Wednesday, 2014-10-29

jrollmordred: lol00:00
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jrollmordred: 122 downloads already? :o00:01
mordredjhesketh, jeblair: I'm too jetlagged to review those changes for accuracy - but consider me a +2 on whatever you want to do00:01
ianwclarkb: heh, i see your next review addresses some of what i just commented on.  do think that "has_*" sounds more like a function name00:02
jeblairjhesketh: i do not have time to test it or learn enough about the rewrite to review it.  i figured since you, fungi, and SergeyLukjanov are familiar with it it would be easiest for you to do so.  so i hope that one of you will approve one of those changes.00:02
mordredjroll: right?00:02
jheskethjeblair: fair call, I'm not set up to test it either so I only reviewed it by eye. I also noticed it depends on another large change, so maybe we do do the revert?00:03
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clarkbianw: is there a suggseted alternative name? sorry I am trying to debug why the test fails now that it shoul work properly :)00:03
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mordredwow. ok - I know I'm extra happy about a stupid tool - but I just ran it on a big-ish yaml file I had, and the resulting directories are actually totally understandable00:05
ianwclarkb: my suggestion in the comments is to keep a list called disk_image_providers[] or something, and have has_diskimage() as a fn that checks that00:05
clarkbianw: that seems so very unpythonic :)00:05
clarkbianw: the truthiness of [] means most of the old code just continues to work00:05
mordredjroll: is the yaml file I just tried - is the dir structure00:06
clarkbianw: we have to iterate the list each time we parse the config so I think we should just create the list then00:06
clarkbianw: but if the name is bad I don't mind using a different name00:07
clarkbI do not think we should recalculate that list more than we have to though00:07
jrollmordred: aha, I was going to ask about that00:07
clarkbjogo: vishy: I have a change up to test multi_host00:08
mordredand I have just verified that it works as expected on a giant cached ansible inventory - I will not pastebin that00:08
vishyclarkb cool00:08
clarkbI think it may just work but I don't fully grok how that changes networking so we will see00:08
mtreinishjeblair: when you get a chance I pushed updates to the subunit2sql worker stuff last night, if you wanted to make another pass00:08
mroddenianw: was trying to follow your and sdague's conversation from earlier... was there something merged in bashate that broke checks on devstack?00:08
mordredjroll: anyhow - have fun - it could almost CERTAINLY use optional debug logging and command line processing improvements and the list ... but I dont realy care righ tnow - it's time for bed00:09
ianwclarkb: just "has" indicates a verb that suggests a function to me.  maybe just disk_image_providers may be clearer00:09
clarkbvishy: is the test if you are curious00:09
jrollmordred: indeed, I'm wondering if there's something we could use it with, we have some large ansible inventories as well :P00:10
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ianwmrodden: bit of both ... due to issues file matching in the tox.ini, bashate was not running on all devstack library files.  when i fixed it to do that, it started failing00:10
mroddenoh whops...00:10
mroddenfixed a bug and found more00:11
ianwmrodden: we (I) also merged the `` v $( checking patch, which finds way too much in devstack00:11
mroddenyeah i saw that one00:11
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mroddeni haven't been paying attention to reviews much TBH00:11
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mroddeni have the issue where i run off and write another python module every weekend like mordred00:12
ianwi think that we need a way to turn errors down to warnings if we want the `` check00:12
mroddeni'm all for a release soon though00:12
mroddenthere is an IGNORE but that isn't quite right00:12
ianwthat way we can incrementally fix it in devstack, and turn it back to error when we're done00:12
mroddenneed to know if its going to fail or not00:12
ianwyeah, if we ignore it will *never* get fixed :)00:12
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clarkbjeblair: in any idea why NodeLauncher doesn't launch the second node on provider2 before we run the assert?00:13
ianwmrodden: "fixed" as in cleaned up, i don't think it's a big issue ... but it would be nice to standardize00:13
mroddennot everyone is going to be following new conventions we add00:13
ianwmrodden: well i think we can release it now ... it should not break devstack.  i'm not 100% sure on the release process, push a tag?00:13
mroddenyeah ptl has to push a signed tag00:14
mrodden-infra magic takes care of the rest00:14
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mroddeni'll probably make this one 0.3.0 since we added more checks00:14
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mroddenwhich i wanted to double check with a run against devstack to see if it passes...00:15
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ianwmrodden: i'm not sure if we agreed to drop the auto-find-files stuff ... i'm certainly for it.  might be worth killing that before a release00:15
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mroddenyeah we have 3 different approaches00:16
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ianwmrodden: the code in there i think only targets devstack, but we're using a custom find command from tox anyway00:16
mroddeni dont really like the auto discover, but i would like to make it take a list of directories or a list of files00:16
mordredjroll: I was actually thinking about it in conjunction with having ansible write out some data onto disk on a target node ... but I'm way past the point of actually thinking of useful things to do with it :)00:16
jrollmordred: interesting :)00:17
clarkbI think I must be racing image creation00:17
ianwmrodden: i've also got a patch out there for a man page as part of documentation00:17
mroddenianw: nice, i haven't seen it yet00:17
mroddenso in the devstack tox.ini there is a find that is buidling the list anyway now?00:18
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Test label with snapshot and dib images
mroddenah yep
ianwmrodden: yep, but it misses some stuff
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mroddenman that is a big find00:23
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mroddenianw: regarding the warning instead of flat ignore, whats your opinion on getting that included in the next release here or waiting until after?00:29
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ianwmrodden: <- drop auto discover bits00:30
ianwmrodden: think we should release without the warning stuff, so we can get devstack checking itself properly00:31
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mroddenianw: ok i'm cool with that00:32
mroddenlooking over patch now00:32
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ianwmrodden: yeah ... lesson number 1 million from devstack : use file extensions :)00:35
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mroddenyeah thats probably the simplest and cleanest solution00:36
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mroddenianw: reviewed with a comment inline00:40
ianwmrodden: not sure the comment made it into the review00:41
mroddenyeah you put a patchset 2 up00:41
clarkbok multi_host = True isn't working with the gretap setup00:41
clarkbso that will need further debugging00:41
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clarkbvishy: does multi_host = True expect VM communication to be routed over the external interface on the host?00:42
clarkbvishy: rather than through the flat_interface/00:42
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mroddenianw: you could just 'return 1' instead of sys.exit(1) in main()00:44
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ianwmrodden: good point; new revision avoiding the exits00:50
mroddenianw: cool +200:51
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mroddenah i have to figure out how to rename that launchpad project too00:53
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jogoclarkb: nice, I assume its working too00:55
clarkbjogo: it isn't00:55
jogoclarkb: a round 2 patch:
clarkbjogo: I think that multi_host may expect that VM to VM comms happen over the external network00:56
jogoclarkb: as in multi_node is working worse then regular?00:56
clarkbso br-ext instead of br100 or whatever00:56
clarkbjogo: ya00:56
jogoclarkb: hmm, it shouldn't expect it to happen over the external network00:56
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jogoif multi_node won't make the need for openvpn go away00:56
jogowe might as will wait until we get the basics working and then revisit00:57
jogoclarkb: I don't know how well tested devstack multi_node mode is in the first place00:58
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clarkbya that works too, I just thought that maybe it would work00:59
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vishyclarkb i don’t know01:01
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ianwfungi: wasn't this the rocket you were going to watch take off?
