Friday, 2014-06-06

fungiwe could offer patches to (or fork) the third party things00:00
clarkbfungi: if I was a puppet upstream I wouldn't want these patches00:00
clarkbbecause they don't quite fit what puppet exists for00:00
clarkb(rightly or wrongly)00:00
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fungii almost want to say that for the nodepool+dib situation, maybe getting rid of puppet is the best path forward long-term00:03
nibalizerso no more puppet apply on those nodes?00:03
lifelessI dunno, it seems like a generally useful distinction for puppet to be able to draw00:04
lifelessas things like docker become more common00:04
fungiwe're still operating there on a vestige of our original setup with long-lived jenkins slaves, but these systems don't really have nearly as much need for puppetry, nor overlap with what we're using puppet for in other places on our permanent servers00:04
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* adrian_otto ears perk up00:05
fungifor nodepool, with all those systems being short-lived and single-use, we only ever run puppet once on the base image to configure it...00:05
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adrian_ottofungi, sounds to me like a Dockerfile is the right tool for that sort of a job.00:06
fungiand then never again, because there's little reason to update those systems further through their short (minutes to hours) lifespan00:06
adrian_ottorather than a puppet config00:07
clarkbadrian_otto: we are using dib00:07
clarkbfungi: the place I disagree is we need a lot of the same foundation stuff. iptables, ntp, cronspam, etc etc etc00:08
adrian_ottoso roughly equivalent from a functionality perspective00:08
clarkbfungi: and writing that twice is silly00:08
clarkband for long lived servers you definitely want something like puppet00:08
zarojhesketh: yes, just tox.  running on trusty.00:08
fungiwe've already written a lot of it twice (see devstack)00:08
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support for disk-image-builder in nodepool
clarkbfungi: devstack doesn't do half the things we need00:09
jheskethzaro: yeah, I've managed to reproduce locally so I should be able to fix it shortly... basically that was an experimental test anyway (playing around with JJB integration) so you should be able to disable it safely00:09
clarkbin any case latest patchset works except for this one issue00:09
fungitrue. which is why i said00:09
fungi"a lot"00:10
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zarojhesketh: can you tell me what is loading plugin_config?00:10
jheskethzaro: the reason it doesn't work is because you need infra/config slave scripts installed (which Jenkins nodes have)00:10
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jheskethzaro: that'd be worker_server from memory00:11
jheskethzaro: do you mind if I ask what you're doing :-)00:11
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zarojhesketh: i'm looking at seeing if we can decouple the xml generation so it will be easier for other apps to consume jjb outputs.00:12
sdagueclarkb: if you split up the policy betweek prepare and run classes00:12
zarojhesketh: using turbo hipster use case.00:12
sdaguethen you could do it all with puppet, it's just about building that convention in policy00:13
sdaguepackstack actually did some completely screwy things there00:13
fungisdague: agreed, but a number of the puppet modules we're using from the forge currently lack that separation00:13
jheskethzaro: ah awesome00:13
clarkbsdague: yes the problem is third party libs00:14
clarkbyou can even have facter figure out if you are in a chroot for you00:14
clarkb(just have your dib script export FACTER_chroot=true00:14
fungiyeah, it would really mostly be wrapping tons of exec calls in conditionals for that00:14
sdagueclarkb: sure00:14
clarkbfungi: to start its just service[rsyslog] and service[iptables-persistent]00:15
jheskethzaro: so you might like that test to run.. in which case, you could install into /usr/local/jenkins/slave_scripts/00:15
clarkbso maybe I start there00:15
fungiclarkb: good point00:15
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jogopleia2: do you have any code to generate a list of bugs that were marked as in progress and have abandoned patches?00:16
sdagueyeh, I went through all this about 10 years ago when writing tool exactly like dib for systemimager :)00:16
fungiclarkb: also, nodepool is back to being mostly idle with a good surplus of ready nodes, so we can probably safely restart it now00:16
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clarkbfungi: cool I am ready when you are00:17
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sdagueI do like the idea of dib actually being able to run a guest for this, then you'd solve a ton of issues00:17
fungii'll approve your test fix first so we can more reliably test fixes for the bugs we're about to discover00:17
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pleia2jogo: no, and not sure off the top of my head whether there is an abandoned patch option00:18
pleia2jogo: well, I guess any patch?00:18
jogopleia2: yeah does that exist?00:18
clarkbsdague: right so packer does that00:18
jogopleia2: show bugs with patches of any state?00:18
clarkbsdague: which is why I made that comment00:18
jogopleia2: if not I will start dinking on one00:19
clarkbbut I am not sure how the image creation happens there if it will insist on talking to glance or what00:19
sdaguewell you can do it in kvm00:20
clarkbsdague: not nestedwith any performance00:20
pleia2jogo: not as far as I know, I'd have to look at docs figure out how to add patch finding to
jogopleia2: cool thanks00:21
sdagueclarkb: it works in rackspace, so it can't be requiring glance00:22
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Increase watermark sleep in tests for reliability.
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sdagueclarkb: yeh, from my basic reading it's basically doing what we're doing in nodepool today00:25
sdaguethough reading go ... I seriously do not understand why this is the new hotness00:26
clarkbsdague: yup00:26
clarkbsdague: it really isn't anything special00:26
clarkband the json files are puke00:26
sdaguewell packer looks cool00:26
sdagueI meant 'go' itself00:26
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clarkbso I disagree. go is actually a neat language to program in and packer isn't that awesome :P00:27
clarkbmostly because it does what nodepool does with a terrible config language00:27
clarkbit just happens to support all the things00:27
sdagueI have too many battle scars from java type gynastics00:27
dstufftsilent by default errors are the worst00:28
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zarojhesketh : thanks. end of my day now. will try later00:32
sdaguealso, apparently something about the get-pip transition impacted the hyperv ci folks, I told them to come here. Hopefully they will.00:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ceilometer test_ordination_assign timeout bug 1326855
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326855 in ceilometer ""tests.alarm.test_rpc.TestRPCAlarmPartitionCoordination.test_ordination_assign" race in the gate (dup-of: 1323524)" [Undecided,New]
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1323524 in ceilometer "tests.alarm.test_rpc.TestRPCAlarmPartitionCoordination.test_ordination_allocate failed for timeout" [Medium,Confirmed]
jogothis new gerrit rest API is very nice00:37
clarkbthere is a lot I like about dib though. the caching stuff is awesome00:37
clarkband would be a little trickier with kvm00:37
sdagueclarkb: honestly, my dib understanding is limitted. I will try to correctly this after the fires die out00:38
clarkbsdague: I am doing my best to make it easy for peopel to do that within the onctext of infra00:39
clarkbfungi: still want to restart that nodepool service?00:39
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fungiclarkb: yeah, was just catching up on e-mail. stopping it now00:40
clarkbcool I am here mostly hitting dib with a hammer but yell if you need anything00:40
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clarkbsdague: basically with dib you get run parts of install scrpts in a chroot which gets converted to qcow200:41
clarkbsdague: so for us one of those steps is run puppet00:41
fungiclarkb: as luck would have it, puppet successfully installed newer nodepool such that pip freeze reports the right sha00:42
fungialso, the initscript's graceful stop worked instantly00:42
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clarkb so mysql does the right thing ish00:42
clarkbmore like it gives you all the knobs00:42
fungiclarkb: what were we cleaning up before starting it again? just set the building nodes to delete?00:43
clarkbnow to see how new of a version we need for that00:43
HunnerWhat knobs do you want taken away?00:43
clarkbHunner: no we want more knobs I think00:43
clarkbfungi: actually it does that on its won right?00:43
clarkbfungi: I think we needed to check after it came up that nodepool didn't leak a bunch of nodes due to the race that should be fixed00:43
HunnerMoar knobs!
clarkbHunner: we are running puppet in a chroot to build cloud images00:44
clarkbHunner: and that means we can't have puppet try to start services00:44
sdagueit would kind of be cool if you could monkey patch puppet to noop service00:45
Hunnerclarkb: Usually that param is called $service_manage00:45
fungiclarkb: fair enough. started nodepool again00:45
clarkbHunner: so that ensures stopped00:45
fungiwatching logs now00:45
clarkboh wait that is service_ensure00:45
HunnerYeah, service_ensure => stopped doesn't work in weird things like docker, since it can't even connect to systemd to get the state of the service00:46
Hunnerservice_manage => false is usually used to case-out the service resource entirely00:46
clarkbright this would probably be a similar situation00:46
clarkbHunner: hrm so you can't enable => true in that case00:46
clarkbwhcih should be doable00:47
HunnerOh, you want that00:47
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Promote devstack/f20 job to check job
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HunnerWell, I guess you could always service_manage => false and declare your own service resource with enable => true, but that is icky00:47
jogopleia2: thanks for the link  that is a great starting point00:47
clarkbHunner: it looks like having a service at all will fail00:48
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clarkbbut I need to do more debugging00:48
sdagueHunner: what we actually want is the service resource to do everything it does , but go noop on the trying to start the service00:48
clarkbya I just ran puppet with a service resource that does not ensure anything and it fialed00:48
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Hunnersdague: Service <| title == 'mysql' |> { noop => true } is a hacky hack00:49
sdagueHunner: that would also make it not enable, right00:49
Hunnerclarkb: noop mode will still try to `service mysqld status`00:49
HunnerBecause noop says "should I start the service?" and then lets you know if it should00:49
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clarkbfungi: how does it look?00:50
clarkbHunner: noop mode isn't what we want either because that won't enable the srvice00:50
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add devstack-f20 to hpcloud
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Promote devstack/f20 job to check job
clarkbwe want to assert service enablement but not running state00:50
clarkbthey are independent but apparently not in puppet00:50
Hunnersdague: Yep :/. And because all of these complicated edge cases, we have thus far stuck to the middle of the road and said "If you want to do fancy things, service_manage => false and then add your fancy stuff after"00:51
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clarkbHunner: I think you can't do the fancy stuff with puppe though00:51
clarkbyou would have to run an exec00:51
sdagueHunner: what about declaring a mixin and overriding the service providers?00:52
clarkbalso this script is set -e and puppet failing on iptables restart didn't fail the whole image build00:52
Hunnerclarkb: Because `service { 'mysql': enable => true }` still tries to ensure => running? (I don't know if it does)00:52
clarkbHunner: yes that is what appears to happen00:52
fungiclarkb: looking fine so far. i'm assuming i won't be able to see the leaking right away00:52
clarkbfungi: ya probably not00:52
clarkbfungi: I think we want to nodepool list | grep hpcloud-b | wc -l and compare to nova list in that  region00:52
Hunnerclarkb: Then yeah, exec :(. We do use execs from time to time to reload a service rather than restart, or other such things (in postgresql for example)00:52
Hunnersdague: Well... then you're stuck with maintaining code that mucks with non-apis00:53
clarkbI think this is my cue to find beer00:53
sdagueHunner: sure, but our other option is to write out own puppet basically00:54
fungiclarkb: drink yuo up some beer00:54
sdagueHunner: would the puppet community accept spliting up the service class into 2 phases like that?00:54
Hunnersdague: or service_manage => false and add an exec resource00:54
sdagueHunner: that assumes all the policys support that convention00:55
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Hunnersdague: splitting ensure/enable? Probably not, since you'd run into issues with duplicate resources or backwards-incompatible resources00:55
sdaguewell, basically a no_live00:55
Hunnersbadia: Ah, enhancing service providers for embedding in chroots, etc?00:56
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sdagueHunner: right, that's what dib is00:56
fungiensure => dry_running (and then we could just sed the manifest?)00:56
Hunnersdague: That might be more feasible, though I don't know if the general market has shifted far enough in that direction to get it past the "80/20" rule without some work :?00:56
Hunnerfungi: That looks good. Are there other use cases than chroots that you can think of?00:57
oomichiAlex_Gaynor: hi00:58
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Hunner(docker and pacemaker are the two main cases that people don't want the service managed)00:58
Alex_Gaynoroomichi: hi00:58
fungiif service had an ensure state which was almost identical to running but doesn't start it... then we could just make it a variable switched from a conditional around a chroot fact00:58
oomichiAlex_Gaynor: about
clarkbI am doing more testing of ^00:58
clarkbI am going to make this work00:59
fungiHunner: not off the top of my head, but chroots are... well... a classic use case going well back in unix history00:59
oomichiAlex_Gaynor: cannot we add GPL library into requirements?00:59
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HunnerSorry, I need to get offline now. ttyl :)00:59
Alex_Gaynoroomichi: Per and my understanding of the GPL, I don't think so, no.00:59
sdagueoomichi: no, not GPL00:59
sdagueLGPL is fine00:59
fungilater Hunner!00:59
oomichiAlex_Gaynor, sdague: I got it, thanks.01:00
morganfainbergsdague, ++ was just about to say that01:00
clarkbyall realize that python mysql is gpl right?01:00
clarkbso uh ya01:00
morganfainbergclarkb, shhhh01:00
fungiclarkb: lies. all lies01:00
clarkbI am pretty sure its ok01:00
oomichiAlex_Gaynor, sdague: I will consider the other workaround.01:00
clarkbas long as you aren't distributing the code >_>01:00
clarkb(the gpl bits)01:00
morganfainbergclarkb, GPLv3 might be an issue.01:00
sdagueclarkb: isn't it gpl with the funny open source exception01:01
sdaguelike the rest of mysql01:01
clarkbmorganfainberg: actually apache2 iscompat with gplv3 I thought01:01
clarkbits v2 that is more problematic iirc01:01
morganfainbergclarkb, is it? i thought it wasn't.  wow brain might be fried01:01
morganfainbergclarkb, let me go check01:01
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fungi"Copyleft licenses may be okay depending on circumstances" is nice and vague on the wiki01:02
morganfainbergclarkb, you're right v3 is compat01:02
clarkbso if we refer to apache foundation01:02
clarkbyou can't copy pasta gpl code into your stuff01:02
morganfainbergclarkb, ASLv2 code can be accepted into GPLv3 codebases but GPL code can't be added to ASLv2 codebases01:02
morganfainbergclarkb, but requring the use of a GPL lib shouldn't be bad.01:02
clarkband that only covers copy pasta01:03
clarkbnot linking01:03
sdaguemorganfainberg: GPL includes dyanmic linking01:03
morganfainbergotherwise we might be screwed with Linux Kernel headers :P let alone anything else01:03
morganfainbergsdague, it does?01:03
sdagueyes, that's the whole reason for LGPL01:03
clarkbsdague: right so this becomes a distribution thing iirc01:03
clarkbsdague: openstack doesn't require mysql python so we are ok or some such01:03
clarkbthere was a whole thread on the ml01:03
sdagueok, that predates me01:04
lifelessalso 'linking' in C works by copying01:04
sdagueI will not open that can of worms01:04
lifelessit doesn't work that way in Python01:04
morganfainbergsdague, yeah reading it now.01:04
morganfainbergdoes a python "import" constittute linking?01:04
lifelessand lets not think about interface copyright and all that implication01:04
fungibecause we also work with other db connectivity libraries under an orm01:04
clarkbfungi: right01:04
morganfainbergIANAL and especially not an IP Lawyer01:04
sdaguelifeless: I'm pretty sure import == dynamic link for these purposes01:04
Alex_GaynorDepends which lawyer you ask.01:05
lifelesssdague: IANAL, but I know laywers on both sides of the answer.01:05
fungipossibly also exec under a pipe back into the code01:05
morganfainbergso.. i'll just go with ... we should ask a person smarter about legal stuff if this is a real issue.01:05
sdagueAlex_Gaynor: curious.01:05
morganfainberglifeless, the important question is which side does the foundation support01:05
lifelessmorganfainberg: actually, its which side do our deployers support01:05
clarkbmorganfainberg: the foundation apparently doesn't offer legal advice in this arena01:05
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clarkbmorganfainberg: its crazy pants in some ways01:06
clarkblifeless: and distributors01:06
fungithe foundation supports whatever its legal counsel recommends in specific cases01:06
ianwsdague: do you think we can get this one through soon? (Enable horizon on Fedoras) ... it's pretty straight forward01:06
morganfainbergsdague, to Alex_Gaynor 's point, i don't think anyone has had a precedent setting case on this front.01:06
lifelessclarkb: GPL is a use license, distribtors don't need to care (with respect to this)01:06
sdaguemorganfainberg: sure01:06
lifelessclarkb: but LALALALALALALAL01:06
morganfainbergsdague, it's a lot of hand waving01:06
sdagueall the precidents for GPL infringement have been basically openwrt related01:07
sdagueso it's all c code01:07
lifelessUbuntu's boot-time linking of nvidia drivers is analogous to 'import foo is not linking *for GPL distribution aspects*' btw01:07
lifelessand that got all firey when it happened01:07
sdaguelifeless: sure, but it also depends on the copyright holders01:07
fungithere need to be a crapton of gpl infringement cases around google android and hardware manufacturers shipping it with customized/patched kernels and no source01:08
clarkbgah I realize now one reason puppet may not be doing what I want it to do01:08
sdagueianw: dtroyer is back01:08
clarkbdib is using upstream puppet not my local puppet01:08
clarkbmordred: ^ if there is a way to fix that can you let me know01:08
lifelessclarkb: dib doesn't use puppet itself at all01:08
clarkblifeless: well the dib elements mordred wrote01:08
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clarkbpuppte failing is also not causing the whole thing to fail despite my set -e01:09
lifelessclarkb: add an echo $? ?01:09
fungiclarkb: we have the same problem in nodepool image-update in some cases01:09
clarkbfungi: huh01:09
ianwdtroyer: re above (Enable horizon on Fedoras) would help with f20 jobs01:09
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clarkblifeless: ya I will have to do a lot more digging01:10
fungiprep scripts are set -e but there are some puppet apply failures which just get ignored and we end up with a busted image instead01:10
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sdaguefungi: something turning it off?01:10
clarkbfungi: so maybe puppet service {} does the "right" thing afterall01:10
clarkbthose are the only two "err"s01:11
clarkband if that doesn't make puppet fail then idunno01:11
fungisdague: no, puppet is being called from the set -e script and is not aborting on its own when it hits some types of failures, then seems to exit 0 when done01:12
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add f20 job to devstack-gate
sdaguefungi: interesting01:12
clarkbits a bug01:13
clarkbwe can apparently use the detailed exit codes flag and parse $? ourselves01:13
fungisdague: we ran into it at one point a few months ago where puppet failed to install/configure some things for reasons i can't recall now, and we ended up with images in use from the resulting runs01:13
sdagueclarkb: it's good that the bug was accepted a year ago...01:14
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fungiso i guess --detailed-exit-codes is something we should probably be running with regardless?01:16
clarkbI guess01:18
morganfainbergfungi, so silent failure, exit on failure with success return code? just wow.01:18
morganfainbergfungi, that makes me cry a little inside.01:18
fungimorganfainberg: my tear ducts ran dry years ago01:19
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openstackgerritKen'ichi Ohmichi proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add license descriptions to a-z libraries
harlowjaarg, do we really want to be doing that to the requirements file :-p01:22
lifelessugh no01:22
harlowja will suck that same info down from pypi01:22
clarkblifeless: in dib if I want to clone from a location outside of the chroot I assume this is already a sovled rpoblem?01:23
clarkbideally I could give git a filesystem path so that I don't need to host a thing with apache01:23
clarkbI think I want a line in a source-repository file01:23
clarkbbut I am not sure what that should look like01:24
jogoso I am trying to use the  gerrit REST API and having some issues01:24
jogowith a json decode error01:24
clarkbjogo: because that is an html page01:24
clarkbI think01:24
anteayapleia2: thanks, it was a good walk01:25
clarkboh nevermind thats json01:25
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clarkbbroken json01:25
clarkbbut json01:25
harlowja99% json, lol01:25
harlowja1% a little extra01:25
jogohow does that happen?01:26
clarkbgerrit bug?01:26
morganfainbergharlowja, soooo close to json... you can almost taste the serialization01:26
harlowjajson-next-gen, ha01:27
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jogoTo prevent against Cross Site Script Inclusion (XSSI) attacks, the JSON response body starts with a magic prefix line that must be stripped before feeding the rest of the response body to a JSON parser:01:27
sdaguego JAVA!01:27
harlowjagoo google01:28
lifelesssame madness websockets has01:28
harlowjaya, there are some valid reasons for some of this, i can't remember what they are right now though, ha01:29
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anteayamriedem: this one failed again
