Thursday, 2014-07-31

openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Zuul depends indirectly on lxml
fungicomment added, and commit message fixed ^00:00
arosennodepool downloads so much to the guest i hope i have enough disk space :)00:00
arosen36% full, only have a 16 gig disk for my image. Hopefully that's big enough.00:00
fungiarosen: for our systems we manage to get by with instances which have only a 10gb root partition (but we jump through a lot of hoops to link workspace activity into an ephemeral disk on the instances in that situation)00:00
notmynameI keep getting bugged about updating git-review. but pip tells me I'm already up to date00:01
notmynameis there a known issue that I'm doing something wrong?00:01
funginotmyname: what's pip --version say?00:01
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fungier, git review --version i mean00:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove hpcloud-region-b
fungii suspect you really are running an older version, because we removed that nag entirely in the most recent release00:02
arosenfungi:  at the uploading to glance stage :)00:02
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notmynamefungi: 1.23. (side note, that command only works if I'm in a git repo, not elsewhere)00:03
funginotmyname: also a bug which got fixed in 1.24 ;)00:03
funginotmyname: does pip freeze or pip list mention an old version?00:04
notmynamefungi: pip list says 1.2400:04
fungihuh... try 'which git-review' and see if you have an old entrypoint linked in your path somewhere weird?00:05
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notmynameuninstall + install, and now pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: git-review00:06
fungithat's due to pbr not working with an old setuptools (0.7 or later is needed i think)00:07
notmynameupdating setuptools worked00:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update footer
fungiand now you should (hopefully!) be able to git review --version outside a git repo too ;)00:08
notmynamefungi: so it seems that the upgrade got half-installed when setuptools wasn't install00:08
notmynamemaybe a newer setuptools should be int he dependencies of git-review (jsut guessing)00:08
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fungisetuptools doesn't really work as a declared dependency for $reasons00:09
fungimostly a chicken-and-egg problem00:09
fungiand a seed for hours of ranting on why python packaging why00:09
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fungithe underlying issue being that setuptools is already imported and runnign by the time you're trying to install a package which declares a dependency on a newer setuptools and then *fail*00:11
fungiarosen: my anecdote about 10gb root filesystems is no longer valid... looks like these days we get 30gb on the provider i was thinking of. but the good news is that we only seem to use about 4gb of it in devstack node images and 9gb in "bare" node images (and no the irony on the naming of the bare nodes is not lost on us)00:15
fungier, typo on the devstack images... it's more like 5gb there00:16
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add experimental Centos7 job
arosen| ID | Provider | Image | Hostname                                | Version    | Image ID                             | Server ID                            | State | Age (hours) |00:18
arosen| 45 | local_01 | d-p-c | | 1406762544 | f1c6c71f-4dd5-4456-9b06-da0834329a70 | 0922883f-2126-4043-99dd-2da09486321d | ready | 0.06        |00:18
arosensuccess :)00:18
fungiarosen: looks like beer-thirty to me00:18
aroseni see it launching my snapshotted images now00:18
arosenYup soon :)00:18
fungioh, right, don't celebrate until the nodes themselves are ready and reachable ;)00:19
arosenhaha yea. In spawning state. We only have 1gig interfaces on our servers00:19
jheskethfungi: Did you put the comment on the wrong line here:
arosenso it's going to take a little while probably.00:19
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arosenalight got to bounce. Thanks again everyone for your help getting this up :)00:21
fungijhesketh: how very astute of you. yes i did indeed!00:22
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add a new project stackforge/nova-solver-scheduler
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anteayajeblair: did you not want there to be a third party section in infra-manual?
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anteayajeblair: I had proposed the patch and did hope you would reveiew00:26
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Zuul depends indirectly on lxml
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asselinfungi, let me know when you need another test. I have a snapshot so can test easily.00:38
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ianwfungi: check-tempest-dsvm-centos7: NOT_REGISTERED <- haven't seen that before, know off-hand what it means?00:48
ianw(seen on zuul)00:48
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ianw i guess00:50
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anteayaianw: zuul can't find the job00:54
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fungiasselin: if you wanted to test the latest patchset on and provide feedback on the review, then that would be great00:55
anteayaianw: last time I saw it, configuration called for precise node and the jobs needed trusty00:55
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fungiianw: yeah, that's usually a sign that slaves capable of running that job haven't been added to jenkins masters00:56
fungiianw: it could mean that you ran check experimental between when the zuul config change was applied but before jjb finished running on any of the jenkins masters which had the two available nodes for it00:57
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ianwfungi: that seems likely, i'll try again later and see if it just magically fixes itself :)00:58
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fungicurrently one of jenkins02 or jenkins04 will need to register it00:58
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fungiianw: seems to be registered now...
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anteayaasked not to be disturbed in my room01:03
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anteayahad three people call so far this morning to confirm I don't want to be disturbed in my room01:03
ianwfungi: great, thanks01:03
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fungianteaya: that does indeed sound counterproductive01:03
anteayahopefully we can reduce to a once daily call for the rest of the stay01:04
anteayabut they all have such a sweet accent01:05
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fungino doubt they say the same thing about you ;_01:06
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anteayafungi: ha ha ha, good point01:09
* anteaya goes in search of food01:11
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tchaypoDoes the infra team maintain the etherpad?01:39
tchaypoanteaya: when do you arrive in brisneyland?01:40
tchaypoI can't get to load in any browser...01:40
tchaypobut I can't tell if that's just the shitty airport wifi, or something else01:40
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pleia2hm, seems to update the count of users on the pad but stuck on "loading" for the content for me too01:42
pleia2need someone who can log into the server to poke around probably01:42
tchaypoah, not just me.01:43
tchaypoin a way that's better...01:43
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mordredtchaypo, pleia2: there are two stuck abiword processes02:03
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ianwfungi: hmm, another run and still seeing "NOT_REGISTERED"02:05
tchaypo... abiword?02:05
tchaypoisn't that a gui word processor thing?02:06
ianwi guess because it went to jenkins06 :
tchayposurely you aren't saying that etherpad uses that in the background?02:06
mordredit does to handle the "import from word document" feature02:06
tchaypothat'd be as insane as spinning up openoffice *with a gui* just to convert a word document someone submitted to your web service into html02:06
tchaypo.... *sigh*02:07
StevenK"catdoc" doesn't work?02:09
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anteayatchaypo: arrived this morning, just had food - we can call it lunch02:10
StevenKpleia2: O HAI, how are you feeling?[6~02:11
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StevenKSilly laptop keyboard. I just get used to my desktop keyboard again, and I'm back on the laptop.02:11
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anteayaStevenK: it is a squid with a hat on02:12
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StevenKanteaya: Does lunch time mean you're in Brisbane?02:13
StevenKExcellent :-)02:13
* StevenK waiting at the gate -- flight boards in roughly 30 minutes02:14
anteayablanched broccoli with fresh lemon juice just made my "addressing jet lag" list02:15
anteayaStevenK: safe flight02:15
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StevenKanteaya: It's not really a flight, it's only 80 minutes.02:15
StevenKThat makes it more an annoyance. :-P02:16
anteayayou still have to get frisked, then sit still and listen to the seatbelt and lifejacket chat02:16
anteayaso it is a flight02:16
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StevenKNo frisking. Domestic security is empty your pockets, take laptop out of the bag and walk through a metal detector02:17
tchaypomy flight also boards in about 12 minutes.. so I guess I should think about heading to the gate soon02:18
StevenKAnd there were a whole 2 people in front of me, so I don't get the crowding feeling from international security02:18
anteayaStevenK: nice02:19
StevenKtchaypo: So far, there's one woman here manning the gate desk looking bored02:19
anteayatchaypo: safe flight02:19
StevenKanteaya: tchaypo and I may have to capture you for dinner :-)02:19
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anteayaI went through security in TO and had zero lineup and more agents than I had ever seen, all with nothing to do02:19