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brad__so sad01:06
mroddeni've done that in KSP before01:06
fungiianw: yep, didn't clear the horizon from where we were standing01:07
ianwdidn't clear much by the looks of it01:08
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mroddenianw: i'm happy to report that the latest bashate master works against devstack master01:14
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nibalizerianw: im really excited to have centos slaves, thanks for working on it01:14
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ianwnibalizer: no worries, it's quite the learning experience :)01:19
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ianwjeblair / fungi / clarkb : i wasn't quite sure where we ended up with (Add openstack-infra/puppet-openstackci_apache)  ... is it dependent on something, or people aren't sure?01:23
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ianwmrodden: using the "expanded" find that gets all the files?01:26
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Test label with snapshot and dib images
clarkbfinally I think that should pass testing01:28
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ianwmrodden: <- extracted out man-page01:36
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morganfainbergclarkb, fungi, did we lose py33/py34 testing on keystoneclient?01:52
morganfainbergi looked at gerrit and didn't see a test run of it.01:52
morganfainbergrecent patch01:52
mroddenianw: i did not test the expanded one01:52
mroddenlet me grab that01:52
* morganfainberg wants to make sure if it's expected or a gap.01:52
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fungimorganfainberg: looks like the python3-jobs template is still applied to it in zuul's layout01:56
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mroddenianw: 4 hits in projects/devstack/lib/swift of "E041: Arithmetic expansion using $[ is deprecated for $((:"01:58
clarkbmorganfainberg: always link your example :P01:58
morganfainbergsorry was in the process of finding it01:58
clarkbbut ya those py3k tests should continue to run01:58
ianwmrodden: should have fixed that?01:58
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morganfainbergnoppe, i'm just crazy01:59
morganfainbergi was *sure* i saw this.01:59
mroddenianw: ah, i used git checkout; probably need to rebase that tox.ini patch01:59
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morganfainbergclarkb, fungi, don't mind me, i might just be suffering from pre-summit travel scattered brain01:59
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clarkbmorganfainberg: its ok we will all be joining you shortly01:59
morganfainbergclarkb, when you getting in?02:00
clarkbearly sunday morning02:00
mroddenianw: yep works fine when i cherry-pick to master02:00
clarkbeither 7:35 or 8:3502:00
clarkbdelta and google don't agree (I think DST is involved)02:00
morganfainberguse delta's time02:00
clarkbmorganfainberg: you?02:00
morganfainbergi'm in Saturday at like 10am02:00
morganfainbergor 8am02:01
morganfainbergor something like that02:01
clarkbI raelized very recentlythat arriving saturday would have been best but I am dragging larissa along and she has to work friday so meh02:01
StevenKclarkb: I get in 0750 Paris time on Sunday02:01
clarkbStevenK: do you go via north america or the other way around?02:02
StevenKclarkb: Nope, via Dubai02:02
clarkbI went that way when I visited perth. its not too bad02:02
StevenKSydney to Europe via the US is the wrong direction02:02
clarkband you get to see that giant building out the plane window02:02
clarkbyes well sea to perth via dubai is wrong way too :)02:03
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Gate python-keystoneclient-federation on global reqs
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tchaypoStevenK: it depends on your criteria; i believe it can sometimes be cheaper03:20
tchaypodoes the infra team mirror the ubuntu cloud images?03:20
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tchaypoand that would be because03:22
tchaypothe dib elements for the OSes do their own caching03:23
tchaypoI'm guessing?03:23
tchaypopossibly there's an upstream squid involved too?03:23
tchaypoit seems like an upstream squid combined with the element caches should do 90% of the work with 10% the effort of trying to mirror the actual cloud image servers03:24
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clarkbwe dont dib properly yet and dont squid03:27
clarkbwe do put the images that devstack useson the slaves though03:28
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ianwclarkb: you got a minute to log into one of these building hp centos7 images to help me debug03:33
ianwclarkb: it's bailing out running "sudo grub2-mkconfig" ... it's a path issue, i can easily send a patch to make it /usr/sbin/grub2-mkconfig03:33
clarkbianw not really on phone for the night03:33
ianwbut i would like to figure out why this is failing on hpcloud and passing on rax03:34
ianwclarkb: ok03:35
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jogoclarkb: how is the aiopncpu04:03
clarkbits fine we have a plan to use "private" addresses04:04
jogousing openvpn?04:05
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clarkbno it is already setup to gre04:06
clarkbbut gre wasnt working on nodes that didnt know about their public IPs04:07
jogoso you got it working for both providers?04:08
clarkbya it always worked04:08
clarkbwe just had to sort out if other circumstances worked too04:09
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jogovery exciting04:10
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tchaypo clarkb: neither meaning neither the image-create caching nor squid?04:41
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Allow jenkins to log into the host as root
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Use full path to grub2-mkconfig
ianwclarkb / jeblair : ^ fix to hopefully get hpcloud centos7 images building.  if i can get access to a host, i might be able to come up with a more satisfactory answer on how PATH is being reset...05:16
afazekasjeblair: Is a Db schema change ok without a migrate script?05:19
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clarkbtchaypo: right. currently none of our hosts are built with dib so no dib caching05:20
clarkbtchaypo: and we run no squid05:20
clarkbafazekas: yes, we basically manually apply those changes and indicate the need for change in the commit somewher05:20
clarkbafazekas: we really should just add alembic to nodepool though05:20
clarkbafazekas: also, do you know why fails?05:21
clarkbI think it should work because the subnode has the pub_if interface for the flat_interface which should bridge it together with the other node05:22
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afazekasclarkb: multihost might require other options when the network created (or a bug)05:24
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afazekasalso n-net needs to start on every node05:25
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clarkbya my change adds n-net to the sub node05:26
clarkbI actually think I may need to override public_interface as it should be pub_if and not br10005:27
clarkblet me try that05:27
clarkbin the case of multi_node = false br100 is correct ecause we are routing everything through to that br100 on the controller iirc05:27
clarkbbut in mutli_node = true we don't do that and need to hop into the bridge on each node05:27
clarkb* hop onto the gretap bridge05:28
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clarkboh nevermind its set properly05:29
afazekas  AFAIK we do not have the '--multi-host=T' option05:29
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clarkbafazekas: that would be in devstack?05:30
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afazekasclarkb: devstack can use a NETWORK_CREATE_ARGS as an extra arg (it is still using nova-manage)05:32
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clarkbya my greps for network-create showed nothing but looks like near the end of is nova-manage stuff for the fixed range05:34
clarkbI will add that to my change really quickly to see what happens05:35
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova multi host on aiopcpu tests
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afazekasjeblair, clarkb: after the np change a ready script also need to be changed, by adding the fixed addresses to the iptables INPUT -j ACCEPT05:47
clarkbafazekas: your d-g change does that today right?05:47
clarkb(I am not sure where it should go yet, just double checking that you are currently doing it somewhere)05:48
afazekasclarkb: yes, I have and abandoned change for the ready script as well05:49
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clarkbafazekas: part of me thinks that individual jobs should worry about their own network requirements, but allowing all communication on the private addresses is probably something we can just do for the multinode setups05:53
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clarkbafazekas: wouldn't multi_host = True in nova.conf get picked up by the command at
clarkbI am not sure this is the issue06:04
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: multinode_setup allow fixed ip
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova multi host on aiopcpu tests
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tchaypoclarkb: ah. i think your idea of "our hosts" is a bit different from what i had in mind06:32
tchaypodoesn't toci_devtest invoke dib at some point?06:33
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clarkbsomething invokes dib from within a test iirc06:34
clarkbbecause i wrote a dib change once that failed on a ramdisk image build06:34
clarkbbut we don't cache any of the images used for that06:34
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arosenHi, i'm having a problem with pbr it seems. I'm getting these two different traces when i try to install the congressclient via pypi any ideas?
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Add groups portal openid url
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update python-saharaclient to 0.7.5 version
SergeyLukjanovsdague, when you'll be online08:42
SergeyLukjanovsdague, there are a few comments from jhesketh on your's fix for hidejs
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nikesh_vedams_i am trying to deploy devstack on RHEL-6.508:52
nikesh_vedams_but i am getting below error08:52
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nikesh_vedams_did any-one face this issue08:52
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juleI'm playing with Zuul but now I'm confused. How is zuul merger (gating, dependent pipeline manager) supposed to work when there is multiple independent changes ready to be integrated?09:27
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juleAccording to my observation it will merge only the first change and not even try to merge the other changes. Is my configuration somehow broken or is this the expected behaviour?09:28
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mordredjule: it merges them in the order they were approved assuming each will pass09:59
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mordredjule: so if you're only seeing it do something with the first one, then yeah, I'd say there's something off in your config10:00
mordredjule: pastebin your config?10:00
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julemordred: yes, the config: and the layout:
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mordredjule: that looks fine ... do you have the extra approved status added to your gerrit?10:29
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: looking...10:37
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: jhesketh missed that the outer parens are escaped10:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Use full path to grub2-mkconfig
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Refactor puppet-apply jobs into template
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Use common integrated jobs for sahara
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Add Juno stable-compat-jobs to trunk sahara client
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sdaguejhesketh: you still awake, wanted to chat with you about zuul status things10:47
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set ZAQAR_BACKEND in localrc if present
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openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Don't run python33 job for oslo.messaging/icehouse
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add a gate job for zaqar-redis
flaper87clarkb: hey, can I get your eyes on and :)10:58
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julemordred: Thanks for checking the config. No, we do not have any extra approved status.11:19
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juleI analysed the problem more and it seems really weird. The Jenkins pipeline is being triggered for all 3 changes. But then the status for the last jobs in the pipeline is "None" for the two last changes11:23
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juleAnyway, is it so that a separate pipeline is always triggered for independent changes? I.e. the merger does not try to group independent changes and test them together (to optimize the integration time)?11:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Add translation jobs for manila
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Promote ironic sideways grenade to voting
mordredjule: nope. we optimize integration time in a dependent pipeline by running changes in parallel but using optimistic branch prediction to do merges as they would occur if all things merged successful11:38
mordredjule: that way if the tests fail, we know how to eject a single change and retest the other changes automatically11:39
mordredjule: so it's expected that the jenkins jobs will run for each test11:39
mordredfor each change11:39
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juleOk. The reason I am asking this is, that in our project we are testing on real HW and cannot affort running "infinitely" parellel pipelines. Maybe Zuul does not fit in our case then.11:44
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juleI expected that it would first merge all open changes and test them at once. And then back off to testing smaller batches if this fails.11:46
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marunanteaya: I'm assuming this is your paste?
