Wednesday, 2025-03-05

*** ralonsoh_ is now known as ralonsoh09:03
tmazur#startmeeting horizon15:04
opendevmeetMeeting started Wed Mar  5 15:04:27 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes.  The chair is tmazur. Information about MeetBot at
opendevmeetUseful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote.15:04
opendevmeetThe meeting name has been set to 'horizon'15:04
tmazurHello and welcome to the weekly meeting!15:04
jjasekHello :-)15:04
tmazurLet's start15:05
tmazurAgenda for today:
tmazur#topic Notices15:06
tmazurThis week is R-4 week. Schedule:
tmazurThe list of teams participating in the upcoming virtual PTG (April 7-11, 2025) is now official15:08
tmazurAnd Horizon is in there :)15:09
tmazurI will not bug you today about registration, I am pretty sure everyone has registered already :)15:09
omcgonagyes - registered15:10
tmazurI will also need to prepare cycle highlights soon15:11
tmazurSo -- moving to the next topic15:11
tmazur#topic Release priorities15:11
tmazurThere's three SDK patches on review15:12
tmazurrdopiera, could you please take a look and approve if it's all good?15:12
tmazurAnd I will be moving things around in my two factor authentication patch, so we can have it asap as well15:14
omcgonagwould take me quite a bit or time/work to get through 15:17
omcgonaga quick browse - many changes would require me to deep dive a bit more into the old functionality to see how the new affects things15:17
omcgonagi get it - this review has been up for quite a while - not sure if it should depend on my review?15:18
tmazurEvery review matters :)15:18
rdopierawith enough eyes every bug is shallow15:18
omcgonagok - will do the deeper dive15:19
tmazurAnd SDK switching is looming on us, so it's inevitable dive anyway 15:19
tmazurOk, moving forward15:20
tmazur#topic Open reviews15:20
omcgonagquick question - can all 3 SDK patches be pulled and built against a working dashboard? 15:20
tmazurJust a regular reminder to look through the patches we have. They are not too complex to review. 15:20
tmazuromcgonag pretty much15:21
omcgonagok - I will try that first - that would help me see how things are working - helps with comparing old vs. new15:22
tmazurGreat, thanks!15:23
tmazurI am very excited for our next topic15:23
tmazur#topic On-Demand Agenda15:24
tmazurI would like to propose Jan to Horizon core team15:25
tmazurHe's been doing a tremendous job!15:26
omcgonagbefore I ask - yes, Jan is doing a great job15:27
omcgonagmy ask - what does it mean to be on the Horizon core team?15:27
omcgonagok, I asked while that link was sent - looks good15:28
tmazurStackalytics tracks every single commit, review and any other activity15:28
omcgonagok - did not know that - good to know15:28
tmazurThank you a lot for your outstanding help Jan!15:28
jjasekThank you Tatiana! Happy to be in the Horizon team :-).15:28
omcgonagnice work Jan15:28
jjasekThank you Owen! :-)15:29
tmazurI will be doing all the official part now: writing to the mailing list and adding you to the core members groups in gerrit and launchpad15:29
omcgonagvery cool15:30
tmazurYou will get your +2 power soon :)15:30
jjasekwow! Huge power!15:30
tmazurWith great power comes great responsibility :D15:31
omcgonagi have some serious catching up to do - thx Jan for setting the standard15:31
jjasekYeah :D. I will try to do my best, I promise xD15:31
tmazurThank you Jan!15:31
tmazurOkay, that was it from me for today15:31
tmazur#topic Open discussion15:32
tmazurDo we have anything else?15:32
omcgonagi am all set15:32
jjasekNothing from me, thank you all!15:32
tmazurI will not be able to join next week, I have an appointment. Do we want to just cancel the meeting?15:33
rdopieralet's cancel15:33
tmazurOk. Thank you all for joining and see you in two weeks then!15:34
opendevmeetMeeting ended Wed Mar  5 15:34:31 2025 UTC.  Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4)15:34
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