Friday, 2014-07-11

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jheskethclarkb, fungi, jeblair: important question... when do you guys get into Germany? And do you have any plans on Sunday (such as world cup)00:00
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clarkbjhesketh: 8:40am sunday and I do not have plans for sunday yet but I can check into hotel at 3pm and really want to watch world cup00:00
mattoliverauclarkb: we are in the same hotel as you, and arrive at 7am00:01
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clarkbso world cupping should happen, is the game on at ~8pm local time?00:01
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mikaldolphm: so... you still around?00:02
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fungijhesketh: i land at fra noon local time00:03
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clarkbit is 2am in frankfurt now so that are utc +2 ?00:04
fungino particular other than trying to remember enough deutsche to find my way to the maritim darmstadt and check in00:04
clarkband game is on 5 hours prior to right now00:04
pleia2clarkb: I think it's +100:04
clarkbso 9pm?00:04
fungiclarkb: yeah, cest is +2 right now00:04
fungipleia2: they're +1 when it's not summer i believe?00:04
jheskethclarkb: we get in a 7am or something like that and will be fighting off jetlag00:04
pleia2fungi: ah, guess you're right :)00:05
fungicentral european summer time is on right now00:05
clarkbjhesketh: me too :)00:05
clarkbjhesketh: I am going to try and sleep on plane but that never works00:05
jheskethclarkb: should we swap numbers in case we want to meet up for world cup watching or touristy things?00:05
jesusaurusclarkb: have you tried taking some melatonin beforehand?00:06
clarkbjesusaurus: no I haven't00:07
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dims_Anyone seen this? - Bad md5 hash for package (from
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clarkbdims_: is it persistent or was it a bit flip? /me grabs package00:09
dims_grenade run -
clarkbmd5sum comes out properly for me00:09
clarkbcan we blame that on cosmic rays?00:09
jesusaurusclarkb: if the flight's over 8 hours it might be worth a shot, but it's good to know how youre going to react to it beforehand, a couple mg makes me pass out for like 10 hours00:09
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clarkbjesusaurus: huh I may have to try that at some point .not sure I have time for a trial run now00:10
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melwitthi, does anyone know if the fact that hudson-openstack sometimes doesn't update LP bugs, seems to be when the patch is uploaded "soon" after the LP bug was created, is considered acceptable? I was wondering what to do with
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326503 in python-novaclient "hudson-openstack not working for python-novaclient" [Undecided,New]00:14
sdagueclarkb: I told marc at least a few of us would be interested in finding world cup with locals00:14
clarkbsdague: cool00:14
davidlenwellsdague: me me00:17
sdagueI assume we're all staying in the darmstadt hotel?00:17
davidlenwellIm in a hotel across the st from that one00:17
davidlenwell"other side of the tracks"00:18
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dims_clarkb, +1 to cosmic rays :)00:25
sdagueor hp cloud networking :)00:25
sdagueyou know... I wonder if we get blips ever time neutron changes ports on these boxes for another tenant00:26
sdaguebecause I feel like we get a lot of network blips00:26
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sc68calHey, I just realized that #openstack-nova is not logged - but many of the other openstack project channels are00:30
dims_clarkb, one more cosmic ray failure -  HTTP error 404 while getting
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clarkbdims_: was that on an hpcloud node? we haven oticed hpcloud to rax is spotty at times00:33
clarkblast night there was ~20% packet loss on the node I tested00:33
clarkbsc68cal: correct. the nova channel has elected to not log00:33
dims_clarkb, saw it here -
clarkboh thats a rax node00:34
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clarkbhrm did it 404 because it is looking for a wheel?00:34
clarkbya that path doesn't look right00:34
clarkbdstufft: ^ is that a bandersnatch fail?00:35
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SpamapSany reason doesn't have 0.4 yet?00:59
SpamapSglobal requirements has it00:59
SpamapSglobal-requirements.txt:oslo.vmware>=0.4                        # Apache-2.000:59
SpamapS9a9cb277        (Radoslav Gerganov      2014-07-03 13:48:36 +0300       57)oslo.vmware>=0.4                        # Apa01:00
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clarkbSpamapS: that is the dead part of the mirror01:04
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clarkbSpamapS: is the bandersnatch mirror01:05
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dims_404 happened again -  HTTP error 404 while getting (from
clarkbya so I don't think anything should be pulling from that location01:20
clarkbit actually does not exist01:20
clarkbso it finds then decides to get the whl01:21
clarkbwhich is a link over to an actual 40401:21
clarkbdstufft: mordred ^01:21
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clarkboh is this due to the new release?01:22
clarkbI betcha it is01:22
dims_y probably01:22
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clarkbso either apache isn't server that dir and it exists, or bandersnatch is not making the dir exist01:22
clarkb exists01:24
clarkbso definitely seems like a bandersnatch bug01:25
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clarkbpossibly that thing where we need to force CDN to serve the package?01:25
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clarkbalso bandersnatch should write to simple/foo until the package is in packages/01:25
clarkbthat seems like a no brainer so this must be a bug01:26
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clarkbI wonder if we synced the tarball properly and when it synced the simple page it wrote both tarball and wheel despite the wheel failing01:32
clarkbyup I think that is it01:33
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dims_nice work clarkb :)01:35
clarkbbut first let me fix the missing whl01:36
clarkbotherwise all the tests will fail01:36
clarkbdims_: that whl url should not 404 now. can you test really quickly?01:40
dims_y i can reach that url01:41
clarkbI am writing a very detailed bug :)01:42
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clarkbdstufft: mordred dims_
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Adding query for broken rax mirror
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dims_clarkb, still around?02:12
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clarkbdims_: sure02:13
dims_logstash query "E: Failed to fetch" - we hit that a lot today02:13
dims_example -
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add new keystone projects to projects.txt
clarkbdims_: don't we already have a wuery for failed apt mirrors?02:14
clarkbdims_: I think its a bit more generic to catch hpcloud too02:14
clarkb1286818.yaml maybe?02:14
dims_bug 1251117 is for rax mirror issues, so i am adding a query for that one02:15
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1251117 in openstack-ci "devstack-vm gate failure due to apt-get download failure (dup-of: 1286818)" [Low,Triaged]
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1286818 in openstack-ci "Ubuntu mirror periodically inconsistent causing gate build failures" [Low,Triaged]
dims_ah someone dup-ed it02:15
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mikaljhesketh: le ping?04:41
jheskethmikal: pong04:41
mikalThe TH comment from 6:38am on confuses me04:41
mikalAt least one of the log links is to localhost04:42
jheskethmikal: ah that's because user001 actually has missing uuid's04:44
jheskethit's what I was fixing yesterday,04:44
jheskethyou must have hit a bad node that can't handle it04:44
jheskethmikal: so we also might need to consider removing those null rows from our datasets so that once it merges it passes04:44
mikalSo, that doesn't explain the bad log URL though04:45
jheskethmikal: right, turbo-hipster was broken where the migration exited early04:46
jheskethmikal: I pushed a fix for it yesterday, but that doesn't seem to have made it onto the worker nodes :-(04:46
mikalSo in cases where the migration crashes, we return a bad log URL?04:46
mikalAhhh, ok04:46
jheskethsadly, yes04:46
mikalSo it is fixed, just perhaps not pushed to nodepool yet?04:46
jheskethwell I regenerated the images so it should be there, but apparently not04:46
jheskethI'll poke nodepool some more04:47
mikalSo, in the case of this change, I am not sure we should change the dataset without verifying with the original donor that the change wont hurt them04:47
jheskethyes we should chat to them, but we've also talked to Matt about the impact of this change04:47
jheskethand I think it's accepted as a necessary evil04:48
clarkbare you guys in the organ trade now?04:48
jheskethwhat really needs to happen is to determine how the donor got the database into that state.. as the expectation was that this is just a fail measure04:48
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mikalclarkb: pardon?04:50
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clarkbmikal: all this talk of donors :)04:50
mikaljhesketh: I don't think the donor will know... THat dataset has been in prod for years, and has been through a bunch of upgrades04:51
jheskethoh yeah, I don't expect it to be realistic04:51
mikaljhesketh: that's kind of the point though, they're one of our most loyal users04:51
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zaroclarkb: did you ever test the gerrit delete project plugin on review-dev?05:15
clarkbzaro: no05:15
clarkbzaro: we should never delete projects and the process that fungi drew up for deleting that one project because of failed rename worked fine05:16
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zaroclarkb: didn't you add the gerrit-delete-plugin to our build?  what's that for?05:20
clarkbzaro: we were going to use it05:21
clarkbzaro: to remove that one project that that didn't get renamed properly05:21
clarkbbut then figured out it was better to do it directly05:21
zaroahh ok.  just wondering if it ever worked on 2.805:22
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clarkbI don't think it was tested05:26
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add 2 node experimental job to d-g
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add glance-upstream-translation-update
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AjaegerGood morning,06:30
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clarkbmordred please see bandersnatch bug. I am too tired to respond this late at night06:31
Ajaeger10hours ago was merged, it added new translation jobs, e.g. one for barbican.06:32
AjaegerBut none of this was run as part of the daily translation import. The jobs exist e.g.
AjaegerDoes it take longer for Zuul to update?06:33
Ajaegerclarkb: good night ;)06:33
clarkbno zuul should have updated but I am not much help now06:34
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Ajaegerclarkb: ok, I'll ask again once people are awake06:36
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add requests-mock package to global requirements
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mattoliverauI'm calling it a day, long flight to Germany tomorrow,  see those who are going to the mid-cycle in person soon :)07:26
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Ajaegermattoliverau: have a good trip!07:35
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add option to enable profiling
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding subsription model and DB API
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: StoryBoard scalable search
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Yield HTTPError reason on open error
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: StoryBoard search spec
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: StoryBoard scalable search
joayay, back for a new day of fighting zuul and jenkins o/09:20
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hasharjoa: what is wrong with it ? :D09:25
joahashar: I'm bad with it, seemingly.09:26
hasharlovely operator http://www.poneytelecom.eu09:27
joacan't manage to setup a working CI09:27
hasharI can probably guide you09:27
joahashar: hehe,  it's part of the company I think ?09:27
hasharI have set it up for Wikimedia09:27
joaoh good; so first of all which method did you use ? Jaypipes's scripts ?09:27
hasharI did it way before Jay wrote the tutorials for third parties09:28
joaokay, manually then or did you setup your own scripts ?09:28
hasharvia puppet :-D09:29
hashara config management system09:29
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hasharwhat is blocking you ?09:29
hasharI install directly from source09:29
hasharwith dependencies provided by Debian packages09:29
joaWell, I got zuul to be seemingly properly configured (debug log talking about events triggers and all), but it didn't link properly with jenkins09:29
hasharbut pip would work09:29
hasharZuul should have an embedded Gearman server09:30
joayup it has;  jenkins was saying "can connect"09:30
hasharthat listens on port 4370 and probably only on by default09:30
hasharthen Jenkins should have the Gearman Pluginwhich has a way to check whether it is properly connected09:31
hasharthen Jenkins, which becomes a Gearman worker, will register its jobs as Gearman function in Zuul gearman embedded server09:31
joayup, and that check said "ok"; just no jobs appearing on the jenkins09:31
hasharand you can list the registered functions using a hack09:31
hasharecho status|nc -q 3 localhost 473009:31
hasharthat should list the registered functions09:32
hashar(-q 3  is a 3 seconds timeout)09:32
hasharnote that Zuul spawn the Gearman embedded server by forking09:33
hasharso a ps f should yield something like:09:33
joaokay, so something is actually broken there. Got nothing out of the nc.09:33
hashar /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/zuul-server09:33
hashar  \_ /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/zuul-server09:33
hashar /usr/bin/python /usr/local/bin/zuul-merger -c /etc/zuul/zuul-merger.conf09:33
joaurgh; right.. The zuul server doesnt' start properly with service utilities..09:34
hashar(zuul merger is an independent process. Cant remember offhand how it talks with Zuul)09:34
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hasharI copy pasted their init script09:34
joalaunching manually works09:34
joaI loathe that init script.09:34
hasharyou will need the default files as well09:35
joawell, I don't even know how jaypipe's scripts install zuul :D Lemme check09:35
hasharthough it is only used to set the statsd host
hasharthe poor man "init script don't start" debug tool:   strace -f -s1024 /etc/init.d/zuul start09:36
hasharthat will dumps system calls09:36
hasharand sometime show you the error message09:36
hasharthere must be a smarter way to do it though :D09:36
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joalooking at strace's output right now09:38
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joalet's grep write(2 :D09:40
joaand I seem to get some tracebacks09:41
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joaoh a nice hidden perm denial on the logging...09:44
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add python-client installation to the mistral job
joawell, maybe because I started it as root earlier.09:45
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hasharjoa: ah possibly :D09:48
hasharmaybe the init script can be ^made to not redirect stderr to /dev/null09:48
joanow it seems to work.09:49
hasharwelllll done!09:49
joaahh how I hate permission management :D09:49
joahappily, I'm not a security guy o/09:49
hasharare you paranoid?09:49
joaSooo, in the nc output, any function worth mentionning ?09:49
joanot that much. I tend to see security as a matter of trust and care about privacy09:49
hasharthen you are not a security guy :D09:50
joaif you don't want any risk, don't do anything :D09:50
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hasharthe nc output yields the function registered in Gearman server09:50
hasharthey more or less bind to Jenkins jobs09:50
hasharif there is stuff there, that means Jenkins registered properly09:50
hasharand Zuul should be able to trigger the jobs09:50
hasharnow you have to try :D09:50
joawell, I have merger:merge, merger:update, zuul:get_running_jobs, stop:$IP, set_description:$IP, zuul:enqueue, zuul:promote and another one linked to a jobI manually defined in earlier attempts (didnt remove it yet)09:52
joahow should I see them in the jenkins UI ? I currently only see the manually defined job09:52
