Thursday, 2014-03-13

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clarkbjogo: no hits?00:00
clarkberror in page generation?00:00
jogotons of hits   message:"savanna-dashboard/info/refs not found"   AND message: "fatal\:"  AND filename:"logs/devstack-gate-setup-workspace-new.txt"00:01
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use unbound
jogoI am trying to geneate the pages locally00:01
jogodidn't see any errors00:02
jogoand the query works00:02
clarkbcould be an error in the js00:02
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jogoI don't think so because saw hits make it to the unclassifed page as well00:03
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jogoclarkb: just generted the unclassifed page locally without a hitch00:06
jogoperhaps my timeline of things is off00:06
jogoor the new code didn't get pushed out00:06
jogoGenerated at: 2014-03-12T23:4000:07
clarkbjogo: I thougt you were looking at classified stuff?00:07
jogoclarkb: that too00:07
jogoall the pages00:07
clarkbwe generate pages once an hour00:07
clarkbwith a 20 minute offset between the 3 things00:07
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clarkbjogo: right so what do you expect there?00:07
clarkbjogo: I am confused about what you expect to see00:08
clarkb1291440 shouldn't be there right? because it is classified00:08
jogoI expect to see fewer hits in uncategorized00:08
jogoand 1291440 to be on the classified page00:08
jogosince this landed over 2 hours ago00:08
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clarkbjogo: 00:03 all.json, 23:22 gate.json, 23:40 uncategorized.html00:10
jogoclarkb: I saw that00:10
jogobut 1440 isn't there00:11
clarkbd626db2021954c207824638036d3baa17587bcc3 is the commit of e-r00:11
jogosoDate:   Tue Mar 11 17:27:16 2014 +000000:11
jogoyup that be old00:11
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP: test caching-forwarding nameserver
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jogoclarkb: think we found the problem00:12
clarkbjogo: yeah, I am going to dry run puppet see what it says00:12
jogoclarkb: thanks00:12
jeblair(puppet dashbord soon!)00:12
clarkbpuppet is stuck that will do it00:12
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clarkbI restarted it, all is well00:16
jogoclarkb: thanks00:16
jogocan you regenerate the e-r pages?00:17
clarkbjogo: the cron will get them00:17
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bknudsonthere's essentially no difference between "recheck" and "reverify" now?00:26
fungibknudson: shh... don't shoult or everyone will want one00:26
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jhesketh_jeblair: what do you think of my idea to overlay zuul boxes onto gerrit reviews (
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bknudsonI want to make sure things are working right... I recheck and it goes to gate.00:27
fungibknudson: basically correct. now that we check before gating, approval can end in either a -1 or a -2, so we basically wanted to account for either possibility without people needing to remember which to use when they can both happen post-approve now00:28
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lifelessfungi: jeblair: mordred: - we'd *really* like this in to fix leaks in our CI environment00:31
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fungilifeless: lgtm, but that looks like one jeblair probably also wants to take a quick peek at00:33
mordredI agree00:33
mordredit seems simple/safe enough - but I'd like jeblair to verify there isn't something I'm not thinking of00:33
fungiit seems so simple, but i've been bitten by missing threading big-picture before00:34
jhesketh_lifeless: +100:34
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fungii mean, it's at the end of the cleanup() cleanup method and it's only closing self.things so... i can't imagine how that could go bad but...00:35
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1291694
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openstackgerritKei YAMAZAKI proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for CI Game plugin
openstackgerritJoshua Harlow proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Kazoo has moved onto 1.3.1
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mordredfungi: but exactly00:56
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clarkband they claim to have tested it01:00
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jeblairjhesketh_: i think the idea is fantastic (code unreviewed)01:09
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jeblairlifeless: i will review that tomorrow (a review at this point in my day is not meaningful)01:11
lifelessjeblair: thank you!01:12
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mriedemclarkb: your suggestion has been taken to heart
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mordredclarkb wins01:19
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP: test caching-forwarding nameserver
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Rename Savanna to Sahara
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mspreitzI have just installed DevStack; if I want to run tempest do I have to do it now or can I do some other work first?  That is, does tempest have pre-conditions that I might violate by working on something else first?01:51
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/storyboard: Logging in with a pre-existing user saves details
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clarkbmspreitz: the -qa channel would know01:55
mspreitzThey may know but they are not saying.01:55
clarkbmspreitz: for usptream testing we ran exercises then tempest in the past so I think doing stuff before hand should be ok01:55
clarkbbut don't know for certain and we stopped running exercises first a long time ago01:55
mspreitzthanks for the clues01:56
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Return the real class in VersionInfo __repr__.
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Fix up some docstrings.
lifelessmordred: got a sec?02:00
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mordredlifeless: sure02:18
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lifelessmordred: semver and pbr02:20
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lifelessmordred: I think what I want to do is add a marker in tree somehow to signal 'last breaking API change', and then use that to teach pbr about dev/alpha versions and when to bump various versions02:21
lifelessmordred: I was wondering if you had any thoughts or constraints on that02:21
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mordredlifeless: I'm not sure about all of the words you just said - but the sentiment seems like a good one02:22
mordredlifeless: are you talking about adding ability to do like a "pbr give-me-next-blah" sort of command?02:23
mordred(I'm getting that from the word "bump")02:23
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make zuul more worker agnostic
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add turbo-hipster to gearman-launchers
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mordredjhesketh__: I haven't read the patches, but I like the vibe02:25
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jhesketh__mordred: :-)02:25
jhesketh__mordred: the next thing to see would be this:
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lifelessmordred: I'm proposing to make sdist useful for testrepository02:27
lifelessmordred: right now it creates a version
lifelessmordred: in trunk02:28
lifelessmordred: which is wrong - thats not the version of that commit.02:28
mordredjhesketh__: ++02:28
clarkblifeless: isn't it?02:28
lifelessclarkb: its not.02:28
clarkblifeless: its the fifth commit after 0.0.18 with hash foo02:28
clarkblifeless: what should it be?02:28
lifelessclarkb: thats a final version number, it should have a dev/alpha/beta/rc marker02:28
mordredlifeless: what do you want it to do?02:28
lifelessclarkb: per and
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lifelessmordred: I want it to emit a dev version number on untagged revisions.02:29
mordredlifeless: well, dev is not right, because dev implies version leading towards a thing02:30
mordredso, 1.0.0.dev1 is a pre-version towards 1.0.002:30
mordredwait - no, I'm wrong02:30
mordredhangon. let me actually engage my brain with the subject properly02:31
mordredlifeless: I support adding the dev prefix. I honestly had thought I'd done that already :)02:32
clarkbmordred: you do it for pre version with the .a02:32
clarkbbut post version doesn't02:32
mordredright. 1.0.0.dev1.g234235 is what the pbr semver doc discusses is the PEP440 compliant way to do what we do with post-release versioning02:33
mordredso lifeless version should be coming out as 0.0.18.dev5.gHASH02:34
mordredwhich shoudl sort 0.0.18 < 0.0.18.dev5.gHASH < 0.0.19.a1 < 0.0.1902:34
mordredalthough in a post-versioning repo, you'd have to do 0.0.19.a1 with a tag02:35
mordredand the next untagged commit after it would likely be 0.0.19.a1.dev1.gHASH - which is a little weird02:35
clarkbso reading semver there are MAYs02:35
clarkbI don't think you are required to do ^02:35
clarkbnot that it hurts just pointing out this isn't in conflict with semver02:35
mordredit's not02:36
jamielennoxif grenade fails with unstable (and there is no log file) is there a reverify bug for that?02:36
mordred(be sure to call out pbr semver - this is an extension to semver)02:36
clarkbjamielennox: why did it fail unstable?02:36
jamielennoxno idea - no log file02:36
clarkbjamielennox: have a link to where it reported?02:36
jamielennoxi'm up to about the 7th reverify for this review02:36
jamielennox(it's not my fault)02:36
mordredlifeless: in any case - I'm fairly spent brainwise at the moment - I support the general thing you are discussing- I feel like we might want to hash out details sometime soon when I'm less brain-burned02:37
clarkbjamielennox: hrm no logs at all, that indicates to me the test went really sideways. I don't think we have an open bug for that02:37
mordredlifeless: or, if you want to sketch out something and throw it at me for comment, that's fine too02:38
clarkbjamielennox: but submitting a bug against openstack-ci with a link to that change and the link given by jenkins/zuul indicating the build failed unstable and failed to upload any logs is appropriate02:38
jamielennoxclarkb: i've had to reverify that one a lot - but the files i've changed shouldn't even be imported02:38
clarkbjamielennox: welcome to the jungle02:38
jamielennoxok, so that's 'expected' at the moment?02:38
lifelesssorry, ECYNTHIA there02:39
clarkbjamielennox: not expected but certainly not abnormal02:39
lifelessmordred: 0.0.18.dev5 is leading up to 0.0.1802:39
clarkbjamielennox: the UNSTABLE thing is abnormal02:39
jamielennoxclarkb: ok, thanks - i just don't want to keep reverifying if it's something i'm doing02:39
clarkbbut I don't think something you did caused the unstable. I think jenkins really derped there02:40
clarkbusually we at least get a jenkins traceback saying it failed for some reason in the log02:40
lifelessmordred: thats why I need the API break marker so I can do or
lifeless( Pre-release versions have a lower precedence than the associated normal version. ) -> is < 0.0.1802:41
clarkblifeless: but it shouldn't be02:41
lifelessclarkb: yes, it should be02:41
clarkbnot in a post release world02:41
clarkblet me rephrase02:41
lifelessclarkb: I know the words you say but not how you're using them.02:41
clarkbthe old version the one you don't want02:41
clarkbthat one is > 0.0.1802:41
lifelesshere is the scenario02:41
lifeless0.0.18 is tagged02:41
lifelessI have a commit in some arbitrary branch some arbitrary distance in commits from
lifelessthere are no dagwise newer tags than 0.0.1802:42
lifeless0.0.18 is a semver02:42
clarkb0.0.18.+somenumberofcommits is the newer version02:42
lifelessclarkb: if it was a release, I would agree. Its not. Its not tagged.02:43
lifelessclarkb: Thus its not a release.02:43
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add titles to the times on zuul status's page
clarkbjamielennox: after a quick scan of zuul's status I don't see other jobs in that state so I don't think this is a symptom of al arger issue02:44
clarkblifeless: I think you want preversioning02:44
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add zuul overlay to review page
clarkb0.0.18.devX implies this is some version in lead up to 0.0.1802:44
lifelessclarkb: I don't think I do.02:44
jamielennoxclarkb: filed: but there isn't a lot of information i can put about it02:45
lifelessclarkb: no, it doesn't02:45
lifelessclarkb: sorry, yes, it does.02:45
lifelessclarkb: which is why I don't want 0.0.18.devX02:45
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clarkbwhich is possibly why pbr does the thing for preversioning and not post versioningin02:45
lifelessclarkb: but no, I don't know the version I want.02:45
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clarkblifeless: you want 0.0.19.dev502:45
lifelessclarkb: I know the rules for determining the version. PBR exists to do the legwork for me.02:45
lifelessclarkb: or 0.1.0.dev502:46
lifelessclarkb: or 1.0.0.dev502:46
clarkbwhich is preversioning02:46
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lifelessclarkb: no02:46
clarkbas currently implemented by pbr02:46
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lifelessclarkb: preversioning is me making a decision about the next version02:46
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lifelessclarkb: I don't want to make a decision about the next version.02:46
clarkblifeless: I don't see how you get around that02:46
lifelessclarkb: semver02:46
lifelessclarkb: which was my intial discussion point with mordred.02:47
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clarkbI see02:47
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lifelessclarkb: there are precisely two rules needed to determine the version of a new release.02:47
clarkbso you want preversioning with automagic incremements based on some metadata around the significance of changes made02:47
lifelessa) will it be a stable release (or have we ever done one in the past)02:47
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lifelessb) have we broken the API since the last release02:47
lifelessarguably there is c) is this a cosmetic fix only (point/micro)02:48
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clarkbso you can sort of have that today if you chagne the version you are going up to in conjunction with the changes you describe above02:49
clarkbbut making it automagic would be nice02:49
lifelessclarkb: right. e.g. If I could say similar to what Nova does with RPC apis, that we last broken the API vs (not in) version X, then semver can say 'we released something since, so there have been no further breaks, so its a minor release)02:49
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openstackgerritJamie Lennox proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the kite (KDS) project and kiteclient project to gerrit/jenkins
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lifelessclarkb: btw I can't find any use of the pre_version stuff in pbr02:50
lifelessclarkb: AFAICT its dead code02:50
clarkbjamielennox: fwiw, one of us with root on zuul will probably need to log into that server and dig through logs to try and find out why that job was marked unstable. I won't do that tonight but will try to do that tomorrow02:50
clarkblifeless: its not, all of the server projects use it02:51
lifelessclarkb: can you point me at how they use it ?02:51
jamielennoxclarkb: no worries02:51
clarkblifeless: sure02:51
lifelessI see metadata.version02:51
lifelessbut that overrides the version02:51
lifelessclarkb: specifically, look at pbr/packaging.py02:52
lifelessdef get_version(package_name, pre_version=None)02:52
lifelessclarkb: I can't find any callers passing pre_version in02:52
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: TEST: Deleting thought-to-be-dead code.