anteayaand someone was learning the x-ray02:20
StevenKanteaya: Unless you'd rather do what my wife does when she's travelling and have sleep for dinner02:20
anteayaso I had my bag unpacked and checked02:20
anteayaStevenK: dinner is fine02:20
anteayavegetarian with lots of green vegetables and as little oil as possible is what I need to eat for the rest of the day02:20
anteayaand tomorrow02:20
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anteayaStevenK: no, had a 4 hour nap after I arrived, so I should be good until after 8pm tonight, that is my goal02:21
StevenKanteaya: Getting back from Raleigh, my flight landed at 6am -- staying awake until 9:30pm required a fair amount of commitment02:22
anteayaStevenK: no kidding02:22
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anteayathat was my goal but I had to sleep once I got here02:22
StevenKanteaya: Did you sleep on the plane?02:22
anteayaabout 2 hours02:22
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anteayawhich is unbelievalbe for me02:23
anteayamy last best time was 45 minutes02:23
anteayaI had a dream the whole time of standing up and finding a bed02:23
StevenKanteaya: I got roughly 9 hours on the way to Raleigh, but I cheated.02:23
anteayaStevenK: drugs?02:23
StevenKanteaya: International business class02:23
anteayaStevenK: ohhhhh02:23
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StevenKanteaya: I take Melatonin on flights to help me sleep02:24
anteayaI can't do anything like that02:24
StevenKI got about 6 hours on the way back to Sydney, which wasn't too bad02:24
anteayaI don't sleep mostly because my body would get a kink in it somewhere02:24
anteayaStevenK: cool02:24
anteayaso I actually do my spine good by getting up and walking in place on a regular basis02:25
StevenKanteaya: So being able to lie flat in business class would mean you could sleep?02:25
anteayaI'm waiting for the fifth element style horizontal sleeping chambers02:26
StevenKLike a Japanese capsule hotel?02:26
anteayano drugs for mine, but I woulnd't need them if I was lying flat02:26
StevenKSome of friends of mine stayed one night in one when they last visited Japan.02:27
StevenKWhich I thought was just madness on their part02:27
anteayawhat did they say about it?02:27
anteayawhy madness?02:27
StevenKanteaya: Cramped, but kind of cool02:27
anteayayeah, not much for doing yoga in it02:27
anteayabut better than sleeping in a chair02:28
StevenKanteaya: I prefer some modicum of space in my hotel rooms -- and my own bathroom is also very nice02:28
anteayaoh yes02:28
anteayabut if the choice is airplane seat or capsule, I'm for capsule02:29
StevenKThey should totally fit out an airplane with them02:29
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StevenKI'm not sure if it would end up with less or more density, but I haven't thought about it too deeply02:32
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StevenKHm, a dot-matrix printer has just clattered to life at the gate desk, and there is no one there ...02:34
anteayaStevenK: I did, you would have to reconfigure lugagge02:34
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anteayaStevenK: ghost in the machine02:35
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* StevenK spies an A380 taxiing02:35
anteayaand if you went with a centre aisle all the pods could be the same length02:35
anteayaand I am thinking you could go 5 high02:36
StevenKanteaya: You could easily stack them 3 high02:36
anteayathen you would have to do sizing based on girth02:36
anteayaI think you could do 5 in some places02:36
anteayaseating would  have a claustraphobia rating02:37
anteayaso the lower your rating the cheaper and smaller your capsule02:37
anteayayou coulnd't even call it seating anymore02:37
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StevenK-> boarding02:42
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anteayaStevenK: enjoy the seatbelt demo02:49
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: First draft of enabling beaker tests to run
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openstackgerritAishwarya Thangappa proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding Subscription Resource Hook
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jamielennoxhey all, 2 +2s but no +A on - bumping keystoneclient version, can someone kick it off?05:21
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openstackgerritAngus Lees proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for mysqldb + eventlet deadlock
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tchaypothanks gus06:03
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create specs.o.o/index.html
jogoclarkb mordred: on a plane to australia so about to go offline. but it appears this broke Salvatore and minesweeper06:49
jogoI am afraid that this change is breaking people, not 100% clear exactly why yet, when we should have given people a warning before making the change06:49
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jogoclarkb mordred: see the linked ML thread I refered too06:51
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ihrachyshkaso we still get issues in havana with centos machines without libffi-devel installed:
ihrachyshkaany ideas where to fix it? or who can handle that?06:55
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1350466
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1350466 in nova "deadlock in scheduler expire reservation periodic task" [Undecided,New]
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openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Upgrade xstatic-bootstrap-scss to at least version 3
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Adds DVR related env variable to
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Uncomment NUMBER_FAKE_NOVA_COMPUTE
openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Uncomment NUMBER_FAKE_NOVA_COMPUTE
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Remove unneeded definitions of Python Source Code Encoding
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ttxfungi: there is a bit of an issue with the stable-maint group ownership (,info)11:37
ttxfungi: the group is self-owned, and some people were added by who-knows-who11:37
ttxfungi: ideally that group should be owned by "Release Managers"11:38
ttxI can't make the change myself though11:38
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rally job for heat with fake_virt
fungittx: i'll fix it11:41
ttxfungi: thx!11:42
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fungittx: changed11:43
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add logging to manage-projects calls
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allign sahara's tag acls with integrated projects
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add specific python-saharaclient acls
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use sahara-specs-core for sahara-specs acl
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Debian and Ubuntu>Precise needs bundler package, not ruby-bundler
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding Search endpoints and sqlalchemy impl
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adalbasanteaya, sdague : I have a blog post about continuous integration I would like to publish. Do I need to be author in the blog for that or should I send it for review?12:32
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openstackgerritLadislav Smola proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update xstatic-rickshaw to >= 1.5.0
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Assign CentOS 7 DevStack jobs to correct nodes
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joafungi: around ?12:56
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DinaBelovajhesketh, o/13:24
DinaBelovayou here?13:24
jheskethHey DinaBelova13:24
DinaBelovaabout the
jheskethI am, but it's 1130pm and I'm about to head off13:24
DinaBelovaoh, sorry :)13:24
DinaBelovanow I know your TZ :D13:25
jheskethheh, all good13:25
DinaBelovaokay, so let's move this for tomorrow..13:25
jheskethI'd like to help, but I think that change needs baby sitting13:25
DinaBelovajust have no idea what happened there - I went through the logs and they seem not having any actual reason..13:25
DinaBelovajhesketh, hehe, what do you mean by 'baby sitting' here?13:26
DinaBelovawell, anyway :)13:26
jheskethheh, I mean sticking around so that when the world blows up we haven't bravely run off to not fix it13:26
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jp_at_hpQuick question on oslo.rootwrap/ - is there a policy not to include it in global-requirements, or will it get added as a constraint now that teams are starting to add it to their own project requirements?  Is there somewhere I can see docs on the process that causes global-requirements to be updated?13:30
jheskethanyways, I'm going to get some sleep. I have to help run the openstack miniconf at tomorrow morning!13:31
DinaBelovajhesketh, good night :)13:31
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openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for unmet dependencies
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fungijoa: what was the question?13:46
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fungijp_at_hp: has oslo.rootwrap>=
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fungijp_at_hp: the git blame trail leads to
jp_at_hpfungi: yeah - maybe I shoulda looked first, sorry ;)  But that was quite a while ago.  any reason it hasn't populated
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fungijp_at_hp: i see it at
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fungijp_at_hp: do you have some process using our mirror (not a great idea)? if so, you may be using our old mirror. we've updated all our ci to use our current mirror13:50
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jp_at_hpI was looking at
jp_at_hpso I guess that's the old mirror?13:50