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joa(gearman plugin is okay)09:53
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joahashar: is the statsd required for zuul+jenkins to work properly ?09:56
hasharnot at all09:56
hasharit rely on the python module statsd .   Zuul attempts to load it but skip gracefully if it is not around09:57
hasharand even if the module is present, you need STATSD_HOST to be set09:57
hasharso by default, no statsd emitted09:57
hashartotally optional09:57
hasharentirely optional09:57
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hasharjoa: some functions registered in Zuul Gearman are internal to zuul09:58
hasharthe merger:*  comes from zuul-merger09:58
hasharzuul:* comes from Zuul scheduler (i.e. zuul-server )09:58
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hasharset_description is for Zuul to update the job description in Jenkins09:58
hasharan example at
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hasharriggered by change: 119940,1209:59
hasharBranch: master09:59
hasharPipeline: experimental09:59
hasharAll builds for this change...09:59
hasharand so on09:59
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hasharjoa: if you create a new job in Jenkins, it should be registered to Geraman server and you will see it in the debug command09:59
joaok so I should create jobs after that. I kind of thought it would be automagical and pop jobs.. Naivety willl kill me10:00
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joaIs there any parameter to set specifically for zuul or .. ?10:02
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hasharno parameters needed10:02
hasharthat is done internally10:02
joaSo I just set name, description and that's about it ?10:03
hasharthe Zuul scheduler will trigger a Gearman function with a bunch of parameters such as ZUUL_URL  ZUUL_CHANGE etc10:03
hasharthen Jenkins grab the job and all the parameters and set them as parameters to the build10:03
hasharwhich are then exposed as env variable10:03
hasharyou can try it with a dummy change10:03
hasharthat would  just:   export|fgrep ZUUL_10:03
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joahow do I trigger that dummy change ?10:05
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hashardepends on your zuul layout file I guess :D10:05
hasharsomething useful is to have a Zuul pipeline to react on comment posted in Gerrit10:06
joaI took jaypipes's for that10:06
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joait contains the proper events to react to10:06
joaso changes added and the comments with the right syntax10:07
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hasharThe pipeline "check" react to Gerrit event "comment-added"10:07
hasharand further match the comment to be (?i)^(Patch Set [0-9]+:)?( [\w\\+-]*)*(\n\n)?\s*recheck(( (?:bug|lp)[\s#:]*(\d+))|( no bug))\s*$10:07
joa(and removes all the nitty gritty stuff from the too big layout of openstack infra)10:07
hasharso that let folks comment "recheck no bug" on a change10:07
hasharand that act exactly like if a new patchset got pushed in gerrit10:07
joayup, I understood that part. Now I guess I have to check my zuul configuration again10:08
hashari guess10:08
hasharZuul server debug log might help10:08
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hasharjoa: wikimedia layout is at
hasharit is a bit messy though10:09
hasharcoffee break brb10:09
joadoes the debug log say wether it could associate a trigger and a job?10:09
hasharmaybe :D  can't remember10:09
hasharI haven't looked at the debug log for quite a long time10:09
joaI see triggers but nothing about the associated job.10:09
joaAlso, is it an issue if the zuul.log contains lot of warnings for unmanaged projects ?10:10
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joaSo I only have the check pipeline in my layout; with only one project openstack-dev/sandbox (for which check starts a noop-check-communication)10:12
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hasharjoa: unmanaged projects would be projects in Gerrit but not described in layout10:16
hasharor the other side around, i.e. described in layout but not in Gerrit10:16
hasharZuul-merger will clone the repositories described in layout10:17
hasharthen when a patch is proposed, the event reach Zuul server10:17
hasharwhich call a gearman function to realize a merge of that patch on the tip of the branch10:17
hasharthat gearman function is grabbed by the Zuul-merger which craft the merge commit10:17
hasharand report back with the git URL to fetch the change from and the refs / commit10:18
joaand the actual jenkins job is configured on the first time it's triggered ?10:18
hasharthen that is passed down to the job which should :  git clone $ZUUL/PROJECT && git fetch $ZUUL_URL $ZUUL_REF && git checkout FETCH_HEAD10:18
hasharor something like that10:18
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hasharthe job need to be configured manually in jenkins10:19
hasharZuul does not magically create the jobs10:19
joaYeah but I mean.10:19
joaI created a Job  (name/desc only)10:19
joaHow do I tell zuul or jenkins to use that one for the triggers ?10:19
joais it name-related ?10:19
hasharyeah that is the name of the job10:19
joalike I should use the same name as the one is the zuul project ?10:19
hasharneed to be defined in zuul layout.yaml10:19
hasharsomething like:10:19
hashar - project:10:20
hashar   name: dev/sandbox10:20
hashar   check:10:20
hashar      - noop-check-communication10:20
hasharthen reload Zuul10:20
hasharit will now know it about dev/sandbox and if an event happen in Gerrit for that repo it is processed by the check pipeline10:20
joaokay so I should create a dev/sandbox job in jenkins for this kind of layout project ?10:21
hasharnot sure I got that10:21
joahow can I put it...10:21
joaTo link the jenkins job and the zuul layout10:22
joain your example, there is a zuul layout project "dev/sandbox"10:22
hasharthat is the name of the Gerrit repository10:22
joayup; but is the name relevant jenkins-side ?10:22
hasharnot at all10:22
hasharthe gerrit project name will be passed to the job as ZUUL_PROJECT10:23
joaCan I name it "my test job" and it should work; or should I name it dev/sandbox too ?10:23
hasharhere an example for mediawiki/core
hasharline 963 is a jenkins job named  php-composer-validate10:23
hasharthat can be triggered by different project10:23
joaI think I get it.10:24
hasharthe parameters are described at
joaI'm now thinking: for beginners like me with zuul/jenkins; that might actually be the most important point: how components interact in openstack's testing infra10:24
hasharand there is a lame description to configure theJenkins git plugin at
joaI don't remember reading such details10:25
hasharI don't think there is any documentation explaining the big picture10:25
hasharmaybe some blog posts10:25
joaI think it would be really worthwhile10:25
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joabecause as I didn't understand how it works between components, I was kind of lost10:26
hasharmight want to ask again later this afternoon when US folks show up10:26
hasharor ask on the  openstack-infra mailing list  (you might want to subscribe to it)10:27
jedimikequick nodepool question: when do nodes get deleted? is it they've been used for a single zuul job?10:27
joaokay, soo. now to trigget some things.10:27
hasharthat is where folks talk about zuul/jjb/nodepool/devstack etc10:27
joahashar: I'm subscribed there, yeah didn't really ask yet10:27
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hasharjedimike: I have no idea sorry :(10:27
hasharjoa: is a good read as well :D10:28
jedimikehashar, no problem, I can't find anything in the docs that specifies it, reading the code to figure it out now :)10:28
joaokay thanks10:28
hasharjedimike: has a bunch of related files.10:29
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hasharjedimike: and has a method that sets OFFLINE_NODE_WHEN_COMPLETE
hasharjedimike: that might be used to unregister theJenkins slave on the instance10:30
hasharjedimike: then somehow NodePool probably detect the job has been completed on the node then eventually trigger the deletion10:30
hasharjedimike: if you find anything, might need some additions :-]10:31
jedimikeyeah I think it might :)10:31
joaWell, nothing seems to be triggered. I might be missing some things...10:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Disable ssh/scp password authentication during tests
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x1b2jhi everyone, i have an issue while launching the vm, while using docker as a hypervisor in openstack. i am getting the following error :11:02
x1b2j Error: Failed to launch instance "centos": Please try again later [Error: No valid host was found. ].11:03
x1b2jthe nova-scheduler logs can be found at :
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x1b2jplease, help. thanks.11:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add subunit2sql to openstack-infra
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Ajaegerx1b2j: Please ask on #openstack. This channel is for running the OpenStack infrastructure itself11:08
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support the Store SCM plugin
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create git repo and jenkins jobs for oslo.utils
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Sprinkle in more USE_IRONIC to TripleO jobs
x1b2jAjaeger: sorry for the trouble, and thanks for pointing out the mistake.11:13
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix neutron func job sudo config.
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add option to edit ceilometer notification topics
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding Search endpoints and sqlalchemy impl
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joahashar: I think I got what I missed.12:24
joadid not configure git in the job I manually created. That being said; I feel like my ssh key doesn't work...12:24
hasharjoa: ah12:24
hasharjoa: you might need to manually accept some ssh fingerprint12:25
joamhh I cant clone actually. We agree that the proper gerrit URI is ssh://   ?12:26
hasharno clue :D12:26
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hashartry to su as the user running zuul12:26
hasharthen ssh -p 29418  JohnDoe@review.openstack.org12:27
hasharreplacing JohnDoe with whatever12:27
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joawhelp. key issue it seems. strange; I was sure it was working12:30
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joaah. made it work.12:31
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create the glance.stores repo
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sdagueso for when folks wake up - the rax mirror issue is now our top reset issue - Bug 1286818 - Ubuntu mirror periodically inconsistent causing gate build failures12:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1286818 in openstack-ci "Ubuntu mirror periodically inconsistent causing gate build failures" [Low,Triaged]
sdagueBug 1286818 - Ubuntu mirror periodically inconsistent causing gate build failures12:34
sdague211 fails in 24hrs / 282 fails in 14 days12:34
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AjaegerThat's quite an increase ;(12:35
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fungifun stuff12:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: propose_translation_update: Handle .tx/config in git
joahashar: one last question about the git repo URL... I must (at least) configure one job per git repository to be checked, right ?12:39
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create the glance.stores repo
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Quiet output
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sdaguefungi: so seems to have picked up steam12:45
sdaguehow different is our vcsrepo from the upstream?12:45
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: yum grouplist response on F20 is lower case
sdaguecould we cut over? because clearly based on the os-loganalyze fail yesterday, the exec signal doesn't seem to work reliably on ours12:45
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fungijedimike: nodepool deletes nodes as quickly as it can after the jobs which ran on them complete, so that it can free up available quota for new workers. the faster it does that, the more jobs we can run12:50
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jedimikefungi, that's what I thought, the problem we're having is when we're under load, it can take up to 10 minutes to delete a node12:50
sdaguefungi: I wonder if we've got a load balance issue with not enough trusty in the mix12:50
sdaguebecause we seem to have idle capacity, but still waiting on nodes for 20 - 30 mins12:51
sdaguethough the massive mirror fails mean a ton of churn12:51
fungisdague: i suspect we need to re-tune the min-ready counts on some of our labels downward. i'll look at the breakdown in a bit. also possible we have nodes stuck in ready/building which the jenkins masters lost track of12:52
fungias for vcsrepo, we had a fundamental design difference, in that we needed to be able to specify particular git refs, and they wanted to be able to be vcs-agnostic which meant lowest-common-denominator featureset, which left our use case out in the cold. could have changes since though12:53
sdaguefungi: ok, good point12:53
sdaguewell it looks like they started merging a ton of stuff in the last 2 months12:53
sdagueand it's now "officially supported" for git12:53
sdaguewith a 1.0.1 release12:53
sdagueso maybe it would be a good time to reengage12:53
fungijedimike: we've seen providers be slow to react to nova delete calls, or outright ignore them. nodepool periodically retries to delete and eventually manages to do so except in some rare cases where nova gets wedged at the provider12:54
sdaguebecause all those edge cases in it not working right kind of suck12:54
fungijedimike: you might also check your nodepool log for error replies coming back from the nova api calls which could mention things like your api calls getting rate-limited. there is a delay parameter you can tweak per-provider in the nodepool config to keep from running afoul of api rate limits (which seem to vary between providers)12:55
flaper87sdague: when did you start seeing glance's deadlocks in the gate? Did something change in the gate? multiworker ?12:56
fungisdague: which specific edge cases do we have for it not working? i've probably either forgotten or missed discussion12:56
sdagueflaper87: multi worker12:56
sdagueit corolates very highly to multiwork enabling12:57
jedimikefungi, thanks, we had some quota issues last week, but they've been sorted now. I think I need to do some log parsing to see exactly where the delays are with the deletes. Cheers!12:57
flaper87I'm digging into it but at first glance it's not clear to me what is causing that error12:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add new stackforge project, rack
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flaper87sdague: ok, I'll dig into it deeper12:57
sdagueflaper87: do you have a functional test that tries to do metadata updates simultaneously?12:57
sdaguebecause that's when it seems to be happening12:58
flaper87sdague: we don12:58
flaper87sdague: we don't but I'll start adding one12:58
flaper87I think I know why it's happening12:58
sdagueflaper87: yeh, I think if you build that, the reproduce will be pretty easy12:58
sdaguefungi: well yesterday when we landed a bunch of os-loganalyze patches this - clearly didn't happen13:00
sdagueuntil clarkb deleted the whole tree13:00
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fungisdague: did he mention what error he was hitting? the biggest problem i've witnessed is on older clones where we still had origin set to github and then github flakes out13:01
sdaguefungi: I don't know13:01
fungivcsrepo doesn't (by default) change your remotes13:01
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fungiso if you delete the whole clone, it re-clones from the configured origin13:01
sdagueit looked like the local repo was at the right hash13:01
sdaguebut the egg was not13:01
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sdaguewhich makes me think there is an issue with the update signalling13:02
sdagueand... I feel like I've seen that before13:02
fungioh. in those cases i'm not sure it's vcsrepo. i've suspected something going on somehwere else in puppet/pbr/pip but haven't pinned it down13:02
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fungiunfortunately puppet's logging of stdout/stderr from exec calls is abhorrent13:03
sdagueso I don't know why it didn't happen, but it would be good to fix, because right now we think we have CD and... we seem not to13:03
Ajaegerfungi: Yesterday was merged, it added new translation jobs, e.g. one for barbican.13:03
AjaegerBut none of this was run as part of the daily translation import. The jobs exist e.g.
