesn't require ssl on the consumer, just on the provider15:33
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add section on the basic data model  https://review.openstack.org/12940715:33
fungiclarkb: since the consumer redirects to the provider and consumes a redirect from the provider post-authentication15:33
clarkbfungi: but if ssl is there shouldn't it require things be trusted?15:33
anteayasweston: figured as much, which is why I didn't -1, you just needed to take another look15:33
clarkbmaybe not15:33
clarkbits early in the morning and I am jetlagged :P15:34
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fungibut all authentication happens through interaction with the provider, which is using a globally-trusted ssl cert15:34
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swestonanteaya: thank you :-D15:35
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Make bashate voting on system-config  https://review.openstack.org/12966715:37
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Fix subunit-gearman-worker.py path  https://review.openstack.org/13532915:37
mtreinishfungi: ^^^ found another bug by looking at puppetboard...15:37
mtreinishnot sure why that didn't cause an explosion15:38
mrmartinclarkb: oauth2 requires that, it have a two-way communication, and sends back an authorization code to the third-party webapp15:39
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anteayasweston: :D15:43
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swestonanteaya: I do have a question about the copyright, though ... not quite sure what to do with that section15:46
anteayasweston: good question, but I have no insight, perhaps someone else does15:46
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openstackgerritJukka Lehtniemi proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for Gerrit replication events  https://review.openstack.org/13533215:49
swestonanteaya: crickets ... perhaps somebody will answer it in a bit, let me google around some more15:51
anteayasweston: go forth bravely, I think everyone is otherwise occupied15:51
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swestonanteaya: hehe, bravely ...15:53
ttxsweston: hmm15:54
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ttxsweston: this feels like an infrastructure spec to me15:54
ttxsweston: is there anything that will need to land in code in other projects ?15:54
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swestonttx: ok.  we just wanted to consult with you to make sure it is in the right place15:54
ttxcross-project specs are designs where implementations will likely happen everywhere15:55
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ttxhere it feels more like a dashboard offered to every project15:55
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ttxit doesn't really require approval from all affected PTls either15:56
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swestonttx: there is no cross project code requirements right now, though in the future the direction might be different .. the idea of ci "calibration" has been explored, but it introduces other complexities15:57
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add timeout to the blur event of tag-complete  https://review.openstack.org/13533415:57
ttxsweston: ack15:58
swestonttx: ok, thanks for your input on this.15:58
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ttxsweston: np!15:58
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anteayamtreinish and jogo would really like your input on this patch about filtering tests for nova cells: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135064/116:00
mtreinishanteaya: I thought I already -1'd a patch like that16:04
mtreinishfrom johnthetubaguy IIRC16:04
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johnthetubaguyI did create one, it got lots of negative, so I abandoned it16:05
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mtreinishanteaya: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/125980/16:05
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anteayamtreinish johnthetubaguy thank you for letting me know16:06
anteayaI will comment as such so now andrew will know as well16:06
johnthetubaguyright now nova-cells is not allowing any VMs to boot, but the flavor work thats happening should fix that16:06
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mtreinishjohnthetubaguy: btw, I never did respond to your comment there, I wasn't saying we should not skip those tests, but that you should do it through the config file in devstack16:07
mtreinishbecause using a regex is error prone and can cause issues (and has) when new tests are added16:08
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johnthetubaguymtreinish: I agreed with your comment, talking to sdague we might do the regex for now, because its more a keep it going for a bit, while we fix code and evolve the set of tests16:09
johnthetubaguythe summit and other fires have meant I haven't got back to the cells tests, alaski is leading up the cells sub group that should be driving this going forward16:10
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sdaguemtreinish: so, realistically, this is stop gap16:10
anteayaI'm fine with whatever the direction is, let's just have some consenseus around it16:10
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sdagueregex is going to be there just long enough to not let this slide into the sea before we cut over to cells v216:11
sdaguethen we shoot it in the head16:11
sdaguegiven the cells v2 plan, I don't think doing the cells testing correctly actually has a lot of benefit16:11
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johnthetubaguyyeah, it more stop whats there rotting too bad if we can, but yeah, its not a long term thing16:12
alaskiright.  I put that up because of a discussion at the summit.  If we were planning to keep cells around I would certainly tackle it differently16:12
alaskikeep *current* cells around16:13
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fungiit does appear that stackforge/puppet-monasca was created on git.o.o as an uninitialized repo, so taking a look now to see if i can figure out why16:13
mtreinishok, sure that's fine I guess, I was just concerned that this was another attempt to short circuit things16:13
anteayafungi: thanks16:13
anteayaalaski: hi, don't take the -2 personally, in future if you are respinning an abandoned patch, please link to it if you know about it16:14
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sdaguemtreinish: nope, alaski, johnthetubaguy, and I discussed during the nova sessions, I think this is a pragmatic plan to keep the eye on the actual ball, which is a cells v2 that supports all nova function16:14
sdagueand doesn't completely burn existing users16:14
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alaskianteaya: no worries about a -2.  but I was not aware of an older patch16:14
anteayasdague: do you want me to lift my -2?16:15
anteayaalaski: ah okay, thanks16:15
mtreinishanteaya: yeah I think using the regex is fine given this discussion16:15
sdagueanteaya: yes please16:16
sdagueI have a -1 on a name change I'd like to see there, otherwise I'm +2 on the approach16:16
anteayasdague: I will lift16:17
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fungiNov 18 15:12:29 review puppet-agent[32445]: (/Stage[main]/Openstack_project::Gerrit/Exec[manage_projects]/returns) 2014-11-18 15:10:37,115: manage_projects - ERROR - Exception processing ACLS for stackforge/puppet-monasca.16:18
alaskisdague: there's a job already defined without the -full name, but it's not used anywhere.  I can move this there and then update the projects to use that job16:18
fungitrying again manually to see if it's perma-broken or if that was transient16:18
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* fungi grumbles16:19
fungirerunning it by hand, no errors, and worked fine16:19
sdaguealaski: that works for me16:19
anteayafungi: exception processing acls16:19
sdaguejust want to be descriptive about it16:19
alaskisdague: definitely16:19
anteayafungi: did we get any more details about the exception?16:19
fungianteaya: yeah, correlating from gerrit logs now to see if it kept a record of the rejection16:20
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fungi[2014-11-18 15:10:29,126] ERROR com.googlesource.gerrit.plugins.replication.ReplicationQueue : Error creating local repository /opt/lib/git/stackforge/puppet-monasca.git: java.io.IOException: Creating directories for /opt/lib/git/stackforge/puppet-monasca.git failed16:22
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fungino idea if that's the cause or just another symptom16:23
anteayatime stamps are close16:23
clarkbfungi: thats on an ssd volume iirc16:23
anteayathe directory failure occured first16:23
clarkbmaybe it had a transient write error?16:23
clarkbI would check syslog16:23
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anteayawould be hard to create acls for a dir that didn't exist16:24
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funginah, that's the local replica not the repo gerrit uses directly16:24
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funginot finding anything in syslog other than that (unfortunately very vague) puppet error16:26
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fungiwell, and:16:27
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for conf.sample oslo.db bug 1393559  https://review.openstack.org/13534316:27
fungiNov 18 15:12:29 review puppet-agent[32445]: (/Stage[main]/Openstack_project::Gerrit/Exec[manage_projects]/returns) CreateGroupException16:27
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1393559 in heat "oslo.db release breaks sample config" [Undecided,Fix committed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/139355916:27
fungii'll clean up the traceback for that16:27
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anteayafungi: k, also when you have a moment can you disable 10192 cisco_neutron_ci Cisco CI cisco-openstack-neutron-ci@cisco.com16:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Add testr logs publishing for manilaclient functional tests job  https://review.openstack.org/13493816:28
fungianteaya: done16:28
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fungiso basically this extremely short traceback from manage-projects... http://paste.openstack.org/show/134424/16:30
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fungii guess we could use a little more debugging output from there16:32
fungioh, wait, false positive16:32
fungithat was one of the various openstack-attic projects. worth noting manage-projects doesn't cope well with read-only projects16:33
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anteayaare the openstack-attic projects tripping up the rest of manage-projects operations?16:33
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funginah, just adding a lot of noise16:34
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Add timeout to the blur event of tag-complete  https://review.openstack.org/13533416:36
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fungiaha, here we go!16:37
anteayathat MySQL server16:38
anteayait needs to stick around16:38
fungithat's what's thrown when it tried to add the new project16:38
fungichecking timestamps now16:38
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fungiansible-puppet reports starting at 15:04:09 and that exception is raised at 15:12:2916:40
fungiso we're talking about less than 10 minutes... does mysql maybe close out idle sockets very aggressively?16:41
anteayathis I don't know16:41
clarkboh maybe16:41
clarkband that may explain paste's occasional issues too16:41
anteayaoh we might be able to fix paste?16:41
* anteaya does a happy dance16:41
clarkbanteaya: well its smeting to do with mysql connectivity16:41
clarkbbut its been a low priority to debug16:42
anteayasounds like it16:42
anteayawe might have fallen over something useful though16:42
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fungiso current wild theory, this breaks when the manage-projects run takes too long to complete and loses its db socket16:43
fungiwhich would explain why it's not every time16:43
anteayaso far the facts support this16:43
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anteayaI know zip about MySQL sockets, what can be done?16:52
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clarkbfor manage-projects we can probably connect to the local socket rather than using tcp16:53
clarkboh wait16:53
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clarkbwe use trove, ignore me :)16:53
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anteayais this a trove issue masqarading as a MySQL issue?16:54
fungiwe might be able to catch that exception, reconnect and retry the operation?16:54
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clarkbanteaya: trove runs a real mysql. its likely more a settings thing16:58
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Fix subunit-gearman-worker.py path  https://review.openstack.org/13532916:58
clarkbfungi: ya either that or tune mysql to allow us to do these things (catching exception is probably better)16:58
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nibalizerinfra meeting is at 17:00 utc?17:03
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clarkbits at 11am pacific, which is 1900 UTC if I have done my math correctly17:03
nibalizerapprox 2 hours from now?17:03
nibalizeri've hit that poitn where too much travel and now everything is confused17:04
nibalizerokay sweet17:04
openstackgerritAndrew Laski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Filter out some Tempest tests for Nova cells  https://review.openstack.org/13506417:04
openstackgerritAndrew Laski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove -full designation from cells job  https://review.openstack.org/13536017:04
clarkbnibalizer: we miss you to17:04
clarkbnibalizer: there will be mad burrito eating when you get back17:04
nibalizeromg burrito17:04
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mtreinishclarkb: what about dst? that switched over during Paris...17:04
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clarkbmtreinish: ya I accounted for that17:05
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clarkbit was noon pacific before DST silliness17:05
funginibalizer: yes, 19:00 utc. it's been 19:00 utc for several years17:05
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mtreinishclarkb: ah, ok. I screwed that all up in my last meeting annoucment email17:05
anteayanibalizer: hi there17:06
anteayanibalizer: so puppet-blacksmith gem: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134834/17:06
fungii think it's safer to just announce/document utc meeting times and leave people to their own devices to figure out how to convert between utc and their local times17:06
anteayautc ftw17:06
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mtreinishfungi: that's what I used to do and people complained, so I gave in17:07