harlowjaat least they didn't put in while(1); which is also common :-P01:32
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use root to write syslog from journalctl
jogopleia2: woot its working01:35
jogopleia2: gonna push a patch up soon01:35
jogopleia2: oh wait that isn't on stackforge01:35
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openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use root to write syslog from journalctl
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clarkbhrm another thing that may fall apart is facter01:40
jogomikal: ^01:41
tchayposo when i run gertty should i expect it to just do nothing for a while?01:41
tchaypoit says "sync: 168" in the top right01:42
clarkbtchaypo: that number should fall to zero over time01:42
jogomikal: since we are on a approval freeze, figured I would do this01:42
fungitchaypo: ? for help (or f1), l to list all projects01:42
clarkbtchaypo: new gertty only syncs if changes are made01:42
jogomikal: open bugs and associated patch statuses01:42
jogopleia2 clarkb: its working pretty well01:42
mesteryjogo: This one failed again, just did a re-check again ( :(01:43
fungitchaypo: it starts on the projects screen with the list of projects to which you've subscribed01:43
fungitchaypo: which initially may be none01:43
jogomestery: so many bugs01:43
mesteryjogo: I know :(01:43
mesteryjogo: It's been a rough week I think01:43
mesteryjogo: Hopefully this one makes it through overnight, I think it will help once it lands.01:43
clarkbfungi: we still good with nodepool non leakage?01:44
fungiclarkb: seems so01:44
clarkbI think I sorted out how to have my local dev copy of config slurped into the dib image so I can run puppet against that01:44
clarkbso I may have actual useful test data soonish01:45
clarkbbut I should head home soon01:45
clarkbthere is dinner and beer at home01:45
lifelessclarkb: generally its 'export a ref to it' for source-repositories01:46
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lifelessclarkb: theres some glue in adam_g's tripleo-end-to-end thing that you could riff off of01:46
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clarkblifeless: I found some rudimentary stuff mordred did and have hard coded for now01:47
clarkbbut should add an optional ref at some point01:47
tchaypoI've subscribed to a bunch of projects but they're all 0/001:47
clarkbit failing now so I think the changes "worked"01:47
tchaypono wait - infra just switched to 1/101:47
ianwdoes anyone know where the logs for ./ go after it's run in
clarkbianw: thats it01:48
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ianwclarkb: so the output of that isn't captured? or am i missing something?01:49
fungiclarkb: spot checks comparing nova list in hpcloud-b with nodepool list for it come back within a couple percent01:49
clarkbianw: I guess I don't understand the question01:49
fungii assume any leak would be much more noticeable by now01:49
clarkbianw: the image logs capture the output of the node preparation scripts01:49
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fungiianw: if those logs aren't verbose enough about what's being run in that script, i guess the script could be made to set -x01:50
jerryzfungi: do we still use username, key file to authenticate for jenkins slaves? or just credential id?01:51
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jogomestery: you hit another bug is needed first01:52
clarkbjerryz: I think we use credential id01:52
clarkbwhich I want to change because they are clunky but meh01:52
mesteryjogo: Nuts, I figured that after checking a moment ago. :(01:52
mesteryjogo: It's all about sequencing :)01:52
fungijerryz: the jenkins master would be configured with a username and the path to a keyfile to use to connect to slaves via ssh, but that credential shows up as a uuid in the jenkins config.xml which needs to be referenced in the nodepool yaml config01:53
mikaljogo: how did you pick those bugs?01:53
ianwfungi: that's why it's a bit confusing, all those scripts have '#!/bin/bash -xe'?01:53
fungiianw: perhaps you're missing that you need to filter the image.log by the image and provider name appearing in the prefix of each log line (they're all interleaved, building in parallel)01:54
jogomikal novaclient bugs01:54
anteayajogo mestery that patch failed jenkins: 2014-06-05 23:26:45,370 Creating ssh connection to '' as 'cirros' with public key authentication01:54
anteayamestery: is that the ssh bug?01:54
jerryzclarkb fungi: i am working on a change to allow nodepool to register slaves that jenkins master connects through a ssh jump host, but i have to use key file to authenticate to those slaves, credential id is not visable to the ssh command01:54
* mestery checks01:54
anteayaerror: [Errno 113] No route to host01:54
jogomikal: using
ianwfungi: pretty sure that's what i'm doing
clarkbjerryz: credential id is just a keyfile + username set of options01:55
jogoanteaya: ohh that my be a different bug :)01:55
clarkbjerryz: You should be able to continue to use credential ids01:55
mesteryanteaya: It is, but that test uses nova-network, not neutron01:55
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anteayaan ssh nova-net bug01:55
mesteryanteaya: I think so, yes.01:55
mesteryanteaya: It's possible it's the same cause as the neutron one though, but hard to tell.01:55
jerryzclarkb: yes, but the information is stored in jenkins credential manager01:56
jerryzclarkb: nodepool won't know that01:56
clarkbjerryz: it doesn't need to01:56
jogomikal: full novaclient list
clarkbyou configure jenkins to jump host and you configure nodepool to jump host01:56
clarkbthose should be independent problems01:56
fungiianw: your paste looks like it's showing the commands being run from prepare_node_devstack.sh01:56
ianwfungi: bah, i see what's going on ... is truncated for some reason01:58
ianwi thought it would be a symlink to the latest01:58
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ianw shows what i expect01:58
fungiianw: oh, perhaps. checking on the server now01:58
anteayais this an important part of the error log? chmod: cannot access `/opt/stack/logs/nosetests*.xml': No such file or directory01:58
anteayaI never know if it is important or a red herring01:58
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jerryzclarkb: but i need to write scripts which run on master to launch jump host connected nodes. not hudson.plugins.sshslaves.SSHLauncher01:59
clarkbjerryz: can't you just set the appropriate values in .ssh/config?01:59
jerryzclarkb: sshlauncher doesn't  hornor that01:59
clarkbyou can make paramiko honor that even02:00
anteayajogo mestery well there is the error via testr:
jerryzclarkb: yeah02:00
jerryzit works for nodepool02:00
fungiianw: yep, last modified Jun 5 14:42 and way smaller than the previous days02:00
fungiianw: not sure what happened to today's image log, but if it happens again tomorrow i'll dig into it02:00
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jerryzclarkb:  but i would still want to use -o ProxyCommand, not ssh config because host filter would not apply for every case in private clouds02:01
anteayait is a new one: message:"FAIL: tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPatternV2.test_volume_boot_pattern[compute,image,volume]"02:01
anteayano events matched for 7 days02:01
anteayathis is nova?02:01
jerryzclarkb: when ip range are the same for different private clouds02:02
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* anteaya files a bug report in nova02:03
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add support for network labels
anteayajogo: can you make sure these bugs are not the same? and
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1226337 in cinder "tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern 'qemu-nbd: Failed to bdrv_open'" [Critical,Fix released]02:06
jogoanteaya: from a quick glance they look very different02:07
anteayakk, I'll file a new bug02:07
jogoanteaya: I am  distracted playing with
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix ntp restart for Fedora
anteayajogo: fine, just if it comes to me getting someone wagging a finger at me if I filed a dup, I did ask02:10
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jogoanteaya: hehe02:11
openstackgerritIan Wienand proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix ntp restart for Fedora
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova test_volume_boot_pattern bug 1327020
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1327020 in nova "FAIL: tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPatternV2.test_volume_boot_pattern[compute,image,volume]" [Undecided,New]
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anteayaso clarkb's patch is back in check, about an hour until we see how that does02:17
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adrian_ottodoes someone know a way to change the status of a bunch of LP bugs from "Fix Committed" to "Fix Released" after a release?02:43
adrian_ottoI have a whole mess of them that I don't want to touch individually02:43
morganfainbergadrian_otto, i think ttx has some magic scripts to do it02:44
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morganfainbergadrian_otto, that looks like the script02:45
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morganfainberganteaya, maybe you know, but is there a reason the pipermail archive is never the one that shows up in google when searching for dev-list threads?02:48
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anteayamorganfainberg: I don't know the answer to that question, no02:54
anteayaI have noticed that though02:55
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morganfainberganteaya, wonder if it's some setting we have or if it's something else.02:56
morganfainberganteaya, I shall make it my goal to poke into that this weekend! :)02:56
anteayai would be only speculating02:56
anteayaand to be honest I am too tired to do that02:56
anteayaa worthy goal02:56
morganfainbergdon't speculate then!02:56
anteayaI shall not02:57
anteayaI have to do a family thing, still not sure if I am going to start weekending on friday or saturday02:57
anteayaand do the stuff on the meeting action items I said I would have done for next week02:57
anteayaand book flights02:58
anteayaI'm horrible at planning02:58
morganfainberganteaya, good luck with it!02:58
anteayaI wish for a magic carpet that would just take me places02:58
anteayathen I don't have to plan stuff in advance02:58
anteayaI never know how I'm going to feel before I feel it02:58
anteayaI read the queen has to select menus of events a year in advance02:59
anteayaa year02:59
anteayaI wouldn't survive02:59
morganfainberglol, oh my a year in advance?03:00
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anteayathat is what I said03:01
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anteayaI have no idea what I want in my salad next year03:01
anteayaI can't decide on tomorrow's salad03:01
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anteayaapparently she eats everything she selected and never complains03:02
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clarkbIm sure she picks 10 of everything03:04
anteayaha ha ha03:04
clarkbthen you have choices03:04
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fungimorganfainberg: i just prefix my searches with site:lists.openstack.org03:07
morganfainbergfungi, ah good idea.03:07
morganfainbergfungi, still seems a little silly03:07
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clarkbI find it works just searcing openstack foo03:08
fungimorganfainberg: we don't go out of our way to fancy our dev systems up with "search engine optimization" as having it come up as the first hit for an unqualified search isn't much of a concern03:09
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morganfainbergfungi, i don't expect us to, but if it's a simple change to make it more likely to pop to the top, why not?03:11
fungimorganfainberg: if it's misconfigured, then sure03:11
morganfainbergfungi, my thought was - look at the simple stuff, if it's anything beyond simple, meh.03:11
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fungimorganfainberg: problem is that a lot of the other mailing list aggregators want to sell eyeballs, so they jump through hoops to up their search engine rankings03:12
morganfainbergfungi, and if that is the whole reason we aren't there, not much we should be doing about it03:12
morganfainbergfungi. so, i am in vehement agreement with you :)03:12
anteayaclarkb: your patch hit this bug for the second time03:12
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1327020 in nova "FAIL: tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPatternV2.test_volume_boot_pattern[compute,image,volume]" [Undecided,New]03:13
fungimorganfainberg: and i you. if there's something simple we're supposed to be doing and aren't, then we should probably do it03:13
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fungimorganfainberg: but like, if i want to search debian or openbsd or whatever mailing list archives from a web search engine, i pretty much always run into the same exact issue03:13
morganfainbergfungi, yeah, selling ad space is a big deal and lots of eyes on mailing list archives03:14
fungithe aggregators always seem to pop up with tons of entries well before the actual official archives for free software project mailing lists03:14
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adrian_ottomorganfainberg: that script worked like a charm.03:14
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morganfainbergadrian_otto, awesome, glad to help03:14
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anteayaokay I've had enough03:15
anteayasigning off and see you tomorrow03:15
morganfainbergadrian_otto, i wish i could have used that script on the cleanup i did yesterday for Keystone.03:15
morganfainbergadrian_otto, but... it wasn't simple like a release :P03:16
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clarkbmorganfainberg: you could just mark everything fix released03:17
clarkbI won't tell03:17
* morganfainberg smirks.03:17
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fungii was slightly disturbed to see updates to diablo-era bug reports03:24
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faboanyone familiar with jenkins-jobs-builder and the ssh publisher?03:56
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clarkbfabo: sure (though not ssh publisher)03:58
clarkbdo you mean scp publisher?03:58
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faboclarkb: yes, publish over ssh plugin04:00
clarkbso I am not familiar with that plugin. we use the scp plugin04:01
faboclarkb: current implementation is generating a post-build action, and doesn't aggregate multiple hosts04:02
faboclarkb: I guess scp plugin is doing the same04:02
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clarkbcan you just define multiple ssh publishers?04:02
clarkbthat is what we do with scp04:02
faboclarkb: I'm wondering if anyone thought about having it in build actions?04:03
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clarkbdoes the ssh publisher plugin support build actions?04:04
clarkbif so you can definitely add it04:04
faboclarkb: yes, it's supported04:05
clarkbfabo: can definitely add it then04:05
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clarkbI am not sure how that solves the multi host problem though04:05
clarkbyou should be able to have multiple post build actions that talk to multiple hots04:06
faboclarkb: any example on the syntax you would expect to differentiate when you want it in post-build vs build actions?04:06
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faboclarkb: I'm willing to do the changes but not sure which syntax is expected04:07
clarkbfabo: yes in the yaml there is a builders section and a publishers section04:07
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clarkbyou have to add it to the builders section if that is where you want it04:07
faboclarkb: ah good point :)04:07
faboclarkb: thanks, looking into that then04:07
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SergeyLukjanovmorning folks04:27
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, is anything awful happens today? :)04:27
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clarkbSergeyLukjanov: it was much better today. gate is still cranky04:27
openstackgerritafazekas proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for 1244457
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, cool04:33
SergeyLukjanovjust finished scrollback04:33
clarkbthen I spent the afternoon beating dib with a stick and crying04:33
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, oh, I was thinking that it works good enough, we're using it for building sahara imagrs04:34
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clarkbSergeyLukjanov: the hard bit is we have existing puppet that we want to use and making that play nice has been an adventure04:34
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: a lot of the bits do work well like the caching04:34
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SergeyLukjanovoh, yeah... got it04:35
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: is the change04:36
clarkbI pushed a new patchset with almost working devstack images04:36
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: the current problem with them is puppet fails trying to restart services04:36
clarkb(but dib doesn't fail because puppet returns 0 anyways)04:36
clarkbneed to make puppet not fail so that we can make puppet return detailed return codes and fail the dib build if there are any puppet failres04:37
mattoliverauclarkb: do you ever sleep or have you been replaced by some kind of robot?04:37
clarkbmattoliverau: I try to sleep04:38
clarkband no robot unless it happened in my sleep04:38
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jogolifeless: how do I specify the number of bugs to return in launchpadlib05:03
jogoit seems by default I only get the first 10005:03
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boris-42jhesketh could you pls take a look one more time on my patch I addressed your comment05:34
boris-42jhesketh thanks05:34
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jheskethboris-42: yep, will do05:37
boris-42jhesketh thank you, after openstack CI, i just forgot how to work on github =(05:38
jheskethhaha, same here.. it makes me realise how much better openstack's process is though05:39
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add H804: enforce title case in commit messages
tchaypoi lolled06:02
clarkbtchaypo: its rules like that why we don't use hacking round here06:03
tchaypoand then I realised that the commit message does not use title case06:04
tchaypoand i lolled even harder06:04
tchaypoand then i read the full commit message where it says that they only want to enforce the title case *for the first word* of the commit message.06:05
tchayposo no more messages that start with "UNDERCLOUD_IP needs to be set before it's used" I guess06:05
* clarkb goes to leave a nice comment06:05
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YorikSarfungi, clarkb: I don't see any particular benefit from making OpenStack-specific feature non-OpenStack-specific...06:06
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YorikSarfungi, clarkb: I'll review logs from infra meeting to see if anything there will convince me.06:07
ianwtchaypo: i wonder if somebody can write a "commit message should make this understandable to people who did not write the patch" check06:08
clarkbYorikSar: mostly so that git review doesn't get spun off into a corner06:08
clarkbYorikSar: I like the idea of making -D do special things if you want06:08
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YorikSarclarkb: But it's not draft... It'll make people think "ok, I'll upload smth so that people won't see it intentionaly and I won't get embarased of bubble sort in that method" but essentially it'll just get uploaded for everyone to see.06:10
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clarkbYorikSar: so you should never think that about drafts06:10
clarkbbecause everyone can see drafts06:10
clarkbthis is why we disabled drafts06:10
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clarkband have essentially replaced them with WIP06:10
YorikSarclarkb: I know it. But noone will see draft unless one want it ;)06:10
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clarkbso I don't think its crazy to let the -D behavior be configurable06:11
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kevinbentoncan this patch get bumped to the top of the queue? It’s supposed to address the recent surge in SSH timeout failures06:13
clarkbkevinbenton: it cannot be, it hasn't gone into the gate yet06:14
YorikSarclarkb: Ok... From the meeting log it's not clear where -D came from.06:15
kevinbentonclarkb: ok. i just started the recheck on it. after it passes verification can i ping you to bump it up?06:15
clarkbkevinbenton: not me I am about to fall asleep06:16
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: should be able to help though06:16
YorikSarclarkb: May be we should leave -D alone and allow -W to be configurable?06:16
clarkbYorikSar: that was my suggestion06:16
tchaypoianw: it's funny you should say that, check out the message I wrote before I saw your comment :)06:16
kevinbentonclarkb: sounds good06:16
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: you just run the `zuul promote --pipeline gate --changes 97245,2` command on zuul.o.o06:17
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: you might need to do it as root so that it can read the zuul.conf06:17
YorikSarclarkb: Ok. I won't keep you from falling asleep. Let's discuss it more at night (my time) :)06:18
clarkbYorikSar: I am happy with -W being configurable too06:18
clarkbeither way works for me06:18
YorikSarclarkb: I guess I won't be touching it on this week anyway. I haven't given any love to by rootwrap daemon baby for a long time...06:19
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SlickNikWould appreciate it if I could get some eyeballs on when folks get a chance. Much thanks!06:21
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* SergeyLukjanov here06:26
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, yup, I know, already done it about 10 times yesterday :)06:27
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add H804: first word of commit message should be capitalized
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, and we've been used zuul enqueue to move jobs to the gate pipeline :)06:29
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SergeyLukjanovkevinbenton, so, the should fix Bug 1323658 - SSH EOFError - Public network connectivity check failed06:31
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1323658 in neutron "SSH EOFError - Public network connectivity check failed" [Undecided,New]
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kevinbentonSergeyLukjanov: not quite. it should just reduce it back down to a much rarer event06:31
kevinbentonSergeyLukjanov: people on the neutron team are still working on figuring out the root cause06:31
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add H804: first word of commit message should be capitalized
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove the need for zmq in proper demand calcs.
