Friday, 2013-08-23

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openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update git documentation with HAProxy details
pleia2clarkb: ^^ it's not particularly thorough (intentionally) so please lmk if there are points which we should expand upon00:16
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openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Add support for emailing results via SMTP
openstackgerritJoshua Hesketh proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Separate reporters from triggers
clarkbwill do. my dsl modem is being cranky00:17
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openstackgerritJim Branen proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Allow use of hp3parclient 2.0
dkranzclarkb: Did something happen to the grizzly/folsom bitrot jobs?00:24
dkranzclarkb: I don't see them in jenkins.00:24
jeblairdkranz: they've been moved to jenkins01 and jenkins0200:24
dkranzjeblair: OK, thanks :)00:25
jeblairdkranz: if you want to see the latest runs, you'd have to look at both of them and combine (sorry)00:25
jeblairdkranz: but they do still email00:25
dkranzjeblair: OK. I'm looking at a recent stable/grizzly failure.00:25
clarkbugh modem wont power up00:27
jeblairclarkb: maybe it's a sign that you should spend the evening on the couch without doing code review :)00:27
clarkbmaybe. I think the heat may have done bad things to it00:28
dkranzjeblair: Well, it seems stable/grizzly is broken for real. Saw the same error I was chasing in the latest failure.00:28
jeblairdkranz: are you on openstack-stable-maint?00:29
jeblairmailing list00:29
dkranzjeblair: No00:29
jeblairdkranz: i think there was a thread00:29
dkranzjeblair: OK, I'll look. Thanks.00:29
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jeblairdkranz: morganfainberg may be able to provide the latest on keystoneclient00:30
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morganfainbergdkranz: this is a tempest test?00:35
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morganfainbergjeblair: question to you as well.00:36
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jeblairmorganfainberg: ?00:38
morganfainbergthe bitrot keystone error00:39
morganfainbergdkranz: was talking about00:39
morganfainbergis that tempest?00:39
morganfainbergtrying to figure out if there is something i can do to see what changed.00:40
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jeblairmorganfainberg: oh i don't know, sorry.00:41
morganfainbergjeblair: ah, no worries then.00:41
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morganfainbergjeblair: i'm just trying to see what is different so i can reproduce it identify what changed.  it might be an issue with the client, it might be a slight drift that the test is incorrectly identifying.00:42
morganfainbergbut no real impact.00:42
morganfainbergi'll wait for dkranz.00:43
jeblairmorganfainberg: did you see that ml thread i linked?  it described a failure, but i don't know if it was the same as what dkranz is seeing.00:43
morganfainbergyeah it might also be related to the netaddr issue00:43
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fifieldtnice post jeblair00:52
fifieldtbeers for #openstack-infra whenever we next meet00:52
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jeblairfifieldt: thanks!00:53
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anteayai had no idea until now that nodepool was the change that has us ddosing our gerrit git repos00:58
anteayalove the retrospective emails00:58
clarkbI agree with fifieldt.00:59
clarkbmodem is still dead :( I guess tonight will be a relaxing evening00:59
anteayaenjoy your evening clarkb01:00
anteayaand yay, nodepool for being so effective01:00
anteayaI got nothing01:02
clarkbjeblair you shouldn't work too hard either01:06
* clarkb finds a video game to play01:06
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anteayaI'm going to sleep01:08
anteayasee y'all tomorrow01:08
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pleia2have a good night, anteaya01:08
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fungijeblair: saw your notes about the d-g refactoring/simplification. i can play around with redrafting the documentation to deal with it, certainly01:12
fungii'd probably go with option A for now01:13
* fungi has to disappear again. i'm being kept to a tight sightseeing schedule, but hope to have some time to pick back up reviews and catch up on scrollback after dinner while packing for the boat01:13
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SpamapSAny reason the gate hasn't picked up ?01:14
clarkbSpamapS: it was probably approved during one of the zuul restarts. go ahead and reverify01:18
SpamapSclarkb: ty01:19
* SpamapS does not want to burden the queue any more than it needs to be burdened :)01:19
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SpamapSclarkb: note that there should be a cron job that looks for approved reviews that are not in any zuul queue01:20
clarkbits kinda hard to get it right01:20
clarkbgerrits search mechanism doesnt quite cover all of the bases you need to check01:20
clarkbthe queue should be mostly unburdened at this point too. it is long but not derpy anymore01:21
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mriedemjeblair: just read the note on the multi-master jenkins, great job (to the entire team)! mrodden and i were just talking last week about how nice it would be to have a multi-master jenkins.01:43
mriedemclarkb: ^ thumbs up01:44
mriedemno one ever appreciates build/CI until it doesn't work01:44
erfaniantotally lurking here, but multi-master sounds like high availability ... Did you guys create that functionality in Jenkins now?01:45
clarkbits semi HA01:46
clarkbwe can do rolling upgrades and the like01:46
clarkbbut we lose slave capacity if one master goes down01:46
clarkband zuul is still a spof01:47
erfanianAnyone have a handy link to the (I'm assuming) mailing list note?01:47
clarkbyeah I can dig one up01:47
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erfanianclarkb: Thanks. Taking out all the spofs takes time, this is a really neat step though :)01:48
erfanianAt least from how it has been described.01:48
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clarkberfanian: basically we have a gearman plugin for jenkins allowing multiple jenkins to connect to that bus and run tests01:49
clarkbgearman is already horizontally scalable01:50
erfanianWhat else are you getting from gearman besides HA?01:51
clarkbsimplicity and built in job semantics01:51
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clarkbpercentage complete, success/fail/exception, and compatibilty with arbitrary clients and workers01:52
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clarkbyou don't need to run jenkins or zuul. you can slap other things on either end of gearman01:53
HenryGHi, what does "Hit by Torpedo" mean?01:53
clarkbthats a smokestack failure message iirc. you will have to look at the logs01:53
clarkberfanian: we really like gearman01:53
clarkbso much simpler than amqp or celery or building something on 0mq01:54
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erfanian the right spot for gerrit -> gearman integration?01:56
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mgagneHenryG: It means torpedo tests failed.01:57
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mgagneHenryG: Torpedo itself:
clarkbopenstack-infra/zuul does the gerrit to gearman for us01:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/zuul: Add some log lines
clarkbgear is a gearman lib for python that jim wrote because the existing alternatives were not great01:58
clarkbzuul uses gear01:58
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erfanianWhat else does zuul/gearman dispatch jobs to right now besides Jenkins?02:01
clarkbjust jenkins today02:01
erfanianSo how does zuul/gearman keep merge deps in check when the tests are batched out across the nodes?02:06
erfanianWell I suppose if it all comes back to zuul, zuul would know....02:07
mgagneerfanian: You can read about how it's done here:
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clarkbyes zuul creates refs with the proper content and passes ref info to the workers which then fetch the refs from git02:08
erfanianThis is very exciting stuff :)02:12
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jgriffithjeblair: have a second to look at something a bit concerning?02:31
jgriffithjeblair: runs clean pep8, fails neutron, recheck, no patch update etc, then fails pep802:31
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dkehndoes the "recheck no bug" still work?03:23
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dkehnjesusaurus, yepper, just requires a little more patiences03:29
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clarkbjgriffith: did hacking rule changes mergein between those two test runs? we do rebase atop master or $branch when running check tests04:23
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Existing plugins improvements
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koolhead17clarkb: i will be in portland on 6th sep. lets meet for beer05:09
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clarkbkoolhead17 I am actually in seattle. will you be making it to seattle?05:11
koolhead17clarkb: i will be in seattle on 7th05:11
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koolhead17i remember last time we met you were based in portland05:12
clarkbmaybe I did live there just over a year ago05:13
clarkband I do spend a lot of time there05:13
clarkbseattleites hate hearing this but portland is pretty cool05:13
fungifewer beards and skinny jeans?05:14
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clarkbprobably more of that in portland05:15
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clarkbseattle has more suits and coffee. portland has more birkenstocks and beer05:17
* fungi wears birkenstocks and drinks beer... thinks clarkb is talking about him05:18
fungiportland is quite a nifty place, agreed05:18
clarkbboth places are and for some reason there is a weird rivalry between them05:19
clarkbbeing awesome together is less hip I suppose05:19
koolhead17fungi: are you in seattle as well?05:20
koolhead17mordred: around?05:20
fungikoolhead17: i've been visiting seattle this week, but am leaving tomorroq05:21
clarkbkoolhead17 mordred is out on the nevada playa05:21
koolhead17ooh ok.05:21
clarkbwithout internets for a couple weeks05:21
koolhead17clarkb: w00t really. mordred without internet05:21
pleia2does it every year :)05:22
pleia2koolhead17: hope you didn't go *inside* the hotel california05:22
fungisome year soon, he'll build a new internet there and connect all the tents together in harmony05:22
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koolhead17pleia2: NOPES. i went to the awesome chinese food joint opposite to it05:23
clarkbfungi now those californians like pleia2 and jeblair the NW should have a rivalry with them :)05:23
koolhead17am addicted to that shop05:23
fungiclarkb: they have enough problems in california to bother adding unnecessary additional rivalries05:24
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koolhead17pleia2: lets meetup for lunch on sunday if you are free05:26
pleia2koolhead17: weekends are bad for me (family time), perhaps dinner some time next week?05:26
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koolhead17ok. let me ping you about it05:27
pleia2sounds good :)05:27
clarkbdriving to california is weird. there is some point south of shasta where you feel like you have entered another universe05:28
clarkbsuddenly the hills and trees turn into brown shrubbery and strip malls05:28
clarkboh and you have to pump your own gas again05:29
koolhead17clarkb: you don`t like CA too much do you05:33
koolhead17i like this weather though :D05:33
clarkbIt is nice to visit. and san francisco is nice. But there is a big stretch of road I dont need to see again05:34
clarkbwe drove 101 on the way back despite not really having time. the redwoods are much nicer than I505:35
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koolhead17well traffic inside city is mess i agree and u have to spend more time in finding place 4 parking rather eting05:37
clarkbbut I was trying to comment at how drastically everything changes. southern oregon and much of far northern CA are very similar. eventually you reach a point where you know you are not in kansas^H^H^H^H^H^Horegon anymore05:39
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clarkbthey even pumped my gas for me in crescent city. I dont think they trusted me with my oregon plates to figure it out :)05:42
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psedlakanyone knows what can be behind 'ERROR:root:Could not find any typelib for GnomeKeyring' and how that can be fixed on stable/grizzly check,gate?05:52
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bashaHi anyone around?05:57
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clarkbpsedlak: I think dkranz and morganfainberg were looking at it05:58
clarkbbasha: yes, though I am on a phone and it is late05:58
bashaSorry I'll be quick05:58
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bashaHave an issue with
bashaI had made changes to sample-nova.conf and got jenkins and smoke stack and everything pass05:59
bashaThen I renamed the CONF value I'd added and now jenkins fails for a pep8 issue05:59
morganfainbergclarkb: not sure if that is the one that we've identified.05:59
bashathe log I receive says its failing for "error running"05:59
morganfainbergclarkb: i know we have
bashaIt looks like a known bug. but Im not sure how to tackle this, clarkb06:00
clarkbbasha: it tells you near the end of the log output one line above the ERROR06:01
bashaclarkb: yes exactly, i can run it on a devstack but that would remove a lot of lines existing in the current latest version of the sample-conf file which I don't want to do06:02
clarkbbasha: there is apparently a script to run to sync up the conf file06:03
clarkbbasha: sounds like you need to rebase?06:03
bashaclarkb: is it the one they mention here?
