Thursday, 2014-07-03

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clarkbjhesketh: bare-precise images are currently being build in hpcloud00:26
clarkbjhesketh: I will do rax shortly too00:26
jheskeththanks clarkb :-)00:27
clarkbjhesketh: that will update the swift upload script on the node the experimental job runs on00:27
clarkband hopefully we can make another go at it00:27
fungistab at release notes/announcement for git-review 1.24:
SlickNikshashankhegde/ Sukhdev / anteaya: So one thing I noticed when compiling / building this is that the gerrit trigger plugin already has changes that prevent this patch from being cleanly applied on master.00:31
clarkbfungi: looks good.00:31
ianwlifeless: any chance you could approve this -> (d-i-b: Remove fixfiles from rpm-distro finalize)00:31
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SlickNikshashankhegde/ Sukhdev / anteaya: for example, the gerrit events module has been moved to a separate repository.00:31
SlickNikshashankhegde/ Sukhdev / anteaya: So the patch as it stands might need some TLC before we can merge it upstream00:32
clarkbSlickNik: we don't use gerrit trigger plugin upstream00:32
fungii'll leave it to collect edits/suggestions, and then tag 1.24 tomorrow00:32
* clarkb feels like he is missing context about this00:32
pleia2fungi: lgtm00:32
fungiclarkb: pleia2: thanks!00:32
anteayaclarkb: the gerrit trigger plugin doesn't allow rechecks00:33
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anteayaSukhdev and shashank hacked a patch so it will00:33
clarkboh I see00:34
clarkbupstream here is not openstack but gerrit trigger plugin00:34
SlickNikclarkb: Sorry I should have clarified. When I said upstream, I meant merge the patch we have into the gerrit-trigger-plugin codebase.00:34
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anteayareddwarf ci doestn' suport rechecks00:34
anteayaclarkb: correct00:34
anteayaand reddwarf ci will still be alive another month, we have to lead by example here00:34
SlickNikanteaya: I'm hoping to kill reddwarf CI before that (I can't wait), but I hear you on the lead by example part. :)00:35
anteayaSlickNik: you are doing great00:35
anteayakeep it up00:36
anteayaand when reddwarf ci dies, we will have a party00:36
jesusaurusit looks like exposes a fun little bug in gerrit. note the two (apparently different) Peter Balland's00:36
anteayaI think I need a new gerrit group since we can't delete accounts, perhaps deprecated-third-party?00:36
clarkbjesusaurus: its a 'bug' peter setup two accounts00:37
clarkbjesusaurus: hard to prevent00:37
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jesusauruswell, its a bug that both accounts get listed as reviewers when one reviews00:37
fungisomeone may have added the other as a requested reviewer00:37
anteayajesusaurus: if he uses two seperate email accounts00:37
anteayawe can't prevent it00:37
jesusaurusoh, yeah, i suppose one could have been requested00:38
jesusaurusi was thinking that gerrit was doing a lookup on the name00:38
fungiand then he probably responded by reviewing with the other00:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Enable gating for python-congressclient
jesusaurusis it possible to negate the ref match in a zuul pipeline trigger? as in 'any ref that doesn't match refs/master/foo'?00:43
clarkbjesusaurus: yes, use negative lookahead regex00:44
jesusaurusah, are those fully pcre?00:44
clarkbshould be plenty of examples in our job list that exclude branches that way00:44
clarkbjesusaurus: they are python re lib00:44
clarkbso anything python re will do they can do00:44
anteayafungi: any thoughts on a gerrit group for retired third party ci accounts?00:44
fungiyeah, we already have tons of zuul project overrides to run on "not this branch but all others"00:45
fungianteaya: are they ever likely to come out of retirement? if no, is there some other reason to have them grouped?00:45
jesusaurusim talking about gerrit triggers. i want all changes with topic foo to go into their own pipeline00:46
anteayacan we delete them? I thought we couldn't00:46
anteayaand I have zero idea if they will ever come out of retirement or not00:46
clarkbjesusaurus: ya I think that is a regex match as well00:46
clarkbfinally got all the bare-precise builds in progress00:48
clarkb03 and 04 are still not done with their jobs so now I am going to run home00:49
anteayafungi: I have commented on your etherpad00:49
fungithanks anteaya00:49
anteayamikal: thanks for weighing in on the ml regarding response times00:51
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IAXHi guys, I have a doubt, I'm using the exim module, but its parameters lacks a lot of settings that I need to configure it with sendgrid.00:56
anteayaIAX hi, what is your context?00:56
anteayawhat are you doing with the exim module?00:56
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IAXanteaya, I'm configuring to send email to external email address, for this purpose I need to configure it with sendgrid server00:57
IAXthe documentation that i'm following is here:
IAXactually the plan is to use this MTA for gerrit00:59
anteayaIAX why are you asking in this channel?01:00
IAXbecause the module is located in infra.01:00
IAXam I wrong?01:00
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mordredIAX: hi!01:01
anteayaI don't know01:01
anteayaah looks like mordred will help you01:01
IAXhi mordred!01:01
mordredIAX: home in 5 ... will help in just a sec01:01
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IAXi'm not sure about my options, the only that comes to my mind is to extend the module to take more input variables and fill the template accordingly01:03
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mordredIAX: that's probably what we'll need to do - but let me go read the thing real quick01:06
jheskethclarkb: we should probably merge 101101 if you're removing envinject from real puppets?01:07
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mattoliverauIAX: I don't think the exim module handles the update-exim.conf.conf file. What exactly are you trying to do? You could extend it, or in your puppet configuration override the exim4.config.erb or add some extra files to conf.d01:08
clarkbthats the change puppet side?01:08
mordredIAX: ok- I don't think think we need to use al of those01:08
jheskethclarkb: yep01:08
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jheskethclarkb: progress:
mordredIAX: to start, you want to pass   route_list = "* byname"01:11
mordredIAX:   route_list = "* byname"01:11
* mordred is failing at cmoputerse01:11
mordredIAX: you want to pass "* byname" to the exim module's smarthost param01:12
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mordredIAX: one sec for the other bits01:13
IAXmordred, reviewing....01:15
IAXmordred, but /etc/exim4/passwd.client is not handled in the module01:18
IAXor i'm missing something?01:18
clarkbjhesketh: I am assuming that gives you enough to go off of?01:18
* clarkb continues jenkins restarts and plugin removal01:19
jheskethyep, looks like the packaged python-magic isn't what I expected01:19
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fungiIAX: the module would likely need to be extended to manage passwd.client for you, and you'd probably want to use something like hiera injection to avoid putting your smarthost account password in your puppet manifest directly anyway01:20
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support for remote auth smarthosts
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mordredIAX: there. that should handle it for you ^^01:21
mordredIAX: (sorry, figured it would just be quicker to write you a patch - hope that's ok)01:22
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mordredIAX: obviously that's completely untested ...01:22
mordredIAX: but the key takeaway is that the config section that's relevant is the one under teh cPanel section01:23
clarkb03 and 04 restarting now01:23
mordredwhich is TERRIBLE documentation01:23
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IAXmordred, cool ! I'll make the test01:24
mordredjeblair: ^^ if you get a second, I'd love a second set of exim eyes on that - I think I did it right01:25
clarkbwouldn't it be nice if hpcloud made ^ not necessary?01:25
mordredclarkb: YES01:25
mordredclarkb: I brought it up with product management again today01:25
clarkbmordred: yay01:25
clarkb01 and 02 are in shutdown mode now.  Iam going t oeat dinner while I wait for them01:26
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mordrednibalizer: you ever figure out anything for the in-tree hiera stuff?01:47
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix magic in zuul_swift_upload
jheskethclarkb: ^ that should fix the latest problem we've seen01:47
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clarkbjhesketh: so we have installed the lib?01:49
clarkbone of them/01:49
jheskethclarkb: yep, I had it installed from apt/yum in preparation for the scripts to work01:50
jheskethnot realising the packaged version was different to the pypi one I was testing on01:50
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clarkbI went ahead and approved it01:51
clarkband can trigger more image builds in a bit01:51
jheskethcool thanks :-)01:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix magic in zuul_swift_upload
clarkbit didn't occur to me how awesome that commit message is until just now01:56
clarkbjhesketh: good job01:56
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jheskethI know :-)01:56
jheskethI was tempted to put in "literally"01:57
jheskethin hindsight, I should have01:57
clarkbjhesketh: but ya when I fire up laptop again to do jenkins01 and jenkins02 I can do image builds too01:57
anteayajhesketh: I like it how it is01:59
mordredclarkb: how are we mirror-wise. decent for now?01:59
clarkbmordred: I think so? all the slave images are updated for that at this point01:59
clarkbmordred: and bandersnatch updated the mirror at somepoint this morning02:00
mordredcool. I'm going to work ona  patch for bandersnatch to do things at some point02:00
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clarkbmordred: dstufft indicated he didn't want bandersnatch to do things02:00
clarkbunless you mean something on our side parsing the logs02:00
dstufftyea I'd really rathe rnot have every bandersnatch deployment issuing purge requests02:01
clarkbapparently r1chardj0nes commented on that change02:01
dstufftI like that purge is unauthenticated but if that happens i'll probably need to write some VCL to make it authenticated02:01
clarkband I don't really grok what he means but whatever it merged /me moves on02:01
anteayamordred: any sense when you can write the thing you were talking about regarding open source?02:01
anteayamordred: I'd really like a url I can point to02:01
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dstufft(but openstack itself can purge stuff becuase when Iactually fix it I can go bother y'all to stop doing it)02:01
mordreddstufft: oh. ok02:03
dstufftmordred: the fact that purges fail is a bug in PyPI basically02:03
dstufftthat's how I see it anyways02:03
mordreddstufft: then I'll just write a thing to catch them in our runs :)02:03
dstufftyea that's fine02:03
mordreddstufft: and turn it off when you tell me to02:03
mordredbtw - I submitted a patch to bandersnatch and if totes failed pyflakes because I SUCK02:03
dstufftmordred: if you do that, if you log some metrics about how often it happens that'd be cool02:04
dstufftI don't have any idea how often it happens02:04
dstufftif it's happening a lot i'll prioritize fixing it02:04
mordreddstufft: I can TOTALLY do that02:04
mordredwe have a graphite and everything02:04
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dstufftthere's a lot of broken things and not a lot of data about how often those broken things are actually affecting people02:05
dstufftso I just kind of guess on what my priorities sohuld be02:05
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dstufftmostly based on how often people are yelling at me about something :D02:05
clarkbjhesketh: did you want to address richard's comment before image rebuilds happen?02:05
mordredwell, I believe your priorities shoudl be "fix things #openstack-infra carps about, then other stuff"02:06
clarkbjhesketh: I don't think it is that important02:06
jheskethclarkb: yeah I guess it'll only take a second... please hold02:06
clarkbjhesketh: I left a comment in response02:06
clarkbjhesketh: I am actually nto a fan of try except else02:06
clarkbbut whatever02:07
clarkb(else in funny places just never reads right, sure python lets you for else, try else, else all the things, but arg readability)02:07
dstufftclarkb: you cray02:07
dstufftI <# else02:07
clarkbdstufft: it doesn't help readability imo02:07
clarkbdstufft: especially for people not familiar with python02:08
clarkbfor else wtf <- seems to be a common thing02:08
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dstufftclarkb: eh, it's nicer than the alternative, which is setting a flag and then testing the flag02:08
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mordredI like try except else - but is for else really a thing?02:08
clarkbmordred: yes for else is a thing02:09
mordredO M G02:09
mordredthat's so ruby02:09
clarkbthis is the problem with else in funny places02:09
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clarkbdstufft: or you could write less crazy flow control02:09
mordredanteaya: sorry - I got swamped this week02:09
clarkblike try except maybe I should bail out here, then do stuff if not02:09
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dstufftclarkb: sometimes you gotta do a thing02:09
mordredclarkb: you know the best thing about teh bandersnatch mirror?02:09
dstufftI don't use for else every day or anything02:10
mordredclarkb: now I don't have to refactor pypi-mirror and make it suck less02:10
clarkbmordred: :)02:10
anteayamordred: you're always swamped02:10
anteayabut I will keep hoping02:10
clarkbdstufft: ya and I'm not saying python shouldn't have it either02:10
mordredclarkb: we might want to RFA it, btw02:10
clarkbdstufft: but mordreds response basically makes my point for me which is nice02:10
mordredclarkb: I think the HP internal people are using it still because bandersnatch doesn't work right with proxies or something02:10
clarkbyes the proxies02:10
mordredmaybe we should just fix bandersnatch to work with proxies02:10
clarkbbut they should learn to tsocks02:10
dstufftbandersnatch uses requests I think02:11
dstufftit should already work with proxies...02:11
dstufftoh xmlrpc02:11
dstufftno wait02:11
dstufftit's using xmlrpc202:11
dstufftwhich uses requests02:11
wenlockproxies make me sad these days02:11
mordredmaybe it works with them NEW02:11
clarkbwenlock: me too. this is why I don't use them02:11
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mordredit didnt' work 6 months ago02:11
mordredwenlock: ++02:11
mordredproxies are stupid02:11
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dstufftI have an awesome proxies are stupid bug02:11
clarkbbut really if a proxy is causing problems. tsocks is almost always a sanish answer02:11
wenlockplus its fake sense of network security when you ip everything public anyway02:12
dstufftrequests (or maybe urllib3) stops respecting proxies after 51 requests02:12
dstufftbut only on some sites02:12
wenlocki mean routable ip's02:12
clarkbI mean you can even tether off your phone using adb and connectbot with tsocks in a mostly crazy but useable way02:12
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Don't catch too much in zuul_swift_upload
dstufftthat doesn't compare to this bug though
jheskethclarkb: ^02:12
clarkbjhesketh: cool02:13
clarkbjhesketh: I am assuming you know the magic to poke richard to rereview?02:13
wenlockive been fighting jenkins today to make it proxy happy02:13
jheskethyep, already pinged him02:13
clarkbcool I will wait before approving this time02:13
wenlockusing openid plugin02:13
jheskethhe's smart enough to not be in this channel02:13
clarkbwenlock: you should use my solution02:14
clarkbwenlock: just don't use a proxy02:14
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dstufftclarkb: time to make a movement to break proxy support in all software02:14
wenlockclarkb i might have to do that if i can't get a solid working config02:14
jesusaurusdstufft: clarkb: ++ lets do this02:14
mordredwenlock: also, go ahead and ditch jenkins and move to jhesketh's turbo-hipster02:16
wenlockcarefull someone might try to do that with firmware, then we'll really be in trouble02:16
wenlockmordred is that a real thing ? like 1-4 week thing?02:16
mordredit's CLOSE02:16
mordredbut it is not a 1-4 week thing for you02:17
wenlockwe're going to be upgrading our components soon... would be nice to role that in too02:17
mordredunless jhesketh disagrees02:17
wenlockmight just call it a new blueprint for us02:17
jheskethso I'm not sure how turbo-hipster would go running devstack jobs... but at the moment it works for our needs02:18
clarkbok I am going to do 01 and 02 then jenkins.o.o real soon now02:18
jheskethI wouldn't recommend it to anybody who doesn't want to do hand holding of the system02:18
jheskethclarkb: Richard has +1'd it02:19
clarkbjhesketh: I think you can self approve02:19
mordredjhesketh: next step for me in my ansible puppet patches02:20
mordredjhesketh: is to make a turbo-hipster thing to run the ansible script02:20
mordredjhesketh: so I may have some questions for you02:20
jesusaurusmordred: how are you liking ansible? how does it compare to salt?02:20
clarkb02 is coming back now02:21
mordredjesusaurus: I like it a lot02:21
mordredjesusaurus: the reason I like it more than salt is that I can personally use it to do things on infra without infra having chosen to use it02:21
mordredjesusaurus: which makes it WAY nicer to experiment with02:21
jesusaurusoh nice02:21
mordredyah. I mean, I've done real activities on our infra with ansible from my laptop and infra does not yet use ansible02:22
jesusaurusbut that seems like it also opens up the doors for everything being magic02:22
mordredwell, it's just ssh02:22
jesusauruswell, i mean, if i want to know where/how something is happening, i may not even know what host the command is coming from02:23
mordredjesusaurus: I did that a little while ago to do a project rename02:23
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Don't catch too much in zuul_swift_upload
mordredjesusaurus: well, in general I'm starting to commit playbooks to config02:23
clarkband 01 is coming back now02:23
clarkbjenkins.o.o is in shutdown mode now02:24
jesusaurusmordred: i don't see how you get orchestration out of that. it just looks like 'do all these things at once' without any ordering to them02:25
mordredjesusaurus: it's ordered...02:25
jheskethclarkb: okay ready for a rebuild whenever you are02:26
clarkbjenkins.o.o is coming back now02:26
clarkbjhesketh: I will trigger them shortly02:26
jesusaurusmordred: can you repeat hosts? i thought we were trying to solve the 'do X on host 1, Y on host 2, then Z on host 1' problem02:26
mordredjesusaurus: what that file says is "on git*, in parallel, remove that thing, then on review.o.o, remove and move thigns, then on *slave.o.o, in parallel, remove workspaces"02:26
clarkbok jobs running in jenkins.o.o02:27
clarkbjesusaurus: generally we don't have to do two things on host 102:28
clarkbjesusaurus: its typically host1 then host 2 then host3 type situations02:28
mordredclarkb: look at the file above02:28
jesusaurusoh, okay02:29
clarkbmordred: the file above?02:29
clarkbya thats host1 then host2 then host302:29
mordredclarkb: yah, but there are 3 tasks on host 202:29
mordredand host 1 and host 3 are actually sets of hosts02:29
mordredbut yeah02:29
clarkbI was just contrasting with jesusaurus statement02:30
mordredjesusaurus: you CAN do then Z on host 1 though if you need to02:30
jesusaurusyeah, thats what i was wondering02:30
clarkbjhesketh: bare-precise rebuilds going now02:30
clarkbwe are going to use all the bandwidths today02:30
clarkbmordred: the install pip step fails at a relatively high rate btw02:32
clarkbI have seen 2 fails today on that step02:32
mordredclarkb: install pip step?02:33
clarkbfor image builds02:33
clarkbwe get connect reset errors02:34
mordredgotcha. hrm. thats odd02:34
mordredI blame dstufft02:34
dstufftis it installing from PyPI02:34
dstufftor from pypi.o.o02:34
clarkbfro mthe get pip script02:34
clarkband a wheels eems to be involved somehow02:34
clarkbbecause the install step for the wheels is what fails02:35
dstufftthe script supports everything pip does, so that doesn't tell me if it's pypi.p.o or pypi.o.o02:35
mordreddstufft: it shoudl be pypi.p.o02:35
mordredclarkb: I think what we might want to do there is figure out what to tell dib to cache and populate and then do get-pip --no-download02:36
dstufftI was just verifying, there is a known connection reset bug we're debugging02:36
dstufftIf you can get tcpdumps of connection reset errors that would be really great02:36
dstufftth eonly thing I have access too that can reliabliy reproduce the connection reset error is Travis, and trying to get tcpdumps in that isn't working very well :(02:37
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clarkbI mean it could be a local issue too02:37
dstufftConnection Reset by Peer is being reported by a number of people in their CI systems02:38
openstackgerritJulia Kreger proposed a change to openstack-infra/gitdm: Add Julia Kreger
mordreddstufft: we have a large farm of thigns ... you want me to set up something to massively attack your url and email you tcpdumps? :)02:38
mordredTheJulia: woot02:38
dstufftmordred: sure! Fastly isn't sure what's causing it, and my travis tcpdumps are cut short for some reason and don't include the RST packet02:39
dstufftand I can't manually repro it02:39
clarkbjust need an until ! python get-pip.py02:40
anteayadstufft: where are you seeing people reporting this from their CI systems?02:40
morganfainbergmordred, clarkb, jeblair, should i/do i need to mark the keystonemiddleware package as wheels?02:40
clarkbmorganfainberg: should be nothing02:40
clarkbmorganfainberg: wheels are free02:40
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dstufftanteaya: travis-ci was one, and ryanpetrello was having issues on openstack CI (his jobs hit pypi.p.o not the openstack mirror), and uh, people were telling me it was affecting their inhouse stuff too02:41
