opendevreview | Merged openstack/horizon master: Fix for Cancel button in Create Security Group form | 00:05 |
noonedeadpunk | folks, I', trying toi investingate why in the world security groups are not shown for the port detail overview, and I'd love to ask for some pointer | 07:35 |
noonedeadpunk | talking about this block specifrically | 07:36 |
noonedeadpunk | I guess, common aasumption is that `port` in this template is coming from a view context here: | 07:37 |
noonedeadpunk | but apparently, that is not the caser? | 07:37 |
noonedeadpunk | as while I do see this code to fully execute and cvontext being populated - that is not the data used for template renderring | 07:38 |
noonedeadpunk | question: what is actually passed to the template rederring? how to find that? | 07:39 |
noonedeadpunk | is it this? | 07:42 |
noonedeadpunk | apparently, not... nothing in views seem to alter actual data passed to the template... | 08:10 |
noonedeadpunk | hm, seems whole context is passed to the template somehow... | 09:44 |
noonedeadpunk | no, disregard, it's not | 10:00 |
opendevreview | Dmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/horizon master: Fix security group renderring in port overview (4) | 10:53 |
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