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1204762 in nova "Can't generate sample configuration file by (dup-of: 1204204)" [Undecided,New]06:03
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1204204 in oslo "./tools/config/  requires a -b parameter" [Wishlist,In progress]06:03
bashaclarkb:no i pulled in the latest code06:03
bashaclarkb: if you look at the recent checked in code, it has the same CONF06:04
clarkbdid you run after rebasing on master?06:05
clarkbI believe that is what needs to be done to have that check pass. the check tests will merge your code against master before running06:06
psedlakmorganfainberg: is reason for ... reason why the verification failed on the review you just linked to06:07
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1193164 in devstack "GnomeKeyring errors when installing devstack" [Undecided,New]06:07
morganfainbergpsedlak: i'll look at those in the morning.06:08
* psedlak has the morning now ... :)06:08
bashaclarkb: I ran the script but it changed the CONF and removed a lot of lines. I wouldn't be able to remove checked in code and submit for review06:08
psedlakmorganfainberg: simply put that GnomeKeyring line 'messes' output validation in tempest.cli.keystone tests06:09
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morganfainbergpsedlak: joy.06:09
morganfainbergwe have 2 or 3 issues then to cleanup in bitrot checks.06:09
morganfainbergit looks like06:10
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clarkbbasha I don't know then. you may have luck asking the nova devs as this is a nova tool06:10
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bashaOk Thanks clarkb :)06:12
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lluany one know why it seems that "recheck no bug" doesn't work anymore?
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lluok, it works now.07:00
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anteayagit.o.o cpus look good, merges happened all night (or appropriate time of day for you)
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anteayazuul queue length has 0 events11:58
anteayagate 23, post 4, check 2311:58
ttxall hail Fridays12:01
openstackgerritwill soula proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding AnsiColor Support
openstackgerritwill soula proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Adding AnsiColor Support
anteayaoh yeah, Friday12:02
ttxanteaya: any hint why and did not get tested yet ?12:03
* anteaya looks12:03
ttxI don't want to APRV until the check tests pass but it's been a day now12:03
ttxmight be some stable/* weirdness12:04
Alex_Gaynorttx: I think it's more likely they were just lost in the zuul restarts, `recheck no bug` should fix12:04
anteayattx nothing I can see12:04
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anteayaI'll add the recheck to them12:04
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ttxAlex_Gaynor: that's definitely a possibility. And they would not have been restarted manually because they are not on master12:05
ttxAlex_Gaynor: great to have you around, btw :)12:05
Alex_GaynorI'd say I'm glad to be around, but it's 5AM here, and I sort of wish I were back in bed :)12:06
ttxMoar PSF members12:06
ttxAlex_Gaynor: you need to lose that sleeping habit if you want to strive around here :P12:06
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anteayazuul queue status has 2 events, I'll give them a minute12:06
Alex_Gaynoranteaya: I've seen it get as far as ~30 behind, but it's always caught up12:07
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anteayaAlex_Gaynor: great thank you, I was wondering what you had been seeing12:07
anteayattx in the check queue12:07
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ttxjeblair: Benefit #18472 of time-based releases: periodically stress beyond reason the development infrastructure in order to make it better !12:17
markmcttx, if mordred was here, I'd assume you were just trolling for Friday afternoon fun12:20
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anteaya14 almost successful patches finishing in the gate - yay!12:34
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markmcand the failure of the 15th is
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1211915 in neutron "Connection to neutron failed: Maximum attempts reached" [Undecided,New]12:38
markmcand that's the 4th of my series of 10 patches12:38
* markmc curls up and weeps quietly12:39
markmcin other news, I filed12:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1215758 in openstack-ci "Allow gerrit to automatically resolve conflicts" [Undecided,New]12:39
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1215768 in openstack-ci "Merge a patch series in one fell swoop, rather than merging individual commits" [Undecided,New]12:39
markmcfor the latter12:40
markmcthere's really no reason why my series of 29 patches couldn't be merged in one go12:40
markmcrather than batches of 3 or 412:40
markmci.e. every 4th or 5th merge failed for whatever reason and I have to reverify or rebase12:41
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* anteaya pats markmc consolingly12:42
jpichBad karma12:43
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anteayamarkmc I think the conversation about how to handle difficult merges was discussed last night12:44
anteayait is entirely possible that there might be room for that discussion on today's agenda12:45
markmcjpich, commits should only be merged if the author can say what the angle in a given equilateral polygon is, within like 10 seconds12:45
anteayathat and tracking down the LOST test logs bug - which doesn't seem to be biting us atm12:45
markmcanteaya, ok12:45
* markmc looks back at the scrollback12:45
anteayamarkmc might I suggest around timestamp 2013-08-22T22:52:46 on the 22nd12:47
anteayaas a beginning point12:47
markmcanteaya, thankie12:47
anteayaI hope I haven't red herring'd you12:48
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update Flask dependency
anteayamtreinish: when you are around here are some testr failures on a python-glanceclient patch:
markmcanteaya, yeah, relevant ... but I think the bugs I filed add something new to the discussion12:55
anteayathat they do12:55
anteayaso timing wise the conversation might be good to have today12:55
markmc1) we seem to be getting merge failures when we should be able to happily resolve those "conflicts" automatically12:55
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anteayaand clarkb and jeblair might be in the mood for a bit of a chat about it12:56
markmc2) a patch series does not really need to be merged one patch at a time12:56
markmc(a patch series does need to be initially checked one patch at a time, though)12:56
anteayawhat constitutes a patch "series"?12:56
anteayameaning what markers can be used by zuul to identify them12:57
markmcwhere a gerrit review depends on another which depends on another which depends on another12:57
anteayaokay so dependencies12:57
anteayawhat happens if they are not in the queue together?12:57
anteayagetting them queue in the gate pipeline as a series might be a bit of a trick12:57
markmcthere's a number of different ways of doing it12:58
* anteaya listens12:58
markmcthe one I suggested is we see if we can use gerrits ability to review merge commits12:58
markmci.e. the author of the patch series would propose a merge commit12:58
markmcand it's that commit which would be approved, pulled into the gate, tested and merged12:59
markmcthereby pulling in all the commits12:59
anteayahmmm, a merge commit12:59
markmcyou still want the individual commits to be reviewed and checked12:59
markmcbut not approved12:59
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markmconly approve the merge commit that depends on them all12:59
markmcthis is not a trivial change, I know13:00
markmcit's a strawman idea13:00
anteayaand an interesting one13:00
openstackgerritJulien Danjou proposed a change to openstack-dev/hacking: Update requirements
anteayaI would be interesting in hearing lifeless' thoughts on this13:00
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add some more filters to the .gitignore
anteayaand how it would play a role in continuous deployment13:01
anteayaand small patches13:01
markmcwe have recommended smaller patches for a long time now13:01
anteayahow would the idea of the merge commit fit with the direction of continuous deployment?13:02
markmcit means the master branch potentially gets bigger chunks of changes merged at once13:03
markmcbut the reality is, series of commits tend to get approved together13:03
anteayaum humm13:03
markmcand land together13:03
markmcit's a fair point, though13:03
anteayajust trying to be a good debater here13:04
anteayawhat downsides do you see of the merge commit proposal?13:04
anteayawould it change how we look for issues that got into master?13:05
anteayathe gate has reset - 5 in the gate13:06
markmcthe way we merge commits now means you can treat it like we have a linear history13:07
markmcyou can walk the commits in the tree as if they were applied sequentially with no merge commits13:07
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markmcin fact, I have a git alias for that13:07
markmclg = log --no-merges --topo-order --abbrev-commit13:07
markmc"show me the commits in the order they were merged and elide the merge commits"13:08
markmcallowing people to propose merge commits would confuse that13:08
anteayaso it would have an effect on how people identify bugs using the git history13:09
markmce.g. if you bisected a series of commits in this new world13:09
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anteayaor at least identify commits using the git history13:09
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markmcyou would hit commits which were never the master tree at any stage13:09
markmcbut it would have been tested, nonetheless13:10
markmcwhich, for the purposes of git bisect, would still be helpful13:10
markmcyou'd know which commit in a series caused a regression13:11
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markmcbut for CD, it wouldn't make sense to rollback to the commit before the bad commit13:11
anteayaokay, and we don't back out commits anyway, we offer new patches, correct?13:11
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markmcyou'd want to rollback to the merge commit before the one that merged the series13:11
anteayawould you rollback?13:12
anteayado we do that, I didn't think we did13:12
markmcwell, I mean in CD, you'd choose not to deploy that commit13:12
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markmcyou'd choose to deploy the merge commit before it13:12
openstackgerritTomas Sedovic proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add Jenkins jobs for Tuskar
markmcit would just change how you choose points in the master history to test and deploy13:13
anteayahmmm, okay so yes I would definitely like to hear lifeless' views on the idea of a merge commit13:13
anteayaso while we are hashing this out, you said there were options plural13:14
markmcI'd like to hear everyone's views :)13:14
anteayaI like that about you13:14
markmcif you look at 'git log origin/master'13:14
markmcmerge commits have two parents13:14
markmcMerge: bec54ac aa5b65813:14
markmcif you always pick the left hand one13:15
