Thursday, 2014-04-17

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anteayazaro: I have added my comments, I am cyan/turquoise00:14
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sdagueclarkb: - hp cloud failing to install pip :(01:10
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clarkbsdague: we really need to cache that01:12
sdagueyeh, we support it in devstack, and I thought there was a nodepool patch outstanding?01:12
sdaguemaybe not01:12
clarkbno I think this has been a think mordred has said he will fix but hasn't01:13
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sdagueok, maybe I'll look at it in the morning01:51
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sdaguealso, the rax mirror has been kind of extra terrible recently. I wonder about doing our own mirror of that so we could control it a bit better01:59
sdaguewe had a bunch of jobs fail on the mirror sync today02:00
sdagueman, that net blip was hp cloud wide, it failed on az1 and az2 at the same time02:02
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clarkbsdague: I'm not sure if our own mirror would solve the issue02:04
clarkbiirc a lot of those problems have to do with races in mirror updates02:04
clarkbI am sure some of the ubuntuers in here can tell me how I am wrong though :)02:04
sdagueright, I guess that's the question about if the official mirror package has the same issues02:05
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sdaguevs. just a naked rsync, catching things in a corrupt state02:05
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sdaguewe could work on an atomic mirror set of scripts, but that would only work if we controlled the mirroring process02:06
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sdagueanyway, night time. Have a good one.02:07
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mordredclarkb: what?02:11
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clarkbok ftpsync appears to do it correctly. rax must be straight up rsyncing02:13
clarkbmordred: what what?02:13
mordredclarkb: I dunno - I was just hoping you're repeat yourself so that I didn't have to read context :)02:13
mordredreading is hard02:13
clarkboh devsatck still grabs install pip from the internet02:14
clarkbnot from our images02:14
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clarkboh I bet that they aren't being pushed either02:14
clarkbwhich could cause things to get out of sync02:14
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use tox "docs" env if exists for docs build job
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mordredclarkb: ah - yes, I was going to fix that02:16
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mordredclarkb: sorry I was away all day - anything interesting break I should know about?02:19
clarkbno, it was relatively quiet02:20
clarkbjeblair: halved rax-iad's usage. jenkins06 is back in the rotation. neatron-heat-slow is non voting because it fails a lot02:21
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clarkber jeblair halved the usage. I wasn't addressing the entire statement to him02:21
mordredclarkb: awesome02:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Make hacking pass pep8 1.5.x
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Add posargs to tox -epep8
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jogo haha02:40
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/hacking: Disable logging correctly
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openstackgerritDavid Pursehouse proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow to specify multiple branches per project in Gerrit trigger
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Only publish translated guides for master
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openstackgerritLakshmi N Sampath proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: py33 is not targetted for graffiti currently
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openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Let webapp compress status.json if client supports it
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lukegoHowdy! I’m working on bringing up the 3rd party CI for Tail-f NCS. Looks like I had a bad event filter configured and may have casted some spurious votes (neutral “0 votes”). For example here:
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lukegoI’d like to understand #1 if there’s some corrective action needed on my part now and #2 for what projects is voting on my account enabled? (should be only sandbox just now afaik)05:23
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lukego(I’m reachable on
clarkblukego: you are in,members which means you can vote on any project allowing that group to vote05:26
clarkbwhich should be none or maybe just sandbox05:26
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clarkband comments can't be deleted so you will just have to live with those comments I think05:26
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openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add monotonic time library for python 2.x/3.x
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lukegoclarkb: Thanks!06:08
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add a check for nova-docker
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add fedora devstack instances to nodepool
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Ajaegerclarkb: still around?06:50
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openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move xenapi-os-testing to stackforge.
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Ajaegerclarkb, if you scroll up, please read to the end08:15
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ttxreed: Looks like we need to accelerate the removal of steps:
* reed reads08:27
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* reed facepalm08:32
reedttx, the OpenID service is almost ready, will debut in Atlanta as a preview08:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewday: Add Trove-related projects
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewday: Add Sahara repos to reviewday
SergeyLukjanovreed, yup, it was not really easy for the first time08:50
reedSergeyLukjanov, I think it's fairly known08:51
reedon the other hand, it hasn't prevented the # of contributors to the project to grow *fast*08:51
reedit's a hard conversation to have honestly08:51
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reedI like the suggestion in that blog post, to write condensed instructions08:52
SergeyLukjanovreed, yes, it could help a log IMO08:54
reedand the new openid provider will help, at least will remove ... 3-4 steps in his list08:55
SergeyLukjanovreed, additionally, profile creation at o.o + address filling at review.o.o seems weird for new devs08:55
SergeyLukjanovreed, yup, only one registration and them just use it08:55
reedSergeyLukjanov, we may have to add some text to the signup form08:56
reedrich fontana may help us re-interpret the bylaws
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Give ssh access to openstackid-dev
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Shuffle requests for fairer label allocation
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Longgeekhello on third party testing。10:08
Longgeekfix this bug。
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1306967 in openstack-ci "thstack-ci service account" [Undecided,New]10:09
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sdaguea lot of this is around the CLA. The whole join the foundation thing really shouldn't need to be part of this process.10:25
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mugsiehey, it there anyone around that can have a look at
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sdaguedstufft: is there a reason there isn't an official pypi url location for get-pip? pulling straight from github seems pretty download error prone11:00
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eyerediskinhi all. have a strange issue:
eyerediskindevstack exercises did not start11:01
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openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary HACK : Enable UCA & Build latest libvirt
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: cache
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: support the new devstack image finder
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add a new signature for fail
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1306967 in openstack-ci "thstack-ci service account" [Undecided,New]11:20
sdagueeyerediskin: where is your job definition?11:20
Longgeekok, I went to add11:21
sdagueeyerediskin: I think the issue is you actually need the exports here -
sdaguebecause I don't think they are bubbling up out of your pre_test_hook11:26
sdagueshell export semantics are a little weird some times11:26
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Longgeek#sdague help me.11:27
sdagueLonggeek: you'll need folks that create ci accounts, that's not me11:27
sdaguetypically those will happen on fridays in bulk11:28
eyerediskinsdague: but it should work because `.` executes scrpt in current shell context. all this looks like bug11:30
sdagueeyerediskin: it does11:30
sdaguehowever, that doesn't mean those variables are exported from that context, up to the next one11:30
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eyerediskinsdague: next context is child of previous context, so variables should be available11:31
eyerediskinsdague: ok thanks. i gonna to export env vars inline11:33
sdagueyeh, I think that's the only fix. I don't see what we could do to get around the issue generically11:33
sdagueshell export chaining is just odd some times11:33
sdagueclarkb: for when you get on in hours -
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rally-jobs job group
ttxmordred, jeblair: the merge-release-tags jobs all failed on release12:26
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ttxi'll hold on removing milestone-proposed branches until you confirm it's harmless12:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add query for heat update resource race
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derekhhi, if anybody has the time to look I'd love to get this in, so we can start using the second tripleo cloud
sdaguettx: how do I push stable/icehouse on devstack?12:35
sdagueI'm so unclear on pushing branches in gerrit12:36
ttxsdague: see bottom of
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ttxsdague: but then devstack probably doesn't have milestone-proposed12:37
ttxsdague: so you'll have to pick a relevant commit I guess12:37
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sdagueok, cool12:38
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sdaguettx: ok, do the stable/icehouse branches of the other projects exist?12:41
ttxsdague: i'm creating them right now12:41
ttxsee  #openstack-nova to follow the action12:42
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ttxsdague: I pushed the branch and the open-stable-icehouse patch on keystone and nova so far12:44
ttxwill wait to see if the checks fall down before proceeding with more12:44
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sdaguettx: you pushing the branch on requirements as well?12:53
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ttxcan do12:53
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ttxsdague: ok, all up + requirements12:55
sdagueI just pushed this -
ttxsdague: haven't done oslo* yet12:55
sdaguewe'll see what all explodes12:55
ttxbecause I have no idea what we need there12:56
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sdagueyeh, so looking at stable/havana devstack we mostly pointed people at master12:57
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salv-orlandogoodmorning people of the infrastructure. I am doing a patch to make the neutron full job voting. I have a little query on tempest-dsvm-neutron-2 job… why does it not appear anywhere in devstack-gate.yaml? is "2" intepreted as $branch_designator12:58
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sdaguesalv-orlando: I think so, though I clearly didn't understand that review13:00
salv-orlandosdague: so maybe I'll just switch those to full as well. Unless we prefer to run 2 instance of the full job and 2 instances of smoke tests13:01
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sdaguesalv-orlando: I think the important part is to make sure 4 tempest runs are voting13:03
sdagueless than that seems to make it too easy for projects to sneak races in13:03
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rally-jobs job group
sdagueheh, - I had forgotten about that check13:12
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ttxsdague: gate-nova-python27 fail on stable/icehouse nova opening patch13:27
sdagueinteresting, link?13:27
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ttxor maybe above13:28
anteayamugsie: please use the topic: new-project so it can be created with the rest on friday13:28
sdagueI think this is an existing nova unit test race condition13:29
sdaguelet me see what logstash says13:29
ttxyeah, just didn't find an obvious match on the rechecks page13:29
sdagueit's probably not categorized yet13:30
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make neutron full job voting (neutron gate only)
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ttxsdague: otherwise it looks like it's not completely falling down13:32
ttxprobably safe to push more of those13:32
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rally-jobs job group
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sdaguettx: cool13:36
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jeblairttx, sdague: good morning13:47
ttxjeblair: o/13:47
ttxjeblair: happy icehouse day!13:47
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ttxjeblair: only thing that failed was the merge-tags jobs. So I'm not sure I can safely delete the milestone-proposed branches just yet13:49
jeblairttx: ok, have a link to the failure?13:50
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ttxlet me see13:51
ttx shows the failed jobs13:51
* ttx picks one at random13:52
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ttxassert_one_change expects some user interaction13:52
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add stable icehouse jobs for tempest master
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jeblairttx: wow, er, have these ever run?13:53
ttxjeblair: i suspect it never worked for release13:53
ttxjeblair: no idea at all. mordred told me a long time ago they worked13:53
anteayamordred says a lot of things13:53
ttxand cleared my removal of milestone-proposed13:53
ttxanteaya: indeed13:53
ttxsince then I've removed the branch at every milestone, but maybe we didn't merge tags back13:54
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* ttx hasn't spent any time determining how that worked13:54
eyerediskinsdague: could you pls take a look?