clarkblifeless: the hook(s) do it02:55
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lifelessclarkb: so anyhow, the point is that dev support currently is only done when the user has asserted a next version, which is frankly awkward03:04
lifelessclarkb: *because* its broken on the commit that becomes a new version.03:05
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lifelessI think. /me putters about03:05
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clarkbyou would have to bundle the setup.cfg change with any change that changes the step you need to take to next version03:06
clarkbwhich is definitely clunky03:06
lifelessonce I put 0.0.19 in setup.cfg, I'll get 0.0.19pre; if I tag a commit, I'll get 0.0.19. but once I've released 0.0.1903:06
lifelessthe next commit *must* change the version or it will error03:06
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clarkbyeah there are definitely things you must do03:06
lifelessbecause the next version given will go back to a dev03:06
lifelesseven though 0.0.19 has been released.03:06
lifelessok, so tl;dr the postversion stuff is basically broken - no dev, it needs to add dev03:07
clarkbso you have to do a dance, I personalyl would change the version in the version file then do the tag on the previous commit03:08
clarkb looks interesting, I wish it wasn't tied to github so specifically03:08
clarkbI wonder if we can shove data into ES from gerrit that looks like what it wants03:09
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mspreitzHow can this be: Hyper-V CI complains "This change was unable to be automatically merged with the current state of the repository", but the other CI does not?03:22
clarkbmspreitz: its possible they have a bug somewhere03:27
mspreitzclarkb: thanks03:27
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openstackgerritCyril Roelandt proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add a six-related checker
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* fungi is back, presumably for good now. host server crash coupled with filesystem corruption on nfs machine. uglllly03:38
clarkbfungi: o_O03:39
clarkbfungi: if it helps all appears to be well here03:39
clarkbwe did have one job fail with UNSTABLE that will need to be looked at tomorrow03:39
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clarkbbut I am not worrying about it tonight because it doesn't seem to be affecting other things03:39
fungiin that case i will get back to cleaning up the remainder of my post-system-disaster mess03:40
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clarkblifeless: StevenK customizing stuff like that on launchpad is not possible right?03:45
StevenKBug tags are up to the project03:46
lifelessthats basic help03:46
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lifelessthe official tags will autocomplete as typed03:46
clarkblifeless: right so the pop up can't be changed03:46
clarkbbut the tags themselves are arbitrary03:46
lifelessand should (if not its really a bug) hyperlink after that so they can be clicked through03:46
clarkband will autocomplee03:46
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lifelessclarkb: there's an official list per project maintained by the project03:46
lifelessclarkb: those ones will typecomplete03:47
clarkbgotcha thanks03:47
lifelessclarkb: users can type additional tags in, of course.03:47
lifelessclarkb: but if its not autocompleting, its not official.03:47
lifelessclarkb: customising the help or associating metadata descriptions with official tags sounds like a good core feature03:47
lifelessby customising the help I mean 'also show the list of official tags and their descriptions'03:47
lifelessthere may be a description already, I don't recall03:48
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StevenKI think there is a list of offical tags somewhere already03:48
StevenKBut I suspect there will be some pushback to including the list in the help03:48
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* clarkb writes up a response03:49
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lifelessthere most definitely is an official list03:49
lifelessw.r.t. help, who knows, ask a dev :P03:49
clarkblooks like the official list shows up on the main bugs page on the right hand side03:50
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nibalizerclarkb: did you resolve your issues with inifile?05:11
clarkbnibalizer: ya, I think puppet forge was having a hard time. When I got back from lunch it just worked05:12
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mordredlifeless: if you want 0.0.18.dev5 to be leading up to 0.0.18 then what you want is pre-versioning and that's alraedy supported05:21
mordredlifeless: just put "version=0.0.18" in your setup.cfg05:22
mordredlifeless: (I'm responding as I read the scrollback, so it's possible clarkb has already answered you)05:23
mordredlifeless, clarkb: ok. it looks like you guys have covered some good background05:26
mordredlifeless: tbt - I think we should do post-versioning as implemented by pbr currently, except people should semver the first three numbers05:27
mordredand be WAY less stingy with tags/releases05:27
mordredand realize that the days of commits between "releases" not being de facto releases is over and a theory and a myth and go aawy05:27
mordredbut - I've been drinking05:28
clarkbmordred: no way, me too <_<05:28
mordredclarkb: it happens. sometimes .. there is wine05:28
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add PuppetBoard to openstack infra
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mordrednibalizer: is that ... a patch?05:30
nibalizermordred: hopefuly05:33
nibalizerare you okay with all the code duplication?05:33
clarkbthe test failure looks like a zuul merger derping05:33
clarkbnibalizer: yes05:33
clarkbhopefully one day we can r10k that05:33
nibalizerthat bash loop is actually beyond where i stop bashing, so adding a loop around that was like 'nope'05:33
nibalizerclarkb: how retrigger run?05:34
clarkbits only bash beacuse its pre having anything else05:34
clarkbnibalizer: comment that says 'recheck no bug'05:34
nibalizerdo i have to say that, or can i say snarky things?05:35
clarkbyou have to say that. snarky things won't match the regex05:35
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mordrednibalizer: err: Could not retrieve catalog from remote server: Error 400 on SERVER: Puppet::Parser::AST::Resource failed with error ArgumentError: Invalid resource type python::virtualenv at /etc/puppet/modules/puppetboard/manifests/init.pp:182 on node puppetdb.openstack.org05:36
nibalizeroh right05:36
clarkbsilly dependencies05:37
nibalizerits almost like i turned off dependency resolution05:37
nibalizeralso that puppet module is siiiick, it can create virtualenvs and do almost anything under the sun with them05:37
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clarkbnibalizer: so it installs puppet board in a virtualenv with all of its dependencies?05:40
clarkbwe should probably do that for more of the things we do05:40
mordrednibalizer: can is create virtualenvs, install software in them, and then have the software in them operate normall?05:40
mordredbecause what clarkb said if so05:40
clarkbeg zuul, gerritbot, statusbot, graphite, and so on05:40
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nibalizerclarkb: mordred yuup05:42
nibalizerall is in the readme
nibalizerand yes puppetboard runs it out of a virtualenv05:42
lifelessmordred: so, I think pbr can be a lot better with what I have planned.05:42
lifelessmordred: I will write it up and you can gaze in awe when I'm drunk and you're not.05:43
mordredlifeless: it might can - but first and foremost pbr is here to serve openstack - so I need to make sure it does that05:43
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mordredlifeless: I look forward to reading your thoughts though - I do strive for completeness05:44
mordrednibalizer: I'm VERY excited about looking at how you use virtualenv there05:45
clarkbmordred: that may just solve the pip package problems05:46
clarkbbut I need sleep05:46
clarkbso I will look at it later05:46
mordredclarkb: +10005:48
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SergeyLukjanovhi folks05:54
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lifelessmordred: What I want for testr is also what I want for os-*-config in OpenStack :)05:58
lifelessmordred: Imma verra simple05:59
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coolsvapinfra guys, need a small help06:03
coolsvapI have recreated my devstack and after that my git review is not working06:03
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mordredlifeless: I look forward to reading your literature06:04
lifelessmordred: :)06:04
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lifelessmordred: code really06:04
mordredlifeless: I look forward to reading your literature06:05
lifelessmordred: ok now you're trolling :)06:05
clarkbcoolsvap can you paste the failure?06:06
coolsvapI think its not able to ssh review.openstack.org06:08
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coolsvapclarkb I tried manually creating remote, disabling firewall still the same error06:08
coolsvapclarkb earlier devstack was working and other projects in /opt/stack were not working, not I cloned devstack again06:09
coolsvapits also not working06:09
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clarkbcoolsvap yup lookslike ssh doesnt work to review.openstack.org06:09
clarkbare you behind a firewall?06:10
clarkbor is virtualbox not using NAT? can tou get to google from that host?06:10
coolsvapclarkb yes I can ping google.com06:10
clarkbtraceroute and/or mtr may help06:11
clarkbis your ssh key on that node?06:11
coolsvapclarkb the stragne thing is I was able to do it before, just after I recreated devstack I am not able to do so06:12
coolsvapwill try spinning a new node and recheck06:12
clarkbcan you try manually ssh'ing? ssh -p 29418 gerrit ls-projects06:13
clarkbalso make sure the username is correct06:13
jhesketh__coolsvap: have you tried disabling IPv6?06:14
coolsvapthe ssh is also not working i guess06:14
jhesketh__we were having issues talking to over v6 yesterday06:14
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coolsvapjhesketh__ okay let me check that06:14
jhesketh__coolsvap: also try the verbose flag on ssh to see if it's the connection or command that's failing06:14
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nibalizersweet, we're down to just tweaking the apache configs, a pretty cool place to be06:17
nibalizerif anyone has any input on that i'd love to hear it06:17
nibalizerim off for now06:17
jhesketh__nice work nibalizer06:19
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coolsvapjhesketh looks like its connection failure, i disabled ipv6 and rebooted, lets see06:35
jhesketh__coolsvap: okay, let me know how it goes06:36
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jhesketh__coolsvap_: how did you go without ipv6?07:27
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openstackgerritSylvain Baubeau proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add workspace scm
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openstackgerritVictor Stinner proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Allow trollius 0.2
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Fix migration tests
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temp enable savanna service for sahara tests.
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openstackgerritBob Ball proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Support XenServer in the gate
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: only care about unclassifieds in gate queue
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: fix formatting on 'and'
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1291694
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova unit test bug 1291620
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openstackgerritSerg Melikyan proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Updated oslo.messaging requirement
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a footprint for Bug 1291957
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openstackgerritKei YAMAZAKI proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added support for CI Game plugin
lukegoHowdy! I would love some help with three devstack-gate/ci setup issues: KEEP_LOCALRC not working for me; DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_REGEX not working for me; leaking loopback mounts on /opt/stack/data/swift/drives/images/swift.img (ultimately causing test failures).12:38
lukegoanybody keen to help?12:38
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katyaferventHi! Does anyone know about standards for the guid format?12:46
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fungilukego: it looks like gate-manila-tempest-dsvm-neutron uses KEEP_LOCALRC:
lukegoI looked at that example, but couldn't make it work for myself.12:54
fungilukego: we don't seem to be using the DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_REGEX variable anywhere in upstream jobs12:54
fungibut i'll take a peek at the d-g scripts and see if it does what i think it does12:55
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lukegofungi: with KEEP_LOCALRC the part that's most unclear to me is what directly the localrc is in, and how that relates to what directory my Jenkins script (that kicks off is running in. i.e. likely I create a localrc file in the wrong place?12:56
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lukegoperhaps that would break for me but work for manilla, if we are calling in different ways.12:57
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lukegoI also don't really understand how to experiment with hacks to for troubleshooting. I've tried many different ways and somehow it keeps getting overwritten by a fresh checkout from git. (I've tried disable that in various ways and it never does what I hope.)12:57
fungilukego: entirely possible that the manila job is a work in progress. i'm going to look at one of their logs and see whether it's actually preserving that12:58
lukegothank you12:58
lukego(gotta pop into a meeting now, will continue troubleshooting afterwards)12:58
fungilukego: for experimenting with files inside of the devstack git repos, you really want to do something like keep separate clones which devstack won't touch, and then tell devstack to pull from there12:59
lukegoI tried that, but somehow it finds the openstack-infra project on github anyway for me :-\12:59
lukegomy infrastructure is setup via Jay Pipes' puppet scripts so I don't really understand the whole workflow12:59
fungiit should only ever look on github if it doesn't have a local cache12:59
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fungikatyafervent: wikipedia mentions a few...
