Thursday, 2013-12-19

openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: zuul status: Collapse changes by default
marunsdague: the tests themselves will need to manage service instantiation through fixtures00:00
russellbfungi: jeblair we talked about that earlier this morning ^^^00:00
russellboh, and sdague ...00:00
russellbbut i don't actually know javascript, so *shrug*  :-)00:00
russellbworks on my box, heh00:00
clarkbI first step of your test can be an unstack00:00
sdaguerussellb: heh00:00
marunclarkb: gotcha00:01
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP: test timout #2
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: so we know that with 8 logstash workers running without crm114 we can keep up, so i just changed 09-16 to use crm114.  that gives us 16 workers without crm114 and 16 with; it should start to drive the load up a bit but we're still at >2x what we need to keep up.00:08
clarkbjeblair: ok00:08
clarkbjeblair: the cacti graphs for 09-16 seem incomplete00:09
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jeblairclarkb: they were probably created before the hosts existed so they have bad query data; i'll re-run the queries00:09
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clarkbjeblair: for error_pr can you give a tl;dr on what the values should be and what they mean?00:12
clarkblooks like they are not in the range 0.0 to 1.000:12
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jeblairclarkb: actually they should be -320 320, but i don't expect we're there yet00:13
clarkbI see. once training has been done +320 indicates badness -320 goodness?00:13
clarkbI plan on reading lots of docs this weekend to catch up00:13
jeblairclarkb: i'm looking for linkable docs00:14
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clarkbbtw doing a lucene search for a range looks like error_pr:[0.0 TO 200.0]00:14
jeblairclarkb: cool00:15
jeblairclarkb: quick explanation:
jeblairclarkb: there's a longer one in the crm114 book00:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Replace DEVSTACK_GATE_ZEROMQ for DEVSTACK_GATE_MQ_DRIVER in jjb
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add git2lp mapping for stevedore
jeblairclarkb: but what i saw in my test was that -1..1 was basically as good as unsure; 1.0<abs(x)<10.0 started to have some correlation; 10.0<abs(x) really meant something00:17
jeblairclarkb: it got up to 37 with my 20 test corpus.00:17
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jeblairclarkb: so i suspect our queries will eventually be looking error_pr:[-1000.0 TO -10.0]; and if we're lucky error_pr:[-1000.0 TO -100.0]00:18
clarkbyup. for those following along pR = log10(PSuccess/PFail) so large negative means really high correlation to fail00:19
jeblairclarkb: sort of -- remember their success/fail are referring to bayesian matches; so it's really the log10 probability that it matches the winning class; that value always start positive (because it's the winning class) but i negate it if the winning class is a jenkins failure as opposed to a jenkins success.00:21
jeblairclarkb: so pretty much, but mostly by coincidence.  :)00:22
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jeblairoh yeah, these nodes don't have swap.  we'll want to do something about that before we start using them for more servers00:28
clarkbjeblair: ya, I think the logstash workers should be fine (they don't use a ton of memory)00:29
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: cacti: re-run data queries each time we try to add graphs
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add git2lp mapping for all Murano projects
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Run rtfd hook for stevedore on each merge
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Don't run requirements integration for Grizzly
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clarkbjeblair: would be a good one to get eyes on00:33
clarkbto help with the debugging of failures00:33
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1261433
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1261433 in heat "heat-tempest-xx already has an action (DELETE) in progress" [High,Triaged]
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jog0russellb: can you add a filename to that query00:41
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russellbjog0: sure, i'm a query noob00:42
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jog0russellb: np, i'll help you with this one00:44
russellblet me take another stab00:44
russellbrevised logstash query ...
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1261433
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1261433 in heat "heat-tempest-xx already has an action (DELETE) in progress" [High,Triaged]
fungimmm, missing swap... should we just mkswap some sparse files on / and point fstab at them?00:46
fungior do we want to partition the ephemeral disk?00:47
fungi(or use lvm, which is also a perfectly fine way to add a swap device)00:47
jog0russellb: so the other trick is to find a query that has no false positives00:47
jog0clicking build status on logstash.o.o shows you how good your query is00:48
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use Fedora 20 for DEVSTACK_GATE_TEMPEST_HEAT_SLOW
russellbjog0: ah cool00:48
russellbneeds more work then :)00:48
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jog0russellb: yup00:49
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russellbjog0: so, how long ago did the switch get flipped on checking for new errors in logs00:50
russellbbecause that's what is failing jobs here00:50
jog0russellb: ahhh that makes sense00:50
jog0a few weeks ago00:50
jog0so then false positives are OK00:50
russellbwell my query was just the last few days and i saw false positives00:50
russellbwill play some more00:51
jog0dkranz sent an email out about when that started00:51
fungium, afaik it was late last week that we actually started failing tests on presence of error messages in the output00:51
jog0russellb: hmm maybe this one is white listed00:51
fungi(back to my "week feels like a year" comment earlier)00:51
russellbjog0: or maybe not enforced on all jobs?00:52
fungii could be totally wrong on that. i probably just have a very lousy sense of time due to the whole never sleeping thing00:52
jog0sdague would know better then me00:52
russellbthe two SUCCESS cases i've found are both check, neutronclient, check-tempest-dsvm-neutron-pg-isolated00:52
russellbor the same job but neutron00:53
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jog0ohh neutron00:53
lifelessI will /lastlog lifeless00:53
lifelessjog0: btw - 20:14 < lifeless> btw might be the slowdown culprit? 19600:53
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1262075 in nova "tempest.api.compute.servers.test_server_rescue.ServerRescueTestXML.test_rescue_unrescue_instance[gate,smoke] failed on postgresql only" [Undecided,New]00:53
lifeless                  seconds to rescue a server..00:53
lifelessfrom last night00:53
fungidkranz said neutron wasn't being enforced for now because it was virtually impossible to keep up with, right?00:54
jog0fungi: I thought that was only for neutron stacktraces not all00:54
russellbsdague: heh, you gave that query a -1 without a comment00:54
sdagueI did?00:55
fungiahh, maybe. so much firehose00:55
russellbsdague: may be left as a draft comment on rev1?00:55
fungirussellb: that's so he can game your review stats00:55
sdagueoh, it was draft on v100:55
jog0russellb: that query looks good to me00:55
russellbfungi: damn those stats00:55
sdagueit was the and thing00:55
jeblairfungi: i think we should do something with the ephemeral disk; not sure what yet (because we might want to mount part of it somewhere for some servers); needs thinking00:55
russellbsdague: cool :)00:55
sdagueI just saved it through00:56
jog0russellb: although I would prefer to use h-api instead of console.html00:56
jog0lifeless: thanks looking00:56
russellbjog0: it's h-api in the commit00:56
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* jog0 double checks latest patch00:56
sdaguejog0: yeh, it's right in the last patch00:57
jog0russellb: +A00:57
clarkbfungi: correct, neutron is too noisy00:57
sdaguerussellb: so probably should get someone on heat to bump this to critical00:58
jog0SpamapS: ^00:58
sdagueif it's causing that many resets00:58
russellback, on it00:58
fungialso, i'm switching to low-bandwidth early tonight on orders from my housemate, so not a lot of reviewing for the remainder of the evening00:58
sdaguethanks... and ... really leaving my computer now for the night00:58
clarkbfungi: gnite00:59
jog0 isn't a open group00:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1261433
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1261433 in heat "heat-tempest-xx already has an action (DELETE) in progress" [High,Triaged]
jog0lifeless: back to your bug00:59
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clarkbjeblair: swap appears to be working. do we care about the alignment warning01:05
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jeblairclarkb: not really01:05
clarkbjeblair: I am approving then01:06
clarkboh wait I suppose I should check hpcloud nodes still work too01:06
clarkbyup approving01:06
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clarkberror_pr:[-1000.0 TO -10.0] has results over the last hour now. some of them are lolzy others maybe not so much01:09
clarkbbut we probably need a lot more time training01:09