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* anteaya stays out of the way13:54
eyerediskinsdague: it tells me "job is not defined"13:54
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Longgeekjeblair: good morning13:56
jeblairttx: checking the logs for the 2014.1.rc3 tag, i don't think the job ran13:57
anteayaLonggeek: we know you want a 3rd party testing account13:57
anteayaLonggeek: we have been working on tidiing up the rest of the heartbleed certifications13:57
anteayawhich is our priority13:57
jeblairttx: they are only configured to run on actual releases, not pre-releases13:58
anteayaonce someone has a moment to go through the infra emails and bug list - I believe you filed a request in both places - your request will be filled13:58
anteayauntil that time please be patient13:58
sdagueeyerediskin: where is rally-jobs ever defined -
Longgeekanteaya: thank you13:59
anteayaLonggeek: you are welcome13:59
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Override user interaction in merge tags job
eyerediskinsdague: gate-rally-pep8 is not defined too, but it works14:02
jeblairttx: ^14:02
anteayaeyerediskin: it is defined14:03
anteayagate-<project>-pep8 is defined14:03
eyerediskinanteaya: gate-{name}-pep8 is part of python-jobs. {pipeline}-devstack-rally-{scenario} is part of rally-jobs14:04
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ttxjeblair: +114:05
anteayaeyerediskin: the failure seems to be on Job check-devstack-rally-rally not defined14:05
anteayawhere is check-devstack-rally-rally?14:06
eyerediskinanteaya: here: modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml14:06
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eyerediskinanteaya: there is no gate-rally-pep8 here
eyerediskinanteaya: but it works14:07
anteayaeyerediskin: did check-rally-scenarios work?14:07
eyerediskinanteaya: i dont understand what i missing14:07
eyerediskinanteaya: yes14:08
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anteayaeyerediskin: this patch removes {pipeline}-rally-scenarios:
anteayaand replaces it with rally-jobs14:09
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anteayawere are rally-jobs defined?14:10
sdagueeyerediskin: modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/python-jobs.yaml defines a generic pep8 job that works for everyone14:10
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sdagueeyerediskin: I think you are conflating the job-group and job definitions14:11
sdaguethey don't nest that way anywhere else14:11
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anteayaeyerediskin: this file:
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anteayastill has the rally-scenarios job title14:11
anteayarally-jobs need to be defined in jjb/config/rally.yaml14:12
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eyerediskinanteaya: sdague: rally-jobs is defined in jenkins_job_builder/config/rally.yaml
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add stable icehouse jobs for tempest master
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sdagueeyerediskin: job-group should just be a list of jobs, not also their definitions14:18
sdagueper the way other definitions here work14:18
eyerediskinsdake: oh, got it. thanks14:19
openstackgerritMatt Farina proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding GerritBot to openstack-sdks for the PHP and Go SDKs.
ttxsdague: did you have a bug number for the recheck on the stable/icehouse nova python27 fail ?14:21
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sdagueI was actually trying to find mriedem, because I might14:23
sdaguehe has a related bug14:23
sdagueand I wanted to get his idea on if it was the same or not14:23
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ttxsdague: ok, maybe just recheck when you have it14:30
sdaguettx: yeh, will do14:30
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sdagueI know they were having network issues in ibm rochester this week, so the whole site might just be offline14:31
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ttxjeblair: do you think it's still safe to remove milestone-proposed, with the tag-merging borkage ? stable/icehouse was created from it so it's... probably good14:32
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openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rally-jobs job group
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jeblairttx: yes i think it's safe.  we can re-run the tag jobs without that branch, actually.14:34
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ttxjeblair: ack thx14:37
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Redis cannot find pid file after restart
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix redis.conf pid and data dir settings
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mrmartinanteaya: what you think now about this brand new title?
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ttxtime to celebrate with the world-famous release beer14:52
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sdaguettx: which is this beer?14:52
sdagueoh, are you actually drinking an icehouse?14:52
pleia2 - by "OpenStack Proposal Bot" ? it's sending mails to our list that are landing in the moderation queue, wondering what to do with them and whether this will be a think we'll be seeing more of14:52
ttxsdague: no, i couldn't get any of those14:52
sdaguethat's good, they are terrible14:52
ttxsdague: I hear I don't miss anything14:53
jeblairttx: i want to see a picture!  ideally with your checklist in the bg.  maybe next time storyboard in the bg.14:53
ttxok ok ok14:53
sdaguewith a checkin on - :)14:53
ttxneed to find some interesting background14:53
jeblairalso, i think i should celebrate with you.  even though it's 8am here.14:53
sdagueI wonder if that would make getting some of these config changes through easier or harder today :)14:54
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anteayamrmartin left but I like the revised title better14:56
openstackgerritSergey Skripnick proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rally-jobs job group
anteayaand \o/ for it being release beer time14:57
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anteayapleia2: the proposal bot is sending emails to the infra-list?14:59
anteayapleia2: might I see a paste of one?14:59
ttxjeblair, sdague:
pleia2anteaya: see the review, it's just the standard gerrit emails14:59
pleia2"OpenStack Proposal Bot" has the email address of our mailing list15:00
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jeblairttx: cheers!15:00
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anteayapleia2: I saw the Welcome, new contributor! comment15:00
anteayait duplicates that as an email?15:01
anteayawhy does it hit the infra-list?15:01
anteayashouldn't it just hit the new contributor?15:01
pleia2anteaya: look at the Owner of the commit15:02
jeblairttx: cheers!15:02
ttxnow it's difficult to spot, but one can see that Ironic is not done yet15:02
pleia2the contributor is OpenStack Proposal Bot, which uses our mailing list as the contact address15:03
anteayapleia2: ah15:03
anteayaI'm functioning on half steam15:03
anteayalittle sleep night before last, some sleep last night15:03
anteayaspring flood and all15:03
pleia2woo, melting snow15:03
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anteayayeah, and it all melted while I was in montreal15:06
anteayaalmost all of it15:06
anteayainto the basement15:06
anteayaslowing now, yay15:06
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phschwartzmorning infra15:08
sdaguettx: nice15:08
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notmynamejeblair: mordred: when is the m-p branch going to be merged back into master?15:08
jeblairnotmyname: the job has a bug as written; patch:
notmynamejeblair: k, thanks15:09
jeblairnotmyname: after that merges, we should be able to retrigger the jobs15:09
anteayaI lost power twice in a row for no reason, weather is clear15:09
anteayasomeone is doing construction down the road, that might be it15:09
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anteayapleia2: so how many emails do you see in the infra moderation queue from the bot?15:12
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pleia2anteaya: every update gerrit sent, so 715:14
openstackgerritJoão Vale proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow using template variables in "defaults" field.
