Saturday, 2013-10-19

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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make ES Heap Size configurable.
clarkbRyan_Lane: mordred ^ something like that00:00
clarkbRyan_Lane: I think you will want to wait for that change before you run puppet. I am not sure what mlockall will do when locking 16GB on an 8GB host00:01
Ryan_Laneyeah :)00:01
Ryan_LaneI didn't yet00:01
Ryan_LaneI worry about the same00:01
clarkbthat would be a fun thing to try on a test box :)00:02
clarkbI am going to noop mode run that on elasticsearch.o.o and if it comes through clean will approve00:02
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clarkbRyan_Lane: you can try the same on wiki.o.o `puppet agent --test --environment development --noop`00:04
clarkbit looks clean on elasticsearch.o.o did you want to try ^ before I approve it?00:05
Ryan_Laneenvironments. I wish I could use that00:05
Ryan_Laneyeah, looks good00:05
clarkbcool I will approve00:05
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Make ES Heap Size configurable.
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Ryan_Laneclarkb: should I wait till 15 after to run puppet?00:10
clarkbRyan_Lane: yes, or use the development env for now (though that isn't guarunteed to stay the same for long I may need to go path a thing real quick)00:10
Ryan_Laneok. I'll wait00:10
Ryan_Laneclarkb: cool. thanks for the help.00:11
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jerryzwhen starting elastic-recheck , i got the following error /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/paramiko/ UserWarning: Unknown ssh-rsa host key for []:29418: d66f73d0140cfd8dff7a7aceb739cb2f   (key.get_name(), hostname, hexlify(key.get_fingerprint()))) , could anyone help?00:16
jerryzi already tested the key by ssh , it works00:17
clarkbjerryz: the remote host's ssh key isn't known yet00:17
clarkbjerryz: you need to add it to your known hosts00:17
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Upgrade the version of node for etherpad-lite.
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jerryzwhen testing the key, gerrit's server host key is added to recheck's know hosts00:18
clarkbjerryz: is it the same user?00:19
jerryzyeah, under /home/recheck/.ssh00:19
clarkbI am not sure then00:19
jerryzwhen successfully logged in gerrit, it automatically is added . i also tried manually adding []:29418 ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1yc2EAAAADAQABAAABAQCzZUSTUAI3B/YooGahQRB2sjUhZH6oYSEpo/X1WF/BsID4OmCZSCICLonEMVir4YbrBXmiHWWmIXn+Y6CKWEhVvCBN11o2yh21uQB1H1FKBggWL0/fJQSvk1/onT0OZB0ra0XXGgb/HzRkWrw/+ReT5gJeoHGcD16Ap1EUxS4JNFoPGF+3M0uD+rHNznirJLlLJBkyV6yfxf1lz/hy5lT+akApGmsOI68si8zV1GUqB91Ajja2JLNmR7K+Sue1fwbds7IvnLe+O0NoHgTqAsu00:20
clarkbare you ssh'ing to port 29418 or port 22?00:21
jerryzroot@elasticrecheck:/var/log/upstart# sudo -u recheck ssh -P -p 29418     ****    Welcome to Gerrit Code Review    ****00:21
jerryzit is successful00:21
jerryz[gerrit] user=recheck host= query_file=/etc/elastic-recheck/queries.yaml key=/home/recheck/.ssh/id_rsa00:22
clarkbjerryz: how are you running e-r?00:24
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jerryzwhen i start the service, it is quiet , no log. so i use python /etc/elastic-recheck/elastic-recheck.conf to test00:26
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jerryzsudo -u recheck python /opt/elastic-recheck/elastic_recheck/ /etc/elastic-recheck/elastic-recheck.conf00:26
clarkbjerryz: nothing is coming to mind. jog0 and/or mtreinish may have ideas00:27
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jerryzclarkb: thank you00:29
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Ryan_Laneupgrading the wiki00:37
* clarkb -> home00:44
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jog0jerryz: the service should be quiet unless you turn debug logs on00:51
jerryzjog0: i have jenkins comment on my gerrit and store log to a location where there is http service00:51
jog0jerryz: and you need those logs to be pushed into elasticsearch00:52
jog0so e-r can query em00:52
jerryzwhat query string e-r use00:52
jerryzsince e-r has known the failing part yet00:53
jerryzhas not knwn00:53
jog0we go through the list of queries and apply that template to them and search00:55
jerryzhow e-r filters out the Traceback00:56
jog0click on the logstash links here
jog0to get an idea of what is going on00:57
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jerryzjog0: how queries.yaml is maintained?01:14