anteayamtreinish: softie17:07
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fungi"people"=="lazy americans"?17:07
anteayanibalizer: did you disappear again?17:08
mtreinishfungi: I don't remember who exactly, this was well over a year ago. It might have been a lazy australian too... :)17:08
fungii would have accommodated that request by starting to list meetings in both utc and tahiti time17:09
anteayaha ha ha17:09
anteayathey have their own time zone17:09
fungi"TAHT (Tahiti Time) UTC-10:00"17:09
anteayayes, I am seeing that17:10
anteaya-10 is a nice round number17:10
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clarkbfungi: isnt there a -13 timezone too or something17:10
clarkbthey are an hour off but want to be in the same "day" as AU or something17:10
anteayaand they don't observe daylight savings time17:10
anteayaso time is consistent in Tahiti17:11
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clarkbanteaya: and in arizona17:11
anteayayay arizona17:11
anteayaand Saskatchewan17:11
anteayatime changes upset the cows17:11
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fungiclarkb: nah, i just picked tahiti because it allows me to imagine sitting on a polynesian beach that way17:12
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mtreinishfungi: ok it looks like the patch fixed the puppetboard failure on logstash.o.o if you want to kick off the worker again17:12
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mmedvedeI have a question with this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/120940/. It got merged and breaks devstack on Fedora 20.17:12
fungimtreinish: yep, checking in on it now17:12
anteayanot as much fun as imaging sitting in a snow bank in Saskatchewan, eh?17:13
clarkbmmedvede: interesting that it broke f20 since it appears to just be setting config options17:13
clarkbmmedvede: what is the question?17:13
nibalizeranteaya: no i was just poking the infra agenda17:14
anteayammedvede: well ianw was your sole core and approval on that one17:14
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nibalizerwhat about the blacksmith gem?17:14
clarkbanteaya: that issue was breaking the gate I think it got approved quickly17:14
anteayanibalizer: cool, so the patch that summons the blacksmith gem17:14
mmedvedeclarkb: I guess the question is, shouldn't f20 gate be voting?17:14
anteayanibalizer: have you used that gem before successfully?17:14
openstackgerritAndrew Laski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Filter out some Tempest tests for Nova cells  https://review.openstack.org/13506417:15
openstackgerritAndrew Laski proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Remove -full designation from cells job  https://review.openstack.org/13536017:15
clarkbmmedvede: I think it was at one point but was too unreliable so it was unvoting17:15
clarkbmmedvede: iirc issues with firewalld or something silly17:15
clarkbbecause fedora17:15
anteayanibalizer: great, so now help me understand why using an unsecured node is acceptable17:15
nibalizeri uploaded one of my personal modules to the forge using those exact commands17:15
fungimmedvede: you tracked that change down as what broke testing on f20, or merely observed that the f20 job was failing on that change?17:15
anteayanibalizer: since that appears to be part of the workflow accourding to the commit message17:15
anteayanibalizer: awesome, thanks17:15
fungiclarkb: it was a speed/performance issue with firewalld iirc17:15
nibalizeroh the intention was to use only a secure node17:15
mmedvedefungi: we use f20 as well, and have the same error17:15
clarkbfungi: ya with libvirt17:16
fungimmedvede: and f20 was working up until that change merged?17:16
anteayanibalizer: okay so in the series of commands in that patch, we will only be using a secure node?17:16
nibalizerya thats what node: pypi means17:16
anteayanibalizer: can you rework the commit message then please17:16
nibalizerin some future where we make everything perfect we would probably rename pypi.slave.o.o to trusted.slave.o.o or something17:17
sdaguealaski: +217:17
anteayasince I read that the workflow required the use of an unsecured node17:17
mmedvedefungi: unfortunately we were down before this change merged, so can not confirm. But the error clearly points to that commit17:17
anteayanibalizer: ah, that might also be a useful bit of info for the commit message or a comment on the patch17:17
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fungimmedvede: "/opt/stack/new/devstack/lib/horizon: line 145: django-admin.py: command not found"17:18
nibalizeranteaya: okay i'll take a stab at it and ask you to look again17:18
mmedvedefungi: the devstack error being: /opt/stack/new/devstack/lib/horizon: line 145: django-admin.py: command not found17:18
fungimmedvede: where does that reside on f20?17:18
anteayanibalizer: thank you17:18
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anteayanibalizer: the patch itself looks fine, the communciation around it left me with questions, which you have answered17:19
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anteayaso an updated commit message should fix my understanding17:19
nibalizeranteaya: sure17:20
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nibalizerdo you think i should rip out that stuff about the pypi jobs?17:20
alaskisdague: nice, thanks17:20
nibalizeris taht part of whats making it confusing?17:20
mmedvedefungi: not sure I get the question. Looking through devstack, 'django-admin.py' is not used anywhere, except for the lib/horizon, and was added with today's merge17:20
anteayanibalizer: the mention of a workflow using an unsecure node confused me17:21
nibalizerokay yea ill rip it out then17:21
anteayaif the purpose of the pypi node is that it is a trusted node (which I didn't know previously) then that is useful17:21
fungimmedvede: i'm going to guess it's provided by a django-related package which we're installing on ubuntu but not on fedora17:21
fungiianw: ^ any ideas there?17:21
fungialternatively, it may just not be in the executable path17:22
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clarkbfungi: do you know off the top of your head if our python bugs in trusty have moved since the summit?17:22
clarkbhttps://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/python3.4/+bug/1367907 :/ doesn't appear to have moved17:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1367907 in python3.4 "Segfault in gc with cyclic trash" [High,Fix released]17:23
fungiclarkb: no updates in any of the ubuntu bugs, though glanceclient fixed up theirs17:23
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mmedvedefungi: ah, ok. I would look deeper into that. thanks17:24
krtaylormmedvede, we need to figure out how to take this back to the third-party CI monitoring discussion, a patch shouldn't be merged on failure of a valid CI system17:25
fungimmedvede: based on my reading, django apps would normally provide their own admin.py file17:25
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Add job to publish puppet modules to the forge  https://review.openstack.org/13483417:25
clarkbkrtaylor: is that re the f20 test?17:25
fungikrtaylor: the f20 job is non-voting because it's still unreliable17:25
clarkbkrtaylor: it was run upstream not third party and was deemed unreliable enough to make not voting. I don't think there was anything wrong with merging that change17:25
clarkbparticularly since it fixed a real issue in horizons devstack deployments17:25
krtaylorclarkb, yes, it would have helped Ian if he knew that f20 was working properly17:26
clarkbkrtaylor: ian does know17:26
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fungii think he was the one who added that job even17:26
krtaylorclarkb, right third-party is where it is being worked, not that it was third-party17:26
clarkb(ianw has done most of the work around running devstack on f20 and centos7. In this particular case the gate was completely broken because horizon and their css compilation stuff. We fixed it)17:26
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clarkbfixing it was at the cost of an already unreliable test17:27
clarkbits a reasonable trade off17:27
krtaylorclarkb, yes, I am thinking in general, it would be good to indicate that a system was "trusted" or working properly17:27
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clarkbfungi: I have just realized that I am basically on an east coast shcedule. I am ready for lunch right now17:28
sdagueclarkb: nice17:28
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krtaylorclarkb, something spicy?  :)17:29
jerryzclarkb: have you seen zmq event publisher stop publishing events to nodepool? the zmq plugin on my jenkins somehow didn't work properly again and i had to restart jenkins. i also noticed that 8888 port won't be opened until a job started running, and from then on, 8888 stays open17:30
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anteayaclarkb: well getting closer to home17:30
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Initial import of puppetlabs-apache 0.0.4  https://review.openstack.org/13536917:30
clarkbjerryz: its normal that it won't open the socket until a job runs17:30
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clarkbjerryz: since 0mq is supposed to make connecting transparent that shouldn't be an issue. That said yes, we have seen clients be unable to reconnect if they are unconnected for extended periods of time17:31
clarkbI think its a bug in pyzmq17:31
clarkbin our case restarting the clients makes them happy again17:31
jerryzclarkb: but nodepool might miss the first event17:31
clarkbjerryz: yes, but that is true regardless17:32
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jerryzclarkb: if the port only open on a job started17:32
clarkb(I would not be opposed to opening the socket on jenkins start up. there was a reason that it was easier not to that I don't remember offhand (would need to read git log and code))17:33
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funginodepool can also miss events if there's a network disruption causing substantial packet loss, so workarounds are necessary sometimes regardless17:33
clarkbright its racy regardless17:33
clarkbso I didn't worry about it a whole lot17:34
clarkb(and nodepool does its internal cleanups too so it should be fine long term)17:34
jerryzclarkb: but nodepool need to see a onStart? event to set the node to be 'used'17:35
clarkbjerryz: it doesn't absolutely need to17:35
jerryzclarkb: if nodepool missed that event and connects zmq later, that node would be still 'ready'?17:35
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed openstack-dev/hacking: Enforce import group ordering  https://review.openstack.org/5440317:35
clarkbjenkins will offline the node, then 8 hour later or whenever you have configured nodepool to cleanup the node will be deleted17:35
clarkbjerryz: and if nodepool gets the finished event it goes straight to delete17:36
jerryzclarkb: it is not my case17:36
jerryzclarkb: maybe my nodepool is too old?17:36
clarkbmabe? I don't know how old your nodepool is :)17:36
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sdaguefungi / anteaya / clarkb - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135064 and the dependant patch will let the nova cells folks start making forward progress17:37
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jerryzclarkb: Feb, 201417:37
clarkbkrotscheck: when you wake up I am ready to start merging storyboard use in infra docs changes. But wanted to make sure I wasn't doing anything wrong17:37
JayFWould love to get the final +2A on this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134438/ as we finally got the tests to pass.17:37
clarkbkrtaylor: er doing anything wrong by moving forward on that17:38
clarkbjerryz: that is pretty old. But I don't think that is the issue since the gearman plugin is older than that iirc17:38
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clarkbjerryz: in any case if you want to fix the gearman plugin to be a bit more statefully correct that is fine17:38
clarkbits just never been an issue for us17:38
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openstackgerritSteven Weston proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Third Party CI Dashboard Spec  https://review.openstack.org/13517017:39
notmynameanyone heard reports of gerrit logging in not working in safari? (yes I use safari for reasons) seems that something has changed in OS X, gerrit, or ubuntu one openid in the week I've been out17:39
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clarkbzaro: krotscheck annegentle ^17:39
sdagueJayF: +A17:40
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/puppet-httpd: Adding readme  https://review.openstack.org/13537617:40
JayFsdague: awesome, tyvm17:40
jerryzclarkb: what i saw on this 'zmq not publishing event' issue is nodepool's slaves stays ready however there were jobs on them, and the node didn't get cleaned up, leaving stale configurations making the next build on it un-trustworthy17:41
jerryzclarkb: also offline nodes got piled up on jenkins17:41
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clarkbjerryz: oh are you not using single use nodes?17:42
swestonanteaya: when you have a moment, https://review.openstack.org/135170 does this look better?17:42
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clarkbjerryz: I would check that you got the onfinished events17:42
jerryzclarkb: some jobs used it. hence offline nodes on jenkins17:42
clarkbjerryz: if you get those nodepool should set to delete17:42
dimsclarkb, fungi: status.json does not have "account" information, is it easy to add?17:43
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jerryzclarkb: but those are jot offline, but they were still in ready status on nodepool17:43
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clarkbif ou don't get those then things will pile up. worst case is nodepool will wait until cleanup time and delete nodes then17:43
clarkbjerryz: yes but are you getting the onfinished event?17:43
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clarkbif you are not getting the event at all that is a separate issue17:43
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jerryzclarkb: no events at all17:44
anteayasweston: ugly red rectangles gone and something for a licence header, thank you17:44
clarkbjerryz: ok I think that is a completely different issue and isn't related to the socket being opened late17:44
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swestonanteaya: np, thanks for your review17:44
anteayasweston: I'm uncertain if lines 10-14 stay, perhaps you can look at some of the merged specs?17:44
clarkbjerryz: instead I think that is the pyzmq bug where reconnections don't work after a prolonged period17:44
jerryzclarkb: yeah. that why i restarted jenkins17:44
clarkbjerryz: its client side not server side aiui17:45
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fungidims: are you inquiring about having zuul report account information from gerrit?17:45
clarkbjerryz: restarting nodepool should fix it17:45