AjaegerThey're also not run as part of the post jobs.13:03
sdagueso every land is going to require babysitting13:03
Ajaegerany ideas?13:03
fungimy guess is that vcsrepo does actually emit the update event, but then puppet's refresh/subscribe exec hits some error and dies. then doesn't get retried until the next time the branch updates13:04
fungisdague: ^13:04
fungiAjaeger: looking13:04
Ajaegerfungi, thanks13:04
sdaguefungi: ah, gotcha13:04
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sdaguefungi: maybe it would be nice for vcsrepo to have a post call directly in it13:05
sdagueor.... we could create a post-receive hook in the repo?13:05
fungisdague: yeah, maybe the new one can do that and skip puppet's exec orchestration entirely. as we've already observed, puppet is not great at orchestration, and is designed more for config management13:06
fungipuppet does well when you have a state you want things in and can specify that state. however if you want to have something done as a result of something else, not so well adapted i'm afraid13:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Update _route method usage
fungiAjaeger: so, per the current zuul configuration, that job should have been triggered at 06:00 utc13:08
Ajaegerbut it wasn't ;(13:10
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fungi should have added it to the zuul configuration shortly after 20:54 utc yesterday when it merged13:14
fungizuul's statuc page indicates it's definitely reloaded its config since then, but i'll double-check the timeline from its logs13:14
fungishowed up in a config reload at 21:10:07 according to zuul.log13:16
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove puppet-dashboard.o.o from cacti
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fungiAjaeger: seems this happened when it tried to run...
fungichecking now to see when jjb finished adding the job to jenkins.o.o13:20
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding api events notifier and listener
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fungier, sorry, i'm having bounce problems with my paste button...
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fungidrwxr-xr-x 4 jenkins nogroup  4096 Jul 10 21:25 barbican-propose-translation-update13:22
fungiso for whatever reason, it didn't manage to register it with gearman when it added the job...13:22
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding subsription model and DB API
Ajaegeroops ;(13:24
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Adding api events notifier and listener
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix for last updated property of a story
fungiit looks like maybe jjb created the job configuration at 21:25 yesterday, but didn't manage to get it into the jenkins service until around 06:24 this morning...
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Ajaegerso, it should run tomorrow - great...13:26
joafungi o/ I'm still running with infra questions :D13:27
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fungiAjaeger: ahh, found a traceback in the jenkins.log on the master13:28
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Enabled hacking check H404
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fungizomg it's the traceback that never ends13:32
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create the glance.stores repo
Ajaegerfungi: - the job is running now!13:32
AjaegerSo, that part looks fine!13:32
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Migrate to oslo.db
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fungiAjaeger: so if you want to see a fun java traceback or two, here's what happened on the jenkins master when it tried to apply that job after the initial jjb run...
AjaegerNot sure I want ;)13:39
fungiit looks like a subsequent jjb run shortly after 06:00 worked, but as a result the job wasn't registered yet when the other periodics kicked off at 06:0013:40
Ajaegerfungi, was there an error in my patch?13:40
fungiAjaeger: no, i think there's an error in jenkins13:40
AjaegerThe barbican-upstream-translation-update job that was part of the patch set is now registered.13:41
AjaegerSee above13:41
AjaegerDo you think it's healed now?13:41
fungiAjaeger: looks like it...
fungithat shows that the job is now registered in gearman and associated with the proposal worker13:43
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Ajaegerfungi: Good! I'll monitor the next days again and speak up if it does not work...13:43
Ajaegerfungi: thanks!13:43
fungijoa: so what were your questions?13:44
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joaWell, I *think* I fixed the zuul part; but I'm still wondering what can I use to _check_ whether a trigger is properly associated to a configured check; and whether it's properly associated to a jenkins-configured job13:45
joabecause zuul seems alright; jenkins too; but the link between the twoo.. I'm not so sure13:45
Ajaegerfungi: I noticed that glance was only running one of the two translation jobs so added this one:
AjaegerNow time for a break, talk to you later again13:45
AjaegerDesignate translation post-job has been run successfully as well ;)13:47
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fungijoa: so... the nc trick hashar showed you to connect to the gearman server and enumerate the registered jobs... do you not see any of your jenkins jobs showing up in that output?13:49
joaI do see the jenkins job configured in there13:49
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joabut when I comment on a sandbox patchset13:49
joa(with a recheck)13:50
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fungiokay, so it sounds like the jenkins master is connecting to zuul's gearman server correctly13:50
joano job is run13:50
joayeah; the "testing button" in the configure UI said the connection was okay13:50
fungiin your zuul debug log, do you see it mention noticing an event for the change coming from your gerrit event stream?13:50
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fungiif so, then the event stream is hooked up correctly... you should be able to see details of the event in your debug log including project name. you'll want to make sure that project exists exactly as listed in your zuul layout.yaml13:51
joaWell, I see events in the debug log, for sure13:52
fungiproject names in zuul's layout are expected to be an exact match for the project name included in a gerrit event13:53
joalemme clean up logs and restart the things; for a clean view13:53
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fungijoa: you should be able to search the debug log for the change number13:53
joaso openstack-dev/sandbox ; for the sandbox repo ?13:53
fungier, yep13:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/release-tools: Fix issues in swift support
fungijoa: if you point me to the sandbox change you commented on, i can tell you what the event for your comment looks like in our zuul logs13:54
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joaokay (Had some zuul-server zombies running, prevented me from restarting properly, cleaning it up)13:56
joa -> Saw events pop in the log13:58
joaI guess the next events were triggered by the other CI systems commenting their results13:59
fungiyep, you'll get events for everything happening in gerrit13:59
joaso I see the events properly, but no idea why it doesn't trigger anything within my jenkins14:00
fungizuul has to filter through those to find the events it cares about14:00
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fungiokay, so the next question... can you stick your current layout.yaml on and give me the url?14:00
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: thank you for +A 10592614:01
fungithat way we can see whether your triggers are associated with a pipeline which is included for the project of interest14:01
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fungijoa: okay, so i think i see the issue. your comment_filter isn't going to match on any gerrit 2.8 comments. it looks like it was written for back when openstack was still running gerrit 2.414:03
joadarn :D14:03
fungiwe have a newer comment filter in our layout.yaml... link coming14:04
joaoh okay14:04
joaI'm sad now :D14:04
fungijoa: don't be sad... rejoice in
joathat's because I'm thinking of all that time spent trying to understand an "obvious" issue for those who know :D14:05
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funginewer gerrit versions include a header in the comment message which includes the patchset number and votes (if any) accompanying the comment14:05
joaI should only take recheck, reverify, and modify the one with the vendor-specific recheck ?14:06
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fungiyou can actually see the full text of the comment in the gerrit event, but it may not have been intuitive to compare your regex against it (or realize that it needed to match multi-line outut)14:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Be verbose in gate hoook for requirements job
fungiand yeah, you'll notice that basically what we changed in those regular expressions was to prepend ^(Patch Set [0-9]+:)?( [\w\\+-]*)*(\n\n)?14:08
fungito absorb the header and blank line separating it from the comment text14:08
joayeah, noticed that14:09
fungiso in theory that's all your old regexes need to be modified to account for14:09
joathe older one identified a different line starter so obviously, couldnt work14:09
fungibasically, we ran into the same problem when preparing to upgrade from gerrit 2.4 to 2.8 a few months ago14:10
joaShould a 3rd-party manage both rechecks* and reverify ?14:10
fungiand jaypipes's blog examples probably predate that14:10
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joaYeah I guess14:10
joawell, he obviously says wip14:10
joabut I didnt think of dating issues; as his article is pretty-much the only one actually talking about all that14:10
fungijoa: i suspect that third-party ci, for the most part, doesn't need to care about the gate pipeline at all, nor about reverify comments (that's all associated with changes which have already been approved)14:11
joaI need to type down some of the issues I've encountered to prepare a small caveat/howto14:11
joaOkay so I'll remove it.14:11
fungithe check pipeline is where changes are getting triggered while they're still in review14:11
joaShould I remove the gate pipeline altogether from my layout then ?14:11
fungii would14:11
joaokay I'll do it14:12
joathe simpler the better :D14:12
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fungibut given that i don't run a third-party ci system, i can't say for certain there's no value in having it14:12
joawell, I'll add it if need be14:12
fungiit just seems to me to be unlikely to be of much benefit14:12
joait will be simpler then14:12
joaOokay.. time to comment things then14:13
fungijoa: the other third-party ci operators would probably also love to hear a report from you in their next weekly irc meeting too, since they may be struggling with similar configuration issues14:13
joawhen is infra's meeting ?14:14
joakind of on holidays from the 16th :p14:14
fungithe openstack project infrastructure team meets in irc on tuesdays at 19:00 utc, but there's a third-party ci ad hoc group which i believe conducts weekly meetings too14:14
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fungiand i was referring to the latter14:14
joaOhhh.. something appeared on jenkins \o/14:14
joaoh okay14:15
joaso I'd need to find out their timeslot14:15
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joaThanks. I should bookmark that.14:15
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fungiappears to be mondays at 180014:16
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Kiallfungi - We've got changes Anne wanted for publishing Designate docs ready to go - Are you happy to approve ? (Rendered docs are @ )14:19
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joaWell, the build fails14:19
joabut it should prove to be easier to fix :D14:19
joahaem "build" is a big word though :D14:20
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openstackgerritSergey Reshetnyak proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add cm_api to global requirements
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fungisdague: watching zuul status progress and checking the nodepool label balance, it looks like nodepool's assignment algorithm is currently favoring devstack-trusty over bare-trusty and so the former is getting assigned slightly ahead of the latter (by as much as a few minutes). that could just be due to the lag in building replacement nodes causing some minor balance issues in the demand calculations.14:25
fungii don't currently see that it's skewed enough to warrant any modifications though14:25
fungidevstack-precise seems to lag behind a bit as well (so stable branch changes are waiting a bit longer in check than master branch changes)14:26
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fungibut really, the devstack nodes getting assigned sooner is probably helpful anyway since the jobs we run on those tend to take longer on average than those we run on bare nodes14:27
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fungiand i found no obvious signs nodepool was unhealthy... no appreciable number of nodes stuck in a ready state, none stuck in building or used14:28
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sdaguefungi: yeh, it didn't seem major14:28
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sdagueit was a slight imbalance14:28
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joaOkay so the issue of the build seems to lie in bad git setup :o14:30
fungijoa: so many moving parts. it's a wonder we keep any of it working ;)14:31
fungisdague: the gate definitely looks much healthier after that postgres tuning patch14:31
joaWell that's what I discussed with hashar; I felt like the few docs I could have read14:31
joadidnt really cover much of the interactions between the components of the CI infra14:31
joaso it was really hard to guess where the issue was coming from14:32
hasharJay tutorials probably deserve an update14:32
hasharwould be rather tnice to have a third party section at http://ci.openstack.org14:32
fungijoa: the slide presentations try to address some of that at a higher conceptual level, but like most slide presentations sort of skip over some of the detail so we can fit them into typical conference talk slots14:32
hasharah there is
joaSure, though not being a pupet expert (more like noobish-dont-wanna-touch-that), I miss  some things.14:32
sdaguefungi: yeh... well now we're bouncing on the rax mirror14:32
sdaguenot nearly so bad14:32
sdaguebut still pretty bad14:33
joabut I might do a small complementary write-up to accompany jaypipe's article14:33
fungisdague: agreed, i'm digging up the contact info i have for the rax ubuntu mirror sysadmin to see if he can shed any light on it (if he's still the same one running it)14:33
fungijoa: it would be really, really awesome if you, jaypipes and others collaborated on updating
fungijoa: getting that changed to be a comprehensive writeup of setting up the tools the openstack infrastructure team actively maintains would be much more useful in that document than the current pointer to the gerrit trigger plugin for jenkins (which we really don't use at all and can't provide any decent help on)14:36
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Added devstack job for manila
joafungi: yup agreed. Thanks for pointing the right document :)14:36
joathis rst also goes through gerrit, right ?14:37
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fungijoa: as great as it is that people blog about their experiences and configurations, blogs slide into a stale state and pointing newcomers to a disjoint pile of blog post urls isn't nearly so helpful14:37
fungiand yep, that repository is managed through gerrit just like the rest of our projects14:38
joayup, that's the issue with blogs. You need a recent one :p14:38
fungiand the documentation in it is continuously deployed to the website14:38
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create the repo
joaor you need a real stable project, not a developping one :p14:38
joaShould I do some blueprint/bug report before submitting a patch on a rst ?14:38
fungijoa: nah, just edit the file, send it into and let reviewers pick it apart or approve it as needed14:39
joaI'm still not exactly at ease with the gerrit system (cnotably the conditions before submitting and the branch naming to submit too)14:39
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fungijoa: seen ?14:40
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joayup, might need to refresh my memory though14:40
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fungiwe write a tool called git-review which tries to automate and simplify submitting patches to gerrit as much as possible. that wiki talks about it at length14:41
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joaused it once currently, to submit a spec for cinder :)14:41
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joaI just don't know how to name the branches out of my mind yet14:41
joafor cinder it was to be related with the blueprint so it was easy enough14:42
fungii usually just pick an arbitrary branch name for my local topic branch when writing a patch for something. and then typically delete that once i send it to review. the topic names aren't terribly important in most cases14:43
joawell, works for me, if most of the cases it has no impact14:43
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fungiif you're writing a patch in reference to a blueprint or bug report and mention it with an appropriate header in the commit message, we even have hooks which automagically reset the topic name in gerrit to bp/something or bug/something14:44
fungiso you generally don't have to worry about the topic much14:44
joaoh okay14:44
joagood then14:44
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joaI like automagic things14:45
fungialso, the new version of gerrit we're running lets you edit the topic separately from pushing a change, via api or webui, so it's easily corrected if needed14:45
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joaI remember DuncanT and anteaya checking that for an issue in cinder14:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Give PTLs permission to create branches
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Removing unused jenkins_slave script
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joaStrangely, it seems that the job tries to retrieve an inexistant reference in the repository...15:04
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add tuskar-ui to projects.txt
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fungijoa: it's possible your job is not trying to retrieve the ref from your zuul merger15:05
joafungi: zuul is the one doing the merges of the branches for each job, right ? And then jenkins must just connect to that local repo and retrieve the refs ?15:05
joayup, I configured the review.o.o repository, originally. but if it must use zuul's...15:05
fungijoa: zuul provides parameters which show up in the job's calling environment, including the ref and url to use for checkout15:05
joathen it's another talk :D15:05
joayeah, I had set the ZUUL_COMMIT and another one15:06
fungithat's the reason the zuul merger exists. it calculates and serves a special git reference for you to pull into your worker's git clone15:06
joamight have been mistaken on some config15:06
fungiZUUL_URL is the parameter which tells you the merger url to use (it's a parameter because zuul is designed to potentially coordinate a farm of multiple mergers on separate machines if needed)15:07
joaso I must set ${ZUUL_URL} in the repo ?15:07
joaokaay that's the point wher eI was wrong.15:07
fungijoa: you might want to use this script (it's what we use)...