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jeblairyeah, let's not evaluate it too early.  :)01:13
jeblairalso, having a lot of workers means we have a lot of separate datasets to train, so even once all the nodes are running it, depending on how many we keep, it may take a while.01:14
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix the yaml-alphabetized job
clarkboh right, they have independent css files01:14
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clarkbjeblair: is WIP because we didn't need it at the time but may be an alternative if we need higher throughput for e-r01:19
clarkbjeblair: once we have swap for d-g nodes on rax performance we should update nodepool to use all performance nodes and allow those nodes to run gate tests too01:22
clarkbjeblair: I am very excited about doing that :)01:22
jeblairclarkb: i think nodepool is doing all performance; at least for devstack nodes; maybe not bare nodes01:23
clarkbjeblair: I think some of the iad nodes are not performance (I saw a job timeout there earlier today)01:23
clarkbhmm nevermind it is01:24
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clarkbcould've been the test at fault too01:24
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clarkbjeblair: is ready now01:30
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lifelessclarkb: hey01:34
lifelessclarkb: remember our back of envelope figures in
lifelessclarkb: we didn't have numbers for checks.01:34
lifelessclarkb: I've got vendors now sizing racks for us... would be the AWESOME if we could put some numbers on that01:35
lifeless'We don't have good figures on what checks require - how many concurrent tempest runs are happening at the moment?We don't have good figures on what checks require - how many concurrent tempest runs are happening at the moment?'01:35
clarkblifeless: graphite is still probably the best place for that info. the graphite link in the etherpad would need updating to use the newer job name01:36
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lifelessclarkb: any chance I can look pitiful and needy and have it magically update through the wonders of parallel editing?01:36
clarkblifeless: possibly :)01:36
* lifeless looks pitiful and needy01:37
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clarkblifeless: there you go01:40
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clarkblifeless: check appears to peak at ~30 tests per hour or ~100 tests per hour of the big 301:41
lifelessclarkb: awesome, thank you!01:41
lifelessthey are 30m runs right?01:41
clarkblifeless: closer to 40something now01:41
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lifelessso (40m + baremetal overheads) * 100 compute minutes/hour01:42
clarkbwe have that data hidden in graphite somewhere too, but I am less knowledgeable on where to find it01:42
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use the ephemeral disk on rackspace performance nodes
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lifelessclarkb: by big three you mean nova/neutron/somethingelse?02:04
clarkblifeless: nova-network + mysql, nova-network + postgres, neutron + mysql02:05
lifelessoh right02:05
lifelessso the 30 is the incoming patch rate across the integrated gate?02:05
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openstackgerritBill Maxwell proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Implements: Archive publisher allow-empty setting.
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openstackgerritBill Maxwell proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Implements: Archive publisher allow-empty setting.
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zhiweihi, we have a task to rename a stackforge project, anyone can tell me how to?07:19
zhiweithere is not desc about renaming projects:
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clarkbzhiwei it requires a gerrit downtime07:23
zhiweiis there any document about this?07:23
clarkbzhiwei: in the past we have asked folks put it on the infra meeting agenda and we go over it there07:23
zhiweiok, got it.07:25
clarkbI don't think we have a specific doc since it is so involved. it isn't something you can just do07:25
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clarkbzhiwei: but it doesnt look like we will have that meeting the next 2 weeks due to holidays. can you send mail to the infra list about it?07:28
zhiweiclarkb: ok, thanks.07:28
zhiweithe project is a Chef cookbook, we need to change cookbook-opentack-metering to cookbook-openstack-telemetry.07:29
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maruni think 3rd party testing is great, but the curent gerrit integration solution (spew into the comments) just doesn't scale.08:23
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Introducing basic REST API
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sergmelikyanCan someone take a look at ? :)13:53
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1262613
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1262613 in tempest "tempest.scenario.test_cross_tenant_connectivity.TestNetworkCrossTenant.test_cross_tenant_traffic[compute,gate,network,smoke] failed" [Undecided,New]
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hughsaundershey infra, I pushed a new patchset to an existing review by mistake. I want to push the previous patch set back, but I get a git error "no changes made" how can I avoid this and revert to the previous patchset?14:45
fungihughsaunders: you can use 'git review -d changenum,patchsetnum' to download a specific patchset, and then 'git review' to propose it back to that change14:47
fungiso something like 'git review -d 12345,6 && git review' should do it14:47
fungiassuming you want to switch back to patchset #6 of change 1234514:48
hughsaundersthanks fungi, will try that14:48
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fungiflaper87: did you finish investigating your unit test issue on that temporary vm? if so i'll go ahead and discard it14:50
flaper87fungi: yup, I pingged you yda, I guess you missed that message14:50
flaper87fungi: thank you very much!14:50
fungiflaper87: oops! i probably did. was busy yesterday--you're welcome of course!14:51
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hughsaundersfungi: I can't review the previous patchset directly after fetching it as there have been commits since, so I have to rebase first. After rebasing, I tried a review and get the same errors "remote rejected"  "no changes made".14:54
openstackgerritSahid Orentino Ferdjaoui proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Tox fails to build environment because of MySQL-Python
fungihughsaunders: what's the change and patchset? i'll try and see if i can tell what's going on14:55
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hughsaunderstrying to revert to patchset 514:55
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fungidoesn't seem to have really needed a rebase on master--i didn't get any merge conflicts14:58
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funginormally you shouldn't rebase changes in code review unless they're in conflict (or unless you want to stack them on top of another open review) since it creates unnecessary deltas for reviewers to have to wade through14:58
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fungihughsaunders: though i just downloaded patchset 5, rebased it on master, then downloaded patchset 6 and diffed the two working branches... they're identical15:01
fungiso that's why gerrit's telling you there are no changes15:02
hughsaundersso why was patchset 6 accepted with no changes?15:02
fungipatchset 6 was patchset 5 rebased on master15:02
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fungimaster hasn't changed since then, so rebasing patchset 5 on master again will get you a change which is identical to patchset 615:03
openstackgerritAnita Kuno proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Turn on devstack exercises for neutron (non-voting)
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hughsaundersIn that case, I have no need to revert15:04
fungibased on your comments in that review, i'm guessing maybe you had other alterations you meant to submit for review but never committed them?15:04
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hughsaundersthe original patch contained more changes, I have been splitting the patch set into two, I now need to submit the second half as a dependant review.15:05
fungiahh, yeah looks like earlier patchsets were indeed larger15:06
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fungiso you do that by making your new changes on top of the current working branch, but then do a 'git commit -a' instead of 'git commit -a --amend' and you should end up with a new change dependent on the existing one that way15:07
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fungiwhen you 'git review' that, you'll see the dependency between those changes tracked in the "dependencies" list in the gerrit webui15:08
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hughsaunderssuccess: thanks for your assistance fungi15:12
fungihughsaunders: no problem. always happy to help!15:12
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Introducing basic REST API
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jd__mordred: ping15:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Rename the subscriber map to be a more generic config file.
