Thursday, 2025-03-20

opendevreviewMerged openstack/horizon master: Fix for Cancel button in Create Security Group form
noonedeadpunkfolks, I', trying toi investingate why in the world security groups are not shown for the port detail overview, and I'd love to ask for some pointer07:35
noonedeadpunktalking about this block specifrically
noonedeadpunkI guess, common aasumption is that `port` in this template is coming from a view context here:
noonedeadpunkbut apparently, that is not the caser?07:37
noonedeadpunkas while I do see this code to fully execute and cvontext being populated - that is not the data used for template renderring07:38
noonedeadpunkquestion: what is actually passed to the template rederring? how to find that?07:39
noonedeadpunkis it this?
noonedeadpunkapparently, not... nothing in views seem to alter actual data passed to the template...08:10
noonedeadpunkhm, seems whole context is passed to the template somehow...09:44
noonedeadpunkno, disregard, it's not10:00
opendevreviewDmitriy Rabotyagov proposed openstack/horizon master: Fix security group renderring in port overview (4)

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