pleia2I'm just trying to figure out what it is :)15:15
anteayapleia2: but all for patch 8815715:16
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pleia2anteaya: yeah, that's its first and only commit15:16
* anteaya nods15:17
pleia2but if there will be more of these and we should let them through the queue, it would be good to know15:17
hasharjeblair: did you get any time to migrate python-jenkins from launchpad to Openstack Gerrit? :]15:17
anteayapleia2: ah, I don't want to read them15:18
jeblairhashar: not yet; mordred and clarkb were out for most of yesterday; maybe we'll get a chance today, but if not, it will certainly happen on friday15:20
hasharjeblair: no urgency, just make sure it is not forgotten somehow :-] Thank you!15:20
ttxsdague: there are a few interesting test fails @,n,z15:20
eyerediskinanteaya: sdague: seems like it works
anteayaeyerediskin: awesome15:22
ttxthe cnder test fail looks like a config file sample glitch. wonder why we catch it now15:22
anteayasdague was right15:22
ttxanteaya: rule #2 is: sdague is always right15:22
ttxanteaya: got all you need for the election setup tomorrow ?15:23
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anteayattx what is rule #1? see rule #2?15:24
anteayattx I do15:24
anteayafungi set me up with the electorate roll before he departed15:24
ttxanteaya: "what is not tested is broken"15:24
* anteaya nods15:24
anteayayeah, that rule #115:25
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ttxwe should write those down15:25
anteayaI'd like it on a shirt15:25
anteayanot a black shirt though15:25
anteayaI have enough black shirts15:25
openstackgerritYuriy Taraday proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Let webapp compress status.json if client supports it
anteayaI guess I can send out a last chance to nominate yourself for the tc email15:25
anteayalet me do that15:26
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sdaguettx those are all unit test fails?15:28
sdagueit looks like basically everyone that enforces config file generation got broken by keystone client 0.8.015:29
ttxsdague: on cinder and ceilometer yes15:29
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sdagueI know that was the cinder issue15:29
ttxthe ceilometer error at first glance is of another variety15:29
sdaguekeystone client changed config file vars again15:29
ttxdolphm: told you not to release your thing today ! :)15:30
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jeblairi just got a recruiting email requireing experience with OpenStack Designate15:30
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pleia2oh recruiters :)15:31
ttxjeblair: cluelessness levels overload15:31
jeblairit's not the first time i've heard that though...  someone really should propose it for incubation.15:32
sdaguejeblair: ++15:32
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eyerediskinsdague: could you pls take a look?
jeblairkiall: ^ when you have a minute.  ;)15:32
sdaguenot having dns management is a huge pain for heat as well15:32
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sdagueit's definitely a hole we should try to fix15:32
kialljeblair: reading15:33
kiallah.. Yes, we know we need to reapply.. It's on a massive TODO list, and will likely happen during the summit when we all get together15:34
jeblairkiall: awesome15:34
kiallAlso - who was the recruiter etc? :)15:34
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anteayanot my poetic best but it gets the job done:
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jeblairkiall: looking for a job? ;)  it was a pretty generic 'implement all of openstack' job; just named the components15:36
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hasharanteaya: sounds good to me :]15:36
anteayahashar: thanks :D15:36
kialljeblair: Nope, quite happy (but a tad overworked ;)) at HP15:36
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mordredjeblair: did you see the annc from hp that they're working on updating base images and as a part of that will be doing a name change?15:47
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mordredjeblair: "We are continuing to update HP and partner guest images in the Compute catalog, and are collaborating with our partners to update the guest images they provide. As we complete the update process, current images will be marked as deprecated by a name change and the lifecycle metadata property. Any hardcoded use of image names or IDs will need to be updated to utilize patched images."15:49
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jeblairmordred: don't they already have a date?15:54
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mordredjeblair: yah15:57
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sdaguemordred / jeblair: also, this should remove a few fails a day - - that's the cache bit16:03
jeblairmordred: so basically, hycloud is just going to suddenly stop working for us, at some inteterminate time in the future.16:04
mordredjeblair: that's how I'm reading that16:05
jeblairmordred: putting on my "potential customer" hat: i would like to provide the feedback that that is perhaps suboptimal.16:05
mordredjeblair: UNLESS - when they mark the old image as "deprecated" we can still use it16:05
jeblairmordred: i expect we can, but after we reconfigure nodepool to use the " ... (deprecated)" images16:06
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mordredjeblair: or, I can work harder on finishing the dib nodepool patch and we can stop using provider images at all16:07
mordredjeblair: OR - we could go ahead and upload a stock precise image by hand right now, and then configure nodepool to use that name16:07
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mordredjeblair: (I will provide the feedback, btw)16:07
jeblairmordred: thanks.  i don't want to upload anything by hand though.  so i think we take the hit and move to dib when it's ready.16:08
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mordredjeblair: what if we upload something by hand with all of my pr0n on it?16:08
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anteayamordred: no16:14
anteayaI veto that idea16:14
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jeblairzaro: i modified slightly, and it lgtm.16:15
jeblairzaro: if everyone else has looked at it, i think you should go ahead and send it to openstack-dev.16:15
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anteayazaro: after you either sign it or remove my comment encouraging you to do so16:16
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jeblairanteaya: ++16:16
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mordredanteaya: ++16:18
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anteayamorning zaro16:30
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jeblairoh, apparently today is the ubuntu release too16:34
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anteayayay for release day16:41
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clarkbhuh the proposal bot needs to sign a CLA? I didn't realize system accounts were bound to that16:46
anteayaha ha ha16:46
anteayawould it be legally binding?16:46
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clarkbwell there isn't a person behind it so who knows :P16:49
anteayaclarkb: are you still head down mopping up heartbleed?16:50
clarkbnot as much16:51
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anteayasomeone really really wants a 3rd party account16:53
anteayaany sense of where that sits on your todo list?16:53
anteayaso I can give them a time estimate16:53
clarkbits up there and related to heartbleed16:54
clarkbhopefully will have it done this morning PDT16:54
* anteaya nods16:55
clarkbjeblair: mordred: what is the best way to give a service account a signed CLA?16:57
mordredclarkb: hrm16:58
clarkbinsert rows into the DB?16:58
mordredyeah - probably rows in the db?16:58
* mordred waits for jeblair to say words16:58
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jeblairclarkb: i think so16:58
clarkbor, is group membership still involved?16:58
jeblairclarkb: nope16:58
jeblair(at least, not yet)16:59
clarkb,members maybe?16:59
jeblairi think that might come back in 2.8 in some form16:59
jeblairclarkb: oh16:59
clarkbif I add the proposal user to that does that group count as having signed the CLA?16:59
jeblairclarkb: one sec16:59
jeblairclarkb: yes, actually, i think that will do it.17:00
clarkbok I will give that a shot17:00
clarkbproposal bot has been added to that group. I will do more investigating of how that works17:01
jeblairclarkb: there's a table that says the group has signed cla id 417:02
jeblair(which is the system cla)17:03
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clarkbsdague: I will babysit your devstack image cache changes shortly17:05
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mordredclarkb: you ok with me landing the first piece of the remote-puppet change?17:09
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clarkbmordred: that one?17:10
* nibalizer peers at it17:10
mordredonce that's in  - I can do some manual testing of the ssh running and whatnot17:10
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fixes to nodepool installation on jenkins-dev.o.o
nibalizernot that I really have a say, but 'punch it chewie!'17:11
mordrednibalizer: hehe17:11
clarkbanyone tl;dr forced-commands-only for me?17:12
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mordredclarkb: it means that root logins are allowed, but only for keys with forced commands17:13
clarkbmordred: +2 hae fun17:13
mordredwoot. thansk17:13
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clarkb that was fast17:29
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clarkbalso someone should really change the source code link17:29
clarkbreed: ^17:29
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clarkb would probably be appropriate17:30
reedclarkb, let me go check17:30
clarkbreed: is what I am linked to17:30
jeblairbased on the paste contents, i'm guessing it was intended to link to released tarballs17:30
clarkbthe trailing / is important17:31
anteayaleave out the cgit for downloads17:31
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anteayatarballs are only available on lp?17:31
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clarkbthey are also available on tarballs.o.o but we don't have https there and signed tarballs iirc17:32
jeblairclarkb: yeah, our artifacts are distributed from lp17:32
jeblairthose are old urls in the paste too...17:32
clarkboh we still don't have hash sums on tarballs.o.o I thought we fixed that17:33
openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make neutron full job voting (neutron gate only)
reedclarkb, I give up fixing that, filing a bug17:33
jeblairreed: that's probably the best place to link to17:34
jeblairthough that page needs to be updated for icehouse17:34
reedmore work?17:37
* reed goes to fix that page17:38
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* reed hates wikis17:38
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove activity-dev server
jeblairreed: ^17:39
reedjeblair, more work?17:39
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* reed going crazy today17:40
reedjeblair, left a comment17:40
jeblairreed: thanks.  and yeah, this is part of work started 1.5 weeks ago (heartbleed).17:41
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jeblairsomeday i'll get back to the present17:41
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reeddo we still publish md5 verification info on the binaries?17:41
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Ajaegerdoes anybody know who's "Tail-f NCS Jenkins" ?17:42
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add keys and script for puppet over ssh
jeblairreed: you can get the links here:
anteayaAjaeger: yes, an irc user name lukego17:43
AjaegerI've seen it today on several documentation patches always with "Tail-f NCS: Build Started <BUILDS_STATS>" - with no URL at all and never a build stopped17:43
reedthanks jeblair17:43
anteayaAjaeger: why do you ask17:43
Ajaegerlukego: around?17:43
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anteayaAjaeger: they shouldn't be issuing a comment for build started, that is just noise17:44
* reed wishes wiki syntax fast forwarded to 201417:44
anteayaonly our jenkins should be commenting build started, 3rd party systems shouldn't17:44
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Ajaegeranteaya: I see build started, never finishing - and don't understand why I see it is on api-site for example, see:
reedi need to edit wikis early in the morning, when I'm not tired and cranky17:44
Ajaegeranteaya: agreed, this started is plain noise and even broken - there's no link, nothing. lukego, could you fix this, please?17:45
Ajaegerreed: do you need help with wiki syntax?17:45
AjaegerShall I beautify something for you?17:45
anteayaAjaeger: this is docs right?17:45
clarkbit was mentioned last night and should be fixed17:45
Ajaegeranteaya: yes, api-site.17:45
mordredclarkb: I'm confused - I was just trying to help adrian-otto make a python-solumclient release17:45
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clarkbis it still happening?17:45
anteayathey have no reason to be testing docs changes that I know of17:45
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Ajaegerclarkb: that was 3:35 ah - ok, might be fixed. I thought I saw it later as well.17:46
AjaegerOk, will double check.17:46
reedAjaeger, not really, it's me ranting about the fact that in 2014 editing a web page requires any sort of syntax... it's like using Wordstar, back in 199617:46
Ajaegerah ;)17:46
anteayaAjaeger:,members this lists their contact email as can you try to send them an email17:46
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anteayaand cc infra ml on it?17:46
mordredclarkb: it gives him the "cannot create new refs" error, but he's in the solum-ptl group which has the right perms on the python-solumclient repo17:46
anteayalet's see if they respond within 4 hours17:46
sdagueclarkb: cool17:46
clarkbmordred is the tagged commit in gerri17:47
clarkbmordred is the tag already prefixed in git?17:47
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clarkbeg you cant tag stable if stable/foo exists17:48
mordredclarkb: there do not seem to be any tags on the repo already17:48
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clarkbwell its any ref that can conflict17:48
mordredclarkb: should there be a ref called 1.0.0 ?17:49
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clarkbalso is gerrit not github being pushed to?17:49
Ajaegeryeah, last seen 13 hours ago - so might be good.17:49
mordredyah. gerrit for sure17:49
clarkbif they created one17:49
Ajaegeranteaya: Will email if I see it again, me is just catching up with some reviews...17:49
mordreddon't see one17:49
anteayaI wonder if still works17:49
anteayasince I do believe that was the maintainer before lukego took over17:49
anteayaAjaeger: nod17:50
Ajaegerclarkb: have you checked the proposal jobs?17:50
clarkbAjaeger yes cla should be fixed17:50
AjaegerI've had some fun this morning when I saw first the welcome message and then the CLA and had to blog about it :
Ajaegerclarkb: Great that it's fixed!17:51
clarkbmordred adrian doesnt have two accounts mixed up?17:51
clarkbI guess double check the acls?17:51
AjaegerIs it sending emails to openstack-infra email list? I saw this one: and was surprised17:51
Ajaegerclarkb: thanks!17:52
reedI cut it short, since adding info the wiki that is already available on LP is not useful17:52
mordredclarkb: you were right the right time17:53
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mordredthere was a local branch in his repo called 1.0.0 and gerrit was choosing to try to push that17:53
mordredscuse me17:53
mordredgit was choosing to try to push that17:53
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mordredclarkb: thanks for you help! I would not have thought of that17:54
anteayaAjaeger: I didn't know it was issuing emails to -dev17:55
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anteayait was issuing them to the -infra ml but pleia2 held them in the moderated queue17:55
jeblairAjaeger: i love it when our bots talk to each other :)17:56
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pleia2Ajaeger: yeah, I wasn't sure what to do with all this stuff in the moderation queue17:57
pleia2I am not sure we should use our mailing list for this17:57
jeblairpleia2: i'm pretty sure we should not17:57
Ajaegerjeblair: then you'll love this recursive bug as well:
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1307833 in openstack-manuals "Note that block migration hates readonly things" [Undecided,Invalid]17:57
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Extract experimental-tripleo jobs to template
Ajaegeranteaya: to -infra17:58
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Ajaegeranteaya: ok, understood what happened. I agree, another email would be better for the bot...17:59
clarkbwe dont have an mx though18:01
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clarkbmail server18:02
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clarkband I/we were told is for foundation only18:02
Ajaegercreate a bot-only mailing list ;)18:03
AjaegerLet the bots chat with each other18:03
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jeblairclarkb: who told you that?18:03
jeblairclarkb: and in what way is the openstack project's testing infrastructure not related to the foundation's mission?18:04
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clarkbit was said in a summit session18:04
clarkbportland iirc18:04
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jeblairclarkb: we have,,,,, review-dev@openstack.org18:05
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jeblairclarkb: and it's worth remembering that is under openstack.org18:05
jeblairas are all the other mailing lists18:05
clarkbjeblair: my interpretation of that session was that non foundation members should not touch the managed MX stuff18:06
clarkbI may have misunderstood18:06
mordredI believe the intent of that18:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: add a new signature for fail
jeblairclarkb: i can make an alias, but no one asked me.18:07
mordredwas that non-foundation-staff should not be using email addresses for correspondance18:07
clarkbmordred: it went beyond that. The discussion started there but became don't touch this if not foundation18:07
mordredI do not remember that, nor do I agree18:07
mordredand would be happy to take that up again18:07
clarkbbecause not foundation technically have access18:07
clarkbjeblair: sorry, you were at pycon. mordred fungi and I discussed it and decided the infra list was a reasonable choice18:08
jeblairclarkb: actually that's changed, email moved to a different system.18:08
clarkbwe can always change that now18:08
pleia214.04 \o/
sdagueso how are folks feeling about the feature grid - ? Because there are a couple of service adjustments to make for juno and I'd rather do them on top of the feature grid instead of changing d-g18:09
jeblairclarkb: so why is it getting email anyway?18:09
mordredpleia2: I am happily running it myself18:09
clarkbjeblair: because of the first contribution welcome18:09
jeblairclarkb: is that it?18:09
clarkbI think so, thought i tmay get other gerrit emails too18:10
mordredpleia2: and at the moment, it is working very well18:10
sdaguepleia2: why did I think that was next week?18:10
pleia2mordred: that's nice to hear :)18:10
clarkbjeblair: another option would be to remove the email address completely18:10
pleia2sdague: because releasing openstack and ubuntu the same day is crazy18:10
clarkbI think that worked when jenkins was the account used18:10
Ajaegerbut it got email when Tom commented on the review18:10
sdaguepleia2: heh18:10
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clarkbI don't think the current situation is optimal. I am trying to explain how we got here and what considerations were made previously18:11
jeblairclarkb: anyway, let me know what you decide and if you need an alias created.  but ideally, i think we don't want to fill the infra-root account up with gerrit spam anyway, so limiting (or eliminating) emails from gerrit is ideal regardless.18:12
clarkbagreed, and iirc gerrit doesn't let you stop all email so we should probably just remove the address from the account18:12
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clarkbUPDATE accounts SET preferred_email = NULL WHERE account_id = 11131; -- does that look good to everyone?18:18
anteayaI like it18:18
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anteayagiven 11131 is the account of teh bot18:18
anteayaI bet gerrit won't let you do it though18:18
anteayasince that accoutn already has a commit with that email18:19
clarkbwell the email is preserved in external account ids18:19
clarkbwhich is how the jenkins account is set up18:19
anteayaI don't have the option in my gui to delete my lavabit email18:19
anteayaand fungi said that was probably because I have commits using that email18:20
jeblairclarkb: sounds good18:20
