Friday, 2014-09-26

fungiclarkb: breathe it in. last time you'll see it. new adventures ahead00:00
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jeblairfungi: 124181 failed with an interesting error00:01
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jeblairzuul has the wrong jobs for the config repo00:01
fungido we still need to start puppet back up on the puppetmaster? is zuul missing an update?00:01
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jeblairfungi: i'm not sure; the current change in gate looks correct00:02
jeblairthe config in project-config looks correct as well00:02
clarkbmaybe jjb hasn't hit jenkins?00:02
fungii think we had a registration race00:02
fungior else the manual puppet runs didn't re-trigger jjb00:03
jeblairoh yeah, that's probably it00:03
fungii'll check that zuul thinks those are now registered00:03
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup translation files
fungimust have been timing, both are registered on bare-precise and bare-trusty now00:04
fungiaccording to gearman status00:04
fungii'll recheck it00:04
jeblairyeah, indeed the most recent change that merged still was using the old job set, so that explanation is likely00:05
clarkbwe can fix that with more ordering in the ansible host lists00:06
clarkbdo git, then gerrit, then jenkinses, then everything else00:06
fungijjb is taking longer and longer to run, any more there winds up being a significant gap between zuul reloading for layout changes and corresponding jobs getting registered in gearman00:06
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup translation files
fungiwow, AJeager is not in here, but he's still improving our stuff00:07
fungiperhaps he does it in his sleep00:07
jeblairclarkb, fungi: yeah; also if we get around to writing the zuul worker that runs ansible, we can still have the system be fairly responsive even if jjb is slow00:07
jeblairclarkb: want to aprv 123846?00:08
fungii'm inclined to say that's a problem which will be more easily solved once there's no jenkins for which to build crufty xml00:08
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clarkbjeblair: /me looks00:09
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openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: heat-dsvm-functional INSTALL_TESTONLY=1
fungithat reminds me... there's a new project i need to subscribe to in gertty ;)00:28
anteayaha ha ha00:28
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openstackgerritJan Kundrát proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Do not limit the first sync to open review requests
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Add precedence to merge jobs
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fungido we want to restart zuul this evening or save that for tomorrow?|00:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Removes content split into project-config
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jeblairfungi: maybe go ahead and do it now?00:45
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fungisounds good to me00:45
jeblairwhile the queue is not quite so large00:45
anteayawhat is left before we use config and project-config?00:46
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jeblairfungi: shall you or i do the restart?00:46
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jeblairanteaya: i think we are in business00:46
reedcongratulations all for the change! massive changelog00:47
fungii can restart... is there anything special i should do to save pipelines, or just let it do a graceful one?00:47
anteayajeblair: thanks00:47
anteayasdague yolanda mtreinish we are good to go on project-config and config00:47
fungii guess graceful restart with a 12-hour gate backlog is probably not great00:48
anteayasorry taht was to sdake00:48
fungido we have cheater notes on dumping the queue? if not i'll reread docs real quick... been a while00:48
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clarkbfungi: in ~root/ there should be a queue dump2 script or some such00:49
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fungiclarkb: thanks00:49
clarkbfungi: if you look at my history yuo should see invocations of it00:49
clarkbfungi: you run that and it spits out a bash script, running the bash script reenqueued00:50
jeblairpython gate >gate.sh00:50
jeblairpython check >check.sh00:50
jeblairstop; start; run both of those scripts00:50
fungijeblair: thanks. just found the same in root's shell history ;)00:50
fungilooks like someone already uncommented the root crontab on the puppetmaster00:51
jeblairfungi: yes i did that and monitored the first auto run00:52
arosen1Any ideas about this one : :/00:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Add project-config to infra integration test
fungiconfirmed the latest zuul commit is installed according to pip list, so restarting as soon as these impending changes in the gate post00:53
anteayaso I am going to go for a walk now00:55
anteayaand tomorrow is election stuff00:56
jeblairi pushed a governance change for project-config and subunit2sql in
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anteayajeblair: lgtm00:59
anteayaI can't vote and don't see the point of commenting +100:59
anteayabut +100:59
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jeblairi +1d for the team :)00:59
fungii stand steadfastly behind jeblair's collective proxy +101:00
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openstackgerritJan Kundrát proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add support for fetching changesets over SSH protocol
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fungiokay, gate is settled, so restarting zuul now01:08
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jeblairperhaps after the 300th change we should make a new point release of zuul.01:11
fungithat's awesomely arbitrary01:11
jeblairbetter be a good one01:11
fungiwe should actually just di it at the next prime-numbered change01:12
fungier, do it01:12
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fungiwow... so much less tab-completion to edit files in the new repo ;)01:12
dims_fungi: +1 :)01:12
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fungido we already have a precedence: low addition for the merge-check pipeline waiting to approve, or should i send one up for review once i'm done queuing changes?01:13
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Perform merge-check jobs at low precedence
fungiin case it didn't exist yet ^01:15
jeblairfungi: i think that's the first01:15
fungipipelines are done being requeued01:16
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Rename the keystone-formula project name
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jeffrey4l_jogo, are u Joe Gordon?02:55
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dstufftclarkb: mordred This is going to break on new pip too
dstufftrecommnd switching to either >=2013.6 or jsut "pytz"02:59
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add nova-salt-formula project
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add cinder-salt-formula project
clarkbdstufft want to propose the change?03:07
clarkbI can review03:08
clarkbjeffrey4l_ yes jogo is joe gordon03:08
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jeffrey4l_clarkb, I want to talk with him something. But it seem that he is not on line.03:09
jeffrey4l_never mind. I leave some comment to him, already.03:09
dstufftclarkb: do I just make a change to the global requirements repo?03:10
dstufftto that one file?03:10
Alex_Gaynordstufft: yes, then the system automatically sends CRs to all the downstreams03:11
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clarkbdstufft yup03:14
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dstufftpytz was changed from "pytz" to "pytz>=2010g" because of pip :V03:15
dstuffter 2010h03:15
dstufftnow it's going back!03:15
openstackgerritDonald Stufft proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Allow an unqualified pytz
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clarkblgtm but we probably shouldnt merge until after RCs03:16
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add neutron-salt-formula project
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Alex_Gaynorclarkb: I put a +2, won't +W03:19
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dstufftmy only opinion on that is selfish so I'm ok with whatever :)03:19
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Rename the glance-formula project name
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Port from old config repo
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Port from old config repo
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove d-i-b tools
QuinnyPigm/j #taos03:39
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add cinder-salt-formula project
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add neutron-salt-formula project
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Initial centos7 support for
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Require kombu 2.5.0 or newer for switch to py-amqp
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Correcting case of pyscss to match pypi
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add centos7 image to nodepool d-i-b config
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openstackgerritNikunj Aggarwal proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Adds xstatic-jreject for Horizon
openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Disabling check-requirements job from GBP project
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Refactor sources out of triggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix pep8 issues
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add gerrit reviews into patchset approvals
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Allow a pipeline to specify alternative gerrit acc
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for negative requirements
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Configure triggers dynamically
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for 'connection' concept
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Call driver methods more dynamically
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for triggers
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for sources
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add base class for reporters
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add cinder-salt-formula project
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add neutron-salt-formula project
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openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add sudo before running tox tests for osc functional
openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add nova-salt-formula project
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Rename the keystone-formula project name
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openstackgerritJeffrey Zhang proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Rename the glance-formula project name
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Cleanup translation files
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openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Disabling check-requirements job from GBP project
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openstackgerritSumit Naiksatam proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Disabling check-requirements job from GBP project
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yolandajeblair, anteaya, i was told to add debootstrap package to project-config, but i think it's not the case, right? what i see there for nodepool is the elements and scripts, but i need to add the package to the manifests, as we did for kpartx and qemu-utils08:32
yolandaam i ok to file a change against it?08:32
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openstackgerritMartin André proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Properly display non-ascii characters
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Fix wrong check for empty files
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Run tripleo tests on horizon
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Remove tripleo control variables
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Use a job-template for the tripleo jobs
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openstackgerritTomas Bezdek proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Extended Choice Parameter plugin
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valhallasw`cloudHey, I'm trying to file a bug on Gertty, but I'm getting a HTTP/500 when I try to login at https://storyboard.openstack.org09:15
valhallasw`cloud(click login, get redirected to, click 'yes, log me in', HTTP/500's)09:16
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AJaegervalhallasw`cloud: is this your first login to any openstack system?09:23
valhallasw`cloudAJaeger: works without any issues09:24
AJaegerso, you're logged in there?09:24
* AJaeger just tries to reproduce...09:24
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Gate Gnocchi against py34-postgresql
AJaegervalhallasw`cloud: works for me09:25
valhallasw`cloudAJaeger: Yes. I have used Gerrit before (a year ago or so), but haven't used storyboard before.09:25
AJaegervalhallasw`cloud: in that case you have to wait for the experts from the US to wake up...09:27
valhallasw`cloudSure, no problem.09:27
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openstackgerritJan Kundrát proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Unify small vs. capital letters in help output for consistency
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Fix indentation in rally-designate job config
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openstackgerritTomas Bezdek proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Flatten attribute for publish plugins
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openstackgerritTomas Bezdek proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for Extended Choice Parameter plugin
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openstackgerritRicardo Carrillo Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add version-properties builder to macros.yaml
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AJaegerrcarrillocruz: ping11:36
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: remove old queries with no hits that reference closed bugs.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove query for bug 1357677