markmcthat's a commit which was HEAD of master at some point13:15
markmcthat would still be the rule even if gerrit was merging merge commits13:15
anteayaso using git bisect would take you to the commit prior to the merge commit with an issue13:16
anteayaso potentially you would rollback and lose a whole series if there was an issue with any part of it13:16
markmcyou could actually just get git-bisect to test commits that were HEAD of master at some point13:21
markmcpretty straightforward13:21
markmcif you were just trying to find the latest working HEAD of master commit13:21
markmc"You can even skip a range of commits, instead of just one commit, using the "<commit1>..<commit2>" notation"13:22
markmcfrom the git-bisect man page13:22
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anteayawhat other directions do you think are worthy of consideration for the merge a series direction?13:24
anteayattx passed check and failed <- keystone admin test failures was what I saw13:26
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 902838 in openstack-ci "Gerrit should support reviewing related patchsets (aka "topic reviews")" [Wishlist,Triaged]13:28
markmcanteaya, that gerrit's topic review support would allow us to just merge the last commit in the series13:29
markmcanteaya, similar idea and implications, just different implementation13:29
* anteaya reads13:29
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markmcor that zuul would see multiple changes in a series all approved13:29
markmcand merge the last approved one, rather than each one individually13:30
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markmcultimately, it comes down to reducing the number of merge commits created for a patch series13:30
markmcreducing it to one, if the entire series gets approved together13:30
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anteayawell Brad King and Chris Harris at Kitware seem to be using this approach and feel strongly enough about it that they are advocating for it13:32
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anteayaI would be interested to see if they have any additional material outlining how they use it13:33
anteaya'll go looking13:33
markmcanteaya, well, the gerrit topic review stuff is more about the ability to review patch series in a sane way13:34
markmcanteaya, less about how they are merged13:34
anteayaah okay13:34
anteayacan't see anything by either of them on the Kitware blog13:36
anteayaso there is the concept of a topic-id13:36
anteayaprobably a good way to identify members of a series13:37
anteayaeasier than trying to re-enforce a unique topic name13:37
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markmcanteaya, ok, captured all that in
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1215768 in openstack-ci "Merge a patch series in one fell swoop, rather than merging individual commits" [Undecided,New]13:39
anteayanicely done13:41
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* markmc leaves this here in case it might help anyone13:44
markmcfor iii in $(git log --oneline --pretty=format:%h origin/master..); do ssh review gerrit approve --code-review +2 --approved +1 -m 'trivial\ rebase' $iii; done13:44
markmc(well, substitute 'review' for the port blah blah)13:44
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zulanyone mind if we bump oslo.config in global-requirements its getting a bit long in the tooth14:24
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markmczul, ok, I'll do that now14:34
zulmarkmc: thanks14:34
jeblairmarkmc: hi there; i responded to bug 12175814:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 121758 in ubuntu "include remove-duplicates plugin (dup-of: 437463)" [Undecided,Invalid]
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 437463 in ubuntu "[needs packaging] evolution plugin 'delete-duplicates-plugin'" [Wishlist,New]
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jeblairmarkmc: hi there; i responded to bug 121575814:34
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1215758 in openstack-ci "Allow gerrit to automatically resolve conflicts" [Undecided,Incomplete]
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jeblairyeah, that's it :)14:34
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markmcjeblair, ok, so - "we'll fix this by having zuul do merges"14:36
markmcjeblair, any idea of when? i.e. worth fixing jgit in the meantime?14:36
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jeblairmarkmc: yep, because that setting is already turned on, and jgit is just different sometimes :/14:36
markmcjeblair, it's not an issue of jgit being different, in this case it's just wrong AFAICT14:37
jeblairmarkmc: of the pre-reqs in that bug  "* Zuul would need to add the git review notes." is i think the only thing left14:37
markmcjeblair, detecting multiple merge bases where there's only one14:37
jeblairmarkmc: and that task seems pretty trivial14:37
jeblairmarkmc: yeah, i guess i was being generous.  :)14:37
markmcjeblair, ok14:37
jeblairmarkmc: i have not checked to see if there is a new jgit that is used in newer gerrit that is better in this regard14:38
markmcjeblair, newer gerrit doesn't use jgit's recursive merger14:38
markmcjeblair, if it did, that might fix it14:38
jeblairhow weird14:38
jeblairi thought they were basically developed in tandem at this point14:39
jeblairmarkmc: anyway, i think we can probably get zuul doing merges this cycle14:39
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markmczul, ok, 1.2.0a4 will show up on tarballs.o.o soon - you go ahead and propose the dev-requirements.txt change?14:41
* markmc writes release notes14:41
zulmarkmc: thanks14:41
david-lylejeblair: django-openstack-auth (a horizon dependency) was recently brought in as an openstack managed git repo, what is the process for adding a launchpad page to track bugs/etc for it?14:42
jeblairmarkmc: as for the other bug; it's definitely worth considering -- i think the current situation is mostly there out of a desire to preserve bisectability; if we decide we want to change that, we can certainly adapt the tools.14:42
markmcjeblair, bisectability is important, I don't want to lose that14:43
markmcjeblair, all individual commits need to be tested14:43
markmcjeblair, but they don't need to be merged individually14:43
jd__good to see Jenkins working great today thanks guys :)14:43
jeblairmarkmc: also remember though that merge commits are scary and if we allow anyone to upload them, we may well end up with people accidentally uploading hundreds of commits (though if people are using git-review it should help with that)14:44
* markmc can't help being a little grumpy trying to get this series landed14:44
markmcsorry :)14:44
jeblairmarkmc: i actually think you're being remarkably patient :)14:44
markmcjeblair, cheers :)14:44
markmcjeblair, yes, merge commits are scarey14:44
markmcjeblair, so maybe the idea of having zuul go "wait, there's a patch series here, let's just do one merge commit" is best14:45
markmcjeblair, that way people would learn to e.g. approve the first commit in the series last14:45
anteayathanks jd__, we are happy Jenkins is working well today too14:45
markmcjeblair, hmm, zuul would also need to enforce that the individual commits had passed the check queue already14:45
jeblairmarkmc: definitely technically feasible; especially after zuul is doing the merges (it would be awkward if zuul were surprised halfway through merging a series that gerrit refused to merge it)14:46
markmcjeblair, which would be new14:46
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jeblairmarkmc: this is probably a topic to think about for a bit and maybe have a summit conversation about, what do you think?14:46
markmcjeblair, absolutely, yeah - just trying to capture thoughts in launchpad14:47
jeblairmarkmc: i'll leave some quick thoughts in that bug for now and let it stew for a while14:47
markmcjeblair, yeah, feel free to stick it on WishList14:47
anteayadavid-lyle: I see your question but I don't know the answer14:47
jeblairdavid-lyle: i'll make one in just a moment14:48
david-lylejeblair: thanks, I know this is low priority, just wasn't sure if there was a process to follow14:49
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anteayalooking good, rustlebee14:50
anteayaHappy Friday14:50
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* rustlebee waves14:51
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markmc2013-08-23 14:21:11.473 | AssertionError: OS processes left [29687]14:52
markmchave we seen this before?14:52
jeblairi have not14:52
* markmc dispatches his babies again14:52
markmcmostly empty gate queue, at least14:53
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* RyanStiles <3's casual nick Friday14:55
anTeayalooking good RyanStiles14:55
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ColinMochrieI'll save the other one for another day14:56
ColinMochrieI only wore if for a few minutes, it is still good14:57
* ColinMochrie puts anTeaya on the "can still be worn" pile14:57
jeblairwhose nick it is anyway?14:57
ColinMochriemarkmc: did the OS process left log come from: ?14:58
markmcColinMochrie, no, different one14:58
* ColinMochrie looks around for Wayne Brady and Greg Proops14:58
ColinMochriemarkmc: k14:58
jeblairdavid-lyle: should the horizon drivers also be the drivers for django-openstack-auth?14:59
david-lylejeblair: yes14:59
jeblairdavid-lyle: should they share a bug team as well?15:00
ColinMochriemarkmc: thanks, let's see what happens this time15:00
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david-lylejeblair: got it, thanks!15:02
jeblairdavid-lyle: the basics are set up, and i set horizon-drivers as the driver and maintainer, so you should be able to update anything you need15:02
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david-lylejeblair: will fill in the blanks shortly.  Thanks again.15:03
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ColinMochriehad to email in house about my nick change so some new folks can find me, let's see how this goes over15:09
RyanStilesColinMochrie: Tell them to look for the bald Canadian guy.  That should clear it right up. :-D15:10
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ColinMochrieha ha ha15:12
ColinMochrieyeah, I'm easy to spot15:12
* ColinMochrie touches her/his bald spot15:12
ColinMochriefeeling a bit gender confused on the pronouns15:12
ColinMochriemorning wenlock15:12
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wenlockim checking out   trying to learn it better, and followed some of the docs there.15:13
wenlocki have a couple questions15:13
* ColinMochrie goes to talk to the phone guy, who just drove up15:13
wenlockhow do i figure out what extensions list used are and where to get them?15:13
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wenlocksuch as strapping / openid?15:13
* DrewCarey was feeling alone15:14
wenlockand also, where can i find missing shell scirpts like /srv/mediawiki/backup.sh15:14
RyanStilesColinMochrie: That sounds like the setup for a skit.15:14
RyanStilesDrewCarey: What style should ColinMochrie talk to the phone guy in?15:14
DrewCareyRyanStiles: ColinMochrie tries to answer the phone but lost his dentures15:17
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mgagneain't got time for that :O15:18
ColinMochrieain't nobody got time for that15:23