anteayaand gerrit would get upset if it was deleted18:20
clarkbmordred: how does that sound to you?18:20
jeblairanteaya: you can't delete it from ?18:20
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pleia2I'll clear the rest of these gerrit mails from the mailing list queue, no reason to send them to the list18:22
anteayajeblair: I didn't know about that section18:22
anteayayes, that allowed me to delete the email, thanks18:22
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anteayapleia2: thanks18:22
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Ajaegerpleia2: how many emails do you have to clear?18:23
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pleia2Ajaeger: there were 7 of them18:23
clarkbwell I am going ahead without mordreds input :)18:23
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Ajaegerah, not much today. Would be worse tomorrow when the jobs really work, so hope it's really settled ;)18:24
clarkband done18:24
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clarkbI suppose I should flush caches after that18:25
* clarkb does that too18:25
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Use pep8's noqa argument
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Speed up license checks
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move hacking to pep8 1.5.6
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Only compile regex for hacking_except_format once
pleia2Ajaeger: hah, right, it was just all the mails from that one change18:26
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move except checks into there own module
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move comment checks into there own module
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Make test_doctest use entry points
anteayajoe rebased apparently18:26
clarkbAjaeger: pleia2: yes please yell at me more if this doesn't fix it, however I compared this to what the jenkins account had setup and I think that is what we want18:26
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Remove old pep8, pyflakes and flake8 versions
jogoanteaya: heh, this should be the last one ^18:27
pleia2thanks clarkb18:27
Ajaegerclarkb: pleia2 will notice the emails - I'll ping you if there's a new problem ;) Thanks!18:27
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: support the new devstack image finder
anteayajogo: :D18:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: cache
mordredjeblair: we can do reverse dns thigns on our rackspace machines, right?18:30
mesteryfungi: Any chance you could eyeball this infra change for me?
mesteryfungi: The hope is to enable some jenkins jobs for neutron-specs with that. clarkb has already approved, FYI.18:32
clarkbmestery: fungi is out on vacation. I can just punch that through18:33
mesteryclarkb: OK, thanks for the update! And thank you for your help!18:33
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dkranzclarkb: I just noticed that gerrit shows a +1 for Verified if some third-party says ok even if Jenkins has not yet voted. Is that a bug?18:36
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add docs and python27 jobs for neutron-specs
dkranzclarkb: I mean the summary pages, not the individual review pages18:37
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clarkbdkranz: no it is not a bug18:37
clarkbthe category is shared18:37
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mesteryThanks for the help clarkb on the merge above!18:38
dkranzclarkb: ok18:38
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mordredclarkb, jeblair: I have set the reverse dns for ci-puppetmaster.openstack.org18:43
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jeblairmordred: thanks18:45
mordredjeblair: turns out - our ssh settings were not happy allowing a remote command tied to a host if that host was not set up properly in dns18:46
mesteryclarkb: Question for you. Now that has landed, how long until those jobs start running on the neutron-specs repository for new patches?18:46
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update openstack-doc-tools
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temporary HACK : Enable UCA & Build latest libvirt
jeblairmordred: makes sense.  that's a fairly weak protection anyway, but hey why not, right?18:49
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix a few bugs in the run_remote_puppet script
clarkbmestery: ~half an hour or so18:49
krotscheckIs there a common way for me to share a quick screenshot much like an etherpad? I’m experimenting with UI thingies and need a broader opinion.18:50
clarkbkrotscheck: imgur18:50
clarkbnot really etherpad though18:50
mordredclarkb: ^^ three simple bugfixes18:51
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krotscheckclarkb: Thanks18:52
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mesteryclarkb: Thanks!18:56
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adam_gcouple of quick ones to fix up the ironic devstack gate if anyone has a minute:
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: doc update: move the server usage info
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jeblairAlex_Gaynor: i'm having a pickle with my lunch and thinking of you.  :)19:05
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: :D btw, I owe you an email on some stuff, will send it along tomorrow probably, today is a recuperation day19:05
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add sandbox project to storyboard for testing
SergeyLukjanovfolks, what do you think re adding sandbox to storyboard for testing? place for -1s/-2s
clarkbSergeyLukjanov: seems like a good idea19:06
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: TimeLine events support
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added service comments
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: add tox shortcut to build docs
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mordredSergeyLukjanov: ++19:18
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krotscheckSergeyLukjanov: ++19:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix a few bugs in the run_remote_puppet script
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Set TEMPEST_CONCURRENCY=1 for Ironic
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove activity-dev server
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update slave iptables for Ironic provisioning
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SergeyLukjanovfolks, could you please take a look at "Extract experimental-tripleo jobs to template"19:35
SergeyLukjanovit outdates too fast19:35
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sdagueso how do I resolve the largeops issue here -
sdagueI'm clearly missing a piece of the matrix to get the tempest icehouse jobs listed19:38
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clarkbsdague: so the test is in the job group19:41
* clarkb looks at the change19:41
clarkbsdague: you only added check and periodic, not gate19:42
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sdagueclarkb: ah, gotcha19:44
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clarkbrunning a devstack precise check image build now19:46
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add sahara to devstack-gate default runs
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add stable icehouse jobs for tempest master
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SergeyLukjanovsdague, looks like there is no need for and
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade branches
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: correct19:52
sdagueassuming we add the feature grid 83076 => 8841519:52
sdagueand 83075 is basically the feature grid patch set19:53
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sdagueclarkb: ok, it looks like we have a winner20:02
sdaguethat would be good to get in soon so we don't accidentally break stable/icehouse with new tempest tests20:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/publications: Add the publication url to root/README.rst
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add integrated-gate-sahara jobs
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete custom Sahara dsvm jobs
SergeyLukjanovsdague ^^20:14
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move bugdaystats to to
sdagueSergeyLukjanov: cool20:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use virtualenv_version fact to unconfuse puppet
sdagueclarkb: can you weigh in on this -,n,z (especially the bottom 2 patches which have +2 from jeblair and SergeyLukjanov)20:17
anteayasdague: will salv-orlando's patch: conflict with 88302?20:17
sdagueanteaya: yes20:18
mordredclarkb, jeblair, SergeyLukjanov: I've learned some fascinating things about xargs and shell functions20:18
mordredand by fascinating, I mean meh20:18
clarkboh did that thing I commented on not actually work?20:19
clarkbsdague: will do20:19
jeblairnibalizer: when you have a sec, see comments in
sdaguemordred: I learned how to do stack traces in bash20:20
jeblairsdague: oh neat, will you add them to the d-g test scripts?  you'll note i just got line numbers, and that's awkward.20:20
mordredsdague: nice20:20
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Further remote puppet fixes
sdaguejeblair: yes I will20:21
mordredSergeyLukjanov, clarkb, sdague, jeblair ^^ you may or may not find those fixes interesting20:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix deprecation warnings in gerrit module
sdagueI did in the new test20:21
mordredalso - nibalizer - it takes 5m23 seconds to run puppet everywhere if most of them are run with -P1020:22
sdagueL36 and L4120:22
nibalizersdague: how what?20:22
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nibalizermordred: awesome to know20:22
anteayasdague: so should I comment on salv-orlando's patch that he should co-ordinate with you?20:22
jeblairsdague: ah cool.  i skimmed that part.  :)20:22
mordrednibalizer: you may also find the script fixes interesting20:22
mordredanyway - I have now tested that it does what we want and am comfortable that it will fail when we want it to fail too20:23
pleia2running out for an appointment, bbiab20:23
sdaguecaller $frameno => linenum<SP>functionname<SP>filename20:23
mordredand not when we don20:23
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix modules deprecation warning in lodgeit module
anteayapleia2: hope it goest well20:23
pleia2anteaya: thanks!20:23
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sdaguejeblair: so I actually realized isn't doing what I want, because it's just shell expansion20:25
