Tuesday, 2014-02-18

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fungiokay, so here's a weird one, though maybe just for those of us who don't deploy openstack... https://launchpad.net/bugs/128120000:03
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fungiobviously it's filed against the wrong project, but wondering which project contains the "openstack-status" utility, or whether that's just something the sles packagers worked up?00:04
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nibalizerAaronGr: are you online? want to review https://review.openstack.org/#/c/7384000:14
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fungijerryz: what were you trying to get up with me about earlier?00:16
AaronGrhi nibalizer: i was peeking at that yesterday, i'll look it over now00:16
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Revert "Revert "Temporarily stop running tripleo seed/undercloud""  https://review.openstack.org/7418600:18
jeblairi'm going to restart zuul now, with the new mergers00:19
jeblairit will be a hard stop/start with re-enqueue00:19
fungiwell, not so awesome. hung jobs do suck00:19
mordredjeblair, fungi: nibalizer's new puppetdb patch looks really good - and is also quite small and easy to grok00:19
nibalizerAaronGr: awesome thanks!00:19
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nibalizermordred: especially compared to my 25Kline patch :)00:20
AaronGrnibalizer: good stuff, very clean.00:20
jeblairnibalizer: great!  i will review it tomorrow.  thank you very much!00:20
nibalizerno prob, that one should come up pretty easily, the more scary one is when we apply the puppetdb::master class to the puppet master00:21
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nibalizeralso architecturaly it puts the postgres server for puppetdb on the puppetdb server, if we wanted to we could run those on separate nodes, or setup some kind of postgres replication for the puppetdb data and so on00:22
nibalizerAaronGr: jeblair thanks for the compliments00:22
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pcm_Folks, I got a Jenkins failure that appears to be in Nicira plugin, foreign key contstraint database error. Is this known?00:23
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fungipcm_: you'd probably want to ask the neutron folks00:25
pcm_fungi: OK. Thanks.00:25
fungimaybe check open bugs against neutron and open one if you don't see anything relevant00:25
pcm_see two similar, but not sure it's the same. This is failing Jenkins run and is unrelated to my fix AFAICT00:26
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anteayapcm_: if it was in the unit tests, yes markmcclain knows about it00:26
fungipcm_: then it's probably some sort of nondeterministic failure either in neutron or possibly in neutron's tests00:26
pcm_fungi: anteaya: Thanks. I'm asking over in Neutron...00:27
anteayapcm_: ping someone who works with nicira, armax, salvatore, arosen00:27
pcm_roger that00:28
anteayaI don't have a bug number for it00:28
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anteayaI'm getting a timeout error for launchpad.net00:29
anteayaanyone else?00:29
anteayaconnected now00:29
mordrednibalizer: what happens to the system overall if there is a postgres issue?00:30
mordrednibalizer: like, does puppetmaster stop working now? or just reporting?00:30
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nibalizeri think if puppetdb is up, puppetdb queues things to be written for a time, eventually giving up on writing them to postgres and writes them to the dead letter office(16 retries i think)00:34
nibalizernot sure though, i have a small personal installation I can do some tesitng on00:34
nibalizeror #puppet would know00:34
mordrednibalizer: it's not _that_ big of a deal - the gate here does not stop if puppetmaster goes down00:35
mordrednibalizer: was more just curious00:35
mordredand none of us are really postgres people, so that's my biggest worry in any of that00:35
mordrednibalizer: I think we can just co-locate puppetdb and its postgres for now too00:36
nibalizerfrom what i've been told, puppetdb uses features that require postgres, can't just slide in anything else00:36
nibalizerhow does alerting/paging work for this team? i.e. if puppetdb/postgres did fall over who would be responding?00:37
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jeblairnibalizer: no one; if someone notices, ideally tools like puppetboard should help anyone diagnose the problem.  if that doesn't work, an infra-root would have to log in and fix00:43
morganfainbergjeblair, do we need to requeue our checks/gate jobs? or will they be reloaded?00:44
morganfainbergjeblair, just saw you guys did a stop on zuul, figured i'd ask00:44
jeblairmorganfainberg: they should be reloaded, i'm weiting to see if the first jobs work00:44
morganfainbergjeblair, awesome :)00:44
jeblairand they don't.  :)00:44
morganfainbergjeblair, aww well at least you know!00:45
nibalizerjeblair: puppetboard will give you an 'i cant connect to puppetdb', which will start someone on their way to debug00:45
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jeblairhuh, it's not a complete failure... https://jenkins01.openstack.org/job/gate-solum-pep8/722/console00:47
jeblairsolum just fetched a ref from zm0100:47
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fungistirrings of life from the first of zuul's newly minted hordes of minions00:48
pcm_Folks. I see that Grenade is failing, something about upgrade-swift. Looks like 1280464 (already reported by someone) Do I need to do anything for my commit?00:50
jeblairi think i fixed the problem that the first jobs hit; i'll re-enqueue the saved jobs now00:52
fungipcm_: probably just leave a review comment in your change of "recheck bug 1280464" and maybe also help the neutron folks track down what's causing that issue in the neutron grenade upgrade tests00:53
pcm_looks like it's non-voting.00:53
fungipcm_: oh, then i wouldn't worry about it00:53
pcm_Will try that.00:53
pcm_On the other bug (in gate), thought it may be a commit (to skip test) committed this morning, but I have that commit.00:54
mordrednibalizer: so - because I'm dumb...00:55
mordrednibalizer: the idea is that this patch runs puppetdb, then the next patch tells puppetmaster to talk to it00:55
mordrednibalizer: and then there will be a third patch that installs puppetboard? or installing puppetdb also means installing puppetboard?00:55
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Register merge jobs before starting the worker  https://review.openstack.org/7421100:57
mordredpcm_, fungi: there is currentlya  known issue with swift and grenade and grizzly00:57
jeblairmordred, clarkb, fungi: ^ that is the first in a series of changes that I have hand-applied in production; quick review/approval would be appreciated00:58
jeblairmore on the way00:58
fungijeblair: yep, lgtm00:58
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jeblairclarkb: ^ you'll be interested in that one since you questioned whether that was necessary in review.  I'm not positive but I'm starting to suspect it is.00:59
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pcm_mordred: I did a recheck, partly to incr count of that bug seen, but because of another failure in neutron gate.01:00
mordredpcm_: cool01:00
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Fix exception in status admin command  https://review.openstack.org/7421201:00
jeblairmordred, fungi: ^ #201:00
jeblairclarkb: ^ and that's also the bug that we hit sometimes with logstash i think01:01
pcm_mordred: The gate issue is a nicira DB integrity failure in some router binding or such (totally unrelated to my change)01:01
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nibalizermordred: yes, this patch will bring up a puppetdb, but it will be lonely and kinda useless01:03
nibalizera second patch will configure the puppetmaster to talk to it through installing puppetdb-terminus package and configuring puppetdb.yaml and maybe a line or two in puppet.conf01:04
nibalizerand a third patch will bring puppetboard online, puppetboard is a flask app01:04
nibalizerim not sure where we want to locate puppetboard, maybe on the puppetdb host or maybe its own host01:04
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mordrednibalizer: I betcha on the puppetdb host will be fine for a start01:08
mordredI don't expect huge amounts of people hammering it for stuff01:08
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nibalizerthat also vastly simplifies puppetdb <-> puppetboard communication since then they can speak over an unecrypted localhost port01:13
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nibalizerotherwise we'd have to set up http certs and stuff which can be a pain01:13
clarkbjeblair: thanks I am heades to computer soon. will review01:14
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix zuul installation  https://review.openstack.org/7421501:21
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: and that's the last of the manually applied fixes ^01:21
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fungijeblair: puppet-lint is going to complain about mismatched spaces+tabs in at least manifests/site.pp01:22
jeblairfungi: thx01:23
fungimanifests/zuul_dev.pp too01:23
fungii'm betting most of them01:23
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix zuul installation  https://review.openstack.org/7421501:25
mordrednibalizer: yeah. then let's definitely start there01:25
jeblairi've only started the merger on zm0101:26
jeblairmordred, fungi, clarkb: once all those changes are in, we can test that they are good on zm02, then shoud be able to start puppet everywhere01:26
mordredjeblair: awesome01:27
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notmynamemordred: I haven't been online today. I just sat down briefly (ie can't stay now) and saw you mentioned some "known problem with swift and grenade". something I need to take a look at later? (crosspost from -swift)01:27
notmynamemordred: ah, I see you in -swift01:27
jeblairmordred, fungi, clarkb: zuul depends on gear releases, so i think we'll need to cut one of those and bump zuul's dep too.01:28
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fungijeblair: i think the known_hosts files need the .ssh directory created first, though i might be wrong about that. comments inline for all 3 occurrences01:30
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anteayafungi: by the way, did you ever get anywhere digging into why manage-projects failed to build repos on gerrit, from these error messages: http://paste.openstack.org/show/66599/01:35
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fungianteaya: i'm still trying to collect all the most recent details into an update in bug 1242569 (tracebacks, symptoms, et cetera)01:36
anteayak thanks01:36
anteayaI'll look for the bug update once it happens01:37
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anteayawho can change the text on https://launchpad.net/openstack-ci01:38
anteayawe need the repos to point at git.o.o, it still points to github01:39
fungianteaya: fixed01:41
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gear: Fix exception in status admin command  https://review.openstack.org/7421201:46
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lifelessfungi: btw you know that for the ci-overcloud a) we don't get alerted if its down yet and b) there are 8 other admins :)01:51
lifelessfungi: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack/tripleo-incubator/tree/tripleo-cloud/tripleo-cd-admins01:51
fungilifeless: oh, cool01:52
fungilifeless: this time, as soon as i noticed i popped into #tripleo and discussed it with derekh. he was already looking into it at that point01:52
lifelessfungi: so -please- don't sit and wait for someone to fix it if it glitches. run around screaming and tell us all01:53
lifelesseveryone in that list should consider themselvse on call to address issues01:53
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lifelesssince they are the only ones that can01:53
lifelessand its a production system01:53
lifelessif folk don't want to be on the hook, they should remove themselves01:53
lifelessI know I can be rung to sort out issues in the cloud01:53
jerryzfungi: do you know whether nested virtualization is enabled on hp cloud?01:53
lifelessthough I'd hope folk would ring someone tz compatible in the first instance01:54
lifelessjerryz: its not.01:54
mordredjerryz: it is not01:54
fungithe previous outage i asked around in #tripleo when you weren't around but nobody except you was answering me for a couple days, until you passed it off to derekh01:54
lifelessfungi: yes, that one was bad for one simple reason. I had deleted the cloud.01:54
lifelessfungi: and we didn't have automation to deploy it again yet.01:54
jerryzlifeless, mordred: thank you for the fast response.01:54
fungiheh. we all delete a cloud every now and then ;)01:54
lifelessfungi: its a 'should never ever happen' situation.01:54
* mordred deletes them all the time01:54
lifelessfungi: yeah, production ones though ? :)01:55
lifelessfungi: anyhow, we took our time bringing it back to fix the automation and deploy it at medium scale01:55
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clarkbjeblair: the zuul and geard changes lgtm01:55
fungilifeless: yes, the increased capacity is pretty awesome01:55
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Register merge jobs before starting the worker  https://review.openstack.org/7421101:56
lifelessfungi: any normal fault should be much more like the one today where a bug crops up and it should be straight forward to fix01:56
fungilifeless: out of curiosity, what was the issue this time? derekh was still looking into it last i sync'd up with him, but that's been quite a few hours now01:56
lifelessfungi: eth2 and br-untagged both had ip addresses.01:56
lifelessfungi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/tripleo/+bug/127296901:57
fungiahh, yep, on the same broadcast domain in that case01:57
fungiassuming eth2 is in your br01:57
lifelesssame ip address01:57
fungiooh, painful :/01:57
lifelessthis works poorly01:57
lifelesssince the result is that no traffic flows01:58
fungiyes, arp overwrites out the wazoo01:58
lifelessand you're boned01:58
lifelesssimple to fix, derekh hadn't seen it before01:58
lifelessfungi: where should one document how to reach a given cloud provider for assistance01:59
lifelessits not documented atm AFAICT, and I really don't like the idea that you were left hanging01:59
clarkband config change reviewed now as well01:59
lifelesssince we went to a bunch of effort setting up a team to handle problems :(01:59
fungipoor example, but we usually scream in irc at rackspace people who don't deserve it, or hpcloud people who sometimes do ;)02:00
fungiand open tickets in their support system for good measure02:00
fungiin the case of tripleo i've just gone and pouted pitifully in #tripleo hoping someone would know what was going on, but this time there was at least someone already looking into it before i noticed02:01
fungisince this is our first example of a non-commercial service provider, our usual ad-hoc contact solutions may need to be fine-tuned a bit to suit02:02
fungibut really, i didn't encounter any issues finding someone to look into it, so it seems to be going okay in that regard02:03
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dstufftyelling at people in IRC is the best way to get support for literally anything02:05
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fungidstufft: can you help me with my homework? i'm supposed to implement a bubble sort in javasharp02:05
dstufftfungi: i'm bad at this proramming thing, you don't want my help02:06
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix zuul installation  https://review.openstack.org/7421502:33
fungiclarkb: moar correctful ^02:33
fungitesting that with --noop on zm02 using a dev env02:34
lifelessfungi: since we're not in zuul now and jeblair has concerns about our being back in zuul, I don't think its going okay :)02:34
lifelessfungi: ok is when you say 'its all fine and business as usual'02:35
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fungilifeless: well, clearly there's is still process being worked out within the tripleo admins group as far as them each knowing they can reach out to others in their group to help them diagnose failures, but that just seems like natural growing pains02:36
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fungiclarkb: jeblair: i've got the tip of the gear master branch tagged as 0.5.1 locally and am ready to push it if desired02:48