ColinMochriephone guy is beside me in the house15:23
RyanStilesNow it's time to play "Only Questions"!15:26
* RyanStiles obviously has too much time on his hands15:26
annegentleI've got a broken doc build that should be fixed with, can I get a review?15:26
ColinMochriehow much time on your hands do you have, RyanStiles?15:26
ColinMochrieannegentle: jeblair is around, he should be back before long15:28
RyanStilesColinMochrie: How should I know?15:28
ColinMochrieRyanStiles: You don't know?15:28
annegentleColinMochrie: thanks15:28
RyanStilesColinMochrie: Do I look like Father Time to you?15:28
ColinMochrieRyanStiles: Aren't you Father Time?15:28
ShrewsOooh. My favorite TV show playing out on IRC. Fun!15:28
RyanStilesColinMochrie: Would I know if I was?15:29
ColinMochrieRyanStiles: don't you know who you are?15:29
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RyanStilesColinMochrie: Do you?15:33
clarkbwenlock it is all a bit manual today. If you ping me in a couple hours I can find that info for you. then maybe we can start a puppet change to record more of this stuff in puppet15:33
RyanStiles(doing this on IRC is totally cheating.  Too easy when you can think about your response)15:34
clarkbjeblair: markmc: remember check tests aren't quite the same as gate tests as $branch may have moved. in the case of testing merge commits this is probably mostly ok because in most cases the merge commit should fail if an individual change would15:35
jeblairclarkb: I'm reviewing 42608 (the groups-staging change); i'm not spinning it up now though because i want it to use trove15:35
clarkbthere are corner cases where patch 1 adds a new hacking violation and patch 2 removes it15:36
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jeblairclarkb: good point15:36
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dolphmi've got two committers that have independently claimed authorship over the exact same patch, in discrete Change-Id's... i'm trying to unwind who was the original author of what15:40
dolphmcan i trust the timestamp shown in the Committer field on a patchset in gerrit? are they guaranteed to reflect the same timezone / UTC?15:41
jeblairdolphm: i believe they come from the local git commit, and could be anything (and set by the user)15:41
dolphmis that the date the patchset was uploaded to gerrit?15:41
jeblairdolphm: i think you can get better data with the gerrit query interface15:42
dolphmjeblair: i was assuming/hoping that the timestamp shown in the Author field came from the commit?15:42
clarkbgerrit should have a change created timestamp15:42
jeblairdolphm: "ssh gerrit query #### --patch-sets "15:43
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dolphmjeblair: thanks, was about to go look that up15:43
jeblairdolphm: that will give you 'createdOn' times which are gerrit15:43
jeblairdolphm: bouth the author and commit timestamps are git (not gerrit)15:44
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dolphmjeblair: perfect! thanks15:45
tomheQuestion on Gerrit upgrade: I'm running Zuul from May 2 and considering upgrading Gerrit from 2.5 to 2.6.1. Anybody know if my Zuul would be compatible?15:47
clarkbjeblair: py26 jobs seem caught up with current zuul state and are ahead of the other jobs. we may not need more slaves15:48
jeblairtomhe: afaik; the wikimedia folks are using 2.7 i think.15:48
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Update Flask dependency
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jeblairclarkb: cool.  i think static.o.o and logs are a problem; i think we should expand the storage pools until both logs and docs-draft are using 50%15:50
jeblairclarkb: and then change the cron job to run on weekends only15:50
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jeblairclarkb: (and maybe we should have run-tox gzip things if it isn't already)15:50
jeblairclarkb: also, somehow we ended up with a 1g server for static; i think we should make that an 8g because 300 scp sessions is bound to use some cpu.15:51
fungii finally have a morning where my hands aren't swelled badly enough to make typing hard, and am not completely zonked out on antihistamines. already packed and have a couple hours to kill before i catch a cab to the pier... what's top priority/most broken at the moment?15:52
tomhejeblair: Ok, was just hesitant, as my Zuul is rather old.15:52
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jeblairfungi: wow, i hope your vacation gets better15:53
fungijeblair: yeah, this week was kinda a bust15:53
funginext should be better15:53
jeblairfungi: what do you think about the logs stuff i just wrote?15:54
fungii think it's a stellar idea. we need more cushion15:54
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fungiwhat was killing the cpu on it? find/compress runs?15:55
fungiiowait looks to be through the roof earlier15:55
jeblairi think it's that combined with spikes from jobs finishing15:55
jeblairyeah, the iowait is the find runs15:55
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jeblairti looks like it only gets bad enough to timeout snmp during the find runs, so i suspect that when the jenkins jobs error out, it's during those times too15:56
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jeblairso just running those on saturday should mostly take care of that until we can do something better15:56
fungii wonder if we shouldn't use -O3 on those find commands15:57
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add pyghmi
fungii suspect the ordering is sub-optimal as they stand now15:57
jeblairfungi: probably :)15:57
jeblairfungi: know of a way to slow it down?15:57
fungimmm, not really, no15:58
fungiother than batch it up by second-level directories and cram a sleep in each iteration or something15:58
fungibut that wouldn't be slow so much as bursty15:58
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Bump python-ceilometerclient to 1.0.3
fungior exec a sleep 1 on the find maybe? can sleep take subsecond intervals i wonder...15:59
jeblairfungi: you want to write a change to move the find command to very early (around midnight) saturday us-ish time?  and maybe add that O3?16:00
fungimanpage says sleep takes a float16:00
fungion itr16:00
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zarojeblair: i was trying to use gear's status protocol but i'm noticing that the info doesn't appear consistently.  have you used the protocol lately?16:02
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zarojeblair: i'm running the latest on master.16:02
fungijeblair: clarkb: oh, also worth keeping an eye on... df -i /srv/static/docs-draft says we're at 90% inodes capacity on that filesystem16:03
fungimany, many small files i guess16:03
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zarojeblair: I also noticed an "UnknownJobError" when the gear client sends jobs too quickly to the server.
jeblairzaro: i have not noticed a problem with the status command16:05
jeblairzaro: you have  this change in your tree, right?16:06
zarojeblair: yes, it's there.16:07
pleia2good morning16:08
zarojeblair: to repo i just submit about 10 jobs in a loop.16:08
jeblairzaro: i don't have any quick ideas about that (and don't have time to dig into it now, sorry)16:08
openstackgerritDavid Kranz proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Conditionally run the slow heat tests
zarojeblair: ok.  i'll dig a little deeper.16:09
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openstackgerritMonsyne Dragon proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add jsonpath-rw
openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Reduce log compression frequency and optimize
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fungizaro: we did the computer museum yesterday morning on very short notice, so i didn't get a chance to give you a heads up, sorry :/ (but i highly recommend it as long as you can get past some of the microsoft propaganda... they even have a working pdp-7 on display!)16:19
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fungii hacked at a pdp-11 a little (figured out how to fire up trek on it and played a few rounds)16:21
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clarkbjeblair everything you said about static sounds great to me16:22
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jeblairfungi: so i think i'll make a new filesystem for docs-draft and do a bytes-per-inode of 8192 (about half of the current ratio); sound good?16:22
clarkbI stepped away. still trying to sort out dsl situation before the weekend. about to head to the office though16:23
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jeblairclarkb: cool, np16:23
fungijeblair: yeah, that seems saner. just growing that volume could put us in a bad way if it fills up too much more16:23
fungia opposed to /srv/static/logs which is only around 10% inode utilization, so i think it's safe to just extend in place16:24
zarofungi: np.  good to hear that you got to see it.16:24
clarkbmorning pleia216:25
jeblairclarkb, fungi: one of you want to aprv this to fix a docs build problem?
fungilooking over it now16:25
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fungilgtm, approved16:27
jeblairannegentle: ^16:27
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Reduce log compression frequency and optimize
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Ensure that the is set for the Block Storage
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fungijeblair: also, if you're going to be growing those lvms on static.o.o, be aware that cutting-and-pasting from the html-rendered notes on ci.o.o isn't so great. aims to fix it16:33
fungithough i just noticed i introduced trailing whitespace on one line there. fixing16:34
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jeblairfungi: thx16:34
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openstackgerritJeremy Stanley proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Clean up Static Web Hosting document
fungibetter ^16:37
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Clean up Static Web Hosting document
reedhello folks16:40
fungihello reed16:40
jeblairreed: hello; i have reviewed mrmartin's patch; left some suggestions, and took a quick look at yours (i think we may want to do the same as the suggestion i left on groups)16:41
reedjeblair, regarding the mysql thingie?16:41
jeblairreed: yep16:41
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reedwhat do I need to do then?16:42
jeblairreed: i left detailed notes on mrmartin's patch; you can probably translate that to yours16:43
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ColinMochriereed: are there any atc summit passes yet to be issued?16:51
reedcolinMochrie: yes, as soon as the next milestone is released we'll send another batch16:52
ColinMochrieah okay thanks16:52
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reedif you know somebody that has committed code or is going to do it by next milestone have them book hotel and flights16:52
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ColinMochrieokay thanks, NobodyCam was asking about a friend of his16:52
jeblairfungi, clarkb: the cron change has taken effect, so we shouldn't see another run of the find until tomorrow.16:56
pleia2jeblair: do we want to let this one through, or wait until monday?