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katyaferventfungi, thanks so just regular format is using13:05
fungikatyafervent: closet thing i can find to a standard for a guid though is the uuid described in ietf rfc 4122...
katyaferventfungi, thanks a lot)13:06
fungikatyafervent: you're welcome!13:06
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, morning13:12
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fungimorning SergeyLukjanov13:12
SergeyLukjanovfungi, how are you?13:12
fungier, evening i guess13:13
fungiSergeyLukjanov: doing well--trying to catch up on e-mail13:13
fungiSergeyLukjanov: how goes the renaming?13:13
SergeyLukjanovfungi, gate is still failing13:13
fungiany hints on what's broken?13:13
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, one of the problems that we see yesterday was Django 16.13:13
SergeyLukjanovfungi, and I've already fixed it :)13:14
SergeyLukjanovfungi, and I've forget to update d-g yesterday, so, waiting when it'll be merged...13:14
SergeyLukjanovfungi, it's needed to allow run tempest tests for savanna13:15
SergeyLukjanovand we could update them to be sahara after client release ;)13:15
SergeyLukjanovfungi, circular dependencies, 90 lvl13:16
fungiyeah, i remember when we renamed quantum... it was pretty messy13:16
fungiand our integration testing has only gotten more complex since13:17
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, is passing voting jenkins, very appreciate if you can push it to make me not wait for 10 hours13:17
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, yup, I find some unexpected conditionals in devstack13:18
fungilooks like quite the pile-up in the gate too... i keep seeing tempest-neutron jobs failing13:18
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fungii haven't gotten to -dev list e-mail... has anybody looked into that yet?13:18
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, don't see anything about it13:19
SergeyLukjanovfungi, oh, just update mail page13:19
SergeyLukjanov[openstack-dev] [qa] [neutron] Neutron Full Parallel job - Last 48 hours failures13:19
SergeyLukjanovfungi, some analytics about neutron failing reasons13:20
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fungiyeah, reading it now13:20
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fungilooks like that may not necessarily be about something which has recently spiked up13:21
fungipretty big resurgence of bug 1257885 today13:21
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, it's about sahara13:21
fungioh! so that was sahara re-encountering the django 1.6 issues. got it13:22
SergeyLukjanovfungi, yup, our dashboard was incompatible with dj 1.613:22
SergeyLukjanovfungi, and it's support was merged only two days ago, so, that's the thing we saw before renaming13:23
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, when we force pushing commit, will it reset gate?13:23
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fungiit wouldn't cause a gate reset, but i think it would be better to promote it than force-merge. is it impacting any other projects?13:26
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SergeyLukjanovfungi, promote?13:26
SergeyLukjanovfungi, it affects only savanna13:26
fungiwe should reserve the manual merge option for situations where the change won't pass on its own, or is causing such mass destruction that we can't wait for one set of jobs to complete at the head of the gate13:27
fungiin this case, if we just promote it, it will get tested once in the gate before merging13:27
SergeyLukjanovfungi, nope, it breaks only sahara testing13:28
SergeyLukjanovfungi, promote == it'll be tested earlier?13:28
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fungiSergeyLukjanov: yeah, promote means the gate changes get reshuffled with that one at the top and all tests restarted at that point, but i'm looking to see whether there's any proposed patches to help whatever's caused the 10-hour backlog so i can promote them at the same time13:29
SergeyLukjanovfungi, it'll be really great...13:29
openstackgerritNikola Dipanov proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add TestCase assertion methods for testing checks
SergeyLukjanovfungi, because current gate state looks like we'll wait for unblocking sahara renaming for dozens of hours13:30
openstackgerritNikola Dipanov proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Add an import whitelist helper factory
fungiSergeyLukjanov: quite possibly. i just want to make sure i'm correctly prioritizing productivity for the whole of openstack, so if there's something i should be doing to help move things along in the gate, i can also help unblock sahara at the same time13:31
SergeyLukjanovfungi, thank you13:31
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openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a footprint for Bug 1291992
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sdaguefungi: more timeouts on zm0213:48
sdagueactually never mind13:49
fungisdague: which job?13:49
sdaguethe issue is the mirror13:49
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fungigrr we should be using apache mod_mime_magic or something. my browser wants to download that13:50
sdaguehm, mine doesn't13:51
fungiokay, _that_ mirror13:51
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fungididn't know if you meant the git mirror or rackspace's deb mirror or...13:52
sdagueI think the issue is mod_mime_magic is enabled13:52
sdagueContent-Type: text/x-sh13:52
fungi"Cannot fetch index base URL"13:52
fungiso yes, looks like it...13:52
fungiand in rax-dfw, same region where that server is hosted (just in a separate tenant). depressing13:53
fungichecking to make sure static.o.o which serves that is healthy13:54
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lukegofungi: back and ready to attack again :-). rereading, it's not devstack code that I want to try hacking, it's devstack-gate code i.e. the scripts that run devstack/tempest.13:54
fungilukego: yeah, i took a quick look at archived logs for that manila job, and it's not doing what they expect13:55
lukegofungi: do you have any tip for how to splice a line or two into the devstack localrc config?13:55
fungilukego: i agree with you, the localrc needs to go wherever devstack is being run from, not in the current working directory for the job itself13:55
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fungilukego: i think that's the intent of the KEEP_LOCALRC variable, just need to put your initial localrc in the correct place13:56
lukegofungi: I tried to create a localrc elsewhere but it just got overwritten instead of appending. so either KEEP_LOCALRC didn't work or I picked the wrong path13:57
fungithere's also the possibility that in recent refactoring how the git repository caches for devstack-gate work, the directory where the localrc needs to go is getting wiped and replaced after the wrap script starts. should probably figure out whether that is actually happening13:57
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lukegothat would be consistent with what I see. I can't find the localrc path with 'find / -name localrc'13:58
fungiand if so, patch devstack-gate to move and restore that file if it already exists13:58
lukegoI'm not sure how to patch devstack-gate.. it keeps magically downloading the official upstream version from github and overwriting my changes :(13:58
fungilukego: i mean submit a patch upstream to devstack-gate13:58
lukegowould like to be able to test it first?13:58
fungior maybe KEEP_LOCALRC behavior should be to copy that file from a specific safe location13:58
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lukegoI have tried about 30 different tweaks to various scripts today and so far nothing has done what I expect, so I feel like there's a low chance to successfully sending changes upstream without testing them locally :)14:00
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lukego(it would be great to have devstack-gate run from a different repository. I forked it on github and put changes there, but it seems to only partially be used, and other stuff was automatically pulled from the upstream version for reasons I couldn't quite deduce)14:01
lukegoi.e. it wasn't enough to hack my jenkins job definitions to clone/pull my fork14:01
fungiwell, part of the challenge is that we want devstack-gate to test itself. one way to do that is to set up environment variables for the project and ref to test and make that devstack-gate and your change ref/repository url14:02
fungii haven't done that for a few months so am not completely certain the readme is still up to date on the steps needed for that14:03
lukegoI'll have a bit of a dig into the REGEX issue.. try to see how the other people doing Neutron plugins manage to skip non-neutron-related tests to get faster turnaround14:04
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AJaegerfungi, once you have time to do a few reviews, I would appreciate if you could approve to move us one step forward with translation of manuals14:05
openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a footprint for bug1283522
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Improve fingerprint for Django 1.6 not supported issue
openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add fingerprint for bug 1291953
sdaguefungi: also -
sdaguetests pass, node went offline14:06
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fungisdague: yeah, we've been tracking that one. jeblair still seems to think it's something happening in concert with changes in job registration events. on the jenkins master side of things it fails to write to the slave while starting to processing the job logs and thinks the slave's disk has filled up, so marks the slave offline (resulting in that stacktrace in the console)14:10
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sdagueso we should reopen that?14:11
sdaguebecause the infra bug is fix-released14:11
fungihowever, almost all of them seem to happen in hpcloud-az2 that i've seen (found one incident for it in rax a while back), so not sure what's up with that correlation14:11
devanandagood morning! got a question -- what version of fedora should we be testing our devstack patch on?14:11
fungisdague: which infra bug? there was a separate infra bug from when we actually *were* running out of space on slaves in hpcloud, because they have a 10gb filesystem14:11
sdaguewe actually seem to have 2 bugs here14:12
fungiso the outward-facing errors are unfortunately the same14:12
fungibecause supposedly jenkins pretty much assumes any write failure is a full filesystem, and takes the same actions14:12
sdagueBug 1268732 - Slave went offline during log upload14:13
fungidevananda: what devstack patch?14:13
sdagueBug 1284371 - gate error: Looks like the node went offline during the build. Check the slave log for the details.FATAL: /var/lib/jenkins/logs/slaves/*/slave.log (No such file or directory)14:13
sdagueso 1268732 is marked as fixed, and 1284371 is open14:13
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sdagueand we have 2 er fingerprints that are the same :)14:13
fungisdague: yeah, the open one is probably for the current round of issues14:13
fungibut yes, in situations where the public logs are identical for two entirely separate classes of problem, i'm not sure how you intend to fix that on the classification side of things14:14
sdaguewell, I'll just remove the old one14:14
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sdagueand the classification will be whatever level of accuracy it is14:14
devanandafungi:  <-- add ironic testing to devstack14:14
fungiunless we stop treating bugs as a way to track specific issues and start using them purely as a unique key for a failure classification system14:15
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devanandafungi: tldr; we've been testing on precise, since (afaik) taht is what the gate runs14:15
fungidevananda: well, we have precise and centos 6.514:15
devanandaperfect, thanks!14:15
devanandacent 6.5 it is14:16
sdaguefungi: so I get that the system isn't perfect, but having these frequency numbers, even if imperfect is useful in knowing what our top issues are14:16
fungidevananda: but you were asking about fedora14:16
fungisdague: agreed14:16
devanandafungi: my bad. you're correct :)14:16
fungidevananda: did you want to know about fedora specifically, or were you just asking about distributions in general?14:16
devanandafungi: distributions in the gate14:17
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: remove duplicate bug
fungifor fedora, i think pleia2 and dprince are working on fedora 20 support, but not sure what the current state of that work is14:17
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sdaguedevananda: honestly, I don't expect to see fedora for a while. I would not block that on fedora issues.14:18
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devanandasdague: ack. and I dont plan on it, but conversely, I dont want to stop someone who's interested in fixing issues there14:19
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fungisdague: so for that log you linked a minute ago, the jenkins log once again has...14:20
fungiMar 13, 2014 11:51:02 AM hudson.node_monitors.AbstractDiskSpaceMonitor markNodeOfflineIfDiskspaceIsTooLow14:20
fungi0WARNING: Making bare-precise-hpcloud-az2-2696529 offline temporarily due to the lack of disk spacel14:20
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fungiinterestingly, if timestamps are accurate, this happened during "py27 installdeps" before "py27 develop-inst" started14:23
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fungiwould be interested to get more correlation there when i find time14:23
sdaguein what log ?14:23
sdague doesn't seem to have it14:23
fungisdague: matching up the jenkins service log on the corresponding master14:24
sdaguewe don't have any external visibility on that, do we?14:24
fungino, i think because it may contain all sorts of danger14:24
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dims_jogo, sdague, jamespage, clarkb - 0.9.8+ is good added a comment in the bug (
fungifull of java backtraces containing who knows what sensitive data14:25
jamespagedims_, ack14:25
dims_jamespage, thanks again!14:26
jamespagedims_, np - still trying to figure out the 1.2.2 test failure on 12.0414:26
jamespageits fine on 14.0414:26
* jamespage sighs14:26
openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a footprint for bug 1283522
dims_jamespage, have a link to the test runs? (just curious, may not be able to help)14:27
jamespagedims_, its quite possible the least helpful message ever14:27
dims_jamespage, lol14:28
jamespagelibvirt:  error : An error occurred, but the cause is unknown14:29
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fungijgriffith: if you're around, i see a couple of cinder changes failing gating on snapshot mismatches in python26 unit test jobs. do you happen to know whether there's a fix in flight for that which we should prioritize in the gate?14:37
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fungiVolumeBackendAPIException: Bad or unexpected response from the storage volume backend API: Volume device file path /tmp/tmp.2O0RjVocYA/tmplaZloE/tmpEeXSxw/tmpqd0RS-cow does not exist.14:41
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fungiaha, looks like (not yet triaged)14:46
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jeblairfungi: good morning.  does anything need my immediate attention?14:46
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fungijeblair: i don't think so. the gate's turned to tar, but it doesn't look like it's infra-related for the most part14:47
jeblairfungi: targate?14:47
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fungiso it seems14:48
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Close server connect pipes on cleanup
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fungiactually, i don't suppose the gate is too tar-like... we've merged about 70 changes in the past 24 hours in the integrated gate queue. looks like someone simply approved a substantial number of changes right around 00:00 utc from the look of various graphs15:06
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fungizuul spiked from ~0-1750 jobs running in a matter of minutes15:07
jeblairfungi: that might be the periodic jobs15:08
fungioh, interesting. we run that many periodic jobs?15:08
jeblairfungi: yeah, periodic triggers at 0 6 * * *15:09
jeblairthen stable at 1 6, and qa at 2 615:09
fungiahh, right, that's the 06:00 line not the 00:00 line i was looking at15:09
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fungii wonder why we registered a spike in gerrit comment-added events around that time though15:10
funginot that it was a massive spike there15:11
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jeblairfungi: good question; same spike shows up yesterday15:12
fungiand interestingly, the periodic jobs spike yesterday at 06:00 is maybe a third as big as today's15:13
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fungiso i think something must have coincided with the periodic jobs15:13
fungithe 06:00 spike two days ago was even shorter still15:14
jogodims_: awesome!15:15
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jogodims_: now to get that rolled out in CI15:15
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jogosdague: tempest patch to get rid of a bug in gate, 20 gate hits in last 48 hours15:16
sdaguejogo: there is an actual fix in queue15:16
jogosdague: ohh even better15:17
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fungisdague: any benefit to promoting the fix up to the top?15:17
sdaguefungi: it needs to pass check15:17
jogosdague: in that case I will abandon15:17
sdaguethen, sure15:17
jeblair u'reason': u'code review expired after 1 week of no activity after a negative review, it can be restored using the `Restore Change` button under the Patch Set on the web interface',15:17
fungioh, by in queue i thought you meant in the gate, got it15:17
sdaguejogo: please look at
jeblairfungi: ^ i think that might be the reason15:18
sdaguejust to see if you think it's fair15:18
fungijeblair: aha! makes sense--that runs periodically as well15:18
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fungijeblair: interesting that we didn't account for skipping checks for abandoned changes--zuul wouldn't be able to leave votes on them anyway right?15:18
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jeblairfungi: 588 instances of that, all between 6:00 and 6:0515:18
fungiyeah, that would definitely match what the graph is showing15:19
jeblairfungi: launchpadsync emits both a 'change-abandoned' and a 'comment-added' event15:20
jeblairfungi: i wonder if it has a bug15:20
jeblairi love that it's called launchpadsync15:20
fungijeblair: i think it may. it also comments twice...
