Tuesday, 2013-07-23

clarkbjeblair: 22:23:03 is when the label first changes but d-g starts at 22:21:15.78200:00
clarkbjeblair: but the single executor per node should make that a non issue00:00
clarkbunless the test finishes before inprogress runs00:00
jeblairclarkb: er, the devstack job sholud start first, but it should pause while it runs the inprogress job00:00
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jog0mordred: excellent00:03
clarkbI think I have reverified all of the changes that failed gating due to docs issues00:03
clarkbmordred: 38181 has a comment for you00:03
jog0mordred: http://i1.ytimg.com/vi/YKUOB8MN4Kc/hqdefault.jpg00:03
mordredclarkb: I'm excited00:04
clarkbmordred: and while i have your attention why pipe through xargs?00:05
clarkbI feel like I have asked this question before00:05
jeblairoh weird:00:05
jeblair2013-07-22 22:04:55.920 | Triggering projects: devstack-update-inprogress00:05
jeblairthat doesn't show up in the paste log00:05
* fungi is trying to skim through all the scrollback and still has about 1.5 hours worth of it to go00:05
clarkbfungi: I can give you a tl;dr so that yo ucan address comments on a chnge00:06
mordredclarkb: to flatten into a single list - but now that you say that, totally unnecessary00:06
fungiclarkb: on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38181/2/devstack-vm-gate-wrap.sh i think i agree with your assessment and i missed that previously00:06
jeblairunless 22:04 launched the run that actually ran at 22:2200:06
clarkbfungi: docs-draft had IO errors needed to be unmounted and fskced before mounting again00:06
fungioh, nevermind, i didn't review that one yet00:06
clarkbfungi: also https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37805/ has a comment from me00:07
jeblairclarkb: yeah, i think that's what happened00:07
clarkbfungi: finally we had a weird case where we think two tests were run on the same d-g slave. jeblair is debugging00:07
sdagueoh, interesting00:09
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sdaguewell that would explain the port conflict00:09
jeblairthere is an option in jenkins to wait until the triggered build is complete.  it is not set.  i'm working on setting it.00:09
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Increate Logstash Gearman worker queue length.  https://review.openstack.org/3823100:12
jeblairit will require a jjb change00:12
clarkb^ I plan on pushing that through this evening00:12
uvirtbotclarkb: Error: "I" is not a valid command.00:12
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clarkbjeblair: I can review00:13
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ttxjeblair, clarkb, mordred, fungi: just arrived in Portland00:17
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jeblairttx: oh hi.  we're at the convention center, and i think we haven't quite worked out what to do about dinner00:22
ttxjeblair: yeah, no point in me joining there I believe, must be the end of the day there00:22
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Increase Logstash Gearman worker queue length.  https://review.openstack.org/3823100:22
ttxjeblair: meet at the hotel and then off for beer/dinner ? When do you think you'll be back ?00:23
jeblairttx: yeah, lightning talks are about to start, but we're all too hungry00:23
clarkbfungi: did you see my comments on your lost+found change?00:23
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clarkbzaro: you around? did you have any luck with making those /etc/default/jenkins properties changes?00:25
fungiclarkb: just caught up to those comments00:25
fungii may need to look at that after getting food however00:26
clarkbjeblair: ^ zaro thinks he has a semi sane way of setting the log level through the java parameters to jenkins00:26
clarkbfungi: no rush, just want to make sure they don't get lost in the crazyness00:26
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Wait for inprogress jobs to complete  https://review.openstack.org/3823300:28
jeblairokay ^ pretty simple after all.00:28
clarkbjeblair: I want to check the xml diff but can approve that if the diff is clean00:29
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Increase Logstash Gearman worker queue length.  https://review.openstack.org/3823100:29
openstackgerritJames E. Blair proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Wait for inprogress jobs to complete  https://review.openstack.org/3823300:29
jeblairclarkb: ^ so that's wait until complete, and also run in parallel.00:29
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clarkbsqlite will complain if someone else has already locked the DB00:30
clarkbis doing it in parallel safe?00:30
dansmithare we good to start rechecking things?00:30
clarkb(I am guessing yes as we have other jobs that touch the DB)00:30
clarkbdansmith: for the most part yes00:30
dansmithclarkb: okay00:31
clarkbdansmith: if the docs UNSTABLE thing was affecting you then yes00:31
jeblairttx: yeah, i think we'll be going to the hotel to drop things off, so we can join you there00:31
dansmithclarkb: okay :)00:31
clarkbjeblair: do you know if making it concurrent is safe?00:31
ttxjeblair: ok just text me (or ping me on IRC) when you're ready and I'll meet you in the lobby00:31
dansmithclarkb: reverify seems to be smart about rechecking a whole series, but recheck is not that smart, is that right?00:31
clarkbdansmith: I believe that is correct. it has to do with how gate is a dependent queue and check is an independent queue (in one we care about the series in the other we don't)00:32
* dansmith should figure out how to automate his rechecking00:32
jeblairclarkb: should be, sqlalchemy/sqlite should handle that, and there are already jobs modifying the db in parallel (launch/reap)00:33
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Add jeepyb to the list of cached repos  https://review.openstack.org/3692300:33
jeblairclarkb: we're unlikely to modify the same row at the same time00:33
clarkbmordred: ^ your change just mergec00:34
clarkbI will approve jeblair's change early enough to get into the 0045 puppet update00:35
clarkb^ if other folks want to review it quickly00:35
uvirtbotclarkb: Error: "if" is not a valid command.00:35
jeblairit's fun having uvirtbot in here!00:35
jog0mordred: just checked out latest devstack with pbr and the bin files are not the new sexy ones00:36
jog0just the old entry_point ones00:36
* fungi is ooking00:37
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fungiapproved. the seem safe as concurrent jobs00:38
* fungi can't type00:38
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Wait for inprogress jobs to complete  https://review.openstack.org/3823300:42
fungimade the 0045 cutoff00:42
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jeblairit may slow down devstack runs if the launch executors are in contention; we'll want to keep an eye on it.00:46
clarkbjeblair: will do00:47
jog0clarkb: git freeze shows -e git+https://github.com/openstack-dev/pbr.git@24c38b34c7f7c3074aef884013a1895c01fa93e6#egg=pbr-dev00:48
jog0in devstack00:48
jog0hmm shows something similar for nova but that is a develop install too and works00:48
clarkbjog0: are you installing pbr with that git url?00:49
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clarkbjog0: if so you don't want to do that. Instead you want to pip install out of a manually cloned thing as that should get the version correct00:50
jog0clarkb: I just did stock devstack00:51
jog0so either its not using trunk pbr like mordred said or the patch didn't work00:54
clarkbwe shouldn't be installing anything via github git which makes me think it isn't using trunk pbr in the way we expect it to00:54
clarkbmordred: ^00:54
jog0clarkb: I think that as a red herring00:56
jog0as nova has the same thing but nova is definitely in develop mode00:57
clarkbits possible that develop does that based on your git remotes00:59
clarkbthat sha is correct for pbr tip of master00:59
clarkblets ignore devstack for now00:59
clarkbjog0: if you create a virtualenv, source it, install the version of pbr you want with a `pip install .` in the pbr repo then `pip install .` in the nova repo does that work?01:00
clarkbjog0: I need to run but am curious to know if doing ^ gives you what you expect01:02
jog0clarkb: I wasn't using a virtualenv before and was installing from source but let me try that01:02
clarkbjog0: I suggest a virtualenv to avoid an potential global overwriting by devstack and friends01:03
jog0clarkb: right01:03
notmynamemordred: OH "PTL = professional tortoise licker"01:10
jog0clarkb: that didn't work :/01:11
jog0as in still wrong binary01:11
jog0so I am blaming mordred  I think?01:11
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clarkbya he groks this better than most01:13
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clarkbthere is some contention for the devstack launch executors but it isn't horrible https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/gate-tempest-devstack-vm-postgres-full/34316/console is the worst I have found01:35
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Shuangtaihi,I update my patch yesterday,but the SmokeStack test did not  run, anyone knows the reason? URL:https://review.openstack.org/#/c/35767/  thanks02:07
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clarkbShuangtai: no, smokestack is a third party tester provided by dprince. You can try contacting him02:10
clarkbShuangtai: having smoketest give you a +1 is not required for merging code though nova code reviewers may prefer it02:10
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Shuangtaiclarkb:got it ,thanks02:19
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mordrednotmyname: ossum!06:38
mordredclarkb: if you run devstack locally and not in d-g, you will clone from github right now06:39
mordredclarkb: which means that jog0 would totally see that in that way06:39
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mordredclarkb: also, being in portland doing things with you in Seattle feels very wrong06:41
jhesketh__Howdy, I was wondering if somebody might be able to help me with zuul?06:41
jhesketh__I'm trying to run it locally to run a custom job with a gearman worker06:42
