Thursday, 2014-03-27

clarkbfungi: yup, though after looking at it in that state I think the -z should happen first then the refs/tags be the elif case00:00
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clarkbfungi: since -z means zero and we know refs/tags won't be in that string if it is zero length00:00
clarkbjhesketh_: sdague: any concern with it being terribly slow that way?00:00
jhesketh_the initial iteration without generators would have been bad, but I can't see any huge effects from doing it this way00:01
jhesketh_basically the additional overhead is coming from loading over http (ie swift) rather than disk00:01
jhesketh_so slower there but hopefully no slower than the client anyway00:01
sdagueclarkb: I think we're going to need to check that out with live testing env00:02
fungiclarkb: well, one is ZUUL_REF and the other is ZUUL_NEWREV00:02
sdagueit definitely will add some overhead00:02
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clarkbfungi: hrm ya, let me look at this more00:02
clarkbfungi: oh ya the current code is what I wanted because they are basically the same thing but for the --tags difference00:03
clarkbfungi: so that lgtm thanks00:03
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fungiclarkb: right, for tags you have to explicitly fetch them, then checkout the tag (which won't end up in FETCH_HEAD like a commitsha would)00:04
clarkbsdague: roger00:04
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jeblairfungi: checking out _ref is right there as opposed to _newrev?00:07
jeblair(i mean they should point to the same thing, i just cant remember if i've tested it)00:08
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fungijeblair: good question... it seemed correct when i compared parameter lists in previous jenkins job runs00:08
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devanandahiya! ironic/tempest question for ya'll -- any reason for us not to use DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_REGEX to control the set of tempest tests run in our checks?00:09
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jeblairfungi: both of those commands seem to work with "refs/tags/foo" as an arg...00:09
jeblairfungi: i suspect, actually that we could collapse the current newrev case into this00:10
fungijeblair: in retrospect, i can't remember why i chose ref over newrev for that. if you have a preference...00:10
clarkbdevananda: yes, I am pretty sure the qa team wants consistent testing across projects00:10
clarkbjeblair: fungi just fetch --tags when using newrev?00:10
devanandaclarkb: it's impossible to run all the nova tests with ironic as the virt driver.00:10
sdagueclarkb: honestly, for right now, I think using the REGEX is fine00:10
devanandaclarkb: the hypervisor support matrix is a much longer discussion. we're looking for _A_ path to get reasonable testing done00:11
fungiclarkb: we weren't previously using --tags unqualified because of performance though, right?00:11
sdagueI think we can evolve out of it over time00:11
jeblairfungi: but that's a bunch of extra testing; i think the current change is fine00:11
clarkbdevananda: believe me I know00:11
clarkbsdague: isn't that in conflict with the tags in tempest though?00:11
devanandasdague: glad to hear you agree :)00:11
clarkbsdague: I thought tempest itself wanted to assert which tests should run00:11
clarkbrather than individual projects00:11
sdagueclarkb: it does00:11
sdaguehowever, ironic is bringing in a compute driver that can't do a bunch of stuff00:12
sdaguethat is assumed for compute drivers00:12
devanandaand yea, i'd love not to have to do that, but so far, i haven't seen any suggestions for other solutions taht get us _any_ testing. and this gets us _some_00:12
sdaguewhich we don't have knobs for yet00:12
sdagueso this could get them voting soon00:12
sdagueon something00:12
sdagueso they don't backpeddal00:12
clarkbfungi: jeblair: yes it was a performance thing00:12
mordredand then we can figure out, you know, a sane plan00:13
clarkbfungi: jeblair: because refs for any tag have to be fetched, eg the stable tags00:13
sdaguewhich, honestly, makes me think I should take a stab at that for the cells job00:13
clarkbwhich may have diverged history compared to what has been fetched from existing branches00:13
sdaguebecause the current cells voting job is so minimal as to not be worth while00:13
clarkbsdague: right it runs a subset of exercises iirc00:13
clarkbfungi: when you are context switching away from ggp has a comment00:14
devanandawe could add a bunch of exercises -- in fact, adam_g has proposed that. but I'd still like some tempest tests too, as those really are the long term plan00:14
fungiclarkb: it's more context switching away from dinner, but thanks--looking00:14
tchaypoany cores on git-review around? is looking for a +a00:15
sdagueclarkb: right the the exercises basically do nothing00:15
devanandaand without the ability to filter out certain tests today, even though everything "works" as far as Ironic is concerned, we wouldn't be able to use tempest.00:15
sdaguethe net result is it starts 1 vm and 1 network I think00:15
sdagueand doesn't log into the vm00:15
sdagueso it may not have started for reals00:15
mordredsdague: so it does nothing00:15
clarkbtchaypo: looking00:15
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sdagueanyway, I think the REGEX is a sane incremental approach for now00:17
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openstackgerritJay Faulkner proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Ironic Python Agent is not Python 3.3 compatible
adam_gthe other tests could be made more sensitive about available features and we can eventually work toward running the current scenario tests against ironic00:19
sdagueactually, what the what00:20
JayFCould I get a review on ? My mistake is blocking from being merged (and master can't pass the py33 tests either)00:20
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sdague just passed cells tempest full00:20
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add a tool that can fix the import order
sdagueI am not convinced devstack is configuring cells any more00:23
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JayFfungi: ty for the quick review, if you know anyone else around who could also look to it, would be a big favor. I feel bad for the tests nack'ing our first contribution to the ipa based on my mistake :)00:26
fungiJayF: mordred, clarkb, jeblair and SergeyLukjanov also have +2/approve access on that repository one of them may be around too00:27
* clarkb looks00:28
JayFThanks a bunch!00:28
clarkbtchaypo: that change is the one I was avoiding >_>00:28
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove grizzly jobs and job filters
clarkbJayF: that was easy, done00:29
* clarkb goes back to tchaypo's change00:30
JayFWoohoo! thanks a bunch!00:30
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fungiclarkb: after talking through it and bouncing ideas off mordred one night, i arrived at the conclusion that change is really just making git-review work with the same assumptions on potentially pre-existing remotes named gerrit as we already did for other url types00:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Ironic Python Agent is not Python 3.3 compatible
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove stable/grizzly provisions and workarounds
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tchaypoNot actually my change :)00:45
tchaypoI'm hand-waggly about it, I kinda want to say "no, use the proper url".00:45
tchaypobut there's an actual bug from someone, and I can't see that it makes things significantly more complex00:46
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fungitchaypo: more or less my take on it as well, but apparently there's a community of git-review users out there for some project where this is their preferred workflow, for whatever reason, so i have a hard time saying their preference on this makes no sense whatsoever00:48
clarkbtchaypo: my "opposition" has been related to it not fixing an actual problem imo00:48
fungiclarkb: in this case i think the actual problem is one of existing environments... devs who are cloning directly from gerrit, using an ssh host alias, and then later try to use git-review and it trips over their existing git remote00:50
clarkbfungi: that isn't a problem with .gitreview files00:50
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fungiand git-review already makes provisions for that if they cloned from ssh://whatever but not if they cloned from whatever:00:50
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fungiclarkb: agreed, it sounds like in addition to this, there are gerrit admins who are allergic to adding a metadata file to every one of their repositories00:51
fungipresumably because only some small percentage of their devs are using git-review to interface with them or something00:52
fungiso, yeah, not a terribly important bug in my eyes. the intersection of people it will actually help seems smallish00:53
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clarkband approved00:58
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tchaypowell the good news is01:00
tchaypoyou just made some people happy, somewhere.01:00
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fungithat or the change author has already sworn he's never contributing another patch to an openstack project ever again because those people are ungrateful bastards01:01
clarkbits true, have you met those guys?01:02
fungii've been stuck in conference centers full of thousands of them, in fact01:02
fungimore than once01:02
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Comments UI
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/os-loganalyze: Add support to check swift for log files
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jhesketh__sdague, jeblair: Right, ran into some problems when you're trying to fetch from swift without chunks but that should address your comments ^01:55
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1291677
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1291677 in nova "delete interface times out in check-tempest-dsvm-neutron" [Undecided,New]
pabelangerfungi: looks like I'm seeing the failures you were yesterday on hpcloud02:00
pabelangercan't get a node up ATM02:01
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fungipabelanger: nova boot never returns a node with an id and ip address?02:02
imcsk8hello, i compiled the linux-sunxi kernel and i get this error: "Kernel panic - not syncing: No init found. Try Passing init= option to kernel" this is my uEnv.txt file:
pabelangerfungi: Hmm, I might be wrong.02:06
fungiimcsk8: i'm not really sure what you're talking about... how does this pertain to openstack developer community systems?02:07
pabelangerfungi: okay, sorry for the noise.  The issue is on my jenkins master02:08
fungipabelanger: oh, good. i guess you figured it out, whatever it was ;)02:09
imcsk8fungi: oh i'm so sorry i didn't notice i was on the wrong channel. thanks for pointing this out!!02:09
fungiimcsk8: ooh, looks like an arm-based soc embedded platform. something i enjoy tinkering with too in my spare time, but yes off topic for this channel02:10
pabelangerfungi: no, still working on it. For some reason my CREATE_NODE on jenkins master is failing. Might be a memory issue02:10
pabelangerlack ofit02:10
imcsk8fungi: i've actually managed to install openstack on one cubietruck, i want to use docker and LXC on it02:11
fungiimcsk8: my personal current annoyance is being unable to get video working on tronsmart t428 (rockchip-based quad core tv stick) boards with linux 3.0.10102:11
imcsk8fungi: never used one of those02:12
fungii wish the arm soc manufacturers would get their heads out of android, actually abide by the gpl, and properly release source code for their kernel patches02:12
adam_ganyone up for a quick one before the day is through?
