Monday, 2014-09-29

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AJaegerfungi, seems you woke up the meetbot ;)12:41
fungiprocess died... may have not started cleanly when eavesdrop was rebooted12:42
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AJaegernothing really serious - timing was good12:43
fungiits upstart config is set for start on (local-filesystem and net-device-up)12:44
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openstackgerritJordan Pittier proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 gate job to stackforge/ospurge
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fungibut i see no mention of it being started in /var/log/boot.log on the server12:45
openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: XenServer: Add back
openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: XenServer: Do not use serial console
openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: XenServer: Increase vCPUs for domU
openstackgerritMate Lakat proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: XenServer: Use trusty appliance
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AJaegerfungi, I started ordering the layout.yaml file and wrote even a check for it see the patches starting at . Is that something to add?12:48
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sdaguefungi: so is logstash just crashed now?12:54
andreafsdague: ping - can I ask you a question about d-g and the feature matrix12:56
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sdagueandreaf: sure12:59
andreafsdague: so if I read the code right, we are always running the d-g wrap script from master, but the rest is taken from ZUUL_BRANCH13:00
andreafsdague, so the non-wrap d-g script and feature matrix13:00
andreafsdague, so what confuses me is that we have the feature matrix, which defines which branches are allowed, in a place which uses branches13:01
andreafsdague so if I have a new branch, do I configure it on master? or only in the new branch itself?13:02
sdagued-g doesn't have branches13:03
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andreafsdague, oh, ok13:04
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andreafsdague, so what is the use case for the SKIP D-G SETUP env variable13:05
notmynamethis weekend I tagged python-swiftclient 2.3.1 but it didn't get pushed to pypi (I guessing because of the rackspace reboot the world). can someone please re-tickle the job to push it?13:06
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andreafsdague anyways, when a new branch is setup, master branch of d-g has to be updated, as well as all the .gitreview files in the various repo and a number of filters and so in layout.yaml - is there some tool that helps doing that, or is it done manually by release managers?13:09
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openstackgerritJordan Pittier proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add pep8 gate job to stackforge/ospurge
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fixed word wrap in search results header
sdagueandreaf: it's manual13:12
andreafsdague: ok :( too bad. so this also mean that devstack-gate must always run the dsvm jobs for all supported branches13:14
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: List result tweaks
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sdagueandreaf: yep, that's the way it's been for a while13:16
andreafsdague: ok thanks - slowly, but I'm getting there (understand infra)13:17
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anteayaAJaeger: hey, can you fill me in on what was happening with this patch?
AJaegeranteaya, good morning!13:21
anteayait was the only commit merged besides yours since the repo was created and I'm curious to know why the rush?13:21
anteayaI didn't even get a chance to look at it13:21
anteayaand good morning13:21
sdaguefungi: - I redid dstuft's patch as a revert of mordred's original one for accounting reasons13:22
AJaegeranteaya, not really - that one puzzled me also a bit. fungi approved it and I think there was some discussion on IRC13:22
sdagueif you wanted to +A, tests are back now13:22
anteayafungi: when you get a moment can you fill me in on why 124269 was merged so quickly13:22
anteayajhesketh had a question on it that I never saw an response to13:23
AJaegeranteaya, I started ordering the layout.yaml file and wrote even a check for it see the patches starting at . I'd like you to review this and get feedback on how to continue13:23
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anteayaAJaeger: yes, I see, awesome work13:23
anteayacooking breakfast and getting my bearings, I will review13:23
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AJaegeranteaya, enjoy breakfast first ;)13:24
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sdaguefungi: the giant rax reboot seems to have a good job cleaning out all our dead delete nodes :)13:29
sdaguemaybe they should do that more often13:29
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fungisdague: heh, yes13:31
fungiclear out the cobwebs13:31
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fungisdague: i'm going to start fumbling around with elasticsearch here shortly... iirc it needs some sort of boot order orchestration13:32
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omrimHi, I would like to create an agent that support SRIOV by adjust the nova + ml2 conf files13:39
omrimI would like to do it with Q_AGENT13:39
omrimIs there any procedure to create such an agent?13:39
fungiomrim: you may be asking in the wrong channel, as i have no idea what your question means13:40
omrimfungi: Do you familiar with Q_AGENT?13:41
fungiomrim: if your question is about the developer community infrastructure servers (wiki, lists, ci, et cetera) then this is the channel in which to ask it13:41
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AJaegeromrim, see for channels and their topics13:42
hasharfungi: do you have some kind of a "staff" page for the infra team?13:42
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omrimfungi: This question related to infrastructure development + documentation13:42
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AJaegeromrim, then fungi and myself are not getting your problem13:43
fungiomrim: when you say "infrastructure" what do you mean exactly?13:43
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omrimfungi: The infrastructure of creating devstack13:44
fungiomrim: devstack questions might be more easily addressed in #openstack-qa13:44
anteayahashar: there is no staff page13:44
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anteayahashar: who were you looking for?13:44
fungiomrim: openstack development questions are best put forth in #openstack-dev13:44
fungiomrim: #openstack-infra is where we discuss, troubleshoot and coordinate improveemnts to the community infrastructure servers/services13:45
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hasharanteaya: was wondering how many folks infra had, from which companies and their area of expertise :]  But don't bother, I can live without such a list!13:46
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anteayahashar: 6 core, foundation, 3 from hp, mirantis, rackspace13:47
omrimfungi: That's excellently what I wish to do...I want to improve the openstack infrastructure by adding a support for SRIOV :)13:47
anteayahashar: besides specializing in infra I don't know what else to say unless you had a specific question13:47
fungiomrim: i think you're assuming infrastructure means something other than it does in this context13:47
omrimfungi: Thanks..I will try also in another IRC rooms13:48
fungiomrim: if you want to talk about one or more of the components of "openstack software" then that's not this channel. this is where we manage things like the web sites, the wiki, the mailing list server, et cetera13:49
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add Kolla Project
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fungihashar: part of the complication of building a list of openstack infrastructure team members is that we're an open and aggressively inclusive group. aside from the core reviewers and root sysadmins, the extended list is "anyone who is interested in and contributes to our community infrastructure"13:52
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fungihashar: i think the governance-oriented definition would be "anyone who has contributed patches to projects within the infrastructure program as listed at
fungie.g. active technical contributors who get to vote in the infrastructure ptl election (if there had been more than one candidate)13:55
fungibut that's just one of many potential definitions for the infrastructure team13:55
hasharanteaya: fungi: I was more or less wondering about the core reviewers / root. Since that is six people all together13:56
AJaegerhashar, so this list:
hashardefinitely great to see a lot more are involved by providing patches to openstack-infra13:56
hashar(myself included hehe)13:56
fungiAJaeger: ahh, yep. in that case we have a couple from the foundation, a couple from hp, and one each from rackspace and mirantis13:56
erwfungi: did the rax reboots cause the “no tests ran over the weekend” problem I”m seeing in logstash?13:57
erw(or at least, no tests were reported in log stash problem)13:57
AJaegerfungi, stackalytics says 318 contributors from 55 companies ;)13:57
fungierw: they caused logstash (well, more properly elasticsearch) to stop working correctly. i'm troubleshooting now13:57
erwfungi: er, right. Thanks13:58
fungierw: tests definitely ran over the weekend13:58
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Shrewsfungi: is review.o.o being worked on this morning, or should i suspect this car shop's wifi?14:00
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anteayaAJaeger: I'd argue for the reviews list personally:
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AJaegeranteaya, yeah, if you exclude people with single reviews or so...14:03
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yfriedjogo: ping14:18
yfriedI'm looking to push a change for the gate of large-ops but I can't find what repo to clone.14:19
yfriedanteaya: ^?14:19
AJaegeryfried, the new project-config repo14:19
yfriedAJaeger: ok. I have it. were should I look?14:20
anteayaAJaeger: help me with something, this patch:
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AJaegeryfried, in zuul/layout.yaml and jenkins/jobs/*14:21
anteayaAJaeger: it uses jenkins jobs from the tripleo.yaml file but the jenkins/projects.yaml file doesn't specify that it has knowledge of the tripleo jobs for horizon14:21
anteayaAJaeger: does it need to?14:21
yfriedAJaeger: tnx. and if i wanted to change tempest.conf values?14:21
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AJaegeranteaya, defined in jenkins/jobs/tripleo.yaml defined as normal jobs - so they can be used with any project14:22
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anteayaAJaeger: kk thanks14:22
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* AJaeger is on a call now, will be back later...14:23
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yfriedanteaya: AJaeger: how do I change tempest conf values on the gate? I'm looking to extend tenant_network_cidr in large_ops gates14:35
fungisdague: erw: clarkb (when you wake up): restarting kibana seems to have reconnected elasticsearch for querying purposes (i rebooted the logstash.o.o server for good measure rather than play whack-a-mole guessing which various services merited restarting)14:35
fungiShrews: it should be working fine... i haven't heard any other complaints14:36
sdaguefungi: coo14:36
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Shrewsfungi: yeah, i switched to my cell phone for a hotspot14:36
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yfriedfungi: ^?14:36
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mmagrGreetings, would somebody be so kind and check please?14:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373803 in openstack-ci "Initial Gerrit group member" [Undecided,New]14:38
fungiyfried: the large-ops job template is configured at
fungimmagr: i have a stack of those i'm going to try and work through here shortly14:38
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mmagrfungi, thanks a lot14:38
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yfriedfungi: I found that. but I don't know how to change tempest.conf value from there14:39
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: add support for filtering changes in zuul webapp
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: add support for filtering changes in zuul webapp
AJaegeranteaya, sorry can't help much with tempest14:40
fungiyfried: oh... possibly either in openstack-infra/devstack-gate or openstack-dev/devstack14:41
fungilooking to find out now14:41
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fungiyfried: you probably need to add a knob for it around
erwhow do I create a branch on a stackforge project?14:44
anteayaAJaeger: yeah, me either14:44
fungiyfried: and then plumb it in from around
anteayaerw: have you permissions to create branches in your acl file for you project?14:45
anteayaerw: which project is it?14:45
erwanteaya: nova-docker14:45
* anteaya looks14:45
erwyes, I know the file14:46
anteayaI don't see permissions to create a branch14:46
yfriedfungi: tnx14:46
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erwanteaya: I add a refs/tags section and add a release group?14:47
anteayaerw: I'm checking14:47
erw(like compass.config, for instance)14:47
anteayaand no, tags allows you to push tags, not create a branch14:47
erwer, right.14:48
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erw(I just need two: stable/icehouse and stable/juno)14:49
anteayain that case then, you want [access "refs/heads/stable/*"]14:50
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Remove oslotest cross-project unit test jobs
erwthanks :)14:50
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Fix up tests after repo reorganization
anteayaerw: here is one in action:
anteayaerw: start by offering a patch using that as a template and we will refine from there14:51
