Friday, 2014-05-30

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mordredianw: :)00:21
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mordredjeblair: so - I believe and the two in front of it are worth looking at now. I've learned several things00:24
lifelessok so there are no nodepool vms now00:25
lifelesson the hp1 region00:25
lifelessI'm deleting the region now - if nodepool throws a tanty, sorry.00:25
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bodepdnibalizer: thanks for the review. I resolved the things you mentioned with the exception of --force.00:28
bodepdnibalizer: I'm not entirely sure that we should be blowing away changes made manually00:28
bodepdnibalizer: I also think we should be running with -e, but I'm sure that would make hte script more fragile00:28
nibalizerbodepd: i'm a big fan of -eu00:28
nibalizeri try to always run my scipts in the european union00:29
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nibalizeri can see both sides of --force00:29
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nibalizeri offered it up as a suggestion, don't really care00:29
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nibalizeryou should just mark it as resolved and we'll rock and roll00:30
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mgagnenibalizer: hopefully you will join the light side of the --force =)00:31
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mordrednibalizer: where did we ever get with the in-tree hiera stuff?00:34
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nibalizermordred: people dont like having data dir set to /00:35
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nibalizerso the idea is currently to move everything to /opt00:35
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nibalizerbut like, that actually breaks since it depends on puppet module list00:35
nibalizermaybe we can show it to bodepd and he can show us an option we haven't considered00:35
mordredbodepd knows everything00:36
nibalizerbodepd: please have a gander at
mordredbodepd: you're going to love the inbound requirements for it :)00:36
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mgagnenibalizer: can't hiera follow symlinks?00:37
asselin_Hi, I'm trying to install nodepool using puppet but I'm getting this error: Could not find dependency Class[Pip] for Exec[install_nodepool] at /root/config/modules/nodepool/manifests/init.pp:9000:37
asselin_I noticed the other s.pp files have " include pip" but this file does not. Is that expected?00:38
mgagneasselin_: pip module is avaiable in the same tree as nodepool00:38
asselin_mgagne, yes I see it there, and it's in my puppet path00:39
mgagneasselin_: oh, could be that manifests consuming nodepool manifests are including pip class themselves00:40
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mgagneasselin_: you would have to do the same or propose a fix to include it in nodepool too so you don't have to include it yourself00:41
asselin_mgagne, yea...anyway I just added that line and it's working now. (learning puppet)00:41
asselin_mgagne, ok i'll submit the fix00:41
mgagneasselin_: cool =)00:41
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mattoliveraunibalizer: Sorry I don't understand why 'puppet module list' would be effected? As long as the location of the modules in the config repo are in the puppet module path.00:47
mattoliverauor am i missing something?00:47
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mgagnebodepd: if not done already, I would like to share with you one of my evil idea to help with backward compatibility work:
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reedand we're live, from the sky00:50
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clarkbmtreinish: mkoderer are there suggestions for places to stay?00:50
clarkblooks like transit from frankfurt is ~40 minutes one way00:51
asselin_mgagne, thanks
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nibalizermattoliverau: oh right it would probably respect the modulepath parameter, good call01:03
anteayareed hello01:04
anteayareed do expand with some details01:04
reedanteaya, I emailed you from the plane, let me know if you got the message01:04
* anteaya checks emsil01:04
anteayaemail too01:04
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reeddid you get it?01:04
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anteayaI did and replied01:05
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lifelessclarkb: gerritbot seems to be dead and buried01:29
clarkbyes its been dead all day01:30
lifelessok, cool01:30
clarkbI am giving up on it for now01:30
clarkbfreenode hates it and meh something for tomorrow01:30
lifelessgotta have something for tomorrow01:30
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mtreinishclarkb: honestly I haven't even looked at that yet01:41
mtreinishclarkb: mkoderer said it was only about 20 min via the shuttle (which I'm assuming was a train)01:41
mtreinishor maybe it's not a train I dunno01:44
anteayaso are we staying in frankfurt and communting?01:45
jesusaurusopenstackgerrit never came back...01:45
mtreinishno I think there are plenty of hotels in darmstadt we were just talking about from the airport01:46
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mordredit's 44 minutes from downtown frankfurt by s-bahn should people find staying in frankfurt interesting01:49
clarkbmordred: ya thats what I found which isn't terrible01:49
mordredit is 1 hour and 9 minutes from the airport01:50
mordredas the route from the airport is to take the ICE in to downtown01:50
clarkbwait you don't take the ICE01:50
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mordredsure you do01:51
clarkbyou take sbahn from airport01:51
mordredyou can do both01:51
clarkbICE is like if you want to go to munich and pricey01:51
mordredyou can take the ICE to the RB, or the s-bahn to the RB - or the S-bahn to the S-bahn01:51
mordredall of those options take the same amount of time01:51
anteayaI'm leaning toward staying in frankfurt01:52
clarkbICE is probably not what you want though01:52
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mordredclarkb: probably not01:52
mordredI'm just saying - it's an option01:52
anteayaa train, a train every morning, I love a train01:53
clarkbsure, but $$$$01:53
mordredthe seats are nicer01:53
anteayaa comutter train?01:53
clarkb(I took it from brussels to cologne and frankfurt to munich. great for that not so good for commuting)01:53
mordredclarkb: the € amount to get from the airport to downtown can't possibly be that high - they probably won't even check tickets01:53
clarkbmordred: they check at the hbf iirc01:53
clarkbas you pull out01:53
* anteaya buys tickets01:54
anteayathe germans will check01:54
* mordred is also leaning towards frankfurt - but has not bought hotels01:54
anteayathere is a le meridian in frankfurt01:54
StevenKWhole hotels, or just one room? :-P01:54
anteayait looks lovely01:54
anteayahe will get the whole hotel01:54
clarkbooh you can stay in mainz and its only ~30 minutes from there01:54
anteayaI just want a roon01:54
clarkbbut if I do that then I will be the odd one out and everyone will look at me funny01:55
* anteaya looks up hotels in mainz01:55
mordredclarkb: well, I mean, we're going to look at you funny no matter what01:55
clarkbanteaya: don't do it, the trains only run once an hour01:55
clarkbbut mainz is on the river01:55
anteayawe look at you funny anyway01:55
mordredmy only requirement is starwood01:55
anteayaand by that time you will have glasses01:55
tchaypowhy are we looking at frankfurt?01:55
anteayaI will stay where you stay mordred01:55
anteayapick our hotel01:55
clarkbtchaypo: we are having our mid cycle spint in darmstadt01:56
anteayaclarkb: get ready for funny looks01:56
mordredanteaya: the le meridien is right next to the hbf01:56
mordredwhereas the westin is a 7 minute s-bahn ride01:57
mordredor a 26 minute walk01:57
clarkbI only spent 2 hours in frankfurt so I know nothing01:57
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anteayamordred: I like le meridien anyway01:57
clarkbthough I enjoyed the smaller towns on that trip quite a bit01:57
clarkbso darmstadt proper is tempting01:57
anteayamordred: you have yet to go wrong with a traveling recommendation01:58
clarkbboppard was a lot of fun01:59
reedfrankfurt *is* interesting01:59
anteayawhen was boppard?01:59
clarkbanteaya: 201102:00
clarkbor was it 201002:00
anteayareed what is good in frankfurt?02:00
anteayaclarkb: it looks beautiful02:00
clarkbanteaya: we ended up there in the middle of a wine festival and retired germans were drinking me under the table02:01
clarkbthey insisted the tourists from far away eat and drink all the things02:01
reedanteaya, its carnival but that lasts only a few days a year, it has a nice old town IMHO and in general, it's a large city with plenty of stuff to do, including gothic cathedrals and things to see02:01
clarkbthen in the morning none of them were hung over02:01
mtreinishthere is also always: which is down the street from the place02:01
reedwhat are you organizing?02:02
mtreinishbut that's probably too boring...02:02
anteayaclarkb: ha ha ha02:02
anteayanever ever try to out drink a german02:02
anteayathat side of my family were all heavy drinkers02:02
clarkbanteaya: I wasn't trying, but they kept handing me more reisling02:02
anteayaha ha ha02:03
clarkbmtreinish: ya part of me thinks small would be good02:03
clarkbbut that is by the trains02:03
anteayareed: ohhhhh gothic cathedrals02:03
clarkbanteaya: cologne's cathedral is really impressive02:03
anteayareed the infra/qa mid-cycle meetup02:03
mordredyes. the dom is baller02:04
anteayathe event we were trying to avoid when scheduling the thing that is no longer a thing02:04
anteayaclarkb: I like buildings02:04
clarkbwell people decide if we should stay in frankfurt or darmstadt and let me know02:04
anteayaloved the buildings in budapest02:04
mordredclarkb: we could just sleep on night trains02:04
anteayaI'm for trains02:04
clarkbmordred: you know we should do all of our hacking on trains02:04
anteayaevery night we get on a different one02:05
clarkbwe can probably do a bunch of western europe in 5 days02:05
anteayawe should just have a traveling meetup02:05
mordredclarkb: that would be fun02:05
anteayarent a sleeper and a dining car02:05
anteayaand travel around02:05
anteayahave lunch at beautiful places02:05
jheskethHmm, Darmstadt is probably going to be > 40 hours travel (door to door) for me :-(02:06
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Sam-I-Amhey folks... got a quick question02:06
anteayareed you should join us02:07
clarkbjhesketh: if you go on emirates its probably only ~2502:07
anteayareed: we will be having a lot of fun and getting a lot of great things done02:07
clarkbSam-I-Am: go for it02:07
anteayareed: would be awesome to have you there02:07
anteayaand you know frankfurt02:07
Sam-I-Amsomeone authored a patch. i added a bunch to it and then added co-authored-by into the commit msg. now the review page says the author is me and not the original person.02:07
anteayawell done02:08
anteayawe didn't know that could happen02:08
anteayaSam-I-Am: have a link to the patch?02:08
jheskethclarkb: Emirates is about 35 hours from airport to airport, so still approaching 40hours by the time I leave my house and walk into a hotel room02:08
clarkbjhesketh: wow, it was about 29 for my trip to perth02:08
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clarkbI guess west coast vs east coast does add about 5 hours02:09
jheskethclarkb: Perth is a 4 hour flight + 1 hours flight from my house02:09
jhesketh(heading East)02:09
anteayaSam-I-Am: what is your name on gerrit?02:09
Sam-I-Ammy username?02:09
anteayaSam-I-Am: I have the owner of the patch as Igor Duarte Cardoso02:09
anteayawhich is the owner in the first commit message02:09
anteayawhat is your name and where do you see you are the owner?02:09
clarkbSam-I-Am: anteaya: so the author and comitter info comes from git not gerrit02:10
clarkbso if you do git log -1 you should see the same info02:10
Sam-I-Amon the review page, under "author"02:10
clarkbthankfully git allows you to lie and say someone else authored a thing. you can do `git commit --amend --author='First Last <>'` to reset the author02:11
anteayaI thought we were talking about what the gerrit gui shows as the author?02:11
clarkbthen git review that02:11
Sam-I-Amanteaya: yeah, the gui from that link... on mine says that i'm the author.02:11
anteayathe gerrit gui shows me that Igor Duarte Cardoso is the owner of this patch02:11
clarkbanteaya: owner != author02:11
anteayaSam-I-Am: yeah I'm looking at owner02:12
Sam-I-Amwould igor still get credit as owner?02:12
clarkbSam-I-Am: I would reset it using the command above02:12
clarkbSam-I-Am: that should get it sorted. Or you could invert the co-authored-by: tag02:12
anteayaI don't see where gerrit is saying who the author of the patch is02:12
Sam-I-Amcan i use more than one co-authored-by tag?02:12
fifieldtanteaya, patch set 1102:13
fifieldtMatthew Kassawara02:13
fifieldt<>2014-05-30 03:4702:13
fifieldtAndreas Jaeger02:13
fifieldt<>2014-05-30 04:1902:13
anteayanow I see it02:13
anteayayeah, why is andreas the committer?02:13
Sam-I-Amhe helped me rebase it earlier02:13
clarkbSam-I-Am: you can, but in a case like this I would make sure one author is the one in the git commit metadata and the other is the one in co-authored-by02:14
clarkbSam-I-Am: best thing would probably be to do `git commit --amend --author='Fist Last <>'` and push that up02:14
anteayahe uploaded patch 10 and 1102:14
clarkbthere is a 'hotel cult' in frankfurt02:14
clarkbwe might have to stay there because the name is awesome02:14
anteayaclarkb: what is the hotel cult?02:15
clarkbanteaya: it is a hotel with the best name ever02:15
clarkbthat is all I know02:15
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clarkbanteaya: also I am visiting your country in a week and a half02:16
anteayawhich end?02:17
Sam-I-Amclarkb: going to try that git command02:17
clarkbSam-I-Am: great. let me know if you have trouble with it02:17
anteayaanyone else want to review fifieldt's create a training guides repo patch?
clarkbanteaya: victoria. Apparently they let us in on a boat and its all legit02:17
anteayait has my +102:17
anteayavictoria is nice02:17
anteayaI won't be there02:17
anteayaI love travel by boat02:18
anteayahow long will you be there?02:18
clarkbgoing to do a weekend trip02:18
anteayagoing to stay in victoria then?02:18
anteayahotel or b&b?02:18
clarkbI am not a people person enough to deal with b&B02:18
clarkbas much as I like that idea02:18
clarkbnot staying at the empress but was tempted02:19
anteayaI was to victoria once, a day trip when I lived in vancouver02:19
anteayathat would be expensive I think02:19
clarkbgoing to save a few hundred dollars and stay down the street instead02:19
anteayayou are a great people person02:19
anteayajust carry a keyboard02:19
anteayayou can type at them02:19
clarkbanteaya: not in the morning when they try to feed you breakfast02:19
anteayaha ha ha02:19
anteayathey try to talk to you02:19
anteayayeah, that can be irritating02:19
anteayano talking before lunch02:20
anteayajust serve food02:20
clarkbthe BC Royal Museum and Legislative Assembly tours are on tap02:20
anteayaI hope the weather is nice02:20
clarkbshould be fun02:20
anteayacanadian politics02:20
clarkbwell it is the weekend so should be no politics02:21
clarkbjust tour of really old building (be north american standards)02:21
anteayathe red plastic things on the lapels will all fall into place02:21
anteayayeah the really old buildings are nice02:21
anteayait will all be very royal02:21
Sam-I-Amclarkb: seems fixed, thanks02:22
clarkbSam-I-Am: great02:22
anteayavictoria is the number one location in Canada for retirees02:22
anteayawhere I live is number 202:22
clarkbSam-I-Am: git can be a little weird when it sets author. I think it is based on number of lines changed02:22
Sam-I-Aminteresting. i'm wondering if it happened during the rebase.02:23
clarkbSam-I-Am: probably. did you have to resolve a lot of conflicts?02:23
clarkbI am guessing you ended up author on more lines so git changed the author02:23
Sam-I-Amclarkb: yeah, it was a disaster02:24
Sam-I-Amyet on this patch i added a lot, but the original author stayed.02:25
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* fifieldt senses someone trying to understand how git works02:28
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fifieldtthere be dragons02:28
Sam-I-Amdon't open the microwave before the ding?02:28
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anteayaoh my goodness, I have to bring back pottery from germany02:42
bodepdwhat's wrong with just writing a custom hiera backend?02:45
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mesteryInfra folks: Looks like the bot which notifies of changes and merges for neutron isn't running, seems to have stopped working sometime earlier today.02:49
mesteryUnsure if this is also not working in other channels.02:49
Sam-I-Amits not in #-doc now02:49
clarkbmestery: Sam-I-Am it has been having trouble with freenode all day02:49
clarkbI can poke at it tomorrow if no one beats me to it02:50
Sam-I-Amfreenode hasnt been particularly stable for a while02:50
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bodepdnibalizer: as far as I know, I resolved all of your comments02:50
anteayamestery: and thanks for using folks02:51
anteayaI get tired of trying to guess if guys is supposed to include me or exclude me02:52
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bodepdmordred: nibalizer either symlinks or write a custom hiera backend02:54
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TheJuliaanteaya: Likely to include, what twists my brain is is when one woman uses guys to refer to a group of other women.02:54
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bodepdmgagne: please, no :)02:55
bodepdmgagne: how bad is it?02:55
mgagnebodepd: did you see the link?02:55
anteayaTheJulia: likely, but it still takes me a moment where I ask02:56
bodepdmgagne: I saw your solution, but I did not see a link to the explanation of the issue02:56
bodepdmgagne: did I miss something?02:56
mgagnebodepd: IMO, I don't think it's that bad, someone more knowledgeable about puppet might not agree02:56
anteayaTheJulia: and yeah, women refering to other women as guys strikes me as odd02:56
mgagnebodepd: it parses Modulefile or metadata.json for module version02:57
bodepdmgagne: I saw that02:57
bodepdmgagne: and you are going to branch, to call things differently based on version?02:57
mgagnebodepd: could be use to support different version of puppetlabs-mysql or very old puppetlabs-apache02:57
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lifelessanteaya: TheJulia: what about a guy using 'the girls' to refer to more guys ?02:58
bodepdmgagne: why is it so hard just to upgrade?02:58
mgagnebodepd: look at the mess we ended up with:
mgagnebodepd: because of dependency hell02:58
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* TheJulia looks at the puppet manifest and twitches slightly03:00
anteayalifeless: does that happen?03:00
TheJulialifeless: I've never heard of a guy use 'the girls' to reer to more guys... that would really break my brain03:00
clarkbTheJulia: you haven't lived until you have used ~> in production puppet code?03:01
lifelessanteaya: I have heard it, but not from straight guys03:01
lifelessI suspect we're well into offtopic territory :)03:01
anteayaah in the gaybourhood03:02
anteayayeah, I just let me friends interact they way they choose in the gaybourhood03:03
TheJuliaclarkb: I've always tended to roll my own modules to do what I needed to do and not purely rely upon community or puppetlabs supplied modules, but I can see where it really is a necessity in this case. :)03:06
tchaypoI want to write a hiera backend that uses DNS as the data source03:07
TheJuliathat would be cool03:07
StevenKThe madness, it spreads ....03:08
StevenKI just spent 3 minutes telling tchaypo it would be a terrible idea03:08
tchaypoand I agree, but I still think it would be fun ;)03:08
lifelesstchaypo: het please.03:08
lifelesscause I don't want to have to write a DNS server that uses heat as a data source03:08
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mordredlifeless: I want you to write a DNS server that uses heat as a data source03:54
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lifelessfinally someone picked up on it :)03:54
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tchaypowell, it would still be more useful than tinydns04:00
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, Alex_Gaynor, livegrep is good :)04:08
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, clarkb,fungi, mordred, I'm not sure that I'll be able to attend mid-cycle meetup this time :(04:15
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mkoderermtreinish: clarkb:
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trinathsStackers! Freescale CI is down for maintenance (upgrade). Inconvenience caused is regretted. We are working on the same. Will post here once its ready..06:05
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ildikovis there anyone available for a tiny little gate related question?06:43
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jcoufalhey everyone, can I ask for a very easy review?