fungiadam_g: sure02:12
adam_gfungi, thanks!02:13
imcsk8fungi: yeah, video is a pain with those devices, wireless too02:13
imcsk8adam_g: i can give you a +102:15
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fungiimcsk8: i've actually got the onboard wireless working great with it. video too with 3.0.36 kernels, but still having issues with 3.0.72 and 3.0.101 (which is where i have some actual hope of getting gpu and video codec acceleration support, unfortunately)02:15
imcsk8fungi: i'm struggling with 3.4.6102:16
fungiand also, just the general annoyance that the latest mainstream linux kernels are 3.13.x and the only released hacked-up kernel source for the rockchip-based systems is ancient 3.0.x02:17
imcsk8fungi: everything works but i had to compile the kernel because the stock one does not have the veth driver and it's needed for LXC + libvirt02:17
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imcsk8fungi: oh that's bad, the cubieboards are based on fork called linux-sunxi which is very actively maintained02:18
fungiyeah, i've noticed a lot of the pre-baked kernels for arm systems don't bother to set =m on a lot of config options rather than just disabling them completely. very annoying02:18
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fungiwell, manufacturers like tronsmart target phones and tablets with their chipsets, so only do the bare minimum to meet some manufacturer requirement so that android will mostly run (and i don't want android--i want a proper linux distro)02:19
imcsk8fungi: i think my problem is with uboot, hopefully i'll get pass this and i'll have a working openstcack microserver using LXC, KVM stuff is out of the question with this ones (only 2Gb of ram)02:20
fungiimcsk8: that would be awesome. i was toying for a while with the idea of doing an ironic-based "bare metal" cloud out of gumstix overo boards on their stagecoach carriers02:21
fungiwould be wonderfully high-density, though the indivifual instances wouldn't be very powerful (and the stagecoach is only 100basetx switching between them)02:21
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imcsk8fungi: i think that there can be built very cheap clusters using this combination, one master with most openstack componets running and the others just for the compute and storage stuff, this would be enough for small/home office typical internet services. i submitted a paper about this to the openstack summit but it did got accepted02:25
fungiimcsk8: i think i remember seeing the abstract for that. looked interesting, but wasn't in the track i was chairing02:26
imcsk8fungi: it might have been mine hehe02:28
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imcsk8fungi: a guy from a research center helped me designing a case for this cubietrucks to help heat dissipation and magnetic stacking so you don't need racks and avoid complex cooling systems02:29
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fungiimcsk8: sounds great02:30
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imcsk8fungi: thanks! a lot of testing to do but i think we're going to pull it off, i want to integrate docker also into this boxes02:31
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openstackgerritZhenguo Niu proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update python-keystoneclient to 0.7.0
tchaypo is driving me batty. It keeps failing just one of the checks, at random, with different errors each time04:28
tchaypoalthough failing to resolve names seems to be a popular choice04:29
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Sets DEFAULT_INSTANCE_TYPE in localrc for Ironic
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Add gerrit/smtp port config options to the doc
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clarkb fyi that is apparently still a thing. I guess we should do more dns related debugging05:26
clarkb:( was hoping unbound would be a miracle cure05:26
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tchaypoand has failed again, this time not for name resolution reasons05:50
tchaypo2014-03-27 04:33:27.805 | hash mismatch05:50
tchaypo2014-03-27 04:33:27.805 | key_verify failed for server_host_key05:50
clarkbtchaypo: thats a known issue with git review, I think there is a bug for it somewhere05:51
clarkbtchaypo: long story short running a bunch of gerrits on puny test VMs makes gerrit cry05:51
clarkbI will kick it05:51
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clarkbtchaypo: but this is still a vast improvement over the days of no test suite05:54
tchaypoand at least our test suite has a very decent level of output that makes it really easy to jump on and see what happened05:57
tchayposo I can *confidently* assert that it failed erroneously three times running05:58
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Fix parsing of SCP-style URLs, as these are valid in Git itself
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openstackgerritRémi Alvergnat proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Use unicode_literals import instead of u'unicode' notation.
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bogdandoHi. That version of Logstash and Elasticsearch uses ?07:49
bogdandoI have logstash 1.1.13 stability issues, I'm wondering,  have you guys had some ever?..07:50
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bogdandoI mean something like this kind of issue...
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jlibosvafungi: sdague hi, is it possible to run grenade job with custom branch from gerrit on one of target projects? I found a way, creating /opt/git/openstack/neutron in advance of cloning neutron but I'm not sure if it safe.09:20
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sdaguejlibosva: what's the issue that you are trying to address?10:11
jlibosvasdague: I'm working (still) on neutron with grenade and there is a patch in neutron I'd like to test with the grenade patch.10:12
jlibosvasdague: I need this patch to be in neutron version that I'm upgrading to10:13
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openstackgerritPeter Jönsson proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Stash as a repository viewer
sdagueso that seems like it would be an issue regardless?10:19
sdaguedo you guys have a data migrations test like nova ?10:19
sdaguethere really isn't a good way to do speculative change testing at this point10:19
sdagueif you create a giant hack in your patch to do it, cool, that's a feature we need a more general solution for10:20
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jlibosvasdague: we have no tests for migrations, that's what I try to do - we want to use grenade for it. But the test that is on gerrit is failing because of bug in neutron. So I'd like to test these two patches together10:25
sdaguejlibosva: grenade's not going to be fully sufficient for that10:25
jlibosvasdague: but so far we have nothing10:26
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sdagueyou should probably start with copying this into your unit test -
jlibosvasdague: good, didn't know about such a thing10:27
sdaguethere is a whole frame work there for doing data injection before a migration, then testing the results after10:27
sdagueit might need some tweaking for alembic10:28
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jlibosvasdague: I'll look into it. But let's get to my original question - is there such a thing for running grenade with custom patched neutron?10:28
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sdaguejlibosva: right now, no, not easily10:29
jlibosvasdague: what do you think about creating /opt/git/openstack/neutron with fetched commit in advance of setup_workspace for "new neutron" in ?10:29
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jlibosvasdague: something like this:
jlibosvajust for testing purposes10:31
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sdaguejlibosva: you'd need to do that with the grenade tree as well, right?10:35
sdaguethen the results of devstack-gate run would valid?10:36
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jlibosvasdague: right, my concern is whether it's ok to create /opt/git/openstack/neutron on jenkins slaves10:55
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sdaguethey are single use10:57
sdagueso it's fine as a hack10:57
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jlibosvasdague: great! thanks :)10:58
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vponomaryovHow can be deleted branch from project? What rights are needed for it? Who knows?11:20
vponomaryovstackforge project11:21
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anteayavponomaryov: one of the infra-core needs to delete branches from stackforge projects11:34
anteayavponomaryov: which project and which branch would you like deleted?11:35
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anteayavponomaryov: and is the branch ready to be deleted right now?11:35
vponomaryovanteaya: project #link: ; branches: bug-fix-y , cinder-to-manila11:36
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vponomaryovYes, it can be deleted now. Its artifacts, that has not been deleted before adding it stackforge11:37
vponomaryov*to stackforge11:38
anteayawhen an infra-core is awake, they will read the backscroll and either delete the branches and inform you or ask more questions before they delete11:38
anteayavponomaryov: stay in channel11:38
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vponomaryovanteaya: Thanks11:39
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fungivponomaryov: i have deleted the bug-fix-y and cinder-to-manila branches from the stackforge/manila project12:03
vponomaryovfungi: Thank you!12:04
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fungivponomaryov: you're welcome12:05
SergeyLukjanovfungi, morning!12:07
openstackgerritMORITA Kazutaka proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Jenkins jobs for swift3
SergeyLukjanovfungi, how are you?12:08
fungiSergeyLukjanov: well, just checking that nothing is horribly broken before i disappear to drop my car off for its annual checkup12:08
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, yup, everything looks nice12:09
sdagueyeh, all clear on the western front12:10
fungiSergeyLukjanov: agreed--i don't feel too bad about vanishing for a bit12:10
fungisdague: amazing12:10
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openstackgerritRuslan Kamaldinov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable murano-dashboard in Murano gate job
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ruheinfra core, could you please review ^^ to fix Murano gate jobs?12:32
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ArxCruzclarkb: Failed to clone stackforge/python-muranoclient12:41
ArxCruzsame issue I had a few weeks ago because git sync :)12:41
openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Add data load instructions to dev install doc
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anteayaArxCruz: would this bug relate at all?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1298006 in openstack-ci "network sometimes unreachable accessing our git server" [Undecided,New]12:49
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ArxCruzanteaya: probably, last time I was having this problem, clarkb told me that one of the git repository fail to synchronize12:50
ArxCruzanteaya: it's failing since last night12:50
anteayado you have any log output or error stacktraces you could add to the bug report?12:51
anteayaand :(12:51
ArxCruzanteaya: I'm rebuilding the image to run devstack in my vms12:52
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ArxCruzand nodepool script fails when try to download this one12:53
anteayajust python-muranoclient?12:53
ArxCruzanteaya: well, it fails on this one, not sure if others are having the same issue12:54
ArxCruzlast time was, but it takes a while running the git for all projects12:55
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anteayaArxCruz: just for a test what happens if you try git clone git://
ArxCruzanteaya: checking12:57
ArxCruzanteaya: git01 is working12:57
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anteayathat is a url that goes straight to the server12:57
ArxCruzat least in my local machine, let me check in one of my vm's12:57
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ArxCruzyum, git01 is working12:58
anteayaso perhaps there is an issue with how the load balancer is addressing requests12:58
anteayaokay so that is helpful12:58
ArxCruzanteaya: yes12:58
ArxCruzanteaya: last time one of the replicated servers fails, and for some reason, I was the lucky one :)12:59
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anteayaArxCruz: :D13:00
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anteayaArxCruz: can you add some comments to the bug report?13:00
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ArxCruzanteaya: done13:02
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anteayaSergeyLukjanov: do you have a visa to attend the summit?13:09
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anteayaI was just talking to someone else from Russia and he was able to get a visa for the states13:09
anteayaso I hope you have/can get one too13:09
IzikPensoHello, I'm building a 3rd party testing CI system, how can I add the comment trigger support for "recheck bug ###" and "recheck no bug" , using the jenkins gerrit trigger plugin ?13:09
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anteayaIzikPenso: Sukdev has written up some information about how to do that:
IzikPensoanteaya: Great, thank you.13:12
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anteayawhat is the problem with cloning muranoclient right now?13:14
ArxCruzanteaya: manually, it's working13:17
anteayayeah, if you go to the backend directly, right?13:17
ArxCruzanteaya: yup13:17
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ArxCruzanteaya: can you check if puppet didn't fail in the git replication ?13:17