sdagueso it does ./ ./test-functions.sh20:25
sdaguewhich only runs the first one20:25
mordredjeblair: do you think we should log the output of the cron job that runs the puppet stuffs? I'm kinda thinking yes - other than most of the puppet run content itself will be duplicates of what's in puppet board...20:25
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add node def for puppet3 master
anteayafungi likes logs20:25
nibalizerjeblair: done ^^20:26
sdagueunder threat of the wrath of mordred, we actually need a top level test runner there20:26
anteayathe wrath of mordred is that he buys you 2 beers instead of 120:26
jeblairsdague: yes we do; i don't think mordred is opposed to them.  i think he's quite fond of them.20:26
sdaguewell he's oposed if I call it :)20:27
jeblairsdague: we might even convince him that "running a series of shell test programs" might even be the one thing "" should actually do.  :)20:27
mordredjeblair: yup20:27
jeblairhowever, i'm told testr doesn't care how your tests are implemented, so i'm sure we could use it20:27
jeblairi have no idea how20:28
mordredbut also, yup20:28
mordredyou tell testr what to run in .testr.conf20:28
notmynamewhat else is needed to get merged so that the m-p merge jobs can happen?20:28
sdaguethen we actually have to setup testr in this env20:28
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mordredsdague: I'm fine with a run-test.sh20:28
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mordredsdague: I just don't like when all it does is "nose" or "testr run"20:28
jeblairnotmyname: mordred should review
* mordred looking20:28
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jeblairmordred: context:
mordredloks great20:29
jeblairand then mordred should re-run the jobs after it merges20:30
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jeblairmordred, clarkb, SergeyLukjanov: should we keep the "dsvm" convention now that we don't need it anymore?20:31
jeblair(we reversed the logic on single-use nodes, so the name isn't important for that anymore)20:32
anteayajeblair: what is the option, just to remove it?20:32
openstackgerritK Jonathan Harker proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove unused parameter
jeblairanteaya: well, not require it20:32
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anteayapeople will just copy what is there already20:32
jeblairanteaya: actually they have not which is why i bring it up:
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Override user interaction in merge tags job
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, it's still useful IMO to have a marker that jobs contains devstack installation20:34
clarkbsdague: your awk is fancier than my awk. What does this test-features helper function do with awk?20:35
clarkbsdague: seems like it could just check target against source directly?20:35
clarkbthe sort is nice though20:35
clarkboh, does this put each item on a newline?20:35
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: ok, you might want to leave a comment on that change then.  i'm happy to keep using dsvm if we think it's useful.20:35
clarkbjeblair: I think some of the e-r stuff keys off of dsvm too20:36
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, check-tempest-dsvm-full -> check-tempest-full + check-tempest-pep820:37
SergeyLukjanovfor ex.20:37
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete custom Sahara dsvm jobs
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clarkbsdague: I have questions in the yaml file for
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sdagueclarkb: go for it20:42
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sdagueclarkb: it's most to do the sort20:42
clarkbsdague: they are inline, but tl;dr is why do the compute exts have empty keys?20:43
sdaguebecause that part isn't yet implemented20:43
sdagueI was marking it up to get the idea of who that next level would get integrated20:43
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, commented20:43
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use os.path.exists when caching devstack images
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, oh, you too, your internet is faster than mine ;)20:43
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add
clarkbjeblair: sdague ^ that should fix image building20:44
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clarkbsdague: gotcha20:44
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spredzywhere can I find the plugins (either war of source code) used by ?20:44
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Further remote puppet fixes
clarkbspredzy: we don't use any plugins currently (2.4 doesn't have plugins)20:44
sdagueok, one now proposed20:45
spredzyclarkb, what about the Work in Progrss button ?20:45
clarkbspredzy: that is part of our fork20:45
clarkbspredzy: that can be found at
clarkbspredzy: under the newest 2.4 branch20:45
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: change gearman plugin logging level to debug on jenkins masters
spredzyclarkb, 2.4.4 correct ?20:47
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clarkbspredzy: that sounds right20:47
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spredzyso current gerrit runs no plugins, everything that is does in extra to the vanilla 2.4.4 is custom development if I get it right20:48
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clarkbsdague: for how much vetting do we want to do of the resulting tests?20:49
* clarkb pokes around in the logs20:49
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sdagueclarkb: so I cover most of the major cases with the test-features.sh20:51
sdaguethe logs I've looked at so far look right20:52
clarkbya, and localrc's looked good. I was mostly worried we would miss things outisde of test-features eg the extra neutron stuff like the gateway ip20:52
clarkbbut it lgtm20:52
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clarkbso are we ready for the stack to be approved? all projects have a stable/icehouse branch?20:52
sdagueyeh, that was why I finally broke down and wrote the unit tests20:52
sdaguebecause I kept missing an edge case20:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/bugdaystats: Wrap results on index.html in container div
sdagueclarkb: I think so20:53
sdaguedevstack is out there, I'm working on sorting grenade right now20:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/bugdaystats: Add link to JSON file on index.html
clarkbout there?20:53
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/bugdaystats: Recreate index.html with each run
sdaguedevstack stable/icehouse20:54
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create infra-manual project
sdagueI think we have stable/icehouse everywhere now20:54
jeblairalso devstack is weird, but that's beside the point20:54
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mordrednibalizer: why would a successful puppet run return 255 ?20:56
mordredHunner: ^^ ?20:56
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mordredHunner: nibalizer: NM- that's ssh beign weird - tracking it down20:59
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: disable the jeepyb trivial rebase hook on review.o.o
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Enable cross-testing of oslo.test with dib and t-i-e
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Run unit tests in tripleo-image-elements
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jeblairsdague: do you have a corresponding config change for
sdaguenot yet21:06
sdaguelet me do that now21:06
jeblairsdague: oh, also, can you rebase the change on master?21:06
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sdaguejeblair: sure21:07
jeblairsdague: i'd like to merge both asap since we are now not running the checkout unit tests21:07
sdaguewell, we actually still are, because the grid hasn't merged yet21:07
sdaguebut I can pull it off anyway21:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use os.path.exists when caching devstack images
jeblairtrue.  we're about to though.  :)  i hope21:08
mordredjeblair: ok- I officially hate linux and free software21:08
jeblairmordred: that will make things a lot easier.  i'll expense some windows licenses for us.21:08
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add
mordredjeblair: from the puppetmaster - ssh timeout -s 9 30m puppet agent --test21:08
mordredjeblair: succeeds21:08
mordredthe puppet command returns 021:09
jeblairmordred: how many do you think we need?  about 1,200?21:09
sdaguejeblair: only if they are windows 8.121:09
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mordredand ssh returns 25521:09
mordredbecause, I THINK - the way the ssh server drops the connection after the command because it's forced command21:09
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jeblairmordred: windows remote desktop does not have that problem21:09
mordredjeblair: that's what I'm saying21:09
nibalizerremote powershell maybe21:10
mordrednow - the best part is21:10
jeblairyeah, it probably does have that problem, so we should just use remote desktop21:10
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mordredssh does not return 255 if the command run returns anything other than zero21:10
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mordredso when you combine it with puppet's insane decision to return 2 when it successfully applies changes21:10
mordredyou basically have no 100% sure way of knowing what, if anything, happened or didn't happen21:11
mordredalthough we can fairly certainly make the right decision 99% of the time21:11
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mordredbut it's possible that a real hiccup in ssh communication could go unnoticed because we'll have to return 0 when ssh returns 25521:12
sdaguemordred: what about do an && echo "I'm done" at the end21:12
sdagueand look for that output21:12
sdagueoh, I guest the 2 thing borks that21:13
mordredsdague: that, sadly. won't work, because I have to interpret puppet output21:13
mordredwe could write a puppet runner python program taht we install everywhere21:13
sdaguestupid keyboard21:13
mordredthat does NOT return 221:13
sdagueor, honestly, really small shell script21:13
mordredoh - or we could not use --test21:13
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Move python 2->3 checks into there own module
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Compile python 2-> regular expressions
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Storyboard token expiration increased