fungidims: and if so, which account(s)?17:45
clarkbthough maybe its corrupt session state on one side and restarting any side clears it up?17:45
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clarkbwe could try building the plugin with a newer jeromq17:46
jerryzclarkb: next time i will use the zmq-stream.py to see which side is bad17:46
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dimsfungi: working back from the zuul status page (http://status.openstack.org/zuul/), it pulls information from status.json served by zuul, and working back i saw this https://github.com/openstack-infra/zuul/blob/master/zuul/model.py#L95117:47
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gfidenteguys, pardon the interruption, I wanted to check one of the two files which have a '@' in their name linked by a CI run at: http://logs.openstack.org/16/135316/1/check-tripleo/check-tripleo-ironic-overcloud-precise-ha/9b8fc6d/logs/overcloud-controller0_logs/mnt/rabbitmq/ , following link doesn't work though, it says File not found17:47
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gfidenteI tried replacing the @ in the link with %40 but that didn't work either17:48
dimsfungi: basically trying to see if i can search by name of the person on the zull status page17:48
gfidentecan anyone help me get that file somehow?17:48
clarkbgfidente: ya I can rename it for you17:48
clarkbmtreinish: ^ weren't you going to rename those files17:48
gfidenteclarkb, ah thanks, are there other options though?17:48
clarkbor hrm I may have written a change to do it that never merged or ?17:48
clarkbgfidente: nope, we debugged this at some point and decided meh17:48
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clarkbgfidente: and I thought we had fixed it17:48
gfidenteso we better try to rename those early on:)17:49
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Remove -full designation from cells job  https://review.openstack.org/13536017:49
jerryzclarkb: another issue i saw was build for old patch didn't get aborted after new patch came in17:49
fungidims: oh, maybe... that is specifically used for identifying accounts which leave comments so that zuul can treat some users' comments differently from those of other users17:49
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clarkbgfidente: ^17:49
dimsfungi: ah ok17:49
fungidims: the account there is associated with a trigger event, not a changeish17:50
dimsfungi: ah ok17:50
fungidims: and you're probably more interested in searching for something like changes by gerrit owner id17:50
clarkbgfidente: the issue is the path I think17:50
dimsfungi: yep17:50
clarkbbecause tropleo is special17:50
* clarkb does a rage dance17:50
gfidentewell we can set the log filename17:50
clarkbSpamapS: ^ can you not be so speial17:50
gfidenteto somethine else17:50
clarkbgfidente: thats what my change attempts to do17:51
gfidenteusing @ is the default though17:51
clarkbgfidente: but tripleo is specail17:51
clarkband puts things in funny places17:51
fungidims: so no plumbing there for it, but when zuul queries gerrit for changeish metadata the change owner is reported in teh result, and could in theory be tacked onto the changeish object and exposed in a status view17:51
clarkblike mnt/rabbitmq17:51
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mtreinishclarkb: rename which files?17:51
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dimsfungi: k, will poke at it17:51
fungimtreinish: logfiles with @ in their filenames17:52
mtreinishclarkb: oh the rabbit stuff, did I sign up for that, I thought you were going to push the patch17:52
gfidenteclarkb, var/log/rabbitmq is a link to mnt/state/var/log/rabbitmq though ...17:52
mtreinishthere's never really anything useful in those anyway...17:52
clarkbmtreinish: I did push that patch17:52
clarkbmtreinish: it merged. issue here is tripleo is different17:52
mtreinishclarkb: ah, ok17:53
openstackgerritSteven Weston proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Third Party CI Dashboard Spec  https://review.openstack.org/13517017:53
clarkbgfidente: files have been renamed17:53
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clarkbgfidente: I am just frustrated that tripleo has in numerous occasions reinvented the wheel slightly differently which means that things never work quite right in the existing CI infrastructure17:53
clarkbso things work until they dont17:53
gfidenteclarkb, I think this is indeed renaming the files as it should, but not for the overcloud nodes17:54
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swestonanteaya: I did look at that, but only the other proposed specs.  I looked at a merged spec, and removed the offending line17:54
mordredclarkb: did we ever get anywhere with tchaypo and a plan for solving his use case with zuul?17:55
clarkbmordred: he played with it and I think he decided it was possible17:55
clarkbbut not sure if he wanted to take the time (note I had thought he was using this thing in the gate but is apparently only using it for local cloud deployments)17:55
anteayasweston: thanks17:55
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: Filter out some Tempest tests for Nova cells  https://review.openstack.org/13506417:55
clarkbso I became less worried (my major concern was replacing zuul in the gate)17:55
swestonanteaya: np, thanks for the help!!17:56
gfidenteclarkb, so I am not sure how the devstack_gate stuff is used for the tripleo CI17:56
gfidentetripleo is deploying the cloud using tripleo itself not devstack17:56
mordredgfidente: devstack-gate is the thing taht understands how to get all of the repos into the appropriate states17:57
nibalizermordred: clarkb i think he is hacking on it17:57
mordredamongst other things17:57
mordrednibalizer: ++17:57
nibalizerhe wanted a new zuul release though17:57
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nibalizersince its been a few years17:57
clarkbnibalizer: I don't disagree we should release zuul at some point (I defer to jeblair) but its funny that the CD proponents need that :)17:57
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mordrednibalizer: well, the thing you asked about on the mailing list I think is ultimately the same technical problem as tchaypo was looking at17:58
mordrednibalizer: althoguh possbily different interfaces17:58
nibalizermordred: hrm yea17:58
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gfidentetchaypo, nice to see you :p18:00
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tchaypoFrom what I've seen it looks like it's possible to use zuul_merger to do what I need18:00
tchaypoI was looking at it today and it doesn't look too difficult18:01
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krotscheckclarkb: All good18:02
krotscheckclarkb: Was offline because I had to move my desk.18:02
clarkbkrotscheck: cool /me approves some things18:02
tchaypoI'm guessing the thing you are doing is having some private patches you want to maintain?18:02
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fungikrotscheck: you were going to draft our infra storyboard cut-over announcement right?18:03
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krotscheckfungi: That is correct18:03
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fungiokay, cool. i think we want to have consensus around the announcement before i do one last import pass and then immediately lock lp bugs for the relevant projects18:04
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/nose-html-output: Switched documentation to point to storyboard.  https://review.openstack.org/13385218:04
mordredkrotscheck: do you mean you had to relocate to a different desk? or you were asked to physically move your current desk object18:04
SpamapSclarkb: what do you want unspecialed?18:04
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krotscheckmordred: Long story. Short version: Too many hires in seattle, no more room, I got kicked out while they built more desks, now I’m back and I have a new one, but I had to move the old stuff.18:05
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clarkbSpamapS: the most recent thing unrelated to rabbitmq logs was how code is checked out for testing18:05
mordredkrotscheck: lovely18:05
clarkbSpamapS: its like devstack gate plus18:05
krotscheckmordred: Ehn. Same desk, different distance to the bathroom.18:05
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SpamapSclarkb: It's like production-oriented :)18:05
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krotscheckAlso, closer to the UX/UI/Horizon team now.18:05
clarkbSpamapS: but having consistent log paths so that things like @s in filenames can be dealt with would be nice too18:05
SpamapSclarkb: so yes, devstack-gate plus "the way we want to do it in production" :)18:06
clarkbSpamapS: sure thats fine, maybe we make d-g understand how to do that then18:06
clarkbSpamapS: otherwise its just confusing18:06
clarkband people look at me to fix it and I go "lolno"18:06
SpamapSclarkb: we're centralizing on syslog now I believe.18:06
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clarkbbecause I have no idea what is going on18:06
SpamapSthough I don't know why we did it with logger18:06
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* SpamapS needs to go back and fix that to do that with log configuration instead.18:07
mordredSpamapS: I think the thing is that we'd like for the surrounding infrastructure to be able to do the work of checking out specific changes in locations - so if the CI infrastructure does not know how to prepare git repos in the way you need, we should figure out what you need that we don't already do and add that feature18:07
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SpamapSmordred: I thought it did actually.18:07
clarkbdevstack gate runs and does a good chunk of the work18:08
clarkbthen you run a thing that can completely undo what devstack gate just did18:08
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SpamapSlike revert things that break our CI, or something else?18:08
SpamapSbecause until we're in the gate we need that. :-/18:08
clarkblike checkout not the thing under review18:08
clarkbbecause this happened for a long time18:08
clarkbwith several tripleo projects18:09
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: multi-node dg setup  https://review.openstack.org/10604318:09
SpamapSah was that just a misunderstanding maybe?18:09
clarkbsure, but I was asked to help debug and I had no idea where to start18:09
SpamapSI don't really know what we're talking about.. probably need to dive a bit deeper into it to understand.18:09
clarkband anyone else working on openstack would be confused too18:09
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fungii think it was more of a "this is mostly a solved problem, let's finish solving it where it's already mostly solved rather than making something new which gets to experience the same bugs and design flaws we've already fixed in the existing thing"18:10
SpamapSclarkb: what _exactly_ happens after devstack-gate runs?18:10
clarkbSpamapS: I have no idea and its part of the problem18:10
mordredfungi: ++18:10
clarkbbut it isn't "run tests"18:11
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clarkbits more along the lines of "do that thing d-g just did so that we can make changes if we want to"18:11
clarkbthen run tests18:11
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SpamapSI'm still confused.18:12
clarkband it is this step I thought that tchaypo was replacing with a new tool18:13
clarkbwhich is why I suggested the zuul route18:13
SpamapSclarkb: AHHH ok ok ok18:13
tchaypoIt sounds like it needs to happen, but no :)18:13
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gear: Switched documentation to point to storyboard.  https://review.openstack.org/13384318:13
tchaypoThat said, the zuul route looks sensible anyway18:13
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fungiso the separate suggestion is to refactor more of toci_gate_test.sh out into devstack-gate, yeah?18:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gearman-plugin: Switched documentation to point to storyboard.  https://review.openstack.org/13384418:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gearman-plugin: Switched documentation to point to storyboard.  https://review.openstack.org/13384418:14
clarkbfungi: or have them use zuul instead which is what my initial thoughts were18:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gerritlib: Switched documentation to point to storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/13384618:14
clarkbfungi: because addingnew features makes more sense in zuul going forward18:14
clarkband I am almost certain we need new features to support them (and thats fine)18:14
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/gerritbot: Switched documentation to point to storyboard.  https://review.openstack.org/13384518:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/jeepyb: Switched documentation to point to storyboard.  https://review.openstack.org/13385018:15
fungiclarkb: oh, you mean from a worker interaction perspective18:15
mordredand I think there are other people who could use that feature too18:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Switched documentation to point to storyboard.  https://review.openstack.org/13386418:15
fungimtreinish: sorry, got sidetracked... i'm looking on logstash.o.o now and can't see any initscript for the subunit gearman worker... how is it supposed to be getting started?18:17
tchaypoZuul_merger looks like it's already close to what we need. The only caveat I have is that if we start telling people to use it as a simple tool to help build their cloud, it's a hassle to have to tell them to go check18:17
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tchaypoOut zuul from git18:17
clarkbtchaypo: ya I agree we should release the thing18:17
tchaypoPip install zuul would be much simpler18:17
mtreinishfungi: the worker script only runs on subunit01-worker.o.o18:17
tchaypoApologies for slow responses, on iPhone right now at dinner18:18
mtreinishit was just getting put on logstash.o.o because I moved it's definition to init.pp18:18
fungimtreinish: oh, got it18:18
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fungimtreinish: so anyway, the subunit-worker01 instance seems broken to the point where i'm not allowed to ssh in. digging into that now18:19
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fungimtreinish: looks like the puppetmaster hasn't been able to ansible into it either18:19
mtreinishfungi: hmm, time to nuke it and start over?18:20
fungimtreinish: possibly18:20
fungii'm seeing if i can figure out what went wrong18:20
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fungi2014-11-18 18:20:37,320 p=12505 u=root |  subunit-worker01.openstack.org : ok=0    changed=0    unreachable=1    failed=018:21
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fungiaccording to ansible18:21
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mtreinishfungi: hmm, it pings fine and nmap shows ssh open (for whatever that's worth)18:23