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* anteaya is afk for about 30 minutes14:53
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openstackgerritEric Windisch proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Allow access to nova-docker stable branches
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krotscheckStoryBoard meeting in #openstack-meeting15:00
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yfriedfungi: tnx. now I need to know how to change neutron and nova conf value (unlimited quotas)15:04
yfriedfungi: any ideas?15:04
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fungiyfried: i believe devstack has to do that15:05
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yfriedfungi: any way to flag all 3 patches under the same "branch" in gerrit? i don't have a bug for it, just a test I'm trying to push15:08
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: bring the sanity: convert to handlebars.js
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: collapse graph area if there are no fails
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: update web pages to support additional date info
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add support for computing relevant dates
fungiyfried: you can use a common topic for them15:09
yfriedfungi: how do I do that?15:09
fungiyfried: git review -t topicname15:10
fungiyfried: then a gerrit query for open changes using that topic but without specifying a project will return them together15:10
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openstackgerritYair Fried proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Adds tenant_network_conf to tempest.conf
openstackgerritYair Fried proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Adds tenant_network_conf to tempest.conf
fungithat shows your three patches to the different projects15:15
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openstackgerritAlexander Kislitsky proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Fuel-stats repo for Fuel
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anteayadavid-lyle: could you weigh in on this patch? it adds tripleo tests to horizon's experimental queue:
anteayadavid-lyle: I'd like to at least ensure you are aware of the change before it merges15:23
anteayawell horizon's experimental-tripleo queue15:24
david-lyleanteaya looking15:24
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anteayadavid-lyle: thanks15:25
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david-lyleanteaya I'm not sure I fully understand the implications15:29
david-lyleThis will run when exactly?15:29
anteayawhen someone runs check experimental on a horizon patch15:30
anteayait won't run on horizon's check, gate, or post jobs15:31
anteayasomeone has to explictly call the job to run using `check experimental`15:31
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anteayadavid-lyle: but it would be good for you and ianw to at least have an understanding about why these jobs are proposed to horizon15:32
david-lyleanteaya ok we're not running anything currently with that, but yeah this is news to me15:32
anteayadavid-lyle: okay great, so -1 the patch until ianw has had a chat with you15:33
derekhanteaya: david-lyle I propsed that last week after a horizon regression broke tripleo, the fix was quickly proposed but I couldn't test it with CI, in furture if this merges I will be able to by running "check experimental"15:33
anteayaI like folks to know what jobs are on their projects15:34
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derekhanteaya: david-lyle this is the same thing we have for most to the other tripleo projects15:34
anteayaah sorry, derekh's patch, not ianw's15:34
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david-lyleanteaya me too15:34
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david-lylederekh I don't think your patch is problematic and the reasoning is sound15:35
david-lylebut I agree with anteaya that it's helpful to have me aware of it15:36
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derekhdavid-lyle: ya, it shouldn't add any hurdles to merging horizon patches , it will just enable tripleo to test them if needed, sorry I should have run it by you first15:36
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derekhdavid-lyle: for reference this is the bug the occured last week
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373430 in horizon "Error while compressing files" [Critical,Fix committed]15:37
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david-lylederekh no worries. I agree it will be nice to have a better way to check patches in the tripleO case15:38
anteayastevemar: might you have a moment for:
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Publish cliff and stevedore docs on
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anteayastevemar: this is me not knowing, so this approach is better, thank you, this calls a post-test-hook, where is your post test hook?15:39
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anteayastevemar: not that it matters for the patch to work but I am curious15:39
anteayadavid-lyle: thanks15:41
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Publish cliff and stevedore docs on
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david-lyleanteaya I appreciate your bringing it to my attention15:42
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anteayadavid-lyle: :D15:43
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dstufftsdague: what's the status of, do I need to do anything for it?15:46
KiallAny of the infra folks about able to delete the milestone-proposed branch on openstack/designate for myself + ttx?15:46
ttxfungi:,branches has milestone-proposed defined, and it looks like I can't remove it15:46
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: update web pages to support additional date info
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add support for computing relevant dates
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: bring the sanity: convert to handlebars.js
ttxprobably because we switched rights to proposed/*15:47
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Expanded length of storytag name.
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Maintain launchpad id's in migration and manage autoincrement.
sdaguedstufft: so actually, I proposed a new version as the revert of when we changed it before15:47
dstufftsdague: oh, is there a link to--- cool!15:48
sdaguemostly for accounting reasons15:48
stevemaranteaya, sorry! i was in a meeting :)15:48
dstufftsdague: ok, so it's just waiting on someone to +A it then?15:48
anteayastevemar: that is allowed15:48
anteayastevemar: :D15:48
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sdaguedstufft: yup15:48
stevemaranteaya, my hook is over here: :)15:48
* anteaya looks15:48
sdaguethe stable/icehouse change seems to be hitting disk image builder doing something weird15:49
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stevemaranteaya, it's not merged yet - but that job is non-voting - wanted to get that job set up, work on my OSC patch, then enable voting15:49
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anteayastevemar: your post_test_hook is a shell script, why did you choose not to add a file extension?15:49
dstufftsdague: ok cool, I want to test setuptools 7.0b1 and pip 6.0.dev1 against openstack before either is released :D15:50
stevemaranteaya, let me see if i can find a resource, but the main point is that in can python-openstackclient is packaged in debian, they don't like .sh extensions15:51
stevemaranteaya, just trying to not put us in a corner if that ever comes up15:51
anteayastevemar: that would be a reason15:51
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anteayaI would look at a reasource if you can dig one up15:51
stevemaranteaya, here's a reference:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370488 in oslotest "oslotest is installing a binary with .sh as extension" [Low,Fix committed]15:52
* anteaya looks15:52
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anteayastevemar: that will do, thanks15:53
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stevemaranteaya, official one: "the script name should not include an extension such as .sh or .pl that denotes the scripting language currently used to implement it."15:53
anteayaI will step around _why_ debian doesn't like shell scripts id'd as shell scripts15:53
fungittx: Kiall: fixing15:54
Kiallfungi: thanks :)15:54
* anteaya reads more15:54
stevemaranteaya, i wish i knew why, but it's law there :P15:54
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stevemaranteaya, oh, it's only when a script is *installed*15:55
fungittx: Kiall: i've deleted the milestone-proposed branch of openstack/designate, formerly at revision 2445db42520f828cd19255a68538fa094c6cad2b15:55
sdaguefungi: so when ES was rebooted, does that just mean we lost all that window of results?15:55
stevemarwell we're never going to install post_gate_hook...15:55
sdaguebecause we weren't stateful with logstash15:55
Kiallfungi: thank you - thats perfect.15:55
stevemaranteaya, since it'll never be installed - if you want, i can add the .sh extension15:55
sdaguealso, the logstash job queue seems.... incomplete15:55
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openstackgerritJohn Griffith proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add e-r query for bug 1373513
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373513 in cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [High,Confirmed]
anteayastevemar: I don't know what I want, information about why things were the way they were was mostly what I was after, which you have provided15:57
anteayastevemar: with my thanks15:57
fungisdague: i think so, yes15:58
stevemaranteaya, hehe, for consistency i can easily add a .sh extension :P15:58
fungisdague: also all graphs have a big gap from graphite being broken for so long, but no sure why it's not updating the logstash job queue one15:59
sdagueyeh, I expected the gap15:59
sdaguethe not coming back part was what I was concerned about15:59
anteayastevemar: well the other projects do have them, but I am not a fan of cargo culting15:59
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anteayastevemar: at least I know why you did what you did16:00
sdagueI think based on this -
sdaguelogstash is dead16:00
sdagueso I'd expect a trickle of badly parsed time records with current date time16:01
sdaguebut those stopped about 22 hrs ago16:01
fungiyeah, looks like it never indexed anything after the reboots in dfw16:01
clarkbthe workers are probably not set to start at boot16:01
sdagueI guess that would also explain the graphite output16:02
clarkbpossibly client is that way too (jeblair prefers services be less automagic like that and he redid the init stuff there to multiply workers per node16:02
sdakesay can a couple cores review the kolla add patch - we got disrupted by the repo change on projects16:03
stevemaranteaya, pushing a new patch with .sh added :) the lack of consistency was bugging me (plus i was already on that branch anyway :P)16:04
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Run a shell script instead of tox for osc functional
fungiclarkb: the logstash workers are all showing up in es-head16:04
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anteayastevemar: okay16:04
clarkbfungi you want to start jenkins-log-client on logstash.o.o and jenkins-log-worker-A B and C on the 20 worker nodes16:04
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fungioh, right, this is just the agent showing as connected16:05
clarkbfungi we split the ES comms out using an ES daemon which probably did start at boot16:05
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clarkbI wish I could be more help right now but a stomach bug is making my day interesting. however if you start those services I think it will start working16:06
anteayaclarkb: :(16:06
anteayaclarkb: rest16:07
fungilogstash-indexer is set to start once virtual-filesystems is complete, so that's the java process i'm seeing in the process list i guess16:07
clarkbfungi yup16:07
clarkbyou should see an elasticsearch process too16:07
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notmynameclarkb: I pushed a swiftclient tag for 2.3.1 this weekend, but it didn't propagate to pypi (probably because of the RAX reboot the world). can you re-tickle the job to get it moving, please?16:08
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funginotmyname: i can look into it now16:08
notmynamefungi: thanks16:09
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funginotmyname: looks like the pypi upload failed because's api was returning a 503 resource temporarily unavailable...
funginotmyname: i'll re-trigger the upload shortly16:11
dstufftwe took PyPI read-only during rebootarama16:11
dstufftbecause PyPI is a non distributed system that has been shoe horned into a distributed system and who knows what would happen if random things decided to reboot in wierd ways16:11
anteayastevemar: let's have a mention of the openstackclient patch in the commit message of teh project-config patch then I'm good16:12
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stevemaranteaya, excellent point16:13
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Run a shell script instead of tox for osc functional
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stevemaranteaya, i may or may not choose to run sudo on the tox bits.16:14
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stevemaranteaya, at least this way, the ball is in our court, and we don't have to bug infra for reviews :)16:14
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anteayastevemar: works better for both of us :D16:16
funginotmyname: you have a 2.3.1 tarball and wheel showing at now. let me know if you spot any other issues16:16
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anteayamtreinish: what is the difference between DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST and DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_FULL?