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jd__fungi: FYI I answered on but if you have more to add, feel free08:19
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SergeyLukjanovildikov, hey, I'm here09:19
SergeyLukjanovildikov, readyb for tiny little gate related question :)09:19
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vponomaryovSergeyLukjanov: Hi, if you have some time, could you please review next commit - ?09:46
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ildikovSergeyLukjanov: hi, sorry I was on a meeting09:57
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: are you still around? :)09:58
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tteggelhi infra we (hpcloud) think we have some insight into the high error rate you're seeing from us10:00
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tteggelthere is a neutron port leak btween nova<-> neutron10:00
tteggelwhich has been made worse by recent maintenance10:01
tteggelwe are knocking up a little script to reap dead ports and will post here shortly10:01
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gilliardrelated to ^^ - if a nodepool instance fails to become active, what happens to it?  Is it automatically deleted?10:13
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gilliardah.  Answering my own question: yes.
gilliardThis may orphan any neutron ports associated to the failed instance, which would eventually use up the quota.10:15
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SergeyLukjanovvponomaryov, I'll take a look10:41
SergeyLukjanovildikov, I'm here now10:41
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: for Ceilometer the py26 and py27 jobs are failing10:41
SergeyLukjanovildikov, let me take a look on i10:42
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: thos jobs run on bare-centos6-rax as I saw10:42
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: after opening the link of the slave it shows that "Offline due to Gearman request"10:43
SergeyLukjanovildikov, hm10:43
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: so I just wanted to ask that what to do in this case?10:43
SergeyLukjanovildikov, is it stable reproducable?10:44
SergeyLukjanovor happens sometimes?10:44
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ildikovSergeyLukjanov: it's been happening since yesterday evening10:45
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: the logs look like this ^^10:47
SergeyLukjanovildikov, looking10:47
SergeyLukjanovildikov, so, it10:47
SergeyLukjanovso, it's failing every time since yesterday evening on rax?10:47
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: most of the -1s is this issue10:48
SergeyLukjanovildikov, okay, I just open two jobs and it was  +1 :)10:48
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: you mean which are running now?10:49
SergeyLukjanovildikov, nope, already ended10:49
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: check the date, when Jenkins last ran10:49
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SergeyLukjanovildikov, yup, seems something is going wrong, many py26/py27 failures10:50
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ildikovSergeyLukjanov: yeap, I started with this, that the py26, py27 jobs are failing :)10:50
SergeyLukjanovildikov, yeah, I just ack that I see in in many CRs ;)10:50
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: ah, ok :)10:51
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: sorry, it's Friday and it's always a joy seeing gate jobs constantly failing on Friday ;)10:51
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SergeyLukjanovildikov,  :)10:52
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ildikovSergeyLukjanov: what does the "Offline due to Gearman request" text on the slave's link mean?10:53
SergeyLukjanovildikov, there are 8-9 tests failing each time with ~6 same tests failing each time10:53
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: is it something in connection with this issue or it is something completely else?10:53
SergeyLukjanovildikov, oh, it's ok, zuul posts that job completed to gerrit and gerrit plugin in jenkins kills slave10:54
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ildikovSergeyLukjanov: ah, ok :)10:54
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ildikovSergeyLukjanov: I'm just confused because of the "Empty attachments:" text in case of the failing tests10:56
SergeyLukjanov2014-05-30 10:04:03.003 | Empty attachments:10:58
SergeyLukjanov2014-05-30 10:04:03.003 |   stdout10:58
SergeyLukjanovildikov, it means that nothing was attached as stdout to test results10:58
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: ok and what can be in the background of this?10:59
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SergeyLukjanovildikov, oh, python-keystoneclient 0.9.0 has been released 18h ago10:59
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ildikovSergeyLukjanov: I had a thought to check, but it caused only sample conf mismatch issues before, and this bug did not seem to be related to keystoneclient for the first sight...11:00
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ildikovSergeyLukjanov: ok, well, the acl tests should have been suspicious :)11:02
SergeyLukjanovildikov :)11:02
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SergeyLukjanovildikov, IMO it could be related to keystone client due to the failing test names contains "auth" :011:03
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: yes, now as you pointed out that it was released yesterday, it seems logical, that it is the real source of the problem11:04
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DinaBelovaildikov, the error is with keystoneclient11:04
DinaBelovaI found this bug in my test lab11:04
DinaBelovawill fix it asap11:04
DinaBelovaquick two-lines fix in our tests11:04
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ildikovDinaBelova: ok, cool, thanks :)11:05
DinaBelovatoken format has changed - as we're using it11:05
ildikovDinaBelova: keystone always has some nice surprise for us... :)11:06
DinaBelovaok, give me two minutes11:07
gilliardAnyone tell me what OS_USERNAME nodepool uses on hp cloud?11:07
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: sorry for stealing your time with this :)11:08
SergeyLukjanovildikov, np, I'm glad to help :)11:08
BobBallI'd imagine that the OS_USERNAME is one of those 'secrets' that isn't intended to be widespread?11:08
ildikovSergeyLukjanov: thanks :)11:08
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gilliardBobBall: I expect it might be.  I'm trying to diagnose problems reported by mordred with nodepool instance boot but IDK the user id or tenant :(11:09
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BobBallAh - fair enough.  Well, I don't know it, and it seems to be one of the 'secrets' only referenced from the code - so you would need someone from infra to tell you :) They will likely be up in a few hours unless sdague knows11:12
ildikovDinaBelova: ok, cool, add me to the review please11:12
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SergeyLukjanovopenstackgerrit, where are you?? please, come back11:19
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SergeyLukjanovopenstackstatus, yay!11:27
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DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, o/ #openstack-ceilometer gerrit bot seems to be somewhere away)))11:46
hasharopenstackstatus: welcome back11:47
gilliardBobBall: Managed to find out through internal tools.  Panic over.11:47
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ihrachyshkaI just got failure in gate due to '' not reachable11:56
ihrachyshkaas in
ihrachyshkais it a known issue?11:56
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SergeyLukjanovDinaBelova, it's working bad now :(12:07
SergeyLukjanovlooks like disconets12:08
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SergeyLukjanovvponomaryov, I've added comment to
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vponomaryovSergeyLukjanov: thanks, about comment: there is no need to do it12:16
SergeyLukjanovvponomaryov, okay12:16
vponomaryovSergeyLukjanov: intention - run cli tests rom any job12:16
SergeyLukjanovvponomaryov, my concern sync vs. async testing12:16
SergeyLukjanovvponomaryov, but anyway it's non-voting now, so, it's ok12:17
vponomaryovSergeyLukjanov: if changes of server side break something we will see it on server side commit12:18
SergeyLukjanovvponomaryov, +A12:18
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, is there a possibility to fix it somehow? :(12:19
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vponomaryovSergeyLukjanov: thanks12:19
SergeyLukjanovDinaBelova, openstackgerrit?12:19
SergeyLukjanovDinaBelova, I don't see any traces in logs now12:20
DinaBelovait's in the channel, but does not publishes the messages12:20
SergeyLukjanovDinaBelova, looks like it couldn't connect to all channels or randomly disconnects from some12:20
DinaBelovaso it's like new changes are appearing and it does nothing :-\12:20
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SergeyLukjanovDinaBelova, I've restarted it and seems like it joins all channels12:27
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Added tempest job to manila project
DinaBelovaSergeyLukjanov, ok!12:27
DinaBelovaone change should be merged soon in ceilo - we'll be sure if it works)12:27
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anteayatteggel: thank you, please keep us posted12:35
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anteayatrinaths: thank you for the update12:36
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: why not, germany is so close to you?12:37
SergeyLukjanovanteaya, me and Dina completing repair in our new apartment and planning to move in the mid summer12:39
anteayaah so timing is the issue12:39
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Install the openstackci-yum module.
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add lightweight Fedora 20 mirror
openstackgerritDan Prince proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Import puppet-yum project
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, not really exact timing - need to do a lot before move and after move, it's about the whole summer :)12:40
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SergeyLukjanovttx, cody-somerville, mordred, jeblair, krotscheck, are there any plans for mid cycle storyboard meetup like in Brussels?12:44
ttxSergeyLukjanov: no plans at this point12:44
anteayamtreinish: don't tell me I am paranoid, I called it:
SergeyLukjanovttx, probably it could be discussed at infra meetup12:44
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ttxSergeyLukjanov: when is that meetup ?12:46
anteayaat least I have the weekend to get my armour back on12:46
SergeyLukjanovttx, mid July I think, there is an email in ML12:46
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SergeyLukjanovttx, July 14-1812:46
SergeyLukjanovttx, [OpenStack-Infra] [QA][Infra] Mid-Cycle Meet-up12:47
ttxSergeyLukjanov: I'll have to pass. At OSCON the week after12:47
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anteayahello tteggel12:47
anteayathanks for being in the channel12:47
anteayahaving someone to talk to about hpcloud is great12:47
tteggelanteaya: that script will reap ports that have been leaked12:48
tteggelyou might want to do a dry run with line 42 commented out ;)12:48
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anteayaoh this script is for us to run?12:49
anteayaor are you running this script?12:49
tteggelwe don't have your auth details12:49
SergeyLukjanovttx, I'll pass it most probably too12:49
anteayaoh okay so you wrote this script for us, okay12:49
tteggelwe are looking at running this over our whole estate but want to do further qualification fit12:50
anteayawell the first person who will be awake who would be able to comment on it, other than thank you for its existance is fungi12:50
anteayahe should be here within the hour12:50
tteggelthe nodepool usage pattern is particularly susceptible to this problem12:51
anteayakeep us posted, and thank you12:51
tteggelso we are making it available to you ahead of time12:51
anteayanodepool does have its patterns, yes it does12:51
anteayagreat, thanks for that12:51
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anteayatteggel: anyone else from hpcloud in here?12:51
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tteggelwe've used it on some of our test tenants with similar usage patterns with no problems12:51
anteayaor are you the sole brave soul?12:51
anteayacan you share any logs from those runs, or no?12:52
tteggelanteaya: gilliard is here to help12:52
anteayadon't if you are concerned about private data12:52
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anteayagilliard: hello12:52
anteayagilliard: welcome12:52
anteayaglad to know you both12:52
anteayawhat timezone do you work in?12:53
tteggelUK (UTC+1 tight now)12:53
anteayaI'm in UTC-4/512:53
anteayadepending on the season12:53
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tteggelcan't share logs, sorry12:54
anteayaI understand12:54
anteayadidn't think so, but I had to ask anyway12:54
tteggeli will wait for fungi to surface and see if he has any questions12:54
tteggelFYI we are also chasing down a separate performance issue12:55
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anteayado tell12:55
tteggelthat is causing variable instance boot times12:55
anteayasounds illusive12:55
tteggelcurrent suspect is DB scale12:55
anteayayeah the second one looks better12:55
anteayawhat are you using as DB?12:56
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anteayawell we have a fair few folks with some mysql knowledge kicking around12:56
anteayaif you felt like chatting about it12:56
tteggeli think we have an immediate solution which is to 'hard archive' some deleted instances ;)12:57
anteayahard archive12:57
anteayaI don't know the term12:57
anteayaI am not one of the ones with a lot of mysql knowledge12:57
anteayain case it isn't showing yet12:58
tteggelbackups only12:58
anteayayes, well deleting does solve some issues12:58
tteggelwe normally leave deleted instances soft deleted for 3 months12:58
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Hotfix for manila's jobs config
anteayafor the customers that change their mind12:58
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tteggelfor audit reasons12:59
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Hotfix for manila's jobs config
anteayaguess I don't know much about auditing12:59
tteggelwe have a bunch of processes that don't make sense unless you're a SOC or ISO auditor13:01
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cammannI'm trying to submit my first patch to gerrit, but I get "fatal: ICLA contributor agreement requires current contact information.".  The gerrit page to edit this won't let me save, saying "Server Error Cannot store contact information".  Is there a problem with gerrit?13:04
anteayahi cammann you need to ensure you are a member of the foundation13:04
anteayaare you following any instructions, or may I offer you some?13:05
tteggelcammann is also hp cloud - started only 2 days ago. welcome.13:05
cammannplease ;013:05
anteayawelcome cammann13:05
* anteaya gets link13:05
anteayagive that a read and let me know if you hit any walls13:06
cammannThank you!13:06
anteayathanks for asking13:06
anteayaso many new folks to the party, this is wonderful13:06
anteayasomeone must have sent out a memo or something13:07
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DinaBelovafolks, strange question... What is the THSTACK CI ? It's related to some unknown zuu :-\ And it runs the jobb for the ceilometer at least :
DinaBelovai just see it for the first time13:09
DinaBelovaprobably someone knows what is this?13:09
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anteayahi DinaBelova13:10
hasharanteaya: hi, maybe could add a "number of contributors" metric :)13:10
DinaBelovaanteaya, o/13:10
anteayait is a new third party ci account13:10
DinaBelovaoh, ok!13:10
anteayahashar: maybe, SergeyLukjanov did you want to take the stackalytics question?13:10
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DinaBelovaI just was surprised :)13:10
DinaBelovaanteaya, thanks!13:11
anteayayeah, they are surprising13:11
anteayaDinaBelova: if it is doing anything it shouldn't please let me know13:11
hasharanteaya: SergeyLukjanov: at wikimedia we have a metric tracking the number of Wiki editor with more than 5 edits per month (deemed active editors)13:11
anteayahashar: stackalytics is run by mirantis, not by infra13:11
DinaBelovaanteaya - it's running no-voting jons I guess13:11
hasharanteaya: will remember to poke Sergey so :]13:11
DinaBelovaanteaya, but it's one folk with the email: Longgeek <> - who has changed my change13:12
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SergeyLukjanovhashar, I'm atm, reading question13:12
DinaBelovaanteaya, It was inherited from other one - and it was for some reason13:12
anteayaDinaBelova: yeah, so third party ci should only post one comment per patch, right now it is posting two13:12
anteayaLonggeek: you around?13:12
anteayaDinaBelova: Longgeek changed your patch?13:13
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anteayaLonggeek: can you help us understand what is happening here13:13
DinaBelovait was inherited from other change, I'm ok with this position too, Longgeek :)13:14
anteayalet's start with the fact you uploaded a patchset to DinaBelova's patch13:14
DinaBelovaI just was surprised13:14
LonggeekI did not notice the wrong point.13:14
anteayaI don't yet understand13:14
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Refresh token support
anteayacan you try again?13:14
SergeyLukjanovhashar, you'd like to have new reports in stackalytics?13:14
anteayaLonggeek: are you saying you didn't realize what patch you were changing?13:15
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hasharSergeyLukjanov: I thought you might want to find out how many new people are enrolling in the project and how many are being active per month13:15
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SergeyLukjanovhashar, we have some reports13:16
anteayaLonggeek: do you understand my question?13:17
SergeyLukjanovhashar, aaaand
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for grenade neutron bug 1323715
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1323715 in grenade "network tests fail on policy check after upgrade from icehouse to master (juno)" [Undecided,In progress]
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Longgeekanteaya, What is the problem?13:18
anteayaLonggeek: I asked you a question13:18
hasharSergeyLukjanov: theper user / per company reports are nice.  I was wondering if we could get # of people that worked on a given cycle or project.  Ie how many folks are actively maintaining Neutron since Jan 1st.13:18
anteayaLonggeek: are you saying that you didn't know which patch you were changing13:18
SergeyLukjanovhashar and we have
SergeyLukjanovhashar, you can specify any number at the end of link like
Longgeekanteaya, I ordered the wrong interface, open up your patch,13:19
SergeyLukjanovhashar, this report could be generated per project and per program13:19
anteayaLonggeek: are you aware enough of what to did to ensure you won't do it again?13:19
hasharSergeyLukjanov: exactly what I was looking for and even better!   Большое спасибо!13:19
SergeyLukjanovhashar, np, you're welcome :)13:20
hasharSergeyLukjanov: and yeah per project would be quite nice :-)13:20
Longgeekanteaya, I guarantee13:20
anteayaLonggeek: okay thanks13:20
Longgeekanyeaya, Very sorry13:20
anteayaLonggeek: now you maintain thstack ci do you not13:20
anteayadoesn't matter to me, but it creates a huge mess for our system if it continues to happen13:21
SergeyLukjanovhashar, I'm always just writing the url manually, you can replace sahara-group with sahara or python-saharaclient13:21
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hasharfound that :D13:21
anteayaLonggeek: do you maintain thstack ci?13:21
Longgeekanteaya, yes, my ci.13:22
anteayayour ci is allowed one comment per patchset13:22
anteayaright now your system is commenting twice per patchset13:22
anteayait is commenting "starting jobs"13:22
anteayait isn't allowed to post the "starting jobs" comment13:23
anteayaplease fix that13:23
LonggeekWhat should I change it?13:23
fungitteggel: gilliard: thanks for the update, and welcome to the channel! sorry, was catching up on scrollback and trying to deal with a painting crew here at the house at the same time. looking over your script now13:23
anteayawhat tools are you using for your system?13:23
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gilliardHi fungi!13:24
tteggelfungi: hello13:24
anteayaLonggeek: y'know what would be the best, if you disable your system for the weekend, attend the third party meeting on Monday, and ask the question at that time13:24
SergeyLukjanovfungi, morning13:25
anteayaLonggeek: since that would be an issue for many others there13:25
SergeyLukjanovfungi, I've tried to investigate an issue with gerritbot, but there no results ;(13:25
Longgeekanteaya, ok13:25
mriedemsdague: fungi: jeblair: has anyone seen this before?