jeblairwe should rename it to "Evil Patch Hating Robot"15:21
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fungiand the comment can be changed to "stomps all over your dreams"15:21
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fungii'll see if i can spot/fix the double-comment/event bug15:22
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fungithough first i need to fix yesterday's nodepool script changes which broke image updates for rax15:24
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jeblairclarkb, mordred: i'm fairly strongly opposed to installing our servers outside of a venv15:29
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jeblairclarkb, mordred: i don't think we should have to activate a venv to run "zuul foo" or "nodepool list"15:30
jeblairclarkb, mordred: besides, i thought mordred fixed the known pip problems15:31
jeblairnibalizer: fyi ^15:31
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sdaguefungi / jeblair: there was just a spelling fix for this patch - - however, given that it only deletes asserts, I'm fairly confident it can only make things better15:33
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sdagueso I'd be pro pushing it to the gate queue and promoting15:34
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gear: Close poll loop pipes on cleanup
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fungisdague: okay, i'll promote that one and the savanna/sahara d-g patch right behind it15:35
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fungisince they're also completely blocked without that, but i didn't want to promote a change just for that15:35
fungibut if we're already fixing tempest failures, might as well take the opportunity15:35
sdagueyeh, agreed15:36
jaypipeslukego: still around?15:36
lukego"Jay, thank GOD you're here!" -- do you get that a lot?15:36
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: remove duplicate bug
jaypipeslukego: lol, no not really :) but I'm sure most of the folks on this channel do get that :) want to move this convo to #openstack-neutron?15:37
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mtreinishsdague: how is removing "not" from a comment a spelling fix?15:40
mriedemclarkb: added you to this to see what you think about the wildcards used in the query15:40
jeblairsdague: fyi my testing for fixing is causing (and will continue to cause) a lot of false hits of that bug15:40
mriedemthere are 12 jobs between savanna/saharra though which sucks - you could list out all 12 though15:40
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jeblairsdague: (dns issues)15:41
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fungijeblair: you can't make an omelet without breaking a few jobs15:42
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mordredjeblair: key word "known" ... but in general, I agree that you should not need to activate a venv to run zuul foo of nodepool list15:42
mordredjeblair: however, I wouldn't mind having a global venv that was automatically added to the path globally if it helped pip not crap the bed (there are several ifs in there)15:43
jeblairmordred: yep.  i think we previously agreed that your fixes (not all of which are merged, i believe) was our desired short term solution, and auto-building packages was the long term one15:44
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mordredjeblair: nod15:45
jeblairmordred: also, "zuul foo of nodepool" is really funny.  sounds right out of a sci-fi b-movie.  :)15:46
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mordredjeblair: can I change my name to zuul foo of nodepool?15:47
jeblairi think you just did, zuul foo of nodepool.15:47
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jeblairmordred: i hope you know that title comes with a hat which you will be expected to wear at the next summit.15:48
maliniWe are trying to troubleshoot an issue at the gate, where mongo db is really slow to start up. Is there any chance we can get access to the node where the tests run ?15:51
SergeyLukjanovmriedem, so, it's better to explicitly list jobs?15:51
mriedemSergeyLukjanov: well we don't want to use wildcards because while they work, they put load on ES15:52
fungimalini: what job?15:52
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malinifungi: check-tempest-dsvm-marconi15:53
maliniits the experimental job in devstack15:53
SergeyLukjanovmriedem, okay, I'll update it later15:53
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fungimalini: looks like it works some times but not others?15:55
thingeeI was told infra registered the different irc channels recently. Who can I talk to about op rights in one of the channels or how that is handled?15:55
malinifungi: I have been troubleshooting around it to make sure the mongo startup is the issue15:56
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jeblairthingee: any of us can give you ops on a channel now, and then you should be able to manage it after that15:56
jeblairthingee: which channel?15:56
pleia2devananda, sdague fedora work is being tracked here: last review outstanding to mostly get us there is here (needs reviews)
thingeejeblair: thanks15:56
malinifungi: the working jobs have a diff backend or sleep..but we dont see the mongo issue locally.15:57
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malinifungi: it always fails at the gate with mongo backend15:57
fungimalini: so on this run, as a point of reference, it started successfully just after package installation...
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malinifungi: & this is a failed one
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devanandapleia2: thanks!15:59
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fungimalini: so on that one the initscript also seems to successfully return control, suggesting that mongodb did in fact start16:01
fungiat 2014-03-12 22:57:13.52716:01
jeblairthingee: I did "/msg chanserv access #openstack-cinder add thingee +Afortv"16:01
jeblairthingee: i also added jgriffith16:01
maliniIt starts up, but does not immediately become available16:01
jeblairthingee: the two of you can add other ops with the same command now16:02
malinifungi: ^16:02
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thingeejeblair: thank you16:02
fungimalini: where is the first sign of failure in the log?16:02
fungimalini: just wondering what the time difference is from when the service supposedly started16:02
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fungimalini: "start_marconi seems to be called around 2014-03-12 23:02:41.17616:03
malinifungi: I an hunting for the failed logs..1 min16:03
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fungimalini: so you're suggesting that mongodb is being slow to start... that's more than 5 minutes difference. i suspect if mongodb isn't usable 5 minutes after starting that's not just being slow16:04
malinifungi: See error.txt.gz16:04
malinifungi: I dont think its a 5 min difference..I can get around the issue with a sleep of 2s16:05
fungimalini: okay, so you're talking about "mongodb starting" in a different sense than the way it's being started by its initscript when it gets installed on the server16:05
fungimalini: does mongodb log its startup process?16:06
zarofungi: i still have two accounts on review.o.o?16:06
malinifungi: I couldnt find tht in the logs16:06
fungizaro: probably. we don't delete accounts16:06
malinifungi: & To clarify, I am refering to mongo being available after the restart16:07
fungimalini: if you know where the logs should be on the system, we can configure your job to collect them and add them to the set of logs it's already putting on logs.openstack.org16:07
zarofungi: ohh that could be confusing.16:07
fungimalini: oh, okay... so you restart mongodb as part of start_marconi?16:07
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fungizaro: gerrit doesn't give us a way to merge accounts, so if someone has activity (reviews, comments) under one account and then later ends up using a different account, we need to keep both16:08
malinifungi: yes is done in configure_marconi16:08
fungizaro: deleting the account would cause all their old activity to be orphaned and show comments from "anonymous"16:08
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maliniflaper87: /var/log/mongodb.log is what we need, rt?16:08
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gear: Throttle geard connect loop
maliniflaper87: sorry /var/log/mongodb/mongodb.log16:09
flaper87malini: yeah, I'd say so16:09
flaper87hopefully, that'll give more insights of what's happening there16:10
zarofungi: i see, maybe i'll just change the name on it so it's the same on both accounts.16:10
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fungimalini: so the easiest way is at the end of the job, make sure that the mongodb log gets copied to the same logs directory that devstack-gate sticks the others in, and it will get grabbed along with them. should i think be able to use a post hook for that?16:12
malinifungi: We dont have a posthook already..Do you want us to add one?16:13
zaroopps, i can't seem to do that because it's tied to my LP account and i believe i only have 1 LP account.16:13
malinifungi: also do you happen to know what version of mongo db is used in the gate?16:13
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fungimalini: i'm looking to see if there's a good example hook for that already. as for mongodb, it's whatever comes in ubuntu 12.04 lts16:14
malinifungi: I dont think ubuntu comes with a default mongo db..flaper87, can you confirm?16:15
flaper87malini: it does16:16
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maliniaah..ok..thts why I always check with smart ppl ;)16:16
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fungimalini: yep, we're just installing the distro-provided package according to
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malinithanks for confirming fungi!16:19
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fungimalini: so, i'm not really seeing a great example of a post hook which copies particular logs into the right place for collection but an example inline post hook which doesn't call out into an external script within you project would look like
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malinithanks fungi! I'll chk tht out16:24
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maliniI am going to give a final try with the journal stuff & will get straight to this16:24
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fungimalini: and looking at you're just going to want to have your hook copy those into /opt/stack/logs/16:27
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jeblairmalini: make sure it gets renamed so it has a .txt extension, then gzip it too.16:29
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malinijeblair: sure..will do!16:29
malinithanks fungi ..I might have more questions for you soon16:29
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fungimalini: good luck16:31
jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred: so, looking at my test change to see how a caching-forwarding nameserver affects devstack jobs, i noticed that it seems to work fine on rax but not on hpcloud (1.0)16:31
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malinifungi: thanks! I need a lot of that :)16:31
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jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred: here's why:16:31
jeblairMar 13 16:14:28 devstack-precise-hpcloud-az2-2709387 named[2377]: error (no valid RRSIG) resolving 'org/DS/IN':
jeblairMar 13 16:14:28 devstack-precise-hpcloud-az2-2709387 named[2377]: error (no valid DS) resolving '':
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jeblairfungi, clarkb, mordred: it kinda looks like the nameservers in hpcloud 1.0 break dnssec.16:32
fungioh, so very, very nice!16:32
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jeblairi'm not really excited about the idea of having _recursive resolvers_ on every test node (because we should see a huge benefit from the cache memory of regional resolvers)...16:35
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Temp enable savanna service for sahara tests.