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jeblairfungi, clarkb: and i'm rsyncing docs-draft to a new fs with twice the inode ratio16:56
fungijeblair: if we still see impact to snmp et cetera when it does run, i wonder if nicing it will help?16:57
jeblairpleia2: sooner the better i think16:57
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* pleia2 nods16:57
jeblairfungi: i tried that last night with the run at around midnight utc and did not notice a difference on the graphs16:57
jeblairfungi: that's pretty far from conclusive though16:57
fungiahh, okay. nice is really only effective for reducing %user on cpu anyway. system and iowait tend to be outside its context16:58
jeblairfungi: but my _guess_ is that the niceness doesn't end up affecting the io time16:58
jeblairwas worth a shot though :)16:58
jeblairpleia2: aprvd16:59
fungiso, yeah, about the only other throttle i can come up with would be to inline a sleep 0.1 or something on every -exec parameter16:59
jeblairfungi: yeah, but my guess is we actually don't exec very often17:00
fungiagreed. traversing the linklist is probably most of the i/o17:00
fungiwhich we can't really do anything about other than possibly make it more bursty17:01
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Use cgit server instead of github for everything
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clarkbok in the office now with an internet connection. ISP assures me it is the modems power supply (if only I had a multimeter) and will drop a new one off today17:02
clarkbI should buy a multimeter this weekend17:03
jeblairclarkb: i got a free one with my oscilloscope; stop by and i'll give it to you.17:03
clarkbroad trip!17:04
ColinMochriemine is so old it is still analog17:04
ColinMochrieoscilloscope sounds like a fun toy17:05
clarkbjeblair: do you have one of the big tektronix bench type oscilloscopes or one of those neat small handheld things?17:05
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jeblairclarkb: somewhere in between; it's a new short digital benchtop; bout the size of a toolbox.17:07
fungiclarkb: you really don't have a dmm? how does that happen? i think i have four, mostly by accident17:07
clarkbfungi: moving a lot and always having access to tools either at school or at work17:07
jeblairclarkb: if i had the room, i'd get an analog tektronix, those are the best (and still can measure things you can't really measure with digital ones)17:07
fungii've been eyeballing some of the handheld 'scopes but the timeslice resolution on those digital models usually isn't great17:07
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fungiso i will probably spring for an analog model when i finally decide i need one badly enough17:08
jeblairclarkb: but i replaced the firmware on it so it's at least upgraded to a 100mhz resolution17:08
clarkbthis HP office is the first one I have worked in without a proper tool bench ( EntropyWorks' office doesn't count )17:08
ColinMochrieclarkb: HP offices come with toys/tools in them?17:10
clarkbColinMochrie: not this one17:10
ColinMochriebut other ones do?17:10
clarkbI dunno. THis is the only one I have been in17:10
ColinMochrieah okay, I mis-understood17:10
wenlocknot much different here17:10
clarkbI probably neglected to use punctuation properly17:11
ColinMochrieI was looking forward to tools/toys17:11
ColinMochrieI do that all the time too17:11
ColinMochriewenlock: no tool bench for you either?17:11
wenlockthey do come with nasty coffee17:11
ColinMochrieha ha ha17:11
reednasty coffee is everywhere in US17:14
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix zuul status hours display.
reedat least in offices it's usually $0...17:14
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reedit's unbelievable to me that people pay over $3 for horrible, nasty coffee in shops17:15
clarkbreed: I solve that problem by not drinking coffee17:15
reedand do we want to talk about $5 lattes? Seriously folks, that's messed up17:15
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reedclarkb, yeah, boycott Peet's, starbucks, blue bottle and all those nasty people that go there :)17:16
jeblairclarkb, fungi: should we go ahead and spin the resize roulette wheel on static.o.o?17:16
reedspin it!17:16
pleia2clarkb: I have git.o.o announcement prepped, would like to have docs updated when I post though, so when you get a chance if you could review :)17:16
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ColinMochrieclarkb: +17:16
reed$20 on red17:16
clarkbpleia2: yup that is first up17:16
clarkbjeblair: the gate queue is small I say go for it17:17
fungijeblair: should be safe enough17:18
fungii've done online pv/vg/lv/fs resize operations under heavy i/o load in the past with no ill effects17:18
jeblairi meant the server resize :)17:19
jeblairto give it more cpus17:19
fungioh, that17:19
jeblairi mean, it should just be a momentary outage for the reboot; assuming all the volumes move over ok17:19
fungiit's a 1m flavor now... what size were you wanting to take it up to?17:19
fungithat shouldn't take too terribly long. my guess is you'll be waiting for about an hour and then see a 10 minute outage for the vm as it does its final sync and reboot17:20
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clarkband it is a bit of roulette because we don't know exactly when that will happen, but it is friday and the devs have been patient with us so far this week :)17:21
jeblairwe should also scale git.o.o _down to an 8g17:21
clarkbI say go for it17:21
clarkbpleia2: reviewed. One small thing inline17:21
jeblairfungi: did you see our shiny git server setup?17:21
jeblairfungi: 5 load balanced hosts17:21
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fungijeblair: i did not, unfortunately. been more out of touch the past few days than i'd hoped17:22
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fungibut that sounds awesome17:22
clarkbjeblair: I agree. git.o.o is very oversized (as is the pool according to cacti but I am willing to wait for H3 to happen before worrying about it)17:22
ColinMochriejgriffith: I am looking at and I see that it is failing on a pep8 test - Python 3.x incompatible use of print operator17:23
fungijeblair: oh, neat! that's performing waaaay better17:24
* fungi needs to power down his netbook and go hail a cab to the pier17:24
clarkbColinMochrie: I had a theory about that last night that I couldn't follow because doing so on a phone was meh. But I think it is possible that the allowed hacking rules changes between two runs of that test17:24
jeblairclarkb: what do you think about downsizing git.o.o sooner?17:24
jeblairfungi: have a nice trip!17:24
clarkbjeblair: I think we can downsize git.o.o sooner17:24
ColinMochrieclarkb: ah okay, so do a recheck?17:24
fungii may be back on from the boat later, depending on how the day in dock shapes up17:24
clarkbjeblair: or (and this might take a bit of dancing) make git01.o.o the new git.o.o17:24
clarkbjeblair: and kill git.o.o17:24
jeblairclarkb: interesting idea...17:25
ColinMochrieclarkb: or jgriffith might have to edit the patch to please the new hacking guidelines17:25
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clarkbColinMochrie: no recheck, I think those are legit failures17:25
ColinMochrieclarkb: very good17:26
jeblairclarkb: we can take git01 out of the rotation on git.o; lower dns ttls, configure git01 to be git.o.o, change dns, wait for propogation, delete old git.o17:26
openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Update git documentation with HAProxy details
jeblairclarkb: should be zero downtime, and they'll both be git.o.o for about 5 minutes17:26
clarkbjeblair: I was thinking of making the puppet manifest smart enough to put haproxy on git01 but not 02-04, make git.o.o a CNAME to git01 then killing git.o.o later17:27
clarkbjeblair: and let git.o.o be a thing in name only. but either way works17:27
ColinMochrieclarkb: I appended that point in a comment on the jgriffith patch17:27
clarkbjeblair: we will also need to update the gerrit replication config17:28
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clarkbColinMochrie: thanks17:28
jeblairclarkb: oh, i think we should have git.o.o continue to be the load balancer and it should be different than the workers17:29
jeblairclarkb: i also think that we should probably stop having it serve locally, and just let it load balance17:30
clarkbjeblair: different than the workers = not actually serving git?17:30
clarkbjeblair: ok17:30
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jeblairclarkb: yeah, i'll get really confused if i have to remember that git01 is also the load balancer.  :)17:30
clarkbin that case a new git.o.o is probably the easiest route. I can work on updating the puppet manifests to split those things apart17:30
jeblairclarkb: just putzing inth rax lbaas config, i don't see 'source' as a config option17:31
clarkbjeblair: the lbaas offerings are very rudimentary17:32
clarkbjeblair: there is no queueing support either17:32
jeblairclarkb: ok, so you want to just do a new replacement git server, 8g, no local git serving, and have it talk to the existing 4 workers?17:32
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clarkbjeblair: I think so. Adding a new server that isn't replicated too seems simpler than taking an old server and cleaning it up17:33
jeblairi guess that will decrease our pool size by 1 (by removing the local serving from the lb), which should be fine17:33
clarkbjeblair: and doing what you describe will need a puppet update anyways17:33
clarkbya  Ithink we have plenty of capacity17:33
jeblairok, sounds good.17:33
jeblairclarkb: i'll go ahead and lower the ttl on git.o.o17:33
jeblairstatic is rebooting now17:33
clarkbthat was fast17:34
clarkbjeblair: I'd like to get some code review in today as I have neglected that. Can updating puppet for git.o.o wait for next week?17:34
jeblairclarkb: sure17:34
jeblairi'll leave the ttl's as they are then17:34
jeblairclarkb: i'm going to continue focusing on static.o. and the zuul re-run-job thing17:35
jeblairas those are still operational issues17:35
jeblairclarkb: let me know if you spot something i should review17:35
clarkbyup, one of the things I really want to review is your nodepool testnode change17:36
clarkbwhich is at least semi related to the zuul re run job thng17:36
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i still don't want to use it though :)17:36
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jeblairi'm thinking of it as more of a backup plan if the re-run jobs thing doesn't work out17:36
jeblairbecause MOST of the time nodes are fine, so having zuul re-run a job for the few that aren't is much more efficient than having jenkins do lots of extra work for the many thare are17:37
jeblairthat are17:37
dkranzclarkb: I just wanted to verify that a shell variable exported in devstack-gate.yaml will be available to devstack when it runs. Is that correct?17:38
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clarkbdkranz: yes17:40
dkranzclarkb: Thanks.17:40
jeblairdkranz: (though most things like that end up in localrc, right?)17:41