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anteayaLonggeek: great thank you, that way you meet other people maintaining third party systems13:27
Longgeekanteaya, ok, thank you.13:27
anteayathank you13:27
mriedemsdague: ah looks like a rax hiccup13:29
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix local storage usage
fungiSergeyLukjanov: gerritbot has a tendency to fall victim to netsplits or irc server failures and then not reconnect/rejoin on its own, so it's not entirely uncommon. often it doesn't even realize the server it was talking to has vanished until the outgoing socket buffer fills while tcp keeps retransmitting, and then we get opaque errors in the logs which bubble up from the ssl layer13:30
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, heh, okay, so, probably we should wrap everything with reconnect..13:30
fungiSergeyLukjanov: if there's a good way to trap for that particular condition, then yeah it might help13:31
vponomaryovfungi: sorry for interruption, but there is one hotfix, that is requires attention, please look at it:
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fungivponomaryov: looks fine, approved13:32
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Refresh token support
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vponomaryovfungi, SergeyLukjanov: thanks for fast reaction13:32
SergeyLukjanovfungi, oh, if you have 2 mins, could you please take a look at sahara-specs addition - already reviewed by clarkb and anteaya13:33
fungivponomaryov: normally that variable is set at the start of the wrap script here:
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fungivponomaryov: but since you're trying to use it before that script is called, it indeed won't be set yet13:34
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fungivponomaryov: so your workaround seems reasonable13:34
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fungivponomaryov: just be aware that if we ever have to change the value of $BASE in devstack-gate, it will likely cause your job to begin failing13:35
anteayattx is work still happening on gerrit-powered-agenda?13:35
vponomaryovfungi: I see, i watched other jobs, there are hardcoded pathes without env vars13:36
ttxanteaya: I hope so13:36
ttxit's becoming very painful13:36
anteayattx I don't see anything new since May 7th13:36
vponomaryovfungi: not all, but present13:36
fungivponomaryov: right, we'll likely have to patch job configurations if that does ever happen13:36
anteayattx it was people you were in contact with, working on that, was it not?13:36
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ttxthat was lbragstad13:37
anteayais lbragstad an irc nick?13:37
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ttxanteaya: yes. Asking him on #openstack-dev13:37
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openstackgerritMatt Riedemann proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for devstack/infra bug 1324932
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1324932 in openstack-ci "devstack setup fails with "E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes"" [Undecided,New]
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SergeyLukjanovdoes anybody know how is maintaining ?13:41
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: probably ttx13:41
fungiSergeyLukjanov: oh, actually that may be toddmorey since it's on the www site13:41
ttxfungi: definitely not me13:42
fungiyeah, just noticed that13:42
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: toddmorey is not often in here, but contact info is posted at
anteayaSergeyLukjanov: yeah, a rename has to happen there13:43
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, thank you!13:44
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SergeyLukjanovanteaya, yup, it's about rename ;)13:44
anteayagood you are on top of these things13:44
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mesteryfungi: Can you help me for a minute? This patch ( isn't able to merge for some reason, it's like gerrit just ignores +A on it. Any ideas?13:46
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Hotfix for manila's jobs config
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fungimestery: it looks like patchset #5 was uploaded during the zuul restart a few days ago and it missed the event, so no check result has been posted for it. i've left a recheck comment on it now which should cause it to get check results and, assuming those succeed, it will be automatically enqueued into the gate at that point13:50
mesteryfungi: Thank you for the help, much appreciated!13:50
anteayamestery: reverity no bug is deprecated13:51
mesteryanteaya: I had a suspicion on that one, thanks for confirming. :)13:52
anteayarecheck no bug, recheck <bug #> and reverify <bug #> all work13:52
fungithough reverify does not work if there's no check result at all on the patchset13:53
anteayadoesn't using reverify <bug #> fire check jobs first?13:54
anteayaI had thought we had set it up to do that13:54
fungiit will, but only if there's already a check result13:54
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fungione of those corner cases which isn't supposed to happen, but occasionally zuul does miss gerrit events due to restarts, network failures, et cetera13:54
anteayanothing moves without the initial check result13:54
* anteaya nods13:54
fungiit's rare enough i haven't taken the time to noodle on whether there's an easy config fix to catch that13:55
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anteayamakes sense13:57
fungimriedem: just got a moment to look at your log, and yeah we do sometimes see outages for rackspace's ubuntu mirror site, which can cause job failures in massive numbers when it happens13:58
mriedemfungi: ok, figured it was a known issue, just didn't see any open bugs for it - so opened one and wrote an e-r query13:59
mriedemfungi: guessing it's one of those that will just remain open forever for tracking known rechecks?13:59
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fungimriedem: likely yes13:59
SergeyLukjanovfungi, thanks for reviewing!14:00
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openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Bring docs jobs for openstack-infra/gerritlib
phschwartzmorning infra14:05
anteayamorning phschwartz14:05
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fungitteggel: i read through the script... so basically the workaround is to delete ports in neutron which aren't associated with an instance any longer? i nodepool already tried to do that when deleting the instance, but maybe there are certain sorts of api call failures modes which can cause us to leak them14:16
tteggelfungi: exactly. and a recent 'incident' will have caused you to leak a bunch14:17
fungitteggel: got it14:18
tteggelfungi: we're looking at going a cleanup but that will take time14:18
tteggelfungi: we wanted to enable you to do it youselves in the meantime14:19
fungitteggel: yep, appreciated!14:19
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gilliardI raised this although it's light on detail atm14:19
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1324934 in nova "port leak when instance is deleted before ACTIVE" [Undecided,New]14:19
tteggelfungi: maybe you should comment out line 42 and do a dry run first.14:19
fungigilliard: thanks!14:19
fungitteggel: yeah, agreed14:20
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add sahara-specs repo
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anteayawe have 6 patches up for infra-specs, it would be nice to get the initial commit hammered out and merged:,n,z14:32
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fungitteggel: gilliard: heh... "novaclient.exceptions.OverLimit: This request was rate-limited. (HTTP 413)"14:38
tteggelfungi: hah, oops14:39
fungii'll insert a small delay in the loop14:39
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zaromsabramo: ping14:40
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msabramozaro: pong14:40
anteayamorning zaro14:40
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zaromsabramo: isn't there a change pending to fix this?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1322882 in pbr "jenkins-job-builder 0.8.0 tarball with the switch to pbr is unusable for packagers" [Undecided,New]14:42
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msabramozaro: Not that I know of. This is sort of similar to some other issues, but I think it's slightly different14:44
msabramothere was a similar issue with package name for coverage which we fixed in pbr14:44
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msabramoI wonder if we are better off just renaming the  module directory to match the package name14:45
msabramoalthough that might break folks that use it14:45
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msabramothis issue also involves package name but it's about coverage not getting version -
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tteggelfungi: i've just put your tenant into a higher rate limit band as well, should help14:47
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tteggelfungi: will need up to 30 mins to propagate14:47
mordredtteggel, gilliard: morning! welcome to our crazy fun house :)14:48
zaromsabramo: i know very little about pbr.  do you think package name change is right solution?  or some fix to pbr?14:48
tteggelmordred: hi!14:48
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mordredmsabramo, zaro I'll look at the jjb pbr thing in a couple of hours14:49
gilliardmorning mordred14:49
mordredmsabramo, zaro: we have other things where the package name and the module name differ - so I do not expect that to be a problem14:49
fungitteggel: that'll help in general anyway--thanks!14:49
msabramozaro: what mordred said :-)14:50
msabramowonder what version of pbr reporter is using14:50
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tteggelfungi: your limits are now per min: 1600 GETs, 80 PUTs, 320 POSTs and 480 DELETEs14:51
mordredfungi: in addition to our "add neutron awareness to nodepool to handle instance-to-networks" ... perhaps we should also add awareness of neutron port quotas, port creation and port cleanup on delete14:51
fungimordred: i see that as going hand-in-hand with the current proposal to give nodepool an awareness of instance cruft which may also get left behind due to various failures14:52
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msabramooh, pbr 0.7.014:57
msabramoperhaps they need to package a new version of pbr first14:57
pelixJust got really annoyed with git-review for not being able to handle uploading initial commits for review to gerrit and knocked a fix together.14:58
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fungipelix: what's the problem specifically? if a project gets imported into gerrit with no .gitreview file?15:00
pelixquestion is, in the case of no branch on the remote detected (i.e. initial reviews for a new branch) should git-review either check that this was intended by asking a yes/no question, or require the user to pass an additional option on the command line to say that they know that this will create a branch on the remote if the right ACL's are in place?15:00
pelixnah, empty project15:00
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pelixgeneric issue with gerrit not so much with openstack gerrit I believe15:00
fungipelix: oh, how would you tell it what commit to branch off?15:01
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fungiassuming the idea is that you push the branch to the gerrit remote and then add a change for review targeting that branch15:02
pelixfungi: git/gerrit works it out based on the parent and requested target branch15:02
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pelixI think15:02
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fungipelix: oh, so it would branch from the most recent commit which is on the remote and then send any commits after that one as reviews?15:03
pelixfungi: I believe so15:03
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pelixhaven't tested it for the case where there where you are creating a new branch from existing code, just tested for uploading the inital commits to gerrit for review instead of pushing a .gitreview file to master and then uploading the next set of commits for review15:03
pelixI'm pretty certain you still need the create ref permission for it to work15:04
fungipelix: so just creating a branch from the 0x0 null commit sha15:04
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fungipelix: yeah, you need create on refs/* i believe15:04
zarofungi, mordred, jeblair, clarkb : do we still want to convert gerrit mysql table to utf8?  bug 97922715:05
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 979227 in openstack-ci "convert gerrit's mysql tables to utf8" [Medium,Triaged]
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Info cache for instance <instance_id> could not be found
zaroI cannot repro that issue on review.o.o15:05
mtreinishanteaya: what about that? it's just a topic on the agenda, I feel like I'm missing something...15:05
anteayamtreinish: it is on the third party meeting agenda15:05
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pelixfungi: idea is that git-review could be used to effectively create the empty 'master' branch by uploading reviews for it rather than needing an initial push to the backing git repo15:05
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mordredzaro: uhm. probably? pelix knows more about that actually15:06
anteayamtreinish: so all the third party folks will want to attend the infra/qa meetup15:06
fungizaro: i think that particular problem was merely a symptom, and may not specifically be a problem in newer gerrit releases, but we likely still want to convert the encoding if we can15:06
anteayamtreinish: you are missing the fact that these folks can't hear no15:06
mordredpelix: ah - so for folks not using our wonderful manage-projects system then15:06
anteayamtreinish: they think they should all be able to attend, just them, please, you don't understand why you should make an exception for me15:07
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anteayamtreinish: talking to this group is very very hard since they all want to have private individual conversations with you afterward15:07
fungipelix: seems reasonable, my biggest concern is wrapping something like that in extra caution tape, because we definitely have users who have branch creation perms (mostly for stackforge projects), but delete is harder to grant... or used to be, maybe that's changed now?15:07
anteayasince what you said to the group doesn't apply to them, in their mind15:07
zaropelix: do you have an opinion about converting gerrit db to utf8?15:08
fungipelix: so i do worry about them accidentally creating branches with that git-review option as an attractive nuisance and then coming to us asking for us to delete them15:09
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pelixfungi: def my biggest concern as well, hence question on needing yes/no confirm or requiring a special command line option to enable15:09
pelixdon't want it to occur by default15:09
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fungipelix: that with a scary-looking warning perhaps. at least for the moment having to grok how to push a branch with git acts as a bit of a barrier to those occurrences15:10
pelixzaro: oddly enough I can't reproduce at the moment15:10
mordredpelix: I like putting it behind a confirm15:10
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pelixzaro: I'll check in a few minutes have a concall that I'm late for :)15:11
mtreinishanteaya: ok, yeah I definitely don't have enough of that context (not that I necessarily want to)15:11
anteayamtreinish: you don't want to15:11
anteayamtreinish: and I see my role as buffer so you don't have to15:11
anteayamtreinish: since it sucks the soul from your body15:12
dhellmannjeblair: did you want me to submit the change to remove the 2only stuff before approving ?15:12
zarofungi: not sure why we need to go thru trouble to convert if we can't identify any issues with current schema.15:12
anteayamtreinish: but the phrase third-party is a trigger now, that they all pay attention to15:12
anteayamtreinish: so using it is like a bat signal, it calls them all15:12
mtreinishhahaha, well we just need a code word then...15:12
mordreddhellmann: nah¸I think we can do that ina  follow on change15:13
anteayamtreinish: the same way you don't say 'walk' in front of a dog, use of the phrase third-party needs to be used consciously15:13
gilliardfungi: did you try that port-cleanup script again?15:13
mordreddhellmann: I think we're just waiting until we've got time to pay attention when we merge it in case something goes poorly15:13
anteayamtreinish: I hate to say it but, yup15:13
dhellmannmordred: ah, ok15:13
dhellmannmordred: I'll go ahead and work on the 2only thing15:13
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anteayacause my blood pressure goes up every time I see that phrase15:13
gilliardfungi: it's nearly home time for me - it'd be nice to end the week with a win :)15:13
anteayagilliard: nice to see you in channel15:14
anteayathanks and have a great weekend15:14
gilliardhey anteaya - hoping to hear good news about orphaned ports before I leave15:14
fungigilliard: oh, right, i had it generating a quick count for me first15:15
gilliardthat would be interesting to me as well...?15:15
fungigilliard: yeah, 449 to delete. it's going through them now15:16
mordredoh wow15:16
gilliardnice!  Thanks15:16
mordredif we leaked 449 ports then we're not so much going to be creating instances :)15:16
pelixzaro: looks like whatever gerrit may change changed around the search mechanism avoids the need to convert between latin1 & utf815:16
mordredpelix: woot!15:17
mordredzaro: then I think that bug can be closed as "fix released" :)15:17
mordredpelix: with the move to 2.8, there is an external lucene search index now15:17
fungipelix: zaro: well, there are codepoints which can't be represented in latin1 but can in utf-8, so i do worry about (for example) accounts where names use some of those15:17
mordredfungi: weirdly those should still be ok - because they will have been stored in the db via gerrit too15:18
fungipelix: zaro: however if they're just being stored as raw bytes anyway and then rendered by gerrit on the front-end, i suppose it's fine15:18
fungimordred: yep15:18
* mordred has to go to the airport15:18
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anteayamordred: safe flight15:19
anteayamordred: glad you are feeling better15:19
mordredme too!15:19
fungii think i just have an allergy to not-utf-8 in our modern non-english-centric world, but there are i suppose pragmatic reasons not to go through the pain of converting an existing system which is working15:19
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove unused pypi jobs from projects
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove template for syncing python 2 mirror
jeblairSergeyLukjanov, ttx: I'm sad you won't be able to make it to the infra/qa meetup :(15:20
anteayaI didn't know ttx couldn't make it15:21
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, yeah... I'm afraid not this time15:23
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ttxanteaya: I have a conference in Montpellier early July and then OSCON end of July, family gathering on the 14th15:24
