Friday, 2014-08-15

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tsgclarkb: looks like there have been a ton of changes to openstack CI (review, zuul) in the last week or so .. is there a summary somewhere?00:00
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Subscription
clarkbtsg: the git logs?00:02
clarkbtsg: we do also capture things in each meeting that are large00:02
tsgclarkb: that's a good suggestion - let me look at the meeting logs00:02
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jeblairjhesketh: right, i think we've been proceeding under the assumption that a single pipeline would only ever be interested in one gerrit per source, trigger, or reporter00:03
jeblairjhesketh: it sounded like you wanted to change that when you said "I don't know if we'll ever need to have other gerrit sections and thus it may get confusing"00:03
jheskethwhich is perhaps fair enough00:04
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jheskethoh, that was more around not being a fan of the naming of sections00:04
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jeblairjhesketh: in zuul.ini or layout.yaml?00:04
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jheskethI can't think of a good reason why, but we may want another section to configure gerrit options across all gerrits for example00:04
jheskethin zuul.ini00:04
tsgclarkb: also a ton of Swift gate jobs were consistently failing in gate-swift-python27 for reasons outside what was changed in the patch .. the interesting thing those jobs started to pass this afternoon after about 15+ "recheck no bug"s so far :)00:04
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jheskethjeblair: So if we don't think about specific sources/triggers/etc and we think abstractly about them, I think we want one source per pipeline and any combination of the others00:05
tsgclarkb: are the gate-* jobs run in parallel in the same instance?00:05
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jeblairjhesketh: but only one of each type per pipeline, yeah?  so only one gerrit, one timer, etc..00:06
clarkbtsg: they are not. each test runs on its own dedicated single use slave00:06
tsgclarkb: FYI, the test that fails every now and then is "test.unit.common.middleware.test_xprofile.TestProfileMiddleware"00:07
clarkbtsg have example failures?00:07
tsgwhich we cannot reproduce locally in SAIO00:07
clarkblinks to logs00:07
tsgclarkb: checking00:07
jheskethjeblair: Possibly... but unless you're thinking specifically about gerrit it shouldn't actually matter00:07
clarkbtsg the way to reproduce is `tox -epy27`00:07
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clarkbsaio is different00:07
tsgclarkb: can't repro it with tox either :(00:08
tsgthe failure is really intermittent00:08
tsga number of times the check jobs passed but then the same py27 job failed at gate00:08
fungitsg: the tests within the jobs may (and usually are) run in parallel on one instance, though from one *job* to the next they're on separate instances00:09
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openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added a subscription_events table & subscription hander
clarkbswift is still nose and serial tests so not parallel test related00:09
jeblairjhesketh: i think all three of those syntaxes accomodate that00:09
fungibut yeah, not for swift00:09
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tsgclarkb: okay00:09
tsgclarkb: any ideas looking at the  log?00:10
jeblairjhesketh: i suppose for option 3 you could have a '[gerrit]' section too00:10
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clarkbtsg: last time swift ran into something like this it was a timing issue00:11
jheskethjeblair: so I don't think it's an issue, I just prefer option 2's syntax... If we think of them like connectors (for lack of a better name) then as a user I know I need to set up everything I want to connect to... when I want to connect to gerrit, I specify that as the driver00:11
jheskethit's probably just a preference thing, both are just as compatible00:11
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jeblairjhesketh: so what's the dislike for option 1?00:11
tsgclarkb: what could cause the timing issues, system load?00:11
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clarkbtsg: all kinds of things00:11
clarkbtsg: sleep() can return early00:11
clarkbfor example00:12
jheskethjeblair: show me how you'd implement a timer trigger for option 100:12
jheskethis that a special singleton?00:12
tsgclarkb: :) thus trying to understand the CI setup a little better00:12
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Exposed subscription_events in API
fungibut also, we run in cloud virtual machines with no guarantee of resource continuity, and we do so on multiple providers and boot from potentially slightly different base images in each of them and...00:12
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fungithere is limitless variability00:13
jeblairjhesketh: same as in option 200:14
clarkblooks like that test uses a fake wsgiapp so you would hope it wasn't time dependent00:14
clarkband the old style assert equal is hard to read :(00:14
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jeblairjhesketh: it's special either way.  in option 1, you don't need to add a connector entry to zuul.ini.  in option 2 you don't need to add a connector entry to zuul.ini, and you also don't need to add a connector entry to layout.yaml.00:14
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jheskethjeblair: it's special in option 1, but not in option 2... much like we document different parameters to current triggers/reporters etc we'd just document that the gerrit trigger takes the connector attribute, and the timer does not00:15
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jeblairjhesketh: i'm not buying that.  the timer does not need a connector, gerrit does.  that's true regardless (and it's even true now)00:16
clarkbtsg: it may help to clean up that assert00:16
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clarkbtsg: it is asserting two things are euqal then giving a different value back as the message00:17
clarkbtsg: which is confusing00:17
clarkbanddoens't help debug the error00:17
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jeblairjhesketh: the difference between option 1 and option 2 is that in option 2, you tell zuul that you're talking about gerrit twice, which means that you have an additional chance to get it wrong (and are telling it something it should be able to figure out on its own)00:17
clarkbtsg: but it looks like the fake app should be returning 404 but instead it returns a 200?00:17
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clarkbtsg: maybe the "mock" is breaking?00:17
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jheskethjeblair: I'm confused, I think that's what I was saying (re timer not needing a connector)00:18
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tsgclarkb: I will take a closer look .. the problem is I have been able to reproduce it locally 0% of the time00:19
jeblairjhesketh: you asserted that timer is not special in option 2 but is special in option 1.  it's exactly the same in either case.00:19
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clarkbtsg: we really aren't doing much special. These are 8 core 8gb rax and hpcloud trusty VMs and they do `tox -epy27`00:19
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jeblairjhesketh: anyway, let's get back to why you don't like option 100:20
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jheskethjeblair: in option 1 triggers becomes a named connector except for things like timer and zuul... however in option 2 the change is that the gerrit trigger (which is always named gerrit) takes a connection parameter while the timer trigger has no such parameter00:20
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jheskethso it's consistent in that each trigger has its own set of parameters00:20
jeblairjhesketh: i agree; though it does so at the cost of redundancy and a potential error point for users writing a layout00:21
jheskethjeblair: I don't like option 1 because it mixes named connectors with (seemingly) hard-coded ones (ie 'openstack-gerrit' vs 'timer')00:21
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clarkboh I see it is asking for profile 135 and getting back profile 1358600:22
clarkbtsg: ^00:22
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jeblairjhesketh: okay, i can live with option 200:22
jeblair(i'm playing with calling them 'connection' instead of 'connector')00:23
clarkbtsg: is 13586 the pid of the test process?00:23
tsgclarkb: let me look closer .. thank you!00:23
clarkbtsg: and the profiler matches prefixes?00:23
jeblairjhesketh: what else do you want to decide?00:23
tsgclarkb: need to understand the middleware test still :)00:23
clarkbtsg: so it could have to do with post boot state on machines to which pid they have reached00:23
jeblairjhesketh: object and class implementation, yeah?00:23
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tsgbut good points00:23
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clarkbtsg: which on our slaves may be pretty consistent by the time a test runs00:23
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jheskethjeblair: so I do agree with what you're saying with option 2 regarding the redundancy00:24
jheskethI'm not sure which is best at this point00:24
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jeblairjhesketh: option 2 is more easily backwards compatible :)00:24
jheskethjeblair: but yeah, I think that'd be good to get an idea of00:24
jheskethclarkb: do you have an opinion?00:25
jeblairjhesketh: so i think you were suggesting 4 classes earlier00:25
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jheskethjeblair: yeah, so a class for each action (so to speak), where the gerrit ones would expect to be provided with a gerrit connection (which has a loaded gerrit driver)00:26
clarkbI liked 300:26
clarkbmy brain understood it best00:26
jheskethand I'm guessing the gerrit driver would look a little like the lib/gerrit.py00:26
jheskethclarkb: so 3 is very close to 200:27
clarkbyup the big thing is it names the gerrit thibg00:27
clarkband skips connector as a magical thibg00:27
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jeblairclarkb: that's actually why i was thinking of changing 'connector' to 'connection', to try to make the abstraction a little more obvious00:27
clarkbbecause to me connector == driver for the most part00:27
clarkbjeblair ya that helps too00:28
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jeblairjhesketh, clarkb: what do you think of the class layout notes i jotted down?00:29
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jeblairjhesketh, clarkb: i'm basically imagining the connector(or connection) defined by the ini is a global singleton00:30
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jeblairjhesketh, clarkb: and each source/trigger/reporter that references it is passed a reference to it00:30
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jeblairjhesketh, clarkb: that way it can hold things that can be shared (such as an ssh connection), or just be used to pass connection info around if something needs to make its own connection00:31
jeblair(as in the case of the stream-events connection)00:31
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jheskethjeblair: that looks like what I was imagining00:33
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jeblairjhesketh: an smtpreporter wouldn't get a gerrit connection object, right?  it'd get an smtpconnection00:35
jheskethyeah, I realised that was wrong00:35
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jhesketheverything would need to get a copy of the source though00:35
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jeblairjhesketh: hrm, maybe not?00:37
jheskethjeblair: so it's expected that changes only ever come from one source right?00:38
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jheskethmaybe this only applies to triggers, but antyhing that is triggering a change to be queued should know about the source00:38
jheskethit'll also allow reporters to do fancy extra queries of the change before sending a report if it needed to00:38
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jeblairjhesketh: i think having triggers not know about the source helps clear up the abstraction; i think that's what makes the timer and zuul triggers much easier to reason about00:41
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jeblairjhesketh: but i think you're right00:42
jeblairjhesketh: they do still need to know the source00:42
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Raise an error if preversion versions are too low
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Look for and process sem-ver pseudo headers in git
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Refactor oneline changelog walking.