fungimtreinish: yeah, it prompts me for a password though18:23
fungiprompts root for one when connecting from puppetmaster too18:23
mordredthat's not the thing we really want :)18:23
fungiso i think keys didn't get set up correctly for whatever reason18:23
mmedvedeclarkb, fungi: the patch to fix f20 devstack issue: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135385/18:23
fungiexcept i saw no errors to that effect when launching the instance18:24
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fungimmedvede: you'll probably want to get some devstack core reviewers to have a look at that too18:25
fungimmedvede: but lgtm18:25
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mordredfungi, clarkb: I can't seem to do timezone math right now - how many hours until the infra meeting?18:26
fungimordred: 0.518:26
mordredok. cool. thanks18:26
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add gerrit owner information to status.json  https://review.openstack.org/13538618:28
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Refactor the hook logic into a reusable function  https://review.openstack.org/12357818:28
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mmedvedefungi: awesome, thanks. I'll try to update it with your suggestion.18:29
tchaypoTalking to nibalizer a bit about his problem18:29
tchaypoI think I have spoken to other people who also have similar issues18:30
mordredyah. it's a thing that is a generalizable problem18:30
tchaypoThey have a private stack of patches, so they pull in from upstream infrequently and need to get all the upstream projects in a consistent state and then apply their own stack of patches18:30
dimsfungi: i think i spotted where in the code i can grab the gerrit owner information. thanks18:31
mordredtchaypo: yup. and the Merge-from-upstream-infrequently part is the part where sequencing those changes doesn't work18:31
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asselinnibalizer, could  you change the topic of this to module-split?  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134812/18:33
mordredasselin: does it not let you do that?18:33
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Update puppet module git subtree instructions  https://review.openstack.org/12976818:34
asselinmordred, no18:34
asselinI can only change my own18:34
mordredasselin: well, it lets me, so I've just changed it18:34
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asselinmordred, you must be core :)18:34
clarkbso I think `git merge` solves that problem18:34
clarkbbut no one wants to do it that way for other raisins18:35
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sdaguemmedvede: +218:35
clarkbwe do this upstream partially for the tags even18:35
mordredclarkb: there are two explicit things that "git merge" is not an answer for here18:35
mordredclarkb: one is "I want to merge upstream changes to nova into my local repo" - git merge works great for that ...18:36
mmedvedesdague: yay, thanks18:36
mordredclarkb: but if you have not merged all of openstack for say, 3 days, it's likely that you'll also need keystone changes for that merge to work18:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add commit msg requirements infra #agreed to  https://review.openstack.org/13212918:36
mordredclarkb: so the strict sequencing requirements that are usually in place for something to pass an integrated gate are impossible to meet18:36
tchaypoGit merge works18:36
tchaypoGit merge is exactly the right thing to do18:37
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tchaypoDoing it regularly, in the right sequence, in the same way, requires a script18:37
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clarkbmordred you could do intermediate "checkpoint" merges using openstack/openstack for order info18:38
mordredclarkb: to what benefit?18:38
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clarkbso that nova doesnt merge things without the needed keystone commits18:40
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tchaypoSo that a downstream who want to get all the tools checked out in a consistent state18:40
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mordredclarkb: but that has no value in the downstream context - what they want to check is "is the result of merging up with current state of upstream" goign to work - it's a different usecase than "I am a developer with a patch I want to land"18:41
tchaypoCan check out a checkpoint from openstack/openstack and know that it has a set of commits that passed the gate together?18:41
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clarkbmordred that gets them working trees18:41
clarkbbecause you wont get ahead in a single project18:41
clarkbtchaypo exactly18:42
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mordredsigh. still missing the point18:42
mordredok. say we grab the upstream commits from upstraem from openstack/openstack18:42
mordredso that the upstraem commits are all a state taht is known to work together18:42
mordredand now we merge that known good state with teh current known good state internally18:42
krotscheckfungi: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/storyboard-migration-email18:42
mordredand tehn propose those merges for review for sanity checking18:42
mordredat that point18:42
mordredhow are those commits suppose to land18:43
tchaypoKnown food upstream + previously working private patches?18:43
anteayakrotscheck: wow is that a green18:43
mordredin the period between the last merge and now a sequence of commits landed upstream18:43
krotscheckanteaya: Not bright enough for ya? Just a minute...18:43
mordredknow good upstream isn't the problem18:43
mordredit's sequencing that has all landed upstream18:43
clarkbmordred that is why you need sequenced che kpoints that work.18:43
mordredso it's hidden in the merge commits18:43
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mordredwhat youre suggesting is figuring out, in some way, where sequenced patch landings might have happened upstream18:44
mordredeven though that informatino is not encoded anywhere18:44
clarkbwhich is what I am saying you can build a set of jumps based on who changes when that is > than going one commit at a time18:44
clarkbit is encoded in openstack/openstack18:44
mordredno, it's not18:44
mordredEVERY commit is encoded there18:44
clarkbit is18:44
tchaypoThey way we've been using p-s-r, there are no merge commits preserved18:45
mordredbut you do not know which of them isa  forced sequnce18:45
clarkband you can decode this info by walking the tree18:45
tchaypoEvery time we run we reset to upstream master then apply patches18:45
mordredhow can you decide it18:45
tchaypoBut we don't attempt to keep all the tools in sync18:45
mordredwithout actually doing an upstream merge FOR EVERY COMMIT that happened upstraem?18:45
clarkbif 10 nova changes merge without any other changes that is collapseable18:45
clarkband using jogos graphs you can expand those rules18:45
mordredimagine a week or two weeks' of commits18:46
mordrednow imagine you want to merge with upstream18:46
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mordredwith your plan, you would literally wind up with 1000 different merge commit proposals into a downstream gerrit18:46
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clarkbto say a series of nova and swift changes are collapseable but neutron is not collapseable with nova18:46
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anteayakrotscheck: wow, that is bright18:47
clarkbthats absolute worst case18:47
clarkbwe do 500ish commits per week max18:47
mordredok. so even if it's only 50 merge commit proposals18:48
clarkbI think you can get better particularly since so much dev is in nova18:48
mordredwhy would you BOTHER18:48
mordredwhen all you want is to fast forward 18 repos to a new known good state?18:48
mordredlike, what benefit does it have, other than making this tool happy18:48
clarkbI am not saying you should just that you can18:48
clarkbnothibg stops you from fast forwarding the world18:49
mordredit does18:49
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tchaypoMordred - it sounds to me as though you're trying to apply the upstream 18 patches on top of the merge you did two weeks ago?18:49
mordredthere is no way to land coordinated patchsets with a zuul managed world18:49
clarkbjust have an openstack/openstack thing and fast forward18:49
clarkbmordred ^ would do it18:49
mordredI'm sorry18:49
tchaypoRather than taking your internal stack and applying them fresh on master?18:49
mordredI used the wrong word18:49
mordredI do not mean git fast forward18:49
mordredtchaypo: no, I'm talking about merging the internal stack18:49
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mordredI'm just saying that you're going to do it in 18 projects at the same time18:49
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clarkbI do think solving this in a gated fashion isnt quite right18:51
clarkbthis is a super feature atop gating18:51
mordredyes. that is the problem18:51
jesusaurusclarkb: what do you mean by that?18:52
clarkbthe assertion is gatibg is wrong18:52
mordredand I think the solution is a thing that can push the combined merges once they've been tested18:52
clarkbso dont gate just move to where you want to be18:52
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mordredbut to do that, I _think_ that you'd want something like tchaypo's feature to help construct the state that you want to test18:52
mordredso that you can test the merges before you merge them all18:52
mordredbut I don't think that the normal gate workflow is the right way to finalize them18:52
mordred(is basically what I've been trying to get at)18:53
gfidentedumb question, if I wanted to put a long link to some logs.openstack.org file in a commit, can I truncate it somehow or shall I avoid it entirely?18:53
sdaguemordred: would it make sense to do this with tags ?18:53
clarkbok I missed that I thought you wanted to gate this stuff18:53
mordredsdague: wouldn't really help I don't think18:53
mordredclarkb: no - gating this is just what the current mechanism is18:53
mordredor, rather18:53
mordredthe gate designed for individual developer's new patches18:54
mordredyou do want to TEST the result of the new state before you push it18:54
mordredbecause it's openstack18:54
sdaguewell, if you rolled a week42 tag across components, and made sure that they all worked at that ref18:54
tchaypoMordred: p-s-r isn't quite right either, only because it's too focused on pulling patches from Gerrit reviews18:54
tchaypoIt sounds like you want something that can manage a set of patches18:54
mordredno. not at all18:55
mordredI want something similar to what sdague just said18:55
mordredseeing as how that's exactly how zuul tests all changes18:55
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clarkblet me describe how I see this being implemented18:55
mordredI want zuul to be able to know that a given event needs to construct a zuul ref across 18 different projects so that that combinatino can be tested18:55
tchaypoSo every time the gate passes we add a tag to every repo with a timestamp?18:56
clarkbyou need a new pipeline manager "CoDependentPipelineManager"18:56
sputnik13hello, we're having issues adding ssh keys to launchpad accounts and having the key be recognized by gerritt18:56
mordredclarkb: yes. exactly18:56
clarkbthat works like DependentPipelineManager in 99% of all cases18:56
sputnik13can anyone help?18:56
mordredtchaypo: nonon. tags totally not needed18:56
fungigfidente: logs get expired after a few months, so probably best not to put urls for them in long-lived git commits18:56
mordredsputnik13: gerrit does not know anything about launchpad keys18:56
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mordredsputnik13: you need to add keys to gerrit18:56
fungisputnik13: gerrit doesn't pull ssh keys from launchpad18:56
clarkbmordred: but when a merge commit is pushed all other merge commits across projects in that manager with some common key are tested and merged atomically if the thing passes18:56
gfidentefungi can I reference the issue with the @ in filenames somehow?18:56
jesusauruscan't we use the openstack/openstack project to get a state of commits across all projects?18:57
sputnik13mordred: oh really, I thought adding the key to launchpad automatically gets it in to gerrit18:57
mordredclarkb: yes.18:57
gfidente(fungi and also thanks)18:57
fungigfidente: is there a bug number?18:57
mordredsputnik13: not at all18:57
anteayasputnik13: where did you get that idea from?18:57
mordredanteaya: it used to18:57
gfidentefungi I don't think so, indeed I am not sure why we have this limitation18:57
anteayamordred: oh18:57
mordredabout 2 years ago I believe18:57
anteayavery old docs floating around still?18:57
sputnik13anteaya: some misbegotten notion that the two are sync'd apparently :-)18:57
clarkbmordred: which fits into my thinking that this is gating + extra feature18:58
mordredclarkb: exactly18:58
anteayasputnik13: seems so18:58
mordredclarkb: that is exactly what I've been trying to say this whole time :)18:58
anteayasputnik13: can I offer you this? http://docs.openstack.org/infra/manual/developers.html#getting-started18:58
clarkbsorry I kept reading this as somehow make this work in current gating schema18:58
fungisputnik13: the only current connection between lp and review.openstack.org is the openid metadata used when authenticating in the webui (lp sometimes passes through e-mail address and/or username)18:59
mtreinishclarkb: do you have any thoughts on?: https://review.openstack.org/13516118:59
sputnik13fungi: I see, thank you for the clarification18:59
mordredI'm going to be about 5 late to the infra meeting - I need to switch couches19:00
anteayamordred: safe travels19:00
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clarkbmtreinish: commented19:00
fungigfidente: i'm going to guess it's either a limitation in apache autoindex or our log profiler cgi19:00
clarkbits ok keystone is still going19:00
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sputnik13anteaya: thank you, we were actually walking through this but glossed over the "upload an ssh key" part equating that to adding a key to the launchpad account.  I realize now the link pionts to the gerritt profile19:01
anteayaglad it is of us19:01
gfidentefungi, I'll reference the other change from clarkb https://review.openstack.org/#/c/122885/ no worries19:01
anteayahope your group is successful19:01
sputnik13perhaps the text can be modified to say "upload an ssh key on gerrit" or something to that effect19:01
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mtreinishclarkb: ok I'll switch it to https. But IIRC part of the reason for moving things over to our git servers was to use git://19:02
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clarkbmtreinish: in the many many busy test slaves and things19:02
anteayasputnik13: well went you get to offering your first patch, after sandbox do offer it as a patch19:02
clarkbmtreinish: the small handful of long lived servers talk to git much less frequently19:02