SergeyLukjanovkevinbenton, okay06:32
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SergeyLukjanovkevinbenton, there is a bunch of near-to-merge CRs in top of the gate, I'll promote this one after them finished06:33
SergeyLukjanovto not reset them again06:33
kevinbentonSergeyLukjanov: sounds good. this one is still in the check queue anyway06:33
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SergeyLukjanovkevinbenton, I've pushed it to the top of gate06:39
SergeyLukjanov(it's now a good time for it - gate reset again :( )06:39
StevenKHeh, I was wondering why we just had a gate reset again06:39
kevinbentonSergeyLukjanov: hopefully this will help a bit (assuming even it can pass)06:40
SergeyLukjanovStevenK, we have it each several jobs passed06:40
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openstackgerritBoris Pavlovic proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Finally add osprofiler to stackforge
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openstackgerritFathi Boudra proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: general: add support for childCustomWorkspace
boris-42jhesketh lol hope now it is ok=)06:50
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openstackgerritFathi Boudra proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: general: add support for childCustomWorkspace
openstackgerritFathi Boudra proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: matrix project: add support for dynamic axis
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lifelessjogo: :)07:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Pass pngcrush on status png files
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jogolifeless: I used it to build
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Remove libzmq-dev from dependency list
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lifelessjogo: almost like reviewday :)07:24
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jogolifeless: but backwards07:26
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jogoreviewday won't show abandoned bugs07:27
jogoerr patches07:27
openstackgerritLe Tian Ren proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add acl to create branches on powervc-driver
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add warnings about the installation of libzmq1
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openstackgerritFathi Boudra proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: matrix project: add support for dynamic axis
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openstackgerritFathi Boudra proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: matrix project: add support for dynamic axis
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openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Ignore newline in bp/bug search in commit message
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YorikSarclarkb, fungi: ^ - might be another bugfix to land before 1.2408:26
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vponomaryovHello everyone, I have question about incubation requirements08:42
vponomaryovThere is one requirement "Project must have a basic devstack-gate job set up" - should it be "votable"? Preffered?08:43
vponomaryovinfo got from
openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Check for stale PID lock when starting
mattoliverauok, I'm calling it a night! Have a great weekend all, it's a long weekend in Oz so be back full steam ahead on Tuesday :)08:46
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SergeyLukjanovvponomaryov, hey, IIRC it's better to have the dsvm job work and voting09:08
SergeyLukjanovvponomaryov, in fact, it's demonstration that your project could run and work with openstack09:09
vponomaryovSergeyLukjanov: will it be OK, If exist two nonvoting tempest jobs and add voting dsvm without tempest?09:10
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SergeyLukjanovvponomaryov, I think so, but note that I'm not a TC member09:26
vponomaryovSergeyLukjanov: I am absorbing any experience, thanks09:26
vponomaryovSergeyLukjanov: If you have time, could you please review this: it has already five +1's09:29
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SergeyLukjanovvponomaryov, /me commented09:35
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vponomaryovSergeyLukjanov: you mean set expected parameter that would say what is it by its name?09:40
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trinathsfungi: ping09:44
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Use yaml local tags to support including files
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Support lazy resolving of include yaml tags
trinathsanteaya: ping09:48
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mordredvponomaryov: what would the non-tempest dsvm job do?09:51
vponomaryovmordred: devstack installation with project's plugin09:52
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vponomaryovmordred: the most big reason - the way we use tempest09:55
mordredvponomaryov: yeah - that's probably fine as part of incubation09:55
SergeyLukjanovmordred, hey, why are you not in a bar or not sleeping? :)09:56
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mordredSergeyLukjanov: how do you know I'm not doing one of those things?09:58
mordredSergeyLukjanov: (jetlag - I woke up at 4:30 and have walked to a 24 hour diner)09:58
SergeyLukjanovmordred, you're not mordred_phone ;)09:58
mordredSergeyLukjanov: excellent powers of reasoning! :)09:59
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SergeyLukjanovmordred, heh09:59
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vponomaryovSergeyLukjanov: answered to your comment10:08
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openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Retry command on "hash mismatch" error in tests
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mordredSergeyLukjanov: I just tried and failed to make my first gertty patch10:21
mordrednot because I don't understand the code - but beceause the thing I wrote makes things WAY worse :)10:21
mordredI guess jeblair knows what he's doing10:22
gilliardIt says something about gerrit when a curses version of its UI looks nicer.10:22
mordredgilliard: :)10:25
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mordredgilliard: the offline reviewing feature of gertty is possibly the best invention ever10:26
mordredalthough yeah - the online mode is still better too10:27
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pelixgertty? does this mean full cmdline reviewing finally possible?10:29
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mordredpelix: yes10:30
mordredpelix: we haven't announced because it's still got a few bugs and probably isn't ready for ALL of the devs10:30
mordredpelix: but it's the best thing you'll ever encounter in your life10:30
pelixdon't care if it's not announced, this is what I've been hoping for since git-review was developed :)10:31
mordredpelix: well, jump on the train - the water's fine10:31
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gilliardTakes a while to sync when you first subscribe to a project, I guess it's pulling each patch thru ssh10:32
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SergeyLukjanovmordred, I've tried to contrib something to gertty too, but I've fall asleep10:32
mordredyes, it does10:32
pelixmordred: already cloned!10:32
SergeyLukjanovmordred, offline mode is awesome10:32
mordredgilliard, pelix: it does a git fetch of all of the relevant refs so taht you can check them out in your repo is needed while offline10:32
mordredso it also makes the equiv of "git review -d" really easy10:33
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pelixso equivalent of 'git config --add remote.gerrit.fetch +refs/changes/*:refs/remotes/gerrit-changes/* && git fetch gerrit' but without polluting your remote branches view10:34
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mordredpelix: that's right10:36
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Move contributing section to its own file
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Remove unneeded bit from setup.cfg
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Support for alternate trunk name (not master)
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: except ImportError when importing cPickle on Python3
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openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Support for alternate trunk name (not master)
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yolandahi mordred, is there any reason for using v1.1 nova client version in nodepool patch, instead of v3?11:11
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mordred_phoneyolanda: nothing specific ... is v3 better?11:12
yolandamordred, just looking at v1 client, fails because it isn't expected password argument11:12
mordred_phone(and can v3 talk to older things too?)11:12
yolandamordred, don't know about that, i'll need to look at it11:13
mordred_phoneoh, well, that should work ... we do password autg in production11:13
yolandamm, maybe it's not called password11:13
yolandai'll dig on it11:13
yolandait may be the api key11:13
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sdaguemordred_phone / SergeyLukjanov : anyone want to just ninja merge this havana item in - ?11:26
sdaguebecause I definitely don't have the patience to fix the rest of havana to land that fix :)11:26
sdagueman, what's up with the log server?11:27
mordred_phonesdague: sure, just a sec11:28
jp_at_hpmordred_phone: looking for this change to land - it seems to have been in the gate queue for 13 hours.  Is there anything that can be done to unblock it? The top of that queue seems to be 43 hours or so - is that just backlog?11:28
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add bug for havana get-pip failure
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sdaguejp_at_hp: it's because there are a lot of races in openstack exposed by our system11:33
sdagueand until they get fixed, the gate queue is going to remain basically that long11:34
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jp_at_hpsdague: that doesn't seem to answer my question - ah - you skipped the "yes, the queue is just that long" and gave me the reason.  Thanks :D11:34
sdagueoh, sorry :)11:35
sdagueyes the queue is that long11:35
jp_at_hpSo it looks like that means ~ 30 hours until that gate job runs...11:35
jp_at_hpGreat to know - thanks.11:35
sdaguemaybe more11:35
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sdagueestimating the tail duration is kind of hard11:35
jp_at_hpAlways more - but hey, that's the weekend, so as long as it's under 72 hours...11:35
sdagueyeh, right now we're promoting things that we think will fix key issues to make it better.11:36
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jp_at_hpsdague: well that review I referenced is causing very many gate failures...11:36
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sdaguejp_at_hp: only for ironic11:37
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jp_at_hpso it is a definite candidate for promotion.  Well - that's all I care about ata the minute - you mean there's more to this openstack thing?  ;-)11:37
sdagueit's not causing "gate" failures11:37
sdagueit's preventing ironic changes from moving from check -> gate11:37
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jp_at_hpI think it's having knock-on effects in other areas too, escpecially around tripleo, but upshot is it's not necessarily your priority, and that's fine.11:38
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sdaguefor reference - these are the bugs we need to tackle - - they are the ones that actually caused the resets - if you want to help dive in11:42
sdagueonce those are lessened, code will flow quick again11:42
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add bug for havana get-pip failure
mordredsdague: ninja merge done11:43
BobBallI hope you made some scary hand gestures while you typed that mordred11:44
mordredBobBall: I did indeed11:45
sdaguemordred: awesome11:45
sdaguenow every icehouse change won't explode imediately! :)11:45
mordredsdague: the top fails there seem to be infra fails - am I reading that wrong?11:46
sdagueso this one that you just merged wasn't classified, I just landed the fingerprint, I expect that to be top of list11:47
sdaguethe top 2 have a suspicious similarity in shape11:47
sdaguewhich means I think they are the same bug11:48
sdaguewhich is rax deb mirror going offline11:48
sdagueor unreachable11:48
sdagueoh, they are actually the same bug11:48
sdaguelet me delete the expired one11:48
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: this is the expired version of
mordredwhat causes us to hit the rax mirror during tests- we should have most everything cached, no?11:49
mordred(I mean, I know that in theory we need to account for something new existing)11:50
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sdaguewe seem to always need something11:50
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sdagueor there's an update to something11:50
sdagueI think that's fallout from the fact that the nodepool images often fail to build11:51
mordredwell, I guess what I'm saying is - what if we didn't do apt-get update and just did the apt-get installs - that should lessen the amount that we go out to the mirror to only be when there is explicitly a new package that we never had before11:51
sdaguewe don't error on apt-get update11:52
mordredsdague: and/or we could wrap the install with "apt-get install $foo || (apt-get update && apt-get install $foo)"11:52
mordredI know we don't11:52
mordredbut apt-get update causes apt to think it needs to get something that's not in the apt cache11:52
mordredwhich means that doing the update could increase the amount of times we go to the internet where we could potentially serve from local cache11:53
sdagueso, I don't think it does11:55
sdaguereading through this log (that's the fail point)11:55
sdagueif you go up to the rabbit install, it's pulling them off the disk11:55
sdaguenot hitting the network11:55
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sdaguealso... since when did we start pulling packages from amazon?11:55
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add new check H905
mordredubuntu mirrors11:55
mordredsdague: but we run apt-get update in setup_host11:56
mordredin devstack-gate11:56
mordredsdague: that means apt-get update was run before that log file11:57
sdagueI thought we set it explicitly?11:57
mordredit's in "use latest libvirt"11:57
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add new check H905
mordredenable_latest_libvirt, that is11:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: this is the expired version of
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mordredsdague: that was a temp workaround anyway:11:59
sdaguemordred: src pointer?11:59
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1254872 in libvirt "libvirtError: Timed out during operation: cannot acquire state change lock" [High,Fix released]11:59
mordredsdague: and the package has not hit ubuntu stable11:59
mordredsdague: a319d3528fa7b695bc7b05b0d6768fcda29a549012:00
mordredsdague: oh - my local repo is stale. one sec12:01
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sdagueI deleted that bit a while ago :)12:01
sdaguebecause the package is in stable12:01
mordredyah. awesome12:01
mordredso now why is it trying to go to the internets for postgres there12:02
sdaguebecause there is a security update I think12:02
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sdaguethe only part of the apt-get update that takes any time is ...12:02
sdagueso, we could make a patch to devstack to let you disable package update12:03
mordredwell, you can already set NO_UPDATE_REPOS=True12:03
sdaguethe package update was in there from a development reason so that we don't have to debug people with crufty systems12:03
sdagueoh, yeh, sure12:04
sdaguethat too :)12:04
sdagueany downside of doing that in devstack gate?12:05
mordredsdague: so we could just set that in devstack-gate and see if it helps12:05
sdagueit means we'd be as stale as the nodepool builds12:05
mordredI mean, there is a chance that a new package that completely didn't exist in ubuntu at all12:05
mordredgets added to devstack12:05
mordredand it's not on the local machine or in the indexes12:05
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sdaguewhat's cached?12:05
sdagueit might just move a failure and not really help12:06
mordredor, rather, there is a chance that a package that's in the index but not cached gets added to devstack, and something about the dep list for  that package which is pulled from the internets causes it to bomb out on cached versions12:06
