Wednesday, 2013-11-13

fungiclarkb: though the more i'm playing around with it, the more it just devolves into checking the current namespace00:02
fungiakin to "'foo' not in dir()"00:02
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clarkbfungi: let me push what I have, it seems to work, but yeah that is basically what it does00:04
clarkbwhich still seems fragile as it isn't checking that no instances exist but instead that no instances referred to by 'foo' exist00:04
fungisince get_referrers() on a class seems fall through to __main__00:04
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make merger.Repo more context manager like.
clarkbfungi: ^00:05
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clarkbit is transitive and that is where __main__ comes from00:06
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fungii see some suggestions for adding a list to the class and then appending a weakref.proxy(self) into it within the initiator00:09
fungithen assert len(ClassName.instances) is 0 or whatever00:10
fungithough that would require mocking or working with a subclass for our case i guess00:11
fungiwell, not mocking but monkeypatchig00:11
clarkbfungi: actually there may be a better way00:13
clarkbfor obj in get_referents(merger.Repo): if obj isinstance git.Repo then fail00:13
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clarkbnope nevermind that crosses classes and class instances00:14
clarkbwe could just use gc.get_objects and bruteforce00:15
fungii saw one example of that, and just iterating through the results00:15
fungiugly and slow in theory, but in practice probably instantaneous for this purpose00:16
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clarkbruntime locally is consistent with what I had prior to iterating all objects and type checking them :)00:20
openstackgerritTim Daly, Jr. proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the tomograph project to stackforge.
jog0FI bug 1225664 appears to be the most frequesnt cause of gate failure00:20
jog0FYI, and it looks like it *may* be a real infra  bug00:21
clarkbjog0: I think it is a devstack config bug00:21
jog0does that fall under infra or devtack?00:21
clarkbjog0: we should bump the loopback size to 6GB so that it is larger than the swift max_file_size00:21
jog0clarkb: I'll give that a shot00:21
jog0sdague dtroyer ^00:26
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sdaguejog0: what's the rationale on doing it there vs. devstack-gate?00:34
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sdaguenot actually challenging that that's the right place to do it, I just want to know your thoughts00:35
clarkbsdague: it should be in devstack and not devstack gate because otherwise devstack deploys broken swift00:35
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sdagueclarkb: always, or just because of some tests we run?00:35
clarkbthe other option is to have devstack set the max_file_size in swift to be much smaller (but I like sticking with upstream defaults as much as possible)00:36
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clarkbsdague: right now we create a 4GB loopback device but swift thinks it can write 5GB objects00:36
sdagueheh, ok00:36
sdaguethat's justification enough for me00:36
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jog0sdague: there was another patch that bumed it up from 1 to 400:37
jog0there so just going with that00:37
sdaguejog0: can you amend the commit with that justification?00:37
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sdague"we create a 4GB device, but swift thinks it can write 5GB, hence fail"00:37
sdagueor something equiv00:37
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jog0sdague: done00:38
notmynamesdague: I think there may be something else going on. ie what's the change here? bumping from 1 to 4 seemed to break things, but using 1 worked?00:39
sdagueok, any idea if dtroyer has been around recently00:39
sdaguenotmyname: there are more tests now00:39
notmynamesdague: in tempest or in the devstack functests? what kind of more tests?00:40
jog0notmyname: we also went to using swift as default backend for glance at one point00:40
sdaguein tempest00:40
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make merger.Repo more context manager like.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Clone repo if it is not on disk
jog0so a lot more usage00:40
clarkbfungi: ^ I think that should do it, adds tests for both changes in the stack too00:40
notmynamejog0: sdague: ah ok. so more glance usage == more stored in "swift" per test run == disk full errors?00:40
sdaguenotmyname: that's my guess00:41
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jog0notmyname: thats my theory00:41
jog0I wonder if 6GB will be enough in fact00:41
* notmyname still thinks sticking to defaults but using a one VM+one replica "cluster" is funny00:41
sdaguejog0: that does mean that we're just going to keep bumping that number, right?00:41
clarkbjog0: good question. it fixes the world from max_file_size perspective but not necessarily if there are many objects00:41
clarkbnotmyname: it is "funny" but so is the large ops test00:42
clarkbturns out you can still find many valid bugs this way :)00:42
sdaguenotmyname: patches welcome for a better set of devstack defaults / config :)00:42
jog0I figure if this doesn't break things we merge and watch the trends00:42
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jog0and if the bug still occurs but less often (thank you elastic-recheck) we know its at least partially working00:42
notmynamesure sure. I understand the functional usefulness and the importance of the integration testing (absolutely essential).00:43
clarkbgah I ran tox -epy27 but not tox -epep8, I fail00:43
notmynamesdague: always :-). I ran out of time again today to talk to lifeless about a hardware cluster. maybe tomorrow00:43
sdagueI guess the question is, is there a way to figure out if it's a space issue? Like query the loop device on fail.00:43
jog0sdague: swift logs disk is full00:44
clarkbshould be able to do a df on the device as it is mounted00:44
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make merger.Repo more context manager like.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Clone repo if it is not on disk
clarkbfungi: ^ should pass flake8 now00:45
jog0sdague: the log
jlkI don't suppose monty is IRCing from a plane somewhere?00:49
jlkmordred: you around by chance?00:50
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mordredjlk: whazzup?00:51
openstackgerritMichael Still proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Tell people to do a recheck
jlkmordred: rackspace-auth-openstack -- I believe you're the only one to have ever contributed to it...00:52
mordredjlk: yes. that is correct00:52
jlkmordred: don't suppose you recall what the process is for doing new releases of it00:52
jlkor if you should still be the gateway for it00:52
jlkbut I haz a fix for it:
mordredjlk: sure do - python sdist upload should do the trick00:52
mordredjlk: you know - if you would like to take it over, I would not be opposed00:53
jog0mikal: just saw your patch00:53
mordredjlk: I can add you as owner to the pypi entry00:53
jog0mikal: perhaps pointing to is better since sometimes you need to do a reverify00:53
mikaljog0: wow, that was fast? The recheck patch?00:54
jog0mikal: yup00:54
jlkmordred: ho boy.  I suppose, lack for a better person at the moment, I could do that.00:54
jog0or maybe something saying we don't want to close the loop on this so a human is still needed00:54
mikaljog0: fair enough, I shall tweak00:54
sdaguejog0: so is there nothing in the swift logs, or is it just that they aren't in logstash because they are a different format?00:54
jlkhopefully it won't have to be touched for another year00:54
jog0sdague: the latter00:55
jlkreally hopefully someday it can go the eff away00:55
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jog0sdague: or at least that was true at one point00:55
mordredjlk: I could also just take your PR and release it if you want00:55
mordredjlk: I have no personal use for it anymore00:55
jlkmordred: whichever you prefer, I'm easy.00:55
clarkbsdague: jog0: swift logs are sort of mostly in logstash00:55
clarkbthe ones in apache combined format are parsed and indexed and whatever goes to syslog is there too00:56
clarkbthere is one service that just splats to a file with no timestamps or apparently structure that is ignored00:56
clarkbthe proxy service00:56
clarkbeverything else is indexed00:57
jog0clarkb: that may have been in syslog has timestamps so used taht00:57
mordredjlk: let's add you to pypi - that PR is against a rackerlabs repo, which I don't have access to00:57
jog0and just got in the habbit of doing swift with syslog00:57
mordredjlk: or is there someone else at rax that would be a better pypi owner?00:57
jlkmordred: gotcha. I think whomever was re-arranging some stuff in github decided to make the repo in racker labs.00:57
jlkmordred: I'm fine for now00:57
jlkI can hand it off if somebody better comes along00:57
clarkbjog0: if it is going to syslog today (which it seems like maybe it is) then we are capturing it00:57
mordredjlk: great. what's your pypi username?00:58
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jlkgreat question!00:58
jlkI may not have one.00:58
clarkb we should run that on all of our servers >_>00:59
openstackgerritMichael Still proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Tell people to do a recheck
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sdagueclarkb: :)00:59
jlkarg, now I have to remember my gpg key01:00
clarkbI think putting that one a server that we expect jeblair to log into when he gets back would be lolzy01:01
jlkand remember where I stashed my private key01:01
fungiclarkb: i also had never seen
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jlkmordred: j2solutions01:06
dstufftif it's for pypi the gpg field there is basically useless01:07
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sdagueclarkb: you could get him hyper paranoid that things were hacked :)01:08
clarkbsdague: symlink lolcat to cat and put doge in the motd01:09
clarkbwhat could go wrong01:09
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jlkclarkb: evil.01:14
jlkdstufft: oh ok, so I won't have to sign the archives I upload01:14
dstufftyou can sign them, but that doesn't validate against that field01:14
dstufftand nothing really bothers to check the sigs are valid01:15
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clarkbdstufft: we should pipe all pip output through lolcat01:17
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Adding support to Fedora and Red Hat
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Make merger.Repo more context manager like.