jhesketh__it's seemingly pulling in events from gerrit and I'm able to register a gearman worker with it, but I'm unable to get any jobs from it and I'm a bit lost06:42
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clarkbmordred: you guys having fun. I drove almost 600 miles last weekend. really having a hard time seeing myself drive more06:43
clarkbjhesketh__ so zuul is running and giving jobs to the gearman server?06:44
jhesketh__clarkb: I'm using the built in gearman server with zuul06:44
clarkbwhat do you mean by "unable to get any jobs from it"06:44
jhesketh__is there an easy way to see if jobs are being added the internal server06:44
clarkbyes telnet to localhost 4730 and type 'status'06:45
jhesketh__34105:2013-07-23 15:34:57,404 INFO zuul.Gearman: Build <gear.Job 0x7f126406c450 handle: None name: build:gate-real-db-upgrade unique: f8cfb266fc8f4b4e9a8d3591c9ff1a4e> complete, result LOST06:45
jhesketh__so I seem to be triggering my custom gate (gate-real-db-upgrade)06:45
clarkbthat gives you jobs in queue, workers running jobs, total workers06:46
jhesketh__but my workers just hang06:46
jhesketh__clarkb: right, I seem to be queuing something: "gate-real-db-upgrade002"06:46
clarkb2 is 2 workers06:46
jhesketh__ah, right06:47
jhesketh__okay, so maybe I'm not getting work queued06:47
jhesketh__clarkb: what's a good pastebin I could put my layout.yaml in if you don't mind taking a look?06:47
clarkbwe have paste.openstack.org06:47
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clarkbI dont think the layout is to blame though06:48
clarkbare your workers jenkins slaves configured with the gearman plugin?06:48
jhesketh__I'm not, I'm just trying to grab a job with the python gear library (https://pypi.python.org/pypi/gear/0.3.1)06:50
jhesketh__clarkb: http://paste.openstack.org/show/41358/06:50
clarkbso I think zuul is submitting jobs with different names than those you have eegistered06:51
jhesketh__but given the status it seems like nothing has been queued for the worker to pull06:51
clarkbnotice the build: prefix in your zuul log06:51
jhesketh__oh, so I need worker.registerFunction("build:gate-real-db-upgrade")06:52
clarkbyeah nothing is queued because zuul is trying to run nonexistant functions. the workers need to properly register06:52
mordredclarkb: yah. it's been good. we just ate at Tasty N Alder06:53
jhesketh__clarkb: ah, right. Thanks heaps!06:53
jhesketh__let me give that a try :-)06:53
clarkbmordred its too bad oscon isnt a couple weeks later. I brewed a beer in portland a week ago that will probably be drinkable in a few weeks :)06:55
mordredclarkb: boooo06:56
mordredclarkb: devananda and I got drinks at momo's last night06:56
mordredwhich was not terrible06:56
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openstackgerritYijing Zhang proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Raise psutil requirement  https://review.openstack.org/3825807:06
clarkbmordred fix that d-g change tomorrow and then we can merge more of them07:07
mordredclarkb: w0t!07:07
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jd__Ceilometer's going to need a MySQL running on CI to test for db migration, I've heard Nova has the same already, any hint on setting this up before I lose myself into the config would be welcome :)07:44
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openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Pathignore plugin support added  https://review.openstack.org/3790907:58
openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: HTML Publisher plugin support added  https://review.openstack.org/3787607:58
openstackgerritSergey Kolekonov proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: TextFinder plugin support added  https://review.openstack.org/3784907:58
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jhesketh__clarkb: thanks for your help earlier, the worker is picking up items now08:01
jhesketh__clarkb: with the build: prefix, is there any reason that is needed? Is zuul assuming that it only runs build jobs, not tests? and if so, how does that relate to Jenkins being called via gearman?08:02
Ngdstufft: pong08:04
dstufftNg: If you're able to confirm the proxy thing is a setuptools bug let me know. We're looking at possibly releasing pip 1.4 / virtualenv 1.11? tomorrow (~10 hours) but unsure if we should hold it off to get that fixed in setuptools08:06
Ngdstufft: I was able to reproduce it with just easy_install as you suggested. I'm filing a setuptools bug for it now08:07
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dstufftNg: cool, link when you're done?08:09
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Ngdstufft: http://bugs.python.org/setuptools/issue156?@template=item&@pagesize=50&@startwith=008:11
Ngdstufft: I'm just starting my day, so please let me know if you need more info, I'm around for hours :)08:11
dstufftNg: Oh! Setuptools actually has it's own tracker08:13
dstufftI forgot things used to go there08:14
dstufftThe new maintainer of setuptools probably won't see it on b.p.o08:14
Ngaha, ok08:15
lifelessNg: ahha - easy_install bust? News @ 1108:16
Nglifeless: :)08:17
Ngargh, bitbucket's Issue Description box is %*&^%ing markdown08:17
* Ng stabs08:17
dstufftAlso this was partially inspired by you guys ;) https://caremad.io/blog/setup-vs-requirements/ /cc mordred08:17
Ngdstufft: https://bitbucket.org/pypa/setuptools/issue/52/ssl-errors-with-https-proxy08:18
dstufftNg: thanks kindly!08:18
dstufftI'll shove it into the pypa channel to see if we should delay pip 1.4 // virtualenv again to get it fixed or if it can be fixed after the fact08:19
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BobBallclarkb: I've added the results of the test to gerrit08:25
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sshturm__Hello, i've got a problem with test for migrations in ceilometer project. There is no mysql/psql backend support on jenkins's node. Could you help me? It should be done like in nova project.08:57
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sshturm__mordred: Hello, i've got a problem with test for migrations in ceilometer project. There is no mysql/psql backend support on jenkins's node. Could you help me? It should be done like in nova project.09:03
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lifelessdstufft: interesting post09:32
lifelessdstufft: I suspect I'll want you to play with dib in offline mode soon :)09:32
lifelessdstufft: because I can't see anything but pain including git url refs in requirements.txt files09:32
dstufftlifeless: what's dib?09:33
lifelessdstufft: disk-image-builder09:33
lifelessdstufft: sorry, tla central ;>09:33
dstufftlifeless: so it depends on your requirements yea. requirements.txt should theoretically be deploy centric. So you might have a seperate requirements.txt just for offline mode in dib. Precisely because there's no one way to fetch your dependencies it may be from disk, or github, or PyPI or some combination thereof. So you build a requirements file to your situation and it all just works with what's been declared in setup.py09:35
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lifelessdstufft: so we have uhm 10 or so different requirement.txt files09:35
lifelessdstufft: neutron; keystone; cinder; trove; nova; ironic; etc09:36
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dstufftlifeless: also I'm really tired and about to go to bed so I may be talking a little crazy right this moment :) Just came back over to the computer to sick gaug.es on the blog post to see how many hits I got because I realized ``grep "/blog/setup-vs-requirements/" access.log | wc -l`` is probably not a very scalable way to do analytics09:42
dstufftI didn't bother before because I didn't really expect it to get more than 100hits :V09:42
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mikaljd__: you still around? I'd be interested in talking about the mysql migration testing with you10:47
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leifmadsenmorning all... I have an outstanding review i'm trying to get updated, and I don't have the existing checkout any more. I've cloned from github, then ran the 'checkout' command from gerrit. I'm trying to commit back to the same review, but I see that it wants to commit both changes (which I think will open a new review). What are the steps I should be executing?12:37
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openstackgerritLeif Madsen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Update documentation  https://review.openstack.org/3828712:39
leifmadsenbah... guess that is not what I wanted12:39
leifmadsenfollowing this, but wasn't totally clear, or I don't understand https://wiki.openstack.org/wiki/Gerrit_Workflow the update process12:39
leifmadsenoh maybe that was right.. ?  gerrit seems to show a link to the original review I guess12:40
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boris-42leifmadsen hi12:47
boris-42leifmadsen hm probably you change Change-Id?)12:48
leifmadsennot sure?12:48
leifmadsengit clone <github>, then ran the git fetch https://review.openstack.org/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder refs/changes/78/36478/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD12:48
leifmadsencommitted, ran 'git review'12:48
leifmadsennot sure if that was the right course of action12:49
boris-42it is the right course of action12:49
leifmadsenok, then I guess it just creates a new, linked review12:49
boris-42if you don't change Change-Id in commit message12:49
boris-42it should add one more patch set12:49
leifmadsenI didn't change anything... just committed a new change12:50
boris-42not new patch on review12:50
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boris-42then it should say that nothing was changed=)12:50
leifmadsennot sure then12:50
boris-42so you fetched code12:50
boris-42and then run git review?12:50
leifmadsenafter a change and commit, yes12:51
kiallleifmadsen: so .. every commit is a different review12:52
kiallif you want to update an existing review, you need to update the existing commit12:52
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kiallNot add a new commit "on top"12:52