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mtreinishanteaya: TEMPEST w/o full is just the flag to say run tempest and make sure everything is setup around that16:22
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mtreinishwhile TEMPEST_FULL is the flag for the specific job16:22
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mtreinishDEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST is also used above that if block16:23
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anteayamtreinish: ah16:23
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fungiclarkb: sdague: i've manually started and double-checked all 80 of our log worker daemons now, but the graph does not seem to be updating yet16:25
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sdaguefungi: cool16:28
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pleia2good morning16:29
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anteayamorning pleia2 zaro16:31
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pleia2today is my birthday, I'm around for a couple hours to triage things but then I'm joining some visiting friends at the zoo16:32
clarkbfungi usually we run with 60 due to memory pressure but it should self regulate so no biggy16:32
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clarkbpleia happy birthday and have fun16:33
pleia2thanks :)16:33
sdaguefungi: ah, your wonka recheck hit definitely triggered build spike :)16:33
zaropleia2: happy bday!16:34
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clarkbfungi did you start the log client on logstash.o.o too?16:34
sdaguepleia2: have a gre bday16:34
anteayaderekh: so I am for the direction of templating the tripleo jobs:
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pleia2thanks guys16:34
anteayaderekh: but it is dependent on a patch that jim disagrees with the direction16:34
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anteayaderekh: would it be possible to template the tripleo jobs without having that dependency?16:34
fungiclarkb: logstash-indexer? it was already running according to upstart16:35
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anteayapleia2: happy birthday!!16:35
anteayapleia2: there are penguins at the zoo!16:35
clarkbfungi jenkins-log-client16:35
pleia2anteaya: there are! and wolverines who I haven't met yet :)16:35
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anteayapleia2: oh wolverines sound exciting16:35
clarkbfungi the daemon that translates jenkins events to gearman jobs16:35
fungiclarkb: i'm not finding its initscript or upstart job config16:35
anteayaI hope you have a great day!16:36
clarkbhrm I may have the name wrong16:36
pleia2anteaya: thanks16:36
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clarkbit should be something-client on logstash.o.o16:36
fungiclarkb: oh! on logstash.o.o. i was looking on teh worker nodes16:36
sdaguekrotscheck: your js eyes on this would be handy -
anteayapleia2: I want to see some pictures of the wolveines if you get any good ones16:36
pleia2anteaya: I'll do my best :)16:36
krotschecksdague: On it16:36
anteayapleia2: :D16:37
fungiclarkb: *now* ot16:37
fungiit's running16:37
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fungiand lines are appearing on the graph again16:38
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fungi110 jobs, 80 workers, 30 waiting16:38
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fungiclarkb: thanks!16:38
clarkbthank you16:38
anteayadhellmann: so the pycadf channel change, the ceilo folks are okay with the removal? well gordon is so I guess that will do16:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Expanded length of storytag name.
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SergeyLukjanovjhesketh, AJaeger, sorry folks, yeah, I'm still in CA (till mid Oct)16:41
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krotschecksdague: I forget, is this in the same repo as the handlebars patch?16:42
sdaguekrotscheck: nope16:42
krotschecksdague: Cool. tx16:43
sdaguethis is injected into gerrit16:43
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: np, hope CA is treating you well16:43
sdagueI'd like to get us there16:43
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pleia2fungi: nice work this weekend \o/16:43
sdaguebut right now it was mostly trying to deconstruct into smaller functions16:43
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, definetely no ;) too many meetings and nice places to go16:43
fungipleia2: thanks16:44
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sdaguefungi / clarkb: - this would help with some kernel issues cinder is chasing16:44
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: fewer meetings16:45
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: but yay for nice places to go16:45
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add e-r query for bug 1373513
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1373513 in cinder "Lvm hang during tempest tests" [High,Confirmed]
clarkbsdague +316:46
clarkbsdague that is to confirm the presence of a bug fix in the kernel?16:47
sdagueclarkb: yes16:47
fungikerpow... logstash job queue jumped to 2.5k already16:47
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sdaguefungi: well it was up above 120k last week16:48
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fungijust confirming it's definitely got inbound workload16:49
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sdagueI merged through the time delay calculator - so now people will know what our delay in indexing looks like - (might need to shift reload)16:49
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: exclude tests from code coverage report
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cody-somervillepleia2: HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!16:52
pleia2cody-somerville: thank you :)16:52
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nibalizerpleia2: happy spawn day!16:53
pleia2haha, thanks16:53
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waynris there a best way to obtain a list of jenkins job configuration options supported by jenkins-job-builder?16:55
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clarkbwaynr should be comprehensive16:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Maintain launchpad id's in migration and manage autoincrement.
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notmynamefungi: looks good. thanks17:00
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: CORS support for StoryBoard API
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derekhanteaya: I gotta run in a minute, but the short answer to your question is I don't know, most of the stuff that I think allows me to have a template is removing the job specific variables in the dependent patch, I can take another look and see17:02
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anteayaderekh: k17:03
anteayaderekh: yes, because if we could just move straight to templates that might work17:03
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Autoconfiguration before bootstrap.
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derekhanteaya: ok, I'll take another look later and see17:04
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anteayaderekh: k, thanks17:06
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krotschecksdague: Reviewed with comments.17:06
anteayaAJaeger: what do you think about having a zuul/layout.yaml and a zuul/stackforge-layout.yaml?17:06
anteayaAJaeger: since the stackforge-layout.yaml file will probaby continue to explode17:07
anteayait might help keep things organized17:07
anteayafungi clarkb what do you think about splitting up zuul/layout.yaml?17:09
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fungianteaya: i'm indifferent... a list reasons might help. would it simplify reviewing? reduce merge collisions?17:10
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anteayasimplify reviewing a think17:10
anteayaand AJaeger's consistentcy work17:10
fungianteaya: and how would you deal with job overrides?17:11
anteayaI don't think merge collisions have been a problem17:11
anteayafungi: good question, I don't know since I don't know what job overrides are17:11
fungianteaya: things specified in the jobs list17:11
fungianteaya: branch filters, voting, et cetera17:12
anteayathe pipeline definitions and such17:12
sdaguekrotscheck: ok, points 1 & 2 seem easy to address, point 3 is actually the way the code was before (it's one of the few blocks I didn't change), point 4 .. agreed17:12
anteayafungi: hmmmm good question, I don't know17:13
fungianteaya: well, yes those too, though they're also in a different section17:13
anteayaother than import things17:13
sdaguekrotscheck: also, on the scoped handler, what would that look like eventually? I can stick a patch on top of this for that17:13
anteayafungi: this is the section you call overrides?
fungianteaya: anyway, it's probably worth opening a feature request bug against zuul to support split layout files and include reasons why they would be useful and what you think a simplified example implementation might look like in the configuration17:14
fungianteaya: the "jobs" section is what i was referring to17:14
anteayaI can do that17:14
fungianteaya: just pointing out that a stackforge project would quite often need entries in both the jobs and projects sections17:15
anteayagood point17:15
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fungianteaya: but anyway, point is that zuul doesn't have support for it now, so it would be useful to have some description of how you think such a thing would work17:15
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anteayafungi: fair enough17:16
anteayanot sure myself right now17:16
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anteayaAJaeger's input would be good to have17:16
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anteayaor AJaeger_ even17:17
AJaeger_anteaya: What's up?17:17
anteayasome backscroll when you have a minute17:18
waynrclarkb: i've been looking at that, i was hoping for an example configuration something similar to what leiningen has:
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anteayaAJaeger_: wanted to get your thoughts on perhaps proposing sectioning up the zuul/layout.yaml file17:18
anteayaAJaeger_: or do you think it is a dumb idea, it might be a dumb idea17:19
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anteayaAJaeger_: I'm reviewing your changes btw17:19
AJaeger_Just before I forget it since I just reviewed them: We should get in soonish to fix tox.ini17:19
AJaeger_anteaya: I like jogo's idea of splitting it up, the question is how to do it best.17:20
waynrclarkb: leiningen's sample project config file has example usage of various configuration keys17:20
AJaeger_Can zuul handle include files - or do we just need to cat the files together?17:20
AJaeger_anteaya: will backscroll in 10 mins or so...17:20
anteayaAJaeger_: kk17:20
waynri'd be willing to implement something similar for jenkins-job-builder if y'all think there'd be a good chance of something like that getting merged17:21
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anteayawaynr: find zaro for the answer for that question17:23
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Add a get_plugin_info method
anteayaAJaeger_: I'm +1 on the parent of 124759
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anteayadhellmann: walk me through why these changes to the project-config tox.ini are required:
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anteayadhellmann: I understand the parent change for removing unused oslo tests17:27
anteayabut I am foggy on how that is related to the tox.ini for project-config17:27
anteayaI'm probably missing something17:27
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AJaeger_anteaya: I think those are totally unrelated, dhellmann just needed them for testing...17:28
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: refactor of hideci for readability and modularity
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sdaguekrotscheck: ok, that's a respin with I think all the items addressed (except for point #3 which I'm punting on as that code is orig code still)17:29
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AJaeger_happy birthday, pleia2 !17:29
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anteayaAJaeger_: ah okay17:30
openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: WIP: Enable functional tests for python-swiftclient
waynranteaya: thanks for the redirect!17:32
anteayaAJaeger_: I have pyyaml failures when testing that patch:
anteayadhellmann: ^17:32
anteayaAJaeger_: is this my fault? should I be doing something else?17:32
anteayawaynr: welcome17:32
AJaeger_anteaya: fungi is right: We have a common jobs section for all jobs and then the projects list. If we split it up, it would be just to have a smaller file.17:33
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waynrzaro: ping, do you know if there are any jenkins-job-builder configs with a comprehensive example of available config options? if not, do you think the project would open to a PR adding something like that?17:33
AJaeger_anteaya: so I'm more thinking of include files - a small file that has a few includes like jobs, templates, openstack, openstack-docs, openstack-infra, stackforge17:33
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anteayaAJaeger_: that is what I was wondering17:34
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anteayaI think openstack, docs and infra could all be in one17:34
AJaeger_as a first step, I like my idea of putting a bit of ordering in the file and enforcing it with a simple script17:34
anteayaoh yes17:34
AJaeger_anteaya: yes, they could be one17:34
zarowaynr: there are lots of examples in jjb17:34
anteayaand jobs and templates are common so could be one file as well17:35
sdagueanteaya: Cannot fetch index base URL http://localhost:3141/root/pypi/+simple/17:35
anteayaso common, openstack and stackforge17:35
waynri was hoping for one big example17:35
sdaguethat looks suspicious17:35
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AJaeger_anteaya: yeah, that's the "minimal" split17:35
anteayasdague: thanks for looking17:35
anteayasdague: what is localhost doing in there?17:35
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sdagueanteaya: part of your environment?17:36
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zarowaynr: you mean like this?