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Clone repo if it is not on disk
dstufftclarkb: lol01:18
clarkblifeless: ^ I have addressed your comments, now time for dinner. back later01:18
mroddeni feel like know the person who wrote lolcat without even looking01:18
mroddeni showed someone cowsay at work once, and he was entertained for HOURS after01:19
clarkbmrodden: I got someone to write an IRC bot in haskell that did cowsay01:19
clarkbit was the greatest thing ever01:19
openstackjlk: Error: "!" is not a valid command.01:19
mroddenclarkb: awesome...01:19
mroddenis that project source available :)01:20
clarkbI think it was rewritten in ruby once he realized execing cowsay in haskell and reading back the stdout was silly01:20
clarkbmrodden: I am not sure01:20
* clarkb asks01:20
mroddenwhatever works01:20
mroddenits not like its a terribly complex use case :)01:20
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Adding an option to use qpid instead of rabbit or zeromq
jlkno, just a terrible use case01:21
clarkbit had great channel anti flood buffering01:21
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mroddenwow the version is even 42.0.x01:22
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mroddenthe license is pretty sweet too01:24
jlkWTFPL ?01:24
jlklove running across that one01:24
mroddenits the "do what the f**k you want" license01:25
mroddenversion 201:25
mroddenpretty much MIT/BSD01:25
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vipulif you put Author or Co-Authored-By in a commit message.. is that meaningful to any tool?01:29
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jlkmrodden: that's awfully close to the wtfpl02:00
clarkbvipul: I think some tools do, I don't think ours do though02:00
vipulclarkb: ok cool - noticed some patches with that02:01
fungispecifically, i think the activity board may take it into account, but mostly we settled on a standard so that we *can* try to make use of it in the future if we want02:02
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dimsmrodden, ran into the "Don't be evil license"? (
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mroddenso how do you legally define Good vs Evil02:05
mroddenwould be my question :)02:05
dstufftmrodden: hence the problem with that license :]02:05
dstufftwell one of the problems02:05
fungidebian has (infamously) decided it's non-free as a result02:05
clarkbthe php json package/module/whatever suffers from that02:06
clarkbdebian was going to drop it02:06
mroddenopensource is called evil sometimes because, well you know, its sharing02:06
mroddenand sharing is bad02:06
fungithe trollish counterargument being that debian wants to allow its users to be evil if that is their choice02:06
mroddenand stuff02:06
mroddenlike ubuntu and cannonical02:06
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mroddennot to start a war...02:06
dstufftI argued with cockford about this before02:06
fungii think he really just wants to argue, and that's the entire point of the license. it's metaphysically transcendent or something02:08
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mroddenthat makes my head hurt02:08
dstufftI think he either just likes the attention, or he feels like he's somehow making the world better by preventing evil people from using JSON02:08
fungi(paraphrasing) "i'll be happy to grant you a license exemption allowing you to do evil with this software as long as you request it in writing:"02:09
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dstuffteven though if you're willing to torture a person i'm not sure why you'd care what a license says02:09
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dstufftcrimes against humanity? A-OK, crimes against intellectual property? That's where we draw the line02:09
mroddenThe Open Source Definition. Clause #6 is “No Discrimination Against Fields of Endeavor” 02:09
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mroddenso if torturers can't use it then its not open source02:10
fungii sow evil through all my fields of endeavor02:10
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fungiit grows surprisingly well02:10
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mroddenanything the plants can do to get ahead02:11
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mroddeni'd better stop before i get in trouble02:11
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mroddenoh yeah i had a question02:13
mroddenhow does the -infra stuff store its secret pieces (passwords, private keys, etc.) outside of the configurations and scripts02:14
mroddenpuppet magic?02:14
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mroddenk thats what i thought02:15
mroddenneed to read up on that02:16
mroddeni have a need to keep secret pieces in some of my chef recipes, but the encrypted databags still require a secret key, either on system or somewhere else unencrypted02:16
dstufftmrodden: eh02:17
dstufftmrodden: here's the thing, you're trusting the chef server not to send you arbitrary code02:17
dstufftso trusting them to also not read some data from the unencrypted data bags02:17
dstufftisn't that big of an addiitonal trust02:17
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mroddenwell the clients are validated...02:18
dstufftbut the clients just download cookbooks from the server and then execute them02:18
mroddenbut they validate that the server is teh right server i believe02:18
mroddenvalidate its identity02:18
mroddenand likewise02:18
mroddenclient validated to server through its private key02:19
mroddenits more of an ACL problem02:19
mroddeni dont want certain users to be able to get my passwords for another set of systems02:19
mroddenservices on those systems02:20
dstufftah you're worried about other users, not opscode (or whoever is running your chef server)02:20
mroddeni'm running my server...02:20
mroddenits super easy to set one up02:20
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mroddeni guess i could just set a server up for each set02:21
mroddenseems like there should be a better way to do that though02:21
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mroddenso apparently hiera isn't much better than the encypted data bags02:28
mroddenmaybe i'm just paranoid02:28
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sdaguemrodden: what's the concern?02:29
clarkbmrodden: it isn't02:29
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clarkbthough pupept clients don't send back stuff to be exec'd02:30
clarkbjust facts iirc02:30
clarkbso the master is much more isolated02:30
sdagueright the master is pretty issolated, and it compiles out the secrets to the clients. Though if you have root on the clients, you get all the passwords that were handed to the client at hand.02:31
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mroddenthat seems bad02:32
clarkbcorrect, buyt you can;t get other clients' secrets without their keys02:32
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mroddeni'm pretty sure with chef, if you have access (and a private key) to a data bag, you can access anything in that databag02:33
mroddenhaven't tested it yet02:33
sdaguemrodden: so in puppet the client only gets the secrets it specifically needs02:34
mroddencan arbitrarily request stuff from the server02:34
sdaguebecause the master defines what you get02:34
sdagueso it's about as good as you are going to get if your software actually needs passwords to do stuff02:35
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mroddenmight be time for some chef-server hacking...02:35
sdagueman, just become a cool kid and switch to ansible :)02:36
mroddenhaven't played with that one yet02:36
mroddeni have a salt master running 50% of my jenkins slave nodes though02:36
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mroddenits fast02:36
mroddenbut i don't like the way it does configuration management02:36
clarkbansible and salt seem similar from a cfg mgmt perspective02:37
clarkbdata structure based using yaml with strict ordering and so on02:37
mroddenits all yaml data02:37
sdagueyeh, honestly, I like puppet, even with it's sometimes odd dsl02:37
mroddenand salt has the state files, and then you put stuff in the pillars...02:37
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mroddenbrain hurt02:38
clarkbsdague: I really like puppet agent --noop02:38
mroddenactually i gave up because i found it to be very very slow when compiling the state files when they were templates02:38
clarkbwhich nothing else seems to do as well02:38
mroddenstub run?02:38
sdaguethey all have their warts, but at least none of them are cfengine :)02:39
clarkbmrodden: its a noop run it basically shows you a diff02:39
mroddenchef has that02:39
clarkband it doesn't suffer from cascading failures as much as the others do02:39
mroddenchef-client --why-run02:39
clarkbif for example a file is missing or doesn't have the right permissions02:39
sdagueso before other devstack-gate changes land, it would be good to process the rest of that series02:39
clarkbsdague: will review after dinner02:39
sdagueas that moves the reexec way up to the top02:39
sdagueI'm hoping that means we self test much better02:40
clarkbI have salad nd a beer02:40
sdagueI made pear and goat cheese crepes, very tasty02:40
* mrodden is now hungry02:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Avoid using 'which' executable for finding git
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clarkbsdague: for the first one in the stack it looks like the major changes are lowering case on varaible names and when cd $DEST happens?02:45
clarkbI wish gerrit would let me line up diffs02:45
sdaguewhich review?02:46
sdagueright, so by convention in devstack we use lower case vars when they are local02:47
sdagueso you know if you are adjusting global state easier02:47
clarkbI like that02:47
sdagueit's also in the google shell style guide IIRC02:47
clarkbsdague: I am not going to approve anything tonight as these changes are not self tested yet02:48
clarkbbut I will +2 them and plan on approving first thing tomorrow02:48
openstackgerritMichael Still proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Tell people to do a recheck
sdaguesounds good02:48
clarkbassuming mordred/fungi don't beat me to it02:48
jog0looking for a quick review of that e-r patch02:48
jog0(queries file change)02:48
sdagueyep, by the time you get to the end, the exec moves to the top, so as a series they are pretty safe (as they test the one before, until you move the re-exec to the top, then it basically tests it's self)02:49
clarkbjog0: done02:49
sdagueok, eyes getting droopy.... tv then bed02:49
clarkbgood night02:50
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Remove fixed bugs from queries.yaml
openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1249065
jog0clarkb: not to patch bomb you but ^ there is another query patch02:54
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clarkbjog0: looking02:58
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clarkband approved02:59
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jog0clarkb: thanks03:00
clarkbI like those small query updates, very easy to review :)03:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: Add query for bug 1249065
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openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Adding an option to use qpid instead of rabbit or zeromq
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add TOCI as a TripleO review responsibility.
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jog0clarkb: heh yeah, and so useful too03:05
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jog0clarkb: is there magic incantation to run recheck x times03:06
clarkbjog0: there isn't03:07
clarkbyou basically have to babysit it due to the way zuul currently works03:07
jog0I should make a auto-recheck but for myself03:07
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clarkbyou could write a small thing that listens to the ssh event stream that does it on demand03:07
clarkbeg each time results come back send another recheck03:07
jog0clarkb: yeah I may have half that code already03:07
clarkb:) I think you do have half that code03:08
clarkbmaybe more you just need to change the comment message :)03:08
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add TOCI as a TripleO review responsibility.
openstackgerritArx Cruz proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Adding an option to use qpid instead of rabbit or zeromq
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mikalAnyone who is around know stuff about jeepyb?05:00
anteayaI know very little05:01
mordredmikal: I wrote it05:01
anteayabut I am awake05:01
anteayaeven better05:01
mordredexcept for the parts I didn't05:01
mikalSo... I want to tweak notify_impact to be a bit fancier05:01
mikalBut the tweak I want to do would require a config dile05:02
mikalSo, what is an idiomatic config language for those who deploy jeepyb?05:02
mikalAnd where would I put it?05:02
mikal(Alternatively, is there an example puppet config which deploys it that I can cargo cult?)05:02
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mikalAhhh, YAML seems to be the config language of choice?05:05
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clarkbmikal: we use yaml for complicated things and python ini for simple stuff05:06
mikalclarkb: where would the config file live? Is it too horrible to hard code a path?05:07
mikalI guess I could put it in BASE_DIR as defined in that module?05:07
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clarkbI would put it in /etc/jeepyb or make it configurable05:08
mikalConfigurable is hard just because there's not config parser in here at the moment05:08
mikalOh, I lie!05:08
mikalThere is.05:08
mikalConfigurable it is.05:08
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mordredmikal: what clarkb said (sorry, I got distracted)05:12
mikalmordred: is cool05:12
mikalWorst case people can comment on the review when it comes05:12
mikalI'm just flailing around trying to understand how this stuff works05:12
mordredit's the best way05:14
mordredthat's mostly how I operate05:14
mikalIs there somewhere I can get an example git log to run notify_impact against to test?05:14
mordreduhm. 'git log' ?05:16
mikalOh, its not a magical internal format or somethign?05:16
* mordred looks at the floor embarrased at the state of our testing05:16
mordredhrm. actually - not sure05:17
mikalAhhh, I see05:17
mikalNo, its just a git command line05:17
mikalI'm lame for not noticing05:17
fifieldtcan you update the docs in to let others know the way to test? :)05:17
mikalfifieldt: no, I don't work on that team05:17
mikalfifieldt: the union would get angry05:17
fifieldtjust inside the file :D05:17
fifieldtor paste them here05:17
fifieldtand I will deliberately create a merge conflict for you :)05:18
mikalOh, there's no teamsters available for pasting at the moment05:18
mikalAlso, I'm still working it out05:18
fifieldtget Josh onto it05:18
mikalLana is the one for this!05:18
fifieldtalso, I can help if you need it05:18
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mikalfifieldt: ta05:20
mikalI am intending to hack on this while watching a bad movie on the couch05:21
mikalIt being after 5pm and me starting work at 7am and all05:21
Loquacitywhat have i done now?05:21
clarkbI am playin planetary annihilation poorly05:21
mikalLoquacity: I'm doing that thing for you05:23
mikalLoquacity: I am doing it with vigour and massive incompetence05:23
Loquacityand that's why we love you05:23
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mordredI, on the other hand, am doing expense reports while sitting on the couch watching the sportball05:29
mikalUgh, expense reports05:30
mikalWhy can't I just be paid infinity money to do whatever the hell I want?05:30
anteayabut the fun of trolling mordred with expense reports05:33
anteayahow could you pass that up?05:33
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anteayamikal: I'm blocked posting to the lists until ttx awakes but here is a first patchset to the governance repo:
anteayaand thanks05:35
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anteayahi sjing_07:53
sjing_Hi anteaya, how are you?07:54
anteayado we have a date for icehouse-1 yet? my wiki.o.o searching didn't turn up anything useful07:54
anteayasjing_: well though jet laggged07:54
anteayaif you want to have a getting to know you chat we can talk in #openstack-dev07:54
anteayadid you have an -infra question?07:54
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sjing_I'm not sure if this is -infra, but where can I get the slides in HK openstack design summit07:55
sjing_I do find some videos on openstack website, but not the slides07:56
sjing_thank you in advance07:56
anteayasjing_: let me see if anything is up yet07:57