mtreinishclarkb: ah, ok19:02
mtreinishmakes sense19:02
anteayasputnik13: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/infra-manual/19:02
anteayasputnik13: welcome aboard19:03
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sputnik13anteaya: heheh, thanks :-)19:03
anteayathank you19:03
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anteayaI look forward to reviewing your patch19:03
sputnik13anteaya: :-)19:04
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sputnik13anteaya: do we need to create a "bug" for manual changes?19:15
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anteayajust offer the patch19:16
sputnik13I'm new to the whole openstack contribution and gerrit process19:16
anteayathanks for asking19:16
anteayayou are doing fine19:16
sputnik13k :-)19:16
anteayakeep asking questions19:16
anteayaevery program is different about bugs19:16
anteayain infra we only use bugs when we really have to19:16
anteayawe prefer to just review patches19:16
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard: Switch to "serve" verb, and a minor clean up.  https://review.openstack.org/13336119:17
clarkbmtreinish: sdague jogo e-r graphs page looks stale19:18
clarkb(haven't debugged yet /me goes back to meeting)19:18
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sdagueclarkb: yep, it does19:18
sdagueprobably hung lock19:18
openstackgerritMin Pae proposed openstack-infra/infra-manual: Adds clarification about uploading ssh key  https://review.openstack.org/13539719:18
clarkbkk I can look after the meeting19:18
anteayasputnik13: if you have the time this is a presentation about how to contribute to one of our programs called neutron: https://www.openstack.org/summit/openstack-paris-summit-2014/session-videos/presentation/land-your-first-neutron-patch19:18
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anteayasputnik13: there is a lot of useful stuff in there that is good for how to contribute to any openstack program19:19
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sputnik13that would be me19:19
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sputnik13anteaya: thank you, I will take a look19:19
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anteayasputnik13: nice patch19:20
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sdagueclarkb: when you do so, we should try to figure out if there are logs on the oldest hung process to figure out what blipped it19:21
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed openstack-infra/storyboard: User token API  https://review.openstack.org/13440919:21
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sputnik13anteaya: thank you :-)19:23
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anteayathank you!19:23
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anteayasputnik13: what programs do you want to contribute to?19:24
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sputnik13anteaya: I recently started at HP, so I will be working on some of the projects we have here, but generally I have a lot of interest in networking, security, and management systems, those are what I've worked on most of my career19:26
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anteayawe neutron is networking so starting with that video doesn't hurt19:27
anteayafungi can offer some guidance on security since he is on the vulnerability management team19:27
sputnik13yeah I've heard a while back that neutron is going to be changing a lot19:27
anteayaand I don't know what you mean about management systems so I come up empty there19:28
anteayasputnik13: neutron is constantly changing a lot19:28
anteayalike running through an earthquake19:28
anteayabut it is exciting!19:28
sputnik13ceilometer would be related to management systems, being able to monitor and control19:28
sputnik13and horizon for the management interfaces19:28
openstackgerritMerged openstack/requirements: Add Werkzeug>=0.7 to global-requirements.txt  https://review.openstack.org/13451519:28
sputnik13don't want to chew off too much at once though ;-)19:29
anteayasputnik13: ah19:29
anteayayeah, well you could do two things19:29
anteayayou could focus on one19:29
anteayaor you could be a generalist for two19:29
anteayafor instance neutron/horizon19:29
anteayaI don't think anyone is doing that work19:29
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anteayaso it is up to you when you decide whether you want to specialize or generalize19:30
tchayposputnik13: welcome19:30
fungiyep, i can talk security thinges after meetings are wrapped up for the day19:30
sputnik13tchaypo: thank you19:31
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anteayasputnik13: I'm a generalist and work with infra as home base and also neutron and cinder as well as third party19:32
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sputnik13anteaya: cool, maybe one day I can cover multiple things too :-)19:37
anteayafind your comfort zone19:37
sputnik13but I have to learn to walk before I can go running marathons ;-)19:37
anteayaget started somewhere, just don't lock yourself in early19:37
anteayamake sure you have room to move around19:37
sputnik13anteaya: I hear you, thank you for the advice19:37
anteayahappy to help19:37
anteayalet me know if I can help you find information on things19:38
tchaypoThere's a guide someone wrote19:38
anteayado share19:38
tchaypogothicmindfood: is it public yet?19:39
tchaypoIs it even intended to public19:39
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clarkbsdague: do you know where the e-r logs go?19:42
clarkbsdague: /var/log/elastic-recheck seems to be for the bot19:42
clarkbmy next step is to try running by hand19:42
sdaguehmmmm... it runs under cron19:42
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sdaguemaybe fungi knows?19:43
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sdaguerunning by hand is probably going to wedge on the lock19:43
sdaguewhich is what's probably happened19:43
sdaguethe real issue is why the oldest job stalled19:43
mtreinishsdague: what lock?19:44
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable Ironic periodic-stable jobs  https://review.openstack.org/13513319:44
clarkbsdague: well there isn't a stalled job running19:44
sdagueclarkb: oh... really?19:44
clarkbKeyError: '1282795'19:44
sdaguethat was the issue the last time19:44
fungisdague: clarkb: /var/spool/mail?19:46
clarkbfungi: its ok I think I figured it out19:46
clarkband ya now that I look at it we aren't dev nulling that output so I should have it in mail somewhere19:46
sdagueclarkb: hmph, lp api change?19:46
clarkbsdague: no someone made that bug private19:47
sdagueoh, really?19:47
clarkbwhyfor I have no idea19:47
clarkbfungi post meeting can you look at that bug and tell me if I can make it public? I see no reason not to19:47
sdagueany idea who made it private?19:47
sdagueok, so that's a whole new thing that wasn't anticipated19:48
mtreinishclarkb, sdague: yeah I'm not sure why it's private: this bug was a duplicate of it: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/133193819:48
clarkbsdague: T C Okonski19:48
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mtreinishsdague: heh, yeah I don't think we ever considered that a gate bug would be marked private19:49
clarkbmaybe catch that keyerror and print a graph that says lolfail?19:49
clarkbI don't want to print an empty graph as we may think we fixed the bug19:49
clarkbbut some other indication it derped while not completely failing would be good19:49
mtreinishclarkb: we could just skip it and not print anything19:50
fungiclarkb: sure, though i need to sort of pay more attention than usual in tc and project meetings19:52
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clarkbfungi: it should be short, its one you are familiar with19:52
clarkbI just wanted a quick check to ensure I wasn't missing something19:53
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Dynamically refresh events on task changes  https://review.openstack.org/12654219:53
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: handle possible private bugs in the graph  https://review.openstack.org/13540419:54
gothicmindfoodtchaypo: was actually just going to circulate a final version to the team19:54
sdagueclarkb / mtreinish ^^^19:54
gothicmindfoodtchaypo: I've spoken with mordred about what we might have to do to officially opensource/publish upstream19:54
gothicmindfoodtchaypo: but I figure it's a document that'll make rounds no matter what :)19:55
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* gothicmindfood will send out proposed-final version once her movers are gone today19:55
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clarkbgothicmindfood: oh are you joining us in portland land shortly?19:56
fungiclarkb: can do19:56
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nibalizerclarkb: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126086/ is the review, and the failing test is the issue19:57
nibalizerso what i'd like to do is re run the tests and have you hold the node then go in as jenkins and figure out why jenkins can't ssh root@localhost19:58
clarkbnibalizer: rgr19:58
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nibalizergot time now?19:58
clarkbnibalizer: uh not really19:58
clarkband you probably want to sleep19:59
nibalizerits actaully only 8pm here, we can do it a different time tho19:59
gothicmindfoodclarkb: yup - as of tomorrow, though I expect I will be air mattressing and cafe-interneting for a week or so before my things actually arrive/internet gets put on.19:59
sdagueclarkb: so we should probably educate people about marking bugs private... because that seems like it might break more than er19:59
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clarkbsdague: yes its kind of a mean thing to do imo20:00
clarkbparticularly if you are tracking a bug because it affects ou20:00
sdagueis there justification for it?20:00
clarkbsdague: in this case best I can tell is no20:00
sdagueor did someone do a thing and not realize it was bad20:00
clarkbgoing to have fungi double check20:00
sdagueI'll chalk it up to a mistake20:00
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sdaguemistakes happen20:00
fungiclarkb: got a bug number?20:01
clarkbfungi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-ci/+bug/128279520:01
fungisdague: yeah, n00b bug reporters accidentally switch bugs to private or private security all the time. i see a couple a week20:01
anteayagothicmindfood: safe travels20:01
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clarkbgothicmindfood: nice just in time for the rain to come back :)20:02
fungiclarkb: yep, that looks like it was a total drive-by accident/screwup20:02
fungii've switched it back to public now20:02
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clarkbok now to do all those things I just said I would do20:04
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clarkbasselin: nibalizer fwiw https://review.openstack.org/#/c/134373/ re that change I think I am ok with just putting that into the imported repo as the most recent commit. Not sure if that makes more work for you guys though20:05
clarkbI am also ok with reviewing and merging those changes via gerrit after the import :)20:05
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nibalizeri like gerrit review after import20:07
gothicmindfoodanteaya: thanks!20:07
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/infra-specs: Clarify changes needed for new puppet repo  https://review.openstack.org/13439320:10
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clarkbis bashate now voting on system-config?20:14
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clarkbnibalizer: your source modules env change fails bashate20:14
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nibalizerclarkb: oh okay ill fix that20:15
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins: Add required puppet module files and .gitreview  https://review.openstack.org/13437320:15
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ianwclarkb / fungi / sdague : do you think there might be a case for adding more people to +2 to devstack-gate?  it seems lots have one +2 from an interested/involved person, but are waiting for someone else to sanity check that second +220:16
nibalizerclarkb: fixed20:16
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Source modules.env from apply-test.sh  https://review.openstack.org/13472320:17
clarkbnibalizer: thank you, will review now20:17
sdagueianw: people are just filtering back from paris20:17
clarkbnibalizer: why is declare -A MODULES commented out?20:19
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nibalizeroh i think we can remove that20:19
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anteayaclarkb: yes bashate is now voting on system-config20:20
clarkbnibalizer: hold on another suggestion incoming20:21
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Source modules.env from apply-test.sh  https://review.openstack.org/13472320:22
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nibalizerclarkb: erp, okay20:22
nibalizeri think i just made it better anyways20:22
nibalizerbash requires those declare statements, its kinda weird that we put the declare statements in install_modules.sh instead of modules.env but /me doesn't really care20:22
nibalizernow its consistent :P20:22
clarkbnibalizer: sort of, I don't think apply-test will work in that case20:22
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clarkbbecause you onl declare the array in the other location20:23
clarkboh you do it in both...20:23
clarkbthat just adds different duplication20:23
nibalizerso i just pushed a ps that has declare -A in both install_modules.sh and apply-test.sh20:23
nibalizerim happy to change it20:23
clarkbnibalizer: that should be fine as an intermediate step20:23
clarkbsee comment on ps420:23
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nibalizerclarkb: ah so what is the best way to describe openstack-infra/puppet-jenkins ?20:25
clarkbnibalizer: thats the long name20:26
nibalizerthe reason its 'short' is because its not a git uri any more20:26
nibalizerokay so project_long_names would be acceptable to you?20:26
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clarkbso typically we have code all over that says short_name = basname longname20:26
stevebakeranteaya: Enabling the dib service just clones some git repos. The change which builds the custom image is https://review.openstack.org/#/c/113711/ which should only land if it proves stable20:26
clarkbnibalizer: or just project_names20:26
nibalizerokay ill do project_names20:26
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clarkbsounds good20:27
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asselinclarkb, ok. I submit a follow on patch to address remaining issues. I do agree it's good to have that as first commit post split.20:28
anteayastevebaker: can I get that information in the commit message?20:29
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stevebakeranteaya: sure thing20:30