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Only consider tags that look like versions.
jheskethisn't the reason the source is abstacted so the triggers/etc can know about it? (ie I'm not sure how that muddles the abstraction)00:43
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jeblairjhesketh: yep, i think we're agreed00:44
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jheskethjeblair: Another way we could possibly do it is not have the gerrit trigger take a connection param... it could work out the connection details by using the source object00:45
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lifelessfungi: ^ bugfix for the bug you pointed me at00:47
jeblairjhesketh: i think that's an option; it would be a little weird that you'd still have to provide a connection to the smtp reporter00:47
jheskethyeah, I hadn't thought about the need for other connection types at the time00:48
lifelessfungi: sadly its at the top of the stack, and depends on the haveged slaves working (or we drop python2.6)00:48
jeblairjhesketh: but also wouldn't suggest that it's sensible to have your source connected to one gerrit and a trigger connected to a different one :)00:48
jheskethjeblair: I mean we could do the smtp reporter the same way it is currently done00:48
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: [WIP] Subscription events now appear in UI
jeblairjhesketh: i think we have enough general agreement to take a stab at this, yeah?00:50
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fungilifeless: both wonderful and tragic, agreed. i'm still managing to narrow down the cause/find a workaround (but am also trying to participate in an end user working working group kick-off call at the same time and just realized i was typing this with my clicky keyboard without muting my phone!)00:51
jeblairjhesketh: would you mind reviewing my two changes with an eye to anything that would block this, and if they don't, let's work on this for the multi-connection change?00:52
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jeblairjhesketh: i'm happy to do some of the hacking on this too, i'm not meaning to throw this all into your lap :)00:52
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jeblairjhesketh: just that i don't want to block those if it's not needed00:53
jheskethyep, will do00:54
jeblairjhesketh: cool, thanks.  i'm going to see what i can scrape up for dinner now :)00:54
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jheskethno worries, thanks for hanging around :-)00:54
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added a subscription_events table & subscription hander
lifelessfungi: anyhow, I'm going to leave this now :)00:55
fungilifeless: yep, thanks!00:56
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added a subscription_events table & subscription hander
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openstackgerritJC Delay proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: get_remote_url(): honor any "url.<base>.insteadOf" config setting
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openstackgerritJC Delay proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: get_remote_url(): honor any "url.<base>.insteadOf" config setting
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mordred clarkb I miss anything fun?01:07
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clarkbuhm I found beer01:14
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clarkbjeblair and jhesketh had good conversation01:14
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clarkbfungi is debugging centos01:14
jheskethso really clarkb won01:14
jheskethI found green tea and biscuits if that counts01:14
jheskethit's also AM here01:15
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fungii should continue debugging centos with beer. my fridge (*is* right over *there* after all01:15
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clarkbnodepool is happy01:16
fungiwhen nodepool is happy, everyone is happy01:16
clarkbyolanda and or anyone else need to rethink where we start client sessions01:16
* mordred found cachaça01:18
mordredclarkb: oh yeah? what's up with client sessions?01:18
fungimordred: is that like finding religion?01:18
mordredfungi: YES01:18
mordredfungi: I was out last night, which made me a sad mordred01:18
mordredfungi: indeed he is cachaça01:19
fungifor the universe hath brought forth sugarcane and rendered it unto you as booze01:19
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clarkbmordred basically that fails today01:20
mordredfungi: sandy really liked that last bit01:20
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clarkbif a cloud is down nodepool dies its related to the dib change01:20
mordredclarkb: spectacular01:20
mordredclarkb: WOOT01:20
mordredyolanda will fix with magic01:20
clarkbso we installed head~1 and restarted01:20
clarkbyup thats the hope :)01:20
mordredclarkb: oh - so, we installed without dib?01:21
mordredto fix the thing?01:21
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clarkbbut didnt revert01:22
clarkbbecause its onlybbroken if your clouds are down01:23
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mordredit's probably something weird or something01:23
clarkbnot really. client timesout forces nodepool to try again01:23
funginice. according to the all-knowing wikipedia, cachaça is (among other names) known as "água-benta" (holy water)01:23
clarkbnodepool never gets beyond initial config01:23
clarkbneed to push client sessions further down to make timeouts/errors cheap01:24
mordredfungi: NICE01:24
mordredahh. yes. this makes sense01:24
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fungicrappity. when i distill the presumed trigger case down to this trivial manifest, the bug does not emerge...
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fungipython-requests is yum removed, requests is pip installed and then libffi-devel is yum installed01:33
fungiso clearly the cause of this is more subtle than simply "it's running under puppet"01:34
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fungii'm basically going to have to hack on it in the context of the entire manifest, which is slow to iterate given its runtime01:36
fungiunless anyone else has bright ideas01:36
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mordredfungi: if I say "rewrite it in ansible", will you kill me?01:37
fungimordred: nah. my telekinesis doesn't reach more than a few hundred miles01:38
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mordredfungi: sweet01:39
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openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix neutron-func job to unstack in gate_hook
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mgagneAre CI bots allowed to comment with "Starting check jobs." on new change or should it only be the actual results?02:30
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openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added a subscription_events table & subscription hander
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add test for templated- and nested- builders
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trinathsmgagne, as I remember its only result no starting jobs02:38
trinathsSumitNaiksatam,: Hi sir02:39
mgagnetrinaths: where should I complain? =)02:39
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add test for templated- and nested- builders
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jesusaurusclarkb: im not sure how to go about making ^that^ test pass, but thats what i found earlier02:45
trinathsmgagne, mail it in infra/neutron mailing list02:47
mgagnetrinaths: thanks. mostly cinder bots for me =)02:47
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trinathsSumitNaiksatam: Can you look into the change
trinathsSumitNaiksatam, - typo03:16
trinathsmestery: Can you now access the CI log server at
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anteayamgagne: you can complain to me04:02
anteayamgagne: one comment per patchset for third party ci accounts04:02
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r1chardj0n3sif any infra folk are still awake, I'd love some review love for so I can kick the pip-missing-reqs party off in nova land :)04:57
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anteayar1chardj0n3s: hey there05:11
r1chardj0n3shi anteaya :)05:11
anteayahow art thou?05:18
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r1chardj0n3santeaya: great, and busy, how're you?05:19
anteayagood thanks05:19
anteayajust finished sprint number 305:19
r1chardj0n3ssprinty sprinty :)05:20
anteayayeah exactly05:20
anteayalistening to a bit of jazz05:20
anteayanot bad05:20
r1chardj0n3sI gotta go now tho and pick my daughter up from school :)05:20
anteayacan't be late for that05:20
* anteaya reviews jhesketh's patch05:21
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yolandasorry clarkb, mordred, i think i missed context. What's the problem with nodepool client?06:14
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mattoliverauFriday night!! I'm calling it a night, have agreat weekend all.08:10
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Refactor WSME models
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tsufievanteaya, Hello, Anita! I've addressed all your comments in the commit for creating a new stackforge project repo ( ). Could you please take a look when you'll have some idle moments?11:00
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DinaBelovajhesketh, hello11:37
DinaBelovajhesketh, are you around?11:37
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openstackgerritMike Heald proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Enforce ref only for gerrit events that supply a ref
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openstackgerritDina Belova proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Ceilometer MongoDB jobs to the Tempest experimental
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Define -T/--no-topic to disable review submit with topic
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ihrachyshkaafazekas: hey! I have a question for you. I'm interested in creating a separate job for mysqlconnector. I'm looking at how it's implemented for postgresql to get the idea. So what I see is that there is a variable DEVSTACK_GATE_POSTGRES passed to, though I don't see where the list of enabled services is modified. Do you know how passing the variable results in postgresql deployment in gate?12:28
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afazekasihrachyshka: the last link reads the the env vars12:34
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ihrachyshkaafazekas: thanks a lot! I somehow forgot about magic possibly being involved :)12:34
openstackgerritSimon McCartney proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for the SSH Agent Plugin as a build wrapper
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afazekasihrachyshka: FYI it is expected to solve the missing (libffi-devel) package issue
afazekasihrachyshka: I have no idea what causes the missing rpm or yum issue, or how to reproduce it12:45
ihrachyshkaafazekas: ok, fine. I'll track stable periodic jobs to see whether they still fail12:46
ihrachyshkaafazekas: if you're interested, devstack run with mysql connector:
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ihrachyshkajust three patches to merge and release (for migrate library), and we're ready to go :)12:50
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afazekaspsedlak: ^12:54
afazekasihrachyshka: thx12:54
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ihrachyshkaafazekas: am I correct that we don't pass arbitrary env vars from infra job to devstack-gate script? in general, I would be ok with just passing SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_DRIVER="mysqlconnector" to devstack script. should I even cope with all those features and stuff? or will it be enough to just pass it from infra job description? [no idea how to test it, so hard to check myself]12:59
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afazekas`cat ~/.ssh/| awk '{print $2}'`13:05
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afazekasThe above document describes how to reproduce gate jobs13:05
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afazekasThe ssh key  definition seams incorrect , the above version worked for me13:06
fungiwow... (take the stupid cloud survey... it's marvellous)13:08
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afazekasihrachyshka: does not seams consistent when the variable needs to use DEVSTACK or DEVSTACK_GATE prefix,  but usually you should not expect an env defined in the job config will be used by devstack. You need to add to the localrc explicitly in devstack-gate13:13
ihrachyshkaafazekas: something like: ?13:14
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afazekasihrachyshka:  LGTM13:15
ihrachyshkaok then, hopefully it will be enough :) I guess I need to wait with this one before devstack changes are merged...13:16
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Rest controllers fix
openstackgerritIhar Hrachyshka proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump oslotest version
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erwfungi: nice. I like seeing that someone has finally done this.14:15
erwI thought someone would do it over Tor with onion addresses though.14:16
erwclarkb: Our nova gate for docker seems stable. We’re ready to move it to silent, if infra is.14:16
erwacknowledging that Juno, FF, etc is going to be much more important to you :)14:17
fungierw: some of the design description suggests that different providers in the pool may offer different network architectures and tunneled addresses, so that's still a possibility14:17
erwfungi: the interesting thing about this being paid for with bitcoin is that the market will assure the price/hr is higher than the BTC/hr generation of the compute instances.14:19
erw(which I suppose is probably guaranteed anyway, considering how hard it is to CPU mine these days)14:19
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Revert "Added subscriber and publisher modules"
fungierw: yeah, i was amused that one of their survey questions is whether you want to buy instances in their cloud to use for mining bitcoins... :;14:21
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Rest controllers fix
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added subscriber and publisher modules
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openstackgerritEric Windisch proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Promote Nova gate for docker to silent
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix ssh key specification in the README.rst
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jedimike has 2 +2, could someone +A? thanks14:36
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phschwartzmorning infra14:38
anteayamorning phschwartz14:39
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* krotscheck groans himself out of bed.14:40
clarkbyolanda if a cloud is configures in nodepool but the cloud is down nodepool will constantly reconfigure itself when the clients through exceptions during the reconfigure step14:41
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clarkbyolanda makes it fail like that in the tests14:41
clarkbyolanda we need to push the client session starts closer to the actual client requests so that if/when they fail the rest of nodepool continues to operate14:43
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YorikSarGood morning, infra-cores! Please take a look at (oslo.concurrency repo creation). I have +1 from Oslo team and +2 from SergeyLukjanov.15:02
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: ade query for nova quota reservation deadlock
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for bug 1316926
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1316926 in tempest "failed to reach ACTIVE status and task state "None" within the required time (196 s). Current status: BUILD. Current task state: spawning." [Undecided,New]
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anteayamorning zaro15:20
* anteaya prepares to move locations15:20
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bin/pip suddenly missing
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rustlebeefungi: point well stated re: google on the more general issue15:25
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fungirustlebee: thanks! i try not to preach too often15:26
fungisometimes my soapbox gets a little dusty and i need to make sure it's still solid15:26
rustlebeefungi: it was good though15:26
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* clarkb looks for church of yuggoth signs15:28
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clarkbfound it. well said indeed15:30
* rustlebee considers himself corrected15:30
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mordredkrotscheck: that's never the right choice16:02
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krotscheckmordred: It’s really not.16:06
nibalizerwhat choice is this?16:07
nibalizeroh getting out of bed16:07
krotscheckmordred: btw- Ben has 24 bottles of my wine. Burn consumption is usually about 15. That means y’all have to drink at least 9 bottles next week.16:07
mordredkrotscheck: done16:07
mordredkrotscheck: actually _I_ have 24 bottles of your wine16:07
krotscheckmordred: Oh!16:07
clarkbyou all needs kegs16:08
mordredkrotscheck: we switched cars when you weren't looking16:08
krotscheckmordred: sneaky!16:08
mordredclarkb: you should bring us kegs16:08
krotscheckI would LOVE to bring a keg.16:08
clarkbMine are currently empty :(16:08
* krotscheck ponders playa-kegerators.16:08
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krotscheckclarkb: We’ve yet to make booze together. We should fix this.16:15
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krotscheckclarkb: Since you know barley, and I know wine, I suggest we make a barley wine!16:16
clarkbooh we could. needs such patience though for big beers16:17
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krotscheckclarkb: I’ll bring the patience :). That’s what I’m good at.16:18
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krotscheckclarkb: And then, to finish it off, we’ll put it on nitro.16:18
* nibalizer would like to be there for the final part of this ( the drinking )16:18
krotschecknibalizer! I have a review chain for you :)
krotschecknibalizer: And you’re in portland, right? barley wining would be super close.16:22
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nibalizerso that likely would be able to accomplish what you were trying to do with puppi16:22
nibalizeri'm just really a big hater of execs for curl16:23
krotschecknibalizer: I actually tried that.16:23
nibalizersometimes its the only way16:23
nibalizerkrotscheck: no dice?16:23
krotschecknibalizer: Not idempotent16:23
nibalizernu uh16:23
* nibalizer doesn't believe you16:23
krotschecknibalizer: Executes the download every time.16:23
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krotschecknibalizer: The problem is that there’s no good way of doing a file age check via puppet short of the ‘onlyif’ command. Once you add a ‘creates’, it never runs the command again.16:26
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nibalizerkrotscheck: does this idempotent?