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mordredjd__: sup?16:02
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jd__mordred: I wanna know what's your plan for Python 3 in requirements/pbr/whatever because my patch has been blocked for too long for that :)16:02
mordredjd__: ah! piddle. you are asking sensible questions16:02
jd__that sounds like me16:03
* jd__ ties mordred 16:03
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mordredjd__: looking for the link with the example ...16:05
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mordredjd__: ok - so the basis is this:
mordredjd__: and what I want to do is add support into the requires-dist field of setup.cfg16:12
jd__ah, PEP 426, I see where that is going :)16:12
mordredfor doing something like "foo; python_version >= '3.3'"16:13
mordredso, for things that have python version things, we'd put them in setup.cfg instead - however, this is problematic for about 12 reasons, so I might be wrong about it16:14
jd__yeah I'm trying to get my head around that16:15
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jd__I'm going to hit haypo with that16:17
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mordredjd__: it's also quite possibly just a TERRIBLE idea - but if we can get it right, it seems nice and flexible16:19
jd__especially if we envision a Windows port16:20
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jd__mordred: seriously, you think you'll have time to work on that anytime soon or should I bring my workforce on that?16:23
jd__by work on that, that could even be "look if it's a good idea"16:23
mordredhrm. if you have a workforce to whom that makes sense, that would be handy!16:23
jd__I do have16:23
* jd__ tries to invocate it16:24
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jd__<haypo> jd_:
jd__that looks nice16:24
jd__haypo, mordred, mordred, haypo16:24
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haypomordred: hi ;)16:25
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jd__mordred: haypo's a Python code dev and he's helping with Python 3 port16:25
haypomordred, jd__ : the purpose of distlib is to avoid duplicated and incompatible libraries for distribution, we should reuse it16:25
jd__mordred: so that's a good workforce to use16:25
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mordredhaypo: distlib is abandoned16:25
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mordredhaypo: if it's not, then I agree16:26
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haypomordred: oh? distutils2/packaging was abandoned but the best code was copied to a new clean module, distlib16:26
mordredah - neat16:26
jd__I think it failed to be in Python 3.4 but not sure it's abandoned16:27
jd__somehting like that16:27
haypodistlib is supposed to be the new base for pip and the "new distutils" (distutils3? i don't know)16:27
* jd__ lols at distutils316:27
mordredhrm. we'd have to extern it16:27
mordredbecause adding depends to pbr is a no-go16:27
mordredsince that gets processed by easy_install which deos not work :)16:28
haypomordred: i'm trying to stay avoid from packaging, so i may not have the latest news16:28
mordredhaypo: tell me about it16:28
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mordredoh - this is on the other side - it's for interacting with distributions (I remember now more things about the split)16:30
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haypomordred: oh, pip already uses distlib, and it has a copy in pip._vendor.distlib,
mordredugh. everytime I dig more into the state of this I want to die16:32
haypomordred: serisouly, it's moving forward, and fast. there is now an up to date guide:
* jd__ holds a spoon out to mordred 16:33
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haypomordred: a module to install pip will be part of Python 3.4 (ensurepip), the new standard to bundle sources if the new "wheel" format (faster, and safer: don't execute code to install package), distlib is the new core library to build tools16:33
haypois* the new16:34
mordredthere is a bootstrapping problem that none of that solves16:34
haypomordred: which bootstrap issue?16:34
mordredhaypo: people, like us, who won't be on 3.4 for a good 8 years16:34
mordredhaypo: so the decision to not backport ensurepip to old pythons is a bit of a killer16:35
haypomordred: the problem will be solved in 3.4. if you cannot upgrade, yes, it's tricky to install pip16:35
mordredyeah. we cannot upgrade for a LONG TIME16:35
haypomordred: i just proposed to reuse distlib to not write a new implementation of markers, i don't want to change anything else :)16:36
fungiparticularly problematic to not have it backported to 2.7, since "enterprise" linux distros like rhel will be a long time before they default to py3k16:36
mordredwhich is why I get frustrated at the attempts to solve this in the standard lib16:36
mordredhaypo: :)16:36
mordredhaypo: I certainly don't want to write a new implementation of markers :)16:36
haypofungi: RHEL provides Python 3.3. did you read my article i published this morning?
mordredhaypo: but I will need to write something customer probably to be able to pull them out of setup.cfg that we use and pass them to distlib16:36
haypofungi: i'm porting OpenStack stuff to python 3 ;)16:37
fungihaypo: excellent--we have lots of people porting openstack to python 3, so i'm sure your efforts will be most welcome16:37
mordredI welcome these efforts16:37
haypomordred: sorry, but i'm lost. i joined at the middle of the discussion. which program uses requirements.txt? pip?16:38
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haypomordred: pip does not already support markers by the way?16:38
mordredhaypo: yes. which is why it's problematic16:38
mordredbecause they do not (and will not) support putting markers into requirements.txt16:38
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mordredso if we want to use them, we'll need to get clever16:38
mordredwhich makes me sad16:38
haypomordred: oh? i'm surprised that pip doesn't support markers right now16:39
mordredme too!16:39
mordredif it did, that would make this entire conversatoin go away actually :)16:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make savanna-ml able to create branches
fungihaypo: as for rhel providing py3k (still not "defaulting to it" but at least it's a start), you should join the effort to convince them to do it in a way so that it's not pay-only. right now their py3k support efforts can not be imported to free distros like centos as a result16:40
haypomordred: where do you read that pip doesn't want to implement markers?16:40
haypomordred: the work (supporting markers) should be done upstream (pip), not in openstack16:40
mordredhaypo: dstufft said so in here when I asked him if I could write a patch to add support16:40
mordredhaypo: ++16:40
mordredhaypo: I only ever want to do things here when upstream tells me to go away16:41
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mordred(not that dstufft ever tells me to go away, he's quite awesome)16:41
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haypofungi: i don't know the details for RedHat, but the idea is that most Linux distro are moving to Python 316:42
haypofungi: so if you want to invest on the future, you must be prepared for Python 316:42
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reedfungi, who's in gerrit group openstackid-core?16:42
mordredhaypo: absolutely16:42
fungihaypo: yes, this is not news to me (i'm a huge proponent of that effort)16:42
haypofungi: but yeah, today, it's still a pain to use Python 3 on some Linux distro (especially RedHat)16:42
mordredhaypo: we want to be prepared for it - but we also have a requirement to still support back to 2.6 (which is crazypants)16:43
haypofungi: "RedHat Software Collections" is not free?16:43
fungireed: smarcet is the only current direct member of that group, but i have the group set to include the infra core group too so that we can help out if need be16:43
fungihaypo: nope16:43
haypofungi: i suppose that if you choose RedHat, you are ready to pay RedHat for python3 support16:43
reedfungi, thanks16:43
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jeblairSergeyLukjanov, mordred: low priority; but if one of you have a moment to look at my question in I would appreciate it.16:45
fungihaypo: right, though it does leave the rhel clone distros like centos and scientific-linux (or whatever it's called) out in the cold as far as having to reimplement python 3 support independently of red hat's work16:45
haypojd__: (i don't know if someone is working on a "distutils3", i'm probably wrong. "distutils3" is in fact pip)16:45
mordredjeblair: I will look now16:45
mordredjeblair: I agree with you16:46
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jd__haypo: yeah it just the name that would make me laugh16:46
mordredjeblair: in fact, I have responded now16:46
jeblairmordred: cool, thx16:47
haypomordred, jd__ : oh, PEP 426 is still a draft :-/16:47
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haypomordred: you don't like jd__ proposition to have a different requirements.txt file per Python version (2 and 3)?16:47
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Finish the projects.yaml.erb rename
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Unlaunchpadify projects.yaml
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Track direct-release projects in projects.yaml
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Split config from projects list
mordredhaypo: well, I kinda don't because although it's easy enough to do, it doesn't really solve the problem generally - it just makes a 3.x split16:48
mordredwe currently have a list of packages that we actually strip out of things for 2.6/2.7 issues16:48
mordredand I'd love to just be able to express the actual needs16:49
mordredBUT - I could also just suck it up and admit that perfect is sometimes the enemy of good16:49
mgagnewhat was the sphinx ext someone found to generate graphs?16:49
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jd__mordred: well I think that at least good does not prevent us to do more good/perfect later16:51
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mordredjd__: yah. I think you're right. however, we should probably add support for consuming those files to pbr16:52
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jd__mordred: I can do that16:52
mordredperhaps have it look for requirements-py$majorversion.txt and process it too if it's there16:53
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haypojd__: i sent an email to PEP 426 authors to get a status of markers and pip17:00
jd__haypo: cool17:01
jd__I'll take a look at patching pbr for having a good enough solution the time being17:01
hayponick is reactive, he's the one who wrote and implemented ensurepip17:01
haypothanks to ensurepip many bugs were fixed recently (validate correctly SSL certificates, support python with threading support disabled, etc.)17:02
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mordredyeah - nick is great - and ensurepip is a great idea17:02
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jeblairsdague: aren't we trying to stop running devstack exercises? (because tempest should ideally cover everything?)17:05
