Tuesday, 2014-06-03

clarkb\o/ and selecting different patchsets to diff against00:00
morganfainbergwhich reminds me... i gotta track down some of the gertty issues w/ OS X cause i want this hotness now.00:00
clarkbjeblair: this is great00:00
mordredmorganfainberg: markmclain was running it happily on OSX earlier00:00
morganfainbergmordred, ooh, maybe fixes are in then!00:00
mordredyah. it seemed to work00:01
morganfainbergmordred, i will try it tomorrow!00:01
mordredthere are times when it's doing $something when it $freezes-ish00:01
* mordred waves hands00:01
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mordredbut it's good enough that markmcclain is a convert00:01
clarkbya it has rough edges especially when you are brave like me and test jeblair's patches :)00:01
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clarkbbut I think it has been useful for me to do that. I have found a few issues00:02
clarkband fixed a few too00:02
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* morganfainberg is feeling productive today00:02
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clarkbmorganfainberg: I want to feel that way too00:03
clarkbI suppsoe I did help kick nodepool into shape00:03
clarkbmordred I don't want to jump the gun and say 1.1 is much happier now but it looks much happier now00:04
morganfainbergclarkb, that's always good! a happy/healthy nodepool is good00:04
clarkbwe are throwing a ton of load at it best I can tell00:04
mordredclarkb: yeah. I concur00:05
morganfainbergclarkb, don't jinx it! quick do something superstitious like with salt...or wood...or something00:05
clarkbmorganfainberg: I knocked on wood happy?00:05
morganfainbergclarkb, that works!00:05
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow choice of GIT protocol used.  https://review.openstack.org/9653900:06
clarkbmordred: any chance I can get you to update nodepool numbers?00:06
clarkbmordred: remove 1.0 and add the hpcloud-b* globbing00:06
clarkbalso the hp times graph seems off00:07
mordredclarkb: I just emailed a new copy of the larger report00:07
mordredclarkb: check your hp email - I sent it to the group tracking this there00:07
clarkbmordred: the one with ready, building, delete, used, success error ?00:07
clarkbmordred: I like the graphs that I just hit refresh on a webpage for00:07
mordredclarkb: oh - that on - I should really add that one to the single-page00:07
clarkb++ and remove old graphs and fix the ones we need going forward00:08
mordredclarkb: (that's what I do with that html page - I just have it in a file:/// url :) )00:08
jogosdague: thoughts on removing check-greande-dsvm-neutron from most places?00:08
clarkbmordred: ah00:08
jogosame for neutron-heat-slow ?00:08
jogoboth are non-voting00:08
clarkbmordred: if I go about asking for quota bumps to prep for region-a would you be on board with that or is it still too early?00:08
clarkbmordred: mostly thinking it would be good to have quota's set and routers + networks00:08
clarkbthen when they are ready for us we will be ready too00:09
jogomordred clarkb ^00:09
clarkbjogo: why are we wanting to remove them?00:09
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jogoclarkb: becasue greande-dsvm-neutron never worked00:09
jogoand we are hitting quota limits00:10
jogoits part of the integrated gate, but non-voting00:10
morganfainbergclarkb, i'm going to move the apache-services gate over to expirimental tomorrow if i don't have a commit from some people on when they're solving the issues.00:10
mordredclarkb: go ahead and ask for it - I agree, but I think we shoudl not turn it on yet00:10
jogowhich seems like an odd set up00:10
jogoclarkb: ^00:10
morganfainbergclarkb, it's taken too long and it's needlessly consuming resources.00:10
clarkbmorganfainberg: ok00:10
clarkbmordred: agreed, mostly wanting to be ready when they are and reduce the lag time00:11
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clarkbbut will still wait on their go ahead before spinning up nodes there00:11
mordredclarkb: ++00:11
clarkbmordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/90234/ for unbound00:12
openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make use of unbound optional  https://review.openstack.org/9655100:13
mordredclarkb: ok. I just sent out an updated html page with the other graph on it too00:13
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clarkbmordred: asselin_: do those changes conflict with each other?00:13
clarkbtrying to grok if maybe there should be one change that just enables or disables it?00:13
clarkbmordred: in your case we want unbound to be installed just not resolving?00:14
mordredclarkb: I think I just wanted the ability to disable - so asselin_'s change may be the way to go00:14
clarkbmordred: if you disable in the imagebuild that will disable it in the resulting image though00:15
clarkbmordred: or will dib set it up independent of puppet?00:15
mordredclarkb: oh - thanks. yes. sorry. braindead00:15
mordredclarkb: dib will do the resolv.conf00:15
mordredthe thing is, dib doesn't start services when it installs them00:16
clarkbright so we can't resolv against unbound there00:16
mordredso we want it installed, we just don't want puppet to put the file in00:16
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clarkbmordred: the unbound manifest ensures the unbound service is running though00:17
jeblairclarkb: yeah the new 'check for missing commits' task takes 7 seconds for me, but it's a one time hit on startup; we can try to optimize that though00:17
clarkbdoes dib do something special to make that not happen or should your change wrap the service too?00:17
jeblairclarkb: (it's just atm, missing commits make gertty useless so it seemed like it was worth the hit)00:17
clarkbjeblair: yup fine by me00:17
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clarkbjeblair: its doing the initial syncage on my desktop now00:18
clarkbwhich is always slow because ETOOMANYCHANGES00:18
clarkbbut the links and diff stuff look good00:18
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jeblairclarkb: the updated-time change should make it very low cost to just leave running all the time00:18
clarkbjeblair: ok00:18
mordredclarkb: yes. it does00:19
sdaguejogo: they should both be close to coming online00:19
clarkbmordred: so its fine to have that then? +2 from me00:19
mordredclarkb: dib intercepts the debian start-service machinery and prevents it from running00:19
mordredthat way you get the service set to run on boot00:19
mordredbut not run at install time00:19
asselin_clarkb, mordred sorry not following completely...but if it's too 'risky' I can just copy the script into a new one with what's needed. I'm starting to question the value of reusing in this case....00:20
jogosdague: hasn't that been the case for a few weeks now?00:20
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sdaguejogo: given that everyone is still recovering from summit, I think giving people some breathing room there is fine00:21
clarkbasselin_: see https://review.openstack.org/#/c/90234/ basically mordred has a change to install unbound but not install a resolv.conf for it00:21
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clarkbasselin_: I don't think this is sufficient for your use case. his use case is using disk image builder to build nodepool images00:21
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove grenade-dsvm-neutron from integrated-gate  https://review.openstack.org/9737700:22
jogosdague: ^ is what I was thinking about -- I don't think that means we are not giving folks a chance00:22
jogojust using less resources00:22
sdaguejogo: well deleting your 2 nova silent jobs would be good to do before that :)00:23
jogosdague: even better  we can just move that job to experimental00:23
jogosdague: we are collecting good data on those jobs00:23
jogoand they are working too http://jogo.github.io/gate/large-ops-testing.html00:23
jogowhat data do we get from grenade-dsvm-neutron running?00:24
sdagueI'm so not getting in a fight over job definions tonight :P00:24
jogosdague: do you have a doc you can just point me to?00:25
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: move grenade-dsvm-neutron in integrated-gate to experimental  https://review.openstack.org/9737700:27
jogosdague: anyway just -2 my patch with the reason why when you have a chance ;)00:27
clarkbjogo: if they are working should we delete those jobs and update the existing jobs?00:28
jogoclarkb: I assume you are taking about large-ops-testing. and yes, but I was thinking wait a few more days00:28
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morganfainbergwoo gertty "just worked"™*00:30
morganfainberg* = as long as i cherry-picked a couple patches in (running master)00:30
mordredsdague: 96723 - I'm confused - should that patch be dead now?00:30
mordredmorganfainberg: ++00:30
sdaguemordred: let me look quick00:31
clarkbmorganfainberg: ya so I think a few of us run tip of jeblair's proposed changes :)00:31
sdaguemordred: yeh, it should be00:31
clarkbmorganfainberg: sometimes that means you miss out on a db migration and it doesnt work anymore00:31
morganfainbergclarkb, hehe00:31
jeblairit's how i encourage reviewers! :)00:31
clarkbjeblair: I hope my reviews and alpha testing have been helpful :)00:32
jeblairclarkb: extremely00:32
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix empty directory removal for log expiration  https://review.openstack.org/9730700:44
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clarkbjeblair: it would actually be interesting to get people at google to use gertty00:45
clarkbjeblair: fors the lols00:45
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asselin_clarkb, mordred approximately when would the nodepool dib be expected to merge?00:46
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clarkbasselin_: I can't commit to anything because mordred is the expert here but if it didn't start happening sometime next week I will have a sad00:47
clarkbasselin_: I really want this to happen asap00:47
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mordredyeah. we all do00:47
mordredI think the dib unbound patch can land now though00:47
clarkbmordred: ++00:47
clarkbfungi: jeblair ^ can you guys maybe review that change and give it an approval if it looks good?00:47
mordredasselin_: so if you rebase yours on top of it, then we can get those in00:47
asselin_mordred, ok00:48
clarkbmordred: btw with zuul swift needing less babysitting I think nodepool dib is my next thing00:48
clarkbjhesketh: speaking of where are we on that?00:48
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mordredclarkb: awesome. I recommend spending a little time running the dib stuff locally and mounting the images and making sure you understand the tool workflow as well as the content00:49
mordredI mean, checking the content is fine - but it's a new tool, so grokking that is important00:49
clarkbmordred: ok, I should do that early tomorrow00:49
clarkbI mean I grok how dib works00:49
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jheskethclarkb: with zuul swift?00:50
clarkbmount fs in chroot. do nasty thign to it with run parts then snapshot00:50
clarkbjhesketh: yeah the zuul swift build logs stuff00:50
jheskethI've got 93727 and 93728 which should help with the baby sitting required00:50
clarkbjhesketh: I think we need to add it to jobs now and you have changes for that? I will review00:51
jheskethclarkb: it's been on the back-burner, but I believe that's the next step00:51
clarkbjhesketh: oh zuul has the stuff in now00:51
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clarkbjhesketh: so we can go ahead with jobs00:51
clarkbI will review the zuul changes though00:51
jheskethwe need this to land https://review.openstack.org/#/c/76796/ to grab the results00:51
clarkboh right that00:52
clarkbjhesketh: I will approve now00:52
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clarkbdinner should happen soonish for me but I will keep an eye on it00:53
clarkbping me if you notice oddities00:53
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jheskethclarkb: thanks00:54
mordredclarkb: yah. grokking the various run parts stages though is important - especially since those changes generate files that drive other dib stages00:57
mordredin any case, let me know if I can be helpful as you look at it00:57
clarkbjhesketh: 93728 should be backward compat right?00:59
clarkbjhesketh: it will do the necessary swift steps if not specified in the config00:59
clarkbmaking sure I read this properly00:59
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jheskethclarkb: yep, should be01:00
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clarkbgah os-loganalyze change when to bottom of check queue01:01
clarkboh well01:01
asselin_clarkb, mordred rebasing is getting complicated due to the double-dependency. Let's just wait until it merges and I'll rebase off of master...01:02
clarkbasselin_: wfm01:03
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in experimental job to test zuul swift pushing  https://review.openstack.org/9737901:03
asselin_clarkb, ? wait for master?01:03
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clarkbjhesketh: you have +2 powers now :) can I get you to review 90234?01:04
clarkbasselin_: works for me01:04
jheskethclarkb: ^ we can start by testing pep8 in experimental pushing to swift01:04
asselin_clarkb, lol ok :)01:04
jheskethclarkb: gladly :-)01:04
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clarkbjhesketh: what do you think about continuing to do normal console logs so that we can debug if things go funny?01:05
clarkbjhesketh: maybe we cross that bridge when we reach it01:05
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mordredasselin_: kk01:05
harlowjahow's the whole gate situation going? :-/01:05
clarkbharlowja: its okish01:06
clarkbharlowja: I didn't get to taskflow release fixing today01:06
clarkbharlowja: but tomorrow is looking up01:06
harlowjaclarkb np, i know u guys are busy01:06
jheskethclarkb: os-loganalyze serves up one or the other so testing that component would become more difficult01:06
harlowjajust by looking at how many zuul things are being processed i can sorta tell :-P01:06
clarkbjhesketh: ah right01:06
harlowjawhen its > 300 thats usually not good, lol01:06
jheskethclarkb: but I agree, we should01:06
clarkbjhesketh: +2 for the current chagne we can deal with it when we get there I think01:06
jheskethbut this is just a first test job for now01:06
clarkbjhesketh: if we are lucky it will just work and not be a problem :)01:06
jheskethclarkb: I think the returned log URLs are going to be wrong01:06
clarkbharlowja: if you look at the zuul job queue graph you will see the slope is negative now01:07
jheskethbut we'll find out how deterministic things are soon01:07
clarkbjhesketh: oh right, meh learning experience :)01:07
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harlowjanegative slope, woot01:08
clarkbharlowja: as long as that trend continues we should be ok01:08
fungiclarkb: harlowja: i did at least get the patches which address the tarball build failure reviewed merged before the daily image updates this morning, but many of the image builds failed because of issues in hpcloud 1.1, and then much of the rest of the day was spent on that new tangent01:09
clarkbfungi: oh right we need image rebuilds too01:09
clarkbI had forgotten about that01:09
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fungiyeah, which is part of why i had hurried to approve them after seeing the scrollback and bug report01:10
clarkbin any case I expect to be in a much better position tomorrow to tackle not nodepool01:10
fungii would have retriggered said jobs myself, circumstances permitting... but they were not01:10
clarkband can devote some time to the wheels + tarballs and hopefully swift logs01:10
jheskethclarkb: 90234 LGTM, but I didn't +A it if you want to merge it01:10
clarkbjhesketh: ok I will oprobably wait until tomorrow considering the backlog01:11
harlowjadoes whoever gets review 100k get a prize?01:11
clarkbjhesketh: even the os-loganalyze change has me a little worried01:11
fungiharlowja: a reservation in a padded room01:11
clarkbharlowja: so I have to say I have been tempted to go claim it now so that we don't have a bunch of people fighting for it :)01:11
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in experimental job to test zuul swift pushing  https://review.openstack.org/9737901:11
clarkbharlowja: but I enjoy watching people get excited about such things so won't01:11
harlowjathat'd be sweet01:12
mordredclarkb: we could write a quick zuul thing to trigger a job to submit a patch as soon as 99999 triggers01:13
clarkbfungi: we don't have py3k nodes01:13
mordredalthough that'll also be a cool patch to own01:13
clarkbfungi: I am assuming because of the way nodepool allocations work01:13
clarkb(now I understand why Alex_Gaynor was asking aboutthose nodes)01:13
clarkbI think we just let the system shake itself into correctness01:14
clarkbwhich it should do as long as that graph trend continues01:14
fungiclarkb: building nodes count as filling the allocation request, which is fine in theory but if many/most fail to build on the first try those rarer node types end up starving out sooner than higher-volume types01:14
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: without a py3k node, the gate pipeline can't advance, will the system still sort itself out?01:17
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clarkbAlex_Gaynor: yes eventually the ratio between py3k nodes and non py3k nodes should get to a point where we build more of them01:19
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: and that ratio will go in our direction as we run the other jobs01:19
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: cool, patience isn't my best attribute :-)01:20
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jheskethjeblair, clarkb: Do you guys have thoughts on renaming all of the jobs to remove 'check' or 'gate' from their names? For example, if I create a new job that is currently only in the check queue but will eventually be in the gate what should I name it.. If it is check, gate or other should be defined by the pipeline, not the job name01:43
* jhesketh is largely thinking outloud 01:44
harlowjazigo yt01:44
clarkbjhesketh: I thinkwe should use 'gate' for everything that gates.01:44
clarkbjhesketh: it helps distinguish what the job is for01:44
clarkbbut something that will only be check or experimental should have the other pipeline in the name01:44
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the new hostname to /etc/hosts in prepare_node  https://review.openstack.org/9690701:45
jheskethclarkb: isn't it a little bit redundant though?01:47
clarkbjhesketh: sort of. we do have lots of jobs we don't gate on01:47
clarkblike post jobs for coverage and tarballs and releases01:47
clarkbjhesketh: I don't think there is a technical reason to keep 'gate' in the name01:48
clarkbfor me its human readability thing01:48
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jheskethright, but it makes naming new jobs difficult01:48
jheskethor is the intention to name any job that you eventually hope to be in gate with the 'gate' prefix?01:48
jheskethbut then you get the confusion where it isn't in the gate yet but it is named like it is01:48
clarkbjhesketh: ya I ask people to start with gate if that is the intention01:49
clarkbI don't think it is well enforced but that is my intent01:49
jheskethI don't particularly disagree, but I wonder if it is confusing to newcomers01:50
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clarkbit may be confusing hrm01:51
jesusaurusas a newcomer, yes it is a bit confusing, but not that bad01:51
jesusaurusits much less confusing than trying to figure out how all the parsing of the jjb {vars} works01:52
jheskethI wonder if we need to better explain what is meant by gate and check.. certainly I didn't know when I first started and there was clearly some confusion during the design summit01:53
jhesketh(for example, turbo-hipster called its jobs 'gate_xyz' because I didn't get the usecase)01:53
clarkbjhesketh: ah01:53