nibalizerits just not that hard to curl -Z16:28
nibalizeror -z16:28
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nibalizeror get the headers down and look at last-modified and compare to the file on disk16:28
yolandahi clarkb, sorry, i was out, today is a bank holiday16:28
openstackgerritMark Vanderwiel proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix gate job timing issues with bundler
mordredyolanda: stupid banks16:28
yolandalet me take a look at it16:29
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yolandamordred, clarkb, but you already merged the change, right? it should be going into a new one?16:29
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mordredyolanda: yes16:30
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yolandaok, let me take a look16:30
krotschecknibalizer: It doesn’t look like it. It does have an unless => command, but the test is a file existence check.16:30
mordrednibalizer: we don't want puppet to report "changed" just because it had to run something to check to see if it should run something16:31
krotschecknibalizer: That’s what I do in mine.16:31
krotschecknibalizer: Any opinion on this change?
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nibalizerkrotscheck: looks good16:35
nibalizermanaging the apache2.4 changeover is a bit painful16:36
nibalizertwo ways to do it16:36
nibalizerone is to maintain separate vhost files16:36
nibalizerthe other is to do big if statements16:36
krotschecknibalizer: Well, I just want the default install on trusty to not fail.16:36
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YorikSarfungi: If you're about repo creation.16:37
fungiYorikSar: thanks!16:37
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nibalizerkrotscheck: ya16:39
nibalizeri think this is fine16:39
krotscheckclarkb: I don’t recall what the resolution of the discussion two days ago was re: infra using the most recent of their own puppet modules. Are we still pinning install_modules to specific sha’s, or should we just hit master?16:39
nibalizerit occurs to me that apache2.2 vs 2.4 will be a problem for a very long time16:40
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krotschecknibalizer: yyyep.16:40
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nibalizerkrotscheck: right now we're using a hash16:40
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krotschecknibalizer: There are still apache 1 hosts out there.16:40
nibalizerkrotscheck: jeblair asked us to go to 'master'16:40
nibalizerim not sure that the code does that16:40
krotschecknibalizer: Oh, I know. Lemme go do that.16:40
nibalizeri haven't had time to dig into install_moudles.sh16:40
nibalizerthat stuff at the end of that down there is .... pretty gross16:41
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linkidfungi: oh, if you could do the same for mines, it would be great and I will be able to push my code this week-end (while Jenkins is cool down ^^)16:43
reedRyan_Lane, hello there, are you still the best person to ask to fiddle our mediawiki? I'd like to install the freemind extension16:43
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use puppet-storyboard@master
krotscheckLet’s see if that works.16:43
Ryan_Lanereed: yeah. let me see if that extension is easy16:43
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reedthanks Ryan_Lane16:44
fungilinkid: which one? if it's for stackforge rather than openstack, i can't really prioritize that (i'm in the middle of trying to fix things in openstack at the moment)16:44
Ryan_Laneheh. ewww. flash or java app?16:44
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linkidfungi: ah, it is for stackforge. And if you have some other things to do, it can wait, then.16:45
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create repo for oslo.concurrency
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krotscheckAny infra-core out there available to look at and ? The storyboard webclient isn’t updating at the moment :/16:48
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reedRyan_Lane, choose your poison :) both?16:48
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Ryan_Laneit looks like this extension likely has XSS issues16:49
reedwonderful... we're back to square 116:49
reedone has to wonder why google docs becomes popular16:50
* reed rants and goes to grab more coffee and rant some more16:50
Ryan_Lanewell, I haven't met anyone that uses mind maps seriously :)16:50
fungireed: google docs does mindmaps?16:50
reedthanks Ryan_Lane16:50
Ryan_Lanewhich is likely why there's no real support for it in mediawiki16:50
reedRyan_Lane, maybe you have a better suggestion: here is the use case16:51
Ryan_Lanelet me read the code more closely16:51
Ryan_Laneit may not actually have issues16:51
reedwe have a taxonomy prepared for the wiki16:51
reedand currently this taxonomy is a ahem spreadsheet16:51
Ryan_Laneoh. why not use graphviz?16:51
reedwith colum as the 'levels', to separate branches and leaves16:51
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reedRyan_Lane, would that work better? I have nothing against it16:52
fungibut yeah, to echo Ryan_Lane's comment, at a previous job we used a very large mediawiki instance for internal documentation collaboration. one of the more hipsterish development groups hounded me for ages to install that exact extension, but once i did they never went past one or two experimental mindmaps which were abandoned shortly thereafter. a year or so later the extension wasn't keeping up with16:52
fungimediawiki releases so i removed it in an upgrade and never looked back16:52
Ryan_Lanethe nice thing about graphviz is that it's useful for software development, too16:52
reedRyan_Lane, so are mindmaps but hey, whatever :)16:53
Ryan_LaneI've never met a developer who uses mindmaps :)16:53
reedRyan_Lane, indeed... sw devs can be pretty primitives in the tools they choose :)16:53
Ryan_Laneso, the taxonomy needs to be an image?16:54
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reedRyan_Lane, not an image, better it to be something that can be navigated16:54
reedit's a pretty big tree16:54
* Ryan_Lane uses omnigraffle, and it makes amazing graphs :)16:54
reedi'm afraid an image would not be good16:54
Ryan_Lanewhat's the taxonomy going to do?16:54
Ryan_Laneis it a category tree?16:55
reedRyan_Lane, it's a tool to communicate how to use the wiki, how to add categories to pages16:55
reedRyan_Lane, yes, it's a category tree16:55
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Ryan_Lanemade with actual categories? :)16:55
reedRyan_Lane, maybe16:57
reedthe problem is that we're still working on it... it's a 'live' document16:57
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Fix nodepool crashing when cloud is down
Ryan_Lanereed: CategoryTree references a category and all of its subcategories16:57
Ryan_Laneit'll update automatically16:57
yolandapushed to test into onte instance in the cloud, not ready yet16:57
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reedRyan_Lane, so that means that we could develop the tree using a mindmap or anything, implement the Categories on the wiki and see the result on the CatTree?16:58
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Ryan_Lanereed: yeah16:59
clarkbkrotscheck lets hit master16:59
jeblairkrotscheck: when i search in storyboard, they typeahead search isn't keeping up with my typing, such that if i type "storyboard<enter>" i might end up with "story" in the field.16:59
reedRyan_Lane, sounds like this is what we need then16:59
Ryan_Lanecool. that's already installed16:59
reedRyan_Lane, where?16:59
krotscheckjeblair: There’s a patch that will hopefully mitigate that:
reed ?16:59
krotscheckclarkb: Hitting master -
Ryan_Lanereed: check the documentation, it's a wiki tag:
jeblairkrotscheck: cool, thanks17:00
Ryan_Lane<categorytree mode=pages>Manual</categorytree>17:00
reedthat page is as cryptic as a gpg encrypted helloworld17:00
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Ryan_Laneyou just put that into a page, and it will show the tree for whatever category you add inside of the tags17:00
krotscheckjeblair: The next iteration on top of that patch will be to stop managing the typeahead responses as a batch17:01
reedhow about the whole shebang?17:01
Ryan_Laneyou just need to look at the usage section ;)
Ryan_Lanethe tag I just added should work, if you're using a Manual category17:01
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Ryan_Lanebasically, you just want to add <categorytree mode=pages>My Category</categorytree>17:02
YorikSarfungi: Thanks a lot!17:02
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Ryan_Laneto whatever page you want this to show up on17:02
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YorikSarfungi: When will the repo get imported?17:02
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Ryan_Lanethere's a bunch of options you can pass it, but that mode should likely do what you want17:02
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reedI don't get it17:04
reedRyan_Lane, I don't get how to show *every* category starting from the root of the wiki17:04
jeblairyolanda: i don't think 114599 will fix the problem; it will just raise an exception in the same place17:05
Ryan_Lanereed you need to actually set up a category hierarchy17:05
yolandajeblair, i was wondering if that didn't happen before, maybe because it was only a call to Nova, not involving keystone and glance17:05
yolandai think the ideal should be to return None for the client, and ignore that provider in some way until it works17:06
reedRyan_Lane, ok, this exhausted me and my time today, I'll have Shari look into it...17:06
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jeblairyolanda: yeah, i think the original code did not actually make an api call in that function.  but since you actually have to make an api call to keystone, now it fails17:06
Ryan_Laneok. basically you want to set up a top level category, and include other categories from it17:06
* Ryan_Lane waves17:06
* reed thanks Ryan_Lane :)17:07
yolandajeblair, so you think that adding code for ignoring the provider should be fine? instead of raising exception, catch and return None ?17:07
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jeblairyolanda: if we ignore the provider, then we will make it to the main loop, but every time through the loop it will try the operation again and it takes 1 minute to time out17:08
jeblairyolanda: (because it creates missing providers each time through the loop, which is good)17:08
yolandajeblair, then what do you suggest? flagging that in some way?17:08
yolandamaybe we could maintain a list of providers to ignore, let's say for 10 minutes17:09
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jeblairthat's an option17:10
jeblairlet's call that (a)17:10
jeblair(b) could be to not use keystone and manually configure the glance endpoint17:11
fungiYorikSar: seems to be done now. who goes in the new groups?17:11
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yolandajeblair, hardcoding the endpoint? that should be flexible enough?17:11
clarkbmanually setting glance endpoint will fix rax glance too17:11
clarkbI like that option for this reason17:12
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yolandaclarkb, but we need endpoint and auth token17:12
jeblair(c) could be to make it so that we don't do the keystone call and create the glance client until a call actually needs it -- that means that the cost of this is pushed down into the launch threads which can handle it, but we may end up with some race conditions to either deal with and ignore17:12
jeblairwow, using openstack makes no sense17:12
jeblairdeal with _or_ ignore17:13
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jeblairyolanda: how long is an auth token good for?17:13
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yolandajeblair, don't know exact expiration time17:14
jeblairmorganfainberg: ^?17:14