fungijp_at_hp: yep. that's the old abandoned mirror. we should just delete it to make it more obvious. i'll get some consensus from the rest of the team today hopefully13:51
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jp_at_hpfungi: thanks - even just an addition to the index to warn would be helpful...13:51
jp_at_hpmight make me not ask stupid questions in future.13:52
fungijp_at_hp: probably better to just delete it so that it's immediately broken for anyone using it, rather than subtly broken but stale. most people who are going to be affected won't likely go there with a web browser and wouldn't see any message we posted on it as a result13:52
jp_at_hpeither works for me :D13:53
joafungi: I was wondering, for a cinder-specific CI set up (testing a vendor driver specifically), how is managed the specific configuration ? I can't seem to find any relevant script. Does it use any pre-installed configuration file; or does the devstack setup erase all that ?13:53
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jp_at_hpa little knowledge... I figured since it wasn't in the mirror it couldn't be in global-requirements, so didn't check :(13:53
fungijp_at_hp: that was true of the old mirror (back when we were updating it) but now we run a full pypi mirror using a tool called bandersnatch13:54
fungiso we pull anything which is on into our mirror even if it's not actually used by openstack13:54
fungijoa: we use something called devstack-gate to construct a devstack localrc based on a bunch of different environment variables13:55
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fungijoa: it's basically just a collection of shell scripts which assemble the test scenario/configuration13:56
jp_at_hpoh yeah - the tool that doesn't work behind proxies :(13:56
fungijp_at_hp: i hear they're working to solve proxy support in bandersnatch since the python community is settling on it as the "one true way" to run a full pypi mirror13:56
jp_at_hpI'll look forward ot that13:57
fungijp_at_hp: though we're also talking about sticking our mirror on an afs backend, in which case you could just mount it with an afs client and, if desired, rsync it to another local filesystem or something13:57
jp_at_hpwell, if that happens and becomes an option, it'll be something to consider.  I knida like things that are here now and working ;)13:59
fungime too13:59
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dansmithis something up with gerrit? I'm getting a weird error trying to save a comment14:00
fungidansmith: no idea... details?14:00
joafungi: Soo, let's assume that I need a specific cinder configuration (or at least a few parameters). Those can be set as variables into the localrc ? Or is there another advised way ?14:00
dansmithfungi: "Invalid authentication method. In order to authenticate, prefix the REST endpoint URL with /a/ (e.g."14:01
joa(I saw the devstack-gate repo and some scripts)14:01
dansmithfungi: I just logged in about five minutes ago, so my auth should be good14:01
fungidansmith: weird. that's coming from the rest api, not the webui14:01
dansmithfungi: yeah, seems that way, but it's when I click the save button on an inline comment14:02
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fungidansmith: definitely nothing out of the ordinary on the cacti graphs for the server. what's the review url?14:02
fungimay be something subtly corrupted with it somehow14:02
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fungidansmith: you're getting that when trying to add an inline comment on that file?14:03
dansmithfungi: yep, line 23614:03
dansmithfungi: let me open a new browser and try from scratch14:03
dansmithfungi: just didn't want to lose my comment in the buffer, but I'll save it somewhere14:04
fungii can add a comment on that line, but it may have to do with something going on in your browser session or the specific comment contents14:04
dansmithfungi: ah, navigating anywhere in gerrit gives me that again14:04
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dansmithfungi: so maybe something up with my token or something.. just so weird14:04
fungiokay, so your session went sideways14:04
fungithat's not the usual error message i get when that happens14:05
dansmith'cause I *just* signed in14:05
fungimostly what i run into is when i sign in with one tab but i already had another review tab open, and then i try to do things in that other tab without refreshing it first14:05
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fungibut in that case it just complains that my session's expired and i need to log in again14:06
dansmithfungi: okay, log out and back in worked, but still.. weird14:06
dansmithfungi: yeah, that's what I'm used to14:06
funginoted. i'll keep an eye out for it in case it's not just you14:06
dansmithokie, thanks14:06
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fungijoa: so, localrc is a mechanism for configuring devstack... you may need a custom hook for devstack if you need to add some machinery which it doesn't have integrated support for (new configuration options and such)14:07
joafungi: Well, I guessed there should be a proper way to do it already, since I doubt I'm the first to setup cI for a vendor-driver in cinder, but you might not know of it ?14:08
fungijoa: i can show you some examples of jobs we run which export custom hook functions to extend devstack-gate14:08
joayeah, it would be great at least as an example14:08
joaI'll see afterwards what I can make of it14:08
fungijoa: but no, i don't really know what the other third-party ci systems are doing to support custom cinder drivers. it could just be that you need to pass a configuration variable into devstack's localrc to tell it what backend driver to use... that's probably a question for your third-party ci peers or maybe the devstack maintainers in #openstack-qa14:09
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joamhh okay14:10
joamight be a good idea to ask there then14:10
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joathanks :)14:11
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fungiianw: ^ i'll rerun check experimental on the change you were testing once zuul's updated with that15:17
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Silence drupal cron job
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phschwartzHeads up, you guys might hear other complaints. I talked with Todd and opened an issue. The problem I had with my talk summisions (even thought they did go through), also cut a co-speaker off and I had to re-add him15:50
phschwartz:( I think it was safari related. Damn me for trying to save battery power.15:50
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fungigood to know--thanks!15:51
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sdagueadalbas: I'm not sure I understand your question about blog authoring15:58
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fungiianw: success! (but also exciting new failure!)
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krotscheckAny Infra core out there (other than jeblair) feel like a nice, juicy puppet review?
krotscheckmordred: How’s your week been, any opportunity to do a launchpad import?16:03
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armaxguys thanks again for approving the infra-related dvr patches…we’re successfully running Neutron DVR experimental jobs :)16:22
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adalbassdague, i want to make a blog post in the openstack blog section. how can i do that?16:24
sdagueadalbas: you can add yourself to the planet16:26
adalbassdague, ok, so it should go by the community, instead of the main blogging.16:28
adalbasok, i found the info now. tks!16:29
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pleia2good morning16:36
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morganfainbergpleia2, morning :)16:36
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Neutron default tenant network type vxlan
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ctraceyhello infra. had a question about log retention.16:50
ctraceyare build logs discarded on a periodic basis?16:50
ctraceyI am looking for some havana build logs with no luck16:51
jeblairctracey: we keep them for about 4 months16:51
clarkbjogo the fix is to fix minesweeper not go back to precise16:51
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jeblair(we'd like to keep them longer, but, well, we ran out of space)16:51
jeblair(we're working on putting them in swift and hope we can increase the retention period again when that's done)16:51
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ctraceyok - i understand.16:52
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jeblair(4 months is about 9 tb)16:52
ctraceythat is less than ideal for a number of reasons tho...must say16:52
fungictracey: here's what the current (compressed!) log storage looks like for 4 months retention
ctraceythere is no way to know what dependencies were pulled in by pip16:53
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ctraceyin the very least, perhaps we should augment the build process to retain that information16:54
fungii'm amazed that we seem to have turned a corner with log volume and it's now trending downward16:54
jeblairprobably expring those _huge_ debug logs16:54
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clarkbwe made noise and it seems to have helped :)16:54
ctraceyor perhaps I should pose that as a question...16:54
fungictracey: what's the specific use case of knowing what packages were tested during a job which ran 4 months ago?16:54
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clarkbalso mysql slow logs16:54
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ctraceyfungi: getting the same bits on a box16:55
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phschwartzfungi: Just to give you the heads up, we have been working on a quick script that can track and prune dead deletes across our env's, but not easy due to the seperation of our api's.16:55
fungictracey: have a particular patch+job in mind?16:55