marunanteaya: I hadn't used gertty in a while and now I'm seeing the same error.  Did you manage to diagnose the problem?11:52
sdaguemordred: can I ask you for an uber permissions change in gerrit?11:53
sdagueoh, never mind, I think I can do this with review11:53
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove nosetests.xml reference
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mordredjule: yah - zuul's dependent pipeline manager may not help you for that use case11:55
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: give the entire bashate-core team release authority
julemordred: Ok. Thank you very much for the clarification.11:55
mordredjule: sure thing!11:55
sdaguemordred: / SergeyLukjanov ^^^11:55
mordredjule: now, that said, I imagine it should be possible to write a zuul pipeline manager that implements the logic you just described11:56
mordredjule: and although we don't really have a need for such a thing in the openstack project directly, I can imagine a set of people who would be well served by such a thing11:56
mordredsdague: +@11:57
mordredsdague: +211:57
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julemordred: Sounds like an idea :) I think we are going to have a look on it11:57
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mordredsdague: so, the devstack-gate patch I just pushed up is actually something I saw while beginning to noodle on another thought in my brain - which is essential how can we remove more logic from devstack_gate and make it explicitly about env setup and not sets of things like:12:00
mordred    if [[ "$DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_DISABLE_TENANT_ISOLATION" -eq "1" ]]; then12:00
mordred        echo "TEMPEST_ALLOW_TENANT_ISOLATION=False" >>localrc12:00
mordred    fi12:00
sdagueyeh, while I don't love the var setting gymnastics, it does have the value of being explicit12:01
sdaguebut I agree, we could probably do a better thing12:01
mordredsure - but there is a bunch of stuff in there that really should be in devstack and not devstack-gate12:01
sdagueyep, probably, periodically we sync some of it back12:02
sdaguethough.... we then run into issues of the fact that devstack should work fine in a 4G vm, which d-g does not12:02
mordredI think there are definitely settings that are specific to d-g12:02
mordredbut things like     if [[ "$DEVSTACK_GATE_VIRT_DRIVER" == "ironic" ]]; then12:03
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mordreddescribe a set of follow on settings like "DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE" :)12:03
mordredanyway - I don't have anything specific of note - just starting to noodle in the space12:04
sdagueyep, that's fair12:05
sdaguehonestly, a huge part of the current d-g refactor into functions was done by me on an airplane to hong-kong :)12:05
sdaguepre summit times are great times to think about stuff like this12:05
mordredsdague: did you see my crazypants new lib from yesterday?12:05
sdague.... I guess not12:06
mordredit's called "explore"12:06
mordredit's called "explode"12:06
mordredyou can pip install it12:06
mordredit also comes with a command line utility12:06
mordredit's for taking a python data structure, or a yaml file or a json file and exploding it into a bunch of directories and flat text files12:06
sdagueoh, nice12:06
mordredfor ease of consumption by shell things12:06
mordredthis is the sort of thing we do pre-summit :)12:07
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sdaguethough, jq makes some of that fine with shell. I wonder if there is a yaml equiv12:07
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sdague318 downloads already? wow12:08
mordredI'm popular I guess12:08
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mordredsdague: you could always do "flamel foo.yaml | jq" if you wanted to go that route12:09
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sdaguehmmm flamel is not an apt-get installable for me12:10
sdagueoh, it's a SpamapS git tree :)12:11
jheskethsdague: just logged on, but really need to get some sleep before my flight12:11
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jheskethsdague: if I missed something re the zuul javascript I'm all good for you/others to go ahead and merge it :-)12:11
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mordredsdague: it's also pip installable12:12
sdaguejhesketh: so 2 quick things12:13
sdagueoh, you already did -
sdaguejhesketh: the other thing was jeblair wanted your overall pov on - - because you were working on a different version of similar things12:14
jheskethsdague: right, so my comments there should explain what I was doing12:15
sdagueso if you are ok with that going in if I fix it, would be good to specify in the comments12:15
jheskethoh yeah, absolutely12:15
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sdagueah, ok, great12:15
sdagueyeh, I think your comment is pretty clear. I'll respin for fixes today then12:15
jheskethsdague: jeblair seemed to like the overlay I had though, so maybe we should chat about it at the summit?12:15
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sdagueI was personally liking the compact view12:16
jheskethsdague: my preference would be your approach and then improving on it to pull in actual jobs and progress bars12:16
sdagueok, yeh, that works as well12:16
jheskethif we pull in the jobs running it should be no longer than after the results are posted12:16
jheskethbut this is a great start towards that12:16
sdagueok, great12:16
sdaguethanks for the reviews12:16
jheskethno worries12:17
jheskethI'm off then, see you in a few days :-)12:17
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-kibana: Add .gitreview
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: yum non interactive
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sdaguejhesketh: see you in paris12:41
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* fungi heads to the airport... mostly afk for the next few days while flying and conferencing. i look forward to seeing many of you in paris!12:49
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mrmartinhave a nice trip fungi12:59
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dims__fungi: see you in paris12:59
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matelHello, I would like to ask for some help with a service account, is anyone around?13:16
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openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: libffi-dev/libssl-dev is required to install nodepool
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add private ip to /etc/nodepool
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afazekasjeblair: ^13:53
matelHello, I would like to ask for some help with a service account, is anyone around?13:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: give the entire bashate-core team release authority
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openstackgerritMikhail S Medvedev proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-kibana: Add required puppet module files and .gitreview
mordredafazekas: thanks - lgtm13:54
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clarkbmatel it is usually best to just ask. whats u14:09
clarkb*whats up?14:09
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sdaguematel: oh hey, you are around, can you fix your devstack patch here -
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nikhil_kfungi: hi!14:18
nikhil_kwanted to understand this patch
nikhil_kwhenever you've a couple of mins14:19
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clarkbnikhil_k fungi is traveling to paris and afk for a couple days14:19
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nikhil_kclarkb: ah! can you please help?14:20
clarkbthat change "merges" juno back into kilo so that kilo is aware of juno in its history14:20
clarkbit should just construct the git tree necessary to make that happen and change no code in kilo (master)14:20
clarkbyou can confirmthis with git diff14:21
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nikhil_kclarkb: Thank you! Got the idea, approving14:25
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naggappanHi i am trying to set up the CI system. Now when ever changes happens in openstack-dev/sandbox, my jenkins job is getting triggered. Just for test purpose how can i publish the result back for same code/branch/commitID for which the job is triggered14:30
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clarkbnaggappan you should be able to comment but not vote14:31
clarkbso set it to comment with "success" or "failure" comments that do not +1 or -114:32
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naggappanclarkb: should we need to use any plugin to comment back? currently i am using gerrint plugin in jenkins to get events and trigger the job.14:33
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openstackgerritEric Harney proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add centos7 experimental job for Cinder
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Repo caching in parallel
clarkbnaggappan that should work14:35
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add performance check job for murano
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pleia2good morning14:46
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mordredpleia2: morning14:51
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jeblairgood morning14:53
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sdaguejeblair: if you want to spin through the hideci changes, you'll get pipeline grouping, and fixes for new screen - both already have some +2s15:00
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matelsdague: sure, will look at the devstack change - I was a bit distracted.15:01
matelOur gerrit account seems to be disabled, could someone take a look at it? The username is: citrix_xenserver_ci15:03
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clarkbmatel are you subscribed to third-party-announce? fungi mentioned it there15:04
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Missed repo gate job for zuul layout filter.
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matelclarkb: thanks, I thought that it only means that voting disabled, but a second read revealed that it's causing the issues.15:07
matelclarkb: What's the protocol to re -enable the account, should I just get in touch with fungi?15:07
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clarkbprotocol is typicaly address the specific issues and we can reenable15:08
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jeblairsdague: please find someone to test, review, and merge those changes soon.  i do not have time to review them before the summit.  since fungi, jhesketh, and SergeyLukjanov approved your original change, i think they are most familiar with the code and should be able to.15:09
matelclarkb: Okay, I already fixed the issues, and upstreamed them:
jeblairsdague: if they don't get merged soon, i think we need to merge the revert because i do not think it's good to have the new change screen broken.15:10
matelclarkb: should I get in touch with fungi, or could you enable the account as well?15:10
sdaguejeblair: sergey tested them15:10
clarkbany infra rooter can enable it15:11
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Repo caching in parallel
jeblairsdague: but didn't review or approve?15:11
sdagueI'll find another tester15:11
sdaguehe +2ed the 2nd patch15:11
sdaguehe did not hit +A, I don't know why15:11
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, I've not approved it because the dependent patch isn't approved yet15:12
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: can you look at the dependent patch?15:12
sdagueit has a +2 from jhesketh15:12
SergeyLukjanovsdague, yup, I'll check it in 15 mins15:12
sdaguecool, great15:12
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matelfungi: ping15:13
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clarkbfungi is traveling15:15
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clarkbmatel I am poking around (reviewed that change) and can enable in a bit15:16
matelclarkb: thanks15:16
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: sqlalchemy-migrate: enable the py33 gate.