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yolandajeblair, i think it's configurable and depends on provider17:15
morganfainbergjeblair, yolanda, in icehouse the default is 1h, but it can be set to anything. many operators set it to 1d, or 3h17:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Add pipeline source
jeblairhow do we get a new one or refresh it?17:15
yolandaso actually it would make sense to configure glance only when pushing images17:15
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morganfainbergjeblair, yolanda, you can get a token issued and look for 'expires' or 'expires_at' depending on the token version and see the difference from the issued_at attribute17:15
jedimikejeblair, as you +2'd it, could you +A please? cheers :)17:16
jeblairyolanda: i'm starting to think that may be the case.  maybe for simplicity in this case we should not keep the glanceclient around, but rather just do the keystone+glance calls when we need to upload17:16
yolandajeblair, yes, i'm with you on it17:16
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jeblairjedimike: +317:16
jedimikethanks :)17:16
yolandahonestly i didn't thought about auth token expiration17:17
jeblairheh, we would have found out eventually :)17:17
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morganfainbergmost apps don't re-use tokens well :(17:17
morganfainbergand just get new tokesn all the time17:17
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jeblairputting on my user hat: "man it's weird that using glance is so different than using nova"17:18
yolandajeblair, so i'm fine on restructuring that a bit, leave nova client as it was before, and configure glance each time we need to upload an image17:18
morganfainbergthe new session object clients are using should *help* make that less of an issue, not sure if glanceclient uses that yet, similar not sure about novaclient17:18
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jeblairyolanda: yeah, i think that works for now since we only perform one glance call, and we're only likely to perform it once per day per provider17:19
yolandaok, let me rewrite that a bit17:19
morganfainbergjeblair, yolanda anyway, if you need me to look into any of this stuff, let me know i'm happy to help  - but i need breakfast :P17:19
morganfainbergso.. be back in a bit17:19
jeblairmorganfainberg: cool, thanks17:19
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jeblairdid gerritbot dissappear?17:20
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jeblairoh no i just missed it.  nm.17:21
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rustlebeejeblair: so i just discovered ... open source thing that's very close to google hangouts.  just tried it on a friend's setup17:32
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rustlebeemajor technical difference, with hangouts, all video streams go through google (so you only have 1 in/out stream), with this all streams come to you, so it won't scale well to large groups17:32
rustlebeebut for small group things, might be worth setting up17:32
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add a Zuul trigger
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jeblairrustlebee: neat; you know i've been itching to use webrtc :)17:36
rustlebeeyep :)17:36
jeblairclarkb: can you speedily re-review ? i just changed the test to fix a nondeterminism the gate caught17:37
jeblairfungi: or you if you're around? ^17:38
fungijeblair: sure17:38
jeblairrustlebee: think that's a better investment that trying out webrtc video with asterisk?17:38
jeblairs/that try/than try/17:39
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for 1357476
fungijeblair: 112411 update lgtm17:40
jeblaircool, back in the queue it goes17:41
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rustlebeejeblair: yes17:42
rustlebeei've never seen someone set up something this nice/usable with asterisk with webrtc17:43
jeblairrustlebee: so probably we set up ejabberd and plug jvb into it?17:44
rustlebeeyeah looks like it17:45
rustlebeeseems worth experimenting with anyway17:46
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rustlebeetempted to do a quick manual setup first to play, and then puppetize if it's worth keeping17:47
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clarkbjeblair: +217:47
* mordred still hates video conferencing17:48
jeblairmordred: yeah, one of the thinks i like about potentially using asterisk is the idea of still being able to call in on my phone :)17:48
* jeblair dials "78" to connect to the openstack confbridge17:49
jeblairbut i could probably convince my local asterisk to do something with jitsi+xmpp17:50
rustlebeejeblair: what we have today does that in theory ... if you use a video client like jitsi and call into the same bridge as phone callers, you'll get video from other talkers that called in with video17:50
rustlebeeor at least in theory, i never tested it on this server :)17:50
rustlebeebut i intended that with the config17:51
rustlebeebut you have to use jitsi.17:51
rustlebee(or whatever)17:51
rustlebeeand not webrtc ... i'm not sure how to make webrtc work with this17:51
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rustlebeeadmittedly the vast majority of the webrtc work in asterisk happened after i stopped doing asterisk full time17:51
rustlebeeso my knowledge is a bit dated17:51
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Add loader subcommand to sync from launchpad
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mordredNikitaKonovalov: ^^ ttx followed up on your comments, could you re-review when you get a chance?17:56
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add source entries for all Zuul pipelines
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add merge-check pipeline
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enqueue unfresh changes in check when parent in gate
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: ^ that's where the new zuul fun starts :)  i'm going to work on restart zuul to prepare for those if you want to go ahead and review (but not approve) them17:58
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jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: the 72h freshness check was triggered the following number of times on these (UTC) days this week: M:441, T:293, W:160, H:111, F:81 (so far)18:07
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jeblair383/244/156/193/186 last week18:09
fungiwelp, some progress with the centos6 image update issue in rax. if i rpm -e python-requests before applying the manifest, it no longer breaks18:10
jeblairthe 24h check is not hit as much: 15/55/35/66/5618:11
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Ajaeger1Good afternoon, how often is updated? I'm not seeing the new version of openstack-doc-tools that was tagged four hours ago ;(18:13
Ajaeger1It's up here:
Ajaeger1as version 0.18 but not on
fungiAjaeger1: looks like bandersnatch may be stuck *again*18:14
fungichecking into it now18:14
Ajaeger1Thanks fungi for checking18:14
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fungiyeah, running since 13:05 utc18:15
jeblairfungi: does this happen often?18:15
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fungijeblair: i think we've been running into it a couple times a week18:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Add a Zuul trigger
fungiclarkb: mordred: ^ ?18:16
jeblairfungi: is there a bug?18:16
jesusauruszaro: you seem to be an active jjb contributor, do you know how i can make pass? i dont really understand why deep_format is failing in that case18:16
fungimost of the time it's been issues on the cdn or pypi itself which bandersnatch is incapable of figuring out18:17
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YorikSarfungi: Yay! :)18:17
fungilooking now to see whether this is a stale negative cache in the cdn or something else18:17
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YorikSarfungi: They should definitely inherit oslo groups.18:17
clarkbI ran into it a couple times18:18
fungilast time it was broken, it was because there was a cached redirect for case insensitivity in the cdn but the destination was redirected18:18
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fungiand ended up being a circular redirect18:18
clarkbit shouldnt be stale cache. mordred fixed that18:18
YorikSarfungi: Let me find out if someone else should be added..18:18
fungioh, right18:18
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Require openstack-doc-tools >= 0.18
fungistrace shows it in a select loop18:19
fungino obvious child processes18:19
fungiheh, wrong window ;)18:19
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fungithe mirror log from the cron job is updating with but i think that's just new invocations dying because there's already one running?18:21
fungiTooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects.18:23
fungimaybe oligotyping?18:24
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fungiit looks like it was renamed from Oligotyping to oligotyping18:24
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fungii'll kill the stuck process and see if it's better now--those cached redirects can take up to 24 hours to expire, so if not i'll see if i can dig up what mordred (i think it was) did last week when this same issue arose18:28
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mordredfungi: if you run the cache invalidatino thing ...18:29
fungimordred: was that working for cached redirect loops after a rename?18:29
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mordredfungi:   curl -X PURGE
mordredfor instance18:29
YorikSarfungi: Ok, now I have it. oslo-concurrency-ptl: oslo-ptl group and yorik-sar; oslo-concurrency-core: oslo-core group and yorik-sar.18:29
mordredfungi: can you see in the logs what it is that's failing?18:30
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fungimordred: yeah, "TooManyRedirects: Exceeded 30 redirects." and seems to have come when trying to delete Oligotyping and sync oligotyping18:30
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mordredyeah - maybe try the purge on both?18:31
fungimordred: i believe dstufft said this was a known issue with fastly caching case-sensitivity redirects and then a package getting renamed after it from one case to another18:31
* anteaya has to go to lunch and and then spend the weekend in the mountains18:32
anteayatty Monday18:32
Ajaeger1anteaya: you have to spend the weekend in the mountains?18:32
Ajaeger1I would consider that something really great ;)18:32
Ajaeger1anteaya: Enjoy!18:32
fungiso someone requested oligotyping from fastly, which pypi was redirecting to Oligotyping, and that redirect was cached. then Oligotyping was renamed to oligotyping on pypi. now requesting oligotyping gets redirected to Oligotyping which is redirected back to oligotyping ad infinitum18:33
anteayaAjaeger1: thanks, oh I am looking forward to it18:33
anteayaAjaeger1: rereading what I wrote it did come across as a chore didn't it18:33
clarkbjeblair your config changes for new zuul failed the layout test18:33
anteayaI didn't pick good words18:33
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Ajaeger1anteaya: I wanted to interpret it this way ;)18:34
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jeblairclarkb: the zuul change may not have merged yet18:35
fungimordred: yep, still breaking on that redirect loop, so i'll try to invalidate both versions of that package in fastly18:35
clarkbjeblair yup thats it18:35
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jeblairit's merged now so i'm rechecking18:36
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fungii've tried purging oligotyping from the cdn first expecting that's sufficient. we'll see when the bandersnatch cron job re-fires in a couple minutes18:37
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Refactor nodepool to configure glance only when uploading imaes
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fungijeblair: rustlebee: ha! coincidence?