ctraceywell...this is the first time i ran into this specific issue16:56
fungictracey: just trying to figure out where people are wanting to repeat jobs from so long ago16:56
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ctraceyfungi: yeah...good questions :)16:56
fungiphschwartz: awesome--that'll help tremendously until your nova patch is in use16:56
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ctraceyfungi: I have a tool that builds system packages from a specific git ref16:56
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ctraceyit pulls the project at the given ref, consults gerrit for the hard pip dependencies used, and builds *that* into an venv/rpm/deb16:57
ctraceypypi moves too much16:57
ctraceyin my case, I am fetching the build logs and parsing for the pip install...which is less than ideal16:58
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ctraceyi guess bottom line is that with the current setup there is no way to get the same bits on a box16:58
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fungictracey: yeah, particularly you don't necessarily want to pin to specific pip package versions because they'll have known bugs, security vulnerabilities, et cetera fixed in later versions... which is why we keep testing stable release branches with new dependencies over their lifetime16:58
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mordredfungi: I still disagree with that, btw16:59
* mordred thinks we should have hard == pins at all times16:59
fungimordred: fair. i didn't say i agreed that it was appropriate, just echoing the common rationale cited ;)16:59
ctraceymordred: yes!16:59
mordredmainly because of how absolutely crappy every single python package is16:59
mordredfungi: :)16:59
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ctraceyit wouldnt be much to just echo the pip dependencies out to a file and save that17:00
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ctraceyi dont care so much about the logs themselves17:00
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fungimordred: essentially, i think stable releases should be the domain of the distros, and they should (collectively) be deciding what's in the global requirements list for our ci on stable branches to most closely match what's being run in the wild17:00
mordredctracey: that would not be particularly difficult to do17:00
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ctraceymordred: correct...but insanely useful17:01
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clarkbmordred how would you raise your pins over time?17:01 long as the deprecation timeline is fixed at 2 cycles, we should at least save 12  months of being able to build exactly the same17:01
clarkbI think failing fast is best option there17:02
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sdaguemordred: \\\\\\\\\\\17:02
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fungictracey: effectively, right now we've not classed job logs for differing retention cycles, so ideally we'd need a proposal which identified, say, long-term and short-term retention parameters which we could generalize17:02
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sdagueoops, stupid keyboard17:02
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sdagueclarkb: honestly, if we wanted to go down that path we'd have a background job that tried the latest versions of things and if they passed, would propose them to requirements17:02
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fungisdague: though the pip pinning discussion comes back around to the challenges i encountered the last time i tried to implement it...17:03
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ctraceyim not talking about talking just tell me what was used...pinned or not17:04
fungisdague: in particular, we have to identify second+ order dependencies and declare/pin those too, and they also potentially differ between interpreter versions17:04
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sdaguefungi: sure17:04
sdaguebut richard has some of those tools now17:04
mordredclarkb: you'd raise your pins over time the same way as now17:04
mordredyeah - what sdague said17:04
fungisdague: yep, so possibly easier than when i last attempted it17:04
sdaguectracey: we have a pip-freeze captured during the run17:04
ctraceysdague: but useless when the logs disappear is my point17:05
sdaguectracey: sure17:05
sdagueok, I must have missed something17:05
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fungictracey: yeah, so basically the way our current expiration mechanism works is by file name pattern. picking specific globs to retain for longer wouldn't be too hard... however all this changes with object storage (have we worked out our retention/expiration mechanisms for that yet?)17:06
sdaguectracey: why do you need long old build logs?17:06
mordredfungi: I think we're going to assume that we can retain for forever17:06
ctraceysdague: im just gauging whether we would feel comfortable with instead of "pip freeze > <log>" do "pip freeze > pip.deps.log"17:06
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fungisdague: ctracey wants a pip freeze from a particular job on a particular commit which was proposed to master in the havana timeframe to be able to recreate the build environment under which it ran17:07
ctraceysdague: because without it we cant rebuild something that is still out there17:07
jeblairmordred: i don't think we can assume we'll retain forever17:07
sdaguefungi: vs. stable havana current runs?17:07
ctraceysdague: correct17:07
fungisdague: apparently17:07
ctraceyhere is the use case...17:07
ctraceyi have a stable/havana build from October17:08
mordredjeblair: sorry, that was more tongue in cheerk ...17:08
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ctraceyupgrade 2 weeks ago and broken17:08
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fungictracey: you're installing from source+pip packages?17:09
clarkbpinning is just a headache. take six for example17:09
jeblairmordred: oh, cloud. lol.  :)17:09
fungictracey: in theory your pip.log should tell you what upgraded from what to what... unless i'm misremembering how much detail it logs17:10
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sdagueI don't think it's unreasonable to want to keep the logs for the history of all the supported releases if we could. At least for the "golden path" jobs17:10
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ctraceyfungi: this particular use case is horizon from source, yes17:11
fungisdague: agreed. i think we just need a proposal of what to keep for how long and what else to keep for how much longer and make sure it's implementable with our archive cleanup automation17:12
sdaguefungi: sure17:12
ctraceyi will double check the pip logs...but I think the point still stands that we should always be able to rebuild 2 releases back...that is just my opinion17:12
fungiwith appropriate compromises where we need to make them if we're constrained on quota17:12
sdaguectracey: if you have a cloud to give us 30 TB of filesystem attached to a guest, it would help :)17:13
fungictracey: i'm not sure what "rebuild" means in this case. we basically release source tarballs, not "builds" (modulo some packaging-time-generated metadata)17:13
ctraceyand, fwiw, that is the whole point of my tool dubbed "giftwrap" that you dont end up in the particular mess and pull dependencies on your own (tested) clock17:13
ctraceyfor large SPs and integrators, distro packages just dont cut it17:14
ctraceysdague: please dont misunderstand not hating here :)17:14
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ctraceyi agree the logs are basically useless...just the deps are super helpful17:14
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mordredthus the reason I think we should have complete pinned requirements lists17:15
ctraceymordred: ++17:15
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clarkbmordred doing so will break on eg six without atomic commits across projects17:16
fungictracey: one thing which could probably help would be a change history of what was on pypi at specific points in time which matched the version specs in our global requirements list17:16
fungiper branch17:16
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ctraceythat is helpful as well17:16
sdagueclarkb: will it? Global req will say 'f-u' to the project specific bits17:16
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sdaguethat still gives us the global lever17:17
sdagueas long as we ensure they are synchronized before release we're going17:17
ctraceybut a pip freeze to a file would guarantee what you built with17:17
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sdaguethough I guess that doesn't help the CD folks17:17
fungictracey: then that could be matched up to our openstack/openstack metaproject which tracks the sequence of all commits in integrated server projects17:17
clarkbsdague: it did in the past17:17
ctraceyfungi: yes17:17
clarkbwith g-r17:17
ctraceythis is the whole point of giftwrap17:17
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ctraceywe need system packages with no moving parts17:18
sdagueclarkb: that was a mirror artifact right?17:18
fungictracey: again, we don't really "build" with anything. it would hopefully tell you what versions we tested against at a specific point in time, but that also may not be super interesting without also knowing what tests we ran and what they exercised17:18
ctraceyand currently that is extremely hard to so17:18
clarkbno it was anartifact of using forward compat bits17:18
clarkbyou cant pin forward compat17:18
ctraceyfungi: yes I am overloading "build" here (though they are called "Builds" in gerrid :) )17:19
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ctraceybut the point is that you are testing the code...and presumably the developer that submitted the change tested it17:19
ctraceythere is some assurance that what you built with works17:20