fungijeblair: sdague: what's the suggestion for shoring up grenade to no longer rely on exercises to vet the base (old) devstack install? if this is about the devstack-neutron job addition, it's a temporary thing to get neutron able to be grenaded again17:07
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haypook, i have to leave. i will come back if i get some news ;) even if we don't have a solution, the discussion moved forward ;)17:07
* mordred supports grenading neutron17:07
mordredhaypo: awesome. thanks!17:07
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jeblairfungi: that is what prompted it; i'm talking about in the context of tempest tests, not grenade17:08
sdaguejeblair: we still need small sanity checks in grenade17:08
fungi(right now neutron grenade is busted and non-voting in part because devstack exercises for neutron instabroke as soon as they were removed from the tempest jobs)17:08
sdaguejeblair: right, but how do you get the exercises working?17:08
jeblairsdague: fill me in here -- i'm not trying to argue a point, i just want to know where we are...17:08
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* mordred too - I thought that exercises were on the list-to-be-deleted17:09
sdaguegrenade needs working exercises to sanity check at phases17:09
sdaguewhich are devstack/old and devstack/new exercises17:09
mordredsdague: and it can't use tempest with smoke flag?17:09
sdaguemordred: that's not it's current design17:09
sdagueit runs tempest smoke at the end17:10
sdaguebut tempest smoke is 15 minutes of tests17:10
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sdagueand we are talking about something much smaller17:10
sdagueso for neutron to have a grenade job it has to pass exercises17:10
jeblairok, but that shouldn't interfere with the goal of removing exercises from (non-grenade) tempest runs, right?17:10
sdaguejeblair: they are removed17:11
sdaguethey don't work for neutron17:11
sdagueso how do you fix them17:11
jeblairexcellent; it's hard to tell sometimes.  :)17:11
sdaguebecause they maybe be neutron or devstack changes to fix them (which then grenade pulls in later)17:11
jeblairsdague: how about add a neutron grenade job, since that's the one we want to get working?17:11
sdagueso we need non voting jobs so yuo can test those fixes17:11
sdaguethere already is a grenade job17:12
sdaguebut that's like saying yuo test oslo with nova jobs17:12
sdaguebecause grenade sources devstack17:12
jeblairsdague: you can add the neutron grenade job to devstack as experimental or non-voting17:12
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dtroyer_zzwhat needs to be fixed is the stand-alone stable/havana devstack neutron exercise...17:12
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anteayaneutron grenade job on offer:
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fungione wrinkle here is that grenade wants working devstack exercises on the *previous* release stable branch, so in neutron's case they need a way to test working backports to havana to get exercises back in shape17:13
sdaguejeblair: you have to fix on both sides, and possibly also on neutron17:13
jeblairsdague: i will grant that without a working forward grenade test, fixing havana devstack for neutron would be hard.17:14
jeblairsdague: so is that the reason a single-branch devstack exercises run is needed ^?17:14
sdaguejeblair: right now we need it on havana & master of neutron & devstack17:14
sdagueso that fixes can be sorted17:14
sdaguewe can drop it once it's all working17:15
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sdaguebut that's the fastest way for the neutron team to be able to know if they are fixing everything needed for the grenade job17:15
jeblairokay, thanks.17:15
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* mordred understands17:17
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anteayajeblair: thanks17:18
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* fungi needs to leave for lunch, but will return forthwith17:24
jeblairclarkb, fungi, mordred: I'm going to switch logstash workers 01-08 A and B to start using crm11417:26
mordredjeblair: I affirm you17:26
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make gate-solum-devstack-dsvm voting
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clarkbjeblair: ok17:46
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add statsd support
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add statsd support
jeblairclarkb: ^ there we go17:52
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openstackgerritsahid proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Tox fails to build environment because of MySQL-Python
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use \b to isolate Gerrit changeid comment links.
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create a swap partition if needed for new servers
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fungiclarkb: is distinct from
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clarkbfungi: no, I just didn't know the other existed19:02
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clarkbfungi: what does the anchor accomplish? is that necessary too?19:02
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fungiclarkb: i think it's html vs link type replacement19:03
fungijhesketh's should probably use link like yours did19:03
fungiunless there's some reason to perform additional replacement outside the existing text or outside the bounds of the hyperlink itself (or to alter more obscure link options)19:05
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add statsd support
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add statsd support
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clarkbfungi: I don't think so, I can update jhesketh's change19:22
fungiclarkb: it can also currently be tested on review-dev, since i was able to successfully roll back the upgrade so it's on 2.4.4 again for the moment19:24
clarkboh cool19:24
fungibut if we restart puppet on it, it will roll forward and break again19:24
fungiunless we want to land a revert of teh upgrade change (it's just a one-liner after all)19:24
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jeblairsince we're keeping up and not fully loaded yet, i'm going to shutdown logstash workers on 01-04 to compress load onto the remainder19:27
clarkbjeblair: is that a gear thing? it prefers the other nodes?19:27
fungii think manually scaling/bursting those is a good way to speed up classification19:27
fungiany ideas whether it's possible to cross-pollinate the bayesian classification data between the workers periodically?19:28
jeblairi want to try to get the workers fairly close to continually busy, then evaluate their cpu usage (currently looks like < 25% utilization), then increase the number of gearman workers on each node until the node is close to fully cpu-utilized.19:28
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fungior do we just want to work on the assumption that they'll all eventually approach consistency over sufficiently large bodies of data?19:29
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check for word start/end around changeid searches
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clarkbthere we go19:29
clarkbnormally I wouldn't push this through but it is annoying folks and the quiet time around holidays is perfect for gerrit restarts19:29
jeblairfungi: i don't know; i'm working on the second assumption for now, but would like to have a global set if possible.19:29
jeblairclarkb: ok, though gerrit restarts are fast and i think we can do them anytime.19:30
* fungi keeps it in the back of his mind for now19:30
clarkbjeblair: k19:30
clarkbgoing to apply that on review-dev in just a minute19:30
jeblairfungi: but for now, having fewer servers with more workers will reduce the number of data sets (not to mention, just be more efficient)19:31
jeblairfungi: so thus the somewhat manual tuning19:31
fungiclarkb: awesome. i tried jhesketh's previous patchset on review-dev, thus the -1 and suggestions i gave it19:31
fungijeblair: agreed, completely19:31
fungiclarkb: there are some comments i added to the "Thingy" review on review-dev already which you can use to easily vet the adjustment against the original behavior19:32
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clarkbfungi: I think I parse that statement :)19:35
fungii try to make sure all my statements do double duty as tests of your parser19:35
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clarkbgreghaynes: you can talk here :P19:38
greghaynesnot just lurk?19:38
greghaynesfungi: looks like theres cssmerge19:38
greghayneswhich might be useful for periodic data sharing19:39
clarkbfungi: looks like puppet still uses the new 2.8 war so I have to apply changes by hand?19:40
* clarkb does that19:40
fungigreghaynes: neat!19:40
fungisounds like a possible solution19:41
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jeblairor we can use afs19:41
clarkbrestarting review-dev's gerrit now19:41
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greghaynesYep, although there would probably have to be a bit if node remove/insert dance to swap which training dataset is used19:41
fungijeblair: it's funny how afs solves every problem ever19:42
jeblairfungi: right? :)19:42
openstackgerritSteve Baker proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix broken HEAT_FETCHED_TEST_IMAGE
fungiclarkb: what i ended up doing, for cleanliness, was to revert 7011082 on the tip of master in mt puppet dev env, cherry-pick jhesketh's change onto there and then apply from that as an alternate19:43
fungier, in my puppet dev env19:43
fungibut for testing a one-liner patch that's definitely overlokk19:43
clarkbso my change doesn't fix it either. do /'s match \b?19:44
clarkbmaybe we need jhesketh's change with link instead of html. /me tries that19:44
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fungii never can remember whal characters fall into the \b class19:44
fungizomg my typing. what happened to my typing?19:44
jeblairfungi: your characters fell19:45
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fungijeblair: it's funny how dvorak solves every problem ever19:45
jeblairfungi: afs is much easier to type on dvorak.19:47
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bknudsonI'm trying to figure out why elastic-recheck thinks a bug is the problem...19:50
bknudsonthings seem to have moved around19:50
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Revert "upgrade review-dev from gerrit ver 2.4.x to ver 2.8"
fungiwe can reclaim our gerrit sandbox for now ^ then try again once we figure out why schema migrations aren't working19:52
clarkbbknudson: elastic-recheck has bug fingerprint queries. if a test matches one of those then the bug for that query is blamed19:52
clarkbbknudson: the bug listed should have a query listed in its comments19:52
fungibknudson: also note that e-r is not infallible and is only as good as the queries people have submitted (some of which might be too loose)19:53
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fungibknudson: in that particular instance, a line in one of the test logs matched this pattern...