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rustlebeeheh, cool18:41
yolandajeblair, submitted change again18:41
yolandait reverts all the changes we did for client, and adds new method for configuring glance on uploadimage18:42
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Zuul merge-check to all projects
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove freshness check
openstackgerritpatrick-crews proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Document crm114 for logstash
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openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added a subscription_events table & subscription hander
openstackgerritAidan McGinley proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adds support for Change Assembly Version plugin
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Refactor nodepool to configure glance only when uploading imaes
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jeblairi'm waiting about 5 more minutes, then i'm going to restart zuul18:56
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fungimordred: purging all four of {pypi,simple}/{O,o}ligotyping from fastly seems not to have solved the redirect loop18:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for test_postgresql_opportunistically bug 1355929
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1355929 in nova "test_postgresql_opportunistically fails in stable/havana due to: "ERROR:  source database "template1" is being accessed by other users"" [Undecided,New]
fungidstufft: did you happen to have other suggestions for workarounds there?18:58
jeblairyolanda: i left a comment on your change18:58
clarkbfungi that is unfortunate18:58
fungii'll go ahead an leave an issue for bandersnatch upstream in case there isn't one already tracking this failure mode18:59
jeblairr1chardj0n3s_afk: ^ fyi18:59
yolandajeblair, ok, just let it throw19:00
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jeblairyolanda: yep; it will be propogated to the correct thread, and caught and logged there19:01
yolandaok, i'll correct that19:01
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dstufftfungi: blech19:04
dstufftfungi: moment19:04
dstufftfungi: should be fixed now19:04
fungidstufft: thanks--is there something we can do from our end the next time this happens?19:05
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fungidstufft: and is it something that mirroring tools should be smart enough to work around?19:05
jeblairzuul/nodepool restarted19:05
dstufftfungi: if purging /simple/{O,o}ligotying didn't work, then no19:06
dstufftthere's nothing you can do19:06
dstufftand nothing the mirroring tools can/should do19:06
dstufftI need to finish up my better purging stuff19:06
zarojesusaurus: will take a look at the test failure.19:06
fungidstufft: okay sp this really is only solvable between cheeseshop/fastly implementation and we need to suffer through until it's eventually rearchitected19:06
dstufftfungi: basically yea19:06
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fungidstufft: noted, and thanks19:06
dstufftso most likely remeditation involves yelling at me to go purge all19:07
* fungi aborts his bandersnatch issue filing19:07
dstufftor waiting19:07
fungi24hrs timeout on those, right?19:07
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funzofungi: clarkb: do one of you have time to look at
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fungidstufft: thanks again!19:08
jeblairoops, there are some jobs that got hit with not_registered, probably due to lack of devstack-precise nodes at the time19:08
dstufftfungi: you can techincally do some tricksies to get the Fastly cache to see it as a seperate thing, but ti requires modifying bandernsatch and it's super hacky19:08
dstufftreworking the whole mirroring protocol si on my todo list at some point too19:08
dstuffta slightly specialized wget --mirror is not that great19:09
fungidstufft: cool--i'll keep an eye out19:09
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fungifunzo: your commit message is such a cliff-hanger19:11
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Refactor nodepool to configure glance only when uploading imaes
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flashgordonfungi: so the nova/neutron issues in the public clouds you are consuming19:11
funzofungi: haha, I didn't realize that19:11
funzobut now I do19:11
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flashgordonfungi: are those still the issue where an instance errors out and you cannot delete it, or is something else now?19:12
funzofungi: allow me to fixy fix19:12
dstufftfungi: fixing packaging
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openstackgerritcalfonso proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run Tempest tests on Fedora 20 with the Docker driver
fungiflashgordon: one of them, yes, though not being able to delete them is more of a symptom/subsequent bug (though it's the part that's directly impacting us in that particular provider)19:12
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fungiflashgordon: for the provider themselves, they're interested in figuring out *why* neutron fails the port removal request during instance deletion19:13
flashgordonfungi: right this is a secondary  bug of sorts19:13
flashgordonfungi: but the providers aren't on a new enough version of openstack that has the fix I landed?19:14
fungiyour patch to make the instance deletable anyway is in their pending queue for their next upgrade apparently, at which point it stops affecting us19:14
flashgordonfungi:  ahh cool19:14
flashgordonjust wanted to make sure there wasn't another bug like that that needs fixing19:15
flashgordon(bugs blocking you from deleting19:15
jeblairzuul appears to be doing it's thing, so i'm going to grab some lunch19:15
jeblairafter i return, i'll look at merging the zuul config changes19:15
fungiflashgordon: but the other issue which was particularly causing problems over the last week or so is that sometimes floating ip requests fail. there's work in progress to make nodepool work around it, i believe, and prevent that from eating too far into our floating ip quota, but that still implies another underlying nova/neutron integration issue in their environment i think19:15
flashgordonfungi: yeah I think arosen has a patch up on that19:16
flashgordontrying to find it19:16
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clarkbjeblair sounds good19:16
fungiflashgordon: right, i think it was under discussion in the neutron channel earlier in the week19:16
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clarkbit wont fix things...19:17
clarkbit makes the nodepool code less redundant with novaclient19:17
clarkbbut nova client does disassociate then delete19:17
fungidstufft: btw your global purge seems to have gotten our bandersnatch back on track--thank you again19:17
flashgordonfungi: ahh
clarkbif the first thing succeeds and the second fails we will leak the ip19:18
fungiAjaeger1: is updated now--sorry about the delay!19:18
Ajaeger1fungi, thanks a lot!19:18
dstufftfungi: np, sorry it was required at all :/19:18
flashgordonclarkb: ahh, any way to make novaclient smarter19:18
fungiAjaeger1: the thanks on this one go to dstufft19:18
Ajaeger1dstufft: thanks a lot!19:19
flashgordonclarkb: is a nova patch not novaclient19:19
* fungi gets back to banging his head against centos19:19
clarkbflashgordon imo no. I think this is an api bug. delete should imply disassociate in an atomic manner19:19
clarkbI was talking about a nodepool patch19:19
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clarkbI hadnt seen that patch. looking now19:20
flashgordonclarkb: ahh thanks19:20
clarkblooks like arosen is doing an api update there so that would fix it19:21
flashgordonclarkb: hopefully19:21
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openstackgerritJoel Coffman proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add pykmip
yolandawow, big check queue now19:25
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fungiearlier in the week it was ~350. not so big by comparison19:28
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fungipretty high for a friday though19:29
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yolandaclarkb, jeblair, disconnecting for a while, but if you have some comments about my change i can read the comments on it19:30
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clarkbyolanda ok thank you19:32
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annegentlehey clarkb, I'm trying to chase down a doc build problem with "db4-upgrade.xsl not found" and wondered how to know if the switch to Trusty affects a particular job?19:34
annegentleclarkb: gate-identity-api-tox-doc-publish-checkbuild is the job19:34
annegentleclarkb: basically the markdown gets converted to docbook then gets built, and it's the second build that's failing with db4-upgrade.xsl not found19:35
daneleblanc_Greetings all, we have an 3rd party CI account which is no longer used which should be deleted. What do I need to do?19:36
fungidaneleblanc_: i can deactivate the account--which one is it? also why is it being retired (out of curiosity)?19:36
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daneleblanc_Account is: 9270     cisco-openstack-ci         Cisco Unknown Function CI
daneleblanc_This account was used for some testing that our COI (CIsco OpenStack Installer) group was doing that is no longer needed.19:39
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daneleblanc_We have another account "Cisco CI" which is active for our Neutron plugin/driver testing.19:39
daneleblanc_I've confirmed with the former owners of the old account that they're not using it.19:40
fungidaneleblanc_: okay, cool. if you have no need of account 9270 any longer, i'll go ahead and disable it. thanks for the heads up!19:40
daneleblanc_fungi: Thanks very much!19:40
fungidaneleblanc_: if there were any wiki pages created for that account, they should be retired/removed as well19:41
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daneleblanc_fungi: I'll check re. wiki pages. Thanks.19:41
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fungihogepodge: if you're around, i have an interesting puppet debugging puzzle... we're hitting some sort of rpmdb concurrency problem i think, as exhibited on line 2409 of and i can reproduce it on a fresh CentOS 6.5 (PVHVM) instance in rackspace by running these commands
hogepodgefungi ok19:44
fungihogepodge: if i rpm -e cloud-init python-requests before applying that manifest, the problem goes away19:44
annegentlefungi: I pinged clarkb on the Trusty environment question since he sent the note to the mailing list, but do you know if db4-upgrade.xsl not found could be caused by 14.04 enviro?19:45
fungihogepodge: i think the issue is arising because we ensure an rpm is removed, ensure the equivalent pip package is present, and then at the next yum invocation it goes sideways presumably because it still briefly thinks the original package we removed is still installed, but the files have now changed19:46
uvirtbothogepodge: Error: Could not parse XML returned by HTTP Error 404: Not Found19:46
fungihogepodge: ha! i saw that bug and didn't connect the dots until just now19:47
fungihogepodge: is there any good way to insert a cache clearing checkpoint (stuff it into the before chain as an exec maybe)?19:48
hogepodgeThe workaround looks yuck19:48
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hogepodgeYeah, that’s how I would do it. Add a dependency. You could use the spaceship operator to make sure the cache is cleared before all packages.19:49
fungiannegentle: possibly. have a link to a failure log or something i can get more context on, or does it happen on every run of gate-identity-api-tox-doc-publish-checkbuild right now?19:49
annegentlefungi: yep, just a sec19:50
fungihogepodge: thanks! i have a suspicion just clearing it after we remove the rpm and before we replace it with the pip package ought to do it in that case19:50
annegentlefungi: clarkb:
fungiannegentle: just a sec and i'll see what i can spot19:51
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annegentlefungi: thanks!19:51
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for 1357476
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fungiannegentle: so just to clarify, that job ran on an ubuntu precise worker. are you asking whether switching it to trusty might fix it?19:59
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annegentlefungi: hm, ok, it doesn't run for me locally, I get the same error20:01
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annegentlefungi: and I thought I remembered it as an xml enviro error20:01
zarojesusaurus: reviewed your jjb failure.20:01
fungiannegentle: the java stacktrace implies that the xml file is truncated (maybe malformed in some way?)20:02
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annegentlefungi: ok, one thing Ajaeger1 found was that using &lt; instead of angle brackets avoids the error. Hm20:02
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fungiannegentle: specifically noticing "...identity-api-v3.xml: Premature end of file."20:03
Ajaeger1annegentle: it needs to be marked as "verbatim" - intented by four spaces20:03
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annegentleah four spaces does it?20:03
Ajaeger1pandoc fails on the file and creates an empty one - also locally for me.20:03
Ajaeger1annegentle: at least for me-  pushed a new revision, let's see whether Jenkins likes it as well ;)20:04
annegentlefingers crossed!20:04
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jesusauruszaro: that test i added is something that i want to make pass but i dont understand why the current deep_format isnt formatting that builder20:06
Ajaeger1annegentle: where do you see "db4-upgrade.xsl not found"?20:06
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annegentleAjaeger1: locally when I run tox -echeckbuild20:07
Ajaeger1annegentle: might it be that you don't have everything installed? Not sure in which package db4-upgrade.xsl is...20:08
Ajaeger1annegentle: on openSUSE it's part of docbook_5-5.0-71.1.2.noarch20:09
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salv-orlandofungi, clarkb: after the latest fixes the neutron full job failure rate is around 6% - can we switch it to voting before some patch break it again?20:17
salv-orlandopatch —>
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YorikSarfungi: (or anyone in infra-core) Please set up oslo-concurrency-core and -ptl groups.20:20
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bin/pip suddenly missing