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fungi3fcb8e9 "Fix exception in status admin command"02:48
fungisince it was mostly just that plus a requirements tweak and a tox config change, it didn't feel like a 0.6.002:49
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Require gear 0.5.1  https://review.openstack.org/7423702:54
fungiand that ^ would make use of it02:54
lifelessfungi: well, I didn't think that was the case :)02:56
lifelessfungi: so,there is a disconnect somewhere.02:56
mordredfungi: gerrit_ssh_host_key  => hiera('gerrit_ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents'),02:57
mordredfungi: i BELIEVE gerrit_ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents is named poorly02:57
fungimordred: perhaps so. i'll have a double-check in the hiera file to make sure that's the right one02:58
mordredfungi: I'd expand that to say that all of the gerrit-related keys are named poorly, but I chalk that up to hysterical raisins02:58
fungimordred: is that youre way of saying you were the one who chose those names? ;)02:59
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix log Footer README's for 'check-tempest-dsvm'  https://review.openstack.org/7423802:59
mordredfungi: yes02:59
mordredfungi: I believe in all cases where the names are unclear, I take the blame03:00
mordredfungi: just be glad none of them are called gerrit_host_ssh_rsa_assassass03:00
mordredthat means I'm growing as a person03:00
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mordredfungi: 74215 looks good to me - any reason not to merge it?03:01
fungimordred: confirmed, gerrit_ssh_rsa_pubkey_contents in hiera matches the contents of ~review_site/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub03:01
fungier, ~gerrit2/review_site/etc/ssh_host_rsa_key.pub03:01
mordredfungi: we should maybe at some point rename that to gerrit_ssh_host_rsa_key_pub03:02
fungimordred: sounds like a smashing idea03:02
mordredI mean, not right now03:02
mordreddear god03:02
mordredfungi: anywho - any reason to not merge the zuul config change?03:02
fungiand sure, i expect 74215 is safe enough to merge. i'll make sure it takes effect successfully on zm02 where puppet agent is still running03:03
mordredfungi: what if we made gerritbot allow us to vote on changes from here in channel?03:03
fungithen it's just a question of whether we're cool with me pushing the gear 0.5.1 tag, at which point 74237 is probably also warranted03:03
mordredfungi: what could go wrong with that?03:03
mordredfungi: I +2'd 74237 already03:04
mordredand I'm good with you pushing the tag - but I'll defer to jeblair on that03:04
fungimordred: yeah, he said it was warranted, but not what version number he wanted for it03:04
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fungiso i'll wait for some direction on that03:05
fungiand go back to seeing what i can do to get the zmq plugin release jobs running again03:05
HenryGHello. I have a small gerrit nitpick. I *think* it is a setting/hook on review.openstack.org that is not quite right.03:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix zuul installation  https://review.openstack.org/7421503:06
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HenryGWhen someone posts a comment to a review, and puts a link to a launchpad bug in the comment, in the web view of the review the last digit of the bug link is dropped.03:07
HenryGFor example, see line 114 here:  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73372/8/neutron/plugins/ml2/drivers/cisco/apic/mechanism_apic.py03:08
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix log Footer README's for 'check-tempest-dsvm'  https://review.openstack.org/7423803:08
HenryGThat should be a link to https://bugs.launchpad.net/neutron/+bug/1276391  <-- but the last '1' is missing.03:09
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove depreciated htmlify-screen-log  https://review.openstack.org/7424103:11
fungiHenryG: yes, something's still not quite right with the gerrit commentlink configuration. the previous iterations are now causing it to remove the final digit if the bug is pasted in as a url (maybe having to do with it being at the end of a line of text). i think there's a change proposed to fix it. needle buried somewhere in our current review haystack03:11
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HenryGfungi: thanks, glad the problem is known03:12
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fungizaro: clarkb: strangely, i retriggered zmq-event-publisher-hpi-artifact for 0.0.3 and it worked this time, so we've got some sort of nondeterministic behavior in that job03:14
mordredfungi: AWESOME03:14
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fungitriggered zmq-event-publisher-jenkinsci-upload for it after that, and it worked fine too03:17
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jeblairfungi: ERISOTTO here; pushing tag is fine with me03:23
HenryGfungi: yup, https://review.openstack.org/7174303:24
fungijeblair: done03:25
notmynamemordred: mtreinish: I'm around for a while if there are swift issues that need discussing03:25
mfischHey infra guys, there's a bug filed against openstack-manuals where the script claims not to know where openstack/glance bugs should go03:25
mfischIs that correct? Should it be filing against glance directly? https://bugs.launchpad.net/openstack-manuals/+bug/127986603:26
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fungimfisch: i believe that's the result of having a docimpact-group set for it in http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/files/review.projects.yaml03:28
mfischso it looks like it's going to openstack-manuals on purpose03:29
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fungimfisch: i think so. though openstack-manuals is the fallback bug target for docimpact tags, so it might not have worked as designed...03:29
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fungimika: jhesketh_: ^ you worked on that feature, right?03:30
fungier, mikal (sorry mika!)03:30
jhesketh__fungi: yeah mikal implemented03:31
mfischfungi: nova, neutron, etc also do the same but the message from the script indicates confusion. Regardless there's no action here for infra, so excuse the noise03:31
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fungimfisch: well, i think it's only supposed to add that boilerplate when it's unable to find the mapping in projects.yaml, so it may actually indicate a bug in our docimpact hook script03:32
fungithough luckily the default behavior was chosen sanely so that it ended up in the right place anyway03:33
jhesketh__yeah I'm taking a glance03:33
jhesketh__(no pun intended)03:33
mfischit was absolutely intended03:34
mfischfixing this will be a keystone to a solid release03:34
mfischhopefully a fix is on the horizon03:34
mfischokay I'll stop now03:34
openstackgerritEric Windisch proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Blacklist pyghmi version  https://review.openstack.org/7424603:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Require gear 0.5.1  https://review.openstack.org/7423703:49
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jhesketh__I think I've found the problem, so a fix should be on the horizon - thanks mfisch ;-)03:51
fungithanks again jhesketh__!03:51
mfischglad I brought the heat on this one03:51
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jhesketh__don't make me go all super-nova on you03:51
fungioh no you didn't03:52
fungijob activity for the past 180 days... http://graphite.openstack.org/render/?from=-180days&target=alias(summarize(sumSeries(stats_counts.zuul.pipeline.*.all_jobs),%271d%27),%27All%20Jobs%27)&title=Zuul%20Jobs%20Launched%20(per%20Day)&_t=0.340178783562906103:52
mfischlike a neutron, you're not getting a reaction from me jhesketh_03:52
jhesketh__now that's just ironic03:53
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fungii think you burned him to a cinder with that one03:55
jhesketh__well I am a turbo-hipster when it comes to irony03:55
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mfischthis discussion has been a trove of puns03:58
jhesketh_there's just too much fuel in the projects03:59
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fungiclarkb: zaro: jenkins-dev is running zmq plugin 0.0.3 now04:01
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clarkbfungi woot thanks04:01
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clarkbI tested that commit so it should be good04:01
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fungiclarkb: i note that the plugin metadaya still points to your github account... you probably want to change that at some point04:02
fungier, metadata04:03
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Fix docimpact_target project selection  https://review.openstack.org/7425304:03
jhesketh__fungi, mfisch: all these swift jokes aside, that should be your fix ^04:03
jhesketh__The bug was indeed reported to the correct place by default anyway04:03
mfischthanks box04:03
mfischerr both04:03
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fungijhesketh__: was that the only script calling ProjectsYamlRegistry.get()?04:04
jhesketh__yep, took a hunt around04:04
jhesketh__might be worth double checking though04:04
fungijhesketh__: cool. since that changes the number of parameters it's worth a double-check, agreed04:04
jhesketh__fungi: also, oddly, there is __getitem__ just above it.. perhaps we should rename get to 'get_project_item'?04:05
jhesketh__that way pep will find anything we've potentially broken04:05
jhesketh__(actually it might not because it's an object, but still)04:06
fungiprobably a wise idea... with the explicit get() method shadow the one from getter/setter?04:06
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jhesketh__as in leave the get method?04:07
fungii'm wondering which ends up getting called04:07
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fungior maybe we're missing a decorator i was thinking was there. nevermind04:08
jhesketh__oh right04:08
* fungi needs to get some rest anyway. brain no thinky good04:09
jhesketh__not sure what decorator you're referring to, but taking a look at http://docs.python.org/2/reference/datamodel.html#object.__getitem__ implies that the __getitem__ method would only be used if we did yamlconfig['item']04:09
fungiahh, yeah, so an explicit yamlconfig.get('item') would be handled separately anyway04:10
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fungiwhich is all sorts of counterintuitive. fun04:10
jhesketh__so what do you think about renaming the current 'def get' method to get_project_item?04:10
fungii think that's a stellar idea04:11
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jhesketh__done ^04:11
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jhesketh__quick question, does logstash actually serve any logs, or only its indexed knowledge (ie via kabana)04:29
clarkbjust indexed knowledge04:30
clarkbthe size difference between compressed log and indexed log is massive04:31
clarkbbetter to serve compressed logs elsewhere04:31
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openstackgerritBill Maxwell proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Implements: Refactor of YamlParser.parse method  https://review.openstack.org/7056304:33
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mordredfugi, clarkb: you guys seen a nodepool bug where it'll leak nova keypairs if it hits quota issues?04:36
notmynameI'm seeing a very opaque error condition from jenkins. console log is very short: http://logs.openstack.org/63/71163/3/gate/gate-grenade-dsvm/6933a25/console.html04:37
notmynameon patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71163/04:37
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openstackgerritBill Maxwell proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Implements: Refactor of YamlParser.parse method  https://review.openstack.org/7056304:38
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zarofungi: what should we do about that jenkins plugin job flakiness?04:44
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openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Added send-to options support to email-ext plugin  https://review.openstack.org/7360106:36
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openstackgerritMark McLoughlin proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Remove unused _parse_mailmap()  https://review.openstack.org/7427907:14
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openstackgerritFlavio Percoco proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Archive config files along with logs  https://review.openstack.org/6934408:33
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Remove hardcoded direct-release project list  https://review.openstack.org/7430909:38
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add d-g jobs for python-savannaclient  https://review.openstack.org/7431009:44
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Add support for python 3-<3.3  https://review.openstack.org/7394611:02
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: stop putting setup_* into separate log files  https://review.openstack.org/7433111:16
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openstackgerritJustin Shepherd proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Restricting chef-cookbook-chefspec job to spec dir  https://review.openstack.org/7433911:49
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openstackgerritVadim Rovachev proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add change in README file according to changes in code  https://review.openstack.org/7434212:08
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Remove hardcoded direct-release project list  https://review.openstack.org/7430912:15
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mrmartinSergeyLukjanov hi, may I ask you to review this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73549/ ?12:46
SergeyLukjanovmrmartin, hey, it's already in my backlog12:46
mrmartinok, thanks12:46
mrmartinsorry for nagging you, but it is an important step required for a working openstackid deployment12:47
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dhellmannsdague: ping?12:54
dhellmanngood morning12:55
dhellmannI need to bounce some ideas off you about testing oslo.test, if you have a few minutes12:55
sdaguefire away12:56
dhellmannI *think* we really only need to run tests for gating oslo.test to ensure changes there don't break the projects' unit tests -- changes going the other way seems extremely unlikely12:57
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dhellmannhowever, it is possible that a project could make changes in their unit tests that would be incompatible with an unreleased version of oslo.test12:58
dhellmannso if we can do symmetric gating, that would be best12:58
dhellmannI looked, but didn't see an existing gate job that seemed to be running the unit tests -- they all seem to just run tempest12:59
dhellmanndid I miss one?12:59
sdagueno, we don't cross gate on unit tests12:59
sdagueso, unit test runs mostly come from the template12:59
dhellmannin this one case, that's what needs to happen12:59
dhellmannat least, I think so12:59
sdagueso... honestly, I'm actually trying to get unit tests out of the gate13:00
dhellmannyeah, that makes sense for real code, but this is the unit test base class and fixture library13:00
dhellmann"real" == "production"13:00
sdaguethat being said, the way you'd do this is you'd add all the unit tests for all the dependent projects to oslo.test13:00
dhellmannyeah, that takes care of making sure we don't break the projects13:01
sdaguebecause zuul basically dynamically pivots on job name13:01
dhellmannfor the other way around, though, what do you think about installing oslo.test from source instead of a package, in the tox jobs for the projects?13:01
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sdagueI think that get messy13:01
dhellmannthat would put the test in the check jobs, instead of the gate, which is ok13:01
sdaguejust because we've avoided that so far13:02
dhellmannwell, we have, except we've been copying versions of that code into the projects instead13:02
sdagueyep, I know13:02
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dhellmannI'm trying to figure out how to stop copying it there, and still have some level of symmetric testing13:02
sdagueI'm pondering a bit13:02
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sdagueso there is really a lot less symmetry than you think in the gate, especially when you look at the 100+ dependencies coming in13:04