anteayaoh umm, slides for the design summit - we use etherpads07:57
anteayaso the design summit is about discussion, and the etherpads are collaborative tools07:58
anteayadoes that help you, sjing_?07:58
sjing_anteaya, sorry, I did not make my statement clear08:01
sjing_I did not mean the design discussion, I meant the presentations(Y, G, related OSS, etc..)08:02
anteayasjing_: the design summit sessions don't include slides and presentations08:03
anteayathe etherpad is on the screen and discussion centers on the etherpad08:03
anteayadid you attend design sessions that were actually presentations instead of discussions?08:04
sjing_anteaya, hehe, I was in the ironic design sessions, so knew that we used etherpad at that time08:05
sjing_I meant the sessions listed
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sjing_I wanted the slides, but only found parts of the videos here
ttxanteaya: oh, and btw reed can serve as backup when i'm not around for the tc list moderation08:08
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openstackgerritMichael Still proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Allow automatic subscription to DocImpact bugs
anteayattx great thanks, I will bug reed too08:14
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ttxanteaya: just approved the queue08:15
anteayattx thanks08:15
anteayasjing_: ah the talks, sorry in my mind the design summit is separate from the talks, my confusion08:16
anteayanot sure who is co-ordinating the uploading of slides from talk presentations08:17
anteayattx would you happen to know?08:17
anteayawould that be claire?08:17
ttxanteaya: probably08:17
anteayaokay, so sjing_ I suggest that you email and request an estimated time of arrival for access to those slides?08:19
openstackgerritOleg Gelbukh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rubick project to stackforge
anteayaclaire basically organized the entire summit, from a details point of view so she would both probably know and also be very tired08:20
anteayabut she is probably your best person08:20
sjing_anteaya, thank you so much!!08:22
anteayamy pleasure08:22
sjing_I will bother claire :)08:22
anteayaand if you get a response, do you mind coming back and telling the rest of us, so we know and don't have to keep bugging claire?08:22
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anteayajust post in this channel and I will read the logs08:26
sjing_ok, I will08:30
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anteayattx so far I see that neutron devs can find other neutron devs, some reviewers aren't on irc so I am working to address that08:33
anteayattx also there seems to be initial resistance to the idea of idling in channels of other projects and contribution to other projects08:33
anteayattx just keeping you aprised of my findings in case the TC has something to say about it08:34
anteayaneutron devs can't find other neutron devs08:34
ttxanteaya: imho at a minimum core devs should have some presence on IRC (and PTLs should use a proxy)08:35
anteayathey couldn't find each other in the design summit sessions, they seem to have difficulty finding each other in channel08:35
anteayaI agree08:35
ttxthat sounds like the bare minimum for what they signed up for08:35
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anteayathe core devs may be there, I haven't done a thorough investigation08:36
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anteayajust initial impressions, but I might be wrong08:37
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anteayawill continue to observe, dig and address as I am able08:37
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anteayaby PTLs should use a proxy, do you mean an irc server, or a person as proxy?08:37
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anteayattx ^08:43
ttxanteaya: no, I mean a IRC proxy so that they stay connected and can see questions when they get up.08:44
ttx(like znc or bip, or a permanent irssi setup)08:44
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Krastwhy not email?08:46
anteayattx great thanks08:47
anteayaKrast: we use IRC, email is for larger conversations08:47
anteayathere is an expectation that if I pop into a channel and have a question, the PTL (at least) will read backscroll when they can and answer me08:48
anteayasaves waiting and makes for a faster process for working collaboratively with so many projects08:48
ttxanteaya: you might be interested to find solutions for
ttxdid we lose soren's bot again ?08:49
* anteaya clicks08:49
ttxbug 125075808:49
anteayaseems we did08:49
anteayawhat time zone is he in?08:49
ttxhe shall be up any time now08:50
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anteayaokay I am going to go to bed again soon08:50
anteayayeah, I can look at 1250758 with fungi mordred and the gang once they are up08:51
ttxsounds like an interesting side-project08:51
ttxused to be rare to update calendar, now it's kike every 2 days08:51
anteayaI think mordred was hoping owncloud would solve the calendar issue, but I don't think it is possible to modify a group calendar08:51
anteayano kidding08:51
anteayayeah, not sure how many sides I have what with deciding to join neutron and all08:52
anteayabut whining about lack of time doesn't make me unique so I will address it as best I can08:52
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anteayaKrast: hi I am on weechat and am just getting used to it08:55
anteayaI am not sure how to accept what you are trying to send me08:55
anteayawould a paste or an etherpad work instead?08:55
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Krast- -08:55
KrastI use hexchat in windows08:56
KrastI don't know how to use.... bad...08:56
anteayawhat were you trying to send?08:58
Krast<anteaya> sorry I just try the new irc client...08:58
anteayaah okay08:59
anteayaI am off to try to get more sleep08:59
anteayatalk to you later08:59
Krastok~~see you~09:00
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openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Document what it takes to be a check/gate test.
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openstackgerritMehdi Abaakouk proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Sqlalchemy pool settings for ceilometer
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix typo in sqlalchemy-migrate upstream path
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reorder gerrit projects alphabetically
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add turbo-hipster into stackforge
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add turbo-hipster to zuul+jenkins
openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add received reviews to review stats
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openstackgerritMichael Still proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Allow automatic subscription to DocImpact bugs
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giulivohi guys, I'm exploring job-builder for non-openstack related tasks and it is great fun11:11
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giulivobut I don't seem to find any option capable of setting the "Restrict where this project can be run" properties11:12
giulivocan you suggest how to set that option?11:12
ekarlsouhm, is down ?11:14
* fifieldt can't get to the admin interface11:15
ogelbukhit suggests it's not just you11:15
ekarlsook :p11:16
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fifieldtthe server is up11:18
fifieldtbut it looks like silverstripe is down11:18
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evgeniylHi, I have a question regarding launchpad + gerrit intergration for stackforge projects, e.g. we had a bug and then made a patch , patch was merged, but bot didn't update bug's status.11:24
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openstackgerritNikita Konovalov proposed a change to openstack-infra/storyboard: Pagination added to task lists
pblahoevgeniyl: bug is on Fix committed.... it will be closed when commit gets to release11:42
pblahoevgeniyl: it bothers me too... as I usually have to custom search and switch off Fix committed state to see what to work on11:43
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add turbo-hipster to zuul+jenkins
evgeniylpblaho, we moved it to "Fix committed" by hands, because bot didn't do it.11:44
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pblahoevgeniyl: aah... I have encountered some issues in the past too... check names of project in gerrit and in LP11:52
pblahoevgeniyl: and I remember some issue with project not being in proper group or something in LP11:53
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ogelbukhevgeniyl: - set "Part of" to 'openstack'11:54
evgeniylogelbukh, it's already a part of 'openstack', you can see it on the main page "Part of: OpenStack"11:56
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ogelbukhevgeniyl: then add 'stackforge/fuel': 'fuel' in this map:
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openstackgerritRussell Bryant proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add some per day stats
ArxCruzmordred: doesn't seems to be an error in my patch what should I do?12:00
evgeniylogelbukh, thanks, I'll try.12:00
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ttxha. ha. ha. is down.12:29
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anteayattx yup12:35
anteayaI can hear mordred exploding now12:35
anteayawhich is good12:35
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anteayaI am in the process of trying to get -neutron to actually consume info that will help them12:36
anteayao.o disappearing does not help me12:36
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openstackgerritEvgeniy L proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Map all fuel stackforge repos to fuel at launchpad
sdaguettx: that's still not under infra control, right?12:38
ttxsdague: no its' not12:38
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ttxsdague: mordred was complaining about it just yesterday. Now like anteaya said he must be ever more pissed12:39
mordredI have tweeted to collier again12:39
mordredwhich is the best way I know of doing anything12:39
ttxnice timing for an embarassing outage12:39
ttxmordred: did you DoS it to prove your point ?12:40
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mordredit appears capable of breaking all by itself12:41
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anteayawell I may as well make some breakfast12:43
anteayaI'm sure a teachable moment for -neutron devs will present itself again in the future12:43
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ttxnot sure if fungi got the opportunity to raise the issue at the call yesterday12:50
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sdaguestackforge question, if I wanted a new repo that's currently doesn't exist, can I get jeepyb to build it from whole cloth, or do I always need a starting point to import?12:52
dimssdague, i may have stabilized gate-tempest-devstack-vm-neutron-large-ops - 4 straight SUCCESS runs so far -
sdaguedims: nice12:54
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mordredsdague: you can get jeepyb to build it whole cloth - but you will right now just get an empty repo with a gitreview in it12:57
mordredsdague: however, I have a tdl item to get jeepyb to run cookiecutter to make you a new repo12:57
mordredgimme a few minutes and I can hack up that patch and you can be a guinea pig12:57
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sdaguemordred: this isn't a python project, so empy is fine12:59
mordredsdague: ok. just don't put in an upstream and you'll be set13:00
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sdagueyeh, this is the idea I was pitching to jd__ this morning about an os-emacs project that had some common python config setup that emacs users might like to bootstrap with13:01
dstufftdoes it include installing vim? ;P13:03
* dstufft hides13:03
dimsdstufft, lol13:04
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jd__I think the purpose is to be efficient, so no dstufft :-)13:04
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dstufftjd__: :D13:06
dstufftjd__: I mostly joke, I don't use either ;P13:06
jd__dstufft: what do you use then? ed? :)13:07
dstufftwell I can use vim I suppose, I started emacs once, i'm pretty sure it's still running on a shell somewhere waiting for me to figure out how to exit it13:07
anteayattx so if this group just edited the wiki with their meeting time:
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anteayahow does their meeting time get added to the ical feed?13:07
anteayaplease teach me13:07
sc68cal+1 - since I did the edit to the wiki13:07
anteayaso I can do a better job fixing that bug13:07
sc68calhate to consume people's time for things that i should know, but don't.13:07
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anteayasc68cal: it is the only way to learn, so hopefully we will both learn it13:09
anteayabiggest part is to learn well and then share13:09
anteayaalways chances to share13:10
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sdaguedstufft: that's where you made a mistake, you start emacs-server, and never need to stop it13:13
dstufftsdague: a text editor with a server inside it? o.O13:14
* dstufft is lazy and uses ST313:14
sdaguedstufft: yeh, because you can send files to it13:14
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ttxanteaya: I'm subscribed to the page and I translate that into a gcal meeting13:16
ttxanteaya: manual, time-consuming and error-prone process13:16
ttxI just create a google calendar meeting, set to UTC time, on that common calendar13:17
ttxannegentle and myself have rights to it. I'm fine with adding anyone who wants to play, but would rather just automate the process13:18
ttxsince if we have multiple people it becomes difficult to track who does the update13:19
sdaguethis is one of those times, I again, wish we used a CMS instead of a wiki. Then we could do something like this automatically -
ogelbukhjust a reminder: diagnostics api project stackforge request is still in review here
anteayattx eww13:21
anteayacan you add me for this one13:22
anteayaI will add it to the calendar and then see the process myself13:22
anteayathen remove my rights and I will have better feel what I am after when I am fixing that bug13:22
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anteayacan we do that?13:22
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ttxanteaya: I already added it13:23
ttxanteaya: next time I see one we can do that :)13:23
anteayattx okay thanks13:24
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DenisEgorenkohi guys, i have some questions about Cacti.13:28
DenisEgorenko1. do you use thresholds in your monitoring?13:28
DenisEgorenko2. I have some problem: i create some tresholds and specify two e-mail to receive warnings and alerts. And when alert or warning was triggered it delivered only to one of email. But when some host is down i have delivery notifications to both of email. What's maybe wrong?13:28
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mordredDenisEgorenko: we do not have thresholds set13:29
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mordredDenisEgorenko: we use our lovely developers as an alert system :)13:30
DenisEgorenkomordred: thank you) maybe, do you know what i should to do with my problem?)13:31
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mrmartinguys, am I the only one who is experiencing that is down currently?13:32
ogelbukhno, it's actually down atm (13:32
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mrmartinit returns an 500 Internal server error http status code13:33
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mrmartinI opened a ticket for the website issue
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sdaguemrmartin: well, it's not actually under infra control13:47
sdagueso that's not all that useful13:48
sdaguehmmm... I wonder if beating people up on the foundation mailing list is appropriate for this :)13:49
mrmartinsdague: ok, we need to find somebody who can restart the site, a bit unpleasant that we can't promote Openstack after the summit13:49
sdaguemrmartin: everyone agrees13:49
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sdaguethis is actually a sore spot that isn't run by the infra team, because it's not fixable by the technical team13:49
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mrmartinI wrote a mail to reed.13:51
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sdagueyeh, I think we need to be more public than tath13:52
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dstufftfwiw loads for me13:54
mordredyup. it's back up13:55
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mrmartinworks for me too13:58