sdaguebecause if we add a new package to devstack, that ubuntu knows about12:06
sdagueand it gets a sec update12:06
mordredthis is why I think it should be coupled with a apt-get install $foo || (apt-get update && apt-get install $foo)12:06
sdaguebut the nodepool image is a couple days old12:06
mordredthat's why ^^ - because then the install will fail, but if it does, it's simple to try one time to run an update and then re-run the install12:07
mordredfor that matter12:07
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mordredwe could do that _anyway_12:07
mordredbecause even the transient repo errors now12:07
mordredwould 99% be fixed by just trying again after an update12:07
sdaguetheir outages are long enough that I doubt it12:07
sdaguebut it's an interesting idea12:07
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sdagueok, let me see if I can get this logic without being completely crazy pants in here, because the actual devstack code to do this is slightly more complex because of multi distro and flag support12:09
mordredsdague: working on patch - one sec12:10
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sdagueeven bette12:10
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mordredsdague: before I pretty it up - this is sort of what I'm thinking:
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sdagueso NO_UPDATE_REPO is also there to support an offline mode12:16
sdagueI feel like we need UPDATE_RETRY or something12:16
mordredsdague: yeah. you're right12:16
sdaguebefore you dive back in12:17
sdague could use to be moved to the gate and promoted12:17
openstackgerritIlya Sviridov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added new python-magnetodbclient project to Stackforge
sdagueturns out... all our cached files don't exist on the old/ side of grenade12:17
mordredsdague: I do not know the move-to-gate cantrip, although I do know the promote cantrip12:18
mordredSergeyLukjanov: ^^ do you know how to do this?12:18
sdagueSergeyLukjanov definitely knows it12:18
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sdagueso that never updates right?12:23
mordredsdague: right. unless it fails to install something12:23
sdagueno, I mean never12:23
sdaguebecause it short circuits on retry12:24
mordredoh. hahahaha. jesus12:24
mordredone sec. thank you12:24
mordred(this is why I'm pastebining it before submitting into the gate, btw)12:24
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sdagueI think you whant RETRY_UPDATE != "True"12:25
mordredyup. agree12:25
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sdagueand don't set it on the real_package_install line at all12:25
Shrewsmordred: are you suggesting we use pastebin as our new review system?  :)12:25
sdaguethough, honestly, we have a ton of capacity in check12:25
mordredsdague: I need to set it on the real_package_install line12:25
sdagueso sticking it there isn't a bad idea12:25
sdaguemordred: why?12:25
mordredsdague: hang on - the logic is all screwed. let me take another pass12:26
sdagueoh, you'll never got to it12:26
sdaguethis is why I said it was kind of squirely12:26
sdagueso actually, I think you want to use RETRY_UPDATE to decide if you set NO_UPDATE_REPOS12:26
sdagueand that will be actually quite simple12:27
mordredsdague: I don't follow - you wanna do that?12:27
sdagueactually, never mind, that's not quite right either12:27
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add new check H905
sdagueI have a hard time thinking about it in etherpad, let me noodle a little in emacs to see if I see it12:29
mordredsdague: I think my latest change may have it12:29
mordred if that's easier12:30
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sdagueso I think the real logic challenge here is we are using NO_UPDATE_REPOS as a config and state flag12:32
sdagueif we use it only as a config flag12:32
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SergeyLukjanovI'm here again12:33
sdagueand have REPOS_UPDATED if we did it12:33
sdaguethen have RETRY_UPDATE basically be "ignore repos updated"12:33
SergeyLukjanovdo you guys still need ninja push to gate?12:33
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: we need a promote12:33
SergeyLukjanovsdague, I'll do it12:33
SergeyLukjanovsdague, which one?12:33
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: well actually both of -
sdaguein the order I just changed them to12:34
SergeyLukjanovsdague, okay12:34
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, promoted12:37
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sdagueSergeyLukjanov: thank you12:37
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otherwiseguyOk, so I've just watched the tests restart twice on my review. Something weird going on?12:37
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mordredsdague: ok. let me try that.12:38
sdagueI get slightly amused on every gate storm that people show up on the list and provide suggestions on how to do the gate better... which are already how the gate works :)12:38
sdagueotherwiseguy: change?12:38
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sdagueotherwiseguy: what is the project, change, and what queue is it in12:39
otherwiseguyopenstack/neutron 96525. I just noticed that there were things that showed passed and in progress, and they stopped twice.12:39
SergeyLukjanovsdague, :)12:39
SergeyLukjanovI'll be on meetings for the next 4 hours12:39
sdagueotherwiseguy: right, that's in the gate queue12:39
SergeyLukjanovbut able to promote something on demand12:39
sdagueso if anything in front of it fails, it needs to get restarted12:39
otherwiseguysdague: the gate would work much better if it were magic.12:40
sdaguebecause that's a speculative execution test12:40
otherwiseguysdague: ah, good to know. :)12:40
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sdagueso your change 96525 is actually getting tested with *all* the changes above it as a bundle12:40
sdagueunder the assumption they will all pass their tests12:40
sdaguebut if they don't, the assumption is broken, and we need to reset12:40
otherwiseguysdague: I wonder what the statistics would be like for that assumption being correct.12:41
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* otherwiseguy stops watching his patch and just waits for an email12:42
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sdagueotherwiseguy: when they are bad, that's when we get backlogs like this12:43
sdagueand the reason they are bad is because we've got all these race conditions in openstack itself that aren't getting addressed12:43
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sdaguewhich our test system fails the run on because things like starting a compute that you can ssh to doesn't happen12:44
openstackgerritAndrea Frittoli  proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Support for alternate trunk name (not master)
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otherwiseguysdague: Wait, are you telling me that there is crappy code inside openstack? I work on neutron, so I've never noticed this. /s12:44
mordredotherwiseguy: see. you learn things every day12:45
sdaguemordred: that looks pretty sane12:45
sdagueI *think* it's right12:45
markmcttx, the foodie party, heh12:45
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mordredsdague: do we have a thing like is_ubuntu that's actually is_ubuntu || is_debian ?12:46
mordredsdague: because honestly this logic should apply for all debian derivitives12:46
ttxmarkmc: just edited to say that bias is actually decresing12:46
markmcttx, even better12:47
markmcttx, the debate about such things continued a little in london12:47
sdaguemordred: is_ubuntu is true on debian12:48
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sdaguefor historical reasons12:48
markmcttx, suggestions including "all PTLs should be employed by the foundation", sigh12:48
sdaguebut it's worked out fine so far12:48
sdaguemarkmc: WAT12:48
ttxsdague: sabdfl bullshit12:49
sdagueman, I might need to come on these road tours some time for the craziness12:49
mordredttx: that's some excellent blogging my friend12:49
mordredsdague: k. I pushed up the change to gerrit - it's far enough along12:49
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ttxmordred: I don't dispair to be able to clean up my analysis scripts so that they can be run by everyone12:50
ttxbut that nvd3 graph is a real bitch12:50
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mordredsdague: I should partial-bug it on 1286818 yeah?12:50
sdagueRelated-Bug is what I tend to use12:51
sdaguemostly for laziness12:51
mordredk. commit message amended12:52
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sdaguettx: that blog up on your twitters yet?12:55
ttxyep just a sec12:56
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openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add support for network labels
anteayathe Foodie party?13:03
anteayayou find good creperies, that I do admit13:04
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ttxanteaya: I just couldn't find any other bias that high score could reveal :)13:05
anteayaguys with really short haircuts?13:06
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mordreddprince: the change above ^^ - you're using a novaclient extension - a) how stable is that and b) does a deployer have to do something special for that to work, or could one fairly well assume that if they've deployed neutron that novaclient extension will work?13:14
dprincemordred: if 'nova net-list' works on that provider this is the same extension13:15
dprincemordred: this is an extension, yes13:16
mordredmordred@camelot:~$ source hpcloud-monty-1.1.sh13:16
mordredmordred@camelot:~$ nova net-list13:16
mordredERROR: Not found (HTTP 404)13:16
dprincemordred: the alternative is to use Neutron API's directly which seems out of scope for nodelist13:16
mordreddprince: that's using it on hpcloud - so I guess as a user I'd just need to know that my cloud doesn't suppor that feature and not configure a network by name13:16
dprincemordred: So that just means we can use net-label for HP. I really want this for the TripleO clouds...13:16
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dprincemordred: perhaps I just doc that... and we can use it selectively13:17
mordredtotally - just making sure I understand the ramifications13:17
dprincemordred: So how does HP let you get your network UUID's then? A web UI?13:17
dprincemordred: to be fair I haven't checked this with any of the public cloud providers...13:18
mordreddprince: neutron net-list13:18
dprincemordred: Aha. So we could try both...13:19
mordreddprince: I've got another patch coming that tries to add neutronclient and glanceclient objects to the nodepool provider - I could probably split that part out into its own patch and then we could refactor this to use neutronclient directly13:19
dprincemordred: but that would require us to bring in neutronclient13:19
mordreddprince: BUT - I don't think we need to block on that13:19
mordredunless you really just feel like fixing that part of my other patch :)13:19
dprincemordred: hmmm. So I functionally tested this against my TripleO Overcloud. I know what is there already works13:20
mordreddprince: for reference <--- patch does not work13:20
mordreddprince: awesome13:20
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mordredyeah - I don't think we need to block on this- it's more a note of what the next version of the patch wants to look like13:21
mordredlike, if we get neutronclient, we should replace the nova extension call with it13:21
dprincemordred: the only reason I used novaclient for this was because we already had it in nodepool13:21
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dprincemordred: I could actually see a provider doing it either way. It could very well be a provider doesn't publically expose the Neutron API, but they do provide the Nova extension.13:22
dprincemordred: similar for glance...13:22
mordreddprince: good point13:23
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: PyPI upload jobs should not take slave offline
dprincemordred: now hopefully that sort of thing will go out of style and people will just expose all the API's13:23
mordreddprince: right? I mean, it's only been four years ... ;)13:24
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Capture old tempest artifacts too
* dprince thinks wishfully13:24
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sdagueit might help once there is a unified client because then people will expect to have access to the apis13:29
fungimordred: dhellmann: is it expected that projects with hyphens in their names (and thus in the beginning of their sdist tarball filenames) would have underscores instead in their wheel filenames?13:30
sdaguethe proxy api for nova actually kind of discourages providers from exposing the real apis in a way13:30
mordredsdague: or it can figure out whether to use glanceclient or nova extensions13:30
sdagueor we just abolish extensions :)13:30
fungimordred: dhellmann: by way of example,
sdagueand make it all mandatory13:31
mordredfungi: yes13:31
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mordredos_apply_config-0.1.10-py27-none-any.whl <-- just made that locally13:31
mesteryMorning infra folks13:31
mordredhey mestery13:31
* mestery catches up on the state of the gate13:31
mriedemanteaya: thanks, that tempest patch of mine seems to be failing on something new, but i think we've seen before13:31
mordredmestery: "poopy"13:31
mesterymordred: :(13:31
mordredmestery: but with cautious optimism?13:32
mesterymordred: Glass half full, I like it! :)13:32
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mordredmestery: half full of vodka, I always say13:32
dhellmannfungi: yes, I think because the name is set off from the version with a hyphen13:32
fungimordred: okay, right now the script uses to determine the wheel name, which gets hyphens instead of underscores. is just a simple s/-/_/g sufficient or are there other transformations we should also apply to be more forward-looking?13:32
fungidhellmann: ^13:33
dhellmannfungi: I don't know the answer to that. Maybe dstufft will?13:33
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yolandahi, trying to push corrections to a patch, but i'm getting this error:  ! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/publish/master/dib (you are not allowed to upload merges)13:33
fungimordred: dhellmann: keeping in mind that we should not actually import the module for security reasons13:33
yolandai just got problems on the rebase, fixed them, and now the review gives that error13:33
yolandais that something i could solve by some way, without redoing it?13:34
mordredfungi: there is a function in setuptools somewhere that knows how to do a transformation13:34
mordredfungi: into a "safe name"13:34
fungimordred: oh, perfect! i'll see if i can locate it13:34
mordredfungi: I'm thrilled that the tarball and the wheel have different naming conventions13:35
fungimordred: so am i. picking this apart has made my morning13:35
mordredfungi: so we might have to make a --wheel optino to pypi-extract-name?13:35
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fungimordred: that's the plan13:35
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fungimaybe not that exact option name, but yes some cli flag to switch the output13:36
mesterySo, regarding bug 1326510, this patch ( should help to troubleshoot the failure cases in the gate.13:36
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326510 in neutron " fails with 409" [Undecided,New]
mordredfungi: pkg_resources.safe_name13:36
anteayaI found that last night, it looks like the same bug13:37
mriedemanteaya: ah cool, hadn't gotten that far yet13:37
openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Ignore newline in bp/bug search in commit message
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fungimordred: you just saved me 10 minutes ;) thanks!13:37
mordredfungi: wheel.bdist_wheel.safer_name13:37
anteayayeah, I am just reading backscroll myself13:37
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mordredfungi: actually is what's in bdist_wheel13:37
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fungidhellmann: on a related note, we missed this when we renamed/split the pypi job names...
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Put cached files in old/ dirs too
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dhellmannfungi: that tells zuul it can reuse the node safely?13:39
anteayaokay finished ttx's blog post and scrollback13:40
mordreddhellmann: yes, and not to tell jenkins to disable the node13:40
fungidhellmann: right13:40
mordredmorning anteaya13:40
anteayathanks for the blog post, ttx, I always do like the math13:40
fungidhellmann: otherwise it does this after each run...