dhellmanndo you think it's enough to gate changes to oslo.test against the unit tests of the other projects?13:04
sdagueyeh, I'm looking at the code now13:04
dhellmanneither gate or a check job, which amounts to the same thing13:04
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sdagueit seems small enough that I'd honestly figure out if there was a way to do that13:05
sdagueand take the risk of a firedrill if we wedge something13:05
sdaguebecause it's such a small amount of code13:05
dhellmannI can script that entirely within oslo.test's repo, and set up a tox env for it13:05
dhellmannyeah, I expect it to grow, but not hugely13:05
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dhellmannok, and I realized this morning, I'm going to have to rename it oslotest instead of oslo.test, because of the devstack namespace package issue13:06
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dhellmannI had been thinking we'd install this from within devstack to use in the existing gate job, but ...13:06
dhellmannI can rename the deploy package, and we can rename the repo some time later13:06
dhellmannok, if you're comfortable without the symmetry, I'll just work on a check job for the new library13:07
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dhellmannsdague: one more thing, do we have a list of integrated projects anywhere other than the PROJECTS list in devstack-gate-wrap.sh?13:09
sdaguewell, remember, the integrated pipeline is dynamic. What's in devstack-gate-wrap is a super set13:10
sdaguebut there are combinations of projects that can enter the gate and not be linked13:10
dhellmannI need a way to have a list of projects to test against, without having to keep the list in the oslo.test repo and somewhere else13:10
sdaguewell, which projects include it today?13:11
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dhellmannit's brand new, so nothing, but I want to set up the job before I start introducing it13:11
dhellmannI mean, I guess a lot of the projects copy the classes in, but I haven't made that list -- I'm assuming we want to test against all integrated projects13:11
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dhellmannhmm, I wouldn't need to test against tempest or the mirror job or some of those others so maybe a separate list does make sense13:13
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sdagueyeh, realistically we should really just test against the projects that use it. Otherwise we're just burning cycles13:17
dhellmannyeah, I expect that to be all or most of them, but we can keep a separate list13:20
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Auth controller  https://review.openstack.org/6864213:48
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard-webclient: Auth support  https://review.openstack.org/7321913:51
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Clean up puppet (deploy LAMP / setup app config)  https://review.openstack.org/6963614:17
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add jasondunsmore to heat-core  https://review.openstack.org/7357014:21
ArxCruzALL: I'm getting a problem with zuul and statsd, it says that module statsd.statsd can't be found does anyone having the same problem ?14:23
SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, hey, have you checked installed requirements?14:26
ArxCruzSergeyLukjanov: yes, it says statsd >= 1.0.0 <3.014:26
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ArxCruzbut it fails in extras.try_import('statsd.statsd')14:26
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SergeyLukjanovArxCruz, heh, interesting14:29
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fungiArxCruz: are you sure you have the correct statsd? there are several python modules named statsd unfortunately14:32
ArxCruzfungi: 2.0.114:32
ArxCruzfungi: that's not the problem, I see statsd it's only to generate the graphics right ?14:32
ArxCruzfungi: my zuul daemon is starting but isn't creating the git repo in /var/lib/zuul/git for the projects I want to listen14:33
fungii believe the zuul documentation mentions which particular statsd you need to use, and if you have additionally installed one of the others it can shadow the one you need in the global namespace so you end up importing the wrong one14:33
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fungitry starting an interactive python session and 'import statsd' followed by 'help(statsd)'14:34
ArxCruzfungi: import statsd I can14:35
ArxCruzbut extras.try_import('statsd.statsd') return nothing14:35
fungion our zuul server i see the last couple lines of the help output say that the version is 2.0.114:35
fungithat should confirm whether the statsd you get when importing it is the one you think you're using14:36
fungiwhereas pip freeze can lie to you, because it only knows package names not necessarily what names teh modules are presenting in the global namespace with the usual search path14:37
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sdaguefungi: how do you feel about this - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74331/ ?14:37
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Load projects from yaml file  https://review.openstack.org/6628014:38
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gordchi folks, if anyone has some time, i was hoping i could get a pair of eyes on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73603/ ... it's blocking me from checking in a bug fix currently. apologies for begging.14:40
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ArxCruzfungi: thanks14:48
fungiArxCruz: was that the problem?14:48
ArxCruzfungi: I give up, statsd isn't necessary to zuul works, only to generate the graphics (at least was what I understand)14:48
openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Auth controller  https://review.openstack.org/6864214:48
ArxCruzright now my problem is zuul isn't creating git repository in /var/lib/zuul/git14:49
fungiArxCruz: also, if you're using zuul's master branch, be aware we merged some pretty radical changes yesterday which will need adjustments to your config (see the news file for details)14:49
ArxCruzfungi: do you have the change ?14:50
fungithey had been up for review for a while... not sure if you reviewed them though14:50
* fungi gets you the link14:50
fungiArxCruz: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71628/7/NEWS.rst14:51
ArxCruzfungi: probably don't14:51
ArxCruztoo busy to turn reports on :(14:51
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fungiwell, the good news here is that if you're running a very busy zuul (like we are) you can distribute the merge reference calculations and git serving out to additional machines connected to zuul's gearman server over the network14:53
fungiand your job workers connect directly to the merge workers to retrieve your zuul refs14:53
SergeyLukjanovfungi, morning, do you already have any visible improvements of how zuul works with mergers?14:54
fungiSergeyLukjanov: not yet. the load won't probably get heavy enough to see the effects until later in the week14:54
SergeyLukjanovfungi, i3 will help us to see results ;)14:55
ArxCruzfungi: ohhhh.... now we have a zuul-merger daemon... duh! I didn't start this one lol14:55
fungiSergeyLukjanov: mostly what we should see is gate resets going more quickly when they happen, and less pileup in the event/result queue because zuul will be spending less time on merge calculations during gate resets14:55
fungiArxCruz: yep, start the new daemon and make sure your configuration is adjusted for the new section (several confg options specific to the merge operation moved to the new section for the merger daemon)14:56
SergeyLukjanovfungi, that's nice14:56
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koolhead17hi all14:58
openstackgerritgordon chung proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: make gate-pycadf-python33 non-voting  https://review.openstack.org/7360314:58
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ArxCruzfungi: thanks, it's working now :)15:00
openstackgerritgordon chung proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: drop gate-pycadf-python33  https://review.openstack.org/7360315:00
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miquijeblair: hi , are you guys broken by zuul latest changes? cuz we are ....15:05
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anteayahi koolhead1715:06
fungimiqui: see my discussion with ArxCruz above15:06
miquijeblair: looking15:06
fungimiqui: also, we don't *think* we're broken by the latest zuul changes, but then again we were the ones who merged them15:07
jaypipesanother great new phrase from sdague: "blind meatgrinder behavior"15:07
fungijaypipes: i'm not even sure i want to know the context15:07
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miquifungi: so are you installing a tagged version of zuul that is stable or pullling the latest and greatest ( because we are ....)15:07
jaypipesfungi: :)15:07
* fungi is clearly behind on his ml reading15:08
fungimiqui: we're using/writing/maintaining the tip of the master branch of zuul15:08
miquifungi: ok...15:08
fungimiqui: see the news file updates about needing to adjust your configuration for the new zuul merger daemon and needing to make sure that gets started (via its associated initscript)15:09
fungimiqui: the zuul documentation was also updated as part of the commits which changed its behavior15:10
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dims"blind meatgrinder behavior" - Nice! :)15:11
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annegentleclarkb: or fungi: For the Operations Guide, based on https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/GerritJenkinsGithub#Merge_Commits do I only get one "chance" to move changes from the feature/edits branch to master15:14
annegentleer, that's meant to be a question15:14
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miquifungi: ok... thanks rtfm....15:15
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fungiannegentle: no, you can incrementally merge back and forth between them if you like, but you should probably merge mostly in one direction if you're synchronizing, and have one last merge before deleting/replacing the feature branch15:16
annegentlefungi: okay yeah I was going to go first master > feature/edits15:17
fungiannegentle: normally with a feature branch you'd merge changes from master to the feature branch periodically to keep the feature branch from falling too far behind/diverging too much, and then merge the feature branch back to the master branch when you're ready to stop using it15:17
annegentlefungi: just didn't want to shoot myself in my future foot or some such15:17
annegentlefungi: thanks! Saved my morning heart attack :)15:18
annegentlefungi: now I will try this fancy-pants merging15:18
fungifair warning, the review will look sort of wierd15:18
annegentlefungi: scared15:19
annegentlefungi: but ready :)15:19
funginothing to be scared about. the computer is your friend and protector. don't allow the mutants and secret societies tell you otherwise15:20
mtreinishsdague: so I've got a global requirements question for the grizzly/branch question15:24
sdaguemtreinish: shoot15:24
koolhead17jaypipes: anteaya :)15:24
sdaguethough I suspect the answer is ... global requirements doesn't work quite right on grizzly15:24
sdaguebecause it happened post grizzly15:24
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fungimtreinish: yeah, i gave up trying to sync it since we're about to turn it off anyway15:25
mtreinishsdague: yeah I think that's the answer too which wedged stable/havana grenade :(15:25
sdaguegot a failed run somewhere I can look at?15:25
mtreinishsdague: so I've got this https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74176/ change but it still tries to install the capped version here: http://logs.openstack.org/76/74176/1/check/check-devstack-dsvm-cells/979398e/console.html#_2014-02-17_21_59_17_18515:26
fungimtreinish: basically, we didn't have a consistent list of requirements for all the integrated projects during the grizzly cycle, so building that is the hardest part (i mostly got it working, but then we needed backports of various jobs to keep it in sync)15:26
mtreinishwhich leads to an exercises fail here: http://logs.openstack.org/76/74176/1/check/check-devstack-dsvm-cells/979398e/console.html#_2014-02-17_22_01_08_87115:26
mtreinishfungi: ok maybe the answer here is to just skip the offending exercise for grenade15:27
sdagueso, honestly, did cells test ever pass on grizzly?15:27
mtreinishsdague: it did when it just ran the exercises I think15:28
mtreinishbut the failure is the same on grenade for stable/havana15:28
sdagueon grizzly?15:28
sdagueit only runs exercises15:28
mtreinishI thought so, but maybe I'm wrong15:28
fungiand are we afraid that in the next six weeks we're going to merge a backport to grizzly which makes cells less functional there than it already is?15:29
mtreinishfungi: yeah it's probably safe to rip it out for the stable/grizzly branch15:29
sdagueso this is honestly more about the fact that the devstack exercises are super fragile15:30
mtreinishbut it still doesn't fix the underlying issue with grenade on stable/havana15:30
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sdaguemtreinish: do you have one of those reviews?15:30
* fungi rechecks notes from the summit to confirm it's even 6 weeks15:30
mtreinishsdague: no not really because if you look how it fails it just runs swiftclient and get's an import error starting the binary15:30
sdaguebecause my fix for stable grizzly would be to remove the cells job from it completely, because it's not a cells issue that's happening15:30
mtreinishsdague: sure one sec let me dig it up15:30
funginope... not even... "When to deprecate grizzly -> at icehouse -3" https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/stable-havana-ideas15:31
fungiso ~3 weeks15:31
openstackgerritAntoine Musso proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Doc for project dependencies in gate  https://review.openstack.org/6602515:32
fungiand then grizzly is tagged eol and ripped out of everything anyway15:32
fungiso definitely don't spend too much time on testing improvements for grizzly 3 weeks from eol15:32
mtreinishsdague: http://logs.openstack.org/76/72576/1/check/check-grenade-dsvm-neutron/bf9977e/console.html#_2014-02-17_18_36_40_28915:33
mtreinishfungi: I'm just curious where does that leave us for grenade on havana though?15:33
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sdaguemtreinish: so give me the high level on what's up with swift client15:34
sdagueI can probably work us backwards to a solution15:34
ArxCruzfungi: also, I'm getting Forbidden error when I try to access the status page, I'm using the same apache conf that you have in puppet15:34
sdagueis the issue that we need an old version at this part of the process?15:34
fungiArxCruz: that sounds like your apache configuration may not be quite right15:34
sdagueor that we need a newer version15:35
mtreinishsdague: so grizzly req has a version cap of <2 but swiftclient just had a major release of 215:35
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mtreinishwe install swiftclient from master15:35
fungiArxCruz: or else the files apache wants to serve you aren't readable by the user under which it's running15:35
mtreinishso things get weird when running swiftclient because the script is from 1.9 but the code is 2.0.215:35
mtreinisherr the bin/swift script is the old version but the code in the swiftclient namespace is master15:35
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ArxCruzfungi: which is weird, apache starts fine :/15:36
sdaguebecause bin/swift doesn't get replaced when we pip install the old version15:36
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fungimtreinish: right, one of the reasons requirements wrangling on grizzly is a bear (pun intended) is that we were capping versions of clients in server reqs lists15:37
mtreinishsdague: the reverse but yeah15:37
fungiyet we want to test clients with tip of master, so it's somewhat incompatible with the new model15:37
mtreinishsdague: the pip install replaces bin/swift but not the other code15:38
mtreinishwhich leads to that import error exception because the Exception Class it tries to import doesn't exist in master15:38
sdagueoh.... because pip stupidness15:38
mtreinishsdague: yep15:38
mtreinishfungi: yeah it's annoying15:39
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fungimtreinish: that ended up being a big part of what led me to consider it relatively intractable for the projected gain15:39
sdagueso how explody would things get if we uncapped glance?15:39