joawhere do you use/set it ?15:08
fungiwe wrap it in this jjb macro (at the top of the macros.yaml)
joaandd that must be part of the slave's configuration; not the master's, right ?15:10
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fungithen you can just add it as one of the first builders in your job definition, for example
fungithat script needs to be on the slave (we use puppet to put it on our slave snapshot images ahead of time, but you just need some way of getting it onto the worker before being called)15:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Remove mirror testing from the integration script
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Fix the requirements for a django library
joaMhh I will need to actually redo a few things I think, in the end.15:12
joaif only to have the deployment tools with it15:12
fungimost of our job and job-template definitions you'll find in start off calling our gerrit-git-prep builder macro15:13
joalemme check what I currently have within my conf15:13
fungithat gets the workspace set up with the appropriate change already checked out, as built by your zuul merger15:13
joamhh only have the devstack checkout, and log-related macros15:14
fungithat way the rest of your job can just assume the right commit is in place, and you don't have to worry about using separate mechanisms like the jenkins git plugin or anything15:14
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joaI wonder if the openstack-infra repository could have some "up-to-date ready-scripts and configurations" for 3rd party CI deployments15:15
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add cross-project unit tests for oslo libraries
fungioh, if you're running devstack-gate based jobs, it has a similar mechanism already built into the devstack-gate workspace setup15:15
joawell, not yet. But planned to.15:15
joasince I shall CI two cinder drivers, in the end15:15
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fungidevstack-gate's is like a very complicated extension of gerrit-git-prep which handles making sure all the other projects you're running integration tests with are also checked out to the appropriate branches (or zuul refs too in the case of dependent pipelines like our gate, but that's less of a concern for third-party ci i think)15:16
dhellmannjeblair, fungi, clarkb, sdague : when you have a few minutes, I would appreciate feedback on ^^, esp. w.r.t. test job proliferation for some of the more widely used libraries15:16
dhellmannmordred: you, too, if you have time today ^^15:16
joafungi: Well, if I could easily, I'd love to have a similar setup to the Openstack infra, with only the few required jobs enabled.15:17
anteayajoa: improving tooling for third party ci systems is part of the stated goals of the third party meeting15:18
joabut easily is a term really.. simple for my situation :D15:18
anteayain terms of "who should be working on that" the answer is the third party ci group15:18
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joaI guess it's hard to cover too much in just one hour15:21
anteayajeblair: we have a line up of +1's and two +2's on the patch about ensuring third party ci's don't comment on certain repos, I really would like to have your input before it merges:
anteayajoa: yes it is15:21
anteayabut the meetings can track progress of what needs to be addressed and who will work on it15:21
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jeblairdhellmann: that's about how many jobs a devstack-gate change triggers :/.  it's not ideal, but i think it's within the bounds of reason and what we expected when we discussed it at the summit15:22
anteayathe meetings serve as a discussion so common goals can be identifyed15:22
anteayaand work divided up15:22
anteayajoa: please add an item to next week's third party meeting agenda to discuss your goals15:22
anteayathat way we ensure it gets some discussion time15:22
dhellmannjeblair: yeah, I'm not thrilled with the resource consumption. :-/ I considered managing the list manually to projects either with known issues or that we know exercise a library particularly well, but I wanted to look at what the full matrix looked like first.15:23
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joaWell, I might not make it to the two next meetings sadly15:24
anteayajoa: okay that is fair15:24
anteayacan you add it to an agenda in future?15:25
joaunless I can put up a subject and leave discussion to you, but it does not seem quite fair to me15:25
anteayano, it won't have your input15:25
jeblairanteaya: hrm, i think i mentioned this when you first proposed this, but i don't like the idea of an exclusion list.  i think third-party ci folks should either be invited or should ask projects if they would be welcome first.15:25
joamhh I could, where should I add it ?15:25
anteayait works best if you kick off the discussion if it is your agenda item15:25
jeblairanteaya: having said that, if you think the list is necessary, it should include "openstack-infra/*"15:25
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anteayajeblair: I can make that change15:25
anteayaI do like introducing the policy of ask first15:26
anteayabut it will be a new policy since we don't have that yet15:26
jeblairanteaya: i'm not so sure15:26
anteayaI'm listening15:26
jeblairanteaya: the projects that have the bulk of third party systems already have asked15:26
krtaylorjoa, yes, please add agenda item, we'll discuss, I believe I am chairing the meeting next week15:26
jeblairanteaya: they issued policies like "if you want your driver code in, you have to run a ci system"15:26
jeblairanteaya: i consider that an open invitation15:26
anteayaasked to comment, before adding repos to their testing system?15:27
joakrtaylor: I was just saying I'd not be here :D15:27
fungidhellmann: the explosive job matrix additions are on projects which receive far fewer changes/patchsets though (i think) and as such should contribute appreciable additional overall load15:27
anteayakrtaylor: yes please15:27
krtaylorjoa, nm, I just saw you wouldnt be there15:27
anteayajeblair: ah yes, that is true15:27
krtaylorjoa, join us when you can15:27
anteayajeblair: but testing devstack?15:27
joathing is the time isn't quite practical for me, but I can still arrange to be at a few meetings15:27
anteayasomeone was testing devstack and mtreinish didn't know why15:27
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anteayajeblair: so that person had not asked mtreinish prior to commenting on devstack patches15:28
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: iptables on fedora
jeblairanteaya: yeah, would have been nice if they did :)15:28
dhellmannfungi: good point, and that'll be true for libs like oslo.i18n and oslo.config, but less for oslo.messaging and oslo.db, where I expect more opportunities for breaking changes, so we want those tests anyway15:28
joaanteaya: krtaylor: Should I add it for a "pending subjects for future meetings" ?15:28
anteayathat is the case I am trying to address15:28
joathis way if someone wants to take up the subject, it can still be done ?15:28
anteayaand I do think that governance should never have third party ci comments15:28
anteayajoa: you can, sure15:29
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krtayloranteaya, I am still planning on having a meeting, although it may be sparse due to mid-cycle15:30
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krtaylorjoa, yes please15:30
anteayakrtaylor: oh yes, please, I have been counting on you having a meeting15:30
anteayaand mestery is working on an email to flag errant systems instructing them to show up on monday15:30
anteayaso actually you might (hopefully) have a bit of a crowd15:30
mesteryanteaya: ++15:30
krtaylorjeblair, anteaya re: devstack testing, powerkvm needs to test these components and report on them, they are frequently the worst offenders for doing something platform specific15:31
anteayaI don't quite understand the point of your last statement yet krtaylor15:31
anteayacan you try me again?15:31
krtaylormestery, excellent, and you'll be there I presume? :)15:31
krtayloranteaya, I don't think we should list components that shouldnt be commented on15:32
anteayakrtaylor: help me understand why?15:32
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krtayloranteaya, because if we find problems, it is easier to get the fix in before merge15:33
fungii'm guessing the point was that some developers have an interest in providing feedback on whether devstack changes will break its ability to run on powerkvm?15:33
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krtayloranteaya,  and with a new platform, there are usually assumptions made about the existing platforms15:33
fungiis there powerkvm-specific support in devstack itself?15:34
anteayakrtaylor: help me understand why your system should ever be allowed to comment on the governance repo15:34
krtaylorfungi, exactly15:34
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krtaylorfungi, no specific, but fixes that were made to be more general to work cross-platform15:34
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anteayakrtaylor: if you are wanted to test devstack, do you feel it would be appropriate to request permission from the qa ptl prior to doing so?15:34
krtayloranteaya, ok, that is a good example15:35
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anteayakrtaylor: okay so we can agree that governance should never have third party ci comments15:35
krtayloranteaya, absolutely not, that would be a given15:35
krtayloranteaya, well it should be a given15:35
krtayloryes, governance is good  :)15:35
anteayaokay, if that is our only repo then I am willing to edit the patch to reflect that15:35
anteayaand other repos we agree on15:36
krtayloranteaya, yes, and I should be flogged for not reviewing yet15:36
anteayaand currently we don't agree that devstack-gate belongs in that list15:36
mesterykrtaylor: Yes, I'll be tehre!15:36
krtaylormestery, perfect15:36
anteayakrtaylor: no, I'm too tired of flogging, you don't even make my list15:36
* krtaylor heads to reviews15:37
joaanteaya: krtaylor: Does it sound too much for a meeting's subject ? I might have been too detailed there, but at least I won't forget.15:38
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anteayajeblair: do you agree that governance should not have third party ci comments on it?15:41
anteayajoa: a bit much for an agenda15:41
anteayaI suggest lines 1-3 and then a link to this paste15:42
jeblairanteaya: of course it should not15:42
krtaylorjoa, some of that is already covered, but we could improve pointing to good sources of information15:42
anteayajeblair: great, so I'll change the patch to just list the governance repo?15:43
jeblairanteaya: huh, what why?15:43
anteayaand we can merge that?15:43
anteayawhy document that the governance repo shouldn't have third party comments on it?15:43
jeblairanteaya: that seems to suggest that's the only repo third party systems may not comment on, which is not the case15:43
fungii think the "which third parties are allowed to submit verify votes" issue is already fairly settled. as to which are allowed to post comments, filtering of those comments (such as with jeblair's toggle) seems a more relevant solution that adding more bureaucratic policy15:43
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jeblairanteaya: it _is_ the case that third party systems are only permitted to comment on repos if their projects (as represented by their ptls) want it15:44
anteayaa governance patch with a third party ci comment on it15:44
openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Amend e-r for bug 1286818
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1286818 in openstack-ci "Ubuntu mirror periodically inconsistent causing gate build failures" [Low,Triaged]
anteayajeblair: okay, well that isn't documented15:44
jeblairanteaya: it's understood15:45
anteayajeblair: and not known that that is the case amoung the ci or the ptls15:45
fungianteaya: that seems like a misconfiguration to me. i'm not sure adding policy is going to stop people from misconfiguring their systems15:45
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anteayajeblair: you understand it15:45
anteayafungi: sure it is15:45
joaanteaya: alright for the link to paste.  krtaylor: I'll leave it in the paste, it will be a good reminder to add the proper pointers for the parts that are already done/present/existing/up-to-date.15:45
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anteayabut how to communicate that15:45
anteayaI guarentee the third party ci folks don't have that understanding15:46
jeblairanteaya: yeah, i know why you're doing this15:46
krtaylorjoa, please add the link to the wiki agenda for the next meeting15:46
anteayajeblair: so if we don't like my approach that is fine, I can abandon15:46
krtaylorjoa, and lets discuss and assign actions :)15:46
anteayabut I do feel we need something since I am feeling there is a gap15:46
jeblairanteaya: what i don't understand is why you decided to drop openstack-infra/* from the exclusion list15:46
anteayaand I would like to close it15:47
* krtaylor needs to find time to address his actions15:47
anteayajeblair: oh15:47
anteayadid I drop it, I don't know as it was ever in the patch15:47
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jeblair15:43 < anteaya> jeblair: great, so I'll change the patch to just list the governance repo?15:47
joakrtaylor: Sure, I don't plan to assign or validate actions myself, those are just my ideas as of now :)15:47
fungieducating people on why they're commenting on changes and how to identify appropriate changes to comment on seems more likely to work out than just adding larger and larger bodies of laws on what you can't comment on15:47
openstackgerritBrianna Poulos proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add python-barbicanclient
anteayajeblair: oh because some folks want to be able to test devstack15:48
jeblairanteaya: devstack is not in openstack-infra15:48
jeblairanteaya: i am not its ptl15:48
anteayabut I can edit the patch to include openstack-infra/* and not just devstack-gate15:48
anteayajeblair: k15:48
jeblairanteaya: i am not weighing in on whether people test devstack15:49
jeblairanteaya: devstack-gate is in infra15:49
anteayajeblair: fair enough15:49
fungioperators who don't know how to identify the right projects to put in their configuration likely also are just copy/pasting configuration from somewhere else that they don't understand anyway, so a punitive policy telling them it's wrong isn't much help if they don't know what they configured to begin with15:49
jeblairanteaya: third party systems are not welcome to comment on it15:49
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anteayafungi: I agree with that15:49
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anteayajeblair: great15:49
* anteaya respins to state openstack-infra/*15:50
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* joa notes that he tried to avoid that, but may risk to be part of those who would do it (refering to fungi)15:50
krtaylorfungi, sadly, that is true15:51
jeblairanteaya: why do you prefer the exclusion list as opposed to text explaining that operators should consult with the teams whose projects they want to leave votes on?15:51
fungijoa: well, point being you wouldn't know that you were violating that policy until someone told you to stop15:51
krtayloranteaya, did you mean to post instead of 98675?15:52
anteayajeblair: I don't, I want both15:52
clarkbfungi: sdague the osloganalyze issue was the old python package install problem. git was up to date, latest git version was installed but pip freeze reported an older version. So we seemed to have a mixed package which broke internal api contracts15:52
jeblairanteaya: fair enough :)15:52
krtaylorwait, comments, or votes?15:52
clarkbalso happened15:52
anteayajeblair: I just would like the list first, in case another ci comments on governance15:52
clarkbI am not thrilled with the response I got15:52
fungiclarkb: yeah, having seen it break like that before, it seems like it has to be something failing partway into the exec rather than with the vcsrepo module15:53
krtaylorIMHO, comments should be allowed if cleared with the ptl, votes on -infra never15:53
anteayakrtaylor: I posted the goverance patch to show the third party ci comment on it15:53