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clarkbmatel: ok before I enable anything, you guys have fixed the pypi thing?15:26
clarkbmatel: I see the commit on github. is that deployed and in use?15:26
matelYes, we are using the python one.15:26
clarkbmatel: (you will likely need to have nodepool build new images for that to happen)15:26
matelclarkb: <- this one is deployed15:26
clarkbmatel: and you rebuilt your image?15:27
matelclarkb: Images are already re-built.15:27
matelclarkb: yep15:27
clarkbgah fungi didn't specifically mention the username of the disabled account /me looks at database15:29
matelclarkb: citrix_xenserver_ci15:30
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clarkbmatel: all done15:31
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matelclarkb: thank you!15:33
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clarkbI really need a whiteboard in home office. This linux networking stuff for multinode deserves a giant picture drawn in dry erase marker15:37
BobBallUse your fridge.  And a CD marker.15:37
BobBallThat's what my daughter did.15:37
BobBall(although admittedly not to draw a digram of multinode linux networking...)15:38
clarkbI think the reason multi_host is not working is that with multi_host you do the floating_range NAT on each individual compute node rather than on the controller. This means the controller needs to know to send packets across the gretap bridge to the other node to get to
clarkbon the non multi_host this works fine because all of the addresses are NATed on the controller so the controller says go locally to hit this stuff15:38
clarkbbut with multi_host=True there may not be any address on the controller15:39
clarkbI think this can be fixed by adding addresses on the pub_if interfaces for the hosts themselves on that network (also possibly need to mess with iptables so that packets can get around)15:39
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clarkbBobBall: at least you have a one of a kind fridge :)15:41
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BobBallI should sell it on ebay.  I'm sure that being one-of-a-kind makes it super valuable.15:42
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silehtfungi, the bandersnatch bug strike again: is missing15:43
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-manual: Add Working with Bugs section to Dev guide
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carl_baldwinHi infra:  I have a gerrit question.  I’m wondering why I’m unable to add “Oleg Bondarev <>” as a reviewer to a patch.  Gerrit offers three identical choices in the auto-complete box.  When I select any of the three it says:  “Oleg Bondarev <> does not identify a registered user or group”15:54
sdagueclarkb: does that just mean setting flat_interface correctly?15:54
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clarkbsdague: flat interface is correct16:00
afazekasjeblair: can you have a look on this:
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clarkbsdague: but if I have no address on a network linux should use my default route to get there16:00
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clarkbsdague: so I think that is happening is flat_interface is pub_if (correctly so) but traffic from controller destined for is headed out eth016:00
clarkbsdague: if however pub_if always has an addr on (adjust floating range appropriately) then we should always send that traffic over pub_if16:01
clarkbI am drawing ascii pictures16:01
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jeblairafazekas: lgtm, thanks!16:10
jeblairclarkb: ^16:10
jeblairmordred: also you16:10
clarkbjeblair: awesome I shall review as soon as my picture drawing is complete16:11
clarkb(this is actually helping me a lot and I shoudl have done this last night)16:11
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mordredjeblair: oh - I reviewed that earlier and didn't click submit :)16:12
jeblairclarkb: i learned emacs has "artist mode", which due to the extremely sad state of linux ascii drawing programs, is one of the better ways of doing ascii art16:12
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clarkbhuh I might have to look at that. I am mostly done though16:13
mordredI'm not goign to +A just in case clarkb wants to look16:13
mordred(and since I wrote a chunk of the code)16:13
jeblairwe also probably want to make the db change and restart around the same time as +A16:13
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mordredjeblair: it would be cooler if that was a jeblair-telnet-screencast style screencast16:14
clarkbsdague: jeblair afazekas shows the two setups16:14
mordredjeblair: do we have a name for that yet?16:15
clarkbprimary node is the controller node and is where tempest runs yet16:15
jeblairmordred: oh yeah, we should brand it so it becomes a thing16:15
mordredjeblair: oh - I guess it's using a mouse16:15
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mordredjeblair: have you tried out my explode program yet? I'm curious to see what you think of the result16:15
jeblairmordred: it sounds like a mess! :P16:16
clarkband after drawing that I am 99% sure the reason mutli_host = true does not work is traffic bound for on the controller originating with tempest is going to go out eth0 not pub_if16:16
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clarkbif however I put some 172.24.5.x/23 addresses on pub_if I think that will fix it (assuming iptables lets that traffic through)16:16
jeblairmordred: apparently joey hess took the name termcast:
clarkbI don't want floating_range and the hypervisor host IPs to overlap so we can making floating range within a /23 network with the same prefix16:17
clarkbsdague: ^ does that make sense?16:17
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clarkbmordred: can you review the parent of 114840?16:18
jeblairclarkb: that is a diagram of what devstack does currently based on the value of that parameter?16:18
sdagueclarkb: I think so, but I'll warn you my brain doesn't have full context on this one, and probably won't until after summit16:19
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clarkbjeblair: within the devstack-gate aiopcpu setup yes16:19
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clarkbjeblair: so the multi_host = true case fails tempest tests when trying to ssh to hosts on
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jeblairclarkb: ok, so both of those are two-node setup, right?16:20
clarkbjeblair: yes16:20
afazekasclarkb: cool, maybe the other nic should get 10.0.z.q , just to show it is different than x.y16:20
clarkbmulti_host true is basically run nova network on all your compute nodes and they will not all tunnel through a spof16:20
jeblairclarkb: so is there a route on the primary node for 172.24?16:21
clarkbjeblair: no I do not think so (I am waiting for a run to finish on a held env so I can double check)16:21
afazekasjeblair, clarkb, mordred:
mordredclarkb: on it16:22
clarkbjeblair: afazekas: I also think I need something like 131646 for the 172.24 addresses if NAT can be hosted on either node16:23
clarkbbecause traffic will cross nodes with a dest of 172.24.stuff16:23
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afazekasclarkb: the bridge has an allow everything rule16:25
mordredjeblair: for the provider information blocks - do we think that any of those values might have spaces?16:25
jeblair131646 lgtm and i believe it will not fail even without the new files present16:25
jeblairmordred: i think we are assuming not.  i don't know if nova supports that (to answer whether they possibly could in future)16:26
mordredkk. just thought I'd ask16:26
jeblairmordred: we certainly assumed not when we stuck them in dns :)16:26
clarkbafazekas: ok so only unbridged traffic (the hpcloud or rackspace "private" networks) need the additional rules?16:26
clarkbafazekas: basically things on eth0 as in my diagram16:27
jeblairmordred: explode needs '--help'16:28
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mordredjeblair: yeah - that's on my todo list. "explode <infile> <outputdir>"16:28
jeblairmordred: yeah, i guessed that16:28
clarkbya there is no related route on either node in either situation16:29
jeblairmordred: explode works well with a semi-complicate yaml file i'm working on16:29
mordredjeblair: woot16:29
clarkbso I think next step is whip up a change that puts some addresses on taht network to get a route with source on the same l2 network16:29
mordredjeblair: I tried it on the most complex thing I had16:29
clarkbsame l3 network that is hosted on same l2 lan16:30
jeblairclarkb: sounds like it16:30
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afazekasclarkb: Maybe some other rule required, but the FIP traffic should be enabled by nova. IMHO if an additional rule is nova multohost specific it should be in d-g16:30
clarkbafazekas: in this case I think it needs to go in d-g because we are constructing this virtual network from scratch16:31
clarkbafazekas: normally you would use your eth0 which has addresses and routes properly configured, but we are missing the route bit16:32
clarkbjeblair: 131646 will fail because it is set -e16:32
clarkb(er fail until we have the new stuff in nodepool)16:32
jeblairclarkb: it did not fail in my local testing16:32
clarkbI just did `cat file_that_exists file_that_does_not_exist` and it returns 116:33
jeblairclarkb: i did this:
jeblairand it echoed 'hi'16:33
jeblairwith output:
clarkboh does for/if/while protect against the set -e?16:34
jeblairthat's what i'm guessing16:34
clarkbI guess that makes sense otherwise you wouldn't have conditions that worked16:34
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afazekasfalse | true ; echo $?  # 016:35
jeblairi extended that to one file that exists and one that does not, and it also works16:35
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afazekasclarkb: set -e does not fails if only  the left side of the pipe was failing16:37
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jeblairmtreinish: around?16:38
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mtreinishjeblair: yep16:38
jeblairclarkb, mordred, SergeyLukjanov: subunit2sql system-config changes lgtm if you want to review.  terminating at 12706016:38
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jeblairmtreinish: ^ if someone else has time to review those soon, we could merge them today; but if it's more than a few hours, we're getting into the zone where i can't commit to fixing any problems that creep up due to going afk for ny/paris16:40
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clarkbafazekas: mordred noted two things inline on that change16:40
clarkbjeblair: its such a big change :/16:41
mtreinishclarkb: it's mostly copy and pasted from your worker script :)16:41
* clarkb looks to see how crazy it is :)16:41
clarkbmtreinish: thats the scariest thing :)16:41
mtreinishjeblair: sure, no worries16:41
jeblairmordred: you may want to look at clarkb's second question in 11484016:42
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Add documentation for getting openid URL to setup super users.