clarkbso yes, I agree we can probably be better with our terminology and education to reduce confusion01:54
jheskethsomething for the new docs repo01:54
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clarkbmordred: 1.1 error rate is picking up again01:58
clarkbits not terrible though01:59
clarkbbut not 001:59
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SukhdevIs there a way to force Jenkins run on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97125/01:59
SukhdevI tried recheck no bug - does not seem to doing anything02:00
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clarkbSukhdev: patience02:00
clarkbthough I don't see it queued02:00
clarkboh zuul is chewing through results right now02:00
clarkbso ya patience I think02:01
Sukhdevclarkb: how do I tell if it got kicked off?02:01
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clarkbSukhdev: http://status.openstack.org/zuul/02:01
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clarkbjhesketh: oh hey you are in the news02:03
jheskethwhich news is that?02:03
clarkbpeople pay attention to linux conf au finanials02:04
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jheskethyep, turns out google alerts are kinda cool02:04
jheskethclarkb: so you should come to pyconau and lca2015 ;-)02:05
clarkbjhesketh: pyconau is at a bad time but I am going to try really hard to do lca201502:05
Sukhdevclarkb: thank you so much...02:05
clarkbits june already though and I have no idea what I can talk about02:05
jheskethit's a lot closer than Perth for you ;-)02:05
jheskethyeah LCA CFP's will open soon (headsup)02:06
clarkbI feel like the last year for me has been a lot more about scaling existing things and keeping things running than doing anything fancy02:06
clarkbmaybe something will come to me02:06
clarkbpossibly for mini conf if that happens again as that is more oepnstacky02:06
clarkband/or the CI miniconf (again if that happens)02:07
jheskethyep, hopefully those happen02:07
jheskethminiconfs are proposed like talks to the organising committee so they tend to change every year02:07
clarkbI actually like how that goes. keeps it fresh with people interested02:08
clarkbmaybe we can do a retrospective on 100k changes02:08
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mattoliverauclarkb: yeah, maybe a talk on how we've had to scale and what was learned along the way. That's useful for anyone doing CI.02:14
clarkbmattoliverau: ya especially as people seem to be adopting more our model of CI02:14
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mordredclarkb: I've been thinking we can really do some more discussion on running a large system with a small team02:15
mordredclarkb: I don't want to say the word devops because it's a lame word02:15
clarkbmordred: ya thats what I am thinking02:15
mordredbut you know - there's a ton of non-CI related stuff we can talk about for fokls too02:15
clarkbhow we got here given what we have02:15
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mattoliverauclarkb: exactly, you can talk about the bottlenecks we've faced and how they were resolved. Sounds really interesting to me.02:15
clarkbmordred: maybe you and I can co do the talk02:15
clarkbthen you will miss the conference and I will just do it >_>02:15
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mordredclarkb: haha02:16
mordredI did a lovely talk about scalable hybrid cloud applications today using openstack infra as an example of such a thing02:16
clarkbmordred: neat02:16
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jheskethmattoliverau: you should do a talk on deploying openstack's CI at pyconau miniconf02:19
jheskethpropose now!02:19
jeblairi can't make pyconau :( but hope to attent lca201502:20
mattoliveraujhesketh: yeah, I could :) But I should see if someone from the US wants to do it first so they can come to Aus ;)02:20
jheskethpropose and we'll weigh it up in the review process02:21
clarkbmordred: does the 1.1 graph look funny to you?02:21
clarkbmordred: we appear to have a ton of nodes in the delete state02:21
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mordredclarkb: yeah. I'd really like to see things actually delete02:24
mordredthe number deleting has been steadily rising for the last hour02:25
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jeblairmordred, clarkb: hp1.1 looks like it's basically just building and delete at this point02:32
mordredjeblair: swell02:32
clarkbjeblair: ya02:33
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clarkbit was so happy before :/02:33
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Alex_GaynorI'm concerned that CRs might be coming in more quickly than they're getting finished.02:34
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: they are right now because 1.1 fell over again02:35
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: would it be helpful to ping someone about increasing the rackspace quotas so it can shoulder more of the load?02:35
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: maybe? jeblair mordred what do you think?02:35
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: though IAD has been having trouble too02:37
clarkbjust not as baslky02:37
dstufftdhellmann: pip 1.5.7? idk probably whenever I make it02:39
dstufftI can see about doing hat this week02:39
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: the "Zuul Job Queue" graph is the important one for that -- you can see that once we started using all hp azs, the count went down, but since we've stopped getting hp nodes, it's leveled off02:41
jeblairso yeah, our current rate is not good02:42
Alex_Gaynorthe deleting percentage of test nodes is also super high; what's that usually at?02:43
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: much less, that appears to be one of hp1.1s current failure characteristics02:43
mordredtteggel: when you awaken ^^02:44
clarkbmordred: jeblair: maybe check the floating ip list?02:44
clarkbI am on machine without credentials to do that currently02:44
jeblairi'm not here currently02:44
* mordred doing it02:44
clarkbsame here >_>02:44
mordredit's pretty solid02:45
clarkbjust thinking it would be good to rule out that fail mode02:45
mordredWOAH. nova list is taking FOR-EVER to return02:45
clarkbits time for some mario kart02:46
clarkbgreghaynes: ^02:46
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mordredmordred@camelot:~$ nova list02:49
mordredERROR: <attribute 'message' of 'exceptions.BaseException' objects> (HTTP 503)02:49
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greghaynesclarkb: ++02:54
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jheskethjeblair: ping03:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Project Groups API  https://review.openstack.org/9073603:02
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Remove unnecessary files  https://review.openstack.org/9574103:03
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clarkbmordred: I think that means we broke it03:04
jesusaurusmordred: im seeing similar 503 errors. i think its related to https://community.hpcloud.com/status/incident/261503:04
mordredjesusaurus: nod03:05
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* mordred is chatting with folks from the HP NOC right now03:12
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: puppetize installation of gerrit third party plugins  https://review.openstack.org/9119304:23
clarkboh hey nodes are deleting now04:25
jeblairclarkb: nova list returns04:26
jeblairclarkb, mordred: i was just spot checking a node, and i found it was stuck trying to delete its floating ip; i suspect that the nova list problem may have extended to listing floating ips04:27
jeblairso nodepool was never able to confirm they were deleted04:27
Alex_Gaynorzuul job queue continues to shrink04:27
clarkbya I think all api calls were dying04:27
clarkbwith the 500s04:27
clarkbjeblair: https://community.hpcloud.com/status/incident/261504:27
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: the 1st derivative should start increasing soon as hpcloud1.1 has just started delivering nodes again04:28
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: give zaro access to jenkins-dev server  https://review.openstack.org/9738904:29
jeblair(well, increasing in magnitude)04:30
mordredjeblair: yeah - the deleting state graph is falling off04:30
StevenKjeblair, mordred: Out of interest, has zuul coped with the check queue being ZOMG >40004:30
clarkbzuul was fine04:31
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jeblairStevenK: the server's at about 13% user cpu usage04:32
mordredjeblair: I now show only 6 nodes in actually deleting task04:32
jeblairmordred: i see 30904:33
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add gerrit reviews to the change patchset approvals  https://review.openstack.org/9739004:33
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Allow a pipeline to specify alternative gerrit acc  https://review.openstack.org/9739104:33
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clarkbjhesketh: in 97930 you add port and hostname to fakegerrit and at least port doesn't seem to be used04:37
clarkbI feel like I must be missing something because it is almost 10pm04:38
jheskethclarkb: right, I think I split up my commits not quite evenly.. let me rework them a little04:38
clarkbah ok, no rush I probably won't do any more review tonight04:39
clarkbbut good to know I am not completely crazy04:39
jheskethwell I'm working on this now anyway for the ironic guys04:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Allow to configure git base URL  https://review.openstack.org/9590104:39
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add gerrit reviews into patchset approvals  https://review.openstack.org/9739004:50
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Allow a pipeline to specify alternative gerrit acc  https://review.openstack.org/9739104:50
jheskethclarkb: there, that should be a better division04:50
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gitdm: Update company affiliation for morganfainberg  https://review.openstack.org/9598004:55
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Stop using HP Cloud 1.0  https://review.openstack.org/9557605:06
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bodepdmordred: for the second time, I have gotten feedback and a -1 from someone, then had someone else give the opposite feedback and a -105:10
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bodepdmordred: after making the proposed changes. I've never seen such conflicting reviews before, it's hard to understand what to do05:11
clarkbbodepd: ask for clarification? reviews are intended to be a conversation. It isn't surprising that people disagree at times05:11
clarkbin fairness I haven't had time to follow the changes you have pushed05:11
tchaypoWhen jogo pointed me at http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova-specs/tree/setup.cfg#n20 and said that doing "something like that" would gate on the sphinx errors/warnings05:14
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tchaypoI think he was saying that if I updated the setup.cfg in the tripleo-incubator to have warnerrors=True in a [pbr] block, that will be applied as the tests are run05:15
tchaypodoes that make sense?05:15
clarkbtchaypo: yes. that is an option to the pbr build_sphinx wrapper that allows you to treat sphinx warnings as errors05:16
clarkband updating that config is all that is necessary assuming you use pbr05:16
tchaypovery good.05:16
tchaypoclarkb: what is it about you north-west usanians working Aus hours?05:19
tchaypoalso, is greg an honest man yet?05:19
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clarkbtchaypo: work hours are 10am to 5pmish, then dinner then pretend to work on things with tv on in background05:19
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clarkbtchaypo: I don't know why we do this05:19
clarkband no not yet05:19
clarkbtchaypo: I have always been this way though. when I was at university I had a hard time getting to classes before 2pm05:20
clarkband when I worked retail I loved the closing shift. 3pm to midnight was great05:20
clarkbalso it is really hot here05:21
clarkbso sleep won't be easy05:21
StevenKclarkb: Define hot?05:21
* StevenK smiles05:21
clarkbit was uh ~22C today I think05:22
clarkb17C right now05:22
tchaypoyou and greg met at uni, right?05:22
clarkbtchaypo: ya05:22
StevenKclarkb: 17C is hot?05:22
StevenKIt's 18C here right, and it's *cold*05:22
clarkbStevenK: I spent the afternoon hacking from seattle center. near the international foundain05:22
clarkbStevenK: it is very warm05:22
tchaypo17c is tolerable sleeping temperature, 20c is comfortable05:23
StevenK17c is cold05:23
clarkbtchaypo: I will agree by the time september happens05:23
clarkbbut for right now this is shorts and tshirt hack outside weather05:23
StevenKCrazy talk05:23
tchaypoit *should* be more like 14 here at the moment05:23
StevenKclarkb: If 22C is hot, how did you not die in Perth?05:23
clarkbStevenK: I did die. But it helped a lot that the hotel had AC05:24
tchaypoit's the first week of winter and we're only just getting to early autumn temps05:24
clarkbI don't have AC in my apartment05:24
StevenKclarkb: Hot for an Australian is >33C05:24
clarkbI know. Seattle is special05:24
clarkbit never gets too cold or too hot05:24
clarkband when it does we die05:24
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clarkbmy parents are in sydney right now and I bet they agree with you that 17C is cold05:27
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StevenKI walked to the shops for lunch in a t-shirt, but now I'm back home, I've put a jumper on05:28
clarkbvictoria is looking nice for the weekend though. sunnyish and 19C05:29
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: cleaning up index.rst file  https://review.openstack.org/9640505:30
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* StevenK peers at Zuul's queue lengths05:39
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clarkbStevenK: the result queue was up near 300 previously. I think zuul is ok05:42
clarkbit is mostly keeping up05:42
StevenKThe result queue seems to go down and then up and then down, but its headed in the right direction.05:43
clarkbyup, mostly worried about the event queue but with so much work already queued its not a huge deal05:44
clarkbzuul will have plenty of things to do while it gets to the event queue05:44
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StevenKclarkb: Watching the check queue drop below 400, just to climb above it is amusing too05:58
clarkbStevenK: ya05:58
clarkbyou guys never stop :) but the important numbers are in the graphs at the bottom of the page05:58
clarkbthe number of jobs waiting is falling steadily05:58
StevenKThe check queue is LDAP!06:00
StevenKBlink. It just got smashed by ~300 events06:00
clarkbStevenK: the periodic queue06:01
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jheskethmordred, clarkb, jeblair: What should we call the user who will do non-binding CI voting in gerrit06:14
jheskethI was thinking just 'non-binding-ci'06:14
clarkbjhesketh: wfm. though maybe we should start trying to enforce a naming scheme as has also been discussed06:14
jheskethSergeyLukjanov, fungi: ^06:14
jheskethclarkb: yes. I believe the main thing is to make it something useful (other than 'turbo-hipster' - sorry :-()06:15
jheskethwhich 'non-binding-ci' does in my mind06:15
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lifelessI am confused about the new user thing06:17
lifelesswhy didn't check-tripleo need a new user ?06:17
clarkblifeless: this is a refinement06:17
clarkbthe check-tripleo thing was the first iteration and it mostly works. The issue ironic has is they want to vote on nova changes06:18
clarkbbut zuul already votes on nova changes06:18
clarkbto avoid confusion the votes will be reported separately so that on the gerrit side they show up neatly06:18
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add rule for bug 1325815  https://review.openstack.org/9740906:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1325815 in tripleo "tar:... file changed as we read it" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/132581506:19
lifelessclarkb: oh, that would be nice for us too06:19
lifelessclarkb: can we migrate the tripleo-check stuff to that at the same time ?06:20
clarkblifeless: yup I expect that this will be used by you guys too06:20
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lifelessjogo: https://review.openstack.org/9740906:20
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in new check-non-binding pipeline  https://review.openstack.org/9741106:20
jheskethlifeless: there's the new pipeline ^06:20
jheskethall we'd need to do is move your tripleO stuff into there06:20
jheskethlifeless: or give your pipeline a different voting user06:21
lifelessjhesketh: could just give our pipeline the new user you're creating06:21
lifelessjhesketh: its in a separate pipeline to avoid it making folk worry about the main queue06:22
lifelessso we wouldn't want to mix that up at this point06:22
jheskethlifeless: well this isn't in the main queue, but I'm also okay with that06:22
clarkbwe can probably consolidate the queues since they are very similar in purpose06:22
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in new check-non-binding pipeline  https://review.openstack.org/9741106:23
lifelessclarkb: mmmm, *I* don't care where things live, but I know sdague and other folk that watch the queues religiously were very concerned06:23
jheskethI think less queues are better and its part of heading towards being integrated06:23
jheskeththe zuul UI has filters06:24
lifelessclarkb: and the ironic jobs don't don't have the property of running on non-regular-public-clouds tripleo's jobs do, which is where the bloat has come from.06:24
lifelessagain, *I* don't care, but I didn't argue for the new queue in the first place.06:24
StevenKjhesketh: Which aren't saved, and then you're still doing heavy lifting in JS06:24
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jheskethSteveK: The filters are able to be saved06:25
lifelessHowever, I don't want folk getting upset or antsy if this is changed - the folk that wanted distinct views are the folk to check with.06:25
StevenKI'm sure the status page is currently horrible just due to the size of the JSON the browser has to parse06:25
jhesketha little save link appears when you enter one in06:25
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jheskethStevenK: Sure, but if you are parsing the json yourself you can also still filter06:25
StevenKjhesketh: Then let me sniff that 'expand by default' isn't also a first class citizen06:25
jheskeththat saves also06:26
openstackgerritChristian Berendt proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Test for membership should be 'not in'  https://review.openstack.org/9741406:26
StevenKHuh. When did that change.06:27
jheskethStevenK: not sure, but it sets a cookie...06:27
StevenKI used to recall when you'd close a status page and then re-open it, expand by default wasn't checked06:27
SpamapSwhy can't I recheck / reverify https://review.openstack.org/#/c/96001/ ?06:28
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clarkbSpamapS: you need patience06:29
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SpamapSclarkb: what? I.. can't.. s***.06:30
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clarkbSpamapS: you could also make hpcloud more reliable06:30
SpamapSclarkb: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=enzJUemPYeU06:30
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wenlocklol, thats been me all night06:31
StevenKSpamapS: Queue lengths: 50 events, 27 results.  I suspect your two reverifys are in that lot06:31
clarkbI have ~170 nodes deleting, ~130 nodes building and a whole lot of queuing06:31
SpamapSI did one recheck, and one reverify.. didn't know which one :-P06:31
SpamapSclarkb: that sounds like a beastie boys song06:31
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wenlockclarkb , is that all on US East?06:32
clarkbI want it to be a song I never sing again06:32
clarkbwenlock: yes06:32