clarkboh krotscheck based the git review doc update on another unmerged changed that explains why it isn't going in the gate20:31
* clarkb reivews the other change20:31
anteayastevebaker: thanks20:31
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clarkbfungi: FYI I approved that other change without a second +2. it was just a manpage update and man -l confirmed the edits do the right thing20:32
nibalizerclarkb: see my response on ps420:33
clarkbnibalizer: so I didn't realize we were flattening URLs there20:34
clarkbI thought they were just listed as project names for some reason20:34
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Enable dib service for heat-dsvm-functional  https://review.openstack.org/13442220:34
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clarkbwhich made that loop a noop20:34
clarkbbut it isn't a noop so ya if you just rename the thing I think that clears up the confusion in my head20:34
nibalizerah yea, its kindof data manipulation in bash20:34
fungiclarkb: cool yo20:35
nibalizerok ps6 inc20:35
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Source modules.env from apply-test.sh  https://review.openstack.org/13472320:35
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clarkbnow we just need zuul to get through 4k events and progress can be made on new things :)20:36
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Allow IPA to be cloned and built  https://review.openstack.org/13443820:36
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update usage of LOCALRC_OLDNEW  https://review.openstack.org/13541820:37
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Puppet Jenkins uses storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/13542020:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: handle possible private bugs in the graph  https://review.openstack.org/13540420:46
clarkbfungi: ok voted on that stackforge third party change and responded to the list20:47
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clarkbgit review storyboard update should go in shortly20:47
openstackgerritNels proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Adding support for DEVSTACK_GATE_LIBVIRT_TYPE  https://review.openstack.org/13434820:48
nibalizerfungi: do you know when you will force push to puppet-httpd ?20:48
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funginibalizer: i'm trying not to get too distracted and miss the tc and project meeting discussions, but will shift gears after they're over20:49
clarkbe-r pages are updated now20:49
nibalizerah oaky, yea go do meetings, important stuff20:49
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mtreinishnibalizer: oh is refreshonly all that's missing for the db-manage exec to make it work like I want now?20:51
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-review: Fix ---list and "departement" typos in man page  https://review.openstack.org/12725620:52
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/git-review: Switched documentation to point to storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/13384720:52
clarkbboom, just waiting on pypi-mirror now20:52
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clarkbkrotscheck: fungi ^20:52
mtreinishnibalizer: if so clarkb misled me :)20:52
nibalizermtreinish: ya that was the thing i reviewed this morning or something right?20:52
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clarkbmtreinish: nibalizer pip provider is bad and does the wrong thing with latest20:53
clarkbit will fire each and every time20:53
dstufftsome might even said pip itself is b ad20:53
clarkbdstufft: if it helps the pip puppet provider is worse20:53
clarkbI guess it can't be better20:53
clarkbso it has that working aginast it20:54
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dstufftclarkb: pip - at least we're not the worst20:54
fungiclarkb: oh, and https://review.openstack.org/133863 has been running in production since last week and openstackgerrit is still around without our assistance. i still need to check the logs for signs that code path was exercised though20:54
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mtreinishclarkb: oh well, so setting refreshonly won't work then. I'm just trying to figure out how to respin that patch20:56
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clarkbfungi: cool will take a look20:56
clarkbmtreinish: did we decide not to install from source?20:56
* clarkb feels like he is missing something20:56
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mtreinishclarkb: no I'm just trying to avoid installing from source because as basically the sole contributor and reviewer I really didn't want to make CD guarantees on the repo20:57
mtreinishand I'm trying to figure out if I have to use https://review.openstack.org/135161 and just manually update tags on each release or if there is a better way20:58
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Setup ssh_known_host files for aiopcpu  https://review.openstack.org/13467020:58
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova multi host on aiopcpu tests  https://review.openstack.org/13160420:58
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: DO NOT MERGE: testing aiopcpu with tempest full  https://review.openstack.org/13463920:58
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sdagueclarkb: er working again20:59
clarkbsdague: yup np20:59
clarkbyou and fungi did the actual fixing20:59
sdagueclarkb: yeh, but I'd never been able to know what broke without you21:00
clarkbmtreinish: it is a bit annoying I think you can manuall bump that tag version for now21:01
clarkbmtreinish: or pip install a specifric version not from source but from pypi21:01
openstackgerritNels proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Adding support for DEVSTACK_GATE_LIBVIRT_TYPE  https://review.openstack.org/13434821:01
clarkbmtreinish: that should work. iirc the problem is when you tell pip provider to ensure latest21:01
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nibalizerclarkb: i did some testing on my laptop and had no porblem21:02
clarkbnibalizer: maybe newer puppet fixed it?21:02
clarkbwe are on latest puppet 3 now21:02
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clarkbin that case maybe give it a go?21:03
clarkbmtreinish: ^21:03
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mtreinishok cool, I'll respin that patch to just use refreshonly21:03
anteayattx the patch(es) for updating plt info in governance, one big patch or separate, independant changes?21:03
nibalizeryou can play with that snippet and get it to do the stuff21:03
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tchaypoSo getting back to psr21:06
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tchaypoThere's going to need to be a wrapper around zuul/merger/merger.cmd21:07
tchaypoI could push psr as a new tool which depends on zuul21:07
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tchaypoOr I could relocate the cli I to zuul and put it there21:08
tchaypoAny thoughts?21:08
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clarkbI am not sure why it needs to depend on the zuul merger21:08
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clarkbcouldn;t it just apply a series of refs locally in the cloner tool?21:08
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed openstack-infra/project-config: remove python-heatclient from integrated gate  https://review.openstack.org/13542621:09
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sdagueanteaya / clarkb ^^^ I missed one in the libs from pypi conversion21:10
clarkb+2 :)21:10
anteayaI was just looking at that21:10
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anteayasdague: have you a link to the original patch that missed this one?21:11
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add refreshonly to 'upgrade_subunit2sql_db'  https://review.openstack.org/13516121:12
mtreinishclarkb, nibalizer: ^^^ I think that should do21:13
sdagueanteaya: one sec21:13
mtreinishlet me know if I screwed up the commit msg too much21:13
mordredtchaypo: I'd vote for cli in zuul21:14
sdagueanteaya: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/132546/10/zuul/layout.yaml,cm21:14
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anteayathe view looks different21:15
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Add refreshonly to 'upgrade_subunit2sql_db'  https://review.openstack.org/13516121:16
clarkbmtreinish: +221:16
mtreinishclarkb: cool, thanks21:18
sdagueanteaya: that's new screen21:18
sdagueI started using new screen at summit, after a few adjustments, I do like it better (mostly for the patch series bit)21:19
clarkbsdague: what patchseries bit?21:19
nibalizermtreinish: +121:19
clarkbmtreinish: we can yell at fungi to merge that when meetings end21:19
clarkbnibalizer: ok you going to be awake for the next hour or so?21:20
nibalizerclarkb: ya21:20
clarkbnibalizer: I think I ma have cleared enough backlog to debug that thing21:20
nibalizeroh sweet21:20
fungiclarkb: mtreinish: sure, yelling soon is fine21:20
mtreinishclarkb: ok sure, I also need to poke him about subunit-worker0121:20
JayFDo devstack-gate changes take effect immediately, or do i need to wait some time for nodes to cycle?21:20
clarkbJayF: immediately21:20
* JayF rechecks an IPA change21:21
clarkbnibalizer: can has link again?21:21
anteayasdague: python-ganttclient? pylockfile?21:21
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: Switched documentation to point to storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/13385921:21
clarkbkrotscheck: fungi ^ the last of the doc updates. now we need to lock down projects21:21
sdagueclarkb: the "related changes"21:21
nibalizerclarkb: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/126086/21:21
anteayasdague: they still have the integrated-gate job macro, should they be removed too?21:21
clarkbsdague: gah you say "patch" when you mean "change" :P and I always get confused21:22
sdagueanteaya: eventually21:22
clarkbsdague: I really dislike how c2 treats patchsets21:22
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sdagueclarkb: heh21:22
clarkb(it hides them all)21:22
clarkbchange screen two21:22
anteayasdague: care to make a note of that in the commit message?21:22
clarkbc2 is the url prefix21:22
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sdagueanteaya: I think it's redundant, this has been successive waves21:22
anteayaI didn't know that21:23
anteayaI will make notes then21:23
anteayafungi approved my input isn't necessary21:23
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Source modules.env from apply-test.sh  https://review.openstack.org/13472321:23
clarkbnibalizer: ok I rechecked that change now waiting for test to start.21:24
* clarkb watching it like a hawk21:24
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nibalizerclarkb: tyty21:25
nibalizerso the jenkins user should be able to ssh root@localhost but for some reason it can21:25
nibalizerlikely it will be pretty easy for you to figure it out on the box (or thats what im hoping)21:26
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clarkbok will test once we have the node21:26
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krotscheckclarkb, fungi: I can’t lock down projects, but I’ll go get the email ready.21:30
clarkbnibalizer: caught the node will let the test finish before I dig around21:31
clarkbto avoid any interference21:31
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/zuul: Add gerrit owner information to status.json  https://review.openstack.org/13538621:36
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Ignore playground directories for translation  https://review.openstack.org/13336821:40
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openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/project-config: remove python-heatclient from integrated gate  https://review.openstack.org/13542621:44
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lifelessheadsup: just released suubunit 1.0.021:46
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lifelessnot expecting any fallout, but who knows :)21:46
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mtreinishlifeless: heh :)21:47
clarkbthanks for the heads up21:47
nibalizerclarkb: it should be done by now i would expect21:47
mtreinishlifeless: does that include the changes to handle the discovery failure tracebacks?21:47
clarkbnibalizer: ya doing all sorts of context switching let me look21:48
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clarkbnibalizer: permission denied public key21:48
clarkbnow to debug21:48
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lifelessmtreinish: yes21:48
mtreinishlifeless: awesome21:49
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clarkbhrm ssh debug output doesn't help much. its using id_rsa then giving up and going to the other keys (that don't exist) but I don't see why it is giving up on id_rsa21:50
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/zuul: EXPERIMENT: to see if jobs run properly  https://review.openstack.org/13543421:51
mtreinishclarkb: are you using -vvv ?21:51
nibalizeri maybe its the 'localhost' lines we put in sshd_config ?21:51
mtreinishalthough even that is rarely helpful :)21:51
nibalizermaybe localhost isn't being recognized?21:51
lifelessmtreinish: as long as testtools 1.4.0 is in used21:52
lifelessin use21:52
lifelessactually, I might be wrong. It might need 1.5.0. Shrug :)21:52
clarkbmtreinish: ya21:52
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mtreinishlifeless: heh, ok I'll push to get some reviews on https://review.openstack.org/135115 because either way we'll need it to get around the attr thing with tempest21:53
clarkbnibalizer: so I just put jenkins key in my authorized keys and that worked. so I think this may be related to root login without password stuff21:53
fungilifeless: also we blocked 1.4.0 for other reasons anyway21:53
fungilifeless: so we'd presumably need 1.5.0 regardless21:53
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fungikrotscheck: clarkb: yeah i need to rerun the imports one more time before i lock them down anyway21:54
lifelessfungi: no :)21:54
mtreinishfungi: we can work around the block with that ^^^ patch I think21:54
lifelessfungi: 1.4.0 is blocked until tempest-lib unbreaks its buggy MRO order21:54
clarkbnibalizer: I am hacking the sshd_config21:54
fungimtreinish: oh, are we going to be able to lift the !=1.4.0 now?21:54
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mtreinishfungi: well when 135115 lands, it at least fixed it for me in quick local testing21:54
lifelessyeah, its 1.5.0 that will have the full support21:55
lifelessnuts, bad changelog in subunit. ah well.21:56
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nibalizerclarkb: okay that lines up with my thinking21:57
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lifelessmtreinish: this is what master testtools gets me:21:58
mtreinishlifeless: ooh, very nice21:59
mtreinishI think that's exactly what everyone is looking for :)21:59