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Creates a list of no-test repositories
joaanteaya: krtaylor: Was cleaning my addition, but now it's up, if you want to check15:55
krtayloranteaya, see above IMHO :)15:56
jeblairanteaya: where's the part where you clarify that comments are also at the discretion of the ptl?15:56
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jeblairclarkb: eventually consistent is awesome!  that means you can eventually install our software!  and eventually run it!15:57
rcarrillocruzzaro: hi, are you around?15:58
clarkbjeblair: indeed! I am actually fine with eventually consistent. You can be eventually consistent without being broken15:58
clarkbI am going to write a response15:58
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jeblairclarkb: agreed, the conservative approach is also eventually consistent, will be correct in the same amount of time, and is never broken15:59
clarkbyup :)15:59
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clarkbI think the most annoying thing is "404s can't be prevented in any way"16:02
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fungii updated it asking whether that design "simplicity" is integral to the mission of bandersnatch, or whether fixes would be considered if provided16:05
reedttx, does the release management team have a bug tracker? where?16:05
clarkbfungi: ok I think you covered what I was going to say16:06
clarkbwith one exception /me leaves that as a note16:06
fungii've managed many, many mirrors of things in the past, and one basic design most mirror algorithms have in common is that you update the index after successfully mirroring the things you're indexing16:06
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ttxreed: no bug tracker16:07
reedttx, k, thanks16:07
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clarkbfungi: yup16:08
anteayajeblair: I haven't clarified that, but I can add that16:09
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anteayajeblair: are you likely to allow third party ci systems to comment on openstack-infra/* ?16:10
anteayaI'm going with ttx will never allow it for governance16:10
jeblairanteaya: not likely16:10
clarkbfor the record I was able to fix the proble by issuing a purge against the stale url noted in the bandersnatch log16:10
clarkbthis synced the whl making the simple index page for python-novaclient correct16:11
anteayajeblair: but I can add that to this patch if you would like16:11
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix transifex project names
jeblairanteaya: that one or a new one would be nice.16:11
anteayajeblair: the section on requesting ptl permisson prior to commenting on repos is a seperate patch I haven't created yet16:11
anteayayes, a different patch16:11
jeblairclarkb: i think we may need a mirror page on, to document when/how we purge at the least16:12
clarkbjeblair: ok, I will write that up now16:12
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clarkbjeblair: do you want a dedicated page or a section under the rooters page?16:13
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mordredclarkb: ugh. just read bandersnatch bug16:14
clarkbmordred: you know people wonder why we cook up tools like pypi-mirror16:14
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mordredclarkb: I'm ... I mean16:14
clarkbmordred: what we need is a catalog of things like this :)16:14
mordredclarkb: a) AFS16:14
mordredclarkb: b) ugh16:14
clarkbmordred: AFS won't solve this problem unfortunately16:15
clarkbit is a very rare example of a problem that afs does not solve16:15
jeblairclarkb: i think we need a bandersnatch page16:15
clarkbjeblair: ok16:15
mordredclarkb: sure it will - don't publish the volume unless there were no errros16:15
Ajaegerjeblair, fungi, clarkb: Could you review and approve, please? I missed to change one place and it's needed to send oslo.* translations to transifex16:15
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mordredclarkb: but we can simulate that16:15
ttxmordred: so which world cup game did you end up seeing ? ARG-NED?16:16
mordredclarkb: although it might double the footprint16:16
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mordredclarkb: if we mirror to one dir, and then rsync to a different dir - but only run the rsync on fully successful runs taht don't have anything stale16:16
mordredclarkb: and we do the thing where we catch stale entries and issue the purge16:17
clarkbmordred: I think you are over thinking this16:17
mordredoh - ok.16:17
clarkbmordred: if I go sit down to write a bandersnatch patch this will come out to probably <50 lines of code16:17
mordredclarkb: it didn't sound like upstream was interested in solving this problem16:17
clarkbjust need to bucket artifacts for packages to gether and treat that as a sync unit16:17
jeblairmordred: don't vos release until there are no errors16:17
clarkbwell maybe they can be convinced16:18
mordredjeblair: right16:18
mordredjeblair: that's EXACTLY what I was thinking16:18
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clarkbI might be getting ahead of myself but using mirror softawre that does not preserve correctness is just wrong16:18
clarkband hopefully upstream can understand that16:19
mordredclarkb: if you can fix it in bandersnatch, I'm all for it -and if we have to run a fork if upstream doesn't want the patch, I'm also ok with that16:19
clarkbI mean this is what rackspace is doing to us with apt repos16:19
mordredclarkb: however, I also think the hack of "rsync to prod IFF mirror run successful" would be easy to do16:19
clarkband our resposne to that is well we won't use your stuff then16:19
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mordredclarkb: yah16:19
mordredI kinda want to make a good and stable set of mirrors for all fo the things16:20
mordredclarkb, jeblair: also,
mordredthat's the patch to find and respond to stale packages automatically16:22
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clarkbmordred: but it will leave us open to 404s for 5 minutes right?16:22
clarkb(still better than current istuation, just want to make sure I understand)16:23
mordrednot saying it's the solution16:23
mordredjust that it's a brick in the wall16:23
clarkbmordred: I take it you tested that because that run-bandersnatch script was in the bandersnatch log dir16:23
jeblairmordred: 2x+2, but did not aprv16:24
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clarkbI am +2 as well, can approve if you tested it, otherwise one of us should probably do that16:24
fungiwell, the fix to bandersnatch consistency will likely mean that bandersnatch gets stale until the purge call to fastly happens, but automating the purge call based on bandersnatch run results gives us a one-two punch to get things back up to date quickly16:24
clarkbfungi: yup16:25
fungiand not broken in the interim16:25
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mordredclarkb: well, I tested that it works works - testing that it dose the right thing when it detects a stale package mildly harder16:26
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mordredclarkb: but I'll land and babysit16:27
clarkbmordred: cool16:27
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fungimordred: jeblair: clarkb: any general objections to an update to our tox-oriented slave scripts to call it with -v -v for additional debugging output about what tox is doing? i'm hoping that will help track down failures like bug 1282795 and bug 133193816:29
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1282795 in openstack-ci "InterpreterNotFound: python2.6" [Low,Confirmed]
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1331938 in openstack-ci "pypy InterpreterNotFound in gate-python-ceilometerclient-pypy job (dup-of: 1282795)" [Undecided,New]
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mordredfungi: isn't all of that output in the .tox dir in log files too?16:30
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fungioh, perhaps. i didn't think to go digging in there. i'll check16:30
mordredlike, we could just save teh .tox logs so it doesn't make the console output chattier?16:30
mordredotherwise, fine by me16:30
fungino, i agree with you. if that's in the tox logfiles we should just add those to our collection list16:31
jeblairfaster too16:31
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fungino need to wait for image rebuilds16:31
fungidouble-checking that theory now, but patch inbound if it's got the same detail i was getting from -v -v16:32
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fungiharumph. i get an empty .tox/log directory16:33
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fungioic, it's in .tox/env/log/env-*.log16:34
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KiallFYI - Just got this from ... [Warning] mysql_connect() [function.mysql-connect]: User 506635_oslive already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections16:34
Kiallmysql_connect(<filtered>,<filtered>,<filtered>,<filtered>) <-- Smart ;)16:35
fungiso i guess i can just 'mv .tox/env/log tox' and then collect the "tox" dir or something16:35
fungiKiall: please contact about that. not a good situation at ALL16:36
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Kiallfungi: just to confirm - the error page showed "<filtered>" in place of the creds, in case you thought I filtered them myself! Should I still contact him about the mysql conn limit error anyway?16:38
fungijbryce: ^ you probably also want to know, if you happen to be around16:38
fungiKiall: oh! at least it's filtered behind the ui (i was worried you were redacting it for the benefit of the irc logs)16:38
fungiKiall: in that case i'd say just open a bug against openstack-org to give them a heads up16:38
KiallYea, I realized that as you said it :) The "Smart" comment was about the fact that it was actually filtered properly!16:39
KiallI've seen lots of sites spew the connection details that way16:39
fungiright, standing down paranoid delusions of imminent security breach now16:39
jbryceKiall, fungi: i let todd know16:39
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fungijbryce: thanks! sounds like we're probably just getting overloaded (hopefully)16:40
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Document use of bandersnatch for pypi mirroring
clarkbjeblair: mordred fungi ^16:40
Kiallfungi / jbryce -
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1340839 in openstack-org "User 506635_oslive already has more than 'max_user_connections' active connections" [Undecided,New]16:41
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fungii guess i used the right imminent the first time. i need to stop mixing those up16:41
jeblairnibalizer: i just attempted a launch of puppetmaster on trusty:16:41
jeblairpuppet agent --environment production --server --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime --pluginsync true --certname puppetmaster.openstack.org16:41
jeblairNotice: Skipping run of Puppet configuration client; administratively disabled (Reason: 'Disabled by default on new installations');16:41
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create the repo
clarkbI am thinking the line number link to static.pp is not actually a good thing as it will drift over time16:42
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clarkbbut curious to know what others thing16:42
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nibalizerjeblair: ya i think we added that somewhere16:42
nibalizerbasically we need to remove the puppet lock file16:42
nibalizerif you puppet config print all | grep lock16:42
nibalizeryou should be able to find its lock file16:43
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jeblairnibalizer: so the fun thing about this is that once it hits an error, the server is deleted :)16:43
jeblairnibalizer: so the test cycle is "attempt to code a fix, then launch it again"16:43
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nibalizeri didn't know thats how machines were spun up around these parts16:44
jeblairnibalizer: yeah, first run has to complete without errors16:44
nibalizerso mordred is the person that wrote the patch to admin disable puppet by default iirc let me go poke my head around somewhewe16:44
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mordrednibalizer: what did I do?16:45
nibalizermade debian act like redaht16:46
nibalizerso that 'apt-get install puppet' doesn't start services16:46
mordredoh - no, I don't think so - I thnik it'sa  new puppet install behavior16:46
nibalizeror maybe i just hallucinated this16:46
mordredyou need to edit /etc/default/puppet now I think16:46
nibalizeroh did puppet fix it?16:46
nibalizerjeblair: ^ well there you go16:46
jeblairso, erm, in what situations does this apply?16:47
clarkbmordred: looking at bandersnatch more closely I think this may be a subtle bug. They are already attempting to sync all the files and if that fails the simple page shouldn't be updated
clarkbmordred: I think that may mean python-novaclient was queued up twice?16:47
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jeblairis this happening because it's a new change in trusty?16:47
nibalizerjeblair: i think any installation of new puppet from apt packages16:47
mordredjeblair: yah. new installs of puppet to not start daemons by default16:47
jeblairclarkb: did you have this problem when you spun up new logstash workers?16:47
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jeblairi'm trying to understand whether we have fixed this already, and if so, why it doesn't work, and if not, why not?16:48
nibalizerwere those on puppet 3?16:48
clarkbjeblair: no because we run puppet agent directly16:48
clarkbjeblair: /etc/default/puppet is just for the daemon16:48
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mordredright. just for the puppetmaster daemon16:48
nibalizerso we're back to the lockfile?16:48
jeblairclarkb: i'm spinning up a new node in the usual manner16:48
jeblair16:41 < jeblair> puppet agent --environment production --server --no-daemonize --verbose --onetime --pluginsync true --certname puppetmaster.openstack.org16:48
jeblair16:41 < jeblair> Notice: Skipping run of Puppet configuration client; administratively disabled (Reason: 'Disabled by default on new installations');16:48
mordredoh - hrm16:49
nibalizermordred: didn't you write a patch to write out those logfiles?16:49
nibalizerer s/log/lock/16:49
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mordrednibalizer: that was an ansible patch to help with running puppet on disabled servers16:49
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mordredjeblair: I believe I've seen that on recent pupet installs16:50
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jeblairmordred: clarkb and i booted new puppet2/precise nodes within the past few months without hitting that16:50
Ajaegerfuni, jeblair : Thanks for review and approving!16:51
clarkbjeblair: mordred I wonder if puppet agent checks that file now in newer puppet16:51
clarkbin older puppet only the init script checked16:51
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clarkbthat would be silly for puppet to check directly...16:51
mordredI believe that is correct16:51
jeblairthe _agent_ checks the _default_ file?16:51
jeblairthat's insane16:52
mordredno, I think the new install drops in the disable lock file by default now and you need to "puppet agent --enable"16:52
jeblairmordred: where's the message come from?16:52
mordredunsure. /me goes off to check ... I just remember that I've seen this before when installing my laptop16:53
mordredbut I didnt' think about it in our terms beacuse I'm stupid16:53
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jeblairso should we add "puppet agent --enable" to the end of setup_puppet_ubuntu in
jeblairor add it to the launch script?16:54
clarkbooohhhhhh you know what, I think the bug may be in the pypi sync protocol16:54
mordredjeblair: lemme check something real quick16:54
nibalizerjeblair: are the launch scripts in infra/config ? may I read them?16:55
clarkb1154164 is the serial we wanted but 1154163 is the serial we got. I think 1154163 may have been go sync python-novaclient sdist16:55
jeblairnibalizer: yes: infra/config/launch16:55
clarkbwhich worked because we weren't that stale16:55
clarkbthen 1154164 was for the whl16:55
clarkbdstufft: ^ am I just completely wrong?16:56
clarkbdstufft: if I am not completely wrong you should only issue a serial for atomic changes to the simple index pages16:56