clarkbwhats the difference between the two tempest _FULL vars?20:20
clarkbone is testr full and the other is just full20:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for 1357476
fungiclarkb: looks like DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_TESTR_FULL is used in a couple existing jobs too20:22
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openstackgerritSteve Varnau proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Update gerrit change attributes even if merged
fungiclarkb: seems to run tox -etestr-full instead of tox -efull20:24
clarkbmtreinish can you weigh in here?20:24
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clarkbotherwise I am happy to change the job20:25
fungiunless i'm missing something, those two tox envs are identical?20:25
fungiboth seem to just run: bash tools/ '(?!.*\[.*\bslow\b.*\])(^tempest\.(api|scenario|thirdparty|cli)) {posargs}'20:26
fungii wonder if this is left over from the tempest testr transition?20:26
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add source entries for all Zuul pipelines
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clarkboh could be20:28
fungii suspect all current use of DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_TESTR_FULL can be switched to DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_TESTR_FULLDEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_FULL, then the logic ripped out of devstack-gate and tempest's tox.ini20:28
lifelessfungi: how did the new centos slaves in rax go ??20:28
lifelessfungi: OOI what testr transition?20:28
jesusauruszaro: oh, so my failure is expected behaviour? and builders with parameters need those parameters passed in every time they are used?20:28
fungilifeless: i think i have a solution, now i'm trying to figure out how to puppet it in a platform-dependent manner. we're apparently hitting
uvirtbotfungi: Error: Could not parse XML returned by HTTP Error 404: Not Found20:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add merge-check pipeline
lifelessno snacks for you, uvirtbot20:29
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lifelessfungi: fun race20:30
fungilifeless: as for testr transition, talking about the (a while back) transition tempest made to run via testr rather than nose20:30
clarkbof course20:30
fungiclarkb: any bug i find hard to fix i just mark notabug. much easier that way ;)20:30
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for neutron subnet delete race bug 1357055
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1357055 in nova "Race to delete shared subnet in Tempest neutron full jobs" [Undecided,New]
clarkbsalv-orlando: can I ask for one tiny little change to that change?20:32
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fungisalv-orlando: i'm good to +2 it again once clarkb is satisfied20:32
clarkbsalv-orlando: fungi see inline comment20:32
fungiYorikSar: yep, i'll knock it out now, sorry about the lag20:32
clarkbbut once thats in lets do it20:32
salv-orlandofungi, clarkb : I’ll do anything you ask! (as long as it’s fairly legal)20:33
YorikSarfungi: np, I see you're busy. Just reminding so that you won't forget about it :)20:34
fungijeblair: mordred: clarkb: to work around the rpmdb cache/corruption issue on centos6 in rax, i can via some convoluted platform-dependent puppetry to run 'yum clean rpmdb' around the troublesome package operations, or i can avoid it by preemptively removing the packages in a nodepool prep script or the preferences?20:34
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clarkbfungi: this is removing python-requests so that pip will install it?20:35
lifelessthat bug appears very easy to fix20:35
clarkblifeless: but it isn't a bug20:35
fungiclarkb: yeah20:35
clarkbfungi: I think we should do it all in puppet since this isn't a bootstrap package20:36
lifelesschange <= to < and sleep to the border of the current second before closing the cache20:36
fungiclarkb: well, it's arguably a bootstrap problem20:36
clarkbfungi: not really. It isn't a package necessary to run puppet20:37
fungiclarkb: we only see it in rax because they preinstall cloud-init which in turn pulls in python-requests20:37
clarkbfungi: we currently only install packages in the scripts to do that20:37
clarkbthen puppet does the rest20:37
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bin/pip suddenly missing
fungiclarkb: so... can i spaceship around an ordering checkpoint but have it be a no-op except on rpm-based platforms?20:38
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jeblairfungi: that all seems weird; is actually getting rpm to work correctly a dead end?20:38
fungiso that we can be sure if on centos6 we clear the rpmdb cache before puppet does any other packaeg operations which might try to use that cache20:38
jeblairhave you asked ianw or other folks about it?20:39
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fungijeblair: red hat seems to feel that *is* working correctly20:39
fungijeblair: good point... ianw: dprince: ^ ?20:39
lifelesswell, they've decided that its a better tradeoff this way20:39
jeblairfungi: then perhaps we should do nothing? :)20:39
clarkbfungi: ya I think you can do an exec before the package resource for libffi and clear the cache20:39
lifelessthats not quite the same thing :)20:39
clarkbfungi: or force the pip install to happen last20:39
fungiclarkb: well, the package resource for libffi there is arbitrary. it's really "whatever you try to install next via yum will fail"20:40
harlowjaqq, if someone gets a free second, i tagged doc8 and pushed a signed tag up to gerrit earlier today, doc8 afaik has the publish-to-pypi jobs, but i'm not seeing it showup on pypi, the doc8 pypi page has  openstackci as maintainer and all, so seems like thats fine, anyone know what could be up?20:40
fungiclarkb: so i need to make sure after we ensure=>absent on python-requests we clear the rpmdb cache before any other yum activities puppet might try (which we can't predict since ordering is going to be potentially variable)20:41
jeblairharlowja: will check20:41
salv-orlandoclarkb: re your comment there is already a patch for fixing that ->
harlowjajeblair thx much20:42
clarkbsalv-orlando: that wfm thanks20:42
lifelessoh another way to fix it would be to write a 'invalid' file when the db changes20:42
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dprincefungi: calling 'yum clean all' or rpmdb doesn't seem to be a horrible solution to me20:43
lifelessand when the cache is written remove it at the time the cache is opened20:43
clarkbsalv-orlando: +2 on both changes20:43
clarkbhaven't approved the first because eyes are good on it but I want to approve it :)20:43
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salv-orlandoclarkb: yay!!!!20:43
fungidprince: yeah, i wonder if the puppet package provider shouldn't just clean it after every remove action to avoid that issue20:44
fungidprince: but i'd rather we didn't continue making a habit of reimplementing package providers20:44
harlowjajeblair ah, poopy20:45
jeblairharlowja: an unfortunate, hopefully transient, failure.  i'll retrigger the job20:45
harlowjajeblair thx :)20:45
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clarkbjeblair: fungi mtreinish shall we do it?20:46
fungiclarkb: too late20:47
clarkbfungi: woot20:47
fungiunless you feel obligated to unapprove/-2 ;)20:47
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for a rescue related failure
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Linkify storyboard stories in gerrit
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clarkbfungi: puppet has runlevels or whatever they call them20:49
fungiYorikSar: i added the requested initial members to those groups20:49
clarkbfungi: we could put that set of operations in an earler run stage20:49
clarkbI think stage is the word I was looking for20:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Git rev-list --max-count needs an = for assignment
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fungithey do *seem* an awful lot like system v runlevels though, so i got what you meant20:51
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zarojesusaurus: yes, my suggest make sense?20:52
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pleia2oof, work desktop went sideways this morning, hopefully back to business now20:52
clarkbpleia2: oh no20:53
clarkbdid you take a hammer to it?20:53
pleia2ext4 became corrupted on my SSD :\ reinstalled the OS (fortunately all my LVs are on the spinning drive)20:53
pleia2SSD may still be a problem, since ext4 is pretty resiliant, we'll see20:53
fungiclarkb: so i could just wrap a tiny class around removing python-requests and cleaning the rpmdb cache and then assign that to a stage which i create to execute before main?20:53
clarkbfungi: yup exactly20:54
clarkbthen you know it will run before all other possible yum operations20:54
jesusauruszaro: i guess so, i just expected the builder macro to be able to get its parameters from the job calling it without the job having to pass them in to the builder20:54
clarkbnibalizer: ^ do you have a better suggestion?20:54
fungiclarkb: that seems reasonable, for definitions of reasonable which don't leak into my weekend20:54
jeblairfungi, clarkb: are we seriously considering this as a solution?20:54
jeblairfungi, clarkb: i mean, is there something particular about this set of packages that makes us think that this is the only way this can happen?20:55
clarkbjeblair: I am not sure I understand your question. THis is a yum/rpm interaction breaking us specific to how puppet works20:55
clarkbif we want to remove one package and install another with puppet I think we need to20:56
jeblairclarkb: can you point me to the bug report?20:56
uvirtbotclarkb: Error: Could not parse XML returned by HTTP Error 404: Not Found20:56
fungijeblair: the specific failure mode seems to be "1. remove a system package, 2. install something which replaces its files, 3. perform some other system package operation -> *boom* yum complains that the rpmdb is corrupt because it's looking at a stale cache"20:56
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clarkbanother alternatiev is to have nodepool scripts remove the package for us with yum to keep the cace consistent if I understand this properly20:57
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nibalizeroh got please lets not use stages20:57
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clarkbnibalizer: is there another way to perform an operation before all other operations?20:57
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nibalizeri'd like to understand the problem better20:58
fungioptions i'm aware of include forcing the rpmdb cache to be cleared between these operations, or removing the offending packages before we apply the puppet manifest (again this is a "rackspace makes their own images and puts things on them which are not in the upstream cloud images" issue we're running into)20:58
nibalizerclarkb: there is a way to do that yea20:58
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clarkbnibalizer: pupept installs pacakges with yum and removes them with rpm. This makes the rpmdb cache inconcistent across those tools20:59
nibalizerso we need to exec a clean and remove a package?20:59
clarkbnibalizer: so if you install a package from pip that writes to where those files were yum complains20:59
clarkbnibalizer: and we have to do that exec to clean the cache before any additional yum operations happen20:59
jeblairapparently the best solution, according to the bugzilla, is to run 'yum clean rpmdb' after running 'rpm -e'; i'm assuming that's a change to the puppet rpm/yum package provider21:00
clarkbnibalizer: oh I see if we combine the two things into a single exec we can enforce the order we want21:00
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clarkbheck if we just exec yum to remove the packae that should work too21:01
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clarkbnevermind cleaning the cache21:01
fungiprobably--while i suspect that would work i haven't tested the theory yet21:01
fungii'll give that a shot next and make sure it's also a viable option21:01
nibalizerclarkb: can you force puppet to remove with yum by specifying provider => yum in the package stanza?21:02
clarkbnibalizer: no idea21:02
* clarkb reads some ruby21:02
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nibalizerclarkb: steps to reproduce this locally?21:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make neutron full job voting
clarkbnibalizer: remove python-requests with rpm, pip install requests, yum install libffi-dev21:04
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clarkbnibalizer: you may need to yum install python-requests first depending on your base image21:05
nibalizerokay ill try to go do this21:05
clarkbnibalizer: the yum package provider does not appear to support uninstall21:05
clarkbnibalizer: the rpm provider does21:05
fungiSO... i have one other possibly elegant solution which would allow us to sidestep the entire issue i think21:06
clarkbthere is a purge21:06
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nibalizerclarkb: :?/21:06
clarkbso I think we can purge the package21:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use proper name for neutron full job in gate queue
clarkbfungi: ^ that might be "easy"21:07
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clarkbbut will also remove cloud init21:07
fungiaccording to git history, the reason we're installing requests on our slaves is twofold... because we use it for uploading to swift and for twine which uploads to pypi21:07
clarkbso we need a relatively new requests version21:08
clarkbthe twine uploads can happen in a virtalenv though. So really its the swift uploads21:08
fungiof the two, only twine needs a newer version than is present in precise, so it's why we started trying to replace the package with a pip version21:08
fungiyeah, so you see where this is heading21:08
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clarkbwe can try ensure => purged instaed of abset21:09
clarkbbut ya that may break a bunch of stuff like cloud init21:09
fungioptions are to either special-case the long-running worker where twine gets run and install a newer requests only there. it's ubuntu and so won't exhibit this rpmdb cache weirdness21:09
fungior to run twine in a virtualenv, as you pointed out21:10
clarkbjeblair: for do you want me to make those two changes and make the possibly use ironic comment a bit more verbose?21:10
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/puppet-storyboard: StoryBoard Webclient now auto-updates again.