boris-42kiall +112:52
leifmadsenok, that makes more sense then12:53
leifmadsenso I basically had to rebase I guess?12:53
boris-42if you save change-id in commit message12:53
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boris-42fetch code12:53
kiallSo, instead of adding a new commit .. do a `git commit -a --amend`12:53
boris-42then git commit --amend12:53
leifmadsenah ok12:53
boris-42or -a --amend12:53
kiallThen update the commit message, if it needs to be done.. and LEAVE the change-id line exactly as is12:53
boris-42and don't change Chnage-Id in commit message12:53
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leifmadsenboris-42: well I didn't change the id regardless12:54
kiallAlso .. git fetch https://review.openstack.org/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder refs/changes/78/36478/1 && git checkout FETCH_HEAD12:54
kiallcan be shortened to `git-review -d 36478`12:54
leifmadsencool, well it was copy/pasta, so I didn't care about length :)12:54
leifmadsenbut good to know for the future12:54
boris-42and one more nit12:54
boris-42use git review -R12:54
boris-42if you have more then 1 patch in branch12:55
boris-421 commit*12:55
boris-42>1 *12:55
kiallYea - I wish that was the default ;)12:57
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kiallIt can be really irritating to realize you just hijacked (and probably broke) a pile of other peoples reviews ;)12:57
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openstackgerritLeif Madsen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add RVM (ruby version manager) support  https://review.openstack.org/3828912:58
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openstackgerritLeif Madsen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add RVM (ruby version manager) support  https://review.openstack.org/3638613:01
leifmadsenone down, one to go13:01
anteayago go leifmadsen13:02
anteayawhitespace error line 16513:03
leifmadsenya, I forgot to run it through lint tests locally13:04
leifmadsenwill fix up before pushing to right location13:04
anteayaglad you are figuring out git review13:04
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leifmadsengotta learn it for work soon anyways13:05
leifmadsengoing to implement essentially the same work flow13:05
anteayadifferent workflow than just plain git13:05
anteayaa learning curve but their are benefits13:05
leifmadsenyep, already aware :)13:05
anteayaglad the obstacles don't dishearten you13:06
leifmadsenit's just a learning curve13:06
anteayago you13:06
leifmadsenI've learned Asterisk, I can learn how to run git review :)13:06
anteayaha ha ha13:06
anteayaI haven't learned asterisk yet13:06
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leifmadsenok i can't find it... what is the pep8 check command for python?13:11
* leifmadsen doesn't program in python too often, if it's not painfully obvious13:11
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leifmadsenit's like tox or something13:11
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leifmadsenoh, it is tox :)13:12
leifmadsenI guess it's not installed local :\13:12
anteayapip install tox should get it13:13
openstackgerritLeif Madsen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add RVM (ruby version manager) support  https://review.openstack.org/3638613:14
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anteayayeah there is a tox.ini in jenkins-job-builder so running tox should work: https://github.com/openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder/blob/master/tox.ini#L213:15
anteayait fires pep8, pyflakes and py2713:15
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leifmadsenya, just had to install it with yum first13:17
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anteayaso you will notice that py26 failed13:19
anteayaand if you click on the link beside it you will find the log file13:19
anteayain the log file you will find this error:  AttributeError: 'TestCaseModulePublisher' object has no attribute 'assertMultiLineEqual'13:19
anteayawhich is from a test_publlisher.py file that is not in your patch13:20
anteayaso the normal course of action is to go to status.openstack.org13:20
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anteayaand select rechecks13:20
anteayago down the list of rechecks and see if any of the bugs listed match your error:  AttributeError: 'TestCaseModulePublisher' object has no attribute 'assertMultiLineEqual'13:21
anteayaI can't find one13:21
anteayaat this point you have a choice, file a bug for this error or talk with an -infra curmudgeon, who might ask you to file a bug with the error13:21
openstackgerritLeif Madsen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow the gitConfigName and gitConfigEmail values to be used.  https://review.openstack.org/3647813:22
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anteayabtw all the curmudgeons but one are at oscon and are here when they can be13:23
anteayathe other one is on Pacific time and will be in channel shortly before noon eastern time13:23
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leifmadsenya I just wanted to get them updated13:25
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jbjohnso_could someone explain why Jenkins never verfies one of my commits13:31
jbjohnso_http://logs.openstack.org/63/37763/3/check/gate-python-ipmi-pep8/None : LOST13:31
jbjohnso_not particularly helpful....13:31
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anteayajbjohnso_: might be an hour or so before one of the core are available to respond to your question13:41
anteayamyself, I don't know the answer13:41
jbjohnso_oh well13:44
jbjohnso_if anyone feels like doing a code review on that in the mean time13:44
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vijendarcould some one from the openstack/requirements project core team review/approve my change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37686/13:54
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sdaguejbjohnso_: looks like something is wrong with the gate jobs in picking up log files14:07
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jbjohnso_sdague, that gate has never passed a commit since being enabled...14:16
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack/requirements: Add python-troveclient to requirements  https://review.openstack.org/3768614:16
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clarkbjhesketh__ it is necessary because there are corresponding stop jobs. the doc I linked to explains the protocol14:19
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clarkbjbjohnso_ I think there is a config mismatch between jenkins and zuul somewhere14:20
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rpodolyakaHello, guys! sqlalchemy-migrate has been a stackforge project for a few weeks now. Can we enable launchpad bug tracking for it?14:22
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openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add pep8 job to Jenkins for python-ipmi.  https://review.openstack.org/3829614:28
clarkbjbjohnso_: ^ that will correct the problem. Basically zuul was told to run that test but nothing told jenkins to create that test14:28
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clarkbrpodolyaka: You will probably want to ping mordred. I am not sure how much of the upstream stuff he anticipated keeping14:29
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rpodolyakaclarkb: ok, thanks!14:30
clarkbkiall: git review -R is the default in newer git review. It will only rebase you if necessary14:31
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kiallclarkb: aha :) nice14:33
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clarkbjd__: sshturm__ did mikal get you sorted on Jenkins slave mysql db stuff?14:36
jd__nop I think we missed each other14:36
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clarkbjd__: https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/tests/db/test_migrations.py#L27-L33 describes what is necessary to get the nova tests to run and that is what the jenkins slaves provide14:37
clarkbjd__: and that DB schema + user is available with both mysql and postgresql14:38
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jd__clarkb: I think we already have a patch for Ceilometer providing these tests indeed, I just don't know what I need to poke into infra config to do it (yet)14:50
clarkbjd__ you shouldn't need anything if the tests are opportunistic14:52
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clarkbnova's tests run if the DBs are available and skip otherwise14:52
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: add grenade project to review stats  https://review.openstack.org/3830414:53
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/reviewstats: add devstack project to review stats  https://review.openstack.org/3830514:53
jd__clarkb: ok, sounds good, I guess we already have this by default on the CI nodes then14:53
jd__since the db name seems generic :)14:53
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sdagueclarkb: for a testing vhost for log filter changes, do you want me to push new configs for that?14:54
sdagueI know you guys are busy at oscon this week, but I'd love to get this stuff out there :)14:54
sdagueit's so much nicer to read with it14:54
clarkbsdague: I am actually not osconing :) and am happy to review whatever you push up14:55
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sdagueclarkb: oh, I assumed you were down there with monty and posse14:55
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sdagueok, so should I dump log-dev vhost in the same config, or you modules/openstack_project/templates/logs-dev.vhost.erb14:56
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clarkba separate .erb is probably better14:56
sdagueok, will do14:56
clarkbfor the new cells job do we expect that to pass devstack exercises anytime soon?14:57
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openstackgerritAlexei Kornienko proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Updated minimal version of pymongo to 2.4.  https://review.openstack.org/3830615:07