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1357677 in nova "Instances failes to boot from volume" [Undecided,Invalid]
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rcarrillocruzAJaeger: thx, i see what you mean now...12:25
rcarrillocruzi will revert the change on the jobs that won't work12:26
rcarrillocruzand push a new one12:26
rcarrillocruzand when/if it gets merged12:26
AJaegerrcarrillocruz: that's one way forward - thanks!12:26
rcarrillocruzi will refactor the other jobs that can't work by refactoring12:26
AJaegerPerhaps add a comment to the other places why you cannot use this.12:26
rcarrillocruzit's counterintuitive to have - version-properties12:26
rcarrillocruz- shell: |12:26
rcarrillocruz< actions till version-properties>12:27
rcarrillocruz- version-properties12:27
rcarrillocruz- shell: |12:27
rcarrillocruz<actions after version-properties>12:27
rcarrillocruzthus no point in using as is version-properties for shell blocks having that problem12:27
rcarrillocruzwill refactor those afterwards12:27
rcarrillocruzthx again12:27
AJaegerI liked that you wanted to clean this up, thanks!12:27
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: add support for individual change status in webapp
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ihrachyshkahow frequently is logstash populated?12:51
sdaguehowever, there is a substantial backlog12:51
sdaguenotice the graph at the bottom of the zuul status page12:51
ihrachyshkaaha. so how long does it generally take for events to reach it?12:52
ihrachyshkaI don't see relevant events since 2014-09-24T23:31:03.000 which is quite old12:52
sdagueso... under ideal circumstances it's measure in seconds or minutes12:53
sdaguehowever, as I said, there is a substantial backlog12:53
gilliardThat is 2 days ago though - I can see logs in logstash from the last hour.12:54
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sdaguegilliard: no, you can't12:54
sdagueyou can see things that were time parsed incorrectly12:54
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sdagueso it thinks they were in the last hour12:54
gilliardoh.  I see.12:54
sdagueNOT tags:_grokparsefailure AND NOT message:"%{logmessage}" AND (build_queue:gate OR build_queue:check)12:55
sdaguewill give you an idea of the last valid events in there12:56
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sdague2014-09-25T01:41:56.401+00:00 seems to be the most recent valid event12:56
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sdagueso, yeh, that's 30 hrs behind12:56
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sdaguefungi: you up yet?12:59
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fungier, yep12:59
openstackgerritNikolay Fedotov proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove hardcoded root path of a jenkins node
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ihrachyshkasdague: thanks, everything is clear now13:00
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sdaguefungi: so I'm staring at zuul things again this morning13:00
sdagueand I really think the merge-check is hurting us pretty bad, as you can see in the triangle shapes in zuul node use13:01
sdaguefungi: ok, cool13:01
sdaguehow soon can we get that into live?13:01
fungias soon as it merges and puppet applies it13:02
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sdaguethe zuul code is out there?13:02
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AJaegergood morning, fungi!13:02
fungiyeah, i restarted zuul last night before i uploaded the config change13:02
sdaguefungi: great13:02
* AJaeger needs a brown paper bag ;( Could you review , please?13:02
sdagueso... the only issue there under current load is we're going to end up basically queuing these merge checks up13:03
fungisdague: though as far as how it could potentially have been affecting throughput, i have doubts. keep in mind we're constrained by provider capacity, and since the check volume picked up a few hours ago there's been only one tiny little wedge in the otherwise flat-lined test nodes graph13:03
sdagueand running them days after13:03
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sdaguefungi: so look at things from yesterday13:04
fungiso really, we'd have just been waiting on nodes if we weren't waiting on merges to get done13:04
sdaguewe really aren't, because we cap the number of ready nodes13:04
sdagueso yes, if this happens quick enough, we're getting ready13:04
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sdaguebut when we merge a couple of nova changes the merge-check backs up so far that we basically drive in use nodes to 013:05
sdaguethen you'll see the giant yellow wall once we release again13:05
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Handle correctly http error raise in run_http_exc
fungiwhen nodepool can't get providers to boot new nodes fast enough or delete used nodes fast enough, or get jenkins masters to put ready nodes into service fast enough, the down-time from merge-check bursts is only creating marginal drops in our overall usage. otherwise we're still full-on at capacity during ~ american work hours13:06
fungiso while yes the ratio of in use vs booting flip-flops briefly in a spike, remember we can't go overall any faster that the total quota capacity13:07
sdaguefungi: sure13:07
sdaguebut the whitespace is lost capacity13:07
sdagueand, honestly, every bit helps13:07
valhallasw`cloudAJaeger: ah, seems to be working again. It now also asked me to send my nickname to Storyboard, which was not asked this morning, so that might be related.13:07
sdaguewhen we are at capacity13:07
fungiit is, yes. there's a fair amount of it overnight american timezones, but during the day much less so as an overall area on te graph13:07
sdagueall the whitespace in the current zuul is not actually idle time13:08
sdagueas far as I can tell13:09
sdagueas in, we had work to do13:09
anteayayolanda: you can file changes to project-config and config again, yes. Who told you to file debootstrap to project-config?13:09
sdagueotherwise it would not immediately go back to full capacity13:09
sdagueif it drifted back up, I'd believe that it was related to people being asleep13:10
AJaegergood morning, anteaya ! Thanks for driving the project-config work!13:10
fungianyway, i don't think the precedence change is actually going to cause merge checks to run much later, because in theory there is plenty of down-time for the merge workers when they're not prepping merges for other higher-priority pipelines. it's just that they run full-bore when there's merge-check work to do so having it operate at highest priority was causing delays for other pipelines13:10
sdaguefungi: ok13:10
anteayamorning AJaeger I was just noisy and did the easy stuff, jeblair fungi and clarkb did the hard stuff13:10
anteayaand i am glad it is finished13:10
yolandaanteaya, i got the impression yesterday when you told me to abandon my change, that now it had to be on project-config13:10
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sdaguefungi: though we've not dropped to 0 waiting workers for as long as I can see either, it will be interesting13:10
anteayaexcept for the stuff we don't know about and have to fix13:11
yolandabut i see it's for scripts and configuration, mine is for config i guess13:11
fungisdague: but i'm eager to see how it plays out once that config change lands13:11
AJaegeranteaya: then let's say: Great team work of the infra team!13:11
yolandaanteaya, so it's ok to file it again, right?13:11
anteayayolanda: can you show me your change again?13:11
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sdaguefungi: yep :)13:11
anteayayolanda: the one I had talked to you about13:11
anteayaAJaeger: yay infra team \o/13:11
sdaguebecause it also means things like ER changes take an hour to get in, even though they should be about 10 minutes13:12
anteayaAJaeger: which includes you and your great reviews13:12
yolandaanteaya ^13:12
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anteayayolanda: yes the nodepool manifests are still in config13:12
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anteayatry unabandoning it13:12
fungisdague: yeah, it may cause slow accumulation in the merge-check pipeline when other activity is higher and then catch up overnight when the check pipeline falls back. if we don't already dequeue from merge-check when there are new merge-check pseudo-jobs requested for the same changes, we'll want to look into that13:12
anteayaand recheck it13:12
AJaegeranteaya: you're too kind - thanks13:12
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anteayaif it passes jenkins then it will still work on config13:13
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anteayaAJaeger: just being honest, you do great reviews, I count on them13:13
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yolandaok done it13:13
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* AJaeger counts on anteaya's reviews ;)13:15
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AJaegeranteaya: see above for my brown paper bag bug  -
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: remove old queries with no hits that reference closed bugs.
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anteayaI'm looking, what is the definition of a brown paper bag bug? I don't know.13:23
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anteayafungi: we don't rename stackforge projects, do we? There is an item on the agenda where someone wants to change to projects from stackforge/name to stackforge/other-name13:26
AJaegeranteaya: an embarrassing bug ;(13:26
anteayaAJaeger: ah, okay13:26
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anteayawell considering all the negatives in that commit message I don't think it is that easy to keep straight13:27
fungianteaya: we rename them batched with official projects that want to rename, but we don't schedule separate maintenance activity just to cater to stackforge renames13:27
anteayaso it is possible but they wait for another scheduled downtime13:27
fungiso it's a legitimate enough request, but it likely won't happen right away13:27
AJaegerfungi, so my advise to put it on the agenda was correct, wasn't it?13:27
fungiAJaeger: yeah13:27
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anteayafungi: so elections, it would be good to tag the governance repo, I do believe13:29
anteayattx are you about?13:29
ttxanteaya: I am13:29
anteayattx for a discussion on tagging the governance repo?13:29
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ttxanteaya: sure i can do that13:29
anteayawe did last time for clarity on state13:29
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anteayaI think now is the right time13:29
anteayaany objections to now?13:30
AJaegeranteaya: "The current kernel release is 2.2.1. This is the "brown paper bag" release, so named by Linus since it did have a problem or two sufficiently embarrassing to make him want to wear a bag over his head in public for a while."13:30
ttxnope, on it13:30
funginope, that's good. i'm about to get started generating electorate rolls13:30
anteayattx: thanks13:30
anteayafungi: thanks13:30
anteayattx did we manage to get that last docs contributor into extra-atcs?13:30
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anteayaAJaeger: ah13:30
fungianteaya: what's the official list of programs with elections? there only ended up being one or two in contest right13:30
fungianteaya: yeah, it merged13:31
anteayafungi: thanks13:31
anteayajust double checking emails again13:31
anteayaright now tripleo and cinder13:31
anteayaso those for sure13:31
ttxone of them could not make it, but the patch with docs contributors did13:31
anteayalet me confirm others13:31
fungii believe all the programs with extra atcs are uncontested anyway, right?13:31
anteayattx :( on that contributor but glad the others went in13:31
ttxtag pushed13:32
anteayawell just one docs person didn't join the foundation in time13:32
anteayattx: thanks13:32
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anteayayeah I don't see any recent emails13:34
anteayaall the ones I see were confirmed13:34
anteayato tripleo and cinder please13:35
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fungithat sounds like what i recalled. will get it to you and tristanC asap13:36
anteayatristanC is here too13:36
fungiyep ;)13:36
anteayaoh and yes all the programs with extra atcs are uncontested13:37
anteayafor those following along at home:
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Perform merge-check jobs at low precedence
fungii just confirmed the same. there are 5 programs with extra-atcs specified, but none for deployment or block storage13:39
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annegentlettx: thanks for representing docs' issues with the layers, I just haven't jumped on the thread but you're spot on with "it's not just release management"13:42
annegentleI do appreciate the discussion just haven't jumped in13:42
sdaguefungi: what's the ER code update timing window again?13:42
ttxannegentle: right, horizontal efforts go beyond "the gate and thierry"13:42
fungisdague: i don't know what those words mean in that combination... try another?13:42
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sdaguehow long after ER code merge until that's the live code on the system13:43
fungisdague: oh, good question... when you say er code merge you do mean changes to the source code for the elastic-recheck services, not changes to the dataset right?13:43
ttxannegentle: btw I had one question -- which is the set of projects (if any) which you directly produce docs for ? IIRC it's a subset of the current "integrated" release13:43
sdaguefungi: yep13:44
sdaguethough they are one in the same, I believe13:44
ttxannegentle: want to see how far it is from layer #1 as proposed13:44
fungisdague: it's deployed via puppet from git, so should happen within ~15 minutes normally13:44
sdagueawesome, thanks :)13:44
fungisdague: however, depending on how it's versioned and installed, could get stuck... i'll take a look for a better confirmation13:44
anteayaI just updated the two election wikipages with the tag ttx just pushed13:45
sdagueI think given that, there is nothing to worry about, if what I don't expect to be there isn't there in an hour, I'll ask13:45
fungisdague: yeah, last update was merged 25 minutes ago and pip list says that's the version which is currently installed on status.openstack.org13:46
fungisdague: also the process start time for /usr/local/bin/elastic-recheck is 13:34 utc, so should be running the latest commit13:47