anteayamordred: good morning13:40
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fungi"Offline due to Gearman request"13:40
anteayamordred: you appear to have been up all night, or a good chunk of it13:40
dhellmanngot it13:40
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fungieasy to spot when you know what you're looking for, but otherwise confusing behavior ;)13:41
anteayayolanda: the system thinks you are submitting a merge, which you can't do13:41
mordredanteaya: I got at least 3 hours of sleep13:41
anteayamordred: luxury13:41
yolandahi anteaya, but is there any way to solve that?13:41
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mriedemanteaya: there are actually already 4 bugs for that test_volume_boot_pattern failure13:42
mriedemanteaya: so i'm going to start making duplicates13:42
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yolandai didn't do a merge,, just trying to rebase properly with git review13:42
mordredyolanda: you may need to do some fancy things with git reset and/or commit --amend - but I'm about to step AFK so I'm a bad person to try to help13:42
mordredyolanda: somehow in the process something has decided to do a merge13:42
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anteayamriedem: really? I checked last night before I created mine13:42
ttxYou can't create a blueprint from the API... so I can't write my spec2bp file-a-blueprint-from-this-psec-please helper13:42
yolandamay be better to just preserve the files and redo it13:42
anteayamriedem: was there one in existance before I created my bug report?13:42
mordredyolanda: did you happen to ever run the command "git pull" without the --ff-only flag?13:42
fungiyolanda: it's also possible you pulled from a remote into your local branch when there was some divergence between them, and didn't specify --ff-only13:43
mesteryYay! just merged!13:43
yolandamordred, no, i was going to commit new changes to nodepool, then git review complained, i just fixed the problem and git a rebase --continue13:43
mordredmestery: is that good?13:43
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anteayamestery: yay13:43
yolandai suppose i did something wrong in the middle13:43
mesterymordred: Yes! We think that was the cause of the "ssh timeout" increases with neutroin.13:43
* anteaya releases white doves13:43
mesteryanteaya: Ha!13:43
mordredmestery: ooh! lovely13:43
mesterymordred: Now we can debug the real failure, but hopefully the gate will settle down with those while we do it.13:44
anteayathe drug we all need to be taiking13:44
mesteryanteaya: :)13:44
* fungi 's doin' the neutron dance13:44
* mestery ^5s fungi.13:44
* ttx sobs heavily13:44
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* fungi 's also showing his age13:44
mordredttx: that's pretty awful13:44
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mordredfungi: I wrote a devstack patch earlier related to apt-get update you may want to weight in on13:45
fungittx: i bet the planned storyboard api has that, plus unicorns AND rainbows13:45
fungimordred: cool, i'll find it once i finish fixing this13:45
mordredfungi: I bet the current storyboard api has that13:45
fungioh, no need to find ;)13:45
anteayaI need to get some breakfast, biab13:45
mordredfungi: as it's not possible to do anything in storyboard if it doesn't have an api :)13:46
ttxfungi: well, storyboard can't do anything that is not in the REST API, for one thing.13:46
fungimordred: the current storyboard api has unicorns and rainbows? i'm so there13:46
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mordredfungi: POST
ttxdamn, we are already beyond LP13:46
mordredttx: yup13:47
mordredttx: does that mean you're declaring victory?13:47
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ttxBug 1 solved!13:47
fungitime to plant that flag13:47
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openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Ignore newline in bp/bug search in commit message
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openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Retry command on "hash mismatch" error in tests
openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Build images using diskimage-builder
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yolandamordred, pushed some changes to nodepool dib stuff, but it's not yet properly working13:54
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openstackgerritIlya Sviridov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added new python-magnetodbclient project to Stackforge
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openstackgerritMark McLoughlin proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for volume detach failure
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Determine wheel names for PyPI uploading
fungimordred: dhellmann: ^14:06
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add support for network labels
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for volume detach failure
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krotscheckI’m totally putting that up as a patch14:12
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anteayakrotscheck: the unicorn patch?14:14
mordred_phonekrotscheck: ++14:14
krotscheckAll I need is a CC-licensed ASCII art unicorn14:14
fungibut /api/unicorn is nothing without /api/rainbow to go with it14:16
slamontkrotscheck: I don`t if they are CC-licensed :)14:16
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anteayaI like the first one14:17
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: PyPI upload jobs should not take slave offline
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anteayathe last one looks like it has been in a fight14:17
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Determine wheel names for PyPI uploading
fungidhellmann: ^ with your suggestion implemented14:19
krotscheckOk, enough looking at unicorns, back to figuring out oslo.messaging14:19
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dhellmannfungi: LGTM14:20
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fungiactually, the ocd in me wants to invert the conditional logic in that patch. one more iteration14:21
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added simple logged-in dashboard
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Determine wheel names for PyPI uploading
dhellmannfungi: you could also use argparse and not handle the missing option explicitly yourself14:22
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ttxnow I need to reuse a damn browser window to get that blueprint created.14:22
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fungidhellmann: yeah, though that gets into being at least as much code as just dealing with command-line arguments directly when it's only got two options and normally only gets called from other scripts in the same directory anyway14:23
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fungiif it grew five or six options, then totally14:24
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openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: For requirements, run job to verify that requirements overlap
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: For requirements, run job to verify that requirements overlap
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Tests updated to check StoryBoard spelling
openstackgerritBrant Knudson proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: For requirements, run job to verify that requirements overlap
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anteayattx :(14:33
ttxwill be ugly be still better than all manually creating it, i guess14:34
* ttx closes shop early today14:34
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Determine wheel names for PyPI uploading
fungidhellmann: production tests turned up one more problem with the original script ^14:35
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fungishould be ...0.1.19-py2.py3... rather than ...0.1.19.py2.py3...14:36
anteayattx I hear that14:36
anteayaI just ate breakfast on the deck in the shade, listening to the twittering birds and the chain saws, and watching the sunlight play on the waves of the lake14:36
anteayaand decided my weekend starts tonight14:37
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dhellmannfungi: fiddly :-)14:38
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fungidhellmann: and with that in place (tested with a puppet dev env), there is now a wheel at
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dhellmannfungi: does that mean we're ready to test alpha releases of oslo libs?14:40
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fungidhellmann: that would probably be the next step, yes14:40
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fungifirst i'm bringing the pypi slave back online to let the pent up release jobs finally run free from the queue again14:41
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dhellmannfungi: ok, I have a couple of different meetings today, but I should be able to find a window to test. I know harlowja_away also wanted to test with taskflow.14:41
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova test_volume_boot_pattern bug 1298472
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1298472 in tempest "tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern fails with TimeoutException on SSH connection" [Undecided,New]
openstackgerritRoger Luethi proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Fix a typo in HACKING.rst.
fungigrr... new problem exposed by
fungiit tried to get os_cloud_config-0.0.4-py27-none-any.whl instead of os_cloud_config-0.0.4-py2-none-any.whl14:43
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* dhellmann headdesk14:44
fungidhellmann: mordred_phone: have a moment to school me in the difference between a py27 wheel and a py2 wheel?14:44
dhellmannI don't know the answer to that either. :-/14:44
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dhellmannAlex_Gaynor, dstufft : ^^14:44
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Alex_Gaynorfungi: py2 wheel works on any python2 (e.g. 2.6) and py27 wheel is only python 2.714:45
dstufftpy27 or higher techincally14:45
fungiAlex_Gaynor: i sort of assumed that much... more wondering how i guess which will be built14:45
fungiis that encoded in the setup.cfg?14:45
dstufftI think it used to default to pyXY14:45
dstufftnow it defaults to pyX14:45
dstufftand you can control that now IIRC14:46
Alex_Gaynorfungi: if there's no [universal] wheel = 1 you get a wheel specific to your python, not sure how specific, if it does have that you get a py2.py3 wheel14:46
fungiit's possible we have py27 hard-coded as a fallback in one of our scripts. checking14:47
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fungiyep, fix incoming14:48
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Determine wheel names for PyPI uploading
fungi should take care of it14:50
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fungimordred_phone: is that ^ an overly-simple assumption?14:50
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova test_volume_boot_pattern bug 1298472
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1298472 in tempest "tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern fails with TimeoutException on SSH connection" [Undecided,New]
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openstackgerritRoger Luethi proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Fix a typo in HACKING.rst
openstackgerritFathi Boudra proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: builders: add 'publish over ssh' support as a build step
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openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable voting for recently added Designate jobs
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: replace dict.iteritems() with six.iteritems(dict)
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fungidhellmann: another new problem! tripleo_image_elements-0.7.7-cp27-none-linux_x86_64.whl (but assumes -none-any.whl)15:00
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KiallSergeyLukjanov / mordred_phone / fungi - could I get a +2/+A on a trivial Zuul layout change? Enables voting for some recently added Designate jobs - TC waiting to see these in action before they vote on incubation. Thanks a million :)
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dhellmannfungi: I think PyPI doesn't allow uploading platform-specific wheels for linux?15:01
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dhellmannbecause the encoding doesn't support a notion of "which" linux, and it's easier to get the dev tools for linux than other platforms where it's easy to answer the "which" question15:02
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: replace dict.iteritems() with six.iteritems(dict)
dhellmannat least that's what I remember, but that's old info and could be stale15:02
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Build images using diskimage-builder
KiallAwesome - thanks fungi15:03
fungidhellmann: yeah, so we should probably consider this to be a bug in tripleo-image-elements setup?15:03
dhellmannfungi: could the upload job report that it found a wheel that is platform-specific, and then skip uploading it without triggering an error?15:03
dhellmannfungi: that's another possible interpretation :-)15:03
fungidhellmann: it would need to scrape the tarballs site to find other names besides the one it's looking for15:03
dhellmannI assumed they had a reason for making it platform-specific, but maybe that's just some default setting that isn't being overridden15:03
dhellmannfungi: oh, right, this is downloading the file from somewhere else15:04
fungii'll see if i can spot the issue in tie15:04
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fungihuh... is has wheel.universal=115:06
espgood morning folks, can anyone assist me with a question about a patch waiting to merge?15:07
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Enable voting for recently added Designate jobs
anteayaesp if your question is relatted to how long it is taking to merge, check out
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anteayaesp search for your patch id number and you will find the spot in the queue, along with how long it has been sitting there15:08
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Prettified all HTML files
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espthx anteaya!15:09
anteayaesp my pleasure15:09
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: replace dict.iteritems() with six.iteritems(dict)
anteayaesp: well better than halfway15:11
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espanteaya: lol15:11
anteayaesp: I don't see it being tested before the weekend15:11
espanteaya: I hope I didn’t mess anything up15:11
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anteayaesp you aren't on the bottom15:11
anteayaesp what do you mean by mess anything up?15:11
anteayaesp we are dealing with race conditions in the gate15:12
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espanteaya: well there were a lot of things going in, I wonder if it was contributing to the slowness15:12
dhellmannfungi: it appears to be caused by having only data files, and not a pure python package, included in setup.cfg15:12
espanteaya: understood.15:12
anteayaso while you are waiting, select any bug on that page and dive in15:12
espanteaya: k, I’ll go dumpster diving for some bugs :)15:13
fungidhellmann: ooh, good catch. i couldn't find any smoking gun in the package config15:13
anteayafolks are standing by in -qa to answer questions from anyone willing to help address these bugs15:13
anteayaesp welcome to the party15:13
dhellmannfungi: hang on, I might be wrong there, trying again15:13
dhellmannfungi: no, just a dirty workspace15:14
dhellmannfungi: adding "packages = elements" to the files section of setup.cfg, removing the existing build artifacts and egg-info dir, and rebuilding gives me  tripleo_image_elements-0.7.7-py2.py3-none-any.whl15:14
espthx anteaya, I’ll preach patience to folks on our side!15:14
anteayaesp and share the gospel of the gate bugs for the impatient15:15
dhellmannfungi: of course, that will install a package called "elements" in dist-packages, which isn't a terribly unique name and includes stuff that really ought to go in the data directory15:15
dhellmannfungi: I think I'd call this a setuptools bug, but we might be able to work around it in some safe way by adding a little mini package to that repo or renaming the elements package to something that isn't going to collide with other libraries15:16
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espanteaya: lol, ok will do15:17
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anteayaesp thanks15:18
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fungidhellmann: yeah, it's likely we're going to run into more of this with devs packaging non-python things for upload to pypi15:20
* dhellmann nods15:21
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fungidhellmann: yeah, the sdist tarball ends up with Platform: UNKNOWN in its PKG-INFO15:23
anteayacome back openstackgerrit15:24
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov fungi mordred_phone openstackgerrit has disappeared15:26
mesterymtreinish: Regarding this one:, I think it's still necessary even in the face of the other two reviews referenced.15:26
fungimordred_phone: do you happen to have an opinion on the proper solution there? (wheel building for pure data packages, and tripleo-image-elements in particular)15:26
mesterymtreinish: is dumping the console logs for the VM, which is really helpful for debugging "ssh timeout" issues. Thoughts?15:27
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mordred_phonefungi: not yet, but I'll come up with one15:28
dhellmannfungi: if the wheel only contains data, is the data installed properly when the wheel is installed15:28
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arunkantHi..any update on gate issue mentioned in waiting for this approval and merge.15:29
bruffQuestion around a failing pip install:  I'm installing zuul using pip install and it appears to be some proxy issue.  I'm using an ansible playbook which works OK from home but not at work.  Plus I'm doing the same thing for Jenkins Job Builder which is completing at ok work.  I've seen 'no route to host' and connection timeout errors.   Is there any general advice around pip and proxies?15:29
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fungianteaya: restarted and it's back now15:30
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fungidhellmann: good question. not sure, since i don't really know what tie is expected to do15:31
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mtreinishmestery: the other reviews I referenced I thought unified those connectivity check methods and both had the same _log_console call15:31
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yolandamordred, looks as disk-image-builder needs dkms package to properly finish installing, what will be the right place to install that dependency, or at least, document it?15:32
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mesterymtreinish: I just ran with those other two, and never saw a console dump, and sure enough, it's not there. :(15:32
fungidhellmann: when installing the tarball into a venv it seems to end up with things like share/tripleo-image-elements/tuskar/os-config-applier/etc/tuskar/tuskar.conf15:32
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fungidhellmann: so presumably if the wheel does the same...15:33
dhellmannfungi: that seems like a reasonable test15:33
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: fix 1327184
anteayafungi: thanks15:33
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fungidhellmann: share/tripleo-image-elements/tuskar/os-config-applier/etc/tuskar/tuskar.conf15:34
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anteayamorning zaro15:34
fungidhellmann: seems so15:34
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trinathsGood Morning15:35
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fungidhellmann: maybe setting packages = tripleo_image_elements and just adding that dir with an empty would be a suitable workaround15:36
dhellmannfungi: ok, then I guess the next step is to decide whether to rename "elements" or make a new python package in the tie repo so the wheel build will work15:36
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dhellmannfungi: yeah, that was the "make a mini package" alternative that I didn't clearly articulate15:36
mtreinishmestery: I don't know why it would be any different. It just moves the method up a level but they're basically identical between the patches15:36
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fungidhellmann: well, it sort of just clicked with me that the mini package you were suggesting could simply be an empty one15:37
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mesterymtreinish: I'll look closer, maybe I'm missing something. Thanks!15:37
dhellmannfungi: we might even be able to get away with just a module15:37
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added field restrictions and error messages to project forms
mesterymtreinish: Argh, you're right, sorry about that. :(15:38
fungidhellmann: good point. echo 'print("These are not the droids you're looking for...")' > tripleo_image_elements.py15:38
mesterymtreinish: Now I'm left wondering why I don't see the console dump when I'm running with those two patches, back to looking at that now.15:38
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mat128What's missing for to be merged? Verified and workflow? What are those?15:40
anteayabruff: so are you saying that you are behind a firewall and that pip is upset when you are behind a firewall?15:40
anteayahello trianths15:40
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fungimat128: a devstack core reviewer needs to approve it by applying a workflow +1 vote15:41
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fungimat128: the automated ci will leave a +2 verified vote when it merges it, after one final pass of testing15:41
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asselinHi, I'm trying to use my 3rd paty ci account to stream gerrit events, but permission is denied:
anteayaasselin: it doesnt' like your ssh key15:45
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anteayais the the correct ssh key that you submitted when you set up the account?15:45
anteayaand is your matching private key on the same machine?15:46
asselinanteaya, the private key is there. they should match I will double-check15:46
fungianteaya: asselin: also possible it's using the wrong username... try doing in the ssh command15:46
anteayathe host key verification succeeded15:46
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fungiasselin: by default ssh assumes your remote username is identical to your local username unless you tell it otherwise15:47
anteayaah yes, there is no username specified in the original command15:47
asselinfungi, anteaya ok I think that was it! it works now!15:48
mat128fungi: thanks! I see workflow has been approved and found the change request in zuul's status page. ty15:48
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fungimat128: you're welcome. now you just get to kick back and drink beer for ~48 hours until it finds its way through the currently jammed integrated gate queue, and hope it doesn't get failed out on some unrelated race condition in one of the tests ;)15:49
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anteayadang he is off again15:53
Kiallttx / jeblair - Designate DevStack job running + voting - details @ :)15:53
anteayawhatever gender openstackgerrit is15:53
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fungidhellmann: yeah, simplest workaround is to touch and then add files.modules = tripleo_image_elements in setup.cfg. seems to dtrt after that15:57
fungidhellmann: mordred_phone: i'll propose that ^ as a patch to tie and see how many people vomit all over it15:57
dhellmannfungi: that doesn't seem too invasive15:57
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mordred_phoneanteaya: might be genderless15:58
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anteayamordred_phone: might be15:59
anteayabut I don't like calling things it15:59
anteayaespecially things with a name15:59
anteayamaybe I'm too picky?15:59
anteayanah, that can't be it16:00
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fungidstufft: if you have a sec to look at let me know if that's something which needs fixing upstream too16:02
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anteayahey clarkb16:26
anteayaclarkb: can you bring openstackstatus back when you have a moment?16:26
anteayamorning pleia216:27
anteayasorry openstackgerrit16:27
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fungianteaya: i can kick it again16:29
anteayafungi: thanks16:29
anteayafungi: thought you might have gotten bored with kicking it16:29
clarkbif 97757 is brought up for promotion one more time .... :P16:30
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* mordred does not understand why that upsets so many people, given that it's completely blocking one of our programs from working16:31
clarkbmordred: because it hasn't passed in like 5 attempts16:31
clarkband all of those people keep complaining here instead of fixing the actual problems16:31
clarkbthere have been no offers of help to fix the gate that I have seen from that group of people16:31
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clarkbjust requests to babysit their special thing16:31
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mordredis that different from anyone else in the project?16:32
fungiwell, to be fair, they've declared a holiday approving any new changes to ironic until the gate fixes itself16:32
clarkbeveryone else in the project hasn't shown up here over and over asking for a promotion on a change that cannot pass16:32
* fungi stares intently at the zuul status screen. doesn't want to miss the gate fixing itself16:33
mordredclarkb: the change looks green to me and it looks like it's been green for quite some time16:33
mordredother than the usual gate failures16:33
clarkb97757 has been promoted a bunch of times and not merged16:33
clarkbbecause of the state of the gate16:34
clarkbwe need to fix the gate before 97757 should be promoted again16:34
mordredsure. I'm just saying that I think it's not helpful if we're snarky at people in our own project16:34
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mordredwho are also experiencing pain16:34
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clarkbmordred: I think the issue is the disconnect16:34
zarogerritbot down again?16:34
clarkbzaro: yes16:35
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clarkbmordred: I appreciate they are hurting too16:35
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fungizaro: it's on it's way back up again now16:35
clarkbmordred: but that should be a prompt for participating in the larger fixing16:35
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fungizaro: keeps timing out its connection to the irc server it's chosen16:35