sdaguebecause that's the only thing holding us down15:40
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mtreinishsdague: it's not just glance, it's horizon, glance, glanceclient, and I think there is another 1 maybe 2 things that have the capped version15:41
sdagueit looks like it's just glance and horizon15:42
sdagueremember, glanceclient is on master15:42
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mtreinishsdague: yeah you're right I misread a glanceclient <2 requires as glanceclient requires swiftclient<2 (that's not confusing at all)15:43
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sdagueso, the question is, will that explode those projects?15:44
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mtreinishsdague: I have no idea and honestly I'm not sure it's worth the risk for the grizzly branch that expires in ~3 weeks15:45
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mtreinishwouldn't just skipping the exercise in grenade fix it15:45
mtreinishbecause we don't use the swiftclient cli anywhere15:45
mtreinishexcept the exercises15:46
sdaguesure, you could propose that fix15:47
sdagueit's 2 exercises actually15:47
sdaguethat would let us see if it's a bigger issue15:47
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mtreinishsdague: sure will do15:48
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mordredI'm in support of that plan15:49
mordredalso, we shoudl really resurrect the master-clients/stable-servers work - you know, next time we have a lul :)15:50
funginext time we have a lulz15:51
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Clean up puppet (deploy LAMP / setup app config)  https://review.openstack.org/6963615:52
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add single-use py3k-precise nodes  https://review.openstack.org/7384615:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run most non-sensitive jobs on single-use workers  https://review.openstack.org/7373215:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete static job workers  https://review.openstack.org/7385215:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Shift more nodepool nodes onto rax-dfw  https://review.openstack.org/7385315:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add more py3k-precise nodes  https://review.openstack.org/7385015:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use py3k-precise nodes  https://review.openstack.org/7385115:53
sdaguelul... this is a new and interesting word that I'm not familiar with15:53
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* fungi knows not this lul of which you speak15:56
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* mordred throws a lul at fungi, misses by a derp15:57
fungi73732 there has a chance to merge-conflict on just about any job configuration change, so we probably should merge it soon if we want to merge it at all15:58
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fungiand we'll also want to keep an eye out for any pending change after that adding a job with one of the old reusable node labels15:59
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mtreinishsdague: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74419/16:01
sdagueok, lets see how the tests run on that16:02
sdagueI think separately proposing a remove of the devstack-cells job on grizzly would be a good idea16:03
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sdaguebecause we won't be able to merge any grizzly code until that happens16:03
jeblairfungi: zuul merger sitrep?16:04
jeblairfungi: (which is my way of saying, 'i hope this morning finds you well!')16:05
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fungijeblair: parsing error elided. YES! very well16:05
fungithings are going smashingly16:05
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fungithe only weird report i found was http://logs.openstack.org/63/71163/3/gate/gate-grenade-dsvm/6933a25/logs/devstack-gate-setup-workspace-old.txt16:06
fungilooks like a job failing to clone nova16:06
fungibut i have no direct evidence to suggest that it's related at all to the zuul changes16:06
fungiwe've had a few zuul downstreams who do cd pop in and ask why their zuul suddenly broke, but they seem squared away now too16:07
anteayajeblair: I'm thinking of getting zuul merger stirep? on a t-shirt16:08
jeblairfungi: that is weird; it should never have to clone nova; it should rsync it from /opt/git16:09
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jeblairfungi: that doesn't seem to be universal though16:09
fungiwhich makes me think the rsync might have gone awry16:10
jeblairfungi: loks like it didn't do the rsync because /opt/git/openstack/nova didn't exist16:10
sdaguethere were actually quite a number of jobs that failed that way, it was the reason I proposed - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74331/ this morning16:10
jeblairfungi: but the other projects did16:10
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fungiright, which is extra strange16:11
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jeblairsdague: do you have a link to another one?16:11
mtreinishsdague: actually looking at it the zuul layout says cells should be nonvoting for grizzly (and everything else too)16:11
sdaguemtreinish: no, that's the tempest job16:11
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sdaguethere is a devstack job16:11
sdaguejeblair: not off the top of my head, I hit some in my review queue this morning16:12
mtreinishsdague: it's everything: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml#n31616:12
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sdaguemtreinish: where is the job def for that?16:14
sdaguemtreinish: so I think because it doesn't have a limitter, it's voting on everything16:15
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jeblairsdague: how about we have the main script say "check this log file" if it detects an error?16:15
jeblairsdague: that way the madness is hidden from view normally, but when there is an error, it's, uh, reported.  :)16:16
sdaguejeblair: honestly, my preference remains a single file. Because in my experience people don't read :)16:17
sdaguebut if we go down that path, then it also needs local timestamp wrapping and logstashing as well16:17
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sdaguebecause not having this content in logstash is the reason I can't answer your question about what other jobs failed this way16:18
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jeblairsdague: i have a serious concern about all of the non-error messages that are in those logs.  people often think that the jenkins file descriptor warning is the reason their job failed....16:18
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jeblairsdague: and the reason that we moved that into separate log files in the first place is because, well, if they think the jenkins warning is important, what do they make of this:16:19
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jeblairfatal: http://zm01.openstack.org/p/openstack-dev/grenade/info/refs not found: did you run git update-server-info on the server?16:19
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sdaguejeblair: right, I'm actually trying to get that sorted by making devstack able to run under errexit16:19
sdagueso we'll fail early16:19
sdaguethe issue really is that the failure is far off screen by the end of the job16:20
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jeblairsdague: that's pretty obviously the cause of the failure, right?  it says 'fatal'! :)16:20
jeblairsdague: devstack fail early is great, but i don't think that addresses this16:20
sdagueso then why not filter out that log message instead16:20
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jeblairsdague: because _i_ need it to diagnose failures16:20
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sdaguebecause I think if that remains in the log, and we send people to the log16:20
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jeblairsdague: i think if we sent people to the log, we would only do it on an actual error, and presumably the error at the bottom of the lost would be it.16:21
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sdaguemy instinct is it won't work, based on the questions I see from folks. But if that's what you want to do, that's fine.16:23
sdagueI would also clean up those git calls to not put the words fatal in there. Just wrap it if it's expected behavior.16:23
jeblairsdague: i'm more interested in making this bulletproof.  this part _always_ needs to work....16:24
jeblairsdague: patch git?16:24
sdaguefilter the output16:24
jeblairsdague: so when something goes wrong here, i'm the one who needs to read these log files16:24
jeblairsdague: i'm okay if someone comes in here and says "i think this broke and i don't understand why"16:24
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jeblairsdague: as long as i have the information i need to figure out what happened16:25
sdagueso I think this is the crux of the issue16:25
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jeblairsdague: separate log files with unfiltered output are important for me to be able to diagnose that16:25
jeblairsdague: for the same reason that openstack devs would like individual nova/etc logs, and unfiltered16:25
sdaguebecause we're in bash, segregating info between users / user cases is hard.16:26
jeblairsdague: i agree that timestamps would be helpful.  i would love it if it were in logstash.  and i think the main script should report errors instead of hiding them.16:26
sdagueso honestly, I'd rather just have one big dump and let everyone figure out things that are or are not important in it16:26
jeblairsdague: i think we can do all of that without losing the benefits we currently have.16:26
sdagueok, I don't really see benefits with the current system. I mostly see it as me scratching my head for 5 minutes then remembering, oh right, there are other logs16:27
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jeblairsdague: so let's have it output the error.  the benefits is that with the current system, i can diagnose the error.  you are proposing that we should make it harder for me to do so.16:27
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sdagueit's harder if it's all in console?16:27
jeblairsdague: way harder16:28
sdaguewhat if we tee it instead then?16:28
sdagueso it doesn't impact you having targetted logs, but we'll also have them in console16:28
jeblairsdague: that addresses one problem but doesn't address the error-spam.16:28
jeblairsdague: i'd be okay with it, but i think it's a bad user experience.16:29
jeblairsdague: what about 'cat' on error?16:29
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sdagueso, honestly, I think that's the least of our user experience issues with the devstack log16:29
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sdaguejeblair: it doesn't let you see things as they are happening in jenkins, which I actually find pretty useful16:29
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jeblairsdague: my preference is that we timestamp and index the separate logs and have the main script output a real error message.  i'm okay with teeing them, but i think another 3400 lines (5700 lines for grenade) of meaningless output isn't going to be considered helpful by developers.16:33
jeblairif i were reading this, i would much rather it just have one line that said "oops, i couldn't do the git checkout stuff;  if you want to see why, look here: ..."16:34
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jeblair(and that line, btw, would be indexed in logstash)16:35
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jeblairi just logged into a random az3 devstack-precise machine, and its /opt/git/openstack/nova looks fine16:38
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sdagueso 3400 lines is only about a 15% add to the console. Realistically, I think having a better segmentation of phases in the console would be the best thing to do. I have some thoughts on that, but no real time on poking at it.16:39
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jaypipesjeblair: I've got a job in gearman that doesn't have any workers, but has a job waiting. It's the merger:merge queue. In my Zuul debug log, I see a message like this: http://paste.openstack.org/show/66943/. If I run the job myself in jenkins, it completes successfully, but for some reason, I can't seem to get the upstream recheck comment to trigger the job, and the only thing weird I see is that merger:merge queue..16:41
jaypipes. any ideas?16:41
jeblairjaypipes: read the top of the NEWS file; you need to start the zuul-merger process16:42
jaypipesjeblair: ah...16:43
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jaypipesjeblair: oh... just added yesterday :) no wonder!16:43
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fungii've started suggesting that people running cd from tip of master (for any project really) should be subscribing to the proposed changes so they know what's coming16:45
jaypipesfungi: good idea :)16:45
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fungieven if you just skim the commit messages for the stuff which is in review, you'll have some inkling of what's lurking out there about to ruin your morning16:45
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jaypipesjeblair: for the external testing platform, any reason I can't run the merger on the same VM as the other zuul process?16:46
jaypipesjeblair: I presume this is just a scaling thing?16:46
mferfungi jeblair I was wondering if there's anything I can do to help https://review.openstack.org/#/c/71956/ along. It's about .NET stuff with OpenStack and we're starting to connect with others on this work.16:46
jeblairjaypipes: nope.  it even says so in the NEWS file.  :)16:46
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jeblairjaypipes: nope == no reason you can not do that == yes you can do that.  :)16:46
jaypipesjeblair: heh, once again you call me out on my lack of RTFM ;P16:47
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jeblairmfer: we have a backlog of reviews and unfortunately new stackforge projects are not our highest priority16:48
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mferjeblair i entirely understand that.16:49
jeblairmfer: i can promise we'll get to it (i review oldest first), so it won't get lost.  but i couldn't say when.16:49
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mferjeblair thanks. are we talking days or weeks?16:49
jeblairmfer: if i had to guess, probably not this week, maybe next.16:51
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mferthanks. i like guestimates so i know when to check back in :)16:52
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openstackgerritsahid proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Adds query for bug #1278988  https://review.openstack.org/7271316:57
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anteayawe have a patch failing on git being unavailable: https://jenkins05.openstack.org/job/gate-grenade-dsvm/735/console17:05
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Don't check logs on stable/grizzly  https://review.openstack.org/7128517:05
fungianteaya: yep, there's a bug open for that. we frequently see dns lookup failures against rackspace's recursive resolvers recently17:05
* anteaya looks for bug17:06
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jeblairfungi: wow, that doesn't usually happen so early17:06
fungiyep--that one hardly had a chance to make it off the beach17:06
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anteayathis the right one?17:07
anteayashot in the boat17:07
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anteayawhere art thou bug bot?17:07
anteayais that soren's bot?17:07
fungianteaya: yep, that one17:08
jeblairjnoller: we've noticed an increase in failures due to rax dns servers being unavailable.  is there a rate limit, or quota we could be hitting at a host or account level?  or are we noticing a rax service degredation?17:08
anteayak thanks, back in it goes17:08
jeblairpvo: ^ ?17:08
jnollerjeblair: I noticed DNS issues too17:08
jnollerjeblair: let me look - IAD right?17:08
pvojeblair: standby17:09
fungijnoller: that last one was dfw17:09
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dhellmannare we publishing binary eggs for projects now? https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pyghmi17:09
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fungijnoller: pvo: we're tracking it in https://launchpad.net/bugs/1270382 at the moment, but can run a query against logstash for regions and times if it will help17:09