StevenKSpamapS: That's OfficeSpace, isn't it?06:32
SpamapSI got ONE hundred SEVENTY nodes de-let-in, one thirty on deck and a whole lot o queuein.06:32
clarkbwenlock: there are also about 40 nodes being used currently06:32
SpamapSStevenK: indeed it is.06:32
StevenKIt's been years since I've seen it06:32
wenlocki switched back to US West about 15 min ago06:33
clarkbwenlock: we have been told not to use west06:33
wenlockgoing slow but at least no more errors06:33
clarkband have to go through the quota bump process before it is useable anyways06:33
wenlockyeah West is diablo... slower06:33
clarkbwenlock: no diablo is off06:33
clarkband it was way more reliable06:33
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clarkbwe are slowly learning how to make this east thing happy with us06:35
clarkbmake sure your networks are big or have many of them, always select and az, and so on06:35
wenlockhmmm always select an az , we're not doing that06:35
wenlocknetworks big?06:35
wenlockwhats that mean?06:36
clarkbwenlock: by default you get a /2406:36
clarkbwith 254 useable addresses. 2 of which will be used by router06:36
clarkbso if you have more than 252 nodes you need a bigger network or more networks06:36
wenlockright, all private, 0.0.0 are off06:36
wenlockwe're not there yet :D06:37
wenlocki want to have private nets for those though... but not sure if it will work yet06:37
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wenlockeither that or multi tenant06:37
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clarkbwenlock: right now we create a router:network pair for every 100 nodes06:38
clarkbthere was some thought that more nodes per router would make it cranky. Our horribly unscientific testing indicated that ~130 nodes saw more errors than 10006:38
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clarkbso we went with ^06:38
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wenlockclarkb, seems like a reasonable guess06:39
clarkbwenlock: and for the AZ thing apparently ouy get AZ2 if you don't specify an AZ06:39
wenlockclarkb, we did cpu/mem/network testing , we found the new stuff is significantly slower, it's a feature apparently06:40
clarkbyes "feature"06:40
clarkbwenlock: our test nodes are the 30GB 8vcpu flavor06:40
wenlockclarkb, yes, feature that we all get more evenly slow vms06:40
wenlockmore reliably slow06:40
clarkbwe then boot with kernel arg set to only use 8GB of ram06:40
clarkbto eb consistent with the other nodes and not let code through that needs 30GB of memory06:40
wenlockahh large nodes gets higher priority06:40
clarkbyes, and with 8vcpu the parallel tests are reasonable06:41
wenlockdo you virtualize inside that ... ie; like with docker?06:42
clarkbthe tempest tests spin up qemu VMs but we don't do much in them06:42
wenlockall test play with each other nicley?06:42
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clarkbwenlock: yes, its actually been a great way to make people write better tests :)06:42
clarkbthere were so many bugs in the old test suites06:43
wenlockclarkb, thats good06:43
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Ignore non-voting jobs in gerrit  https://review.openstack.org/9736906:49
StevenKjhesketh: Er, we want that for TripleO06:49
jheskethStevenK: elastic recheck for failed non-voting jobs?06:50
StevenKjhesketh: There are a few patches in flight to lay the groundwork, but yes.06:51
wenlockclarkb, gnight... good chatting.06:51
jheskethStevenK: fair enough, would you mind commenting on the patch so we can move the conversation there?06:51
StevenKlifeless: ^06:51
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lifelessjhesketh: StevenK: done06:56
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mordredbodepd: sorry about that - which reviews? I'll be happy to track down consensus for you07:31
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openstackgerritDavid Caro proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fixed referenced before assignment in zuul module  https://review.openstack.org/9218607:41
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openstackgerrityolanda.robla proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added angular-momentjs to dependencies  https://review.openstack.org/9671308:07
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openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Add an option to mark uploaded patchsets as WIP  https://review.openstack.org/9652808:19
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apevecgate queue seems stuck (top of queue >17h) ayone knows what's going on?08:20
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StevenKapevec: setuptools broke the entire world yesterday, the queues are still recovering08:22
StevenKHmmm, I'm not sure Zuul is still processing events.08:23
apevecyeah, queue length just went over 50008:24
StevenKapevec: You can see the results queue is dropping (slowly), so hopefully we're getting somewhere.08:24
YorikSarIt doesn't remove patchsets from the queue.08:24
StevenKThat's an event08:24
StevenKWhich aren't getting processed because the results are08:25
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apevecright, top of the queue is https://review.openstack.org/96919 which has all jobs finished08:25
apevecshould be reported as failure08:26
apevecso it will sit there until Zuul processes the result queue?08:26
YorikSarStevenK: You're saying that it's too busy starting jobs and processing their results so that there's no timeslot left for reporting results and dropping processed patchsets from the queue?08:26
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apevecshould be separate queues for events vs results08:27
StevenKapevec: It is08:27
StevenKResults and events are processed seperately08:27
apevecso just slow08:27
StevenKI'm waiting to see what happens when results hit zero08:28
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mordredStevenK: we'll all turn inside out08:31
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StevenKEvent queue dropping08:36
mordredSergeyLukjanov: do the nodepool/zuul graphs all of a sudden look bad to you?08:36
mordredoh. I get it08:37
* mordred shuts up08:37
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StevenKHeh, and the check queue is now over 50008:38
StevenKHopefully after the event queue is empty, it will remove completed jobs and reset the gate08:39
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mordredyeah. there's a metric shit-ton of things to process innit?08:39
StevenKYeah check, is dropping08:40
apevechmm, which job is generating tarballs.o.o ? At least http://tarballs.openstack.org/nova/nova-stable-icehouse.tar.gz is out of date: timestamp is 30-May-2014 but last patch was merged Jun 2 https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:merged+project:openstack/nova+branch:stable/icehouse,n,z08:41
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StevenKapevec: It's a post job08:41
StevenKAnd that queue is still backed up08:41
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apevecStevenK, looking at http://tarballs.openstack.org/nova/?C=M;O=D I see fresh master and havana tarballs only icehouse is left behind?08:43
apevecmaybe event got lost?08:44
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StevenKOh, icehouse. I doubt the event got lost08:44
apevechttp://tarballs.openstack.org/glance/glance-stable-icehouse.tar.gz seem up to date08:45
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YorikSarwow, >70 changes dropped from check queue08:46
StevenKIt's still dropping them, up to ~9h changes08:47
StevenKThe 12h change at the top of the queue just had a job finish, since it's blocked on an event08:47
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: ceilometer: enable gate-grenade-dsvm-forward  https://review.openstack.org/9743008:48
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openstackgerritEmilien Macchi proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: ceilometer: enable gate-grenade-dsvm-forward  https://review.openstack.org/9743008:50
apevecnova, neutron and ceilometer stable-icehouse tarballs are out of date (timestamp < last merge) - is there a way to trigger them manually?08:52
apevecSergeyLukjanov, ^08:54
apevecmordred, ^08:54
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StevenKapevec: The post jobs just all flushed. Check in about 5 minutes?08:55
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SergeyLukjanovhey folks, just open irc08:59
SergeyLukjanovtoday's morning was kitchen-table-selection-morning08:59
SergeyLukjanovmordred, yup, graphs were bad09:01
mordred_phoneSergeyLukjanov: I think they're getting better...09:02
SergeyLukjanovmordred_phone, yeah, looks like results are processing much more better09:02
SergeyLukjanovmordred_phone, btw, if I need to retrigger some job, it's better to use zuul to retrigger?09:03
SergeyLukjanovmordred, and for post jobs like tarballs publishing too?09:03
mordred_phoneSergeyLukjanov: yes, that's right. there's a tool to inject a new event to gearman09:04
SergeyLukjanovmordred_phone, yep, zuul enqueue09:05
SergeyLukjanovmordred_phone, thx, I'm collecting infra root guides :)09:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Apply cookiecutter defaults  https://review.openstack.org/9484409:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Add support to check swift for log files  https://review.openstack.org/7679609:11
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: move grenade-dsvm-neutron in integrated-gate to experimental  https://review.openstack.org/9737709:12
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Use except x as y instead of except x, y  https://review.openstack.org/9660609:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: cleaning up index.rst file  https://review.openstack.org/9640609:24
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Update list to reflect recent changes to core team  https://review.openstack.org/9613309:24
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add in experimental job to test zuul swift pushing  https://review.openstack.org/9737909:33
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Properly support WIP in Gerrit 2.8  https://review.openstack.org/9464009:35
openstackgerritIsaku Yamahata proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tacker project on StackForge  https://review.openstack.org/9743509:41
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openstackgerritIsaku Yamahata proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tacker project on StackForge  https://review.openstack.org/9743509:45
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Gate barbicanclient on PyPy and Python 3.3  https://review.openstack.org/9728809:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Run tox by stack user in rally-cli job  https://review.openstack.org/9724909:56
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add docs-on-rtfd to rally  https://review.openstack.org/9552309:56
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove rally-python33 job  https://review.openstack.org/9744810:11
apevecStevenK, SergeyLukjanov - still no joy with http://tarballs.openstack.org/nova/nova-stable-icehouse.tar.gz - it's out of date compared to what's been merged to stable/icehouse10:11
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srenatushi there.  I'm unsure what's missing here: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97196/  lots of +1s already... ;)10:38
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StevenKsrenatus: It needs another core reviewer to look it over and approve it.10:48
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srenatusStevenK: ah ok.10:52
srenatusnow that would be great. ;)10:52
openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make murano-dsvm jobs voting  https://review.openstack.org/9746210:52
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove rally-python33 job  https://review.openstack.org/9744810:59
openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make murano-dsvm jobs voting  https://review.openstack.org/9746211:01
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add rally-dsvm-netron job to rally job group  https://review.openstack.org/9723411:18
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sdaguejhesketh: you still awake? I had questions on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97411/11:29
sdaguedoes everything in that pipeline vote as the same user?11:29
openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix scenario name in rally-neutron job  https://review.openstack.org/9746911:31
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fungiapevec: the tarballs jobs were broken for a couple days after the changes went in to start also building wheels. changes merged about 24 hours ago to fix it, but rely on having fresh nodepool images built with those scripts on them (and many failed to rebuild yesterday due to all the trouble in hpcloud 1.1)12:05
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fungiapevec: i'll check what the current nodepool image freshness is once i get some coffee, but right now i expect it's a coin toss whether a given tarball job works (depending on where it ran)12:06
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apevecfungi, thanks! Yeah, some projects got fresh tarballs, some are out of date12:09
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fungiyep, tarball jobs run in rackspace should have those fixes, but any run in hpcloud are still broken (we should hopefully get another try on image updates in a couple hours but if those also fail i'll start looping to manually retry them)12:10
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Ignore non-voting jobs in gerrit  https://review.openstack.org/9736912:13
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add flag for unbound's resolv.conf  https://review.openstack.org/9023412:13
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jheskethsdague: yes12:14
sdaguejhesketh: yes to awake, or yes, 1 user per pipeline12:15
jheskethYes to the 1 user per pipeline12:15
jheskethand an implied yes to the first12:15
sdagueok, so the nova use case for this is pretty specific12:15
jheskethbut between computer and couch :p12:15
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sdaguethe team wants Ironic to vote as an Ironic user, so it looks like VMWare and Xen12:16
sdaguewhich I think this is fine, but I expect means a ton of new pipelines12:16
jheskethsdague: yep, you're right12:16
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jheskethbut there's also the use cases pointed out by jeblair12:17
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jheskethin http://lists.openstack.org/pipermail/openstack-dev/2014-May/036174.html12:17
sdaguethis is grouping up all the rest of the non voting jobs?12:17
jheskethwell maybe... Ironic have a very specific case where it might be okay for them to have their own pipeline (and tripleo probably fall into that too)12:18
sdaguejust so I figure out if we are on the same page, I'd see - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97411/ as class b12:18
jheskethbut others could probably go into a non-binding general pipeline12:18
sdagueand I think class 'c' jobs would probably each get their own pipeline12:18
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jheskethso without making a call on what is what I think this code covers that kind of separation12:19
jcoufalttx: Hi, I would like to ask you, if you could change the meeting times for UX meeting - we decided to alternate12:19
jheskethand I do agree with your definition between b+c12:19
sdaguejhesketh: yep, sure12:19
sdaguejhesketh: would also love zuul to automatically shuffle non-voting things into this pipeline12:19
sdagueso we didn't have to reassign12:19
sdagueand jobs wouldn't wait to report for a slow non-voting job12:20
sdaguebut I think that's follow on12:20
jheskethhmm, I'd rather write a script that fixed the layout to move them rather than zuul support a shuffle12:20
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jheskethbecause a) zuul is becoming increasingly complicated, and b) that's reinforcing the fact that non-voting jobs are ignored12:21
sdaguewell, as someone that ends up moving jobs all the time, I think that would be error prone :)12:21
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sdaguenon-voting jobs are always going to be ignored12:21
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sdaguethey will probably be less ignored if they come in on a second job with a vote12:21
jheskethagreed, so moving them to this pipeline lets us make them voting12:22
sdaguethat's what I meant12:22
jheskethsorry, not the most awake ;-)12:22
sdagueso if voting: false12:22
sdagueactually put them in a second queue12:22
sdaguebut voted there12:22
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sdaguebecause if we have to shuffle that back and forth manually, we're going to screw it up a bunch12:23
jheskethI think the first big shuffle may be difficult, but subsequent ones to move them from non-binding to check are the same number of lines12:23
jheskethand we can do the first big shuffle in parts12:23
sdaguejhesketh: we move things back and forth a lot :)12:25
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jheskethsdague: well I'm also hoping having this non-binding pipeline will make it easier to see how stable a job is and hopefully reduce that12:27
* StevenK glares at post. Come on, run jobs!12:27
sdaguejhesketh: maybe, part of the reason for the shuffle is that as jobs mature they sometimes regress12:28
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sdaguequestion: why are docs jobs running 5 tox jobs on every run - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97387/12:32
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gilliardfungi: looks like HP cloud 1.1 is runnnig OK for you now, is that right?12:33
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openstackgerritKiall Mac Innes proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Designate DevStack/Requirements/Docs Jobs  https://review.openstack.org/9734812:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: cleaning up index.rst file  https://review.openstack.org/9640512:43
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add pyscss and django_pyscss for Horizon  https://review.openstack.org/9437612:45
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: cloner to easily clone dependent repositories  https://review.openstack.org/7037312:45
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Upload tripleo-heat-templates releases to PyPi  https://review.openstack.org/9726512:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add project for zuul  https://review.openstack.org/9654212:49
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Merger: support for finding branches in remote  https://review.openstack.org/9216112:49
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Merger: support for pruning remotes  https://review.openstack.org/9214112:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: add gerrit-dash-creator to stackforge  https://review.openstack.org/9734612:55
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add accessor for Repo._initialized  https://review.openstack.org/9748712:57
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: cloner to easily clone dependent repositories  https://review.openstack.org/7037312:59
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mordred_phonegilliard: maybe? it seems its still slow on deletes ... and on spinups slow too ... but it's not error13:02
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Remove trailing spaces in debug log  https://review.openstack.org/9748813:04
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gilliardmordred_phone: ye - I was basing my "seems OK" on the low number of errors.  Have you spoken to anyone about slow boots/deletes?13:05
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tteggelgilliard: mordred_phone: our DB is still not entirely healthy13:06