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clarkbfungi: with link and (^|[\\s.]+)(I?[0-9a-f]{8,40})($|[\\s.]+) is mostly working the match beginning or end of line isn't working19:56
clarkbdo I need to escape ^ and $ there?19:56
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bknudsonfungi: that's the weird thing... I'm not finding that line.19:56
clarkbhmm nope doesn't match a literal $19:57
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add statsd support
fungii'm rereading for possible revelations19:59
fungii love how their first example there is the horribly busted match we're trying to replace20:00
bknudsonahh, check-grenade-dsvm console.html has the line but it was gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-large-ops that fialed.20:00
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create a swap partition if needed for new servers
clarkbbknudson: that would be a bug20:01
fungibknudson: sounds like a bug in e-r20:01
bknudsonI'll file it.20:01
clarkbfungi: well, the horribly busted isn't really a problem for change id's because those don't end up in urls very often20:01
fungipossibly two bugs, since that line appearing in non-failure results means it's not a great indicator of why a job fails20:01
clarkbcommit shas however are a popular thing in urls20:01
fungiclarkb: oh, right, their example is missing the ?20:02
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/gear: Add statsd support
fungiclarkb: so the fine manual says it's javascript regexp. i'm so far not finding great references which expound on exactly which characters are matched by javascript's word-boundry class20:06
fungier, boundary20:07
clarkbfungi: \b doesn't work the way we want with the python re module20:07
clarkband appeared to not work with the GWT javascript madness so I am giving up on \b20:07
dhellmannhey, guys, I'd like to bounce some ideas off of you related to translations. anyone have time for that?20:07
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clarkbmay need to use something like [^\\a-zA-z0-9andIhatethisalready]20:08
clarkbdhellmann: sure20:08
dhellmannclarkb: thanks!20:08
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dhellmannI'm finally starting on
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dhellmanntl;dr - extract messages for different log levels into separate catalogs so they can be translated with different priorities20:09
dhellmannI haven't used transifex before, so I'm not sure how (if?) that would work with transifex and our existing jobs20:09
dhellmannI found some scripts that pull changes in from transifex and submit change requests20:10
dhellmannI *think* those might need to be updated to account for multiple pot files20:10
clarkbdhellmann: transifex can do it, iirc they are different "resources"20:10
clarkbthe scripts would need to be updated for different resources20:10
jeblairone thing to keep in mind is that we plan on moving off of transifex, so we should keep new development there to a minimum to make moving easier20:10
clarkbprobably to iterate over each one doing the same steps and skipping if the resource doesn't exist for that particular project20:11
dhellmannjeblair: ok, that's good to know20:11
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dhellmannclarkb: does transifex create the .pot files now? or are we doing that, and uploading them somewhere I haven't found?20:11
fungiclarkb: i think part of the \b problem is that it's a zero-width match, and so can match the null string as well20:11
clarkbtransifex does not create the .pot files. The scripts do20:11
dhellmannok, cool20:13
clarkbdhellmann: so I think we put the bulk of that script in a loop that iterates over the known classes of things20:14
dhellmannI found that script, but was reading it as downloading changes from transifex, not the other way around (the "tx pull")20:14
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dhellmannok, that makes sense20:14
clarkbdhellmann: would need to update the one that pushes to gerrit as well so that we push all of the possible .pot and translations20:16
bknudsonStderr: '/bin/sh: 1: collie: not found\n' -- collie?20:16
bknudsonStore sheepdog could not be configured correctly. ??20:16
clarkbfungi: I switched it to ^(stuff)$ just to go simple and see if that works and it does not, I have no clue what is going on there20:17
dhellmannclarkb: why is adding the locale files to git on line 40?20:17
dhellmannjust to see if there are changes?20:17
clarkbdhellmann: yes so that the check on line 42 works20:17
bknudsonoh, I guess those are normal20:17
dhellmannclarkb: it looks like is already using find and wildcards, so it would find all of the generated files20:18
fungiclarkb: i'll try out a few alternatives. i suspect line endings aren't treated normally. could be some sort of multi-line pattern space thing20:18
clarkbfungi: I wonder if the text being matched is being passed in with extra html20:18
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fungialso possible20:19
dhellmannclarkb: it's interesting that also pushes changes to transifex -- keeping them in sync?20:19
fungiclarkb: if you run out of things to try, let me know and i'll take a stab (just don't want to step on your toes)20:20
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: zuul status: allow changes to be collapsed
clarkbdhellmann: yes, at one time we were going to only let them go in one direction but disabling fuzzy matches fixed the problems we were having instead20:20
clarkbdhellmann: so you can update in git directly and have that show up in transifex20:20
dhellmannclarkb: ah, ok20:21
clarkbfungi: ok, I am checking a few extra things but then will probably give up for lunch20:21
dhellmannclarkb: ok, thanks for this, it was really helpful. I may come back again with more questions.20:21
clarkbdhellmann: np20:22
clarkbfungi: yup there are <p> tags in there20:23
* clarkb tries a thing20:23
fungimight actually be to our advantage, confusing as it is20:23
fungiat least there's something specific to match on (tag brackets)20:23
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clarkbfungi: (<p>|[\\s.]+)(I?[0-9a-f]{8,40})(</p>|[\\s.]+) seems to be working20:27
clarkbwant to take a look? I am going to find lunch but will update the change with ^ if that looks good20:27
fungiwow! so unnecessarily complex. thanks, gerrit!20:28
stevebakerjeblair, clarkb, I messed up. Could you take a look at ?20:28
fungiclarkb: i think i'd also like to expand that to 7,40 since short shas are usually written as 7-character abbreviations20:29
clarkbstevebaker: done20:29
clarkbfungi: wfm20:29
jeblairstevebaker: and approved20:30
fungistevebaker: lgtm. approved20:30
jeblairdouble approved!20:30
stevebaker\o/ thanks20:30
fungidouble-tap to the head20:30
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fungistevebaker: once that merges you'll probably want to wait about 30 minutes before testing it out20:31
stevebakerfungi: ok, will do20:31
jeblairfungi: why the wait?20:33
fungijeblair: stevebaker: oh, nevermind. somehow i had it in my head it was a job configuration change20:34
fungistevebaker: should be usable as soon as it merges20:34
sdaguebknudson: yes, glance barfs on itself on startup all the time. They are working on fixing that20:34
bknudsonsdague: I think it's swift this time...