dhellmannor is that a wheel, maybe?17:09
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fungidhellmann: i think that must have been manually uploaded17:10
anteayafungi: adding a reverify apparently lets tests continue17:11
dhellmannfungi: ok, it's breaking the ironic unit tests in some cases17:11
anteayaI guess I need to snipe it and send it back in17:11
dhellmannfungi: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ironic/+bug/128138517:11
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anteayawill snipe and then reverify17:11
fungidhellmann:  Author: Jarrod Johnson  Package Index Owner: jbjohnso  (we don't have access to upload pyghmi releases even if we wanted it)17:12
dhellmannfungi: ah, ok, I saw it on stackforge so assumed releases went through openstackci17:12
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fungidhellmann: seems not17:12
dhellmannfungi: I'll try to get in touch with him or devenanda, thanks17:12
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jeblairfungi: i think https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73840/ is ready for your aprv17:14
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fungijeblair: nibalizer: wow--neat!17:14
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openstackgerritJay Pipes proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adds ! defined() guards around a2mod declarations  https://review.openstack.org/7444317:15
funginibalizer: you're pretty comfortable that the postgresql module 3.0.0->3.1.0 change will be non-impacting for our use?17:16
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fungii'll do a quick check of the licenses on those additional modules17:17
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ArxCruzfungi: I'm getting these errors: 2014-02-18 17:19:20,484 DEBUG zuul.Merger: Unable to find commit for ref master/Z1965c208f17:19
jeblairon the nodepool front, i have found that the cleanupServer method in the image build causes rss to jump from 36380 to 293872; continuing to narrow down17:20
ArxCruzfungi: http://paste.openstack.org/show/66956/17:20
fungiArxCruz: that doesn't _say_ error (says debug)17:20
ArxCruzso, is that normal okay ?17:20
jeblairArxCruz: yeah, that's normal17:20
ArxCruzok, cool17:20
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jeblairArxCruz: basically it's looking at the git repo to see if it's already staged a commit for that zuul ref; if it has it will use it as a basis, if not, it will create it17:21
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nibalizerfungi: yea i reviewed the changelog17:24
funginibalizer: i figured you probably did! (i just have to ask these things anyway)17:25
nibalizerpuppetlabs modules are strictly semver'd so 3.0.x -> 3.1.x should only be enhancements not any breaking changes17:25
anteayafungi jeblair sdague so getting some datapoints on auto check17:25
anteayamarkmcclain rebased this patch: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/69110/617:26
anteayaand it is back in the check queue17:26
nibalizeryea, plus puppet module install puppetlabs-puppetdb will be upgrading the postgres module to 3.1.0 anyways, which might have been a fun debugging experience for someone17:26
fungianteaya: right, because that rebased patchset hasn't been confirmed working yet17:26
anteayawe are just curious about what behavour should be expected in this circumstance17:26
anteayathat was what I was wondering17:26
anteayathough it is a trivial change17:27
anteayait is not?17:27
fungianteaya: since it has an approval vote, once jenkins posts back a +1 from the recheck it will add the change into teh gate17:27
anteayaAutomatically re-added by Gerrit trivial rebase detection script.17:27
anteayajust bringing it up for discussion17:27
anteayasince the neutronclient release is waiting on it17:27
anteayapleia2: morning17:27
anteayaso where I to snipe it out to get it back into the gate faster, it still would have to go through check again17:28
fungianteaya: this makes sure that *every* change patchset passes check jobs before gating, even if it's just a trivial rebase17:28
fungianteaya: correct17:28
anteayajust wanting to ensure this is intended behaviour17:29
anteayaand not something that isn't known17:29
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anteayamorning clarkb17:34
jaypipeshmm, after pulling in all new zuul puppet stuff (for zuul-merger, et al), now zuul-server doesn't want to stay up. when starting it, the process dies after a few seconds. doing an strace on it reveals that some lockfile (presumably the pidfile) cannot be acquired: http://paste.openstack.org/show/66963/17:35
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fcarpentermordred https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74173/ seems stuck (approved yesterday)?17:41
openstackgerritMatthew Treinish proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Skip exercises that use swiftclient cli on grizzly  https://review.openstack.org/7445117:41
clarkbmtreinish: sdague: grizzly never passed cells + exercises17:41
clarkbmtreinish: sdague: it does however pass the tempest flavor for grizzly17:41
clarkbthe d-g cells jobs are arranged to accomodate that17:41
ArxCruzfungi: I need a little help, I configure zuul, it's fine, it's starting the jobs, it's not fetching the changes, it says that http://my.zuul.server/p/openstac/nova doesn't exist...17:42
fungifcarpenter: i think the approval for that happened in the middle of a zuul restart17:42
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davidlenwellfungi: how do we unstuck it ?17:43
jeblairAssertionError: len(["b1be38ffe282a36d5a0eae61a75facc037183a32\t\t'refs/changes/75/74175/3' of ssh://review.openstack.org:29418/stackforge/clouddocs-maven-plugin\n"]) != len(["RSA host key for IP address '2001:4800:780d:509:3bc3:d7f6:ff04:39f0' not in list of known hosts.", '', ' * branch            refs/changes/75/74175/3 -> FETCH_HEAD'])17:43
sdagueclarkb: ok, well there is a new issue given the swift version bump. But we'll see if mtreinish unsticks things first17:43
jeblairdavidlenwell: approve it again17:43
davidlenwellI don't have +217:44
fungidavidlenwell: i reenqueued it17:44
jeblairfungi, clarkb: ^ it looks like we might want to add the ipv6 addr to the known_hosts file too17:44
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: but that's a one-time warning; it will have failed that change, but zm02 should be good to go for subsequent changes17:45
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davidlenwellthanks guys17:46
fcarpenteryes thank you17:46
jeblairfungi: i think i may not have been clear in my comment on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73732/17:46
jeblairfungi: if multiple regex jobs match, then the later ones override the parameter function; so it doesn't call the 1st then the 2nd, but rather just the 2nd17:47
fungijeblair: oh, so parameter functions aren't cumulative?17:47
fungiyeah, i'll rework it now, knowing that17:47
jeblairfungi: right; so therefore later regex job parameter functions need to call earlier ones if you still want the behavior from them17:47
fungiso any job ends up with one and only one parameter function17:47
fungifix on the way17:48
jeblairfungi: other than that lgtm, and if we nudge clarkb we can aprv it to avoid conflicts17:48
* clarkb is caught up on sb looking at things to aprv now17:48
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/gitdm: Add Forrest Carpenter to launchpad/email  https://review.openstack.org/7417317:48
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clarkboh looks like that needs changes17:50
* clarkb waits for them patiently17:50
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add single-use py3k-precise nodes  https://review.openstack.org/7384617:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Run most non-sensitive jobs on single-use workers  https://review.openstack.org/7373217:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove obsolete static job workers  https://review.openstack.org/7385217:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Shift more nodepool nodes onto rax-dfw  https://review.openstack.org/7385317:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add more py3k-precise nodes  https://review.openstack.org/7385017:53
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use py3k-precise nodes  https://review.openstack.org/7385117:53
fungiyour patience is rewarded17:53
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clarkbfungi: jeblair: any chance https://review.openstack.org/#/c/72509/ can get reviewed today? I will probably self approve EOD today17:53
fungigrr... and it needs another rebase. hold on17:54
jeblairfungi: zm02 errored on an infra config change17:54
clarkb72509 is the last piece and make elasticsearch + logstash as happy as possible again process17:54
jeblairit got the rsa host key warning again; that's weird17:54
clarkbjeblair: MitM attack >_>17:54
fungijeblair: that was probably 73732. it said it needed a rebase when it doesn't seem to17:55
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: ssh isn't updating known_hosts to add the ipv6 addr17:57
jeblairprobably because it's using the old format and not the hash-based one17:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add puppetdb to a new puppetdb host  https://review.openstack.org/7384017:58
clarkbjeblair: weird17:59
clarkbjeblair: can we exec ssh-keyscan in a non vulnerable way to add the key hashed18:00
clarkbkeyscan is the wrong tool18:00
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jeblairclarkb: i think we could add the hashed version as a blob, but i think it includes the ip address, so there's the issue of having the ip address stored in hiera.  that's not ideal.18:03
jeblairwe could disable ip address matching18:03
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: i wonder if we should put it in /etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts instead18:04
fungiwe could just add the ipv4 and ipv6 addresses (comma-separated, no space) after the fqdn18:04
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fungijeblair: i'm a big proponent of managing /etc/ssh/known_hosts on server farms. did it that way for years18:05
fungiwithout a good dnssec/sshfp base to work from, it's the next best way to make sure all users on a system don't get mitm'd for hosts you already know about18:05
jeblairi would really like sshfp.  :(18:05
jeblairfungi: so let's (1) add the ip address to the user file, then (2) longer term move to using /etc instead; how's that sound?18:06
fungijeblair: swimmingly18:06
clarkbsshfp depends on dnssec for trust right?18:06
clarkbjeblair: sounds good18:06
fungiclarkb: in short, yes. there are workarounds, but they're dirty, dirty workarounds18:06
jeblairi'll work on change 118:07
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clarkbfungi: does that mean your stack is ready for rereview?18:10
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add gerrit ip addrs to zuul's known_hosts  https://review.openstack.org/7445718:10
SergeyLukjanovfolks, could you please confirm that [1] will make savanna and it's client gated together (I mean all patches will be simultaneously tested in gate pipeline)18:10
SergeyLukjanov[1] https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74310/1/modules/openstack_project/files/zuul/layout.yaml18:10
fungiclarkb: zuul's still testing teh rebase18:11
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: yes; zuul will even tell you; see the test result here: http://logs.openstack.org/10/74310/1/check/gate-config-layout/bad34c5/console.html18:12
jeblairSergeyLukjanov: and look for this line: 2014-02-18 10:04:12.289 | INFO:zuul.DependentPipelineManager:    <ChangeQueue gate: openstack/python-savannaclient, openstack/savanna>18:12
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, oh, awesome, thanks for the tip18:13
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov: (if you scroll up, you'll see the really big openstack integrated gate is the 2nd line of that section.  the first line is the even bigger shared change queue of projects that call 'gate-noop')18:13
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SergeyLukjanovjeblair, yup, see it18:15
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SergeyLukjanovshame on me - never see this section before :(18:15
AjaegerHi infra team! The Image API v2 link (http://docs.openstack.org/api/openstack-image-service/2.0/content/) is broken, and won't be fixed til this goes through: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73690 . Is there a chance to get this reviewed and merged, please?18:15
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, looks like we have too many noop projects ;)18:16
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* mordred loves the shared gate-noop queue18:16
jeblairzuul should probably have an internal noop, but it hasn't been a high priority18:17
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, oh, I thought that it's because some issues with internal approach :)18:18
SergeyLukjanovAjaeger, I see that you converting some job from maven to freestyle, AFAIK it'll not work w/o manual removal of old job18:19
SergeyLukjanovAjaeger, oh, I see you note in commit message too :)18:19
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jeblairAjaeger: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73690/ lgtm18:21
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SergeyLukjanovI have a useless manage-project fix attempt today TL;DR I have tried to find some issues in manage-projects script today by reading it and trying to test locally, but I don't see any possible errors except race that we all already seen18:22
AjaegerSergeyLukjanov: only openstack-api-ref is changed that way, the rest not.18:22
SergeyLukjanovAjaeger, yup, I just saw the note after reading the diff :)18:23
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AjaegerSergeyLukjanov: Thanks for bringing it up - I wanted to say it here so that it won't be forgotten to do as well..18:23
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AjaegerNot everybody reads the commit message till the end ;)18:23
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clarkbAjaeger: gerrit does a wierd thing in my browser where it scrolls to the patchset area by default18:29
clarkbwhich ahs trained me to not read the commit message first :(18:29
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Ajaegerclarkb: shall I paste it here for you ?18:29
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clarkbAjaeger: no, I will read it :)18:29
Ajaegerclarkb: That's a weird browser experience you have ;(18:29
* Ajaeger had to start chromium today for one page since firefox was hanging - chromium worked just fine ;(18:30
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SergeyLukjanovAjaeger, your patch is lgtm for me too18:32
clarkbfungi: will Ajaeger's change interfere with your node swaps?18:32
hemnasdague, any chance I can get a +3 today for my low version number patch? https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73727/18:32
fungiclarkb: probably--i haven't looked at it yet, but basically any change which adds a new job will18:32
SergeyLukjanovclarkb, fungi, yup, I think it will18:32
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fungiwhich is probably somewhere around 25% of all infra/config changes18:33
SergeyLukjanovold job use precise18:33
SergeyLukjanovAjaeger, heh, I'm using safari @ osx for more than 3 years w/o any big issues ;)18:33
clarkbfungi: in that case I haven't approved Ajaeger;s change but it lgtm, I will let you offer guidance on rebase direction18:34
clarkbI am not going to rereview your stack18:34
sdaguehemna: done18:34
Ajaegerfungi: my patch adds a new job.18:34
AjaegerIs there anything I can do right now with the patch - or do I have to wait?18:34
hemnasdague, thank you18:35
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fungisorry, sort of heads-down poking at jenkins masters all day18:35
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fungiAjaeger: if you want to rebase on https://review.openstack.org/73732 and switch your node types from precise to bare-precise that would help tremendously18:36
Ajaegerfungi: I'll give it a try.18:36
clarkbsilly fingers typing changing the meaning of things completely18:36
fungifunny what a difference one little letter makes18:37
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Ajaegerwill bare-precise have all the packages installed we need for docu jobs?18:37
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Ajaegermaven, fonts?18:37