jog0jerryz: by hand01:15
jog0we have a script to identify closed  bugs to remove01:15
jog0but new ones are generated by hand01:16
jerryzjog0: and query message is also by hand?01:16
jog0the actual query to search, yes01:16
jog0we don'thave automatic anomaly detection for logs yet01:17
jerryzjog0: you watch the bug list and extract debug info into queries.yaml01:17
jog0more or less yes01:18
jog0e-r comments in -qa every time we have an unclassified failure and I usually spend a few minutes each day looking at those01:19
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jerryzi see. i always use elasticsearch the opposite way around. find my failing log and extract Traceback and query elasticsearch to see if there are any hits in the community.  so i am thinking if e-r can do this automatically for me.01:24
mordred#status alert Etherpad going down for maint. ETA 5 minutes01:27
clarkbdid we lose statusbot again?01:27
mordreddammit. you'd think I'd know how to use that01:27
clarkboh well01:27
mordredit's late on friday. people will deal01:28
clarkbis it #alert?01:28
mordred#alert Etherpad going down for maint. ETA 5 minutes01:28
clarkboh well friday night01:28
jerryzjog0: the scenario is even simpler for me now. i just need my own logstash and elasticsearch to ship and index my jenkins log. and  have e-r to query the elasticsearch and try to find a match against the known bugs in queries.yaml01:33
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jerryzjog0: am i correct?01:34
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: port of elasticRecheck to ResultSet
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: first iteration on ResultSet and Hit objects
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: don't explode if a query no longer has failures
mordredall fixed01:37
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openstackgerritJerry Zhao proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: The key's value is misleading in the config sample. A private key is required here instead of public key.
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fungii had forgotten what a wasteland of crappy internet and no phone signal my parents' house is02:34
fungitrying to catch up on scrollback but i will probably just skim it02:34
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clarkbpleia2: next time you are in town you should show me bitlbee twitter magic.02:39
bodepd_mordred: you're my hero02:41
fungiexcellent--looks like nothing urgent in scrollback any longer. clearly i picked the right time to check back in ;)02:41
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fungilast night's talk went well. i told lots of graduating college seniors to contribute to free software projects, and several of them followed me out into the hall and kept asking questions02:44
fungii expected most of them to sleep through it, so i was pleasantly surprised02:44
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clarkbfungi: was it an openstack talk or more FOSS focused?02:47
fungiit was set up as mostly q&a and i let them drive the discussion in whatever direction they wanted to go. it ended up being a lot heavier on openstack than i'd intended, but they had more openstack-related questions than i thought they would02:48
clarkbneat. I should try and make more time for PSU02:49
fungiyeah, i felt really great being able to give them this sort of information, because even though i know the compsci instructors at public universities are frequently pro-free-software, the curriculum's aren't and so they have to struggle to find ways to expose the students to it02:51
clarkbfungi: ya, a big problem I noticed while in school is that the accreditors really want individual work to be done so you don't get much exposure to collaborative open work environmeents02:52
fungithey actually had lots of great questions about free software community collaboration and communication dynamics, so that was super fun to talk about02:53
fungifor example, "how are developers from competing employers able to work together to produce something?"02:54
fungibut yeah, i definitely talked about how individual devs or small groups wandering off and designing solutions on their own without involvement from the greater community tended to result in problems02:57
openstackgerritJerry Zhao proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: The key's value is misleading in the config sample.