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jeblairrussellb: ^ see clarkb's question about cells15:14
russellblet me check with the people assigned to it15:15
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jbjohnso_clarkb, I eagerly await that15:15
jeblairrussellb,  clarkb: side question: would it be better to switch to non-full test?15:16
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russellbnon-full won't make it any further since it fails on devstack15:16
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jeblairjbjohnso_: that job does not exist15:16
jeblairjbjohnso_: (as in, is not defined in jenkins); see jenkins job builder config to confirm that it's defined properly15:17
jeblairjbjohnso_: if it is, get back to us and ask us to see if the config failed to apply15:17
jeblairjbjohnso_: many of us are at oscon this week, so we may be laggy.  sorry.15:18
clarkbjeblair: I proposed the fix :) I will probably just approve when I get to the office15:18
jeblairclarkb: oh ok15:18
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clarkbrussellb: no, because the test short circuits when it fails15:19
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clarkbrussellb so net effect is the same until the exercises pass15:19
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russellbright, that's what i meant15:20
jeblairclarkb: i think russellb knows that and was telling me that.  :)15:20
jeblairclarkb: i have not looked into the error.15:20
* jeblair aways for meetings15:21
russellbso alaski is going to be working on it, likely some this week15:21
russellbbut if it's a resource constraint issue, he says he can probably make good progress with existing logs and re-enable later15:22
russellbalaski: didn't realize you were in here at first15:22
clarkbI read jeblairs question and thought russellb wrote it15:22
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alaskirussellb: I'm quiet in here.15:22
alaskiBut yes, I can put some time into devstack cells this week15:23
pabelangerhashar: If you can hold off until the week of Aug. 5th, I should have the time then to deal with zuul debian packaging15:24
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sdaguealaski: it looks like step one should be pretty straight forward, the cells just aren't getting configed at all out of devstack right now15:27
hasharpabelanger: ah we talked about that yesterday.  Zuul 1.2 (pre gear) seems good.    Would be nice to get Zuul 1.3 packaged, that in turns require a bunch of python modules to be packaged as well.15:27
hasharpabelanger: I am on vacation till the end of August.15:27
pabelangerhashar: Ya, I have not looked at zuul 1.3 yet15:28
hasharpabelanger: the new dependencies are apparently  pbr d2to1  gear.  The first two got packaged by Zigo afaik,   gear would need a package.15:28
pabelangerI should be at the start of Aug :)15:28
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pabelangerhashar: Isn't this it? http://packages.debian.org/sid/python-gearman15:28
hasharpabelanger: maybe :-]15:28
pabelangergoing to try that15:28
pabelangerbut, I likely to try and get zuul 1.2 into debian15:29
SpamapS2013-07-23 15:26:21.658 | Downloading/unpacking docutils>=0.7 (from sphinx>=1.1.2->-r /home/jenkins/workspace/gate-os-apply-config-pep8/test-requirements.txt (line 6))15:29
hasharpabelanger:  I got a tracking bug to upgrade Wikimedia zuul, it has a few python modules as dependencies:  https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/showdependencytree.cgi?id=50664&hide_resolved=115:29
pabelangerwith help from GheRiver1  again15:29
SpamapS2013-07-23 15:26:21.658 |   Error timed out while getting http://prdownloads.sourceforge.net/docutils/docutils-0.11.tar.gz?download (from http://docutils.sourceforge.net/)15:29
SpamapSLooks like there are other things hosted offsite on pypi15:29
clarkbpabelanger gear is different15:29
pabelangerclarkb: okay, thanks15:29
hasharpabelanger: well since Zuul 1.3 is around and require gear, I would go directly for gear.  That saves interested people from having to handle the migration.15:29
pabelangerhashar: okay, let me get zuul 1.2 landed, then deal with 1.315:29
pabelangerya, that is true15:30
pabelangerwill do that15:30
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clarkbgear is a python native lib jeblair wrote to do async gearman15:30
hasharyour zuul package is already very good, it probably does not need that much extra works to make it a 1.315:30
clarkbSpamapS yes and it can be painful for that reason15:30
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pabelangerclarkb: jeblair is there any migration docs for zuul and gearman, or is it straightforward?15:32
mordredrpodolyaka: yes. I think that migrating to launchpad is an excellent idea15:32
mordredrpodolyaka: I had not quite gotten to it yet15:32
mordredrpodolyaka: it is apparently possible to migrate the bugs as well15:33
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clarkbpabelanger I don't think there are docs but it is relatively straightforward. install jenkins gearman plugin, update firewalls if necessary, upgrade zuul15:35
pabelangerokay, figured that was the case15:35
rpodolyakamordred: cool! Also the original project used to have CI that ran the test suite  against two versions of SQLAlchemy (the current and the previous one, which is still supported). Can we do something like that without modifying of requirements.txt?15:35
mordredrpodolyaka: yeah - we just need to make another tox env for it - the horizon guys do testing against two different versions of django that way15:36
clarkbrpodolyaka: yes, horizon does it to test two different django versions15:36
* mordred beat clarkb15:36
clarkbyou win15:36
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add utility to htmlify screen logs for devstack runs  https://review.openstack.org/3713815:37
sdagueclarkb: ok, have at15:37
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sdagueI assume actually creating the dns entry is somewhere else, though if that's in config somewhere, let me know, and I'll tweak it as well15:37
clarkbdns is manual15:38
rpodolyakamordred: clarkb: hmm, and what about py26/py27? should we run all possible cases? (py26/sa07, py26/sa08, py27/sa07, py27/sa08)15:38
mordredrpodolyaka: might as well15:39
hasharpabelanger: I am off for today :]15:40
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Replace setuptools_git with a smarter approach  https://review.openstack.org/3052215:53
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Add support for globbing in data files  https://review.openstack.org/3573015:56
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: add grenade project to review stats  https://review.openstack.org/3830415:59
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/reviewstats: add devstack project to review stats  https://review.openstack.org/3830515:59
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SpamapSdo we consider depending on non-pypi-hosted pypi modules a bug? (sphinx -> docutils)16:11
SpamapSif so, do we report that against openstack-requirements ?16:12
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mordredSpamapS: yes16:15
mordredSpamapS: and it really should be a bug against upstream16:15
mordredSpamapS: Alex_Gaynor filed a bunch the other day16:15
Alex_Gaynormordred, SpamapS: I filed issues for all the ones in mordred's email (so far dnspython is the only resolved one). I didn't do any second degree ones, I can file bugs against any that people point out. I'll do docutils now16:16
mordreddocutils seems like a biggy16:16
Alex_Gaynordocutils is 20 * N seconds out of my day regularly16:17
* Alex_Gaynor tries to figure out how to file a bug in suorecforge16:17
SpamapSAlex_Gaynor: ahh thank you :)16:17
SpamapSJust being on sourceforge is a bug IMO16:18
Alex_Gaynorseems rude to file that one though  ;)16:18
* Alex_Gaynor is reasonably confident this website is hosted on a toaster in antarctica16:19
Alex_GaynorSo... somehow my entire account does nothing but generate 500s and ask for passwords (it's an OpenID account) :(16:20
SpamapSI know that was snark, but how cool would it be if you _COULD_ host your project on a toaster in antarctica? :)16:20
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Alex_GaynorCan I convince someone else to file the bug, it's done here: http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=38414&atid=422030 and you can use https://github.com/rthalley/dnspython/issues/30 as a template16:21
SpamapSAlex_Gaynor: I"ll try16:23
Alex_GaynorSpamapS: thanks16:23
* SpamapS may be prone to openid fail too16:24
SpamapStheir openid just seems BROKEN16:24
Alex_GaynorCool website.16:24
SpamapSCool website bro. :)16:25
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dstufftheh docutils16:28
dstufftlooks like they uploaded a few versions16:28
dstufftthen stopped16:29
SpamapSthats teh suck16:29
SpamapSwell sf.net is full of fail16:30
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russellbappears periodic/tempest-devstack-vm-stable-folsom is busted :-/16:34
mordredrussellb: funny, we were just talking about that last night16:35
russellboh yeah?16:35
russellbi wish we didn't have to care16:35
russellbstupid security backports16:35
mordredyeah - in the context of "what do we do about the fact that folsom has been broken for a while and nobody cares"16:35
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russellbi didn't until i had to backport something, heh16:36
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mordredrussellb: so, usual cause of breakage is package versions changing upstream16:36
mordredrussellb: I think given track-record, we should re-examine more aggressive pinning on stable branches16:36
russellbactually ... current failure i have appears to be quantum vs. neutron16:37
mordredreally? well that's on us16:37
mordredwe weren't supposed to have broken that for existing things16:37
russellbi think ... https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38318/ ... http://logs.openstack.org/18/38318/1/check/gate-tempest-devstack-vm-smoke/625/console.html16:37