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AJaegerttx documentation is trying (!) to handle all incubated projects but the level of coverage is different...13:48
annegentleAJaeger: heh was just going to say... :)13:48
AJaegerthe newer ones have less documentation...13:48
fungisdague: also, i noticed that the openstackrecheck irc bot fell off freenode a couple months ago and never came back after some adjustments were made to how its channels list was configured... is it intended to eventually get resurrected?13:48
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AJaegerannegentle: I'm not good at multi-tasking ;(13:48
annegentlettx: yes there's gradual integration13:48
annegentleAJaeger: you seem to do just fine from my view! :)13:48
annegentlettx: for example ceilometer has slightly more than trove13:49
annegentleAJaeger: that's accurate, right? ^^13:49
fungiAJaeger: not sure you you can be the #1 reviewer (according to stackalytics) and not be good at multitasking13:49
AJaegerannegentle: yeah...13:49
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AJaegerfungi: I'll slow down a bit now to give SergeyLukjanov a chance to be number 1 again ;)13:49
sdaguefungi: ... I thought so13:50
sdaguethough, honestly, it's kind of useless at the moment as we're 30 hrs behind on indexing13:50
AJaegerannegentle: ceilomter is making a good push right now, heat and trove are slowly catching up as well...13:50
fungisdague: okay, cool. i was just worried when i had to go reset nickserv passwords for all our bots and that was the only one i was unable to test continued working, since it was already too broken to connect13:51
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Stop using deprecated TESTR_FULL option
mtreinishanteaya: ^^^ ok, moved to project-config13:52
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for encrypted volume delete race bug 1374458
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1374458 in cinder "Race to delete volume in test_encrypted_cinder_volumes_luks" [Undecided,New]
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anteayamtreinish: thank you13:59
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Handle correctly http error raise in run_http_exc
openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Support authentication in run_http_exc
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openstackgerritNikolay Fedotov proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove hardcoded root path of a jenkins node
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sdaguefungi: when you have a second, I'd be curious on your thoughts on -
sdaguewhich is exposing X,Y.json in the zuul webapp for individual changes14:17
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fungihuh... odd that the ci parsing table isn't finding those job results14:19
fungisdague: the change sounds good to me in principle (i haven't looked at the implementation yet)14:20
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sdagueit's in a recheck14:21
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fungiyeah, but rechecking a change doesn't generally hide the previous test results14:22
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fungifrom a quick stare at the implementation, it doesn't strike me as a security risk since the user-supplied data is put through a strict match on having only integer values there14:24
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fungiso even if it gets reused in a later patch, the \d+,\d+ string can't really pose much of a threat no matter what's done with it14:26
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sdaguefungi: yeh14:38
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sdagueI tried to make it a pretty narrow bit, plus it's only used in compares anyway14:39
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openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add packages necessary for AMQP 1.0 support in olso.messaging
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clarkbsdague 124250 is a fun reqs change14:43
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sdagueI don't like dropping the minimum14:45
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clarkbthe minimum wont work though14:45
clarkbmaybe we bump it to a version that will work?14:46
sdagueI'd rather do that14:46
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sdague>= 2014 should be valid, right?14:46
anteayaAJaeger: you had asked for my filter branch commands:
sdagueactually >= 201314:46
anteayaAJaeger: I know you had requested a blog post but I just don't have the energy right now to compose it14:47
sdaguebased on what I see here -
clarkbsdague yes I think so. dstufft will know for sure though14:47
anteayaso rather than make you wait, there are the commands, ugly and effective14:47
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AJaegeranteaya: WOW! that's a long filter command...14:47
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for scheduling race bug 1372093
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1372093 in tempest "QuotaClassesAdminTestJSON.test_update_default_quota() cause other tests to fail" [High,In progress]
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Ignore extra-atcs lines which look like comments
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow a git ref to pin the governance repo
jeblairsdague, fungi: a good portion of the whitespace on the graph is actual less-than-full-bore time from us-overnight.  the largest two build spikes are from the periodic jobs.  the two recent smaller spikes with whitespace are probably from merge-check.14:55
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jeblairsdague, fungi: so some substantial noticable effect for certain, but it's not the sole (or largest) cause of whitespace.14:55
mordredsdague: yah - I believe >= 2013 is supported by pip mainly because of pytz14:56
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openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add tests to verify oslo.messaging's use of the Apache QPID broker
fungijeblair: agreed. that was my take from it as well14:57
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jeblairsdague, fungi: as for the queue -- only unique entries are added to it, and the usual dequeue on new patchset behavior is used14:57
sdaguejeblair: ok, cool14:58
sdaguejeblair: I wasn't sure how thoat worked here14:58
fungijeblair: cool. i've been keeping an eye on it since the precedence config change went into effect, and so far it seems to be doing what i'd expect14:58
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jeblairsdague, fungi: and as for timeliness of results -- the only thing it does is internal merges, which is the very thing where zuul selects a repo state for testing; before that happens, zuul has no idea of the repo state. so....14:58
jeblairsdague, fungi: in other words, when a check finally runs, it is guaranteed to be current14:59
fungigot it. the result is whatever the result would be at the time it was attempted, not having anything necessarily to do with the change which merged to trigger it14:59
jeblairsdague, fungi: so if it sits in there for 2 hours, when it finally runs, it's tested the immediate mergability of that change14:59
openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add packages necessary for AMQP 1.0 support in olso.messaging
sdaguehmmm... looks like internal mirror issues -
sdaguejeblair: gotcha, ok, so nothing to worry about14:59
jeblairfungi: yep.  not related to change that triggered it, or time enqueued or anything like that15:00
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fungisdague: yes, we've observed that hpcloud has trouble talking to itself from time to time15:00
sdaguejeblair: - here's an idea, if we did that in zuul, I think it would give us the infrastructure to pull those results over to the toggle ci code15:00
anteayafungi: I'm going with the changes you offered patches for are working?15:00
anteayafungi: or still testing15:00
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fungianteaya: still testing. those are work in progress until i'm done validating the results--i'll mark them as such15:01
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anteayawell I am +1 on both15:01
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jeblairsdague: jhesketh has been working on that actually; that's what has been driving the status page refactor (i don't want us to have _three_ copies of the zuul status code)15:01
jeblairsdague: i think he may have a similar change in 12203615:02
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sdaguejeblair: so it's related but not similar15:03
sdaguejhesketh's applying a filter to generate a different cache15:03
sdaguethis is just returning a subset of the existing cache15:04
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jeblairsdague: actually jhesketh's looks like it does not use caching at all if the filter is supplied15:06
sdagueso I thought about going that deep to do this, but given how much needs that main cache anyway, just plucking out of the cache seemed like it would put less load on the system15:06
sdagueoh, I must have misread that15:06
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sdagueno, I think that if the cache is old, and you have a filter, you still get to self.cache = status_json15:07
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sdaguewhich might be unintended15:07
jeblairsdague: i think you are right on both counts15:08
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sdagueso, my change is solely in webapp and just plucks things out of existing cache, so you can just take advantage of all the computation that happened for the full list15:09
sdagueok, I put my observation in jhesketh'15:10
sdagues patch15:10
jeblairsdague: that sounds like a good approach.  what do you think about using a query string like in jhesketh's change?15:10
sdaguejeblair: I can go either way15:11
sdagueI'm typically more of a pathinfo person for resources like this15:11
sdaguebut if you want it as a query string, I can change it15:11
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jeblairoh, his let's you filter by project too15:11
sdaguehis is definitely doing more15:12
sdaguemy use case was thinking about exposing this into gerrit15:12
jeblairhis too -- he has been working for months on that :)15:12
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jeblairand i'm still keen on the original plan of finishing up the status page refactor so we can re-use the same code in all three places15:14
jeblairi think it's pretty close actually, it's just not our highest review priority :/15:14
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jeblairof course it's his saturday, so the 3 of us can't get together and chat about this before i leave tomorrow :(15:15
sdaguejeblair: how long you gone for?15:15
jeblairbut maybe next week you and he can bash out a single solution for the change filtering.  i'll try to leave comments on both reviews15:16
jeblairsdague: till oct 815:16
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mordredjeblair: you know we all become terrified when you go away for periods of time, right?15:16
sdaguehonestly, I was going to do some changes to the toggle ci parts to try to make it a little clearer about what's going on some times15:17
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sdaguejeblair: so we *might* cross paths again before paris, or might not15:17
jeblairsdague: that would be very welcome!  as long as you don't actually implement the status page in toggleci we'll be fine :)  i imagine that would be very upsetting to jhesketh15:18
jeblairsdague: you're taking pre-paris time off?15:18
sdagueI'm taking time off when the baby comes15:18
jeblairright, and you haven't set a date for that yet.  ;)15:19
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sdagueright :)15:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for encrypted volume delete race bug 1374458
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1374458 in nova "test_encrypted_cinder_volumes_luks fails to detach encrypted volume" [High,In progress]
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sdagueyeh, well honestly my bigger concerns with toggle ci right now are making it easy to understand how old the test results are, and making it have a big red button if it's in merge conflict - which isn't always super clear15:22
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jeblairsdague: ya.  i _think_ it knows when something is in merge conflict, and, iirc, it just does not display the results.  i can agree that's not the best ui choice.  :)15:23
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jeblairsdague: fortunately, that data should already be there to work with.15:23
sdagueI figured it would be my friday afternoon hacking on something different :)15:23
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sdakehey guys question re kolla - and the need for separate repos15:28
sdakewe think we need separate repos for each container we produce15:28
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sdakeso can automate the build of the containers and put them in their registry15:29
sdakeI thought having 20-30 repos for 1 project might be irritating15:29
sdakewould that be, or would nobody care?15:29
sdakejeblair thoughts?15:29
mordredsdake: I do not think you need sepearate repos15:29
fungisdake: what does "each container" mean in this context? one per target platform per server project?15:29
larsksmordred: docker hub's automatied build process needs a single dockerfile at the root of a repository.15:29
sdakelarsks can you answer what you mean?15:29
mordredsdake: in dox, we've been working on the idea of having a directory tree that contains multiple container descriptions15:30
jeblairfungi: i think it's more like one per openstack project; so they'll build a "nova" container... right?15:30
larsksmordred: It's designed for one-repo-per-iamge that your're building.15:30
mordredlarsks: I understand the tools there15:30
larsksmordred: Okay.  That's what we want to use.15:30
mordredlarsks: well, let's come back to that - why do you want to use dockerhub to build the containers?15:30
fungijeblair: except not sure how that translates to 20-30 repos per project, unless i misinterpreted15:30
larsksmordred: I would say for two reasons:15:30
sdake20-30 repos total fungi15:30
sdakeI think I mispoke ;-)15:30
jeblairfungi: 20-30 for the singlo kolla project15:30
fungisdake: oh, gotcha15:30