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fungictracey: it sounds more like what you want to know is not test log related, but rather "if i installed openstack from a particular branch source+pip under a given interpreter version on date x, what versions of dependencies would have been pulled in at that time?"17:20
ctraceyhere is another example from a while back...17:20
mordredwell - you can probably get that to some degree from openstack/openstack17:21
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mordredctracey: do you know about openstack/openstack ?17:21
ctraceymordred: but there are no pips in there17:21
fungiand you might be able to *infer* that from our testing log data, but we don't specifically do just that without muddying it with other things17:21
mordredis the global requirements repo not in there?17:21
fungiand also it would have depended a great deal on what local system-provided dependencies you also happened to have installed from your distro which pip considered to already meet its needs17:21
ctraceywhich would also be a fine place to store that info!17:21
ctracey(and github probably has 30TB) :)17:22
mordredI think that if we had something like the richard "test specific pinned things and write them to global reqs" thing17:22
ctraceyfungi: thats where a virtualenv comes in17:22
mordredthen the fact that openstack/openstack already records the time relationship between projects and history17:22
mordredwould contain pretty much whatever you need on the python layer17:22
fungictracey: virtualenv doesn't necessarily help there. are you creating your virtualenv with system site packages enabled?17:23
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ctraceyfungi: i want each project to have its own venv17:23
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fungictracey: that gets amusing when you consider that a lot of the dependencies install-time link to system libraries outside the venv17:24
fungiand also when some python dependencies are even not pip installable (for example libvirt in the havana timeframe was not)17:24
ctraceyfungi: correct...that is the whole "venvs are not transferrable" thing17:24
ctraceybut can be mitigated pretty easily17:24
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ctraceyfwiw...only a 0.3.0 but the code is over here:
fungictracey: point being, what we installed while running some tests on a particular date probably doesn't give you enough information to infer what you actually installed on a particular platform on that date17:25
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fungiit might get you a start, but it's a poor proxy for that actual information17:26
ctraceyi agree it doesnt give everything17:26
ctraceybut it puts me in a *much* better spot than we are in now17:27
fungiso while i agree that we might benefit from varying retention periods for some kinds of test data, i think your use case would be better met by other mechanisms17:27
arosenfungi:  i ran into an interesting issue with nodepool. So my vms get booted but nodepool can't ssh into them.  I see my public key is on the host too. Once I update the host's sshd_config file to say  PermitRootLogin Yes it works17:28
ctraceythis is part of reason why "staying close to trunk" is rather difficult...too many moving parts17:28
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fungictracey: no argument there. we see it first-hand ;)17:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Adds pip freeze output to pep8 job
ctraceyyou certainly do...and serious thanks for that!17:29
fungiarosen: hm... i believe we log in after the snapshot boot with a non-root account17:29
fungiarosen: which is part of why we make /etc/nodepool world-writeable17:30
malini1hello..I need some help figuring out if/how we can run the marconi jobs in Trusty17:30
ctraceyi have strong reasons for wanting to break free of distro packaging (as do many many many of the other large scale operators) and I think we should make this (more) possible17:30
fungimalini1: which jobs specifically? unit tests?17:30
ctraceythere was an overwhleming sentiment at the last operators summit in march around this17:30
malini1fungi: yes..we need the newer mongo/redis tht comes with Trusty17:30
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fungimalini1: have you tried running them yourself on trusty? it's fairly easy for us to switch the jobs to run on it once you're ready17:31
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mordredctracey: I am with you on breaking free of distro packaging17:32
fungimordred: this is where you make a pitch for tripleo ;)17:32
malini1fungi: sure..I will confirm that it works in Trusty. Can I just ping you after that?17:32
fungimalini1: yep--feel free17:32
malini1fungi: thanks!17:32
mordredctracey: I think the larger issue is that so far we have not seen the project as a direct source distribution and rather as the source for people who  make such things17:32
mordredctracey: that needs to be sorted, and there are other logistical issues related to that17:32
ctraceymordred: yep. agree.17:33
mordredctracey: so it does get slightly tricky - however, I'm in your camp in general17:33
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ctraceymordred: the point of giftwrap is that you can do this stuff, but that should you choose to go bespoke you can do that as well17:34
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ctraceymordred: i think if we provide the proper tooling then the foundation is not 'on the hook' as a distributor17:34
arosenfungi:  I see the ssh key is the jenkins account on the node. I think the issue is with the sshd_config file it generates. It has:  Mach host but i think that should be my jenkin server ip17:34
fungithere are definitely quite a few larger openstack member companies, employing a significant percentage of our developer base, who see it as part of their business model to repackage openstack and make it usable. competing with them from within the project leads to rather interesting community dynamics17:35
funginot that i don't think it should be a primary mission of ours as a project, just pointing out the hard truth17:35
mordredI don't mind "competing" if the way I compete is by fixing an organizational bug that they happen to be fixing17:36
mordredI'm not saying we're going to accomplish taht17:36
mordredbut if there is a deficiency in the world and they exist to solve that17:36
mordredand we can make that deficiency go away17:36
mordredI'm not going to not do that just because they're making a business off of fixing a long-standing bug17:36
mordrednow, is that possible or reasonable? maybe not17:36
ctraceyfungi: its not competition. they can feel free to do so.17:36
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mordredbut if we avoid doign that then we do wind up being strangly open core17:37
ctraceyin fact we already have anvil which has similar functionality17:37
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arosenfungi:  I think i need to update /etc/puppet/puppet.conf  server variable. Let me see if that does the trick.17:37
mordredalso, tripleo can produce point-in-time deployment artifacts without even bothering with distro pacakges17:37
mordredso it's not like the problem space isn't being explored :)17:38
ctraceymordred: as can my omnibus-openstack project17:38
fungiarosen: okay, if not, i can point you to some more specific details about our deployment which you can check against17:38
ctraceylots of integrators dont want to be on hook for system dependency management as well17:38
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mordredonce we stray outside of python pacakges though, things get MASSIVELY harder if we don't want to become a de facto linux distro though17:39
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ctraceymordred: correct!17:39
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fungiwhich is a topic we've waffled back and forth on over time17:39
mordredso far we're trying to balance on the edge of being forward looking but also being installable on existing distros without people needing an openstack project supplied distro-packages repo17:40
mordredthe current libvirt issues show the warts on that17:40
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arosenfungi: Ah i need to delete the image and have it rebuild if i change /etc/puppet on my nodepool box?17:40
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ctraceymordred: libvirt is what made me rethink omnibus-openstack...the decision was easy17:41
fungiarosen: yeah, that is one downside is that anything you alter which changes the nature of the snapshot needs an image update. you don't have to delete the image, you can just initiate an image update on demand17:41
clarkbmordred: in fairness that issue is only for people installing test requirements17:41
clarkbwe purposely did that (thank dprince for pointing it out in review)17:42
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clarkbmordred and test requirements put you in a special bracket imo17:42
arosenfungi:  nodepool image-update  local_01 d-p-c ?17:42
fungiclarkb: well, or for people who want to, e.g., run nova from source under a virtualenv in production17:42
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fungiclarkb: i think?17:42
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clarkbfungi that does not require test requirements17:42
ctraceyfungi: that is the vast majority of large scale operators17:43
fungiarosen: right17:43
mordredclarkb: no. it's not17:43
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fungiclarkb: does nova not need python bindings for libvirt except when running tests?17:43
mordredclarkb: if you want to run nova for real, nova may want you to run with updated python-libvirt17:43
clarkbmordeed why not? it is for testing potentially broken code17:43
mordredI'm not talking about testing17:43
mordredI'm talking about actually running actual openstack17:43
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mordredand openstack being able to tell people that libvirt 0.9.8 is stupid17:44
clarkbfungi you just do what we have done for years17:44
arosenfungi: looks like it failed ?