bknudsontook me a while to track it down.20:35
sdaguebknudson: interesting20:35
sdagueyep, well that would definitely cause glance issues20:36
stevebakerfungi: so there is no devstack image build thingy to wait for?20:36
notmynameso swift couldn't connect to /dev/log in that case. ie it couldn't connect to syslog. that sounds like an underlying issue with the vm (overloaded or otherwise misconfigured)20:37
jeblairfungi, clarkb: i believe all puppet runs are broken with
fungistevebaker: nope--gets checked out and updated when the job starts20:37
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clarkbjeblair: apache problems on the master?20:37
fungijeblair: saw that a few weeks ago, restart of apache on the puppetmaster fixed it. couldn't find an explanation20:38
mordredjeblair, fungi: blerg20:38
fungimordred: if you say so20:38
clarkbfungi: cool going to grab lunch if we have a known work around. back in a bit20:38
clarkbalso blarg20:38
fungii will have a look at the apache error logs again20:39
jeblairfungi: k; i don't see anything diagnosable, and am leaning toward restarting now and setting maxrequestsperchild to $lowvalue20:40
stevebakerIs there a whitelist of allowed ERROR log messages that stop tempest failing? Just in case takes a while to be fixed20:40
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1261433 in heat "heat-tempest-xx already has an action (DELETE) in progress" [High,Triaged]20:40
fungilots of "...visitor's connection has stalled and couldn't receive the data that Apache is sending..."20:40
fungiall nice and vague20:41
fungiyeah, let's restart apache for now and i'll keep whittling down the error logs looking for a real nugget of fail20:42
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Preserve testr temp files
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fungimaybe a bug in libapache2-mod-passenger 2.2.11debian-220:45
sdaguestevebaker: it's in the tempest tree20:45
* jeblair -> lunch20:46
stevebakersdague: ok, I'll take a look20:46
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fungi[Thu Dec 19 16:25:14 2013] [error] server reached MaxClients setting, consider raising the MaxClients setting20:48
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fungibut that may be a symptom of all the clients hanging waiting for data for way longer20:48
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: zuul status: Collapse changes by default
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: zuul status: allow changes to be collapsed
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fungilooks like the first time we saw this i had narrowed it down to starting around 05:30 utc on the 11th, so just over a week ago20:58
bknudsonis there a way to clear bugs out of ? Some of these are obviously mistakes by the rechecker21:00
bknudsonor do they just time out after a while?21:00
fungibknudson: they get downgraded over time as new bugs become "popular"21:01
fungi"frecency" is the term, i believe (it was a new one to me)21:01
fungisome blending of frequency and recentness21:02
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bknudsonok, not sure if it would be useful to be able to exclude bugs somehow... it takes a while to look through the list as is.21:03
bknudsonmaybe a no-recheck tag in the bug21:04
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bknudsone.g., is obviously not going to cause a recheck since devstack-gate doesn't use ldap.21:06
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1259426 in keystone "LDAP list group users crash when no member in the group" [Medium,In progress]21:06
fungibknudson: i think the plan is to extend to include any remaining uses of the older rechecks page and then retire that system21:06
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fungiso that's where development effort is being spent21:06
bknudsonthat page is much fancier.21:07
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fungibknudson: and yeah, looks like that 1259907 you were asking about is matching a ton of pass jobs according to its graph on the e-r page21:13
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fungifor the past several days21:13
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fungithe query's been there for a week according to git, but only just began matching successful jobs a few days ago21:14
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bknudsonfungi: a comment indicates that sdague changed grenade to not fail for dirtly logs.21:17
bknudsonon 12-1421:17
sdagueyes, I did21:18
sdaguefungi: I was torn on removing that query, because there were fails for it21:18
sdaguehey, so do we have contact users for all the 3rd party CI systems?21:20
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sdaguebecause the DB2 one is useless, and I'd honestly like to revoke their creds21:20
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sdaguethey are posting +1s on patches, with a comment that their tests actually failed, non voting, and a link which isn't valid21:21
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fungisdague: we have contact info for them, but yes the db2 one was requested by a team in cn who have not been real clear on how this works... i've been suspecting language barrier related problems, but maybe it runs deeper than that21:25
jeblairalso, you can find out the email by typing the name into an add reviewer box; IBM DB2 Test <>21:26
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jeblair(could also probably get it with a review ssh query21:26
fungior the tooltip when you hover over the name on their comments21:26
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fungi(though agreed it's a pain to cut/paste out of a tooltip)21:26
jeblairfungi: pretty much any ui paradigm other than what you would expect for "find this user's email address".21:27
sdagueyeh, well, if a 3rd party system has screwed up so much that it is +1ing patches without passing any jobs, I want to just shut it off21:27
jeblairfungi: do we have an ongoing thread with them or should we start a new one?21:27
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sdaguebecause right now, it's completely spam21:28
fungijeblair: there is an ongoing thread... krtaylor may just be able to pipe up here about it though21:28
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fungisince he was the last one to reply on the thread21:28
fungiArxCruz also seems to have some insight into it21:28
fungii also love that the comment they're adding on reviews has a completely bogus hyperlink to our logserver21:30
jeblairfungi: did you restart apache?21:30
fungijeblair: i did--is it still broken?21:30
jeblairnope, just checking21:30
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fungijeblair: yeah, i can't find a correlation, though the graphs suggest it ceased working around 16:30 which is right around when we got the maxclientss error in the log21:31
fungibut again, that's probably a symptom, so doesn't help point to the cause21:31
jeblairfungi: ah neat; i wonder if something's sticking around.  we might want to enable mod_status and check that out next time.21:31
* krtaylor reading scrollback21:31
fungikrtaylor: the comment from IBM DB2 Test21:32
fungi...on pretty much says it all21:32
krtaylorwow, yeah, I wish I had anything to do with that team, I am trying to do what I can though21:33
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fungikrtaylor: we appreciate it. it's hard to get them to even reply to e-mail messages, so i end up pestering other people at ibm. sorry about that btw21:33
krtaylorfungi, no problem at all, I think there may be some language barrier issues, but mostly then just need some coaching21:34
mtreinishsdague: +1, I say pull their account21:35
fungiin the short term i can yank the ssh key off of the account, if it's such a nuisance we can't wait for cn daytime to get their attention21:36
sdaguefungi: so I'm going to assume we won't get a timely resolution, so I'd really like to put that account in a penalty box21:36
krtayloractually, I am kinda surprised that it is up and running, well, I use that term loosely21:36
sdaguekrtaylor: yeh, I think the problem is they probably don't even know they are posting21:36
sdaguegiven the links are all invalid21:36
jeblairfungi: you might try just removing them from the group first21:37
krtayloryeah, completely possible21:37
fungijeblair: oh, agreed, that's easier21:37
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jeblairfungi: that will probably cause them not to post anything; if i'm wrong about that, then the ssh key.21:37
sdaguefungi: seems like we should probably establish some standards about what useful 3rd party CI looks like21:37
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jeblairsdague: we have them; this does not meet them.21:37
sdagueok :)21:37
sdaguethen I don't feel bad saying to block them21:37
