opendevreview | Jan Jasek proposed openstack/horizon master: Fix integration tests image unsupported media type issue | 09:58 |
tmazur | #startmeeting horizon | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Wed Feb 26 15:00:20 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmazur. Information about MeetBot at | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:00 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' | 15:00 |
tmazur | Hello everyone and welcome to the weekly meeting! | 15:00 |
tmazur | Hi omcgonag jjasek | 15:02 |
jjasek | Hello everyone | 15:02 |
omcgonag | hello | 15:03 |
tmazur | Let's start | 15:03 |
tmazur | Today's agenda is here: | 15:04 |
tmazur | #topic Notices | 15:04 |
tmazur | This week is R-5 week. It's Epoxy-3 milestone. | 15:04 |
tmazur | The end of the cycle is approaching. | 15:06 |
tmazur | Along with PTG | 15:06 |
tmazur | Please register if you haven't yet: | 15:06 |
jjasek | I am :-) | 15:07 |
tmazur | Great! :) | 15:07 |
omcgonag | registered last week... | 15:07 |
tmazur | Great :) | 15:07 |
tmazur | PTL elections results are announced. I will be the Horizon PTL for Flamingo. | 15:08 |
omcgonag | congratulations | 15:09 |
jjasek | Yeeey! Congratulations | 15:09 |
tmazur | Not a single project had more than 1 candidate, so practically elections were just nominal :D | 15:09 |
jjasek | :D | 15:09 |
tmazur | Thanks anyway :D | 15:09 |
omcgonag | similar to winning a race - no one needs to know how many competitors there were - a win is a win | 15:10 |
jjasek | exactly! | 15:10 |
tmazur | Historically speaking, yes | 15:10 |
tmazur | Anyway, next topic | 15:11 |
tmazur | #topic Release priorities | 15:11 |
tmazur | | 15:11 |
tmazur | jjasek, thanks for your reviews! | 15:12 |
jjasek | (y) | 15:12 |
tmazur | omcgonag, please take a look at the SDK patches: | 15:12 |
tmazur | 938488: SDK for Neutron Floating IPs | | 15:12 |
tmazur | 940462: Remove leftover Neutron test_date variables | | 15:13 |
tmazur | 936008: SDK for Neutron IP availabilty and Agents | | 15:13 |
omcgonag | will do - I said I would do them last week, did not get to them, should have time this week | 15:13 |
tmazur | Thank you! | 15:13 |
tmazur | 940066: Improve two factor authentication config in Horizon | | 15:13 |
tmazur | I addressed all the comments ^^^ | 15:14 |
omcgonag | ty | 15:14 |
tmazur | We were going to discuss the place to put the credentials, but I'd rather wait until the whole team is here | 15:15 |
jjasek | Yep, definitely, thanks! | 15:15 |
omcgonag | sounds like a plan | 15:15 |
tmazur | So I am going to add the credential generation while waiting | 15:15 |
tmazur | Ok, next topic | 15:16 |
tmazur | #topic Open reviews | 15:16 |
tmazur | | 15:16 |
tmazur | Let's work on our backlog here this week. There's quite a few patches waiting for review, and they are relatively simple | 15:17 |
omcgonag | is high on my list to respond | 15:17 |
tmazur | Yeah, good | 15:18 |
tmazur | That is it from me for today | 15:18 |
tmazur | #topic Open discussion | 15:18 |
tmazur | jjasek, thanks a lot for fixing integration tests! | 15:18 |
jjasek | Yep, np. Nothing from my side :-) | 15:19 |
tmazur | Was going to bring it up today, but you were faster :D | 15:19 |
omcgonag | not urgent - could someone show me what an integration test is, and how I could run it - is there documentation for the same? | 15:19 |
jjasek | Yeah, I am trying to go through the results from time to time (upstream and also downstream) so I usually catch it early xD | 15:19 |
omcgonag | again, not urgent - I would also like to check results upstream and downstream - not sure how to do that :) | 15:20 |
jjasek | omcgonag I though I already show it to you (how to run it upstream/downstream) but I can show it again. | 15:20 |
tmazur | You just look at the list of patches upstream, for example and see if from some point you see constant test failures | 15:20 |
tmazur | Say, if you look here: | 15:21 |
tmazur | you will notice 4 patches in a row that have -1 for tests | 15:21 |
omcgonag | yes, I see thenm | 15:21 |
tmazur | That can be a sign of a job failure | 15:22 |
omcgonag | are these "integration" test failures vs. "not integration test failures"? | 15:22 |
omcgonag | not clear to me what is a component test, integration test, X test... | 15:22 |
tmazur | This you have to check manually | 15:22 |
tmazur | For example here | 15:23 |
tmazur | you see the last message from zuul | 15:23 |
omcgonag | a test failing on our dashoboard with -1, are they easy to reproduce in devstack or ? | 15:23 |
tmazur | And you see the integration test failure, and the link: | 15:23 |
tmazur | So you go to th elink and check what exactly is failing. If the tests are unrelated, most likely the job has problems | 15:24 |
omcgonag | ok, thx for the info | 15:24 |
omcgonag | the name of the test is "integration" test - that is because we are testing the integration of ? | 15:25 |
omcgonag | integration of Horizon with all other components? | 15:25 |
tmazur | yep | 15:25 |
omcgonag | got it | 15:25 |
omcgonag | is it easy to run that same test locally - i.e., outside of zuul framework? | 15:25 |
omcgonag | how does one reproduce and step through the failure? | 15:25 |
omcgonag | jan - you may have already showed me that a while ago - I may need a 10 minute refresher :) | 15:26 |
omcgonag | I may have even taken down a few notes - let me check around | 15:26 |
jjasek | Np, we can set a quick meeting for it. | 15:26 |
omcgonag | thx | 15:26 |
omcgonag | ok, I am good for now (1) I know how to find a failure -1 job (2) I can check the logs to see what is wrong and (3) not sure about local reproduction (can worry about that later) | 15:27 |
jjasek | Feel free to ping and we can have a quick call about it. | 15:28 |
tmazur | Ok, we can wrap this meeting up and continue after | 15:29 |
omcgonag | thx | 15:29 |
jjasek | Thank you, bye :-) | 15:29 |
tmazur | Thanks everyone for joining and see you next week! | 15:29 |
omcgonag | bye | 15:29 |
tmazur | #endmeeting | 15:29 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Wed Feb 26 15:29:31 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 15:29 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 15:29 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 15:29 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 15:29 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/horizon master: Fix integration tests image unsupported media type issue | 15:30 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/horizon master: doc: Create and manage volumes - fix for Size (GB) should be GiB | 16:53 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: Settings Reference - few small fix in documentation | 16:57 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: Settings Reference - few small fix in documentation | 20:39 |
opendevreview | pengyuesheng proposed openstack/horizon master: Modify help information on update Metadata form | 20:51 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/horizon stable/2024.2: Move deprecated since/reason to deprecated_rule object | 21:49 |
opendevreview | Merged openstack/horizon master: Settings Reference - few small fix in documentation | 21:49 |
opendevreview | pengyuesheng proposed openstack/horizon master: Modify help information on update Metadata form | 21:55 |
opendevreview | Michal Arbet proposed openstack/horizon stable/2024.1: Fix typo in metadef for Cinder Volume Type | 22:03 |
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