nibalizerjeblair: so if the agent is disabled via lockfile then this file will exist /var/lib/puppet/state/agent_disabled.lock16:56
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Collect tox logs from job runs
nibalizermordred: i really thought one of the final steps in our setup-nodes scripting was to drop a puppet lock file down but I don't see it16:57
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Collect tox logs from job runs
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jeblairnibalizer: i did puppet agent --enable in install_puppet and it's running puppet now16:58
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clarkbso it seems like puppet is conflacting /etc/default/puppet values with its own internal lock files16:59
jeblair(we can decide if that's the right/wrong place for that later; just wanted to see if the solution worked)16:59
clarkbthat is bonghits16:59
mordredjeblair: ok. yes. I believe we should do that17:00
jeblairclarkb: if --enable fixed it, then i don't think it's the default file, i think it's the lock file as nibalizer suggested17:00
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clarkbjeblair: right, so puppet when installed is putting that lock file in place instead of setting the default value17:01
jeblairso, interestingly, the above error happened, but puppet agent exited sucessfully so the server stuck around17:01
clarkbjeblair: why? I don't know but this is the job of default files not service lock files17:01
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i agree with your philosophy17:01
jeblairclarkb: i thought you were saying that the mechanism used the default file17:01
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix transifex project names
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jeblairInfo: /Stage[main]/Openstack_project::Base/File[/etc/apt/preferences.d/00-puppet.pref]: Filebucketed /etc/apt/preferences.d/00-puppet.pref to puppet with sum efd2443375e7839117:04
nibalizerjeblair: 'successfully?17:04
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jeblairnibalizer: puppet agent exited with an error successfully17:05
nibalizermy point is that i dont see detailed-exit codes in that command you were running17:05
nibalizerand puppet's relaionship with exit codes is always pretty bonghits anyways17:05
jeblairnibalizer: are "detailed exit codes" required to indicate success or failure? :)17:05
nibalizerjeblair: yes, sortof17:05
jeblairyeah, i think it just hit that bong again.17:05
jeblairanyway, it gave us a server that has my ssh key on it, so we can go from there a little easier17:06
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nibalizer--detailed-exit-codes actually gives you a number which is constructed by setting different bits17:06
nibalizerso like it will be 4 if there are changes, 6 if there are changes and failures17:06
jeblairnibalizer: the current issue seems to be that it installs puppetdb-terminus after removing the apt pin file17:06
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jeblair(assuming there is a puppetdb-terminus that is compatible with our 3.4 pin)17:07
nibalizerProvide transaction information via exit codes. If this is enabled, an exit code of '2' means there were changes, an exit code of '4' means there were failures during the transaction, and an exit code of '6' means there were both changes and failures.17:07
nibalizeryes i saw that17:07
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nibalizerso it removes the pin file?17:07
nibalizerwhat are you doing puppet17:07
nibalizerwhats in 00-puppet.pref now?17:07
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nibalizerokay well let me go poke around infra/config and figure out what I did wrong17:08
jeblair      'trusty': {17:08
jeblair        file { '/etc/apt/preferences.d/00-puppet.pref':17:08
jeblair          ensure => absent,17:08
nibalizerwe have code in there specifiaclly...17:08
nibalizeroh well that was fast17:08
jeblairi had a head start17:08
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nibalizerokay ill get a change for that up in the next few minutes17:09
jeblairnibalizer: so maybe we should have a 00-puppet.pref for trusty in the puppet tree (like the precise one we have now)17:09
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jeblairnibalizer: and maybe should copy those into place for bootstrapping17:09
jeblairnibalizer: (so we can keep the pins in sync)17:09
jeblairor rather, so we don't have to keep the pins in sync17:10
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nibalizeri agree17:11
nibalizerwe can pin trusty, its good hygene17:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Update toggle variable for HTTPD + mod_wsgi services
nibalizerhyigene ? anyways you know what I maen17:11
jeblairnibalizer: manually putting the pin in place causes apt-get to be happy ("puppetdb-terminus is already the newest version")17:11 does set up the pinning, are you talking about something else?17:11
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clarkbmordred: you still around? any further thoughts on mysql-connector? I actually want to push people to PyMySQL because it is also pure python and not an external package link17:12
jeblairnibalizer: i'm suggesting that instead of setting it with a heredoc, set it with "cp modules/openstack_project/files/00-puppet-{trusty|precise}.pref /etc/apt/preferences.d/00-puppet.pref"17:12
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mordredclarkb: mysql-connector is a non-starter until it publishes directly to pypi17:13
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Pin Puppet even in trusty
mordredhands down17:13
clarkbmordred: right so maybe we should jump on that thread and make sure people understand that /me does this17:13
Alex_GaynorPyMySQL would be great, pypy support + MIT license17:13
* clarkb top posts for consistency17:13
nibalizerjeblair: so that file is an erb template now, not a flat file that can be copied in17:14
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nibalizerI think that while the heredoc is duplicating logic, its okay17:14
jeblairwhen did that happen?17:14
mordredclarkb: I will also respond - and also will top post17:14
clarkbmordred: oh should I let you post then?17:14
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nibalizeri would be open to the idea of firing up the erb templating engine manually and passing in puppet version17:15
clarkbmeh we can let people sort out the race laeter17:15
mordredjeblair: because it has to switch on puppet 2 or 317:15
nibalizerjeblair: i did it so that we can descrimiate between puppet versions17:15
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mordredclarkb: you do it - my phone is being derpy17:16
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jeblairnibalizer, mordred: can we put the conditional in the puppet file?17:16
jeblairnibalizer, mordred: rather than the template, so they are static files again?17:16
mordredjeblair: what do you mean by that?17:16
mordredoh - you mean, have two files and grab the right one?17:16
mordredthat's a great idea17:17
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jeblairyeah, because we're bootstrapping here.  i don't think we have (or should count on having) a functional erb engine17:17
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jeblairnibalizer: what do you think?17:19
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nibalizeri like it the way it is17:19
jeblairnibalizer: the pin value is specified in two places17:20
jeblairnibalizer: how can we reduce that to one?17:20
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clarkbmordred: Alex_Gaynor sent17:20
nibalizerright now in the puppet code you can pass in the version of puppet you want to see happen on the box, if we move to just copying files we won't have that ability17:20
jeblairnibalizer: puppet is still responsible for it, we're just putting the value in a different place17:21
jeblairnibalizer: encoding it in the file instead of as a parameter17:21
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jeblairnibalizer: so it's still easy to manage existing boxes, and change their pins17:21
* mordred agrees with jeblair17:22
mordredclarkb: thank you17:22
nibalizerso when i want to test the 3.4 -> 3.6, i would make a new 00-puppet-3.6.perf file in the puppet files directory?17:22
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jeblairnibalizer: i think when you wanted to upgrade trusty's pin from 3.4 -> 3.6, you would change the value in 00-puppet-trusty.pref from 3.4 to 3.617:23
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Project Group Delete
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jeblairmordred: in the mean time, i think we can merge this to at least correct the current situation:
nibalizerjeblair: okay well we can ake that happen17:24
nibalizerusing the files17:24
jeblairnibalizer: cool, you want to write that patch?17:25
nibalizerim happy to disagree and go forward, i'd rather pla with the puppet 3 master anyways17:25
nibalizerjeblair: ya no prob17:25
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nibalizerjeblair: i do want to sync up with something with you real fast though17:25
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jeblairnibalizer: i'm bummed you disagree.  past experience tells us we are terrible at making sure that duplicated values are in sync.  if we specify the pin in two different places, we _will_ screw it up.  (actually, we just did)17:26
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nibalizerit seems to me that we have slightly different ideas on the puppet-version/ubuntu-version matrix, in that i think its likely to have both precise-2.7 and precise-3 and trusty-3, it seems that you think precise-2.7 and trusty-3 are our only requirements17:27
nibalizeris thtat acurate17:27
jeblairnibalizer: no, i think we want precise-317:27
jeblairnibalizer: (so the full set of 3 values you listed)17:27
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nibalizerokay, cool17:28
nibalizerglad we're on the same page17:28
nibalizerand yea re ^^ i totally get the point of a single source of truth17:28
jeblairnibalizer: so that means the version selection is going to be a bit awkward if we do host-by-host upgrades of precise2 to precise317:28
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nibalizerjeblair: why?17:29
jeblairnibalizer: well, i think that's what you were getting at, right?  that 00-puppet-precise.pref is not sufficient17:29
nibalizeryes, we can't say 'hey you're precise, so do this'17:30
nibalizerso the now takes a version on the command line, which isn't written down17:30
nibalizerso 3.4 is written down in site.pp and --three is passed on the command line durring, so its really easy to get those out of sync17:30
nibalizerits almost like we need to write the puppet-version into site.pp and have read that file to determine what version of puppet to pin to17:31
jeblairnibalizer: did not give the --three argument17:34
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jeblairso i think it installed 2.7, then removed the pin and upgraded itself to 3.617:34
nibalizerno on trusty you'll get a 3.x by default17:34
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nibalizeroh wait, it what17:34
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nibalizerso it probably added the 2.7 pin17:34
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nibalizerbut there literally aren't 2.7 packages for trusty, i think the nodepool trusty's install from gems ya?17:35
jeblairnibalizer: --three is not needed for trusty17:35
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jeblairnibalizer: it's automatic17:35
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nibalizeroh good17:35
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nibalizerya i see line 117 of install_puppet.sh17:36
jeblairnibalizer: so yeah, it probably did 3.4 then removed the pin and upgraded to 3.617:36
jeblairit might have just done that while we were talking :)17:36
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nibalizeroaky so thats starting to make sense17:37
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nibalizerso now you're on 3.6 on this new puppet master?17:37
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nibalizerso the structure of this patch i should be making is what then?17:38
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nibalizeri think it is:17:38
jeblairnibalizer: you've convinced me not to do the file thing just yet; let's leave the levers in place until we're at least a little further along, and then see about simplifying it.17:38
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nibalizeroh okay17:39
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nibalizerso yea, can you manually downgrade puppet to 3.4 ?17:40
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nibalizerthe pretty soon this should land and you can run puppet which will re-add the .pref file17:40
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nibalizerthen we can start looking at puppet.conf and what-not17:40
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jeblairthat's exciting; the pin seemed to be ignored17:45
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openstackgerritPaul Michali proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update oslo.messaging to
nibalizerjeblair: wow17:46
jeblairPackage: puppet puppet-common puppetmaster puppetmaster-common puppetmaster-passenger17:47
jeblairPin: version 3.4.*17:47
nibalizerdo you think its the .* ?17:47
jeblairthat matches what's on the precise nodes for 2.7.*17:47
nibalizerWe debated between 3.4* and 3.4.* and I made the assumption that the later would just work17:47
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nibalizerand its working on the precise nodes?17:47
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jeblairseems to be17:48
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jeblair3.4* has the same result17:48
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SukhdevFolks, I have a question for the Gurus here -17:48
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pleia2Sukhdev: ask away :)17:49
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pleia2if we can help, we will17:49
SukhdevWhen I do ssh to receive the streaming events from Gerrit, I see the "rechech no bug" events, but, our Jenkins is not seeing them17:49
SukhdevLooking for some guidance as to how to nail this down17:50
Sukhdevpleia2: thanks17:51
nibalizerjeblair: wow... i don't even know17:51
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pleia2Sukhdev: so we use zuul to parse comments for jenkins (like all the regexes for rechecks)17:53
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rename requirements-integration job
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pleia2Sukhdev: we have a config file like this for zuul to define different regexs that mean different things:
pleia2(that might help if you're looking for the regex we use for rechecks)17:54
clarkbnote that you need to match a multiline regex with new gerrit17:55
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clarkbso does this novaclient release problem mean we don't actually test master novaclient against other things?17:55
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clarkbI thought we did that?17:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Pin Puppet even in trusty
jeblairclarkb: "other things"?17:56
clarkbjeblair: horizon in this case broke17:56
clarkb"this broke horizon stable and master; heat stable is affected as well."17:57
jeblairclarkb: should happen in devstack-gate17:57
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clarkbso maybe we just didn't test those code paths?17:57
jeblairoh, horizon _stable_ ?17:57
clarkband master17:57
jeblairoh master sorry, missed that17:57
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clarkbat the very least we should've caught this against master and master17:57
jeblairclarkb: quite possibly.  horizon is nearly completely untested in the gate...17:57
clarkbI think the stable tests are nonvoting so probably ignored17:58
clarkbya and that17:58
jeblairclarkb: unless it prevents horizon from starting, it's unlikely to have an effect17:58
nibalizerjeblair: so whats the play?17:59
jeblairnibalizer: i do not know why the pin is not doing what we think it should.