larsks(a) the convenience of having an automatic build-image-from-git-push mechanism, and15:31
* mordred does not think more than one git repo is needed - but he'll get to that15:31
fungisdake: so fewer than horizon's xstatic repos then ;)15:31
mordreda) infra exists15:31
larsks(b) having a clear link on docker hub between the images and source repositories that matches community expectations.15:31
clarkbI think it was murano thst decided this was an anti pattern15:31
mordredb) makes sense15:31
clarkbyou group code logically15:31
larsksIf (a) exists, I guess I would live with that.15:31
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clarkbnot based on specific "packaging" needs15:31
mordredlarsks: you don't need a non-infra build service for anything ... :)15:31
anita-anteayaso yeah, my server died apparently15:32
mordredthere is a thing from the docker folks which is how they make the official containers15:32
anita-anteayawoo for timing15:32
openstackgerritSteve Martinelli proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Run a shell script instead of tox for osc functional
mordredwhich completely has the ability to do multi-container per git repo15:32
mordredone sec so I can get the link ....15:32
larsksthis is the stackbrew stuff, yeah?15:32
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larsksI thought they were trying to move away from that in favor of the automated builds (<-- not based on anything authoritative)15:33
clarkb(it is possible the the two overlap and you do 30 repos, but I think you have to attack it from the what makes logical sense perspective first)15:33
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mordredgotcha. well, having repo-per-container is a model I'm _actively_ working on not doing in infra as it relates to dox15:33
larsksPart of my concern is that mixing up all the dockerfiles in a single repository will lead to a messy change history.  But I guess that is a maintenance issue rather than an operational one.15:33
mordredso I'd love to put our heads together and figure out a solution15:33
mordred for instance15:34
jeblair[otoh, 30 repos might totally help us break the 500 project mark before paris and that'll look really good on jbryce's slides.  but we probably don't need to make technical decisions based on jbryce's slides.]  ;)15:35
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larsksmordred: So, the infra stuff builds and pushes to docker hub?  Or builds and pushes to some infra-maintained registry?15:36
mordredyes. I would suggest pushign to dockerhub15:36
sdakeour code base now builds and pushes to dockerhub15:36
sdakein one repo15:36
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larsksmordred: wait, I was asking if that process *already* exists in an automated fashion, not if that is something that *we* should do...I am now slightly confused.15:37
jeblairsdake: how do the credentials work for dockerhub?15:37
mordredno - it does not - but it's the thing we will want to do15:37
mordredbecause dockerhub autobuild is not an option15:37
sdakejeblair previously I was typing in a password15:37
leakypipesjeblair: +1 from me on andreas, anteaya and sdague :)15:37
sdakebut now I created an organization -= not sure how that works :)15:37
mordredsince it requires github linking15:37
jeblairleakypipes: yay!  i'm so excited about this :)15:37
* fungi would love to see us eventually ditch github entirely15:37
larsksmordred: okay, so "we will want to do" but that service is not yet available?15:38
leakypipesjeblair: indeed, me too. and BTW, awesome work to the infra team for the breakout of that config code.15:38
mordredlarsks: right. that will be a patch someone will need to write to infra - of course, it's a job that does "docker push" - and a puppet change to get the credentials onto the publication hosts ...15:38
mordredso it sholdn't be terribly hard15:38
larsksjeblair: credentials are acquired via something oauth like, I run "docker login" and provide a username and password and you can a .dockercfg file with a token.15:38
* mordred needs to think about the local build publication ...15:39
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mordredlarsks: let me take an action to think about the mechanics of that - it's been on my TDL for a bit, but I can bump it up higher15:39
larsksmordred: thanks.15:39
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* mordred needs to learn about how docker push works as it relates to our trusted and untrusted slaves15:40
larskssdake: It seems pretty clear that if we're going to work in the #openstack-infra framework then we're going to need to stick with a single git repository for everything.  So, onwards, I guess...15:40
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larskssdake: But will have to manually build and push things for now.15:40
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mordredlarsks: yah- if you guys can just do that for now, I'll work out the auto bit15:40
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mordredsdake, larsks: where is your current repo?15:41
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jeblairmordred: i imagine docker push will happen from a trusted slave.  let's set it up like pypi.15:41
mordredjeblair: yes, I agree15:42
larsksmordred: no where useful right now :).  What spawned this discussion was me wanting to move it somewhere more useful.15:42
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mordredlarsks: gotcha :)15:42
jeblairmordred: i have an idea about how to make that happen from an untrusted slave, but it will have to wait 2 weeks ;)15:42
mordredjeblair: the thing I don't know is a) how I get the built containers to the trusted slave b) what ramifications there are in pushing that container to the trusted slave15:42
clarkbmordred can you do like glance and point dockerhub at a url?15:43
mordredjeblair: I'm assuming I can find a way to copy the untrusted - publish to tarballs - trusted - fetch from tarballs model15:43
jeblairmordred: why not just like pypi?15:43
mordredjeblair: I just don't actually know the physical mechanics of that at this moment15:43
clarkbif so just swift/tarballs it and say go get image over there please15:43
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larsksmordred: does the infra stuff support submodules in git repositories?15:43
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mordredlarsks: we highly recommend against them - I'm honestly not sure if the zuul merger does the right thing with them15:45
larsksmordred: Okay, thanks.15:45
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clarkbmordred zuul should (its just merges no need to init or update submodules)15:45
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clarkbthe cloning stuff though will likely fail15:46
clarkbin the jobs themselves15:46
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jeblairwho owns the 'openstack' organization on
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for scheduling race bug 1372093
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1372093 in tempest "QuotaClassesAdminTestJSON.test_update_default_quota() cause other tests to fail" [High,In progress]
jeblairlarsks: yeah, it's less of a technical decision and more of a workflow one.  submodules are _really_ hard for a lot of developers to reason about and work with.15:48
mordredjeblair: that's an excellent question15:48
jeblairi just registered stackforge, but openstack is taken.15:49
larsksjeblair: Yeah, i've seen that.  They make sense to me :).  No worries, though; I think we will avoid the submodule solution.15:49
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mordredjeblair: I don't see it anywhere15:50
mordredjeblair: oh - that's a user named openstack I think15:51
zaroclarkb: you have some time today?15:51
jeblairmordred: oh yep15:51
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jeblairthat's where it would be if it were an org15:51
clarkbzaro probably. whats up?15:52
mordredjeblair: you wanna contact the docker folks or want me to ?15:52
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jeblairbut they share a namespace, so since there's an openstack user, no go.15:52
zaroclarkb: want to make jenkins-plugin release, but would like this change to go in
jeblairmordred: it's not clear which method of contact should be used... :/15:53
zaroclarkb: opps meant python-jenkins15:53
mordredjeblair: me either - I was thinking about ... or we could go poke eric windisch15:53
clarkbzaro is the version on correct?15:53
clarkbzaro I rechecked so that we could see ^15:54
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Move notifications for pycadf from oslo to keystone
jeblairmordred: how about i email info and cc you and eric?15:54
pleia2good morning15:54
mordredjeblair: sounds great15:54
zaroclarkb: i believe it is.15:54
jeblairmordred: what's your docker username?15:55
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jeblairerw: oh! you're here :)15:55
clarkbzaro 0.3.1 was the last tag?15:55
mordredjeblair: mordred@inaugust.com15:55
zaroclarkb: it was the last tag on master.15:55
jeblairmordred: username not email15:55
clarkbzaro perfect I think the version is correct then15:55
zaroclarkb: 0.3.4 is the last release but it was tagged on 3.0-fixes branch.15:56
sdagueleakypipes: what did you +1 me on? :)15:56
mordredjeblair: ah, seems to be emonty15:56
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jeblairerw: we would like to have an 'openstack' organization on, but that name seems to be taken by a user (with no repos).  how can we have that transferred?15:57
clarkbzaro last question is pbr in requirements.txt? that change makes pbr a runtime requirement15:57
leakypipessdague: you were nominated for project-config-core.15:57
sdakeis openstack-infra/config available for changes now or is the repo frozen?15:57
zaroclarkb: yes it is.15:57
mordredsdake: you want openstack-infra/project-config now15:57
sdakemordred thanks15:58
erwjeblair: I’ll inquire.15:58
zaroclarkb: pbr>=0.8.2,<1.015:58
jeblairerw: awesome, thanks!15:58
jeblairmordred: i added you as an owner of the stackforge and openstackinfra orgs on hub.15:58
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jeblairmordred: hyphens are apparently not permitted15:58
sdagueanyone know what you have to do to a python datetime to make it json serializable?15:59
clarkbzaro I dont see it
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clarkbsdague: convert to epoch time * 100016:00
sdagueclarkb: maybe16:00
jeblairsdague: zuul does that16:01
jeblairint(self.enqueue_time * 1000)16:01
jeblairha :)16:02
zaroclarkb: ohh your right.  ugh! I was looking at jjb requirements.16:03
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sdaguejeblair: nice16:04
sdagueyeh, er does as well16:04
zaroclarkb: not sure how that works, but i do see pbr in
sdagueI just had to realize where I went goofy16:04
jeblairwe all need to realize that at some point16:04
clarkbzaro: it needs to be in requirements.txt if it is a runtime requirement16:05
dimsum_sdague: jsonutils serializes it using timeutils.strtime(value)16:05
clarkbzaro so that packagers know they need it16:05
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sdaguethere has been so much confusion around people thinking that bugs are fixed when it's just that ES is very behind, that I'm trying to put data about current indexing delay on the recheck pages16:05
sdagueso people don't read the flatlines as fixes16:06
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add Kolla Project
zaroclarkb: ok. i'll upload a new patch.16:06
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jgriffithsdague: hey... wanted to bounce some ideas off of you if you have a few minutes?16:07
sdaguejgriffith: sure16:07
jgriffithsdague: so on that LVM lockup issue16:07
jgriffithsdague: there's a couple of things I've been looking at16:08
sdaguewe should jump to -qa16:08
jgriffithsdague: good idea16:08
sdaguemriedem was looking at it this morning as well16:08
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fungisdague: maybe tweak the graph generation so that the x axis maximum is that freshness value you're generating rather than now()?16:10
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sdaguefungi: yeh, possibly, right now I just need to get my query for last indexed working right16:11
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Setup pbr versioning for docs
openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add Kolla Project
zaroclarkb: done ^16:13
clarkbzaro thanks I think that should do it16:13
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openstackgerritboden proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: query for teardown bug 1317298
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1317298 in tempest "timeout in wait_for_resource_deletion in tempest teardown" [Undecided,New]
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: expose what kernel is running
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openstackgerritDavid Shrewsbury proposed a change to stackforge/dox: Better support for multiple commands
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow a git ref to pin the governance repo
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Specify ATC contribution start/end in seconds
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flashgordonthe docs job at the top of the gate is taking over 1:45 hours16:31
flashgordonit looks like the upload file section is super duper slow16:32
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Specify ATC contribution start/end in seconds
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow a git ref to pin the governance repo
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Ignore extra-atcs lines which look like comments
flashgordonclarkb: ^16:33
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reedhi guys16:36
pleia2morning reed16:37
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reedI have a patch for bug #1254911 : what's the best way to test it? should I just run it locally and see if it works, propose upstream? I don't think we have a wiki-dev machine, do we?16:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254911 in openstack-ci "UniversalLanguageSelector breaks wiki skin" [Medium,Triaged]
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pleia2reed: yeah, that's the best way, we don't have a wiki-dev machine, can nudge RyanLane when he's around too since he's our wiki guru16:40
reedcool, thanks pleia216:41
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Log jenkins job builder errors on failure.