jpichI think fungi tried to fix this one and was blocked by/discovered some other bitrot *trying to find bug number*16:38
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uvirtbotLaunchpad bug 1200336 in nova/folsom "500 error in tempest in test_volume_create_get_delete on stable/folsom" [Undecided,Confirmed]16:39
* russellb looks at openstack-ci bug list ...16:40
russellbdang, you guys are busy :-)16:40
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Loop over test output for better readability  https://review.openstack.org/3832516:57
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Test to ensure the include_package_data works  https://review.openstack.org/3832616:57
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mordreddprince: I added a test to make sure that package_data is installed ^^ but I can't reproduce your problem so far17:02
mordreddprince: then I remembered - are you removing the setuptools_git from the rpms you're making in smokestack?17:02
mordreddprince: amazingly enough, there's a correlation (was just reading the setuptools source code)17:03
dprincemordred: Hmm. As far as I know setuptools_git is required across the board. See my PBR spec file here: https://github.com/dprince/python-pbr/blob/master/python-pbr.spec17:04
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sdaguerussellb: I thought we were at a wedged state with a devstack change on folsom17:04
mordredoh, wait, no, that doesn't make any sense - the test case I'm doing would be operating in a non-git context anyway17:04
sdaguejeblair said we'd have to force a thing through to get that working again17:05
sdaguerussellb: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/36698/17:05
dprincemordred: If it helps you I can probably reproduce this on a cloud server somewhere...17:05
dprincemordred: I'm anxious to have it fixed so I can unpin PBR.17:06
dprincemordred: Hey. That brings up another point of contention... the new pip requirement.17:06
dprincemordred: Do we *have* to have that in the requirements.txt for PBR?17:06
mordredwe use pip to process requirements.txt now17:06
mordredI made you a present17:06
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* dprince loves presents17:07
mordreddprince: SKIP_PIP_INSTALL17:07
mordreddprince: if you set that env var, pbr will not attempt to install anything from python land17:07
mordreddprince: and you will not need pip either17:07
mordredso for packagers of both pbr and things that consume pbr, the pip requirement can be skipped and the pip installation can be too17:08
dprincemordred: So I can just bang that into what I use to generate tarballs and then pip won't get easy installed anymore?17:08
dprincemordred: cool. Well thanks for that.17:08
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mordreddprince: sure thing!17:09
dprincemordred: Hey. another one for you. How would you feel about splitting out just the version stuff in PBR?17:09
dprincemordred: The version stuff is really the only runtime code in PBR that like *all* the projects are starting to use.17:09
mordreddprince: well, the version code falls back to the setup code so that stuff works in tree - but we could try/except that17:10
dprincemordred: Essentially, I'd like the version stuff to be separate so it can get installed everywhere. But then the rest of PBR (which is mostly build time stuff) can live elsewhere.17:10
mordreddprince: I don't havea a problem doing that - does it help stuff?17:10
mordredI mean, it would still be a runtime library depend17:10
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mordred(I had originally thought of it as two libraries, but didn't do that to keep folks from needing to install more libs and stuff)17:12
dprincemordred: Yes. Quite useful actually. We have some packagers who prefer to "patch out" PBR by eliminating the versioning stuff. So if we isolate the version stuff and make it work better for both packages and sourcy type installs then I think everyone could be happier.17:12
clarkbzaro has figured out the jenkins log level stuff17:12
mordreddprince: well, there are two different version bits...17:12
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mordredthe bit that sets the version at build time and the bit that calculates the version at runtime17:13
dprincemordred: The arguement is that packages already provide versioning. So we just want a mechanism that can use that version if it exists, and if not it can then do other things (look in eggs, etc.)17:13
mordreddprince: right! so that's this patch ...17:13
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dprincemordred: I'm mostly talking about the runtime stuff I think. Having that separated would be very cool I think.17:13
mordreddprince: ^^17:13
jog0mordred: speaking of PBR I wasn't able to get your bin script thing working17:14
mordreddprince: which is the stuff nova does to let distro packagers drop in their own versioning17:14
mordredjog0: no?17:14
mordredjog0: it workie for me :(17:14
jog0mordred: :( devstack installed the old one17:14
dprincemordred: exactly. Let do that. And then put it in its own package. And then use it everywhere.17:14
mordreddprince: awesome17:14
dprincemordred: perhaps this part belongs in oslo?17:15
mordreddprince: but just to follow up - I _do_ want to use that runtime code everywhere ... but what does it help to split it into two libs?17:15
clarkbmordred: does that mean that dhellmann and my comments are going to not matter because PBR won't be responsible? or is that one lib pbr?17:15
dprincemordred: oslo.version?17:15
jog0mordred: I still see laod entry points (sorry to jump in, this can wait)17:15
mordreddprince: sure.17:15
sdaguejog0: is it the same basic issue where if anyone pins, we're in trouble?17:15
mordredjog0: so, you're saying that the devstack gate is NOT installing trunk pbr?17:16
mordredis someone pinning pbr?17:16
dprincemordred: splitting it into two libs just avoids having to to install all of the PBR requirements I guess.17:16
mordreddprince: ah - well, most of those are going away17:16
mordreddprince: in a couple of patches, setuptools-git will die in a fire17:17
mordredand then there's only pip- but you can totally skip that as above17:17
sdagueclarkb: can I get your eyes on this - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37138/ (I know I'm being impatient today, but I really want to see how it works in live env before fixing some issues)17:17
mordredbut seriously, I'm fine either way17:17
mordredwhichever thing is more helpful17:17
clarkbsdague: yeah I am about to start reviewing. that one is at the top of the list17:17
mordredjog0, clarkb: https://github.com/openstack-dev/devstack/blob/master/stack.sh#L66017:18
mordredwe quite explicitly install pbr from source before anything else17:18
mordredare we seeing something breaking that?17:18
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jog0mordred: a pip freeze showed the right version17:18
jog0in a venv I tried installing pbr then nova17:19
jog0and got the wrong binaries17:19
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sdaguemordred: what version does that report?17:19
dprincemordred: I sort of think we could leave it in PBR then perhaps. Although I think the runtime versioning code could live quite nicely in olso (oslo.version) too.17:19
mordreddprince: k.17:19
mordreddprince: fwiw, pbr and hacking are both non-named oslo libraries - but I agree, it might be nice to be explicit since it's really two different tasks17:20
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openstackgerritJoe Gordon proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: This should Fail  https://review.openstack.org/3832717:21
jog0mordred: there is my test to see whats going on17:21
dprincemordred: so now that I've totally distracted you. Let me know if you need help reproducing the PBR failure I saw (missing migrate.cfg with latest PBR/nova)17:21
mordreddprince: I need help reproducing the pbr failure17:21
mordreddprince: I can't get it to behave that way here17:22
dprincemordred: on it. Give me a couple minutes and I'll spin up a RAX server where we can tinker on it.17:22
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mordreddprince: oh! wait.17:23
mordreddprince: I just tried installing nova into a --root and see it17:23
mordredNOW - why is this not showing up in that unittest17:23
dprincemordred: :) still need me to spin this up then?17:24
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clarkbsdague: reviewed17:30
sdagueclarkb: oops17:32
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: Add pep8 job to Jenkins for python-ipmi.  https://review.openstack.org/3829617:32
sdagueI actually thought I'd reverted that one17:32
clarkbsdague: I am adding fixing the logstash gearman client's handling of mime types to the list of things that should happen17:33
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Revert include_package_data change  https://review.openstack.org/3832817:34
mordreddprince: there you go17:34
mordreddprince: I do not know why unittests are not catching that17:34
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add utility to htmlify screen logs for devstack runs  https://review.openstack.org/3713817:35
mordredbut I have verified that by hand17:35
sdagueclarkb: so my changes shouldn't be any different than what was there before17:35
sdagueas only txt.gz files were processed17:35
dprincemordred: great. glad you found it.17:35
sdagueand they will return as text/plain or text/html with gzip encoding17:36
sdaguewhich is the same as before17:36
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Revert include_package_data change  https://review.openstack.org/3832817:36
mordreddprince: added a bit to the integration tests to catch it there ^^17:36
clarkbsdague: does the AddOutputFilterByType not apply to all things and not just .txt.gz?17:37
clarkbsdague: in any case new patchset LGTM. Lets see if we can get reviews from mordred fungi and jeblair without waiting too long17:38
sdagueoh.... right17:38
sdagueclarkb: yeh, so it might be an issue17:39
sdaguethat's why I'd like it on the dev vhost so we can kick it a bunch17:39
clarkbsdague: yup :)17:39
sdagueI'm sure there is other splodies in there17:39