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Sukhdevpleia2: thanks - this helps. Let me try this18:00
nibalizerjeblair: can you paste the pin?18:00
nibalizerer the .pref file?18:00
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create the repo
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jeblairnibalizer: note also that puppetlabs doesn't supply 3.4 for trusty; that might be an issue later since our 3.4 packages will be from different sources, though i don't think it's the issue now.18:02
nibalizerjeblair: maybe try changint the facter one to 1*, facter 2ish maybe has a hard dependency on puppet?18:02
openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create the repo
fungiSukhdev: i was talking with joa about that earlier today. it seems there are some several-month-old blog posts out there with sample configuration which is outdated and doesn't work with the curent release of gerrit18:02
jeblairnibalizer: no change18:03
Sukhdevfungi: correct - one of those is blogs is mine :-) and I am trying to get it corrected18:04
nibalizermaybe run apt-get update? maybe the pin/selection stuff only runs then?18:04
Sukhdevfungi: but, having issue with capturing the correct events18:04
jeblairnibalizer: i think this issue can be replicated without any special access.  can you take a stab at getting this working?18:05
fungiSukhdev: right. gerrit 2.4 only sent the actual entered message content as the message text in its events, but gerrit 2.8 prepends a patchset number and vote summary header plus a blank line before the message. we discovered that when preparing to upgrade to the new gerrit, and the layout.yaml we use which pleia2 linked for you includes slightly more complex message_filter regexes to absorb that18:10
fungiprefix data18:10
sarobi have py27 failing on
Sukhdevfungi: do you know what is verdict category?18:13
clarkbsarob: import errors0congress.datasources.tests.unit.test_nova_driver is the relavent bit of info there18:13
clarkbcongress.datasources.tests.unit.test_nova_driver does not import18:13
fungiSukhdev: "verdict" isn't a zuul configuration parameter as far as i'm aware18:13
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Sukhdevfungi: in reference to setting the triggers in Jenkins18:13
fungiSukhdev: oh, we don't use those, so no clue18:14
clarkbsarob: if you want a cleaner error you can install testrepository from source18:14
clarkblifeless: where are we on releasing new testrepository18:14
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clarkbfungi: don't forget if you do the thin fork you ened to keep track of the source too18:16
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added LIKE search to project groups
clarkbfungi: so that you can make it available upon request :)18:16
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fungiclarkb: well, obviously that would be something crammed into a stackforge git repo or similar18:17
fungii tried to make it sound like an ugly option, but probably could have made it sound uglier, granted18:17
fungialso, i have no idea what their package build process looks like, but if it's like libvirt's used to be (where the python lib was built as a byproduct of building the c lib) then ewww18:19
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clarkbI think its pure python so probably more sane18:19
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fungiahh, well there's that at least18:19
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make POSTGRES gate job run eventlet keystone
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* Ajaeger has three more patches for proper translation setup: fix for glance: ; new jobs for training-guides: - both need one more review that would be great to have.18:35
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Ajaeger will conflict with the bandersnatch series - should I note that in the patch to remind myself to update it once bandersnatch is in?18:36
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pleia2Ajaeger: seems reasonable18:36
shashankhegdefungi: With reference to gerrit plugin, I see that if I just add a comment, then I see that event does not contain any approvals18:36
shashankhegdeIs that expected?18:36
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clarkbshashankhegde: yes, you have to vote for the event to contain vote information18:38
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shashankhegdeoh.. So if I vote '0', then I do not get any approval values?18:43
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clarkbshashankhegde: correct18:43
clarkb0 is basically a noop vote18:43
shashankhegdeOh.. cool18:43
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pleia2running out for a while to do some pre-travel errands (eek, leaving tomorrow)19:01
fungii need to do the same here shortly19:02
fungiand then pack for frankfurt+oscon19:02
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clarkbsame here19:03
clarkbwell in a bit but ya19:03
clarkbI imagine this will be a theme today19:03
fungisince getting on and off the island is such a pain on the weekends at the height of tourist season, i've got a hotel room near the airport for the night between my flight in from fra and my flight out to pdx. no point in actually trying to get home and back in between19:04
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fungialso need to figure out the logistics of transport from the frankfurt airport to the maritim hotel in darmstadt for someone who speaks/reads minimal amounts of deutsche19:06
fungii gather the public transit system there will suffice, as long as i can manage to navigate it19:06
pleia2I think it's not too far, cab might do19:07
Ajaegerfungi: You speak perfect English, shouldn't be a problem ;)19:07
Ajaegerpleia2: cab would be rather expensive...19:07
pleia2Ajaeger: ah, ok :)19:07
* fungi only took a year of german in college... ~20 years ago19:07
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clarkbfungi: yup you take and s1, s8 or s9 from airport to frankfurt hbf19:09
clarkbfungi: then transfer to an s3 or s419:09
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clarkbnavigating frankfurt hbf wasn't too bad last I aws there but I was on the platform with ICE trains19:09
pleia2Ajaeger: seems like only a 20 minute drive19:09
AjaegerAh, Just checked distances - it's only 25 kms (15 miles?) and could take via the autobahn 15 mins according to Google maps. That shouldn't be too bad19:09
fungiclarkb: you make it sound so simple! (furiously scribbles notes)19:09
clarkbfungi: it really is. german public transit is amasing19:09
Ajaegerpleia2: yeah ... - me lives two hours away from both towns but never went from one to the other directly ;(19:10
pleia2I assume there a train station near the hotel?19:10
clarkbalso I find that written german is easy to grok as an english speaker19:10
marun_sdague: no joy on the suggested fix to the functional job :(19:10
clarkbmuch easier than french19:10
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clarkbpleia2: yup its like a block away19:10
marun_sdague: still failing with the same error19:10
fungiclarkb: yes, english being a germanic language and all. we share basically the same sentence structure and lots of vocabulary in common19:10
AjaegerThe maritim is directly beside the railway station and should be a 5 min walk from both DT and railway station.19:11
harlowjaanyway i could get a approve on (its been in rebase hell for a while now)19:11
harlowjait needs to go to repo heaven19:11
clarkbmy flight arrives at 8:40am, I figure I might tag along with zaro to his hotel if that is where he heads19:11
fungiharlowja: lgtm19:12
AjaegerMost Germans understand English, so no problem to speak English and ask for help.19:12
clarkbactually probably better to drop bag off at hotel prior to check in then go do stuff19:12
clarkbAjaeger: yup and I found everyone is really helpful too19:12
fungiAjaeger: good to know--thanks!19:12
harlowjafungi thx19:12
fungiclarkb: yeah, i expect to take my time between the airport and hotel, so will probably be nearly check-in by the time i find it. also not sure how to sync up if my phone ends up not working (was fine in hk, but i have no idea what de will be like)19:13
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fungithough i'll likely jump back on irc as soon as i can get into my room19:14
clarkbI will have data so can cehck irc if you manage wifi19:14
pleia2yeah, I'll have data too19:14
clarkband you should have my number. text messages to it will be good too19:14
fungiyep, perfect19:14
Ajaegerfungi: At the airport, there are signs to the Railway station. Keep in mind that there are two railway stations at the airport:19:16
AjaegerThe local trains (S-Bahn) in the "Regionalbahnhof" and the long-distance trains in the "Fernbahnhof"19:17
fungiokay, so i want s-bahn/regional? (s.* trains)?19:17
Ajaegerfungi: Yeah.19:18
clarkbfungi: yup. you might be able to do it with other trains but s-bahn should be cheaper and take about the same amount of time19:18
fungishould be easy to remember. thanks19:18
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clarkbdon't forget a german power socket adaptor :)19:18
Ajaegerboth stations are in the same area, so the first signs might be just "Zug" or "Bahnhof" (train)  - and then the s-bahn goes underground first19:18
fungiyeah, i have a variety of powered/active and unpowered/passive international converters, just need to grab the right ones19:19
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add templated uploading jobs for doc8 project
Ajaegerremember Germany has 220 Volts - not the 110. Shouldn't be a problem nowadays anymore but I blow up a system because I forgot to switch it...19:19
clarkbI had to pick up a usb charger for the 3ds because nintendo doesn't do wall warts with 220v support apparently19:19
pleia2only my nintendo ds cares about that19:19
clarkbAjaeger: ya most things support 220 now19:19
clarkbpleia2: jinx!19:19
pleia2I have an EU charger for my DS now :)19:20
fungiyeah, i have an active 220->110 converter i'll bring just in case. handles up to 10a i think19:20
pleia2(just need to remember to bring it!)19:20
clarkbpleia2: my usb charger may work if it is a dsi19:20
Ajaegerfungi: check first whether you really need, it - your laptop should work with both19:20
pleia2it's a 3ds too19:20
Ajaegerfungi: did you read ?19:21
pleia2Ajaeger: oh, I hadn't noticed that, thanks19:21
clarkbI was going to take the s-bahn anyways for fun :)19:22
Ajaegerfungi: That one goes every 30 mins directly to the Telekom Area - and you Hotel is at the corner of the Telekom area19:22
fungioh, just double-checked. the inverter i have goes up to 500w actually19:22
fungiAjaeger: oh, no i missed that19:22
AjaegerThe map even includes "Mina-Rees-Street" and the Maritim Hotel19:23
clarkbalso zaro is in frankfurt proper so I was going to go into town with him on my way to darmstadt19:23
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'm heading out for lunch and some errands, probably will be afk for most of the afternoon19:23
Ajaegerone way ticket seems to be 8.15 Euros19:24
fungijeblair: noted19:24
clarkbjeblair: I think most of us are in the same boat19:24
clarkbjeblair: see you in frankfurt19:24
jeblairclarkb: right, the "i'm about to leave town for 2 weeks" errands :)19:24
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jeblairoh, do we have a place to watch the world cup yet?19:25
clarkbjeblair: no but marc is aware that is a thing people want to do19:25
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* Ajaeger expect that any pub will do ;)19:25
clarkbalso that^19:25
fungii plan to end up in any pub19:25
fungiany pub at all19:25
jeblairyeah, ideally the same any pub, but yeah19:25
fungiideally, yes19:26
* jeblair hopes to remember which team to root for19:26
AjaegerThere's also public viewing - Marc will know best...19:26
clarkbjeblair: just don't wear baby blue19:26
clarkbjeblair: :)19:26
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Ajaegerjeblair: very easy: You're in Germany ;)19:26
jeblairclarkb: excellent, thanks for the protip!19:26
clarkbjeblair: black is appropriate19:26
clarkbjeblair: so you should be set19:26
jeblairclarkb: yeah, that's fortuitous19:26
fungiclarkb: baby blue in raleigh is similarly problematic, so jeblair should be able to remember that19:27
jeblairfungi: yeah, for some reason it's never really figured prominently in my wardrobe19:27
fungii had a theory that the reason red hat settled on ncsu campus years ago was that they were properly color-coordinated19:28
clarkbjeblair: also red19:28
fungiif they had gone with blue hat, then they would have needed to pick one of the universities slightly to the west of there19:28
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Amend e-r query for bug 1286818
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1286818 in openstack-ci "Ubuntu mirror periodically inconsistent causing gate build failures" [Low,Triaged]
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* Ajaeger thanks fungi for his reviews!19:32
fungiAjaeger: on 96132, what is the reason for working around the differences in django_openstack_auth as opposed to fixing them in that project? is there some additional baggage which makes it necessary?19:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add glance-upstream-translation-update
fungiAjaeger: or is this the "django has its own way of dealing with translations" problem like we have with horizon?19:34
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Ajaegerfungi: django is maintained by the horizon folks and they have their own "strange"  ways indeed ;(19:35
fungiAjaeger: okay, got it19:35
fungii think it's not so much that they have their own strange ways of dealing with translations, as that they want to be able to make use of the translation support in django and do translations the way lots of django projects do, which makes some sense to me19:36
Ajaegerfungi: 96132 will need some trivial changes for bandersnatch (or the other way round - whatever merges first)19:36
Ajaegerfungi, you have a nice way of saying it - yeah, that seems to be the reason, it seems to be following django and not python ways19:37
fungiAjaeger: that's fine. if 96132 lands first, an inline comment on the conflicting cleanup change would be appreciated at that point. i already expect to need to do at least one more rebase on those and catch them up to the current state of jobs/scripts once they have enough reviews19:37
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Ajaegerfungi: will remember to do it - just commented on 96132 only...19:38
* Ajaeger doesn't mind if this one finally merges ;)19:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Setup training-guides for translation
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fungiAjaeger: 96132 looks fine to me19:41
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* fungi disappears to do not-here things19:41
Ajaegerfungi: thanks.19:42
* Ajaeger now only needs another +2 for 96132 and then translations should be in great shape for the moment;)19:43
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* clarkb looks19:45
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Ajaegerthanks, clarkb !19:47
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added LIKE search to project groups
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added LIKE search to project groups
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix django_openstack_auth translation setup
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Document use of bandersnatch for pypi mirroring
clarkband with that it is now my turn to go find lunch and pack and all that20:00
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create the repo
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mordreddammit. most likely nobody in the channel cares about this next thing ...20:12
mordredclarkb: dude, lebron is going back to the cavs!!!20:12
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clarkbyes and espn failed20:13
clarkbit was glorious20:13
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openstackgerritMark McLoughlin proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update oslo.config to
Krinkle I'm having issues building jenkins-job-builder on macosx. Any known issues?