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anteayawoo I'm me again16:54
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jeblaircourtesy of systemd, my laptop screen unlock procedure is: open lid; type in password; close lid; open lid.17:01
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jeblairoh.  i should have kept that secret.  it would have been more secure.17:01
anteayajeblair: you get air circulation that way17:02
valhallasw`cloudjeblair: at least it's not open lid, close lid, repeat until the screensaver crashes ;-)17:02
pleia2jeblair: I hope you enjoy your vacation :)17:02
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mordredjeblair: wow.17:03
nibalizerjeblair: that hillarious17:05
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fungijeblair: at least it doesn't expect you to type your password with the lid closed... yet17:07
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pleia2that makes it extra secure17:08
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AJaegerjeblair: regarding openstack name on docker - let's ask berendt17:08
openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add tests to verify oslo.messaging's use of the Apache QPID broker
jeblairAJaeger: do you think he may have registered it?17:08
AJaegerjeblair: berendt have been asking on openstack-infra a couple of weeks ago for registration but nobody replied, perhaps he then did it himself17:08
fungithe procedure will be: open lid, close lid, attach usb keyboard, type password, open lid, curse loudly, throw laptop at wall, eat lunch17:09
AJaegerjeblair: berendt is in the channel, I hope he reads this and answers - and I hope I did not mix anything up ;)17:09
jeblairAJaeger: i can't find anything in my email about it :/17:10
* AJaeger searches...17:10
jeblairAJaeger: oh, it was vagrant:
jeblairand oops.  i think we may have all been distracted by summit around that time17:12
fungiand if he was asking in here, i don't find it in my channel logs17:13
AJaegerjeblair: so I mixed it up...17:13
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fungiat least not a couple weeks ago17:13
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AJaegerjeblair, fungi: Send an email to openstack-dev?17:16
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AJaegerfungi, jeblair, mordred: Could you review , please? I missed to add a "not" ;(17:19
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notmynamewhere do stackforge projects do bug tracking? is there a common location?17:20
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: extract logging setup to separate file
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add verbose mode to graph cmd
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: update web pages to support additional date info
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add support for computing relevant dates
funginotmyname: most of them use lp i think17:21
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notmynamefungi: ok, thanks17:21
* AJaeger just reads openstack-dev - jeblair thanks for the kind invitation - and I'm glad to see anteaya been invited as well!17:22
AJaegerok, invitiation is not the right word...17:22
anteayaand yes, brought tears to my eyes, thanks jeblair17:23
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anteayaand glad to see AJaeger and sdague nominated too17:23
AJaegeranteaya: thanks for helping me out.17:23
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AJaegerI agree with sdague as well!17:23
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anteayaAJaeger: :D we work well together17:24
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anteayajeblair: yes, enjoy vacation!17:28
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anteayaokay so I really wanted tristanC to get some experience starting polls, but he seems to be afk17:30
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anteayaand I have the rolls now and feel the polls should be started17:30
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anteayaI'll wait another 30 minutes, sorry to those waiting to vote, and then start them if tristanC isn't back around again17:30
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anteayahope you can appreciate my wanting to let him have the experience17:31
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notmynameanteaya: it's interesting to me that there are only 2 ptl positions with more than one candidate17:32
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sdaguewhat did we have last time? 5? neutron, cinder, nova, heat ... (I feel like there was another)17:33
sdagueoh right17:34
david-lyleand tripleO I guess17:34
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david-lyledidn't remember that17:35
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anteayanotmyname: yes, I put it down to the big shake up at the tc level17:35
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anteayaI think programs are wanting to stay the course since it is anybody's guess what will be the structure coming out of paris17:36
anteayaand the only two programs with elections are the ones with ptls who stepped down17:36
dhellmann_I think people are starting to see how much work and how little glory comes with the title. :-)17:36
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anteayadhellmann: that too17:36
fungiindeed. note i didn't run ;)17:37
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anteayayes, I noted that17:37
dhellmannit's not all early morning IRC meetings with ttx, you know17:37
fungirunning for ptl comes with the (however slight) chance i might get stuck with the job17:37
anteayafungi: I think you already have enough work with little glory as it is17:37
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anteayadhellmann: those are the highlights are they not?17:38
anteayafungi: yes, there is that17:38
dhellmannanteaya: you know it17:38
anteayadhellmann: :D17:38
dhellmannanteaya: do you think you'll have time early next week to help review changes to with the new repo layout changes?17:39
anteayayes, early next week is good timing for me17:40
dhellmannok, I'll try to put together a change17:40
anteayaafter I do election starting (hopefully with tristanC) and david waiting for me in dev, I think I'm done for the day17:40
anteayaexcept for answering small questions17:40
anteayadhellmann: thanks17:40
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AJaegeryeah, that page needs some revising - not only for the project-config stuff but also some conventions have changed.17:41
AJaegerI wonder whether we need the duplication of some parts or can point to other content instead17:42
anteayaAJaeger: would be awesome to have your input there too17:42
AJaegeranteaya: shall I give it a first go over and update the page now - and you fix everything I missed?17:43
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AJaegeror how do you want to review it? Are you doing this off-wiki?17:45
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anteayaAJaeger: oh that is a great idea17:46
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anteayaAJaeger: no idea, you go ahead and tell me what needs doing when you are finished17:46
anteayadon't wait for me17:46
anteayaand thanks17:46
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fungii'm gonna step away to grab a late lunch, back as soon as i'm able17:48
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AJaegerdhellmann, anteaya: I changed everything to the best of my knowledge - now your turn to double check ;)17:58
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anteayaAJaeger: thanks17:59
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anteayaand tristanC is back now and we are setting up the polls, thanks for your patience18:03
* AJaeger waves good-bye for now...18:03
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fixed word wrap in search results header
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: List result tweaks
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: CORS support for StoryBoard API
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arosenhi fungi i registered the python-congressclient on pypi and uploaded an initial version via; python sdist upload18:06
arosen ; though when i try to pip install python-congressclient on a clean machine i get: any idea off hand what's wrong?18:06
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arosenfungi: sorry nvm the problem was that the version is a pre-release and i needed --pre18:13
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add subunit2sql-db-manage utility
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: List result tweaks
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openstackgerritKen Giusti proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add tests to verify oslo.messaging's use of the Apache QPID broker
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: query for teardown bug 1317298
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1317298 in tempest "timeout in wait_for_resource_deletion in tempest teardown" [Undecided,New]
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hasharhi! does anyone whether an Individual CLA is always required to send patches ?18:29
hasharI can't remember whether some repositories might not be subject to CLA18:29
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anteayasome repos don't need a cla18:30
anteayahowever I do believe that gerrit will expect both a foundation membership and cla on first commit18:31
anteayaI don't know though18:31
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anteayaI guess if someone hasn't signed the cla they can try to submit a patch18:31
anteayaand if they get an error message, they should have details in the message18:32
hasharanteaya: ah I found out the per project Gerrit setting to require CLA or not:  requireContributorAgreement :-)18:32
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hasharanteaya: thanks for the hint!18:32
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: extract logging setup to separate file
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add verbose mode to graph cmd
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: update web pages to support additional date info
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add support for computing relevant dates
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arosenclarkb: i need to fill in %{DOCUMENT_ROOT HERE } here? What should %{REQUEST_FILENAME} be?18:54
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clarkbarosen: sorry ENOCONTEXT18:55
arosenah sorry i meant to past this:
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clarkbarosen: no you don't need to fill that in. those are modrewrite variables18:57
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Reset the client object before creating the image
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Reset the client object before creating the image
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leifmadsenfor gerritbot, can you specify a wildcard in the branches list?  e.g. release/*19:28
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anteayaleifmadsen: I don't see a wildcard used in this gerritbot config file:
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anteayawhich isn't a no, it is I don't know19:35
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leifmadsenanteaya: cool thanks... I suspect it doesn't accept a wildcard, but we'll see. It definitely at least accepts it and doesn't freak out yet.19:36
anteayaor doesn't freakout in ways you can see19:36
anteayalet me know what you find19:36
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pleia2I think I dropped "fix committed" from our bug days, so I think this one got lost, change to "fix released"?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1281319 in openstack-ci "nodepool fails to startup when a cloud endpoint is offline" [High,Fix committed]19:37
fungileifmadsen: it needs a good rewrite. at the moment it's a hard match on branch name. have a look at and see if you spot an easy solution... patches welcome (and that's not a blow-off)19:37
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leifmadsenfungi: no that's fine. I've provided a patch here and there. It's not too big of a deal. If I find any free time (lol) then I'll take a stab at it :)19:38
fungileifmadsen: also it should be easy to clone and test yourself if you want to hack on it19:38
leifmadsenfor now I'll just know I need to specify the branches. Kind of doesn't match up with all our workflows, but it is what it is :)19:38
zarohashar: one more time please?
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anteayapleia2: ah I don't know, what state is the fix in?19:39
fungipleia2: yes, i think lifeless or one of the other tripleo-ers patched that for us19:39
anteayado we do releases of nodepool?19:39
fungianteaya: oh, good point19:39
pleia2the patch is "fix committed" back in February19:39
pleia2so I want to assume it's gone in19:39
fungianteaya: we definitely should anyway19:39
pleia2we actually have a fair number of "fix committed" bugs that should be looked at, I'll modify my lp script real quick to get a full list19:40
fungianteaya: pleia2: yeah technically no nodepool bugs are fix-released unless we consider it a direct-release cd model (because at least so far it has no tags)19:40
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pleia2but if it's in production..?19:41
fungievery commit is a release!19:41
fungiand yeah, stick it on a future infra team meeting agenda so we can discuss the possibility that it's due to get actual versions and releases once jeblair is back from vacationland19:41
anteayathat makes it easy19:41
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anteayaare we having a bug day? did I miss an announcement?19:43
hasharzaro: is a storyboard change :]19:43
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hasharzaro: sorry I have been quite busy with children instance #2  and  zuul cloner (it is in prod for us now \O/)19:44
anteayahashar: how is child instance #2 doing?19:44
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anteayaensuring noone sleeps?19:44
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hasharanteaya: she is very quiet!  and already sleeping 8-9 hours straight :]19:45
anteayayou lucky father you19:45
anteayawhat 2 weeks old?19:45
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pleia2if anyone wants a fun friday afternoon task ;)
fungianteaya: tristanC: i voted--thank you for being election officials!19:46
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zarohashar: sorry about that.  this is quick one,
fungipleia2: i recently ranked a list of ways i like to spend my friday afternoons and somehow completely forgot to put that on the list19:47
pleia2imagine that!19:48
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zarohashar: i know how children instances are, don't worry about it if you can't get to it.19:48
hasharzaro: that one is quite easy :]19:49
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zarohashar: good sleeper?  nice!19:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/subunit2sql: Add subunit2sql-db-manage utility
hasharzaro: while you are around, I noticed a blueprint or spec  that propose repositories to have a 'docs' tox env.  Might want to update jjb / jenkins19:49
fungizaro: hashar: it would be so much easier if they were just subthreads instead of independent child processes?19:49
hasharfungi: the advantage of child processes, is that they can detach :)19:50
fungiooh, point for hashar19:50
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zarohashar: i think mordred already has a change for that.19:51
hasharzaro: yeah Zuul got it19:51
* fungi tries to figure out how to disassociate their file descriptors and reset the process group19:51
anteayafungi: yay19:51
* zaro dreams of detaching processes..19:52
anteayaha ha ha19:52
fungizaro: </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &19:52