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anteayasdague: I have a .pip dir with pip.conf and pip.log in it17:37
AJaeger_anteaya: tox -e projects works just fine for me17:37
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anteayayeah it is the pip.conf17:37
waynrzaro: yeah that looks useful17:38
zarowaynr: go up one level to 'tests' and you'll find tons of other examples.17:38
jlkran into something interesting with jenkins job builder17:38
jlksomebody could in the web ui disable a job17:38
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jlkand re-running jenkins-jobs won't re-enable it17:38
zarowaynr: jjb docs is also a good resource that references many of those examples.17:38
jlkif there is no disabled: false entry17:38
waynrzaro: cool, not quite as comprehensive as i was looking for but definitely helpful17:39
zarowaynr: you thinking of adding leinigen plugin support?17:39
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waynrno, i'm working on a jenkins job configuration linting tool so i can create a set of rules/standards for my company's jenkins jobs and i want to be sure that the dicts i create when parsing the job config xml uses as close as possible the same naming conventions as jjb17:41
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anteayaAJaeger_: tox -e projects works for me, but tox doesn't17:41
AJaeger_anteaya: ok, I'll try "tox"17:42
waynrzaro: i briefly looked through jjb code and didn't see any parsing of xml, just creation of xml--could i have missed xml parsing of job configs that creates data structures with the same names as what jjb uses in its yaml configuration files17:42
anteayamine can't find pbr17:42
zarowaynr: ohh cool, that would be most welcome :)17:42
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adalbasanteaya, hi! i'm trying to understand the best approach to migrate the services I have to the new repositories.17:43
waynrglad to hear it!17:43
adalbasanteaya, do we all the changes committed and i can go ahead and change the config repository name?17:43
zarowaynr: i was thinking that voluptuous might be a good option for that.17:43
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anteayaadalbas: hello17:43
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anteayaadalbas: I have no context for what we are discussing17:44
waynrzaro: i'm not familiar with voluptuous17:44
anteayaadalbas: can you fill me in?17:44
AJaeger_anteaya: it's your local setup17:44
AJaeger_See line 35 and following17:45
anteayaAJaeger_: it was but I changed it17:45
AJaeger_anteaya: so, what's your error now?17:45
zarowaynr: me either :(  but i think that's what other openstack projects use to check yaml.  i think it's used for zuul17:45
adalbasanteaya, sure, im talking about the infra/config project and this
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anteayait is still me?
clarkbzaro correct17:46
adalbasanteaya, i have my own scripts which call the infra puppet scripts nodepool, zuul, and jenkins17:46
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anteayaadalbas: yep that much I got, what services are you migrating17:46
waynrzaro: oh, that looks cool! thanks for the pointer!17:46
adalbasand also a few other to run devstack-gate scripts17:46
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anteayaadalbas: your own scripts17:46
adalbasanteaya, jenkins, zuul, nodepool and the jjb17:46
anteayaadalbas: had they been proposed to config in the past? if yes, can I take a look at the patch(es)?17:47
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adalbasanteaya, no, those are scripts to run on powerkvm ci environment17:47
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anteayaso help me understand why you would like them in project-config?17:47
adalbasanteaya, i dont. i just use the project-config files17:48
anteayayes you use the project-config files17:48
adalbasi call those classes from my own scripts17:48
zarowaynr: there's a feature request for it if you want to shoot for that,
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1125470 in openstack-ci "A system to validate plugin parameters in jenkins job builder" [Wishlist,Triaged]17:48
anteayaright okay, yes17:48
AJaeger_anteaya: something looks still wrong on your side - "Couldn't find index page for 'pbr'" - this should not happen17:48
anteayawell it is possible it is me17:49
anteayajust not sure what17:49
adalbasanteaya, , but i understand you moved this to different repos and it broke our scripts. we are trying to figure it out the best approach to recover things17:49
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anteayaNo local packages or download links found for pbr17:49
anteayaadalbas: now I am starting to understand what you are after17:50
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: collapse graph area if there are no fails
adalbasanteaya, so, i'm looking at :
anteayaadalbas: look at some of these patches that switches jobs:,n,z17:51
AJaeger_anteaya: but I'm not seeing what's wrong ;(17:51
anteayaadalbas: these are the patches we merged to config to start consuming project-config17:51
anteayaAJaeger_: me neither, I will have some lunch17:51
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fungiadalbas: if you look in the recent history or openstack-infra/config you'll see one which deletes a ton of files. all of those were sucked into a new project called openstack-infra/project-config and then if you look at its git history you'll see an early change which moves those files around to their new locations17:52
adalbasanteaya, ok, so i can go ahead and rename and clone the new repositories, is that it?17:52
anteayaI just want to ensure that if we make changes to the project-config tox file so that people can run tox, tox can work for them17:52
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adalbasfungi, ok!17:52
fungiadalbas: so if you had a custom patched version of some of those files, you'll want to move your patches to a copy of that new project (assuming i understand what you're asking)17:53
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for heat slow icehouse timeout bug 1374175
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1374175 in heat "test_server_cfn_init failed in gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-heat-slow: AssertionError: Timed out waiting for to become reachable" [Medium,Confirmed]
adalbasfungi, yes, i think that is it. I need to figure it out then. Probably will have soon more questions :)17:55
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openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Enable functional tests for python-swiftclient
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waynrzaro: i may give it a shot after i've tried voluptuous out17:56
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AJaeger_anteaya: I have some random failures when running on jjb but the change is fine.17:57
AJaeger_clarkb: does "tox -e jjb" work for you on project-config?17:58
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* AJaeger_ sometimes gets:17:58
AJaeger_"jenkins_jobs.errors.JenkinsJobsException: Unknown entry point or macro 'large_ops' for component type: 'builder'."17:58
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anteayathe pbr error17:59
anteayabut tox -e projects worked18:00
anteayaperhaps that doesn't require pbr18:00
jogohow can there end up being 'noop'  check queue jobs marked as 'queued'18:01
anteayadoesn't look like it does18:01
anteayathey still have to have a node18:01
anteayain a noop job you have to have a node and the node has to build18:01
anteayathen it completes and is deleted18:01
anteayawe are just exercising the host18:01
fungijogo: usually implies event/result queue is non-empty18:01
jogoanteaya: oh I thought that was changed18:02
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anteayaoh perhaps it has and I am wrong18:02
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Whitelist commands in tox.ini
anteayafungi: am I wrong?18:02
jogofungi: queue is non-empty, could this be  merge-check related18:02
clarkbfungi jogo zuul does merge check on noops18:02
fungino, something is definitely odd...18:02
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morganfainbergclarkb, is there any concern about putting a couple smaller keystone things (the python-keystoneclient-(kerberos|federation) ) plugins under storyboard vs LP? or do we not have tooling / other needed stuff to *really* make that work yet. figured i'd ask cause i heard infra was moving that way and these plugins have no bugs or releases *yet*18:03
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anteayamorganfainberg: the overarching theme is that storyboard is in beta and infra is testing18:03
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AJaeger_anteaya: run: source /home/anita/work/tmp/project-config/.tox/jjb/bin/activate18:03
AJaeger_and then: pip install pbr18:03
AJaeger_What's the output?18:03
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fungiit looks like nodepool may have stopped launching new nodes18:03
anteayamattoliverau: as far as I know anything non infra is asked to wait on using storyboard18:03
anteayaAJaeger_: I can do that18:04
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fungiahh, wait, it just picked back up18:04
morganfainberganteaya, works for me. ty i'll put them on LP and slate them to move to storyboard as soon as we feel it's less beta-ish18:04
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jogofungi: its odd that there are check queue things that have been queued for an hour18:05
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anteayamorganfainberg: that was for you18:05
anteayamattoliverau: sorry tab complete fail18:05
anteayamorganfainberg: thanks, methinks there will be a rush18:06
morganfainberganteaya, and with good reason! :)18:06
AJaeger_anteaya: let's start with a fresh environment: "deactivate" and then "tox -r -e jjb"18:07
jogoanteaya: see
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jogofungi: it looks like gate queue jobs got ran right away and check are not18:09
anteayajogo: interesting so it appears I am wrong18:10
fungijogo: well, gate does have a higher precedence18:10
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jogofungi: right, does that make a significant difference when we aren't hitting any quota limits?18:11
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fungijogo: no, i'm looking at the cpu graphs for the zuul mergers and it looks like they were all busy processing something... presumably merge-check pseudojobs, except that those are supposed to be at precedence low now18:12
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adalbasanteaya, fungi : has the openstack-infra/config been renamed to openstack-infra/system-config already?18:12
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: CORS support for StoryBoard API
fungiadalbas: not yet18:13
anteayaadalbas: not yet18:13
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adalbasfungi, so i should keep using config. ok18:13
fungiadalbas: for now, yes18:13
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jogofungi: are there separate works for merge-check if not could this be a 'nice' issue18:14
jogo(cpu niceness)18:15
fungijogo: merge-check is an internal activity farmed out to zuul's mergers18:15
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fungijogo: basically it's identical to the merge work they do to provide refs for jobs being run, they just short-circuit after calculating the merge ref and then run no actual job18:15
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sdaguefungi: is merge-check now working at low?18:16
fungisdague: it's supposed to be since late last week18:16
sdaguewhat's check queue at?18:17
dhellmannanteaya: yeah, I think it was just an oversight from when we moved pycadf to oslo18:17
fungisdague: 58 changes, oldest is about to exit the queue at 2 hours18:17
anteayadhellmann: kk, +1 from me18:17
sdagueno, I mean priority18:17
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fungisdague: oh, normal18:18
jogofungi:  I thought merge jobs  get the precedence associated with the pipeline18:18
fungijogo: merge-check is a pipeline18:18
dhellmannanteaya: I left some more comments on the review; let me know if that helps?18:18
jogofungi: ahhhh18:18
sdaguefungi: actually, check is at low18:19
anteayadhellmann: I can look again18:19
fungisdague: yep18:19
sdagueso that's sort of an issue18:19
fungisdague: i just looked in the layout18:19
sdagueme too18:19
sdaguegate is also low.... ?18:19
clarkbgate should be high18:19
sdagueyeh, it's not18:19
dhellmannanteaya: I'm not sure what's going on with the pyyaml failure there. Did you get past that?18:20
sdagueyou know, I think we did this a while ago to deal with a starvation thing18:20
fungisdague: so it looks like gate is normal, tag/pre-release/release are high, all other pipelines are loqw18:20
anteayadhellmann: yes, I had a .pip/pip.conf file which I renamed18:20
dhellmannanteaya: and as I catch up, I see sdague noticed the localhost thing18:20
anteayanow I have a pbr issue18:20
anteayayes that was my fault18:20
clarkbgate is not low18:21
sdagueclarkb: oh, I was looking at dev/18:21
sdaguemy bad18:21
krotscheckclarkb: Question on the docs-draft jjb config. If the referecned path doesn’t exist, does it break the build?18:21
dhellmannanteaya: what's the pbr error?18:21
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fungisdague: one option would be to have a lowe-than-low precedence for merge-check, or some other intermediate precedence18:21
sdaguefungi: so should we do check:normal gate:high?18:21
krotscheckclarkb: Sorry, the docs-draft publisher.18:21
sdagueis there a reason not to have gate high?18:21
clarkbkrotscheck what referenced path?18:21
clarkbkrotscheck the source for the publisher?18:22
fungisdague: we did that before, and then releases waited to be processed if starved by a heavy gate18:22
sdaguefungi: that was before we had sliding window right?18:22
krotscheckclarkb: So if I say: “Hey, upload everything in $root/foo/bar/**”, and the $root/foo/bar directory doesn’t actually exist.18:22
fungisdague: probably yes18:22
anteayadhellmann: my latest:
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix docu after config repo split
clarkbkrotscheck I dont think it will fail18:22
sdagueI suspect with sliding window it would be fine18:22
sdaguebecause gate can't take all the capacity18:22
clarkbkrotscheck a lot of our scp publishers are opportunistic18:23
clarkbsdague it can...18:23
krotscheckclarkb: Cool. So won’t break.18:23
jogolooks like we used to run gate at lot as well18:23
sdagueclarkb: in what circumstance?18:23
fungisdague: jogo: anyway, the behavior we witnessed is that zuul had a large merge-check burst from a bunch of stuff merging in the gate, and then it processed those and put check on hold while doing so (though gate continued to be served as needed, its demand was just negligible)18:23
clarkbsdague when the window is big18:23
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Autoconfiguration before bootstrap.