ttxI'll see what I ca ndo but default would be no15:25
gilliardOK - good weekend all15:25
fungithanks again gilliard15:25
anteayattx family comes first, I agree15:25
pelixfungi: mordred: for git-review are people likely to be conditioned to typing in 'yes' to a confirm question without thinking?15:25
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anteayattx any amount we can see you would be great15:26
jeblairttx: bring your family!  or better yet, we'll move the meetup to your family gathering!  ;)15:26
pelixfungi: mordred: given there is one for multiple commits being uploaded15:26
ttxjeblair: that would work better than trying to convince them to visit deep Germany15:26
anteayajeblair: before today's dance card gets too full, some folks would like another patchset on the infra-specs initial commit:
anteayattx where is the gathering?15:26
anteayafrance works for me too15:26
ttxLoire Valley15:27
* anteaya heads to google maps15:27
jeblairanteaya: it's actually #2 on my list today15:27
anteayathank you15:27
anteayaI won't clog your time then so you can address #1 item15:28
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anteayattx it looks ideal15:28
ttxideal until you need internet access15:28
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anteayayeah, that15:29
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Handle missing commits
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anteayabut look at that blue sky and those thick stone walls15:29
jeblairanteaya: upload last night's gertty changes was #1 ^15:29
anteayayes I need to update my gertty and fire it up15:30
anteayawhat command is supposed to pull in the alembic module?15:31
anteayaif I do sudo pip install -e . inside the gertty root dir again, will that pull in alembic?15:31
jeblairanteaya: if you "pip install ." or "pip install -e ." .... yeah15:31
anteayawhere should voluptuous >=0.7 be coming from?15:33
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jeblairoh did that not get added?15:33
jeblairoh huh, i don't see alembic in the rquirements15:34
* anteaya is happy to trip over any stone in the trail to show it is there15:35
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jeblairokay, so that's two presumaby separate weird problems.  i could have sworn mordred made a patch to add alembic, and i don't know why there's no voluptuous15:35
fungijeblair: oh, right, i spotted that yesterday and meant to propose a patch to requirements.txt. adding it there works fine15:36
jeblairi wonder if i stomped on his change15:37
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fungianteaya: do you maybe have pip configured to hit our mirror instead of proper
anteayaI will look15:37
jeblairyup, i broke the alembic change in a rebase.  will fix.15:38
anteayayes I do15:38
jeblairyay both mysteries solved15:38
anteayashould I do anything other than await another gertty patchset?15:39
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anteayashould I remove that pip.conf file that points to openstack mirrors?15:39
anteayaor our openstack mirror15:39
jeblairanteaya: yeah.  i bet there's a way to specify a pip.conf but i don't know what it is.15:40
zaropelix: i am very conditioned15:40
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Handle missing commits
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Handle (ignore) no-diff renames
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add patchset selection in diff
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Correct a problem with tables at very small widths
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Add hyperlinks
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to stackforge/gertty: Re-add alembic to requirements
jeblairanteaya: okay, so use 96807 at a minimum or 96801 if you want the tip of the branch15:43
jeblairanteaya: (i put the re-add alembic change at the beginning of the branch)15:43
openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Add an option to mark uploaded patchsets as WIP
anteayaI'll try 96801 and see how I do15:43
zarofungi, mordred, clarkb, jeblair : no need to go thru with gerrit db conversion to utf8, will change bug 979227 to fix released.15:45
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 979227 in openstack-ci "convert gerrit's mysql tables to utf8" [Medium,Triaged]
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anteayajeblair: can the old ~/.gerttyrc become the new ~/.gertty.yaml file?15:47
vponomaryovfungi: ping15:47
jeblairanteaya: no, very different syntax (though all the options and values have the same names so it's straightforward to change)15:47
anteayayes, I see the syntax differences15:48
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anteayado I still need .gerttyrc?15:48
fungivponomaryov: did your fix not work?15:48
jeblairanteaya: oh, no.  it's gone.15:48
vponomaryovfungi: $BASE/new/manila/contrib/ci/ does not exist on call moment =(15:49
jeblairanteaya: now i understand your question.  :)15:49
anteayagreat, thanks15:49
anteayasorry I wan't clear the first time15:49
vponomaryovfungi: Is there a good way to call this setup script before devstack setup?15:49
fungivponomaryov: oh, good point. devstack-gate puts it there itself, so it won't exist until the wrap script runs15:49
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov, clarkb, mordred, fungi: what do you think about the suggestion to have project subdirectories for specs?15:50
fungivponomaryov: without looking into what else your setup script assumes will already be in place, it's hard to know15:50
jeblairSergeyLukjanov, clarkb, mordred, fungi: it seems like a nice organizational thing, but SergeyLukjanov made a good point that it may be awkward for cross-project (within infra) specs15:50
jeblairSergeyLukjanov, clarkb, mordred, fungi: and i actually think we'll have a lot of those15:50
fungijeblair: seems like a good idea. came up for nova as well (where do novaclient specs go?) but in our case it's a very exaggerated version of that situation15:51
vponomaryovfungi: I wonder is there a good way to copy and run remote script before devstack installation, will look for it...15:51
sdaguewhat is thstack ci ?15:51
fungijeblair: but yeah, if you think it will make cross-project bits harder, then probably not worth the additional layer of organization15:51
jeblairSergeyLukjanov, clarkb, mordred, fungi: i'm leaning toward trying it without the subdirs and seeing where the problems are and reorging later if needed15:52
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fungivponomaryov: basically anything you expect to be in $BASE won't exist before the wrap script runs, and anything you put in $BASE before the wrap script runs will likely be replaced15:53
fungisdague: Longgeek would likely need to explain15:54
vponomaryovfungi: Am I right, that devstack installs inside "gate_hook"?15:54
sdagueok, it left comments on devstack patch, so just curious15:54
vponomaryovfungi: and pre_test_hook is exactly the point "before" devstack setup15:55
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anteayasdague: what patch?16:01
anteayasdague: I talked with Longgeek this morning16:01
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Initial commit
jamesmcarthurI’m not 100% this is the right channel, but I’m wondering if anyone on here has a few minutes to talk about this bug: It seems like users not being able to update contact details is reaching a fever pitch.16:02
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1317957 in openstack-org "Server error when updating contacts" [Critical,Confirmed]16:02
anteayaLonggeek: I had asked you to disable your system until Monday16:02
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anteayaLonggeek: you had told me that you would16:02
fungivponomaryov: yes, that hook is run between setting up devstack and starting devstack16:02
anteayaLonggeek: your system is still commenting on patches16:02
Longgeekanteaya, I think you you let me close ceilometer project16:03
anteayaLonggeek: I asked you to disable thstack-ci until Monday16:04
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anteayaplease disable thstack-ci until Monday when we discuss issues at the third-party meeting16:04
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Longgeekanteaya, Yes, I understand the16:04
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anteayaLonggeek: thank you16:04
fungijamesmcarthur: it's probably because gerrit lacks any means to discriminate between failure modes for submitting contact info to the foundation system api. all it knows is either that it got a 200 OK response, or that it didn't16:04
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jamesmcarthurfungi: Yes, I agree the error reporting isn’t great there. I’m happy to reach out to each of these people individually to make sure they are properly set as Foundation members. I just wanted make sure there wasn’t some larger problem.16:06
jamesmcarthurfungi: my ability to troubleshoot this is rather limited as I can only confirm the user is a foundation member or not.16:07
fungijamesmcarthur: it's an imperfect setup, unfortunately. the user needs to manually confirm that they've joined the foundation before trying to submit, but users end up following second-hand advice from random blog posts and google searches rather than the steps we've documented for them to follow16:07
openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fixed config of manila's jobs
fungijamesmcarthur: ultimately, i think we either need to scrap the gerrit->foundation integration there, or build an integrated front-end for it. i expect openstackid will solve most of this because the user will be unable to log into gerrit at all until they get their openstackid account created16:08
jamesmcarthurfungi: Roger that. I’ll do a blanket response and have people contact me directly re: their member status.16:09
jamesmcarthurfungi: And YES openstackid will definitely push us in the right direction. We’ll also have an api available, so should be a little less rickety that the current setup.16:10
fungithe shortcoming is really more on the gerrit end of things--the error reporting there doesn't pass through the remote error to the user16:10
fungiso even if the foundation api returned nice detailed error messages, the user would never see them16:10
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openstackgerritValeriy Ponomaryov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fixed config of manila's jobs
jamesmcarthurfungi: We might be able to add some more sophisticated logging on our side. Like if a check doesn’t pass, record the email address of the user, etc…16:11
fungiit's basically not designed with the expectation that the remote endpoint would have criteria for what qualified to be stored, and as such just assumes that any refusal is an unintentional breakage16:11
fungithus the generic error message16:12
anteayajeblair: .gertty.yaml wants my gerrit http password yes?16:13
jeblairanteaya: yep.  though harlowja_away made it so if you leave it out it will prompt you16:13
anteayaokay thanks16:14
jamesmcarthurfungi: I’ll create a ticket on our end to see about tracking this a bit better.  At least then we could do a quick lookup based on username. Thanks for the info! I’ll also create a blanket statement on Launchpad to have those users follow up with me directly re: their member status.16:14
belliottLF core pixie dust on  (it has a couple +1's already)  thanks16:14
openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Add an option to mark uploaded patchsets as WIP
openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Keep track of gerrit.war and golden_site versions
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fix local storage usage
krotscheckHrm. I think that creative commons doesn’t really fall under the umbrella of OSI.16:20
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krotscheckMakes sense why there isn’t a trove class for it.16:20
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openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Add an option to mark uploaded patchsets as WIP
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Bump keystoneclient minimum version
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fungikrotscheck: the irony is that their list of licenses at is licensed under the creative commons license ;)16:24
krotscheckfungi: I noticed that :)16:24
fungior rather
fungiso they16:25
fungithey're licensing work under a license of which they don't approve ')16:25
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openstackgerritChangBo Guo(gcb) proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Move oslotest to test catalog
jeblairi just removed it rather than confuse the issue16:27
jeblairdstufft, Alex_Gaynor: how do we add CC licenses to trove?16:27
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: CC?16:27
jeblaircreative commons16:28
fungicreative commons16:28
dstufftjeblair: you mean it's not an existing trove and you want it added?16:28
jeblairdstufft: yep.16:28
jeblair is the list i assume16:29
Alex_Gaynortrover classifiers16:29
Alex_Gaynornot openstack/trove16:29
fungiheh. i warned the openstack/trove devs about that potential for confusion when they first proposed the name16:29
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dstufftjeblair: techincally open a ticket on one of PyPI's two issue trackers, but actually you just need to tell myself or richard what you want and we just go add it... which I don't recall exactly how to do that offhand... I think maybe there's a script I have to run16:29
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jeblairfungi: you say they are not osi approved?16:30
jeblairthat is... weird.16:31
sdaguejeblair: is new project creation only a friday thing still, or is manage projects working well enough to make it an all the time thing?16:32
dstufftProbably because CC licenses are recommended against being used for software16:32
jeblairsdague: all the time16:32
fungijeblair: they're not on the osi approved list, but possibly because the osi only considers licenses targeting software16:32
fungior what dstufft said16:32
sdaguejeblair: coolio.16:32
jeblairdstufft: yeah they are.  we have a number of repos that are essentially just docs that we're cc licensing16:33
sdaguesecond question - I want to pull this into gerrit - because we've got multiple folks that want to help with it16:33
dstufftjeblair: yea, just saying that might be why OSI doesn't list CC16:33
jeblairdstufft: makes sense16:33
sdagueis there a preference of whether it should be in the stackforge or openstack-dev namespace?16:33
jeblairi'm sketching out a taxonomy here:
jeblairsdague: will it be part of the devstack program?16:34
sdaguejeblair: maybe?16:34
fungidstufft: jeblair: that's what i had assumed. was merely amused that they license their wiki content where they publish the list under a license not on their list16:34
sdaguedtroyer is out this week, so hard to ask him about that. I think it might make sense there.16:35
anteayasdague: is dtroyer expected back next week?16:35
sdaguelate next week16:35
clarkbpelix: fungi: I have no idea what git review needs to do there. it supports empty repos today16:36
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clarkbwhat are you actually trying to fix?16:36
anteayaoh, I had him on next tuesday's infra agenda, I will push that back a week16:36
anteayaI hadn't actually put it on the agenda yet, but was planning on it16:36
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fungiclarkb: pelix wants to add a feature to allow it to create branches if the target branch doesn't exist16:37
jeblairdstufft: does the three-tier taxonomy in make sense, or should it be flattened to two-tier?  also, fungi has a good question; i've never considered uploading "non-free" software to pypi so i don't actually know what the policy is16:37
jeblair"License :: Other/Proprietary License" does exist...16:38
pelixfungi: think clarkb might be right, if I disable the 'rebase' with '-R' it works as expected16:38
fungii assume we just want to request the intersection of license terms allowable for pypi and licenses creative commons offers16:38
jeblairso i'm assuming non-free software are accepted16:38
dstufftjeblair: afaik the only requirement on PyPI is that you can grant a license to the PSF and all the users of the website to distribute it16:38
dstufftso as long as your license doens't limit the ability to distribute basically16:38
fungidstufft: okay, but they don't need to allow distributing derived works?16:38
dstufftNot that i'm aware of16:39
jeblairdstufft: i think all of the cc licenses grant that16:39
dstufftI have a TODO item to bother Van to clarify something similar actually16:39
fungijeblair: maybe not the noncommercial ones16:39
clarkbpelix: that sounds right because target doesnt exist yet16:39
dstufftso I can ask him that too16:39
dstufftsince he wrote the PyPI ToS and he's all lawyer like16:39
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jeblairdstufft: i think the noncommercial ones still allow noncommercial distribution16:40
jeblairfungi: ^16:40
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clarkbalso sb for friday is crazy this morning16:40
fungijeblair: right, i guess it's a question of whether a right to commercial distribution is also a pypi requirement16:40
clarkbjeblair: we should decide on gear fixes soon as you will be out starting next week16:41
dstufft"Third party content providers grant the PSF and all other users of the web site an irrevocable, worldwide, royalty-free, nonexclusive license to reproduce, distribute, transmit, display, perform, and publish such content, including in digital form."16:41
dstufftthat's what the ToS says16:41
pelixclarkb: good enough for me, the change I was looking at would simply have done that automatically and told the user it looked like they were uploading for a new branch16:41
pelixI might just add a nice message in this case and leave it upto the user to use '-R'16:41
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add devstack-vagrant project to openstack-dev
dstufftclarkb: fungi also that's strictly for uploading to PyPI16:41
dstufftyou can of course list things on PyPI which are not allowed to be distributed16:41
dstufftyou just can't upload them16:41
fungidstufft: oh, very good point16:42
fungithen i suppose they're all free game16:42
jeblairdstufft: ok, so here's the list:  should i consider my job done, or would you like me to email or open a ticket?16:42
openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Add an option to mark uploaded patchsets as WIP
dstufftjeblair: looks reasonable to me, I'll run it past Richard once he wakes up16:43
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dstuffthe's asutralian time so I think it's still sleep time there16:43
jeblairdstufft: cool, thanks16:44
fungii believe attribution is the only one we need specifically, but might as well add them all16:44
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mmaglanafungi: hi. when you have time, may i ask you to review
anteayaclarkb: looks like this needs a push:
anteayasorry no, it depends on something that isn't +A'd16:50
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pleia2sneaky dependencies16:50
anteayathey do that16:51
anteayahow are you today, pleia2?16:51
ctraceygood afternoon #openstack-infra. any chance I could get a merge on this one?