sdaguewell, I trolled the foundation list anyway13:59
sdagueit feels like we need a public conversation about this, not just emails / tweets to reed and sparky13:59
mrmartinmaybe some failover deployment model could be nice14:00
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dstuffttrolling lists is always a good time14:06
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fungittx: mordred: there was nobody to complain to on the call. tom and margie were the only other two people to call in for it14:29
mordredttx: awesome14:29
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fungii think having more than just the usual complainy handful of us expressing concern about this would be more likely to help build inertia anyway, so maybe a few more outages are a good thing14:33
fungianteaya: ttx: on the calendar front, i'm keen on clarkb's earlier suggestion as well because it could 1. get us away from (proprietary) google calendars and 2. provide the user groups with a potential solution which isn't (proprietary) meetup14:35
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ogelbukhfungi: hello14:38
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ogelbukhfungi: any chance you could look at ?14:38
mordredfungi: I missed the calendar discussion14:39
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mrmartinfungi: we are working on a community portal that can replace meetup14:41
mordredah - I see the scrollback now14:44
fungimrmartin: oh, right, forgot that was what that did. maybe it could also eventually handle general calendaring for the project? is there enough overlap there with its current mission and design?14:46
mrmartinit will contain a calendaring for events14:48
sdaguefungi: what is the calendaring proposal?14:48
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mrmartinand we try to integrate in the first round14:48
sdagueI've spent a lot of time on ical hacking over the years, so am very keen on the discussion14:48
sdaguemrmartin: what are you building it with?14:48
fungisdague: just wondering about whether the new groups system would be a good place for ical feeds of other things to eventually get managed, like project calendars14:49
fungiin a perfect world, something should also supplant our use of eventbrite. i'm not keen on the fact that to attend a free software conference i need to sign up with a proprietary service which then continues to spam me about other people's events they're also marketing14:49
mrmartinfungi, but first we want to integrate with membership database through OpenID14:49
mrmartinand we are planning a speakers list also14:49
fungimrmartin: sounds great14:50
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anteayasdague mrmartin
anteayafungi has already commented on it15:03
mrmartinanteaya: oh I saw that15:04
chmouelperhaps something nice to have in the future on the infra
openstackgerritFei Long Wang proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add new core member for Glance
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fungichmouel: i wonder whether that's a viable alternative to disqus? i know docs was wanting to replace it15:12
chmouelfungi: is that trying to replace disqus ? I have understood that the alternative is to etherpads15:13
annegentlefungi: chmouel: we want to put ask.o.o threads in instead of disqus threads for docs15:13
annegentlechmouel: the alternative is threaded discussions that aren't through a proprietary tool15:14
fungichmouel: ahh, okay. it was unclear to me what togetherjs did from its readme15:14
chmouelannegentle, fungi:
fungigot it15:14
chmouelsee the video, this is more a collobaration kind of wsgi editor15:14
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/cookiecutter: Add post hook to do git initialization
annegentlechmouel: yeah I see togetherjs as an etherpad sub15:14
fungiannegentle: right, i couldn't remember whether you had arrived at a solution. forgot it was going to be integration with ask.o.o15:14
annegentlefungi: yah no worries, I don't know how far along we are really :)15:15
chmouelperhaps this is something that can be add to blueprints/storyboard for collobarotive work15:15
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fungiperhaps. looks like it might be good for collaborating on less text-y web content (forms, diagrams, et cetera)15:16
sdaguemrmartin: so what base infrastructure are you using for the community site you are spinning up15:17
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mrmartinsdague: it is Drupal / PHP15:18
mordredthat's pretty neat15:19
sdaguemrmartin: so you know I wrote this - ?15:19
mrmartinsdague: not yet, but sounds great15:20
sdagueand would be super happy to fix anything needed for your use case15:20
mrmartinsdague: we are extending a Drupal Commons distribution, and I always welcome new contributors15:21
sdaguesure, that plugin should mostly be drop in, it's kind of configurable about how you handle events15:21
sdaguethough it currently only hits a single meetup, but I should be able to extend not too bad to multiple15:22
mrmartinwe definietly need that15:22
sdagueI previously had a request for it from another group, just didn't get around to it. But supporting the openstack use case means I could justify work time on it :)15:23
fungisdague: and
sdagueok, cool. I've got another flight on sunday, I'll pull this before the flight to look15:24
fungicurrently the groups-dev server is running on continuous deployment from the openstack-infra/groups project15:24
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mrmartinsdague: I try to recruit some new Drupal developers on the Drupal Weekend event at Budapest, this weekend15:25
sdaguemrmartin: is there already an event content type baked in there15:25
mrmartinsdague: yep, but this patch sits on my dev machine, but we can enlist envents currently15:25
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mrmartinsdague: this is the staging site, we need to do a lot, gating, prod deployment, etc.15:26
sdaguemrmartin: sure, but as soon as the event content type is up there I can make sure the meetup_events groks the event definition15:27
sdagueand the many to many meetups support15:28
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mrmartinsdague: great, I'll ping you when we are there, first of all, we need to do OpenID integration with membership database15:29
anteayamrmartin sdague I'll keep ttx's bug assigned to me, let me know if you feel your work will cover that use case as well as a time line for doing so15:29
sdaguemrmartin: sounds great. Also, for when you get to it, I've done *way* too much hacking on drupal's ical support. So might be helpful there15:30
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Create new repos using cookiecutter
mordredfungi, clarkb ^^ there's a fun one for ya.15:43
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mordredsdague: you might find that interesting too15:43
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sdaguemordred: cool15:49
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add swiftsync.
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mordredfungi: I'd like to land that, but I'm not 100% sure how to review it15:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix typo in sqlalchemy-migrate upstream path
mordredit SEEMS like a solid patch15:57
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fungiprobably we should try to load the original and the new yaml files in a parser and compare them programmatically?15:58
mgagnemordred: load both files and diff the 2 contents?15:58
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update stevedore
mordredfungi, mgagne: hrm. not a bad idea15:59
fungibut yes, i would very, very much like to see that land15:59
mordredI'm rebasing it on the swiftsync change right now15:59
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add turbo-hipster into stackforge
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add turbo-hipster to zuul+jenkins
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reorder gerrit projects alphabetically
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fungialso nice would be a gate-config-projects-lint job which as a start can confirm it's alpha order16:00
fungithen later we can expand it to do some more thorough validation as well16:00
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Add the semver documentation
mordredfungi: ok. I believe that the change is good16:06
mordredfungi: I have verified it by loading each yaml file into pytohn16:06
mordredand then sorting the list of dicts in python16:07
fungiawesome. let's try to cram these through then, or else they'll be hell to keep rebasing16:07
mordrednsort = sorted(ns[1], key=lambda k: k['project'])16:07
mordredand then verifying that the resulting lists of dicts are equal16:07
mordredwhich they are16:07
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Reorder gerrit projects alphabetically
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add turbo-hipster into stackforge
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add turbo-hipster to zuul+jenkins
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rubick project to stackforge
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the tomograph project to stackforge.
mordredfungi: ok. I rebased the two outstanding changes that were touching projects.yaml16:13
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add the tomograph project to stackforge.
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dimssome good news, looks like when goes through, we can switch gate-tempest-devstack-vm-neutron-large-ops to a voting job on all the projects where it is non-voting now. got 7 good back to back runs (logstash query -
mgagnemordred: according to my tests, both lists are identical16:19
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add rubick project to stackforge
mordredfungi: ok. NOW I have rebased16:21
mordreddims: AWESOME16:21
fungimgagne: thanks for double-checking!16:21
mgagnefungi: I did some basic checks and introduced errors to test the script.16:22
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jlkmordred: were you able to assign rackspace-auth-openstack to my account (j2solutions) ?16:24
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fungijlk: right now says  Package Index Owner: sdirector (and doesn't mention any other accounts) so i'm guessing not yet16:26
funginormally the package index owners and package index maintainers will be displayed on the project's pypi page16:28
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annegentlettx: do you happen to remember the etherpad link for the Summit 101 talk?16:32
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ttxannegentle: no, but my firefox awesomebar knows it16:37
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annegentlettx: yeehaw! thanks16:43
romchegMorning folks16:43
romchegI need some help with devstack-gate.16:43
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romchegI found an invocation of the script:
anteayahey romcheg welcome16:46
romchegHowever, I cannot find it in devstack. Where else should I look for it?16:46
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romchegMorning anteaya16:46
anteayaromcheg: I think the -qa channel would have more access to folks that would know16:46
anteayaare you in -qa yet?16:46
romcheganteaya: no. I'm going to join it now16:47
anteayasee you there16:47
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anteayahow do I run the test coverage script/tool against neutron to evaluate the level of coverage for unit tests?16:50
anteayaI have folks wanting to help close the gap and I need to know where to point them16:50
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openstackgerritJohannes Erdfelt proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Make -o option required if using 'test' command
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fungianteaya: i think 'tox -ecover'17:08
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anteayafungi how easy is that17:16
* anteaya heads for -ecover17:16
clarkbfungi: anteaya calagator is the calendar thing17:16
anteayamorning clarkb17:16
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clarkbsdague: fungi: I am going to approve d-g changes now if they haven't been approved yet17:16
anteayaI kept thinking alligator17:16
anteayaso I got the end correct17:16
fungiclarkb: i think they have not17:16
fungistill trying to get un-buried this morning17:16
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mordredmorning clarkb17:17
mordredjlk: I was not - but I will do it right now17:17
mordredjlk: you are now the owner17:18
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mordredjlk: feel free to remove me any time (but I'll let you do that so that we verify you do have ownership)17:18
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notmynamelifeless: your country is cool. they aren't making me get a visa as I fly through on my way to LCA :-)17:24
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fungiand they also film hobbits there, in their natural habitat17:25
clarkbfungi: sdague: d-g changes approved I will keep an eye on them17:25
clarkbnotmyname: you do need a visa for LCA though17:26
clarkb(assuming you are a US citizen)17:26
anteayanotmyname: where are you coming from that NZ is on the way to Perth?17:29
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reedand I'm back17:35
reedgood day to all17:36
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add availability zone support
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add ability to filter on flavor name
mordredclarkb: ^^ new beta of hpcloud uses actual az support in nova17:40
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mordredas a follow on to the patch above, we may need to actually add new logic into nodepool17:40
mordredbecause AIUI, quota is region-wide, so our quota calculations will be off if we treat azs as a whole other provider17:41
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clarkbmordred: can we treat an entire region as being one az?17:42
mordredwe can treat an entire region as being a provider in nodepol.yaml like we do now17:43
mordredbut - to get placement of a node in different azs, you have to provide an argument to the nova api17:43
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mordredwhich means we need to be able to give a provider a list of azs, so that nodepool can spread the love17:43
fungiwe may care less about which azs we spin them up in, if the quotas are no longer per-az17:43
mordredI think we want to spread across azs17:44
mordredso that if an az goes down17:44
mordredwe don't lose that as a provider17:44
fungiyeah, good point. less manual fiddling during outages17:44
mordredyup. it's purely about managing how we calculate quota17:44
fungispeaking of outages, the resolution on bug 1250854 is mildly frightening17:44
clarkbmordred: so we won't get automagically load balanced (I suppose being explicit is probably better in any case)17:45
* fungi is trying to imagine what manner of catastrophe befell the site, that a restore from backup was required17:45
mordredclarkb: that's correct17:45
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mordredfungi: well, it's tough to know, because it's running in magical cloud sites17:45
clarkbfungi: I try not to think about it17:46
fungiwhere flying unicorns crap proprietary rainbows17:46
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add new HP Cloud regions
mordredclarkb, fungi ^^ but that will require the change above to nodepool to be operational17:47
mordredI do not think we should put significant load on the new hp cloud stuff until we rework quota calc to understand azs better17:48
mordredbut I think I'd like jeblair to be around before we try to do that17:48
clarkbmordred: ++ so review now but don't approve17:48
mordredno - I think we can appove17:48
mordredwe just need to land nodepool before config17:48
clarkbbut not until jeblair is back?17:49
mordredit will be non-optimal in exteme quota-pushing cases or outages17:49
mordredwe can totally land now17:49
clarkboh I misread your jeblair comment17:49
mordredI think there is an additional optimization we can do to grok azs later17:49
clarkbthat was in referral to he quota stuff17:49
* clarkb properly reviews then17:49
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clarkbmordred: is the image id the same in new hpcloud?17:53
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reedfungi, not sure how Marton knows that the resolution was 'restored from backup'17:54
mrmartinhi reed17:55
notmynameclarkb: ya I got that17:55
mrmartinsomebody wrote that here17:55
reedtoday's kernel upgrade must have screwed up display refresh :(17:55
reedhi mrmartin, did you talk to toddmorey?17:55
reedoh, ok17:55
anteayamordred can you take a peek at this?