sdagueclarkb: right, but if the window is big, it's going to merge all the code fast18:23
sdagueand we'll run out of code to run in the gate18:24
sdagueand we'll be fine18:24
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Simplify API-base configuration.
jogofungi: thanks, that makes sense18:24
sdagueI think there is a theoretical concern on big window18:24
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added configuration file for docs-draft.
dhellmannanteaya: reading18:24
sdaguethat's not a practical concern, given how our throughput works18:24
anteayadhellmann: probably my fault somewhere, but I don't know where18:25
dhellmannanteaya: yeah, this smells like another pip configuration thing18:25
dhellmannanteaya: actually, there's a distutils config file separate from pip, it might be that18:25
* dhellmann looks for the name18:25
dhellmannanteaya: something like ~/.*dist*.cfg I think18:25
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dhellmannI don't have one on my box18:26
jogosdague clarkb: I don't think we can find an answer without any theoretical concern with just 3 priorities18:26
sdaguejogo: yeh, but I don't think those theoretical concerns are real concerns18:26
fungijogo: sdague: clarkb: if there's interest, i can propose extending pipeline precedence in zuul to accommodate "highest, high, normal, low, lowest" or something (right now it only supports the middle three)18:26
clarkbfwiw the gate does completely starve check at times too18:26
anteayadhellmann: anita@anita-hp:~$ ls ~/.*dist*.cfg18:27
clarkbI think you underestimate the power of the gate18:27
dhellmannanteaya: that's it18:27
anteayadhellmann: so that is what is killing me?18:27
anteayadelete that?18:27
dhellmannanteaya: what's in it?18:27
jogofungi: ++18:27
anteayawhat is it for and how did it get there?18:27
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krotscheckAnyone want to do a puppet review?
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: reprioritize gate and check queues
clarkbfungi note high normal low are part of gearman18:28
sdaguefungi: yeh, that would be great18:28
fungiclarkb: ohhh18:28
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clarkbfungi so it should be done in a compatible way18:28
dhellmannanteaya: distutils is the old library that setuptools is based on. it reads a different set of config files. we have (had?) some jobs that configured mirror configuration files to block access to pypi to test requirement installation, and that has broken my system before. I'm not sure about how yours got this way18:28
sdagueclarkb: do you have an instance of that recently?18:28
anteayaI put it there to point to pypi.o.o18:28
fungiclarkb: hrm, so gearman protocol is the limiting factor here?18:28
clarkbsdague feature freeze week18:28
anteayaI can remove it18:29
clarkbsdague when the resets happen constantly18:29
dhellmannanteaya: try renaming the file to see if that helps18:29
clarkbfungi only if we want strict compatibility18:29
sdaguewhen the resets happen constantly we can't be starving on raw nodes18:29
fungiaha... looks like gearman has precedence levels 0,1,218:29
jogofungi: if there was a lowest I would I imagine we can move: silent, periodic, periodic-stable, periodic-qa,merge-check18:29
dhellmannanteaya: the URL looks ok, but I'm not 100% sure what it should say18:29
sdagueunless it's all tempest jobs in the gate18:29
clarkbsdague why?18:29
fungioddly, 0 is normal, 1 is low, 2 is high18:29
sdague20 check window18:29
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clarkbsdague that is predominantly what we test18:29
sdagueno, I mean tempest changes18:30
clarkbsdague right so 19 resets an hour18:30
anteayadhellmann: that was it18:30
anteayathanks it was me18:30
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clarkbits n^2 resource use18:30
sdague20 check window * 15 jobs18:30
anteayaI'll test that patch again with a fresh repo18:30
anteayaafter soup18:30
sdaguewe'll be consumeing about 300 nodes18:30
dhellmannanteaya: enjoy your soup!18:30
clarkbsdague * 19 resets18:30
krotscheckAJaeger: Responded to your comment on - it’s a soft dependency, not a hard one.18:31
clarkbfor a worst case value18:31
AJaeger_krotscheck: ok18:31
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sdagueso if we are doing 19 resets an hour, everything is screwed anyway :)18:31
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clarkbsdague yes thats precisely what happened :)18:31
sdagueyeh, well, such it is18:31
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Promote sideways ironic grenade tests to non-voting checks
sdagueso unless we can get merge-check below check queue priority, we're going to keep adding in all these 30 - 90 minute delays in check jobs runnning18:32
fungijogo: sdague: clarkb: yeah, so looking into gearman's protocol specification, those three precedence levels seem to be baked in and would require an extension to the protocol18:33
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sdaguea nova patch landing in the gate, generates 20 minutes of backlog in zuul18:33
sdaguedoing merge checks18:33
jogofungi: that or a lot of code to work around that18:33
jogofungi: by adding more queues or something18:33
fungijogo: circumventing the primary communication protocol between the merge workers and the scheduler service seems counter-productive18:33
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sdaguefungi: agreed18:34
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Subscription
jogofungi: yeah its not a good idea18:34
sdaguefungi: so I really think that given current limits, we're not going to see starvation with
sdagueand if we do, we can revert18:34
fungishort term, better to noodle on how we might reshuffle the three priorities we have, and try to remember which pain points we hit previously which caused us to choose their present values18:35
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fungisdague: thinking through that one, bumping gate to the same precedence as tag/pre-release/release means we'd potentially delay reacting to those events for the duration of a full gate reset, depending on timing18:36
jogowhat about making check-merge jobs not block somehow18:36
fungijogo: it's just a fifo... they're not "blocking" per se18:37
jogoI don't actually know what that would entail. but check-merge jobs AFAIK don't even use the same set of nodes18:37
jogofungi: but you wait for the jobs to finish right?18:37
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fungijogo: basically the zuul scheduler spits out a bunch of work requests, and the workers pick them up in chronological order for when they entered the queue (first selecting by precedence, then by order)18:38
sdaguefungi: yeh, if we reset the gate though, then these jobs get to move forward and the resetting patches will come in behind them, right?18:38
jogofungi: but aren't there different pools of workers for most check jobs and check-merge?18:38
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Simplify API-base configuration.
fungijogo: so the problem is that when a nova change merges, zuul immediately creates as many merge-check work requests at precedence low as there are open nova changes. these effectively flood the low precedence work capacity, and are worked through in turn, with new low-precedence work requests like merges for check changes starting to accumulate behind them18:39
fungijogo: for a check pipeline change, its jobs cannot be started until a zuul merge worker has generated and published the git reference(s) it needs18:40
jogofungi: ahhh gotcha18:40
fungijogo: so those end up effectively waiting on other work which has also been requested of the merge workers18:40
jogofungi: that was the piece of the puzzle I was missing18:40
sdaguefungi: so... in staring at that, I'm pretty sure the side effects are containable. We definitely need merge-check < check < gate18:41
sdagueso that kind of defines those 3 priorities18:41
sdaguethe tag and release now need to share high with gate18:42
fungisay you generate twenty merge-check changes, and then you have three merge changes come in, and then another five merge-check changes... those get processed in that order since they all have the same precedence. first the twenty merges are calculated for the merge-check batch, then the merges get calculated for the check change jobs, and then while those check jobs are running the other merge-check18:42
fungimerges get calculated18:42
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clarkbsdague: ya I think if they share high with gate then the starvation will be less bad18:43
fungiso while the merges are processed in parallel with actual running jobs which use job workers, the merges themselves will delay the start of the jobs which need them18:43
clarkbif it happens at all18:43
sdaguefungi: yeh, and the real issue is there are about 120 outstanding nova patches that merge check on every merge18:43
sdagueand they take real time18:44
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clarkbsdague: fungi jogo note that you will only have one merge check per changes regardless of the number of changes that have merged at the "same" time18:44
sdagueclarkb: yeh, we can always revert18:44
sdagueclarkb: 1 merge-check per outstanding change, right?18:44
fungisdague: another incremental improvement might be to save some sort of state, and then assume that if a patchset failed merge-check in the past there's no need to recheck it18:44
sdagueso actually I think it's about 250 outstanding nova patches18:45
fungibut that's certainly more work18:45
sdaguefungi: yeh18:45
clarkbsdague: can you update teh check-tripleo precedence too?18:45
sdagueclarkb: sure18:45
clarkbI think all of the other currently low priorities are fine (silent, experimental, post etc)18:45
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jogocan we make the merge worker pool more elastic?18:46
clarkbsdague: yes one merge check per outstanding change on the branch that merged a change. but merging two nova things at the same time does not double that count18:46
sdagueclarkb: post stays at low?18:46
fungiand how about experimental? post? periodic? the more things we elevate to normal precedence, the more the things we leave at low will get starved out18:46
clarkbsdague: I think so18:46
sdagueexperimental and periodic I think should be low for sure18:46
clarkbfungi: I think those are fine at low. they are not time sensitive18:46
clarkbjogo: the problem with doing that is the longest merges take <30 seconds iirc. jogo booting new nodes takes upwards of 5 minutes18:47
fungiwell, post can tend to be somewhat time-sensitive... docs get updated out of there for example18:47
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: reprioritize gate and check queues
clarkbjogo: so by the time you spin up new nodes to merge things the work will be done18:47
sdagueyeh, I could go either way on post18:47
sdagueI think docs taking a little more time should probably be fine18:48
fungithe other takeaway is that we've already decided we should scale out our merge worker pool, scaling down the size of each of them in the process18:48
anteayaAJaeger_ dhellmann yes it was all my env, that tox file works now18:48
sdaguefungi: sure, though that only impacts it by linear time18:48
fungithat will be a linear improvement in throughput18:48
jogoclarkb: but if you know the check-merge queue at the current rate will take a long time to process spinning up a node could be worth it. But adding that complexity may not be worth it18:49
fungibut right now we could reasonably scale up to 8 smaller merge workers and halve the time it takes to get through merge-check bursts like that18:49
clarkbreally I secretly hope to upgrade gerrit and stop running merge checks18:49
sdagueclarkb: that would be awesome as well18:49
fungiclarkb: is that in 2.9 or 3.0?18:50
AJaeger_anteaya: great to hear!18:50
clarkbfungi: 2.9 iirc18:50
sdagueI thought it was in the 2.8 new change screen18:50
clarkbsdague: no its not quite there in 2.818:50
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AJaeger_and docs in post can easily take 30 mins...18:50
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sdagueso... I'll bug again, I've got an updated hideci.js - - which does nice things like doesn't have a test results table unless the tests are posted against the most recent patch, and displays merge conflict :)18:51
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krotscheckAny infra-core have a sec to look at It’s dead easy :)18:52
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sdagueI also added testing instructions in a comment18:53
clarkbsdague: the problem with it is its a 300 line diff of js :P18:54
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sdagueclarkb: yeh... well... it's more readable now :)18:54
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sdagueit was 2 functions18:55
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added CORS allowed domains to storyboard server config.