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ArxCruzif I remember correctly, last time was this the root cause of these failures13:18
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anteayawe both can:
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anteayathe only change I see puppet reporting is to git03:
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tnurlygayanov_Hi there13:21
tnurlygayanov_about the muranoclien13:22
tnurlygayanov_can I help you with these problems? what you want to do with muranoclient?13:23
anteayaclone it13:23
anteayaour git farm is not responding well to a clone request13:23
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1298006 in openstack-ci "network sometimes unreachable accessing our git server" [Undecided,New]13:24
anteayayesterday I couldn't clone gerritlib13:24
tnurlygayanov_hm, it is strange, it is just simple repository...13:24
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anteayatoday ArxCruz can't clone muranoclient13:24
anteayatnurlygayanov_: yes and if the url goes straight to the server the request is completed13:25
tnurlygayanov_probably some problems with the repository availability?13:25
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ativelkovI've just started updating the oslo-incubator libraries in it, but this can not be the reason, can it?13:25
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ArxCruzativelkov: probably not, since last night I was facing this problem13:26
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ArxCruzlast night here in brazil = 12 hours ago13:26
ativelkovYes, then it is something different13:27
anteayathe repo is on all 5 git servers, I just cloned from each13:27
ativelkovWhich client are you talking about? python-muranoclient or murano-metadataclient?13:27
ArxCruzativelkov: python-muranoclient13:27
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ArxCruzanteaya: but from all 5 git servers are they in the same point ?13:28
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anteayaArxCruz: I didn't check the sha of the last commit, I can do that13:28
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ArxCruzthen I have no idea why isn't working13:34
anteayame either13:34
ArxCruzlast time clarkb fix it :/13:34
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anteayahe has the magic touch13:35
anteayado you know what date it happened last time?13:35
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Enable murano-dashboard in Murano gate job
ArxCruzanteaya: same problem, I wasn't being able to clone some repositories13:36
fungiArxCruz: did you maybe try cloning from cgit instead of the copy apache is serving (is there a /cgit in the path you're failing on?)13:36
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ArxCruzfungi: checking, I'm using the script13:37
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fungiArxCruz: hrm, yeah that should be building the urls in a consistent manner, so ought not to clone that project any differently than the rest13:38
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fungiArxCruz: do you have a more detailed transcript of the error you're hitting (with some context leading up to it)?13:39
ArxCruzfungi: I'm running the manually, outside nodepool to check13:40
ArxCruzother projects are passing13:40
fungiArxCruz: definitely strange. did you just hit that once, or is it repeatable?13:41
ArxCruzfungi: repeatable since 12 hours ago13:41
ArxCruzat least13:41
fungiArxCruz: and the template vm where the image is getting generated is somewhere inside your network presumably13:42
ArxCruzfungi: yes13:43
ArxCruzfungi: the vm can clone other repositories13:43
fungiArxCruz: would you be able to give me the global ip address we'd see the request coming from, and a timestamp from one of the times it tried?13:43
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fungii can see if we're logging an error of any kind13:43
ArxCruzfungi: can't :/13:43
ArxCruztimestamp I can try13:44
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ArxCruzfungi: I'm rerunning here in the vm manually13:44
ArxCruzwhen I hit the problem I let you know13:44
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openstackgerritSandy Walsh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add StackTach project
ArxCruzfungi: now13:52
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ArxCruzweird, manually it pass13:55
fungiArxCruz: the lb gets a ton of traffic, so it's hard to figure out where your request got directed without knowing your source address... can you do this? wget -qO-|grep Address13:55
fungisee what it returns in the value="..."13:55
fungiArxCruz: also, when manually cloning, be sure to test using the exact same url the script uses: git clone git://
ArxCruzfungi: I used the script, but calling manually, instead of from nodepool13:57
ruheSergeyLukjanov: fungi: thank you very much!13:57
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fungiArxCruz: oh, so running yourself in the vm, it works?13:58
ArxCruzfungi: yes13:58
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fungiArxCruz: maybe the script needs better error reporting. we probably need to tweak how we're capturing stdout and stderr in common.run_local()
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fungiArxCruz: my suspicion is that it's not a connectivity issue (running out of space in /opt? target directory already exists?) and we're just not getting the error which is output by the git clone command14:06
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ArxCruzfungi: it's not running out of space since I just did it in the vm14:07
ArxCruzfungi: /dev/vda5       4.7G  4.4G  8.6M 100% /14:07
fungiArxCruz: if you want to try to hack up on your local nodepool server to properly report the stdout and stderr in the image build log, that might help track down the actual cause (and then we can patch it)14:07
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openstackgerritJason Kincl proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Copy Artifact project copy permissions
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openstackgerritThierry Carrez proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Add data load instructions to dev install doc
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openstackgerritJakub Libosvar proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: TESTING ONLY: Test grenade with neutron
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devanandaclarkb: good morning! got a translations question for you15:43
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devanandaclarkb: it looks like there's been a fair amount of work on -- and I've seen Jenkins proposing changes regularly, but I just realized, they all have had empty msgstr!15:43
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devanandaclarkb: so none of the translations are showing up in tree yet. Am I missing something?15:44
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annegentlefungi: or clarkb: I'm not super familiar with the templatized doc jobs, and need to add a build of a v1 of the volume-api repo, so it's a separate folder in the repo15:49
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annegentlefungi: clarkb: anyone have a minute to walk through it with me? Andreas isn't online this morn.15:49
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fungiannegentle: i'll stare at them for a sec so i can see what those are doing15:50
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annegentlefungi: thanks!15:50
annegentlefungi: not that you all are my second choice or anything ha ha15:50
annegentlefungi: I definitely see how the templates work now, but don't see how to point to another folder15:51
fungifor this, i'd normally be asking andreas too ;)15:51
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fungiannegentle: so the trail leads to
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annegentlefungi: oh!! I hadn't figured out where tox settings live!15:56
annegentlefungi: ok I can go from here I think15:56
fungiannegentle: okay, great! glad that helped ;)15:56
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therveHi! I'd like to add a gate step to heat-templates (and maybe heat) to validate the templates using the API15:57
therveCan someone give me a pointer on how to start?15:57
fungitherve: do you have a script/tool in the heat-templates repo which performs those validation tests?15:58
thervefungi, No, but we have a call in the heat command line client15:59
therveSo writing this script sounds doable15:59
fungitherve: or would you want to use heatclient to test them?15:59
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thervefungi, You mean library VS command line?16:00
fungibasically trying to figure out whether this is an integration test (making sure that heatclient, heat and heat-templates collectively don't break template validation)?16:00
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therveYes this is an integration test16:00
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therveI didn't think about heatclient but that's a good point16:01
jeblairdo you need the heat api server to be running in order to run the test?16:01
jeblairstoryboard meeting time in #openstack-meeting16:01
fungii need to add a reminder for that one16:01
jeblairfungi: so you think a devstack-gate based job with a custom gate_hook?16:02
fungitherve: so, some projects have set up similar sorts of...16:02
fungiyep, that's what i was about to suggest16:02
* jeblair defers to fungi16:02
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fungitherve: basically, you could (ab)use the devstack worker configuration to have a framework to set up your dependencies and start needed services, then write a shell script stub which gets called in place of devstack-gate's current gate_hook function16:03
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fungitherve: i'll find you a couple of working examples16:04
therveI think that makes sense :)16:04
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therveSo that would create one additional conf that we can enable on each project?16:05
fungitherve: well, yes we'd create a jenkins job which encapsulates running devstack-gate with your custom gate_hook function and then that job can be added to all the projects you think might need their changes tested against this16:06
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fungii'll show you how/where16:06
therveThat'd be great thanks16:06
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fungitherve: so a "very simple" example of devstack-gate hooks is the job template we use to test that we don't break devstack-gate's hooks:
fungiobviously that's a building-block example, since the hooks there are about as useless as them come16:11
fungitherve: next, have a look at
fungitherve: there you can see the job we run which allows us to test installing packages for all of openstack and its dependencies, and makes sure that our pypi mirroring works correctly16:13
therveSo it "just" calls devstack-vm-gate.sh16:13
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fungiyes, for that one we use a gate_hook function to run a script from devstack followed by a script from pbr16:13
fungier, a script from devstack-gate and a script from pbr16:14
BobBallfungi: Can the citrix xenserver CI have voting rights pls?
thervefungi, So trick question: heat-templates repository is not in devstack. Is it available in, say, heat gate?16:14
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cody-somervilleI'm wondering if adding additional modules to openstack-common.conf should do something to help ensure it's dependencies are met.16:15
fungiBobBall: ahh, yep, i remembered seeing that e-mail and then i lost track of it/which account it was for--sorry! i'll do that here momentarily16:15
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fungitherve: we clone all the projects in our gerrit onto all our job workers, but if you have dependencies which are outside of the ones devstack installs and can't be met from your own requirements.txt/test-requires.txt then i'll show you a separate example of that in a moment16:17
fungi(for example, additional system packages you need, though again for an official openstack project we can make sure those are just preinstalled on our workers unless there's a good security/functional reason not to do so)16:18
BobBallgreat, thanks!16:18
therveHum that shouldn't be a problem I think16:18
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thervefungi, But basically I "just" need a patch against infra/config16:19
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fungitherve: right, still dredging up some more examples for you16:21
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fungitherve: if you search for gate_hook in the oslo.yaml and tripleo.yaml files in that same directory, you'll see more examples of devstack-gate gate_hook overrides16:22
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thervefungi, gotcha16:23
fungioslo is using it for a library integration test which runs the unit tests of other projects with proposed lib changes to see if they break16:23
fungitripleo is running a script from the tripleo-ci project16:24
therveSo maybe I should host the script in heat-templates first16:24
therveSo that config can call it16:24
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fungithe script can really live anywhere, either in the project with which it's most closely related, or in a separate project of its own if its complexity warrants (for example, tempest, grenade, et cetera)16:25
therveMakes sense, I think heat-templates is the best place16:25
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fungitherve: and then to decide which projects need to have their changes gated on it, you would simply add the job name to the various pipelines for them in