morganfainbergclarkb, ok so add it to setup.cfg or not worry?02:41
clarkbmorganfainberg: I don't think you need to do anything02:41
morganfainbergclarkb, we're within 1 patch merging of being ready to release02:41
mordredmorganfainberg: you CAN mark is with universal if you want02:41
morganfainbergclarkb, ok cool. just trying to keep it as easy on everyone as possible :)02:41
clarkboh right02:41
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clarkbuniversal means it all the things02:41
clarkbbut i have a feeling it isn't universal02:41
clarkbbecause keystone02:41
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mordredclarkb: it means "dont' build py2 and py3 specific wheels"02:42
morganfainbergclarkb, keystoneclient is "universal"02:42
anteayadstufft: okay thanks02:42
mordredmorganfainberg: then you should add the universal line02:42
morganfainbergclarkb, this code is no different than ksc's02:42
clarkbmorganfainberg: but middleware is from keystone I thought02:42
clarkboh it came from the client?02:42
morganfainbergclarkb, yep02:42
clarkbthen yes universal02:42
dstufftif doesn't output different bits on different pythons or platforms or what have you02:42
dstufftthen it is universal02:42
clarkbdstufft: even if it doesn't work on python3?02:43
anteayadstufft: I don't know travis-ci02:43
clarkbanteaya: travis-ci is pretty cool02:43
mordredclarkb: yah. because tarballs may not work on ptyhon3 and we upload them anyway02:43
anteayadstufft: it is an account on our gerrit?02:43
dstufftanteaya: no it's a CI system02:43
anteayaokay thanks02:43
dstufftlots of OSS projects use it02:43
clarkbanteaya: its basically ci for the masses02:43
mordreddstufft: it's a thing you can use to do CI on your github02:43
mordredat least, it is until we have a zuul github hook02:44
morganfainbergclarkb, mordred, i'll mark it as universal, if we can get it in this release great, if not we'll have a 2nd release coming (with a bunch of refactoring) in the near-term this cycle. initial release is so we can get adoption and make sure we don't break anything when projects use it02:44
mordredmorganfainberg: kk. it's not urgent. infra works either way02:44
morganfainbergmordred, ++ cool02:44
clarkbif I didn't already run a really awesome ci system I would probably use travis :)02:44
dstufftclarkb: yes, the wheel stuff isn't about declaring what versions of Python you support, it's about selecting which wheel file has the correct bits for what would happen if you ran `` on that Python``02:44
clarkbdstufft: gotcha02:45
dstufftwe have another thing in metadata 2.0 which will declare supported versions02:45
clarkband since 2to3 is a thing you have to distinguish02:45
dstufftplus people can do crazy stuff in their setup.py02:45
anteayawould travis-ci be something third party groups could use?02:45
anteayathe ones that have such a hard time keeping a jenkins running?02:45
clarkbanteaya: maybe? they would have to convince travis to talk to our gerrit02:45
wenlockclarkb so we took the ec2.rb rm route you mentioned to me yesterday, this seems to be working on our fixed our demo area for sure02:45
clarkband I don't think travis ci does that today02:45
clarkbwenlock: ok02:46
anteayaI wonder if that is worth putting any effort into02:46
clarkbwenlock: I thnik we knew it would most work. we just felt dirty doing it02:46
clarkbanteaya: well its closed source iirc02:46
clarkbanteaya: so you can't do anything about it02:46
* clarkb double checks that may not be true02:46
wenlockclarkb yeah, i can see that, so we made it a hiera configuration option you can flip on and off02:46
dstufftclarkb: if you made it so failed on Python 3, then you wouldn't publish a wheel though (like if sys.version_info.major == 3: raise Exception("Don't do this thing")02:46
dstuffttravis-ci is OSS02:46
mordredanteaya: the big key would be convincing them to care02:47
wenlockclarkb for how we provision the puppetmaster02:47
dstufftthey have an OSS license02:47
dstufftand you can see the code02:47
mordredoh really?02:47
dstufftbut it's near impossible to run a copy on your own02:47
mordredI did not know that02:47
dstufftthere is zero instructions on how to do it02:47
mordredah ... the launchpad thing02:47
dstufftand it's fairly complex02:47
clarkboh hey it is open02:47
clarkb is what would need updating I think02:47
clarkbbut maybe not02:48
anteayaclarkb: ah closed source doesn't help02:48
clarkbhrm I don't see any licenses on that02:48
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gitdm: Add Julia Kreger
dstufftI would talk to them first before trying to write some code, because I have a feeling they probably consider it out of scope02:48
clarkbdstufft: is it open source or just on github?02:48
anteayamordred: yeah, well if they are closed source they probably don't care02:48
clarkbbecause I don't see a clear indication of what the license is02:48
clarkbanteaya: well it may be open, trying to figure out what their code is licensed under02:49
dstufftclarkb: hm, I thought there was a license02:49
dstufftI can ask them02:49
dstufftthey are friends02:49
clarkboh MIT02:49
clarkbat least for -core02:49
clarkb-api wasn't clear02:49
clarkbso ya open source cool02:49
dstufftah cool02:50
anteayaclarkb: ah travis-ci is open source?02:50
clarkbanteaya: well some parts at least :)02:50
dstuffttravis-ci is one of those things, where it's really good for the ~80% use case02:50
clarkbothers seem to have the typical problem of no clear license even though I can read the code02:50
clarkbdstufft: just like github02:50
dstufftpip uses them, and I constantly consider moving off because we'd like OSX and Windows support (they techincally have OSX support, but the Python support is broken) plus things like "python without threads" and stuff like that02:51
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clarkbpython without threads?02:51
dstufftbut their workflow makes me happy and not having to maintain infra makes me happy02:51
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dstufftclarkb: you can compile python without threading enabled02:52
dstufftpip supports being run in this configuration02:52
dstufftwe don't actually test it though02:52
clarkboh I see02:52
dstuffttheortically pip wants to support running with everything but zlib disabled (lzma, threading, ssl, etc)02:52
dstufftbut no tests, and the only way to do that on travis is compile python inline, or make your own packages and install them inline in the test run02:53
anteayawell if it isn't clearly all open source, I don't think I can recommend it02:53
anteayaif someone chooses to use it, well I will have to wait to hear what devs think and then assess02:53
clarkbanteaya: I think it "is" its just a common issue where people neglect to make it explicit so it technically may not be02:53
clarkbanteaya: the problem is large enough that github now suggests licenses for you when you create new repos02:54
dstufft[22:49:53]  <dstufft> josh-k: is there a license for the travis-ci code?02:54
dstufft[22:52:09]  <@josh-k> MIT I believe02:54
dstufft[22:53:21]  <dstufft> josh-k: ah ok, didn't see a license here
dstufftjosh-k is the uh02:54
dstufftCEO or something02:54
dstufftof travis-ci02:54
anteayadstufft: ah okay thanks02:54
dstufftso msot likely if something is missing a license it was an oversight02:55
clarkbits a common thing02:55
anteayadstufft: would josh-k care enough to chat with me about our third party ci situation to see if travis-ci is something that would fit?02:55
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clarkbnot intentionally done02:55
dstufftanteaya: possibly! He's in #travis on freenode02:55
clarkbanteaya: thats a can of worms. my guess is way out of scope for them02:56
clarkbanteaya: also doesn't help third most third parties as they could test on us if they can test on travis02:56
clarkbthe reason they don't test on us is they have some proprietary thing or hardware or whatever else02:56
clarkband those things pose the same problems for travis as they do for us02:56
anteayacan they not just leave that behind02:56
anteayaand test on us?02:56
anteayathat would be so much easier02:56
anteayafor them too02:56
anteayawondering if we should have a ci conf02:57
anteayaus, travis-ci, other things02:57
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clarkbthese things exist02:58
anteayathen the third party folks could show up02:58
anteayathey do?02:58
anteayawhat are they called?02:58
clarkbI think a lot of people show up at jenkins conf even if not using jenkins02:58
clarkbthere are also sqa conferences02:58
anteayaI didn't even know sqa was a thing02:59
anteayaI dislike acronyms02:59
clarkbTLAs FTW02:59
* clarkb hides02:59
anteayaisn't jenkins conf a jave conf02:59
wenlockis third party ci just about running a ci system that connect and vote on o.o?02:59
wenlocklike behind a proxy03:00
anteayaif there is a reason to do so03:00
anteayapreferably not03:00
clarkbwenlock: yes. the idea beind it is to allow people with special requirements to deal with that stuff on their end03:00
wenlockthey should use redstone, wink wink03:00
anteayaproxies and firewalls make it unhappy03:00
mordredwenlock: funny story - I was just telling anteaya about forj03:00
clarkbbecause I don't want to run specia lswitch hardware and deal with licensing03:00
mordredwenlock: however, you should make a gerrit-less blueprint03:00
clarkbanteaya: no jenkins conf is focused on jenkins03:00
wenlockwe have03:00
wenlocktuleap and modus are gerritless03:00
clarkbanteaya: but there is leakage into the CI community03:01
mordredwenlock: do they have code hosting?03:01
wenlockperforce wants to make one too... ive been trying to get them to do zuul03:01
wenlockno, its all host yourself03:01
wenlockno $$ to host it03:01
mordredwenlock: I mean, one that is redstone is just points to openstack's gerrit03:01
clarkbpeople use perforce?03:01
clarkbthats silly03:01
wenlockmordred ahhh that is intreasting03:01
mordredwenlock: we have 10s of groups all trying to run third-party ci pointed at our gerrit03:01
wenlockmordred +1 thats a new blueprint for us, we'd host the blueprint source for that for sure if we wanted to start one03:02
anteayaabout 80 accounts03:02
wenlockmordred it would be clone redstone and give it a new name... call it some other cool name03:02
anteayasubgroup of above:,members03:02
clarkbjhesketh: images are just about done. will let you know when they are all up to date. should be soon03:03
jheskethawesome, thanks clarkb03:03
anteayaclarkb: hmmmm, I would really like an infra, travis, forj conf I think maybe03:03
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* StevenK tries to understand ZUUL_*03:04
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StevenKClearly, I can check ZUUL_PROJECT if it's set to something I care about, but then how do I get at the code, or is already on the machine then, and I just need to pip install --pre ?03:05
anteayaI'm wrong, 70 accounts:
cody-somervilleanteaya: That's not a bad idea. Why don't you try and schedule something to happen during the OpenStack summit?03:05
clarkbStevenK: if you run gerrit git prep as the first part of your job all of that is taken care of03:05
anteayaoh god not during summit03:05
clarkbStevenK: if you aren't for whatever reason then the zuul url prefix + project tell you where to clone the zuul ref from03:06
anteayakrtaylor: has offered to do something in Texas next release03:06
StevenKclarkb: This is for tripleo jobs. One of things we run is pip install <every client> in pull-tools. If we're testing os-cloud-config or os-apply-config, I want to install that version so we actually use the code03:06
anteayaso perhaps late nov, early dec or maybe jan03:06
clarkbStevenK: that version being the one proposed?03:06
anteayasome sort of meetup targetted at the third party ci accounts, including stuffl like how to set up your system03:07
StevenKclarkb: Right03:07
clarkbanteaya: I really don't like the focus on "third party" fwiw03:07
anteayaclarkb: do expand03:07
clarkbanteaya: if you do something it really should be more general imo03:07
clarkbanteaya: third party openstack testing is so specific and imo not very interesting03:07
anteayaokay, what term do you suggest03:07
cody-somervilleanteaya: What about a virtual meetup?03:07
clarkbits a thing we do to deal with a problem03:07
clarkbanteaya: I like the broader CI get together03:07
anteayacody-somerville: oh no, these people need face to face03:07
anteayaclarkb: that works for me too, personally I would enjoy that more03:08
anteayabut we do need some form of physical meetup for folks running these systems03:08
clarkbStevenK: so ya gerrit git prep does that for you03:08
clarkbit will checkout the proposed version of the change in the repo for you03:08
anteayacody-somerville: if virtual would work for them, they could get stuff done on irc03:08
anteayacody-somerville: it is pulling teeth to get them on irc03:09
anteayathey want face to face03:09
wenlockanteaya what stops them?03:09
anteayaproprietary fears?03:09
cody-somervilleanteaya: What about video conferencing?03:09
anteayathey don't know who is listening03:09
StevenKclarkb: So I should just call pip install --pre for those projects and it will DTRT?03:09
anteayacody-somerville: that sets the wrong message03:09
clarkbStevenK: I think so? what is the job running in response to?03:10
anteayasince video conferencing is proprieatry software03:10
clarkbStevenK: changes to $client? if yes then yes03:10
anteayaalso I can't do that with this group03:10
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anteayamany of them struggle with english03:10
anteayamany of them have no knowledge of opensource habits of communication03:10
anteayathey have no idea there is anyone there03:10
anteayathey don't trust irc03:10
anteayathey need to know someone is listenting03:11
StevenKclarkb: TripleO jobs in general -- I was going to check $ZUUL_PROJECT for os-{cloud,apply}-config first03:11
wenlock<<< never used irc till mordred told me it existed03:11
anteayato start they wouldn't even talk to each other03:11
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anteayathey all had to talk to me03:11
clarkbStevenK: oh then no that won't do what you want03:11
anteayait was exhausting03:11
clarkbStevenK: gerrit git prep will check out the os-foo stuff for you03:11
anteayathe meetings are helping, they are starting to talk to each other03:11
clarkbStevenK: not the clients03:11
anteayaand help each other, which is awesome03:11
anteayabut it is all work03:11
anteayaand foreign to this group03:12
wenlockanteaya that sounds like my first month in guadaljara trying to get my team to learn social (irc things).... i think we're still learning03:12
StevenKanteaya: It's pushing them uphill in the snow, and exhausting?03:12
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anteayawenlock: yup03:12
anteayaStevenK: yes03:12
anteayanow the ones that have stuck with it are learning03:12
anteayaand getting past their fears03:12
wenlockthats the win03:13
anteayaand talking to other people without checking with legal if they can type in irc03:13
StevenKclarkb: So the code should be checked out on disk, and I can pip install <path>03:13
anteayawenlock: very much so03:13
wenlockand it's easy to regress to cave man habbits03:13
clarkbStevenK: right but that codes isn't the client code. it is your os-* code03:13
anteayaso we have made some progress03:13
clarkbStevenK: maybe that is what you need?03:13
anteayabut I know the group wants a meetup03:13
StevenKclarkb: Right, which it is03:13
clarkbStevenK: maybe you need to use tox03:13
anteayaand it is time in K to give them one03:13
clarkbStevenK: rathe rthan reinventing the wheel we already have sorted out03:13
StevenKclarkb: Is it a well-known path?03:13
clarkbStevenK: if you add a tox.ini we do all this stuff for you03:14
clarkband tox installs .03:14
anteayaand I'm open to what ever we call it03:14
anteayaand I agree with clark it should be broader03:14
anteayabut we have to include some tutorials like how to install jenkins03:14
StevenKclarkb: is what I'm hcking03:14
anteayasince i know that is what they want03:14
wenlockci for dummies?03:14
anteayaone track, sure03:15
anteayabut I can't use that term03:15
wenlockyeah TM and all03:15
anteayasince they feel vulnerable just being here03:15
anteayamore than that03:15
clarkbStevenK: yup looks like reinvented tox (there may be a reason for that but thats what it looks like)03:15
wenlockooh, haha03:15
anteayait is counter productive to the goal03:15
anteayaI *want* them to feel welcome03:15
anteayaI *want* them to contribute03:15
anteayaand I want to select language that conveys that03:16
wenlockour first contribution not from our team came from EU03:16
anteayasince it will take them a while to trust I really mean that anyway03:16
wenlockon forj03:16
wenlocksecond one came from China03:16
StevenKclarkb: We want those things installed every time, no matter what we're testing -- I want to extend it to install the proposed changes of os-apply-config or os-cloud-config if we're testing that to make sure it is used03:16
clarkbStevenK: right so we have a test framework that will do that for you03:17
clarkbit will install the change made and all of its dependencies then run stuff03:17
StevenKHmm, not sure if we run pip freeze during toci builds03:17
clarkboh this is for toci?03:18
clarkbif this is for toci then you are on your own03:18
clarkbbecause ya'll intentionally didn't use our stuff :)03:18
nibalizeroh tripple o ci03:18
nibalizerStevenK: do you work on toci?03:18
StevenKnibalizer: I do, yes.03:18
nibalizerI'm supposed to be learning the way of the toci03:18
StevenKclarkb: I said TripleO jobs early on, sorry I wasn't more clear03:19
clarkbStevenK: you should look at devstack-gate's functions.sh03:19
cody-somervillenibalizer: Why do you need to learn toci??03:19
* anteaya puts away her soapbox and prepares to go offline for the night03:20
clarkbStevenK: there is a setup workspace function in there that should show you what you need03:20
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clarkbjhesketh: waiting on two more builds to snapshot03:22
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: can you check and ensure you fulfilled David Pineau's gerrit ci account request? he sent an email to the list last wednesday but wasn't subscribed so it waited until Friday before it posted03:24
clarkbjhesketh: ok images built now we need them to cycle in03:25
openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for pypi mirror infra bug 1334550
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1334550 in openstack-ci "Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement X" [Low,Triaged]
ianwclarkb: please tell the hp horizon people that after uploading an image, a small red box with "Error: unable to create new image." isn't very helpful03:28
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ianwclarkb: and may lead to destruction of keyboards :)03:28
clarkbjhesketh: looks like there are two bare-precise ready images and they are 0.00 hours old03:28
jheskethclarkb: cool... looking at the queue it might take a while03:28
jheskethoh unless we play roulette03:29
clarkbjhesketh: so I think good to check experimental03:29
jheskethhow many nodes in waiting though?03:29
clarkboh right how long have they been building /me looks03:29
clarkbthere are a few buidling but they are mostly new03:29
clarkbI think if you play roulette your odds are good03:29
clarkbianw: you can't upload images by default03:30
clarkbianw: unless something changed03:30
clarkbianw: and iirc that is a glance client bug03:30
clarkbbecause it did that to me on the CLI too03:30
ianwclarkb: hmm, then removing the UI to upload an image would be even more helpful03:31
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clarkbjhesketh: oh hey it succeeded03:36
clarkbjhesketh: but 404s the file03:36
jheskethyeah, I'm just trying to find the jenkins log03:36
clarkbjhesketh: so more debugging but progress03:36
jheskeththis looks like it03:36
clarkbjhesketh: ya that03:36
jheskethnow to figure out where in the world it went to03:36
jheskethclarkb: actually, do you have access to the cloud files and could just see if it was uploaded?03:37
clarkbjhesketh: I suppose I should go look at that container directly?03:41
jheskethclarkb: if you don't mind :-)03:41
* clarkb logs into things03:41
jheskethclarkb: I'm also not sure if we configured os-loganlayze03:42
jheskethso I'm checking that out03:42
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jheskethit doesn't look like it, so that's probably why it's not being served u03:42
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clarkbjhesketh: 16/104416/1/experimental/experimental-swift-logs-config-pep8/19640d0e1a0d4dbb99b568e6f0d6fa48consoleText is the path of the file in the container03:44
clarkbjhesketh: so I think we may not be getting that path 100% correct03:45
jheskethhmm, missing a trailing slash03:45
jheskethwell after the folder03:45
jheskethbut successful push? that's something :-)03:45
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add templated uploading jobs for doc8 project
clarkbjhesketh: yup :) also the we shroten the uuid03:46
clarkbjhesketh: on the logs.o.o side03:46
clarkbjhesketh: not sure that that matters03:46
jheskeththe return url needs fixing, yes03:47
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clarkbbut thats cool it worked03:51
clarkbI think I am going to call it an evening. Hoepfulyl that gives you enough to work with03:52
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in wsgi.conf for os-loganalyze
jheskethclarkb: ^03:56
jheskethclarkb: oh, you're off.. no worries, I still have more to poke at and fix. Thanks heaps for your help! :-)03:57
clarkbjhesketh: no problem03:57
clarkbjhesketh: though quick question03:57
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clarkbjhesketh: were we going to use a ro account for that?03:57
jheskethclarkb: we probably should, but since I didn't have hiera keys etc I just reused for the moment03:58
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "demote f20 to experimental"
clarkbjhesketh: ok03:58
jheskethit seems reasonably harmless since we have a write account anyway03:58
clarkbya I am not super worried about it especailly since this is still early stages03:58
clarkbjhesketh: I assume there will be a companion change to fix the path for the file in the container too?03:59
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zarojhesketh, clarkb : help push a change along?