notmynameanteaya: SFO. miles count for united and it's relatively cheap (ie half the price of SFO->HKG->PER)17:56
reedfungi, since I adopted your gpg.conf hell opened its gates and demons started walking around my systems17:56
anteayaI tried running tox -ecover inside neutron, in the hopes of getting some feedback on unit test coverage17:56
anteayanotmyname: really?17:57
anteayaso SFO > NZ > PER?17:57
notmynameanteaya: ya. SFO->AKL->MEL->PER17:57
anteayagoing to be a fun first leg17:57
notmynameactually, it's shorter (or similar) to hong kong17:58
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jlkmordred: thanks, I've published.17:59
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Extract setup_project as a single function
fungireed: how so?18:01
anteayamordred it looks like pbr and requirements to me, yes?18:01
reedfungi, how can I say it..... nothing works :)18:01
reedfungi, search-keys  fails, recv-keys fails18:02
reedmakes me sad18:02
fungireed: did you download and install the ca key mentioned in that section right after the sample config?18:02
clarkb1/3 d-g changes merged. e-r nicely gave me a bug to reverify the other two against so trying again18:02
reedfungi, yes18:02
fungireed: what error message are you getting?18:03
reed$ gpg2 --search-keys me@not.mn18:03
reedgpg: searching for "" from hkps server hkps.pool.sks-keyservers.net18:03
reedgpgkeys: HTTP search error 77:18:03
reedgpg: key "" not found on keyserver18:03
reedgpg: keyserver internal error18:03
reedgpg: keyserver search failed: Keyserver error18:04
clarkbthat reminds me I should do key signing stuff tonight18:04
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anteayalooks like it failed on greenlet: UnicodeDecodeError: 'ascii' codec can't decode byte 0xe2 in position 66: ordinal not in range(128)18:04
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fungireed: weird. for me it seems to work fine. does this...
mordredanteaya: looking18:06
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reedfungi, i'll tweak gpg.conf more and see if hell's gates close18:08
fungireed: what gpg version does gpg2 --version report?18:08
fungii'm testing with 2.0.20 at the moment18:08
reed gpg2 --version gpg (GnuPG) 2.0.19 libgcrypt 1.5.018:08
mordredgreenlet.h:8:20: fatal error: Python.h: No such file or directory18:09
mordredanteaya: you need to apt-get install python-dev18:09
anteayacan do18:09
reedpgp is a huge source of frustration18:12
anteayaah, who prepares invitation letters for the foundation for people who need a visa to summits?18:14
anteayaI just got asked to prepare an invitation letter for someone who needs a visa to Canada and I have never done that before.18:15
clarkbanteaya: there is an email address on the summit site iirc18:15
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anteayaclarkb: thanks18:16
fungireed: the few hits i get for error 77 suggest it may be failing x.509 verification on the hkps server cert18:17
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fungireed: can you confirm that 'sha256sum ~/.gnupg/sks-keyservers.netCA.pem' returns 0666ee848e03a48f3ea7bb008dbe9d63dfde280af82fb4412a04bf4e24cab36b18:19
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fungii'll also note that i have that file owned by my account with 0644 perms, so maybe if you have it group-writable gnupg gets unhappy?18:20
clarkbargh d-g failed again with new and exciting errors18:21
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mordredclarkb: excellent18:27
clarkbI think the swift thing is biting me, so I am rechecking jog0's devstack change to build up more confidence in that change18:27
sdaguehave we seen dtroyer back yet since HK?18:30
dtroyersdague: no, he's still sleeping18:30
sdagueok, I just +Aed jog0's patch18:31
fungireed: it's also possible, depending on the system where you're running, that you may also need the ​gnupg-curl package installed18:31
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koolhead17hello world!!18:34
anteayahello koolhead1718:34
reedfungi, is this normal?
anteayawe said we would talk and we never did18:34
koolhead17anteaya: how have you been? :)18:34
anteayaso much for good intentions18:34
anteayakoolhead17: good18:34
anteayaover committed like everyone else, but happy18:35
koolhead17anteaya: we are on cloud ^^ you know18:35
* koolhead17 pokes reed18:35
anteayakoolhead17: sorry I missed the reference you made18:35
anteayamy brain is somewhere else18:35
* reed smiles at koolhead17 and keeps on going as if pokes did not exist18:35
fungireed: yep, that's normal. it's being more verbose about trust levels because of the show-uid-validity option in your config18:35
koolhead17anteaya: we can soon do google hangout18:36
koolhead17reed: :)18:36
anteayakoolhead17: ah okay, except I hate them18:36
anteayawhat is the status of the asterisk server?18:36
anteayacan koolhead and I talk on that?18:36
jog0sdague: thanks18:36
koolhead17anteaya: no idea.18:36
jog0clarkb: I ran out of time last night to finish my script18:36
anteayasorry was asking fungi clarkb18:36
reedanteaya, I have high hopes with
reedjog0, what's that?18:38
jog0reed: in order to test fixes for transient bugs, you have to hit recheck no bug a few dozen times to have any confidence18:38
jog0aka babysit zuul18:38
anteayareed: how are you envisioning togetherjs working?18:39
reedanteaya, dreaming to have it working together with one day18:39
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reedanteaya, as soon as it adds support to video and screen sharing it will immediately become #1 option for online meetings, IMHO18:40
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reedfungi, resolved! I forgot to specify the default key in gpg.conf18:43
reedgeez, that gpg thing is nasty18:43
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lifelessnotmyname: indeed :)18:58
anteayafungi: I'm guessing this is not the hoped for output of running tox -ecover:
clarkbanteaya: fungi: seems ok it says it passed19:00
clarkbyou now need to open the .cover/index.html to look at the coverage19:00
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clarkbjog0: sdague: the devstack change failed the postgres gate test19:02
clarkbwith a rest client 503 which I think is related to the swift thing :/19:02
anteayaclarkb: ah19:02
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jog0clarkb: :(19:03
clarkbI think we may need to work on recreating the fails locally19:04
fungireed: oh, i guess you had more than one19:04
fungivery odd behavior though19:04
jog0clarkb: yeah, and monitor how much data we are pushing into swift19:04
reedfungi, one valid key and one retired19:05
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jog0clarkb: did you just volunteer ?19:07
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sdagueso... yeh, not good enough19:07
clarkbjog0: no19:07
jog0we could always bump that number up to 15 GB or something silly19:07
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jog0and babysit the patch to see if that works or not19:08
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clarkbI have other things I really need to do today and falling into a debug cycle won't help that19:08
jog0clarkb: heh same, bumping patch to 15GB and babysit it is19:08
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fungireed: yeah, i have a couple of valid keys (old one is deprecated but not revoked). it's probably been long enough i can set a reasonable expiration on it and let it age out19:11
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jog0clarkb sdague: my patch failed for a different reason :)19:17
jog0notmyname: turns out swift wasn't designed to run in a single VM :)19:17
clarkbI never thought I could be so happy about a test failure :)19:17
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jog0its database is locked error :/19:18
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mordredwe have SOME wheels at least19:18
mordredI'm guessing the fact that we don't have more means there was a problem with one of the jobs19:18
mgagneChrome thinks this page is in Slovenian19:18
mordredAlex_Gaynor, dstufft ^^19:18
dstufftwhat'd I do19:19
clarkbjog0: I wonder if the increased concurrency is affecting both disk use and db lock stuff19:20
mordreddstufft: just showing that we've got some wheels in our mirror now19:20
dstufftmordred: noice!19:20
notmynamejog0: I'm shocked!19:20
dstufftmordred: I see openstack stuff in red
clarkbmordred: lol max recursion depth19:21
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clarkbmysql-python not a happy camper19:22
mordreddstufft: yah. I haven't landed the 'publish wheels to pypi' code yet19:22
jog0clarkb: yeah, well in swift a db is a sqllite file19:22
clarkbjog0: oh! can we point it at mysql/postgres instead?19:22
jog0clarkb: it doesn't make sense in swift land19:23
clarkbit does if swift can't handle concurrent HEAD requests19:23
jog0they put sqllite files into swift and use replicas etc19:23
mordredclarkb: you are right. mysql-python is NOT a happy camper19:23
jog0clarkb: it can't because we have one replica (I think)19:23
mordredclarkb: if I were to, say, fork mysql-python and remove its explicit distribute depend, could we use that instead?19:23
clarkbmordred: is upstream not receptive to patches like that?19:24
jog0notmyname: ^ how can we make swift more performant in the devstack based gate19:24
clarkb(I am not familiar with the upstream for mysql-python)19:24
mordredclarkb: upstream is violently against removing the distribute depend19:24
mordredbut, honestly, I do not understand why that is breaking in that manner19:24
clarkbmordred: because distribute is broken and is getting into an infinite loop19:25
mordredbut I don't understand why it's getting broken distribute19:25
mordredsince we should be updating that in sequence properly in the venv19:26
clarkbmysql-python is running _setup-distribute19:26
clarkbis their interacting with wheelstuff poorly19:27
mordredah. well19:27
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mordredpypi-mirror does NOT update distribute in the venv19:27
mordredbecause who cares19:27
mordredexcept, it seems, perhaps we should19:27
mordredso that mysql-pyhton will not try to download one19:28
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Alex_Gaynormordred: are builds using wheels to install stuff?19:28
mordredAlex_Gaynor: we're getting closer to that19:29
mordredAlex_Gaynor: right now we're just working on getting wheels uploaded properly to our mirror19:29
mordrednext I'll do the things to make sure that our release jobs upload wheels to pypi as well19:29
mordredand then we'll land the change to start consuming them19:30
dstufftmordred: why in the world is upstream against removing the dependency for a dead project19:30
mordreddstufft: I have long since stopped trying to understand what's going on there19:30
dstuffthe does releaze the latest distribute release is an empty tarball with nothing but a that points to the latest setuptools right?19:30
dstufftlike distribute is not a thing19:30
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add new core member for Glance
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clarkbd-g changes failed again :(19:32