mtreinishjeblair: heh21:38
jeblairsdague: it is the things you'd expect -- links to useful public logs being the main thing.21:38
fungikrtaylor: this is also not the first time. they originally had it posting false test result messages using shaomei's contributor account (and just not posting verify votes) so it's quite likely they turned that back on with the new creds i issued today21:38
krtaylorthere is actually some good documentation on what is needed, per group B21:38
krtaylorfungi, yes, I know, and as an IBMer I am sorry about that, I wish they had asked around first21:39
* krtaylor starts writing another internal email...21:39
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* clarkb is back from lunch21:40
fungikrtaylor: oh, i wasn't meaning it in a bad way, just suggesting it's not surprising it was up and running since they apparently already had it up and running weeks ago when it happened the first time21:40
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clarkbfungi: if I s/8/7/ does that regex work for you?21:40
fungiclarkb: yep, i'm good with it21:40
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fungisdague: mtreinish: krtaylor: jeblair: anyway, i've yanked that account out of the external testing tools group so hopefully it silences them for now21:41
jeblairfungi: i think puppetmaster is still not happy.21:41
mtreinishfungi: well they did turn it off after the figured out it was spamming reviews21:41
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fungimtreinish: yep, once fifield got daisy to get their attention, i think it was21:42
mtreinishfungi: haha, I didn't realize that. I assumed they were just watching things.21:43
fungijeblair: so one other thing i restarted last time was the puppet agent on the master, though that doesn't seem like it would have any bearing on this21:43
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check for whitespace around changeid searches
* fungi tries anyway21:43
jeblairfungi: ++21:43
krtaylorfungi, thanks, I'll explain what happened to them21:43
ArxCruzfungi: krtaylor I will try to help them :)21:44
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fungijeblair: any better or still timing out for you?21:44
fungikrtaylor: ArxCruz: much appreciated21:44
clarkbfungi: jeblair: I can take a look at puppet master weirdness in a minute if you need extra eyes21:44
fungiclarkb: definitely anything you can find which i missed would be greatly appreciated21:45
jeblairfungi: doesn't seem better21:45
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fungilast time this happened, i think we had puppet people remarking that the passenger puppetmaster was fairly broken and probably not a great choice21:45
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jeblairit wasn't broken for the past 2.5 years.21:46
fungiyeah, no idea why it started a week or so ago21:46
clarkbthere are tracebacks in the apache error.log. passenger/apache seem to want to blame the "visitor" (client)21:46
clarkbdid a new version of puppet 2.7 just release?21:46
sdaguefungi: thanks21:47
jeblairso a quick test run on nodepool worked right after the restart21:47
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fungiclarkb: grepping the dpkg logs, last updates i see for puppet were in june21:49
jeblairdid we change something relating to dashboard reports?21:49
jeblairit seems like the time after the run is finished when it's uploading a report is quite long21:50
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jeblairreports=store, http21:51
fungithe conffile containing the reporturl hasn't changed in months21:51
jeblairso, um, if that host is broken, maybe we shouldn't have those lines?21:51
clarkbjeblair: probably not, but it is also reporting to the master21:52
clarkbthat is what 'store' means iirc21:52
jeblairclarkb: i think the master forwards it to the url21:52
fungiwe did/do have a /etc/hosts entry directing that to anteaya's dev puppet dashboard at which seems to be down (no idea how long that's been down though)\21:52
clarkbsee /var/lib/puppet/reports on the master21:52
jeblair(after storing it)21:52
clarkbjeblair: oh maybe21:52
jeblairfungi: so, to prevent confusion in the future, maybe we should just change the config file and not etc/hosts?21:53
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fungijeblair: agreed. we changed /etc/hosts originally to keep puppet agent from undoing that since puppet agent manages the config for the puppet master (which is maybe slightly ouroboros)21:54
jeblairfungi: oh, yeah, but i mean we could have just changed the file in the config repo that i'm patching.21:54
clarkbso I think we undo the /etc/hosts entry then remove the reporturl and reports http settings from puppet.conf?21:55
clarkbjeblair: ya that21:55
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Don't report to puppet-dashboard
fungijeblair: right. hosts entry is all gone as of seconds ago21:55
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clarkbzaro: are you around today? want to make sure the scp plugin stuff isn't blocking on anything21:55
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jeblairi timed a puppet run; it took 5 seconds for the run and another 70 seconds till it finished21:56
fungiick. i wonder why the difference in behavior. normally they go fairly quickly for me21:56
jeblairhypothesis: N hosts * 70 seconds of waiting for puppet-dashboard timeout means a lot of occupied apache slots21:57
fungisounds probable21:57
jeblairwhich leades to puppet runs timing out21:57
fungiperhaps that host was up (or at least something was there to reject connections rather than time out as unreachable) until a couple weeks ago21:57
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Add dryrun flag to
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: zuul status: Collapse changes by default
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: zuul status: allow changes to be collapsed
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Don't report to puppet-dashboard
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fungidid we merge something which broke devstack-gate or the requirements integration job?
fungilast successful run i see for that job was roughly 48 hours ago22:12
zaroclarkb: yes.  had a late start to my day.  took a break to do some reviews.  still working on the scp thing as well.22:13
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jeblairfungi: quite possibly, i'll look into it22:13
fungi"bash: / No such file or directory"22:13
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: zuul status: Collapse changes by default
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: zuul status: allow changes to be collapsed
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update gate script path in requirements job
jeblairfungi: it seems hazardous to refer to devstack-gate variables without a defined API22:16
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fungijeblair: yay shell variables and their empty defaults22:17
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clarkbzaro: anything I can do to help with the scp thing?22:19
fungilooks like that was the only builder to use $GATE_SCRIPT_DIR at least22:20
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fungibut any of the d-g hooks probably need a carefully managed set of variables which are in-scope for them22:20
jeblairfungi: yep22:21
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add graph for gate hit count
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jeblairreleasestatus is broken22:26
zaroclarkb: so i'm seeing that an exception occurs on writer.flush(). the pipe seems to get disconnected when that happens and not everything is sent over.22:27
clarkbjhesketh__: hello there22:27
zaroclarkb: the code seems to expect that to happen but when it happened before the pipe probably didn't get disconnected.22:28
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1262891 in openstack-ci "releasestatus throws ValueError exception" [Medium,Triaged]22:28
bknudsoncheck-tempest-dsvm-postgres-full just plain takes longer than 90 mins22:28
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clarkbbknudson: the timeouts seem to happen when there are specific failures22:29
clarkbwhich I thought jgriffith has sorted out22:29
clarkbjeblair: --no-edit is not in my git 1.7.9 man page. Appears in the 1.7.11 man page on git-scm.com22:30
clarkbjeblair: any idea if that option is a thing on precise git?22:30
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Replace DEVSTACK_GATE_ZEROMQ for DEVSTACK_GATE_MQ_DRIVER
bknudsonclarkb: I've seen that one but this time everything is 'ok'22:31
jeblairclarkb: i'm running precise and it is not in my man page22:31
clarkbjeblair: I am doing a test locally22:32
clarkbbknudson: have an example?22:32
jd__all changes to requirements seem to fail, did you see that?