jheskethclarkb: yep, will be, but I've got to run for the moment so it'll be an hour or so04:09
jheskethzaro: will do when I return04:09
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notmynameI'm trying to push patches to a backport, but jenkins is telling me it doesn't know the "proposed/2.0.0" branch name04:32
notmynamewhat do I do now?04:32
openstackgerritAdrian Otto proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add solum-infra-guestagent repo to stackforge
clarkbnotmyname: link?04:35
notmynameclarkb: there are 3 total. that's the first one04:36
clarkbargle bargle04:36
clarkbits a test matrix thing again04:36
notmynameclarkb: how do you mean?04:37
clarkbnotmyname: that script determines what services you are tested with during integration testing based on branch and other things04:38
notmynameclarkb: ah. so the same reason we had a feature/foo branch. but now the test matrix doesn't know about proposed/bar yet04:39
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clarkband prposed is trickier because for most projects I think they would just do the stable thing maybe?04:40
openstackgerritAdrian Otto proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add solum-infra-guestagent repo to stackforge
clarkbbut swift doesn't do the stable/releasename thing04:40
clarkbor does it?04:40
notmynameI think this is new because we don't do milestone-proposed any more04:40
clarkband we want to test propsed/foo against other proposed/foos. I think we want to basically treat these like stable/foo04:41
notmynameclarkb: and FWIW, we do have stable/* branches in swift04:41
clarkband that way stable/foo is ready to go when we get ther04:41
clarkbnotmyname: but you don't have them for every intermediate release iirc04:41
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notmynameseeing as this is the first ever time it's been used, no04:42
clarkbwell you didn't when you did them in the past too04:42
notmynamewe did milestone-proposed then04:42
clarkbiirc you did two point releases per cycle, but only the second was branched off on stable/foo04:42
notmynameno, that's not quite right04:43
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clarkbthis mostly worked before because milestone-proposed is/was a collapsed namespace04:43
notmynameregardless of what used to happen with m-p, now we've got an rc1 for this intermediate release, and we need to put some patches on it for rc2.04:44
clarkbsure so, I think the general case is easy. we remove the proposed/ prefix and treat things as eg juno04:45
clarkbthat way we are testing the stable machinery before we are stable which is cool and one of the reasons I argued for an approach like this04:45
clarkbbut swift isn't proposing stable today04:46
clarkband that is where I am somewhat lost in how to deal with it04:46
notmynamecorrect. the stable releases are from the openstack integrated releases04:46
clarkbI think we want to treat this proposed release as master04:46
clarkband other proposed releases as juno04:46
notmynameI don't follow what that means04:47
clarkbtest-matrix is figuring out what setup to test a change against04:47
clarkbproposed/juno should be tested against a juno setup04:47
clarkbproposed/2.0.0 should probably be tested against a master setup beacuse it has no stable release equivalent04:48
notmynameah. I see. also testing against icehouse (ie the most recent stable) makes sense to me too. either way is fine with me04:48
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clarkbbut I am not 100% on that and I am also not confident that a change I would write to right now wouldn't come with all sorts of corner case breakage04:49
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clarkbI think the naive approach is to split on / and if string_list[1][0] is not in [a-z] then master else string_list[1]04:52
clarkbwhich seems like a huge hack04:52
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clarkbbut maybe it is good enough. I can throw that up and people can discuss it04:55
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notmynameclarkb: what I'm hearing is that these patches won't be backported until early next week then04:55
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clarkbnotmyname: I think we can get it through early tomorrow04:56
clarkbnotmyname: mostly thinking of sdague and ttx's feedback here04:56
* notmyname is frustrated04:58
notmynameclarkb: to be clear, I'm not blaming you (or anyone) at all04:58
notmynameI've been trying to get these patches backported for 2 days, and jenkins + timezones have really slowed it down. and this is the end of the rc period and dates matter this time04:59
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Handle proposed/ branches in
clarkbsomething like that05:00
clarkbnotmyname: so we are always going to run into hiccups when trying something new05:01
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in wsgi.conf for os-loganalyze
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notmynameclarkb: ok, thanks. I should check back in the morning about status of it all?05:03
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clarkbnotmyname: ya I think so05:03
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clarkbmaybe if ttx shows up early we can push 104448 earlyish05:03
clarkbjhesketh: thoughts on 104448?05:03
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notmynameFWIW, the end result is supposed to be
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jheskethclarkb: feedback inline05:07
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clarkbgah thanks clearly I am rushing05:07
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clarkbjhesketh: the isalpha thing is explained in the comment below and the commit message05:07
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jheskethoh right, got it... I was thinking it was related to an alpha-release not remembering that it's a builtin05:09
jheskethclarkb: ^05:09
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Handle proposed/ branches in
clarkbthat should do it05:10
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jheskethclarkb: so how do you expect intermediate releases to be formatted... your example was 'swift' but I don't follow05:13
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clarkbjhesketh: notmyname is working on proposed/2.0.005:14
clarkbjhesketh: because swift does mid cycle releases not tied to eg juno05:14
clarkbjhesketh: my biggest concern is I think swift may do one of those type of releases at juno release too05:14
clarkband then my change will break05:14
notmynameyes, I think we've done as many as 4 in an openstack cycle before05:15
clarkbnotmyname: so when you get to juno release will you have something like proposed/juno or proposed/2.x.x or both?05:16
notmynameand the last one is timed to match the integrated cycle. normally it's rare to have backports (well, less than half the time), but this is a big release05:16
notmynameclarkb: I don't know. we've never used anything but milestone-proposed before. I think this is new for everyone05:17
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clarkbnotmyname: in milestone proposed world you cut a stable/icehouse branch?05:17
notmynameclarkb: we should have a 2.x.y release for juno. eg icehouse had swift 1.13.105:17
notmynameafter the release, yes05:17
clarkbnotmyname: so old process was milestone-proposed until ready, tag 1.13.1 then create stable/icehouse branch?05:18
notmynamewe did the milestone-proposed before the release (and it had a 1.13.1 version number in icehouse)05:18
notmynameclarkb: yes, that's it exactly as I understand it05:18
jheskethclarkb: okay, makes sense to me05:19
notmynameclarkb: and the mid-cycle releases were the same except that there wasnt' a stable/* branch05:19
jheskethonly +1 though because I don't know much about how the test-matrix stuff works05:19
clarkbnotmyname: ok in that case I think my change will mostly sort of work. there may be some interaction I am not considering though05:19
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clarkbnotmyname: the trickiest bit is going to be around juno release time05:21
clarkbnotmyname: because we want to keep all the projects in sync and tested against each other with their proposed integrated release05:21
notmynameclarkb: right. seems that at that point everyone will have a proposed/* branch05:21
notmynameso you're concerned about what the "*" is, right? so we can test the right thing with the right thing?05:22
notmynamehmm...proposed/juno-2.0.0 seems reasonable to me for swift, at first glance. I don't really care too much about branch names. I care a _lot_ more about the version string in the code (eg 2.0.0)05:23
notmynameheh. "version string in the code". that's the other think I gotta get to at some point05:24
notmyname*sigh* so much to do05:24
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notmynameclarkb: thanks. I'm turning in for the night. I'll check back in the morning05:26
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clarkbttx: sdague mordred jeblair and anyone else interested. needs to be taught about proposed/* branches. is a first stab at that. The current worry is whether or not we are treating branches like proposed/2.0.0 for swift correct as well as branches like proposed/juno for all the things05:27
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clarkbwe can probably limp along on my change to keep notmyname moving, but may need more thought before juno release time05:28
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Ensure there is a slash in the object prefix
clarkbjhesketh: is that a job for os.path.join?05:39
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jheskethclarkb: no because I'm not appending the tailing slash to the url05:39
jheskethit's changing the filename to upload to be '/filename.txt'05:39
clarkboh where does the prefix come in? is that set by the hmac and all that?05:40
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jheskethclarkb: the url is set by hmac05:41
jheskethI can't set it there (I did look) because it's basically swift_destination + object_prefix05:41
jheskethwhere object_prefix is LOG_PATH05:41
clarkbya ok05:41
clarkbso you have to make sure that filename handles it05:41
jheskethand LOG_PATH is consumed by Jenkins (and others?) expecting no trailing slash05:41
jheskethclarkb: hmm, that's a question for the requests library and maybe swift05:43
jheskethI don't have a test env available atm so I can't check :-(05:43
jheskethdo you think it's likely to work or shall I WIP it until I know05:44
clarkbmaybe wip it? I do think requests/swift should handle it for us if possible05:44
clarkbbecause we are essential saying upload file to dir foo05:44
clarkbthat should result in foo/file05:44
clarkbbut swift is an object store not a file system05:45
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clarkbI am fine with what you currently have though05:46
clarkb+2 from me now and we can sort out how to handle it in the future05:46
clarkbbecause i need sleep soon05:46
jheskethwell it's not going to break anything that's working so maybe we just try it out and see if it fails05:46
* jhesketh is being lazy though05:47
clarkbthat is fine with me05:47
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clarkbthough I won't be around to rebuild images and check the results in the container until tomorrow05:47
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clarkbso maybe we wait until then to merge anyways?05:47
jheskethyep I'm good with that05:48
jheskethclarkb: I'm about to push a change that needs a zuul restart anyway05:48
jheskethalthough that won't stop us from checking it works, it'll just make the link left in gerrit correct05:48
jheskethactually the only thing we need to check if it works is the credentials for os-loganalyze05:48
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix LOG_PATH to use 7char uuid
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jheskethclarkb: so mattoliverau knows a bit about swift and the multipart-post middleware and I've done some brief reading on multipart data and it seems like we should be able to do that06:02
jheskethie my change06:03
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jheskethperhaps I should emphasis the /should/06:05
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Cleanup manual jobs
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mattoliverauclarkb: jhesketh is not here, but changing the filename to start with a '/' works.. as does adding a '/' to the end of the object_prefix. (works on my SAIO environment). Can't test it in curl (filenames with a '/', but via python and the requests package (like worked successfully.07:27
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openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for pypi index fetching issues
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, sure, I'll check requests today07:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to stackforge/python-jenkins: Add a gitreview file
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pleia2woo translations meeting08:25
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, I've created 3 accounts for CI today09:12
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s0neathank you for the openattic service account SergeyLukjanov :)09:28
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Build images using diskimage-builder
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openstackgerritRadoslav Gerganov proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update oslo.vmware to version 0.4
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add instance
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openstackgerritJulien Vey proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add solum-infra-guestagent repo to stackforge
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: make ER only go back 10 days
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: thank you for creating the accounts, and for updating me12:28
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov  / fungi - any idea what's up with -
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, np12:44
SergeyLukjanovsdague, looking12:44
sdagueit looks like it was completely lost by jenkins12:45
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, yeah... looks like zuul forget about this changes, no ideas why12:46
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fungiyeah, some time between 07-02 01:18 and now, it fell out of the gate queue. checking to see when we restarted zuul...12:59
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anteayasdague: at one point I was given a gerrit url for a dashboard you had created (I believe) used by a third party ci to assess their results in gerrit (the link broke in firefox and worked in chrome and was really long) I thought I had a copy of it somewhere and can't seem to find it, do you know what I'm talking about?13:00
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sdagueanteaya: yes, we've fixed the dashboard creator to work in firefox now13:06
sdagueI don't know the link in particular that you are discussing, however I do know that we've fixed the firefox url bug13:07
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fungilast zuul restart was on july 1st, so prior to that...13:10
fungi2014-07-02 02:29:03,457 INFO zuul.DependentPipelineManager: Dequeuing change <Change 0x7fdb594fab90 104010,1> because it can no longer merge13:11
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fungisdague: that's the point at which its parent change, 104009, fell out of the gate ahead of it13:13
anteayasdague: thanks I'll dig around and see if I can find the url13:13
anteayaand yay for fixing the firefox url bug!13:13
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sdaguefungi: ok, but the parent change is now merged13:13
sdaguewhich I expected would retrigger13:14
fungisdague: so the question is why when the parent change re-entered the gate at 07-02 13:42 did that one not get dragged back in with it?13:14
sdaguefungi: yeh13:14
fungiwhich i'm hunting for the answer to now13:14
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anteayasounds like you found something13:18
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sdaguefungi: yeh, that looks like an actual issue :)13:19
fungiit failed to report a -1 on the change when that happened, and as a result had no prior check result so the clean check requirement was never met to reenqueue it later13:19
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fungiso i wonder what's up with the LOG_PATH key not existing13:20
fungiwe hit that exception 5 times that day and 13 times the day before13:21
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fungiand quite a bit for the week prior to that as well13:21
fungibut not in the couple days since13:22
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fungiand whatever error that is aside, we probably want to treat an parent enqueuing when there's no verify vote from zuul on the child change the same as a recheck on the child change13:23
fungiotherwise these are left in limbo until someone notices and comments on them13:24
fungijeblair: once you're up and about, thoughts appreciated ^13:24
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fungii'll get a couple zuul bugs opened and dig some more13:29
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anteayasdague: on the readme it never says your irc nick, it says find me on irc but no nick13:29
fungiclearly intentional ;)13:30
anteayait appears so13:30
anteayawander around aimlessly calling into the woods, I'll find you13:30
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fungiYorikSar: hashar: i'm tagging git-review 1.24 here in just a bit... any last-minute comments/additions for the release notes?
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hasharfungi: I haven't followed git-review development lately :/13:32
fungihashar: fair enough!13:32
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hasharonly got involved again recently because of the hash mismatch that was hitting wikimedia gerrit as well :D13:32
fungihashar: yeah, i suspect we'll fix that in our tests once they release 2.8.713:33
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anteayasdague: this was the one I was talking about:
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anteayasdague: did you create that?13:34
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mordredmorning all13:41
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hasharI had a Nodepool question for you guys.  I notice there is a script, are the instances being booted stock images of distro that then need a lot of preparation work before being pooled in?13:47
hasharI was expecting you to have fully prepared images on the cloud provider to speed up the pooling of a new instance13:48
fungihashar: sort of. those prepare scripts are actually run on a template instance during image update13:48
mordredhashar: yah. so, it's both things13:48
fungihashar: after they complete, the instance is stopped and its filesystem snapshotted, then new nodes are booted from the snapshot and added to the pool13:49
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fungihashar: so we usually only run those prepare scripts once a day per label per provider13:49
fungisince that's the frequency of our scheduled image updates13:49
hashar might need a 30'000 feet overview :-D13:50
hasharso node pool boot a stock image, run the script, snapshot that image and new instances are booted from that snapshot isn't it?13:51
fungihashar: basically anything we can accomplish in advance within reason for the capabilities of an instance and without compromising the integrity of the jobs which will be run on the resulting nodes is done in advance and cached on the image13:51
hashar(rephrasing to make sure I understood)13:51
fungiso that's why we have scripts in there updating distro packages, pre-caching git repositories, et cetera13:52
hasharand node pool as a ssh private key to ssh to the insntance, it then upload the scripts and execute them there right?13:52
hasharsnapshoting being done over OpenStack API I guess13:52
fungicorrect. those scripts run in the context of the template instance, and are put there and started by the nodepool server13:52
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fungihashar: keep in mind that some of the complexity evolved to deal with the fact that our providers lacked any means for us to upload images of our own. there is an effort underway currently to improve this to build-once-upload-everywhere now that we have access to glance services13:54
hasharI am probably going to use nodepool/ openstack myself13:54
hasharthough that will be using our own cloud, so it is quite easy to provide custom images that already have everything13:54
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hasharI am going to have a bit of fun installing/setting up nodepool13:55
fungihashar: right, you could probably have a which is effectively a no-op13:55
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hasharfungi: thanks much helpful.13:56
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fungilooks like we don't (yet) have a slide presentation which covers much of nodepool? that would be a good one to add13:59
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adalbashi! i'm having issues when running, where the upgrade of setuptools seems to be not working properly. It remains in version 0.6c11 instead of the latest (5.3).14:04
adalbasthis causes failure when installing prettytable.14:05
sandywalshhey guys ... how do I remove a branch dependency in gerrit?14:05
adalbasHas anyone seen this?14:05
adalbas(i'm running that on a CI environment)14:05
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YorikSarfungi: Yay! :)14:08
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YorikSarfungi: btw, we should verify README if it's still right...14:08
anteayasandywalsh: I'm foggy, you want a branch removed from a repo? or your repo is dependant on the branch of another repo?14:09
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fungiYorikSar: good point. i'll give it a re-read since it's been nearly a year from the last release14:12
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sandywalshanteaya: there was a review branch that was dependent on another review branch ... but we don't need the parent branch yet and wanted to remove the dependency.14:16
sandywalshanteaya: but I think we have it via a rebase off master and git review -X14:16
fungisandywalsh: just rebase the change on master14:16
fungior cherry-pick onto it, yeah14:16
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sandywalshfungi: cool, thanks14:16
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anteayaadalbas: how old is your copy of devstack?14:17
adalbasanteaya, the latest. I get it from upstream.14:18
anteayahave you successfully run previously?14:18
adalbasanteaya, and i am running it on a fedora image.14:18
anteayawhat version of fedora?14:18
adalbasanteaya, yes, this was running on the PowerKVM CI, and suddenly it started those errors. F1914:19
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anteayais this the powerkvm issue that started on Tuesday?14:19
anteayaokay so start looking at new releases of packages that affect f19 that were released just prior to your errors14:20
anteayaianw: any input on difficulty with upgrading setuptools on f19?14:20
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adalbasanteaya, sure. on another hand, ArxCruz is trying to get this work on F20 as well14:22
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anteayathat was going to be my next suggestion, I'm glad you are way ahead of me on this14:22
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anteayaadalbas: if ianw shows up, he is going to be your best fedora resource14:23
anteayathat I know of14:23
adalbasanteaya, tks!14:23
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anteayaadalbas: thanks for asking, I hope you find the issue, do share once you figure it out14:23
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adalbasanteaya, yes, as soon as I have more info, I ll share it on this channel14:24
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krtayloranteaya, adalbas I remember just recent prettytable discussions, don't remember specifics though14:24
krtaylorjust a day ot two ago?14:24
adalbaskrtaylor, yes14:24
mordredok. I fixed and resubmitted my PR for adding logging config to bandersnatch14:26
anteayaI think that was canada day for me14:26
anteayahey mordred14:26
mordredhey anteaya14:26
anteayaso I'm going to try to get a walk in before more rain shows up14:27
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anteayaback in a while14:27
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openstackgerritLucas Eznarriaga proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added advise to use dns over hardcoded ip in third_party
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fungimordred: you said pbr should be unversioned as a setup_requires yes? if so, i'll fix
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mordredfungi: yes14:31
mordredfungi: setup_requires has no way to recover from a version mismatch14:31
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Build images using diskimage-builder
yolandajeblair, i pushed some changes according to your review. Will be good if you take a look, i'm still testing it14:32
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fungimordred: thanks14:32
openstackgerritChuck Short proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add python34 to hacking gate.