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jeblairclarkb: oh i just learned about a relevant change, 1 sec21:13
jeblairclarkb: check out and see if it changes things21:13
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clarkbjeblair: ya so that change would make it so that all ironic jobs use the ironic virt driver21:16
clarkbjeblair: and my comment can be stronge rand say use ironic21:16
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fungiclarkb: i tried the exec command => '/usr/bin/yum uninstall -y python-requests' suggestion in place of package ensure => absent and it seems to work around the problem (as long as we make that a red hat family affair only via conditional)21:17
clarkbfungi: cool21:18
harlowjajeblair u retriggered that doc8 job right (still seems like not updated on pypi)21:18
mordredfungi: I would like to make a new yum provider for puppet21:19
mordredfungi: the current one is clearly very poor21:19
clarkbmordred: given how that has gone with pip I am -121:19
clarkbmordred: it is very hard to merge changes like that21:19
fungimordred: without knowing their reasons for the current implementation i'm also somewhat worried we'll end up rediscovering why they've made the current set of compromises21:20
mordredclarkb: ah - I was thinking overwriting the current one - not making a parallel one21:20
clarkbmordred: its the same problem21:20
mordredit is?21:20
clarkbmordred: there isn't a good way to ease it in. Its a one shot and go21:20
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fungii can imagine contributing improvements (or a rewrite) to puppet stdlib, but would hate for us to just carry a local yum package provider indefinitely (even a weapper around the stdlib one for that matter)21:21
mordredwell, my other suggestion is to just start ripping out puppet since it can't properly install packages using either yum or pip21:21
mordredbut that may just me being snarky21:21
notmynameFYI swift team (portante and acoles and peluse) just clicked approve on v3 auth support for swiftclient
nibalizeri really do think i can probably find a non-gross way to do tis21:22
clarkbmordred: my reaction was to stop using rpm based distros >_> (yum as a few problematic bugs that are O_O)21:22
nibalizeri do need a bit of time though21:22
clarkbnibalizer: the exec is not gross21:22
jeblairharlowja: yeah, the tarball job finished:
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jeblairharlowja: now i need to trigger the upload job21:22
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harlowjajeblair ah, thx21:22
clarkbmordred: it doesn't look like latest puppet is any better though21:23
mordredclarkb: I imagine not21:23
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fungiclarkb: i would consider stopping the bleeding by replacing the package remove in that class with an exec to yum (probably on an onlyif to rpm -qa|grep python-requests or something so that it doesn't fire on every puppet run) followed by another patch to stop installing python-requests except where we need it and only overriding the version we need where twine is being run as well21:25
clarkbjeblair: so I should go ahead and remove the empty set variable stuff and make those comments a bit more clear and specific21:25
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, want to base your change on the other one to make it simple?21:26
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clarkbjeblair: the other one? mine is a d-g change not a config change21:26
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lifelessfungi: what about applying the fix from the bug21:29
jeblairclarkb: oh, right; will merging the other one make yours simpler now?21:29
fungilifeless: that's actually harder to orchestrate in puppet21:29
harlowjajeblair much appreciated21:29
clarkbjeblair: not much simpler. It would just change the comment about the driver21:29
fungilifeless: since in our case we need to make sure it happens between one package operation and any other package operatioj21:30
clarkbjeblair: I think I would still use the tmp var and set it back again21:30
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jeblairclarkb: where does it get set back?21:30
fungilifeless: and puppet likes to arbitrarily order things so we can say "do this thing before this other thing" but "do this thing before any calls of this other kind" is a lot more complicated21:31
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lifelessfungi: I thought we were building with dib now, so we could bring it in there?21:31
clarkbjeblair: in that same block. we preserve values set in job, set "old" values, generate old localrc, reset values, generate new localrc21:31
clarkbjeblair: that way you describe the end state that you want21:31
clarkband grenade will upgrade you to that point21:31
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fungilifeless: longer-term, i think we can avoid the problem entirely anyway, so not sure dib makes a difference in that regard. the only place we actually need to do this is one static worker which runs a particular tool21:32
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jeblairclarkb: gotcha.  yeah, i think dropping 'possibly' and just saying you're setting it back to whatever the job requested the end state be will be more clear21:32
fungilifeless: and it's not an rpm-based system so wouldn't exhibit the same problem anyway21:33
clarkbjeblair: yup and I can remove the setting of empty var since it is redundant and confusing21:33
clarkbI was trying to preserve as much of the old logic as possible but I Think just making it clearer is better21:33
lifelessfungi: now I'm confused ;)21:33
lifelessfungi: not to worry, leaving it with you21:33
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fungilifeless: a summary... we need python-requests installed to support workers uploading to swift. we also have a static worker which inherits from the same class where we need to have a newer version of requests to support uploading things to pypi with a tool called twine. that latter case is what's causing the pattern which triggers this side effect on centos workers21:35
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fungibut to solve it properly is a larger refactor to make our static workers stop inheriting from a common class used by our single-use slaves21:36
nibalizerclarkb: so i can't really repro:
nibalizercan you advise why that isn't causing the failure?21:36
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clarkbnibalizer: you probably started on a maching without python-requests installed21:37
funginibalizer: i was never able to recreate the bug if i distilled down the manifest, so suspect it has something to do with the volume of package operations being performed when the openstack_project::thick_slave class is applied21:37
clarkbnibalizer: install it manually via yum first21:37
clarkboh huh21:37
openstackgerritAaron Rosen proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add congress and python-congressclient to tracked projects list
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funginibalizer: i can recreate it with on a fresh centos6 node in rackspace (where they preinstall python-requests as a prerequisite of cloud-init)21:38
fungithat's part of what has made it slow to iterate on possible fixes21:39
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Allow for grenade upgrades within a release
clarkbjeblair: ^ ow is that21:39
fungiclarkb has started typing with a cockney accent. must be friday21:39
nibalizerfungi: okay ill try a whole thick node21:40
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funginibalizer: obviously if you can narrow down the trigger case at all to something faster to run and reset which still produces the error, that would help... my limited puppet-fu just wasn't taking me very far in that regard21:41
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clarkbfungi: my keyboard has grown an accent21:41
jeblairmy known hosts file breaks paramiko21:43
fungi seems to work around the issue, so i'm just getting it into proper conditionals now21:43
clarkbjeblair: wow achievement unlocked21:43
mordredjeblair: that's magical21:43
jeblairof course, i have no idea how to clean it up.  it has important stuff and 20000 random nodepool hosts21:43
clarkbfungi: you going to add an onlyif too?21:44
jeblairand the entries are all hashed21:44
mordredjeblair: sounds like you might have to add debug statements to paramkiko to find out where it's breaking?21:44
jeblairmordred: 'mv known_hosts foo'21:44
jeblair(i'm already debugging something; maybe some other time)21:45
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mordredjeblair: ++21:45
clarkbfungi: seems like a realtively clean way to fix it for now21:45
fungiclarkb: yeah, and as i said once we have things running again, a refactor to further separate our static worker configurations from our single-use worker configurations so we don't have bleed over on these special cases21:46
fungior we hack up the pypi upload job to make a venv and pip install twine into it21:47
fungilike we do for wheel generation jobs21:47
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nibalizerfungi: well first i want to see it fail21:50
nibalizerbut yea21:50
nibalizerexpensive in terms of time to iterate21:50
funginibalizer: yep, i'm once again waiting on a fresh victim instance to finish bootstrapping21:50
nibalizerfungi: have we actually met? we're you in portland?21:51
nibalizerfor oscon, i mean21:52
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funginibalizer: i think i helped you sneak into a summit session in portland last year21:52
fungibut yeah i was at oscon21:52
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nibalizerokay sweet21:53
nibalizerhrm im trying to remember21:53
nibalizeroh well, there will be future opportunities!21:53
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funginibalizer: i'm the short dorky guy with long hair and a hawaiian shirt21:53
jeblairfungi: ssh review gerrit query 3552021:54
jeblairfungi: returns no results :/21:54
jeblairexists though:
fungijeblair: this sounds familiar... trying to remember why though21:55
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Start running bashate on config (nonvoting)
fungijeblair: yeah, search gerrit's webui for its change id and you get the same (Ie17b9a2c96720892e4140b36c2ebf81fb2f3e058)21:56
jeblairfungi: ssh review gerrit query change:Ie17b9a2c96720892e4140b36c2ebf81fb2f3e058 also returns 021:56
fungijeblair: i want to say we spotted a change with these symptoms causing an issue for zuul...21:57
fungibecause gerrit would report it as a child/parent but then when zuul tried to query that it got zilch21:57
fungibut now for the life of me i can't recall if we identified the cause21:59
fungiit's like something is causing it not to get included in the lucene search index22:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for lbaas create member fail AttributeError
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove fingerprint for bug 1333410
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1333410 in nova "sqla 0.9.5 breaks the world" [Critical,Fix released]
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nibalizerfungi: wow this takes forrreveerrrr22:03
clarkbfungi drafts were an issue once iirc22:04
clarkbbut this is different ya?22:04
fungiclarkb: yeah, seems not to be a draft22:04
funginor was it likely to have ever been given that it was a change of yours22:04
fungifrom a year ago22:05
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clarkband its old enough to have been indrxed22:05
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fungiperhaps the gerrit log has enlightening search errors or something22:06
jeblairfungi: the zuul behavior you described (10 minutes ago) is what i'm seeing22:07
jeblairit's one of 2 things tripping up the merge-check stuff22:07
fungijeblair: right, my vague recollection is that's what brought a similar change to my attention, just can't recall the resolution (if there was one)22:08
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove queries for fixed bugs
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Put the puppet modules in their own projects/repos
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Safely remove python-requests on workers
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funginibalizer: clarkb: jeblair: mordred: tested that ^ and it seems to work22:26
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mordredfungi: jeez22:28
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for nova unit test bug 1357578
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1357578 in nova "Unit test:  nova.tests.integrated.test_multiprocess_api.MultiprocessWSGITest.test_terminate_sigterm timing out in gate" [Undecided,New]
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix queries for Zuul trigger
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Stop removing changes from the cache
jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred: ^ that should fix the issues i'm seeing with the zuul trigger as well as make it faster (at the cost of a slow memory leak)22:44
fungiunlikely that'll be the only memory leak in zuul anyway, and that seems like a very, very slow one22:45
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asselindtroyer,  why is this line needed. what would happen if the if is removed?