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zaro.. back to the real world19:53
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hasharzaro: I remember dealing once with pbr version system, but can't remember wich repo / patch :-(19:55
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anteayapleia2: sorry and don't take this the wrong way, but not today19:56
anteayaI'll add it to Monday's list19:56
anteayaand what is with that aweful yellow19:56
anteayahow can etherpad even offer that as a colour option19:56
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pleia2haha, it's just what it gave me19:57
anteayawell give it back19:57
pleia2there, green19:57
anteayaah pretty19:57
anteayathank you19:57
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anteayaI don't think I have ever met a green or blue I didnt' like19:57
pleia2and no rush really, it's just some cleanup, I was going through some bugs and kept finding "hey, that one is fixed!" and it was annoying :)19:57
anteayagood idea19:58
anteayaglad you are doing it19:58
anteayabut cleanup is good19:58
hasharzaro: ah a patch to Zuul  which make sure the sha1 is in ( zuul_version_info.release_string )19:58
anteayaand bug cleanup is good too19:58
fungiannoyance is the cause of many a good accomplishment19:58
anteayaha ha ha19:58
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zarohashar: is that a question?20:02
hasharzaro: I am mumbling sorry.  Seems pbr version_info provides a bunch of different version strings20:03
zarohashar: i think i will release python-jenkins today and just wanted that change to be included.20:03
pleia2so, do jjb and jeepyb also not have releases?20:03
anteayapleia2: I think jjb does20:04
zaropleia2: jjb does20:04
anteayapleia2: I do not think jeepyb does20:04
pleia2ah good, looks like just some dangling jjb bugs then20:04
pleia2thanks :)20:04
anteayazaro: someone was asking when to expect a new jjb release20:04
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zaroyes, i told mika i would do one next week.20:06
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hasharzaro: lame nitpick at,unified i.e. which string to use :]20:07
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hasharzaro: release_string and canonical_version_string are essentially the same,  though the later strip alpha/beta tags (which we don't use for python-jenkins anyway)20:08
zarohashar: i believe i got that from jjb20:08
tristanCHello folks, so the PTL elections for Cinder and TripleO are now open, see:
zarohashar: so it will look like jjb20:08
tristanCMany thanks to anteaya for guiding me through the steps to run these elections :)20:09
zarohashar: Jenkins Job Builder documentation20:09
pleia2thanks tristanC \o/ and anteaya :)20:09
hasharzaro: yeah I think it is fine.  I am just not sure what is the recommended one to use :]20:09
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hasharzaro: last , it adds pbr as a dependency. I am fine with it myself since it is well packaged nowadays20:10
anteayatristanC: good work, I appreciate your attention to detail20:10
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hasharzaro: +2ed!20:11
zarohashar: thanks.20:11
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-jenkins: Setup pbr versioning for docs
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flashgordonfungi: we are hitting a gate reset and mriedem has two nova gate  bug fix patches that could help20:21
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mriedemflashgordon: wouldn't mind getting this logging help in too
flashgordonhmm the window is closing, clarkb ^20:23
mriedemthat's fine20:23
mriedemjust promote all my stuff :)20:23
flashgordonmriedem: yeah I am noticing a trend20:24
mriedemthose 3 are related to gate bugs at least20:24
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jeblairflashgordon: what's the 'window'?20:24
flashgordonjeblair:   window where the reset is still happening before the gate settles down and new jobs are run20:25
fungiflashgordon: mriedem: happy to help20:25
jeblairflashgordon: flashgordon can you provide 'change,patchset' for each of those?20:25
flashgordonjeblair: window where least amount of lost gate time is incurred20:25
fungiand yeah, what jeblair said. making sure you mention the change and patchset number and whether it's already approved and in the gate helps20:26
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flashgordon124418,1  123510,1 124448,120:26
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flashgordon124418,1  123510,1 124448,220:26
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mriedemyeah those20:26 that your final answer?20:26
mriedemthey are all approved20:26
anteayaha ha ha20:26
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jeblairException: Unable to find 124448,2 in queue <ChangeQueue gate: integrated>20:26
mriedemselect * where owner==mriedem20:27
mriedem124448 was just approved20:27
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* anteaya heads out for a walk, beautiful day, the 2 hour route looks good20:27
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fungisounds like that one hasn't made it out of the check pipeline yet20:27
mriedemleave it20:27
mriedemnot as critical20:27
flashgordonfungi: ahh you are correct, the last one hasn't passed check20:27
mriedemjust trying ot get more logging when a gate failures happens20:27
mriedembut it's not a top gate bug20:27
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mriedem is the money patch :)20:28
jeblairi can enqueue it (since it's involved in gate debugging), but you have to promise it totally will pass :)20:28
jeblairor i can drop it20:28
flashgordonmy vote is let it pass check first20:28
mriedemit's just logging an exception, should be pretty safe20:28
mriedembut yeah doesn't matter to me20:28
jeblairokay i just did the 1st 220:28
flashgordonjeblair: thanks20:29
mriedemthanks guys20:29
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lifelessmordred: ping20:41
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openstackgerritSteven Dake proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Add Kolla Project
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/project-config: Disabling check-requirements job from GBP project
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dstufftsdague: fwiw the minimum was only ever added to pytz because pytz's versions were not PEP 440 compliant21:02
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dstufftand adding an "invalid" minimum versino triggered pip to install them21:02
dstufftthe commit messge from mordred refrenced the fact that he just looked for the oldest version of pytz in the Distros21:03
dstufftbut idc which way it goes21:03
sdaguedstufft: so ... in general, we want a defined minimum, because we've gotten boned on that before21:04
sdagueof "it's not possible someone has something from the stone ages"21:04
sdaguetotally possible21:04
dstufftthat's fine with me21:04
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sdagueand it looks like 2013 would be a 440 compliant minimum, and shouldn't be disruptive to people21:04
dstufftI jsut dropped the constraint since the history had indicated that the only reason the constraint had been added was to work around their invalid versions21:05
dstufftbut I can switch it to 201321:05
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sdaguedstufft: awesome21:05
sdaguecan you also push a backport to the stable/icehouse & stable/havana requirements for that21:05
fungidon't bother with stable/havana if you don't have to... i expect to delete it ~tuesday21:06
sdaguefungi: the final release is done?21:06
sdaguefungi: if there are no more releases, then sure21:06
fungisdague: 2013.2.4 was the final havana point release, and was announced for all havana integrated projects on tuesday of this week (three days ago)21:07
sdagueif there is going to be another release, we should change it21:07
sdaguefungi: oh, I missed that21:07
sdagueok, ignore havana21:07
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fungiso, yeah, it's buhbye as soon as i find free cycles to make it so21:07
sdaguefungi: do you have the test job deletes proposed?21:07
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fungitechnically we said we were only going to support it through the j-3 milestone, but kept the shingle hanging out for a few extra weeks since the point release was scheduled a little beyond that21:08
fungisdague: not yet. tonight or monday depending on what my weekend looks like21:08
openstackgerritDonald Stufft proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Switch to using pytz>2013
fungii won't delete the branches until the grenade jobs for icehouse are disabled, at a minimum21:08
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sdaguedstufft: how long until everything is "the screwed" by pip on that?21:09
fungisince otherwise it would break icehouse jobs21:09
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dstufftsdague: dunno, sometime21:11
dstufftnext version of pip21:11
sdaguedstufft: do you have a less timey-wimey wibbly-wobbly date?21:11
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sdagueok, is that in a week, a month, a few months?21:12
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dstufftprobably more than a month, less than a few months21:12
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sdaguewe should make the stable-maint team aware so that there is another icehouse release before then21:12
* dstufft goes again21:12
sdaguewith the updated requirement21:12
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flashgordonmordred: what happened to your investigation on using rebuild in nodepool?21:13
mordredflashgordon: never got around to it21:13
flashgordonmordred: oh :/ I am still interested in hearing your findings there21:13
mordredflashgordon: it will require reworking nodepool's scheduler21:14
mordredin that it will need to decide when it deletes something if it needs more of those things and therefore should rebuild21:14
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flashgordonmordred: right, do you have any preliminary results of how fast rebuild is versus delete and boot21:15
fungii'd bet there are a lot of environmental factors involved21:16
fungifor example, a big delay in the rax delete-and-boot cycle is waiting for them to recycle and reassogn ipv4 addresses21:17
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flashgordonfungi: yeah I think your right, that is why I was wondering if there were real world results versus devstack comparisions21:18
sdaguehonestly, because it's snapshots, I think a big piece of it is transfering the glance image21:19
sdaguebecause you are very unlikely to have a warm cache21:19
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dhellmanndoes anyone know why the specs repositories run the py27 check and gate jobs?21:22
flashgordondhellmann: nova-specs?21:22
dhellmannflashgordon: well, specifically oslo-specs but we probably just copied what nova-specs was doing21:23
dhellmanndo you guys have code in your specs repo?21:23
sdaguethere are validators for nova-specs21:23
sdaguewhich are done as unit tests21:23
flashgordondhellmann: yeah we do things like make sure they follow the outline, 80 line limit etc21:24
flashgordondhellmann: as people in the past would delete sections21:24
flashgordonand its hard to look at a doc and figure out what section is missing21:24
* dhellmann goes to read the nova-specs tests21:24
sdaguereusing the unit test framework was more straight forward than making something that fit in hacking / pep8 space21:24
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dhellmannsure, that makes sense, it just wasn't obvious that's what was going on since we don't have that for oslo-specs21:25
dhellmannI had to wait for a test node to merge some changes that should have gone right through :-)21:25
lifelesssdague: +1 on using unittest for source checks21:25
lifelesssdague: one qa entry point to rule them all21:25
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dhellmannoh, hmm, we have different templates for different uses, so I'm not sure this would adapt directly21:25
sdaguedhellmann: well, you could write different tests for different templates21:26
sdaguealso, you may have better proposers21:26
dhellmannI guess we could read a comment to figure out which template to check against21:26
dhellmanncertainly fewer21:26
sdaguelet's say some of the nova proposers.... created very weird things21:27
dhellmannI think I'm going to punt on this for now and just ask to have the job turned off to cut down on waste21:27
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dhellmannwe'll figure something out if it becomes necessary, but most of our specs are submitted by cores so we can tease them if they mess up21:27
flashgordonI think the nova-specs tests read the template from the file21:27
dhellmannsdague: if you're interested, we could do all of these checks with a sphinx extension, too, I'm sure. Cut down on the number of jobs being run.21:29
dhellmannflashgordon: yeah, it reads the file, but we would need to know for each spec which file to read -- we have different templates for features and graduation work21:29
dhellmannor we could combine them, but having separate templates felt like the right solution to that problem21:29
mordredlifeless: sup?21:30
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/project-config: Do not run unit test jobs for oslo-specs
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flashgordonI have two more gate bug fixing patches for when there is another gate reset21:32
* flashgordon watches the gate21:32
fungimordred: while you're about and sentient, do you recall the process for adding a stable branch in the openstack/openstack repo?21:32
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sdagueflashgordon: as soon as the next patch merges, I'd say it's safe21:33
flashgordonsdague: so the second patch in the gate hit the but that one of the patches above will fix21:33
mordredfungi: I believe it's "cry a lot, then get drunk"21:33
flashgordonand the other patch fixes the bug that that patch hit and got bounced out of the gate21:33
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flashgordonfungi mordred: shouldn't it be the same as create a branch for any repo?21:34
fungimordred: okay, great--i'm already halfway there21:34
sdaguethe in-use nodes are grinding down over time as well21:34
mordredflashgordon: nope. submoduels21:34
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fungiflashgordon: the trick is finding the git sha for the "commit" you want to branch in it21:34
flashgordonmordred: ohh right that would be the second step21:34
sdagueyeh, I think tears21:34
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mordredfungi: you need to do the thing to make a commit that makes each submodule point to the right thing21:34
fungimordred: oh... got it21:34
mordredfungi: except that involves editing .gitmodules I THINK to refernce the appropriate gerrit branch as well21:34
sdagueflashgordon: also if you took a look at -,n,z - that would give us the ES delay on the page21:34
sdagueand solve a lot of confusion21:35
mordredfungi: so that they track the right thing21:35
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flashgordonsdague: yeah will look at that when I get home and have a faster connection so I can run it locally first21:35
mordredfungi: I've also been meaning to figure out a nice way to do a tag on openstack/openstack that has all of the submodules at the appropriate tag21:35
flashgordonsdague: I agree landing that will be super helpful21:35
fungimordred: i forgot that the project actually had file contents besides the submodules themselves. that gives me a new avenue to pursure... thanks21:36
lifelessmordred: still blocked on pbr release on agreeing on the semver alteration which I want your input on as you did the semver 'spec' that my work riffed on21:36
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Add a get_plugin_info method
mordredlifeless: okie21:39
mordredlifeless: where is it? I don't see any patches from you in pbr ...21:40