lifelessthe yak shave on this was insane21:59
clarkbnibalizer: ok just straight up allowing root login didn't help21:59
clarkbso something else is going on22:00
clarkbis this maybe one of those things where ubuntu is like lol no root for you?22:00
lifelessmtreinish: so later today 1.5.0 is going to come out I hope22:00
lifelessmtreinish: you *might* want to get 135115 landed so it doesn't break things again :)22:00
mtreinishlifeless: heh, I was just going to ask if you can hold off until it lands :)22:00
clarkbpam.d/sshd looks fine22:01
anteayattx one giant governance patch?22:01
anteayattx or small separate ones?22:01
lifelessmtreinish: I have one more patch I want to try and get together, but inventory bad.22:01
anteayathen good-night22:01
ttxanteaya: giant works22:02
anteayavery good22:02
ttxthat's what we did last time iirc22:02
nibalizerclarkb: hrm22:02
clarkbsshd[6019]: ROOT LOGIN REFUSED FROM
anteayasounds good, good night22:02
ttxanteaya: an "election results" change22:03
nibalizerso all the PermitRootLogin lines are 'yes' ?22:03
nibalizerdid you restart sshd after you changed the config?22:03
clarkbnibalizer: I removed the second one and set the other to yes22:03
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clarkband yes restarted ssh22:03
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nibalizermaybe try sshing into its public ip address?22:03
nibalizeror if it doesnt have a public then a not localhost one?22:04
anteayattx I will call it such22:04
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jesusaurusnibalizer: for the forge-upload job, how does the project get bootstrapped? is that a manual step of one of the rooters creating the project in the forge?22:05
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nibalizerwell you see thats a good question22:06
fungijesusaurus: if so, that's no different than the other distribution networks to which we upload releases22:06
clarkbnibalizer: nope22:06
clarkbthis is weird22:06
nibalizerclarkb: yea very weird22:06
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nibalizeroh is the root user locked or something?22:07
nibalizeror /bin/nologin as shell or something?22:07
jesusaurusfungi: yeah, just something to document22:07
fungimtreinish: i think i'm going to have to blow away the subunit-worker01 instance and try launching it again22:07
clarkbnibalizer: its bash22:07
nibalizerjesusaurus: fungi ya i would say probably yes someone would have to make the modules manually on the website the first time22:07
clarkband an x in /etc/passwd password22:08
mtreinishfungi: ok I'll be here waiting to see what else blows up :)22:08
clarkband shadow looks normal22:08
clarkbI think it must be pam related22:08
clarkband how ubuntu et al think you shouldn't root22:08
asselindoes this need any update to puppet split spec? I don't really understand it "AGREED: each puppet module needs to be associated with the infra project group (fungi, 19:15:26)"22:08
nibalizerdoes shadow have the '!' or the 'x' ?22:09
clarkbshadow has a hash22:10
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Initial magnum client import for stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/13543622:10
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dimshaha, zuul's jobs are busted - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135434/22:10
nibalizerclarkb: huh22:11
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Add refreshonly to 'upgrade_subunit2sql_db'  https://review.openstack.org/13516122:12
ianwis there a mid-cycle infra meetup in any sort of planning stage?22:13
fungiasselin: referring to the groups list in the projects.yaml22:13
nibalizerclarkb: whant to try setting UesPAM no in sshd_config ?22:13
mtreinishianw: jeblair and I were talking about it at summit and I think the decision was to not have an infra or qa midcycle this time22:13
fungiianw: none so far as i know. we usually don't have one unless there's a specific task we're trying to tackle (an onboarding effort, a topic-relevant sprint, something we want to work on)22:14
asselinfungi, currently it's   groups:22:14
asselin    - openstack-ci22:14
fungiasselin: yep, that's what i meant22:14
fungiasselin: i was being vague since once we finish switching over to storyboard we're going to rename that group to infra22:15
fungiasselin: but at the moment, in an effort to support our automated bug updating, we're keeping it the same as the blanket project name we're using in launchpad22:15
clarkbnibalizer: gah!22:15
clarkbnibalizer: so I think the ssh init script on ubuntu is broken22:15
ianwmtreinish / fungi : thanks22:16
clarkbnibalizer: if you use `restart ssh` that seems to have worked22:16
clarkbnibalizer: what does your job do?22:16
nibalizerclarkb: restart i think22:16
asselinfungi, ok, I see. So no updates now. Updates coming later.22:16
fungiasselin: right22:16
nibalizerya its a restart22:16
clarkbok I restored your sshd_config and tried and that doesn't work. so I made changes that did fix it in between somewhere22:17
clarkbbut at least this is progress22:17
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nibalizerso we just need to get to an sshd_config that will work22:18
clarkbnibalizer: if I change the toplevel PermitRootLogin to without-password that works22:18
clarkbnibalizer: let me see if I can make your addition work with tweaks22:18
nibalizerokay, so if i add a sed -i to my test?22:18
nibalizerthat would be okay?22:18
clarkbnibalizer: well let me see if I can make the other thing work first22:18
nibalizergood idea22:18
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clarkbnibalizer: match address works22:21
clarkbnibalizer: so I think host localhost isn't matched for whatever raisin22:22
nibalizerya okay22:22
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nibalizersweet so if i replace loalhost with we're probably good?22:22
clarkbalso address ::122:22
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mtreinishclarkb: is it in /etc/hosts I've seen some weird things around, localhost, and /etc/hosts before22:22
clarkbya I think so add those two and even ssh root@localhost works22:23
anteayadhellmann: you were waiting for me :D22:23
clarkbI am going to delete that node now22:23
dhellmannanteaya: that change hit my inbox as I was catching up on email :-)22:23
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix up sudo wildcard copy  https://review.openstack.org/13391422:26
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use ip addresses for localhost in beaker tests  https://review.openstack.org/13544222:26
nibalizerclarkb: thanks for your help22:26
clarkbhttps://jenkins02.openstack.org/job/check-tempest-dsvm-aiopcpu/24/console I think there may be a nodepool bug with keeping subnodes around22:27
nibalizerthat review ^^ is the changes we figured out if you want to review it while its hot in your mind22:27
clarkbnibalizer: match address not match host22:27
openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update usage of LOCALRC_OLDNEW  https://review.openstack.org/13541822:28
clarkbianw: we may be able to stop caring about tempest nosetest stuff completely at this point22:28
clarkbmtreinish: ^22:28
clarkbis icehouse new enough to not tempest nose?22:29
nibalizerclarkb: oh okay22:29
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Use ip addresses for localhost in beaker tests  https://review.openstack.org/13544222:29
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mtreinishclarkb: yeah, nose was deprecated in havana and unsupported in icehouse22:30
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clarkbianw: ^ want to just rip out the nose stuff instead?22:31
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mtreinishalthough we still get tons of bug reports for people running with nose (despite the fact that a bunch of things don't work with it)22:31
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clarkbthat shouldn't be an issue for d-g imo22:33
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ianwclarkb: there's a review out for that https://review.openstack.org/#/c/131714/22:34
adam_ganyone have a sec for https://review.openstack.org/135418 ? that multi node dsg patch broke debug log collection that we need to debug a recurring ironic gate failure22:34
ianwclarkb: i can rebase on it, if you want22:34
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clarkbianw: ya why don't we do that instead22:34
mtreinishmy favorite of which is that *test* is the method name match that nose uses for test discovery which picks up a bunch of helper methods in tempest :)22:34
* clarkb reviews that other change too22:34
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fungimtreinish: weird, still getting... Could not find dependency Class[Logstash::Indexer] for Service[jenkins-subunit-worker-B] at /opt/system-config/production/modules/subunit2sql/manifests/worker.pp:6522:35
fungimtreinish: i'll play around with this a little and see if i can solve it22:35
ianwclarkb: if you're likely to approve https://review.openstack.org/#/c/131714/ i won't waste time rebasing on it now, i'll just wait for it to hit master22:35
mtreinishfungi: hmm, yeah that's weird22:35
clarkbianw: cool let me do that real quick so I can tell you :)22:35
mtreinishfungi: what about worker A? :)22:35
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fungimtreinish: my thoughts exactly22:36
fungimtreinish: maybe it runs them in an arbitrary order22:36
dimsclarkb, fungi: zuul jobs are definitely busted... any pointers? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/135434/ (i just changed a readme to illustrate)22:36
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clarkbianw: that was easy. approved22:37
clarkbdims: only tests.test_scheduler.TestScheduler.test_zuul_refs fails so that localizes the issue22:37
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mtreinishfungi: hmm, I just double checked it's complaining about logstash on a different thing than before22:38
mtreinishbefore it was: file { '/etc/logstash/subunit2sql.conf':22:38
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mtreinishnow it's: service { "jenkins-subunit-worker${suffix}":22:39
clarkbhttp://logs.openstack.org/34/135434/1/check/gate-zuul-python27/5d0897e/console.html#_2014-11-18_22_05_31_309 is where traceback stuff starts22:39
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clarkbdims: I think its new version of GitPython22:41
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clarkbdims: want to pin to previous RC to see if that fixes?22:41
dimsah will try that clarkb22:41
clarkblooking at the traceback we expected a false value but got an exception instead soit looks like they changed an api somewhere22:41
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/zuul: EXPERIMENT: to see if jobs run properly  https://review.openstack.org/13543422:42
mtreinishfungi: do you think I should add an 'include logstash::indexer' for good measure?22:43
dimsclarkb: if that's the problem, i'll adjust the test case and the usages? (or pin the version?)22:43
fungimtreinish: so, weird, i edited the import line to import the required class rather than just the module's base class and the launch completed with no errors22:43
fungimtreinish: but i still can't ssh into it22:43
clarkbdims: if thats the issue we should adjust the test case likely and pull up to require the latest version22:43
clarkbdims: however, we should probably test that well :)22:43
fungimtreinish: i'm starting to wonder if we've done something bad[tm] to our puppet manifests22:43
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mtreinishfungi: heh, do you think I'm breaking ssh?22:44
mtreinishfungi: yeah I'm wondering if I screwed up the policy around the ssh keys22:44
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dimsclarkb: ack. let me see how far i get22:44
fungimtreinish: oh, where were you mangling that?22:44
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clarkbdims: actually we likely need to fix other code in zuul too22:44
mtreinishfungi: no22:45
clarkbdims: since we likely expect false and don't catch exceptions properly for new exceptions22:45
mtreinishfungi: or at least I don't think so: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/modules/openstack_project/manifests/subunit_worker.pp22:45
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fungimtreinish: yeah, i didn't think you did. more than i want to try launching a plan generic instance and see if we've recently merged something which is breaking our account puppeting22:45
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clarkbfungi: mtreinish: anything I can help with?22:50
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clarkbremember puppet doesn't do things in order22:50
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dimsclarkb: you were right on the money22:50
clarkbso if ou evaluate a require before the thing ou requie has fired well you lose22:50
fungiclarkb: not sure yet. so far consistently new nodes i launch prompt me for a password when trying to ssh. also prompts ssh as root from puppetmaster for a password22:50
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clarkbwait what22:51
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clarkbhave we touched anything ssh related in puppet?22:51
* clarkb looks at logs22:51
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clarkbfungi: oh unless, is puppet bailing out because it fails?22:51
clarkband failing to apply ssh tings?22:51
fungiclarkb: maybe, though i didn't see any errors on the last run22:52
fungiclarkb: i'm trying with a randomly-named instance now, not mentioned in site.pp, just to see if it's any better22:53
nibalizeri would have blamed the forcing of uids... but if root is busted as well22:53
clarkbfungi: kk22:53
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funginope, randomly-named instance is working fine, so it's something about the specific manifests being applied to node /^subunit-worker\d+\.openstack\.org$/22:56
fungii'll see if i can narrow it down22:56
mtreinishfungi: heh, I knew it would come back to me :)22:57
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fungiall your fault mtreinish. i don't know how, just know that it is22:57
dimslol :)22:57
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mtreinishfungi: that's how it always is :)22:58
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openstackgerritDouglas Mendizábal proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish python-barbicanclient docs  https://review.openstack.org/13544922:59
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openstackgerritDouglas Mendizábal proposed openstack-infra/project-config: Publish python-barbicanclient docs  https://review.openstack.org/13544923:00
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fungioh, you know what? it _could_ be something silently wrong with how my puppet dev env is set up23:00
fungibecause when i tested the "include logstash" patch earlier, i did it with my dev env, and puppet didn't throw any errors23:01
fungibut now that the same patch is in master, testing with the production env throws the error about a missing dependency23:02