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clarkbI will try pushing them through again after lunch19:32
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/pypi-mirror: Add distribute to the pre-install list
mordredclarkb: ^^19:33
clarkbmordred: what is with running those commands twice?19:36
clarkbthey seem to use the same venv_dir19:36
mordredclarkb: the first time installs them. the second time builds wheels of them19:37
clarkbthat is why there is a pair of for loops, but you have two pairs of for loops19:37
clarkboh are we creating a new venv with teh venv format command?19:37
mordredhave I mentioned we need to refactor this script?19:38
mordredthe second for loop in the second set can probably die19:38
mordredbut it also is not breaking much19:38
clarkbwe should figure out how to use functions in those scripts :)19:39
mordredI dunno though19:39
mordredfunctions are hard19:39
Shrewsthe problem is...19:40
Shrewsyou aren't doing it in java19:40
* Shrews ducks19:40
* mordred throws a Shrews at Shrews19:41
mordredShrews: btw - sandy and I will be coming through durham after thanksgiving. you gonna be around for beer?19:41
Shrewsmordred: likely will be19:42
clarkbShrews: we should probably use scala or haskell if the lack of functions is a problem. those languages are functional19:43
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clarkbfungi: sdague: I am going to stop trying to push those d-g changes through until later today. Feel free to kick them if you want to babysit19:44
sdagueclarkb: dammit you missed the obvious go joke19:44
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clarkbsdague: what was the go joke?19:45
fungiit is its own joke19:45
sdagueany time we bring up another language, it must be go :)19:45
clarkbsdague: oh ya fail (ganeti is actually partially writtin in haskell so clearly Go isn't the right choice for us, haskell would be better)19:47
clarkbsdague: jog0: do the swift tests in tempest run in different classes? any chance we can consolidate them so they run in a single process?19:47
clarkbI hate that idea but if it gets things moving again it may not be the absolute worst idea I have ever had19:47
sdagueso I'm not sure why that would help19:48
clarkbsdague: the problem seems to be around concurrent requests (DB locked)19:48
sdaguewell, we could always just lock all the swift tests19:48
sdagueso only one runs at a time19:48
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sdaguehonestly, it feels like we need swift team engagement here instead of just shooting in the dark19:49
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clarkbthey are in their meeting right now19:49
sdagueryanpetrello was hoping this could land before he cut a release, to ensure all was good -
jog0where are the test-req cahnges19:52
jog0clarkb: what sdague said19:53
clarkbjog0: mordred for 53372, I think we need to look at that machinery again. there is at least one bug where stable branch changes are applied to master branch19:53
clarkbwhich derps things pretty hard (I think that is why keystoneclient changes in that patchset)19:54
jog0clarkb: lolz19:54
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jog0bad jenkins19:57
sdagueianw: hey, it would be super awesome if you could actually view the logs that RedHat-CI is posting back up -
sdaguewhen I try to in the browser it says they are corrupted19:59
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notmynamesdague: not sure I followed, but if you want swift team engagement, ask in #openstack-swift19:59
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hub_caphey guys, -alt's default meeting topic is goofy fyi20:00
hub_capnot killing anyone but its funny20:00
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Stop running stable/folsom jobs
fungiclarkb: ^ first stab at the config changes20:42
fungii'll work up the d-g and devstack changes next and -2 them until that clears20:43
fungiwe also need to remember to adjust the all-projects acl since that's not stored in git20:43
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jog0sdague: did you see this
jog0'Ultimately, I would also want Ceilometer moving towards providing its own set of Tempest tests as part of the code base. That way, it'd be as easy for core reviewers to refuse a patch if it doesn't provide functional tests as it is to refuse it if it doesn't provide unit tests. As we'll do for the documentation.20:48
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sdagueyeh, I think we disagree there. But we can work that one out later20:58
sdagueI realized at summit how little folks understand the integrated gate20:58
sdaguewhich was one of the reasons for that state of the world part of my incubation / integration threshold proposal20:59
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ianwsdague: hmm, sorry about that, it appears they're not really zipped.  let me dig into the script posting them21:02
zaromgagne: around?21:03
mgagnezaro: sup21:04
zaromgagne: i can't get this to work.
mgagnezaro: checking (still suffering from jet lag)21:04
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zaromgagne: i setup the yaml conf but when i run it the code for inject-password never gets executed.  i don't see what is the problem.21:06
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mgagnezaro: Jenkins ver. 1.53521:10
zaromgagne: let me try with your config.  i'm already using latest jenkins ver 1.53921:10
mgagnezaro: I can try against latest21:11
zaromgagne: first try was on 1.502 , but that didn't work either.21:11
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Remove folsom-specific logic
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zaromgagne: here's my config
fungiclarkb: ^ there's the other one. looks like devstack itself doesn't have anything in need of cleaning up21:15
mgagnezaro: Jenkins 1.539 + Environment Injector Plugin 1.89: works fine21:15
* fungi disappears for a bit to start cooking dinner21:15
zaromgagne: the inject-password does not write out anything, but the envfile does work just fine.21:15
mgagnezaro: I see where this is going...21:15
zaromgagne: ohh i should check the plugin version.21:16
openstackgerritMichael Still proposed a change to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Allow automatic subscription to DocImpact bugs
zaromgagne: i had envinject ver 1.88, will try with 1.89 to see21:17
mgagnezaro: I can't get the properties file to be set21:17
mgagnezaro: I think both configs are conflicting21:17
zaromgagne: haha!!21:17
mgagnezaro: each overriding each others21:17
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mgagnezaro: or not21:18
zaromgagne: actuualy it shouldn't matter because i'm just using jjb in test mode.21:19
clarkbfungi: will look shortly21:19
clarkbsdague: what sorts of misunderstanding of the gate are you seeing? is it the general how the gate works and why symetric vs asymmetric matters?21:20
mgagnezaro: can you post the XML?21:20
mgagnezaro: with your config:
zaromgagne: here's mine
mgagnezaro: where do I complain about paste.o.o being slow? =)21:21
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mgagnezaro: did you forget to checkout the change/review ?21:22
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zaromgagne: you complain about it here.  we host it.21:22
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zaromgagne: complain to clarkb or fungi21:23
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mgagnezaro: well, does it feel slow to you?21:23
zaromgagne: hey, looks like it all works for you.  i do have it checked out, code is there.21:23
zaromgagne: not really21:24
zaromgagne: moved my jenkins envinject plugin to 1.89 but still not working. argg!21:26
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mgagnezaro: can't get env-file to work21:27
zaromgagne: what? it looks like paste 52545 shows envfile just fine.21:28
mgagnezaro: not showing up in UI21:28
zaromgagne: ohh it's probably because you don't have that plugin installed.21:28
clarkbfungi: does that make the postgres job non voting21:28
mgagnezaro: "Inject environment variables to the build process" ?21:28
clarkbfungi: it seems like the job isn't currently voting but it is21:28
clarkbfungi: any idea of what is going on there?21:29
zaromgagne: no, that's a different plugin.  it's the envfile plugin.21:29
mgagnezaro: damn21:29
zaromgagne: your generated xml looks good.  that's what i want to get but i can't seem to get it.21:29
mgagnezaro: how about you clean jjb from python lib?21:30
zaromgagne: ok.  i see.  maybe it's my python env.  i'll try to setup a clean virtualenv and see what happens.21:31
mikalIs a -1 sufficient to kill a pending merge?21:31
mikalOr does it need to be a -2?21:31
mgagnezaro: wait =)21:32
clarkbfungi: nevermind that is the dev file21:32
clarkbmikal: needs -221:32
clarkbmikal: assuming that there is still at least one +21:32
mgagnezaro: now that I installed env-file, it broke inject-passwords21:32
clarkb*at least one +221:32
mikalI can't -2 the patchset currently merging21:33
zaromgagne: did you restart jenkins?21:33
mgagnezaro: yes, testing something21:33
mikalAs it is no longer the most recent patchset21:33
mikalWill a -2 on the most recent patchset work?21:33
clarkbmikal: if there is a more recent patchset that will prevent merging as well21:34
clarkbmikal: you can only merge the latest patchset21:34
mikalclarkb: oh, cool21:34
clarkb-2'ing the latest patchset will do it too21:34
clarkbmikal: can I see the change?21:34
mikalIts not in the gate any more it seems21:35
mikalBut not message in the review saying the merge terminated early21:35
clarkbmikal: ok, I think zuul silently drops it when the new patchset shows up21:35
mikalAhhh, ok21:36
clarkbyup you are good21:36
mikalExcellent, thanks21:36
mikalFor my next trick I shall email openstack-dev and ask for reviews of my jeepyb patch without indicating what project the change is for21:37
mgagnezaro: ok, both plugins are working. I forgot I reverted to master meanwhile.21:37
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zaromgagne: are you in a virt env?21:39
mgagnezaro: no21:39
mgagnezaro: testing with Ubuntu 12.0421:39
zaromgagne: maybe wondering if one of the dependent python libs are causing my problem.21:40
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zaromgagne: actually that probably doesn't make sense because the envfile one works.21:40
mgagnezaro: how about you add a big print and see if it gets executed21:41
zaromgagne: tried that.  it doesn't get executed at all.21:41
mgagneroot@jenkins:/opt/jenkins-job-builder# md5sum jenkins_jobs/modules/wrappers.py21:42
mgagneae7c9bff0981ae7c3f790e49d31f88b0  jenkins_jobs/modules/wrappers.py21:42
zaromgagne: not sure why the other wrappers get executed, but not the inject password one.21:42
mgagnelets see if we have the same file21:42
devanandaquestion about sample config files -- do most projects regenerate their sample config manually, or is there an infra hook to do it on each commit?21:43
zaroae7c9bff0981ae7c3f790e49d31f88b0  jenkins_jobs/modules/wrappers.py21:44
zaromgagne: ^21:44
mgagnezaro: :-/ is inject-passwords in ?21:44
zaromgagne: yes, it's there.21:44