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jeblairbut it kind of looks like our options are that or google or run our own.16:37
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jeblairor turn off dnssec16:38
fungijeblair: didn't you say before that hpcloud was configuring resolv.conf to use google resolver ip addresses anyway?16:38
jeblairfungi: hpcloud 1.116:38
jeblairfungi: which, granted, we're about to move to16:39
jeblairso if we solve the 1.0 problem by forwarding to google, then we've at least made 1.0 and 1.1 the same.16:39
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jeblairpresumably dnssec will provide some extra assurance while using google's servers.  except for our own domains of course, which aren't dnssec signed.16:40
fungibut could be, if only we didn't use our provider's dns hosting services, since they don't support serving dnssec signed zones either16:41
fungiit's so disappointing all around16:41
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fungiand the other other alternative there is running our own nameservers. we already run plenty of things, so i'm not sure it adds much new headache, but it's still more work that we already don't have time to do16:42
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jeblairfungi: i'm continuning to dig; i don't think i fully understand the hpcloud problem yet16:42
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fungianybody have any idea how often mediawiki updates its search indexes? i removed mention of from GerritJenkinsGit and GerritJenkinsGith/ja yesterday, but they still show up in
fungiRyan_Lane1: ^ ?16:51
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Ryan_Lane1hm. good question. we're using the CIrrusSearch stuff. it's possible that I broke it by upgrading16:52
clarkbjeblair: let me know what you find. I can submit a ticket or whatever if appropriate16:52
Ryan_Lane1when I get home I'll take a look16:52
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fungiRyan_Lane1: okay, cool. no rush, was just curious16:52
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* Ryan_Lane1 nods16:52
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fungiclarkb: i've been digging into this, but not sure what we're missing...
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i installed unbound to get a second opinion, and even without configuring forwarding mode, it reported this:16:56
jeblairMar 13 16:50:42 devstack-precise-hpcloud-az2-2709387 unbound: [5087:0] info: failed to prime trust anchor -- DNSKEY rrset is not secure . DNSKEY IN16:56
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jeblairthat's _theoretically_ straight from the root nameservers16:56
jeblairi'm reading tcpdumps now16:56
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fungiclarkb: i inserted a little extra debugging into the restrict script, and it says grub-legacy-ec2 0.6.3-0ubuntu1.10 is installed but confirms that /etc/default/grub is nonexistent when that script is running16:57
clarkbfungi: huh so we have precise with grub 1 and precise with grub 2?16:57
fungiclarkb: i'm seeing those in at least iad and ord, probably dfw as well16:57
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clarkbfungi: I should probably rewrite that to [ -f /etc/default/grub ] ; then do grub 2 elif [ -f /boot/grub/grub.conf ] ; then do grub 1 fi16:58
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clarkbbecause I think the pvhvm image is grub 2 if I remember correctly from jeblairs testing16:58
fungiclarkb: that might make more sense. i have a similar patch mostly drafted, but wasn't sure if i was missing something obvious16:58
clarkbfungi: no, I think the images just differ in ways I didn't expect16:58
clarkbeg all precise don't use the same major version of grub apparently16:59
sdaguepleia2: so as soon as that is getting anywhere close, it would be good to get it non voting on devstack16:59
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sdaguebecause that info would be incredibly useful16:59
fungiright. again this is provider stuff. i think grub-legacy-ec2 is basically a stub to let you include configuration within your filesystem for a bootloader which is getting invoked external from the vm itself16:59
fungiby the host16:59
sdaguewe break fedora all the time because no feedback17:00
pleia2sdague: so my focus was tripleo at first, haven't really talked much about nodepool in regular infra using fedora17:00
clarkbfungi: gotcha, then ya direct tests for config seem like a much better way to go17:00
clarkbfungi: you are writing that patch?17:02
fungiclarkb: incoming17:02
clarkbgreat, I am going to try and get through reviews again17:03
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sdaguepleia2: ok, I'll express similar concerns to you that I did to SpamapS yesterday. There is a ton of shoring up of behavior of components that could be done in the main gate that will take a while to get to tripleo17:09
sdagueso I'd be careful about jumping that step. In a lot of ways the main gate is the unit tests for tripleo17:10
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Restrict nodepool memory only when possible
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clarkb btw17:18
pleia2sdague: so redhat is bringing up their cloud (in addition to hp's) for tripleo testing, and we wanted full fedora and full ubuntu story there, in some ways it's easier to start with tripleo on things like fedora because the scope is still limited and won't impact many projects17:18
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pleia2clarkb: nice17:19
jeblairclarkb, fungi:
jeblairclarkb, fungi: now i hate resolvconf again17:24
jeblairclarkb, fungi: the reason i was still seeing the broken dnssec behavior even without a forwarding configuration is because i was, unknowingly, using a forwarding configuration17:24
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: so i think we're back to "hpcloud 1.0 dns servers break dnssec"17:25
fungijeblair: so you're getting dnskey errors in hpcloud but not in rax?17:25
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Make IRC bot list which failures were seen in which job.
jeblairfungi: yeah17:26
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clarkbif we drop an /etc/default/unbound in before the package install will that work?17:28
clarkbI suppose that would only help to disable dnssec which we don't want17:28
jeblairclarkb: i'm not focused on solving the problems in that bug atm;17:29
jeblairclarkb: (we might need to, but i'd like to set it aside for the moment and figure out how we actually want things configured)17:30
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i have confirmed that if i set RESOLVCONF_FORWARDERS=false dnssec works17:31
jeblair(so we can at least bypass the hp resolvers and run a recursive resolver)17:31
fungiit would be nice if we could have a magical pony which used dnssec when available and otherwise just used traditional dns queries, but i don't see that at the moment without hard-coding provider-specific behavior17:32
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jeblairforwarding to from hpcloud also works17:33
clarkbpleia2: re can you expand a bit on how tripleo is different? I mean they are differnet but I am trying to come up with a scenario were prepare_devstack would interfere in a bad way17:34
jeblairclarkb, fungi: so should we aim to configure hpcloud to forward to, and rax to their local resolvers?17:36
jeblairclarkb, fungi: (and then, having decided that, see if affects us)17:36
clarkbjeblair: I think that wfm since the other half of hpcloud is doing it for all vms anyways17:37
fungii had some vague memory, from before the root was signed, that isc maintained an altroot with resolvers available you could recurse through. hunting now to see whether they still maintain that resolver network, but maybe point it at the global root trust instead hopefully17:37
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pleia2clarkb: cached repo dependencies are determined differently17:38
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pleia2clarkb: it might be ok to use/include devstack's script for doing the repo pulls, then just adding in specific ones tripleo needs in its script17:38
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clarkbpleia2: but keeping that straight is probably harder than a shared install dependencies script17:40
clarkbpleia2: I think I prefer the current patchset17:40
clarkbpleia2: thanks17:40
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openstackgerritStefano Maffulli proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added list for Content team
fungiyeah, i think with the rash of ddos attacks using open resolvers for traffic amplification, any open resolvers the isc or other organizations may have maintained were pulled down once the dlv was no longer relevant17:44
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clarkbwhat is the openstack content team?17:45
fungiso at this point, either forwarding to teh goog' or running our own recursive resolvers in each provider/zone (likely restricting them to use by our systems) seems like the available options17:46
fungiclarkb: volunteer copy writers assembling openstack-specific marketing collateral17:47
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jeblairfungi: restricting them to use by our systems is likely tricky -- probably needs neutron or vpn17:50
jeblairclarkb, fungi: just to throw this out there, should we forward to goog on all our single-use nodes (ie, instead of rax resolvers?)17:50
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clarkbjeblair: isn't that a bit mean?17:51
fungijeblair: i agree on the tricky part (that was sort of my point in mentioning it)17:51
jeblairclarkb: what's mean?17:51
clarkbjeblair: sending 900 machines to google all at once17:51
clarkbit is google, but still17:51
jeblairclarkb: that's different than 450?17:51
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clarkbjeblair: we weren't responsible for the 450 :) (and actually its only about 5 right now because we only use 5 nodes in region b)17:52
jeblairclarkb: right, but we just decided that 1.0 needs to forward to google17:52
fungiclarkb: do you know anyone involved in that decision, btw, so that you can find out whether hp has some sort of agreement with them not to throttle/blacklist their cloud at the drop of a hat when the volume rises?17:53
clarkbfungi: I don't17:53
clarkbfungi: best I could tell it is an oversight apparently there are DNS servers that should be used as in 1.017:53
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for nova unit test bug 1291605
jeblairclarkb: oh, ha!17:53
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fungiso we very well may find we get similar lookup problems if all our systems stampede and google begins throttling access from hpcloud17:54
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clarkbbut it doesn't help that those servers aren't working properly either17:54
jeblairthe bit at the bottom pertains to this17:55
fungi yeah17:55
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jeblairhonestly, i don't expect it to be a problem.  i don't think we do _that_ many dns queries in jobs, and we're talking about forwarding cache misses17:56
fungi"per-client-IP QPS and average bandwidth limits" is nice and vague17:56
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clarkbjeblair: this is true the slaves themselves don't talk to much outside themselves17:57
fungii agree. i expect the actual number of queries to be very, very low once we're caching on each machine17:57
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jeblairso a nameserver is going to see a bunch of *, *, * queries, then nothing from that ip for the next 20-60 minutes.17:57
clarkbthey will need to lookup the jenkins master (because ssh), anything serving refs, and thats about it right?17:57
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clarkboh right package repo locations too17:57
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jeblair(i mean, assuming we reset our ttls back to 3600)17:58
fungiso here's another (possibly distasteful) option...17:58
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fungisince we're not running long-lived servers in hpcloud anyway, and we probably don't actually care that nodepool nodes get dnssec validation on lookups, turn off dnssec validation on nodepool nodes but turn it on for long-lived servers (where rax is at least usable)17:59
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fungiand hope that hpcloud fixes their dnssec issues soon, so we can go ahead and enable it everywhere after that18:00
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jeblairfungi: aside from the dnssec issues, hpcloud1.0 is going away so i don't feel like it's worth too much to support their broken resolvers18:00
jeblairclarkb: how do you know that hpcloud 1.1 has resolvers of its own?18:00
clarkbjeblair: I semi loudly mentioned that all of hpcloud 1.1 was using google to resolve dns because dhcp and was told by someone that he has DNS servers there but doesn't manage dhcp so isn't sure why the servers aren't used18:01
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jeblairclarkb: is it worth a ticket to get the dhcp thing fixed?18:02
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clarkbjeblair: maybe? for us probably not since we are working around broken DNS in hpcloud18:02
jeblairclarkb: can you ask that person if the resolvers work with dnssec?18:02
clarkbjeblair: I can18:02
jeblairclarkb: i'm just thinking about making hpcloud better.  :)18:02
jeblairclarkb: i expect none of this will get resolved before we want to put unbound in18:03
jeblairclarkb: also, if you get an ip for those servers, you can check with "dig com. SOA +dnssec" (look for the ad flag to be set)18:03
clarkblet me walk down to that side of the building to see if I can learn more18:03
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: it sounds like our preference would be to use a non-google local resolver when possible?  so we should leave rax using its resolvers and special case hpcloud to use google until the rest gets worked out?18:06
jeblairclarkb, fungi: (as opposed to just using google both places)18:06
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fungii'm just always shaky about using google for things, but also think that the provider should be providing functional recursive dns resolution too18:08
fungiso yeah, that seems like a pragmatic, if moderately distasteful, compromise18:08
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clarkbok so after more digging18:08
clarkbwe might be ok (at least from a why google)18:09
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clarkbin 1.1 neutron is used18:09
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clarkbin my west instances the default network gives me nameserver
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clarkbin my much older east network google was used18:11
fungiso this is stale configuration basically18:11
clarkbSo we should see what we get on an actual slave18:11
clarkbfungi ya I think so18:11
clarkbit is so hard to remember this neutron thing is magical like that18:12
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clarkbhowever the server seems to have the same trouble as 1.0 which means we are back to google18:13
clarkb`dig com. SOA +dnssec` gives me flags: qr rd ra;18:13
clarkbjeblair: ^18:13
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jeblairclarkb: want to open anoter ticket to ask them to fix their resolvers?18:15
clarkbjeblair: yup can do18:15
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jeblairclarkb: you got as a nameserver?  i spot checked an hpcloud-region-b node and see
clarkbjeblair: huh18:15
clarkbis that dyndns?18:16
jeblairclarkb: dnssec is still broken18:16
clarkbI wonder if they offloaded by default in the past but new networks get the local neutron resolver18:16
clarkbwhich is why I see google on my account's old networks18:16
jeblairclarkb: i think that's an hp address18:16 according to dig -x18:16
jeblairso, yep.18:17
clarkbdig com. SOA +dnssec @ doesn't resolve anything very quickly for me18:18
clarkbapparently can't hit that from where I sit18:18
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jeblairclarkb: yeah.  it's fast on the region b node i'm on.18:18
fungimight be restricted by clients18:19
clarkbso I think there are a couple things here. 1. 1.1 default nameserver as provided by neutron in hpcloud 2. dnssec support on those defaults18:19
clarkbjeblair: is not dnssec happy either?18:19
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jeblairclarkb: what's
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clarkboh gah thats an SOA not an A record18:20
jeblairclarkb: clarkb looks like the authoritative server for the domain18:20