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Openstackid site-update feature
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anteayamorning zaro16:27
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* therve is saving this conversation16:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Update python-keystoneclient to 0.7.0
fungiBobBall: i've moved XenServer CI from Third-Party CI to Voting Third-Party CI16:28
fungiBobBall: apologies for the delay. i'll follow up to the ml thread too now that i know which one it was16:28
thervefungi, Thanks a lot for all the info, I'll get started16:29
openstackgerritJenkins proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Updated from global requirements
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fungitherve: let me know if you have any more questions, though really the easiest path forward is to just take a stab with a change in review and we can mark it up accordingly16:31
therveYep definitely16:32
therveI'll first push the script and come back once it's done16:32
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pabelangerfungi, is nodepool smart enough to rotate across providers if a image fails to load properly on a specific provider?16:35
pabelangerI cannot test ATM, only have 1 provider16:36
fungipabelanger: nodepool will try to build images on all your providers if it thinks it needs nodes in them, but will only build nodes in the providers where it managed to successfully create images16:37
pabelangerfungi, okay16:38
funginot sure if "fails to load" in this case means fails to create the snapshot image, or if you meant something else by that16:38
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pabelangersnapshot is create, but when nodepool launches / attaches a new image to jenkins, that process is currently failing for me (hpcloud) maintenance.  I wanted to see if I had another provider (eg: rax), if nodepool would attempt to launch the next image on rax, or just continue to do hpcloud.16:39
pabelangerI assume it would go to rax next16:39
pabelangerround robin the providers16:40
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pabelangerfungi, Also, do you graph the nodepool failures any place? status.o.o/zuul doesn't have anything16:40
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fungipabelanger: no, we might statsd those into, not sure16:42
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fungipabelanger: however, you've identified a hard-to-solve problem which we also struggle with... if nova boot calls don't immediately fail but never return an instance, nodepool will have them in a building state for a while. it counts building nodes toward the number of nodes it thinks you want for jobs so that it doesn't create too many more than it needs16:43
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fungiif you have multiple providers that will mitigate it some, but if the nodes have a tendency to stay in building for a while you'll see them accumulating disproportionately on the problem provider, and you're likely to end up starving yourself of rarer node types (if you have more than one type of node and build a lot more of some types than others)16:45
pabelangerfungi, okay. Good to know16:45
fungipabelanger: this is a problem we'd welcome a good solution for, i'm sure, if you end up discovering/writing one ;)16:46
fungicloud providers are, after all, notoriously unreliable at times16:46
pabelangerfungi, Ya, I find the whole concept of nodepool awesome, so I don't have a problem helping out where I can.  Good to know that most of the stuff I am seeing, is know issues upstream16:47
devanandahi all! as I haven't seen clarkb yet today, does anyone have a moment for a translations question?16:48
fungipabelanger: also, opening bugs about these issues is probably a good idea, known or otherwise16:48
pabelangerfungi, Ya, I was thinking of doing that last night. I'll start doing that16:49
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fungidevananda: i can try, though i'm only very loosely familiar with transifex16:49
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devanandafungi: 'tis appreciated anyway :)16:49
devanandafungi: so, I see translations online, and Jenkins has proposed lots of updates 9and they've landed) but none of them have translated strings in them16:49
devanandaeg,    vs
devanandaAIUI, there's some infra magic which turns one into the other16:51
fungidevananda: okay, do you have a link handy to one of the translations proposal changes for ironic? if not, i'll hunt down the most recent one16:51
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added missing requirements back to storyboard
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devanandafungi: sec16:53
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devanandafungi: here's an open one:
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fungidevananda: okay, so there are translated strings in pt_BR on transifex not reflected in i guess... let me hunt down the log from the jenkins job which proposed that change16:59
devanandafungi: thanks!16:59
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BobBallperfect - many thanks fungi.17:00
fungiSkipping 'pt_BR' translation (file: ironic/locale/pt_BR/LC_MESSAGES/ironic.po).17:00
devanandafungi: ...??17:01
fungithat may be benign17:03
fungiwe have some translation stats there... though "reviewed_percentage": "0%"17:03
openstackgerritMaru Newby proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix neutron api job
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marunfungi, clarkb: revel in my fallibility! ;) ^17:05
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fungidevananda: so, yeah, i'm back to the "Pulling translations for resource ironic.ironic-translations (source: ironic/locale/ironic.pot)" followed by "skipping" lines for every pofile17:06
fungii'm going to compare your potfile with nova's17:06
reedgood day folks17:06
fungihowdy reed17:06
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reedfungi, jeblair I added you as reviewers of and
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fungiclarkb: what would cause tx pull -a not to find translated strings on transifex?17:11
anteayamorning clarkb17:11
clarkbfungi: the strings may not be associated with the resource tx is pulling from17:11
fungii wonder if maybe the tx profile for ironic isn't quite right17:11
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* clarkb looks at the job log you pulled up to see if anything is obvious17:12
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therveanteaya, Thanks :)17:15
fungireed: interesting, i thought openstackid production was going to wait until there was an ubuntu lts release which included a new enough php to support laravel (ubuntu 14.04 is due to release in ~3 weeks, then we need to make sure we can launch new cloud servers in rackspace using it)17:16
dstufftyay new lts's17:16
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fungiand that the workaround of installing unofficial ppa versions of php was just to support the dev server in the meantime17:16
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* fungi just wasn't expecting to see a prod server change review for openstackid so soon17:18
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clarkbfungi: devananda I wonder if "Error uploading file: There is a syntax error in your file." is related. Possibly the tx client is seeing the same error and skipping over those files?17:21
clarkbthe project and resource name all seem to match up so I don't think that we are pulling/pushing to the wrong thing17:21
devanandag'morning, clarkb17:22
mroddenso this installs bundler from gems onto the precise nodes
mroddenbut when i install from gems it ends up at /usr/bin/local/bundle17:23
mroddenbut the YAML configs are calling out to /usr/bin/bundle17:23
mroddenam i missing something?17:23
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added missing requirements back to storyboard
reedfungi, I think that openstackid code was backported to current php version on LTS17:24
reedfungi, the ppa is not needed17:25
reedfungi, add a comment about it on the review please17:25
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: fix the literalinclude reference to least-load test
clarkbmrodden: is that possibly something funny that the gem package provider does in puppet? maybe it overrides the install path?17:26
clarkbmrodden: I am not familiar with gems so mostly throwing out ideas without any real basis for them17:26
mroddenclarkb: no i think i missed it here17:26
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mroddengems is like pip for ruby17:27
mroddenbut it looks like that pulls in the ubuntu ruby-bundler package17:27
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i have restarted nodepool to pick up the logging change17:27
fungireed: excellent news! will do17:27
clarkbmrodden: yes, that would grab the ubuntu package, so we may have two bundlers installed, one in /usr/bin and the other in /usr/local/bin17:27
mroddenso basically there are two bundler's installed17:27
mroddenclarkb: that explains my confusion17:28
mroddenneed to go update my recipes...17:28
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use region-b more
jeblairclarkb, fungi, SergeyLukjanov: ^ to try to get more data on region-b failures17:31
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clarkbjeblair: approved17:32
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix neutron api job
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I'm going to review, check and approve zuul's status.js changes, are you ok with it?17:43
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: that would be great.  i just finished another pass through, so i should have +2s on all of them17:44
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, ok17:44
clarkb++ I try reviewing them but my js is really not great17:44
clarkbdevananda: so for the tx thing, I would try fixing those errors in the .po files and see if that fixes it17:45
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added missing requirements back to storyboard
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devanandaclarkb: "those errors" -- did I miss something in scrollback?17:46
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use region-b more
clarkbdevananda: yes you must've missed it17:49
clarkbdevananda: "Error uploading file: There is a syntax error in your file."17:50
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devanandaclarkb: how would I test this w/o pushing to transifex?17:57
devanandaclarkb: or rather, how can i test this directly at all?17:58
devanandaclarkb: the line it claims has an error (2161) is blank17:59
devanandaeven after I regenerate the translations locally17:59
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clarkbdevananda: the error says there are duplicate lines, I think you can search for those. Thought it is possible you will need to run that script18:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Use unicode_literals import instead of u'unicode' notation.
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devanandaclarkb: could it be complaining about empty msgid strings?18:03
devanandathere arenot any other duplicates18:03
clarkbdevananda: no empty msgid strings should be valid18:03
clarkbdevananda: right so the duplicates may be a side effect of the script itself18:03
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sdaguerossella_s you still about?18:05
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rossella_ssdague: yes18:06
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devanandaclarkb: so doesn't that script post it's changes to gerit before submitting to transifex?18:06
devanandaclarkb: iow, i should be able to detect duplciates in 82993's .po files -- bu tI don't18:06
sdagueclarkb / jeblair: rossella_s has been trying to get baseline numbers for neutron pass rates through pseudo automated rechecking of some dummy patches. It occurred to me that this is basically what we wanted to get out of the "idle cloud"18:07
sdagueand I'd like to see if we could get everyone connected there and have rossella_s help with baking those background jobs into the infrastructure18:08
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rossella_ssdague: right now I have just a small script that listen to the gerrit stream and comment "recheck no bug" when jenkins posts the result for a dummy patch that I created18:08
sdaguein a way that we could extract into elastic search and elastic recheck18:08
sdaguerossella_s: yep. I just think we should be able to make it part of what the system sort of naturally does18:08
rossella_ssdague: that would be cool18:09
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sdagueclarkb / jeblair: got a few minutes to sketch out what would be required here?18:09
devanandagotta step afk a bit18:09
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openstackgerritRandy Coulman proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for URLTrigger plugin
clarkbdevananda: it modifies the .po files18:12
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clarkbdevananda: so what you have in front of you now isn't necessarily what that script was pushing18:12
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devanandaclarkb: it's the same SHA as
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devanandaclarkb: IMBW, but it looks like that script does various things to build the .po files, then pushes it to gerrit, then calls "tx push" a few times with different options18:16
clarkbdevananda: right, the script itself modifies the .po files18:16
devanandaclarkb: before or after it does "git review" ?18:16
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clarkbdevananda: I would need to go read the script but I think it is before18:17
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Comments UI