mordredthat's potentially an important thing for openstack to be able to say17:44
mordredbecause 0.9.8 MAY be something that's unreasonable17:44
clarkbmordred sure. I am just saying we didnt smack down all deployments of juno17:44
clarkbwe might break a few test beds17:44
fungiclarkb: i mean if someone wants to run nova contained in a virtualenv without system site packages enabled17:44
clarkbI am ok with that but also ok with saying stop using old libvirt17:45
clarkbfungi then they must upgrade17:45
ctraceymordred: correct and if we think that something > 0.9.8 is good we can suggest it with a PPA that is listed in a deb recommends17:45
clarkbmy change had nothing to do with that17:45
arosenfungi:  ah it can't ssh to the host because of this config issue. I think i need to do a delete image and have it rebuild then.17:45
fungiclarkb: yep, just pointing out that the declared use case of isolating openstack component dependencies from one another and from teh system by using virtualenvs mostly depends on newer libvirt17:45
mordredctracey: we _could_ - except what happens the instant we have ppas is that people use them in production17:45
ctraceymordred: this is true :17:46
mordredctracey: and I mean even in the past (3 years ago) when the ppa was literally called "broken-testing-only-do-no-use"17:46
mordredwe got bug reports that it was broken17:46
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mordredfungi: that's one of the reason I've been playing with docker instead of virtualenv17:47
fungiclarkb: so i was trying to explain why that wasn't actually doable for, in the originally stated case, havana openstack17:47
mordredbecause it could allow us to expand away from just virtualenv without accidentally providing something that looks like a production install17:47
mordredsince you can't actually run iscsi in a container :)17:47
clarkbfungi gotcha17:48
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create specs.o.o/index.html
fungimordred: sure. makes sense. also comes with a complimentary handlebar mustache ;)17:48
ctracey"reading is fundamental" :)17:48
jeblairmordred, clarkb, fungi: can one of you look at 106114?  it's stalling some things.17:48
jeblairmordred: i'm pretty sure docker is used in production ;P17:49
fungijeblair: wanting the patch reworked? i can update it real quick17:49
jeblairfungi: er, no... i mean deciding whether the comment is a blocker :)17:50
mordredjeblair: yah - I know ... and righfully so actually17:50
fungijeblair: ahh, seems to me like something we'd fix in a separate change, i agree17:50
mordredjeblair: I'm just saying you actually physically can't run openstack in production in docker17:50
mordredjeblair: because of iscsi17:50
jeblair(i think it's a good suggestion but not a blocker and would love someone not fungi to aprv it; or if it is a blocker, to say so and i'll redo it)17:50
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jeblairmordred: details that will deter no one!17:50
fungii will at least leave a comment to that effect17:50
mordredjeblair: :)17:50
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* mordred afks for a sec17:51
clarkbI like the suggestion but am fine with a follow up change17:51
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clarkbwill approve17:52
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: multi-node dg setup
jeblairclarkb: 107841 may be of interest to you17:53
fungialso, on a tangentially related note, i have minimal sympathies for people who run code they haven't reviewed under an account which has sudo rights (or access to anything sensitive for that matter). always have a separate sudo-privileged account and only log into it when you need elevated permissions for things17:53
fungiif i tried to run on my test system, it would complain up and down about sudo not working and would also e-mail me17:54
clarkbjeblair thanks17:54
jeblairclarkb: is 108155 going to work or is it going to get caught up in the default node functions and end up requesting precise?17:55
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clarkbjeblair it needs a zuul layout update17:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make POSTGRES gate job run eventlet keystone
clarkbpcrews are you around to talk logstash tags?17:56
pcrewsclarkb: aye - what's up17:56
clarkbpcrews the tags are used to know how to parse tge files. eg oslofmt says this file is in oslo log format17:57
clarkbpcrews the files you have added dont seem to have tags that correspond to formats17:57
clarkbpcrews its ok to have what you did byt we need format info too17:58
jesusaurusclarkb: oh is that how youre handling having a bajillion different formats?17:58
pcrewsah - gotcha, I was not aware of this - I thought it was more for human digging through kibana (/me puts on dunce cap).  *that* makes several things click and I'll see about fixing it.  Should I WIP that review until I get it sorted?17:59
pcrewsclarkb: many thanks for the info :)18:00
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clarkbsee modules/openstack_project/templates/logstash/indexer.conf.erbfor the logstash side of the config18:00
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pcrewsI was going to be poking at that for this bug - :)  Your info has most likely helped w/ that too.18:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1350121 in openstack-ci "logstash has empty "%{logmessage}" messages vs. actual content for many files" [Undecided,New]18:03
clarkbhrm I think that may be related to failed multiline parsing18:03
jeblairannegentle: i'm confused by your first comment on the docs-publishing specs.   bouth and exist and have the expected content18:04
jeblairas does
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jeblairannegentle: i was trying to illustrate the "overlay doc builds for different versions into one publishing tree" thing that happens with master and other branches18:06
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create git repo and jenkins jobs for oslo.serialization
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bknudsonthis review says starting gate 2 days ago --
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bknudsonI don't see it in zuul status... is there some way to get it back in the queue?18:16
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jeblairbknudson: reapproval, or 'recheck no bug' should do it18:17
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bknudsonthat's what I thought, but I wanted to ask first.18:18
jeblairbknudson: i'm trying to track down what happened to it in the logs18:18
jerdfeltso i have a review that got 2 +2s and a +A a week ago but jenkins never started the gate process for it18:18
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jeblairjerdfelt: link?18:19
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jerdfelti think it was because it was dependent on another change when the +A happened. that did get merged but this just stalled out18:20
jeblairjerdfelt: hrm.  it's supposed to pull it in automatically when that happens.  i'll dig into that one too.  in the mean time, reapproval or 'recheck no bug' should kick it18:20
jerdfeltit needs a rebase anyway18:21
jerdfeltjust wanted to let you know since it looks like something broke along the way18:21
jeblairbknudson: ah, that change was kicked out of the queue because a change it depended on failed; the fact that zuul did not report that is a bug that has a fix, but hasn't been deployed18:22
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bknudsonjeblair: great, thanks for looking into it18:23
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wilfredoHello everybody, I am planning to install my first Third-Party CI. Anyone available for basic questions?18:27
vhowardwilfredo: i can try my best18:29
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wilfredovhoward: ok, thanks. My first doubt is if there are different types of CI servers. For instance, I work with Cinder, will be necessary any customizations for it?18:31
amitgandhihi, i am wanting to create a new irc channel for an openstack related project i am working on.  is there any limitations on who can prefix their channel name with openstack- ?18:31
jeblairjerdfelt: got it -- the vote from jenkins on 109104 was too old and did not meet the "freshness" check when zuul tried to pull it in because its parent was enqueued.18:31
jeblairsdague, jhesketh, clarkb, fungi: ^ exciting new way the freshness check behaves unexpectedly18:32
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jerdfeltjeblair: cool, glad it looked like it was easy to troubleshoot :)18:33
fungijeblair: ahh, yep. we probably want it to recheck the child change under those circumstances rather than just ignore it18:34
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vhowardwilfredo: we personally use jenkins18:35
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jeblairfungi: unfortunately, we moved some of those things to pipeline requirements to stop the auto-enquing of dependencies when the reqs weren't met18:37
jeblairfungi: this has succeeded18:37
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jeblairfungi: i'm not sure how to get a change with an old vote into the _check_ pipeline when its parent goes into the _gate_ pipeline.18:37
fungijeblair: yeah, it's similar to how it fails to enqueue a child change if there is no jenkins vote present at all (as a result of an outage or other bug)18:38
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fungiperhaps when a comment on a change triggers a freshness check, we should trigger it for all child changes as well?18:39
fungithough that could also unnecessarily increase the frequency of our automated rechecking18:39
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fungianother option, which adds further complication, but we could have remediation configurable for circumstances under which zuul considers enqueuing a change and then turns it down for a particular reason. that way the callbacks could be arbitrarily defined as "if not enqueued because result too old or no vote at all and change not currently running in check, start check" or whatever18:43
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* fungi vaguely handwaves some more18:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make 'jenkins-job-builder' repo configurable
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arosenfungi:  doh my setting did do what i thought it would. I think i need to change this to my puppet server right?