jeblairjd__: yes, fix here:
clarkbjeblair: well git didn't barf when I gave it no-edit locally when doing a fast forward merge. maybe just undocumented?22:32
jd__jeblair: fungi: thanks! :)22:33
bknudson+ setup_host took 10 mins -- that doesn't help22:33
jd__is there a Jenkins plugin that's used to spawn the VM to run the tests on infra btw?22:34
clarkbbknudson: so that ran on our slowest cloud nodes. we are probably too close to the edge there22:34
jeblairclarkb: it's mentioned in passing in the release notes of, so maybe undocumented for merge22:34
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clarkbjeblair: ok. seemsto work. I will approve that change22:35
bknudsonfull develop-inst: /opt/stack/new/tempest -- takes 3.5 mins22:35
jeblairclarkb: in fact, it's mentioned as explicitly being added for merge in the changelog.22:35
clarkbfungi: care to weigh in on it may address the problem bknudson has pointed out22:36
clarkbfungi: and if it doesn't address it I think we remove new hpcloud from nodepool22:36
jeblairclarkb, fungi: status.o.o is up and running and is working as well as the production vhost according to my local /etc/hosts test22:36
jeblairclarkb, fungi: i'm ready to change dns; do you want to test anything first?22:37
bknudsonclarkb: thanks!22:37
clarkbjeblair: I don't have anything specific22:37
clarkbjeblair: I say go for it22:37
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fungijeblair: what is the ip address? i'll give it a quick once-over22:37
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fungijeblair: nevermind--got it from nova list22:40
fungi( or 2001:4800:7815:0103:3bc3:d7f6:ff04:4603)22:40
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jeblairi copied the last index.html from releasestatus over so it won't look broken22:42
jeblair(it's about 1 day old)22:42
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fungijeblair: lgtm22:43
fungii say go for it22:43
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clarkbmtreinish: sdague: (and others) re is that the sort of thing we should just merge and deal with fallout as it occurs or do we need to cleanup current gate failures before potentially making it much worse?22:44
sdagueclarkb: I'd hold until the rest of things got under control22:46
clarkbzaro: are you able to catch and log that exception/step through it with the debugger to see why it is happening?22:46
clarkbsdague: ok22:46
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jeblairclarkb, sdague: someone should -1 that then22:49
sdaguedoes anyone know what signal screen sends to it's processes on -X quit?22:50
jeblairstatus.o.o dns record has been changed22:50
jeblairi think the previous ttl was 3600, so we have an hour of transition22:51
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jeblairmordred: not urgent: can you look at when you have a moment?22:53
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zaroclarkb: just about got my debugger setup.  had to redo it with this my new laptop.22:54
zaroclarkb: the code seems to indicate that an exception was expected to happen but just ignored and the data still got written to external location. was this the case?22:55
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Check for whitespace around changeid searches
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jhesketh__clarkb: would you mind taking another look at the changeid regex please?
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove status.o.o vhost from static.o.o
clarkbzaro: the InterruptedException happens if that thread is interrupted while sleeping22:57
clarkbzaro: we just ignore it and try to do work again22:57
clarkbjhesketh__: sure, why use html over link?22:58
clarkboh hmm I see the comment now22:58
zaroclarkb: here's the exception
jhesketh__clarkb: because if you match <p>1231231 some text</p> the open <p> tag will disappear22:58
clarkbzaro: so the connection is going away22:59
jhesketh__using the html replacement lets us put back in the boundary match22:59
clarkbjhesketh__: gotcha22:59
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fix broken HEAT_FETCHED_TEST_IMAGE
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clarkbjhesketh__: give me a minute I will put that on review-dev so we can double check it but I like patchset 423:00
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jhesketh__clarkb: no rush, thanks :-)23:00
zaroclarkb: i'm referring to IOException after writer.close()23:00
zaroclarkb: yes, i believe so.23:01
clarkbzaro: ya the writer is flushing down the scp pipe and the pipe is dead for some reason23:01
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: package: read a specific Python version requirement file
clarkbjhesketh__: lgtm23:03
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: use parameters from project.yaml
fungijhesketh__: i don't think it does lose the whitespace if you use link instead of html... at least our tests didn't seem to
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Supply a timeout value to devstack-gate
jhesketh__fungi: it depends what it matches on23:05
jhesketh__but if it matches on the <p> tag that would disappear23:06
jhesketh__there's a good chance it still renders fine though23:06
fungiahh, yes okay, i see that23:06
zaroclarkb: it seems like the code is working the same as before, except the pip didn't die on that exception. am i right there?23:06
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update gate script path in requirements job
jhesketh__clarkb: thanks, I just tried the comment that was breaking previously and that works now:
clarkbzaro: pip?23:09
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1262906
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1262906 in neutron "swift unable to start in gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-large-ops" [Undecided,Confirmed]
clarkbzaro: this is definitely new. the scp connection stayed open before long enough to copy the files23:10
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: WIP: test timout #2
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Don't attempt to open an interactive editor
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jeblairclarkb, fungi: logstash is still keeping up; i'm going to shut down two more worker nodes (4 worker processes)23:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1262906
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1262906 in neutron "swift unable to start in gate-tempest-dsvm-neutron-large-ops" [Undecided,Confirmed]
clarkbjeblair: ok23:17
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clarkbzaro: I think the catch for IOException is there because java forces you to catch exceptions somewhere23:22
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clarkbzaro: we can try catching it properly, but I am not sure there is much we can do. would be better to stop it from happening all together23:22
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clarkbjeblair: if you look at the zuul status there are some gate-config-layout jobs that are not running jenkins01/02 appear to have free slaves that can run those jobs. Any idea of what is going on? I suppose looking in gearman is what should happen?23:27
jeblairclarkb: i think they run on bare-precise nodes23:29
stevebakerhmm, any idea what this error means? no tests ran
clarkbjeblair: oohhh23:30
jeblairclarkb: nodepool just marked one ready23:30
clarkbjeblair: thanks that clears it up for me23:30
reedRyan_Lane, have you had time to work on the wiki's skin to address the issues with the translation extension?23:30
clarkbstevebaker: the test discovery process exited with status code 25523:31
Ryan_Lanenot yet23:31
Ryan_Lanehoping to do that next week23:31
clarkbstevebaker: there was no stderr or stdout which is unfortunate23:31
jeblairclarkb: we should change those to performance nodes; i think they'll build faster23:32
clarkbjeblair: ++23:32
clarkbstevebaker: if you want to retrigger that job, link me to the build and I can hold the test slave for investigative purposes. Or you can run it locally23:32
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch IAD bare-precise to performance
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch to using IAD performance nodes
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Switch ORD bare-precise to performance
jeblairclarkb: piece of cake ^ :)23:38
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clarkbjeblair: for your config change that sets d-g timeouts, do you have a d-g change for timeouts that you are happy with?23:39
clarkbjeblair: also jenkins says you need to rebase the above changes :)23:39
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jeblairclarkb: not a final change, but i have a minimally acceptable plan; i don't expect the details of that to affect the jjb changes; having them in place will make d-g changes more self-testing.23:42
clarkbjeblair: ok23:42
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jeblairclarkb: (it would be cool if the build timeout plugin set an env var, but that doesn't seem to be the case; we could probably make it a job parameter, but that's a bit clunky)23:43
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clarkbya, this will work for now23:44
jeblairthere's no reason those should have a merge conflict...checking zuul logs.23:45
jeblairOSError: [Errno 24] Too many open files23:45
jeblairclarkb: didn't i read something about that being fixed?23:45
clarkbgah, did I not fix that?23:45
clarkbjeblair: ya there was a change to only have Git repo objects when needed whcih should GC the file descriptors23:46
clarkbwe even have a test for it23:46
jeblairclarkb: i saved an lsof output; anything else to do before restarting?23:47
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clarkbjeblair: I took a threaddump last time too23:48
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clarkbaccoring to lsof just under 2k of those file descriptors are related to git. and about 500 are tcp connections23:49
clarkbgeard tcp connections23:49
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jeblairclarkb: geard is a different process23:50
jeblairclarkb: (and 500 connections sounds right)23:50
clarkbjeblair: right but the limit is per user via ulimit23:51
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jeblairclarkb: let's discuss that later; i caused a thread dump; anything else you want?23:52
clarkbjeblair: nope thats it23:52
jeblairunfortunately i can't save a copy of the queues23:52
jeblairi'm digging the current queue out of the debug log23:53
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clarkbjeblair: anyting else I can do to help?23:58
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1262613
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1262613 in tempest "tempest.scenario.test_cross_tenant_connectivity.TestNetworkCrossTenant.test_cross_tenant_traffic[compute,gate,network,smoke] failed" [High,Fix released]
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jeblairclarkb: nah, i just have some tedious work; the log doesn't have enough info to build the commands, so it's back to gerrit.23:59
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