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devanandaclarkb: right. the logs seem to corroborate that :) so. I've grep'd for duplicates in the result of that script's generation of the .po files. and I dont see any.18:20
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jeblairsdague: sure, though while it seems similar, i thought one of the main goals was to make sure that reviews were up to date, which has been largely, though imperfectly, solved with the freshness check...?18:21
sdaguejeblair: no, the main goal of the idle queue was to get a control set for the pass / fail rate of master18:21
sdaguewhich isn't effected by how many patches get pushed each day18:22
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jeblairsdague: how is that different from the jobs that run in the gate on master?18:22
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sdaguebecause there isn't enough data for project specific jobs and slow moving projects18:22
sdagueanyway, I have to run for a bit18:23
sdagueif now is not the right time to do this, I think rossella_s's existing approach will get her the data she needs18:24
jeblairsdague: ok; i think i understand.  i have a couple of ideas we can brainstorm about.18:25
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jeblairsdague: when you're back and have time, let me know and we can continue.18:25
rossella_sjeblair: I'd like to know your ideas18:25
rossella_swe can wait for sdague though18:26
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jeblairrossella_s: happy to share; just didn't want to end up doing it twice.  :)  basically, i think we could have something like the periodic pipelines that ran jobs continuously but at the lowest gearman priority.18:27
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jeblairrossella_s: so that way it doesn't take nodes away from gate/check tests, and builds on features already in zuul.18:28
jeblairrossella_s: it _might_ even be possible to do it without any code changes to zuul; we'd have to test some things.18:28
rossella_sjeblair sweet!18:29
rossella_sjeblair: what I need for example is to get the failure rate of a job. Run a job that is supposed to succeed every time and check the failure so that we can have a report of the flaky tests18:29
jeblairrossella_s: (like if we set up a periodic pipeline to trigger every minute, would it only enqueue one change for a project at a time; if so, we can probably do it without a code change; if not, it might be a simple code change to support that)18:30
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: so far no build timeouts in region-b (with 98 nodes currently in the db)18:33
rossella_sjeblair: what do you mean a change at a time? Can be we simply check what's already merged, like the HEAD of master?18:33
jeblairseveral from rax18:33
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rossella_sjeblair: then we can get stats of the failures rate of some jobs and even catch regression if the rate gets bad after some change is merged18:34
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jeblairrossella_s: oh, sorry, i was thinking in zuul internal terms; the periodic pipelines get fake "changes" because that's all zuul knows how to deal with; but yes, they would just test master each time (or whichever branch we wanted to test)18:34
rossella_sjeblair: fantastic!18:35
rossella_sjeblair: I am curios now, what kind of fake changes?18:36
jeblairrossella_s: so if you look at
* rossella_s looking18:37
jeblairrossella_s: each of those boxes represents a "change" to zuul.  most of them are actually changes in gerrit... you'll note the link with the change number under the project name18:37
jeblairrossella_s: so zuul is testing those changes18:37
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jeblairrossella_s: but even over in the post queue, it's not actually testing changes there, it's testing already merged commits18:37
jeblairrossella_s: so those link to git commit shas instead of changes18:37
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rossella_sjeblair: nice explanation, thanks!18:38
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jeblairrossella_s: if there were any periodic jobs running, they wouldn't link to anything, but there would still be a box there representing the idea that zuul should run a set of jobs for a project18:38
rossella_sjeblair: got it thanks!18:39
jeblairrossella_s: so the main question is: if we configured a periodic pipeline to trigger every minute, would it just fill up with a bunch of boxes (the fake "change" i was referring to), or would it realize there was already a box for that project and avoid adding another one until the first one had finished?18:39
rossella_sjeblair: we should find out :)18:40
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jeblairrossella_s: yep.  let's check with sdague when he gets back and see if this matches his expectations; if it does, i can run a quick test and see if zuul already works like that or would need a change18:41
rossella_sjeblair: if we have that periodic job, what kind of statistics would be available? Can we set a special tag so that it will be easier to create logstash queries?18:41
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jeblairrossella_s: the name of the zuul pipeline is a field in logstash, so yeah, you can query on it easily18:42
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rossella_sjeblair: nice :)18:43
jeblairrossella_s: it's also split out in the stats zuul reports to graphite, so you should be able to graph rates too18:43
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Task status updates
rossella_sjeblair: wow I didn't know that graphite is available. Nice :)18:45
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jeblairrossella_s:; the graphs at the bottom of the zuul status page are generated from it, so you can see some samples18:46
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rossella_sjeblair: thanks! It was not hard to guess18:47
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fungijeblair: so for the region b issues we saw... two possibilities spring to mind: 1. it was related to the volume of instances/requests/something which are now lower, or 2. there was something going on in that region (maintenance, lots of broken) which is now over18:48
fungipabelanger: were you able to confirm that you had nova boot requests in hpcloud region b which never returned an instance id/ip address?18:49
jeblairmordred: here's an error from puppet on storyboard:
jeblairmordred: i think that run corresponds with this one on puppetboard:
jeblairmordred: but i don't actually see 'install-storyboard' or 'migrate-storyboard-db' in the puppetboard report for that...18:50
jeblairclarkb, AaronGr, nibalizer: ^ thoughts?18:51
mordredjeblair: me either18:51
jeblair(also, i think i did the timezone conversion right, but i'd love it if we could get puppetboard using utc exclusively on the web ui)18:51
clarkbjeblair: I don't see the failure in that storyboard report18:53
* nibalizer looks18:54
openstackgerritJason Kincl proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add support for Copy Artifact project copy permissions
nibalizerjeblair: yea the execs say they 'refreshed' but it doesn't say that they excecuted18:56
nibalizermaybe their 'unless' parameters were hit?18:56
jeblairnibalizer: i don't see "Exec[migrate-storyboard-db]" in puppetboard18:56
nibalizerjeblair: i dont see it either18:56
nibalizerim agreeing with you18:56
nibalizerjeblair: you could run again with --debug and we'd see exactly what commands were being run18:56
jeblairnibalizer: ok, but it did run according to syslog; see the paste:
mordredjeblair: oh - the server is in UTC - I betcha puppetboard ui is being "nice" and showing us times in local tz based on what the browser reports18:57
jeblair(and failed)18:57
jeblairmordred: i believe that is the case18:57
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jeblairmordred: that's what i think should be changed (i think puppetboard should always use utc in the web ui, otherwise it makes it impossible for us to talk to each other about it)18:58
jeblairfungi, of course, doesn't have this problem ;)18:58
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nibalizerim not at all sure how it does time, mumble mumble moment.js, mumble mumble twitter bootstrap mubmle mumble18:59
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fungijeblair: i have the other problem... twice as many clocks in the house so my gf doesn't have to care about utc19:01
jeblairfungi: you and your gf live in different timezones in the same house!19:01
rossella_sjeblair, sdague I have to go now...I will check the chat log so feel free to go on with the discussion and let me know if I can help setting up the periodic job19:02
fungifor me, the report you linked said "Thursday, March 27 2014 5:49 PM" (this is the point where i nitpick that iso-8601 date order and 24-hour time would also be nice)19:03
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fungibut i can confirm that at least for me the puppetboard ui and syslog match19:05
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix the deployment sequencing
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daenneyhey nibalizer :)19:12
clarkbwoot I may have figured out crm 114 subroutines19:15
clarkbjeblair: ^ that makes the log classification a bit more readable19:15
clarkbI will push a change after lunch19:15
jeblairclarkb: yay!19:15
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clarkbjeblair: it "feels" slower though, and I can show you why when I get the change up19:17
clarkbtl;dr is argument passing relies on match to split one giant argument into many arguments19:17
lifelesswe're redeploying the test environment cluster in the HP TripleO region atm19:18
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix the deployment sequencing
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achuprin_Hi Infra team!19:20
sdaguejeblair: back19:21
sdagueI think low priority queue would be fine, as long as it was reporting to ES19:21
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fungiachuprin_: hi there, what's up?19:23
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fungiAaronGr: if you're around, can you confirm that this is complete nonsense?
jeblairsdague: cool, i think the main characteristics of the system i described would be that it's just like the periodic jobs as far as reporting goes; we group jobs by project (as zuul does), and we start running the next set of jobs for a project once the current set finishes19:24
jeblairsdague: so it's a periodic queue with only one entry for each project in it at a time19:24
fungiAaronGr: in particular, what is require => Exec[apt_update] doing there? i can't find any actual definition of that exec in our repo19:25
sdaguejeblair: so what I'd actually propose is we end up with a new job def19:25
jeblairsdague: it would try to start, say, all the neutron jobs we specify for that pipeline, and once all are complete, it would start a new batch of them19:25
fungiAaronGr: and the lack of ensure => anything makes me think that entire block is a no-op19:25
achuprin_fungi: can you look to my patch , please19:25
sdaguebecause we don't actually need to run tempest-full a billion times. If we had one devstack job that ran all the major tempest job configs19:26
sdagueinstead of just run a fake neutron change, run a fake nova change, etc19:26
sdagueor... I guess we could use devstack or devstack-gate as the base job19:27
jeblairsdague: i'd recommend thinking of it like the current periodic bitrot jobs19:27
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Build status page more jquery like
jeblairsdague: where we configure the nova-specific jobs on the nova project, and the tempest jobs on tempest19:28
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jeblairsdague: so we don't end up running tempest-full for each project, but rather just once per night19:28
Alex_GaynorHmmm, so how long until the new zuul shows up :-)19:28
sdaguejeblair: ok, fair19:28
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sdagueyeh, that makes sense19:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Update zuul's status page to bootstrap 3.1.1
jeblairsdague: (we can certainly configure whatever jobs we want for this, i'm just saying we might already have them, or nearly so)19:29
ryanpetrellois there a way to have openstackgerrit report to stackforge IRC for projects?19:29
ryanpetrelloe.g., I would love to have check/gate notifications posted in #pecanpy19:29
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: shows up where and in what form? :)19:29
Alex_Gaynorjeblair: on
sdagueyep, agreed. So once rossella_s gets back on tomorrow we can sort out what config changes would be needed to support it19:30
jeblairAlex_Gaynor: that's continuously deployed, so, now?  what are you looking for?19:30
jeblairryanpetrello: see if has what you need19:31
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ryanpetrellojeblair: thanks19:31
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Alex_Gaynorjeblair: and the few changes that follow19:31
Alex_GaynorOh, I think I misunderstood what this was updating19:33
achuprin_fungi: thanks19:33
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jeblairAlex_Gaynor: oh, a while then.  that needs to continue to grow feature parity with the openstack version, and then it needs to be sufficiently modular to allow us to customize it so it looks the way the current openstack version looks, then we can drop the openstack-specific version19:33
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clarkbjeblair: after a non scientific single run each of old classifier and new classifier that uses subroutines, the verdict is in. old one is faster real2m10.879s vs real3m56.124s19:34
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jeblairclarkb: interesting!19:35
clarkbI still haven't grabbed lunch... I promise I will have code for you to look at and maybe we can figure out why my changes are terrible19:36