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clarkbya typically those exports are for devstack-gate and not for devstack itself17:41
jeblairdkranz: putting it in localrc makes it more self-documenting; you can download the localrc from the result log server17:41
dkranzjeblair: OK, I can do that instead.17:42
jeblairstatic is back up17:48
clarkbjeblair: did you want to read pleia2's cgit doc changes before I approve?17:50
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jeblairclarkb: aprvd17:52
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jeblairclarkb: i'm going to do one more disruptive thing on static; i want to swap out the /srv partition for a new lvm volume17:53
jeblair#status alert recent UNSTABLE jobs were due to maintenance to expand capacity which is complete; recheck or reverify as needed17:53
openstackstatusNOTICE: recent UNSTABLE jobs were due to maintenance to expand capacity which is complete; recheck or reverify as needed17:53
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jeblair(hopefully it shouldn't be that disruptive, i think i can swap things out pretty quickly17:53
openstackgerritDavid Kranz proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Conditionally run the slow heat tests
clarkbjeblair: I won't approve any nodepool changes becaues I am not sure which ones you have in production and so on17:56
jeblairclarkb: ok, i'll take care of it (puppet still isn't running there though)17:56
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openstackgerritDavid Kranz proposed a change to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Conditionally run the slow heat tests
openstackgerritDavid Kranz proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add slow heat job
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add socat package to cgit servers
clarkbjeblair: ^ that confirms that static.o.o is happy again18:06
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Update git documentation with HAProxy details
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jeblairi need to break it again though :(18:08
jeblairjust for a reboot, i hope18:08
clarkbis that for the inodes?18:08
jeblairno; it's very hard to swap out the /srv mountpoint18:08
clarkbso you are just going to change fstab and reboot?18:09
jeblairwell, i'm mostly rebooting to fix up the strange situation i got it into18:09
clarkbok let me know if you need an extra set of hands or eyes18:10
jeblairwill do18:10
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jeblairwhat an interesting server -- we can't start or finish jobs without it18:11
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jeblair(pypi and logs)18:11
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clarkbthat is a fun spof18:12
jeblairclarkb: ok, should be done; i notice that my shell is kind of laggy; can you log into it and let me know how it seems to you?18:12
clarkbssh connection to it took a while to ask for my key18:13
clarkband yes laggy18:13
jeblairclarkb: i have almost 1000ms ping18:13
jeblairnot sure i like our rebuilt server18:13
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clarkbmtr shows packet loss18:13
clarkbthat last router in the route seems to be laggy18:14
jeblairclarkb: weird, it's not in the route to zuul.18:15
jeblairclarkb: nor is there an equivalent18:15
nati_uenoWow! log is colerd! cool18:15
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clarkbnati_ueno: sdague did that for us18:15
clarkbnati_ueno: should make it a little easier to read and the timestamps are anchor tags so you can link into them18:16
nati_uenosdague: Thanks!18:16
nati_uenowooooot it has link!!18:16
clarkbjeblair: perhaps it is only a problem coming from the outside world?18:16
ColinMochrieyay for linking to timestamps18:16
jeblairclarkb: oh, no i meant i was comparing a traceroute from here to static, and from here to zuul18:16
nati_uenoThis makes bug reports really easy18:17
jeblairclarkb: but there is an equivalent hop in there for the git servers (though rdns isn't working); it's fast18:17
clarkbjeblair: it is laggy between zuul and static18:17
jeblairclarkb: i'll open a tt and mention the router18:17
clarkbjeblair: ok18:17
clarkbnati_ueno: it doesn't work for all log files but making it easier to work with logs was the intention18:18
nati_uenoclarkb: yeah this is really cool18:18
ColinMochrienati_ueno: what logs are you looking at? I can't seem to find logs with linking timestamps18:18
* ColinMochrie looks18:19
ColinMochrieawesome, i hadn't seen that before18:20
clarkbColinMochrie: that was a thing that sdague brainstormed at the bootcamp18:20
ColinMochrieit is great18:20
ColinMochriemakes finding the useful bits in the log so much faster18:21
ColinMochriejust in tempest logs?18:21
ColinMochrieso far?18:21
jeblairclarkb: oh, i think ipv6 may not work (we don't have a AAAA record defined for it)18:21
jeblairclarkb: <sigh> maybe we should spin up a replacement server?18:23
ColinMochrielook at this log awesomeness for testr results:
jeblairclarkb: i'm going to get that started18:25
clarkbjeblair: I think you are correct about ipv6, and since we try to have ipv6 everywhere a new node to fix the problem isn't a bad idea18:25
clarkbjeblair: with the volumes there is no expensive copying right?18:26
jeblairclarkb: right18:26
jeblairlowering the ttl on static18:26
ColinMochriethe timestamp links seem to be for the devstack/screen logs18:27
jeblairah, it's already 30018:28
clarkbColinMochrie: yes and I think they must be in oslo format18:28
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ColinMochrieclarkb: cool, I will see if I can spot the oslo ones too18:29
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clarkbColinMochrie: nova, glance, neutron, cinder all use oslo logging iirc18:31
clarkbColinMochrie: oh and heat and ceilometer18:31
ColinMochrielooking at olso logs, so far I can find it, I will continue to look, thanks for project names18:31
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jeblairclarkb: rtt got better18:32
clarkbmuch better18:33
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jeblairstill have a replacement spinning up (to deal with v6), but no rush on that18:34
ColinMochrieso far I can't seem to find the oslo format logs of which you speak:
jeblairi've restarted the docs-draft rsync; so when that's done, i can move the docs-draft fs, and then expand the logs fs18:35
jeblairi've already added the devices18:35
clarkbColinMochrie: nova logs are in oslo format18:36
clarkbColinMochrie: there isn't an oslo.log file instead nova uses oslo.log to write its log files. By default they come out in a standard format18:36
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ColinMochrieclarkb: I looked at these three logs for gate-nova-python26:
ColinMochrieI don't see the same kind of linked timestamps as in the devstack/screen logs18:41
ColinMochriethe testr logs are doing their own lovely thing18:41
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Fix releastestatus dependency
jeblairclarkb: ok, new static server exists for whenever we want to move it18:43
ColinMochriejeblair: just commented on the commit message for 4351618:44
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clarkbColinMochrie: oh yeah it is only for the screen logs that are in the oslo format18:50
clarkbjeblair: ok18:51
ColinMochrieclarkb: that is okay, I was hopeful18:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add ProviderManager
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/nodepool: Add JenkinsManager
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ttxjeblair, clarkb: could you kill before it merges ? I don't really want us to disable tests without a larger discussion19:10
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jeblairdkranz, mtreinish: can you weigh in on that ^ ?19:12
mtreinishttx: I already -2'd it19:12
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ttxmtreinish: not sure that will stop it :)19:13
mtreinishttx: it'll stop it from merging19:13
jeblairit will19:13
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ttxmtreinish: cool19:13
jeblairit will stop it from merging19:13
ttxjeblair: ignore me :)19:13
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ttxmtreinish: you on stable-maint ML ?19:14
dkranzttx: I approved this because stable/grizzly has been dead for 6 days19:14
ttxdkranz: I think we are closing in on a solution though19:15
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dkranzttx: And it is just two cli tests.19:15
dkranzttx: Excellent19:15
mtreinishttx: no I don't think so. I'll subscribe right now19:15
ttxlike, we have all the bits in place, afaict19:15
dkranzttx: Then we can revert19:15
ttxpushing the discussion to stable-maint ML19:15
dkranzttx: I am not on stable maint but saw a lot of frustration there.19:15
dkranzttx:  Did not know a solution was imminent19:16
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ttxdkranz: it's harder to tell we have the solution though... unless we make a whole copy of the tests and make it non-votng19:16
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dkranzttx: I'm happy to turn it back on.19:16
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ttxdkranz: my understanding is that the combination of the keystoneclient 0.3.2 and the addition of netaddr to the test-requires should fix it19:16
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dkranzttx: It was just a strange coincidence that after 6 days of failure a solution is ready at exactly the moment we gave up :)19:17
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ttxdkranz: the problem is more that the discussion happens on a variety of media19:17
ttxdkranz: te review, openstack-dev for the announcement of 0.3.2 and stable-maint for the discussion of the fix19:18
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annegentleAny launchpad wizards know how to find out how many bugs have been set to Fix Released in the last week?19:18
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annegentleOh I think I'll just do an adv. search and sort by Date last updated19:19
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ttxdkranz: cc-ed you on the stable-maint discussion19:20
ttxmtreinish:  same for you19:20
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mtreinishttx: ok thanks, I'm subscribed now too. :)19:21
ColinMochriewhy are we getting hit so hard in check right now? we have 70 in the queue and 87 events?19:21
ColinMochriebeen less than 50 for most of the day in check, where did we get the extra 100 all of a sudden?19:22
ColinMochrieor is this just Friday afternoon rush?19:22
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add py33 jobs for WSME
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ttxWe have Neutron and Heat feature proposal freezes today, maybe that helps19:23
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ColinMochriettx ah the end of day feature proposal freeze rush19:25
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ColinMochriemaybe that's it19:25
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ColinMochriethedodd: you when from James Bond to Will Smith to Jesus to God - I wanted to see what you had next19:26