mgagnezaro: I think your env is cursed21:44
zaromgagne: tools/ --conf ./jenkins_jobs.ini test ./config -o ./out21:44
zaromgagne: that's how i execute21:45
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mgagnezaro: jenkins-jobs --flush-cache test -o /tmp/jjb /etc/jenkins_jobs/config21:46
mgagnezaro: output here:
mgagnezaro: yaml here:
zaromgagne: yeah. everything looks like it should work, but doesn't.  i'll get the MAN to take a look.21:49
zaromgagne: thanks for helping.21:49
mgagnezaro: only thing left to try: creating a new venv21:50
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zaromgagne: tried that.  i've being trying your yaml within a new venv, but still not working.21:51
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mgagnezaro: and have you tried to add the big print to a well known working plugin instead? just to see if you are hitting the right version of the file21:52
zaromgagne: you mean jjb plugin?  i put the print in the inject-passwords function in jjb21:53
mgagnezaro: how about env-file ?21:53
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zaromgagne: yes, put in both.  only one in env-file executes.21:54
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mgagnezaro: wth...21:55
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notmynamelifeless: around?22:05
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zaromgagne: clarkb figured it out.22:10
mgagnezaro: tell me!22:10
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mgagnezaro: you were typing on the wrong keyboard? :D22:11
zaromgagne: it was that i installed jjb from pipy just to get all of it's dependencies. then i uninstalled jjb so i can run my version locally.22:12
lifelessnotmyname: hi22:13
mgagnezaro: why was your print working then?22:13
clarkbmgagne: zaro: I think python found some in between version somewhere22:13
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zarowhen i installed jjb from local, i.e. pip install .22:14
zaromgagne: it worked.22:14
zaromgagne: i think it was still referencing the version i installed from pypi somehow.22:15
zaromgagne: that's why the print for inject-password didn't execute, probably because it wasn't even there in the old version.22:16
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notmynamelifeless: I wanted to ask you about hardware stuff again22:17
notmynamelifeless: testing clusters and all that22:17
melwitthi, is it possible to see coverage reports in jenkins? for example, I go to but I don't see a way to see the html report22:17
notmynamelifeless: should we discuss in here, or somewhere else? (I'm not sure if it would distract -infra or -swift)22:18
clarkbmelwitt: couple things to know. We have three jenkins masters so the latest job may not have been on that particular jenkins server and second we don't let jenkins render the coverage itself since doing so is slow and when you have three masters that doesn't work so well22:19
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clarkbmelwitt: instead all build logs are copied to You will find coverage under$FIRST_2_CHARS_OF_GIT_SHA/GIT_SHA for the change you want coverage on22:20
lifelessnotmyname: here is fine I think.22:20
clarkbfungi: sdague: I have rekicked d-g changes22:21
lifelessnotmyname: for starters - wiki.o.o/wiki/TripleO/TripleOCloud22:21
notmynamelifeless: ok. so what are you planning?22:21
lifelessand .../Regions22:21
melwittclarkb: perfect, thank you!22:21
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clarkbmelwitt: np let me know if you have more questions22:22
melwittmuch appreciated22:23
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reedmay all the known and unknown gods deliver pain for a very prolonged time to anybody who thinks software patents are a good idea22:31
reedmay the channel repeat:" amen"22:31
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reedwe may want to start with this prayer all our meetings :)22:33
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notmynamelifeless: how is code deployed to the tripleo cloud? ie does it have to go through a certain orchestration framework?22:33
reeddo you know if we ship modified versions of software licensed with BSD or other permissive license in openstack?22:34
lifelessnotmyname: heat + nova baremetal22:34
lifelessnotmyname: e.g. 'openstack deployment' :)22:34
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notmynamelifeless: well, (heat + nova) deployment ;-)22:36
clarkbreed: can you define ship?22:36
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mordredclarkb: I was just about to ask the same question22:36
reedclarkb, code that we host on our git repositories or code that we package in the official tarballs22:37
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notmynamelifeless: what do you imagine the steps to be to deploy swift across some subset of the machines?22:38
reedclarkb, if I git clone an openstack repository, is there a chance I get also BSD licensed, *derivative* code for which the foundation has no *copyright*?22:38
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lifelessnotmyname: no specifically - 'OpenStack Deployment' - thats the program name; we're deploying OpenStack in the test cluster as a functional test of OpenStack Deployment22:39
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clarkbreed: there absolutely is a 100% chance you will get code that the foundation has no copyright on (because the foundation/cla does not require copyright assignment)22:39
lifelessnotmyname: to deploy swift on some of the machines - there are several scenarios:22:40
clarkbreed: and depending on the project yes, there is some bundling of very permissive source code22:40
lifeless - part of the deployed TripleOCloud - the trunk CD deployed cloud22:40
clarkbeg BSD22:40
lifeless - as gating tests22:40
lifeless - as check tests22:40
mordredreed: I agree with everything clarkb just said22:40
lifelessfor the first case, we're about to start doing that - the patches are going into tripleo right now22:40
lifelessfor the second case, we need two regions, and we need a multinode test definition for it22:41
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Inject passwords to the build as environment variables support added
clarkbmordred: pbr for example bundles distutils2 or whatever it was called right?22:41
lifelessfor the third case, we're bringing up the emulated bm environment for it now -
mordredclarkb: that's right, pbr includes a forked copy of code that used to be d2to122:41
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notmynamelifeless: is the first one involved in any testing?22:43
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lifelessnotmyname: it deploys in a while loop (literally - while True: deploy() :))22:44
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lifelessnotmyname: from trunk, so it gets signal fairly quickly, but it doesn't stop patches landing.22:44
lifelessnotmyname: we're working up the path for testing - we have experimental, heading towards silent now.22:44
notmynamelifeless: ah ok. so a separate process could be testing the cluster?22:45
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lifelessnotmyname: we plan to run tempest against the deployed cluster as well22:45
lifelessnotmyname: thats also in progress ;)22:45
fungiclarkb: i think you probably already figured it out, but going through scrollback now... removing the branch negation pattern on that job only changes when it runs, not whether it votes22:45
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lifelessnotmyname: so yes, separate process, for the first case22:46
reedclarkb, by copyright I meant to say [I|C]CLA22:46
notmynamelifeless: but that's only black-box tests (ie functional tests from an external perspective). anything else would need to be part of your gate or check tests, right?22:46
lifelesswe're pretty flexible22:46
lifelesswhat sort of thing do you want?22:46
clarkbfungi: ya, I couldn't figure out why it was set to voting: false, but I think that is because it is the dev layout22:46
clarkbprod layout doesn't do that22:47
mordredreed: well, it is not possible for code to enter our systems without someone submitting it via CLA22:47
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reedclarkb, the bundling that you mentioned, is it just an import 'verbatim' from a remote repo or is it code we have forked and maintain separately in our repo?22:47
mordredreed: so I, for instance, submitted the BSD code in pbr to the project under ther terms of the CLA22:47
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notmynamelifeless: for swift, "kill a particular server/service; PUT and object; GET the object; restore the server/service; GET the object" etc22:47
mordredreed: forked and maintain22:47
reedmordred, interesting22:47
clarkball code must be submitted by people who have signed a CLA, but that code may come from permissively licensed locations22:47
clarkbreed: apache foundation has a doc on this22:47
mordredthat's correct22:47
reedclarkb, do you have a pointer?22:48
notmynamelifeless: we have those now in our probetests, but they are geared specifically for a a dev environment, not a cluster22:48
clarkbreed: ya looking it up now22:48
lifelessnotmyname: so a busy loop doing PUT/GET during a deployment would have that happen ;)22:48
clarkbreed: category A22:48
lifelessnotmyname: since a deployment is a rolling wave of downtime on individual machines/processes22:48
notmynamelifeless: no. I mean I understand that, but that's not what I want. it's good to have, but not what I want most22:49
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lifelessso, you want a cluster wide test where the driver can poke at specific services to force them up/down ?22:49
notmynamelifeless: what I want most to to explicitly trigger and test certain failure conditions and maybe config parameters22:49
notmynamelifeless: correct22:49
lifelesshow big a cluster do you need?22:49
notmynamelifeless: well, I'm currently deciding between your cluster and going through the red tape and setup time of getting donated hardware22:50
notmynamelifeless: 10 machines would be good22:51
lifelessnotmyname: we're getting donated hardware too... so I would worry a little about partitioning the donors22:51
lifelessnotmyname: do you want this running continually, or a once-a-day job kind of thing?22:51
notmynamelifeless: like you, I have some verbal commitments already :-)22:51
lifelessnotmyname: cool22:52
notmynamelifeless: depends on the scale. with a small cluster, it would need to be once-a-day because it wouldn't be able to keep up with the patch queue22:52
notmynamelifeless: ideally, I'd like to see it as a gate for every patch22:52
lifelessok, so that has specific infra requirements22:52
notmynamesure, but I'm also wanting to start small so it might actually get done :-)22:52
lifelessright, just its good to know so you can set expectations22:53
lifelessis my attempt to document what was in the infra teams heads about this22:53
jog0anyone else getting some grenade failures22:54
openstackgerritlifeless proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Document what it takes to be a check/gate test.