pleia2anteaya: doing ok, thanks :)16:52
anteayakeep doing that16:53
dstufftjeblair: fungi email sent to Van, I added the question about CC-NonCommerical too16:53
dstufftthough I don't think it's a problem to list it16:53
dstufftI just don't know if you can upload them16:53
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jeblairdstufft: thanks!16:53
openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: To modify jquery-visibility.min.js jquery-visibility.js
anteayayeah, just looking at that16:55
anteayawhy don't you want the .min.js file used?16:56
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Longgeekanteaya, not .min.js16:56
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Longgeekanteaya, Is the jquery-visibility.js, instead .min.js16:58
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anteayaokay I think we are hitting a bit of a language problem here16:59
anteayaright now the file calls min.js16:59
anteayawhat is the problem with calling min.js?16:59
openstackgerritJoão Cravo proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for builder Groovy and System Groovy
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Longgeekanteaya, Now the question is no such file17:01
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Longgeek  vcsrepo { '/opt/jquery-visibility':17:03
Longgeek    ensure   => latest,17:03
Longgeek    provider => git,17:03
Longgeek    revision => 'master',17:03
Longgeek    source   => '',17:03
Longgeek  }17:03
Longgeek  file { '/var/lib/zuul/www/jquery-visibility.min.js':17:03
Longgeek    ensure  => link,17:03
Longgeek    target  => '/opt/jquery-visibility/jquery-visibility.min.js',17:03
Longgeek    require => [File['/var/lib/zuul/www'],17:03
Longgeek                Vcsrepo['/opt/jquery-visibility']],17:03
Longgeek  }17:03
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anteayaLonggeek: please use to paste code samples17:04
anteayathen post the url in the channel17:04
anteayaLonggeek: so you are questioning whether puppet is creating a min.js file or not17:05
anteayaand based on the sample you provided, you think that puppet is not creating a min.js file17:05
anteayais that accurate?17:05
anteayaso the first step is to see if your assumption is correct17:05
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anteayathe way I would suggest is asking someone with root access to the gerrit server to check if there is a jquery-visibility.min.js file or not17:06
fungianteaya: the vcsrepo object clones which does indeed no longer contain the minified version of the script17:06
anteayathen Longgeek is correct17:07
fungiyou can see by inspecting the git repo17:07
clarkbmorning gertty sync in progress17:07
anteayaso given that is the case, how would you like this addressed?17:07
fungithe alternative, which may make more sense, but is a bit more work, would be to have a minifier run on each update to that file17:07
Longgeekyes, fungi cool17:07
* mordred would love to not have this done by puppet17:08
fungimordred: yeah17:08
mordredas soon as jhesketh's patches all land, I'm going to work on that17:08
anteayaapparently it has been gone since last september:
mordredor, rather, I'm going to work on that again17:09
fungiin the interim, i guess it's a question of whether we want to be serving up a full-size copy of jquery-visibility.js (1.676 kb17:09
fungi) on each page load17:09
anteayasince we have done without it since last september17:09
anteayaI'm going with we can stand to wait a little longer17:09
fungianteaya: well, that puppetry is for the web interface which runs on zuul.o.o not status.o.o17:10
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funginot many people hit it regularly, so it may be fine to just apply that change17:10
mordredfungi: we minify a bunch of other things in the puppet17:11
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mordredoh! I'm wrong. we used to17:12
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anteayaokay if folks hitting the zuul gui are okay with that17:12
anteayaI'm not against the change, just trying to understand it17:12
mordredah. so it is17:13
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fungianteaya: i think nobody's been hitting it since september... doesn't load and i think it's because there are files linked to dead space17:13
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clarkbSergeyLukjanov: if you are still awake. What was up with openstackgerrit?17:13
DinaBelovaclarkb, it's not so late here :D17:14
clarkbDinaBelova: but its friday, you all should be out fridaying17:14
openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Keep track of gerrit.war and golden_site versions
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DinaBelovahehe, we are OpenStack, what fridaying? As for the openstackgerrit - dunno how's now, but it had strange behaviour earlier17:15
DinaBelovaclarkb - now it seems to work ok17:15
DinaBelovaclarkb, SergeyLukjanov restarted it17:15
DinaBelovaand then it could connect to all channels17:15
clarkbah ok, I think freenode was being mean to it17:15
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DinaBelovadunno for sure, but for some of the channels it was no openstackgerrit at all, for some it was there but was silent..17:16
openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Did not find jquery-visibility.min.js file
clarkbjeblair: fungi mordred SergeyLukjanov dhellmann re 56760 are we ready to take the plunge on that and watch it break everything today?17:17
clarkbI can babysit17:17
fungiclarkb: yeah, i'm cool with the latest version there17:18
clarkboh and I promised people I would disable drafts today17:18
clarkband no one yelled17:18
clarkbmaybe I should start with that17:18
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mordreddstufft, Alex_Gaynor: pypi renders rst and not md, right?17:18
anteayayes yes17:18
anteayagoodbye drafts17:19
mordredclarkb: yes17:19
mordredto both17:19
anteayathen break all the things17:19
anteayaoh yeah, wheels17:20
clarkbok I am going to add the ALL-Projects draft ACL change now17:20
clarkbby hand because that isn't managed automagically17:20
Alex_Gaynormordred: corrrect17:20
anteayafungi: yeah zuul.o.o not rendering is exciting17:21
anteayano wonder noone noticed the min.js file was missing17:21
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
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openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Add an option to mark uploaded patchsets as WIP
Alex_Gaynorclarkb, jeblair: ^ first pass at puppetifying this, let me know what you think17:22
fungianteaya: i think it's not rendering because that's missing, but nobody noticed because that interface was long ago obsoleted by where is still served correctly17:22
anteayafungi: so remove the rest of zuul.o.o?17:23
anteayaI have the link to the disabling of drafts email handy:
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fungi-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 636 Dec 19 22:03 /srv/static/status/jquery-visibility.min.js17:24
YorikSaranteaya, fungi: can't that be because of ?17:24
YorikSaranteaya, fungi: I mean, non-renderring of Zuul.17:25
YorikSarI has been merged but hasn't been applied...17:25
fungiYorikSar: oh, possible...17:25
clarkbok drafts should be killed will test a bit more but let me know if you see oddness17:25
fungiYorikSar: no, that change was for the one served at status.o.o not the one served at zuul.o.o17:25
YorikSarfungi: Oh... And what's served there?..17:26
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fungiYorikSar: at the moment a blank page, but it's supposed to just be the demo status interface which is built into the zuul server17:26
anteayaclarkb: yay17:27
dstufftmordred: yes17:27
fungiYorikSar: and that url is also where the status.json is served which gets used by the page at status.o.o17:27
YorikSarfungi: I see... Ok, my change won't help here then. But still it'd be great to update status.o.o/zuul so that it won't hang for me every morning because of periodic-qa job...17:28
trinathsHi stackers! When Zuul triggered a job to Zuul merger, I got this error. GitCommandError: 'git clone -v ssh:// /var/lib/zuul/git/openstack-dev/sandbox' returned exit status 128: Host key verification failed.17:28
trinathsfatal: The remote end hung up unexpectedly17:28
trinathscan any one help me on this.17:28
anteayahi trinaths17:28
anteayaHost key verification failed17:28
clarkb! [remote rejected] HEAD -> refs/drafts/master/test-draft-death (cannot upload drafts)17:28
openstackclarkb: Error: "remote" is not a valid command.17:28
anteayatrinaths: there is a problem with your ssh key17:29
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clarkbso it worked for my account. zaro is testing with his account too17:29
fungiclarkb: yay! finally!17:29
trinathsanteaya: when I run this command manually, it workec17:29
trinathsanteaya: worked*17:29
fungianteaya: the problem is not with his ssh key. it's with the cached copy of the ssh service host key from gerrit, probably from when we changed it during the upgrade maintenance17:29
anteayaHost key failed17:30
fungitrinaths: on the machine where that's happening, you need to clean out the offending stale entry in ~/.ssh/known_hosts and try again17:30
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fungithat will work around it, but does make it so you no longer can trust the endpoint is valid17:31
trinathsLonggeek: can I update /home/zuul/.ssh17:32
clarkbok sent mail to the list notifying everyone that the drafts are dead. long live WIP17:32
clarkband now wheels17:32
fungiso your connection to gerrit could be subjected to a man-in-the-middle attack and someone could steal your gerrit account password17:32
fungibut for an automated reporting system such as this, it may not be much of a concern17:33
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fungioh, and you're authenticating via rsa key anyway, so there's nothing to steal17:33
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clarkbok last chance to hold off on wheels17:34
clarkbotherwise its happening17:34
jeblairclarkb: spin the wheel!17:35
fungipython roulette17:35
trinathsLonggeek: thanks a lot.. its working now.. the job is triggered in Jenkins..17:36
trinathsanteaya: the issued is resolved for me now17:37
mordredclarkb: wow. I love that we just landed a patch that was in the 50k range17:37
jesusaurusjeblair: on is there a reason that template.rst is not under specs/ ?17:37
fungijesusaurus: because it's not a spec17:37
clarkbmordred: we are persistent17:37
Longgeektrinaths, I have encountered this problem,
trinathsLonggeek: okay.17:38
jesusaurusfungi: right, its not a live spec, but it is a spec template17:38
trinathsLonggeek: You are also having Zuul stop problem..17:39
LonggeekI can fix this problem?17:39
trinathsLonggeek: No process in pidfile '/var/run/zuul/' found running; none killed.17:39
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Longgeektrinaths, yes17:39
trinathsLonggeek: I need to kill the very process and start again.17:39
trinathsLonggeek: the same issue with restart too17:39
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Longgeektrinaths, Do not go pull zuul17:40
Longgeektrinaths, Sometimes the problem may be permissions17:40
trinathsLonggeek: okay..17:40
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clarkbjeblair: fungi mordred SergeyLukjanov jhesketh so what do we want to do about gear? I personally find myself leaning towards just fixing the server for now to maintain backward compat17:41
Longgeektrinaths, You are using the os-ext-testing of the project to install it?17:41
clarkbthis leaves us open to making everything async in the future but prevents unexpect borkage for clients today17:41
trinathsLonggeek: yes..17:42
mordredbodepd: there are no magic puppet variables that the puppetmaster can expand into the list of all servers puppet knows about are there?17:42
trinathsLonggeek: from jaypipes article17:43
Longgeektrinaths, There are a lot of pit17:43
jeblairclarkb: you wrote a worker, what's your feeling about it as a user of that part of the library?17:43
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fungiclarkb: that's my feeling as well. i mean, it was a thing because zuul needed a lightweight gearman server so that we could test its gearman interactions, but since it was already nearly good enough... and so if it's still nearly good enough then making it better seems like a fine idea17:43
jeblairclarkb: i'd also like to hear the same from jhesketh.17:43
jeblair(that part of the library == the Worker interface)17:44
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clarkbjeblair: my clients and workers have never really tried hard to check every result and ensure all the jobs are processed. So for me the async client/worker wouldn't be a problem17:44
clarkbbut I think this situation is not a common usecase for gearman17:44
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vponomaryovSorry for interruption, guys from core team please look at
jeblairclarkb: yeah, well, actually, i would suspect that in most gearman cases, the failure of a worker to send status or completion messages is not actionable.  so i think it is pretty typical.17:45
jeblairclarkb: it's just at least now, you know it happened (and when); that would be slightly obscured if we go async everwhere.  but in either case, i expect most gearman clients to go "oh well".17:46
trinathsLonggeek: okay.17:46
jeblairclarkb, fungi: the gearman _clients_ however, will still know that the job failed, which is the important thing.17:47
clarkbjeblair: ya17:47
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fungiYorikSar: zuul/status.js on was updated 12 minutes after your change merged. you may simply have the old cached in your browser (i had to force-reload it in mine to see your fix show up in it)17:48
trinathsLonggeek: you customized CI ?17:48
Longgeektrinaths, yes.17:48
jeblairclarkb: i think i'd like to postpone the decision until monday.17:48
anteayawe have a lot of nodes in the delete state atm17:48
Longgeektrinaths, use openstack css、js.17:48
clarkbjeblair: wfm17:49
trinathsLonggeek: okay.. the dashboard is mor informative17:49
clarkbjeblair: just don't want it forgotten17:49
jeblairclarkb: if you wanted to burn in the async change over the weekend manually, that could be an option.17:49
jeblair(i did slam it with 1000 clients locally, but they're still a bit better behaved than the real system)17:49
trinathsLonggeek: Have you ever tried Triggering a new job from Zuul manually.17:50
clarkbjeblair: just pip install from source and restart the client/server/workers right?17:50
clarkbI am a little worried that the current workers don't seem to keep up with the demand when we swing back and forth between zuul restarts and so on17:51
Longgeektrinaths, manually? no.17:51
fungianteaya: probably hpcloud-region-b nodes going straight from building->delete after errors, but i'll check17:51
jeblairclarkb: yeah -- we're currently running with a manually patched gear that sets the default timeout to 300 in the same manner.17:51
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clarkbjeblair: ok I will start with 15 and 1617:52
jeblairclarkb: yeah, considering the nodepool state, we might want to hold off on anything like that untill some jobs actually manage to complete.  :)17:52
anteayafungi: yeah the fact that the amount is not decreasing is a red flag, thanks17:52
clarkbjeblair: that wfm17:52
trinathsLonggeek: I have just seen Zuul Openstack Doc.17:52
jeblairclarkb: oh, you're thinking of logstash!17:52
trinathsLonggeek: see
clarkbjeblair: ya :)17:53
jeblairclarkb: i was thinking of zuul.  either way.  :)17:53
clarkbjeblair: but we can burn it in with zuul isntead :) zuul is probably a better representive sample17:53
clarkbsince zuul actually does stuff with the job results17:53
trinathsLonggeek: It will help to trigger builds which we loose when u take CI to maintenance mode17:53
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trinathsLonggeek:: like, zuul enqueue --trigger gerrit --pipeline check --project openstack-dev/sandbox --change 94584,117:54
jeblairclarkb: it does look like we might need to throw in another logstash worker or two :/17:54
clarkbjeblair: or rip out the tempest logs that were added17:54
clarkbthey are super noisy and I think affecting the workers17:54
clarkbsdague: mriedem ^17:54
Longgeektrinaths, yes! it's working.17:55
krotscheckjeblair: So, no subfolders on specs?17:55
trinathsLonggeek: It failed for me :(17:56
trinathsI have job running already with jenkins17:56
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
jeblairkrotscheck: yeah, let's start without them and see what kind of specs and organizational problems we end up with.  we can reorg later if needed17:56
trinathsLonggeek: I think we need to do this if have A slave idle17:56
krotscheckkk, I’ll add the project to the name for easy sorting later.17:56
jeblairkrotscheck: sounds good17:57
mriedemclarkb: that's fine with me until we settle on what to do about tempest logs17:57
Longgeektrinaths, I have only one master17:57
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mriedemclarkb: we have a fingerprint for now for the one i wanted to use tempest.txt17:57
fungii think jenkins01 and jenkins02 may be mildly unhappy. i deleted a lot of stale ready nodes which were a few hours old, but they seem to keep accumulating them (nodepool thinks they're assigned, but they don't show up in the jenkins webui)17:58
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clarkbmriedem: I don't think it is a big problem yet17:58
clarkbmriedem: but may be on monday morning when the recheck staleness slams the gate17:58
trinathsLonggeek: Actually, What I understood is, We need to use this command when we want to trigger a job manually and we need to have a Jenkins Idle.17:59
trinathsLonggeek: Last one it failed to trigger. Now Since, the Jenkins is idle, It triggered the job17:59
Longgeektrinaths: I understand what you mean17:59
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fungiLonggeek: trinaths: i think what you're looking for is
Longgeektrinaths, However, you may not have so much time devoted to safeguard their ci18:00
fungiLonggeek: trinaths: the zuul client doesn't currently have an equivalent subcommand implemented, though it would be nice if that turned into one i think18:01
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Added specification for storyboard subscription
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fungiLonggeek: trinaths: oh, though if you're just talking about the check pipeline, then zuul enqueue is probably suitable for what you're doing18:02
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trinathsfungi: I have a use-case for this.18:02
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trinathsfungi: Some time back, I have issued an 'recheck' and suddenly, the system is shutdown. Hence, the reviewer asked me for my CI logs for the review. So I thought have some manual trigger rather than me posting 'recheck' comments to gerrit18:04
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fungitrinaths: Longgeek: is really more for re-running one specific job, with known parameters18:04
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fungitrinaths: yes, we do in fact use zuul enqueue to perform mass rechecks18:04
trinathsfungi: But will this really work when another job is in progress18:04
trinathsfungi: recently enqueue failed for me.18:05
trinathsfungi: it got passed when Jenkins is idle.18:05
fungitrinaths: if the change was already in the pipeline, then enqueue won't do anything i think18:05
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anteayasdague: so is for local development only? there is no movement to have vagrant accessible via infra, correct?18:06
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anteayaLonggeek: when you share links with people, it helps if you tell them why you are sharing the links18:08
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Longgeekanteaya, okey18:09
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anteayaLonggeek: thanks18:13
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bodepdmordred: know, you could write a function that queries the filesystem (to check yamldir) or somethign that queries puppetdb18:16
jeblairmordred: i left a couple of notes on your dib change.18:22
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trinathsLonggeek: did you get this error. GitCommandError: 'git merge -s resolve FETCH_HEAD' returned exit status 1: error: Merge requires file-level merging18:25
Longgeektrinaths, no18:25
clarkb56760 didn't merge because az2 killed a test node out from under it18:26
clarkbI have rechecked it18:26