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pabelangerfungi, I believe so, my instances boot but I'm failing to connect via SSH19:41
jeblairclarkb, fungi: just got a bunch of region-b errors19:41
jeblairclarkb, fungi: for most of them, it actually looks like the servers went into the ERROR state shortly after the build request, then nodepool continued to wait for an hour19:42
jeblairso that's probably something to fix in nodepool19:42
pabelangerfungi, it's been happening for the last 3 hours but though it was related to hpcloud maintenance19:42
clarkbjeblair: interesting19:43
clarkbI guess its a good thing that the state properly changed on us19:43
jeblairyeah, we should be able to make nodepool cycle faster on those.  otoh, lots of servers -> error in region-b :(19:43
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Move TOKEN replacement into crm114 subroutnines
clarkbjeblair: ^ I am going to WIP that because it is so slow19:45
clarkbbut that is what subroutines look like19:45
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix the deployment sequencing
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fungijeblair: clarkb: pabelanger: interesting--there's no way to get actual status notifications from the provider on those though, so we just have to hope that we poll for status details often enough to spot them in error state before they disappear (or do they hang around indefinitely until we make a nova delete call)?19:47
clarkbfungi: right we would haev to check the status of them19:47
clarkbbut we are already pollig for them to become ready right?19:47
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Display only first 6 chars for git commit id
fungiclarkb: agreed19:48
jeblairclarkb: yes, the question is why aren't we failing when it changes to error19:48
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I've checked and approved all zuul status.js changes, looks very nice, additionally I have a small improvement for it -
fungiclarkb: i suppose if they either go into error state or disappear from the nova list after having existed, we could consider either of those to be circumstance for a delete call19:49
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, it makes post jobs look much nicer (w/o overlap w/ progress bar at least)19:49
pabelangerfungi, I thought I was hitting this issue with region-b today:
pabelangerbut still having the problem19:50
fungipabelanger: yeah, should have been finished almost two hours ago according to that19:50
pabelangerfungi, I was going to contact support and see what I hear19:51
fungipabelanger: keep us in the loop--i'm curious to know what they say. also, have you been able to reproduce the issue just calling nova boot for an existing snapshot image?19:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add gate-magnetodb-devstack job
pabelangerfungi, so far just an existing snapshot19:52
pabelangerI can create a new snapshot and try booting that19:52
fungipabelanger: oh, just confirming you've encountered it outside of nodepool-specific usage19:53
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pabelangerfungi, not yet. testing now19:54
fungiwhich makes for a much more succinct trouble ticket if so, i expect ;)19:54
SergeyLukjanovlive latest version of status.js from zuul:
SergeyLukjanov(not all merged yet)19:55
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pabelangerfungi, was just linked this:
fungipabelanger: oh, ouch19:57
fungiThursday, March 27, 2014 8:10 PM UTC19:58
fungithat seems... wrong19:58
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fungithey're predicting a failure which will begin in roughly 11 minutes19:59
fungimordred: clarkb: ^ when did hpcloud grow the ability to predict the future?19:59
* pleia2 facepalm19:59
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add a very basic functional test
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add SubNodes and the ability to delete them
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add the ability to create subnodes
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add per-test database fixture
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add tests for the allocator
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add 'labels' as a configuration primitive
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Finish initial docs
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add a very basic functional test
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add per-test database fixture
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add tests for the allocator
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Finish initial docs
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add ready-script and multi-node support
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jeblairokay, the nodepool stack is ready for review...20:06
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nibalizerdaenney: hai20:08
nibalizerjeblair: daenney is the guy who wrote puppetboard20:08
nibalizerso you can bring your ten_reports and UTC time problems to his attention20:08
nibalizercat /dev/puppetboard/problems > /dev/daenney20:08
jeblairdaenney: hi! nice to meet you!  thanks for puppetboard, it's pretty swell!20:08
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, I'm afraid that I break something, I've approved zuul patches in reversed order and what I see -
daenneyjeblair: Thanks, it's pretty cool to see openstack actually use it :)20:09
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, the same with the rest changes in chain20:09
pleia2daenney: welcome daenney :)20:09
daenneyhello pleia220:09
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jeblairdaenney: we're trying to run the most open project infrastructure possible, so something like puppetboard is really important -- it means anyone can contribute puppet changes and see that they worked or didn't, and hopefully contribute fixes too20:10
jeblairall without root access20:10
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daenneyjeblair: Ha yeah, the reporting thing is pretty useful in the end20:10
lifelessis it possible to (easily) kill off some jobs?20:10
daenneyA lot of people overlook that at first20:10
daenneyYay for stats and such20:11
jeblairlifeless: we can click a red button in jenkins and abort them if needed..20:11
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openstackgerritRyan Petrello proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Report pecan changesets, merges, and +2s to #pecanpy
jeblairdaenney: so if you're interested in some early user feedback from our first few days using it...20:11
lifelessjeblair: as I mentioned above I'm redeploying the testenv they all back onto, which is disruptive; cancelling them would avoid waiting for timeouts20:12
daenneyjeblair: Yes, always. Feel free to query me or just submit issues to Github if that works better for you20:12
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jeblairdaenney: the limit of 10 reports seems kind of low; ideally we'd want to be able to go back at least a few days (and we run every 15 minutes)20:12
daenneyjeblair: Agreed which is why I plan to take some time in hopefully a week or two to get query pagination into pypuppetdb which will allow Puppetboard to go as far back as reports are stored20:13
jeblairdaenney: and we've found that the "use the local browser timezone" thing, while cool, actually makes it harder for us to communicate since we're all in different timezones, so we'd actually like to configure it to just use utc (which our servers use anyway)20:13
openstackgerritRyan Petrello proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Report pecan changesets, merges, and +2s to #pecanpy
daenneyjeblair: Very good point about the timezone thing, could you raise an issue about that? Our team is in the same timezone so that didn't cross my mind.20:14
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added pagination to comments API
jeblairdaenney: ok, so it sounds like you don't need an issue for the first thing since you're on it; should i open an issue for the timezone?20:14
jeblairdaenney: awesome, will do20:14
jeblairdaenney: ?20:14
daenneyjeblair: Yes20:14
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jeblairdaenney: while you're here... i saw something weird earlier, let me look it up real quick20:15
daenneyjeblair: I'll be around for a while :). I'll try and keep you updated as changes roll out in the coming weeks20:15
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Added pagination to comments API
jeblairdaenney: this is from syslog on a host:
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jeblairdaenney: and this is the puppetboard report:
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jeblairdaenney: i was wondering why the install, migrate, etc Exec steps don't show up in puppetboard... do you have any ideas?20:17
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daenneyjeblair: Either I have a serious bug, the puppet agent decided not to include those values in the report or PuppetDB decided it couldn't care less about them :P.20:18
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daenneyjeblair: I'm betting I have a bug though... There's a way to figure it out but I'll need a bit of your help and hopefully you being comfortable around a python console20:19
daenneyHmm, no python console needed actually20:19
jeblairdaenney: quite so, how can i help?  I can also inspect things on the puppetdb server or db, etc.20:19
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daenneyjeblair: What version of PuppetDB do you run?20:19
daenneyOh nvm, it has APIv3 otherwise PUppetboard wouldn't work20:20
daenneyHerp derp derp20:20
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Added pagination directives
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jeblairdaenney: looks like 3.0.120:20
daenneyjeblair: PuppetDB is at 1.6.3 so that's really cool :P20:20
jeblairsorry, that's the version of the puppetlabs-puppetdb module20:20
jeblairdaenney: we try to be ahead of the curve20:21
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jeblairso presumably whatever version of puppetdb that module installs20:22
daenneyjeblair: Try this on the PuppetDB puppetboard talks to: curl -G 'http://localhost:8080/v3/events' --data-urlencode 'query=["=", "report", "2efc553f3cb8830ca967f3d13a9be3e55525230f"]' --data-urlencode 'limit=1000'20:22
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daenneyThat'll get all the events for the report you linked me... if they're not there PuppetDB didn't get/store them, if they are then I'm doing somethign wrong20:23
jeblairdaenney: it's just the 3 that are displayed20:23
daenneyjeblair: Well, that sucks... Or well, for me that's good... QUestion now is, why didn't PuppetDB get those events...20:24
daenneyIt seems to only store successes in your case. That's one way of keeping everyone happy I guess.20:24
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jeblairhehe, things do seem pretty "green".  i know we did have some errors earlier (i saw some fixes get merged for them)20:25
nibalizerjeblair: im not entirely convinced those exces did run20:26
daenneyI'd have to ask one of the PuppetDB folk at Puppetlabs... My bet is there's something in an older version of Puppet + puppetdb-terminus you're using20:26
jeblair2014-03-23 17:52:25,951 INFO  [command-proc-52] [puppetdb.command] [80a1a1b0-b5c9-4dfd-887d-2808311ccedf] [store report] puppet v2.7.25 - storyboard.openstack.org20:26
daenneyOr the execs didn't actually fire20:26
jeblairthere's the log from puppetdb...20:26
jeblairMar 27 17:50:09 storyboard puppet-agent[10258]: (/Stage[main]/Storyboard/Exec[migrate-storyboard-db]) Failed to call refresh: storyboard-db-manage --config-file /etc/storyboard/storyboard.conf upgrade head returned 1 instead of one of [0] at /opt/config/production/modules/storyboard/manifests/init.pp:11120:26
daenneyYeah, so it stores the report but it's not telling us what's in it unfortunately20:27
jeblairnibalizer: ^ that makes it look like it ran -- it did report an exit code20:27
daenneyOoh, jeblair, do you hapen to still store the reports somewhere else too? Like yaml on disk or something?20:27
jeblairnibalizer: i don't think we turned that off, right?20:28
jeblairso they should be on puppetmaster?20:28
daenneyif you have report=store still set yes20:28
daenneyReading through the yaml might tell us if the failure actually got sent over in the report from the agent, which would rule out that side of the story20:28
daenneyIf we have a discrepancy there it's probably somewhere inside puppetdb-terminus20:29
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jeblairdaenney: excerpt:
daenneyjeblair: paste.openstack is a tidbit slow here... :)20:30
jeblairdaenney: everywhere, sadly :(20:30
daenneyDamn, it's there20:30
daenneyLet me tickle someone at Puppetlabs about this20:30
jeblairthere's quite a lot there; let me know if you need more of that file20:31
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openstackgerritVitaliy Lotorev proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: add retry-count in
daenneyjeblair: I'm pretty sure someone will come back with 'Upgrade to 3.4 first' but I'll see what I can do20:42
daenneyIt would be helpful if we could reproduce this on a newer Puppet version though20:43
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notmynamejeblair: 2 new swift-core members (see the mailing list). I've added them to swif-core in gerrit. anything else that needs to be done?20:43
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daenneyjeblair: Is there any way we can spin up the storyboard module on a Puppet 3.recent node with a PuppetDB, see what's what?20:44
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nibalizerwouldn't need a second puppetdb20:45
nibalizertechnically could just unpin puppet, apt-get install puppet, then do a git checkout and a puppet apply20:45
jeblairnotmyname: nope, that should be it20:45