fungiclarkb: yeah, this is a stack of things i think we want to cram through before the feature freeze change ramp up18:37
fungiAjaeger: they're built from the same puppet manifests, so in theory yes18:38
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Ajaegerfungi: Ok ;)18:38
fungiAjaeger: the only major difference is that they're one-time-use slaves and we discard them after each job is run and use a fresh one18:38
clarkbfungi: yup, I hope to cram it in real soon18:38
nibalizerfungi: thanks for approving my change (puppetdb), whats the next step? How do we get that onto a machine?18:38
clarkbhopefully +A before the meeting if I can manage to review it properly18:38
nibalizeror will all that be covered at  the meeting ?18:39
clarkbnibalizer: is it on the meeting agenda? if so we should be able to go over it there18:39
nibalizerclarkb: link to the agenda?18:39
nibalizeror is the agenda in a bot?18:39
fungithough we could also potentially just go over it in here unless it's something which really needs to be hashed out in the team meeting18:40
clarkbnibalizer: https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Meetings/InfraTeamMeeting18:40
clarkbfungi: true18:40
funginibalizer: i can try to launch a new puppetdb.openstack.org server here in a bit once i come up for air18:41
AjaegerWhat's the best way to rebase: git review -d 73732 (fungi's patch); git review -d 73690 (my patch); git rebase review/jeremy_stanley/single-use - and then send the patch for review?18:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add gerrit ip addrs to zuul's known_hosts  https://review.openstack.org/7445718:41
jeblairDEBUG:nodepool.ProviderManager:Manager hpcloud-az1 running task <nodepool.provider_manager.ListKeypairsTask object at 0x2e88ed0>18:41
jeblairDEBUG:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:"GET /v1.1/10409882459003/os-keypairs HTTP/1.1" 200 2469223918:41
fungiAjaeger: -x instead of -d on the second patch18:41
nibalizerfungi: awesome18:41
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fungiAjaeger: that would cherry-pick your change from gerrit on top of mine18:42
jeblairfungi, clarkb: ^ that's what causes nodepool to use 250m of memory18:42
fungijeblair: keypair management?!? srsly18:42
jeblairfungi: yep.  still tracing; not sure if it's nodepool or novaclient, but we're getting really close.  :)18:43
Ajaegerfungi: Ah, thanks!18:43
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jeblairand that, at least, is something we can do without a 1-hour test/debug cycle18:43
clarkbjeblair: woot18:43
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clarkbfungi: comment inline on your change, let me know what you think18:45
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fungiclarkb: thanks, looking18:46
fungiclarkb: we could whitelist the -noop jobs in layout.yaml to have reusable_node18:47
openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove maven usage from api-jobs.yaml  https://review.openstack.org/7369018:47
fungijeblair: does that seem safe?18:47
AjaegerRebased on top-of fungi's patch - hope it is fine now ^.18:47
clarkbfungi: or leave them on precise and keep a few of those nodes around?18:47
clarkbbasically just bit sinks18:48
fungithat gets us back to potential slave agent communication failures with those...18:49
clarkboh right, hrm18:49
fungithough in theory we also have that with our long-term slaves runnign sensitive jobs too18:50
clarkbmaybe we stick with what you have for now and update zuul to do noop jobs internally18:50
fungithat seems better all around, at the expense of some additional node waste for now18:50
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fungii contemplated it initially, but have a feeling the number of -noop jobs we run out of the total proportion of jobs run is probably not that huge18:51
clarkbI can update my vote/approve if jeblair doesn't have any better ideas18:51
fungithe majority of the changes we test are official openstack projects because they're far higher volume, and few of them use -noop18:51
clarkbgive him a few minutes here before I do that18:51
fungiso it felt to me like premature optimization18:52
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jeblairi'm torn, but i think overall we shouldn't let noop hold up the march of progress18:57
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openstackgerritMarton Kiss proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Clean up puppet (deploy LAMP / setup app config)  https://review.openstack.org/6963618:58
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Enable docs for python-savannaclient  https://review.openstack.org/7447018:59
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openstackgerritSergey Lukjanov proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Allow devstack-precise-check for non-voting jobs  https://review.openstack.org/7110319:00
clarkbjeblair: /me approves19:00
fungimeeting time!19:00
jeblairfungi: you are fast19:00
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openstackgerritMorgan Fainberg proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Eavesdrop bot to #openstack-keystone  https://review.openstack.org/7447219:05
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pleia2morganfainberg: thanks re: reviewing the reviewday json \o/19:07
morganfainbergpleia2, sure thing.19:08
morganfainbergpleia2, there are some odd choices, but i know they were actually choices19:08
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morganfainbergso, out of curiosity how do i get uvirtbot into a new channel?19:08
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morganfainberg#openstack-keystone would like the bot hanging around19:09
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fungimorganfainberg: you ask soren19:09
SergeyLukjanovmorganfainberg, have you added openstack-infra to channel founders? (I've placed a comment toyour change)19:09
morganfainbergsoren, ping ^ uvirbot is awesome and keystone would love it in #openstack-keystone19:09
morganfainbergSergeyLukjanov, not yet, doing all of that slowly19:10
morganfainbergSergeyLukjanov, but it is on the list todo in the next few minutes19:10
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Run most non-sensitive jobs on single-use workers  https://review.openstack.org/7373219:11
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morganfainbergSergeyLukjanov, done now19:11
SergeyLukjanovmorganfainberg, I just duplicate my comment to irc ;)19:11
morganfainbergSergeyLukjanov, i actually was just looking for the "name" to add earlier. but yes, it is done19:12
SergeyLukjanovmorganfainberg, thx19:13
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morganfainbergSergeyLukjanov, and if there is a way to kindof fast-track the eavesdrop bit, we would be very appreciative, since we've already moved conversation from -dev over19:16
morganfainbergand don't want to lose too much data19:16
morganfainbergSergeyLukjanov, :)19:16
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SergeyLukjanovmorganfainberg, you should ping other infra core folks to review/approve it19:17
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morganfainbergjeblair, fungi, pleia2, clarkb, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74472/ if you please, keystone-core will continue to love you guys (even more)... ok ok maybe the rest of them wont, but I will19:18
SergeyLukjanovmorganfainberg, :)19:19
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sorenmorganfainberg: Alrighty.19:36
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morganfainbergsoren, awesome! :) tyvm19:38
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gordcSergeyLukjanov: if you have time, can you re-review this: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73603/ to make sure i didn't miss/mess anything.19:42
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SergeyLukjanovgordc, added to backlog19:42
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gordcSergeyLukjanov: much appreciated. :)19:42
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sorenmorganfainberg: No problem at all.19:48
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jog0just saw my name pop up in the infra meeting, with regard to adding tripleo nodes into nodepool19:52
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lifelessjog0: yes.19:56
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clarkbI am going to be headed north to seattle shortly so that I don't have to drive in the rainnight, will be afk for a while20:01
anteayadrive safely20:01
jeblairjog0: log is here http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/meetings/infra/2014/infra.2014-02-18-19.01.log.html20:03
lifelessjog0: read the discussion, then lets discuss (also remembering you're *one* of the cd-admins who should fix the ci-overcloud were it to barf)20:03
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Ajaegerjeblair, clarkb, SergeyLukjanov: I'd appreciate if you could double check my updated patch https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73690/20:05
jog0jeblair lifeless: so I am torn on this20:07
jog0I see a very real benifit from using the tripleo cloud, its another from of CI/testing20:08
jog0that will inevitably flesh out real OpenStack bugs before the release20:08
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lifelessjog0: already has :)20:09
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jog0I like the idea of a seperate queue for tripleo for now20:10
jog0as long as a tripleo failure doesn't stop nodepuul/zuul I think its worth the risk of changing things so late in the cycle20:10
sdagueyeh, I'm good with separate queue20:11
sdaguemy big concern was stalling the experimental queue20:11
sdaguebut a separate queue alleviates that concern20:11
jog0sdague: agreed20:11
lifelesshttps://review.openstack.org/#/c/73863/ adds the experimental queue20:12
lifelessI'm going to rebase and add the new check variant there in a minute20:12
lifelessjeblair: would you prefer the addition of the experimental-tripleo jobs to be in the same patch ?20:12
lifelessjeblair: I had it separate to let the semantic vs bulk work be clear20:12
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sdaguelifeless: if you put < on line 139 you can wrap without issues20:13
sdaguelike we do in er queries20:13
lifelesssdague: oh, I was following what I saw in the file :)20:13
lifelesswill give it a go20:13
sdagueactually, it's  >20:13
sdagueI always forget20:14
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lifelesssdague: does it add a space across lines?20:16
sdagueI think so20:16
sdagueyeh, it must20:16
med_jeblair, are things more backed-up today in zuul than usual, or is today usual?20:19
clarkbAjaeger: lgtm thanks20:22
Ajaegerclarkb: Thanks!20:22
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clarkbmed proposal feature freeze is this week and feature freeze is next week stuff is probably going to back up20:23
SergeyLukjanovAjaeger, lgtm for me too, thanks for rebaising20:24
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lifelessjeblair: what happens if two pipe lines have the same comment_filter trigger?20:27
lifelessjeblair: they'll both run right, but report seperately?20:27
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jeblairlifeless: yes20:28
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AjaegerThanks, SergeyLukjanov!20:30
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add experimental-tripleo checks for tripleo deps.  https://review.openstack.org/7388620:30
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add an -tripleo pipelines.  https://review.openstack.org/7386320:30
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add experimental-tripleo checks for tripleo deps.  https://review.openstack.org/7388620:31
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add -tripleo pipelines.  https://review.openstack.org/7386320:31
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lifelessjeblair: https://review.openstack.org/73863 should be reviewable. Per your suggestion I made check-tripleo not require a pass to enqueue to the gate. I hope I got the layout right.20:31
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med_clarkb, thanks20:43
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miquijeblair: our jobs are getting stuck in zuul....20:46
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jeblairmiqui: did you see that a separate merger process was added?20:49
miquiyes, the zuul-merger daemon thingy.....yes20:50
miquiit is running, seems to be since nothing 'bad'  shows up in the logs...20:50
miquiam sure have seen same....20:53
miquisorry, others seen same behaviour20:53
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openstackgerritAndreas Jaeger proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Enforce capitalization of cfg help strings  https://review.openstack.org/7449320:56
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miquijeblair:  we had to roll back21:01
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jeblairmiqui: if you telnet to port 4730 and enter 'status', you should be able to see whether there are jobs waiting for the merger, and how many mergers you have on-line.21:03
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miquijeblair: 2 jobs21:05
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miquijeblair: how do we trubshoot queued jobs...21:07
jeblairmiqui: how many mergers are connected?21:07
openstackgerritDevananda van der Veen proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Let infra manage pyghmi releases  https://review.openstack.org/7449921:07
devanandaclarkb: ^ first attempt at creating a release job myself. I probably botched it, please comment when you have a minute :)21:08
miquijeblair:  thanks  we are gonna punt for now, to version -8 days old or so.... we'll try later when we have more time....21:08
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add grenade-dsvm-partial-ncpu test  https://review.openstack.org/6420021:09
jeblairmiqui: my guess is that the merger is not running or is unable to connect21:09
jeblairmiqui: let me know if i can help when you have more time to debug21:09
jeblairmikal: hi, how can i help with storyboard?21:09
jeblairmikal: here's some background: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/icehouse-summit-storyboard-basic-concepts-and-next21:10
jeblairmikal: (there was a summit session where we discussed it)21:10
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jeblairmikal: and i think there's been some talk on the -dev and -infra lists...21:10
jeblairmikal: i think there hasn't been a big announcement or anything because it's really quite early.  we don't want to say "hey everyone, we want to move to a new bug tracking system" prematurely.21:11
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jeblairmikal: rather the approach has been, "let's see if we can get a critical mass of people working on a proof of concept and see if we can produce something that works"21:13
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jeblairand then go from there21:13
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miquijeblair: thanks jeb....21:14
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miquijeblair:  will ping you back...21:14
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mattoliveraumorning all21:16
anteayamorning mattoliverau21:16
jeblairmattoliverau: good morning21:17
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jeblairrussellb: about gantt, do you think it will be part of an openstack program eventually?21:21
fungiokay, all 9 jenkins masters are now running jenkins 1.551 and zmq plugin 0.0.3 and have been restarted, with a complete nodepool node flush for each while i was at it21:22
jeblairrussellb: i ask because (a) it's really a pain to rename repos, and (b) we have a certain amout of looking-forward in the repo orgs; even before programs, we added incubated projects to openstack/ ...21:22
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zarojeblair: are you satisfied with21:22
jeblairrussellb: so if you thought we'd move gantt back in 9 months, i'd just as soon leave it.  :)21:22
zarojeblair: are you satisfied with https://review.openstack.org/#/c/60348 ?21:23
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jeblairzaro: i gave it a +221:23
SergeyLukjanovjeblair, fungi, clarkb, I'll really appreciate you take a look at savanna jobs changes today if have some time - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74310/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/74470/21:23
zarojeblair: cool.21:23
SergeyLukjanovfungi, awesome!21:24