sdagueI broke it up into a lot more functions that should be much easier to see are doing the right thing18:55
fungii'm not morally opposed to the patch size, though after a minute of looking at javascriopt i start going cross-eyed18:55
clarkbya it looks saner18:55
clarkbbut now I have to remember what things like !== mean18:56
fungithis is an easier read though18:56
clarkbits type and value check in one right?18:56
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Clean up bashate failures
sdagueI think so, krotscheck pointed me at using for one of those calls in the last iteration18:57
sdagueok, going to get a ride in, back later18:58
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krotscheckclarkb: It’s strict equivalency, which is type, value, and memory address reference (for objects)18:58
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mordredso === is like python 'is' and == is like python '=='18:59
krotscheckI… think so?18:59
anteayamordred: what language is the === and == coming from that you are asking about?19:00
clarkbanteaya: ya19:00
clarkbI think php does it too19:00
krotscheckIn the JS world we usually end up using strict equivalency because the language is falsy. i.e. null == undefined is true, null === undefined is false.19:00
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clarkbkrotscheck: thats a feature :P19:00
krotscheckYes it is!19:00
morgan_remote_Interesting, I should learn more js19:01
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add sample config files for commands
clarkb is always good19:02
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anteayaone is equality ==, the other is identity ===
mrmartinfungi: do we have any restrictions on version number formats for releases? I tagged the groups portal, but the release jobs failed to run, and I cannot find any log related to this job, meanwhile I can see the release tag in the git repo.19:03
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clarkbmrmartin: we do. what is the tag name?19:04
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clarkbmrmartin: also the logs hould be at
mordredmrmartin: yes19:04
mordredmrmartin: version numbers may contain numbers and periods and that's it19:04
morgan_remote_anteaya: an important distinction.19:04
mrmartinfungi: ok, so this can be the reason.19:04
fungimrmartin: ^refs/tags/([0-9]+\.)*[0-9]+$19:04
mordredmrmartin: if it is a pre-release version, it may also include the letters a, b, and rc19:05
anteayamorgan_remote_: it appears to be, yes19:05
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clarkbanteaya: morgan_remote_ but only because == is useless >_>19:05
mrmartinand how can I remove the failed tag from git repo?19:05
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fungimrmartin: your tag seems to have been "7.x-1.0-alpha1" (I have no idea what that means)19:05
morgan_remote_clarkb: hah19:06
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krotscheckfungi: Thanks for the review :)19:06
fungimrmartin: i can delete that tag19:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added configuration file for docs-draft.
mrmartinfungi: it is a drupal standard version number, I thought we can contribute to drupal repos later19:06
mrmartinfungi: please delete.19:06
fungii am frightened that's a standard :/19:07
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clarkbfungi: x is a roman numeral19:07
fungiclarkb: indeed!19:07
anteayaclarkb: in js yes == is pretty much useless19:07
mrmartinclarkb :)19:07
fungiclarkb: except in the final fantasy franchise, where the versions went 8 ... 9 ... X ... X-219:07
* anteaya goes to cut some sod19:08
mrmartinor the x is a hack to avoid *19:08
morgan_remote_fungi: that is a good description!19:08
mordredmrmartin: I'm curious - does 7.x-1.0-alpha1 mean "this  works with drupal 7.x, it's version 1.0-alpha1 of this thing" ?19:08
mrmartinmordred: yes19:08
mordredthat does not seem crazy19:09
mrmartinyeap, but the question here would we like to replace to regexp in build system to support this?19:09
reedRyan_Lane, the was fixed upstream, says Nikerabbit. How does the upgrade process work?19:10
mrmartinI think it is easier to follow the existing patterns instead of changing anything in the build system.19:10
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254911 in openstack-ci "UniversalLanguageSelector breaks wiki skin" [Medium,Triaged]19:10
fungiindeed, though knowing in advance which versions of the platform it will work with seems like prognostication19:10
anteayaand I am +1 on 124759 since AJaeger_ thought it was important to get merged19:10
mordredfungi: I think the general practice of software combinatronics in that ecosystem are different19:10
clarkbreed: we do a git submodule update in the non active slot of the wiki then run migrations and move the slot over19:10
mordredmrmartin: yes. I think for now folloing openstack patterns will be much easier19:11
clarkbreed: I think we documented it. one sec19:11
mordredclarkb: that sentence terrifies me19:11
clarkbmordred: yes well19:11
fungimrmartin: i've deleted that tag now19:11
mrmartinfungi: thanks19:11
clarkbapparently this is the way you deploy mediawiki :)19:11
mrmartinyeap, I'll retry with a more standard version number.19:11
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: expose what kernel is running
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clarkbfungi: any opposition to me approving the precedence change?19:13
clarkbit is an easy revert/update19:13
fungiclarkb: it's worth a try19:13
fungii believe i +2'd19:13
reedclarkb, there is no dev environment to test the upgraded version though, right?19:13
clarkbreed: no not really. though in theory we could point a different name at the second slot for testing19:13
clarkbfungi: you did /me approves19:14
reedclarkb, thanks19:14
reedclarkb, if I understand correctly, the upgrade can only be done by ssh-ing into the wiki machine, right?19:15
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clarkbreed: correct19:15
reedok... Ryan_Lane to the rescue :)19:15
fungisdague: i've not played with the browser console in ff before... can the js be pasted in function-by-function or does it all have to go in one shot? i'm getting "ReferenceError: invalid assignment left-hand side"19:16
fungisdague: nevermind--doing it all in one go seemed to work19:18
clarkbhow are we looking for RCs? I assume those must be coming out asap19:19
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: reprioritize gate and check queues
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clarkb our translation jobs caught transifex maintenance :)19:21
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AJaeger_clarkb: yeah, that happens sometimes19:22
AJaeger_clarkb: speaking about translations, could you review , please? That minimizes the translation jobs further and even removes files19:23
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krotscheckAnyone have time to look at some puppet things of mine? A couple of features necessary for infra migration (subscription, cors) are waiting on review.,n,z19:26
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clarkbAJaeger_: in your let foo=(stuff) does () start a subshell?19:28
clarkbAJaeger_: total uses () but ratio does not. So curious if there is a behavioral difference19:29
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AJaeger_clarkb: oversight - let me remove those...19:29
clarkbAJaeger_: ok19:30
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup translation files
* AJaeger_ tests now that it really does not make a difference...19:31
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fungii'm sort of curious why there is so little review activity today... did i forget a major holiday?19:32
AJaeger_yeah, does not make a real difference...19:32
clarkbfungi: I was curious too. I think it might be a end of cycle hangover day19:32
AJaeger_I mean: Works as expected19:32
clarkbAJaeger_: awesome and thanks19:32
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AJaeger_clarkb: thanks for reviewing19:33
AJaeger_fungi: do you want to have some more patches to review? There're enough in project-config ;)19:33
fungiAJaeger_: actually trying to work through my bug backlog first, but i will get to reviews shortly19:34
clarkbkrotscheck: it looks like the storyboard dependency for that topic merged so those changes are good to go?19:35
krotscheckclarkb: Indeed.19:36
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openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Enable functional tests for python-swiftclient
krotscheckclarkb: The only piece that’s missing is the UI for subscriptions, but we don’t want to land that until subscriptions are fully functional on the backend.19:37
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add sample config files for commands
openstackgerritChristian Schwede proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Enable functional tests for python-swiftclient
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krotscheckclarkb: Thanks :)19:48
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mordredkrotscheck: any reason I can't land those puppet-storyboard changes?19:49
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krotscheckmordred: None. The infra storyboard config consumes the module on an a-la-carte basis, so the addition of the workers won’t impact anything. The CORS bit just adds configuration where there isn’t any either, so that shouldn’t break things.19:50
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adam_ganyone know whats up with this patch?  it was verified last night and never merged, i rechecked it and the same thing happened.19:51
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anteayaadam_g: reverify is gone19:52
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anteayaadam_g: can someone reapprove it?19:53
clarkblooks like recheck was used19:53
clarkband it is approved19:53
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adam_ganteaya, i can remove my approval and re-add it19:53
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Remove oldmanual setting from projects.yaml
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clarkbI don't see any errors in gerrit's error log with that change number19:54
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add session objects for get_all* db api calls
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clarkbadam_g: you might try hitting +A again19:55
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openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add order column to run table
* clarkb checks zuul logs19:55
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krotscheckmordred: Thanks.19:55
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* krotscheck is off to get lunch while things merge.19:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Added CORS configuration to puppet-storyboard
adam_gclarkb, okay, back in the gate queue19:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: StoryBoard Deferred Processors
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Fixed version detection
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clarkbso I think this may be a bug in us not queueing into the gate after a +1 recheck result on something approved19:59
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clarkbthe zuul logs don't indicate anything exploded. it seems to think it did what was expected of it20:00
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Stop statusbot joining #openstack-packaging
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anteayadhellmann: thanks for you comments on they were helpful20:01
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Stop accessbot joining #openstack-packaging
AJaeger_clarkb: I've seen rechecks working just fine as expected, there seems to be another issue as well...20:01
clarkbAJaeger_: the recheck part worked but not the queue into the gate if you get the +1 from the recheck and have  +A20:02
* anteaya revels in a moment of glorious silence20:02
anteayabut just a moment20:02
arosenclarkb:  does this ring any bells?  AH00035: access to /var/www/logs/logs/85/123885/1/check/dsvm-tempest-full-congress/1cd96e3/logs/screen-ceilometer-alarm-evaluator.txt.gz denied (filesystem path '/root/os-loganalyze') because search permissions are missing on a component of the path20:02
aroseni have the owner set to www-data20:02
clarkbarosen: I think that means you don't have a dir set to +x ?20:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: Removed default passwords
AJaeger_clarkb: I see that it did not work this time - I have seen it working fine in other cases. I wanted to point out that there is another conditiona as well20:03
clarkbor is it +r? it sounds like the path can't be expanded though20:03
clarkbAJaeger_: gotca20:03
arosenclarkb:  i set the file to 777 and same thing.20:04
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AJaeger_arosen: not the file - the directory20:05
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arosenAJaeger i tried: find . -type d -exec chmod 777 {} +20:07
clarkbarosen on the whole path?20:07
arosenfrom /var/www20:07
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clarkbcheck /var and /var/www20:08
fungipopping out to grab a quick bite, back as soon as i am able20:08
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arosenclarkb: cool, i think that let me get around it. Do you know what this value gets set to?