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mordreddstufft: requests.request("PURGE", "")14:34
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mordreddstufft: is that the right thing I want to purge if I get a stale? or do I want to purge without the json?14:34
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Alex_Gaynormordred: you send a PUREGE to whichever URL you want to purge14:36
mordredAlex_Gaynor: yah14:36
Alex_Gaynorif you want the JSON afresh, that one, if you want the simple inex, hit that14:36
mordredAlex_Gaynor: so if I get this:14:37
mordred2014-07-01 18:10:01,692 ERROR: Stale serial for package skll14:37
Alex_GaynorProbably easiest to just hit the trio of /pypi/skil, /pypi/skil/json, /simple/skil14:37
mordredthat's not enough to make the call... I need to look at 2014-07-01 18:10:01,692 DEBUG: Expected PyPI serial 1143447 for request but got 114344614:37
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mordredAlex_Gaynor: I'll try that14:38
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Update the README to mention dependencies
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Update requirements to OpenStack's recommendations
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Update homepage on PyPI
fungisome minor polish to squeeze in prior to release ^14:39
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yolandajeblair, mordred, i don't like the way i use for detecting if there is an image already built or a image building in process, i'd prefer to add a table into database14:42
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mordredyolanda: that seems like it's in-line with how other things keep track of state14:43
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yolandamordred, what do you mean?14:43
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mordredyolanda: I mean, other things keep track of things in the database, so that seems reasonable14:43
yolandayes, at the moment just looking at images dir to see if there is a file matching with the image name pattern there to detect if is built14:44
yolandaor using a set of items, to check if a image is in building process14:44
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yolandadoesn't look very robust14:44
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Update homepage on PyPI
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Update requirements to OpenStack's recommendations
KiallQuestion - olsosphinx in the docs jobs, do they use a pypi or git version of oslosphix?14:55
fungiKiall: you should be able to tell from the log14:56
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Trap for stale packages and purge them
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Trap for stale packages and purge them
Kiallfungi: annoyingly, the docs jobs dont upload the log to l.o.o ;)14:57
mordredAlex_Gaynor, dstufft: ^^ santiy check me?14:57
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fungiKiall: sure they do14:57
Kiall - ?14:57
KiallOh - docs-draft14:58
KiallFound it14:58
* Kiall hangs his head..14:58
fungiKiall: they're uploaded by the git commit sha since they're run after merge (either in post or (pre)release pipelines generally)14:58
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fungiKiall: the url looks like where yyyy is the full git sha (of the merge commit, not usually the original commit unless it was a fast-forward), and xx is the first two digits of the same sha15:00
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fungiKiall: so that particular nova post-merge docs build used oslosphinx==2.1.0 from pypi according to the pip freeze at the end of the job15:01
Kiallfungi: Ah, nice. Okay.. so oslosphinx comes from pypi15:02
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Kialldhellmann: about? I've love if you could cut a olsosphix release that includes :)15:02
KiallThat would mostly unblock Designate from getting the docs jobs merged15:02
dhellmannKiall: I'll be doing that Monday (no releases before a long weekend :-)15:03
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Kialldhellmann: totally and utterly unacceptable. Always deploy/release immediately prior to long weekends! ;)15:04
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KiallThanks - I'll keep an eye out for it15:04
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dhellmannKiall: So I can put your contact info in the announcement email, and let everyone talk to you if the release causes issues? :-)15:05
KiallSure - It's kiall@dev.null :D15:05
dhellmannI'll send email to the -dev list like with the other libs15:05
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KiallI'd have no clue about release issues with oslosphinx to be fair ;) real email or kiall@dev.null - end result would basically be the same :D15:06
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fungiKiall: it's not as if you benefit from dhellmann's long weekend anyway15:07
KiallDay off on Friday for me too ;)15:08
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fungioh, awesome!15:08
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fungimy july 4th preparations include bringing everything from my deck into the living room, taping my trash can lid tightly shut, making sure all my flashlights have fresh batteries, and filling lots of containers with potable water15:10
KiallSounds like you're going to be shouting "Get off my lawn!" all weekend too? ;)15:11
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dhellmannfungi: are they expecting the main storm to hit land, or mostly peripheral effects?15:11
KiallOh.. Storm? I don't  keep up with US weather forecasts ;)15:12
KiallSounded like protection from local kids on a 4tj of July rampage!15:12
Shrewsfungi: that's what you get for moving!15:12
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fungidhellmann: latest track has it coming mostly over top of us, but they haven't called for evacuation here on bodie island yet. hatteras island has been under mandatory evacuation for all residents since yesterday morning15:13
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fungiShrews: yes, nature is taking its earliest opportunity to test my resolve as a beach bum15:14
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dhellmannfungi: I'm reading up a little now, and I love the Gov's statement to tourists about going to the beach this weekend: "Don't put your stupid hat on."15:17
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fungiyeah, first 'cane of the season and it comes right up the coast at us15:18
fungibarely even summer yet. doesn't bode well for the next several months15:18
dhellmannif I believed in portents...15:18
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Update the README to mention dependencies
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anteayaoh yeah, you are all off tomorrow - stay safe fungi15:28
anteayaI should make sure I run my errands today then15:28
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fungianteaya: i expect to be around, though that in part depends on availability of electricity and other necessities15:29
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anteayaso happy to have your help (as always) but I will expect some interruptions in service15:30
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anteayaI hope I don't get hit with another storm so I have to go offline15:30
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clarkbsdague mordred ttx fungi did you see the test matrix thing from last night?15:35
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ttxclarkb: yes, commented on the review15:35
mordredclarkb: no15:35
ttxclarkb: not sure why this is working worse than milestone-proposed though15:35
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jeblairclarkb: link?15:36
ttxjeblair: looks like you were wrong about that "should just work" thing :)15:36
clarkbttx because its new15:36
clarkbfrom after last milestone proposed iirc15:37
ttxclarkb: ah. So proposed/foo is not exactly to blame :)15:37
ttxwe'd have had same issue with milestone-proposed15:37
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ttxjeblair: I retract what i just said15:37
fungiclarkb: hrm... proposed/$1 and stable/$1 should be tested with proposed/$1 and stable/$1 of other projects when they exist, or with master if not15:38
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clarkbfungi: no15:38
fungiclarkb: what corner case am i missing there?15:38
clarkbbrcause projects will go from proposed to stable at different times15:38
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fungiclarkb: right, which is why i said "and"15:39
fungiat any point in time there will be a mix of proposed and stable branches, or proposed and master branches, or possibly proposed, stable and master15:39
fungi(because some projects don't use branches other than master ever)15:40
clarkbright so my change allows for this15:40
clarkbits about picking test setups15:40
clarkbnot about which branches are tested together15:40
fungiclarkb: right, so my point was i don't understand the need for an isalpha distinction to single-out numeric release branches15:40
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clarkbnumeric release branches are essentially meaningless in our existing matrix15:41
fungisince they would fall back to being tested with master of other projects anyway (as there would be no matching stable or proposed branch names for other projects)15:41
clarkbswift is a snowflake here and was not considered15:41
clarkbthey would not fall back on master15:41
luqasanteaya: topic third-party means creating a branch third-party, right?15:42
clarkbfungi: for branch selection it would. but test matrix is about test env15:42
notmynamewould a proposed/<prefix>-* help?15:42
notmynameeg proposed/juno-2.0.015:42
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sdagueclarkb: I proposed a different approach on it15:43
clarkbfungi: test matrix has no fallback. it is explicit and error otherwise15:43
clarkbsdague ya I think yours makes sense except it would mask the lack of eg juno in our matrix15:43
clarkbI still want to fail if we dont know how to juno15:44
fungiclarkb: oh, okay. i was focusing entirely on our branch selection algorithm, yes. i suppose there are $reasons we don't explicitly map environment selection to the branch selection result15:44
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sdagueclarkb: ok, well I'm intermitent today as there is a multi step transit to vermont for the weekend, will look at it in more detail later15:45
clarkbnotmyname: possibly and we could drop the numbers15:46
clarkband treat it as juno15:47
notmynameclarkb: hmm..but next month when we have 2.0.1 or 2.1.0 then what? also, does this impact client libraries?15:47
clarkbno I mean drop numbers in test matrix15:47
notmynameclarkb: ok, so just the pattern propose/<release>-*?15:48
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notmynameseems fine to me. just that I need to repropose the patches when the new branch is set up if that's what's happening15:50
clarkbI am not sure it is necessary yet.15:51
clarkbcurious to see what mordred and jeblair say15:51
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fungiclarkb: a couple of quick and easy +2's for last-minute polish on git-review before i tag 1.24... and
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anteayaluqas: it can yes, you can also click the square icon in the gui next to topic and edit it there15:54
anteayaand git review -t <topic> I believe changes the topic in the patch to be what you like15:54
anteayabut let me confirm that15:55
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clarkbfungi done15:56
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anteayaluqas: yes git review -t <topic> works as well15:56
luqasanteaya: done with the square button of the gui :)  thanks15:56
fungiclarkb: thanks15:57
anteayathat method requires to you edit the topic each new patchset15:57
anteayaand thanks for offering that patch, luqas15:57
luqasanteaya: yw15:57
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clarkbI think elasticsearch hates me16:00
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clarkbeverything great for a day andbam no more16:00
anteayaI think elasticsearch hates everybody16:00
anteayaI haven't seen it play favourites16:00
fungijeblair: ran into a fun new (i think) bug in zuul, which i'm digging into now...!/story/14716:00
jeblairfungi: ok, lemme know if you want help16:01
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clarkbjeblair: were you going to weigh in on 104448? I will probably go with sdagues suggestion if no one else has something better16:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Update requirements to OpenStack's recommendations
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fungijeblair: separate from that, it exposed a workflow hole with the new pipeline requirements. specifically if zuul fails to vote on a change, then it will fail to reconsider that change later if a parent change is reenqueued into a dependent pipeline (basically same as if it had voted -1). perhaps we should be treating that condition as a recheck?16:05
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jeblairclarkb: i'm okay with either way; they both solve the immediate problem, the only question is whether we want hard-fail on new proposed branches before we've added them to the config file.16:11
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jeblairfungi: hrm.  that would be really hard to implement.16:12
fungijeblair: yeah, perhaps we just try not to let that happen in the first place ;)16:12
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jeblairfungi: let's do that :)16:12
clarkbjeblair: I am going to go ahead and add juno in that change and do what sdague suggests16:12
jeblairclarkb: ok16:13
fungidid we have a standard/convention yet for referring to storyboard tasks in commit message headers?16:14
jeblairfungi: i've been using "Story: 123"16:15
fungijeblair: wfm, thanks16:16
jeblairfungi: it's likely going to have to change at some point when we figure out whether and how to address tasks directly16:16
fungii guess ultimately tasks in a story will...16:16
fungii couldn't find a usable task-specific identifier and was just going to us ethe story id number16:16
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Handle proposed/ branches in
clarkbsdague: jeblair notmyname ttx ^ how is that?16:19
jeblairi like the reverse alphabetical order there :)16:20
notmynameclarkb: seems that it would mean that there would be many proposed/juno branches during the juno cycle16:20
notmynameclarkb: ie exact match of "juno",not .startswith(juno)16:21
clarkbnotmyname: ya I don't think your change is necessary to do juno-2.0.016:21
zaromsabramo: ping16:21
clarkbunless wait16:21
clarkbare we doing proposed/juno* for the milestones?16:21
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clarkbI thought we were just tagging those?16:21
notmynameclarkb: point being, isn't this the same situation as milestone-proposed where it would need to be deleted and recreated?16:21
clarkbnotmyname: no because I thought we agreed we would only tag in these situations16:22
notmynameclarkb: right, tagging, but (eg with swift now) what if there is a backport to that marker16:22
clarkbnotmyname: you wouldn't16:22
clarkbnotmyname: you would tag a new thing in the future16:22
clarkbbut swift si different because swift treats it as an actual release16:22
fungiclarkb: what ttx was saying is that he thought better of that, and that there might after all need to be some backported releases to inter-cycle milestones for other projects as well, in which case they and swift inter-cycle releases could use a similar branch pattern16:23
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jeblairfungi: nova might do a backport to realase an icehouse-milestone2.1?16:24
fungier, backported patches16:24
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msabramohey zaro16:24
zaromsabramo: i forgot to check doc generation on the change to introduce pbr to python-jenkins.  anyways it's failing for me.  getting the following sphinx error api.rst:4: SEVERE: Duplicate ID: "module-jenkins"16:24
jeblairto be set expectations, that's insane and there's only one right answer to my question.  :)16:24
fungijeblair: it sounded like ttx was saying nova might backport a change or two to proposed/juno-2 before tagging juno-216:25
fungiir icehouse-2 or whatever16:25
msabramozaro: oh hmmm let me see16:25
zaromsabramo: i'm not sure how to fix that.  full log is here:
jeblairfungi: hrm, that's in contradiction to what he said at the summit16:25
jeblairi wonder what changed his mind?16:25
clarkbfungi: " We said we would just re-tag on master, but alternatively we could do the swift model" is what ttx said. I am interpretting that as a listing of options but I don't really see him changing his mind16:25
fungijeblair: yes, he acknowledged that it was a contradition to what he said at the summit16:25
jeblairfungi: at the summit, he was pretty sure that never happened in practice16:25
* fungi finds scrollback from an hour ago16:26
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clarkboh I am reading from change16:26
jeblairokay i think i'm caught up now16:26
fungiahh, it was indeed in the change comment, not in irc. my bad16:26
zaromsabramo: google indicates that there's a sphinx bug.16:26
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jeblairso, yeah, if we wanted to support that case, the notmyname's suggestion of 'startswith' would be necessary16:27
jeblairheh "the notmyname".  "..then notmyname's..."16:27
fungii do agree that reusing proposed/juno several times in a cycle more or less takes us back to the arguments for getting rid of the reused milestone-proposed branch16:28
clarkbfungi: correct we do not want to do that16:28
jeblairfungi: yeah, i don't think we would do that regardless16:28
msabramozaro: ok well I reproduced it at least16:28
clarkbfungi: but what we agreed at the summit to do was only have one porposed/foo branch16:28
clarkbat release time16:28
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clarkband use tags otehrwise16:28
notmynameseems that startswith(proposed/juno) handles both cases16:28
fungibut proposed/juno-1 or proposed/juno-2 seems sane for inter-cycle milestones and inter-cycle releases16:28
jeblairfungi: the current patch is written for the summit plan which is "tag milestones, proposed/foo branch is created only for final release"16:28
clarkbnotmyname: except the mapping goes the other way but sure16:29
fungijeblair: yep, agreed16:29
notmynameclarkb: pseudocode ;-)16:29
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fungijeblair: which brings us back to devstack-gate's test matrix didn't consider swift inter-cycle releases16:29
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fungiunless swift goes back to the plan of only tagging those on master and not backporting anything to them16:30
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Formatting the json for readability
jeblairfungi: the current patch fixes that without "fixing" it for the rest of openstack16:30
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clarkbI am writing the other patch and we can decide which we prefer16:31
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fungijeblair: the current patch only fixes it if swift reuses proposed/juno for releases between now and the integrated juno release, unless i'm misreading16:31
jeblairclarkb: i'm 40% of a mind to say leave it as-is and if ttx wants to change the plan, then make a patch to change the plan... but i'm 60% of a mind to say, oh well, we may as well just allow for it now and it's ready if he wants to use it.16:32
jeblairfungi: the current patch is designed to support "proposed/2.0.0" for swift16:32
clarkbI am going to use for else just for mordred16:32
notmynamejeblair: no, it's proposed/juno for swift, right?16:32
fungijeblair: oh, true16:32
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fungijeblair: but only if 2.0.0 gets added to the allowed branches list though, right?16:33
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jeblairfungi: no, it's because 2.0.0 isn't in allowed branches that this works16:33
fungigah, right, the branch = GRID['branches']['default'] fallthrough there16:33
fungiokay, i'm back to being okay with this plan16:33
openstackgerritIan Cordasco proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add rfc3986 for Nova URI validations
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Handle proposed/ branches in
clarkbI think that will do it16:34
jeblairnotmyname: i'm pretty sure that in no case we want to reuse a branch in the future, so proposed/juno would only happen for swift for the actual juno release (if at all)16:34
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notmynamejeblair: ack. and for participating in in the integrated release, i'd expect that we'd (swift) use proposed/juno if that's what everyone else is using. the fall-though of default or event the startswith (current patch?) seems to work overall16:36
fungiclarkb: yeah, and that supports both the namespaced proposed/juno-2 case of matching with juno branches (if they exist) and the proposed/11.0 matching master16:36
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Formatting the json for readability
jeblairclarkb: is it worth a comment explaining the intended behavior for the startswith match?16:37
zarojeblair: tried pushing tag to gerrit (for python-jenkins project) but got a "prohibited by Gerrit" message. Would you be able to fix that?16:37
clarkbjeblair: oh probably. I will add that16:37
msabramozaro: :noindex: got rid of the warning16:37
msabramolet me check that it rendered OK16:37
jeblairzaro: done; add others to,members as you wish16:37
notmynameclarkb: jeblair: ok, so looks like we need a new branch in swift? the proposed/juno-2.0.0 branch? or do we stick with proposed/2.0.0 and it gets treated as the default compare against master?16:38
zarojeblair: thanks!16:38
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Handle proposed/ branches in
msabramozaro: looks ok to me; I will send a review request16:38
clarkbnotmyname: I think you can stick with what you have16:38
jeblairnotmyname: proposed/2.0.0 -- i don't think we want to use something like 'juno-2.0.0' -- it doesn't really semantically make sense (at least, not to anyone not _extremely_ versed in our version mechanics)16:39
openstackgerritMarc Abramowitz proposed a change to stackforge/python-jenkins: Fix `tox -e doc` duplicate id error