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zaropelix: jjb release next week.  anything you want to get in?16:50
clarkbmtreinish: jeblair comments on didn't vote though as I wanted to hear if you guys felt that cleanup would be helpful16:53
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add private ip to /etc/nodepool
jeblairclarkb: all things equal, i think addressing those 3 points would be good16:54
clarkbmtreinish: jeblair: it is also not clear to me why openstack_project::subunit2sql_server is a thing are we going to run that on a special host?16:55
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jeblairclarkb: agreed, that seems excessive16:57
mtreinishclarkb: so I responded I can respin the patch quickly to drop the unused vars17:00
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mtreinishbut for the ini change I'd like to do that as a follow-on patch so I can do some manual testing17:00
pelixzaro: seems to be the most important one, maybe as well as it fixes an ordering problem.17:00
mtreinishclarkb: as for openstack_project::subunit2sql_server I can drop that, I only added because I thought we might need to do extra config at some point on the sql server17:01
mtreinishbut that's not really a good justification17:01
clarkbmtreinish: follow up patch is fine17:03
pelixzaro: think it's too late in the cycle for looking at performance improvements, but would be good to get some opinions on whether or should be worked on to allow parallel uploads.17:03
clarkbmtreinish: oh you use oslo.config17:03
clarkbthat'll learn you17:03
clarkbmtreinish: I am fine to +2 the current state of that but can wait if you want to cleanup the output* vars17:04
mtreinishclarkb: heh, only because I used oslo.db17:04
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clarkbok progress on mutli_host. if I add 172.24.5.[12]/23 addresses on either node the traffic for that /23 network crosses the bridge because a route is added17:04
clarkbcurrent issue is neither side is responding to arp requests for the other...17:05
clarkbnot sure why that is happening yet17:05
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Add subunit2sql gearman workers
mtreinishclarkb: ^^^ dropped the unused variables17:06
clarkbI probably didn't set the appropriate type with ip address add17:06
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Add subunit2sql server configuration
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mtreinishclarkb: did you want me to respin the top patch to drop openstack_project::subunit2sql_server ?17:09
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clarkbmtreinish: ya I would put that on logstash.o.o or something17:10
clarkbmtreinish: and just consolidate the command and control gearman client portion of that stuff on one node17:10
zaromgagne: have time for jjb review?17:10
mgagnezaro: unfortunately not, but depends if it's complex or not17:11
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mtreinishclarkb: ok, will do. I'll move it into openstack_project::logstash17:11
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zaromgagne: i would say medium.  but no big deal, next time.  see you soon :)17:13
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mgagnezaro: can't wait to get at the summit =)17:13
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zaropelix: we will focus on those performance ones for next release.  i'm trying to be more regular with releases, doing them ~ monthly.17:14
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zaropelix: those were not on my review radar because of merge conflict.  how about you get them in shape and then i will review?17:15
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Add subunit2sql server configuration
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mtreinishclarkb: ^^^17:16
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zaropelix: how about apprv on these doc changes? and  already got +1 from the English maven.17:17
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matelsdague: I hav updated the devstack changes.17:18
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zarofungi: re-review?
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nelsnelsonhowdy channel.  So I went back and re-did my devstack-gate deployment following the instructions from again.  This time with the proper Ubuntu 14.04 performance image.  8gig.  Still hanging now, just seems to hang earlier for some reason.
nelsnelsonThat gist is just a sample of the log for my most recent execution of safe-devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh17:23
nelsnelsonSampling latest entries.17:23
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nelsnelsonNow 5 minutes after those log entries, with no other output.17:24
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pelixzaro: they look good to me, do we have another core around to approve them?17:25
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zaropelix: i would consider pursehouse a core on anything jjb doc related :)17:26
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* zaro wishes gerrit had jj doc core option17:27
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-jenkins as split out module
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zaropelix: i think these are also ready to go.. and
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asselinnelsnelson, not 100% famailiar, but those errors seem ok...17:36
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pelixzaro: same change repeated ;)17:37
skataHello .. I am running into a issue and would appreciate any help in debugging it ..17:37
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nelsnelsonYeah, that's what I was thinking, asselin.17:37
nelsnelsonI'm still trying to figure out what is causing the script to stall, but I don't have much else to go on.17:37
skataThe gerrit trigger gives the following error when I try connecting to the server  "Connection error : com.jcraft.jsch.JSchException: ProxyHTTP: proxy error: Forbidden"17:38
nelsnelsonIt just sits there, and eventually seems to timeout, maybe, an hour later or so.17:38
asselinnelsnelson, which log file is that?17:39
nelsnelsonGood question.  There are like, three.17:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix ant-name usage for tests
zaropelix: oops, this one
pleia2zaro: looking to submit this css change for gerrit upstream, I've reported the issue on their tracker, do they link issue #s in the code review somehow like we do? (browsing through docs and examples, not getting any answers)17:39
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asselinnelsnelson, check the others. perhaps that's the end of the log file :)17:40
nelsnelsonIt is really hard to determine which log file is actually recording output for a given run, because devstack refuses to log in anything other than UTC, apparently.17:40
nelsnelsonEverytime I kick off a new execution of the17:41 script17:41
nelsnelsonI can't seem to see any current output of in /opt/stack/new17:41
nelsnelsonor /opt/stack/logs17:41
zaropleia2: yes, example:
pleia2zaro: thanks :)17:41
pleia2ooh, I also think I just found the proper docs page17:42
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nelsnelsonplus, there are devstack-gate-setup-workspace-new.txt, and devstack-gate-setup-host.txt, and devstacklog.txt in various locations.17:42
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asselinnelsnelson, take a look at devstacklog.tx17:42
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nelsnelsonNone of which have current time stamps17:42
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nelsnelson /opt/stack/new/devstacklog.txt is a simlink to a file from 4 hours ago, and it isn't changing17:43
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nelsnelsondespite having just kicked off another run of the script17:43
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nelsnelsonI'm honestly quite baffled as to what is doing with respect to logs.17:44
pleia2zaro: do you use git-review to interface with this? (sorry for all the questions, feel free to send me to #gerrit if you're busy :))17:44
asselinnelsnelson, I usually run it on clean vms...17:44
nelsnelsonOkay, I'll start it over again from scratch...17:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Cleaning up index.rst file
asselinnelsnelson, but if you've already run it before, I don't think you need to run it again.17:45
nelsnelsonIt never worked once correctly.17:45
nelsnelsonI'm just trying to get the thing to complete once successfully.17:45
asselinnelsnelson, it just sets up the vm, and then kicks off the tests....17:45
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add additional documentation for passing objects to templates
zaropleia2: no, they don't have the .gitreview files on their projects so you can't use it.17:46
asselinnelsnelson, how do you know it was not successful?17:46
pleia2zaro: yeah, I noticed they didn't exist, wasn't sure if you created one17:46
pleia2zaro: thanks, I'll do gerrit the old-fashioned way17:46
zaropleia2: to push you do 'push origin HEAD:refs/for/master'17:46
nelsnelsonasselin, it timed out with a bunch of weird error messages splatted all over the terminal screen after an hour or so17:46
pleia2zaro: and do the change-id stuff17:46
nelsnelsonAnd none of the logs had any errors.17:46
nelsnelsonAnd the logs had stopped recording any new information at all about 10 minutes into the script execution.17:47
zaropleia2: change it should auto generate for you.  that's just gerrit17:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add documentation and example on the usage of yaml anchors and aliases.
asselinnelsnelson, I'd look into those weird error messages....17:47
asselinnelsnelson, you have a copy?17:47
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nelsnelsonHad one earlier.  I'll run the whole thing over fresh again.  It'll be a very long time before those time out errors occur though.17:48
pleia2zaro: well, docs say it's a local git hook, so I'll grab that17:48
openstackgerrittherese-mchale proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add os-net-config dependency
zaropleia2: it will give you the link when you attempt to push wihout the change id17:48
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pleia2zaro: ah, ok17:49
nelsnelsonasselin, here's an older example from a run I did a couple days ago:
krotscheckzaro: So, I’m going to approve the sysinfo patch of yours, but would you mind putting a functional test together for it as well? Api coverage => consistent client contract => happy client libraries.17:50
krotscheckYou can do it as a separate patch.17:51
asselinnelsnelson, this means look at the devstack.log file:
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zarokrotscheck: will do.17:51
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krotscheckzaro: Thanks! There’s tons of examples.17:52
asselinnelsnelson, you should setup ntp service for accurate  timestamps:
zaropelix: around?17:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Add a rest endpoint to retreive system information
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Allow assigning tasks without expanding the edition box
asselinnelsnelson, you can override the server sync used by the script by export NTP_SERVER=<your ntp server>17:54
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mtreinishjeblair: I'm going to go find some food, I'll bbiab17:54
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pleia2zaro: I did it!