fungifwiw, i've had a constant loop running in az2 for more than a week now trying to build a fresh py3k-precise image18:27
jeblairwe're still using az2?18:27
clarkbjeblair: yes18:27
clarkbbut don't worry we may not have the option very soon now18:27
clarkbmordred: ^ can you confirm or deny rumors of said thing18:28
fungii think there was hesitation to drop hpcloud 1.0 until the errors in 1.1 were worked out sufficiently that we could scale it back up18:28
jeblairi thought we went to all region-b with the split to 5 networks; did we go back?18:28
clarkbjeblair: we did not go to all region-b18:29
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clarkbwe have basically left 1.0 alone while 1.1 gets sorted18:29
fungii've got a test running right now to gauge roughly how many neutron ports we're leaking in hpcloud 1.1 per hour18:30
jeblairfungi: is there a nodepool bug?18:31
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fungijeblair: not sure it's a nodepool bug per se. seems that sometimes port deletion fails and we end up with ports not associated to an instance hanging around18:32
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trinathsHi!. I get this error on an 'recheck' to my neutron change in Zuul-merger .. - Error data18:32
trinathscan any one help me resolve the issue.18:32
jesusaurusjeblair: from 8 hours ago: 10:00:00      tteggel | hi infra we (hpcloud) think we have some insight into the high error rate you're seeing from us18:33
jesusaurus10:00:47      tteggel | there is a neutron port leak btween nova<-> neutron18:34
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jeblairtrinaths: i just asked our zuul to recheck it and it failed too.  that patch is simply unable to merge now and needs to be rebased.18:34
trinathsjeblair: okay. thanks. So, I need to post a new patch18:35
jeblairtrinaths: (note that in the merger log, that's logged at the DEBUG level because it's not an error in operation, just a normal inability to do a git merge)18:35
clarkbso fwiw I dont think fixing the port leaks will fix out 1.1 problems18:36
clarkbinstead I think that hp is doing work on their end that is just shifting the breakage. Once the port stuff is fixed we will just be back to where we were before18:36
trinathsjeblaoir: okay18:36
clarkbit just happens that port leakage makes us fail quicker right now18:36
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: remove unused jenkins plugins from masters
clarkbmordred: ^18:37
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clarkbmordred_phone: I think the leakage explains the shift from hard nova errors to 500 errors18:38
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clarkbso ya18:38
clarkbalso I don't think nodepool needs to grok port quotas and so on18:38
anteayatrinaths: if your irc client has tab-complete when you type in the first 3 letters of someone's irc nickname and press tab, the rest of the nickname should appear18:38
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clarkbwe just need to document what the quota needs of nodepool are18:38
anteayatrinaths: it saves typing it each time18:38
clarkb1 port per network per node18:39
clarkb+ router overhead18:39
jeblairclarkb: i thought we already did that18:39
mordred_phonewe don't want to account for leakage?18:39
clarkbjeblair: we probably do. mostly responding to mordred_phone saying we need to teach nodepool all the things18:39
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clarkbmordred_phone: honestly nova should do that18:39
mordred_phoneI mean, part of nodepoil is about dealing with situations we find in the real world18:40
clarkbbut in practice there will probably need to be some leak cleaning18:40
mordred_phonenova SHOULD just work18:40
mordred_phonebut that's fantasy18:40
clarkbalso would be super incredibly awesome if we didn't have work happen under us that makes the problems worse18:40
fungidstufft: if you happen to have a moment, could you weigh in on with any relevant advice for the author of that module?18:40
clarkbbut I don't think I can win that battle either :)18:40
mordred_phoneas we learn new failure modes, we account for them in nodepool18:40
mordred_phonethat's like a large part of the point18:41
clarkbmordred_phone: right but that is different than teaching nodepool about port quota18:41
clarkbfor example the alien nodes knows nothing about uqotas18:41
clarkbbecause you don't need to know about quota to delete unused ports18:42
jeblairi don't think we need to teach it about quota; but if we need to teach it to clean up, that's fine.18:42
clarkband scaling up and down is hard18:42
mordred_phonejeblair: ++18:42
jeblair(and we should totally grouse about how many things nodepool has to do to clean up :)18:42
trinathsanteaya: oh..! got it.. its worked.. thanks18:43
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anteayatrinaths: np (no problem)18:43
jeblairclarkb: but it sounds like the jury might still be out on whether we need to teach nodepool this thing or not, yeah?18:43
jeblair(eg, is this an hpcloud operational aberration, or a thing we should (reluctantly) expect)18:44
fungiit sounded like it was something they thought they could fix (and are working on actively)18:45
jeblairfungi: so we can wait and see18:46
openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Zuul user to add ssh config
fungiin the mean time they whipped up a fairly trivial client script i used to delete the unassociated ports (since you have to correlate per-instance and per-port info between novaclient and neutronclient to find them)18:47
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Disable proxies for tests that clone over http
openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Restrict tests SSH auth to only the provided key
Longgeekanteaya, fungi: I think my patch can solve this problem
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Create and upload wheels
jeblairmordred: ^18:49
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openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Zuul user to add ssh config
anteayaLonggeek: that's better18:51
Longgeekanteaya, :)18:52
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anteayaLonggeek: yeah okay I will +1 and I await fungi's comments18:53
Longgeekanteaya, Haha, thank you very much.18:53
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use nproc puppet apply processes when testing
fungiLonggeek: i really don't think that's a particularly good idea, at least not one we should be recommending as a default solution for end users of this configuration18:55
fungiLonggeek: also i updated the associated bug report with information on why that isn't a bug18:55
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Longgeekfungi, On this issue, there is no any good suggestions?18:57
fungiLonggeek: it may be possible for us to improve the zuul puppet module to make it easier for deployers to insert the host keys for the services to which they expect zuul to be connecting, but just disabling host key verification by default is encouraging lax security18:57
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fungiLonggeek: perhaps modifying modules/zuul/manifests/init.pp to take a variable for the remote gerrit's public host key and then using puppet's line-based file management to keep that entry updated in the known_hosts file would be one solution18:59
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fungiLonggeek: we may already be doing some known_hosts management for other services in openstack-infra/config... i'll take a look and see if i can spot a good example18:59
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Longgeekfungi, see
signed8bitQuick question about the "Running your own CI infrastructure" docs. Is the referenced CI config repository this or something else?19:01
fungisigned8bit: yes19:01
signed8bitgreat thanks fungi19:02
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anteayaLonggeek: usually we discuss in channel whether something is a bug or not19:03
anteayaLonggeek: or already has a bug report for it19:03
fungiLonggeek: that particular instance is because the jenkins master needs to log into random nodepool-created nodes and can't know in advance what their host keys will be, and the risk of a man-in-the-middle attack exposing anything sensitive there is effectively nonexistent, so it's one very rare occasion where we do disable host key checking19:04
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fungiLonggeek: but for the connection from zuul to gerrit, the host key should change very, very rarely (we intentionally changed it once, and quite recently, as a best effort measure to contain potential risk from the heartbleed vulnerability)19:05
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Longgeekfungi, Understand19:06
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
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fungiLonggeek: here's an example where we manage a known_hosts file in puppet...
Longgeekfungi, See
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1325059 in zuul "zuul-merge Host key verification failed" [Undecided,Invalid]19:11
fungiLonggeek: then those gerrit_host and gerrit_ssh_host_key variables can be passed in when the class is instantiated19:11
clarkbfungi: jeblair my find | xargs hack in 96897 reduces the config test time to ~3 minutes from ~10 minutes19:11
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the new hostname to /etc/hosts in prepare_node
fungiclarkb: there is also an alternative to -exec which will basically do the same19:12
* fungi finds it19:13
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fungiclarkb: see "-exec command {} +" in the manpage19:14
fungiavoids a separate pipe to xargs19:14
jesusaurusfungi: but that doesnt let you batch the commands like clarkb is doing in that change19:15
* fungi actually looks at the change ;)19:15
jesusaurusthe magic is in the $(nprocs)19:15
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fungiohh! yes, very ingenious clarkb. selective parallelixation19:17
anteayaLonggeek: look at the status for that bug, fungi has marked it invalid19:20
Longgeekanteaya: yes, I have all the patch are set to abandoned19:22
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anteayaLonggeek: great19:24
LonggeekI went to sleep, tomorrow continue to look for bug19:25
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openstackgerritDarragh Bailey proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Restrict tests SSH auth to only the provided key
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
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fungiclarkb: mordred_phone: jeblair: it looks like over the hour my script waited, 3 neutron ports leaked in region b19:35
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fungiso the rate of accumulation doesn't currently seem dire19:35
fungibut it will pile up over time if they don't get this solved19:36
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openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
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openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
anteayaLonggeek: actually if you want to be helpful, you can ask us what should be fixed19:41
anteayaLonggeek: it will save time for both of us19:41
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Longgeekanteaya, okey.19:45
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Longgeekanteaya: So, This file can not be found in the same jquery-visibility.min.js, which need to fix it.
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
jeblairfungi: ack19:51
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fungiLonggeek: good catch. either etc/status/public_html/index.html could be changed to use the un-minified version (and have etc/status/ download that) or perhaps a minifier could be used in the script19:52
Alex_GaynorI'm trying to test my changes to puppet, and seeing the message: "Error: Could not find default node or by name with '' on node", anyone know what that means?19:54
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish troveclient documentation
clarkbjeblair: fungi: mordred_phone: should we add that script as a cron in nodepool?19:56
clarkband have it run ~hourly?19:56
mordred_phoneis there a downside to running it?19:56
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Publish troveclient documentation
trinathsHi Stackers!  Freescale CI is now active. For any recheck, issue 'recheck freescale'...19:57
fungimordred_phone: it makes... a LOT of nova and neutron api calls19:57
fungimordred_phone: then again, so does nodepool ;)19:57
pleia2trinaths: glad to hear your recheck was sorted out :)19:57
fungimordred_phone: clarkb: jeblair: i vote we give hp a few days to clear up whatever they think they can fix, and then see if it's still an issue before we sink effort into running it out of cron19:58
anteayatrinaths: thanks for keeping us up to date, you might enjoy this page:
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clarkbfungi: that works for me19:58
anteayatrinaths: which is a status page that the vmware minesweeper ci folks maintain19:59
trinathspleia2: yes.. happy now.. we had a working CI before, but yesterday, there was an HDD issue where it went down. today we upgraded the same. Its started testing.. :-)19:59
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clarkbI am a bit concerned that this whole port thing has shifted the attention from the older issues, but nothing we can do about that19:59
notmynamedstufft: Alex_Gaynor told me you are the person to talk to. I'm looking for some more info on pypi downloads, and I'm hoping you can help (and we can take this to another channel if needed)19:59
Alex_Gaynordstufft: notmyname is the swift PTL20:00
trinathsanteaya: this one ..20:00
Longgeekfungi, I can go to fix it?20:00
dstufftnotmyname: heya20:00
mordred_phoneclarkb: yeah. one thing at q time I think20:00
anteayatrinaths: yes, that was the url I posted for you20:01
dstufftnotmyname: I don't really care about channel as long as -infra doesn't care ;)20:01
dstufftnotmyname: what do you need20:01
mordred_phoneclarkb: the older issues might be capacity/scheduling related20:01
clarkbmordred_phone: sure they just keep adding things :)20:01
notmynamedstufft: I was looking at and hoping for more long-term download numbers (ie a trend line)20:01
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
fungiLonggeek: i'd be curious to also get jeblair's and possibly jhesketh's opinions on it since they've got some history with the zuul status dashboard and may have better ideas for how to deal with the jquery-visibility problem20:02
jeblairhuh, you can comment on files in gerrit without commenting on an actual line.20:02
fungijeblair: ooh, where?20:02
dstufftlol ocsp20:02
fungijeblair: api call i assume?20:02
dstufft I don't want it later OCSP ;(20:02
jeblairfungi: no,
jeblairfungi: apparently if you double click on the header (where it says "patch set .." you get a prompt there)20:02
dstufftnotmyname: so like, I don't have that data in a thing that i can make a graph20:03
jeblairthis breaks gertty20:03
dstuffter easily I mean20:03
dstufftnotmyname: I do hav eit in a postgresql database20:03
Longgeekfungi, ok20:03
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
dstufftso I can probably create a dump of that database that contains just python-swiftclient and send it to you, and then you can do whatever you want with it?20:03
fungijeblair: ooh, it's that odd yellow icon at the top-right corner of the diff display20:03
dstufftnotmyname: does that sound reasonable ^^?20:03
Longgeekjeblair, This file can not be found in the same jquery-visibility.min.js, which need to fix it.
notmynamedstufft: that would be great! thanks. can you send it to me@not.mn20:04
jeblairfungi: aaah20:04
fungiseems to do the same as double-clicking the file header20:04
dstufftnotmyname: it'll probably be sometime this weekend till I get around to it unless it's an emergency/pressing need20:04
jeblairLonggeek: okay, so we have puppet run the yahoo js minifier on status.o.o for that i think.20:04
notmynamedstufft: no, this weekend is fine. thanks20:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Define Jenkins Job for Aviator
mordred_phonejeblair: that's right, but not on zuul.o.o20:04
fungijeblair: mordred_phone: and also not in the download script in the zuul repo20:05
mordred_phonewhich is the module he's trying to use20:05
jeblairmordred_phone, Longgeek: so i would think we'd want to do the some thing in the zuul module20:05
dstufftnotmyname: ok, if I forget just yell at me20:05
notmynamedstufft: ok. thanks :-)20:05
Longgeekjeblair: I think this document is necessary to fix it, See README
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
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openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
Longgeekjeblair: Users see the README document, he would try to perform fetch *. Sh, then there will be a 404 error.20:08
mordred_phonejust as a warning ... I'm about to take off on a 10 hour daytime flight with in seat power20:09
clarkbmordred_phone: are you warning us that there will be lots of code to review in ~11 hours?20:09
mordred_phonethis means, of course, I expect to push up about a hundred patches when I land20:09
clarkbmordred_phone: you could review lots of code instead20:09
jeblairLonggeek: sure it should probably run that20:09
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clarkbbecause gertty allows that20:09
mordred_phonebut I'm also going to review20:09
fungimordred_phone: i'll make sure to shore up the rigging holding gerrit together for when you submit your touchdown change flurry20:09
mordred_phonegertty is locked and loaded20:09
jeblairclarkb, mordred_phone: ++ yay lots of reviews :)20:10
Longgeekjeblair: Yes.20:10
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
mordred_phoneI was thinking a total refactoring of our puppet is long overdue ... ;)20:10
jeblair!/story/120  file level comment bug20:11
trinathsbye.. leaving for the day20:11
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mordred_phonekrotscheck: that bug looks both great and bad on my phone in portrait mode ^^20:12
clarkbbtw I am approving things with a single +2 on stuff that is straightforward or was otherwise requested by other core reviewers20:12
krotscheckmordred_phone: Checking20:12
mordred_phonekrotscheck: in landscape it's great. portrait it horizontal scrolls weirdly20:12
krotscheckmordred_phone: Using chrome to simulate. Looks like we need whitespace breaking and better mobile handling for actual content.20:13
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
mordred_phonekrotscheck: I mean, it's still sexy on the phone :) I'm using Firefox on android, fwiw20:14
jesusaurusAlex_Gaynor: can we put that new puppet module in its own repo/project?20:15
krotscheckmordred_phone: Thankfully, Chrome and Firefox mostly agree on what CSS should look like.20:15
jeblairsdague: can you review 9431120:15
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* mordred_phone just edited a story on his phone20:16
openstackgerritDan Bode proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add puppet-pip as a unique project
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
fungimordred_phone: i can't wait to see cell phone autocorrect errors in bug reports. that's going to be awesomebad20:16
mordred_phoneamusingly enough, I just corrected a typo20:17
clarkbfungi: see comment on 9583620:17
fungiand people are going to start filing bugs in (worse) txtspeak20:17
clarkbalso you can tell who uses gertty because we have all stopped giving full links to changes20:17
fungiclarkb: oops--thanks!20:18
krotschecklol omg20:18
openstackgerritDan Bode proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add project for zuul
krotscheckI can just see it: SB haz a bug, u suk20:18
jesusaurusclarkb: sounds like you should add a filter that looks for \d{5}20:18
mordred_phonekrotscheck: ++20:18
clarkbjesusaurus: pretty soon will need to be \d{5,6} \o/20:19
mordred_phonejesusaurus: it's about to hit 620:19
clarkbjuno already feels like a cycle of writing no code :( there is so much to review20:20
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anteayaBroken pipe? is that a net split by a different name?20:22
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* mordred_phone is a net split by a different name20:24
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Allow nodepool standalone puppet install
fungia net split by any other name would smell as sweet20:25
openstackgerritDan Bode proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add project for jenkins
openstackgerritAlex Gaynor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added a puppet module for livegrep.