notmynameclarkb: ok. also seems that in the future we'd use proposed/release-ver16:39
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jeblairnotmyname: (and possibly not even us ;)16:39
notmynamejeblair: oh. s not that ^^16:39
* anteaya can't focus with all the construction noise - moving to the library16:40
notmynamejeblair: well, it makes sense to me I think. it's the swift 2.0.0 release area for backports, if needed. and it's developed during the openstack juno integrated cycle16:40
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notmynamejeblair: it's not that juno and 2.0.0 are semantically linked. it's a temporal thing16:40
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jeblairnotmyname: it's not necessary.  do you _want_ to call it juno-2.0.0?16:40
notmynamejeblair: ie emphasizing that 2.0.0 happend during the juno integrated cycle16:41
jeblairnotmyname: i don't know what the 2.0.0 version of juno is, so i'm thoroughly confused by it.  :)16:41
notmynamejeblair: for today, not too important I think. it should "just work". but for the future, I think I do want to have the cycle name in there. just so that we can show and test against the other integrated projects at the right time16:41
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jeblairnotmyname: no other projects will have juno branches at that point16:42
notmynamejeblair: ya, I think the "-" is the separator, not a qualifier.16:42
notmynamejeblair: ah, good point. so master makes sense then16:42
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Formatting the json for readability
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zaromsabramo: thanks.16:44
msabramozaro: once we fix this, do you want to cut some releases?16:45
zaromsabramo: i just created a 0.3.0 release on commit before pbr into.16:45
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Formatting the json for readability
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notmynameclarkb: jeblair: so it seems the current patch set is good? once it lands I can recheck the proposed swift patches?16:46
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clarkbnotmyname: yup16:48
jeblairnotmyname: i think so, unless clarkb wants to add that comment.  can always add it in a followup though.  :)16:48
clarkbjeblair: I added the comment16:48
notmynamejeblair: he already did16:48
jeblairoh neato16:48
msabramozaro: oh cool16:48
jeblairneed to make gerritbot use blinking text16:48
pleia2good morning16:49
clarkbjeblair: rainbow colors16:49
notmynamejeblair: clarkb: after it's approved, what's the eta to being usable? minutes? hours? (I gotta reboot to take care of some updates, so if it's soon, I'll wait)16:49
openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Updating Horizon core with recent changes
fungiimmediate i think, since it will get updated from git (as part of devstack-gate)16:50
jeblairaprvd.  i'm assuming sdague will be okay with it based on his earlier comment, but since he's in and out i don't want to block on his review.16:50
clarkbjeblair: ++ we can always adjust later16:50
jeblairclean check is the blocker here...16:51
fungiwell, not immediately after it's approved, but immediately after it merges16:51
jeblairif you stacked a reverify behind it, it would use it in the gate, but you can't do that in the check queue and you can't get into the gate queue without a clean check :(16:51
jeblairso yeah, it has to land and then recheck and/or reverify16:52
jeblairor reapprove.  or whatever :)16:52
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fungiso assuming no random job failures and no bumrush on the gate between now and then, ~2.5 hours16:52
notmynamefungi: before I can recheck the patches?16:53
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notmynameor before my patches land?16:53
funginotmyname: before you can recheck16:53
notmynamefungi: ah. so 2.5 hours before clarkb's -infra patch takes effect16:53
clarkbya, devstack-gate is gated by tempest tests so has to go through that16:54
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notmynamegot it.16:55
notmynameok, getting offline to get ready/commute/etc16:55
notmynameclarkb: fungi: jeblair: thanks!16:55
jeblaircross-project depends would probably help in this case16:55
jeblairnotmyname: you're welcome16:55
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fungiokay, so it looks like the zuul bug i'm squashing occurs when the scheduler reports on a change which never had any jobs launched (which happens for some changes dequeued from the gate). since Gearman.launch is never called, none of the builds have a LOG_PATH parameter set yet17:00
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fungior i guess it would happen if any one of the builds for the change had not yet been launched17:00
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fungii guess i should start by writing the test case and seeing if i can reproduce the same exception using zuul's unit testing framework17:02
jeblairfungi: that's what i usually do -- much easier than trying to repro for real17:02
jeblairfungi: there are probably tests that already excercise the "remove from queue and report before any jobs are launched" path...17:03
jeblairfungi: the novelty here may be the succes/failure url depending on a parameter set in a custom function (which hasn't run)17:04
fungijeblair: oh...17:04
jeblairfungi: i don't think the standard configuration for most of the tests does that17:04
clarkbI found my german power socket adaptor last night. that means I am ready to go right?17:04
fungigood point17:04
jeblairclarkb: let me know if you find the gearman power socket adapter17:05
clarkbjeblair: spelling is hard17:05
fungigearman should have been one of the megaman villains17:05
clarkbjeblair: like columbia and colombia. Living in the northwest it is almost impossible to type colombia17:06
clarkbfungi: this!17:06
jeblairfungi: nice17:06
fungii imagine he'd look like metalman but with gears instead of circular saw blades17:06
clarkbfungi: and have a bunch of little worker minions17:07
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clarkbI am having a hard time not starting MURICA weekend early17:10
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jeblairi'm planning on starting it a little early this afternoon :)17:10
nibalizerjeblair: if you want to work on the p3 master again today let me know17:10
jeblairnibalizer: you have time now?17:11
nibalizerjeblair: sure17:11
clarkbjeblair: ya I will probably end up doing that too. I will stick around to make sure notmyname's thing is handled though17:11
mgagneguys, I'm a bit discouraged here... I've been trying to merge this patch for weeks and I always hit transient bugs. I probably reverified against them all
nibalizeri only suggested the hand wavy future because I didn't want to cramp your style17:11
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jeblairnibalizer: are there outstanding patches?  (that second one?)17:12
SpamapSI'm having a weird problem with git review17:12
SpamapSRebasing a change against master shows a conflict..17:12
SpamapSI resolve..17:12
SpamapSthen review..17:13
SpamapSand it is rejected17:13
SpamapSremote: (W) No changes between prior commit 328e1c6 and new commit cfa14c517:13
clarkbmgagne: ok? sorry its a nova change so not sure where to start17:13
morganfainbergSpamapS, i had that issue recently, where the parent was seeing a change due to an odd rebase17:13
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix up fetching jquery.visibility
SpamapSthis is after having git review -d'd the change17:13
jeblairmgagne: when there are enough transient bugs like that, sometimes people start rallying folks on the mailing list to try to fix the top ones in
mgagneclarkb: I'm not sure I'm on the right channel too17:13
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clarkbmgagne: ok :) well do let us know if there is more to that that you think infra can help out whith17:13
SpamapSperhaps I need to rebuild the patch stream from cherry picks17:13
clarkb(eg maybe some of the flakyness was our fault)17:14
morganfainbergSpamapS, my solution, checkout the parent, git rebase origin/master then cherry-pick your change you're updating on the tip17:14
nibalizerjeblair: this should be merged eventually
morganfainbergSpamapS, yeah.17:14
SpamapSmorganfainberg: ok that was my next step, ty17:14
morganfainbergSpamapS, sure thing17:14
jeblairmgagne: you may want to talk to jogo_away, or mtreinish in #openstack-qa17:14
clarkbSpamapS: that means the diff between the two commits is nil17:14
clarkbSpamapS: and gerrit says no17:14
jeblairclarkb, fungi: can you review ?17:15
morganfainbergclarkb, i've seen that happen with a wonky rebase17:15
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SpamapSclarkb: but why does _git_ think there's a change necessary?17:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Update homepage on PyPI
morganfainbergclarkb, git rebases, gerrit sees no change, but the hash updated because of the rebase.17:15
fungijeblair: reviewing17:15
SpamapSthe conflict is legit17:15
clarkbSpamapS: there may be a conflict there, you just happen to essentailly revert everything in your rebase17:15
clarkbjeblair: yup17:15
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morganfainbergSpamapS, i only have had this happen once or twice in 4+ years of heavily using git17:16
clarkbSpamapS: it is possible this may be a subtle gerrit bug. They have good intentions but don't handle this one corner case17:16
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morganfainbergSpamapS, it's an edge case where the commit and conflict etc net odd behavior like this.17:17
SpamapSclarkb: ah17:17
SpamapS is the review anyway17:17
SpamapS(with the first unmerged patch in the stream being the one that conflicts)17:17
SpamapSI'm rebuilding the stream as cherry picks17:17
clarkbjeblair: nibalizer +2. have we considered what the eventual CA server move will look like?17:17
funginibalizer: does undef evaluate false? i take it this is a preferable construct to '' or false?17:18
clarkbjeblair: nibalizer: just a wholesale rsync and config update at some point?17:18
clarkbfungi: I think puppetism is to use undef17:18
SpamapSah the middle one says outdated17:18
SpamapSI think thats the issue17:18
clarkbfungi: I don't like undef because iirc it does prettyprint to something like 'undef'17:18
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fungiclarkb: and yeah, sounds like copy all the server certs over as well as the hiera file17:18
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funginew errors i don't recognize in
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SpamapScherry picks are not working either17:20
clarkbSpamapS: I didn't expect them to17:20
nibalizerfungi: yea i tested that templating pretty extensively17:21
clarkbSpamapS: if the problem is you are doing a revert in your conflict resolution then it may need a revert commit17:21
nibalizerfungi: but maybe it should be further testsed17:22
SpamapSgot it17:22
SpamapSclarkb: no I just had to start with a pull, then cherry pick the next 217:22
SpamapSclarkb: I think the problem was the middle patch was based on a previous revision17:23
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Trap for stale packages and purge them
SpamapSso needed to keep the latest hash for patch 1, then update the parent for 217:23
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i think the idea is we flag-day move the ca to the new server when we're ready17:23
SpamapSclarkb: thanks for the sounding board though. :)17:24
mordredjeblair: the patch above should address the stale pypi stuff17:24
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openstackgerritDavid Lyle proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Updating Horizon core with recent changes
funginibalizer: none of the new errors in the puppet apply job seemed to be related to manifests your patch altered, so i'm fine with it i suppose17:26
nibalizerwhat does the puppet-apply test do?17:27
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funginibalizer: a --noop apply of all the modules on a precise slave17:28
clarkbnibalizer: for node in site.pp do puppet apply --noop17:28
Ajaegergood evening ;)17:28
clarkband it does it in parallel is is baller17:28
nibalizerfungi: you can play with this if you want to convince yourself that it will work
AjaegerThis morning the translation jobs were still using old slave scripts - and not the current ones.17:28
clarkb arg that hit the d-g change17:28
clarkbAjaeger: we only update the slave images once per day at 1400 UTC17:29
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Ajaegerclarkb: The patch for it merged three days ago17:29
clarkboh wait those jobs run on the priveleged slaves17:30
clarkbI bet puppet is stuck on them17:30
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nibalizerfungi: ah okay17:30
jeblairclarkb: puppet seems dead on the priv slaves17:30
mordredjeblair: also, my patch to bandersnatch to add logging configurability was merged17:30
fungiAjaeger: i think puppet wasn't properly updating on the nodepool server until after the image updates ran yesterday? did it correct itself a few hours ago?17:30
clarkbjeblair: ya17:30
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Allow site.pp to manage ca and ca_sever in puppet.conf
mordredjeblair: so we can officially view that upstream as "Responsive"17:31
mordredclarkb: why would it be stuck?17:31
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clarkbmordred: I don't know17:31
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mordredclarkb: I mean, by that - there is nothing that should stick17:31
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clarkb that is why17:31
jeblairit ran at 17:2217:31
clarkbit has puppet 3.617:32
clarkbsomething is I don't even why17:32
mordredoh. well. that's clearly not right17:32
clarkband 3.6 won't talk to our master17:32
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AjaegerIt was still wrong at 2014-07-03 15:04:36.857  but if the image was updated at 17:22, then I'll check again later...17:33
jeblairii  puppet                               2.7.25-1puppetlabs1                 Centralized configuration management - agent startup and compatibility scripts17:33
mordredclarkb: has the proper pin in installed17:33
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mordredmordred@proposal:~$ which puppet17:33
clarkbwhat do people think about directly enqueing my d-g change into the gate?17:33
clarkbit has only failed partial-ncpu and all of the other things seems happy17:33
mordreddid something GEM INSTALL puppet?17:33
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jeblairAjaeger: 17:22 wasn't for your conversation17:33
Ajaegerjeblair: ah...17:33
clarkbmordred: probably17:33
clarkbmordred: I think gozer land ran into this too17:33
clarkbmordred: and on our single use slaves that run the puppet apply test they use puppet 3 too17:33
clarkbsomething is weird17:33        gem install hiera hiera-puppet17:34
mordredthis is what we gem install - I wonder if that's triggering puppet install now?17:34
fungigem dependencies?17:34
* mordred testing17:34
mordredok. gem install heira-puppet did not result in puppet being installed on my laptop17:35
clarkbmordred: you are brave doing that on your laptop :)17:36
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clarkbmordred: we can probably consult our image build logs to see if we log when it gets pulled in17:36
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mordredclarkb: (I'm already managing my laptop with puppet ...)17:37
mordredclarkb: nod17:37
jesusaurusyou can always gem remove... oh wait17:37
mordredanybody have a problem with me running gem uninstall puppet ?17:37
clarkbmordred: no, but we should figure out why it happens first maybe?17:37
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clarkba quick grep in the image log for puppet3 doesn't show anything17:38
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mordredclarkb: grep for gem17:38
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jeblairclarkb: why di you think the apply test uses puppet3?17:39
clarkbjeblair: at one point it gave off a bunch of errors from a puppet3 path17:40
clarkbjesusaurus: ^ do you happen to have links to that?17:40
jesusaurusclarkb: im looking17:40
jeblairthis recent run doesn't seem to:
clarkbthe only puppet-3 stuff I see if for trusty and f20 image builds17:40
jeblairmaybe it was transient?17:40
clarkbjeblair: could be17:40
jesusaurusjeblair: there were deprecation warnings being thrown with file paths indicating puppet317:40
clarkbjeblair: and since we rebuild images they are fine17:40
mordredyah - maybe we landed a change at some point which borked this fora  second17:40
clarkbbut the long lived slave would get stuck17:40
mordredwhen we were adding support for trusty17:41
mordredI'm going to run this unless someone says no: ansible * -a 'gem uninstall puppet'17:41
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nibalizermordred: can you grab 'gem list' before?17:42
nibalizermaybe we can try to figure out which gem pulled in puppet17:42
mordrednibalizer: sure17:42
nibalizermordred: hrm i suspect puppet_spec_helped17:44
nibalizerer helper17:44
nibalizerer puppetlabs_spec_helper17:44
jeblairimage builds failed universally between jun5-10 inclusive; the file date on the puppet binary on mirror27 is june 617:44
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jeblair(i have no idea why they failed)17:45
nibalizerhrm puppetlabs_spec_helper seems like it is innocent17:46
mordrednibalizer: yes. that is correct17:46
mordredmordred@proposal:~$ sudo gem uninstall puppet17:46
mordredYou have requested to uninstall the gem:17:46
mordred puppet-3.6.117:46
mordredpuppetlabs_spec_helper-0.5.1 depends on [puppet (>= 0)]17:46
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nibalizeri mannegd to install ppuppetlabs_spec_helper version 0.6 and it dosen't deppend on puppent17:47
mordredah. so we should change that depend to puppetlabs_spec_helper >= 0.6 ?17:48
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nibalizerconfirming that hypothesis now17:48
jesusaurusah so we were probably seeing the strange behaviour before 0.6 was released17:48
nibalizerso puppetlabs_spec_helper 0.5 pulls in puppet, but 0.6 doesn't17:49
nibalizerso can we safely upgrade that?17:49
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mordreddon't see any reason why not17:49
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jeblair2014-07-03 14:25:32,529 INFO notice: /Stage[main]/Openstack_project::Thick_slave/Package[puppetlabs_spec_helper]/ensure: created17:49
jeblair2014-07-03 14:24:34,951 INFO Notice: /Stage[main]/Openstack_project::Thick_slave/Package[puppetlabs_spec_helper]: Dependency Package[rubygems] has failures: true17:50
jeblair2014-07-03 14:24:34,952 INFO Warning: /Stage[main]/Openstack_project::Thick_slave/Package[puppetlabs_spec_helper]: Skipping because of failed dependencies17:50
jeblairseems to be unhappy on trusty17:50
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sdaguejeblair: I don't believe rubygems is a package on trusty17:52
sdaguebecause gem is bundled in ruby 1.917:52
jeblairsdague: indeed:
mordredyah. I I thought we had a switch for that17:52
nibalizersdague: also ruby-bundler became bundler17:52
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Ajaegerclarkb, fungi: You were so kind to review and approve again . If you could put the request again on your queue, it would be really appreciated.17:53
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: New StoryBoard Logo
jeblairnibalizer: okay let's back-burner that for after we fix the spec_helper, but before we try to launch the new master17:53
mordredpuppet should be fixed on * now17:54
nibalizerjeblair: *nod*17:54
mordredand I've done a run of puppet agent --test on each to confirm17:54
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jeblairokay, i think the rest of the unreporting there make sense17:55
nibalizeris anyone working on a commit to fix spec_helper? I'm able to do it17:55
jeblairnibalizer: nope, go for it17:55
mordrednibalizer: it's fine - upstream has made new release17:55
mordredwait - unless there is something else?17:55
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nibalizermaybe im confused on the issue17:56
nibalizeri thought our plan was to pin it to 0.617:56
mordredI may also be confused on the issue17:56
mordredwell, 0.6 is what will naturally get installed now17:56
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: New StoryBoard Logo
nibalizerthats true17:56
jeblairso we're done with thing 117:56
mordredwe can add the pin - but it will be a no op17:56
jeblairnibalizer: now let's work on trusty17:56
nibalizerjeblair: okay17:56
clarkbjeblair: fungi mordred what do you think about enqueuing 104448 in the gate queue?17:56
clarkbor would you prefer it gets rechecked?17:56
mordredjeblair: rubygems has the proper logic in instal_puppet17:57
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jeblairclarkb: you physically can't enqueue it in the gate queue17:57
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clarkboh right we broke that17:57
jeblairclarkb: and also, no way.17:57
mordredjeblair: I'm confused why the above error is happening17:57
clarkbjeblair: you could in the past17:57
mordredjeblair: beacuse we also have a switch on the rubygems name in modules/openstack_project/manifests/jenkins_params.pp17:57
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i understand that.  i'm saying "no way to we break policy for that change"17:58
clarkbjeblair: sure17:58
clarkbsorry I interpretted no way as there was no physical way17:58
jeblairno, it's me being very clear on the fact that we don't break our policy because we're impatient17:58
jeblairour job is not to enqueue things into the gate queue17:59
jeblairwe have computers for that17:59
afazekasclarkb: Which repos needs to be modified in order to add a multi-node job ?18:00
nibalizerjeblair: so i agree that the only place rubygems/ruby is a problem any more looks like install_jenkins_slave.sh18:00
nibalizerpretty easy fix18:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Cleanup manual jobs
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Ajaegerfungi: Thanks!18:01
jeblairnibalizer: i don't think that's the problem here18:01
clarkbafazekas: openstack-infra/config. You need to add a multinode label to our cloud providers and you need add a job that runs on multinode and you need to tell zuul to run it18:01