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nelsnelsonasselin, I did setup ntp and synced the server time.  However, it did not adjust the log file times for devstacklog.txt.17:57
nelsnelsonThat log continued to log in UTC.17:57
asselinnelsnelson, yes, but at least you can sync it manually to your timezone17:57
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krotscheckSo, for some reason a patch of mine didn’t clear the CR bugs - likely because it was a rebase that removed a bunch of files, but didn’t change any file content. Does anyone know of a ‘clean’ way of removing those?17:57
nelsnelsonFurthermore, it did not get rid of that weird ntp.conf error at the top.17:57
nelsnelsonI did sync the server manually to my timezone.17:58
krotscheckOther than a whitespace change?17:58
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nelsnelsonBut it did not change the timestamps in the devstacklog.txt file17:58
nelsnelsonNor did it correct the error at the top of that output for the execution.17:58
asselinnelsnelson, then I think you can ignore the error. If ntp is steup, then the UTC timestamps will be accurate.17:59
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added application cache
krotscheckEhn, n/m. I’ll just change the comment.17:59
nelsnelsonThey're accurate, yes.  But very confusing when trying to pin down exactly when an error is occurring.17:59
nelsnelsonEspecially across multiple runs.17:59
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nelsnelsonBut apparently, once a run is borked, I need to start over from scratch from a fresh VM?18:00
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Plugins may now register cron workers.
pleia2zaro: one last question, does the issue tracker auto-update with the patch link, or is that a manual thing? (I noticed your bug had a link)18:00
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nelsnelsonWhich of course, tacks another 5 minutes or so onto my iteration on this stuff.18:00
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zaropleia2: manual, it's not very well integrated at all.18:01
pleia2zaro: thanks :)18:01
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asselinnelsnelson, UTC is convenient so anyone can look at the logs from their own timezone.18:04
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nelsnelsonis there a flag I can pass to less that automatically converts those time stamps?18:04
asselinnelsnelson, you can manually run devstack on your vm. what is at the end of the devstack.log file?18:04
asselinnelsnelson, I don't know18:05
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nelsnelsonasselin, well, I rekicked the vm, so I can't tell you what used to be at the end of the devstack.log file, at this point.18:05
mordrednelsnelson: most of the tools we have around here, like devstack-gate, assume single-use slaves - so there's very little work to do things like handle re-running18:06
nelsnelsonasselin, are you talking about a devstack.log from a manual run of devstack?  Or are you talking about some file called "devstack.log" which contains output from the script
asselinnelsnelson, eventually calls
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jeblairmtreinish: syntax error in 12706018:07
nelsnelsonunderstood, mordred, that makes sense18:08
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asselinnelsnelson, it does so here:
SergeyLukjanovsdague, re you've not responded to comment about === vs ==18:12
SergeyLukjanovsdague, the patch itself is lgtm18:12
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sdagueoh, from jhesketh's review. We can switch it to ===, semantically they aren't hugely different, and it's sort of nit level comment18:13
sdaguehis only -1 was over the regex18:13
SergeyLukjanovsdague, yeah, I understand, just to ensure that you saw the comment18:14
SergeyLukjanovsdague, I'm performing last checks and will aprove both changes18:14
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mrmartinsdague, hi may I get a review on this: ?18:19
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, done18:20
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mrmartinand SergeyLukjanov if you have two free minutes ^^^^^ plz.18:20
openstackgerritBrian Saville proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for multiple port allocations
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/system-config: only show most recent results per pipeline
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mtreinishjeblair: sigh... One sec I'll respin it18:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/system-config: fix hideci for new change screen
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fungichecking in from an airport. any emergencies which need my help?18:32
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Add subunit2sql server configuration
fungilooks like the hideci fixes got tested and approved. awesome18:34
mtreinishjeblair: ^^^ damn commas...18:34
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mrmartinfungi, flying directly to Paris?18:40
AJaegerfungi: have a good flight!18:40
mrmartinthis will be my first Summit without a jetlag. priceless18:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: fix delete job command and add tests
fungimrmartin: yeah, for a fairly absurd definition of directly which involves going hundreds of miles in the wrong direction and then sitting in another airport for a few hours18:41
fungiAJaeger: thanks!18:41
fungimrmartin: i was lucky with the atlanta summit since it was just a hour flight south of me. won't be that lucky again for a while i expect18:42
mrmartinfungi, I always used to do that, we usually don't have direct flights since to national airways bankrupted (stolen.)18:42
fungimrmartin: in some ways, so is ours18:42
pelixzaro: back, was afk for a while18:43
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pelixlooking at the other change now18:43
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openstackgerritBrian Saville proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add doxygen builder support
AJaegerfungi: I'm lucky with Paris ;)18:45
pleia2AJaeger: hey, have a few minutes to chat translations?18:45
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mordredlifeless: buttons18:47
lifelessmordred: see #openstack-qa18:47
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mordredmrmartin: I'm in paris early, so I should be over the jetlag by summit time. fingers crossed18:47
mrmartin:) next summer you could do a Budapest trip :)18:48
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mrmartinjust +one and half our of flight from there18:48
mtreinishhmm: I wonder what I'm doing wrong18:50
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: New search parameters.
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mordredsdague, jeblair, clarkb, fungi, SergeyLukjanov: brainstorm time - if lifeless were about to cut a release of unittest2 upstream, which testtools depends on, which ALL of our unittests use18:52
mordredhow would we test that before he does?18:52
mordredcause, you know, it seems like the type of thing that could completely break the world18:53
lifelessright now testools doesn't depend on it, but we co-install them always to get discover functionality from subunit.run18:53
AJaegerpleia2: yeah18:53
mordredlifeless: we do?18:53
mordredlifeless: what depends on it?18:53
mtreinishmordred: maybe you could push up a devstack-gate or devstack patch that pulls it from source18:53
lifelessmordred: 2.6 doesn't have discover built-in18:53
openstackgerritSahdev Zala proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Rename the heat-translator project repo
lifelessmordred: we may be stopping as we stop testing 2.618:53
mordredmtreinish: we don't run unittests in devstack though18:53
lifelesstempest is unittest built18:54
mordredlifeless: oh - so does testtools install unittest2 only on 2.6?18:54
mtreinishmordred: it get's used if py26 is there18:54
pleia2AJaeger: so we have a translations tools session on the schedule for Infra, I'd like to sketch out some of what we need from 1) the rest of infra 2) the rest of the translators, figure we can put it in our existing pad:
mtreinishso I guess on centos18:54
lifelessmordred: testtools doesn't yet pull it in.18:54
lifelessmordred: next release of testtools does. The current pull-in is done by openstack glue18:54
mordredthen I'm going to disagree with you18:54
lifelessmordred: not sure where the glue is18:54
mordrednova does not install it18:54
mordredat least, it does not declare that it does18:54
mordredmaybe oslo test?18:55
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mtreinishmordred: it's used in tempest if run with py26 (which we don't support :) )18:55
lifelessgrep unittest2 ../openstack -r | grep requirements18:56
lifelesssahara, sahara-dashboard and tuskar today explicitly specify it18:56
mordredk. but most of the rest of openstack does not18:56
fungimordred: maybe a tox.ini patch which downloads clones and preinstalls it into the venv?18:56
lifelessmordred: ../openstack-dev/devstack/tools/    install_package python-unittest2 patch18:56
AJaegerpleia2: I continue chatting using the etherpad18:56
mordredI mean, I guess what I'm saying is that VERY little of openstack will be broken if this breaks something18:57
mordredas opposed to everything18:57
mordredso that's good18:57
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lifelessI love that we're installing a file and then patching it18:58
mtreinishlifeless: oh they apply the patch to fix: in devstack18:58
mtreinishheh, that's weird18:58
pleia2AJaeger: thanks18:58
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sdaguelifeless: well... rhel refused to fix it upstream, and that's what the redhat guys proposed18:59
clarkbis it only noon?19:00
clarkbI should eat something19:00
mtreinishsdague: the patch is from an open unittest2 bug, see the link I pasted above19:00
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lifelesssdague: yeah19:01
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mtreinishit's still crazy to do it in devstack like that19:01
lifelesswe should remove the discover package19:01
lifelesswe install it everywhere19:01
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova multi host on aiopcpu tests
lifelessbut its obsolete/about to be obsoleted19:02
clarkb__afazekas: ^ I kinda want ot use that even if it doesn't fix the multi_host setup19:02
clarkb__afazekas: it makes each node have a mostly identical bridge setup19:02
mordredlifeless: then we should absolutely not install it19:02
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clarkbI need to regeneralize it htough so we shoulnd't merge it like that19:02
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sdaguemtreinish: yeh, well rhel wouldn't work right without it19:13
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sdagueit's things like that which is why I am skeptical of using rhel as a first class test platform in our system19:13
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mtreinishfungi: if you've got a sec, I need some puppet help. On the subunit2sql stuff i definied the package in init.pp, and when I'm referencing it in the server class the apply test is blowing up19:16
mtreinishI'm sure I'm just doing something stupid, but if you've got any suggestions19:16
fungimtreinish: saw your link... lookingnow19:16
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova multi host on aiopcpu tests
fungimtreinish: got a link for the review that log came from? we apparently don't echo it in that job19:19
fungimtreinish: heh, yep, just found openstackgerrit mentioning it in scrollback19:20
reedmordred, do you have two accounts in gerrit? which one do you use most?19:21
mordredreed: - I created the one a while ago to test signup process ... and never got aroudn to killing it19:21
reedmordred, I guessed right :)19:22
mordredfungi: if you're ever deleting things from gerrit db and feel like deleting I would not be opposed19:22
krotscheckSo, I have a bug in storyboard prod which I fixed with unit tests, so the review’s a bit meaty. Anyone able to take a look?