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fungigilliard: tteggel: at the moment we seem to have 53 nodes in use there, 233 building and 214 deleting. this suggests that most of the nodes built error out or are otherwise unusable/unreachable and are immediately going back into the delete queue13:24
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fungii'll track a sample failure down to see if i can get a more specific anecdote13:25
tteggelfungi: ack, investigating.13:26
fungiworth noting, those numbers seem fairly evenly weighted across all three azs in region b13:26
fungiso it doesn't look like one particular az is struggling13:27
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openstackgerritCedric Brandily proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Disable ssh/scp password authentication during tests  https://review.openstack.org/9702513:35
fungitteggel: gilliard: i stand corrected. all of the dozen or so i've looked through logs for actually built successfully, got used to run jobs and then were recycled to the delete queue. it's just that booting instances from snapshots and deleting taking quite a bit longer than our average job duration, so we end up with only a fraction of our quota available there13:35
fungitteggel: gilliard: so at this point i think the main thing hurting us there is boot and delete speed13:35
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fungitteggel: gilliard: it looks like booting from a snapshot takes 30-40 minutes, and deletes are taking about the same13:38
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KiallQ: Do the docs produced by the *-specs repos get published anywhere?13:43
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anteayaKiall: they should, let me check the jobs to see where they are put13:44
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Kiallthanks :)13:44
anteayaKiall: which spec repo?13:44
KiallAny of the really, just wondering where they end up13:45
fungiKiall: the plan is to set up a specs.openstack.org website to publish them on, but i don't believe it exists yet. in the meantime, with specs being in restructuredtext, they should be fairly readable straight off of git.openstack.org or out of your local clone13:45
Kiallfungi: Thanks :)13:45
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bookwarKiall: there is a html version attached to the each review by jenkins *-docs job(if it is enabled for the project), but there isn't any site for current merged result13:47
tteggelfungi: wow - that's crazy. our boots from snapshot are taking ~2mins13:48
fungibookwar: Kiall: right, our docs-drafts jobs give you a preview of what it would look like rendered for publication13:48
tteggelfungi: how big is your snapshot?13:49
KiallCool - Thanks13:49
fungitteggel: checking13:49
fungitteggel: /dev/vda1 seems to be 30G13:51
Kiallfungi: I think he's looking for the size as reported by `glance image-list`13:51
tteggelfungi: Kiall yes please13:51
fungiKiall: oh, i can certainly dig that up as well... just a sec13:51
Kiall(Which would determine the copy time from Glance -> Compute Node)13:51
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fungitteggel: glance image-show reports size 7770734592 for a bare-precise image, 5492441088 for devstack-precise, 4692312064 for bare-centos614:00
tteggelfungi: thanks14:00
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fungiso i guess that's 7.2, 5.1 and 4.4 gib respectively14:01
tteggelfungi: nothing out of the ordinary there14:01
fungithough i wonder whether it's spending time waiting on the scheduler to find somewhere to stuff another node (keep in mind that we use the 30g flavor to get enough vcpu count, but boot it with the kernel limited to 8gib ram)14:02
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tteggelfungi: we're not showing any significant capacity issues that would cause this14:03
openstackgerritlinggao proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Updated version requirement for pyghmi  https://review.openstack.org/9750814:03
fungitteggel: okay, that's good14:03
fungiobviously i'm blind to any of that14:03
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fungii'll test booting from one of these snapshots directly with novaclient to see what happens, just as another data point14:04
tteggelyes please14:04
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tteggelwe have a couple of jobs that regularly test cached and snapshotted boots and we're seeing <3mins consistently14:05
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fungiexcellent. another possibility is that it's a delay related to attaching to user-defined networks?14:09
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fungisince we are using those to break up the broadcast domains and get around the /24 network size limitation14:09
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tteggelthat's possible. is there any way to break down time-to-active vs time-to-sshable?14:11
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fungii think i can get a rough estimate based on our debug logs14:11
tteggelrough estimate would be great14:11
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fungitteggel: as a single example first, this is what we see for a single node's lifecycle from a nodepool debug log perspective... http://paste.openstack.org/show/82601/14:23
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added sort parameters to API  https://review.openstack.org/9595914:24
fungitteggel: 13:01:10,061 is where the nova boot call is made, 13:08:28,062 is i believe when nova reports the node in a ready state, 13:40:19,541 is when nodepool is actually able to reach it (i'm double-checking nodepool source now to confirm that)14:24
fungitteggel: and then on the flip side, 13:43:02,213 is when the nova delete call is made and 14:19:38,842 is when it's finally gone14:25
tteggelfungi: let me pass thisinfo on to someone who knows more about our neutron that I14:26
fungitteggel: that would be awesome14:27
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tteggelfungi: times are UTC?14:28
fungitteggel: yes14:29
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fungitteggel: i picked one which just finished successfully deletingh14:29
tteggelgot it. thanks.14:29
fungiso that i could get an accurate delete time delta too14:30
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tteggelfungi: i'm travelling for rest of the day will get back to you tomorrow.14:30
fungitteggel: okay, great14:30
fungitteggel: aha, my log filter needed to be case insensitive... http://paste.openstack.org/show/82603/14:33
fungitteggel: 13:08:28,062 was actually when the nova boot call returned, 13:40:14,875 was when it was finally reported in the server list and it was basically immediately reachable. checking now to see what exactly it waits for between 13:08:28,062 and 13:40:14,87514:34
tteggelfungi: ack14:35
fungitteggel: it's waiting for nova to report a status of ACTIVE or ERROR apparently14:36
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jeblairsdague: (and jhesketh is gone) er, i'm pretty sure at the summit we decided that having one extra user for zuul to put the "policy non-voting" jobs in was the plan.14:36
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jeblairsdague: i'm _very strongly_ opposed to making throwaway users for zuul for integrating projects14:37
tteggelthis is doing almost exactly the same as our tooling. confused. digging deeper14:37
jeblairsdague: i think the UI for that is terrible (with lots of extra comments being left on each patch), and creating users in gerrit is far too heavyweight14:38
jeblairsdague: that's why, to make doubly sure, i laid out the plan in the mailing list.14:40
jeblairsdague: if that's not acceptable to nova, then I think we need to go back to the drawing board.  I would suggest that instead, we simply adopt a no non-voting jobs rule for nova and then ask nova core reviewers to please just pay attention.  it's really not that hard.14:41
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Grant superuser to Nikita Konovalov in storyboard  https://review.openstack.org/9752114:41
sc68calhey we have some guy in openstack-meeting named lancet14:41
sc68calspamming basically porn text14:41
sc68calany way for me to kick?14:41
krotscheckSergeyLukjanov: I tried that too, was denied.14:42
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jeblairsc68cal: done14:42
sc68caljeblair: thanks.......14:42
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krotscheckSergeyLukjanov: See https://review.openstack.org/#/c/78723/14:44
krotscheckor was that something different?14:44
krotscheckWait a sec, I may be talking out of my ass here.14:44
jeblairkrotscheck: what's the context?14:44
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: ?14:45
krotscheckjeblair: https://review.openstack.org/9752114:45
krotscheckI AM talking out of my ass.14:45
* SergeyLukjanov reading scrollback14:45
krotscheckIgnore me.14:45
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: what's the context for adding NikitaKonovalov to the superuser list?14:45
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, he's now sb-core, could be useful (we have other sb-cores in superusers)14:46
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, probably not ;)14:46
jeblaircould be; i don't think there's much for a superuser to do at the moment though14:47
krotscheckjeblair SergeyLukjanov: Well, superusers can create projects, which are subsequently deleted by load-projects.14:47
krotscheckSo being a superuser doesn’t actually let you do anything meaningful.14:47
SergeyLukjanovkrotscheck, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/78723/ is for root access to the VM, https://review.openstack.org/97521 is just some additional buttons on UI14:48
krotscheckSergeyLukjanov: Yeah, I noticed that when I mentioned that I was talking out of my ass.14:48
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krotscheckSorry, I should have been more clear about what sounds that was referring to.14:49
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, krotscheck, I've created this CR while was reading through the list of storyboard references in os-infra/config14:49
SergeyLukjanovand see that we have infra-core + sb-core in this file ;)14:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fixed config of manila's jobs  https://review.openstack.org/9702214:50
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jeblairfungi: do you think there's a nodepool inefficiency here?14:54
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jeblairfungi: i wonder if we could increase the rate limit for hpcloud 1.114:55
fungijeblair: i'm not sure yet. maybe threads being blocked?14:55
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fungijeblair: oh, actually, so tteggel and gilliard upped our rate quota when i pointed out that deleting disassociated ports in a loop was getting rejected after a few due to throttling14:56
fungithat was at the end of last week14:56
fungiso we could probably tell nodepool to use a shorter delay between calls now14:56
jeblairfungi: any idea what the rate is?14:57
jeblair'nova rate-limits' is empty14:57
fungino idea, just said they put us in a higher "rate class" i think (no specifics). might be getting enforced by a proxy in front of the api endpoint rather than a nova feature or something?14:58
sc68calIs there a way to sanitize the log to expunge the lines from lancet ?14:59
fungii hear that's a popular solution anyway14:59
sc68calfor neutron_ipv6 irc meeting14:59
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fungijeblair: is that ^ something we have a policy on? otherwise, i'm happy to just back up and filter the meeting logs15:00
krotscheckHey everyone: I was just asked to curb my language in channel. I’m sorry for using curse words, it’s not appropriate in a professional setting.15:00
jeblairfungi: it hasn't come up, but i reckon we could.  maybe you should leave it like "lancet: [deleted]"  or something?15:02
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anteayalancet: [spam] might be more informative15:02
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fungisure, can do shortly15:04
jeblairanteaya: ++15:04
jeblairtrying to balance it against the idea that the log is a 'permanent record'15:05
openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: adds code to not block when using eventlet  https://review.openstack.org/9753315:06
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sc68caljeblair: agree - although I don't know what benefit we get from having porn in our permanent record :-\15:08
anteayaI don't like altering permanent records either15:08
jeblairsc68cal: i wasn't suggesting that we do; however, if we _alter_ the record, i think we need to make it clear15:08
anteayabut saving links to other sites sets a bad precedent for would-be spammers15:08
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sc68calstrangely there were no URLs15:09
anteayaah sorry, I never checked, that was my take away from what you had said15:10
anteayaeither way, doesn't matter15:10
anteayaexpunge the content15:10
sdaguejeblair: ok, so that isn't what I thought we agreed to at breakfast15:10
sdagueso probably worth circling back around.15:11
jeblairsdague: yeah, i thought that's why we came up with the 3 different classes of jobs, which is what i laid out in my email15:12
sdagueok, so I think the only question is whether class 'c' allows multiples in it. Because it's definitely desired that the Ironic jobs are 1 vote, that's just Ironic jobs.15:14
sdagueso it's on par with Xen jobs, for instance15:14
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mgagnejeblair: about https://review.openstack.org/#/c/90455/1015:20
mgagnejeblair: what do you think about the new requirement on pbr? I'm thinking about distribution people packaging python-jenkins which now have to package pbr too15:20
jeblairsdague: yeah, so what i got was that it's too hard to filter out "non-voting because they are pointless" and "non-voting because of policy reasons" from the results list, and so we should group them in such a way that you can see that "important non-voting jobs" gave a -1 and then you look at which failed and determine if it's a blocker.15:20
jeblairsdague: if the actual problem is that "no one can be bothered to look at the results period and the nova developers are incapable of interpreting a result other than +1/-1" then honestly there's a bigger problem and we should address that15:21
sdaguejeblair: I guess. It seems like we have a useful UX with 3rd party CI systems reporting for sets of configurations. This is a nova driver, and having it look the same way as Xen driver voting is valuable.15:23
jeblairsdague: i think it's a terrible ux -- adding all those comments makes reading the results impractical.  and honestly, this is not at the level of a third party test -- this is the actual first party.15:23
sdaguebut it's not urgent right now, and it seems like the zuul infrastructure could support either option. So something that can be sorted later.15:24
jeblairsdague: alternative solutions we could consider are a) adopt a no-non-voting jobs policy for nova, except for important ones like ironic;  b) make ironic voting15:24
sdaguejeblair: I think ux is in the eye of the beholder here. Being able to filter on those users is actually handy15:24
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jeblairsdague: yeah, i just think that ironic isn't actually like those other users; i think the circumstances around an integrating project are different, and what works for one isn't appropriate for the other15:26
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fungisc68cal: i've redacted the spam from both text and html copies of your meeting logs. i didn't find any other logs containing lines from that nick15:27
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sc68calfungi: thanks15:28
sdaguejeblair: could be. But I think different people use the interface differently here, and we should allow for that. Having a driver config voting under a dedicated userid is actually very handy and lots of people like it.15:29
sdagueespecially as ironic isn't just an intergrated project, but it's a nova driver15:30
openstackgerritBen Nemec proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add dib-utils project  https://review.openstack.org/9028115:30
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jeblairsdague: sure, but as an integrated project, it should be tested by the openstack infrastructure and be part of the integrated gate15:31
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jeblairsdague: our ci system is complicated enough as it is, i'm very perturbed by the idea that we would be okay with exploding the complexity; every new pipeline and new gerrit user is another thing that users have to understand and interact with15:33
openstackgerritRadomir Dopieralski proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add xstatic and xstatic-jquery for Horizon  https://review.openstack.org/9433715:34
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jeblairsdague: i'm already not excited about having to explain how "non-binding openstack ci" is different than "openstack ci", and the idea of saying "oh, yeah, ironic ci is just openstack ci but it's pretending to be a different system because of reasons but it's really the same one and might join it someday" is something i dread.15:34
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jeblairfungi: should we try setting the rate to 0.5 or 0.1 and seeing what happens?15:44
fungijeblair: yeah, was just whipping up a patch. 0.1 it is15:45
jeblairfungi: cool15:45
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reduce nodepool's wait between calls in hpcloud  https://review.openstack.org/9754515:50
fungijeblair: that ^ ?15:50
fungioh, also, i manually deleted the old hpcloud 1.0 images out of nodepool's mysql database this morning. since we'd already merged the change to remove the corresponding providers, nodepool was unable to delete them itself (and was complaining in the log about it)15:51
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rdopierasdague: I just wanted to mention that xstatic just released stable version 1.0.0 :)15:52
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sdaguerdopiera: great !15:53
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jeblairfungi: aprvd but how about we apply that manually?15:54
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sdaguefungi: can we force merge this - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/97251/ - not having the devstack log is definitely a challenge15:57
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jeblairsdague: we usually only force-merge things that help fix the reason that they can't merge normally15:58
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fungijeblair: will do16:01
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sdaguejeblair: sure. The issue is that with the current gate backlog, we're doing a lot of round trips on that. And it means we are missing a kind of critical log for debugging some of the race fails.16:01
fungisdague: it could be enqueued and promoted instead16:01
sdaguefungi: sure16:02
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sdaguethat would be fine as well16:02
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fungiwill do16:03
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: puppetize installation of gerrit third party plugins  https://review.openstack.org/9119316:03
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apevecfungi, nova-stable-icehouse.tar.gz is still May 30 - could you please kick that job manually?16:05
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apevecalso neutron and ceilometer16:06
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fungiapevec: i can trigger them, but they're built in a pipeline which doesn't get elevated priority and has a lengthy (nearly 5 hour) backlog due to worker starvation16:09
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fungiapevec: chances are there are already tarball jobs for at least some of those in the ~20 post pipeline changes waiting for available workers16:10
apevecuh, it's still that bad16:10