jeblairmordred_phone: do you have an opinion on 95257 ?20:25
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, re specs - IMO we could have some folders like "gate" (zuul, nodepool, etc.), "storyboard", etc.20:26
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, but anyway we should start using specs itself ;)20:27
fungimordred_phone: worth noting, 95257 was prompted by the release of tempest 120:27
mgagneis there any official work in progress for the new Gerrit UI?20:27
clarkbmgagne: no, we just use workflow -120:28
clarkbmgagne: there is a plugin that will give draft change more WIP like semantics though20:28
clarkb_david_ is writing/wrote it20:28
mgagneclarkb: haha, let me reword that: Is someone writing a new Gerrit UI atm?20:28
clarkbmgagne: oh, jeblair has gertty. You can find it at stackforge/gertty and several of us have been alpha testing it20:29
clarkbit works great, but has some rough edges20:29
mordred_phonejeblair: I don't REALLY like it, but I don't dislike it enough to, you know complain or block20:29
fungimgagne: you might want to ask phschwartz about that too20:29
jeblairmgagne: phschwartz is starting work on the vinz project which is a new webui20:29
openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Modify jquery-visibility.js url
mgagneclarkb: anything else non-cli based?20:29
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jeblairmgagne: it's in planning; no code yet20:30
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only include selinux bits on rhel-based systems
jeblairmgagne: let me find you some docs20:30
jeblairmgagne: fungi wins20:30
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SergeyLukjanovclarkb, re openstackgerrit - I don't find any issues except disconnects from freenode (random), I've restarted it several times and it was working for a half of day after it20:31
mordred_phonejeblair: I don't grok not just using 1.0.x ... but I admit to not having really engaged the problem space20:31
mgagnejeblair: alright. I showed Gerrit to some people here and they all had the same comment: "Where is the code to review?" "Oh, you have to scroll down passed the list of reviewers and the 25 old patch sets. =)"20:31
clarkbI feel like mordred should have a maximum of 20 changes with -1's and he can't push more changes until he pushes fixes for those -1s >_>20:31
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: thanks20:31
mgagnejeblair: looking for a way to make it more usable for those people =)20:31
mordred_phoneclarkb: you wanna write the prolog for that?20:32
SergeyLukjanovsorry, I was afk for last ~6 hours, some jet lag sleep20:32
jeblairmgagne: ha, yeah, i could see that.20:32
mordred_phonemgagne: def chat with the vinz folks then20:32
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mgagnejeblair: in fact, the comment were more: "Good lord..."20:32
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: you never have to apologize for sleeping.  or being afk briefly late on a friday night.  :)20:32
Longgeekjeblair, fungi: The patch , Fix the problem solved url 40420:33
clarkbmordred_phone: not really, but I am going through my review list and hitting v on a lot of mordred changes that are -1 for some valid reason20:33
clarkbmordred_phone: so I think I have solved the problem for myself :)20:33
mordred_phoneI've been working through those20:33
dhellmannclarkb, mordred_phone: sorry I wasn't around for the merge on the pypi upload thing, did everything go ok?20:34
jeblairLonggeek: thanks20:34
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clarkbdhellmann: well nothing has exploded yet, but I think we need to release something to really see20:35
jeblairI don't know Stephan Renatus; who else should we make sure reviews his chef test changes?20:35
clarkbjeblair: I am going to bump 85204 one more time before the weekend :)20:36
clarkbjeblair: jaypipes would know20:36
clarkbbut he seems to not be here20:36
jeblairclarkb: does bump mean i should review now or wait for you to do something then review?20:36
clarkbjeblair: review now20:36
dhellmannclarkb: ok, I have a pending regular release for oslo.config that I could use but that's likely to break all sorts of things. I was hoping to test with a pre-release of oslo.i18n since no one is using that yet.20:36
clarkbdhellmann: that works20:37
clarkbcan you do an arbitrary prerelease because it isn't used yet?20:37
clarkbor do we need to wait for a specific commit?20:37
SergeyLukjanovheh, 10 mins for reading scrollback ;)20:38
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SergeyLukjanov+ 2 [00:20:02]  <clarkb> juno already feels like a cycle of writing no code :( there is so much to review20:38
dhellmannclarkb: well, I was hoping to have one or two things landed but I could do an arbitrary release20:38
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Disable Gerrit auto-abandon
dhellmannclarkb: monday?20:38
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clarkbdhellmann: monday is fine20:39
dhellmannclarkb: cool, I'll set up a reminder20:39
jeblairdhellmann: do you have an rtfd template patch?20:40
jeblairi thought i saw something about that, and i'm reviewing a change that adds rtfd to a stackforge project and want to know whether to -1 it for rebasing20:41
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clarkbI am going to manually noop apply 93867 to review.o.o momentarily and will disable puppet there while I do that20:42
jeblairhere it is
dhellmannjeblair: you beat me to it20:42
jeblairi searched for "project:openstack-infra/config message:rtfd"20:43
jeblairthe searching in gerrit is getting usable ;)20:43
clarkber 9368720:43
dhellmannjeblair: nice20:43
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openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix variable name
clarkbwoot its clean approving20:47
fungii'm going to pop out to an early dinner, but intend to be back soonish20:47
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clarkband puppet is enabled on review.o.o again20:48
jeblairfungi: enjoy.  fwiw i intend to engage in solid fridaying after i'm done.  you and SergeyLukjanov are bad role models.  :)20:48
clarkbjeblair: done? the work is never done20:48
jeblairclarkb: when gertty fits in a fungi-sized window.  :)20:48
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I've already slept for 3 hours, awesome fridaying20:49
clarkbjeblair: also thank you for approving zuul test refactor20:49
clarkbI have beer thirty plans myself20:49
clarkbwill leave in about 2 hours20:49
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* mordred_phone just has to settle for plane wine20:50
jeblairthere's a martini under a tree with my name on it20:50
mordred_phoneoh. nice20:50
clarkbhrm now I want to be back in hawaii20:51
jeblairclarkb: just now?20:51
clarkbjeblair: I drank a lot of martinis on the deck in hawaii20:52
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clarkbsanity check on 95611, does the - need the two \\s?20:52
clarkbfungi: jesusaurus jeblair mordred_phone ^20:52
clarkbjesusaurus: yes well. vodka on ice with an olive20:53
pleia2between hpcloud's networking and jboss being jboss, I am going to so need my fridaying20:53
clarkbpleia2: indeed20:53
pleia2I do have a jboss interface up now though, time to apply zanata (wish me luck)20:53
Longgeekfungi, jeblair: Use a symlink in zuul::init in, That we should replace the symlink with an install step like we use in openstack_project::status. How?20:53
clarkbpleia2: woot gl20:54
mordred_phonepleia2: good luck!!!20:54
jesusaurusclarkb: no, im pretty sure it doesnt need \\20:55
mordred_phoneOK. plane taking off. international, so no WiFi. see you on the other side20:55
clarkbjesusaurus: why did the old code have the \\-?20:55
clarkboh its allowing for \ in there isn't it20:55
jeblairmordred_phone: have a nice international!20:55
clarkbfor whatever reason I read it as escape the - and +20:55
clarkbbut its escaping \ so that you can have a literal \20:55
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anteayamordred_phone: have fun20:56
jesusaurusoh, i was reading it as escaping the + but that - wouldnt need to be escaped20:56
jesusaurusbut youre right, its allowing for a literal \20:56
jeblairclarkb: i agree.  though i don't know why.20:56
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anteayasvarnau: hey there20:56
anteayaso svarnau is duking it out with a corp firewall that blocks 2941820:57
clarkbI am testing it with python now and it isn't quite doing what I expect20:57
anteayahe has figured it out for himself but now he has to shepherd others20:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add slavescript to grab console log
clarkbgoing to try to understand a bit more before approving20:57
anteayado we have docs on how to access port 29418 by getting around a firewall?20:57
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jesusaurusclarkb: fwiw jeblair has already approved 9561120:57
jeblairclarkb: i have removed my aprv20:58
jeblairjesusaurus: (just did)20:58
svarnauRight, as anteaya says, I'm looking for recommended approach20:58
anteayado we have a recommended approach?20:58
clarkbso the - needs escaping but not at the end of the []20:58
clarkbso its ok at the end there20:58
clarkb+ is automagically escaped because []20:59
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jeblairsvarnau, anteaya: the approach i would recommend would be to ask your corporate firewall administrators to allow outgoing connections to that port (and all others that they have no explicit reason to block)20:59
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jesusaurusclarkb: wouldnt - only need to be escaped if its at the beginning of the [] ?20:59
jesusauruswhy was it escaped before?21:00
jeblairsvarnau, anteaya: being able to use services on the internet will greatly increase ones ability to collaborate with others.21:00
clarkbjesusaurus: it wasn't escaped before but it needs escpaing if between two characters as it can specify a range21:00
clarkbr ='( [\w\\+-]*)*', ' Work\flow+1') only matches 'Work' though21:00
clarkbit does not match the entire string21:00
jeblairclarkb: oh right21:00
clarkbso I am not convinced the \\ is correct there21:00
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mmaglanahi #openstack-infra, if gate-config-puppet-apply failed, does it mean the config changes has not taken effect? and do i need to do anything about it or will that get fixed on its own? i'm seeing the failure here:
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clarkbjesusaurus: ^ you can explain it :)21:01
jesusaurusmmaglana: gate-config-puppet-apply is not yet voting21:01
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anteayasvarnau: any thoughts?21:02
clarkbopenstackgerrit come back to us21:02
jesusaurusmmaglana: right now we expect that test to fail, but soon it will start passing reliably and it will be turned on21:02
SergeyLukjanovprobably, we should finish him...21:03
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, ^^21:03
svarnaujeblair, I thought there were a lot of HP folks here that are in my same boat.21:03
clarkbjesusaurus: jeblair oh gah figured it out. the second string was not a raw string so \f was treated as an escape21:03
clarkbI think I am now happy with the change21:03
Longgeekfungi: etc/status/public_html/index.html: Now is the use of the name, I just updated the url, and no new filename
mmaglanathanks jesusaurus. the reason i'm asking is because i tried a test patch for aviator and got a noop result from jenkins ( wanted to check if it's because of that or it's just because i did something wrong with the config. :)21:03
clarkbjeblair: I will approve unless you see some reason not to after all that21:03
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clarkbmmaglana: I think you just need more patience21:04
clarkbmmaglana: if you give it a try now I would expect it to work21:04
mmaglanaclarkb: haha. where can i buy that patience thing?21:04
clarkbbut ~15 minutes after merging is often not long enough for it to trickle thorugh21:04
Longgeekclarkb, anteaya, fungi, jeblair: Use a symlink in zuul::init( in, That we should replace the symlink with an install step like we use in openstack_project::status( How?21:04
mmaglanaclarkb: cool thanks! :)21:04
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jeblairsvarnau: i think there probably are.  mordred could probably point you in the right direction but he's on a plane.  i don't know if clarkb has an answer for you.21:05
tteggel_clarkb: can you elaborate on the older issues with hpcloud or point me to bugs etc?21:05
anteayahi again tteggel_21:06
clarkbsvarnau: so I am told that it should be fixed at some point in the future21:06
jeblairtteggel_: oh hi, thanks for stopping by.  :)21:06
tteggel_anteaya: hi21:06
tteggel_jeblair: hi!21:06
clarkbsvarnau: in the mean time you can use a socks proxy or fire up a vm in public cloud or use openvpn21:06
clarkbtteggel_: so a few days back all nodes ended up in an ERROR state21:06
clarkbtteggel_: the port issue seemed to report as a 500 error instead21:07
svarnauclarkb, THanks. socks proxy, like "corkscrew"?21:07
clarkbso there was a shift from nodes being scheduled and erroring to things stopping more quickly and returning 50021:07
tteggel_we've had a rough week in public cloud. neutron has been... chellenging...21:07
clarkbsvarnau: that may work21:08
clarkbsvarnau: I think there is already a socks proxy you can use then just tsocks git21:08
clarkbsvarnau: I personally use the openvpn21:08
svarnauclarkb, Okay, good. Thanks much.21:08
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anteayatteggel_: are the neutron challenges you have faced documented?21:09
anteayatteggel_: or do you feel that there needs to be some debriefing about your experience?21:10
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clarkbnew recheck syntax approved21:11
tteggel_anteaya: internally yes. externally only what is posted at
tteggel_anteaya: root cause analysis ongoing for this week's oustages21:13
anteayatteggel_: if you want to share your data with neutron devs, say the word21:13
anteayatteggel_: I'll set it up21:13
tteggel_anteaya: thanks. not my call. will speak with the appropriate folks on Monday21:14
anteayaaveraging two incidents a day21:14
tteggel_yup. been one of those weeks21:14
anteayaI'm surprised you are here and not out drinking21:14
tteggel_i'm at the bottom of a bottle of rioja21:15
anteayatteggel_: offer stands, anyone who wants to take me up on it can ping me here21:15
anteayatteggel_: good to hear it21:15
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tteggel_clarkb: FWIW we think the port leak issue is an upstream issue and are working with nova/neutron to fix.21:16
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mmaglanaif jenkins complains that it can't find ruby1.9.1, is it because of the fact that i didn't add "#!/bin/bash -xe" to the top of the job's shell script?21:18
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1324934 in nova "port leak when instance is deleted before ACTIVE" [Undecided,New]21:18
clarkbmmaglana: no21:18
clarkbmmaglana: canyou link to an example of that?21:18
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jesusaurusis that version of ruby hard-coded and a different version of ruby on the f20 slaves?21:20
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clarkboh right f20 would be different21:21
clarkbwhy did that job run on f2021:21
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clarkbapparently node is not something we default?21:22
jeblairclarkb: we usually set it per-project21:23
jeblair(so we say "nova can run on trusty now, start using it")21:24
anteayatteggel_: I just talked to the person in neutron in charge of bugs for the project21:24
clarkbjeblair: mmaglana
clarkbI will self approve that shortly21:25
clarkbif no one beats me to it21:25
mmaglanaclarkb: thanks!21:25
tteggel_anteaya: thanks. that bug is light on details right now.21:25
tteggel_anteaya: we will augment next week21:25
anteayaI look forward to it21:25
tteggel_anteaya: we have tons of logs to send your way!21:26
jesusaurusclarkb: jeblair: does that mean that the jenkins slaves dont have the 'only run jobs with this label' option checked?21:26
anteayatteggel_: logs are great21:26
clarkbjesusaurus: they have no label21:26
clarkboh you mean on the slave? I guess not21:26
jeblairjesusaurus, clarkb: i believe they do have it checked21:27
jeblairjesusaurus: "Leave this machine for tied jobs only"21:28
jesusaurusjeblair: thats the one21:28
jeblairjesusaurus: however, that's more or less ineffective now21:28
jeblairjesusaurus: node selection actually happens via gearman21:29
tteggel_i'm now going to go read a good book and pass out. nice chatting with you all.21:29
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jesusaurusjeblair: ahh21:29
jeblairjesusaurus: so since the job did not specify a node, all nodes registered being able to run it, and one was selected at random21:29
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jeblairjesusaurus: clarkb's change will cause only the $whatever nodes to register the job with gearman21:30
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jesusaurusi see, so if there's no node specified, then all nodes register for the job21:30
jeblairyep.  and all registrations happen in a couple of ways21:33
jeblairjesusaurus: if the job is foo, then it registers "build:foo" and "build:foo:nodetype" for every node type it can run on21:34
jeblairjesusaurus: so zuul can invoke "build:foo" if it doesn't care where it runs (eg, run wherever the job says it can run), or "build:foo:nodetype" if zuul wants it to run on a specific label21:35
jeblairjesusaurus: we almost always do the first thing and let jjb be the deciding factor.  but the other exists if we need to, for instance, run a job on a different label for a certain stable branch21:35
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jeblairclarkb: you just passed me in my review queue!21:37
jeblairnow you're approving all the changes right before i get to them instead of the other way around ;)21:37
clarkbjeblair: well I started in the middle ish21:39
clarkbI have been trying to be aggressive with 'v' to mark things that need work and just ignore and move on21:39
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clarkbI put mordred_phone's change atop that21:43
clarkbso we can do it in two steps21:43
jeblairclarkb: aprvd21:43
clarkbtteggel: ^ no pressure but we are going to depend on 1.1 now :)21:44
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jeblairdhellmann: can you review 96247 ?21:47
fungi~200 lines of scrollback while i ate dinner. wow21:50
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tteggelclarkb: it's all good. you will make us better and we will make you better and so it goes.21:50
fungijeblair: i need to do some fridaying too, and will likely engage in such shortly, once i catch up a little more21:51
jeblairgood good!21:51
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harlowja_is it possible to get a quick review of (just a version bump); been sitting for a while now21:54
clarkbI think we should make zigo review all of those now >_>21:55
clarkbfungi: maybe you can explain why a bundled python lib like six is problematic for packaging?21:55
clarkbit should be namespaced under whatever python thing is doing the bundling21:56
clarkband its open source etc etc21:56
clarkbtl;dr why does it matter21:56
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jeblairclarkb: it makes updates harder; if six has a security update, then $distro has to find all the packages that bundle six and make sure they are updated21:57
harlowja_i made zake, no six built-in ;)21:57
jeblairclarkb: rather than, you know, just updating six using the radical concept of shared library linking21:58
harlowja_jeblair maybe we should ask the six folks to remove there things saying 'go ahead and copy it'21:58
clarkbright I Think six is a special case due to what it is21:58
jeblairclarkb: oh, i was responding to "like six" rather than "specifically six due to its unique circumstances".21:59
jeblairclarkb: however, i sort of struggle to see what's so special about six21:59
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clarkbits just a shim on top of python22:00
clarkba lot of projects have their own22:00
clarkbsix is a standardish one22:00
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clarkbit doesn't provide any services and so on22:00
clarkbbut I can see it potentially having vulnerabilities in some of its wrappers22:00