fungiwell, there were a ton of security fixes in 1.551, so it was fairly necessary21:25
mikaljeblair: I wasn't really saying I was confused. I was saying that lots of people I meet are confused.21:25
fungimikal: we should just buy a jira license, right? ;)21:25
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mikalfungi: heh21:27
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lifelessSergeyLukjanov: replied on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/73863/21:30
jeblairlifeless: hehe, i think SergeyLukjanov may have been pointing out that the actual code says "check tripleo" even though the docs say "check experimental"21:31
jeblairlifeless: so regardless of intent, there is a mismatch21:32
lifelessoh, duh. thanks21:32
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add experimental-tripleo checks for tripleo deps.  https://review.openstack.org/7388621:32
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add -tripleo pipelines.  https://review.openstack.org/7386321:32
lifelessjeblair: there ^21:32
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lifelessfungi: when nodepool fails to start, do you get a backtrace or something ?21:45
fungilifeless: i wasn't trying to start it last time... jeblair what did you witness?21:45
fungii'm guessing this could be tested by configuring a local nodepool installation for a nonexistent provider and seeing what happens21:46
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jeblairlifeless: sorry, i don't have the output handy.  it didn't get past whatever initialization happens, but i don't recall the details21:46
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jeblairlifeless: i was specifically trying to use the cli; so my use of 'nodepool delete' was broken.21:48
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jeblairwhich is also why we don't have logs21:48
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lifelessI will configure up a broken config and try both nodepoold and the cli21:50
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fungilifeless: one place where we've seen it struggle (and not sure whether we managed to catch all possible ways it can happen) is when image rebuilds start and one provider is offline21:51
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fungiso you might want to configure a tight loop around that too and see what nodepoold chokes up21:51
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markmcclainI'm seeing some strange behavior for checks21:52
lifelessjeblair: you were deleting an image on provider A, but B was down, right ?21:52
markmcclain69110 is saying a check is queued21:52
markmcclainbut that check has completed21:52
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jeblairlifeless: s/image/node/ yes21:52
lifelessINFO:requests.packages.urllib3.connectionpool:Starting new HTTPS connection (1): cd-overcloud.tripleo.org21:52
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lifelesssorry, didn't mean to paste that21:52
jeblairlifeless: 'nodepool delete' does a fuul initialization of all providers (which is insane but that's what it does)21:52
anteayathat same test check-tempest-dsvm-neutron was queued previously21:53
anteaya69110 has been in check 4.5 hours and was waiting on that test to get a node and complete and now it is waiting on a node again21:53
fungimarkmcclain: jeblair: i'm similarly seeing some strange looping of jobs. certain jobs complete and then get rerun, like zuul never got the completion status (or didn't recognise it) . i'm digging in the logs to see whether i can tell why21:53
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anteaya73770 has also been waiting on a node for ~ the last hour21:55
lifelessjeblair: so did it break entirely, or just so slow as to be unusuable? (I'm trying to make sure I fix this sufficiently hard to make it good for you)21:55
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fungijeblair: AttributeError: 'str' object has no attribute '_ZuulGearmanClient__gearman_job'21:56
fungijeblair: http://paste.openstack.org/show/67040/\21:56
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BobBallHow can I see what the overall failure rate for full tempest jobs in the gate is?21:57
jeblairlifeless: i can't say for certain.  i believe it eventually timed out, so probably the latter.21:57
fungijeblair: is that part of what's fixed by gear 0.5.1?21:57
jeblairfungi: i don't think so21:58
lifelessjeblair: sorry, I think I was unclear. What I meant was - if the 'fix' still takes 45s to startup when a cloud is down, but does the delete/starts daemon/whatever - would that be ok?21:58
lifelessjeblair: or, does it need to not just achieve the task, but also be fairly snappy about it21:58
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ekarlsodid somebody spill oil at the gates or ? :D21:59
lifelessI've isolated the place it breaks by, which is _getExtensions called from ProviderManager.__init__21:59
anteayaekarlso: what are you seeing?21:59
anteayaekarlso: we are tracking some issues, do you have any datapoints?21:59
ekarlsojust long lines ;)22:00
ekarlsoat least I don't have to manually pick a line number ;)22:00
anteayawell the aforementioned issues, plus we are heading into feature freeze22:00
anteayathe season to queue has begun22:00
anteayaekarlso: there's that22:00
ekarlsoanteaya: FF meaning tons of reviews ? : p22:01
anteayafeature freeze is tons of patches being tested, yes22:01
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jeblairlifeless: i think taking ~ 1 min to start when a provider is down is probably ok for the daemon; the cli needs to be snappier (but that can probably be achieved by avoiding unecessary inits)22:01
anteayasince any code not in by feature freeze doesn't make it into icehouse22:01
anteayaunless as a bug fix22:01
lifelessI think I have a fairly minimal approach, poking at it now22:02
anteayaor an exception22:02
jeblairlifeless: much better would be if the init was async and the daemon could just start using them when they showed up, but that be a future improvement22:02
jeblairs/be/could be/22:02
jeblairfungi: thoughts? ^22:02
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jeblairfungi: (and i'm starting to look into the zuul error)22:03
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fungijeblair: also these look wrong... http://paste.openstack.org/show/67041/22:03
jaypipesHi y'all... I'm getting the following when running a Jenkins job that runs devstack-gate scripts. The problem is that I've set stack user to NOPASSWD sudo rights... but it's still failing. Looking to see if you have some thoughts...22:03
jaypipes22:00:31 Running devstack22:03
jaypipes22:00:31 sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified22:03
jaypipesdtroyer: hoping you might have some ideas for above ^^ :)22:05
fungijeblair: lifeless: yeah, i think that's okay in general. ideally the client could also get smarter and check the database to find out which provider it needs to authenticate to for a delete rather than shotgun-blasting them all up front22:05
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jeblairfungi: so that traceback suggests that what it expects to be a Build object is really a string.  that is confusing.22:06
jeblairfungi: oh, one sec; checking something.22:07
fungijeblair: right. curious whether i can find the details for it in the debug log. hunting there currently22:07
fungias to what's in the string22:07
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fungior is it possible the conversion from raw string to build object missed coverage?22:08
dtroyerjaypipes: I ran into this for the firt time ever recently…looking through notes to recall exactly what it was22:08
lifelesscheckForMissingImages is a problem because it doesn't use threads22:08
fungilifeless: that may be where i saw it blocking on image rebuilds when tripleo was offline22:09
fungilifeless: and nodepool just flat stopped launching any new nodes22:09
sdaguejaypipes: you on rhel?22:09
lifelessyou put a catchall exception in22:09
lifelessbut that actually violates the provider axioms22:09
sdagueor something that looks like rhel?22:09
lifelessso I'm pulling that out22:09
jaypipesdtroyer: yeah... I mean https://github.com/openstack-infra/devstack-gate/blob/master/devstack-vm-gate.sh#L274 makes it seem like stack.sh is just being run by the stack user, so unless stack.sh changes privs or something, I don't understand why sudo would still be problematic.22:09
jaypipessdague: ubuntu precise.22:09
fungilifeless: fine by me--i noted at the time that it was probably not a very clean way to fix it, but i didn't grok the greater context there22:09
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lifeless    def updateImage(self, session, provider, image):22:10
lifeless        provider = self.config.providers[provider.name]22:10
lifeless        image = provider.images[image.name]22:10
lifelessis the issue I believe22:10
jeblairfungi: okay, so actually it's iterating over a dictionary's (string) keys and expecting (Build object) values.  so the puzzle now is how anything ever works.22:10
lifelessfungi: if you could dig back the log and see if the last line there is in the traceback that would be super useful22:10
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fungilifeless: sure thing22:11
sdaguejaypipes: where did you set it to NOPASSWD? because I just did that via /etc/sudoers.d/ earlier today on this vagrant + puppet + devstack install, and it worked fine22:11
jaypipessdague: ubuntu@slave:~$ sudo cat /etc/sudoers.d/jenkins-sudo22:11
jaypipesjenkins ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL22:11
jaypipesstack ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:ALL22:11
jeblairfungi: hypothesis: that has never worked but doesn't affect anything.22:11
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fungijeblair: so perhaps not the cause of the looping jobs we're seeing now?22:12
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dtroyerjaypipes: that is an attempt to force stack.sh into line-buffered mode on stdout/stderr.  I think we're losing log output in some error cases.  anyway, is that where the fail is at?22:12
sdaguejaypipes: ALL=(ALL) ?22:12
sdaguebecause you are actually changing to not root22:12
jeblairfungi: yeah, that shows up previously in the logs22:12
fungijeblair: new theory...22:13
fungijeblair: the "last reconfigured" is from 22 hours ago22:13
jaypipesdtroyer: not sure where the failure is unfortunately. doesn't indicate in the console log.22:13
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fungibut we've merged layout.yaml changes today22:13
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fungijeblair: are there maybe problems reloading the config?22:14
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fungiwondering whether something in the new commits has broken config reloads22:14
jeblairfungi: puppet is still off22:14
lifelessfungi: so yeah, that line should be fine - I'll need to see a traceback of that failure mode if possible22:15
jeblairfungi: i want to get it working correctly with zm02 then bring it back on on 01 and zuul22:15
nibalizerfungi: did you get a chance to fire up that vm yet?22:15
fungijeblair: um, so my change to switch jobs to single-use nodes is maybe an issue then? zuul doesn't know it should change the parameters for them?22:15
funginibalizer: not yet. things went and got all breaky22:16
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nibalizerah okay, stupid things, always breaking22:16
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jeblairyeah, that's going to be a problem.22:17
fungilifeless: http://paste.openstack.org/show/67046/22:18
jeblairfungi: but that shouldn't cause looping jobs22:18
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lifelessfungi: that can't be the cause - there is a except there22:19
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fungilifeless: there wasn't back then22:19
lifelesss/a except/an except:/22:19
lifelessfungi: ah!22:19
lifelessfungi: so,thats been fixed properly then22:19
lifelessbut there may be other cases22:19
geekinutahjeblair, fungi: This is my third "FATAL: hudson.remoting.RequestAbortedException: java.io.IOException: Unexpected termination of the channel"22:19
geekinutahis that what you mean when you say looping jobs?22:20
fungigeekinutah: "this" what this?22:20
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geekinutahI've been watching py27 tests run by on a review and keep getting this error22:20
fungigeekinutah: have a link?22:20
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jeblairfungi: puppet started on z.o.o and zuul reconfigured22:21
jeblair(ssh on zm02 checked out)22:21
geekinutahfungi: unfortunately neglected to collect the 2 before this22:22
fungijeblair: thanks22:22
jeblairgeekinutah: did zuul report that to gerrit, or are you just watching live?22:22
fungigeekinutah: yes, it looks like gate-nova-python27 has been restarted on that change22:22
geekinutahwatching it live22:22
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fungiand it's back to pending again22:23
geekinutahpylint is another that has restarted several times22:23
lifelessfungi: actually that periodicCheck one - I think thats when an image definition is deleted but there were still nodes left.22:23
fungii hadn't seen an abort requested exception on the ones i watched finish22:23
geekinutahI'm watching it again, see if it reports the same thing: https://jenkins04.openstack.org/job/gate-nova-pylint/1222/console22:23
fungiahh, yep, here's one on the heat change at the head of the gate... https://jenkins05.openstack.org/job/gate-heat-python26/119/console22:24
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jeblairfungi: do you think geekinutah is seeing the same problem we're looking into?22:25
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fungijeblair: i believe so22:25
fungisomething is asking for a job abort22:25
jeblair2014-02-18 22:03:48,099 INFO zuul.Gearman: Build <gear.Job 0x7f331ae941d0 handle: H: name: build:gate-nova-python27 unique: 68c845de139a45d498c1b59efd914594> complete, result None22:25
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anteayabesides sitting here, is there anything I can do to help?22:26
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jeblairfungi: so that's what zuul got back from jenkins: it indicated the job was complete but had no result22:26
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jeblairfungi: notes here:22:27
jeblairfungi: https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/VoXr3sXst822:28
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jeblairfungi: ok22:29
jeblairfungi: it's related to the bare node change22:29
jeblairoh wait22:30
jeblairoffline when complete was set...22:30
fungigate-nova-python27 has been on bare nodes for weeks22:30
fungiso the old zuul config would still have been sending that22:30
jeblairfungi: yeah, i'm starting to wonder about the new jenkins version22:31
jeblairfungi: and whether offline on complet is broken22:31
fungii've already started googling likely errors22:31
fungiwe could try to switch to a jenkins "stable" release22:31
jeblairfungi: because basically it looks like that node ran a job, completed it, tried to mark it offline, got an exception, and then started running another job22:32
jeblairfungi: and so then eventually nodepool gets around to deleting it in the middle of a later job, thus the interrupted exception22:32
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fungiwe could switch to their "lts" 1.532.222:33
jeblairfungi: gimme a sec to figure out how bad the problem is and if we can fix in gearman-plugin22:33
fungiwhich is not too terribly old... we only recently upgraded from 1.525 to 1.543 after all22:33
jeblairfungi: that may not be a bad idea, we used to be unable to run lts because it wasn't new enough.  i don't think we care now.22:34
jaypipessdague: that was it. thx man.22:34
sdaguejaypipes: no worries22:34
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jeblairfungi: also, why are there always jenkins security updates near milestones?22:35
fungijeblair: because they're secretly trying to undermine our operation22:35
fungior maybe because we're always near milestones22:35
fungithere's really never a good time for any of this stuff to break any more22:36
jeblairfungi: do you want to install the lts on jenkins-dev?22:36
jeblair(i'll continue to look at gearman-plugin)22:36
fungiyep, was just logging in22:37
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Make nodepool more robust to offline clouds.  https://review.openstack.org/7452122:40
lifelessderekh: ^ this one22:40