apevecare workers getting union organized to work less? :)16:11
apevecis there any way to look into what jobs are in that queue?16:12
jeblairapevec: http://status.openstack.org/zuul/16:12
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apevecah, that page is so full, I kept focusing only on check and gate queues and missed everything else16:13
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anteayafungi: this log could use some expungement: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-meeting/%23openstack-meeting.2014-06-03.log16:13
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apevecfungi, jeblair - only this nova master change is in post queue (and failing) https://jenkins05.openstack.org/job/nova-branch-tarball/157/16:17
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jeblairapevec: we should look into why the stable change either didn't run or failed16:19
apevecjeblair, yes please, I need that working for 2014.1.1 release on Thursday16:20
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jeblairapevec: what's the git sha of the nova stable branch?16:21
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apevecjeblair, last merge is http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/nova/commit/?h=stable/icehouse&id=7431cb92729663ae9460df3bc654384fd6b5678816:24
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apevecso 7431cb92729663ae9460df3bc654384fd6b5678816:24
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jeblairapevec: http://logs.openstack.org/74/7431cb92729663ae9460df3bc654384fd6b56788/16:24
jeblairapevec: http://logs.openstack.org/74/7431cb92729663ae9460df3bc654384fd6b56788/post/nova-branch-tarball/62acbb9/console.html16:25
apevecoh it failed16:25
jeblairapevec: i wonder if the recent wheel change broke the job16:25
apevecyeah, no *.tar.gz16:25
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jeblairmordred: ^16:25
anteayahe might be not answering to mordred_phone16:26
anteayaas well16:26
fungijeblair: it did, we merged fixes yesterday morning, but need new image updates for bare-precise to complete in hpcloud region b with the fixed scripts on them16:26
jeblairanteaya: i'm not going to ping him twice -- his connectivity issues are his own.  i suspect he watches 'mordred' on both anyway.16:27
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fungijeblair: i'll get loops going to regenerate any bare-precise images which failed to build there16:27
jeblairfungi: are we having build problems in hpcloud 1.1?16:27
fungijeblair: possibly. they failed yesterday but there was so much else going on with nova failures at the time i chalked it up to that16:28
fungilooking now to see if any succeeded today16:28
jeblairmakes sense16:28
fungijeblair: looks like they all succeeded today, less than an hour ago though, so chances are the job ran in hpcloud earlier than that16:30
jeblairapevec, fungi: so re-triggering might succeed16:30
fungii was also waiting to retrigger the taskflow release jobs (which is how clarkb discovered the error over the weekend)16:30
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fungiapevec: i'll get to retriggering those shortly16:37
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fungijeblair: the test nodes graph certainly seems to have shifted after i adjusted rates on hpcloud... maybe for the worse--reviewing logs now16:38
jeblairfungi: 2014-06-03 16:40:14,895 DEBUG nodepool.ProviderManager: Manager hpcloud-b4 running task <nodepool.provider_manager.ListExtensionsTask object at 0x7fe64f8a1390>16:40
jeblairrunning that over and over doesn't look healthy16:40
fungiaw, crap. since i used patch as root to apply my change to the config, ownership got set to root and nodepoold stopped being able to read the config16:41
fungifixed now16:41
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jeblairlooks better16:41
jeblairit's now creating _a lot_ of servers16:42
fungii guess this will test rate limits on nova boot calls in hpcloud ;)16:42
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harlowjaclarkb i'm gonna do a small couple changes for taskflow and tag 0.3.1, so i think this means u don't need to rerun the job (and when i tag it this will workout this time)16:47
jeblairfungi: ^16:48
fungiharlowja: thanks--i'll drop it form the list of retriggers16:48
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harlowjasounds good16:48
fungiharlowja: and yes, at this point all the slaves which would run your tarball job have clarkb's fixes (as of about an hour ago finally) so should work fine16:49
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jeblairfungi: i don't see any rate limit errors so far16:54
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funginor i16:56
fungijust a bunch of missing image errors from tripleo rh1, which i've just begun to ask them about16:56
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jpichWould someone be able to force an "#endmeeting" command into #openstack-meeting-3? We lost the chair earlier17:01
anteayajpich: anyone should be able to run #endmeeting after a certain period of time, I do believe17:01
anteayawill meetbot not hear you if you try?17:01
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clarkbyup 60 minutes after startmeeting17:02
jpichanteaya: I think there's another meeting supposed to start straightaway though17:02
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jpichanteaya: meetbot ignores me which is probably fair :)17:02
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anteayaI don't know if anyone has special meetbot powers though other than the chair or the timeout17:02
anteayajpich: :(17:02
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jpichOh, 60 minutes after the *start*! Great, thank you :)17:03
anteayahappy #endmeeting17:03
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clarkbfungi jeblair is the nodepool rate for region b correct? we seem slow there17:05
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fungiclarkb: i just set it to 0.1 (after disabling puppet agent) as an experiment. basically https://review.openstack.org/9754517:06
clarkboh I see there was a patch applied?17:06
jeblairclarkb: there's a possibility that there isn't much to do17:07
fungiwaiting to see whether it helps17:07
clarkbjeblair: ya17:07
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jeblairclarkb: especially since each provider should only run listservers task every 5 seconds17:08
clarkbwe should probably sort out iad too17:08
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jeblairi spot checked a building server; it's ACTIVE but nodepool hasn't noticed that yet17:13
SpamapShm, I am finding that coverage doesn't work on projects named things like 'os-collect-config' .. the module is 'os_collect_config' ...  coverage doesn't seem to care about 'module = os_collect_config' in setup.cfg ... but if I change the name= ... then the package name changes on pypi...17:14
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fungijeblair: found a possible nodepool bug which accounts for the tripleo errors... http://paste.openstack.org/show/82646/ (note that image id is marked as "ready" in nodepool image-list)17:14
SpamapSAnybody know a fix for that? are we the only people silly enough to use dashes in a name w/ pbr managed projects?17:14
jeblairfungi: it may have changed from ERROR to ACTIVE17:15
jeblairfungi: at least, that's what i would initially conclude from that17:15
SpamapSERROR -> ACTIVE ... thats.. amazing.17:15
SpamapSself healing!17:15
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fungiwell, it currently doesn't exist in glance and the logs on their end show it was deleted around that time17:16
jeblairfungi: oh, i may have misunderstood then17:16
jeblairfungi: so you're saying nodepool marked an error image as ready17:16
fungipossibly. i'm saying the last comment about the image in its debug log is that it was in an error state17:17
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jeblairfungi: yes, that sounds buggy and i think i see it17:17
fungiand they show it was deleted at 2014-06-03T14:51:15 (a couple minutes prior to that)17:17
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fungidue to a swift failure on their backend17:18
* notmyname perks up17:18
clarkbSpamapS: there is a different option to set the coverage module iirc17:19
clarkbSpamapS: if you look in pbr you should be able to find it.17:19
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funginotmyname: the tripleo cd admins are digging into a glance upload failure which trace logged as "TRACE glance.api.v1.upload_utils Got error from Swift: put_object('glance', '9820141c-bdd0-4b46-b0c1-e70b9de51dbd', ...) failure and no ability to reset contents for reupload."17:20
fungipresumably on something close to tip of master glance and swift17:20
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Check the returned image status  https://review.openstack.org/9756417:20
clarkbjeblair: is the active but nodepool not noticing yet thing something we should treat as a nodepool bug?17:21
jeblairfungi: https://review.openstack.org/9756417:21
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jeblairclarkb: not sure17:21
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i think so, and i think i may know one of the causes17:22
jeblairone min17:22
clarkbgreat I will wait for what you do rather than digging through nodepool logs/code17:22
SpamapSclarkb: ugh, but that breaks tests. :-P17:23
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clarkbSpamapS: coverage is known to do that17:24
clarkbespecially if you are sensitive to timing17:24
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SpamapSIt's failing on versioning in pbr17:27
mordred_phoneSpamapS: you're failing on versioning in pbr17:28
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mgagneIs https://github.com/ruby-openstack an official OpenStack project?17:28
anteayamgagne: what would make you think it might be?17:29
mgagneanteaya: the logo?17:29
anteayamgagne: the use of -openstack17:29
SpamapSI don't think the words "Ruby" and "Official" are ever allowed together.17:29
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anteayamgagne: okay17:29
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mgagneSpamapS: what about this page? http://developer.openstack.org/17:29
anteayawho does logo takedowns on github?17:29
SpamapSoh weird17:30
fungimgagne: perhaps dtroyer may know whether that's being folded into the new client/sdk program?17:30
mgagneSpamapS: hmmm it used to say "Official SDK"17:30
SpamapSthe problem was I didn't have "usedevelop" set17:30
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Prevent listserver tasks from piling up  https://review.openstack.org/9757017:32
SpamapShm no17:32
SpamapSsetting coverage-package-name doesn't work17:32
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ i suspect that's a contributing cause to nodepool being slow to notice servers coming online17:32
JayFSpamapS: https://github.com/openstack/ironic-python-agent has - and works, if it's useful to have a positive example17:32
JayFSpamapS: but we've never put that on pypi (and probably never will, because it doesn't make sense to pip install a rest api for imaging your computer :D)17:33
SpamapSNot sure I agree with that last point. :)17:33
SpamapSIt doesn't make sense _to you_. :)17:33
reedI don't understand: I thought that since openstackstatus hangs on #openstack-community the channel was logged... but I can't see the logs on eavesdrop. What do I need to do to have the channel logged?17:34
anteayameetbot logs the channel17:35
fungireed: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/manifests/eavesdrop.pp17:35
anteayaopenstackstatus tells you when the infra system is having issues17:35
SpamapSJayF: tox -ecover in that repo produces an error17:35
SpamapSerror: invalid command 'ironic_python_agent'17:35
fungireed: adding it to the meetbot::site channels array will get it logging (and the openstack bot will be present in channel at that point)17:35
JayFSpamapS: ah, was your problem with coverage? I don't know if we even have that setup for ipa17:36
* reed notices that every question can be answered in a puppet module17:36
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SpamapSJayF: yes that is the problem I have.17:36
SpamapSJayF: and i-p-a has a different problem. :)17:36
mordred_phoneSpamapS: I'll look next time I'm on my laptop17:37
SpamapSand if I fix that problem, it has the same problem I have17:37
fungireed: except for the question "which puppet module should i be looking at?"17:37
SpamapSCoverage.py warning: Module ironic-python-agent was never imported.17:37
SpamapSCoverage.py warning: No data was collected.17:37
reedfungi, ah, recursions :)17:37
mordred_phoneSpamapS: do you have .coveragerc or whatever the file is?17:37
mordred_phoneSpamapS: nova has an example one17:37
SpamapSmordred_phone: no17:38
SpamapShm, seems promising17:38
fungireed: which instead is (somewhat opaquely) answered in documentation at http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/manifests/eavesdrop.pp17:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Log task manager queue length  https://review.openstack.org/9757417:38
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Log task durations  https://review.openstack.org/9757517:38
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fungireed: er, i meant http://ci.openstack.org/irc.html#at-a-glance17:38
clarkbjeblair: I approved the image status check but you may want to submit it17:38
jeblairclarkb, fungi: would you mind reviewing the branch with tip https://review.openstack.org/97575 i think we might want to go ahead and manually install that on np and restart17:39
SpamapSmordred_phone: that still does not help unfortunately17:39
clarkbdoing that now17:39
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mordred_phoneSpamapS: OK. I'll look in a bit17:40
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clarkbjeblair: lgmt17:42
fungijeblair: yep, the new changes on that series also lgtm17:43
jeblairokay, i've manually installed it; i'll just do a simple nodepool restart now17:43
fungijeblair: do we want to go ahead and enqueue those into the gate rather than wait for check pipeline resources?17:43
fungioh, or that17:43
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jeblairthat's going to dump a lot of building nodes into delete, but with any luck, the new builds will appear faster17:44
jeblair2014-06-03 17:45:41,439 DEBUG nodepool.ProviderManager: Manager hpcloud-b5 ran task <nodepool.provider_manager.ListServersTask object at 0x7f13b8a2cfd0> in 20.648375988s17:45
jeblairclarkb, fungi: ^ i think that helps validate my hypothesis17:45
jeblair(that's long enough for every waiting server to decide it needed to enqueue a listservers task 4 times over17:46
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fungioh wow17:48
fungiso yeah, it does seem likely to be request dogpiling17:48
jeblairso if there were 300 servers building, that's 6000 seconds of waiting for that api call17:48
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clarkbbut the lock should fix that now right?17:49
fungiand the contributing factor in hpcloud 1.1 is that nova list takes at least 4x as long as it did in 1.0?17:49
SpamapSthanks neutron!17:50
jeblairfungi: i'm assuming it's taking significantly longer, though i don't have times for that.  rax takes 0.3-4 seconds17:50
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fungior, well rather, if it took 25% as long as it does, we wouldn't have list tasks accumulating17:51
jeblairwow, creating a server can take about that long too,  though it seems it's more typically around 6-7 seconds17:53
SpamapSmordred_phone: more data... it seems that the pbr additions to the 'testr' command aren't showing up.. so I can't pass --coverage-package-name .. which is what I need to do17:55
clarkbSpamapS: what project is this for?17:56
mordred_phoneoh. well, you should be using setup.py test ... not testr17:56
SpamapSclarkb: os-collect-config17:56
SpamapSnew stuf17:56
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clarkbmordred_phone: a lot of stuff uses testr17:56
SpamapSlike.. everything17:57
SpamapSok that does seem to be the problem, but given that the pbr thing is called _testr_ .. that is... really godamn confusing17:57
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mordred_phoneSpamapS: sorry17:57
jeblairfungi, clarkb: i'm amused by our tweaking the 10 calls/sec rate limit in nodepool when the actual api calls themselves take 10 seconds17:57
clarkbjeblair: :)17:58
clarkbmordred_phone: ^ that might be good feedback to give back17:58
mordred_phonejeblair: :)17:58
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mordred_phoneclarkb: tteggel and gilliard are here17:58
fungiwell, here but not here. tteggel said he was travelling but would be back tomorrow i think17:59
clarkbtteggel: gilliard ^ nova list takes ~20 seconds17:59
SpamapSmordred_phone: fore refrence, https://review.openstack.org/97579 that fixed it18:01
boris-42clarkb what amount of vms?18:01
SpamapSlovely typing prowezz18:01
clarkbboris-42: ~30018:01
boris-42clarkb it's okay=)18:01
SpamapSnot bad.. 93% unit test coverage18:01
boris-42clarkb it works quite slow18:01
mordred_phoneclarkb: I see ttegel tomorrow18:02
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Update localization checks to understand separate catalogs  https://review.openstack.org/9758018:02
clarkbboris-42: we are seeing rackspace be much quicker so not sure I agree18:02
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boris-42clarkb hm backspace probably fixed issue with that stuff18:02
boris-42clarkb out of box openstack works quite slow18:03
boris-42clarkb we have even benchmark for that case18:03
boris-42clarkb in rally*18:03
jeblairclarkb: first data points are in on the new build times for 1.1; they look much better18:05
boris-42clarkb and it usually works for 20 seconds in care of ~800vms18:05
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clarkbjeblair: great18:05
clarkbjeblair: the zuul event and result queues are fairly large, but I think that may just be a side effect of all the changes in it18:06
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clarkbit did the same thing last night and seemed to be able to keep up for the most part18:06
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jeblairthey seem to be in the 150-200 second range18:07
mordred_phoneclarkb: remember yesterday when you thought today would not be about nodepool?18:07
clarkbmordred_phone: yes don't ever listen to me18:08
clarkbmordred_phone: asselin_ so it just occurred to me that argparse isn't in python 2.618:08
clarkbwhich means 96539 may not work on centos18:09
clarkbis that correct?18:09
clarkbfor a script that simple it is probably fine to just read sys.argv[1]18:09
mordred_phoneuhm. you have to install the argparse module18:09
clarkbor is it sys.argv[0]? I can never rememer if python does the wrong thing and removes the script name18:10
asselin_I can take a look18:10
dstufftit doesn't remove the script name18:10
mordred_phonedstufft: woot18:10
asselin_seems it can be installed: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/argparse18:11
asselin_argparse should work on Python >= 2.318:11
clarkbasselin_: right but you have to install it18:11
clarkband in this image build env we don't really want to install anything18:12
asselin_ok I can rewrite it without argparse18:12
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mordred_phoneasselin_: thanks18:13
mordred_phoneclarkb: nice catch18:13
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jeblairclarkb, mordred_phone: the hpcloud-b error rate is increasing18:16
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mordred_phonejeblair: I was literally typing that same thing18:17
jeblairmordred_phone: oh, i think we're hitting hpcloud quotas18:17
jeblairphschwartz: we're seeing a lot of rax-iad instances going into ERROR state18:18
mordred_phoneoh! floating ips again?18:18
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jeblairmordred_phone: no, instance quotas18:19
mordred_phoneoh. fun.18:19