mordredjeblair: BWAHAHAHAAHAHAHAHAH18:01
mordredjeblair: you're going to be amused by the patch I'm about to send18:01
clarkbafazekas: so basically the same as all job additions with the additional step of ensuring nodepool gives you the nodes18:02
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jeblairAjaeger: the proposal slave should have updated scripts now, so the next time jobs run they should be what you expect18:02
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Rubygems/Ruby package rename handled in
jeblairnibalizer: i don't think we run that script anywhere18:02
afazekasclarkb: will start something on both node ?18:02
nibalizerjeblair: oh, and there i was trying to fix it, hah18:02
clarkbafazekas: no. There is one primary node that is connected to jenkins. All other nodes are subnodes18:02
afazekasclarkb: how can I discover the other nodes on one node ?18:02
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clarkbafazekas: so you have to use the primary node for control.18:03
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Put the trusty test in the Ubuntu section
clarkbafazekas: every node has files in /etc/nodepool telling it what its role is and where the otehr nodes are located18:03
mordredjeblair, clarkb, nibalizer ^^ enjoy that one18:03
jesusaurusmordred: wow18:03
mordredjesusaurus: right? :)18:03
clarkbI am amused by the error in we use a fake virt driver18:03
clarkbhow does that error?18:03
afazekasclarkb: So at the beginig I will be the jnkins user, how can I ssh the other nodes ?18:04
jesusaurusmordred: im guessing thats my bad18:04
* anteaya is on lagging wifi at the library18:04
mordredjesusaurus: I may have done it too18:04
jesusaurusfrom the slave refactor stuff18:04
mordredoh - neat. I'll blame you18:04
* afazekas read the fine manual18:04
clarkbafazekas: that page I linked you lists the files in /etc/nodepool.18:04
clarkbafazekas: the keys are in there18:04
afazekasMTU size ?18:04
afazekasNic number ?18:04
Ajaegerjeblair: Ok, will check later. Thanks!18:05
clarkbafazekas: why do those matter?18:05
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afazekasfor GRE or VXLAN if the external net has lower than 1500 byte mtu, I need to hack it lower in the jobs18:05
clarkbafazekas: you may have to discover that as it will probably vary between rax and hpcloud18:05
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clarkbI don't know why nic number matters18:05
clarkbrax nodes get two nics18:06
clarkbhpcloud nodes get one nic18:06
fungiclarkb: well, we affinity subnodes into the same nodepool provider as the main node18:06
clarkbfungi: right but I don't want to ahrdcode a value that is in theory discoverable18:06
fungiclarkb: so they should be local-ish depending on the topology within the provider18:06
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afazekasclarkb: I assume first it should be created as an experimental job18:06
fungiclarkb: agreed. the job should figure out what it needs18:07
clarkbafazekas: yes that is probably the best place to start18:07
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jeblairyeah, i think we can assume that for a given run, the values will be the same -- but we should not assume a given run will happen on one or the other18:07
clarkbjeblair: yup18:07
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fungiahh, you said "vary between providers" not "communicate between providers" (i skimmed poorly, sorry!)18:07
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: New StoryBoard Logo
afazekasFirst may be we should start with simple topology, when the main node has all services (may be excluding  compute) and all extra nodes (based on the configured number) has the same 2th set of services (compute with neutron and ceilometer agents)18:08
mordredthe info should all be in teh node metadata18:09
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clarkbafazekas: I think sdague wants all services on one node including compute and compute on the other node18:09
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jeblairmordred: should nodepool write out ansible compatible node lists?18:10
jeblair(was thinking that "ansible subnode* do-something" would be a nice interface)18:11
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jeblair(for multinode testing)18:11
afazekasclarkb: Can we use f20 nodes ?18:12
clarkbafazekas: I think trusty would be preferred18:12
sdagueafazekas: yeh, trusty definitely prefered18:12
clarkbas we have to throw away f20 in the not so distant future18:12
clarkbwhereas work done on trusty is good for years18:12
mordredjeblair: ooh. that would be neat18:12
sdagueI don't want to have to spend time debugging distro differences between multinode and tempest full single node18:12
clarkbsdague: is a known thing?18:13
clarkbsdague: ++18:13
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sdagueclarkb: looking18:13
mordredjeblair: turns out, the list can just be a plain list in a file - but also additionally can have groupings18:13
sdagueclarkb: no, that's new to me18:13
clarkbsdague: cool I will file a nova bug18:13
clarkbor search over there then do that18:13
jeblairmordred: what's the path for the default node list?18:14
mordredjeblair: /etc/ansible/hosts18:14
jeblairno ansible on precise, right?18:15
fungijeblair: what's the reason for having some zuul test layouts in tests/fixtures and some in tests/fixtures/layouts? is there a semantic distinction, or just historical and never reorganized?18:16
mordredjeblair: pip install ansible works fine18:16
jeblairfungi: tests/fixtures/layouts is for the layout validation tests; tests/fixtures is for the rest of the tests18:18
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Put the trusty test in the Ubuntu section
mordredjeblair: actually, ansible 1.4.4 is available through apt on precise18:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1337472 in nova "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'domain' referenced before assignment" [Undecided,New]18:18
afazekasclarkb: log collection: node1 node2 noden sub-folder for node specific logs sounds ok ?18:19
fungijeblair: makes sense, thanks18:19
clarkbafazekas: ya that should work18:19
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mordredjeblair: it doesn't look like the 1.5 features would matter to us for nodepool actions18:19
Ajaegerjeblair: yes, proposal slaves are updated with the changes I've been looking for!18:20
afazekasclarkb: first we should start with serial install , than we can try to run devstack in parallel on each node18:20
mordredjeblair: main changes that matter in 1.5 are ssh pipelining and improved speed in openssh transport, as well as not needing to add localhost to hosts to get local_action commands to work properly18:20
mordredjeblair: I don't think those would be a problem for us18:20
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clarkbafazekas: ya, I think that is fine. We probably won't make this voting until it is parallel though simply due to time involved18:21
clarkbafazekas: but it will be much easier to boostrap the serial case18:21
clarkband I think to debug any issues the come up too18:21
greghaynes /window splith18:22
clarkbgreghaynes: there lies the path to ww18:22
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clarkbdansmith: maybe of interest to you as it involves that upgrade path you and jogo sorted out and are testing with taht test18:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1337472 in nova "UnboundLocalError: local variable 'domain' referenced before assignment" [Undecided,New]18:23
afazekasclarkb: So the devstack-gate can be used for adding the multi-node scripts, right ?18:23
clarkbafazekas: yup18:23
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clarkbafazekas: initially we can probably get away with the pre_test hook and post_test hook18:23
dansmithclarkb: the day before a holiday, very few things interest me18:24
afazekasclarkb: thx18:24
clarkbafazekas: but at some point we will probably want to merge stuff back into d-g18:24
clarkbdansmith: well ok18:24
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dansmithclarkb: that further doesn't interest me because it looks like a bug18:24
clarkbdansmith: are stocked up and ready to blow things up?18:24
clarkbdansmith: you live on the westside which basically turns into mortars mortars everywhere while TVFR runs around fining people18:25
clarkbdansmith: yes I would say it is a bug :)18:25
dansmithclarkb: heh, I don18:25
dansmithclarkb: I don't generally participate in the blowing up of things18:26
dansmithclarkb: I'm too busy scolding my neighbors for being idiots18:26
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jeblairafazekas, clarkb: the more you can do in devstack-gate itself, the less you need to run through a config review/merge/update/test cycle18:27
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jeblairafazekas, clarkb: since devstack-gate changes are self testing18:27
clarkbjeblair: good point18:28
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clarkbafazekas: so the experimental job should probably be added to devstack-gate, devstack, and tempest to start?18:28
jeblairso probably an experimental job that sets up the basics, but you'll probably want to keep most of the actual work inside devstack-gate for ease of development18:28
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clarkbdansmith: when I lived there I would just sit out in the driveway and watch them try to burn down the neighborhood18:30
clarkbdansmith: much fun was had18:30
dansmithclarkb: heh18:30
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ttxclarkb: o/18:32
ttxneed any clarification from me ?18:32
clarkbttx: maybe you can rereview the change, but it should handle all the cases now18:33
clarkbttx: it is currently working through testing and will hopefully merge at some point18:33
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ttxI thought about it again, and actually my use case (proposed/juno-2 is not really valid18:34
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openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removing unused jenkins_slave script
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Removing extra parens
ttxclarkb: I think that should work18:36
wenlockquestion: jenkins::plugin doesn't seem to support updating a plugin by removing the version that was previously there when it doesn't match the version being installed.   is there something i'm missing, or is that just not something that is desirable?18:38
clarkbwenlock: somewhat not desireable. upgrading plugins requires a ton of orchestration18:38
wenlockclarkb : remove the folder and file, is there more to it?18:39
clarkbwenlock: restart jenkins18:39
wenlockclarkb right subscribe service jenkins18:39
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clarkbwenlock: that won't work. you will kill all your jobs everytime you make a change18:40
clarkbwenlock: instead you want to put the node in shutdown mode, wait for all jobs to finish, remove any slaves that are derpy because jenkins will just readd them after a restart, then stop jenkins, check that it actually stopped, then start jenkins18:40
wenlockclarkb gotcha and you want to schedule that18:41
clarkbwenlock: and when you have more than one master you want to do it in a rolling fashion18:42
wenlockclarkb so when you update a plugin, you also manually remove it18:42
* ttx disappears18:42
wenlockon all masters18:42
clarkbwenlock: yes18:42
wenlockclarkb ok thanks for the explain on that, makes sense for a very large environment.  I think smaller environments it's probably non issue sense builds arn't non-stop, and rechecks are cheap18:43
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wenlockclarkb plus cant we just update the plugin and schedule the restart for loading the new plugin later18:44
clarkbwenlock: sure. but that doesn't change the need for orchestration18:45
clarkbwenlock: and may make it hard to actually know when things will converge on a version18:45
clarkbwenlock: but jenkins will handle that properly18:45
zaroanybody know what's this error is about, invalid command 'bdist_wheel'?
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wenlockzaro  missing that command from the os?18:46
fungizaro: might be that you can't actually build and upload wheels that way until after you switch to pbr18:47
zaroohh, ok.18:48
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anteayamy headache is gone!!18:48
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clarkbanteaya: yay18:48
clarkbanteaya: is it still noah like outside?18:48
wenlockanteaya happy times woot18:48
fungizaro: so we might need a tarball-only job instead of the one which tries to build tarballs and wheels18:48
anteayaclarkb: no, just mist18:48
anteayaclarkb: but I had 3 bobcats, 1 mini-x, a tree chipper and 3 chainsaws at home18:49
anteayaso I had to run away18:49
anteayafolks are fixing driveways and removing fallen trees (in addition to building houses)18:49
zarofungi: so this is a build of python-jenkins, which will be the last one before giving it pbr.  it's already been tagged.18:49
anteayalibrary is better18:49
zarofungi: what do you suggest?18:49
anteayawenlock: thanks18:49
clarkbzaro: fungi: may be simplest to just manually upload an sdist? or am I giving up too quickly?18:50
fungizaro: i can manually trigger the upload job which will upload the tarball and then fail to find and upload the wheel, but should sort itself out18:50
fungidhellmann: mordred: ^ unforseen consequence of unconditionally adding wheel building to the tarball job18:51
zarofungi: can't upload without having the tarball first right?18:51
fungizaro: yeah, but i think the tarball already got put on the tarballs site didn't it?18:51
* fungi checks18:51
fungino, i guess not18:51
fungihrm... we might want to fix that problem and then retrigger the tarball job, followed by the upload job18:52
dhellmannfungi: why don't we want a wheel of that?18:52
* dhellmann doesn't know what python-jenkins is18:52
zarofungi: i think what happened is that it built (not correct) version of tarball.  in the logs18:52
fungidhellmann: well, the packaging on it doesn't know how to build a wheel (yet)18:52
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fungithis is a release immediately prior to pbr-ization18:53
zarofungi: the job built version 2.118:53
dhellmannfungi: when we did the work to add the wheel thing I think you and I talked about splitting those steps into different jobs, or at least making wheels optional in some way18:53
zarofungi: I tagged it as 0.3.0 so i thought it woudl build that version.18:53
fungizaro: ahh, so it did. i bet because it doesn't use pbr and so didn't look at the tag to determine its version18:54
zaronot sure what to do now.18:54
fungizaro: so in actuality, what you'll need to do is edit whatever in python-jenkins identifies the version (perhaps in setup.cfg or and commit that, then tag it as 3.0.118:55
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fungioh, except new complication there18:56
fungiyou tagged a historical commit, so you'd need a separate branch or several reverts first18:56
fungisince master is now several commits ahead of what you're going to want to modify and release18:57
fungis/3.0.1/0.3.1/ or whatever18:57
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zarofungi: i think there is already a job to build from a branch so i'll go the branch route.18:58
fungizaro: in that case we'll need to create a branch named something like 0.3-fixes from the same commit as the 0.3.0 tag and then update it with the commit which adjusts the version in the source to 0.3.118:59
fungiand we probably also need to add some tarball-only jobs19:00
zarofungi: just to confirm the steps.  1. create branch, 2. patch branch with version info, 3. create a tag from the branch, 4. build will fail on wheels, 5. you manually upload tarball to pypi19:00
fungizaro: well, it actually looks like the tarball job failed before it ever even tried to upload anything to pypi anyway19:01
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fungibecause the wheel couldn't be built, the job aborted before even sticking the tarball on the tarballs site19:01
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zarofungi: did you mean pypi or tarballs.o.o?19:02
fungiso i think we need to make some adjustments to the jobs, or make some new jobs19:02
fungizaro: the pypi upload job is dependent on the tarball job, and the tarball job aborted before uploading anything at all to tarballs.openstack.org19:03
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zarofungi: ohh i see, upload to tarballs doesn't happen until wheels thing completes.19:05
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fungiright, we could switch the ordering in the tarball job so that it uploads the tarball after it builds it, then tries to build the wheel19:06
fungibut i think that's just papering over the real issue19:06
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zarofungi: ok.  will do the following: 1. create branch, 2. patch branch with version info, 3. create new jobs to build tarball only, 4. create a tag from the branch, 5. job runs and tarball gets uploaded to pypi19:07
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fungiwhich is that the tarball job either needs to know that it shouldn't build a wheel in some cases, or we need a variant of it which only does tarballs19:07
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fungizaro: yep, and then 6. get one of the gerrit admins to delete the old 0.3-fixes branch19:08
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clarkbwoo the normal grenade test failed this time19:09
fungispeaking of releases, git-review 1.24, complete with wheel! (time to send the release announcement now)19:09
clarkbthis time ssh timed out so at least it wasn't the same fail19:10
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clarkbfungi: \o/19:10
fungiexample install from wheel on pypi...
notmynameclarkb: failed grenade (other tests still runnin)19:11
clarkbnotmyname: ya19:11
clarkbnotmyname: because ssh failed19:11
notmynameclarkb: ah. you're on top of it :-)19:11
clarkbrecheck bug 1298472 is what we will want19:12
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1298472 in nova "SSHTimeout in tempest trying to verify that computes are actually functioning" [Critical,Confirmed]
openstackgerritEdward Raigosa proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: provide an option in plugin to pre-update a plugin with puppet
zarofungi: i don't have permission to create a branch for python-jenkins.  would you be able to help?19:15
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: New StoryBoard Logo
fungizaro: sure, though if you expect to do this in the future it could also have its acl extended to allow branch creation by the -ptl group for it19:15
anteayafungi: git review -u is just a git review command, yeah?19:16
fungizaro: is 3.0-fixes an acceptable name, or do you need something else there?19:16
zarofungi: wfm19:17
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fungizaro: done19:20
fungianteaya: yeah, the manpage for git-review looks like it could use some love though (maybe we should be updating it with the output of git-review --help since git's behavior of displaying the manpage on git review --help masks the usage details)19:21
clarkbI like that19:21
fungialso the troff formatting in the current manpage is atrocious19:21
clarkbmight also reduce confusion19:21
anteayafungi: yes I used git review --help to find -u19:22
anteayawhere do I find man for getting the latest git review?19:22
fungiplease rephrase... parsing error19:22
anteayalagging wifi here19:23
anteayaI want the new git review19:23
anteayawhat commands do I run to get it19:23
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Renamed module folders for consistency
wenlock pip install -U git-review19:24
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Tag Complete directive has proper focus behavior
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Moved template files into related modules
fungianteaya: it depends on how you currently run git-review. i personally avoid pip installing anything into the global system context of my machines, so i make a dedicate virtualenv for git-review and pip install it in there, then i make sure my environment is set up with ~/bin in my execution path and i add a symlink from ~/bin/git-review to the git-review executable in the virtualenv19:25
anteayaI don't do that19:25
fungianteaya: though to link the manpage, you have to do a similar dance with the manpath in your environment19:25
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added focus directive
anteayaI think I use pip without the venv19:26
fungianteaya: though in theory if you're not running git-review from distro packages you can just 'sudo pip install git-review' and it should simply work19:26
wenlockanteaya yep, cloud account with ubuntu does the trick for me19:27
fungior more likely sudo pip install -U git-review since you may already have an older one pip-installed19:27
anteayaokay thanks19:27
clarkbok I rechecked 104448 going to afk now for lunch19:27
clarkbwill check in on it later19:27
clarkbalso elasticsearch :( why19:27
anteayathanks, suod with -U worked19:28
clarkbjust looking at graphs it seems like it should be healthy but something is off19:28
anteayawenlock: I'm just on my work laptop19:28
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anteayasounds like it is only a matter of time before it collapes due to conflicts19:29
* pleia2 updates too19:29
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fungianteaya: one up-side to using a virtualenv for something like git-review is you can install many versions of it side-by-side and test/compare them fairly painlessly19:30
fungiharder to do when you install it system-wide19:30
anteayasounds like a to do for my next hard drive19:30
wenlockjust updated to, went fast  (system wide) :D19:31
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anteayaso far for me, it outputs the version number as expected19:31
fungithis way i can just 'pip install .' into a virtualenv from my current git checkout and then move my symlink to that one (or keep the venv activated) to test proposed changes19:31
anteayamakes sense19:31
anteayait is 3:30pm here, I'm trying to figure out what time the noisemakers will decide they have had enough and go home19:32
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: New Story Autofocus
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add support for network labels