clarkbparticularly around the bytestring vs unicode stuff22:01
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harlowja_93156 (contains no six, and is dolphin-free)22:04
harlowja_only real tuna ^22:04
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fungiclarkb: you mean for the git-review change which added six for texttype?22:05
fungiclarkb: oh, bundling22:05
fungiclarkb: i think i'm missing some context22:05
clarkbfungi: ya zigo started a thread about it due to what wrapt does bundling six22:05
fungithat's what i get for not keeping on top of e-mail22:07
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harlowja_fungi ya, i responded (since i put up the request for wrapt); although the whole thing seems to be ok after zigo talked to the developer (and a little back and forth)22:09
fungigot it22:09
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Longgeekclarkb, anteaya, fungi, jeblair: Use a symlink in zuul::init( in, That we should replace the symlink with an install step like we use in openstack_project::status( How?22:10
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anteayahi Longgeek22:12
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Longgeekanteaya, hi22:12
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anteayaLonggeek: I'm not sure how to use a symlink22:13
fungianteaya: the current code in modules/zuul/manifests/init.pp creates a symlink from the web docroot to a file in the vcsrepo clone22:13
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fungianteaya: i think the question is how to go about replacing that symlink with a step which minifies the file from teh vcsrepo clone and puts the result in the docroot, as we do in modules/openstack_project/manifests/status.pp22:14
clarkbjeblair: fungi before you go incoming change to fix a thing that needs fixing22:14
anteayafungi: is that this line of code: ensure  => link,22:15
fungianteaya: yes22:15
Longgeekanteaya: puppet file resource link22:15
anteayaah, yes I was not fully cognizant of what the question was22:15
fungiLonggeek: so really, what i meant was that we can just copy the same mechanism we're using to run the minifier, instead of using the file object with ensure=>link22:15
fungisince there is no longer a minified version to which to link22:16
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fungiclarkb: watching for it22:16
anteayaalso, for those keen to test something, nova has kindly gotten behind tteggel's bug report and there is a patch up:
clarkbjeblair: fungi ^22:16
fungiopenstackgerrit isn't going to tell us :/22:16
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fungiclarkb: criminy22:17
Longgeekfungi: use link?not use link?22:17
fungiLonggeek: not use link22:17
Longgeekfungi:okey! :)22:18
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Longgeekfungi:zuul::init All not use link?22:18
fungiLonggeek: i think just for jquery-visibility.min.js22:19
fungiLonggeek: that's the one which needs fixing22:19
fungiLonggeek: thanks!22:20
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fungiclarkb: perhaps we can start making use of filename searches in gerrit when we notice we're approving a change which moves existing stuff, in case there are other changes which need to be reworked as a result22:20
fungii will try to remember to do that22:21
clarkbfungi: ya I think you get a full path when you open the file though22:21
fungierm, okay22:21
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fungiyeah, my initial tries to match on parts of paths is not getting me anywhere with it22:22
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Alex_Gaynorclarkb, jeblair: Sorry about all the noise, the livegrep stuff should be ready for review now :-)22:28
sdaguejeblair: +1 on
sdaguejust got back from NYC so was disconnected for much of the day22:28
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Longgeekfungi:I have uploaded the patch. See
fungiopenstackgerrit: didn't return quite soon enough i guess22:33
clarkbsdague: can you confirm I am not crazy on 96723 and 9670922:34
clarkbsdague: you are the resident devstack expert so I defer to you22:34
sdaguelet me look22:34
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sdagueclarkb: oh, these are sridhar's patches22:35
sdagueI was just looking at those today with sc68cal22:35
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sdagueyeh, this is not the way we want to do this I don't think22:35
anteayayou were in NYC with sc68cal today? how did it go?22:36
clarkbsdague: right, if this is required for neutron then devstack should just do it22:36
anteayasdague: ^^22:36
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fungiLonggeek: i noted one thing for you on 96968, but otherwise i think that should work great22:36
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sdagueclarkb: well the issue is, it's actually a feature that doesn't exist in icehouse, but does in juno22:36
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sdagueso this might actually be part of the devstack-gate feature grid22:37
clarkbsdague: I don't think that matters devstack is smart enough to figure that out22:37
Longgeekfungi: 96968 where wrong?22:37
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clarkbsdague: but more importantly it is billed as required22:37
clarkbat least what little commit message we have implies that22:38
clarkb(also we are really bad at writing the why of a thing in commit messages)22:38
sdaguewhich I'm going to work on these kinds of capability selection on monday. Though I think you might be right that we might be able to even just do the right thing in devstack22:38
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sdaguethe issue they have right now is there are tempest tests which need to feature select on this22:38
sdaguehowever, in general, I agree, the 2 patches up there aren't the right way to do this22:38
sdagueand I'll help figure out something better next week22:39
fungiLonggeek: your -o option isn't calling the output file jquery-visibility.min.js (it's leaving out the .min)22:39
apevecI noticed some stable patches are ignored by Zuul e.g.
Longgeekfungi: I see.22:39
fungiLonggeek: the input filename at the end is fine, just the -o output filename22:39
fungineeds fixing22:39
sdagueanteaya: it was very good. got my brain full of some ipv6 context which I think will be very useful in helping us get our ipv6 bits up to snuff.22:39
anteayasdague: yay22:39
anteayaI'm so happy you were able to have the meeting22:40
fungisdague: awesome. i loves me some ipv622:40
jesusaurusAlex_Gaynor: for the livegrep module, can we put that in its own gerrit project? I'm try to break out all of the modules into their own projects22:40
apeveczaneb approved it more than 24h ago, but check was not triggered?22:40
clarkbsdague: if I have an opinion on this stuff it should just be enabled all the time22:40
anteayaapevec: which patch?22:40
clarkbsdague: there is no reason not to ipv6 on a single node install22:40
sdagueclarkb: sure22:40
fungisdague: i've planned and executes some rather massive ipv6 roll-outs for service provider networks, so i'm always happy to provide some insight as well22:41
apevecanteaya, one example, there are more
clarkbapevec: interesting22:41
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anteayaapevec: we had some gerrit/zuul downtime which might have missed it22:41
Longgeekfungi: See
Alex_Gaynorjesusaurus: that's fine for me. Does it make sense to land it and then move it though? Seems like a high barrier to need a new repo and everything that goes with that in order to add a new service22:41
clarkbya that may be it22:41
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clarkbapevec: can you recheck no bug one of them?22:41
jeblairanteaya: yeah, i think the timing is right for that22:41
apevecok, lemme try22:41
anteayaI did22:42
sdaguethe actual issue, which this is getting us near, is that most real deployments are going to need provider network support in neutron, because the openstack operators won't have admin level flow control on their edge routers22:42
anteayait is now in the check queue22:42
Longgeekfungi: output file can not be. min.js on a patch I've named. js22:42
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anteayaapevec: yeah the patch has to have some check test results before it can hear approved22:42
sdagueso was actually thinking about how to simulate that in devstack so we can test that common path22:42
anteayaapevec: so recheck no bug anything that is stalled22:42
apevecok, thanks!22:43
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sdaguebecause right now all our neutron testing kind of assumes you own everything22:43
anteayaapevec: thanks for speaking up22:43
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clarkbsdague: I would imagine that if you don't have that kind of access you will be given a list of VLANs and told to use them22:43
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use except x as y instead of except x, y
clarkbsdague: so maybe you setup openvswitch with a few VLANs and force neutron to glom into that rather than start from scratch22:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Reduce min-ready for tripleo nodes
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move slave scripts to new slave script location
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Cleanup some {lang} manual jobs
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sdagueclarkb: well actually, what you end up with is maybe 1 VLAN that you are handed, and the neutron provider network support lets you do as many tenant vlan tags as you want internally, then translates them to your provided vlans for egress22:45
sdagueand back22:45
sdaguesc68cal has some interesting ideas on making a fake router like this in devstack so we could simulate that case, which I think would be goodness22:45
clarkbI don't think you need a fake router22:46
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fungiLonggeek: oh, good point... at we're just installing etc/status/public_html/index.html directly from the zuul vcsrepo, so we need to either add the same minifier workaround in zuul's script (which would make it sort of heavy) or stop using minified versions in its status interface...22:46
fungijeblair: can you think of other options or do you have a preference for how to reconcile the mismatch here?22:46
clarkbthis is all layer 222:46
sdagueclarkb: if we want to ssh to the hosts to make sure they did the right things?22:46
sdagueyou might be right22:46
jeblairfungi: i think it's fine to use in fetch-dependencies; it's for developer bootstrapping22:46
clarkbsdague: the router is the thing you don't have access to22:47
clarkband its corresponding switch fabric22:47
fungijeblair: okay, so the zuul install instructions can just mention that you also need to install yui-minifier or whatever?22:47
clarkbbut since the interface is VLANs the router is a nop in your test setup (its possible it is useful for other things though)22:47
jesusaurusAlex_Gaynor: well livegrep is adding more than just a service, and putting the livegrep module in its own project would make it more apparent that (for example) the openstack_repo stuff probably belongs in the openstack_project module rather than in the livegrep module22:47
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sdagueclarkb: sure, that's possible. There is a bunch of more immediate bits as well. Like actually binding our services to ipv6 in some config, to make sure that all works. :)22:48
Longgeekfungi: yes, Heavy.22:48
Alex_Gaynorjesusaurus: ok. fine with me.22:48
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fixed config of manila's jobs
fungiclarkb: also, in ipv6land, routers tend to be that thing which provides router announcements, prefixes, et cetera. unless the idea is to go all linklocal22:49
jesusaurusAlex_Gaynor: thanks22:49
openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix jquery-visibility.min.js name
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix variable name
clarkbfungi: so we talked about this here as well22:49
Alex_Gaynorjesusaurus: Is someone else planning on doing the stuff to make a new repo happen? I have no idea what that stuff is :P22:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use nproc puppet apply processes when testing
clarkball you need is a process on a port doing the advertisements22:49
clarkbyou don't need a router...22:49
sdagueclarkb: sure, that's what I meant by "fake router"22:50
fungiclarkb: it doesn't need to be something routing bits, but if you're talking to a network guy, he's going to call the thing which is doing router announcements a "router"22:50
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clarkbfungi: well he is wrong :P22:50
clarkbas a former network guy a router is the thing that routes packets22:50
fungiindeed. feel free to try to convince them ;)22:50
jesusaurusAlex_Gaynor: a good first step is to put the module somewhere clonable like github22:50
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jesusaurusAlex_Gaynor:,n,z shows the process as i understand it22:51
sdagueclarkb: once of of these other devstack bits get reworked, I think it would be interesting to get a job up that tries to only do ipv6 to see how badly we fall down in experimental queue22:52
fungiclarkb: you are no longer an internet plumber. i'm talking about the people who were spoonfed the ccna ipv6 course22:52
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jeblairsdague: and then switch it to gate ;)22:52
clarkbsdague: that would be cool22:52
sdaguejeblair: heh22:52
sdaguewell, let's do the pain slowly22:52
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clarkbfungi: well I never got my ccna22:53
fungii wouldn't have if my employer hadn't gotten bought by a phone company who insisted all existing employees had to meet department-specific technical training criteria22:53
jesusaurusAlex_Gaynor: we are still in the early stages of breaking these things up, so the process of adding a new module hasnt solidified yet22:54
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fungiclearly the fact that you kept things from breaking was no sign that you knew how to do your job. they needed "proof" from vendor training tests to make sure ;)22:54
clarkbfungi: I do know that feel but somehow successfully resisted everyting but ITIL22:55
Alex_Gaynorjesusaurus: ok. Do you mind if I leave it as a CR on config for now? I'd like to get some feedback, because I think there's a bunch more stuff that needs to improve :-)22:55
jesusaurusAlex_Gaynor: yeah, thats fine by me22:55
* fungi shudders at the mention of itil (and sas-70 and ...)22:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move large-ops-testing to silent queue for further testing
clarkbjgriffith: you are my hero22:56
clarkbjgriffith: remind me to buy you a beer tomorrow22:56
clarkber not tomorrow22:56
clarkbnext summit22:56
fungifrench beer22:56
clarkbfrench beer is actually pretty good22:56
fungii'm hoping to find out in ways that don't involve it being crammed on a boat for weeks to get to me22:57
fungibound to be much fresher there22:57
asselin_Hi, I'm trying to add puppet install nodepool in jaypipes 3rd party ci setup and getting this error when running nodepool: sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) (1045, "Access denied for user 'nodepool'@'localhost' (using password: NO)") None None22:58
Longgeekfungi: Upstream jenkins home directory is / home / jenkins?22:58
clarkbfungi: yes22:59
clarkber Longgeek yes22:59
Longgeekfungi, clarkb: ok22:59
clarkbasselin_: sounds like the mysql bits for nodepool didn't give nodepool the access it neeeded22:59
asselin_are those permissions supposed to be setup someplace else that I'm ommitting, or did I likely do something wrong?22:59
clarkbasselin_: I would chekc the mysql permissions22:59
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clarkbalright time for me to walk to beer thirty location23:01
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clarkbhave a good weekend23:01
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add tempest-dsvm-postgres-full into the integrated gate
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anteayaAlex_Gaynor: I can build you a patch for a new repo23:02
LonggeekThe main use openstack_project upstream project?23:02
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anteayaAlex_Gaynor: if jeblair and others agree there should be a new repo for livegrep23:02
Alex_Gaynoranteaya: sounds good, thanks!23:02
anteayajeblair fungi clarkb: jesusaurus wants livegrep in its own repo, I can build that patch if we are in agreement?23:03
anteayaopenstack-infra/livegrep is what I am thinking23:03
anteayaAlex_Gaynor: np, keep focusing on what you have in your patch23:03
anteayaAlex_Gaynor: I love livegrep23:03
asselin_clarkb, I saw the mysql perssions were supposed to be set:
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fungiasselin_: clarkb: could it be the "using password: NO" part?23:07
asselin_fungi, clarkb I cannot run mysql either...I need to sudo mysql....23:08
fungiasselin_: in our nodepool.yaml we set dburi to mysql://nodepool:somepassword@localhost/nodepool23:08
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fungiwhere somepassword is (obviously redacted here but) injected from hiera23:09
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openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack-infra/infra-specs: Add spec for adding cross-project unit test jobs
asselin_fungi, thanks will check that23:09
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anteayaso I am going to enjoy an evening walk23:11
anteayaback later23:11
asselin_fungi, I set my password to ""...23:12
asselin_(empty string)23:12
fungiasselin_: hm... i wonder whether that might disable password authentication in mysql23:12
asselin_fungi, well that was what I was hoping for :)23:15
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fungiasselin_: it may be that the mysql module is treating "" as a request to unset it rather than set it to an empty value, a la
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dhellmannjeblair: reviewed
dhellmannwhat's the story with requirement updates to stable branches? I'm trying to figure out whether to approve
asselin_fungi, thanks...I just updated the configuration to use a non-empty password. I guess I need to secure the system :)23:22
asselin_fungi, so now I got past the error23:22
fungiasselin_: i'm going to consider that more of a feature than a bug ;)23:23
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fungififieldt: for is it intended (and desirable) to have a stackforge job publishing on
fungififieldt: i have to assume there has been some discussion around it already, just double-checking23:26
fungififieldt: oh, looks like jeblair has asked more or less the same question in his latest review comment anyway23:27
* fungi will just watch for followup there23:28
jeblairfungi: except i didn't actually catch the 'publishing' part; that will take my vote to a -1 if that's the case23:28
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fungi"openstack-training-guides-tox-doc-publishdocs" in the post pipeline23:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for devstack/infra bug 1324932
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1324932 in openstack-ci "devstack setup fails with "E: There are problems and -y was used without --force-yes"" [Undecided,New]
sdaguedhellmann: if they approved on stable/icehouse requirements, we'll be using them in the gate jobs23:29
sdagueso by the time they get to projects they should be approved in23:30
jeblairfungi: yeah, that does go to docs.o.o23:30
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jeblairfungi: -1d, thanks for catching that23:31
fungii just did as well23:31
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add devstack-vagrant project to openstack-dev
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dhellmannsdague: ok, I'll approve that change to the incubator, then23:51
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dhellmannsdague: I guess it should have been a clue that the change was from the proposal bot :-)23:51
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openstackgerritLonggeek proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Modify jquery-visibility.js url & filename
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sdaguedhellmann: yes, it's software development as a service :)23:59

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