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make smtp test more robust
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dtroyerasselin: you'd get an error if the configure_cinder_backend_${BE_TYPE} function is undefined, which for some of those tests is totally valid23:08
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dtroyeroh, wait23:09
asselin(ok on the oh, wait)23:09
dtroyerso in that specific case, that's how we decide to create a volume type..if it isn't configured we skip the type23:09
jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred: i'm going to manually install my zuul changes into production while things are quiet23:09
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fungijeblair: cool--i'm reviewing them now23:10
fungibut may retire to more weekendish pursuits soon23:10
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asselindtroyer, ok, i'm thinking of deleting the "if". disucssing it in -cinder23:10
mordredjeblair: ++23:10
jeblairfungi: yeah, i figure this is a good time to work out the kinks since it's doing things like "query all changes and generate events for them" :)23:11
dtroyerasselin: you want a type created in all cases?23:11
fungijeblair: absolutely!23:11
jgriffithdtroyer: actually....23:11
jgriffithdtroyer: it's kinda the opposite23:11
jgriffithdtroyer: that if statement actually prevents us from creating a type23:11
jgriffithif we don't have a cinder_backend/xxx file23:12
jgriffithdtroyer: as long as ENABLED_CINDER_BACKENDS=x:x is set it works fine23:12
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jgriffithand honestly seems better than requiring a backend file for every driver23:12
jgriffithdtroyer: ie I can do:
jeblairpleia2: i can hardly believe you reviewed that change!  and you found stuff!  i'm having trouble finding your comments! :)23:13
jgriffithand things just *work* and I don't need to submit a backend file23:13
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jgriffith8924abe7-d3e4-437a-a416-2d3ae5c0b08a | solidfire | {u'volume_backend_name': u'solidfire'}23:13
jgriffithof course... I see your point23:13
jgriffithabout the lvm driver... but that should still work as well23:13
jgriffithie default23:13
dtroyerjgriffith: ok, so without the backend you don't get a type then either...23:14
dtroyerI suppose I don't quite get it23:14
jgriffithdtroyer: sure do23:14
asselindtroyer, we want to be able to create the type without defining configure_cinder_backend_${BE_TYPE}23:14
jgriffithdtroyer: if I leave the if statement of course I don't get it without the backend file23:15
dtroyerah, that's the bit I didn't connect...23:15
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/publications: Add link to instructions for using template
pleia2jeblair: haha23:15
dtroyerso just do types for everything in CINDER_ENABLED_BACKENDS?23:15
dtroyerjgriffith, asselin: that's cool.  I think I was being careful about creating types23:16
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enqueue unfresh changes in check when parent in gate
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Zuul merge-check to all projects
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove freshness check
asselindtroyer, ok I'll submit a patch. This will simplify our 3rd party cinder testing.23:16
dtroyergood deal23:17
asselindtroyer, fyi
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clarkbfungi: your exec change didn't pass the linter23:26
clarkblooking at it now23:26
clarkbfungi: you need to wrap vars in ${} when used in ""23:27
fungiclarkb: yep, fixing23:28
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Safely remove python-requests on workers
fungiclarkb: thx23:29
clarkbjeblair: I am reviewing 114682 and child23:29
jeblairclarkb: i am disabling 4 third-party ci accounts23:29
openstackgerritpatrick-crews proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Document crm114 for logstash
clarkbjeblair: ok23:29
jeblairfungi: are we doing some kind of double-accounting thing with voting third-party ci?23:30
fungijeblair: for 114683 is there any malleable status information zuul collects on a change which could vary later and now not get noticed?23:30
jeblairfungi: that is, if i remove someone from that, do i need to add them to third-party ci?23:31
fungijeblair: yeah, there is no double-accounting currently23:31
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jeblairsorry, i meant to say 'double-entry'23:31
fungijeblair: so i'd been just removing from and and adding to the other to enable/disable voting for a project23:31
jeblairfungi: i think i'd much prefer 'third-party ci' to be an explicit list of everyone, and 'voting third-party ci' to be a list of only those who can vote23:32
jeblairfungi: that way it's so much easier to immediately disable them23:32
fungiwe have the voting group set as included by the non-voting group so recursion works, but we can change that if we want23:32
jeblairfungi: yeah, it's just i don't want this to be hard23:32
jeblairbecause it happens all the time23:33
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fungijeblair: agreed, ultimately i still think we simplify it by making them per-program and letting the programs control these things23:33
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fungibut that requires slighthly more complicated acls for everyone23:33
jeblairfungi: yeah, though even in that case, i'm going to remove folks for policy violiations23:33
fungijeblair: sure, we have the ability to do so23:33
clarkbjeblair: I am going to approve 11468223:33
clarkbI assume that is ok23:34
jeblairclarkb: probably :) i haven't gotten around to doing my manual install/restart yet23:34
clarkbjeblair: ok23:34
clarkbjeblair: would you prefer to manual install first without puppet udpating it?23:34
jeblairclarkb: nah, go for it23:34
jeblairthis third-party thing may take up the rest of my day23:35
clarkbjeblair: want me to take that on so you can zuul?23:35
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jeblairclarkb: nah, i'll get it23:35
fungijeblair: which third-party thing? can i help?23:35
* fungi feels like he's overlooked an ml thread or something23:36
jeblairi just need to write up 4 emails about the systems i'm disabling23:36
jeblairfungi: see message from hashar to infra23:36
fungioh, the ones adding "starting check jobs" messahes?23:36
jeblairyep.  they all also have other problems23:36
fungii assume these are cookie-cutter zuul installs with no local tuning23:37
fungiprobably using our layout.yaml23:37
jeblairwho's telling them to put the...23:37
jeblairi can't even begin to say how wrong that is23:37
jeblairalso, i'm pretty sure i'm now in favor of keeping the email addr in gerrit23:37
fungiit would make it marginally easier to track these people down, yes ;)23:38
fungi(or at least find and block their ip addresses)23:38
jeblairi'm assuming these folks would not have a wiki entry (they've done everything else wrong, why would they do that?) and it's too much cross-referencing for something like this23:38
clarkbfungi: exec change lgtm23:39
clarkbmordred: ^ can you rereview23:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix queries for Zuul trigger
fungithe down-side to making them supply e-mail addresses at account creation time is that they invariably pick a personal address and then come back later asking us to change it for them23:39
mordredclarkb: yah. which  one/23:40
mordredoh - the fungi ...23:40
fungialso, when they do supply a business e-mail address, more often than not it seems to bounce because their employers consider e-mail addresses as being something you only use for internal or whitelisted communication23:40
fungifrom teh internet at large, you only allow messages to sales@, marketing@ and info@ (and probably filter those into a black hole or use them to collect for your mass mail spam)23:41
mordredfungi: people suck23:42
* jeblair hits enter 86 times23:43
clarkbI am reviewing yolanda's nodepool fix. Probably won't get that in today but hopefully on monday I can give it a go again23:43
fungimordred: yeah, humans are useless. i'm ready to rebel and start my own species23:43
pleia2hah :)23:44
mordredclarkb: I am excited about such things23:44
jeblairfungi: third-party ci no longer includes voting third-party ci23:44
fungijeblair: noted and i'll adjust any further edits to those groups accordingly23:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Safely remove python-requests on workers
mordredclarkb: can I ask a stupid question?23:45
clarkbmordred: sure23:46
mordredclarkb: why does this code explicitly get a token from keystone?23:46
fungijeblair: so all of the offenders hashar mentioned were in the voting third-party ci group? of course, any account can leave a "starting whatever..." comment on a change, so we ultimately probably just --inactive the offenders?23:46
jeblairfungi: ah, as it turns out none of them are voting23:46
jeblairfungi: so yeah, i'll be --inactiving them23:46
fungijeblair: okay, that is unsurprising23:46
mordredclarkb: I mean, why is it that it cant' do what novaclient does and handle an auth url?23:46
jeblairfungi: i'm wondering if we should tweak the acls so that they can't even comment on anything except sandbox unless they are voting23:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Stop removing changes from the cache
fungijeblair: that's probably doable, though i'd have to ponder how we subtract them from registered users in the all-projects acl23:47
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clarkbmordred: its a good question. I am sure morganfainberg_Z can expand more but the tl;dr is that each of our clients does keystone different. Some speak keystone api directly (novaclient iirc), others import keystoneclient for you and do that properly (swiftclient) and finally others expect you to give it a token (glanceclient)23:48
fungijeblair: it's probably trivial to implement and friday night is merely crippling my brains23:48
clarkbmordred: basically if you want to talk about a "stabilization" release to fix bugs we should also be looking at fixing things like ^23:48
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Test nodepool handles failed cloud providers.
notmynameclarkb: interesting summary. we (swift devs) have considered speaking the keystone api instead of using keystoneclient in order to limit dependencies and make adoption easier. but keystone's api is getting more complicated, so that's not as simple as it once was23:49
mordredclarkb: that makes me want to kill someone23:49
clarkbnotmyname: ya, I don't think any given way is right or wrong but we should probably be consistent23:50
mordrednotmyname: I think also morganfainberg_Z is working to try to minimize keystoneclient depends23:50
* notmyname likes that swift is called out as the right way ;-)23:50
mordrednotmyname: since the 'right' way would be to just use keystoneclient- but as you say, doing that currently brings in unnecessary crap23:50
funginotmyname: the choice might be a little easier if keystoneclient didn't also depend on lxml23:50
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* mordred votes for the lxml depend to be removed from keystoneclient23:51
fungiif arbitrarily voting on things makes them magically happen, then count me in23:51
mordredfungi: ZOMG23:51
mordredfungi: ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG23:51
mordredlxml is only there to support a contrib extension23:51
mordredfungi: keystoneclient/contrib/auth/v3/ lxml import etree23:52
fungimordred: also not particularly surprising23:52
clarkbfungi: ok your change merged, I am going to give rebuilding a rax centos6 image a go23:52
clarkbfungi: unless you want to but i figure its late for your so I can do it23:52
fungiwe could just propose a one-line patch to keystoneclient, i guess23:52
clarkbdfw is building23:52
jeblairssh review gerrit set-account --inactive '"ProphetStor CI"'23:52
jeblairfatal: user "ProphetStor CI" not found23:52
jeblairi had to do that one by number.  no idea why.23:53
fungiclarkb: i appreciate your takeover, but do give me a heads up if it ends up failing and i'll try to keep an eye on irc/jump in and help23:53
jeblairof course, i had to do ls-members to get the number.23:53
clarkbfungi: will do23:53
fungijeblair: at least there's an api call for that now. i still forget from time to time and log into the db to query for the account number23:54
fungiselect * from accounts where full_name like "%foo%";23:54
clarkbjeblair: possibly because there are two or three prophetstor CIs23:55
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred:
clarkbjeblair: they created a couple lp accounts before reading the docs or some such23:55
jeblairdo we not actually say "you may only leave one comment per patch?"23:56
fungijeblair: possibly not. some of that may only be lore and oral tradition still23:56
jeblair(luckily if so, they all violated the 'public link' clause)23:56
mordredthere. taht fixes keystoneclient ^^23:56
jeblairsee i told you this third party thing would take the rest of my day23:57
clarkbjeblair: can you see my comments on 114599 when you have a moment23:58
clarkbmordred:  OMGBBQ23:58
clarkbmordred: we can fall back to stdlib?23:59
clarkbmordred: can we do this to every single thing in oepnstack that imports lxml?23:59
jeblairclarkb: it's a good point, but it might still be good as a regression test in case we try to do something like that again23:59
mordredclarkb: I don't know if there are features that are needed in lxml ... but I thnk it's just about performance23:59

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