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ericrwis there a reason mysql-python and zeromq are in test-requirements?17:59
ericrwthere was a while that we had them there because they had C dependencies?17:59
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ericrwbut now I think we could/should move them to requirements.txt?18:00
ericrw(other optional dependencies, including those with C dependancies - aka Qpid - are in requirements.txt)18:00
mordredoh really?18:01
mordredI would consider that to be a bug18:01
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sshturm__mordred: Hello!  There is no mysql/psql backend support on jenkins's node for ceilometer.  It should be done like in nova project.  What should i do for realize this functionality?18:03
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clarkbmordred: please review  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37138/ if you aren't too busy18:04
clarkbsshturm__: the jenkins nodes are ready to go. It is up to your tests to use the existing mysql and postgres DBs18:04
jeblairclarkb, mordred: please let me review that as well18:05
clarkbjeblair: will do18:05
mordredjeblair: yes. I will not +1aprv18:05
clarkbsshturm__: https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/tests/db/test_migrations.py#L27-L33 has the details of what is provided18:06
clarkbsshturm__: basically the jenkins nodes are able to run those opportunistic tests because the mysql and postgres servers provide that user and db schema18:06
openstackgerritEric Windisch proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Put zmq, redis, mysql into requirements.txt  https://review.openstack.org/3834418:06
ericrwmordred: cool, agreed: https://review.openstack.org/3834418:06
mordredericrw: oh, no, I meant a bug in the other way18:07
mordredericrw: requirements should be things that are required for installation18:07
mordredqpid, zmq, redis and mysql are none of them required in that way18:07
ericrwmordred: so then qpid-python should move OUT of requirements.txt then?18:07
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ericrwnow if we can just move kombu out of there too… ;)18:09
reedg'day all18:09
clarkbreed: ohai18:09
sshturm__clarkb: yes, but when i use these settings for testing of migrations in ceilometer project all test had been skipped...18:09
clarkbsshturm__: can you link to your change?18:09
openstackgerritEric Windisch proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Qpid belongs in test-requirements  https://review.openstack.org/3834518:11
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sshturm__clarkb:  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37887/5 and  https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37890/18:12
sshturm__clarkb: i found in logs.openstack.org for second change request that my tests had been skipped...18:14
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clarkbsshturm__: https://github.com/openstack/nova/blob/master/nova/tests/db/test_migrations.py#L160 you seem to be missing that stuff18:18
clarkbsshturm__: nova mixes in tests called test_foo_opporunistically and those change that _have_mysql and _have_postgresql return values18:18
sdagueso, for everything they put in pep8.py, they didn't put this in? "They should start with a # and a single space."18:21
sdaguefor comment formatting18:22
clarkboh I see it now. its using getattr to find the check functions more magically18:22
sshturm__clarkb: i did my test for ceilometer like it had been done in nova (with _have_postgres and _heva_mysql)... but these tests had been skipped( ... http://logs.openstack.org/90/37890/3/check/gate-ceilometer-python26/3541/testr_results.html.gz tests.db.test_migrations18:23
clarkbsshturm__: ya I see it now, I missed that you were using getattr to make the call though so my greps didn't see it18:23
mordredclarkb: YIKES18:24
mordredclarkb: http://logs.openstack.org/27/38327/1/check/gate-pbr-pep8/481/console.html18:24
mordredclarkb: pbr test18:24
mordrednot using mirror18:24
clarkbmordred: you aren't openstack/pbr18:25
clarkbthe only strongly enforce the mirror for openstack/* projects18:25
clarkb*we only18:25
sshturm__clarkb: i ran test on my local node with these settings and they had been successfully failed) (it is a normal state)18:27
mordredclarkb: ah. phew. sorry, had a brief panic18:28
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clarkbsshturm__: successfully failed means the tests ran but failed?18:28
sshturm__clarkb: yes. because models in ceilometer has a difference with actual state of db after all migrations... but it was on my node, not on jenkins on which they was skipped18:30
sshturm__clarkb: sorry for my english)18:31
clarkbsshturm__: can you log the exceptions in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37890/3/tests/db/test_migrations.py at lines 76 and 87? I think that will give us an indication of why the test connections are failing18:32
clarkbline 87 being the more important one18:32
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clarkbsdague: jeblair: with the additional tempest tests and the test volume logstash isn't currently able to keep up very well. I plan on trying to do some performance testing of my logstash filters to see if I can make them better. However, I also think I would like to try prioritizing gate jobs in gearman as high and all other things as normal to see if that helps us get the most relavent logs indexed.18:44
clarkbThoughts? (Also, I can add more gearman worker nodes)18:45
clarkbsshturm__: I think I see the problem. the psycopg2 and mysqldb python libs are not in your test-requirements.txt18:46
clarkbsshturm__: so sqlalchemy cannot talk to those backends18:47
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sdagueclarkb: one sec, on the phone18:48
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sshturm__clarckb: it sounds truthfully...18:56
clarkbsshturm__: try updating your change(s) to include psycopg2 and MySQL-python18:57
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: configure the jenkins logger  https://review.openstack.org/3835219:06
openstackgerritJay Bryant proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Add requirement for pywbem>=0.7.0  https://review.openstack.org/3835319:06
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sshturm__clarkb: Thank you!!! I'm waiting results, but i think you are right...19:09
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sdagueclarkb: so I think the value on logstash right now is tracking down whether bugs are fixed19:12
sdagueso even if it doesn't keep up, it's ok19:12
sdagueas long as it can make it up overnight19:12
clarkbsdague: well it didn't make it up last night >_> but I think I can squeeze more out of it19:13
jeblairclarkb, sdague: what's the "} ->" construct in puppet?  (in the log format change)19:14
clarkbsdague: in that case I will focus on optimizing rather than prioritizing19:14
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clarkbjeblair: it creates a dependency relationship foo->bar means bar requires foo19:14
jeblairok.  i think i like requires better19:15
sdaguejeblair: yeh, it's requires19:15
mgagnejeblair: -> operator is useful for mass dependencies declaration like this one: Package['glance'] -> Glance_api_config<||>19:15
mgagnejeblair: left part is required by right part19:16
sdaguejeblair: I can redo it as requires if you want19:16
sdagueI've just gotten used to -> and ~> in our configs19:16
jeblairI think I like using explicit requires better, for consistency across the project, safety in case things get moved around, intuitiveness for new users, and clarity.19:16
jeblairsince we don't use it elsewhere in config19:17
jeblairsdague: but i don't care _that_ much19:17
sdaguejeblair: gotcha, no worries19:17
jeblairclarkb, sdague: that has my +2 regardless (if you change it, feel free to consider that i still give it a +2 even if i'm not around)19:17
clarkbjeblair: should http://docs.openstack.org/infra/publications/overview work?19:18
sdaguejeblair: ok, what about clarkb's suggestion - https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37138/4/modules/openstack_project/manifests/static.pp19:18
sdaguethat would remove the need for the requires19:18
fungiclarkb: it should after we merge a new commit. the publish job was previously broken but i think my fix for it went in more recently than the last change which merged to that presentation19:19
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* fungi afks again19:20
jeblairsdague, clarkb: i like clarkb's suggestion; if there are other submodules, it's probably a good idea to move to those19:20
clarkbjeblair: apache::mod::* only has 2 submodules in the version we use iirc19:20
sdagueok, let me respin that19:21
sdaguethen clarkb can push through19:21
clarkbjeblair: wsgi is one of them. this may be part of the process to use a newer version of that puppet module though19:21
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* jeblair afks19:23
openstackgerritDoug Hellmann proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update keyring minimum version  https://review.openstack.org/3835819:26
openstackgerritSean Dague proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: add utility to htmlify screen logs for devstack runs  https://review.openstack.org/3713819:28
sdagueclarkb: ok, now with include goodness19:28
Ryan_Laneadded an Obsolete namespace to openstack wiki19:28
Ryan_Laneit's not in the default search namespaces, so that old unused docs can be moved out of search results19:29
* clarkb assumes jeblair's +2 is transitive and approves sdague's change19:32
clarkbRyan_Lane: this is something that would be used in a manual process to reap old things without actually deleting them?19:33
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: add utility to htmlify screen logs for devstack runs  https://review.openstack.org/3713819:34
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Ryan_Laneclarkb: yes19:35
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Ryan_Laneclarkb: was requested by tom fifield and annegentle19:35
annegentleclarkb: Tom wants to do the manual cleanup. I bless such activities :)19:35