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lifelessmordred: no, its called a discussion :)21:41
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lifelessmordred: in the semver.rst inthe pbr tree it says that dev and prerelease versions are not comparable21:41
lifelessmordred: this is what gives us *or
lifelessmordred: but see
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370608 in pbr "pbr mishandling alpha tags" [Critical,Fix committed]21:42
lifelessmordred: when we pip install an alpha21:42
lifelesspip install a dev version21:43
lifelessand there is an alpha of the same thing on pypi21:43
lifelessthe pip install of the next thing that *depends on $project-in-question* will 'upgrade' to the alpha21:43
lifeless[if the alpha is in requirements]21:43
lifelessit does this because the alpha isn't lower than the dev version21:43
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lifelessone way to fix this is to not ever depend on rc versions21:44
lifelesssome folk would argue this is the only sane way21:44
mordredsure. but sanity doesn't always prevail21:44
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lifelessanother way to fix this is to shove the dev version to be a suffix after either full releases *or* rc's21:45
lifelessthe only reason I had for not doing that is that you'd written this fork of semver and I was following it21:45
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lifelessso dev versions would have a defined precedence with respect to any non-dev version21:45
mordredyah. and I think the motivation for that was the bit in pep440 that strongly discouraged doing such a thing21:45
lifelesspep440 is now the union of all possible version schemes anywhere21:46
mordredand it seemed like if we were writing a spec, we should adopt the strong recommendations ... but we may have found a place where it's the 'right' thing21:46
mordredor the less hard thing21:46
lifelessso we don't need to care about pep44021:46
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lifelesswe need to care about semver, since pep440 will deal21:46
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lifelesswe can also re-evaluate the 0a1 thing, if we want to.21:46
mordredlifeless: well, we DO need to care about the restrictions pep440 has that pip will enforce21:47
lifelessmordred: you don't understand21:47
mordredI may not21:47
lifelessmordred: pep440 no longer has any menaingful restrictions21:47
lifelessmordred: its now defined as 'any version uploaded to pypi ever'21:47
lifelessmordred: to all intents and purposes21:47
mordreddstufft: ^^ aroo?21:48
lifelessanyhow, leave pep-440 mangling to me21:48
lifelesspbr is our local policy21:48
mordredok. so let's step away from syntax for just a sec21:48
lifelessyou wrote the semver bit, focus on that21:48
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mordredand talk intent for a second21:48
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mordredin the case where we are producing generated versions that indicate additional patches past a declared version, I kinda think we want to always base that on the most recent declared version21:49
mordred"this is X revisions away from the last thing I know about"21:50
mordred(at least - ignoring better version calc math)21:50
lifelessthis is expressly prohibited by the current semver prose in the pbr tree21:50
mordredk. sure. forget all of that for a sec21:50
mordredin the case where we are producing versions that lead up to a declared version that is not yet tagged21:51
mordredI believe this exercise has led me to believe that we should stop trying to calculate "this is leading up to a version" as soon as someone declares a version that leads up to a version21:51
lifelessso no I don't agree with your first statement21:52
lifelessabout basing on a declared version21:52
mordredwhy not?21:52
lifelesswe now always know the next declarable version21:52
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lifelesse.g.  we know that the next version can be
lifelessthis has harmonised the codepaths for preversioning and postversioning21:53
dhellmannlifeless, mordred : you've seen the thread sdague started about not using alphas any more, right?21:53
lifelessnow preversioning is a different hint for the next declarable version21:53
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mordreddhellmann: no. should I go read it before finishing this conversation?21:53
lifelessand a policy check that that hint is greater than the inferred minimum21:53
lifelessdhellmann: we need to fix this anyway21:53
dhellmannmordred: no new info, just less resistance from me21:53
lifelessdhellmann: so I think its irrelevant21:53
lifelessdhellmann: this was a non trivial wart during implementation21:54
dhellmannlifeless: ok, I just wanted to make sure21:54
dhellmannif we don't care about alphas, then what we have today generates the right values21:54
fungi...for us21:54
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mordredI think we still have to solve it21:55
mordredso that tagging a repo doesn't screw someone doing CD from git master unwittingly21:55
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fungiagreed. even if it ends up no longer being of direct benefit to our use case, i do think it's reasonably worth solving21:55
dhellmannhere's the thread, for when you have time:
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mordredlifeless: ok. so I think I'm up to speed in my brain hole on the premise and issues again21:56
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mordredlifeless: do you have a suggestion as to a path forward or a way you think is better?21:56
mordredassuming that perhaps the semver spec could be wrong21:56
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lifelessmordred: so, I'd like to do two changes to the semver spec21:58
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lifelessmordred: I'd like to define a precedence between dev versions and any non-dev version21:58
lifelessby saying that its a suffix that sorts before21:59
dhellmannanteaya: I believe that, with some significant help from andreas, is now up to date. Would you please review it at your convenience?21:59
mordredlifeless: will pip honor that?21:59
lifelessso is <
dhellmannwait, before?21:59
dhellmannI thought that's what we effectively have now?21:59
lifelessmordred: yes, it does22:00
lifelessX.YaN.devM      # Developmental release of an alpha release22:00
fungiif you've tagged and then added 5 commits on top of it, i would want that to be considered newer than the tag22:00
dhellmannfungi: ++22:00
lifelessfungi: that would get version
fungiohh... got it22:00
lifelessfungi: or 1.2.4.dev522:00
fungiso devN is also pre-versioning to the next tag22:00
dhellmannoh, ew, ok22:01
lifelesswe can't base a dev version on the prior tag22:01
lifelessbecause its sort before22:01
lifelessquoting pep 44022:01
lifeless"The developmental release segment consists of the string .dev, followed by a non-negative integer value. Developmental releases are ordered by their numerical component, immediately before the corresponding release (and before any pre-releases with the same release segment), and following any ..."22:01
mordredso I agree with the words you've said so far22:01
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lifelessour requirement is that a local dev version with a last release the same as whats on pypi, whether alpha or not, be a higher version than that thing on pypi22:02
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fungii can see that working, just have to reverse my brain from my earlier expectations about post-versioning from any tag which is working toward the next declared release22:02
lifelessour current code doesn't honour that22:02
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mordredyup. I think it's important to honor that22:03
lifelessI think I need to do some experiments22:03
lifeless may be measurement error from the failure to honour the tag22:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1370608 in pbr "pbr mishandling alpha tags" [Critical,Fix committed]22:03
fungithe added testsuite is awesome though. makes experiments much easier ;)22:03
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lifelessindeed, is how I roll :)22:07
dstufftlifeless: mordred PEP 440 isn't "any version ever uploaded to PyPI" but we did attempt to maintain compatability where we could and it made sense through a normalization scheme (where something like 1.0-1 normalizes to 1.0.post1 etc)22:08
dstufftfwiw tooling will perform the normalization for you22:09
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lifelessdstufft: to all intents an purposes :)22:10
dstufftso unless you want your tags to be different than what/s on PyPI you'll want to make sure that what you generate is the "normal" form22:10
dstufftbut that's all just syntax really22:10
lifelessmordred: dhellmann: so, I'm going to do some experiments22:12
lifelessI think we maybe we're ok but if not I'll propose a doc change to semver.rst and fro there code22:12
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dhellmannlifeless: ok22:13
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lifelessmordred: also, - nick tells me that 1.2.3.a1 is now pep440 comaptible, we might want to consider dropping the 0 - again you had that in there, my understanding last time we spoke was that it was semver upstream aesthetic, but I'm less convinced of the need there as time goes y22:14
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dstufftlifeless: fwiw tooling will normalize 1.2.3.a1 to 1.2.3a122:16
dstufftif you care22:16
lifelessmm, we might22:16
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lifelessbecause a major/minor/patch analyss then has to parse out 3a122:16
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mordredlifeless: I'm fine either way22:17
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dstufftlifeless: there's also a lib which will parse PEP 440 versions for you fwiw22:20
lifelessdstufft: yes but we don't want pbr to have deps22:20
lifelessdstufft: and I'm allergic to vendoring22:21
dstufftreimplementing it is inferior to vendoring imo22:21
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fungii'm not convinced that multiple implementations of a standardized specification is inferior to a single implementation of a specification22:22
fungiit could be argued that unless there are at least two implementations, the spec is not a standard ;)22:22
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dstufftmultiple implementations with different properties is useful, if for example you dislike the API or whatever22:23
dstufftmultiple implementions because you dislike vendoring is pointless imo22:23
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dstufft(besides there's already two implementations of PEP 440 anyways)22:24
fungiand anyway, the no-dependencies-nothing-vendored requirement is a pretty solid necessity22:24
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dhellmannwhat is the difference between building our own and vendoring another version?22:25
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fungisince we're not going to be able to make pbr work effectively if it needs to depend on other libraries (so as to avoid circular dependencies on itself) but there are multiple distros who will refuse to carry any code we vendor in the library, which would effectively break concern #1 on those platforms22:25
lifelessdstufft: but we don't hav the sameusecase; we don't need to support all of pep44022:26
lifelessdstufft: so I'm shrug on this22:26
dhellmannfungi: that feels a bit circular, but ok.22:26
lifelessdstufft: we're not implementing pep-44022:26
fungidhellmann: the point being that pbr needs to have no library outside dependencies, and one possible solution to that is to embed those outside libraries in pbr instead, but there are distros who would require that be stripped back out, leaving it potentially broken22:27
dstufftfungi: I get pretty angry at distros, they can go unvendor shit if they want, I don't care but I don't let them dictate my application design :)22:28
dstufftthey whine about pip having requests too, which I think is really stupid, because the alternative is we reimplement TLS verification which is incredibly dumb22:28
dhellmannfungi: yeah, I got that, but functionally there's no difference between copying something and writing a different version22:28
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fungidstufft: i personally understand the needs there, and would not want to relive the zlib fiasco22:28
dhellmannfungi: except, I guess, different sets of bugs :-)22:29
dstufftfungi: yea but if you're in a case where a dependency is absolutely not alright, you either vendor or reinvent22:29
dstufftit would be lots of fun if instead of the zlib fiasco we had similar bugs across half a dozen different implementations22:29
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dstufftthe answer is invent better tooling to work with vendoring for when it makes sense, not stick your head in the sand and pretend one size fits all22:30
fungidstufft: well, the problem is software which doesn't have a technical need to embed third-party libs doing so anyway out of convenience, which leads to proliferation of slightly different versions of the same code22:30
dstufftfungi: sure, software shouldn't do that, but techincal need is hard to define22:30
fungiand also hard to judge22:30
* mordred thinks that distros should do a better job of allowing multipe versions of libraries22:31
* mordred is not popular with distros for the most part22:31
fungisome distros do/did22:31
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mordredbecause if pip could declare a depends on == requests AND the world didn't break by them doing so, I'd feel I had more standing to say that vendoring requests is a bad choice22:31
fungisco osr did... rpath did (via conary)... mac os in its various incarnations did as well... most of them did it by avoiding shared libraries, but they also usually significantly limited what they were willing to provide security support on22:32
mordredbut since the tooling actually does not support that very well, I think that yelling at them for vendoring is poor form22:32
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jeblairman it's really friday in here isn't it?22:33
mordredjeblair: :)22:33
dstufftmordred: yea me and distros butt heads a lot22:33
mordredjeblair: friday means /me disses distros, I think22:33
mordreddstufft: you and a ton of other people coding in a non-C language it seems22:33
fungimost of the prior implementations which strove for parallel versions of everything sandboxed each application in a chroot/namespace. so i can see the current container trend possibly making that a more viable opportunity to revisit22:34
mordreddstufft: I mean, they mostly like you - be glad you don't hack in go or javascript or java or ruby where you're doing _Everything_ wrong22:34
mordredfungi: ++22:34
mordredfungi: I'm interested to see what the next gen after docker does there22:34
dstufftsetuptools has stuff for that22:34
dstufftfor multi version22:34
dstufftbut like most setuptools features it's poorly implemented22:35
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Add a get_plugin_info method
dstufftmordred: PEP 453 / ensurepip burned a lot of good will I think22:35
mordredfungi: beause docker is close, but doesn't actually go far enough to remove the need for someone to care about the matric22:35
dstufftwith some of them22:35
mordreddstufft: REALLY?22:35
dstufftI had people calling for removing pip from the repos all together because of it22:35
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mordreddstufft: sigh22:36
mordredthat's quite possibly a perfect microcosm of the problem22:36
mordreddstufft: were they angry because you wanted to back port it ?22:36
dstufftbecause of the bundled copy of pip22:37
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dstufftand because the first draft had it installing pip from the network instead of the local copy22:37
zarofungi: should i even bother moving this to project-config?