mordredclarkb: possibly so - I mainly just worry that we develop a bofh attitude at times and get angry with people for not "fixing the gate" - when I imagine actually doing so is outside of the abilities or knowledge of a large percentage of our user base16:35
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mordredI mean, I'm pretty sure that one of the biggest issues is currently a neutron bug that several of the neutron cores are heads-down on, having reproduced it locally and still don't know how to fit16:36
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clarkbsure, but there are lots of ways you can participate without being head down on neutron16:37
clarkbclassifying failures is a good place to start16:37
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jogomordred: actually one of the big ones is a !neutron network bug16:39
mordredof course. I'm merely pointing out that us being snarky or snippy with people probably will not actually motivate them to take positive action - even though I do it myself all the time16:39
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anteayaif anyone wants to learn how to categorized bugs I will show them what I know16:40
anteayaand mriedem is teaching me, so can refine them after I have done the introductions16:40
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anteayamy cat keeps crawling in my lap16:42
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anteayaeverytime I don't notice I look down and there she is again16:42
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pleia2anteaya: aw :)16:48
pleia2mine are sleeping on my bed, taunting me with their pile of snuggly blankets16:48
mordredpleia2: mmm. snuggly cat blankets16:49
pleia2it's like the work from home siren song16:49
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added 'docs' job for manila project
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anteayamine sleeps in teh clean laundry16:53
anteayaand I can't kick her out16:53
anteayaso all my clean laundry has cat hair on it16:53
anteayaif come to accept my life for what it is16:54
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: re-arrange docs for clarity
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Modularized StoryBoard Module
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pleia2jogo: we should do lunch, you in town on monday?17:04
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jogopleia2: surprisingly yes I am17:05
jogolunch monday it is17:05
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jogowhat time and where?17:06
clarkbjogo: sdague ^ not sure if you have looked at numbers like that yet17:06
jrolldoes anyone around here know how to merge two launchpad accounts?17:06
pleia2jogo: could do the grove again, say 1pm?17:06
jogosounds good17:07
* pleia2 calendars it up17:07
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dstufftfungi: oh I'm an idiot, I looked at that CR and then forgot to respond17:08
dstufftfungi: I think that is something that the upstream should probably handle out of the box17:08
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clarkbjogo: sdague mordred I think hpcloud-b may have shaken some things loose but not everything17:09
fungidstufft: should as in probably already does and i'm missing a documented option? or as in needs fixing (and if so, where? setuptools?)17:09
clarkbthere is only one bug in the handful I checked that really looks like it is only a region b failure17:09
jogoclarkb: when did the hpcloud-b switch kick in?17:09
clarkb(granted sample sizes are small and all that)17:09
clarkbjogo: friday17:09
jogolast friday?17:10
clarkb(a week ago, is it already friday?)17:10
dstufftfungi: well you can manually specify the tags in the latest wheel, but I think wheel should be smart enough to handle something without python files at all17:10
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jogoahh so this new network bug isn't related probably17:10
dstufftfungi: and it'd be in
clarkbjogo: no doesn't look like it17:10
clarkbjogo: the mirror bug is definitely more prevalent in rax17:10
fungidstufft: got it--thanks!17:10
clarkbjogo: and the ceilomter bug is an hpcloud thing17:10
clarkbbut nothing drastic like all failures are hpcloud17:11
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anteayajroll: why do you ask?17:12
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clarkbflashgordon: sdague mordred and I didn't look at the check numbers to avoid potential noise. Though it may be interesting to do anyways17:14
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jrollanteaya: so, I have an older account with my personal email. I have a newer account that was registered with my work email, but managed to get the email in my profile set to my personal email. The only thing using my work email is auth, and I want to change that to my personal email, but it won't let me17:15
jrollanteaya: (because the email is registered already)17:16
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reedwhat's the root cause for the bad status of the gate?17:16
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clarkbreed: there is about 10017:17
fungijroll: it's worth noting that the openid provider implementation in launchpad generates a new openid for the merged account. as such if you do get lp admins to merge your two accounts, you'll end up with a new gerrit account when authenticating from lp17:17
clarkbreed: that gives a really high overview of the state of the world17:17
clarkb* high level17:17
jrollfungi: gah. maybe there's a way to disable the other account and be able to add it to the other account17:18
reedthanks clarkb... i'm discussing with developers complaining about the time it takes to get his patch in, want to give them an overview of where things fail and make the argument that it's everybody's responsibility to fix them17:18
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clarkbreed: pointing them at that page is a great place to start17:19
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clarkbreed: also the uncategorized tab shows failures we haven't classified
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clarkbreed: devs that want to help make it better than categorize bugs so that we have a better understanding of the problems which leads to fixing them17:19
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reedclarkb, tnx17:20
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: [WIP] Added RabbitMQ to StoryBoard
reedclarkb, it would help to have a link to the documentation of elasticrecheck from that page17:21
clarkbreed: patches welcome17:21
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clarkbreed: also anteaya has volunteered to help folks wanting to classify bugs17:22
reedclarkb, I don't like that answer, I feel diminished every time I hear it17:22
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reedclarkb, I'll file a bug as a start :)17:22
clarkbreed: I understand but we have been under a ton of pressure fixing the gate problems and cloud problems and so on17:22
fungireed: we would appreciate a bug report, and a patch even more! ;)17:22
reedclarkb, I know, I'm not offended or anything, I just stated how I felt17:23
clarkblet me get you a link to the docs17:23
reedclarkb, don't worry, I'll find it17:23
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krotscheckAny +2’s out there feel like reviewing some unit test typo’s?
clarkbI was going to do my first storyboard review and fungi swooped in and beat me to it17:24
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fungiclarkb: sorry about that17:25
krotscheckclarkb: Well then, how about this one? :D17:25
clarkbis that one easy too?17:25
clarkb+-1100 lines not easy17:25
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krotscheckOk, here’s an easy one:
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pleia2we probably should have a rechecks page on that links to docs, I'll toss up some patches so we can get links together17:30
pleia2(and on the status page too)17:31
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anteayaso yeah, it appears we still need to debate the use of the word certified around testing:
anteayaI had thought I was clear at summit, the cinder folks still want to use the word17:31
anteayattx ^^17:31
anteayamordred: ^^17:32
krotscheckfungi: clarkb: Thanks guys!17:32
clarkbanteaya: you don't want to certify that we are pep8 clean!? (fwiw I agree with you "certification" isn't really what we do nor do we want to lead people to thinking it is what we do)17:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Tests updated to check StoryBoard spelling
clarkbreed: oh and there is a thread on the ml which may help explain things /me gets link17:33
anteayaclarkb: are we pep8 clean?17:33
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clarkbanteaya: for certain versions of pep8 excluding any exceptions we have made17:34
anteayathere are a lot of projects skipping various pep8 rules if I do recall17:34
anteayaso we are except for when we arent'17:34
anteayashould go on a banner17:34
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openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/releasestatus: Prettified all HTML files
asselinhas anyone gotten zuul to work behind an http proxy?17:37
clarkbasselin: yup17:37
clarkbbut not to an external gerrit though17:37
asselinclarkb, names? I've not succeded yet17:38
clarkbasselin: me17:38
clarkbwell AaronGr jesusaurus et al really17:38
clarkbbut I have hit it with a hammer too17:38
asselinclarkb, what do you mean by "not an external gerrit"17:38
clarkbasselin: it is speaking to a gerrit on the same side of the proxy as zuul17:38
clarkbonly the slaves are on the other side of the firewall17:38
jesusaurusasselin: are you trying to set it up too?17:38
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add link to elastic-recheck docs to index
asselinjesusaurus, yes I'm behind an http proxy and want zull to be able to get the openstack gerrit stream17:39
clarkbasselin: you are at hp right?17:39
asselinclarkb, yes17:39
clarkbI think tsocks would work17:39
clarkber wait17:39
clarkbthat depends on which tcp connections need proxying ...17:40
anteayareed: you feel diminished everytime you hear that I am willing to help people learn how to classify bugs?17:40
asselinclarkb, here's my error:
clarkbasselin: fwiw should be open from inside hp17:40
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fungithe logstash job queue is heading into a backlog again, but the cluster looks healthy17:40
clarkbbut the recent move broke that I think17:40
clarkbfungi: cool. I think we just throw too much data at the front end of it17:40
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jesusaurusclarkb: that ip change issue should be resolved now17:41
clarkbjesusaurus: oh cool17:41
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reedanteaya, not at all :)17:41
anteayareed oh okay good17:41
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asselinclarkb, I can use plain old ssh as the zuul user to get the event stream. Just not the zuul process itself...17:41
clarkbit was my patches welcome statement17:41
anteayareed let me know if anyone wants to learn17:41
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anteayaclarkb: ah, hmmmm17:41
clarkbasselin: from the same host as the same user with the same keys?17:41
reedam I correct in assuming that in patchset 7 the developer didn't run the local tests before sending it up for review?
asselinclarkb, yes, as far as I can tell.....17:42
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reedanteaya, will do, thank you for helping17:42
anteayareed absolutely17:42
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fungireed: looks that way... "AttributeError: Mock object has no attribute 'hds_hnas_iscsi_config_file'"17:43
anteayathe more devs know how to grok status.o.o/zuul and know where to turn when they want to learn how to help, the better17:43
reedfungi, ok, that's what I thought17:43
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Name fields checked with regex
asselinclarkb, actually I found a possible difference: no port in my zuul.conf file....17:44
mesteryfungi: Can you temporarily remove voting rights for the OpenDaylight Jenkins? They just informed me there is an issue they are working to fix, but would like voting removed to stop from voting -1 for now.17:44
clarkbasselin: ah ya that may do it17:44
fungimestery: sure, doing that now17:44
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mesteryfungi: Thank you so much! They hope to sort it out by early next week, will let you know.17:45
fungimestery: i have moved them into the non-voting group for now17:45
mesteryfungi: Great, much appreciated!17:45
anteayamestery: thanks for letting us know17:45
mesteryanteaya: Thanks to dave_tucker from Red Hat for pinging me. Team work is #ftw17:46
* krotscheck facepalms.17:46
anteayathanks dave_tucker17:47
krotscheckI don’t suppose I can ask someone to look at the logs on storyboard.o.o to see why that most recent change is breaking things?17:47
fungikrotscheck: sure, just a sec17:47
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krotscheckfungi: Thanks17:48
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clarkbthe one I approved?17:48
clarkbclearly I failed at reviewing code17:48
krotscheckclarkb: Apparently.17:48
krotscheckclarkb: I approved it too.17:48
fungikrotscheck: what log files in particular?17:48
clarkbI even tested the regex17:48
clarkbthough maybe not well enough17:48
fungilooks like we have an empty /var/log/storyboard17:49
krotscheckfungi: Urm… wsgi logs, which I think live in apache?17:49
fungikrotscheck: okie dokie17:49
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krotscheckclarkb: I have a reasonably-up-to-date local mirror of the DB and it’s not failing with me.17:50
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funginothing recent in the apache error.log or storyboard-error.log... though puppet has trouble applying the manifest:17:51
fungiJun  6 17:45:24 storyboard puppet-agent[21806]: (/Stage[main]/Openstack_project::Base/Package[virtualenv]/ensure) change from absent to present failed: Could not set 'present on ensure: Could not locate the pip command. at /opt/config/production/modules/openstack_project/manifests/base.pp:5817:51
krotscheckIn base? WAT17:52
openstackgerritElizabeth K. Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add basic elastic-recheck docs page
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clarkbpleia2: is the doc link change tested?17:53
clarkbpleia2: because I am ready to approve if you ran it locally17:53
fungikrotscheck: looks like something has failed to get pip onto the server17:53
clarkbfungi: does which pip show you a pip?17:53
fungidigging deeper17:53
krotscheckfungi: I swear I haven’t touched it. Yet.17:53
fungiclarkb: yeah, /usr/local/bin/pip17:53
clarkbI haven oticed that when pip moves from /usr/bin/pip to /usr/local/bin/pip puppet doesn't notice until the next run17:53
clarkbbecause it caches the which output17:53
asselinclarkb, fyi the correct port is defaulted in zuul's GerritWatcher17:54
fungiseems that it's been doing this over and over on every run though17:54
pleia2clarkb: I loaded it up locally as the index page (without graph data), it's in the header so it should be fine17:54
clarkbpleia2: great thanks17:54
clarkbfungi: oh different problem then17:54
fungilooking now to see how long ago it started17:54
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fungiit's been happening on every run since at least the end of may where the syslog rotation expires17:56
fungiso no clue how long really17:56
fungibut a while17:56
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clarkbkrotscheck: so probably just broken and not due to that change17:57
clarkbkrotscheck: if that makes you feel better17:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add link to elastic-recheck docs to index
krotscheckclarkb: Yeah, sounds like a red herring to me.17:57
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krotscheckclarkb fungi: Though we did just have some normal patches land without an issue.17:58
fungiprobably so, though needs fixing17:58
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krotscheckfungi: Digging through base.pp - seems like it’s depending on pip/init.pp, which… only seems like it’s installing python-devel, but not python-pip.18:00
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fungikrotscheck: yeah, it's supposed to use the script to install pip without using the extremely ancient distro package which operates in very insecure ways18:01
krotscheckfungi: Righto18:02
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* krotscheck read the intro to get-pip… 18:03
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fungibasically ubuntu 12.04 carries pip 1.0 which doesn't use https, crawls external project websites, installs pre-release versions by default, et cetera18:03
fungipip releases prior to 1.4 are basically unsafe18:04
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krotscheckfungi: Makes sense.18:04
clarkbkrotscheck: careful it is a base64 encoded zip file with self extracting python footer18:04
reeddo I remember correctly that abandoned patches can be 'resuscitated' on gerrit?18:04
clarkbreed: you do, the patch owner can click the restore button or a gerrit admin can do it18:04
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krotscheckfungi: But OMG ascii-zip18:04
fungireed: by either the change owner or by a core reviewer for that project18:04
reedthat's what I remembered, thanks18:04
fungiclarkb: project cores now too. we added that acl provided by new gerrit18:05
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krotscheckAnd, you know, a module called pip that doesn’t actually do anything with pip.18:05
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fabozaro: only one left to review ;)18:06
fungikrotscheck: yes, it's sort of fright-inducing. reminds me of the old edlin-based code you could use to uudecode a uuencoded copy of the uudecode utility18:06
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* krotscheck ponders if it’s wsgi that’s broken. He’s not getting any love on any API endpoints18:08
fungikrotscheck: yeah, i'm still digging for some evidence of something relevant18:08
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for 1244457
mtreinishclarkb, fungi: might be useful for debugging grenade fails18:08
jesusauruswhere can i find the gerrit queries used to create the dashboards?18:09
clarkbjesusaurus: in the refs/meta/dashboards/* refs in All-Projects18:09
clarkbjesusaurus: you should have read access to those18:09
clarkband if not we should fix the ACLs18:09
fungijesusaurus: though sdague also has a utility you can use to build them from dashboard config syntax18:10
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zarofabo: we welcome reviews as well as contributions :)18:11
mesteryWith regards to the "ssh timeout" issue: armax just pushed this:
mesteryIf this triggers the failure, can we get access to debug things further?18:11
mesteryfungi clarkb: ^^^18:12
devanandaclarkb: re: one db per test, is that for testing migrations or something else?18:12
clarkbmtreinish: reviewing18:12
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for 1244457
clarkbdevananda: anything you want. Now that we are fully single use slaves for unittests we give the test db user access to create and drop arbitrary schemas18:12
clarkbdevananda: on mysql I think the access is ALL18:13
clarkbpostgres has finer grained ACLs so its restricted to creating, owning and deleting schemas18:13
fungikrotscheck: found a traceback18:13
fungikrotscheck: lemme pretty it up real quick18:13
krotscheckfungi: WOO18:13
clarkbmtreinish: lgtm18:17
mtreinishclarkb: cool, thanks18:17
clarkbmtreinish: but
krotscheckfungi: Thanks18:18
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clarkbhas tempest files in it so we can probably just have fungi approve it if he is happy with review18:18
clarkbfungi: ^18:18
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jesusaurusclarkb: perfect thanks for the ref/18:19
fungimtreinish: clarkb: seems sort of duplicative, but okay i guess18:20
clarkbfungi: ya but meh18:20
mtreinishfungi: I tried to do it smarter, but this was easier :)18:20
fungimtreinish: wfm then18:20
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jesusaurusfungi: thats pretty cool, but i dont think theres a way for me to have a personal dash so im going to just bookmark some query results (i want to remove +2'd changes from my important changes because im not core)18:20
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devkulkarnihey there.. quick question. recently there was email by Sean about race condition issues on the gates and patches should not be approved until those get resolved. does anyone have status about when we can start approving patches again?18:20
devanandadevkulkarni: you can see the queue here:
clarkbdevkulkarni: and I expect sdague to send mail to the list with an all clear when things are happy again18:21
devkulkarniokay. thanks devananda and clarkb18:21
clarkbdevkulkarni: you can also look at for a state of things as related to bugs18:22
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fungimestery: yeah, we can catch a worker while it's running the job we expect to break, and then place it on hold so it won't be deleted when the job ends. after that we can add developer ssh keys as needed to get you access to debug it while it's still up and in a dirty state18:23
mesteryfungi: That would be perfect, exactly what we need!18:24
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fungilooking to see if any of the current run from 98483 are still up18:24
mesteryfungi: cool18:24
fungimestery: expecting it to probably break on check-tempest-dsvm-neutron ?18:25
clarkbI was just going to ask that18:25
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clarkbdoes this affect nova net too?18:25
clarkbfungi: 150490 and 150606 seem to be the nodes you want18:26
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Updated WSME version
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krotscheckfungi clarkb: I _think_ this’ll do it ^18:27
krotscheckI’m not that familiar with what pip install will do though when something got updated in requirements.txt18:27
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fungikrotscheck: it should update it18:28
mesteryfungi: I think that's the one, yes.18:28
fungimestery: i held that one and the one running the non-voting neutron-full job too for good measure. i'm keeping a tab on the job progress for those and will give you a heads up once we have logs so you can determine if it tripped it18:29
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mesteryfungi: Cool, thank you!18:29
jerryzclarkb: about yesterday's discussion, can i still use images.username and images.private_key in  nodepool.yaml for jump host connected slave config?18:32
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clarkbjerryz: I think you should. Both the jump host and destination should accept the same user and key18:33
clarkbjerryz: it is a lot simpler that way18:33
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jerryzclarkb: yeah. if that is the case, i will just need a proxy host ip in provider section.18:35
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clarkbfungi: wow logstash really doesn't like this18:39
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Update and freeze requirements
clarkbfungi: oh thats the other thing. It will index cancelled jobs if they don't properly mark themselves as cancelled/aborted18:40
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clarkbwhich I think contributes to the problem when the gate is really flaky18:40
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fungiyeah... than you jenkins18:40
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clarkbok lunchish time. I am going to try and dive back into dib after lunch if there aren't more pressing gate things to review or debug (like those nodes we just held)18:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Updated WSME version
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Update and freeze requirements
harlowjai have a new logo for u guys, for the CI group18:48
harlowjaci == :-P18:48
harlowja*infra group i mean18:48
* krotscheck patiently watis for puppet to pick up the changes...18:48
clarkbharlowja: :)18:49
clarkbreed: pleia2 docs link on the e-r status page is live18:49
krotscheckharlowja: I was thinking more this:
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harlowjakrotscheck maybe a unicorn riding a blue locomotive18:50
harlowjathat'd be a good combination18:50
reedthanks pleia218:50
krotscheckharlowja: TO THE GOOGLES!18:50
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reeddid you guys burned the gates already? I have gasoline left over here18:50
reedgod, my English is getting worse18:51
harlowjathats what happens when u play with gasoline18:51
reedharlowja, AH! It's not written on the box, I'm filing a lawsuit :)18:51
harlowjau must be in the US :-P18:52
fungiharlowja: nice!18:53
harlowjai'm pretty sure that book was made in ~1930 so u can probably use the logo, haha18:54
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harlowjaalthough who knows anymore (copyrights might last thousands years with the current system, haha)18:54
fungiunless it was made by disney. they own all the copyright lawyers18:54
harlowjabut krotscheck  finds a unicorn version then that will be even better, ha18:55
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dhellmannis gerritbot down? I expected a notification in #openstack-oslo when something merged in oslo-specs, but it didn't come through.18:58
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fungidhellmann: it's been bouncing like a rubber ball all week18:58
dhellmannfungi: ok, I won't worry about it if you're already aware18:58
fungii'll give it another beating when it times out18:58
fungithough /ping is getting a response18:59
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krotscheckOk, so puppet ran, the vcsrepo updated, but pip install didn’t get called.19:01
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dstufftHey quick question, it looks like the barbican-specs repo didn't seed correctly, is there a reason for this?19:04
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fungikrotscheck: ...19:04
fungifungi@storyboard:/opt/storyboard$ pip freeze|grep WSME19:04
fungidstufft: looking19:04
dstufftfungi: thanks!19:05
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fungidstufft: is it missing commits?19:05
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krotscheckfungi: Now I’m confused.19:05
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fungidstufft: oh, i see it had trouble creating the github repo again19:05
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fungidstufft: fixing19:06
dstufftfungi: thanks sir19:06
fungigithub's api is beyong unreliable19:06
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krotscheckfungi: Why would VCSRepo update, but the refreshonly exec subscribed to it not trigger?