mordredand instead do "puppet agent --onetime --ignorecache --no-daemonize --no-usecacheonfailure --no-splay"21:14
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add language spepcific font package to Jenkins slave
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Document zuul generated log paths
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sdaguedamn, actually passed on the first try, and is doing the right thing from what I can tell21:21
sdaguethat's flipping all the grenade branches21:21
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sdaguemaurosr: you did a heck of a job on the per branch upgrade scripts to get us in that state21:23
anteayajeblair: looking at 83761 re: dsvm21:23
clarkbsdague: jeblair: SergeyLukjanov ready for me to approve the d-g matrix changes?21:25
sdagueyou have my thumbs up21:25
clarkbfirst two approved, will wait on test results for the next two21:26
sdagueyeh, the next two are a couple of minutes away from passing, but both looking good21:27
* anteaya toys with the idea of upgrading to trusty before installing her windows os21:27
nibalizertrusty all the things!21:28
sdagueI still don't have the big red button yet21:28
anteayamaybe not on release day21:28
clarkbI usually wait a bit for the mirrors to stop being so slow21:28
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nibalizerits cool to run a mirror and see the traffic spike :)21:29
clarkbnibalizer: did you ever see the psike from before opal was rate limited?21:30
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve run_remote_puppet logging output
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: use for test running
sdaguejeblair: there is the config change21:30
nibalizerclarkb: nope, but current mirrors are unlimited (with 10G the whole way to the internet)21:31
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clarkbnibalizer: when did that happen?21:31
nibalizerwhen opal went virtual21:31
nibalizerand now its load balanced between two virtual machines21:32
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mordrednibalizer, clarkb, jeblair: I apologize for the script change spam - but shoudl be the last of it (there's a reason I wanted to hammer on this on by hand a few times)21:33
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve run_remote_puppet logging output
jeblairmordred: what do you think about 'puppet-remote-2014-08-17' as the key name instead of the (not very helpful) email address?21:36
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mordredjeblair: yah. that works for me.21:36
mordredjeblair: I believe will will have to ensure=>absent previous versions as we may change them21:37
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mordredso that's a good way to do that21:37
jeblairyeah, i almost didn't add the date, but then figured it would be good for that21:37
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* mordred wants to dig in to the actual behavior of that puppet function to understand it better21:37
jeblairexcept maybe 2014-04-17 since that's the actual date :)21:37
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve run_remote_puppet logging output
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mordredjeez. if I could copy and paste from one place to another I'd be awesome21:40
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Improve run_remote_puppet logging output
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove puppet dashboard.
clarkbjeblair: mordred ^ removing puppet dashboard21:48
mordredclarkb: +221:49
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Improve run_remote_puppet logging output
mordredjeblair: we deleted activity-dev right?21:50
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jeblairmordred: yep21:50
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: usability improvements to
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mordredwe should remove the cert on the puppetmaster and clear it from the puppetdb known hosts  - maybe I should put a thing in our docs about that21:51
sdaguejeblair: that is a run at using caller in, the output changes a bit, so see if you like it21:51
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jeblairsdague: thx21:51
clarkbmordred: don't remove the cert, instead do a revocation on it21:52
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mordredclarkb: puppet clean $host does both21:54
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Remove puppet dashboard.
mordredclarkb, jeblair: puppet clean $host ; puppet node deactivate $host  gets it out of both the puppetmaster cert list and the puppetdb registry21:55
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mordredjeblair, clarkb, SergeyLukjanov, nibalizer: ok. the remote puppet script is now consistently working - and it's consistently runing around 5 minutes21:59
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mordred(sometimes as low as 3, but 5.5 seems to be the highwater mark)21:59
jeblairmordred: woo!22:00
mordredjeblair: I'm sure it'll take some tweaking over time as we learn things - but you know, mostly works22:01
clarkbsdague: jeblair mordred devstack-precise images appear to be building with the new devstack caching now22:02
sdagueclarkb: coolio22:02
mordredclarkb: woot22:02
clarkbI am going to do my best to log onto a booted node to see the cached data before I build normal devstack precise nodes22:03
sdagueany idea why region-b doesn't seem to want to download the fedora 64bit image?22:03
clarkbsdague: no, it looks like my build there is going to be successful22:03
clarkbdoes the cache script exit cleanly when that image isn't downloadable?22:03
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sdaguethat I don't know22:04
clarkbI will try to poke around on those nodes22:04
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clarkband see what I can sort out22:04
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clarkbsdague: actually I can see if fetching the images now22:08
clarkbregion-b is currently grabbing the fedora image22:08
sdaguethe 32bit one or the 64bit one?22:08
clarkb['wget', '-nv', '-c', '', '-O', '/home/jenkins/cache/files/Fedora-i386-20-20131211.1-sda.qcow2']22:10
clarkbso only i38622:10
clarkbsdague: but that was true of rax too so  Ithink bug in the image grabber script?22:11
sdaguewell, the legacy model the 64bit image got into the rax nodes I thought22:11
sdaguemaybe the network from region b to fedora mirrors is less good22:11
sdagueI do need to change the list_images piece to let us prepopulate22:12
sdagueI'll put that in tomorrow22:12
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clarkbsdague: the rax build from just now didn't grab 64bit fedora22:12
sdagueclarkb: right, but this is now using the devstack tool instead of parsing the shell bits, right?22:13
clarkbso is region b22:13
clarkbthey both grab 5 images22:13
clarkband they grabbed get-pip22:14
clarkbso  Ithink I will go ahead and start building new devstack precise images everywhere22:14
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clarkbrax has trusty images available to my personal rax account22:28
* clarkb checks hpcloud22:28
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sdagueclarkb: can you send this through -
sdaguethat should be the last piece of branchless tempest22:29
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clarkbsdague: will you hate me if I ask you to add the icehouse check jobs to d-g since it is branchless too?22:31
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sdagueI can do that after the qa meeting22:33
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Trollius: allow version 0.2 and later
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: feature matrix definition in yaml
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: use feature grid for service selection
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: add sahara to devstack-gate default runs
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: update grenade branches
clarkbhpcloud does not have trusty images yet22:48
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mordredI'm REALLY impressed that sahara added to the gate on the date of the icehouse release22:48
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clarkbthey have been running d-g jobs for a while now22:49
clarkbso I think they are pretty well prepared22:49
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asselinhi, not sure if this is best place to ask but I'm tyring to run "check-tempest-dsvm-full" within my own created jenkins slave built with nodepool & openstack scripts etc. I get this error "/opt/stack/new/devstack-gate/': No such file or directory" sure enough the folder /opt/stack/new is basically empty22:57
asselinnot sure where it's supposed to get populated, anybody konw?22:57
sdaguemordred: yeh, SergeyLukjanov has been super on top of things22:58
clarkbasselin: /opt/stack is setup by devstack gate22:58
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clarkbasselin: there is a portion of time where it runs out of the jenkins workspace before cutting over to /opt iirc22:58
mordredclarkb, jeblair: quick note - if you're on the puppet master now, and want  to trigger a single puppet run:22:58
mordredfor instance22:59
mordredis all you need22:59
mordredit may not be what you're wanting - because it's not going to be verbose and print diffs23:00
mordredbut it'll get the job done23:00
clarkbasselin: devstack-gate should bootstrap itself23:00
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mordredjeblair, clarkb, SergeyLukjanov: when we upgrade gerrit, should we take that opportunity to move to cloud db?23:01
mordredI ask, because the mysql module is the one that makes it hard to run puppet via sudo on boxes23:01
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mordredand gerrit and nodepool are the last two remaining23:01
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add stable icehouse jobs for tempest master
sdagueclarkb: ok, I think that's it23:04
sdaguegoing away from the computer for a bit for dinner23:04
clarkbasselin: if we look at it checks out devstack gate then starts it out of the workspace23:05
clarkbasselin: in devstack gate itself it switches over to using /opt which is what it is trying to do when it failsfor you23:05
clarkbwithout more info it is hard to know what is going on though23:06
asselinclarkb, thanks....somethings not workin in the scripts for me....I found the error message23:06
asselinclarkb, here's the error...I'm looking to why it happened in my env...