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clarkbyeah I read the SOA record as an A record because special18:20
jeblairclarkb: i'm not sure we care whether they ... ok.18:20
clarkbso does that do dnssec?18:21
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clarkbkiall: ^ is there anything you can add?18:21
* clarkb just remembered that kiall does dns stuff for hpcloud18:21
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fungilukego: ^ you figured out what was going wrong there i take it?18:24
jeblairclarkb: i'm not sure that rax servers do dnssec validation, but they at least pass the rrsig records; perhaps that's enough for unbound to do it itself.18:24
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jeblairclarkb: it looks like hpcloud doesn't do validation and truncates responses18:24
lukegofungi: Looks like it. (I couldn't test "for real" because my installation doesn't seem to serve as development environment)18:24
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lukegomy edit-compile-run loop for devstack-gate actually involves getting changes merged upstream at the moment, which I realize it not optimal, but don't know how to fix..18:25
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jeblairlukego: hrm.  there used to be documentation about it18:26
jeblairlukego: there's a variable called SKIP_DEVSTACK_GATE_PROJECT18:26
jeblairlukego: but that seems to have gone missing from the README18:26
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sdaguejeblair: so a question on gate-noop, what is it exactly, and can we get away without it?18:27
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jeblairlukego: but in the source it says "Set this variable to skip updating the devstack-gate project itself. Useful in development so you can edit scripts in place and run them directly."18:27
sdaguebecause I realize this is an area I'm fuzzy on18:27
lukegojeblair: !!! thanks :-)18:27
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jeblairsdague: i believe that zuul needs a job in the gate pipeline in order for a change to trigger the pipeline for the project (and of course, you need to trigger the gate pipeline if you want something merged)18:28
lukegoSo I am sorry if this is a stupid question, but is it really a good idea for random guys like me to be required to run all of this infrastructure? I feel like these are internal tools of the openstack infrastructure community, and I'm just a guy who commited a 200-line extension that nobody except my customer's customers cares about working18:29
sdaguejeblair: so does gate-noop actually allocate physical resources at this point?18:29
sdaguethat was something that came up during the discussion of job templates, which was new to me18:29
jeblairsdague: yes, it wastes an entire bare-precise node.  it's ridiculous.18:30
notmynameis logstash happy? I keep getting 502 Bad Gateway responses to queries18:30
jeblairsdague: zuul was designed for openstack which has tests for all of its projects.  the stackforge project with no tests thing was a bit of a surprise.18:31
fungilukego: well, devstack-gate is intended to be a tool developers can use to perform integration testing on their own, and lots of organizations outside of upstream openstack are using it for that purpose. it also has somewhat of a test suite now, so if you have features you want to keep working in it, add validation tests for them18:31
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sdaguejeblair: well I was also thinking about the -specs repos18:31
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sdaguebecause we want to make one for qa as well18:31
jeblairsdague: (heh, those should have tests too probably :)18:31
jeblairsdague: at any rate, it should not be to difficult to have zuul handle it internally18:32
sdagueok, so you think it's a zuul internal change vs. something else on the gate-noop definition18:32
jeblairsdague: either with some special casing, or by adding a new kind of trigger, or even having zuul itself register a 'noop' gearman worker.18:32
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funginotmyname: i'm testing it now and get query results18:33
funginotmyname: is it intermittent, or repeatable for you?18:33
jaypipesanyone else noticed is sluggish in last couple weeks?18:33
jeblairsdague: yes, the only way to run a job for zuul right now is via jenkins18:34
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clarkbjeblair: have the 1.0 nameserver handy?18:34
sdaguea bare precise is unit test node, or is that now also single use?18:34
* clarkb is writing up a thing to send to support@hp18:34
jeblairsdague: bare-precise is a single-use unit test node18:34
fungijaypipes: it's seemed that way to me too, but the cacti graphs suggest it's not resource-starved18:34
notmynamefungi: repeatable, it seems. try this query:  project:"openstack/swift" AND build_status:"FAILURE"  AND build_name:"check-tempest-dsvm-full"18:34
clarkbfungi: jaypipes: I think the old version of drizzle may be to blame18:34
sdaguenotmyname: in what time window?18:35
clarkbyeah its running what precise has which is ancient18:35
notmynamelast 24 hours18:35
clarkband linuxjedi has alawys said it should be upgraded for all the reasons18:35
sdaguenotmyname: so that's going to be all lines on all failures18:35
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sdagueit would not surprise me if that overwhelmed it18:35
pleia2clarkb: if the summit doesn't overlap, might be nice to do a CI overview talk here: (I thought about submitting one myself, but you're in Seattle!)18:36
pleia2it overlaped last year, sad sad18:37
funginotmyname: i do actually get results, but the result is so huge my browser thinks the javascript is running too long and wants me to kill it18:37
notmynamefungi: ok, thanks18:37
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fungiand oh wow is it ever dragging down my browser with it now18:37
rcarrillocruzhelo helo, any core reviewer with some time to review ?18:38
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notmynamesdague: I'm happy for someone else to narrow it down more efficiently. (I'm doing this for you, actually.) this is what I need:
clarkbpleia2: ya but overlapping is what I am worried about18:38
clarkbjeblair: fungi I will fill in the account details when I send the email (and not on the etherpad, not sure how sensitive that data is)18:38
pleia2clarkb: hopefully we'll have dates before CFP closes :)18:38
rcarrillocruzpuhlease :-)18:38
jeblairrcarrillocruz: on it18:40
sdaguenotmyname: so this is actually a better starting point -
sdaguethat's all the Finished results on swift tests in those jobs18:42
rcarrillocruzthx jeblair18:43
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jeblairrcarrillocruz: done!18:43
clarkbjeblair: fungi can I get feedback on that etherpad?18:44
clarkbif it looks good I will submit it as a ticket18:44
fungiclarkb: yeah, sorry, was restarting my browser after that kibana... ahem... experiment18:44
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jeblairclarkb: yeah.  the only thing i'm wondering is if we should suggest that just passing the dnssec records through would be nice, even if their resolvers don't validate.  but we could just reserve that as a fallback.18:46
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fungiclarkb: lgtm, also agree with jeblair on providing suggestions as to *what* we'd consider "support dnssec" to mean in this context18:48
clarkbfungi: jeblair: can one of you add that?18:48
rcarrillocruzjeblair: sorry, i didn't give you the review link: , zaro and SergeyLukjanov already put some comments on it18:48
jeblairrcarrillocruz: oh i thought you were asking me to review the bug18:48
clarkbI'm not sure how I wouldword the out iwthout making it too tempting18:49
rcarrillocruzyeah, my bad, had two tabs opened, gave you the bug report instead of the review18:49
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lukegojeblair: I added to my Jenkins job "export SKIP_DEVSTACK_GATE_PROJECT=1" but on the slave /home/jenkins/workspaces/workspace/dsvm-tempest-full/devstack-gate/ was overwritten with a pristine copy anyway. do you see what I did wrong?18:53
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fungilukego: are you running it from a jenkins job?18:56
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fungilukego: and is that jenkins job using something akin to our gerrit-git-prep builder, or maybe the jenkins git plugin or something which might reset the copy of the devstack-gate repository in that workspace?18:56
lukegoshould I actually be using ?18:56
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lukegofungi: I've set it up according to Jay's blog walkthrough, jenkins-jobs slurping .yaml files and such18:57
fungilukego: right, your jenkins job is most likely resetting that repository clone in the workspace18:57
lukegoright :)18:57
lukegoI will try disabling that bit of the job. thanks for catching :)18:58
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clarkbjeblair: fungi: happy with the etherpad's current state? if so I will send that off now19:00
clarkboh wait the out was removed19:00
jeblairfungi's sentence just got deleted19:00
fungiclarkb: yeah, i think jeblair's parenthetical is sufficient19:00
* fungi deleted his sentence19:00
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jeblairyeah, i think the first thing (validation) is something that would be good to have.  i think the second thing (truncating responses) is broken.19:01
fungii can put it back if you think the parenthetical there needs reiterating19:01
clarkbfungi: I don't think it hurts19:01
fungiputting back, improved19:01
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fungiclarkb: jeblair: yeah?19:02
clarkbyup looks good. /me throws that in an email with account details19:03
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create qa-specs git repo
sdagueare we still only doing project creates on fridays?19:07
clarkbsdague: yes19:08
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clarkbalso I think the only real outstanding issue with those is the race between gerrit and cgit19:08
clarkbfungi: ^ last week went pretty well, the jeepyb patches seem to make jeepyb happy19:09
sdagueok, so anything else I need to do to get that queued for tomorrow's create batch?19:09
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jeblairsdague: set the topic to new-project19:09
jeblairsdague: also, erm, are we sure we want to extend the experiment past nova?19:09
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fungiclarkb: excellent! sorry i had to bail in the middle of it and missed the excitement19:09
sdaguejeblair: yes19:09
jeblairsdague: can we maybe at least try it with one project a little bit first maybe?19:10
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sdagueso we hit 3 items in today's qa meeting that we need something like this for19:10
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clarkbfungi: speaking of did we approev the config change change?19:10
clarkbfungi: if not maybe we should since it was tested at least with manage-projects19:10
fungiclarkb: which one?19:10
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jeblairrussellb: please set the topic to 'new-project' for
jeblaircause right now, kite is the only one on the docket to be created19:11
sdagueok, how do I set topic for an already pushed review?19:11
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clarkbfungi: the one that makes jeepyb.util read the config. I don't see it in the list of open changes so it must've been approved. /me checks git19:12
jeblairsdague: push a new patchset and add the '-t' option?19:12
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fungiclarkb: ahh, that, yes it got merged19:12
clarkbfungi: yup merged I5bc2e81388420ce03d5379b8d75063481887243b19:12
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create qa-specs git repo
sdagueok, had to force a rebase to make it different enough to push19:13
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jeblairsdague: would you not be willing to wait even a week or two?19:13
clarkbjeblair: fungi mail sent19:13
fungisdague: you could have put a period on the end of the commit title--then it would have let you change the topic <evil grin>19:13
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jeblairfungi: i often do that! :)19:14
sdaguejeblair: I think if we wait the reality is that it that 3 blueprints just stall until we get this19:14
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jeblairsdague: i'm mostly thinking about whether the initial attempt might run into anything like "oh, it should be a branch, not a repo" or other similar assumptions turn out to be invalid and are hard to correct19:14
sdaguebecause existing communication channels are not working19:14
sdaguewhat do you mean on branch vs. repo?19:15
jeblairsdague: as in, should this be a branch of an existing project?19:16
jeblair(it came up in the discussion)19:16
sdagueI'm generally pretty anti branch if the branch ends up as radically different content19:16
sdaguebecause it's tough on discovery19:17
sdaguejeblair: which discussion did that come up in? I don't remember seeing it on the thread19:17
jeblairyeah.  i'm not actually arguing that.  i'm only advocating caution.  if all the projects create -specs repos before anyone has even tried it once, i fear we'll have a mess to clean up.19:18
sdaguejeblair: sure19:18
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sdaguewe just hit 3 very clear issues where we needed someone to write up a design that we could review this way in today's meeting19:18
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sdagueso, honestly, I would rather get started here, because if we wait, the people interested in this are all going to go off to other things and the discussion will die out19:19
sdaguestrike while the iron is hot19:19
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jaypipesSergeyLukjanov: your email sig still says Savanna :)19:24
SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, :(19:25
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* jaypipes writes a check dated 2013 to SergeyLukjanov :)19:25
SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, I have a bunch of t-shirts with savanna on em19:25
SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, and I have a sticker savanna on my laptop19:25
jaypipesSergeyLukjanov: they will be worth a huge amount on antiques roadshow in 100 years :)19:26
SergeyLukjanovjaypipes, quite difficult to rename everything ;)19:26
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create nova-specs git repo
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create a nova-docker repo
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ryanpetrelloanybody have time to peek at ?20:08
ryanpetrellohoping to make a new pecan release soon-ish w/ official pypy support20:08
achuprinHi Infra!20:11
achuprinI'm working on deploying a CI environment for MagnetoDB!20:12
achuprinI have some questions  about integration with OpenStack Infra.20:12
achuprinbefore  I sent an email to link here
achuprinFor testing MagnetoDB project we need specific environment (for example instaled cassandra claster and so on), so we cannot use devstack gate for this.20:14
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achuprin I am interested in the following way of integration:20:14
achuprin(from mail) Adding own public cloud to Infra's NodePool as new provider which will be used to provide the specific environment (jenkins slaves) for Magnetodb project. Adding own Jenkins job and script  to Infra for this. For all tasks use Openstack Infra infrastructure (Jenkins, Zuul etc.)20:15
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achuprinI would like to clarify the procedure of organization of this type of integration20:16
achuprinNow I see it as:20:16
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achuprin1. Adding own public cloud to Infra's NodePool as new provider20:16
achuprin2. Adding new scripts for preparing image20:16
achuprin3. Adding own job to Infra's via Jenkins Job Builder )20:17
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achuprin4. Adding infomaition about new jobs to zool20:17
achuprinWhat do you think about this?20:17
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achuprin*3. Adding own job to Infra's Jenkisns via Jenkins Job Builder20:20
achuprin*4. Adding infomaition about new jobs to Infra's Zuul20:23
openstackgerritMaria Nita proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add xvfbwrapper package for running Selenium tests headless
openstackgerritMaria Nita proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add xvfbwrapper package for running Selenium tests headless
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add pypy jobs to pecan.