fungiwhich is sort of counter to academia's "produce and polish behind closed doors, then publish and take credit" model02:59
fungiand then hiking today took up way more time (which is why i only just got back to internets), but it was perfect weather03:00
fungihopefully tomorrow i can catch up on any work i'm holding up03:01
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openstackgerritAlexander Braverman proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Jenkins Ownership Plugin
openstackgerritAlexander Braverman proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Jenkins Ownership Plugin
openstackgerritAlexander Braverman proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Jenkins Ownership Plugin
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openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/elastic-recheck: port of elasticRecheck to ResultSet
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Use wheels for installation
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-dev/pbr: Comply with pep440
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jeepyb: Remove now-deprecated fetch-remotes command
mordreddstufft: how hard would it be to make an amended version of -U for pip install that would upgrade the current install if the  current install did not meet the version spec of the requested requirement?13:40
mordreddstufft: so that you could do pip install --safe-update -r requirements.txt13:41
mordreddstufft: and if a package existed on the system and satisfied the requested version, it would not be touched - but if it existed and did not meet the requested version, it would be upgraded?13:41
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Remove explicit depends on transitive pip deps
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Use pip install -U instead of install
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update projects.yaml for new upstream tracking
mordredfungi: if you happen to be awake, ^^ should probably land since we merged to jeepyb13:46
mordredclarkb, jeblair ^^13:46
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update projects.yaml for new upstream tracking
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fungimordred: ahh,okay13:53
fungididn't notice that one had a dependency mentioned13:53
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fungibut yeah, this will save us from a steady stream of cronspam and missing upstream updates13:56
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make pip install from upstream better
mordredpleia2: when you wake up - just wanted to let you know that my new saucy xubuntu install had decided that it should suspend when I shut my laptop screen even though i have it configured to never do that14:16
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fungimordred: clearly you were not designed to use ubuntu14:25
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mordredfungi: clearly14:28
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pleia2mordred: that's no good, I'll do some tests in a bit and see if we can get a fixable bug up (I always use suspend myself, so didn't catch it in the pre-release)14:35
pleia2"suspend works, woo!" didn't think to test not-suspend14:36
mordredpleia2: I usually have it off because I'm often connected to the vpn at home and I don't want to disconnect14:36
pleia2yeah, that makes sense14:36
ekarlsowin 3514:38
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Preserve merges when doing a rebase
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/git-review: Ignore content of merge commits in reporting
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Make the gitweb links in gerrit point to git.o.o
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-infra/gerritlib: Remove use of d2to1
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mordredfungi: nudge15:12
fungimordred: so on that one, the goal is to only merge tags which are on commits present in milestone-proposed? earlier non-rc milestones should be ignored?15:14
mordredfungi: yah. well, we only make tags on milestone-proposed branches15:15
mordredor, rather, those are the only branches for which tags need to be merged to master15:15
mordredall other tags just get made directly on their branches15:15
fungigot it. so g2 et cetera don't get merged to master because they're already on master15:16
fungitook a moment to wrap my brains around15:16
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Move the milestone-proposed logic to tag script
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add branch tarballs for tuskar projects
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Pin iso8601 to 0.1.4
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Require python-cinderclient>=1.0.6
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Added lower version boundary for netaddr
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mordredah shuttleworth. where would the world be without your particular brand of self-aggrandizing history rewrites
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bodepd_screen -r19:19
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sdaguefungi: hmmm... cirros image caching still not working? -
fungii'll see if i can tel21:03
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fungiwow. these log files crash my browser any more. have to remember to use the txt urls instead21:15
fungithe browser crashes aren't especially annoying. it's the 10 minutes of thrashing swap on a memory card on this little netbook before i can regain control of xwindows which aggravates me21:16
fungibah, i can't find/remember the url i need to be able to tell it not to preprocess a log file (the >50% packet loss here is not helping matters either). i'll just scp it down off the server21:25
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fungii picked another random devstack slave from the same az in hpcloud and confirmed that /home/jenkins/workspace-cache/devstack/files/ doesn't have any cirros images precached in it21:44
sdaguefungi: what's your browser?21:54
fungisdague: firefox21:55
clarkbfungi you should xforward from a real machine :)21:55
fungiclarkb: ha. the lack of real working internet here would make that even worse, i think21:55
sdaguewhat's the machine?21:55
fungisdague: an asus netbook with about 512mb of ram trying to also do other things in a browser at the same time (gerrit's not exactly easy on a browser either, nor launchpad)21:56
sdagueheh, yeh21:57
fungianyway, i checked a devstack slave from another az and similarly no cirros image cached in it21:57
sdaguehonestly though, all we added to the console.html is the date links21:57