lifelessnotmyname: so - 10 machines once a day we can do right now I think22:54
notmynamelifeless: FWIW, I'll shoot for the third-party tests if I use my own hardware22:54
notmynamelifeless: ah ok22:55
lifelessnotmyname: to move to a gate we'll need two clusters scaled for running 40 test runs per hour22:55
notmynamelifeless: and we could deploy swift on bare metal there? any chance we could have static IPs etc to make config easier?22:55
lifelessnotmyname: which if you need 10 machines in a cluster may be a considerable number of machines22:55
fungidevananda: projects regenerate their samples manually from what i've seen. reviewers seem to request that from a contributor when they see changes which would impact configuration options22:55
clarkbjog0: looks like the rackspace ubuntu mirror failed us22:55
notmynamelifeless: I rounded up to get to 10 machines ;-)22:56
lifelessnotmyname: IP allocation is all up to nova/neutron : hard coding would be a deep mistake.22:56
devanandafungi: that's what i thought. thanks22:56
notmynameI can do more with more servers :-)22:56
lifelessnotmyname: right, we all can :)22:56
notmynamelifeless: hmm..ok. that means we'd have to have some sort of template for generating configs and rings22:56
lifelessnotmyname: so I want to see the hardware donated to the TripleOCloud put to good use for all of OpenStack22:56
fungireed: amen and hallelujah brother22:56
lifelessnotmyname: yes, we're doing that via heat.22:56
fungireed: also we have usgcla and content coming in via usa public domain22:57
lifelessnotmyname: it's a problem we have to solve, or we can't deploy swift via ehat.22:57
jog0wil just use recheck thanks clarkb22:58
lifelessnotmyname: so I'm very happy to do anything I can to help swift get solid functional gate tests.22:58
lifelessnotmyname: I think we should be discussing the form of them with sdague22:58
lifelessnotmyname: since being able to poke at cloud internals in multinode tests is something we'll want for all projects22:58
lifelessnotmyname: there's no obvious reason to me why we can't express your testing needs in Tempest22:59
reedfungi, that is less of an issue since it's code that comes in via the Individual CLAs, too22:59
notmynamelifeless: the issue has simply been one of prioritization. we already have lots of tests (not in tempest) and other orgs have their QA tests (not in tempest)22:59
notmynamelifeless: we have 3 kinds of tests in swift: unit, functional, and probe23:00
lifelessnotmyname: sure, but we're gearing up to run tempest against the CD deployed cloud: if we do this right you get your tests running automatically with all the goodness glued in.23:00
lifelessnotmyname: I think thats a lot better than having to run up N different environments - unless there is something unique about the test requirements?23:01
notmynamelifeless: unfortunately, the only cluster-style tests that are done for swift are done by orgs in their interal QA. all openstack tests are done against simulated clusters23:01
lifelessRight, but that is changing.23:01
notmynamewell, that's what we're talking about right? :-)23:01
lifelessIndeed :)23:01
lifelessrussellb: do you want 2x+2 for reviewstats now, or just +2 from not-author ?23:02
lifelessrussellb: and have you put any thought into having a gate job for it ?23:03
notmynamelifeless: do you have a team either at HP or within tripleo that is working on building the tests and deployment tools necessary to do all of this?23:03
sdagueso I guess the question is about the gate though, right now swift is bouncing the gate pretty often23:03
lifelesssdague: it's about all the things :)23:03
sdaguelifeless: agreed :)23:03
sdaguebut I'd rather not have swift bouncing out everyone else's code from the gate preventing them from merging in the near term23:04
fungireed: actually, the usgcla group members do not have any icla enforcement. unlike the ccla, which still requires the icla to be agreed23:04
sdagueI think it caused more resets than neutron today :)23:04
lifelessnotmyname: the tripleo team is working on deployment right now; we're delegating test content to tempest (as we should :)) but will get involved there as needed to get to completely robust deployments with early detection of faults23:04
notmynamesdague: aside from the brief conversations you and I have had, I'm not aware of this. you should mention it in -swift if you want swift team assistance23:04
sdaguenotmyname: you know, we do talk about other projects, not just in their project specific channels :) like nova and neutron show up in -infra and -qa as well, we're all one happy family23:05
lifelesseveryone should be in all the channels :P23:05
lifelessmore seriously, I think project specific folk should be in their project + qa + infra + -dev23:06
notmynamesdague: indeed, and I'm always in here. as are a few other swift devs. but we all started with "everyone in one channel" originally, and it's not a scalable model. no need to recreate -dev from 2 years ago here in -infra23:06
sdaguehonestly, jog0 and clarkb have been the ones running at this one, as unfortunately I don't have the time to do the debug this one23:06
fungisdague: still the thing where we've bumped the loopback to 4g but swift is being asked to create more than that (presumably by glance during some parallel overlap)?23:06
sdaguefungi: yes23:06
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sdaguenotmyname: typically gate resets are done here, because you need lots of infra support to handle the situation23:07
russellblifeless: 1 non-author is probably fine for now.  and as for gate job, i've thought about it :)23:07
russellbhaven't done anything23:07
notmynamesdague: where is the alerting for this. have I missed it in emails?23:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Show how many patch sets were created
jog0notmyname: lets talk in openstack-swift about the issues23:07
notmynamesdague: ie how do we know that swift is breaking gates?23:07
russellblifeless: i've been very slack on tasks in the category of making it prettier than a quick hack23:07
lifelessrussellb: so, I may land broken code :>23:07
lifelesswe shall see23:07
russellbit happens23:08
russellbnot critical23:08
jog0clarkb sdague: lets chat in -swift23:08
sdaguejog0: I actually have to call it a day, but carry on :)23:08
russellblifeless: i really need to get it running in infra ...23:08
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add received reviews to review stats
russellbooh, yay23:09
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: Add some per day stats
lifelessrussellb: gating before rehoming IMNSHO23:10
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russellblifeless: fair enough23:10
lifelessin terms of priority23:10
lifelessmore people to debug issues is nice, less issues is better :)23:10
notmynamelifeless: what would be your timeframe on the changes needed to get swift deployed on the tripleo cluster?23:12
lifelessis there any word when we'll get the requirements job sorted out? Is someone tackling it? []23:13
lifelessnotmyname: looking23:14
lifelessnotmyname: so we need to land:23:14
clarkblifeless: no one is tackling it as far as I know23:14
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Extract git_fetch_at_ref
clarkbI think we should abandon all of the existing reviews and possibly disable the job until it works properly23:14
lifelessand I think that will get -a- swift in the overcloud23:14
clarkbsdague: 55029 merged, just one more to go23:15
lifelessafter that we need to decide on scale23:15
lifelessclarkb: Agreed23:15
clarkbmordred: does that sound good to you? or would you rather fix the job?23:15
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notmynamelifeless: ok, I'll look at those patches23:15
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reedany names to suggest for people that were in HK and willing to join a user group meeting in SFO next week to talk about technical news in OpenStack or case studies?23:16
clarkbpleia2: ^23:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: trigger devstack-gate test as early as possible
clarkbreed: maybe jeblair but I am not sure he can be contacted this week23:16
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fungiclarkb: mordred: the job needs to figure out what branch the triggering change was merged to, so it can set the appropriate branch on projects being proposed, right? and the challenge is that zuul doesn't have that information in the calling environment for jobs in the post pipeline?23:17
clarkbwoot d-g changes in /me starts watching the gate like a hawk23:17
clarkbfungi: correct23:17
clarkbfungi: I think it was mostly fixed23:17
reedclarkb, that's the first name that came to mind :) he'll be jet lagged and with lots of stuff to do before thanksgiving :)23:17
clarkbfungi: it may just need to have the old jobs abandoned so that we ditch the old bad patches rather than continuing to update them23:17
fungireed: Ryan_Lane was in hk and is somewhere near sfo, yah?23:18
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clarkbfungi: yup23:18
reedfungi, that's a good suggestion, thanks23:18
lifelessso what is the current story on copyright claims in new files?23:19
lifelessNeeded? Optional? Discouraged? Forbidden?23:19
clarkbI have been going with optional23:19
reedlifeless, IIRC it is still needed23:19
fungilifeless: encouraged if accurately represented23:19
russellbfungi: +123:19
russellblicense bit, needed of course23:20
russellbcopyright bit, good when accurate, in practice, treated as optional23:20
fungibad/misleading/incorrect copyright assertions in files are the real concern23:20
lifelessjust wondering in solum reviews whether to ask for it.23:20
clarkblifeless: solum is free to do whatever they like >_>23:20
reedrussellb, anybody from RH that we could invite to talk in SFO about things that happened in HK?23:20
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Ryan_LaneI won't be in SF next week23:20
clarkbRyan_Lane: reed is recruiting people to do a summit debrief in SFO23:20
lifelessclarkb: they want to aim at openstack/; they need to play by openstack/ rules from the start23:20
Ryan_Lanewell, I may23:20
Ryan_Lanewhat day?23:21
Ryan_LaneI'm leaving town on the 20th23:21
clarkblifeless: I thought they were explicitly not aiming at openstack?23:21
russellbreed: summit debrief for what audience?23:21
russellbhm?  solum?23:21
russellbdefinitely openstack23:21
russellbit's an openstack thing, built on top of openstack apis23:21
reedRyan_Lane, it's cloudscaling that is organizing next week's meetup, on Thursday evening23:21
clarkbrussellb: integrating. I swear the introduction email was all "We like openstack but won't be integrated"23:22
russellbi'm drawing a blank on who we have out there23:22
Ryan_Laneyeah, won't be around, sorry23:22
clarkbbut maybe that is because currently they are not integrated and I read it wrong23:22
reedrussellb, typically the audience is operators, developers, end users... different and varied :)23:22
russellbclarkb: well, regardless, they're sticking to openstack processes and such as much as possible23:22
russellbsuch that they could be integrated someday, maybe, but if not, at least making it easy for openstack devs to join in23:22
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lifelessclarkb: if they aren't aiming at openstack, not all that much point being in stackforge :>23:24
russellbheh, true23:24
clarkblifeless: sure there is23:24
russellbbut they are aiming at openstack23:24
russellbvery much so23:24
clarkblifeless: lots of stackforge projects seem happy to be stackforge23:24
clarkbrussellb: gotcha23:24
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fungiclarkb: lifeless: yeah for example i don't think the puppet modules are aiming for any sort of official integration, but rather are using stackforge because it eases/increases contribution from the openstack devs23:26
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Test change do not merge.
clarkb56296 will double check that the recent d-g changes didn't expode anything23:27
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clarkbfungi: ^ FYI I am looking for a quick fix, will propose a revert if I can't sort it out23:30
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clarkbsdague: if you are still around you may find this interesting23:32
clarkbI think I see the problem23:34
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lifelessnotmyname: would you recommend injecting a seed via Heat and regenerating the ring locally, or regenerating the ring externally and injecting the full file to each node?23:38
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Actually create $BASE/new dir and set perms.
sdagueclarkb: yeh, barely around, what's up?23:39
notmynamelifeless: it doesn't matter to me. both should work. ie it doesn't matter how you make the file. just that the same resulting ring file is everywhere23:39
clarkbsdague: 56297 should fix it23:39
lifelessnotmyname: ok. No aesthetic preference?23:39
notmynamelifeless: depends if you have an admin server around somewhere23:39
clarkbsdague: basically need extra privs to create dirs in /opt then we need to chown the new dirs so that the jenkins user can do stuff with them23:39
notmynamelifeless: swift is designed to be flexible to your operational needs :-)23:39
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lifelessnotmyname: I'm seeking an opinion :)23:40
clarkbsdague: that change may need to be forced in can you take a look at it?23:40
lifelessnotmyname: or a decision tree23:40
clarkbif it looks good to you I will force approve before I revert stuff23:40
clarkbfungi: ^23:40
sdagueclarkb: gotcha, I think it looks good23:40
* clarkb pushes the big merge button23:41
notmynamelifeless: if it is easier to build a ring one place and then push it out everywhere, do it that way. otherwise, if it's easier to command and control a bunch of servers as individuals, do it that way23:41
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Actually create $BASE/new dir and set perms.
lifelessnotmyname: thanks23:42
jog0clarkb: can we add a df to the end of devstack-gate?23:42
jog0after tempest runs23:42
clarkbjog0: sure23:42
clarkbI don't think that will expose and sensitive info23:42
lifelessmordred: you need to update
lifelessmordred: and either say 'yea' or 'nah, just land'23:43
clarkbsdague: I force merged and my test change is being tested now23:43
sdagueclarkb: cool23:43
lifelessthough I think they are on a high stack that will stop them landing23:43
sdagueso I guess it didn't quite test itself23:43
clarkbsdague: not quite, but now it should23:43
sdagueI should have thought to put a dummy on the end23:43
lifelessclarkb: is23:44
lifeless2013-11-12 18:26:12.287 | Downloading/unpacking markupsafe (from Jinja2->nova==2014.1.dev726.g30fa37e)23:44
lifeless2013-11-12 18:26:12.405 |   Could not find any downloads that satisfy the requirement markupsafe (from Jinja2->nova==2014.1.dev726.g30fa37e)23:44
lifelessa known issue?23:44
jog0clarkb: what file would I put the df in?23:44
clarkblifeless: not known to me23:44
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clarkbjog0: somewhere we run an iptables -L, I would find that and do the df there23:44
clarkbjog0: and capture the result in the same way as the iptables listing23:45
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clarkblifeless: I think that job bypasses the mirror23:45
clarkbbecause it is used to test the mirror and may have just hit a pypi blip23:45
jog0clarkb: thanks23:46
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Run df after gate
jog0clarkb: ^23:47
clarkblifeless: gah I left a note on that change saying reverify is fine but it kept my approval so it is being retested anyways :)23:48
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herndon_hi infra - I just got a timeout during vm boot in a jenkins review job. I'm making a ceilometer change, so I am pretty sure my code did not cause a problem. Also, all of the other review jobs passed. I don't see any existing bugs about this (the scenario test that failed is tempest.scenario.test_large_ops.TestLargeOpsScenario.test_large_ops_scenario). Should I file a new bug about this? If so, which project?23:51
jog0herndon_: link?23:51
clarkbherndon_: yes, file a new bug. Figuring outwhere to file it is often the trickiest part. jog0 probably has ideas23:51
clarkbpossibly tempest and/or nova?23:52
herndon_dang, you guys respond quick!23:52
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jog0herndon_: if you ahve a link to the reeview I can take a quick look23:53
herndon_yeah, digging it up23:53
jog0ohh neutron is broken23:54
jog0thats non-gating23:54
jog0there is abug somewhere for that too23:54
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herndon_so... I can just ignore it?23:56
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