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clarkbarosen they are the puppet modules defaults. not sure exactly which values are used20:12
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Clean up bashate failures
jesusaurusAJaeger: ^^20:30
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Revert "Add a version to pytz."
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anteayaAJaeger: so creates a script and adds it to the tox file20:53
anteayaAJaeger: how does this become a non-voting job on stackforge check jobs?20:54
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nibalizerclarkb: fungi did we resolve the memory usage issues on the puppet master?20:55
clarkbnibalizer: unsure. set max requests to 1k20:55
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nibalizerokay thanks20:56
krotscheckDoes anyone know why the apply-precise in is failing? There are so many errors in the log that I can’t figure out which one’s causing it to break.20:57
* nibalizer looks20:57
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nibalizerthis looks like the first error: 2014-09-29 19:01:29.783 | mError: /Stage[main]/Openstack_project::Jenkins_dev/File[/etc/nodepool/scripts]: Could not evaluate: Could not retrieve information from environment production source(s) puppet:///modules/openstack_project/nodepool/scriptsm20:59
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clarkbpuppet3 broke it iirc21:00
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krotscheckOh. Duh. The puppet module hadn’t landed things yet.21:03
* krotscheck feels dumb.21:03
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added deferred worker process to storyboard
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: add get_version method
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anteayafungi: can you take a look at this: this patch seems to imply that a nodepool script taht was supposed to be moved in the repo split got left behind21:23
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anteayathere was no nodepool/scripts/prepare_node_xenserver that was deleted:
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fungianteaya: i don't see one presently at
fungianteaya: though didn't get deleted?21:27
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anteayafungi: you are correct, I will offer a patch to delete it now, it appears from the log the last change to layout-dev happened August 521:31
anteayaso I don't think we have any changes we need to backport to project-config before deleting layout-dev21:31
fungijust a trivial oversight, easily addressed21:31
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jogoI take it python34 jobs now work?21:32
anteayait appears layout.yaml is in my repo21:33
anteayahow could that have happened?21:33
sdagueclarkb / fungi ... so next random question on the javascript front. How do we install jquery on, and how would you feel about adding handlebars?21:33
* anteaya rm -rf and git clones21:33
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fungijogo: they've worked for a while, i just haven't done a massive cut-over for all the py33 jobs to py34 mainly because of bug 136790721:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1367907 in python3.4 "Segfault in gc with cyclic trash" [High,In progress]
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fungijogo: my confidence in the version ubuntu is currently distributing with trusty is, how shall i put this, teh badnez21:36
jogofungi: wow21:37
jogofungi: I am asking w.r.t. hacking21:37
fungijogo: it should be just fine, but we did turn up that particular corner case when attempting to run py34 for all projects currently voting on py3321:38
fungiit only surfaced for us in the oslo.messaging unit tests21:38
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removes zuul/layout-dev.yaml
fungijogo: overall status of the transition and testing is being tracked loosely in
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fungithat reminds me... clarkb: ttx asks that you wip 12022821:40
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openstackgerritCraig Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add python and pypi jobs for monasca-persister
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Update hackings jobs
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krotscheckSo, all the dependencies for have landed, anyone mind giving me a second +2?21:49
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krotscheckfungi to the rescue! Thanks :D21:51
clarkbfungi done21:52
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fungiclarkb: thanks21:52
fungii also cleared off a few more projects in that etherpad whose corresponding fixes all merged21:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Added CORS allowed domains to storyboard server config.
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mordredsdague: I do not like how we install jquery on static.o.o fwiw - but it's like 100 things down on my TDL22:00
sdaguemordred: ok22:00
sdaguemordred: what would be your ideal solution?22:00
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jogoclarkb: I finally got weechat + 256 colors working, now everything is in pretty shades of pastel22:00
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mordredsdague: to install things like we install storyboard-webclient22:00
fungijogo: that sentence frightens me22:01
jogofungi: your light pink22:01
mordredsdague: which involves using bower to pull dependencies and then building a dist tarball that we just install on static22:01
fungijogo: well, that much i expected22:01
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anteayajogo: lavender to me22:01
fungijogo: you are magenta for me ;)22:01
sdaguemordred: so an advantage of installing everything once, is the client caches urls. So if we are using the same libs in different apps, it doesn't download it each time22:01
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anteayajogo: you are purple for me22:01
jogofungi: :)22:02
anteayamordred is blue and sdague clarkb and krotscheck are the same mustard yellow22:02
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anteayaor orange depending on how you look at it22:02
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mordredkrotscheck: can you comment on the above chat I'm having with sdague?22:02
sdaguemordred: if you have examples, I'll poke. I'd like to figure out the right way to provide libs for our lightweight apps that don't have the whole bower infrastructure22:02
mordredsdague: bower is _SUPER_ lightweight. we actually spend way more effort hacking in puppet support to deploy each of these things22:03
sdagueok, do you have a good example?22:03
krotschecksdague: You could always just reference one of the Google CDN libraries.22:03
mordredoh. and then there's what krotscheck said22:04
sdagueyeh, I had assumed that was rejected22:04
krotscheckThough they don’t host handlebars.22:04
krotscheckWell, it ties us to google.22:04
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sdaguekrotscheck: yeh, I know, I actually did look over the weekend22:04
arosenshould nodepool created images be able to avoid having to downloading: and
sdaguebut I also assumed google cdns weren't used for a reason22:05
zarodoes anyone know how we get docs to rtfd?  i just created a release and updated docs didn't make it there.22:05
arosenit seems like the my slave nodes download those everytime which takes a long time22:05
krotschecksdague: So, your goal is to install a few javascript libraries on static so that you can reference them from other apps?22:05
sdaguekrotscheck: yes22:05
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clarkbarosen not if you run devstack. however dib will cache them properly22:05
sdaguewell... my goal is to have them available to other apps in the correct way22:05
fungizaro: for what project? there is an rtfd-hook we use to trigger instantaneous updates for some projects22:05
arosenclarkb:  dib?22:05
sdagueand if that is through static, great22:05
krotschecksdague: That’s a tad dangerous because the dependency of your app is going to be managed independently of the actual app. It’s usually a better idea to include the dependency directly with the app so that all the dependencies are shipped together.22:06
clarkbarosen disk image builder. we are just starting to use it with nodepool22:06
sdaguekrotscheck: even if we host them with version number urls22:06
clarkbin fact I want to switch hpcloud trusty to dib images this week22:06
arosenclarkb:  oh i must not be using that then I think just nodepool?22:06
arosenhow do i find out? \22:06
sdaguewhich is what I was planning on22:06
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zarofungi: for python-jenkins, i believe this is the job
krotschecksdague: Well, yes. What if someone wants to install one of your apps behind a firewall that blocks static?22:06
clarkbarosen ya its very new. you need a diskimages: section in nodepool.yaml22:07
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anteayamtreinish: can I get your thoughts on on whether it is a good idea and whether the patch impliments it?22:07
clarkbarosen we arent completely switched to it and will take our time to avoid mass breakage22:07
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anteayamtreinish: I don't know enough about devstack-gate jobs to offer an opinion here22:07
arosenclarkb: i see.22:07
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sdaguekrotscheck: sure22:08
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clarkbkrotscheck I think we say sorry22:08
fungizaro: yeah. no idea then. looks like it successfully posted to their api to trigger an immediate refresh22:08
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clarkbif you cant http behind your firewall then :(22:08
krotschecksdague: What mordred was mentioning is bower, which just makes downloading and managing the dependencies easy. You don’t really need it, you can just copy your copy of handlebars and jquery into the associated project.22:08
fungizaro: rtfd is also supposed to automatically refresh at least daily22:08
krotscheckclarkb: That’s ironic working for HP :)22:09
clarkbkrotscheck they allow http just fine22:09
sdaguekrotscheck: ok, so... if that's the case, what's the right puppet install strategy?22:09
krotscheckclarkb: Then how come I can’t web browse when I’m connected to corporate?22:09
mordredkrotscheck: you need the proxy settings22:09
sdagueyou know what, how I about I put this on the infra list22:09
clarkbbecause your browser is misconfigured22:09
sdagueso we can once and for all understand the answer22:09
fungiwhat's that old saying, dress for the protocol you want, not the protocol you have? ;)22:09
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mordredsdague: ok. I mean, the answer in my mind is to use the toolchains that storyboard-webclient is using, because they actually are built specifically to handle this use case - but a discussion on the list sounds like fun22:10
mordredsdague: I keep being a broken record about that because it did take me all of like 10 minutes one saturday to learn what was going on there, and it seems like having more people grok all of that is a good thing22:11
anteayaany reason why a stackforge project should not be allowed to create stable/release branches?22:11
anteayaI can't think of any, but I want to ensure I am not missing something22:12
clarkbanteaya nope22:12
zarofungi: yeah. i don't think it's working.  i just checked and it looks like the docs are not updated for 'gear' either.22:12
krotscheckUgh email.22:13
sdaguemordred: ok, so maybe if you provide the super fast overview of what you learned and what we should replicate, that would be great22:14
sdagueespecially how we'd do that on gerrit, for instance22:14
mtreinishanteaya: I don't think it is needed. I can't see why that has to be specified in a job definition, it should be handled in devstack/devstack-gate itself.22:14
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mtreinishanteaya: also the cells job is broken and unrelated to the commit msg, so I'm not really sure what the intent is there...22:15
krotschecksdague: The toolchain involves three pieces: npm, grunt, and bower. All three of these are available via the JS build in infra, and the end result is a directory of static assets that have been minified and optimized.22:16
krotschecksdague: They actually do a whole lot of really cool things, but the pieces you care about are that bower pulls down dependencies, and grunt will assemble that with all the other static assets.22:17
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anteayamtreinish: thanks for looking, can you comment?22:18