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openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Support offline providers on startup  https://review.openstack.org/7452322:43
derekhlifeless: so this is what I  did ^^22:44
lifelessjeblair: ask and ye shall receive. Twice over.22:44
fungijeblair: Jenkins ver. 1.532.2 on jenkins-dev seems to start with our current plugin versions loaded and test-jenkins-api.py runs clean (minus that one cancel build test which has been failing for a while)22:45
lifelessderekh: cool, so - I'll see what approach the infra folk like most and if its yours with tweaks, will do them for them.22:45
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jeblairfungi: i just got the actual traceback for the error; it looks like something about the offline interface has changed22:46
fungijeblair: and given that we've run similar versions from that timeframe, it seems like a safe alternative if you decide whatever's broken with the plugin isn't going to be easy to fix22:46
derekhlifeless: ok, sounds good, got a little side tracked adding support for the fedora clound image22:46
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fungijeblair: oh! well that would make sense22:46
fungias an explanation for what we've seen22:47
jeblairfungi: i'm leaning toward downgrading jenkins not only because i think it is expedient but i think switching to lts is something we should do anyway22:47
jeblairclarkb, mordred, SergeyLukjanov: ^ thoughts?22:47
fungii'll get spinning on it in that case22:47
fungiif there's concord22:47
mordredjeblair: I agree - downgrading jenkins to LTS22:47
fungitheir lts these days isn't that far behind mainline22:47
jeblairfungi: yeah, lets get started on it.22:47
fungiunlike, say, a year ago22:47
fungiokay, i'll roll through a couple at a time overlapping22:48
fungiunless i should just do them all in parallel22:48
anteayaI like a couple at a time22:48
anteayajsut in case22:48
jeblairfungi: overlap; the system is still moderately functional22:48
lifelessjeblair: so, we're now waiting on review I think :)22:48
jeblairlifeless: after firefighting22:49
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lifelessjeblair: I say that not to pressure you, but because I figure you want the change in early to avoid the FF period22:49
lifelessjeblair: ack, will get out of your way now :)22:49
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completely-despeHi everyone22:49
anteayahow can we help completely-despe22:49
completely-despei've been going up and own all over the place22:50
completely-despeand here's the story, I've setup some parts of the openstack-infra for using gerrit/zuul/jenkins you know to run the unit testing from openstack projects22:50
jeblairfungi: maybe do half at once?22:50
fungijeblair: will do22:51
fungithat's a good, quick compromise22:51
completely-despebut I'm having a really hard time on how to setup the unit testing, I mean which commands do I need to execute for projects in neutron, swift, glance and heat22:51
fungieek, and we have the staff call in <10 minutes22:51
anteayacompletely-despe: are you trying to comply with third party testing requirements for neutron?22:52
completely-despeI went to the docs and followed everything I could find but for instance, glance breaks on setting up the unit testing because pysendfile can't be downloaded, then another example is that neutron breaks at Running `tools/with_venv.sh python -m neutron.openstack.common.lockutils python setup.py testr --slowest --testr-args='--subunit  '`22:52
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completely-despeso i was wondering if you guys have a document where it states how to setup the unit testing for the projects other than ./run_tests.sh -P -V22:53
anteayacompletely-despe: let me try to understand why you are doing the set up of parts of openstack-infra?22:53
completely-despethe openstack infra is setup, but the contents of the jobs in jenkins for running the tests is what I was wondering if you share them also22:54
fungijust noticed we have an older gearman plugin on jenkins.o.o but i'll deal with that later22:54
jeblairfungi: i think next step is to update the api test to exercise gearman; then update gearman-plugin for the change which will presumably be making it to lts eventually22:55
anteayacompletely-despe: everything is opensourced22:55
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fungijeblair: agreed22:56
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anteayacompletely-despe: here is the config for the jobs we run in the gate: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/devstack-gate.yaml22:57
anteayacompletely-despe: we use jenkins job builder to build the jobs: http://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder/22:58
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anteayacompletely-despe: I'm still lacking context for why you are setting up an infra22:59
anteayayou don't have to tell me but it might help me find more relevant information for you22:59
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completely-despeI can tell you no worries23:01
completely-despeso the deal is that at ebay we're contributing code back from some modifications that we've done to some of the projects23:01
rainyai am unable to sign into review.openstack.org and was wondering if anyone else had  noticed problems?23:01
scottsanchezrainya: me too!23:02
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completely-despeso we saw the openstack-ci and we setup it up also to help us out during the ci workflow23:02
rainyaannegentle is already signed in and it's working fine for her23:02
rainyajust can't sign into the thing23:02
fungiokay, i've downloaded the latest jenkins lts to all masters, upgraded jenkins.o.o already, odd numbered masters are in shutdown quiescing now23:03
jaypipescompletely-despe, anteaya: that's for devstack runs, not unit tests... for unit tests, here is the config definition: https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/python-jobs.yaml#n75 and https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/openstack_project/files/jenkins_job_builder/config/macros.yaml#n149, which runs https://git23:03
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Catch key problems in ssh_connect  https://review.openstack.org/7452823:03
openstackgerritDerek Higgins proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add fedora support  https://review.openstack.org/7452923:03
anteayajaypipes: yay, I was hoping you would jump in23:03
sdagueso.... gerrit login busted?23:03
completely-despebut few things is that we're running on RHEL instead of ubuntu, and we wanted to execute the unit tests of each openstack project through it23:03
anteayasdague: what are you seeing?23:03
mordredcompletely-despe: we actually don't use run_tests.sh at all for anything in CI - you may want to read https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/ProjectTestingInterface23:03
sdagueloggout, then try to log back in23:03
sdagueand it just hangs23:04
mordredcompletely-despe: also, the run-unittests.sh script that jay posted23:04
scottsanchezsign in button does nothing... just hangs23:04
jaypipescompletely-despe: you might find this article useful (it covers the unit test jobs): https://git.openstack.org/cgit/openstack-infra/config/tree/modules/jenkins/files/slave_scripts/run-unittests.sh23:04
anteayathere is jenkins and gearman plugin work happening23:04
sdaguewhich probably means launchpad gone completely bonkers23:04
anteayasdague: oh the timing23:04
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mordredsdague: oh wow23:04
sdagueso maybe don't logout if you want to still be able to use gerrit23:04
sdagueyeh, kenichi just woke up and got on in .jp, and no one there could get in23:04
jeblairyeah, i'll try with another browser23:04
anteayasdague: thanks for the heads up, I will ask in #launchpad23:04
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mordredsdague: yeah. and like an idiot, I just followed your instructions to see if I could reproduce23:05
mordredI can23:05
jeblairmordred: haha23:05
anteayaha ha ha23:05
anteayafind a cliff23:05
* mordred hangs head in shame23:05
openstackgerritChad Lung proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Adding Barbican support for DevStack  https://review.openstack.org/7453023:05
anteayamordred: can you ssh?23:05
mordredanteaya: yes23:05
completely-despethanks a lot jaypipes i'll look into it right away23:05
mordredanteaya: I mean, I'm not dead in the water or anything - but DOH23:05
anteayaso perhaps it is as sdague says something with lauchpad23:05
sdagueno, this is gerrit23:06
completely-despethanks everyone i got another starting point I'll look into all the links23:06
completely-despethanks a lot for the help i really appreciate it23:06
sdagueopenid login via launchpad works on wiki23:06
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sdaguedid gerrit go extra bonkers?23:07
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anteayaI'm asking in #launchpad23:07
jeblairreview-dev seems to work23:08
sdagueanteaya: well the fact that login is fine in the openstack wiki, would seem to indicate lp was fine23:08
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anteayayes, I just added that bit to my question23:08
anteayaso far no response, perhaps people are checking23:08
jeblairanteaya: let's not bother them until we think it's really a lp problem23:09
anteayaah too late23:09
anteayahow do I back out gracefully23:09
anteayaI asked how we assess if it is a lp issue23:09
anteayanot that I said I thought it was23:09
jeblairsshing into review.o.o is very slow23:10
* anteaya looks at cacti23:10
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jeblairi'm suspecting a dns problem; it would affect both things23:11
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jeblair[2014-02-18 23:11:20,812] ERROR com.google.gerrit.httpd.auth.openid.OpenIdServiceImpl : Cannot discover OpenID https://login.launchp23:12
jeblairorg.openid4java.discovery.yadis.YadisException: 0x704: I/O transport error: login.launchpad.net23:12
jeblairCaused by: java.net.UnknownHostException: login.launchpad.net23:12
fungii can't look that up with review's default resolvers23:13
fungi;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached23:13
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jeblairfungi: some thing works from review-dev23:13
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fungi72.3.128.240 and
jeblairfungi: yep, and instantly23:14
jeblairpvo: if you're still around, i think we may have a more serious manifestation of rax dns issues23:15
fungimaybe massive dns packet loss on the same compute node23:15
fungiudp loss23:15
jeblairi will open a ticket23:15
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anteayawe just had two running jobs move back to queued on 72297 in the gate, I had their console logs open in tabs23:20
anteayado you want them in the etherpad?23:20
jeblairanteaya: nah, i think we're done diagnosing this until jenkins is downgraded23:21
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jeblairfungi: so, um, shall we configure
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jeblairi filed a ticket and pinged them in chat23:24
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fungijeblair: heh, yeah i seem to be able to get responses from other nameservers than theirs23:25
fungion review.o.o23:25
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fungii guess we can just do that, puppet doesn't manage resolv.conf23:26
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funginot so sure about (or google in general)23:26
fungibut we should see if another rackspace resolved is working there23:27
fungijeblair: for example is one in iad23:28
fungiworks fine23:28
jeblairfungi: ha, switch regions.  good idea.  :)23:28
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mikalIs there some way I can help with this Rax DNS problem?23:28
fungi69.20.0.164 is the other one in iad23:28
fungimikal: if you have a really, really long cricket bat maybe23:28
mikalWhich region is borkroken?23:28
mikal(heh, best typo ever)23:29
jeblairmikal: i'm chatting with a first level tech and filed a ticket23:29
fungimikal: one of our hosts in dfw can't get responses from either resolver in dfw23:29
mikalOk, cool23:29
mikalOnly one host though?23:29
fungimikal: but we have other hosts in dfw which can23:29
fungimikal: and the problem host can get responses from rax resolvers in other regions just fine23:29
mikalSounds like network voodoo to me23:30
mikalWell, let me know if there's anything I can do23:30
fungimight be anycast issues23:30
fungiif they're using anycast23:30
fungibecause i'm not seeing signs of other packet loss, just no response from those resolvers23:31
jeblairreplacing resolv.conf with hosts from iad23:31
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fungisounds goos23:32
jeblairsdague, mordred: should be, um, 'resolved' now.23:32
anteayarainya: ^23:32
rainyaanteaya, thanks will check23:32
jeblair#status notice Gerrit login issues should be resolved.23:33
openstackstatusNOTICE: Gerrit login issues should be resolved.23:33
rainyaanteaya, jeblair: all better23:33
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anteayanice work jeblair fungi and rax 1st level tech guy23:33
rainyawe were doing a "so you want to be an openstack contributor" tech talk this afternoon when we discovered it; i'll let the attendees know you guys rocked it23:34
fungianteaya: i don't think anyone at rax has likely picked up the ticket yet23:34
fungijust a workaround in place for now23:34
anteayadoes that affect the looping issue23:34
fungianteaya: completely separate23:34
fungiother than the karmic aspects i suppose23:34
anteayathought i would be generous with the blanket thanks23:35
rainyafungi, was the launchpad issue related to the dns questions you were pinging pvo about?23:35
fungirainya: yeah, seems to have nothing to do with launchpad per se23:35
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fungirainya: just that our gerrit server was trying to resolve an address record for launchpad and was getting no response from the dns resolvers in its region (dfw)23:35
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anteayarainya: I jumped the gun23:36
rainyaanteaya, you did?23:36
anteayafungi: maybe we are getting our perfect storm of syncronous failures over with early?23:36
anteayashe said hopefully but not believing it23:36
anteayathinking it might be launchpad and asking them about it23:36
ken2ohmichithanks for solving, I can login it now!23:37
anteayaken2ohmichi: thanks for letting us know23:37
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fungianteaya: it's only the tip of the iceberg, i'm sure23:39
anteayamore fun to come23:39
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fungijenkins01 down^Hupgraded23:43
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jog0dumb question: how can I make tox use a custom indexserver?23:45
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mordredjog0: there's an option ... one sec23:47
mordredjog0: permanently? or for an invocation?23:48
jog0mordred: permanently23:48
jog0so I don't have to do 'tox -i' everytime23:48
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mordredjog0: hrm. I _think_ it will honor thigns you put into pip.conf23:49
jog0can I have a global pip.conf in my root dir?23:49
mordredyou can have one in ~/.pip/pip.conf23:50
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jog0I tried that23:51
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jeblairBobBall: have you tried the latest novaclient with nodepool?23:53
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anteayafungi: so far jobs that are looping will only stop looping if they are on jenkins_01?23:56
fungianteaya: well, jenkins01 hasn't started getting any nodepool nodes built for it yet, which is worrying me now as well23:56
jeblairfungi, clarkb: hpcloud az1 has 48038 keys23:57
fungijeblair: that sounds like rather more than we need23:58
jeblairfungi: one of the defects i've noticed with nodepool is that when it is very busy, its main loop is slowed by the backlog of jenkins requests.23:58
jeblairfungi: right now, it seems like the main loop is in a 40-minute interval23:58
fungigot it23:58
fungiless worried in that case23:58
jeblairfungi: should hit any minute now23:58
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jeblairfungi: but also, there are a lot of ready nodes which are probably not ready, likely related to your jenkins work.  that's going to make it think it needs to start fewer nodes23:59

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