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clarkbjeblair: quota should be for ~610 nodes18:21
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clarkbjeblair: are we hitting some other parameter that makes us fail before we get there? iirc nodepool is only cofigured for 500 nodes right now18:22
jeblairclarkb: wow, i think i know what's going on18:22
jeblairgimme a min to check18:22
mordredclouds are great18:22
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mordredjeblair, anteaya (reading deeper scrollback - yes, I do watch mordred in both places) - and yes, I think the recently merged fixes to wheels should fix that18:25
clarkbzuul queue lengths are impressive18:26
clarkbI am not sure it is keeping up anymore this is much worse than last night18:26
anteayashould we send out an email to the ml?18:26
KiallThe job queue seems to be trending downwards?18:27
clarkbKiall: it is, which is good, but zuul doesn't seem to be able to process the results that quickly18:27
anteayaperhaps asking people to rachet down patch submissions for a few hours?18:27
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clarkbanteaya: no, would be better to understand the problem a bit more18:27
mordredsdague: also, I share jeblair's concern about the new "ironic ci is ci but not ci"18:27
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sdaguemordred: ok, well I'm just reflecting what was asked for during the ironic driver merge process by the nova team in that summit session18:28
Kiallclarkb: ahh - 1095 results, that's no good :)18:28
sdagueit makes sense from that perspective18:28
mordredsdague: I know. I think I'm concerned that it's overly baroque18:28
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bodepdmordred: couple of things: 1. to CLA or not to CLA (already resolved)18:29
anteayayeah, I have never seen it that high before18:29
bodepdmordred: other was was rather the project status=active statement is needed (I've heard both recommendations)18:29
clarkbKiall: in theory tests will level off and zuul will catch up on that18:29
clarkbKiall: but my theory has been proven wrong so far :)18:29
bodepdalso, what is the tag workflow? I assume that we will need tags for the split out modules?18:29
mordredsdague: and we've never needed to create a fake third-party rig for an incubated project that should be able to avail itself of the project resources before18:29
anteayabodepd: I have it as an agenda item on today's -infra meeting18:30
anteayabodepd: if we get to it, and if my power doesn't go out first18:30
sdaguemordred: sure. We've also never had an out of tree compute driver trying to get in tree.18:30
mordredsdague: that we think we need it now means I think that we're inventing new non-official states to describe the ironic project because $meh18:30
sdagueit's mostly about that driver landing18:30
sdagueI think it's a temporary thing for that18:30
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mordredwe used non-voting and experimental jobs to land neutron18:31
SpamapSI still think that bar is just an inch too high.18:31
mordredI do too18:31
SpamapSlower it to "we'll put it in tree but it is out if it destabilizes CI" .. not.. "be out of tree and prove yourself and then we'll accept you even though we never did that for any other drivers"18:32
mordredthe fact that we're having to invent new infra to test a merge of an incubated project is the thing18:32
bodepdanteaya: let me know if you guys need anything from me.18:32
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anteayabodepd: you are welcome to attend the meeting if you wish18:32
jeblairyeah, if we care about it that much, why don't we just make it voting?18:32
anteayastarts in 28 minutes in -meeting, last item on the agenda18:33
sdaguemordred: ok, sure. So I'm mostly trying to explain what I know. It seems that there are some very different povs in different camps. I'm clearly not the decision maker in either on this particular decision. So we should probably try to figure out who all those folks are and get them in one virtual room to hammer this out18:33
anteayamostly I just want to hear thoughts from people because if they disagree with how I am reviewing I would prefer if they tell me, not -1 patches on the same item I gave feedback on earlier18:33
mordredbasically, extra complexity in systems usually winds up being a sniff test for me that something else is wrong18:33
mordredsdague: ++18:33
sdaguebecause apparently lots of people agreed to summit to different things :)18:34
SpamapSif only we had a holodeck18:34
anteayaI'd like a holodeck18:34
anteayaI want to be on a boat in my holodeck18:34
harlowja^ joins in on that, ha18:34
anteayayou can have your own boat18:35
anteayawe can have a regatta18:35
* mordred supports the regatta idea18:35
anteayawinner decides how ironic gets graduated?18:35
jeblairclarkb: nodepool has leaked instances; i'm not sure why or how18:36
clarkbthat would explain it18:36
jeblairclarkb: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/vfCgWGS61618:36
clarkbI also think we have reached peak zuul18:37
jeblairthat's still an active instance from nova pov18:37
mordredclarkb: peak zuul sounds terrifying18:37
clarkbmordred: yes quite scary18:37
mordredok. moving back to phone. must board plane18:37
anteayait is pretty terrifying to watch18:37
jeblairi think we might want to reduce the number of status updates jenkins sends.18:38
anteayamordred: safe flight, whereever you are going this time18:38
clarkbjeblair: in the gearman plugin?18:38
jeblairclarkb: it's a thought. i don't know if it's the cause.18:38
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jeblairbut also it's possible that the very inefficient pipeline algorithm doesn't deal with 500 changes in queue18:39
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jeblairanyway, nodepool first18:39
clarkbjeblair: are you going to delete the aliens?18:40
jeblairclarkb: i wondered if the server list cache change had something to do with it18:40
clarkboh hrm18:40
fungiif we end up entertaining such large queues, we may benefit from additional job prioritizing solutions so that changes waiting on a job retry got knocked out sooner (reducing the queue size more aggressively)18:41
clarkbfungi: if you look at the status right now the issue is no changes are being knocked out18:41
jeblairclarkb: but i can't quite figure out how, if the data are old, it should have old cache data which shows the server...18:41
harlowjashould there be a message sent out to people to tell them to stop submitting code reviews (just an idea), stops it from getting worse?18:41
clarkbfungi: we could ~halve zuuls load right now if it got to the point where it can process those things18:41
fungiright, huge queues18:41
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i think i have a hypothesis18:41
clarkbharlowja: I feel like no one listens18:42
clarkband really if the problem is fundamental we need a proper solution18:42
anteayaclarkb: you would be surprised18:42
jeblairmeh, we could just restart zuul and problem solved.  :)18:42
anteayafolks are aware in channels and standing by18:42
clarkbjeblair: :P18:42
fungiright, we know how to clear these queues at the expense of test results, after all, if that was what we really wanted to do18:43
clarkbtheory after looking at graphs. if you see last night/this mornings emptying of the queue then immediate rocket back to having lots of work to do18:43
clarkbI bet the result queue backed up while I was sleeping and when all jobs were done running it ifnally got to chew through that and queue up the next round of work18:44
clarkbso this may be cyclic18:44
fungii think that sudden spike may be the daily periodic jobs18:44
sdaguemaybe, the queue was deep really early though18:44
clarkbno the periodic jobs were a different spike18:44
clarkbperiodic jobs are the spike prior to the drive to zero18:45
clarkb(I was awake for them)18:45
sdaguemy push of code at 6am EST took 4 hrs to get nodes18:45
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i wrote up my hypothesis in https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/vfCgWGS61618:45
fungiahh, yep, the spike of interest is ~0900 utc18:45
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: basically, i think it's the caching change + the restart18:45
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: so the right way to clean that up?  nova delete the aliens and then clean up unattached floating ips?18:46
clarkbjeblair: that sounds right to me18:47
jeblair(since going the other way sounds hard)18:47
clarkbjeblair: actually you should be able to delete floating ip first18:47
jeblairclarkb: oh, how?18:47
clarkbprobably a little hard18:47
jeblairi mean, how do we identify them?18:47
clarkbif you nova show on an instance you get the ip right?18:47
fungiand delete lingering neutron ports too probably18:47
clarkbthen you neutron delete that ip18:47
fungithough hopefully nova takes care of that part18:47
jeblairfungi: i don't think nodepool creates ports?18:48
clarkbfungi: pretty sure nova deals with the port18:48
jeblairclarkb: yes18:48
jeblairclarkb: you get the ip when you nova show18:48
fungiyeah, good point. it's just floating ips we end up handling separately18:48
jeblairclarkb: for each alien, nova show |grep ip > file; for each ip in file delete ip; for each alien delete server?18:48
clarkbjeblair: that sounds right18:48
bodepdI can't make that time. I assume the meeting is all text in irc?18:48
anteayabodepd: yes18:49
clarkband should leave ips being attached alone18:49
fungibodepd: yep, and archived to the web18:49
jeblairclarkb, fungi: anyone want to volunteer to start that while i try to fix the nodepool bug?18:49
clarkbI can take a stab at it18:49
fungijeblair: i can get churning on the alien deletes and the associated floating-ip deletes18:49
fungior clarkb18:49
clarkbfungi: go for it18:49
jeblairclarkb: you win!18:49
fungiwe can split it by provider i assume18:50
clarkbfungi: its just the one provider18:50
clarkbassuming the cache thing is actually the cause18:50
fungii'll know here in a sec18:50
jeblairwell, b1-b5, but still probably the hard thing is making the procedure18:50
funginova delete won't care which az it is though if i don't specify one, right?18:51
jeblairoh, fun gotcha:18:51
clarkbit shouldn't18:51
jeblairclarkb, fungi: alien-list will show all the nodes from the other "fake" providers as aliens18:51
fungiwill neutron care which network is associated with a floating ip?18:51
jeblairclarkb, fungi: so you'll need to do "nodepool alien-list hpcloud-b1|grep hpcloud-b1"18:51
clarkbfungi: it shouldn't18:52
clarkbjeblair: oh fun18:52
fungiahh, yep. too awesome18:52
jeblairclarkb, fungi: actually: nodepool alien-list hpcloud-b1|grep hpcloud-b1-18:52
jeblair(note that final '-')18:52
fungiyeah, to match only on the instance name18:52
clarkbmy alien list is running now will have to rerun with ^18:53
clarkbgah its stuck on tripleo /me uses the ^C18:53
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fungiyeah, provider-specific alien-list goes waaay faster18:54
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SergeyLukjanovoh, near the meeting time18:57
fungiokay, 184 aliens between the 5 refion b networks18:57
fungier, region18:57
clarkbnova show doesn't seem to show me the ip18:57
clarkbmaybe I got a node with no floating ip /me tries more18:57
jeblairoh i'm sorry, i saw an ip, i didn't notice it wasn't the floating one18:58
mordred_phonewhy not just alien delete followed by delete of now orphaned ips?18:59
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mordred_phonepre deleting the ips sounds like it's hard18:59
clarkbjeblair: looks like you get them listed like this 10.x.x.x, 15.y.y.y18:59
jeblairmordred_phone: i think we were hoping that if it wasn't too complicated, doing it in the right order would prevent some spurious ip quota errors during the cleanup18:59
clarkbso it will show up if it has one18:59
mordred_phonejeblair: nod18:59
jeblairmordred_phone: but yeah, if it's too complicated, should probably just do that19:00
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jeblairi think it's meeting time19:00
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pleia2woo, back just in time :)19:02
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clarkbfungi: mordred_phone I think we can do a floating ip list and from there check if the uuid for the server is in the list of aleins19:03
clarkbthat is simpler19:03
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fungiclarkb: well, floating-ip-list tells you the fixed ip or "-" so are we concerned about races there?19:03
clarkboh right19:04
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fungiotherwise i'm happy to just get a couple floating-ip lists at the end and delete any which stay on the list after a minute19:07
fungiclarkb: so any opposition to just deleting the alien instances, then deleting the non-associated fixed-ips?19:08
clarkbfungi: nope. I think the other way is fairly complicated and will require proper code and not a big bash for loop19:09
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SpamapSsoren: can we get uvirtbot in #openstack-meeting-alt ? Thanks.19:11
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fungiclarkb: starting to iterate in that case19:12
KiallFYI Slow/Failing instance create on HP Cloud is being treated as incident now.. Resolution should come soon .. https://community.hpcloud.com/status/incident/261819:13
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Support suppressing bugs in bot  https://review.openstack.org/9735419:14
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add suppressed fingerprint for pep8 failures in gate  https://review.openstack.org/9535019:14
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dhellmannclarkb: did things settle down enough for you to be able to re-test those alpha releases of taskflow?19:15
clarkbdhellmann: no19:15
dhellmannclarkb: ok, no problem19:15
clarkbtoday has been crazy too :) don't look at the zuul status page19:15
dhellmannclarkb: heh, I've been reviewing specs, so I haven't even looked at code today19:16
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Update localization checks to understand separate catalogs  https://review.openstack.org/9758019:16
ttxjcoufal: re; meeting times, just make the change on the meetings wiki page if you haven't already19:16
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fungiKiall: well, at this point it seems like it might actually have been a compound issue where the underlying cause is actually nova api calls taking 10-20 seconds to return (and so we were running a backlog on calls which waited in line for one another to complete)19:21
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clarkbfungi: how go deletes? anything else I can do to help there?19:23
fungiinstance deletes seem to have completed. working on fip deletes now19:23
clarkblooking at zuul gearman graphs we are pretty close to getting to the bottom of the pile. Probably worth letting it get there to see what happens to the queues19:24
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Kiallfungi: I've relayed that on...19:25
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Alex_Gaynorclarkb: I assume it's fine that the zuul queues are pretty backed up (500 events, 2250 results)19:25
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: well not great. basically enough zuul jobs are running that the results queue is backed up preventing event queue from being processed19:26
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clarkbAlex_Gaynor: once we hit the bottom of the pile it should be able to chew through those19:26
fungiAlex_Gaynor: "fine" is not the word i'd use, but "known" and "being worked on"19:26
Alex_GaynorI guess "self resolving" is really what I meant19:26
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arunkantWhat needs to be done to merge this (https://review.openstack.org/#/c/95842/) as couple of keystone core reviewers are done with review.19:30
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Ajaegerarunkant: A keystone core needs to approve it as well. But right now our job queue is enourmous, so it will take a few hours to get this merged.19:31
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clarkbAjaeger: its a requirements change. I think a requirements core needs to approve it. Not sure where keystone core came in. Were they just checking that the requirement is legit for their needs?19:32
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Ajaegerclarkb: oops, yeah - you're right - the requirements cores need to do it...19:32
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Ajaegerarunkant: one of the requirements cores needs to approve it - see https://review.openstack.org/#/admin/groups/131,members for a list.19:33
jcoufalttx: updated https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/UX19:34
Ajaegerclarkb: yeah, seems keystone came in since it's a dependency of a keystone change19:34
ttxjcoufal: did you update the main page as well ? https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings19:34
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fungioh too awesome. so after starting the loop to delete floating ips i got a couple of...19:37
fungiERROR: Invalid OpenStack Nova credentials.19:37
jcoufalttx: my mistake, working on it19:37
fungifollowed by several of...19:38
fungiERROR: Caught MongoException that may indicate temporary connectivity issue (HTTP 500)19:38
fungi(mongo, no! never kill a customer!)19:38
jcoufalttx: fixed19:38
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ttxjcoufal: ok, will pick it up, probably tomorrow though19:39
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jcoufalttx: np, thanks19:41
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fungithese nova floating-ip-delete calls are taking quite a while19:43
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add doc8 a documentation style checking package  https://review.openstack.org/9406119:44
fungii should break my loop and time a few to see how long19:44
arunkantAjaeger:  I do see sean dague (requirement core reviewers) has reviewed it as well. This is a change needed for a keystone that's why keystone core reviewed it. So looks like its all set. Is that correct understanding?19:44
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Ajaegerarunkant: Some of the cores needs to give a final "Approval" as well. This has not been done yet.19:45
fungiarunkant: a requirements core reviewer has to review it and be confident enough in it to approve it19:45
openstackgerritNikhil Manchanda proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix experimental trove-image-build gate job  https://review.openstack.org/9760819:47
arunkantI was wondering what is holding up as saw of couple of approvals..okay..will wait for my turn for requirement core reviewers..thanks Ajaeger: and fungi: for your reply.19:48
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SlickNik^^ jeblair / SergeyLukjanov: I had to make a couple of fixes to the trove image build job, so I also fixed the the /opt/stack dir path issue which was causing some confusion. Thanks!19:49
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SergeyLukjanovSlickN1k, added to backlog19:49
SlickNikRoger that. Whenever you get to it. :)19:50
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funginova floating-ip-delete calls are taking around 3.5-5.5 seconds to return19:55
anteayayay, my talk got accepted for linuxcon, thanks fungi for helping me with that19:56
ArxCruzanteaya: hey :)19:56
anteayaArxCruz: hey19:56
ArxCruzanteaya: kurt is on vacation, he's ask me to join the infra 3rd meetings19:56
reedalright, long email to -infra sent19:56
anteayaArxCruz: great thanks19:56
reedblog post published, too19:56
ArxCruzwhich time / day these meetings are being scheduled ?19:56
fungianteaya: yw! and wtg!19:56
anteayafungi: :D19:56
anteayaArxCruz: mondays at 1800 utc19:57
ArxCruzcool, next monday I will be there then19:57
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anteayaArxCruz: great thanks19:59
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fungifloating ip deletes finally finished20:01