pleia2anteaya: yeesh, isn't canada day over? :)19:34
pleia2we're just starting the noise around here, big fireworks show at the ballpark last night19:35
anteayapleia2: long ago19:37
anteayasee that i have no issue with19:37
anteayaannounced with times and date19:37
anteayayou don't want to listen, you have lots of warneing to do something elese19:38
* Mithrandir waves at pleia219:38
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pleia2Mithrandir: hey, home safe I assume? :)19:39
pleia2Mithrandir: chatted with paulproteus the other day, he's super excited about CI stuff so I don't think we'll be wanting for informal chats/topics at debconf19:39
Mithrandirpleia2: coolie.  Got home safe and sound without any problems.19:40
Mithrandirtrying to figure out flights to debconf now.19:40
* pleia2 nods19:40
MithrandirI can choose between tedious, tedious and otherwise tedious.19:40
Mithrandirthis planet's pretty big19:40
pleia2I haven't decided what days to attend yet, but I'll probably book in a couple weeks (short flight for me though)19:40
anteayaI think I am going to try going hom e now19:41
pleia2anteaya: good luck!19:41
anteayaI'm so tired of noise, I am shaking and nautious19:42
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pleia2yeah, hope it gets better :(19:42
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adalbasArxCruz, anteaya : the version of setuptools installed by pip is causing it to break when installing prettytable. I see there is an option PIP_NO_SETUPTOOLS to use for devstack on localrc19:44
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Give PTLs permission to create branches
openstackgerritDolph Mathews proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for dox publish failure
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Build universal wheels
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fungimordred: ^ sane?20:08
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fungii tested the hypothesis with 2.7 and 3.3 venvs20:09
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish generated html tests results
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mordredfungi: yup20:28
fungimordred: thanks!20:28
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fungiclarkb: notmyname: 104448,5 seems to have found its way into the gate finally... current eta is 48 minutes (hopefully the nova change ahead of it doesn't cause delays)20:29
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JayFSo I'm going to write a patch, but it looks like our IPA builder put the image in a strange place ( -- I want to clean up the infra config so it doesn't put ipa-coreos.tar.gz inside a dir named ipa-coreos.tar.gz, but I think I'll need that dir removed first as dirs and files can't share a name20:31
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clarkbJayF: I can do that20:33
clarkbJayF: but maybe you should update the job first otherwise it will just redo the same thing20:33
JayFclarkb: wait until my patch is ready to merge20:33
JayFyeah, exactly :)20:33
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openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix upload to not have a redundant directory
JayFclarkb: ^ I believe that should do the trick20:35
JayFclarkb: otherwise it built and worked great, thanks for the suggestion to do it first-party and providing the bare-trusty image20:35
clarkbfungi: mordred jeblair ^ want to give that a relatively quick review so that I can do the corresponding update on static.o.o?20:36
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* JayF is very happy to have ipa images building20:37
fungilgtm but not approving since it sounds like jeblair's looking too20:37
fungiand there it goes ;)20:37
JayFTYVM guys :)20:38
clarkbJayF: how does that look now?20:39
clarkbI moved the existing tarball to where it should have gone20:40
JayFoh hey, that's great20:40
JayFthat's even better than I expected! I thought I'd have to kick off a fake build :)20:40
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix upload to not have a redundant directory
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clarkbjeblair: before you long weekend, did yo usee jhesketh's changes for swift uploads?20:47
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jeblairclarkb: no20:48
clarkbjeblair: and and
clarkbthe last one is probably the most pressing one as it will help us continue to test. But the other two will need to go in at some point20:48
clarkbfor the one that adds a wsgi.conf I didn't know if we wanted to use a ro account for that access20:49
clarkbfungi: ^20:49
clarkbI thought we did20:49
fungiclarkb: yeah, i thought i created two... one for the log display server (which was ro) and one for the artifact uploads (which was rw)20:50
* clarkb looks at hiera20:50
bodepdI missed the notification that you guys were asking me about beaker20:50
bodepdhappy to say what I know although others know way more20:51
clarkbfungi: yup its in there I will go ahead and amend that change for jhesketh_20:51
bodepdit ties node definitions into provisioning systems and has rspec syntax to refer to actions to run on those nodes20:51
fungiclarkb: coolies20:51
bodepdbut it uses serverspec to do the *stuff*20:51
clarkbfungi: jeblair: the really cool thing is the upload worked20:51
clarkbso we are very very close to having this working20:51
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jeblairbodepd: thanks; i think with all the machinery we have around provisioning, i'm mostly instered in just doing "the stuff"20:53
jeblairinterested, even.20:53
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fungii find it amusing that now when lp times out on bug status changes through the webui, half the time it sends you to a "private" page for which you lack viewing permission20:54
fungi"Sorry, you don't have permission to access this page or the information in this page is not shared with you."20:54
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Ensure there is a slash in the object prefix
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in wsgi.conf for os-loganalyze
clarkbfungi: jeblair ^ that should do it20:55
bodepdjeblair: yep, that is called serverspec :)20:55
mordredjeblair: I'm more instered myself20:55
bodepdjeblair: if I have time I want to wrap my head and heat based provisioning and serverspec20:56
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jeblairbodepd: cool thanks; mordred: then you should probably inster serverspec20:56
bodepdjeblair: and decide whether or not beaker has a place in a heat based rspec framework for serverspec20:56
jeblairbodepd: sounds reasonable20:56
fungiin good news, i found where the zuul keyerror was originating. docs-drafts failure message patterns dig deep into build.parameters and look for keys which may not exist at all. probably need to have some overloaded get for those which return a default value20:57
bodepdjeblair: I've got reusalble heat templates for Puppet.20:57
jeblairfungi: you are the keymaster20:57
funginah, that's vinz!20:57
bodepdbut I have some concerns about heat as a provisioning solution in general...20:57
jeblairi like that lsb_release behaves differently on different platforms20:58
fungi(except on non-lsb platforms, where it behaves very consistently!)20:59
zarofungi: i'm finding it to be a lot of work to setup jobs for this one time python-jenkins fix.  do you think we need to setup?21:01
clarkba lot of work? wouldn;t the jobs be the same/21:02
bodepdactually. having thought about it. beaker does allow for ssh into provisioned machines, and you still need something to orchestrate serverspec (at least in as much as I understand it)21:02
zaroclarkb: python-jenkins uses the jobs in python-jobs.yaml21:02
clarkbright those should just work?21:03
zaroclarkb: those jobs are common across most of the projects.21:03
fungizaro: well, the question we need to ask is whether we want to still be able to use the python tarball jobs to build sdists for projects which don't have the mechanisms needed to build wheels21:03
jeblairzaro: this is just for the pre-pbr release of python-jenkins?21:03
zarojeblair: yes21:03
fungiwe can work around it by manually uploading an sdist for python-jenkins, but it's probably not the only project in that boat21:03
jeblairfungi: yeah, that's what i'd do21:04
zaroclarkb: right now 'tarball' jobs are doing tarball and wheels.  so what would you call a job that's exclusive to just tarball?21:04
jeblairfungi: no openstack projects are in that boat; we don't need to solve it generally21:04
fungifair enough!21:05
bodepdI've got a generic jenkins question. I've been struggling to get adding slaves automated21:05
bodepdbasically, this line of code:
bodepdare you guys passing credential ids or private keys?21:05
bodepd(where is the calling code for that?21:05
zarojeblair, fungi : cool.  i'll stop work on creating the jobs.21:05
jeblairbodepd: credential ids; nodepool.py21:05
fungizaro: so you'll want to manually build an sdist from your version update commit on the 0.3-fixes branch, and then manually upload that to pypi21:06
zarofungi: ok. let me try that.21:06
jeblairzaro: what's your pypi username?21:06
zarojeblair: zaro050821:07
bodepddoes it even work without credential ids?21:07
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bodepdand how are those credential ids create? I couldn't find an API for it21:07
jeblairbodepd: used to; dunno anymore...21:07
jeblairbodepd: webui21:07
bodepdI don't mean to swear, but F*CK jenkins21:07
bodepdoh wait, I did mean to swear21:08
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jeblairbodepd: i think they are in their own file, so if there's no api, you may still be able to write that file and have jenkins reload the config21:08
jeblairbodepd: but we use the same key on all our hosts21:08
bodepdyeah, config.xml of whatever21:08
jeblairbodepd: no, not that file21:08
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bodepdI can fidn the file. I was overwritting xml to create simple login users21:09
jeblairbodepd: that file has slaves defined in it, which means editing it directly while having something add/remove slaves is racy21:09
jeblairbodepd: there's a credentials.xml or something i think21:09
bodepdoh, maybe it's sane then21:09
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: First draft of enabling beaker tests to run
bodepdI just want a heat template that can create a single master with a connected slave21:09
jeblairbodepd: anyway, we defined the one credential with an ssh key and then just reference that everywhere21:09
jeblairbodepd: ah, gotcha21:10
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bodepdyeah. it's hard for bootstrapping. b/c you need to build the master, then manuall edit stuff before adding hte salve21:10
bodepdI'll look into that file.21:10
jeblairbodepd: have you found that the alternate form in nodepool does not work?21:10
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bodepdit looks like the non-credential way doesn't work any more21:10
nibalizerso i think i've got a rube goldberg machine that lets beaker tests run on the nodepool machines21:10
bodepdI wasn't using nodepool21:10
jeblairbodepd: last time i tried it, i think it created credential entries automatically by doing that21:10
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Handle proposed/ branches in
bodepdjeblair: oh. sorry I misunderstood21:10
nibalizerjeblair: hogepodge and are the relevant reviews21:11
bodepdI have found it to no longer work21:11
jeblairbodepd: right, the 'provide an ssh key' method21:11
bodepdstack traces, something about null  pointers21:11
* nibalizer reads scrollback21:11
bodepdI had some puppet resources that could add slaves, they didn't work21:11
bodepdthe I found the jenkins_api_client gem and wrote types/providers for it21:11
bodepdthat didn't work for private keys21:11
bodepdthen I read the code you guys used to make sure it was the same21:12
bodepdso according to that round-about logic, I *believe* that method does not work21:12
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clarkbnotmyname: merged21:12
clarkbnibalizer: I am looking for your change now to recheck21:12
jeblairbodepd: bummer21:12
bodepdand the errors are pretty consistent between the 2 failed methods. talked about certain versions of things not working between jenkins version, cred version, ssh slave ver etc21:13
bodepdyeah, it would have beeen easy without external creds21:13
jeblairzaro: i can't add users to python-jenkins on pypi21:13
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bodepdbut you have re-enforced that is the way to do it21:13
jeblairzaro: but i can build and upload manually using openstackci's creds21:13
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zarojeblair: ok. i guess this just needs to get approved first:
clarkbnotmyname: and rechecked let us see how that does21:14
jeblairzaro: is there a 0.3.0?21:14
jeblairzaro: ok, let me know when you're ready21:15
hogepodgenibalizer looking21:15
fungijeblair: there was a 0.3.0 tag pushed for the parent of that21:15
zarojeblair: i already tagged 0.3.0 but that failed to release.  i will tag 0.3.1 after above merges21:15
nibalizerclarkb: i can't parse what you said to me21:16
zarojeblair: doc for python-jenkins is here:
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clarkbnibalizer: bad tab complete. sorry21:16
zarojeblair: I have no idea how to update that on a new release21:16
clarkbnibalizer: i and o are right next to each other on this qwerty keyboard21:16
nibalizerah gotcha21:17
fungiclarkb: commented on 104437. any reason not to do that?21:20
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clarkbfungi: good catch21:21
clarkbfungi: though its read only... meh21:21
clarkbfungi: I am hcecking the group now21:22
fungimy brain is a little twisty on the code in 104451 too21:22
clarkbwww-data looks good21:22
fungioh, nevermind i get 104451 now21:22
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Ensure there is a slash in the object prefix
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in wsgi.conf for os-loganalyze
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only run relevant puppet apply tests
jeblairclarkb: why are you uplading new versions of those?21:28
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jeblairi see you changed something in the second one21:28
clarkbya, I don;t know why jhesketh_ stacked them like that21:28
clarkbI can unstack them if that helps21:28
jeblairnah, i just aprvd the 1st21:28
jeblairi was just going through lots of empty inter-patchset diffs :)21:29
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump osprofiler version to >=0.2.0
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jeblairclarkb: second lgtm; note that it's a production configuration change so i don't personally intend to approve it now :)21:31
clarkbI will probably approve when jhesketh shows up21:31
clarkbit is exciting stuff21:32
fungiin that case i unapproved 104437 just now ;)21:32
clarkbfungi: oh well if you want ot babysit go for it :)21:32
jeblairfungi: well, i mean if you want to make sure it doesn't break logs.o.o, go for it :)21:32
clarkbnotmyname: the jobs for your swift change look good so far21:33
funginah, it makes sense to wait until jhesketh_ is up and about anyway21:33
clarkbwe will need to rebuild images for the script change21:33
clarkbjust bare-precise for our experimental job21:33
clarkbjeblair: did you get a chance to see the zuul change too?21:34
jeblairclarkb: do you grok the errors in ?21:34
clarkbI haven't reviewed that one yet21:34
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clarkbjeblair: the database stuff is the mysql module not working in noop mode I think21:35
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clarkbI do not know why the fqdn fact isn't working21:35
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jeblairso there's more than just operating system mismatches21:37
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clarkbya I think the db thing might be difficult to resolve21:37
clarkbthere are bits in there that expect the user to exist21:37
clarkbbut since we are in noop mode the db user isn't created21:38
clarkband the subsequent things don't grok that in a noop context21:38
clarkbwe might be able to fix that though21:38
clarkbbodepd: ^21:38
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clarkbby the way I restared the logstash-indexer process on the indexers again21:39
clarkband that seems to have helped21:39
clarkbso I think they are still getting themselves wedged over time :/21:39
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clarkbI may need to break out the strace and try not to cry when that runs on the jvm21:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Fix LOG_PATH to use 7char uuid
bodepdclarkb: yeah, I hate that about puppet21:40
bodepdif fqdn fails, then it doesn't try to use hostname21:41
bodepdit returns empty string21:41
clarkbbodepd: I was hoping you would be all like "oh ya you just do this and that and bam it works"21:41
bodepdfqdn fact needs to resolve21:41
bodepdit's a pain21:41
bodepdI think the easiest fix it to set
clarkboh maybe if we fix fqdn fact it fixes the db?21:41
bodepdin etc hosts21:41
clarkbok I grok better now21:41
bodepdhold on. lemme find the facter code21:41
bodepdI think it runs dnsdomainname21:42
clarkbjeblair: so the facter fact for fqdn is silly. it won't treat hostname. as an fqdn21:42
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bodepdand then checks resolve.conf21:42
clarkbyou must have an actual domain in front of your hostname21:42
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bodepdfor search paths21:42
clarkbbecause no one ever sets up home dns with a root of .21:42
bodepdor something21:42
bodepdyeah, I'm pretty sure setting will make it all work.21:42
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bodepdlemme double check that21:42
clarkbjeblair: so first step in that test should probably be ^21:42
openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Bump osprofiler version to >=0.2.1
bodepdyeah, we had to do it for our openstack tests b/c it was hard to make guarentees about fqdn being set in test envs21:43
bodepdecho " \$(hostname).\$(get_meta domain) \$(hostname)" >> /etc/host21:44
bodepdwell, not quite tat easy, but you get the point21:44
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bodepdit really needs to be fixed in Puppet21:44
bodepdit's annoying21:44
jeblairclarkb: istr some changes involving etc/hosts on nodepool hosts...21:46
clarkbjeblair: I think they only happened on the image builds side21:46
clarkbjeblair: so by the time the actual slave boots we need to do it again21:46
clarkband the ready node part doesn't get hostanme as $1 from nodepool21:47
clarkbI think the old d-g scripst did that and nodepool hasn't grown the feature. so yes we should clean that up and get it in21:47
clarkbexcept for dib? maybe mordred can comment on that21:47
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jeblairbodepd: okay, what exactly needs to be set?21:50
jeblairbecause "hostname" returns devstack-trusty-rax-iad-726268.slave.openstack.org21:50
jeblairand $HOSTNAME is devstack-trusty-rax-iad-726268.slave.openstack.org21:50
jeblairand those are in /etc/hosts21:51
clarkbjeblair: can you do `facter fqdn` ?21:51
jeblairfacter fqdn21:51
jeblairlet me try precise on the provider that failed in case there's a diff21:51
notmynameclarkb: just got out of a meeting. looks like the -infra patch landed?21:52
funginotmyname: yes21:52
clarkbnotmyname: yup and I rechecked your change21:52
clarkbit has ~11 minutes left according to zuul21:52
jeblairokay, yeah it's different on hpcloud21:52
jeblairapparently hpcloud doesn't set hostnames, but rackspace does21:53
clarkbyay clouds21:53
jeblairmordred: ^ for the litany21:53
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notmynameclarkb: awesome, thanks21:53
jeblairon hpcloud:21:53
jeblairhostname: bare-precise-hpcloud-b3-72627721:53
jeblair$HOSTNAME: bare-precise-hpcloud-b3-72627721:53
jeblair127.0.1.1 bare-precise-1404396872.template.openstack.org21:53
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notmynameclarkb: and it looks like it's way past the point that would have broken. so I'll recheck the other two too21:54
clarkbnotmyname: yup21:54
notmynameclarkb: done. thanks21:54
bodepdjeblair: start by running facter fqdn21:55
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jeblairbodepd: i think i got it now21:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only run relevant puppet apply tests
anteayaadalbas: great21:59
anteayaadalbas: what happens when you try that option?21:59
clarkb can follow along there22:00
jeblairthat last sudo warning should be the "sudo fix etc/hosts" command22:00
jeblairso a good sign there's nothing after22:01
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only run relevant puppet apply tests
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jeblairwow that's really laggy22:02
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only run relevant puppet apply tests
fungii have seen gerritbot lag for up to a minute at times22:04
funginot sure what triggers it22:04
jeblairfungi: maybe somebody slinging up a 20 patchset series?22:04
fungioh, you mean dansmith22:04
dansmithnot me :)22:04
clarkbthat somebody22:04
jeblairor lifeless22:04
clarkbyou know what the problem with having 15 gallons of homebrew fermenting is? I have non carbonated and ready to drink22:06
jeblairclarkb: i like how at least the job is pretending to think about it longer22:06
openstackgerritpritesh proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add hacking check for editor configuration in source files
clarkbjeblair: in parallel even :)22:06
jeblairland it!  make it gate!  :)22:07
clarkbits starting too feel like that time of day though. where is jhesketh we should do this thing22:07
clarkbjeblair: ok reviewing it properly now22:07
clarkbjeblair: can you push a new patchset that makes it gate too?22:07
lifelessspeaking of me, sorry.22:07
jeblairclarkb: sure22:07
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Hide fully reviewed projects by default
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Don't crash on comments on unchanged files
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Support comments in commits
clarkbjeblair: I think we can do all of that together22:07
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Only show verified reviews by default.
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Filter out WIP patches by default in changes list.