asselinclarkb,     tsfilter setup_workspace $OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH $BASE/new &> \23:09
asselin        $WORKSPACE/logs/devstack-gate-setup-workspace-new.txt23:09
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asselinseems  $OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH is empty string?23:09
clarkbasselin: export OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH=${OVERRIDE_ZUUL_BRANCH:-$ZUUL_BRANCH} is how it is set23:10
clarkbso if you don't have a zuul you will need to set ZUUL_BRANCH direclty23:10
asselinclarkb, right I don't have set it to e.g. master23:10
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clarkbany idea why that is happening? I am sure it is related to the proposal-bot change23:14
clarkboh I know23:14
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Moved main navigation into fixed sidebar.
mordredclarkb: looking23:16
mordredclarkb: it cant' connect as that user23:17
mordredclarkb: didn't you do something with the bot and permissions or groups or clas or something?23:17
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Set config prior to git review -s.
clarkbmordred: ^ thats the fix23:18
clarkbthe git config changes are not global23:18
clarkbso need to be done in each repo23:18
openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a fingerprint for bug 1309252
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1309252 in tempest "HTTP errors observed in test_load_balancer_basic" [Undecided,New]
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salv-orlandosdague: I got a e-r query for the lbaas issue ->
salv-orlandothe only I can say at the moment is that it's a test design problem for me. Therefore the bug targets only tempest at the moment23:19
salv-orlandoI read the issue as tempest trying to get from a web server before it's ready, but I have not looked yet at the details, since the lbaas people said they'll have a fix tomorrow anyway.23:20
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jogowhat is the timeline to moving to ubuntu 14.0423:21
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jogoas we have a new libvirt bug in gate and wondering if its worth sorting out  or holding off23:22
clarkbjogo: hpcloud doesn't have images up so impossible to say right now23:22
clarkbrax does though23:23
jogoclarkb: so that means you plan on moving over as soon as possible?23:23
jogowhatever that actually means23:23
clarkbI think so23:23
jogomtreinish: ^23:23
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clarkbbasically first we wait for images to magically appear23:23
mordredyes - for some value of all of those words23:23
clarkbthen we start testing with it and fix all of the stuff that breaks23:23
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jogoclarkb: cool23:24
jogoduring the last version rev how many things broke?23:25
clarkbI wasn't around for that23:25
clarkbbut the change to quantal was ugh23:25
jogoguess we will find out this time around23:25
clarkbmy guess is this will be particularly painful in certain cases23:25
clarkbbecause puppet, ruby, libvirt, the kernel, python, etc are all massively changed iirc23:26
clarkbthough did trusty end up defaulting to python3?23:26
clarkbI am guessing no23:26
mtreinishclarkb: dunno I was playing with it this morning23:26
mtreinishI saw a lot of python2- packages23:26
clarkbmaybe they did then23:26
mtreinishbut I assumed it was just a rename23:26
clarkbI know the goal was to default to puppet323:27
clarkber python323:27
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clarkbwhich means things that do `python` may not be happy23:27
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mordredclarkb: "python" on trusty gets me python223:28
clarkbmordred: ok, so they failed at that goal. Thats sad23:28
mtreinishoh mordred beat me to it23:28
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove queries for fixed bugs
Alex_Gaynorclarkb, mordred: The goal is to ship python3 for the builtin stuff,  it'll still be invoked as python323:28
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Alex_GaynorThere's no plan to change what the "python" binary is in this decade23:28
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: the goal I read was python3 by default23:29
Alex_Gaynorjust a plan to not ship it by default, and ship python3 by default23:29
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: yes, as the default included thing, not as the "python" binary23:29
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: how is that differnet23:29
clarkbpython points to the default install23:29
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: no, python will point to nothing, it won't exist23:29
clarkbor should anyways23:29
jogoclarkb: yeah, the kernel and libvirt changes will be fun23:29
clarkbwow thats just weird23:29
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: see
jogobecause we have had issues with both in the past23:29
clarkbAlex_Gaynor: huh so arch did it wrong when they changed default python?23:30
Alex_Gaynorclarkb: yes, although they did it before this pep was authored IIRC23:30
clarkbbecause really as someone using the non versioned alias you expect it to give you the default23:30
clarkbbecause python isn't python2 or python3, it is the default python...23:31
Alex_GaynorYeah, it's kind of weird. But until most python code is 3, even if the distro changes what it uses, changing it would break everyone else23:31
jogoclarkb: since the rax image is up, can we get started with a first pass evaluation?23:31
mordredyah. it would be a pretty massive breaking migration of the type we get mad at people for making23:31
clarkbmordred: Alex_Gaynor: I would agree if arch didn't fix that for much of the world23:31
clarkbit caused all sorts of explosions on arch and people fixed their broken code23:31
Alex_Gaynorno one has production servers on arch23:32
clarkbjogo: well we have region-b trusty beta image too. I can theoretically upload a qcow2 release image there too23:32
Alex_Gaynor(generalization, yes, but I think it's basically true)23:32
clarkbjogo: so it would just be legacy hpcloud without trusty, I am inclined to test things but I think that we should get jeblair's input23:32
asselinclarkb, script made progress and now seems stuck on 2014-04-17 23:16:36.092 | Processing triggers for ureadahead ...23:32
asselin do you know if that's supposed to take a long time?23:32
mordredyeah - I don't think arch fixed much of anything23:32
clarkbasselin: I don't23:32
clarkbmordred: they fixed a lot of python code23:33
mordredbut also not a lot of code23:33
jogoclarkb: testing beta may just be too painful23:33
mordredthere's still a TON of things out there that don't even come close to working with python323:34
clarkbjogo: no I don't want to test beta23:34
clarkbjogo: I am saying we can upload a release image23:34
clarkbmordred: right the fix isn't to port to python323:34
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clarkbmordred: its to force code to properly enfoce a dependency on python223:34
clarkbmordred: then you can make `python` your default python23:34
clarkbjust like ruby is default ruby and java is default java23:34
clarkbpep 0394 is silly23:35
jogoclarkb: ahh23:35
clarkband probably a response to what arch did23:35
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dstufftclarkb: yes it was a resposne to what arch did23:37
dstufftI think it's silly too, but also probably people would cry about PYthon3 10000% more if random distros started changing `python` to `python3`23:37
clarkbdstufft: its the only way I ever see python2 dying23:38
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clarkbwhat will happen is in 2020 guido says no more python2 then everyone will cry even more23:39
dstufftWhat happens in 2020 is so far away I don't even care at that point23:40
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dstufftI use python3 as my `python` fwiw23:40
dstufftit's not that annoying23:40
Alex_Gaynor"not that annoying" isn't the tagline I want assosciated with my language ;-)23:41
clarkbjogo: I am going to try and upload a release trusty image to hpcoud 1.1 now23:41
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clarkbyou actually have to turn the ship if you want it to move in a different direction23:41
clarkbpointing doesn't help23:41
dstufftAlex_Gaynor: "not that annoying" is almost a glowing review coming from me :V23:42
jogoclarkb: woot23:42
dstufftit's less annoying than python2 for day to day use at least23:43
dstufftexcept when some random thing from the internet only works on python223:43
dstufftbut that's what mktmpenv -ppython2 is for23:43
Alex_GaynorI should alias pypy to python and use that to inform what I work on23:44
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dstufftwtb pypy3.423:44
clarkbjogo: mordred jeblair 'Ubuntu Trusty 14.04 Server 64-bit 20140417 manual upload' is the image name for the trusty release image I am uploading now23:48
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clarkbthat will only be available in hpcloud region b23:48
clarkbrax has a different image name23:48
mordredclarkb: ok23:48
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clarkbwow glanceclient23:50
clarkbif you don't provide a container format it does the full upload then errors at the end23:50
clarkbinvalid container format None23:50
clarkbwhy isn't that a mandatory option then?23:51
clarkbok image is active23:52
clarkbmordred: jogo: do you guys think we should spin up some long lived trusty dev machiens?23:56
clarkbI am actually pretty curious to hear what jeblair thinks about this.23:56
clarkbin any case nothing prevents us from doing it against ports of our two providers so have at it23:57
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