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fungiarosen: probably not... nodepool connects to the template instance via ssh, downloads whatever puppet configuration via git and then locally applies it. that shouldn't touch a puppet master at all...19:03
arosenfungi:  ah sorry. I think i should edit this file: and add an entry for my hosts.19:04
fungiarosen: neither our template instances nor our worker instances communicate with our puppet master19:04
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Refactoring Trove gates jobs
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fungiarosen: i'll let you know what our sshd_confg looks like on our workers in production... hold on19:05
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arosenfungi:  I'm guessing it looks like this:
arosenbut in my setup i need to add a Match host for my nodepool server19:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use in examples
fungiarosen: we don't have any entries in our sshd_config allowing root logins from our nodepool server, since it doesn't log into the resulting nodes as root19:07
arosenfungi:  ah sorry you said that before.19:08
arosenfungi:  let me keep digging then sorry.19:08
fungiarosen: we have a couple entries for and which we don't use... they're just bleed-over from our static hosts where we run puppet agent periodically via ansible19:08
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annegentlejeblair: yeah, my fault, I hadn't realized those were happening, commented on the review itself19:09
fungiarosen: in the providers list within our nodepool.yaml, the images each take a username and private-key parameter. we use "jenkins" as that username and /home/nodepool/.ssh/id_rsa as the private key (whose corresponding public key is puppeted into the ~jenkins/.ssh/authorized_keys on the template during image build)19:10
fungiarosen: then nodepoold connects to the nodes which are booted from the snapshot as the jenkins user with that key19:11
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arosenfungi:  cool, that's my understanding as well how i have things setup.19:13
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jeblairannegentle: cool, i'll spin another version of that with developer.o.o soon;  I'll probably wait to see if Ajaeger has some thoughts first though.19:14
Ajaegerjeblair: will add comments in the next half hour19:14
jeblairAjaeger: thanks (no rush)19:14
annegentlejeblair: Ajaeger: we are eager today! :)19:15
Ajaegerannegentle: in that case please review while I look over the blueprint ;)19:17
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Run in puppet apply test
fungiSergeyLukjanov: if you're around, what would have made 110807 a +2 for you instead of just +1?19:25
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davidlenwelloff topic ..
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fungithere is no diet coke19:30
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Added advise to use dns over hardcoded ip in third_party
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jeblairand they're all out of borts19:36
Ajaegerannegentle, jeblair I commented.19:36
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fungihee. bort19:37
Ajaegerannegentle: regarding  (besides that copy & paste is evil): Please check what's currently in use:, etc.19:39
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Ajaegerannegentle: full details, just go to . For Sahara I already sent
Ajaegerannegentle: that's why I used those names - to be consistent. But I'm fine with using "sahara", "keystone" etc19:39
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create specs.o.o/index.html
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openstackgerritRavi Sankar Penta proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable barbican, marconi and mistral serices in gate-solum-devstack-dsvm and gate-solum-devstack-dsvm-f20 jenkins builder jobs
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clarkbwoot I am connected via all the tunnels20:48
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fungieven the chunnel?20:48
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clarkbwell I am in a buidling that will only give my ipv6 by default20:49
clarkband my irc host doesn't have a AAAA record (it should)20:49
clarkbso I ssh -D'd to node with ipv4 and tunneled out20:49
fungiwacky. mine does ;)20:49
jeblairclarkb: you are in an awesome building!20:49
fungiso does my irc server ;)20:49
clarkbjeblair: gertty works in tsocks just fine (even though it doesn't need to be tunneled because review.o.o has AAAA)20:50
fungiclarkb: also, what sort of building gives you only ipv6? or is it the sort of building that you can't talk about lest it give you ipnothing instead?20:50
clarkbfungi: portland state university's fourth avenue building (where the engineering school lives)20:51
fungihuh. exciting!20:51
fungiteaching the engineering students to live in the future by taking away the past. makes sense20:51
fungithough if you don't experience ipv4, how will you ever truly understand how awful it is? ;)20:52
* clarkb tries to get some work done finally20:52
clarkbsdague: jeblair I was going to look at the d-g patch to make juno to juno grenade for nova baremetal to ironic work20:52
clarkbis there anything else i should look at first?20:53
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fungijeblair: question-ish about the specs process (perhaps this has already been discussed in other projects)... it looks like we're writing specs and releasing them under a copyright license but providing no copyright statement?20:54
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jeblairclarkb: not that i'm aware20:55
jeblairfungi: seems like an oversight20:55
nibalizerjeblair: puppet 320:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create git repo and jenkins jobs for oslo.serialization
fungijeblair: cool. mind if i propose a copyright placeholder change to template.rst?20:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add #openstack-barbican channel to eavesdrop
jeblairnibalizer: ack20:57
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nibalizerim down to poke it if you are20:57
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* clarkb pushes d-g bugfix first20:57
jeblairfungi: please do; i'm sure we can fix what's landed20:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1350466
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1350466 in nova "deadlock in scheduler expire reservation periodic task" [Undecided,New]
clarkbhrm maybe that isn't a bug20:58
jeblairnibalizer: i need to spin up a new one; i had to delete the old one because it was broken and spamming20:58
jeblairbe just a min20:58
nibalizeroh noes20:58
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clarkbis a bug21:00
clarkbjeblair: sdague fungi ^21:00
clarkbI guess it is just the localrc being set up21:01
jeblairclarkb: i don't think so -- i _think_ it's because in an upgrade you want to start with the same localrc21:01
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clarkbjeblair: ya21:01
jeblairclarkb: however, assuming that's the case, that not having a comment is a bug :)21:01
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jeblairclarkb: but let's double check with sdague and/or dtroyer and make sure they agree21:02
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add copyright placeholder to template
jeblairpuppet is running21:06
nibalizerpuppet --version says 3ish?21:06
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nibalizeri want to say we pinned to 3.421:06
nibalizeralso if we regened the host, will need to copy over the cert/key21:07
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fungikrotscheck: when you get a moment, would you mind adding a copyright claim for yourself or your employer (whichever is appropriate) on openstack-infra/infra-specs:specs/storyboard_subscription_pub_sub.rst ?21:07
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jeblairi think launch-node doesn't have the detailed exit code checks, so that "succeeded" and the host was kept, so we can inspect it21:09
fungijeblair: oh, good point. we need it to get the successful exit codes encoded so it knows those aren't failures just because they're nonzero21:10
fungijeblair: i'm pretty certain right now it just checks for !=021:11
clarkbdoes anyone remember where sdague's crazy introspection of env vars with construction of new vars ended up? I think I need to use that21:11
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Define *-heat-dsvm-functional job
* clarkb looks in functions.sj21:11
anteayaadalbas: if you are posting a blog post on your blog, you (like everyone else) can post anything you wish21:11
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anteayaadalbas: if you would like to fact check something, you are welcome to put it in an etherpad and ask anyone their opinion to ensure your facts are correct, but that again is your choice21:12
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update IRC documentation to mention logging
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jeblairfungi, nibalizer: so it looks like we need libxml dev installed in order to install python-cinderclient from pip21:14
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fungijeblair: probably easier to do what i just proposed to the zuul module and install the distro python-lxml package21:14
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jeblairfungi: yep21:14
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update IRC documentation to mention logging
fungijeblair: that way pip doesn't pull it in and try to install-time compile bindings via libxml2-dev and lbxslt1-dev21:15
jeblairnibalizer: did that happen when you ran this locally?21:15
fungijeblair: and the python-lxml package on precise is new enough to satisfy the current global-requirements.txt so should work out just fime21:15
nibalizerjeblair: im not entirely sure what i'm looking at21:15
jeblairalso, any idea about the puppetdb-terminus problem?21:16
jeblairnibalizer: that's the output from the failed initial puppet run21:16
nibalizerwere you running it against localhost or against the 2.7 master?21:16
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jeblairthe 2.7 master21:17
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openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update IRC documentation to mention logging
pleia2yeesh, that was rougher than it should have been21:17
pleia2time for a nap I think :)21:18
jeblairpleia2: sleep well!21:18
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* nibalizer spins up some vms to poke 21:19
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nibalizerjeblair: i didn't test running the 3 master against the 2.7 master21:19
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jeblairnibalizer: do you think these errors are related to that?21:20
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jeblairnibalizer: let's assume the pip thing is solved...21:20
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jeblairnibalizer: that leaves the puppetdb-terminus error21:20
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nibalizerthat looks like a pinning issue to me21:23
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add python-lxml to puppetmaster
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: StoryBoard Streaming API specification
krotscheckfungi: That what you’re looking for?