clarkbfungi: feel free to use mine23:02
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fungimanifest and modpath are wrong23:03
fungiclarkb: i think yours is broken too23:03
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clarkbI think I copied jeblairs :)23:04
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Adding trailing comma  https://review.openstack.org/13545023:04
clarkbso likely they are all wrong in that case23:04
fungiclarkb: yeah, your environment.conf refers to /opt/config/clarkb/...23:04
nibalizerfungi: nothing looks imediately wrong with the subunit node def or role class23:04
funginibalizer: yeah, now i'm suspecting a problem between my chair and the dev env i was using23:04
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clarkbfungi: doesn't that exist?23:05
* clarkb gets on puppetmaster23:05
fungiclarkb: should be "system-config" now23:05
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clarkboh we renamed it23:06
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clarkband those files are owned by old clarkb23:06
fungiclarkb: the most marvellous thing about that is that puppet will happily apply nothing and not error out23:06
clarkbI will clean up my env23:06
mtreinishfungi: well nothing failed :)23:07
fungimtreinish: indeed. nothing succeeded too23:07
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clarkbok I think my env is fixed assuming all I needed to do was edit that file, chown everything to my new uid in /etc/puppet/environments/clarkb and /opt/system-config/clarkb23:08
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed openstack-infra/infra-specs: Update module issues_url & include storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/13545223:09
fungiwell, something's still wrong with my dev env even after fixing that23:11
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fungiadjusted my environment.conf to look like the one for the production environment now... seeing if that's any better23:14
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fungiokay, now it's actually applying the manifests i expected23:16
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Make the recipients argument optional  https://review.openstack.org/13545523:16
fungiclarkb: you may want to adjust yours as well23:16
clarkbmriedem: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/system-config/tree/modules/elastic_recheck/manifests/init.pp#n2623:17
mtreinishfungi: cool23:17
clarkbfungi: I thought I did23:17
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fungiclarkb: i think it's the module path which was killing me23:17
clarkbmriedem: sorry I mixed up channels23:17
mriedemclarkb: that's fine, got the link, thanks23:17
fungiclarkb: just changing config to system-config wasn't sufficient. when i compared to the production env i saw the module path is listed in a different way now23:18
clarkbah /me looks23:18
clarkbfungi: mine looks the same but I have flipped orders23:19
clarkbwhich is what I want so that my things apply before the "global" things23:19
clarkbfungi: am I missing something?23:19
fungiclarkb: dunno, but i was getting no modules applied at all except stdlib until i changed the order23:20
fungiand now it works23:20
clarkbok I will change it23:20
fungimtreinish: and it does appear you need to include the specific class, not just the module base class23:21
fungimtreinish: with that adjustment, puppeting completes23:21
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mtreinishfungi: ok I'll push a patch out (unless you want the honors)23:21
fungimtreinish: nah, have at it23:21
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mtreinishfungi: just s/logstash/logstash::indexer/ ?23:22
fungii've put the worker in dns now too23:22
fungimtreinish: yep23:22
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Use correct include in worker.pp  https://review.openstack.org/13545623:23
mtreinishfungi: ^^^23:23
clarkbfungi is it pulling things off the queue?23:23
fungiclarkb: not sure yet23:23
clarkboh fyi I will be afk for much of tomorrow morning23:23
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mtreinishfungi, clarkb: is there anything I can stare at to help check if things are working?23:27
clarkbmtreinish: not sure how much of it we have exposed. you don't have db access right?23:28
fungimtreinish: i'm poking around in the instance right now to look for files i expect that class to install. some are there, some are not23:28
fungimtreinish: for example, no initscripts23:28
mtreinishclarkb: nope, it's also trove so it's on the private network...23:28
clarkbmtreinish: "private" network23:28
fungimtreinish: subunit2sql.conf is in /etc/logstash/ but i see no worker yaml files in that directory23:29
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fungisubunit2sql is installed according to pip list, but /usr/local/bin/subunit-gearman-worker.py is not present23:30
mtreinishfungi: hmm, that's definitely in the worker.pp23:30
fungiyet both of those are in the base class23:30
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fungii think maybe not all of the manifest for this was applied. i'm going to try updating puppet on it in just a moment and see if it leaps into action23:31
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mtreinishoh, those are things that get pulled in from puppet:// could it be something else with your dev env?23:31
fungithat's possible23:32
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fungithough if clarkb is cool with approving 135456 i can just try updating from the production env now23:33
* clarkb looks23:34
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clarkbwell wait23:34
clarkbdo ou need both of those things to be included?23:34
clarkbpuppet does not give you logstash if ou include logstash::indexer (it isn't pthon)23:34
clarkbdo the required files from from logstash?23:35
fungithe only logstash resource i see there is logstash::indexer23:35
mtreinishclarkb: IIRC all that is really needed is that the /etc/logstash dir is created23:35
mtreinishbecause that's aparrently where I decided to dump everything...23:36
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clarkboh ok logstash::indexer includes logstash23:36
clarkbso in this case it will do the right thing23:36
clarkbthat will run a logstash indexer23:36
clarkbwhich we don't want23:36
clarkbmeh firewalls should prevent that from screwing anything up23:37
clarkbwe can clean it up later23:37
fungiany way to just depend on (and if necessary) provide /etc/logstash in the worker.pp?23:37
clarkbI approved the change23:37
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clarkbfeel free to -2 if you don't like what that may do23:37
funginah, it's likely safe for now23:37
fungiwas asking more as a cleanup to do23:38
clarkbya I think you can just have a file resource in there23:38
clarkbthat makes /etc/logstash a dir23:38
fungidepending on the entire class to just get a directory seems heavy23:38
clarkbespecially when that brings in a service23:39
mtreinishyeah, sloppy, only partially functional, policy is what happens when I write it... :)23:39
mtreinishthis is the first time I've touched puppet in like a year...23:39
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mtreinishfungi, clarkb: I can push a patch to clean it up, one sec23:40
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fungithe main thing is that once that patch merges, we should be able to get puppet applying from the puppetmaster and be able to see the effects of any subsequent changes23:41
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fungithis is just at that ugly bootstrapping phase where we have to get it into good enough shape where it requires less involvement from us to continue improving it23:42
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JayFThanks everyone for the help; we just got all the IPA CI (including tempest when building a new agent version) passing23:44
openstackgerritMerged openstack-infra/system-config: Use correct include in worker.pp  https://review.openstack.org/13545623:45
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fungiJayF: congrats--that's exciting!23:45
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JayFit really is,23:46
JayFI'm curious what all it should vote on23:46
JayFIPA/Ironic is clear, and we discussed that in project23:46
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JayFbut what about Devstack? Tempest? the other sets of things that can break things?23:46
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fungiJayF: i guess the question is whether those are things where a mistake is likely to break only ipa, or everything23:47
mtreinishJayF: is it a 3rd party ci? (sorry I haven't been following what you're doing)23:47
mtreinishJayF: but, yeah what fungi said23:47
clarkbno they wanted third party ci and I yelled at them >_>23:47
JayFand we did it the right way instead23:47
fungimtreinish: the ironic python agent tests23:47
JayFyay us and clarkb23:47
JayFfungi: I'd suspect it's *very easy* for a devstack change to break building the IPA image23:48
mtreinishfungi: ah, ok23:48
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed openstack-infra/zuul: EXPERIMENT: to see if jobs run properly  https://review.openstack.org/13543423:48
JayFfungi: for tempest; I don't think it matters post-testing split (i.e. when ironic jobs are in ironic), but I'd be concerned someone would make a change that passes pxe_ssh job but not agent_ssh job23:48
JayFespecially since we're configured differently until agent job can be run in parallel (Which basically boils down to needing a lower ram footprint)23:48
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fungiJayF: so if that's the case for devstack, you probably want to appeal to the devstack developers for ways to mitigate that (whether it's co-gating on that job or some other lighter-weight confirmation on the behaviors which are important to ipa)23:49
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JayFfungi: like a lighter job that would just make sure it built something that looks like an ipa ramdisk/kernel without running the whole tempest setup?23:50
fungiJayF: maybe23:50
fungiJayF: not sure what it would look like, hence the suggestion for brainstorming with them23:50
JayFOK, but for starters, Ironic+IPA and nothing else, then maybe ask this question on-list?23:50
fungiJayF: yeah (assuming devananda is okay with gating ironic on that)23:51
fungipresumably he'll be in favor23:51
devanandaJayF: one thing to keep in mind is transitive dependencies ... A+B, B+C => A+C23:51
JayFdevananda: wdym?23:52
devanandafungi: I don't recall - is there a way to avoid that today?23:52
devanandaIPA+Ironic, Ironic+Nova => IPA + Nova ...23:52
JayFfungi: devananda: we talked a lot about testing matrices for IPA at the mid-cycle last time. Idea was basically IPA would check against all possible images (DIB/CoreOS), Ironic would check IPA with one image (probably DIB), and then we rely on Ironic's driver model to "hide" agent differences from us, so other things (like nova) only check against default driver (today: pxe_ssh)23:52
fungidevananda: transitive relationships between projects sharing jobs are mostly only relevant to whether they appear in the same dependent change queue23:53
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed openstack-infra/system-config: Remove unnecessary use of logstash::indexer from subunit_worker  https://review.openstack.org/13546323:53
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JayFdevananda: ^ that's a reasonable approximation of what we talked about in Oregon, right?23:53
devanandafungi: "dependent change queue" does not mean anything to me at the moment23:53
mtreinishfungi, clarkb: ^^^ I wonder if I should change it to /etc/subunit or something?23:53
devanandaprobably because I just got off the phone23:53
fungidevananda: whether the changes get sequenced together in the gate or get to have their own separate line to gating23:53
mtreinishI'm not exactly sure what the spam in openstack-meeting is supposed to be23:54
fungiooh, spam!23:54
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* JayF has a primary goal of making sure IPA's jobs don't break after everyone ( jroll and many others) worked so hard to get them passing23:54
fungiclarkb's on the ball23:55
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clarkbwell we'll see ho w effective those kickbans are23:55
mtreinishoh, I got it now, I had to resize my terminal... (it's about what I expected)23:55
clarkbusers joined with webclients23:55
clarkband may just rejoin and I will need a more fanciful mask23:55
devanandaJayF: that is an accurate approximation, yes. and I still agree with it :)23:55
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* JayF amends his PRs to make Ironic and IPA vote on that job23:56
JayFwe can merge them whenever we feel the job is stable enough23:56
devanandafungi: if the changes JayF are proposing will "have their own separate line to gating" then yes23:56
clarkbI may have banned anyone using the webclient <_<23:56
clarkbbut whatever23:56
JayFdevananda: i have no idea what that means, lol23:56
clarkbfungi: ^ is that something I can make less terrible?23:56
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mtreinishclarkb: heh, I think that's fine :)23:57
devanandaJayF: i'm still catching up on things -- is there a graph of the stability of the IPA jobs up already?23:57
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JayFdevananda: the agent_ssh job has been passing for ~2 weeks now; the agent_ssh-src (where the agent is built on the fly to test IPA changes) job just started passing about 30 minutes ago, lol23:57
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JayFdevananda: agent_ssh IMO already was stable enough to vote; but I didn't want anything to vote until IPA could have that job voting too23:58
fungiclarkb: i'm not too concerned about the kiwiirc.com web client failing to work for openstack meetings23:58
JayFfor obvious reasons23:58
jrolldevananda: adam_g has the agent_ssh check for ironic in his thing23:58
clarkbfungi: scrollup I got freenode web client with a larger glob23:58
clarkbI guess I can ban without that extra glob then remove glob ban /me does that23:58
devanandaso we want to test, essentially, on any change in Ironic: stable-IPA + tip-Ironic; and on any change in IPA: tip-IPA + stable-Ironic.23:58
devanandafor some nebulous definition of "stable"23:58
clarkbon the second one I realized that I may have derped all webclients from freenode :)23:58
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devanandaJayF: that sound right?23:59
fungiclarkb: meh, okay mostly the same opinion though. if i had to find new things to care about, web irc client access to openstack meetings is pretty far down the candidate list23:59
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devanandaJayF: or am I derailing23:59
clarkbI will clean it up a bit because I can do this better :)23:59
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