clarkbzuul results queue is falling slowly now20:01
clarkbit hit the bottom of the gearman pile20:01
fungiyeah, the waiting jobs finally bottomed out20:02
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zarofungi: so i'll try to pick up where i left off on bug 108310120:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1083101 in openstack-ci "Set up private gerrit for security reviews" [High,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/108310120:02
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fungizaro: sounds good. i think we're in a better place to be able to get that up and running now that we have the gerrit upgrade behind us20:02
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fungiyou did a lot to get it better puppeted than our previous gerrit version (where we definitely still had a lot of holes in the puppetry)20:03
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clarkband the gerrit security stuff should help with initial bootstrapping20:03
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fungi"Queue lengths: 606 events, 3060 results."20:05
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fungithat's gonna be a while20:05
clarkbI am waiting for 58214 to pop off20:05
clarkbonce that happens I iwll be happy20:05
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openstackgerritRamy Asselin proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow choice of GIT protocol used.  https://review.openstack.org/9653920:06
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clarkbasselin_: +2 thanks20:07
asselin_clarkb, thanks!20:07
asselin_that'll save me a rebase20:07
asselin_for the other patch20:07
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clarkbfungi: its under 3000!20:11
clarkbI should go find lunch20:11
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fungiclarkb: at least it's not over 900020:14
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clarkbthats impossible!20:15
* fungi reprimands himself for bad anime reference20:15
clarkbthe latest movie is getting an english dub20:15
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fungii need to pick up the original series box set. been meaning to get it for a while20:16
clarkbI tried watching it again semi recently and remembered why it annoyed me before. Each episode has about 2 minutes of content and 20 minutes of recap20:16
clarkbsomeone should remaster them with all of the recap removed20:16
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fungiyeah, cut to feature-film-length installments20:17
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* pleia2 reads this conversation assuming they're talking about sailor moon and is delighted20:18
pleia2(because it's funnier that way)20:18
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clarkbpleia2: I didn't watch much sailor moon20:18
fungipleia2: i already have that box set, so no20:19
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clarkbit was on at a weird time in the afternoon iirc. Like 15 minutes before I got home it started20:19
pleia2I still want to be sailor pluto when I grow up20:19
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* fungi has just decided not to grow up20:19
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fungimuch easier20:19
mtreinishclarkb: they already did remaster it without the recap20:19
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fungithe 2009 dvd release, looks like20:23
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openstackgerritJarret Raim proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding barbican-specs to infra configs  https://review.openstack.org/9761620:26
mtreinishfungi: yeah it started in 2009, it was done in hd too. The second season which finishes off the last arc just started a couple months ago.20:26
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Alex_GaynorHmm. So I wonder, is it possible/likely that the web API for Zuul is generating enough traffic that it's slowing down its operations?20:45
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fungithis is an odd failure to see in the gate... https://jenkins05.openstack.org/job/gate-nova-pep8/3309/console20:53
fungithis one as well... https://jenkins07.openstack.org/job/gate-horizon-python27/762/console20:53
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pleia2multihomed ftw (comcast shut off my building for fun this afternoon)20:53
fungii suspect both of those the check pipeline freshness checks were insufficient20:53
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add bash8 to global-requirements  https://review.openstack.org/9762521:02
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sdaguelbragstad: do we really need that?21:02
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sdagueare there any projects that currently sync requirements that would use bash8?21:03
harlowjawhats bash ;)21:03
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mtreinishsdague: well what about devstack if it uses tox for the bash8 job?21:03
mtreinishit'll need a setup.py and you'd want bash8 in test-requires then21:03
lbragstadsdague: I have a commit up in keystone for checking some scripts we have, and it got brought up that it wasn't added to global-reqs21:03
sdaguemtreinish: I don't think we'll do gr sync on it21:03
sdaguelbragstad: ok21:04
fungiwhy is nodepool list back to not displaying the new az column?21:04
lbragstadsdague: I can abandon if that's not the place for it21:04
sdaguelbragstad: no, the keystone thing makes it valid21:04
sdagueI didn't realize you guys were doing that21:04
jeblairfungi: arg, i must have left that patch out of my manual install, sorry21:05
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fungijeblair: no worries, just making sure it wasn't something more dire21:05
lbragstadsdague: we have a couple bash scripts that are used for setting up resource (more example scripts).21:05
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sdaguelbragstad: it should be in the lower section though21:05
jeblairfungi: it may be more dire, we may not be using azs21:05
mtreinishsdague: why not? I thought you'd want to keep the versions in sync with everything else. Things like setuptools, pbr, etc...21:05
lbragstadsdague: ahh ok, down here? https://github.com/openstack/requirements/blob/master/global-requirements.txt#L13021:06
sdaguelbragstad: yeh21:06
jeblairfungi: i'll finish my restart fix, then rebase, and hopefully it sholud be safe to restart with it21:06
lbragstadsdague: ok21:06
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sdaguemtreinish: so, realistically, it only needs tox21:06
fungijeblair: sounds great21:06
sdagueI expect it will not include setuptools and pbr21:06
sdaguebecause it's not ever going to be a python package21:07
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openstackgerritLance Bragstad proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add bash8 to global-requirements  https://review.openstack.org/9762521:07
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mtreinishbut I thought you need setup.py to use tox. Are you just going to fake it?21:07
fungii don't think tox requires setup.py does it? you can list arbitrary (non-python) commands in your tox.ini21:08
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fungiunless there's some non-obvious hidden dependency for some reason21:08
mtreinishfungi: I thought clarkb told me there was, but I could just be making things up21:09
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anteayapleia2: so are you hooked back up again, or did you have to wander the streets for wifi?21:14
pleia2anteaya: I have two internet connections (multihomed), so even when one is down I have a connection, it automatically fails over21:15
anteayayou're so smart21:15
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pleia2haha, just practical with how reliable comcast can be somtimes21:16
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anteayayeah, sorry you have to use comcast21:16
anteayareed so it is a shame your email topics didn't get some air time at today's infra meeting21:17
clarkbfungi: mtreinish it is necessary in some cases because it isntalls an sdist or does pip install -e21:17
anteayareed I had no idea what you were thinking otherwise I would have suggested it21:17
clarkbI think there is a way to override that now though. so you can noop21:17
anteayareed and jeblair is away next week so that kind of will affect timing on this conversation as well21:17
fungiclarkb: makes sense21:17
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sdagueclarkb: right, sdist and pip install -e not really something we want for devstack :)21:23
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Check the returned image status  https://review.openstack.org/9756421:29
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Log task manager queue length  https://review.openstack.org/9757421:29
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Log task durations  https://review.openstack.org/9757521:29
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Prevent listserver tasks from piling up  https://review.openstack.org/9757021:29
jeblairclarkb, fungi: want to re-review that?  it's correctly based on master now, and i incorporated the fix in https://review.openstack.org/97570  (since it hadn't merged yet)21:30
fungiat least zuul is still a while from caring if we restart nodepool and blow away every single node too21:30
jeblairmeanwhile, the graphs look very very strange; has anyone looked into that yet, or should i do that while you review?21:31
jeblairfungi, clarkb: ^21:31
denis_makogonhello, guys, could someone explain why Zuul jobs are taking so long ?21:31
fungijeblair: which graphs?21:31
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fungijeblair: we're just not running anything because zuul's been taking so long processing events and results21:31
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fungithe entire node pool has settled to an idle state21:32
jeblairfungi: yeah, those :)21:32
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jeblairfungi: so, basically, we worked through the entire backlog?21:32
jeblairand now we're working through the results of that?21:32
fungiand have been for... hours21:33
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fungidenis_makogon: a combination of external factors (setuptools failure, changes on our cloud providers) have caused a fairly sizeable backlog21:34
fungis/failure/broken releases/21:34
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denis_makogonfungi, thanks Jeremy, hope everything will be ok soon :) i was really shoked when saw my patch took like 8h 33m to verify21:35
fungijeblair: those lgtm21:35
clarkbjeblair: fungi yes that is why the graphs are funny21:37
fungisince 97570 seems to have needed some heavier-handed merge conflict resolution, i'll leave that one for clarkb to re-review21:37
clarkbI am looking now21:37
jeblairfungi: it did?21:37
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fungioh, actually i think i spent too much time looking at the patch differential on that file and not enough looking at the revision21:39
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fungiyeah, looks identical to me. i guess gerrit was merely spooked in context lines21:39
jeblairfungi: ah, yeah, remember ps1 was based on something older than master; so you're seeing my rebase in the diff21:39
fungiright, that file ended up with a lot of availability zone related churn21:40
jeblairfungi: the main diff is the cleanupservers function -- that's the fix for the restart issue21:40
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clarkbya you are basically checking cache validity21:42
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fungialso remember that puppet is still disabled on nodepool.o.o with https://review.openstack.org/97545 manually applied too21:44
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fungithough as jeblair points out shaving a fraction of a second off 10+ is relatively of pointless21:44
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fungianyway, i'm being pulled away to dinner, but will return in a bit21:45
clarkbjeblair: re zuul event processing21:45
clarkbis this indiciation that event processing is worse than o(n)21:45
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clarkbit seems to slow quite a bit at that queue size21:45
clarkbwhereas processing for ~300 events last night wasn't too bad21:46
bodepdsorry I missed the meeting where my concern was addressed. I'm reviewing logsnow21:46
bodepdanteaya: thanks for adding it to the agenda. It's great to be heard :)21:46
jeblairclarkb: i think it's probably mostly pipeline size21:47
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clarkbjeblair: the check pipeline was roughly the same size last night21:47
anteayabodepd: well you were just doing as asked, which I appreciate21:48
clarkb(but you know the zuul internals betyone so I trust your assessment :) )21:48
anteayabodepd: sorry we weren't clearer when reviewing your patch series21:48
bodepdanteaya: no worries, I also feel that I might have fallen a bit short as a contributor. I only started reading the awful documentation on gerrit-acls after the second -121:49
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anteayabodepd: do you have any suggestions about how I can improve the aweful docs on gerrit-acls?21:50
bodepdanteaya: I was trying to just grab an approved template and copy it as opposed to trying to understand my requirements and craft an acl21:50
anteayabodepd: /me nods21:50
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: Is there any chance the web thread is stealing CPU time from teh "doing stuff" thread, since the body size is so huge?21:50
bodepdanteaya: sorry if the maintaners are in the room :)21:50
anteayabodepd: *shrug*21:50
bodepdanteaya: the main issue was that it didn't have enough examples21:50
anteayabodepd: great, which doc where you following?21:51
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: I don't think so. they run in different threads without locks iirc21:51
anteayabodepd: I'll offer more/better examples21:51
jeblairclarkb: well, the only thing that relates to result queue size is a Queue.Queue.get(), which is not very efficient, but i think the pipeline processing itself is taking a couple of seconds21:51
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: and python doesn't hold the GIL when writing to sockets iirc21:51
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anteayabodepd: oh, yeah I have no way of altering that doc21:51
bodepdanteaya: I also didn't see any reference to [project]21:51
jeblairclarkb: whereas the Queue.get() is taking 0.001 seconds (both sides of that are logged)21:51
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: that's correct, I was actually thinking abotu the "building the JSON data strcuture" time21:51
anteayadid you find it via a search?21:51
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: hrm that could be21:52
bodepdanteaya: is there a better internal doc I should have referenced?21:52
anteayabodepd: we have docs for infra but I don't know if people find them21:52
* Alex_Gaynor looked into runnign zuul under pypy, but one of the deps is a blocker21:52
anteayabodepd: see that is the thing if you can't find it, any improvements I make don't solve the issue21:52
dstufftAlex_Gaynor wants to convert everyone to the pypy relgion21:52
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clarkbAlex_Gaynor: whcih dependency?21:52
dstufftspelling is hard21:52
anteayafolks sometimes come into channel ans ask, but mostly they cargo cult and then we edit21:53
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: smmap, some transitive requirement of git21:53
jeblairAlex_Gaynor, clarkb: yeah, creating the json and processing the queue are both heavy python CPU tasks, so we're at a bit of a disadvantage there21:53
anteayaif folks can't find the docs we have, that makes it hard21:53
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: what do you think abotu putting it behind a caching proxy like haproxy?21:53
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: that's a bummer, i think zuul would benefit from pypy21:53
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bodepdanteaya: I found stackforge docs, still looking...21:53
anteayabodepd: http://ci.openstack.org/stackforge.html#create-a-new-stackforge-project-with-puppet21:53
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jeblairAlex_Gaynor: i think it's a great idea; i even left comments on hashar's proxy header changes suggesting that we make sure we support it21:54
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anteayabodepd: what did you search when you found the google documentation?21:54
anteayabodepd: do you remember?21:54
bodepdgerrit acl21:54
bodepdif I do a search for gerrit acl openstack infra, I get the right doc21:54
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clarkbjeblair: we could rewrite zuul in go21:55
anteayado you?21:55
mordred_phoneclarkb: or c++21:55
jeblairclarkb: heh, we could probably also do that with subprocessing module and an internal cache21:55
jeblairi mean multiprocessing21:55
bodepdhonestly, it's just a case of not being entirely sure to look (which is easy to solve with experience), but I usually just come in and poke infra once every few months21:55
anteayabodepd: fair enough21:55
anteayaI need to sleep on this21:55
anteayaand then offer some form of patch21:56
anteayathat will at the very least make me feel like I did something constructive21:56
jeblairAlex_Gaynor, clarkb: however, i think we may only have a handful of status watchers at the moment21:56
jeblairwe're doing something like 1 request per second there21:56
Alex_Gaynorthat's not terribly many21:57
openstackgerritAaron Greengrass proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Extend graphite storage schema configuration  https://review.openstack.org/9763521:57
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clarkbjeblair: how much of the pipeline processing is in calls to gerrit?21:58
clarkbjeblair: is that any of it?21:58
jeblairclarkb: i think that's all out of band21:59
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clarkbjeblair: there are a ton of describe jobs according to the debug log22:01
jeblairclarkb: i think a lot of time may be being spent in submitting job description jobs for jenkins to gearman22:01
jeblairi think that is within the pipeline processing, so that could be what's taking so long22:01
jeblairthey are being dispatched quickly though, so i don't think it's the case that the gearman queue is slow22:02
clarkbwe can probably stop doing that? seems like that info is less important now22:02
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jeblairwe need to make the gearman server log level run-time adjustable22:02
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anteayathe rain has stopped and I am going to take a walk22:04
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Update localization checks to understand separate catalogs  https://review.openstack.org/9758022:08
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clarkbjeblair: reading the logs we do appear to spend a good chunk of the time in the updateBuildDescription loops22:11
clarkb2014-06-03 22:10:02,549 to 2014-06-03 22:10:09,789 for one particular result event22:11
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jeblairclarkb: yup; i'm trying to determine if it's submitting the job or formatting the text that's slow22:13
clarkbjeblair: ok22:13
clarkblet me know if you want me to dig at anything22:13
clarkbI do notice that the job submissions aren't always slow22:13
clarkbwhich may indicate that something else is stealing cpu22:13
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JayFzuul.openstack.org doesn't appear to be loading, and a new patchset isn't getting a jeknins job schedules it appears. Not sure if this is related to the ongoing conversations here or a new issue :/22:16
JayFhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/97631/1 is the patch that hasn't had a jenkins comment on it about jobs running (which I'm used to seeing near-instantaneously)(22:16