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ColinMochrieone neutron patch in the check queue so far, no heat19:29
ColinMochriebut a boatload of nova patches19:29
ColinMochriethanks rustlebee19:29
ColinMochrieI think rustlebee decided it is beer o'clock soon and cleared the desk19:30
jeblairrustlebee: thank you :)19:30
ttxTi'Punch o'clock all day here19:30
* jeblair wipes a solitary tear from his eye and gets back to hacking on zuul19:31
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ColinMochriettx well according to wikipedia you are in the Caribbean on a French speaking island19:32
ttxColinMochrie: almost19:32
ColinMochrieyou are in the water19:33
ttxCaipirinha o'clock is alost an option around here.19:33
ColinMochrieyou are in a plane about to land there19:33
ColinMochrieyou are in Brazil19:33
ttxColinMochrie: Between Brazil and the Caribbean islands.19:34
ColinMochriedo you see any of the fruits mordred was talking about the other week, the ones that clarkb's grandparents grow in Hawaii?19:34
* ColinMochrie consults a map19:34
ColinMochrieare you on a boat?19:35
ttxColinMochrie: no.19:35
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ttxColinMochrie: French Guiana.19:36
ColinMochriethat was on the list19:36
ColinMochriebeen there before?19:36
ttxColinMochrie: no, visiting family19:36
ColinMochriehow much longer are you there?19:37
ttxColinMochrie: a few more days.19:38
ColinMochrieI know very little about French Guiana - how is the architecture?19:38
* ColinMochrie loves architecture19:39
ttxColinMochrie: pretty poor.19:39
ColinMochriepoor as in disrepair?19:39
ttxyou could say that. It's like the shores of the Amazonian forest.19:40
ColinMochrieokay so potentially dramatic and beautiful for natural reasons19:40
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jeblairclarkb: static rtt just got a lot worse19:43
dkranzttx: I will subscribe to stable-maint as well.19:44
clarkbjeblair ok19:45
clarkbmaybe they are debugging it?19:45
jeblairclarkb: i checked because i saw a bunch of unstable results, but i think those are actually aborts, so it may not be having an impact; i think i'll leave it for now19:46
jeblairbtw, i'm writing the 'ignore results after aborting' patch, which is actually a prereq for 're-run jobs'19:46
jeblair(re-running an aborted job would be, unfortunate)19:46
openstackgerritMonsyne Dragon proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add jsonpath-rw
ColinMochrie63 in the check queue and 135 events19:51
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clarkbthere is a folsom change in the gate20:17
jeblairi wonder how that's going to work out20:18
clarkbjeblair: it is currently building docs. everything else passed20:18
hemnado we have reviewers for the requirements project in here?20:19
clarkbhemna: some of them20:21
hemnacan we get someone to take a look at this please?
clarkbthough I think those of us that got core as a result of being infra core try to be hands off20:21
hemnawe are being held up in cinder waiting for this guy to land20:21
* clarkb looks20:21
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clarkbhemna: so I understand, version 1.0.0 is not going to be good enough for havana cinder? and 2.0.0 will be required?20:24
clarkbbecause as is you should be able to use either20:24
hemna1.0.0 won't work for havana, due to changes in the 3par firmware20:24
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hemnathis package is only for supporting the 3par drivers in cinder20:24
hemnaso it doesn't affect anything else20:24
hemna2.0 is a major change in the api and the firmware20:25
hemnawhich isn't backward compatible.20:25
clarkbI just wanted to make sure that a more relaxed requirement like is currenlty listed wouldn't be more appropriate20:26
clarkbthe old requirement allows both versions20:26
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hemnaok thank you20:27
hemnayah we actually don't want the old version for havana20:28
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lifelessAlex_Gaynor: sorry about the delay; I'm now actually working on the pyp subunit bug.20:35
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: thanks in part to plane delays20:35
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: cool, let me know if I can help20:35
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: nope, all copacetic20:36
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: did you file a bug ?20:36
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: ah no, I didn't, would you like me to?20:36
lifelessnah, I'l do it20:36
lifelessI just didn't see one...20:36
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: the test was to import builtins right?20:37
lifeless(or __builtin__ )20:38
uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1216101 in subunit "broken on pypy" [Critical,Triaged]20:39
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: yes, add `try: import __builtin__ as builtins; except ImportError: import builtins` and then replace __builtins__ with that20:39
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lifelessAlex_Gaynor: hah, no :)20:42
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: ?20:42
lifelessbuiltins = try_imports(['__builtin__', 'builtins'])20:42
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: Ah yes, that :)20:42
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lifelessfirst off I need to fix an issue in 3.3 so I can test that I don't break 3.x20:43
lifelessthen I get to do this20:43
lifelessthen some cleanup on the plane20:43
lifeless*then* a release.20:43
ColinMochrielifeless: where are you flying to/from?20:45
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lifelessColinMochrie: CHC->SYD20:46
ColinMochriehow long are you in sydney?20:47
lifeless~30 hours20:47
ColinMochriehope it is worth it20:47
lifelesswell, it was more worth it before this 4 hour delay20:47
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lifelessit's only a 3 hour flight20:48
lifeless-> delay is more than the entire trip20:48
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openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Ignore builds once they have been canceled
lifelessoh yay, another hour delay21:07
ColinMochrielifeless: are you not even on the plane yet/21:08
lifelessI may get subunit pushed before I succumb to an alcoholic haze in the lounge21:08
lifelessColinMochrie: the plane isn't here yet21:08
ColinMochrielifeless: maybe you can hire a boat21:08
ColinMochrielifeless: sounds like Canada21:08
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lifelessColinMochrie: Don't you mean a boot ? :P21:08
ColinMochrieonly if you can go oot in it21:08
lifelessColinMochrie: what happened here is that there was fog last night21:09
lifelessso the inbound planes all ended up 2.5 hours away in AKL21:09
ColinMochriejeblair: is the code in 43537 already running on zuul now?21:09
ColinMochrielifeless: ah okay21:09
ColinMochriefun times for the airlines21:09
jeblairColinMochrie: nope, zuul is running master21:09
ColinMochriejeblair: okay thanks21:09
lifelessnow they are all trying to get down here, constrained by airport hours in AKL; by morning fog here; by crews etc etc etc21:10
lifelessnightmare time21:10
jeblairColinMochrie: we're almost getting back to the usual order of things where we review code _before_ putting into production.21:10
ColinMochrieha ha ha21:11
ColinMochrieoh good21:11
ColinMochrielifeless: have another drink at the bar21:11
ColinMochrieI'm sure the subunit patch will be...colourful21:11
lifelessI will be colourful21:12
lifelessit will be what it is21:12
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clarkbjeblair: I am trying to catch up :)21:16
ColinMochrielifeless: ha ha ha21:16
jeblairclarkb: that's still a fix for current operational problems21:16
ColinMochriejeblair: so 43537 hopefully will reduce the number of LOST logs?21:16
jeblairclarkb: it's just not crazy21:16
clarkbjeblair: yup it is on the list to review21:17
jeblairclarkb: rather, it's a prereq for such a fix21:17
lifelessgarh, per-dict and per-set random sort order is sooooo annoying21:17
clarkblifeless: call sort and burn cpu cycles?21:17
jeblairColinMochrie: nope, it will mask unpredictable result values from jenkins so only CANCELED is displayed21:17
lifelessclarkb: not in the production code21:18
lifelessclarkb: thankyouverymuch21:18
ColinMochriejeblair: ah okay so LOST becomes CANCELED but the reason for either is still outstanding21:18
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ColinMochrieI'm seeing a lot of nova patch failures in the check queue all of a sudden:
jeblairColinMochrie: i believe that's because people are writing bad code21:20
ColinMochrieokay great21:20
ColinMochriejust so long as it isn't us21:20
ColinMochriethe Friday patches21:20
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clarkbjeblair: line 1347 where do the two aborted jobs comes from?21:21
jeblairclarkb: change C test1 and test221:21
clarkbjeblair: I would've expected 3 aborted jobs for B test2 and C test1 and test221:21
clarkboh thats right21:21
clarkbB will finish its test21:21
jeblairclarkb: B is a potential future queue head, so it gets to finish all jobs21:22
jeblairclarkb: (i, uh, had to chase that one down myself too.  :)21:22
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clarkbjeblair: so what does that set the state to when a build is aborted/cancelled?21:26
jeblairclarkb: CANCELED; it's done in the scheduler (that's current behavior, it's just overwritten when actual results arrive)21:27
clarkbI see which is why we only get ABORTED back when a job was running but queued switches to CANCELLED21:28
jeblairclarkb: this causes the overwriting not to happen21:28
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jeblairi mean, it might be nice to have CANCELED and ABORTED, but very few of us actually care about that, so...21:28
clarkbhmm mikal's response to the git.o.o thread may need a diplomatic response21:28
clarkbjeblair: yeah and they confuse most users21:29
clarkbjeblair: may interest you because it potentially affects our puppet changes21:30
jeblairi can respond21:30
clarkbI plan on approving that change today though. It is simple21:30
jeblairclarkb: thx21:33
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lifelessand huh21:36
lifelessit looks like with a simple 8-way possible sort only 7 sort orders appear regularly.21:36
lifeless10m of looping and I can't get the 8th to appear.21:36
lifelessI wonder if this has implications for the randomness and thus security of these dicts21:36
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: ^ may interest you21:36
clarkbjeblair: also
ColinMochrieany stats on whether the other 7 sort orders show up in a more or less balanced frequency?21:38
lifelessColinMochrie: not worth writing home about21:39
lifelessColinMochrie: would require more sober thinking than I am capable of right now ;P21:39
ColinMochrieenjoy the beverage21:39
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Fix ACL for Murano projects
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/git-review: Add more deterministic port selection for Gerrit.