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daenneynibalizer: True, same PuppetDB could be used, but it does need a newer Puppetmaster, as a 3.x agent with a 2.7 master is weird I think20:48
notmynamejeblair: great. thanks20:48
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nibalizerdaenney: im pretty sure apply would work tho20:50
nibalizer3x agent and 2.7 master would not work20:50
daenneynibalizer: Oh true. Would need to connect apply to PuppetDB though but there's docs about that20:50
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Stop waiting for resources in ERROR state
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dkehn/q/win 1021:14
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Fixes to parameters and layout in documentation
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clarkbback from lunch21:21
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jogoso going with our no github  mantra, can we get a domain to publish nova-specs to?21:29
jogoso we don't have to use
jogorussellb: ^21:30
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fungii'm not a fan of adding separate subdomains for every subproject, though i gather the docs team is somewhat opposed to any automated publication of documents to which are not under their direct control. we may want to consider having a site where we can publish documentation whose content the docs team doesn't want to have to manage/be ultimately responsible for?21:32
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fungior just get them on board with design specs going into per-project directories on the docs site?21:32
clarkbthat was going to be my suggestion, but would defer to the doc team on it21:33
clarkbit isn't terribly hard to setup a vhost on static to host files out of21:33
clarkbparticularly if we don't need to have terabytes of history21:33
clarkbjeblair: ok reviewing nodepool changes now. Was there a rebase?21:34
fungibut what i definitely don't have an interest in seeing is a subdomain for nova specs, a subdomain for qa specs, a subdomain for neutron specs... ad nauseam21:34 aliases to
clarkbfungi: ++21:35
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fungijogo: yes, i'm painfully aware. i'd love to see all those subdomains go away... we've discussed the possibility before21:35
clarkbjogo: right and ideally we could just kill, but bookmarks and stuff21:35
jeblairi believe that's the plan...21:36
fungiright, it would need to be a gradual transition/retirement. at the moment we actually host them on another machine and then redirect from them to the docs site because cloudsites doesn't allow you to do that locally, or something21:36
jogoso where this lives is up to you, I am happy with ttp://
jogoor really anything21:36
jeblairi'm not certain that the characterization about the docs team is accurate -- the developer docs are there21:36
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jeblairjogo: i think that url makes sense21:36
jeblairfungi: i believe we decided to do away with the domains a long time ago, we can probably just delete them now21:37
jeblairfungi: they've been 'permanently moved' for probably long enough for that.21:37
fungii know it was decided a while back that we shouldn't use them, just no idea how long they have to be kept around. but agreed it might be fine to just press forward with that21:38
jeblairfungi: i would wager they've been redirecting longer than they were directly serving at this point, so i personally think it's been long enough.  :)21:38
jeblairannegentle: would you be okay with the nova-specs repo being published to ?21:39
jeblairannegentle: and so on for other project spec repos?21:39
annegentlejeblair: hehe I wondered when people would ask about that21:39
annegentlejeblair: so I'm of two minds21:39
fungias for the disposition of the docs team, if they're cool with us publishing specs to a sub-tree of docs.o.o then that seems like the best choice. i just know it's come up in the past and concern has been expressed that any additional type of documentation published there means more that team is suddenly responsible for (or is expected to take responsibility over)21:40
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clarkbjeblair: the nodepool stack still lgtm. (I reviewed the diff between what I had reviewed and the current state which is thankfully small)21:41
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jeblairannegentle: we should listen to your cool and fun mind, not the one that's all serious all the time.  ;)21:41
* fungi is still trying to work his way through the rest of those21:41
annegentlejeblair: one is, is it worth the time/effort for al those build jobs, two is it worthwhile to have another search target that is full of complete vision/possible vaporware on a (it reeks of wikiness)21:42
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jeblairannegentle: working backwards -- i think the current process is that only accepted specs get merged, so they shouldn't be _complete_ vaporware; i mean they might be if they fail, but at least these are real things that people really intend to work on21:44
clarkbjeblair: annegentle: and old blueprints are interesting regardless of implementation status21:45
fungiand that the projects/programs associated with them have approved as direction21:45
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jogojeblair: correct21:45
clarkbfungi: that21:45
annegentlejeblair: even "intend to work on " is "road to hell is paved with good intentions"21:46
jeblairannegentle: about the jobs, i think we'll end up with them anyway, but part of my push for having them be sphinx projects is that we can just plug in the current standard project developer docs jobs, so there shouldn't be much extra overhead there21:46
anteayadoes publication on docs.o.o imply a certain level of doneness of the work?21:46
jogoannegentle: so we want this repo to be viewable via RST somewhow and somewhere21:46
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fungijogo: well, the rst is already viewable on git.o.o/cgit ;)21:47
lifelessjeblair: ok we have testenvs back up - can well cancel the current tripleo-check jobs ? please ;)21:47
fungipresumably you mean via rst->html/sgml translation?21:47
jogofungi: yes21:47
jeblairyeah, this is probably really a choice between something like '' and''...21:48
jeblairannegentle: would you prefer something like ?21:49
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: set default configurations for non-test mode
fungiwell, or a choice between and (the dev.o.o subdomain could be used as a publication target for various documentation on the development process besides just specs)21:50
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Openstackid cleanup
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jeblairfungi: that's kinda close to '' which i think folks may have plans for (documentation for developer-users)21:52
fungiit might be worth distinguishing that the project/developer community have a need for somewhere to publish more formalized documentation than on a wiki, but which isn't documenting openstack's released software21:52
clarkbfwiw documentation encompasses a lot more than just install, api, and project specific docs. blueprints are documentation too21:52
clarkbfungi: right and I think that is a meaningless distinction21:53
clarkbat least when it comes to place we put documentation21:53
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clarkb(it is important to know what you are looking at when you need api docs for example)21:53
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clarkbas a reader of documentation having all of the documentation in one place is kinda handy21:54
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fungii'm not sure that an entire subdomain just for specs docs is entirely warranted. though having one which is for docs which aren't part of the docs team's purview might still make sense21:54
fungiif they feel that having docs they don't maintain on the docs.o.o site is an additional burden on them21:55
clarkbjeblair: fungi any opposition to approving which should fix our fedora nodepool image builds?21:56
clarkbI can babysit21:56
jeblairfungi: i don't think docs.o.o/developer/nova is under the docs team purview as such (which isn't to say they don't have an interest, but it's the same group of people writing reviewing as we're talking about with specs)21:56
annegentlejeblair: but perception is that it is21:56
clarkbpleia2: ^ fyi21:56
fungijeblair: agreed. just making sure it's not there for historical reasons when they'd prefer it went elsewhere21:56
jeblairannegentle: i find your concern about what we publish there very compelling...21:56
jeblairi don't find jurisdictional lines quite as interesting...21:57
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fungiclarkb: lgtm--i say go for it21:58
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fungiclarkb: 83407 too?21:58
fungi(part of that same series, but i'm the only one who reviewed it so far)21:59
jeblairannegentle: where do you think specs repos should be published?21:59
clarkbfungi: looking21:59
fungijeblair: annegentle: keeping in mind the same discussion is likely to come up yet again for sample configuration... if we move sample config generation to a post-merge publication job, we need them served from an accessible, well-connected website. docs.o.o or somewhere which isn't?22:00
annegentlejeblair: sample config can go on docs.o.org22:00
annegentlejeblair: specs, not so much22:01
annegentlejeblair: truth, concrete vs. visionary22:01
clarkbfungi: done22:01
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: set default configurations for non-test mode
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add support to restart unbound with systemd
jeblairjogo: maybe start a -dev ml thread and propose specs.o.o/$project then?22:04
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Prevent tripleo-bm-test network from setting DNS
jogojeblair: sure22:05
jogoso speaking of sample specs, I think we should get something up soon on that22:05
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add a test for subnodes
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anteayamorning jhesketh_22:07
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jogomordred: how do I make the sphinxdocs job fail on invalid formatting?22:09
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clarkbjogo: it should already do that22:10
annegentlejeblair: I'm fine with specs going to a subdomain, only partially takes care of the search/find concern though. People might still take it for gospel truth, but not sure that's avoidable.22:10
clarkbthough if sphinx sees that as a warning you need the magic that pbr does to treat that as an error22:10
lifelessjeblair: if I had a local mirror, what would be the right way to tell jobs in the tripleo-ci cloud to use it ?22:10
clarkblifeless: you'd want something like our select-mirror to set up the conf files for it22:11
Mithrandirhmm, what's Khai Do's irc nick?22:11
clarkbMithrandir: zaro22:11
lifelessclarkb: where is select-mirror to be found?22:11
MithrandirI asked about that yesterday, didn't I?22:11
clarkblifeless: openstack-infra/config/modules/jenkins/files/slave_scipts22:11
zaroMithrandir: yo!22:12
Mithrandirzaro: ; so, when you do config.set, aren't the try: except blocks pointless?22:12
jogoclarkb: well its not :/22:12
zaroMithrandir: hey, i just replied22:12
jogomordred: ^^22:12
clarkbjogo: have an example change I can grab to see the error?22:12
Mithrandirzaro: oh, you replied again.22:12
zaroMithrandir: that only applies to python 2.6.22:12
fungilifeless: optionally (but perhaps less explicit) would be to add it in /etc/hosts using the scripts which build your nodepool images, or serve it from the dns service in the network housing those nodes22:12
fungilifeless: depending on whether it needs to happen on a per-network basis, per-image basis or per-job basis22:13
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Mithrandirzaro: ahkay.22:13
fungilifeless: select-mirror can do per project/per job right now i believe22:13
jeblairlifeless: is there a puppet change to build/manage that machine?22:13
Mithrandirzaro: in case the user does "user= " in the .ini file?22:14
clarkbjogo: right so that is a warning not an error22:14
zaroMithrandir: i guess so.22:14
Mithrandirzaro: if so, +1 from me.22:15
clarkbjogo: if you use pbr to build the docs it should fail22:15
jogo/home/jogo/Develop/openstack/nova-specs/doc/source/specs/juno/tmp.rst:132: ERROR: Unexpected indentation.22:15
clarkbjogo: that doesn't show up in your paste22:16
jogooh wait gah22:16
clarkbyour paste says 1 warning22:16
fungilifeless: though ultimately, i suspect we'd like to have a way to be able to point images in different providers to different pypi mirrors, so this might be a good reason to pilot the proper implementation of that selection mechanism (i think we talked about stashing a config of some sor on nodepool images?)22:16
clarkbif you want to fail on warning you have to do extra stuff, pbr does this for you22:16
jogoclarkb: well I want to fail on warnings like that too22:17
clarkbjogo: right. use pbr22:18
pabelangerfungi, just closed out the issue with hpcloud about failing to connect to instances22:18
jogoclarkb: we are22:18
clarkbjogo: oh, then you may need another option in setup.cf22:18
* clarkb looks22:18
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fungipabelanger: ooh! do tell22:18
lifelessjeblair: currently we have a bandersnatch mirror and ubuntu mirror installed as part of the undercloud22:18
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pleia2clarkb: lmk if there are any other blockers on the fedora image building22:19
clarkbpleia2: will do22:19
pabelangerfungi, looks to be a network issue on their side, waiting to see back on the specific issue. Not sure they'll say22:19