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Attempt to fetch all new refs for a change at once
fungilifeless: you should totally apologize for being a coding machine and getting work done22:08
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jheskethclarkb: ^ that thing?22:08
lifelessfungi: :) I was apologising for flooding your screens22:08
clarkbjhesketh: oh hi22:08
clarkbjhesketh: we want to approve your wsgi change for os loganalyze22:09
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clarkbjhesketh: but ifgured you should be around if it breaks everything22:09
clarkbjhesketh: you ok with that? I can approve if so22:09
anteayamorning jhesketh22:09
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jheskethclarkb: sounds good to me22:10
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only run relevant puppet apply tests
clarkbjhesketh: done lets see how that does22:11
clarkbjhesketh: zuul change was merged too but we haven't done a restart. I figure that is slightly less important as we can mostly verify everything without that change22:11
clarkbonce the script update merges I can fire off image rebuilds tooo22:12
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jheskethclarkb: cool, thanks22:12
anteayamorning mattoliverau22:13
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clarkbjeblair: thanks. +222:13
jheskethclarkb: will we need to reload the wsgi app?22:14
clarkbjhesketh: maybe?22:15
clarkbactually probably. I can restart apache too22:15
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add in wsgi.conf for os-loganalyze
clarkbI had to recheck the / change22:17
clarkbbecause of weirdness in it being cancelled in the  gateafter it couldn't merge when fungi removed his +A22:17
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jheskethclarkb: looks like serving static logs still works so that's good22:18
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fungiclarkb: yeah, i think it probably hit the same zuul bug i'm currently trying to fix22:19
mordredclarkb, jeblair: what's the deal with hostnames22:19
clarkbmordred: hpcloud doesn't set them proeprly or some such22:19
clarkbmordred: so puppet fails22:19
openstackgerritpritesh proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add hacking check for editor configuration in source files
clarkbjhesketh: I think we have to wait for puppet to run on static.o.o with the new stuff22:20
clarkbjhesketh: should happen in ~15 minutes22:20
jheskethoh of course22:20
mordredclarkb: lovely22:21
mordredclarkb: perhaps we're intended to do that with cloud-init or something?22:21
clarkbmordred: to be clear it sets a hostname but not an fqdn as facter expects it22:21
mordredclarkb: also, wait - it _fails_?22:21
clarkbmordred: maybe?22:21
mordredah. yes22:21
mordredthat's a nova behavior22:22
mordredthere are people who consider it "correct"22:22
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Ensure there is a slash in the object prefix
mordredand have told me I'm wrong when I tell them that people running real things want it to do what we ask22:22
clarkbclearly the users are never right22:22
clarkband we should just hack in a vacuum22:22
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mordrednope. certainly don't listen to anyone who is actually using nova in anger at massive scale22:23
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clarkbelasticsearch sitrep. ssds have made 07 happy this is good22:23
clarkbhowever logstash daemons still get cranky after a while then everything sucks22:23
clarkbI will have to brave strace on jvm at some point probably22:24
clarkbor run things in jdb22:24
clarkbnot sure which is worse22:24
mordredclarkb: aren't we going to move to not logstash?22:24
clarkbmordred: we are but thats a long ways out22:24
clarkbmostly beacuse have to do things in projects that I have had zero time to do22:24
clarkband need a way to present data to humans22:24
clarkbso that sdague doesn't kill me22:24
mordredand me22:25
mordredI would also kill you22:25
mordredif I was a user22:25
clarkbgood to know22:25
clarkb(note to self: kill mordred first)22:25
mordredclarkb: ok - next question - what do we do about pbr integration test?22:25
clarkbmordred: what about it?22:25
clarkbsorry I think I may be missing context22:25
mordredclarkb: it uses pypi-mirror22:25
mordredclarkb: which we're about to stop using anywhere else22:26
clarkbjust point it at our mirror now22:26
clarkbI think thats ok22:26
clarkbbeacuse its everything including new reqs22:26
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Bring some uniformity to olso acl files
mordredlemme try that22:26
fungiit uses pypi-mirror to test installing things22:26
clarkband we don't need to test pypi-mirror that way22:26
clarkboh right it does it over and over and over22:26
fungii suspect we need to reinvent part of pypi-mirror in the pbr testing22:26
clarkbmaybe we can use our new mirror + pip cache? iirc pip cache does the wrong thing though22:26
mordredoh - well, also - it wants to test requirements changes ...22:27
mordredwe could use devpi22:27
clarkbmordred: ya it will do that though22:27
clarkbbecause the new mirror has all the possible requirements22:27
mordredyou can inject things into devpi22:27
clarkbeven the ones we don't set now22:27
fungiyeah, basically to step back, its reason for existing is to try installing all the things and make sure nothing breaks on installation (together)22:27
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mordredthe only think that _won't_ be in the mirror is pbr22:27
mordredso it won't test that the current commmit of pbr can be installed if it's in the mirror22:28
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mordreds/if it's in/if it were to be put in/22:28
mordredbut ...22:28
mattoliverauclarkb, mordred: does ansible's facts for for FQDN? Cause your using ansible to call puppet now right? If it does you can pass the --certname in the puppet command to specifcy the puppet node name which you could populate from ansible. As a work around.22:28
mordredpbr is WAY more stable now22:28
mordredmattoliverau: lemme look22:29
mattoliverauwork even, typing is good this morning22:29
mordredmattoliverau: oh - but we don't use it during nodepool22:29
mattoliverauahh, yeah the inital build22:30
jeblairclarkb: "not logstash" ?22:30
clarkbjhesketh: image builds started22:30
mattoliverauunless nodepool puts the FQDN in hosts or exports it and uses it in --certname22:30
lifelessanyone else noticed gertty creates thousands of https connections22:30
clarkbjeblair: I think openstack should log in json. And enable the use of simpler tools like fluentd22:30
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clarkbjeblair: we are spending a ton of resources on the "try to udnerstand this particular log line" problem when the tools doing the logging could just give us structured data from the start22:31
clarkbjeblair: they will always be more accurate too22:31
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Enable debugging output
clarkbthen we can spend lots of cpu on machine learning and actually interseting stuff22:31
jeblairclarkb: and we decided to do that?22:31
clarkbjeblair: ish. oslo logging apparently supports it22:32
jeblairmordred: approve this please:
clarkbjeblair: so that isn't an issue22:32
jeblairclarkb: when did we decide this?22:32
clarkbjeblair: we haven't really decided anything22:32
clarkbjeblair: it has been discussed (you were around for that first discussion iirc022:33
clarkbjeblair: but once openstack supports it via oslo logging we can actually play with it and see if it makes sense22:33
jheskethclarkb: shouldn't need new images for the wsgi change22:33
clarkbjhesketh: we do for the / change22:33
clarkbjeblair: I think it would be premature to decide now before oslo is synced everywhere22:34
jeblairclarkb: ok.  this all sounds new to me.  it's possible i have forgotten it, of course.  however, mordred made it sound much more settled than it apparently is.22:34
mordredjeblair: yah - sorry, what I meant was "hadn't we talked about"22:34
clarkbjeblair: do you have concerns with that?22:34
clarkbjeblair: sdague's concern is human readbility22:34
asselinHI, do any of you have time for a zuul gerrit question? 2014-07-03 15:32:33,792 ERROR zuul.Gerrit: Cannot get references from ... Unauthorized22:35
clarkbwith tools like journalctl I don't think it is crazy to filter structured logs through somethign that makes them readable22:35
jeblairclarkb: any chance you remember where we all talked about it?22:35
clarkbjeblair: it was here in this channel. I don't remember dates though22:35
asselinI'm not sure where to set authorization..? I'm able to stream gerrit events. This is an internal gerrit server.22:35
clarkbsometime around june 11th?22:35
* clarkb starts looking at logs22:35
jeblairclarkb: i was in the wilderness22:36
clarkbasselin: you appear to be trying to get refs via https22:36
clarkbjeblair: huh I thought you caught the discussion22:36
clarkbjeblair: I will find it in logs22:36
jeblairclarkb: i'll try to catch up on that next week22:37
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jeblairi have to run now22:37
clarkbjeblair: starts at 2014-06-11T21:55:4722:37
jeblairclarkb: 2 days in a row :)22:38
clarkbjeblair: long story short I think the best place to structure the data is at the sourc22:38
clarkblogstash is a tool for wrangling bad logs into shape22:38
clarkbwe are getting better at producing good logs and can hopefully level up into a better place with structured logs22:38
clarkbasselin: right just pointing out that ssh stream events is different than https22:38
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clarkbasselin: does your gerrit allow read access via https without being logged in?22:39
asselinok oh I see. Maybe not22:39
asselinok...another dead end. I guess I should go on vacation22:39
jeblairjhesketh: can you please review/approve ?22:40
jeblairi'd like to latch that before it slips any further22:40
jeblairnow i have to go afk for a while22:41
jheskethjeblair: will do22:41
jheskethshall I wait for you to return before merging?22:41
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clarkbgah puppet is hard22:43
clarkbfix for wsgi thing incoming22:43
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: File resources use content not template.
clarkbjeblair: fungi jhesketh mordred ^22:45
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Only run relevant puppet apply tests
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jheskethclarkb: sigh, thanks22:48
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anteayaI need a had here:
anteayaI rebased between patchsets 7 and 8 and patchset 8 passed22:50
anteayaI changed the commit messge (in the gui) in patchest 922:50
anteayaand patchset 9 is calling for a rebase22:50
clarkbanteaya: have you tried t orebase it yet to see what conflicts there are?22:50
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anteayanot for patchset 922:51
anteayaI can do that22:51
clarkbthat is the best place to start22:51
anteayaI'll pull down the patch and do git rebase -i master, with a updated master22:51
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: File resources use content not template.
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anteayaI am just digging a bigger hole:
anteayaI added my files and did git commit --amend23:03
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harlowja_at_homeanyway i could get a recheck on (its just been rebase failing a bunch, been signed off and +2'd previously)23:03
anteayathis is not my commit message23:03
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anteayawhat did I do and how do I stop doing it?23:03
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anteayaI should have done git rebase --continue, shouldn't I?23:04
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clarkbanteaya you do not git commit amend in a rebase. you want rebase --continue23:04
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clarkbso do a rebase --abort23:04
anteayathat was my mistake23:04
anteayaso quit the editor?23:05
clarkbthat will get you back to where you started23:05
anteayaokay thanks23:05
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mordredclarkb: fwiw, old review is still running23:09
clarkboh fun23:09
* mordred was looking for a count of how many machines we run in not-nodepool23:10
mordredthe answer is 79, if anyone is interested23:10
clarkbI am restarting apache on static.o.o now23:10
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clarkbjhesketh: ^23:10
clarkbjhesketh: image builds are almost done too23:10
jheskethclarkb: :-)23:10
clarkbI seem to be able to pull up logs still23:11
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clarkbcan others indepedently verify to make sure it isn't my caches or anything23:11
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Bring some uniformity to olso acl files
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anteayaI can only hope it gets merged before I have to rebase again23:11
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Use a requests.Session object to enable pooling.
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anteayamordred: thanks I find that interesting23:12
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lifelesstchaypo: ^ should help with your gertty sync performance (but be sure to grab git GitPython 0.3, to get my multi-ref patch, which I think works]23:12
devanandahow can gertty have Sync: 750 when my subscribed projects have ~100 reviews open, total.23:12
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mordredif you count each pool of things. like jenkins0*, git0* and elasticseaerch0* as one - we have 43 discrete things23:13
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lifelessdevananda: the sync count is tasks to sync, not reviews.23:13
lifelessdevananda: so outstanding http/git requests basically23:13
lifelessdevananda: IIRC23:13
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clarkbso fetching refs for intermediate patchsets, getting lists of changes since last update, all that goes into the queue23:14
lifelessdevananda: which I should, as I was just improving that code.23:14
jheskethclarkb: is the restart done?23:14
clarkbjhesketh: apache restart is23:14
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clarkbjhesketh: I guess we can try opening that one from last night?23:14
lifelesshmm, I'm going to push the requests fix to the bottom of my stack, its clearly a win23:15
jheskethstatic logs are working though so at least we haven't broken the world23:15
jheskethclarkb: mind taking a poke at the access/error logs to see if there are any hints please?23:15
* devananda notices lifeless' gertty patch series is fixing the same things23:15
lifelessincoming, sorry.23:15
clarkbjhesketh: sure23:15
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Use a requests.Session object to enable pooling.
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Hide fully reviewed projects by default
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Don't crash on comments on unchanged files
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Attempt to fetch all new refs for a change at once
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Support comments in commits
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Only show verified reviews by default.
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Filter out WIP patches by default in changes list.
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lifelessdevananda: same things?23:16
devanandalifeless: same things that have been bugging me to the point i was considering finding time to fix them23:16
lifelessoh right. yeah, done.23:17
notmynamehey I have a requirements question to ponder for the afternoon. any takers?23:17
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lifelessits hellishly faster to sync with the connection pooling in place23:17
lifelessthe git multiple refspec thing isn't quite right23:18
dstufftconnection pooling ftw23:18
notmynamesuppose there is a feature that is quite nice to have, but optional because all systems may not support it. does the library that enables that feature get added to requirements.txt? if not, then that feature isn't tested int he gate. but if it is, it's not quite true23:18
mordrednotmyname: I mean ... maybe?23:18
notmynamemordred: there ^23:18
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mordrednotmyname: it kinda depends ...23:19
clarkbjhesketh: I get File does not exist: /srv/static/logs/16/104416/1/experimental/experimental-swift-logs-config-pep8 in the error log23:19
mordredlet me give a couple of examples23:19
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clarkbjhesketh: and access log shows a 404 for the full path23:19
clarkbjhesketh: I don't see any tracebacks or anything though23:19
mordrednotmyname: for nova, mysql and postgres are both things that are optional but are clearly a good idea to test with on a regular basis23:19
mordrednotmyname: so we put both in test-requirements.txt23:19
clarkbjhesketh: I am not seeing much else23:20
mordrednotmyname: for cinder, for a while, hp3parclient was in the requirements.txt, because although you might not have a 3par, there was nothing about the python lib that prevented you from isntalling it23:20
mordrednotmyname: although I believe they've recently removed it23:20
notmynamemordred: interesting. thanks23:20
mordrednotmyname: it's definitely a judgement call case23:20
anteayaokay morganfainberg and dhellmann: can I get some reviews before I have to rebase this again?23:21
clarkbpersonally I like things to be in requirements.txt so I don't have to think about it23:21
mordrednotmyname: s/prevented you from installing it/was hard about installing it/23:21
clarkbeverything is in a venv anyways23:21
mordredlike, it was a pure-python library, so who cares23:21
notmynamemordred: specifically in this case, we've got someone working on some really cool zero-copy stuff in swift. but it's linux-only (and kernels >=2.6.38)23:21
mordredfor thigns that require c libs...23:21
jheskethclarkb: okay thanks23:21
jheskethclarkb: so, what's interesting is that my browser has a "the requested url ... was not found..." etc whereas it looks like the wsgi app should just say "File not found"
dstufftmordred: Working on PEP 440 again, there aren't any symbols in here which are super confusing with other versions systems you're aware of right -> 2! (this is a horrible version but techincally it's about the most complex that is supported)23:22
mordrednotmyname: interesting. WELL... it is possible to add a pbr setup filter that will only adda  thing to install_requires on a certain platform23:22
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mordreddstufft: holy crap. that's the craziest version ever23:22
notmynamemordred: test-requirements may be sufficient23:22
dstufftmordred: yea lol, it's using absolutely everything from PPE 44023:22
dstufftmordred: which is super flexible so we can capture as many different use cases as possible to minimize the arguments about why people can't use PEP 440, minor syntax changes are easier to convince people of than telling them how they version is wrong23:23
mordrednotmyname: cool. if you want to see platform conditional example, neutron/ in neutron23:23
notmynamemordred: next question is if the python bindings to the c kernel stuff for this are GPL, what problems does that cause?23:23
mordrednotmyname: which is referenced in as neutron.hooks.setup_hooks23:23
clarkbjhesketh: hrm.23:23
clarkbjhesketh: there si clearly a 404 coming out according to access log23:24
mordrednotmyname: that is an interesting and fascinating question23:24
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notmynamemordred: ok, that's a good enough answer for now :-)23:24
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clarkbjhesketh: is it possile apache is doing munging of the 404?23:26
jheskethyeah, that's a good thought23:27
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jheskethclarkb: does the user have read permissions?23:27
clarkbjhesketh: oh gah maybe I got that wrong23:28
clarkbwww-data can read it23:29
clarkbis that not the right user?23:29
clarkbapache is running as that use23:29
jheskethclarkb: I meant the swift user23:29
jheskethhow is that configured?23:29
clarkboh maybe, let me login as that user23:30
jheskethclarkb: sigh, I think I've screwed up23:30
jheskethclarkb: I set it up as infra-files-ro apparently23:31
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clarkbno I did that23:31
clarkband that user can see the file and the container23:31
jheskethoh okay, I must have missed that change23:31
clarkbI wonder23:31
clarkbif the tenant is different for that user23:32
clarkbwhich it probably is and that may explain it23:32
clarkbI wish this info was easier to get23:32
clarkbwell maybe tenant isn't different because these are users agains tthe same thing23:32
lifelessdevananda: try my stack, its working well for me23:32
clarkbjhesketh: there is no swift in my path on that box23:33
lifelessdevananda: be sure to pip install the 0.3 branch of
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clarkbjhesketh: is that it? do we need to install swift client?23:33
mordredclarkb: what was the puppet sequencing thing we uncovered the other day?23:33
jheskeththat's quite possible23:33
lifelessdevananda: there's one more obvious fix to do, which is to coalesce all the git fetches into one big batch so we get much better compression23:34
mordredclarkb: it's taht we need to run pupept on jenkins masters then on zuul, right?23:34
jheskethclarkb: just the python swiftclient23:34
clarkbI am going to manually pip install swift client then resetart apache23:34
clarkbjhesketh: ya23:34
lifelessrather than one per review push23:34
lifelessI have a change to do one per review23:34
jheskethclarkb: good catch23:34
clarkbmordred: yes, so that the jobs are registered before zuul runs them23:34
lifelessbut if you have 100 open reviews thats still v inefficient23:34
mordredclarkb: thanks23:34
clarkbjhesketh: should that be added to the requirements for os-loganalyze?23:35
devanandalifeless:  GitPython==0.3.2.RC1 ?23:35
jheskethclarkb: yep, will fix that up23:35
clarkbjhesketh: I think that is the simplest way to make it work in a managed way23:35
lifelessdevananda: no, from git - I had a PR accepted last night23:35
clarkbapache is restarting again23:35
clarkbstill 404ing23:35
clarkbI can still get static hosted logs though23:36
lifelessdevananda: its referenced in my stack, and there's backwards compat code too, I think :)23:36
lifelessok offline23:36
clarkbnow to read more logs23:36
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Add swiftclient into requirements.txt
clarkbjhesketh: same error and access log entries23:37
jheskethclarkb: hmm, so maybe we should figure out how to catch less rather than all exceptions23:37
clarkbjhesketh: or at least log them23:37
clarkbthen they will end up in the error log and we can debug23:37
clarkbjhesketh: image builds are done we should do a check experimental23:38
jheskethclarkb: do I just write to stderr for the wsgi app to log to the apache error log or do I need to do something fancy23:38
clarkbI think that is what you do23:38
clarkbjhesketh: though it is curious that the error I have is that the dir does not exist23:39
clarkbjhesketh: it isn't complaining about the full path23:39
clarkbjhesketh: File does not exist: /srv/static/logs/16/104416/1/experimental/experimental-swift-logs-config-pep823:39
clarkbjhesketh: I wonder if something is checking the dirname?23:39
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* clarkb reads chost23:40
clarkbjhesketh: yup its the vhost23:41
clarkbjhesketh: it only rewrites file extensions it knows about23:41
clarkbjhesketh: everything else is served direct23:41
jheskethah cool23:41
jheskeththat explains the apache error23:41
clarkbso that will need sorting out...23:42
clarkband my day is just about done + holidays23:42
clarkbbut still progress23:42
jheskeththanks clarkb :-)23:42
jheskethclarkb: actually do you have a minute to check the error log again?23:44
clarkbjhesketh: what are we looking for?23:44
jheskethit looks like the vhost just rewrites to htmilfy/$1 which gives you this:
clarkbjhesketh: but only if it is a .html or .gz23:45
jheskethright, but I just put htmlify into the url23:45
jheskethand now I get a 500 error23:45
clarkbgotcha ya give me a minute I suspended the box23:45
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jheskethsorry !23:45
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clarkbAuth version 2.0 requires python-keystoneclient, install it or use Auth23:46
clarkbI geuss I am installing python-keystoneclient too?23:47
* clarkb does that and restarts apache23:47
clarkbnotmyname: ^ is a thing that should just be installed imo23:47
clarkbnotmyname: but this has been argued before so meh23:47
notmynameclarkb: ie you mean in the hard requirements of python-swiftclient?23:47
clarkbnotmyname: yes23:48
clarkbnotmyname: now its file not found23:48
clarkber jhesketh ^23:48
clarkbjhesketh: but nothing in error log because we don't log anything in that case23:48
jheskethclarkb: oh yeah (I also added that to the requirements.txt)23:49
jheskethwell that's progress too! :-)23:49
jheskethI'll get this os-loganalyze debug stuff up23:49
clarkbnotmyname: having the ability to auth v2 doesn't hurt anyone that is using v123:50
clarkbnotmyname: but not having it breaks lots of people23:50
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Log swift errors to stderr
jheskethclarkb: ^23:52
clarkbjhesketh: you might want to use traceback.print_exc23:53
clarkbjhesketh: as that will give you a traceback too23:53
clarkband you should be able to pass sys.stderr as the file23:53
jheskethclarkb: good idea23:54
jheskethlooks like sys.stderr is the default file23:54
clarkbeven better23:55
clarkbI -1'd it and jenkins was unhappy too23:55
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Log swift errors to stderr
clarkbhuh double requirement?23:55
clarkbI don't understand why the tests are failing23:55
clarkbbut they are not happy23:55
clarkboh its in test requirements too23:56
clarkbyou need to remove it from there23:56
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jheskethclarkb: right, except I copied the requirements from zuul23:57
jheskethso not sure why they aren't being installed23:57
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clarkbjhesketh: test requirements are not installed by default23:58
clarkbso we need to put them in requirements.txt and remove from test-requirements.txt23:58
jheskethoh I see23:59
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Add swiftclient into requirements.txt
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Log swift errors to stderr
jheskethclarkb: ^23:59

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