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Hide "Create Project" for non-superusers
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clarkbok back from lunch20:40
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achuprinI will describe the same thing (about integrations with infra) in an email20:43
achuprinthanks, bye20:43
clarkbachuprin: hold on20:44
clarkbI amtyping up a resposne now :)20:44
lifelessclarkb: how does one work around20:44
lifelesstox -epy2720:44
lifelessTraceback (most recent call last):20:44
lifelesstox.ConfigError: ConfigError: substitution key 'posargs' not found20:44
clarkbachuprin: we like adding clouds. Quick question about that though. Are you wanting to add your cloud so that it can run jobs on specialized hardware or so it can supplement the existing test slaves?20:44
clarkblifeless: downgrade tox to 1.6.1. The 1.7.0 release is not backward compatible20:44
lifelesssemver fail20:45
achuprinfor testing we need specific slave20:46
clarkbachuprin: if your goal is to supplement the existing test slaves you should be able to submit a JJB change to begin testing on the existing slaves as soon as that goes in20:46
clarkbachuprin: gotcha, in that case we probably need to talk more about redundancy and all of that. The tripleo cloud is currently working on bringing up a second AZ from red hat so that they are redundant and can do gating20:47
clarkbjeblair: ^ I haven't said anything wrong yet have I?20:47
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clarkbachuprin: so it may help to talk more about what you would like to do from a testing standpoint. Forget that Zuul, Jenkins, and nodepool exist and describe what the test requirements are20:49
clarkbachuprin: then from that we can figure out the best way to do it20:49
achuprinI understood now I'll describe task more specifically20:51
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerrit: Fix Schema_86 to use correct UUID for Change Owner group
achuprinclarkb: we need the environment with installed cassandra claster (for example), devstack all-in-one and MagnetoDB.20:54
achuprinclarkb: all this can live in one slave20:55
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arosen2Hi, I'm curious why does jenkins run: gate-tempest-dsvm-full on neutron patches? that doesn't use neutron so it seems running that doesn't do us any good?20:57
achuprinclarkb: I intended to use his prepared image for this20:57
clarkbarosen2: beacuse sdague is working to have standard list of tests for everyone which in some cases includes tests that may not always apply20:57
achuprinclarkb: image which will be used by nodepool20:57
clarkbachuprin: isn't that something you could do on the existing slaves?20:58
arosen2clarkb:  I'm not sure i see the benefit for running it though.  It seem unnecessary.20:58
clarkbyou could install cassandra and magnetodb then use the existing devstack-gate machinery to get devstack20:58
arosen2clarkb: my patch has been bumped from the gate a few times because of failures in that :/20:59
* arosen2 my neutron patch20:59
clarkbarosen2: you will need to take it up with sdague20:59
arosen2clarkb: k , just curious20:59
clarkbarosen2: the tl;dr as I understand it is we need to start somewhere in normalizing the tests20:59
sdaguearosen2: it's an artifact of the normalization that happens20:59
sdagueI was pondering some kind of idea of an exclude, but we didn't get there yet21:00
sdaguearosen2: yeh, so a high reset gate means a high reset gate, and until the various races get addressed, this is going to remain this painful for everyone21:01
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achuprinclarkb: how we can do it21:03
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achuprinclarkb: i understood, thank you very much21:05
achuprinclarkb: now we need only create own job21:06
achuprinclarkb: and run this job on existing slave21:07
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clarkbachuprin: yup. I think we should still talk about adding clouds if that is somethign you want to do, but you should be able to run your tests on the existing clouds and get that going in parallel21:07
arosen2sdague: I understand. Though it seems gating with nova-network on a neutron change would only add more potential resets to the gate unnecessarily21:08
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sdaguearosen2: sure, in fairness I get people coming at me with pitch forks all the time that neutron is reseting their non networking changes21:10
sdagueso I get that it's not great, but we're either all in this together, or we aren't21:11
arosen2sdague:  though in those cases they are uses neutron as well?21:11
sdaguehow does cinder use neutron?21:11
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sdaguethe reality is in the flat job list we are running code that covers more than the straight subset of what the code being changed could impact21:13
achuprinclarkb: we'll think about it, thanks for the help21:13
sdaguehowever, every time we hand tuned all this, we actually screwed up in the other direction and missed an interaction21:13
sdaguewhich caused gate wedges21:13
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arosen2sdague:  The vms that nova is launching are on neturon networks.  I imagine it's possible for nova to take a special code path when using neutron that could potentially have cinder stuff in it where a cinder change could break neutron support. Unlikely i agree.21:14
mattoliverauMorning all21:14
sdaguearosen2: if you want to spend the next week going through all those interactions and sorting, feel free. The far more useful approach is help nail some of these bugs so we're back to the gate we had a week ago21:14
sdaguewhich was sailing things through21:15
thingeesdague, arosen2: I'm not aware of cinder interacting directly with neutron fwiw. As arosen2, it would have to be some path in which it's making calls to cinder.21:15
thingeealso I'm missing a lot of context and just jumping in with that info21:15
arosen2thingee: right i'm just giving an example..21:16
arosen2in the neutron case there will never be a time when one is running neutron with nova network so it seems like a different scenario21:16
arosen2sdague:  I'm not coming at you with a pitch fork btw just curious the reasoning :)21:16
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arosen2I hear where you are coming from though21:17
sdaguearosen2: yeh, so the ideal world neutron is able to replace nova-network and we only have one networking path21:17
sdaguein the non ideal world that we are in, neutron will probably keep running this job21:17
sdagueconsider it incentive :)21:18
arosen2sdague:  :) sounds good. Thanks for the explanation.21:18
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP: test caching-forwarding nameserver
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openstackgerritZiad Sawalha proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: satori: Drop requirements, pypi, and old upstream
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: in testing the unbound change with nodepool; what set of servers do you think i need to do?  should one each of bare-precise and bare-centos6 in rax, hpcloud 1.0, and hpcloud 1.1, along with one tripleo-precise in tripleo do it?21:31
fungijeblair: yes, the precise variants shouldn't have any impact on that test21:31
fungijeblair: and i think (read:HOPE) it's safe to assume images/regions in rax will behave consistently, same among hpcloud 1.0, and then among hpcloud 1.121:32
jogoclarkb: care to chime in on the '*' in ES discussion
clarkbfungi: I wouldn't count on 1.1 and 1.0 being consistent as they are very different21:33
clarkbfungi: jeblair but that list looks good21:33
fungiclarkb: i mean consistent within themselves21:33
clarkbfungi: oh right21:33
clarkbfungi: the exception is rax-iad devstack-precise-check because it is the pvhvm image21:33
fungi1.0 az1, az2 and az3 consistent with one another21:33
clarkbjeblair: list looks good otherwise21:34
clarkbjogo: sure21:34
clarkbmordred: is related to the novnc discussion happening on the ml. Maybe someone should bring that up there too21:34
jogothanks, as that whole thing is to appease the ES gods re:you21:34
fungiclarkb: do you think the pvhvm image is likely to differ for this? i guess it's remotely possible they put those in a different network or something21:34
clarkbjogo: done21:36
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clarkbfungi: it has differed in weird ways21:36
clarkbeg grub, curl, and so on21:37
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jogoclarkb: thanks21:38
fungiclarkb: it's definitely differed in list of packages installed by default (add lvm and gettext to that list)21:38
clarkbjogo: fungi on the ES note reviews for would be great21:38
fungier, lvm221:38
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clarkboh you know what let me update that chang really fast so that we can CD it21:39
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Better logstash field data.
clarkbfungi: jogo jeblair ^ that should make the logstash field data change less of a coordinated effort21:43
fungiwow... my internet connection just decided to go on hiatus for almost 5 minutes21:43
fungisurprised i didn't time out21:43
jogoclarkb: ahh the console change yeah21:44
jogowhy the name change for console anyway?21:44
clarkbjogo: because there is a console format that devstack uses now to21:44
clarkbso we want to make it less console.html specific and more this is shell console output21:44
jogoso more then just jenkins console output?21:45
clarkband with the changes like that I am pretty sure any of those files and services can be restarted in any order21:46
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jeblairclarkb: lgtm21:47
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ekarlsoare there not any tests running xenserver anymore ?21:47
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clarkbjeblair: fungi I am going to approve that logstash change will babysit it21:56
fungiclarkb: excellent21:56
clarkbbut queues are small right now21:56
jeblairassuming you can visually demultiplex 7 log streams in real time, running nodepoold locally is a great way to debug the build scripts!21:58
jeblairmake a change, and odds are, one of the 7 builds will be just about to upload it and start running it21:58
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fungijeblair: well, it helps that the loglines say the name/location of the image, so you cound filter/split the output21:59
fungii wonder if it would be beneficial to actually separate out the logfiles for those different builds rather than interleaving them in one log21:59
jeblairfungi: yes but i didn't think of that when i started it :)22:00
jeblairfungi: i would love that, but i'm not immediately sure how.22:00
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jeblairfungi: (with python-logging)22:00
sdaguejeblair: so interesting thing -
fungiright, we'd need dynamic log targets based on the image name, which could get hairy22:00
sdagueapparently reverify bug #####22:00
sdaguespawns the job in check and gate at the same time22:01
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jeblairsdague: it's probably related to the fact that a change depends on it22:01
fungiwhich got approved 2 minutes after the reverify, yeah22:02
jeblairsdague: zuul walked down the tree and enqueued the child, then walked back up and enqued the parent22:02
sdagueoh, so that dragged it across22:02
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sdagueinteresting edge condition22:02
jeblairsdague: fix is to add something like the "require-approval" thing to the pipeline itself (rather than the trigger)22:02
jeblairsdague: (is a code change to zuul)22:02
fungisince parent/child enqueuing is not based on a trigger for the affected change in that case22:03
openstackgerritSalvatore Orlando proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add a footprint for bug 1283522
jeblairfungi: yup22:03
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gerrit: Fix Schema_86 to use correct UUID for Change Owner group
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openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Fixed mobile footer padding.