clarkbdefinitely. No protest from me, just want to make sure I understand19:36
* Ryan_Lane nods19:36
Ryan_Laneannegentle: agreed. wiki curation is hard19:36
sdagueclarkb: he even said as much: <jeblair> clarkb, sdague: that has my +2 regardless (if you change it, feel free to consider that i still give it a +2 even if i'm not around)19:37
sdagueRyan_Lane: do we have a set of macros for Out of Date, Poor Quality, etc?19:38
clarkbsdague: do you really need a DNS record now or can you /etc/hosts it?19:38
sdagueI found those very useful in previous curration19:38
sdagueclarkb: I can /etc/hosts19:38
sdaguebut DNS record would be nice as soon as we can get it19:38
sdagueas I'd like to get help in breaking it19:39
clarkbsdague: ok19:39
Ryan_Lanesdague: no, but they are easily enough created19:39
Ryan_LaneAnything in the Template: namespace can be transcluded anywhere by using {{templatename}}19:40
Ryan_Lanethey can take parameters and such, for instance if you wanted a single template that took arguments for the type19:40
Ryan_Laneand lua scripting is available in the templates, if wanted: http://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Extension:Scribunto/Lua_reference_manual19:41
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dstufftmordred: release process for pip is happening, doing changelogs and updating things and stuff19:43
dstufftmordred: SO EXCITE19:43
clarkbdstufft: careful he is at a conference he might overdo the partying tonight19:44
clarkbsdague: I have applied your puppet change, please test19:48
clarkbtarballs.o.o and logs.o.o appear to have not changed behavior so no weird side effects \o/19:49
clarkbI am going to grab lunch really quickly now that that is in19:49
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dkranzjeblair: Can one of you please approve the openstack-qa irc logging https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38152/19:58
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zulseriuosly the mox stuff is going to drive me crazy20:07
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jog0mordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38327/ It passed :(20:10
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jog0so pbr entry pointless binaries no worky :(20:11
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mordredjog0: I saw. I will track it down20:35
mordredjog0: it works in the unittest20:35
mordredjog0: and the patch _did_ break the pbr integration test as expected20:35
jog0mordred: haha thanks20:36
jog0so maybe its bug somewhere else in the code happy hunting!20:36
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jog0anyway seeing issues 'ImportError: no module named setuptools' with markdown20:48
mordredyes. that's a known thing20:49
mordredyou need to upgrade setuptools before you run your other installs20:50
jog0pip -U install setuptools?20:51
sdagueoh man, what sort of weirdness does ubuntu do that doesn't let me set hosts in /etc/hosts?20:51
clarkbsdague: it shouldn't do any weirdness in precise20:52
sdagueI'm on raring20:52
clarkbsdague: I do it all the time for my dev VMs20:52
sdagueyeh, I've done it for local host before20:52
sdagueping works fine, curl fails20:52
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openstackgerritElizabeth Krumbach Joseph proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Create a stanza to replicate review git to git.o.o  https://review.openstack.org/3779420:53
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sdagueoh crap, it's our stupid clever layer 7 filter20:56
sdagueworks fine from my linode20:56
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sdagueok, well I was about to go home for the day anyway, I'll test it from there20:56
clarkbI was going to offer doing the DNS record now, but now that you have that working I will hold off (I am hoping that we can do a little testing before i have to worry about DNS)20:57
lifelessmordred: jeepyb seems to have the kitchen sink in it. Do you plan to make it a bit less shotgun and package it on pypi ?20:57
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SlickNikjeblair / clarkb / fungi: Can I get some eyeballs on https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38191/ when you get a chance? Thanks!20:59
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mordredjog0: if it's in tox, you need to upgrade tox21:01
mordredjog0: yeah21:01
mordredlifeless: wasn't on our todo list21:02
mordredlifeless: it's primarily "these are the things that consume projects.yaml"21:03
lifelessso, I'm obviously happy to do the legwork21:03
mordredI mean, is there a reason we can't just publish jeepyb as is to pypi?21:03
* mordred not immediately opposed - just grokking the issue21:04
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lifelessso we need to install the mirror runner in two places I think21:05
lifelessfirst place is the admin who is building images21:05
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lifelessto do the run21:05
lifelesssecondly, longer term when we ship a preassembled build-your-own-image-adventure we'll be installing it into the images we build.21:05
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lifelessfor -right now- if you get it on pypi, I'm happy.21:06
lifelessthen I can consume releases of it and \o/ profit21:06
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lifelesslonger term, having something with a narrowly scoped interface etc would be comforting, rather than 'the yaml openstack-infra happen to use today'21:07
mordreddstufft: "Registering jeepyb to http://pypi.python.org/pypi21:08
mordreddstufft: doesn't seem to do registration over https21:08
dstufftmordred: nope!21:08
dstufftthat's on my hit list still21:08
mordredjust thought I'd point that out21:08
mordredin case you hadn't noticed :)21:08
dstufftmordred: https://pypi.python.org/pypi/pip/1.421:08
mordreddstufft: YAY!!!!21:09
dstufftvirtualenv release imminent21:10
dstufftit'll bundle pip 1.421:10
dstufftand setuptools 0.9.721:10
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lifelessclarkb: you requested beta on the infra account(s) on HPCloud the other day right ?21:20
mordredjog0: great news! I ran it locally and it didn't work, and then I did nothing, and then I ran it locally and it did work21:21
mordredjog0: and now I can't make it not work again21:21
clarkblifeless: I did21:21
mordredjog0: so - GAH21:21
pabelangermordred, \o/ for jeepyb uploaded to pypi21:24
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jog0mordred: maybe you hit the setuptools update :)21:25
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mordredjog0: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38040/21:34
mordredjog0: it would be neat to grok why that patch fails exercises21:35
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jog0love the commit msg21:35
mordred+ /usr/local/bin/run-mirror -c /home/jenkins/pypimirror/etc/pypi-mirror.yaml21:35
jog0btw weh n Iupdated tox everything fixed itself21:35
mordredthis should stream its output as it gets it, btw21:35
mordredjog0: yah21:36
dstufftmordred: virtualenv 1.10 released21:36
mordreddstufft: w00t!21:36
mordredjog0: well, as soon as hpk cuts a new tox based on virtualenv 1.10 and pip 1.4 (hopefully soon) the world is going to get much better21:36
jog0mordred: :)21:37
mordredjog0: how does unstack/restack work?21:37
mordredjog0: I've never used them...21:37
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jog0fairly well21:38
jog0then ./stack21:38
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openstackgerritSlickNik proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Added OpenStack docs jobs for Trove.  https://review.openstack.org/3819121:52
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openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/meetbot: Fixed test scripts to include a meeting name  https://review.openstack.org/3682122:03
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clarkbsdague: I think we broke the README stuff on logs.o.o22:33
clarkbsdague: but other than that I haven't seen any issues. logs-dev is spitting out translated stuff for me22:33
sdagueyeh, logs-dev seems to be working fine22:34
sdagueeven where it goes overboard, the filter is good enough, that it doesn't screw anything up22:34
clarkbsdague: and wget'ing the console.html doesn't get gzipped22:35
sdaguelike http://logs-dev.openstack.org/17/37817/6/check/gate-tempest-devstack-vm-full/34858/logs/sudoers.txt.gz22:35
clarkbso this may not break existing gearman clients22:35
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: fix upload to jenkins-ci bug.  https://review.openstack.org/3838422:35
sdagueconsole.html is compressing22:36
sdaguebut mod_deflate is probably smart enough to only do it on clients that can22:36
sdagueI've got the chrome web dev console up and can see the transfer bytes way lower than the uncompressed bytes22:36
clarkbcool. wget seemed to get the full 2.4MB22:37
clarkbwhich I think means the logstash stuff will be fine. I can point a test client at logs-dev when I have tmie22:37
clarkbto confirm22:37
clarkbCPU doesn't look horrible http://cacti.openstack.org/cacti/graph.php?action=view&local_graph_id=138&rra_id=all22:38
clarkbthe finds still domindate22:38
openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: fix upload to jenkins-ci bug.  https://review.openstack.org/3838422:38
clarkbnow for the bad news. I have spent some time today using nova cpu logs for local logstash testing and I can't seem to get any appreciable performance from tweaking the logstash configs22:39
clarkbI have even tried increasing the number of workers22:39
clarkbtl;dr I think that means i need more nodes22:39
clarkbbut these are the small nodes so not super terrible22:39
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openstackgerritKhai Do proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: fix upload to jenkins-ci bug.  https://review.openstack.org/3838422:44
openstackgerritClark Boylan proposed a change to openstack-infra/config: Add three more logstash workers nodes.  https://review.openstack.org/3838922:50
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jbresnahhello all22:51