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Redirect stderr to stdout for puppet-lint
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: yeah, dicts are not super well randomized (actually on 2.x randomization isn't even on by default), when it's used there are only 256 possible states for it to be in, instead of the theoretical LONG_MAX amount21:42
ColinMochrieI just went to look at the summit presentations to consider voting and I can only look at one presentation write up at a time. Pretty frustrating trying to compare all the talks in a category and select one or two favourites.21:42
lifelessColinMochrie: you're not meant to do that :P21:42
ColinMochrieam I not?21:42
ColinMochriewhat I am supposed to do?21:42
ColinMochriecause I closed the page21:43
lifelessassess each talk on it's merits21:43
lifelessvote for as many as you have time to review21:43
lifelesseveryone gets random talks to review, - it's crowdsourced21:43
ColinMochrieyes, so I have to read the write ups to assess them21:43
ColinMochrieI have to read all the ones in a given category to get a feel for what the category title it trying to convey21:43
ColinMochriethen I read them again for merit21:44
ColinMochriethe category titles are meaningless to me21:44
ColinMochrieit is only through context that I understand them21:44
jeblairColinMochrie: it's possible they are meaningless to everyone21:44
lifelesssome of them are truely shite :)21:44
ColinMochrieso I have no basis to evaluating a talk21:44
ColinMochrieso with nothing to compare them to, I ask myself - is listening to this better than the hallway track21:45
jeblairColinMochrie: you could go with "is this interesting?"  "would i attend it?"  "do i understand what the proposal is even trying to say?", all of whech are more absolute than relative.21:45
jeblairColinMochrie: that is an excellent metric.21:45
ColinMochrieI'd end up just voting for all or none of them21:46
ColinMochriewhen I shop I like to assess the field before I make a decision21:46
jeblairColinMochrie: (very similar to Siskel's "Is the movie that I am watching as interesting as a documentary of the same actors having lunch together?")21:46
ColinMochrieha ha ha21:46
ColinMochrieI guess I can give that a try21:47
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: ok, just pushed up a working pypy patch. pypy seems kinda slow though :(21:47
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: 1s vs 0.3 to run the tests21:48
clarkbvishy did some pypy + nova stuff and found there wasn't much difference in speed21:49
lifelessclarkb: I have a knack of finding idioms pypy is slower than CPython with21:49
lifelessclarkb: lmirror for instance triggers a gc pathological case when mirroring an Ubuntu archive.21:50
lifelessclarkb: there's a bug for that one somewhere21:50
ColinMochriethe css seems to be broken on this page for me: other pages seem okay21:50
ColinMochrieI have just opened a bunch of tabs in my browser21:50
clarkbbroken for me too21:51
mgagnebroken too here21:52
ColinMochriewho is in charge of css for the website?21:52
dolphmare global requirements automatically installed, or are they just made available in the pypi mirror?21:52
ColinMochriedoes it have a repo?21:52
ColinMochriefound a winner:
ColinMochriehope to see a few of you there21:53
clarkbdolphm: they are made available to the pypi mirror and substituted in for requirements lists in the tempest tests21:55
clarkbdolphm: they are not substituted in in the unittests21:55
clarkbdolphm: that tests that we can install all of openstack with one set of requirements which is part of the goal behind the global requirements21:55
dolphmclarkb: thank you21:56
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: tests are not a benchmark:
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: also, awesome!21:56
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: they aren't! But I care that they are fast ;)21:57
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: that's fair :)21:57
ColinMochrienot sure about this one, how much fun is it watching you eat, morganfainberg?
morganfainbergColinMochrie: watching me eat?21:58
dstufftAlex_Gaynor: lifeless wtb siphash backed dictionaries for Python :[21:58
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: 0.0.14 on pypi21:58
ColinMochrie<ColinMochrie> so with nothing to compare them to, I ask myself - is listening to this better than the hallway track21:58
ColinMochrie<jeblair> ColinMochrie: (very similar to Siskel's "Is the movie that I am watching as interesting as a documentary of the same actors having lunch together?")21:58
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: you have < 15 to tell me how I broke it before I hope on a plane. I hope.21:58
lifelessm, that is21:59
jeblairno way that was 4 hours21:59
morganfainbergColinMochrie: ahh i see now21:59
lifelessjeblair: it's now 100022:00
ColinMochrieso are you entertaining when you eat?22:00
lifelessjeblair: I arrived at the airport at 044522:00
jeblairi guess i'm having fun :)22:00
lifelessjeblair: :)22:00
morganfainbergColinMochrie: not so much when i am chewing, but can be entertaining over a lunch table22:00
lifelessjeblair: you also didn't observe the entire delay, only from when I hit the lounge and started whinging22:00
morganfainbergColinMochrie:  :P22:00
ColinMochriemorganfainberg: okay thanks for the metric22:00
ColinMochriehere is my metric, is the description of the talk compelling enough for me to play the password reset rodeo and sign in to vote22:03
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lifelessAlex_Gaynor: how's it looking?22:04
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Alex_Gaynorlifeless: oh, I haven't tested, I should do that :D22:04
pleia2jeblair: unless you're on it already, I can get the latest question on -dev (gerrit remote - no, it's still review.o.o)22:05
jeblairpleia2: your turn :)22:06
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Alex_Gaynorlifeless: ok it fails with `residue: '0\r\n'`, but progress at least :)22:07
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: the memoryview.decode issue at elast is fixed, will investigate this a bit later22:08
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lifelessAlex_Gaynor: something funny in chunk decoding then22:10
lifelessAlex_Gaynor: get me a SSCCE / bug / both...22:10
Alex_Gaynorlifeless: yup, will do22:10
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ColinMochrieI'm off uptown for dinner22:20
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/zuul: Re-launch a job if the worker fails to run it
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jeblairclarkb: ^ that's an 11 line change.22:22
jeblairi like this new scheduler.  :)22:22
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clarkbjeblair: does it retry the job automagically because you have removed the old build from the build set?22:34
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clarkbjeblair: if not I feel like we are missing a change to scheduler.py22:38
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clarkbjeblair: I think I see it sched.onBuildCompleted puts the event on the result_event_queue. Then in process_event_queue pipeline.onBuildCompleted is called which will call pipeline.processQueue22:42
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pabelangerSo, been look at nodepool breifly, if I understand right, it will actually launch an instance in the cloud, installed jenkins-slave and hook it back in the master?22:56
clarkbpabelanger: correct22:57
clarkbpabelanger: it has taken the node management that was in devstack gate and made it a daemon so that we don't have to coordinate state across jenkins jobs22:57
pabelangerclarkb, okay, so the part I haven't figured out, is the nodes lifetime.  Once launched, it is persistent?  Or does it get destroyed at some point in time?22:57
pabelangerSorry, don't know much about devstack22:58
clarkbpabelanger: it gets destroyed a minute after running a job on that node22:58
pabelangerthat is pretty cool22:58
pabelangerinfact hotness22:58
clarkbpabelanger: though that will probably end up being more configurable so that we can use nodepool nodes for unittests and other things22:58
clarkbalso very possible that this is configurable today22:59
clarkband I missed that feature22:59
jeblairnot configurable yet23:00
jeblairbut if you look at the zmq listener, that gets the result information from jenkins and is how it decides what to do when a build on a node it manages is complete23:01
jeblairso, pretty easy to make it do whatever there23:01
jeblairclarkb: you are correct about zuul23:01
pabelangerjeblair, clarkb: Nice... so, nodepool lists to zuul?23:03
pabelangerOh, jenkins23:04
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clarkbyup it is on the zmq event bus. I think jeblair considered more tightly coupling it to zuul23:04
pabelangerstill cool23:07
pabelangerwill have to find some time to play with it to see how it works23:08
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fifieldthi infra, I know you're crazily busy, and this is a low priority patch, but if anyone felt like ticking approve for one that already has 2 +2s and 3 +1s, there's one here: :)23:15
clarkbfifieldt: I was hoping jeblair would take a look at it23:16
clarkbfifieldt: but I can approve it23:16
clarkbjeblair: ^23:16
fifieldtoh, that's fine23:16
jeblairoh, can do23:16
* fifieldt is not a jenkins-job-builder expert23:17
fifieldtso it's important it doesn't bring things crashing down23:17
clarkbfifieldt: we actually have a reasonable amount of testing around that so I am not worried about that happening :)23:17
fifieldtyou guys are awesome23:17
fifieldtI will be in SFO from 4-8 sept if you want to claim free beers23:18
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add build job for Japanese Operations Guide
fifieldtoh, cool!23:20
fifieldtthank you so much23:20
fifieldtnow to see if we can get funky kanji happening23:20
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jeblairdocs-draft finished 1st rsync23:55
jeblairstarting a new one23:55

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