fungiwell, distros for the most part feel that the *right* way to install software is to use one and only one package manager, even if that means converting packages from one form to another so they can be integrated locally into your package management. things like cpan and pear always begat wrappers which would repackage things prior to installation so you didn't end up with conflicts22:37
dstufftmordred: btw I don't know if you saw but PEP 453 is approved for backport into 2.722:38
mordreddstufft: awesome22:38
dstufftslightly different22:38
mordreddstufft: thank you for providing one shred of sanity to my day22:38
dstufftin that we explicitly allow distros to modify it to print an error instead of doing something since we don't need it for venv22:38
dstufftto say22:38
fungizaro: i do still want it, but maybe just leave it and when i have time to test it the onus will be on me to refactor it as needed22:38
dstufft"go apt-get install pip"22:38
dstufftor whatever22:39
dstufftbut for OS X / Windows22:39
dstufftit'll be there for sure22:39
zarofungi: cool22:39
dstufftand if the distros listen there will be a singular command people can type that'll either ensure pip is installed, or will tell them how, on their platform, to install it22:39
fungizaro: i feel bad that i keep not finding time to test it out, and don't want you wasting time on it with me ending up as a blocker22:40
dstufftfungi: the distros are wrong, because virtual envs are awesome :D22:40
dstufft(don't pip install into the system though, that's asking for trouble unless you know what you're doing)22:40
fungidstufft: i love virtualenvs for throwaway work. i'm less keen on finding ways to audit and confirm security updates for the venvs on long-term server applications22:40
* anteaya reviews the wikipage dhellmann linked22:41
mordredok. me running out22:41
dstufftfungi: I've been thinking about that recently22:41
dstuffthow to handle it22:41
mordredlifeless: you have what you need from me, right?22:41
dstufftmostly I want to ship virtual envs with the OS package manager22:41
fungidstufft: if there were a brilliant solution to keeping that model safe, i'd be keen22:41
dhellmannanteaya: thanks, no rush to do it tonight22:41
dstufftI love seperation of OS and apps22:42
fungiand package-managed venvs may very well be a good fit for that--you've mentioned it before22:42
anteayaeh, I have dinner cooking I can give it a look22:42
fungidstufft: i have a bit of a hard time with the idea of separating "operating system" and "applications" though. to me an operating system *is* a collection of applications22:42
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add a turbo hipster worker for testing
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dstufftfungi: let me tell you abour how I had to upgrade my OS X box because of a bug in Mail.app22:43
* fungi hopes you upgraded to another os ;)22:43
dstufftheh, no :)22:43
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dstufftto a beta OS!22:43
jeblairif i want to run an apache server, i "apt-get install apache", and i have confidence that the distro will take care of security support for that app22:44
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jeblairi think for anyone who isn't focused on running a single production application, that kind of broad support from the distro is wonderful22:44
fungii can't remember the last time i "upgraded my operating system" i merely continuously upgrade various components of that operating system which are tested to work together22:44
anteayaoh and if anyone cares I have yet to meet an existing neighbour that has a kind word to say about the new people22:44
dstufftif you run apt-get install python-pip you're insecure on most distros so there's that :)22:44
anteayaso it isn't just me22:44
jeblairdstufft: what you mean by that?22:45
fungidstufft: well, i would hope that the python-pip package has a cryptographic trust chain back to a keyring used by the package manager, installed at some point via another trusted channel22:45
dstufftjeblair: afaik Ubuntu 14.04 is the only LTS distro of any Linux that doesn't ship a version of pip that is insecure22:45
jeblairdstufft: in what way is it insecure?22:46
fungidstufft: oh, you mean if you *use* the pip provided by that python-pip package to install things form pypi22:46
dstufftjeblair: downloads packages over HTTP with zero attempt at authenticity22:46
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dstuffte.g. uses an ancient version of pip without any backporting of the things that made pip secure22:46
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dstufftThe point isn't really exactly specific to pip, just that "I can apt-get install foo and have confidence that the distro will take care ofthe security support" isn't always true :(22:47
jeblairdstufft: that's not the kind of security support i expect from a distro; that's the application as written.  i'm glad it has improved, but that was the deal at the time.22:48
mordredbut thank god they back ported ordereddict22:48
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dstufftjeblair: I don't think people who haven't integrated the distro mindset view that as a useful distinction22:48
dstufftI don't view it as a useful distinction22:48
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dstuffteither I can trust the thing to be safe, or I have to audit it myself22:49
Alex_Gaynor`The application as written had a security vulnerability. It was patched. My distro didn't give me tha tpatch.22:49
fungidstufft: also keep in mind that you're saying that it's odd that distro stable trains which released more than two years ago haven't replaced the version of pip which was available at the time with a newer version against their stable change policies22:49
Alex_GaynorSeems bad.22:49
jeblairdstufft: i would not expect a distro to prevent me from doing anything that might possibly be insecure.  i'm just saying that distro support for security updates is a massive win for sysadmins, and the idea of throwing that away without consideration is not appealing to me.22:49
dstufftfungi: No, I'm saying they didn't backport that particular thing22:50
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* fungi wonders how big of a patch the ssl cert verification in 1.3 would have been if ported to 1.022:50
jeblairdstufft, Alex_Gaynor: i know right now that as soon as i use pip to install something, i'm signing up for an immense workload of auditing and monitoring.22:51
jeblairdstufft, Alex_Gaynor: i also know that most people who do so aren't doing that work.  i may not even be to my own satisfaction.22:51
dstufftjeblair: I think there's a world of difference between "prevent me from doing anything that might possibly be insecure" and "offers me things which are known insecure and part of the value add of a distro is they backport security patches to stable releases that authors are no longer maintaining"22:51
fungiAlex_Gaynor: i never saw the patch. i just saw new versions with distinct behavior changes. that's not the same thing as a security fix22:51
jeblairdstufft: we all knew at the time that pip installed random things from random hosts with no validation.  that was the way it was.  i'm _very_ happy it's changed, but it's sort of revisionist to suggest that it was a 'bug' that needed fixing.  that was the design of the system at the time.22:52
dstufftjeblair: "we all knew" is patently false fwiw22:52
fungiAlex_Gaynor: arguably ubuntu and other distros would have benefitted from collaborating on a stable version od pip with security features backported if it wouldn't break established use cases substantially22:53
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dstufftI talk to people surprised that ``apt-get install python-pip`` gives them something that allows RCEs in every possible confifuration22:53
dstufftquite regularly22:53
dstufftbecause "I thought the OS handled security updates for me"22:53
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* fungi wonders when and how cpan and pear solved these issues22:54
cody-somervilleI love this bug:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1306991 in python-pip "pip stops with ImportError for request-Modul" [Undecided,Confirmed]22:54
dstufftcody-somerville: yea distros de-vendoring stuff in pip has been a big headache for us22:55
dstufftat least we convinced them not to de-vendoring inside of a virtual env22:55
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cody-somervilleYou literally have to apt-get remove python-pip and manually download and install or use virtualenv in Ubuntu 14.04  for pip to work.22:56
dstufftnot always22:57
dstufftit depends on the order you do stuff in22:57
dstufftluckily the distros are there to protect people and unvendor stuff22:57
* dstufft goes to get food22:57
jeblairdstufft: i'll grant that of course there are all kinds of users, and many don't understand what's going on.  i'm glad you've added cert validation, but of course even the new, more secure pip, will not handle security updates for them.22:57
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jeblairdstufft: i'm just trying to point out that as a sysadmin, i think distro security support is wonderful, and i'd prefer to run applications from the distro or using libraries from the distro when able because of it.22:58
fungii honestly think it would make more sense for distros to package, given the fact that it's going to install things unknown to the distro package manager anyway, and its pace of development moves much faster than linux distros/bsd variants would be able to sanely keep up with for the moment22:58
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mordredfungi: ++22:59
mordredI think distro packaged pip is insane23:00
fungior to just leave the newly backported get-pip builtin in python stdlib and drop any separate python-pip package23:00
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jeblairi can get behind that. i also don't think distros should un-vendor, and i don't think apps should vendor, and i think distros are hugely beneficial in general.23:01
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fungii do feel like a lot of the problem around this in community-oriented distros is that the volunteer packagers are under pressure to manage too many packages, and so in some cases they're disinclined to help their upstreams stop creating unnecessary complication, but rather only have just enough time to (often uselessly) dictate to them instead23:03
jeblairthat seems like a good summary23:04
fungiso to some extent it's a problem they create for themselves, by choosing "more packaging work" over "packaging fewer things but working more closely with the upstreams they package"23:04
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fungii suspect that if the unnecessarily-vendored dependencies in some applications were solved upstream with help and gentle education, then the handful of remaining _necessarily_ vendored dependencies would present less of a support burden on the distro as a whole, and lead to fewer draconian zero-tolernace policies on it23:06
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clarkbI missed the fun conversation :(23:10
fungibut i'm also personally thrilled that, e.g., debian gives me pre-baked packages of python libraries with a vetted source, signed chain of custody, and a sane dependency solver for them (which are problem spaces pip does not yet cover, not to mention a dedicated security team)23:11
fungiclarkb: we'll be sure to host another exciting beat-the-dead-horse friday next week just for you ;)23:13
anteayaclarkb: how is packing coming along?23:17
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clarkbfungi perfect!23:20
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clarkbanteaya: pretty well. most of the hard stuff other than the two large pieces of furniture are basically done23:20
clarkbshould be in good shape for tomorrow when we get the truck23:21
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anteayaclarkb: awesome23:34
anteayayou have some help lined up for the furniture?23:34
anteayaI remember carrying a matress up a flight of stairs by myself once23:34
anteayanot so much fun23:34
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flashgordonfungi: I have another round of gate fixing bugs23:37
flashgordongate bug fixing patches23:37
flashgordonand again23:37
fungiflashgordon: can i get those in chgnum,psnum format?23:37
flashgordonthe top of the gate just reset23:37
fungiand they're all approved and in the gate pipeline?23:38
fungiException: Unable to find 122291,6 in queue <ChangeQueue gate: integrated>23:39
flashgordonthe last one was bounced out of the gate because it hit the bug in the second one23:39
fungioh, is it still in check and not back in the gate yet?23:39
flashgordonfungi: woops, yeah but it does have a check job that passed on it23:39
fungiand is it for nova or something else?23:39
fungiflashgordon: ^ ?23:40
flashgordonits a nova patch that fixes a bug triggered in heat-slow23:40
fungiException: Unable to find 123510,1 in queue <ChangeQueue gate: integrated>23:41
funginot having a good day here23:41
flashgordonderp that *was* in the gate23:41
flashgordonyou promoted it once before :/23:42
fungilooks like it just now got rechecked23:42
lifelessmordred: I do for now23:42
fungiand it's tempest23:42
lifelessmordred: I wil experiment and come back next week23:42
flashgordonbut it hit the bug that is fixed in
fungiflashgordon: okay, i've reenqueued that one into the gate as well, and promoted the three you requested to the front23:43
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flashgordonand that one failed because it hit the bug fixed by
flashgordonfungi: thank you23:43
flashgordonhopefully we can get them in without them all hitting the other ones this time23:43
fungithree patches each with a gun pointed at the other23:43
flashgordonyup, the good the bad and the ugly23:43
flashgordonfungi: this is one of the issues with fixing gate related bugs when we are in a bad place23:44
fungithough we're still merged changes at a surprisingly fast clip23:45
fungii suppose that means we're merging new bugs more quickly along with them ;)23:45
flashgordonfungi: isn't so hot today23:45
flashgordonso integrated gate23:45
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flashgordonbtw silly question, I assume merge-checks get invalidated if another patch to that repo lands before the merge-check happens?23:46
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fungii got set straight on that earlier23:46
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fungithere's no need to do so... those are independent of the changes which merged to trigger them23:46
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fungithey're basically just pending requests for zuul to try merging each open change against whatever the state of the branch tip is at the time the request runs23:47
flashgordonfungi: ahh so if merge-check patch 12345 is in the queue it won't go in twice23:47
fungiso if an additional request to do that is already queued, it just doesn't add a second one23:47
flashgordonmakes sense23:47
fungithink of it as a queue of "these are changes which might now conflict with their branches, so test find out when you get a moment"23:48
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fungiand as of the precedence change which went in this morning, "when you get a moment" is now "whenever you're not calculating merges in normal or high precedence pipelines"23:49
fungiandf it'23:49
fungiand it's working out awesomely well23:49
flashgordonI was just a little surprised by how big that queue got but it makes sense we do have a lot of patches in review23:50
fungiyou can see where the gaps in the top of the test nodes graph stop cropping up... that's roughly just prior to that change taking effect23:50
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flashgordonwow that made a huge difference23:51
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fungier, it made some difference. i think the impact to overall throughput is probably not enormous, though the impact to timeliness of results is pretty nice23:51
flashgordonfungi: heh I meant the impact on that graph23:52
fungiahh, got it23:52
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fungianyway, zuul's still been doing a pretty good job of keeping up with the merge-check tasks, even though they're now low priority for it23:54
fungiit's the most backed-up i've seen it all day in that pipeline right now, and it's only about an hour for the oldest changes in it23:54
flashgordonnot bad23:54
jeblairooh, the sparkline is drawing half-dome23:55
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jeblairand if we want it to go faster, it's really easy to throw more cloud at that problem (zuul mergers are very light weight)23:55
jeblair(we probably should, but we also should probably scale down the ones we have)23:56
anteayadhellmann_: done my pass, had dinner in the middle, just a few changes most was in place23:56
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