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clarkbdevananda: would it be useful for me to attend ironic meetup?19:08
clarkbI should be in the beaverton area those days19:08
clarkband wondering if yall think infra core can help19:08
devanandaclarkb: possibly, given that there will necessarily be discussions about how do we actually merge things19:08
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devanandaclarkb: sdague and jeblair were helpful at the summit in formulating a plan. I would like to actually implement most of it by the sprint, then "flip the switch" while we're there19:09
Shrewsclarkb: only if you save some of your homebrew for us19:09
devananda...pending nova core actually reviewing the spec and code ahead of time19:10
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fungikrotscheck: great question...19:10
clarkbdevananda rgr so sounds like a good idea19:10
clarkbwhere in beaverton?19:11
clarkbshrews I might be able to arrange that19:11
devanandaclarkb: intel campus. which exact campus TBD19:11
krotscheckAFK. Need fud.19:11
fungikrotscheck: i think it did refresh... pip freeze claims storyboard==519a134 which matches your latest commit19:11
clarkbdevananda ok thats easy then19:12
dstufftfungi: thanks19:12
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fungimestery: succeeded but failed... did it tickle the bug you were trying for?19:14
* mestery goes and looks.19:14
clarkbalso hawthorne farms is the one you want >_>19:15
clarkbthere are pre security accomodations iirc which is nice for something like this19:15
mesteryfungi: I think that's the one, yes!19:15
mesteryfungi: What do you need from me now to get access to it?19:15
clarkband its by MAX19:16
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fungimestery: the ssh public key of someone who wants to log into it19:22
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fungimestery: doesn't look like you have one on your lp profile... but was it armax who wanted to look it over anyway?19:22
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mesteryfungi: Yes, let me ping him, he's somewhere in Europe ATM, if he can't, I'll add one to my LP page. One minute.19:23
fungiif so, just find out if he wants me to grant it to the one he has on his lp profile...
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mesteryfungi: armax isn't online now, I just added a key to my LP profile, can you grant access to that one?19:27
fungisure. i'll stick his in there too in case he shows up19:28
mesteryfungi: perfect, and thanks!19:28
fungimestery: ssh jenkins@
mesteryfungi: thanks!19:28
fungimestery: that should be the one which ran
mesteryfungi: perfect!19:29
fungithe ip address show in the console log appears to confirm that too19:29
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fungimestery: let me know when you're done tearing it apart and i'll recycle it back into the aether19:30
mesteryfungi: will do19:30
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova test_enforce_http_true unit test bug 1288178
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1288178 in tuskar "Sync new policy from oslo" [Medium,In progress]
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clarkbwoo debugging19:39
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fungiclarkb: oh, also is probably a somewhat high priority to review since i have puppet disabled and that applied on pypi.slave.o.o right now19:40
fungibut it did seem to solve all the remaining wheel upload issues aside from the one where wheel doesn't grok data-only packages19:40
fungiwhich ideally should be solved upstream in wheel anyway19:41
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clarkbcool reviewing19:42
clarkbI just kicked off another dib run19:42
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clarkbI raelly have to say the caching is amazing19:43
clarkbthe first run takes forever but subsequent runs are not terrible19:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova test_enforce_http_true unit test bug 1288178
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1288178 in tuskar "Sync new policy from oslo" [Medium,In progress]
clarkbfungi: 'safer_name' is the best function name ever19:44
fungiit's more better than safe_name()19:44
fungibut i'll still hold out hope for a safest_name()19:45
anteayadhellmann: I replied to your email and my reply is waiting for moderator approval19:45
fungidanke. once that's on the master i'll release the houds^Wpuppet agent19:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Determine wheel names for PyPI uploading
fungikrotscheck: i think i found our automation issue. apache2 service needs kicking (reload is fine, don't have to restart) when things change under wsgi like that since it has to reimport things19:50
fungiand stuff19:50
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mesteryfungi: I don't think this tripped the same bug, as armax's patch should have left the guest VM around, unless I read his patch wrong:
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fungimestery: okay, i can recycle this and recheck the bug. maybe we'll get lucky on a retry?19:51
mesteryfungi: Glass half full, I love it! :)19:52
mesteryfungi: go for it!19:52
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fungimestery: done. once those jobs get new workers i'll put them on hold and hope one breaks the way we want this time19:53
bknudsonit looks like there's a new release of oauthlib that breaks keystoneclient tests.19:54
fungibknudson: that explains the unit test failures blocking 91216,219:54
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clarkbbknudson: if we can sort out whether or not it is just a bug or intentional backward compat breakage we can update requirements19:59
clarkb(or decide not to and possibly support both sides of the compat wall)19:59
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mesteryfungi: thanks!20:02
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krotscheckfungi: Got it. Let me put up a patch.20:07
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fungiokay, puppet has been reenabled on pypi.slave now20:09
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devanandaclarkb: any chance to bump 97757 up the queue? 21hrs since it last ran (and failed to merge due to a neutron bug)20:34
devanandaclarkb: in the meantime, ironic patches cant even pass check20:35
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clarkbdevananda: looking at the gate it looks pretty broken still. I don't expect promoting it again will help20:36
devanandaclarkb: anything specific i can do to help?20:36
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clarkbdevananda: classifying bugs is probably the easiest place to start20:37
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* anteaya is willing to help people learn how to classify bugs20:38
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: StoryBoard module bounces apache on update
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anteayaI'm so out of steam, it is such a beautiful day20:44
mesteryanteaya: +1000 to out of steam, though it's cloudy here. :)20:45
fungikrotscheck: technically just a service reload should work (and should avoid the downtime blip). though doing that via puppet is a little mor of a pain20:45
krotscheckfungi: I just added a notify for Service[‘httpd20:47
krotscheckLet me see if that’s defined with hasreload= true...20:47
fungikrotscheck: oh, good point... the version of the apache module we're using is oldish, but still might do reload on notify instead of restart20:48
krotscheckfungi: Well, hasreload isn’t set in apache’s declaration of Service[‘httpd’].20:48
krotscheckfungi: And as I recall that’s default set to false.20:48
fungiyeah. as i said, more of a pain to implement in that case20:49
fungiyou end up needing a separate exec and yadda yadda20:49
fungiso probably not worth the extra effort20:49
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devanandaso not related to the gate issues we're having now -- but we've just realized that ironic hasn't been running db migration tests in our gate (we also haven't had any new db migrations in Juno yet)20:51
krotscheckfungi: Yeah, as much as the OCD in me really wants to go upgrade/fix all the puppet things, I have storyboard thigns to do :/20:52
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clarkbdevananda: do you know why it wasn't running the tests?20:53
devanandaclarkb: i think we stopped at the same time we switched to oslo.db (just atheory, atm)20:53
devanandaclarkb: looks like we need to have jenkins set tests/db/sqlalchemy/test_migrations.conf now20:54
devanandachanging that locally gets the migrations to run20:54
clarkbdevananda: no please no. The tests should just run20:55
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clarkbif the tests need to write a file thats fine (they shouldn't) but encoding that into jenkins makes it harder for people to reproduce at home20:55
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clarkbthere is already enough overhead with the DB needing to be configured in a special way20:55
devanandaclarkb: gotcha. so you're suggesting we encode the upstream DB connection params into that file?20:56
clarkbdevananda: it would be better if the tests encoded it as appropriate20:56
clarkbthat may mean writing it out as a fixture20:56
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clarkbbut alembic is python you should be able to import alembic, run migration20:57
clarkband do everything in memory20:57
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devanandai've forgotten how nova did its db migration tests -- are the cxn params hard-coded in the unit test file(s)?20:58
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clarkbyes. it probes using the hardcoded values. if it can connect it runs the tests20:58
* devananda looks20:58
clarkbbut nodepool does it even better20:59
devanandaso making it configurable is worse, you're saying :p20:59
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clarkbno I think going the nodepool route is the way it should be done20:59
devanandadocs/example for me to look at?20:59
openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added new experimental job for trove functional tests
clarkbdevananda: the username and password are hard coded21:00
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clarkbnot sure why the db is set there. maybe sqlalchemy refuses to connect otherwise21:00
clarkbbut then everything else is per test on the fly schemas so you can run tests in parallel21:01
devanandaack, thanks21:01
fungimestery: no dice. both jobs succeeded this time around21:01
mesteryfungi: OK. I'm likely to take off in an hour, though I'll be around all weekend off and on. If we run them again and armax or I can't get to a fail fast enough, is that a problem?21:02
fungimestery: well, if it gets rerun, we'll want to hold prospective hosts before their jobs complete... otherwise nodepool removes them to make way for more nodes more or less immediately21:03
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sdagueclarkb: so logstash is sad panda again?21:03
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clarkbsdague: yes21:03
fungithough it does seem to have turned the corner21:04
clarkbI think gate thrash has overloaded it21:04
mesteryfungi: OK, got it.21:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added simple logged-in dashboard
bknudsonclarkb: fungi: looks like we can do version check and workaround for the keystoneclient / oauthlib issue.21:04
fungimestery: i'll be around tonight and over the weekend too, so if i can get one to fail with ssh timeouts i'll give you a heads up and an ip address21:04
sdagueclarkb: do you have a graph of processed events as well?21:05
mesteryfungi: That would be awesome! I'll be checking IRC all weekend, ping with a PM if you would. Thanks!21:05
sdagueI wonder if other cloud events take our processed rate down21:05
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fungimestery: can do21:05
bodepdI heard a rumor you guys do community stuff on Fridays21:05
clarkbsdague: its in the graph the scale is just much smaller so yo ucan't see it21:05
bodepdif that's true could I ask for a bump :)21:05
clarkbsdague: if you copy pasta the image link and remove the extra numbers you will see it21:05
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mesteryfungi: So, here's something funky. In my own testing, with a fresh devstack, I can recreate the timeout. But subsequent runs on that same host never produce a failure. It's a data point I've collected today at least.21:06
* mestery takes the small victory.21:06
sdagueclarkb: so what's our process rate per minute?21:06
fungibodepd: we do community stuff all week (and weekend)... this week has just been worse than usual... not been getting much reviewing at all done with the brokenness everywhere21:06
sdagueis it staying pretty constant?21:06
fungimestery: interesting... no idea what that implies (primed the pump?) but maybe it'll help other factors make sense when we uncover them21:07
bodepdfungi: thanks. I'll ask if you guys are above water again next week21:07
fungimestery: it would at least highlight why we see it more often, since we always test on fresh systems21:07
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clarkbsdague: you can see its pegged while we fall behind and now it isn't as we catch up21:08
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mesteryfungi: I think so too.21:08
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sdagueclarkb: gotcha21:09
clarkbalso we have less than 48 workers for some reason21:09
clarkbI will figure that out now21:09
mesteryfungi: So, I was able to just recreate it locally again, and with this patch and it's dependent dumping the console on error, there actually is no console data (
sdagueclarkb: cool21:09
mesteryfungi: To me, that seems to impy the instance isn't there or never made it up.21:09
fungiclarkb: i've rechecked 98483 again but it's a ways from getting more workers and i need to go grab some chow. can you try to catch the -dsvm-neutron and -dsvm-neutron-full master job workers it gets and put them on hold in nodepool? i'll check back in on them when i get back21:10
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fungimestery: seems likely21:10
mesteryfungi: <-- Can you eyeball and verify that for me?21:10
clarkbfungi: sure21:11
fungimestery: to my untrained eye it looks like there's no console output, though i'm not well versed on nova api behaviors21:12
mesteryfungi: +1 for me on both fronts. And this would obviously explain why we can't connect to it. :)21:12
mesteryfungi: I'll dig into nova logs now and see what I find.21:13
fungianyway, disappearing for a bit. wife is going to gnaw my arm off otherwise21:13
clarkbsdague: they oomed21:14
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clarkbI think 4GB is probably not enough for 3 workers + an indexer :(21:14
clarkbthe indexers can soak up memory because lol java21:14
sdagueah gotcha21:15
sdagueso what about using those high memory HP cloud nodes?21:16
mesterylater fungi, thanks for the help today!21:16
devanandaclarkb: fwiw - config file is coming from here:
lifelessclarkb: btw how do we make sure new releases of sqlalchemy etc can still apply old migrations ?21:17
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lifelessclarkb: with the cached dbs thing21:18
clarkbI don't think that is tested21:18
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devanandawtf, unit test shells out to mysql in _reset_databases?21:21
openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added new experimental job for trove functional tests
devanandahuh, same for pgsql21:22
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clarkbdevananda: use the fixture from nodepool luke21:23
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devanandaclarkb: we've already got all the migration code from oslo-incubator21:25
devanandaclarkb: using what nodepool's got would mean ripping that out -- perhaps that's the right thing to do, but then it should be ripped out of oslo too21:25
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devanandaor at least replace a fair chunk of it21:25
devanandaand i think some of it is broken anyway21:26
clarkb:/ fwiw the way nodepool does it is probably how it should be done21:26
clarkbmaybe we should talk to oslo db folks21:26
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sdaguethe olso stuff is I think just how I hackered it up to work in nova 2 years ago21:27
sdagueit works, it's not pretty21:27
sdagueagree it should be better21:27
devanandasdague: i suspect boris-42 reworked it before it went into oslo21:27
sdaguewell the shell out was in my stuff :)21:27
devanandabt based on that21:27
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devanandasdague: hah.21:28
sdaguebut, I had only been on the project 6 months, so old and dirty21:28
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sdagueok, bar time. After this week, need some beers. Good weekend all.21:29
devanandai've found two bugs in this already: it "passes" when it runs no tests. and _test_*_opportunistically fails when a configured backend is not present (exactly what it should be preventing)21:29
devanandasdague: enjoy! have a good weekend :)21:29
clarkbdevananda: nice21:29
sdaguedevananda: actually, it's supposed to do that fail21:29
sdaguethat *not* fail21:29
sdaguethere was this whole convoluted logic that it was supposed to skip if the db wasn't there21:30
sdagueso it was laptop friendly21:30
devanandamy point is, that's now broken21:30
sdaguethen another env var to force it on21:30
devanandait now FAILS when the backend is missing21:30
sdaguefor gate21:30
sdagueoh... barf21:30
devanandait reads in test_migrations.conf21:30
sdagueoh, ffs21:31
devanandaif i uncomment the #mysql line, then it fails21:31
sdagueyeh, so that's definitely wrong21:31
devanandabecause alembic is called in setUp()21:31
devanandabefore it runs _check_mysql_available21:31
devananda** _have_mysql21:31
sdagueyeh, honestly, a lot of oslo.db seems to have lost things that were working in nova21:31
sdagueI think this is the problem with not forward testing it21:32