mordredsdague: yup. what he said. we've already got jjb templates to handle projects that work that way22:19
anteayamtreinish: ah you did, thank you22:19
mordredsdague: how about I made you a patch to a repo as an example ...22:19
mordredsdague: elastic recheck?22:19
sdaguemordred: yeh, that would be awesome22:19
mordredcool. I'll put that on my list22:19
mordredof course, if krotscheck can't help himself and beats me to it, I won't have him beaten or anything ...22:20
sdagueunrelated, the queue priority shifting seems to have done the expected thing22:20
krotscheckI love being volunteered :)22:20
krotscheckWhich repo?22:20
mordredkrotscheck: fix all the things NOW!22:20
* krotscheck fixes all the things.22:20
mordredkrotscheck: ^^22:21
mordredwhat he said22:21
mordredsdague: did your recent stuffs land?22:21
krotscheckLet me take a look.22:21
sdaguemordred: yep22:21
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sdagueclarkb: so maybe turning off parsing this file would be good -
clarkbwhich file? (note I almost never click those logstash links because too long for weechat)22:25
lifelessits the os-collect-config one22:26
sdaguethough I guess its not as bad as it could be22:26
lifelesswhich derekh knwos about and is AFAIK fixing22:26
sdaguebut it is 200k records in the last 12 hrs22:26
sdagueof garbage22:26
clarkboh ya a fix is proposed22:27
mordredclarkb: yah. same here. I wish weechat was smarter with links...22:27
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clarkbI just havent had time to look at it yet22:27
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sdagueit's apparently 20% of all tripleo output22:28
krotscheckmordred: I’m busy building the venv.22:28
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sdagueok, time for me to go work on dinner. Night all.22:29
mordredfungi: were you commenting earlier on the _python_ being shipped with trusty being poop?22:30
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fungimordred: the 3.4 there has a pretty serious segfault in its gc22:30
fungimordred: we have an outstanding backport request to get it fixed before we rely on it heavily for py3k jobs22:31
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openstackgerritAdam Gandelman proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for 1375488
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clarkbadam_g if ironic needs images they should be listed by devstack22:37
clarkbadam_g that is how we know what to cache22:38
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mordredfungi: that makes me eversohappy22:38
adam_gclarkb, yeah, tho its not devstack that needs them--its DIB. looking at the elements that pull that now22:38
clarkbdevstack lists all images with a utility though22:39
bodepd_random question about jenkins-job-builder. I noticed there is support for the jenkins-job-builder trigger, but I don't see that you can set the github project for a job22:39
clarkband we cache them22:39
bodepd_trigger for github pull request builder22:39
mordredadam_g: yah - so, things don't get pre-cached on our base images unless they're listed by devstack. we'll also need to do $something to dib to get it to look for the pre-cached images that our pre-caching has already pulled22:39
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mordredadam_g: amusingly enough, we're currently stepping towards having the nodepool-dib pull those images so that they'll also be pre-cached on the nodepool image building host :)22:40
mordredso, it's dibs all the way down22:40
clarkbbodepd_ jenkins job builder trigger?22:41
bodepd_clarkb: github pull request builder22:41
mordredbodepd_: I don't believe any of us here have ever used that feature22:42
bodepd_mordred: thanks22:42
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mordredbodepd_: which is my way of saying "that seems like the sort of thing that someone would want to do, but I know nothing." :)22:43
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bodepd_yeah, I haven't tried out the trigger in jjb yet, but it looks like its doomed to fail with a Null Pointer Exception22:44
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bodepd_maybe I can patch it if it explodes like I expect it will22:44
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mordredbodepd_: we welcome patches!22:45
clarkbis it a central config thing?22:45
bodepd_clarkb: yeah.22:45
clarkbthat may explain it if so22:45
clarkbyup you cant modify that with jjb22:45
clarkbbecause jenkins is bong hits22:45
bodepd_I didn't see if in the docs22:46
bodepd_ah. gotcha. can't modify arbitrary top level settings22:46
clarkbno hlabal config is stupid22:46
mordredglobal config is the worst thing ever22:46
bodepd_weird that there would be this trigger in there if it's doomed to explode22:46
bodepd_hopefully I' misunderstanding something22:47
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krotscheckHrm, maybe I shouldn’t enable jshint right now, since it breaks.22:47
mordredclarkb, bodepd_: wait- how would it possibly be a global setting22:47
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mordredyou'd need to configure what github project to watch ona  job level, right?22:47
anteayanotmyname: this patch creates a new job for swiftclient and enables it in the check and gate:
bodepd_mordred: I could easilt be misunderstading the config layout22:48
anteayanotmyname: might I suggest some time as a non-voting job first?22:48
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mordredbodepd_: (of course, what I REALLY want is github pull request triggers for zuul, since I think that having jenkins trigger itself is bonghits)22:48
anteayanotmyname: it will save time for swiftclient in the long run, most new jobs need to get the bugs worked out of them22:48
mordredphschwartz: ^^ how's that patch coming along22:48
bodepd_mordred: I think I meant global in a job-instance way22:50
bodepd_mordred: which is a little confusing22:50
clarkbmordred did you watch snf? still have a liver?22:50
mordredyah. job-instance config is certainly something I'd expect jjb to set22:50
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adam_gclarkb, a side effect of having the DIB base image listed in devstack is that it will end up publishing it into glance for no reason.22:51
mordredclarkb: let's just say that I didn't watch ALL of it22:51
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mordredadam_g: I believe there is a way to list images that are optinoal and that don't get used unless requested22:51
mordredadam_g: and the image list utility gives us the list of all possible image that devstack ever _might_ want to know about22:51
* adam_g keeps diggin22:51
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mordredadam_g: somewhere there's a vmware image that gets referenced22:52
mordredadam_g: look in stackrc at vsphere22:53
mordredadam_g: IMAGE_URLS=${IMAGE_URLS:-""};;22:53
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mordredadam_g: it's possibe I missed part of the earlier conversation ... it looks like ironic already has some images listed in there ...22:54
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adam_gmordred, right, then we end up with the vsphere image in glance when the driver is enabled22:55
mordredadam_g: yah. and if it's not, you don't - but either way we pre-cache it onto the build host for you22:55
adam_gmordred, devstack calls out to DIB to build the ramdisks, which goes out to the tubes22:55
mordredright. so we want to be able to have that invocation of dib point to a pre-downloaded image instead of going to the tubs22:56
mordredor tubes22:56
adam_gyeah.. add it to ironic's image_urls, and find out how to point DIB to the cached image.. but like i said, we end up with an extra image in glance22:57
mordredadam_g: nod. I wonder if hiding it behind a fake optino that we never turn on would be too hackish22:58
clarkbpoint dib at glance22:59
anteayaI'm watching turkeys fly into my trees to roost23:00
anteayanever ever seen it before23:00
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fungiclarkb: mordred: snf was quite possibly travolta's best film!23:01
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mordredclarkb: that's a fascinatingly non-terrible idea ...23:02
adam_gclarkb, i dont think glance has any images in it until much later23:02
* mordred butts out23:02
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add links to specific bugs
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add links to specific bugs
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krotscheckmordred: HOw fancy should I go with this, fully functional dev environment?23:16
mordredkrotscheck: let's not scare sdague off too much ...23:17
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Stop running jobs for stable/havana
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clarkbfungi is it that time already?23:18
fungiit's that time of year again. coleslaw in the galoshes and all23:18
fungithat's one of a series of patches on the way to rip havana cruft out of all our stuff, but first we have to stop using it. hence buhbye jobs23:19
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mordredfungi: yay!23:21
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Delete stable/havana job configs
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clarkbfungi and there is nothing preventing us from merging these asap?23:25
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Drop stable/havana changes from official channels
mordredfungi: there is a section where you replace stable/havana with stable/icehouse - I think we can just delete it23:27
fungimordred: grenade jobs?23:27
mordredfungi: basically, the branch filter for grenade23:27
mordredwe had the blocker in there because grenade didn't work on havana, right?23:28
fungimordred: see the commit message23:28
fungimordred: grenade jobs on icehouse try to start from havana and upgrade to icehouse23:28
mordredoh. ok23:28
fungimordred: so we need to stop running grenade on icehouse changes if havana is about to start rotting due to no longer being supported/tested23:29
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fungiclarkb: not as far as i'm aware, policy-wise should be fine, though i'd prefer you make up your own mind as to whether they can technically be approved asap, of course23:29
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: [WIP] Added javascript toolchain
krotscheckmordred, sdague ^^23:30
fungii'm combing through the config, d-g and devstack repos next to clean those up, then i'm going to start abandoning any lingering changes and draft up the eol announcement23:30
mordredfungi: I think the first one looks good and am keen to +3 it23:30
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clarkbfungi of course. just wondering from the stable maint and vmt perspective if we should wait23:31
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anteayaI've +1 what I can23:32
anteayaI'm heading out for a walk23:32
anteayagood-bye havana23:32
mordredclarkb, fungi: I have left a +2 only - I will defer on the 3 until we decide on an answer to clarkb23:34
fungiclarkb: no need to wait from stable-maint and vmt end of things. we're not doing backports to it since the 2013.2.4 release last week23:35
krotscheckAnyone want to join me on a grand experiment and approve ? :)23:35
fungihrm, devstack-gate cleanup for grenade jobs might should be coupled with updating for juno, since removing icehouse from it right now will lose a lot of the current conditional logic23:36
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* fungi will hold off patching d-g just yet23:38
fungialso, what with the config project split, there was really nothing to patch in the config repo for this23:39
fungigetting on to abandoning open havana changes now23:39
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* krotscheck idly pokes mordred ->
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mordredfungi: woot23:45
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jogosdague: tiny -1 on your latest ER patch23:48
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Upload custom configuration for js-draft build.
mordredkrotscheck: ^^ done23:50
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krotscheckmordred: Thanks :)23:55
krotscheckHOw long does it take project-config changes to propagate?23:55
mordredkrotscheck: a MILLION YEARS23:56
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Subscription
krotscheckWell then23:57
* krotscheck settles in to wait23:57
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mordredkrotscheck: it's actually 15 minutes ish23:58
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