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pinning puppetdb-terminus with other puppet packages
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Added copyright header to spec
fungikrotscheck: lgtm. would be good to check how it renders (i've proposed a similar placeholder for the template in 111085)21:27
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fungikrotscheck: it simply dawned on me that we'd forgotten to recommend people document copyright holders for these documents, which is fairly unlike us ;)21:29
nibalizerjeblair:  i've never seen the 'failed to call search' erros21:30
nibalizerbut i think this should fix the pinning problem on puppetdb-terminus21:30
jeblairnibalizer: i think install_puppet needs the same change21:32
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Allow for grenade upgrades within a release
clarkbjeblair: sdague adam_g ^ that is a first stab at this21:33
adam_gclarkb, cool. was gonna start poking at that this afternoon/tomorrow21:34
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clarkbadam_g: one thing I noticed is that for the ironic dsvm jobs we don't set the virt driver to ironic. this means a few localrc settings are not set21:34
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clarkbadam_g: specifically the stuff at
nibalizerjeblair: sounds right21:34
nibalizerthis is the problem you were talking about re: two places21:34
adam_gclarkb, , yeah. virt driver gets set for the dsvm-virtual-ironic-nv job21:35
clarkbadam_g: oh, so there is a different job that sets that?21:35
adam_gclarkb, yeah. i'm working on getting the full tempest smoke run to pass against VIRT_DRIVER=ironic21:35
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adam_gclarkb, once thats done we can get rid of the redundancy21:36
clarkbadam_g: so my sideways grenade may need to special case virt driver too21:36
clarkbadam_g: to be "libvirt" on old and possibly "ironic" on new21:36
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pinning puppetdb-terminus with other puppet packages
adam_gclarkb, i thought we decided the base/old would be fake virt?21:37
jeblairfungi: can you take a look at and ?21:38
clarkbadam_g: oh right21:39
clarkbadam_g: so this needs work but the initial stab is above :)21:39
james_liHi All, please take a look at
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fungijeblair: both lgtm. as for launch/, looks like we might need an extra toggle (or expand the meaning of error_ok)21:42
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clarkbthe amount of the internet that does not AAAA makes me sad21:43
fungiif error_ok='puppet' and ret not in [0, 12, 34, 56]:21:43
nibalizerclarkb: is currently ipv6 only21:43 no ipv6 http21:43
fungiclarkb:  but! but! didn't they see there was a world ipv6 day?!?21:44
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jeblairthey have also been slow on dnssec :(21:45
jeblairi blame their US expansion21:45
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nibalizerjeblair: haha yesss, dnssec all the things!21:47
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: remove recheck 'no bug' & 'bug #'
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Formalized Resource Criteria API
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openstackgerritAmit Gandhi proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adds Poppy CDN Project
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Allow for grenade upgrades within a release
clarkbadam_g: ^ something like that21:54
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fungisince we merged 108724, should we also go ahead and make recheck and reverify officially synonymous in the config? the limited situations under which reverify works and the fact that they have the same effective outcome just makes for additional confusion any more, i think21:56
jeblairfungi: i think that'd be okay21:56
fungibecause if so, we probably want to do that before we announce the changes21:57
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make recheck and reverify synonymous
fungiand the notice to the developer community can perhaps just mention that recheck is preferred and that we may eventually remove reverify to further simplify configuration22:02
jeblairfungi: ++  sdague ^22:03
fungioh, for consistency i should also do layout-dev.yaml22:03
fungidoesn't seem we had any docs in the config repo about reverify though22:03
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make recheck and reverify synonymous
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fungior we could even keep reverify around but have it mean "only rerun upstream ci jobs" while recheck is also interpreted by third-party ci. no idea whether that's a helpful distinction or not22:07
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eharneyi got an email from this patch:  with subject "Change in openstack/cinder[master]: #ellipsis(63, $change.subject)"22:16
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eharneyseems strange22:16
fungiwow, nice22:16
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anteayamattoliverau: morning22:17
fungieharney: i don't see anything unusual in the commit subject for any of the patchsets on that change22:18
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eharneyfungi: no, all the other emails and the webui look fine22:18
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eharneyfungi: it was from the Jenkins Verified-1 message, and the "Change subject" inside the mail looks fine22:19
clarkbok I have AAAA record now22:19
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fungieharney: i'll double-check the gerrit error log haystack for any signs of that needle22:20
eharneyfungi: hopefully git commit messages containing "unicode()" aren't dangerous ;)22:20
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fungieharney: hopefully git commit messages containing actual unicode aren't dangerous either22:21
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openstackgerritKurt Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix formatting and indentation problems in third_party.rst
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fungijust noticed that for some reason none of the github repos in stackforge-attic had the gerrit team in their collaborator lists (spotted because gerrit was spamming its logs about being unable to replicate there)22:29
fungifixed now22:29
morganfainbergannegentle, do we have a published minimum mysql version for OpenStack?22:29
fungii suspect when we did the rename they hit the same partial project creation issue we've seen with github in the past22:30
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adam_gclarkb, hmm. so looking closer at grenade, im not sure how the 'upgrade' from fake -> ironic is going to work. ironic depends on a bunch of host-level setup that is not going to happen if the base install is run with VIRT_DRIVER=fake. (packages, bridges, VMs, etc) im not sure grenade is really designed for migrating between compute drivers ATM22:31
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fungioh, and the jenkins05 migration went smoothly this morning. took out of service for teh duration, but they ended up being able to do a basically hitless live migration so no observed adverse impact22:31
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding Subscription Resource Hook
adam_gclarkb, i could certainly see how that would be a valuable thing for grenade to do, though, IIRC someone said a we need to do similar testing for nova-net -> neutron22:33
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fungiphschwartz: your magic error node deletion juice can't come soon enough. less than 24 hours and we're already back up to 54 nodes stuck in error+deleting in dfw22:36
fungier, 6422:36
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fungisurprisingly, none in iad and only 3 in ord22:37
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funginot that hpcloud's much better in that regard... we have 24 stuck in error+deleting in hpcloud region b22:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Pinning puppetdb-terminus with other puppet packages
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Zuul depends indirectly on lxml
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding Subscription Resource Hook
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding Subscription Resource Hook
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ianwfungi: did you do anything, or was i just trying before everything updated for  ?23:23
fungiianw: i replied to your ml post23:23
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fungia couple times23:23
fungiand then pinged you in here while you were fast asleep23:24
fungiall good now23:24
fungiyou weren't crazy, our zuul config was effectively broken23:24
ianwfungi: bah, ok, helps if i run kinit before offlineimap, sorry :)  will read now23:24
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fungiyou're in au, right?23:25
openstackgerritmelanie witt proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for IdentityError in test_rescope_token
* fungi tries to keep track of everyone's sleep patterns23:25
ianwfungi: yep.  usually i'm around fairly early .au time (like 3 hours before now)23:26
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fungioh, so you're up with the kookaburras then23:27
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ianwfungi: thanks a ton, i wasn't looking in there at all.  TIL :)23:28
* fungi imagines them being alarm clocks the way roosters are23:28
jeblairianw: familiar with k5start?
* fungi is semi-familiar with k5start (well, moreso k4start) but's it's been a while since i've managed kerberos infrastructure23:30
fungikrenew as well23:31
jeblair("k5start offlineimap" sounds like a winner to me)23:31
fungiindeed. nice and persistent thataway23:32
ianwfungi: do get them in the tree outside the bedroom, they're usually pretty quiet, i'm not sure what sets them off23:32
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fungilooks like the current test load is thrashing our providers more heavily than usual today23:33
jeblairunreviewed_config_changes -= 4023:34
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jeblairi'm down to 50 unreviewed changes!23:35
jeblair(in config)23:36
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add python-lxml to puppetmaster
fungioh the insanity23:37
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