sdagueit goes off and evolves for 6 months without ever being used21:32
sdaguehappens to break a ton of nova, takes us a long time to back out why21:32
devanandayea. we switched to oslo-incubator/db code as soon as juno opened21:32
devanandamost things worked ... only now we're trying to land a db migration21:33
devanandaand realizing that it's not testing them at all21:33
sdaguewell, have fun with that :)21:33
sdagueok, beer time for real21:33
devanandathanks :)21:33
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clarkbfungi: mestery I have held 158422 and 15812821:37
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devanandadhellmann: around?21:38
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dhellmanndevananda, sdague, clarkb  : it would be good for you to provide this feedback about the db lib and migrations to victors and rpodolyaka (they own oslo.db)21:39
devanandadhellmann: in looking at oslo-incubator/db stuff, i'm wondering how this could possibly work21:39
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devanandathat comment makes absolutely no sense21:40
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dhellmanndevananda: yeah, I'm not sure what that means. setup() is definitely run for each test.21:41
devanandasetUp is calling _reset_databases, but afaict, every test uses the same db connection parameters21:41
devanandaand now that i got ironic to actually run the migration tests, if I run them in parallel, sure enough, i get threads blowing away each other's schema mid-test21:41
devanandadhellmann: fwiw, i just filed
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1327397 in ironic "No notice given when db migrations are not run due to missing engine" [Low,In progress]21:41
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devanandait's been "passing" in our unit tests for months now :(21:42
dhellmanndevananda: I'm going to have to confess ignorance of these modules. victor and roman ought to be able to help, though.21:42
devanandaack. i'll drop something on the ML, but then need to context switch21:43
dhellmanndevananda: yeah, sorry I can't be of more direct help :-/21:43
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ceilometer periodic notifier ut bug 1321826
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1321826 in ceilometer "periodic notifier unit test failure" [Medium,In progress]
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openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for ceilometer test_notification_service bug 1327344
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1327344 in ceilometer "notification test failure in gate" [Medium,Triaged]
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jesusaurusso, it looks like expects a hostname to be passed in at $1 but that parameter is never actually being passed in21:51
clarkbjesusaurus: yes nodepool bug iirc21:51
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jesusaurusi think it's more an -infra/config bug than a nodepool bug, personally21:53
flashgordonanyone know why grenade-dsvm is blowing up?21:53
clarkbjesusaurus: nodepool says it will pass that argument21:53
clarkbbut ti doesn't21:53
jesusaurusoh, in that case, yeah21:53
flashgordonfungi: ^21:53
clarkbflashgordon: I haven't looked at it21:54
flashgordon its just going up and up21:54
flashgordonahh its the ssh test21:55
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flashgordonlooks like east coast is offline for the weekend21:55
morganfainbergfungi, clarb, The keystoneclient related bug, due to oauthlib argument changes is here fix is bing worked on21:56
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1327430 in python-keystoneclient "get_oauth_params() missing 1 required positional argument: 'request'" [Undecided,New]21:56
morganfainbergclarkb, ^21:56
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flashgordondtroyer sdague clarkb: anyone there?22:05
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flashgordonI am looking into the spike of grenade failures22:05
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flashgordongot a cirros question22:06
flashgordondevstack old uses cirros 0.3.1 and trunk uses cirros 0.3.222:06
flashgordonand we run trunk tempest on old22:06
flashgordonis that an issue22:06
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clarkbyou mean grenade uses 0.3.1?22:07
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clarkbits worth pushing a patch for22:07
clarkbjust to be consistent22:08
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jesusaurusclarkb: is running during image creation. it doesn't actually make any sense to do anything with the hostname there22:09
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clarkbjesusaurus: it still has a hostname22:12
flashgordonlets see if that helps:
jesusaurusclarkb: but that hostname is not the hostname of the node being created from the image.22:13
jesusaurusclarkb: in the case of single_use_slave, each slave is going to have its own hostname, which is different from the hostname of the instance used to create the base image22:14
jesusaurusclarkb: we should be passing the hostname in to the ready-script not to the setup script22:17
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clarkbjesusaurus: we should do both22:17
clarkbbecause we use sudo in the image builds too22:18
clarkbwe want to solve the same problem in both places22:18
jesusaurusah, true22:18
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jesusaurusclarkb: where does nodepool say that it passes in hostname to the script? i dont see that documented anywhere22:25
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Add .gitreview generation
clarkbI think it is one of those undocumented features22:27
clarkbI think the issue is that it does it for normal nodes but not image build nodes22:28
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Pass in hostname as a script parameter
jesusaurusclarkb: ^^ thats me poking blindly at the data structure22:30
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Make import checks properly detect blank lines and comments
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ianwdtroyer / sdague : would be helpful for rhel6 testing, if you get a chance (Parse openstackclient output to get EC2 and S3 urls.)22:38
clarkbaccording to logs both neutron tests with that tempest change succeeded22:39
clarkbnot sure if that helps22:39
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Clarify where the "following template" is
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fungiflashgordon: east coast is off drinking for the weekend. the whole coast. all of us22:42
flashgordonfungi: ^_^22:43
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flashgordonis there a bug open for tempest.scenario.test_snapshot_pattern.TestSnapshotPattern.test_snapshot_pattern  FAILURE22:44
fungiflashgordon: it's one of those traditions you wouldn't know about unless you lived here22:44
flashgordonfungi: I grew up in MD22:44
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fungioh, then you should have already been aware. did you live next door to john waters, by any chance?22:45
flashgordonfungi: I wish22:45
* anteaya is off drinking22:45
* anteaya except she doesn't drink22:46
fungiflashgordon: so, yes, i suspect the grenade bug rise is more of bug 132365822:46
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1323658 in neutron "SSH EOFError - Public network connectivity check failed" [Undecided,New]
fungihard to say for sure22:46
flashgordonits always the same test that fails22:46
fungibut the handful i've peeked at looked like that one22:46
SlickNikanteaya: you don't need to drink to be off drinking :)22:46
anteayaSlickNik: I like your definition22:46
anteayaso yeah, I'm off drinking22:46
flashgordonfungi: I think this is subtly a different bug22:47
fungiflashgordon: possibly22:47
fungione of my patches just hit an ssh timeout, but not on a neutron job :/22:48
fungithis one struck in a novanet based job, on test_volume_boot_pattern22:48
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1298472 in tempest "tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern fails with TimeoutException on SSH connection" [Undecided,In progress]22:49
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fungianteaya: yep, that--thanks!22:49
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fungiclarkb: thanks for holding those nodes. i'm recycling them now since the jobs on them succeeded22:50
fungican't remember the last time i ran jobs hoping to catch them fail22:51
flashgordonso I am looking at test snapshot_pattern failing22:51
flashgordonmessage:"tempest.scenario.test_snapshot_pattern.TestSnapshotPattern.test_snapshot_pattern" AND message:"FAILED"22:52
fungiflashgordon: in grenade jobs?22:52
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SlickNikclarkb / fungi: Can you take a quick look at when you get a chance? Just a couple of fixes to the experimental trove-image-build job to correct the location from where the image is copied and the name of the working directory to avoid confusion.22:52
flashgordonfungi: yes22:52
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flashgordonpreliminary bug report
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1327445 in tempest "tempest.scenario.test_snapshot_pattern.TestSnapshotPattern.test_snapshot_pattern is failing on icehouse in devstack" [Undecided,New]22:55
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fungiSlickNik: do you have an example failure from the image build job trying to upload to the wrong path?22:56
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flashgordonfungi: in grenade where is the full tempest logs from the 'old' run stored?23:03
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clarkbthey werent23:07
clarkbmtreinish has a change to fix that23:07
flashgordonahh never mind I think23:07
flashgordonso the failure case I am seeing is: boot instance, attach floating ip ssh in. snapshot instance boot second copy, attach floating ip. ssh fail23:08
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fungiflashgordon: yeah, if it turns out to be urgent to help debugging gate failures, we can enqueue and promote 9840623:11
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fungiflashgordon: the irony is, it didn't make it to the gate because of a test_snapshot_pattern failure with SSHTimeout23:12
fungi(in a grenade job, of course)23:12
fungiflashgordon: in fact, maybe the pre-upgrade tempest logs from that failure will help? ;)
fungier, not tempest logs, but devtsack/service logs from the pre-upgrade tempest run23:14
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flashgordonstrange the EC2 is being used23:15
flashgordonfungi: that is a common error23:16
flashgordonit doesn't maen what you think it does23:16
fungigot it. i definitely don't spend much time staring at these logs (i have plenty of non-openstack-related system logs to stare at already)23:16
flashgordonbut I think its worth prioritizing 9840623:17
flashgordonas I don't think that can hurt23:17
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fungithere's been quite a few nova changes bouncing out of the gate now on unit test jobs with "PolicyNotAuthorized: Policy doesn't allow example:get_http to be performed."23:20
fungiis that something which needs some more eyeballs?23:20
flashgordonfungi: yeah for
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1298472 in tempest "tempest.scenario.test_volume_boot_pattern.TestVolumeBootPattern.test_volume_boot_pattern fails with TimeoutException on SSH connection" [Undecided,In progress]23:21
flashgordonso I am seeing ec2 API calls23:21
flashgordonnot sure why23:21
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1327445 in tempest "tempest.scenario.test_snapshot_pattern.TestSnapshotPattern.test_snapshot_pattern is failing on icehouse in devstack" [Undecided,New]23:22
anteayaI'm running away for the weekend, see you Monday23:22
anteayaor if I get wifi23:22
fungihave a good weekend anteaya23:22
flashgordonanteaya: o/23:22
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flashgordonso something is dissaciosating the addr that the tempest test is trying to use23:24
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Pass in hostname as a script parameter
flashgordonnot sure if this is red herring due to timings23:25
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix experimental trove-image-build gate job
fungisudo nova-rootwrap /etc/nova/rootwrap.conf ip addr del dev br10023:26
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add support for disk-image-builder in nodepool
fungiflashgordon: oh, i'm looking at the downstream result of the api call23:26
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fungiflashgordon: could be seeing ec2 calls there because tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_s3_ec2_images.S3ImagesTest.test_register_get_deregister_ami_image started 10 seconds before23:28
fungioh, wait, that's the end time not the start time23:29
fungithough tempest.thirdparty.boto.test_ec2_instance_run.InstanceRunTest.test_compute_with_volumes ends a few seconds later and takes nearly a minute23:29
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flashgordonthat could be in23:30
flashgordoncould be it23:30
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flashgordontwo servers fighting for same floating IP?23:30
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fungihrm... maybe?23:30
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flashgordonhmm at least in nova-api there is no overlap23:35
flashgordonchecking in n-net23:35
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flashgordonso this has been failing for a long time I am thinking just turn off this test23:41
clarkbmordred: ok 88479 runs puppet cleanly and allows you to injcet a dev puppet modules repo. I am happy with it for precise23:42
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clarkbgoing t okick off a trusty build soonish (qemu is still converting my precise chroot into an image) and see how badly it blows up23:42
fungiright on23:43
clarkbthough this hasn't tackled the DB problem23:43
clarkbstill focusing on devtack-* image because its easier :)23:43
fungioh, as far as working it to start the dbs in the chroot on fifos23:44
fungiand then preconfiguring them thataway23:44
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clarkbwill need to refactor the puppet DB stuff so that it installs them but does not manage services or configure anything when in chroot23:45
clarkbthen as a post install step we do the config and managemetn for postres and mysql23:45
clarkband trusty build started. let us see how badly this dies23:47
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asselinclarkb, I still haven't been able to get parimiko to ssh out of http proxy. I haven't found much on the web except this:
flashgordonfungi: so here is a workaround:
flashgordonskip the test23:50
flashgordonin the worst case23:50
clarkbasselin: you can't23:50
asselinclarkb, seems there's a possible solution by chaning zuul to have paramiko use a predefined socket.23:50
clarkbasselin: I mean you probably can but I wouldn't want to23:50
fungiflashgordon: add that one to the etherpad in case we want to promote it23:51
clarkbasselin: but if yo uare at HP you don't need to proxy to review.openstack.org23:51
asselinclarkb, why is that?23:51
clarkbasselin: because ssh isn't an http protocol23:51
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flashgordonfungi: done23:51
flashgordonfungi: what was the other bug you mentioned popping up?23:51
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asselinclarkb, hp's corporate firewall is blocking external ssh.23:52
fungiclarkb: lies. all network protocols descend from the one true protocol... telnet^H^H^H^H^H^Hhttp23:52
clarkbasselin: it shouldn't23:52
clarkbasselin: not to review.openstack.org23:52
clarkbjesusaurus: ^23:52
asselinclarkb, for git-review, etc. we use corkscrew to tunnel ssh via http and out of the firewall23:52
clarkbasselin: and you shouldn't need to23:52
clarkbasselin: we finally fixed that23:52
asselinclarkb, how so?23:52
clarkbasselin: connections from hp to over port 29418 are allowed by the firewall23:53
fungiflashgordon: ssh timeouts. i think last i saw that was nullified by disabling a test as well23:53
clarkbasselin: it was broken for a short period of time but jesusaurus says it is fixed now23:53
flashgordonfungi: sonething about 'PolicyNotAuthorized:'23:53
asselinclarkb, jesusaurus any contacts on this? it doesn't work from my location23:53
asselinclarkb, jesusaurus which proxy are you using?23:53
clarkbasselin: I refuse to use a proxy >_> and vpn23:54
fungiflashgordon: oh, the thing killing nova unit tests in the gate now23:54
clarkbasselin: I would test it right now if it wasn't complicated due to vpn routing23:54
clarkbasselin: an easy way to test is ssh -p 29418 gerrit ls-projects23:54
fungiflashgordon: "PolicyNotAuthorized: Policy doesn't allow example:get_http to be performed."23:54
* fungi hits up logstash23:55
flashgordonmessage:"PolicyNotAuthorized: Policy doesn\'t allow example:get_http to be performed." AND ( build_name:"gate-nova-python27" OR build_name:"gate-nova-python26") AND project:"openstack/nova"23:55
asselinclarkb, I've spent a lot of time in the past few months working around hp's http proxies.....23:55
asselinclarkb, that works perfectly with corkscrew enabled.23:55
clarkbasselin: for many things you do need to talk through the proxy23:55
clarkbasselin: right so try it without corkscrew23:55
flashgordonfungi: ah hqueries/1288178.yaml:23:55
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flashgordonohh its the new policy stuff23:56
clarkbfungi: lots of red puppet warnings but nothing fatal as far as I can tell. Course now that i have said that...23:56
flashgordondhellmann: ^ new oslo policy pain23:56
flashgordonfungi: that one is easy23:57
flashgordongonna push up a revert23:57
fungiflashgordon: the logstash frequency graph on that one looks like a clear warning23:57
fungifour hits on change 87002 spaced over a while, then a slew of hits from numerous changes23:58
fungilooks like they really started in full bore today around 1600 utc23:59

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