lifelessjeblair: which makes them not adminnable by -infra; we're looking at deploying separate ones as vms in the ci-overcloud - that naturally would be done via infra tooling22:19
clarkbjogo: I don't think you need to do anything special. Have a change I can fetch to do testing?22:19
lifelessjeblair: the thing I want to make sure is tha tthere is a way to get the needed info out so we can pass it down to dib which currently is pulling ubuntu over the network (slow) and pip from pypi.o.o (slow)22:20
lifeless(relatively slow, I mean, vs same-DC mirrors)22:20
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jogoclarkb: checkout nova-specs and break something in the template22:20
jogoand run tox -build_specs22:20
cody-somervilleHey. Is it possible to tell nodepool to flush all nodes and start over?22:22
clarkbcody-somerville: yes, delete all of the nodes22:22
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fungicody-somerville: do you need all the tripleo-ci nodes deleted in our nodepool?22:23
clarkbjogo: what is an easy way to break the template?22:23
jogoclarkb: add some tabs randomly22:23
cody-somervilleclarkb: so the answer is no, there is no command to do that. You have to do it one at a time?22:23
jeblaircody-somerville: "update node set state=4;"22:23
jogoclarkb: actually there is a bug in trunk22:24
cody-somervillejeblair: Cool, thanks.22:24
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jogo/home/jogo/Develop/openstack/nova-specs/doc/source/specs/template.rst:132: ERROR: Unex22:24
jogopected indentation.22:24
cody-somervilleAlso, has a node already been assigned to a job when it gets to the jenkins master queue?22:24
clarkbcody-somerville: I guess it depends on your definition of command to do it. for node in `nodepool list | cut whateverfieldtheidis` ; do nodepool delete $node; done22:24
clarkbcody-somerville: no, I don't think so22:25
clarkbthose jobs should happily run once nodes are avaiable22:25
clarkbjogo: that didn't help me. A very clear reproduceably case would help22:25
clarkbjogo: a diff maybe?22:26
cody-somervilleso I have a bunch of jobs queued up, the head of the queue is stuck waiting with the executor starvation icon. it says node with label blahblah-xxx is not available.22:26
cody-somervilleSo I cancel it22:26
jogoclarkb: first delete doc/build22:26
cody-somervillenow next job has that icon but says node with label blah-xxy isn't available (ie. different number).22:26
cody-somervillenodepool list no longer shows these nodes these jobs are saying they need22:26
clarkbcody-somerville: oh, this may be different, I think what is happening there is those jobs were scheduled on hosts that went away, interesting22:26
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clarkbjogo: doe22:27
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clarkbjogo: ok managed to reproduce by adding a broken link22:32
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lifelessclarkb: fungi: ok so let me ask a different question. how can a CI job know which cloud its running in?22:33
clarkblifeless: the hostname includes the cloud22:33
clarkbyou should be able to hostname | grep tripleo and switch on that22:33
fungilifeless: that's why we had previously discussed having nodepool leave some sort of breadcrumb in a consistent place on the filesystems of each image22:33
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clarkbbut breadcrumb would be nicer22:33
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add SubNodes and the ability to delete them
fungilifeless: but yes, for the moment we encode it in the hostname at least22:34
lifelessclarkb: fungi: a breadcrumb in the image means you'll have to build image-per-cloud22:34
jogoclarkb: aha22:34
lifelessclarkb: fungi: nova metadata is a much cleaner way22:34
jogoadd warnerrors=True under [pbr] in setup.cfg22:34
lifelessclarkb: fungi: I know that today you have no choice about image-per-cloud but lets not prevent being better in future22:35
jogoclarkb: taken from keystone22:35
fungilifeless: well, currently we do build an image per cloud, because we do snapshots, but you're right. if we move to glance internal support in nodepool, we likely do want metadata instead22:35
fungithough you also just said all of that ;)22:35
clarkblifeless: nodepool can write a file after a node boots22:35
clarkbthis is how multinode works22:35
fungithat too is true. it ssh's into the node now to make sure it's sane enough to respond22:35
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fungiand multinode uses that, good point (i'm presently reviewing that series in fact)22:36
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clarkbjogo: looks like there may be a config option after all22:39
clarkbjogo: yup add [pbr]\nwarnerrors = 1 to setup.cfg22:40
clarkbjogo: note you will have to fix all of the errors to get that working22:40
clarkbjogo: I have no idea why errors in general don't fail as expected though22:41
jogothe one I cannot fix is: WARNING: toctree glob pattern u'specs/juno/*' didn't match any documents22:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add the ability to create subnodes
clarkbjogo: I think the symlink is possibly confusing it?22:41
clarkbjogo: try using a path rooted at the root of the repo so doc/source/spec/etc22:42
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jogoclarkb: nope, if I add a file it works22:42
jogoand just tried doc/source/specs and thats not it22:42
clarkbjogo: oh, the paths point to non existant things22:43
jogowell it exists just no rst docs there22:43
jeblairfungi, clarkb, lifeless: worth keeping in mind one of our cloud providers has a very unreliable metadata server; if we required it we'd currently be basically unable to use them at the moment22:44
fungiyeah, very good point22:44
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lifelessjeblair: which one ?22:45
lifelessjeblair: I mean, can I go sit on some engineers and get it fixed for you22:45
jeblairlifeless: hpcloud.  old and new.  so presumably they have >1 unreliable metadata servers :/22:45
fungibut drop breadcrumb on filesystem post node creation when nodepool is ssh'ing in anyway to test things seems a safe/stable way out22:46
lifelessfungi: yeah22:46
jeblairanyway, i agree metadata would be the ideal, but the ssh drop seems like it would work and be safe for now22:46
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fungiwe can always add metadata support and switch to it later once cloud providers figure out how to serve it successfully/consistently22:47
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clarkbderekh: pleia2 fwiw, I just tried buidling the tripleo-f20 image but we don't have enough quota to spin up an image build22:47
clarkbso that should happen eventually22:48
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pleia2clarkb: thanks22:48
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add de-duplication to periodic triggers
jeblairrossella_s, sdague: ^ that's needed for the 'idle' pipeline22:49
jogohow do I add a buildsphinx job to nova-specs?22:49
derekhclarkb: ok, thanks22:50
jogojust to generate a copy of the rendered html22:50
mikaljogo: oh, I was just trying to work out how to build the docs there too22:50
mikalThere's stuff in setpu.cfg it seems22:50
jogomikal: I have them generating locally via 'tox -ebuild_specs'22:50
jeblairjogo: it's the gate-{name}-docs job22:50
jogojeblair: thanks thats what I thought22:51
jeblairjogo: er, not if that's how you build it though22:51
sdaguejeblair: nice22:51
jeblairjogo: does 'python build_sphinx' work?22:51
fungijeblair: it just dawned on me that 81939 (now merged) is the breaking change in nodepool... presumably we want to do the restart and schema adjustment soonishly?22:51
jogojeblair: yup22:51
jeblairjogo: is there a 'venv' section in tox.ini?22:52
jogojeblair: yup22:52
sdaguejeblair: so does clean check trigger on +A as well, or just CR changes?22:52
jeblairjogo: okay, that's all you need then, the docs should work.22:52
jeblairjogo: (the project testing interface specifies docs are build with "tox -e venv python build_sphinx")22:52
jeblairjogo: the extra venv is fine, but that's what the docs job uses..22:52
jogojeblair: neato that worked22:53
jeblairjogo: however, there's a growing push to have a "docs" venv, so you might consider using that instead of 'build_specs' if you want a handier way of doing that22:53
jogojeblair: so tox -edocs?22:53
jeblairjogo: ya22:53
jeblairfungi: almost certainly!  i'll write it now.22:54
jeblairfungi: i just made a local branch called "nodepolo".  i'm pretty sure there's something awesome in there.22:55
fungii can only imagine what manner of spectator sport that could turn into22:55
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clarkbderekh: pleia2 ok, image build is in progress now22:57
clarkb208c22ca-3455-4257-8bbf-a21596029496 is the uuid if you want to follow along from your end22:57
* derekh crosses fingers22:58
* pleia2 fingers crossed22:58
pleia2hah, such faith :)22:58
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jogojeblair: can you point me to an example of a project moving to 'tox -edocs'23:04
jeblairjogo: none have, just i think a few projects have added 'docs' tox env's23:05
jogoahh, I am happy to switch over to 'tox -edocs' but having something to reference in the commit msg would be handy23:06
jeblairjogo: basically we have a standard which is required (venv); adding extra envs is fine, so some folks have added a 'docs' env to make it easier.. just thought adoping that convention might be nice23:07
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add gate-nova-specs-docs job
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jeblairfungi: oh 81939 is not the breaking change23:11
jeblairfungi: it's
jogojeblair: and
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use labels in nodepool config
jeblairfungi: but there we are anyway ^23:12
fungijeblair: oh! i thought 81939 was going to need a subnodes column23:12
clarkbjeblair: that negative count23:12
clarkbif we can let this tripleo-f20 image build complete before we restart nodepool I will be so happy23:13
jeblairclarkb: ++ on the -- you mean? :)23:13
clarkbit is cloning stuff now23:13
fungijeblair: sorry for the noise, and i'll get back to reviewing the actual breaking change, since that's the one i'm apparently on and not done with yet ;)23:13
clarkbjeblair: indeed23:13
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jeblairjogo: does the build succeed?  can we go ahead and enable it voting?23:15
jeblairjogo: however, that infra change likely to fail because i don't think there's a jjb config for it yet23:16
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jeblairsdague: i believe it triggers on all comments (any vote)23:18
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jogojeblair: won't it just use the default docs job config?23:19
jogojeblair: all signs point to it should work23:19
sdaguejeblair: so if that's true, I actually think we could do what jogo was saying the other day and remove the rerun test results on negative votes23:19
sdaguebecause a +A trigger would still trigger new tests23:20
clarkbsdague: there is some value in having non stale results during review, but the biggest value seems to be in preventing explosions in the gate23:21
clarkbsdague: and I believe that you are correct you get that with the current rules even without the 72hour check23:21
sdagueclarkb: agree, though on -1 it seems less useful. Because you are typically expecting them to rerev the patch anyway23:22
sdaguewhen ttx -2ed all the requirements jobs the other day, I noticed how full the queue got :)23:22
sdaguewhich was kind of funny23:22
jogojeblair: if you want the nova-specs job to go straight to voting, I can update it23:26
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derekhclarkb: pleia2 | dd075465-8b5c-471b-8404-600ffba5c7b9 |     | SAVING | 208c22ca-3455-4257-8bbf-a21596029496 |23:33
jogoso I assume i got gate-nova-specs-docs not defined23:34
jogobecause gate-{name}-docs doesn't match gate-nova-specs-docs?23:34
clarkbjogo: link?23:38
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clarkbjogo: does jenkins_job_builder/config/projects.yaml instantiate the gate-{name}-docs template for nova-specs?23:39
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clarkbjogo: doesn't look like it, you will need to edit projects.yaml to do that23:40
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add gate-nova-specs-docs job
jogoclarkb: like that ^23:41
clarkbjogo: yup23:41
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jogothat config-layout job is neat23:47
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jeblairjogo: yeah, sorry, that's what i was trying to say earlier.  :)23:56
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jeblairclarkb: what's the behavior of a gate pipeline with only non-voting jobs?23:57
clarkbjeblair: it does the right thing beacuse zuul treats non votes as successes23:58
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Shorten update spinner fadeout on status page
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add support to status page to collapse changesets
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add expand by default option to status page
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add a total progress bar to each change
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Format change headers like infra's status page
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add a filter box to status.html
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: WIP, getting train tracks, DO NOT MERGE
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add demo support for openstack's live zuul feed
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add in progress bars for jobs
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Openstackid cleanup
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add gate-nova-specs-docs job
jogojeblair: ^23:59
jogowhoa jhesketh_ is a busy bee23:59

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