fungiyeah, i've seen it thrash similarly on the logs before. but i think maybe the logs have also gotten longer over the past 6+ months21:58
fungii'm going to see if i can remember where the devstack prep logs for nodepool's snapshot refresh runs end up21:59
clarkb/var/log/nodepool iirc22:00
fungiahh, yep, image.log22:01
fungii can see where it logs that it's running the command to download the cirros images, but can't tell if it's succeeding or simply not reporting the output/return code22:05
sdagueyeh, things have gotten a bit bigger, though that's only 3.5 MB uncompressed as a log. I'm surprised it's causing that much pain. Though 512 is an impressively small amount of mem to be working with :)22:11
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clarkbthe tripleo folks want 32GB in their laptops for running portable clouds :)22:12
clarkbI just pulled 8GB out of desktop and had to underclock the remaining 8GB in order to have a working machine22:14
clarkbit was very sad22:14
boris-42btw guys did you see Rally announce?22:14
sdagueyeh, my new home desktop is a 32GB box22:14
fungiwell, my new desktop has 16gib ram, but i prefer to travel light22:14
boris-42could we make some integration with OpenStack CI?)22:15
boris-42Is it some way to get nodes from pool?)22:15
clarkbboris-42 sure just propose a job the runs on the d-g nodes22:15
clarkblook at pbr's rawinstall job as an example22:16
boris-42clarkb is there instucation?) manual?)22:16
boris-42clarkb okay thanks22:16
boris-42clarkb btw Rally could be good thing to avoid long debates
boris-42at least I hope that we will concentrate on fixing problems not speaking and debating only=)22:17
clarkb++ to fixing problems22:18
boris-42clarkb btw how much RAM have nodepools?22:18
boris-42clarkb we are able to run 1 compute node / 200 mb RAM22:19
boris-42servers from node pool*22:19
sdagueboris-42: I still don't get why rally is implementing it's own scenarios and not just contributing / reusing the tempest scenarios22:22
boris-42sdague did you read mailing list?22:23
clarkb8GB nodes with 4vcpu22:23
boris-42sdague because tempest is designed to verify cloud22:23
sdagueit was a busy week for email, so I probably missed it22:23
boris-42sdague let me find the answer on this question22:24
fungiokay, looks like maybe doesn't currently report the results of its attempts to download things22:25
boris-42sdague so the goal of Rally is that we should improve DevStack, improve Verify system (tempest) and use as components of Rally22:26
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sdagueboris-42: my issue is I think the "benchmark tests" - part 3 in your flow - are completely appropriate in tempest22:26
boris-42sdauge Imho when I am benchmarking I don't want to care about deploying & verification process, but I need both=)22:26
sdagueand the fact that you are duplicating that effort, seems odd22:27
sdagueI get part 4, the data collection, being a new thing, and tying it all together...22:27
boris-42sdauge as David (in mailing list said) it is the small part of both systems22:27
boris-42sdague that could & should be shared22:27
sdagueanyway, maybe I'll respond on list later22:28
boris-42sdague but it still small22:28
sdague - just seems odd that directory is there at all22:28
boris-42benchmarks & verification are complete different tasks IMHO22:28
boris-42we should have both22:28
sdagueboris-42: all that demonstrates to me is that you haven't kept up with the stress test or large ops work in tempest22:29
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boris-42sdague I have the same question did you try to use Rally in stress tests?22:33
boris-42sdague one more time Becnhmarking & Verification (even Stress testing) are different tasks22:33
boris-42sdague and one more time we should have different tools..22:34
sdagueboris-42: rally showed up later, and we have an active community around tempest where multiple individuals from multiple organizations collaborated on the new stress tests22:39
fungiokay, trying to update the devstack-precise image for hpcloud-az3 to see if it caches the cirros files properly22:40
openstackgerritDavanum Srinivas (dims) proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Unpin iso8601 but skip bad versions
sdagueanyway, email sent back. not really into debating on irc tonight about it. But rally definitely comes across as something that is going to generate a lot of duplication, and not integration, which irks me. But we can debate over in email.22:42
boris-42sdague okay I think that mailing list is better for debating22:43
dimshi all, we were battling iso8601 in the oslo gate jobs on friday. finally got a fresh version from iso8601 folks and i've confirmed that olso jobs are good ( and have opened a fresh review against global requirements here -
fungidims: saw it--just waiting to see what jenkins has to say before i +222:53
fungiokay, image update for hpcloud az3 finished, now deleting unused nodes in az3 so new ones will get generated23:00
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mordredfungi: we might need to figure out a way to verify operations and whatnot. testing, etc23:16
fungimordred: agreed. it would be nice to at least know whether the image build process encountered errors retrieving and caching things23:17
fungiit's possible that does get logged and i'm just looking in the wrong logs/scripts23:18
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dimsfungi, thanks. looks like we got all green  on it.23:24
dimsmordred, thanks for the +223:24
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* fungi nods23:26
fungiit's in the gate already23:27
fungii think jenkins02 has possibly gone to lunch. nodepool logged an error a little while ago about being unable to communicate with it and zuul seems to be running all jobs on 0123:29
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mordredwell, I'm about to take off on a plane23:31
fungiyeah, i'm trying to poke at it but going several minutes at a stretch with no internet and then getting a few seconds to get packets through to try to connect to things23:32
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fungialso, nodepool eventually built some new nodes in hcloud az3, but still don't seem to have cirros downloads cached (but i can manually download the files at those urls successfully)23:34
mordreddowloading to another place perhaps?23:38
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clarkbjenkins02 seems up, not running any jobs though23:52
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Unpin iso8601 but skip bad versions

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