jbresnahwhat does it mean when jenkins reports 'unstable' ?22:51
clarkbjbresnah: hello22:51
clarkbjbresnah: it could mean several different things, but recently it probably means that job ran when we had a broken filesystem that jenkins tried to scp to. If you link me to the job I can confirm22:52
jbresnahex: http://logs.openstack.org/17/37817/7/check/gate-nova-python26/29431/22:52
clarkboh cool thats new22:52
jbresnahclarkb: the funny thing is that all the tests pass...22:52
clarkbjbresnah: yeah, UNSTABLE is jenkins way of saying the actual test portion succeeded but somethign else failed22:54
clarkbjbresnah: https://jenkins.openstack.org/job/gate-nova-python26/29431/console in this case it looks like a network failure22:54
jbresnahok that makes sense22:54
clarkbwe have seen a few of these recently and it was what broke the file system yesterday22:55
clarkbhmm no pvo in here22:55
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Also patch easy_install script creation  https://review.openstack.org/3839122:59
mordredjog0: ^^22:59
mordredjog0: that should fix you22:59
mordredjog0: and I added a test case for it23:00
clarkbmordred: I approved your d-g changes before use pbr23:02
mordredclarkb: if you get a sec, https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38328/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38391/ are in response to issues that jog0 and dprince are seeing in the wild23:02
clarkbI plan to babysit that but I don't expect anything horrible23:02
mordredclarkb: w00t23:02
mordredthank you23:02
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mordredclarkb: do you remember a patch a little while ago which made something work better in git submodules or something?23:03
clarkbmordred: ya23:03
clarkbthe patch that fixed finding the git dir23:03
clarkbmordred: 38391 makes me sad23:05
mordredclarkb: you and me both23:05
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clarkbmordred: 38328 isn't a proper revert is it? seems like it doesn't actually undo anything23:07
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Set state to deleted when deleting  https://review.openstack.org/3817123:10
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Unskip the git-based tests  https://review.openstack.org/3839523:12
mordredclarkb: one more for you23:12
clarkbmordred: I found the change 38328 reverts and I would expect the kwargs to work23:14
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Test to ensure the include_package_data works  https://review.openstack.org/3832623:14
clarkbmordred: any clue why they don't?23:14
mordredclarkb: yes.23:14
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Use testr and flake8.  https://review.openstack.org/3320523:14
mordredclarkb: it's because of how the hook system works23:14
clarkbmordred: any chance you could describe it in the commit message instead of "for some reason"23:15
mordredclarkb: when the hooks process backwards_compat, they do a config.get('backwards_compat', dict())23:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fixed some line-length and whitespace warnings.  https://review.openstack.org/3320623:15
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/devstack-gate: Fixed pyflakes issues.  https://review.openstack.org/3320823:15
mordredwhich winds up overriding what one would put in kwargs23:15
mordredbecause the hooks are processing the state of the config parse tree, not the end result23:15
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openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Revert include_package_data change  https://review.openstack.org/3832823:18
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack-dev/pbr: Test to ensure the include_package_data works  https://review.openstack.org/3832623:18
mordredclarkb: done ^^23:18
mordredclarkb: AND ... (while you're in the mood: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38184/) next step in gating jeepyb and requirements23:19
clarkbmordred: at some point you need to stop writing code and focus on the merging of code :P23:19
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mordredclarkb: yes! I agree. I very much want to stop writing patches23:22
mordredunfortunately, I keep writing code that only like 2 people are willing to review23:23
dstufftmordred: fyi https://github.com/pypa/pip/pull/1075 bug with 1.423:23
dstufftamazing how much testing you get right after you make a release23:23
mordreddstufft: yay!23:23
dstufftJannis went to bed so it'll be released tomorrow. But incase you see anyone having problems where pip downgrades a pre-release to a previous stable or throws an error when the installed version is a pre-release23:24
pabelangerobligatory: http://i.imgur.com/y7Hm9.jpg23:26
clarkbmordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38326/3/pbr/tests/testpackage/setup.cfg that doesn't break the test?23:26
mordredheh. thanks23:26
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clarkbmordred: jeblair: btw https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38352/23:28
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/config: fix upload to jenkins-ci bug.  https://review.openstack.org/3838423:29
openstackgerritLeif Madsen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow the gitConfigName and gitConfigEmail values to be used.  https://review.openstack.org/3647823:30
clarkbmordred: part of me is contemplating the idea I had at the Infra bootcamp that we should prevent new changes until we get the existing queue down >_>23:32
mordredclarkb: nope. we always set intall_package_data to True. so the line is a no-op23:33
lifelessmordred: I will review your code23:34
mordredlifeless: yay!23:34
mordredlifeless: honestly, most people do not want to dig into pbr- which I don't blame them for23:35
clarkbmordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38017/1 care to review an approve that if it looks good to you?23:35
clarkbmordred: I added the python26 tests to JJB and they are currently failing :(23:35
clarkbmordred: yeah but how does pbr know what your package data is without that line?23:35
mordredclarkb: install_package_data causes it to install ALL data files found inside of your package23:36
pabelangerleifmadsen, oh snap!23:36
mordredwhich, it turns out, is what you usually want23:36
pabelangerI seen your name23:36
clarkbthis is one of those opinionated parts of pbr23:36
mordredif you don't want the file in nova/blerg to be installed into the nova dir on the target system - don't put it there23:36
leifmadsenpabelanger: ya... trying to get the py2.6 assertions to pass by rebasing23:36
leifmadsenpabelanger: still fails though :(23:36
openstackgerritA change was merged to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add python26 support  https://review.openstack.org/3801723:37
pabelangerleifmadsen, you need to wait for my patch to be commited23:37
leifmadsenpabelanger: oic23:37
pabelangerthat one &23:37
pabelangerso, rebase to master and try now23:37
leifmadsenI knew it was going to be a bug23:37
clarkbleifmadsen: ya, sorry I thought it had merged but I was wrong23:37
leifmadsenya, someone commented to rebase23:37
leifmadsenclarkb: np!23:37
leifmadsenglad I looked in here :)23:37
leifmadsenI was wondering why nothing really updated :)23:37
pabelangerya, I hit it on the weekend when I was hacking up JJB23:38
clarkbpabelanger: it was my fault for only testing the tests under python2723:38
pabelangeris all good23:38
clarkblifeless: does testtools have anything like assertMultiLineEqual?23:38
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openstackgerritLeif Madsen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Allow the gitConfigName and gitConfigEmail values to be used.  https://review.openstack.org/3647823:38
leifmadsenthere we go23:39
leifmadsennow the other branch I have on the go23:39
openstackgerritLeif Madsen proposed a change to openstack-infra/jenkins-job-builder: Add RVM (ruby version manager) support  https://review.openstack.org/3638623:40
leifmadsenGO GO GO23:40
leifmadsenpabelanger: I just built my first openstack image with veewee23:40
leifmadsenAND IT BLENDED!23:40
clarkbmordred: 38326 lgtm (I did leave comments but nothing to write a new patchset over)23:40
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pabelangerleifmadsen, woah!23:41
leifmadsennext up is building one of our custom ones with the veewee scripts I have in our repo, and then spin up openstack VMs via vagrant23:41
leifmadsenlike a boss23:41
clarkbmordred: curious to see what you think about them anyways23:41
* mordred looks23:41
pabelangerleifmadsen, ya, I need to get RDO up and going on my hardware.  It has been sitting here for almost 2 months :(23:41
leifmadsenpabelanger: nice fix23:41
mordredclarkb: yes and yes23:41
leifmadsenpabelanger: set it up right now23:41
leifmadsenI can help :D23:41
leifmadsenit's not too bad actually23:41
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leifmadsenonly like... 5 steps23:41
mordredclarkb: both totally good cleanup ideas23:42
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clarkbmordred: still about?23:47
clarkbmordred: https://review.openstack.org/#/c/38152/ and https://review.openstack.org/#/c/37945/ what sort of vetting do we want to do on those if any?23:48
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lifelessmordred: so link me up with reviews23:49
lifelessclarkb: DocTestMatches23:49
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clarkblifeless: danke23:52
clarkblifeless: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/status:open+project:openstack-dev/pbr,n,z23:53
clarkbFYI the d-g launch and reap jobs have timed out occasionally. I will propose that we give those jobs an extra 5 minutes23:55
mordredlifeless: all of openstack-dev/pbr (in fact, if you wanted to put it on your watched projects list, I betcha I'd makeyou core on it in like a day or two)23:56
mordredclarkb: looking23:56
openstackgerritMonty Taylor proposed a change to openstack/requirements: Update build depends to versions that grow bunnies  https://review.openstack.org/3839923:58
mordredclarkb: GAH BAD INTERNETS23:59

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