krotscheckIt was one of those “Well, why don’t I write tests on how this thing SHOULD work, and oh crap I just reimplemented this didn’t I"19:23
fungimtreinish: commented inline19:24
fungimordred: i can mark it inactive an it should cease being available in text completion19:25
mtreinishfungi: do I still need that, since I put it in the parent patch's init.pp:
reedI added the wrong person to a review: how can I remove him?19:26
clarkbreed: there should be a little x next to the name19:27
clarkbjust click that19:27
reedclarkb, that's what I remembered... can't see it19:27
reed wrong sergey19:27
fungimordred: i just marked 12706 ( inactive in gerrit. it did not seem to have been used19:28
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mordredfungi: nope. never was19:29
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SergeyLukjanovreed, in the new screen view there is a "X" button near the names19:30
__afazekasclarkb: we do not have STP19:30
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SergeyLukjanovreed, I've replaced with me19:30
reedSergeyLukjanov, thanks, you were the Sergey I wanted to add :)19:30
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reedI'm emailing you all with a bit more background on that document19:30
reedi've added to the review all PTLs and the TC19:31
clarkbafazekas: do we need it? /me is looking for loops on the paper he drew on19:31
afazekasclarkb: I am not sure is it wise to connect each bridge with each other , it does not makes any difference with 2 node, but it does with 2+19:31
fungimtreinish: possible that it's installing those classes separately or in the wrong order19:31
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fungimtreinish: i don't think package resource names are scoped...19:31
clarkbafazekas: I don't think we have any loops19:32
clarkbafazekas: we are spoked19:32
clarkbafazekas: I could be completely wrong though :)19:32
mordredreed: I LOVE THAT YOU JUST SUBMITTED LaTeX code19:32
mordredreed: don't kill me - there are a bunch of trailing spaces in that patch ...19:32
* mordred hides19:32
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reedI'm writing you all :)19:33
reedadding a new item to the 'known issues' :)19:33
mordredjeblair: can we please start producing and publishing more LaTeX?19:33
clarkbafazekas: I think as long as the primary node is the only place we bridge >1 gretap device then we are ok19:33
mordredannegentle: ^^19:33
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clarkbafazekas: this means we have a spof and isn't how you would normally set up your bridges ut for testing I think it is ok19:33
mtreinishfungi: hmm, ok. So any suggestions on how to resolve. Just add a requires to the exec?19:34
fungimtreinish: oh, i wonder if the subunit2sql::server class is getting instantiated directly without the init for the module being included19:34
clarkbafazekas: if however every node's gre_br had all the gretap_X devices on it then ya we would need stp19:34
clarkb(and it isn't required ot have all we just need some greater set that turns the spoke into some loops)19:34
fungiclarkb: ^ does puppet not automatically include the module's init class if you instantiate another class from it?19:34
clarkbfungi: if you do subunit2sql::server and not subunit2sql you will not get init.pp19:35
fungimtreinish: ^ aha19:35
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mtreinishfungi: ah ok, so I'll add a include subunit2sql to logstash.pp19:36
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova multi host on aiopcpu tests
openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Expose jenkins_ssh_public_key parameter in openstack_project::jenkins
clarkbfungi: you may want to double check my assertions about loops in 131604 at some point19:37
clarkbfungi: but no rush (I don't think it even works yet19:37
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fungimtreinish: yep, marked the same inline19:37
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fungiclarkb: i'll need a whiteboard (or a bigger emacs)19:38
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clarkbI have a blank sheet of paper that I have scribbled all over. Basically primary node has a bridge that is "hub" for all of the sub node spokes19:38
fungiclarkb: but if you're asking about ethernet topology loops, then with only two nodes and one link between them, unlikely19:38
clarkbfor subnodes to talk to each other they must go through the primary node "hub"19:39
clarkbfungi: ya right now in a 2 node config its fine19:39
fungiclarkb: also, linuxbridge can have stp enabled19:39
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clarkbbut in >2 we introduce at least one new link but I think as long as we only do one "upstream" link per subnode to the primary node we are good19:39
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/system-config: Add subunit2sql server configuration
fungino idea if nova/devstack has support to do that directly (yet) but the driver does19:39
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clarkbfungi: oh well we are creating these bridges19:39
clarkbso we can enable stp if we need it then19:39
fungiahh, yep, anyway if it's needed it's all of a couple of parameters in the cli or a line in the interface config19:40
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afazekasclarkb: why do you configure ip addresses for the NICs here?19:41
fungiand if it truly is a star/hub+spoke topology then shouldn't matter anyway (but stp is hardly ever a poor choice on switch-to-switch links)19:41
clarkbafazekas: I think that will fix tempest in multi_host= true19:41
clarkbafazekas: without IPs on a network with the floating range tempest does not know how to get to floating IPs hosted on the subnode19:41
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clarkbafazekas: because there is no route for the tempest packets use the default route which is out eth019:42
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clarkbif we slap those addresses on pub_if I believe it will set up the route to go via pub_if19:42
clarkbwith a source of the address I set (172.24.5.x)19:42
afazekasclarkb: what about adding a route rule ?19:42
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clarkbafazekas: we could do that too but then the source address will be something like 10.1.0x right? which would be asymetric routing19:43
clarkband I hate asymetric routing19:43
clarkb(but I am open to refining this, it is still all very hackish)19:43
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sdaguedid something go wrong with puppet deploy of hideci?19:44
clarkbsdague: it requires a gerrit restart iirc19:44
sdagueit looks like after SergeyLukjanov approved it, it's now 40419:45
clarkbfungi: ^ seen that before?19:45
SergeyLukjanovI'm looking on it too19:45
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, clarkb, due to the puppetboard hidejs was successfully updated19:47
sdagueyeh, so if you hit the file directly, it seems fine19:47
sdague - 40419:48
sdague there19:48
fungiclarkb: SergeyLukjanov: sdague: i thought jhesketh had determined that doing a touch on that file to update its timestamp got gerrit to reload it, and then he added puppet to do that on subscribe/notify or something19:48
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, I've already "touched" it19:49
fungiahh, no, that was GerritSiteHeader.html anyway19:49
* fungi curses his failing memory19:49
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fungiperhaps it's caching it? i wonder if flush-caches affects that at all19:50
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Enable nova multi host on aiopcpu tests
fungiflushed. any better now?19:51
SergeyLukjanovfungi, nope atm19:51
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fungii wonder how we managed to get the previous changes to take effect19:53
lifeless-> doctor and stuff19:53
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fungiwelp, i have to stop troubleshooting for a bit... boarding a plane now19:54
afazekasclarkb: can we give to the tempest node ?19:54
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fungiback soon if i have in-flight wifi, otherwise not until i get to the next airport in a few hours19:54
clarkbafazekas: maybe? do we have to change the floating range if we do that?19:54
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openstackgerritBrian Saville proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add doxygen builder support
afazekasclarkb: if it is not reserved by default, yes19:55
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openstackgerritBrian Saville proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for multiple port allocations
clarkbafazekas: also I tried just adding and to pub_if as is in your change and it would not respond to who has arp requests19:57
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clarkbafazekas: I think because pub_if sits between the two bridge (pub_if_br and br100)19:57
clarkbwhich is what first started my changes on the bridge stuff I needed a pub_if that wasn't in a bridge directly19:58
clarkbafazekas: in any case I think we should move forward with your change and multi_host = false19:58
clarkbafazekas: then refine and figure out if multi_host = true is doable in a not insane way19:58
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: DB Migration config read
afazekasThere several systl options about how aggressive is the arp response (by default it usually response very frequently)19:59
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mtreinishfungi: yep, adding the include made it pass the apply job20:00
clarkbafazekas: the issue was it didn't respond at all20:01
clarkbI had tcpdumps on every single interface and if you take the pub_if on the primary node after it does your change and add to it and have the subnode ping that it will never arp20:01
afazekasiptables ?20:01
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clarkbI set everything to be wide open (at least I though, basically INPUT, OUTPUT and FORWARD rules that allow to anywhere and anywhere to
clarkbbut its possible I missed something20:02
afazekaswe also have ebtables, but I would be surprised if it would cause the issue..20:04
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clarkbafazekas: part of the motivation for doing it this way for multihost is all the docs I can see say put fixed ips on an "internal" network and floating ips on your normal interface. So this gives us two interfaces that match docs (though both networks are bridged teogher which may or may not be a problem)20:07
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clarkbI just want to see if I can get it to work at all :)20:07
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: anything I can do to help with the js stuff?20:08
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add puppet-jenkins as split out module
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add private ip to /etc/nodepool
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clarkbwoot my multi_host change is down to only two failing tests20:27
clarkbboth related to volumes (snapshot test and boot from volume test)20:27
clarkbI am going to guess that cinder needs to be taught to get on the network20:28
clarkbbut this is progress20:28
clarkbafazekas: ^20:28
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mtreinishclarkb: awesome20:28
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clarkbjogo: ^20:29
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openstackgerritSahdev Zala proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Rename the heat-translator project repo
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openstackgerritSahdev Zala proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Rename the heat-translator project repo
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, after updating hideci.js in gerrit (changes approved) it's 404
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jgriffithclarkb: that's great!20:38
jgriffithclarkb: check that provider_location debug statement I put in and make sure you can ping it from compute node20:39
jgriffithshould be EZ/PZ after that :)20:39
jogoclarkb: nice, very exciting20:39
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jgriffithclarkb: suspect it's the iscsi_ip_address setting20:40
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clarkbjgriffith: thank you20:43
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jaypipesclarkb: did we revert the change to the Gerrit UI that lists the CI systems separately?20:44
clarkbwe broke it somehow20:44
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clarkbsergey is/was debugging20:44
jaypipesclarkb: ok, no worries. was just curious.20:44
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, the hideci.js isn't asseccible with hash (