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clarkbzaro ^20:15
openstackgerritMark McLoughlin proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update oslo.config to
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clarkbKrinkle does `pip install -e .` work?20:16
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mordredclarkb: also, kevin love may join them20:16
clarkbalso you may need to upgrade setuptools20:17
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bodepdif I omit success/start/failure from my pipeline, does it mean that I can consume events from gerrits without posting back results?20:17
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Krinkleclarkb: indeed it does!20:17
clarkbbodepd: yes20:17
Krinkleclarkb: Requirement already up-to-date: setuptools in /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages20:18
anteayaso some additional neutron devs know more about gerrit, infra and elastic-recheck20:18
hasharVacationswe had users reporting the same issue with git-review :/20:18
KrinkleCould use a newer python I guess, or is that not yet recommended for jjb?20:18
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anteayaalso I hope the first draft of a wip infra-spec for multinode testing will be posted soon20:19
anteayait is in progress20:19
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clarkbKrinkle 2.7 is good20:20
Krinkleclarkb: so, should I change documentation for building jjb?20:20
KrinkleIm curious why it didn't wokr20:20
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Krinkleclarkb: I ran the old command again and it seems to kind of work this now (after the one you gave me)20:21
Krinklethough with loads of warnings20:21
clarkbya we should suggest pip20:22
nibalizerso uh is paste down?20:22
clarkbI think pbr may be to blame20:22
clarkbnibalizer jjst derpy20:22
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clarkbit disconnects from the db20:22
mordredclarkb: we really need to figure out what's up with that I think20:22
mordredand/or fix it20:22
mordredand/or just do something different20:23
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mordredand/or do nothing20:23
ryanpetrelloanybody around that can lend me some jjb/zuul assistance?20:23
Krinkleclarkb: What would be the --user equiv of that?20:23
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ryanpetrelloI have a few custom tox jobs I’m running, and
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ryanpetrellobut they’re failing because they’re using py2720:24
clarkbKrinkle: --user?20:25
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nibalizerjeblair: figured out the puppet pinning problem20:25
clarkbsorry eating lunch and failing at braining20:25
Krinkleclarkb: python develop --user20:25
Krinkle(which installs it locally instead of globally)20:26
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KrinkleI don't particularly care, but our documetnation mentions both,20:26
mordredKrinkle: pip install -e --user .20:26
clarkboh. do a pip install -e in a vrtualenv20:26
Krinkleideally they'd both use the same kind of installer20:26
clarkbor that20:26
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AaronGrnibalizer: what was it?20:26
KrinkleThanks :)20:27
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jesusaurusnibalizer: really?20:27
ryanpetrelloactually, correct what I said above: the issue is that the jobs are getting run on a node that don’t seem to have the version of Python I want20:28
ryanpetrelloe.g., “ERROR: InterpreterNotFound: python3.3”20:28
clarkbKrinkle pip is the installer20:28
Krinkleclarkb: Yes, I get that :) I didn't know it had a --user flag. sorry.20:28
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* mordred throws a --user flag at clarkb20:32
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reednow is newsletter time20:35
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nibalizerjesusaurus: ya extra whitesace at the end of some of the lines in my 00-puppet.pref was breaking it20:36
nibalizeron removal, everything is poinies and butterflies20:36
nibalizeralso rainbows20:36
jesusaurusnibalizer: awesome20:36
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KrinkleThanks again clarkb, mordred,20:46
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openstackgerritEdgar Magana proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: WIP - Multinode spec for Neutron DVR testing
openstackgerritAlexei Kornienko proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Unbind version of pyzmq
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openstackgerritEdgar Magana proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: WIP - Multinode spec for Neutron DVR testing
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anteayadhellmann: oslosphix is doing interesting things with an asciiflow diagram:
bodepdI've also been seeing some weirdness with pip stuff and jjb:
anteayadhellmann: any suggested options for making the diagram (which works for the raw .rst file) work in the published docs?21:12
krotscheckSo, anyone out there having a lovely afternoon that they’d just LOVE to ruin by doing a 1000 line javascript review?
krotscheck(Do be fair, it’s about 50% html, too :) )21:16
ryanpetrelloclarkb: any idea if is going to be released to pypi sometime soon?21:19
ryanpetrello0.3.1 is currently…broken :)21:19
clarkbryanpetrello: zaro was working on it, I would expect him to push the fix but I am not sure21:20
clarkbkrotscheck: we are all getting ready for frankfurt21:20
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ryanpetrello^ zaro21:21
krotscheckclarkb: So what you’re saying is that you’ll all have time on the transatlantic flights to review it? :D21:21
clarkbkrotscheck: uh maybe? I should actually make sure gertty syncs now21:21
* clarkb starts gertty21:22
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clarkbkrotscheck: I will review because its easy :)21:31
clarkbkrotscheck: let me know if yo uhave questions about what is needed but if you look at the top of the jobs list in zuuls layout.yaml it should be clear21:31
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added NodeJS and NPM to javascript build
krotscheckclarkb: Like that? ^^21:35
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clarkbkrotscheck: yup21:36
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add libvirt-python for nova.
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added LIKE search to project groups
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Project Group member DELETE method returns 204
bodepdI figured out how to work around that jjb issue.21:52
bodepdI just need to easy_install pbr adn ignore the fact that it fails21:52
bodepdand then jjb works21:52
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mordredbodepd: why would you want to easy_install pbr?21:58
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bodepdb/c otherwise jjb fails22:01
dstufftmordred: s/pbr/anything/22:01
mordreddstufft: exactly22:01
bodepdI posted the stack trace before. I just randomly tried stuff until I could get jjb to work22:02
bodepdeasy_install pbr happend to be the thing22:02
bodepd(despite the fact that the command failed_22:02
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clarkbbodepd: is this the same fail that krinkle ran into?22:02
clarkbbodepd: it was fixed by pip installing22:02
dstufftI'd be $5 that easy_install uninstalled something and then failed22:02
bodepdpbr is already installed correclry via pip22:02
dstufftand the uninstalling unwedged it22:02
mordredyeah. easy_install should always be avoided22:02
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mordredit's the devil22:03
dstufftmordred: lol setup_requires QQ22:03
* mordred stabs22:03
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mordreddstufft: when are you going to fix that and simplify my life?22:03
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dstufftmordred: idk, so much to do ;(22:03
bodepdthat is the failure, and it fails despite the fact that pbr was installed by pip as the right version22:04
mordredoh. weird22:04
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Project group item PUT method now returns project
bodepdand installing via easy_install allows that command to work22:04
dstufftwhat version of pip22:04
dstufftoh jjb uses entrypoints22:05
bodepdI think latest22:05
dstufftok I up my bet to $10 that easy_install uninstalled something which unwedged it22:05
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bodepdit just stated happending two days ago22:05
dstuffter not uninstalled, but overwrote22:05
bodepdwithout chnages, I use the same install latest pip method infra uses22:05
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Admin Project Group UI
dstufftcan you repro it22:06
bodepdyeah. it'll take me 10 or so minutes22:06
bodepdI blew away that machine, b/c I was going to test a from scratch build with the easy_install of pbr22:06
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dstufftit'd be interesting to see the results of ``pip list`` and ``python -c "import sys; print(sys.path)"``22:07
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Project group item PUT method now returns project
reedkrtaylor, newsletter out, with Third Party blurb22:12
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dstufftbodepd: can you do ls -l /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages22:22
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bodepdpbr is in there :)22:22
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dstufftbodepd: what about ls -l /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages22:24
dstufftI know the problem22:24
dstufftYou have distribute (0.6.24dev-r0)22:24
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dstufftYou *need* setuptools >= 6.11.28 (IIRC) in order for pkg_resources entrypoints to be able to find things installed from a Wheel (things with a .dist-info directory)22:25
dstufftnot sure where the 11 came from22:25
dstufftI think it was 0.6.28,22:25
dstufftyes, that's too old22:25
dstufftit won't recognize the dist-info directory22:26
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dstufftyou need to either a) upgrade your setuptools or b) use pip with pip --no-use-wheel22:26
dstufftthe reason easy_install works is becuase it's dropping an egg-info instead of a dist-info22:26
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bodepddstufft: thanks. It looks like upgrading setuptools works22:36
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fungiyeah, we've got the same bug open against git-review since both it and jjb just released their first versions with pbr-based packaging22:42
fungibug 133770122:43
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1337701 in git-review "git review 1.24 fails on OS X 10.9.2 with pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: git-review" [Medium,Triaged]
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zaroryanpetrello, clarkb : waiting for these to be approved before making python-jenkins release to pypi. AND
zaroclarkb: we should totally hang out after arrival, lets find some good bear and watch world cup finals.23:07
clarkbzaro: yes world cup watching is going to happen23:10
clarkbbut game is at 9pm so we haev lots of time23:10
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zaroohh, i thought it was in the AM.  well your welcome to stay at my hotel as long as you like.23:12
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clarkbzaro: this is the proble with flying east, everything is so late23:14
clarkbzaro: you ready for the 9 hour time difference?23:15
clarkbzaro: also lebron to cleveland23:16
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zaroclarkb: ready or not, it's coming.23:34
zaroclarkb: totally didn't expect that to happen.  but makes league more interesting so +123:34
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zaroclarkb: i've just realized that gerrit project approves changes either very quickly or very slowly. makes me appreciate the openstack approval policy.23:39
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: First draft of enabling beaker tests to run
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nibalizeranteaya: want to peek at
nibalizerwhen you get a chance23:55
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