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clarkbJayF: yes it is related22:18
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clarkbjeblair: I wonder if we should have a profiling switch built into zuul that we can turn on and when turned off have it spit to a file22:18
mordred_phoneAlex_Gaynor, clarkb re pypy ... the merge workers need git, bit the central zuul server doesn't, right? so could perhaps run zuuld in pypy22:19
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make apache-services tempest check expirimental  https://review.openstack.org/9763822:19
clarkbmordred_phone: good point that is a possibility22:19
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i think the gearman submission is taking ~ 0.01 seconds, so it's the other part of the describe loop that's occasionally taking ~1 second22:19
clarkbjeblair: yappi claims to be thread happy22:19
openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make apache-services tempest check experimental  https://review.openstack.org/9763822:19
mordred_phone++ to toggleable profiling22:19
jeblair(at least, according to tcpdump)22:20
clarkbI may give zuul profiling a go22:20
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jeblair(there's a chance that the gear client is taking that long)22:20
jeblair(but i doubt it)22:20
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clarkbI think I havea quick patch that may work. going to do some testing to see if it does what I think it will do22:34
mattoliveraujeblair, clarkb: sounds like your having fun with zuul and slowness again. If there is anything I can do to help, even reading through tcpdump out etc, then let me know, my brain is all yours :)22:36
clarkbmattoliverau: thanks. I think jeblair is trying to narrow it down with the available tools now and I am working on maybe adding more tools to the mix for future debugging22:36
jeblairclarkb, mattoliverau: i think supporting a profiler is good, though i also think that being able to change the log levels would be very helpful too -- i'm fairly certain i could narrow down exactly what was happening if i had the gear debug logs22:37
jeblairclarkb: so yesterday, a run of set_description calls took about 0.5 seconds for all of them22:39
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jeblair(eg, all of the calls related to a single change)22:39
jeblairwhereas now each is taking about 1 second, for 6-10 seconds for the whole set22:40
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jeblairclarkb: maybe we could test Alex_Gaynor's hypothesis by stopping apache?22:46
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jeblairclarkb: since our zuul doesn't run a merger, status.json is the only thing it's serving22:47
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jeblairAlex_Gaynor: i think you win :)22:48
mattoliverauIts a shame tcpwrappers dont work in python, otherwise you could use them to increase the logging verbosity without restarting the application, kind of like a profiling switch.22:48
jeblairAlex_Gaynor, clarkb: the set_description jobs are back to < 1s for the whole set22:48
mordred_phoneoh wow22:48
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clarkbjeblair: nice22:49
clarkbso maybe we leave it like that for a little bit?22:49
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mattoliverauWas that turning apache off or restarting it? I wonder what the apache logs show.22:50
clarkbI think my silly yappi patch is working22:50
jeblairclarkb: i did some ad-hoc statistical profiling (i did 2 thread dumps) and noticed that both times we were waiting for a gearman packet in one thread, and we had another thread gzipping the output22:50
bodepdfor the alpha check in zuul layout, what is the precedence between -,_,[a-z] ?22:50
jeblairclarkb: tbh, i don't quite understand why we're asking python to gzip things instead of letting apache do it...22:50
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mordred_phonedoes zuul recalculate the json on each request? or does it memoize it somewhere?22:50
bodepdit looks like it is: -,[a-z],_22:50
mordred_phonejeblair: ++22:50
clarkbjeblair: didn't that come in a patch?22:50
clarkband I agree22:50
jeblairmordred_phone: recalc; i think we should cache it internally, not gzip it, and let a fronting webserver cache it more or gzip it if it wants22:51
jeblairbtw, about a minute ago we hit the bottom of the results queue and are now working through the event queue22:51
openstackgerritDan Bode proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add puppet-openstack project puppet-openstacklib  https://review.openstack.org/9735722:51
jeblairwe're reporting a change about every second now22:52
Alex_Gaynoroh boy, we also got a bunch of new builds22:54
jeblair"trigger_event_queue": {"length": 73}, "result_event_queue": {"length": 3}22:55
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add toggleable yappi profiling to zuul  https://review.openstack.org/9764122:55
clarkbjeblair: ^ that is my ugly hack22:55
harlowjagoooo zuuul, u can do it!22:55
clarkbrunning a local zuul server that doesn't do much indicates that it works though22:55
jeblairstatus.json has shed 1.1MB22:55
jeblair"trigger_event_queue": {"length": 123}, "result_event_queue": {"length": 7}22:56
clarkbjeblair: so did you just restart apache?22:56
jeblair(the increase is probably zuul's own comments)22:56
jeblairclarkb: no, i _stopped_ apache22:57
clarkbjeblair: I still get a status though22:57
jeblairclarkb: you're probably just looking at old data22:57
jeblairoh, no, i'm wrong22:57
jeblairdid puppet restart apache?22:58
clarkbjeblair: http://paste.openstack.org/show/82689/ is what the profiling data generated by 97641 looks like22:58
clarkbjeblair: it may have22:58
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clarkbhttps://code.google.com/p/yappi/wiki/usageyappi_v082 explains the output22:58
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jeblairclarkb: cool22:59
jeblairstatus.json is down to 4.1M (from 6.5M)22:59
clarkbnote I picked yappi because it deals with threads for me22:59
morganfainbergjeblair, would you apply CC headers if passed through a webserver doing the cache/zip?22:59
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jeblairmorganfainberg: cc headers?23:00
morganfainbergjeblair, cache-control23:00
clarkbjeblair: we can have it use a wall clock if you prefer instead of cpu clock23:00
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morganfainbergjeblair, or you mean as like mod_wsgi [or unicorns!] serving up the data and letting the webserver be smart as it smarts can be23:01
morganfainbergor mod_whatever_would_run_zuul23:01
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Alex_Gaynorjeblair: FWIW since apache went off zull stopped working for me because (as far as I can tell) Acces-Control-Allow-Origin stopped being included23:02
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Copy devstacklog.txt  https://review.openstack.org/9725123:02
Alex_Gaynorsince status is making requests to zuul.23:03
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jeblairmorganfainberg: i lean toward letting the proxy be smart, especially it should be doing the compression, if needed, but i also think it can adopt cache policies; that said, i think zuul could probably do some really basic caching internally (like maybe 1s)23:04
morganfainbergjeblair, ++23:04
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jeblairAlex_Gaynor: the status.json is proxied through apache, so it's not being returned at all right now23:05
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Alex_Gaynorjeblair: AH, that's what you meant by testing my hypothesis :-)23:05
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jeblairstatus.json is now 1.5M23:06
jeblair"trigger_event_queue": {"length": 154}, "result_event_queue": {"length": 45}23:06
bodepdyay. builds are way more responsove today23:06
mordredjeblair: woot23:07
jeblair"trigger_event_queue": {"length": 18}, "result_event_queue": {"length": 144}23:07
* mordred in my hotel room, so now that you've got everything fixed, I can be of use23:07
jeblairwell, i think we've identified a substantial change that we should make soon, before the next time we have a big status page23:07
jeblairi won't be able to hack on that before i leave :(23:08
jeblairthe status page is now increasing in size again because of all the queued changes23:08
clarkbjeblair: if you can summarize what you want in one go I am happy to take a stab at it23:08
clarkbjeblair: actually let me see if I can regurgitate23:08
clarkbjeblair: stop gzipping status in zuul. cache status in zuul (for ~1s). Configure apache to cache and gzip status.json in front of zuul23:09
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clarkbjeblair: mordred re profiling do you think it should clear stats on stop after it prints what it collected? or should we be cummulative?23:10
jeblairclarkb: i think clear?23:11
clarkbalso maybe this should be a zuul rpc command instead? the signal thing was a quick hack since we already had that data23:11
clarkber s/data/functionality for thread stacks/23:11
jeblairclarkb: oh...23:11
jeblairthough i think the current queue design doesn't favor that, we may want to either use signals or refactor it23:12
clarkboh right it may be lost23:12
clarkbya lets stick with the signal for now23:12
mordredI thnk signals are fine23:12
jeblair(if we had needed to do an rpc command, we would have had to wait for all the events to flush out first, which obviously was the problem)23:12
mordredclarkb: I can also potentially help workon that - I do have an 8 hour plane flight tomorrow23:12
jeblairclarkb: i agree with your summary and opened a bug: https://bugs.launchpad.net/zuul/+bug/132617023:14
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1326170 in zuul "Status page eats all the CPU when large" [Undecided,New]23:14
clarkbmordred: I think the profiler bits are basically done23:14
clarkbtesting the clearing of stats now23:14
mordredclarkb: yah. I more meant I could help with the status thing23:14
clarkboh sure23:15
jeblairpuppet has restarted apache again, so check out the status page while you can :)23:15
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jeblairwe're at check:256 gate:10323:15
clarkbmordred: there are two distinct pieces. do you want to hack on the zuul wsgi piece or the apache proxy?23:15
mordredclarkb: I could do either one - whatever's helpful23:16
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jeblairclarkb, mordred: that's an ordered list in the bug, btw23:16
* mordred goes to look23:16
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clarkbhttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/97641/2 has stats clearing now23:18
clarkbso I think that is ready for review23:18
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: thanks for figuring it out.  i owe you a pickle.  :)23:18
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Alex_Gaynorjeblair: :D23:18
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jeblairclarkb: should we make that optional?23:19
jeblairclarkb: eg, a try_import23:19
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Added a doc build target to tox.ini  https://review.openstack.org/9201923:20
openstackgerritDan Bode proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add puppet-openstack project puppet-openstacklib  https://review.openstack.org/9735723:20
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add toggleable yappi profiling to zuul  https://review.openstack.org/9764123:20
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clarkbjeblair: up to you. the lib is mit licensed and installable from pypi so I don't think it is a huge problem to have as a requirement23:20
clarkbjeblair: as compared to say psycopg223:20
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jeblairclarkb: it is slightly embarassing to say that a profiler is a production requirement of the program.23:21
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clarkbI guess :)23:21
clarkbI can make it optional23:21
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openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: add alembic to requirements.txt  https://review.openstack.org/9764623:24
openstackgerritGerman Eichberger proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: adds code to not block when using eventlet (fixed pep8)  https://review.openstack.org/9753323:24
clarkbjeblair: it looks like statsd is option but listed in the requirements.txt. Should I leave yappi in requirements.txt?23:25
clarkb*statsd is optional23:25
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add in new check-non-binding pipeline  https://review.openstack.org/9741123:26
jeblairclarkb: i don't think so23:27
jeblairclarkb: statsd is recommended for a prod deployment, the profiler not so much i think23:28
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add toggleable yappi profiling to zuul  https://review.openstack.org/9764123:28
clarkbjeblair: how is that23:28
clarkbmordred: jeblair I am working on the zuul apache proxying now23:30
clarkbI think the wsgi app change is actually pretty simple so am putting that off23:30
openstackgerritDan Bode proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add puppet-openstack project puppet-openstack_extras  https://review.openstack.org/9764723:30
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* clarkb learns him a mod deflate23:32
jesusaurusso thats what was in my paste buffer...23:33
mordredclarkb: I've got a possible thing - I didn't realize you were looking at it23:34
mordredone sec...23:34
clarkbmordred: oh even better23:34
clarkbmordred: mostly I am learning a thing. AddOutputFilterByType looks like what we want23:34
sdagueclarkb: we use it in os-loganalyze if I can in any way be helpful23:35
jheskethLet me know if I can help btw guys23:35
clarkbjhesketh: maybe you want to tackle the zuul change to stop doing gzip there? I think we can just rip out the Vary Accept-Encoding and gzip23:36
clarkbpretty sure that is all that is required as apache should deal with the Vary Accept-Encoding and gzip for us23:36
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clarkbor I can do it since I have ready the code ...23:36
clarkbthen you can sanity check me23:36
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use Apache to compress status.json  https://review.openstack.org/9764823:37
mordredclarkb: ^^ how does that look?23:37
jheskethclarkb: either or, if it's a simple change you could probably do it quicker since you're at the code23:37
jheskethotherwise I can poke23:37
clarkbjhesketh: ok let me do it23:37
jeblairokay, i have to go make sure that i have everything i need to spend a week in the wilderness, which merits some dedicated attention.23:38
clarkbjeblair: have fun and yes make sure you are ready :)23:38
jeblairthanks, and see you later!23:38
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jheskethSeeya jeblair :-)23:38
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Stopping gzipping zuul status json in zuul  https://review.openstack.org/9764923:40
clarkbjhesketh: ^23:40
StevenKHmmm. Where are post job logs kept?23:40
clarkbjeblair: it looks like apache is still running though23:40
clarkbStevenK: logs.openstack.org/firsttwocharofsha1/sha123:40
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clarkblet me make the commit message better23:40
zarojhesketh: i tried building turbo hipster.  didn't work for me.  i assume that it's no good on mac?23:40
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Stop gzipping zuul status json in zuul  https://review.openstack.org/9764923:41
jheskethclarkb: Looks good to me23:41
jheskethzaro: when did you try? There was a bug with setuptools and gear that wasn't building a few days ago23:41
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mordredjhesketh: what about mine?23:41
zarojeblair: today.23:41
clarkbmordred: your change lgtm, just a bit weird to clump the deflate with the Alaises23:41
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clarkbmordred: is that something we care enough about to change?23:42
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Use the full release string when showing version  https://review.openstack.org/8794823:42
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clarkband of course I failed to put bug number in commit message23:42
clarkbI can do this honest23:42
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StevenKclarkb: Are you sure? http://logs.openstack.org/15/1504ae4 is a 40423:42
clarkbStevenK: full sha123:42
mordredclarkb: any reason to not +A yours?23:42
clarkbmordred: want to add it to your commit message too and move the deflate line23:43
clarkbmordred: only for bookkeeping let me update with bug23:43
mordredclarkb: kk. lemme do that too23:43
jheskethmordred: Also looks good to me23:43
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Stop gzipping zuul status json in zuul  https://review.openstack.org/9764923:43
jheskethzaro: What error(s) did you get? I'm happy to spend some time helping you get it working :-)23:44
jhesketh(ie fixing turbo-hipster if needed)23:44
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use Apache to compress status.json  https://review.openstack.org/9764823:45
clarkbmordred: will your change deflate data already deflated by zuul? because that will determine the order we apply these changes23:45
clarkbif mod_deflate is smart and leaves it alone we can do yours first then restart zuul more casually23:46
clarkb(though maybe we should just ram it in right now regardless)23:46
sdagueclarkb: I believe it's smart23:46
zarojhesketh: i'll probably need to rerun on my mac to see the problem again.  have you ever run it on mac before?23:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use Apache to compress status.json  https://review.openstack.org/9764823:47
* mordred fixed sdague's deflate suggestion23:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update elastic-recheck link on index.html  https://review.openstack.org/9713423:47
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Reduce nodepool's wait between calls in hpcloud  https://review.openstack.org/9754523:47
mordredclarkb: I say ram it23:47
mordredclarkb: apache is off anyway23:47
jheskethzaro: nope23:47
clarkbmordred: no apache is on23:48
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clarkbpuppet keeps enabling it23:48
clarkbmordred: once the zuul change merges we can capture zuul pipeline state, stop zuul, upgrade zuul, start zuul, replay the pipeline state23:50
clarkbbut ya I think having your change go in first isfine23:50
zarojhesketh: "AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'poll'"  it's the select.poll, i believe i was having the same issue with python gear.23:50
clarkb+2 from me23:50
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zarojhesketh: http://paste.openstack.org/show/82698/23:51
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Cache status.json for 5 seconds in Apache  https://review.openstack.org/9765023:53
mordredclarkb, sdague, jhesketh &&23:53
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clarkbmordred: I am working on the 1s cache in zuul now too23:53
jheskethzaro: hmm, interesting.. I'd say that maybe poll isn't supported on mac's https://docs.python.org/2/library/select.html#select.poll23:54
jheskeththerefore turbo-hipster probably won't work on macs :-(23:54
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Alex_Gaynorselect.poll isn't supported on many (all?) versions of OS X due to some bug23:56
sdaguemordred: cool, though apache mem_cache config is something I've not used before23:56
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Cache status.json for 5 seconds in Apache  https://review.openstack.org/9765023:57
mordredsdague: we could also do disk cache - but in this case since it's only a 2.5M thing, I mean, it shouldn't need the disk23:58
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mordredsdague, jhesketh: next question - does it cache the gzpped content? or does it gzip the cache'd content?23:58
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