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, but by direct url it's ok20:45
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, any ideas?20:45
clarkbya I think we need to restart gerrit20:45
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, yeah, sounds like this20:45
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clarkbI am being dragged to lunch. I can restart it later20:49
clarkbor you can do it20:49
clarkbjust stop then start the gerrit service20:50
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, do we need to send an announce to the openstack-dev for it?20:51
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: nope; you could "#status notice restarting gerrit" or something if you want20:52
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, okay20:52
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SergeyLukjanovlike #status notice Restarting gerrit to get fixed CI javascript20:53
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: yep20:54
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jeblairi assume that was a question :)  (start the line with #status to actually execute)20:54
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, yup, it was a question, I'm not so ill yet :)20:55
SergeyLukjanov#status notice Restarting gerrit to get fixed CI javascript20:56
openstackstatusSergeyLukjanov: sending notice20:56
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Restarting gerrit to get fixed CI javascript20:57
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openstackstatusSergeyLukjanov: finished sending notice20:58
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: setup for executing and debugging in eclipse
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, fungi, clarkb, sdague, I've restarted gerrit and it looks like everything was fixed and working21:00
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: yay21:00
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fungiback now. glad to see it's resolved. i guess we should hold further hideci patches for maintenance windows21:01
SergeyLukjanovsdague, I like the new "(N rechecks)" info21:01
sdagueyeh, good to know that can't be a live update21:01
SergeyLukjanovfungi, yeah, I've been thinking that it could be applied w/o restarting gerrit21:02
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jeblairi thought someone worked out how the hash codes work and how to do a live update...21:02
SergeyLukjanovfungi, or at least apply changes in batches on weekdays for example21:02
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, the file "touch" has been added for some other file21:02
jeblairlike if you touch the header file, it recalculates the hash21:03
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I've tried it for hideci.js and it doesn't help21:03
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: yeah, that's what i was thinking of.  did that get implemented but just not work this time?21:03
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, it was implemented only for header21:03
fungijeblair: it was GerritSiteHeader.html we saw it work on21:03
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I've tried to do it manually for hideci.js but no result21:03
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: did you touch GerritSiteHeader.html today?21:04
fungioh, wait, touching GerritSiteHeader.html is what causes hideci.js to get updated?21:04
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, nope, I've touched hideci.js21:05
jeblairfungi: that's what i thought i read that someone wrote21:05
SergeyLukjanovfungi, the same q. :)21:05
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fungii guess i had it in my head that was only for changes to the GerritSiteHeader.html file21:05
SergeyLukjanovfungi, +121:05
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jeblairfungi: i have it in my head that the person who explored that said that it caused gerrit to recalculate the hash for all the deps21:05
fungibut now that you mention it, we did that for a js update which didn't take21:05
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fungiso yeah, that rings a bell21:06
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asselinI have  this error on my nodepool image-builds. anyone seen it before?21:07
asselinNo distributions at all found for py>=1.4.17 (from tox21:07
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ianwclarkb / jeblair: what do we have to do to deploy ... hpcloud centos7 builds are still failing21:08
fungiasselin: is it trying to install py>=1.4.17 from or some mirror?21:08
asselinfungi, I'm using a mirror21:08
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fungiasselin: is it present on your mirror?21:08
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asselinfungi, no, it's not! :/21:10
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fungisounds like you found the problem21:10
asselinnot sure why. image builds were working this morning...21:11
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fungiasselin: it's possible some project started depending on that (possibly transitively) since then21:12
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fungiianw: it merged before today's image updates would have fired, but perhaps something else is wrong... seeing if i can tell over this laggy connection21:13
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asselinfungi, any reason why when you set a mirror, pip doesn't try the non-mirror if the mirror doesn't have it?21:14
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fungiasselin: depends on whether you configure it as your only index or an extra index21:14
ianwfungi: thanks, it seems like the script hasn't deployed? the centos7 builds are just looping around over and over21:14
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ianwfungi: i'm trying to see where we grab the latest scripts, it doesn't seem to be in nodepool puppet...21:15
asselinfungi, which one should I use? I have pypi as an extra index now21:15
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fungiasselin: oh, also possible you ran into a network connection hitting after not finding the package on your mirror. that can also cause the error21:17
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ianwfungi: ahh, i guess cloned by modules/project_config/manifests/init.pp21:17
afazekas I wonder would't be better to specify the the full mirror url in env-var, instead of expected all pypi mirror is under openstack.org21:18
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fungiianw: we puppet-manage /etc/nodepool/scripts on nodepool.o.o but it hasn't updated with that change. checking it out21:18
fungiianw: nodepool.o.o hasn't run a puppet update for more than a day21:19
mtreinishjeblair, fungi, clarkb: I think the subunit2sql patches are ready now, fixed them up w/ clarkb's suggestions and it's passing everything now21:19
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fungiianw: clarkb: "Skipping run of Puppet configuration client; administratively disabled"21:19
fungiclarkb: are you okay with me reenabling puppet on nodepool.o.o now?21:20
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ianwfungi: thanks ... that explains a lot :)21:21
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Allow to use custom mirror
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clarkbfungi yup go for it21:36
fungiclarkb: thanks! reenabled now. ianw: keep an eye on puppetboard but i expect it to update there in about 10 minutes21:37
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: add test for
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ianwfungi: great, thanks.  i'm afk for about an hour helping out in kindergarten reading groups, i'll check it out.  probably one of the only things that makes nodepool image creation & deployment seem sane in comparison :)21:41
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ZZelleclarkb, fungi, hi21:53
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fungilanding now... bbl21:58
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jogoclarkb: so talked to PhilD about
jogoclarkb: and its not on HP public cloud yet22:29
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jogoclarkb: would getting that landed have a big impact? if so there may be a way22:30
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clarkbjogo: the impact would be we would stop leaking floating ips22:55
clarkbarosen's nodepool patch seemed to slow it down a bit but we definitely do leak still22:55
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jogoclarkb: hmm ok that should be enough info22:58
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clarkbjgriffith: "Set provider_location to:,1" that is on eth0 but flat_interface is flat_if and public_interface is pub_if for nova22:58
clarkbjgriffith: should provider_location be on the same network as nova's flat_interface?22:59
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clarkbhrm it actually looks like things failed due to ssh timeouts again23:00
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clarkbso maybe I haven't quite fixed tempest's ability to ssh to the nodes /me tries spinnig up a node outside of tempest23:00
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jogotop gate failure is
jogogit.o.o fail23:05
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ianwjogo: yeah, my CI has been pretty unstable getting through to git.o.o as well23:36
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clarkbits nova's fault >_>23:37
clarkbbut I think we need to maybe add more nodes. it is probably worth looking at updating to newer operating system fornewer git too23:38
clarkbbut we are running into memory pressure doing git ops on the mirror nodes23:38
mordredclarkb: oh - we can go to centos7 now23:38
clarkband nova appeas to be the bad repo23:38
mordredbad. bad repo23:40
* mordred wags finger at nova repo23:40
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ianwmordred: i think moving to centos7 will be quite the exercise in puppet-wrangling23:42
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* ianw got into postgresql and gave up, let alone mysql v maria etc23:43
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clarkbianw: we only need selinux and apache to work23:43
clarkbeverything else is basic ifle manipulation23:43
mordredso - honestly - I know this is a hackneyed meme - but I just realized - if git works via afs AT ALL23:44
mordredthen it means we don't need the git server process on the git farm to scale23:44
mordredbecause each node would be running basic file manipulations23:44
clarkbmordred: except that file listings don't work23:44
mordredfile listings work fine23:44
mordredthe pypi mirror file listing happened to be a directory with close to 64k listings23:45
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clarkbgit is good at that too :)23:45
mordredsure - but git is not good at scaling that because it needs a server process23:45
clarkbno I mean git repos with thousnands of dir ents is not uncommon23:46
clarkbwe currently pack things constantly to avoid it as best we can23:46
mordredso the question is - which is more efficient - git over AFS with each git process doing the file thigns but over an AFS network location, or a git farm with a bunch of server proceses23:46
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clarkbmordred: considering that you can't really get away with not having http(s) served git repos it may be more of a question of do we need both things23:47
clarkbalso this nova networking crap is really annoying23:47
mordredI totally agre23:47
mordredwith both things :)23:47
clarkbI still cannot hit floating ip of VM on subnode from the primary node23:47
clarkbI do now have working arp though23:48
clarkbso that is progress23:48
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clarkbbut my icmp echo requests are dying between gretap_1 and gre_br23:50
clarkbtcpdump shows them just disappear23:51
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clarkbguessing iptables is ruining something somewhere23:51
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clarkbI blame nat23:53
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ianwclarkb: i spent about a week once chasing down intermittent connection issues, through gre tunnels, down into ovs flows, tcpdump running in god knows how many different name-spaces etc.  turned out to be two neutron-agents running at the same time.  both consumed incoming messages, and *occasionally* they would interleave and totally screw up the flow routing23:58
ianwi'm actually more surprised when packets manage to get out, rather than expecting anything to work :)23:59
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