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jeblairclarkb: i think we are going to run into that ubuntu bug with unbound; were you thinking that having puppet drop the file into place before installing the package might work around it?22:16
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jeblair(package requires file requires directory)?22:16
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clarkbjeblair: yup22:16
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jeblairseparately, on centos, puppet decided to write /etc/resolv.conf about halfway through, before starting unbound22:19
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: remove the check-devstack-dsvm-neutron job
jeblairso it got about halfway through and then bombed out22:19
jeblairi don't really know what to do about that22:22
clarkbjogo: ok, build_short_uuid is a thing now, as is filename less path in tags22:22
jeblairmattoliverau, nibalizer: ping?22:23
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clarkbjogo: sdague so if you want you can switche everything now and ignore older data, or wait two weeks then change the queries22:23
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fungisometimes it feels like puppet puntd a bit on bootstrapping problems22:23
clarkbjogo: I think the uuid stuff can be updated now because that is only used to correlate current failures to current logs22:23
jogoclarkb: excellent, I don't want to loose any history in the short term22:23
clarkbjogo: but the filename: to tags: will probably have to wait22:24
jogoclarkb: I was just going to say that22:24
sdagueclarkb: yeh, loosing data right now would be bad22:25
clarkbsdague: yup agreed, just giving you options :)22:25
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mattoliveraujeblair: pong22:29
openstackgerritMichael Krotscheck proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Task list now shows associated project
clarkbjeblair: is there a require between resolv.conf and the unbound service?22:30
clarkbjeblair: are we being strict about order there or playing the odds22:30
mattoliveraujeblair: what clarkb said, if it's puppet then a a require is needed in the resov.conf part and the Service["unbound"], if that is how you've got it working, sorry stuck reading scroll back :)22:31
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jeblairmattoliverau, clarkb: really strict: resolv.conf requires service requires package22:35
clarkbjeblair: oh is this a badly behaved daemon?22:36
jeblairmattoliverau, clarkb: but since it's a _huge_ puppet operation, it installs the package then installs 500 other packages, then does some more stuff then installs the resolv.conf22:36
clarkbwhere you start it and it tells init it is ready right away?22:36
jeblairmattoliverau, clarkb: do we need to set service to ensure=>running?22:37
clarkbjeblair: possibly22:37
clarkbto force it up22:37
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jeblairi'll give that a shot22:37
mattoliveraujeblair: doesn't hurt to be more specific.22:39
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use unbound
jeblairif that doesn't work, i'm afraid we may need to do this all outside of puppet.22:42
jeblair(like we do with pip)22:43
nibalizerjeblair: hi22:44
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jeblairnibalizer: was wondering if you or mattoliverau had any crazy ideas about the above problem22:45
jeblairnibalizer: (short version is that puppet installs a dns server, then writes /etc/resolv.conf to use it before getting around to actually starting it)22:45
jeblairnibalizer: i'm trying again with ensure=>running on the service22:46
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jeblairnibalizer: (but i'm not sure that means "ensure running before doing anything that depends on this" or "ensure it's running before puppet exits")22:46
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clarkbwow I was going to try updating e-r to use the build_short_uuid field and it is a bit more complicated than I thought22:47
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clarkbthere is a bunch of test data that uses it too and so on22:47
* clarkb will leave it to someone that understand what is going on there22:47
nibalizerjeblair: code?22:48
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: drop neutron-full (non voting job) on most projects
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sdaguejeblair / clarkb: and should save us some nodes22:50
sdaguegiven that we've been flat out on quota for most of the week22:50
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jeblairnibalizer, clarkb, mattoliverau: i think it made it through...22:51
nibalizerjeblair: yea that code looks good22:51
clarkbjeblair: that was with ensure running?22:51
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nibalizeralso redhat does the whole 'services off by default' thing so maybe thats whats biting you?22:51
jeblairnibalizer, clarkb, mattoliverau: interestingly, it installed unbound, started it, did lots of other stuff, updated the config to add the forwarder bit, then restarted it.22:51
nibalizeryou would /have/ to specify ensure => running to get be on22:51
jeblairnibalizer: ah, right, possibly so.22:52
jeblairsdague: isn't neutron-full "any day now"?22:52
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sdaguejeblair: not with the current fail rates22:53
dansmithdo we expect to see DNS failures for names?22:53
jeblairsdague: k.  both lgtm22:54
jeblairdansmith: on rackspace workers yes, it's a known bug (is in e-r) and i'm working on fixing it22:54
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dansmithjeblair: okay22:54
mattoliveraujeblair: seeing as unbound is dns related it might have had a trigger to rewrite resolv.conf which required a restart or something22:54
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dansmithjeblair: could almost deliver an /etc/hosts via puppet without much trouble right? although I presume expecting DNS to work is not unrealistic :)22:55
jeblairmattoliverau: i subscribed it to the unbound config file, so it's right that it restarted; just interesting that it happened so much later22:56
mattoliveraujeblair: so long as it works22:56
mattoliverauTime for my team stand up, brb.22:57
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jeblairdansmith: you'd be surprised how much trouble writing /etc/hosts would be (puppet doesn't append to files very nicely); our fix is going to be to run a caching/forwarding resolver on all the workers to reduce the outgoing dns traffic22:59
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dansmithjeblair: that works23:00
jeblairdansmith: (of course getting puppet to do that is at least as complicated as writing /etc/hosts would be, but at least we're still using dns)23:00
clarkbmordred: depends on an abandoned change. Can we abandoned 75691 as well? (/me is trying to clean up the queues)23:00
mordredclarkb: looking23:00
mordredclarkb: yes23:00
openstackgerritSpencer Krum proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add PuppetBoard to openstack infra
mordredclarkb: abandoned23:00
jeblairdansmith: and if we still have trouble with that, it's a simple switch to make it a recursive resolver23:00
dansmithjeblair: I figured your hosts file would be the template, plus one thing for localhost, but yeah, local dns works23:01
dansmithjeblair: dnsmasq can easily read from another hosts file if you wanted to hard-code those things in place, but maybe not worth it at that point23:01
jeblairdansmith: yeah, we move things around a lot, and the huge lead time to make new images with updated hosts files makes that difficult23:02
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clarkbalso DNS is pretty good23:03
dansmithjeblair: okay, didn't know if things like pypi.o.o would, but yeah.. do the workers live long enough to cache those names for a while?23:03
dansmithclarkb: I'm not trying to be ridiculous, I'm just thinking of things23:03
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clarkbdansmith: yup yp23:03
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jeblairdansmith: 10-60 minutes, which is why we would like to have them be caching-forwarding23:04
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jeblairdansmith: (so the forward servers have a warm cache to help populate the local one)23:04
dansmithjeblair: so that's one job, which could fail early if dnsmasq fails to look up the first pypi.o.o right?23:04
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dansmithit helps as long as the first lookup works, I mean23:05
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jeblairdansmith: right.  if the provider-supplied resolvers turn out to be so unreliable we can't even do that, then we can switch our workers to have recursive resolvers and regroup23:05
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jeblairdansmith: (possibly consider running our own recursive resolvers in each region, etc)23:06
dansmithoh, right, recursive, yes23:06
dansmithjeblair: or mesh dns among all the workers :D23:06
dansmithor maybe just expect the damned provider DNS to be reasonable :)23:06
fungicrowdsourced p2p dns!23:06
jeblairdansmith: (because it would be silly to have a recursive resolver on every worker.  but possible)23:06
fungidansmith: right, preferably that last one23:07
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dansmithfungi: it's funny we're even discussing that, given how robust DNS is and that it's 2014 and all23:07
fungiwhere "reasonable" is apparently a fairly vague term (for example, working dnssec?)23:07
jeblairdansmith: ha!  we have one provider that likes to reject queries (i think they have a new blacklisting system that may not be working right), and another that strips dnssec info.23:08
fungirackspace likes to just ignore our queries sometimes, while hpcloud on the other hand is stripping out signing data23:08
SpamapSwhy do we have a hacking rule that won't let me put a period at the end of the short commit message.. but we don't have one that limits to 50 chars? :-P23:08
fungiwhat he said23:08
fungiservice providers ftw!23:08
clarkbatleast both have responded to our questions about it23:08
dansmithbut, with the free quota and all... LP23:08
dansmither, -> :P23:09
clarkbthough so far one is only "this has been escalated"23:09
fungiwe get what we pay for, yes23:09
clarkbSpamapS: I have no idea23:09
fungiSpamapS: is that 50 with or without the trailing period?23:09
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sdagueSpamapS: I'll tell you over drinks some time :)23:15
SpamapSfungi: gnar!!23:15
SpamapSsdague: 'nuff said.23:15
* SpamapS is no stranger to the gentleman's agreement23:16
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: another quirk: rax centos is going to repopulate resolv.conf on boot with the static values that are written into the image23:19
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jeblairsorry, i mean the static values that it writes to the fs when it boots a new machine23:19
clarkbjeblair: :(23:19
clarkbso its like dhcp but without a clear override mechanism?23:19
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jeblair(nova file injection -> /etc/whatever -> something in boot writes /etc/resolv.conf)23:20
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i don't recall the full mechanism; starting to dig23:20
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mattoliverauWow, go RAX! :P23:21
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mattoliveraucan you mark it as imutible?23:21
mattoliverauin puppet23:21
jeblairmattoliverau: yeah, we've got 6 variations which means we have 6 problems!  :)23:21
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jeblairmattoliverau: so part of the challenge here is that when nodepool launches a node from an image it creates, it expects it to be ready to go at boot, and puppet never runs on it23:22
jeblairmattoliverau: (puppet only runs on the template node that is used to build the image)23:22
mattoliverauahh of course, I just read that code so I should know :P23:23
fungijeblair: worth thinking about though, we already test ssh on a node boot. maybe we should also run puppet apply? that might solve some of our race issue with slave scrips being present for jobs which need them and so on23:25
jeblairfungi: possibly, and i think there's a patch out there to add the feature to nodepool23:26
jeblairfungi: though i kinda think it shouldn't be necessary for this.23:26
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Fix doc error in the testng publisher
fungifair enough23:26
clarkbjeblair: fungi: that could significantly slow node ready times depending on deltas23:26
jeblairclarkb: also dos puppetmaster23:26
fungiclarkb: jeblair: both very good points23:27
jeblairthough hopefully it shouldn't even talk to puppetmaster...23:27
mattoliverauresolv.conf will just point to localhost right, so there is no difference between the template and booted nodes right?23:27
jeblairmattoliverau: the booted nodes get rax dns servers because of the fileinjection of the network config23:27
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jeblairapparently if you set RESOLV_MODS="no" then it won't mess with it.23:27
mattoliverauYeah but setting resolv.conf to immutable should stop it from being over written23:28
jeblairthough i think you set that in the file that gets injected.  :(23:28
mattoliverauon the template before an image is made i mean23:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: ZMQ Event Publisher plugin support added
jeblairmattoliverau: you mean with unix file perms?23:28
mattoliverauyeah, if its ext3/4 you can use setattr23:29
jeblairmattoliverau: it uses "cp -af" so i don't think unix perms will work23:30
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jeblairnot sure about setattr23:30
mattoliveraunot if it's attempting to write to an ext3/4 FS. It can't overwrite it. It isn't unix perms it is an EXT FS extended attribute23:31
jeblairmattoliverau: i'm a little worried about what that would do to have a failure at that point in the networking startup23:32
jeblairwe could try it though23:32
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mattoliverausorry I meant chattr +i <file>23:33
mattoliverauThen to turn it off chattr -i <file>23:33
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jeblairmattoliverau: yeah, that should cause it to fail23:41
clarkbwould node boot succeed in that case?23:41
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jeblairclarkb: no idea23:43
jeblairi just realized why my test node booted without my being able to sudo, so i'm a bit away from being able to test that23:44
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jeblairmattoliverau, clarkb: i think it would continue; i don't think it sets -e in the script23:49
jeblairis there a nice puppet way to set +i on a file?23:49
clarkbjeblair: I think with a module off the forge23:50
jeblairit's not worth that :/23:50
mattoliverauI don't know, you could just run the command.23:50
znsWould it be possible to get through? It's now blocking us from getting some of our patches through.23:50
jeblairmaybe we should just drop this in the nodepool script since that's the only place we need it23:50
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mattoliverauyeah good idea23:51
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jeblairzns: done23:52
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mgagnejeblair: could be a challenge having immutable attribute mixed with puppet management. =)23:52
znsjeblair: thank you!23:53
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