opendevreview | Dmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/horizon master: Changing "Launch" action for "Create" instance | 10:34 |
opendevreview | Dmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/horizon master: Changing "Launch" action for "Create" instance | 10:45 |
opendevreview | Dmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/horizon master: Changing "Launch" action for "Create" instance | 12:18 |
opendevreview | Dmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/horizon master: Define measurement units for RAM and disk. | 12:25 |
opendevreview | Dmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/horizon master: Define measurement units for RAM and disk. | 12:26 |
opendevreview | Dmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/horizon master: Define measurement units for RAM and disk. | 12:48 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: Instances - Flavor Details - Size - update to Root Disk | 13:25 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: Instances - Flavor Details - Size - update to Root Disk | 13:26 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: Instances - Flavor Details - Size - update to Root Disk | 13:27 |
opendevreview | Dmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/horizon master: Changing "Launch" action for "Create" instance | 14:15 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: Instances - Flavor Details - Size - update to Root Disk | 15:03 |
tmazur | Hi team! Apologies for being late. Is anyone still around for the weekly meeting? | 15:14 |
jjasek_ | Hello Tatiana, yep, I am here. | 15:17 |
tmazur | Cool! | 15:18 |
tmazur | Let's start the meeting then, I don't have much this week anyway | 15:18 |
tmazur | #startmeeting horizon | 15:19 |
opendevmeet | Meeting started Wed Jan 22 15:19:09 2025 UTC and is due to finish in 60 minutes. The chair is tmazur. Information about MeetBot at | 15:19 |
opendevmeet | Useful Commands: #action #agreed #help #info #idea #link #topic #startvote. | 15:19 |
opendevmeet | The meeting name has been set to 'horizon' | 15:19 |
omcgonag | hi | 15:19 |
tmazur | Hi everyone and welcome to the weekly meeting! | 15:19 |
tmazur | Today's agenda can be found here: | 15:20 |
tmazur | | 15:20 |
tmazur | #topic Notices | 15:20 |
tmazur | This week is R-10 | 15:20 |
tmazur | Schedule: | 15:21 |
tmazur | I don't have announcements for today | 15:22 |
tmazur | So moving forward | 15:22 |
tmazur | #topic Release priorities | 15:23 |
tmazur | Just a quick update from my side. I am working on the two-factor auth configuration in Horizon, and I will submit an initial patch later this week. | 15:24 |
tmazur | Also, we have started our research on AngularJS removal | 15:25 |
tmazur | And for the SDK patches, let's move to the next topic | 15:26 |
tmazur | #topic Open reviews | 15:26 |
tmazur | Please check the list for this week here: | 15:27 |
tmazur | 938488: SDK for Neutron Floating IPs | | 15:27 |
tmazur | I am reviewing it today, and jjasek_ please take a look when you have a minute | 15:28 |
jjasek_ | Will take a look at it :) | 15:29 |
tmazur | Thanks! | 15:29 |
tmazur | 939607: Imported Translations from Zanata | | 15:29 |
tmazur | ^^^ this one here is made manually by the I18n team | 15:30 |
tmazur | because of infra issues | 15:31 |
tmazur | It's huge, but I checked it and see no problems merging it. However if we could have more votes from the team, it would be great | 15:32 |
tmazur | So please omcgonag, jjasek_ take a look | 15:32 |
jjasek_ | I can see there is most of the changes just changing of the lines length, just make one line shorter and second one longer. Is there any specific reason? Like pep8 for python? | 15:33 |
tmazur | Yes. It looks like they ran into the same issue that we had with our doc tests | 15:34 |
tmazur | So yes, the patch looks all good for me, I just don't want to approve it without any other votes | 15:35 |
jjasek_ | But sometimes they make shorter line that was already shorter before than some of the other lines :-D. I did not count number of chars but I am wandering what is the reason. | 15:35 |
jjasek_ | wondering* | 15:36 |
jjasek_ | But I will take a look at it too. | 15:36 |
tmazur | Maybe they used some assistance? I can't imaging doing all this manually >-< | 15:36 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: Changing "Launch" action for "Create" instance | 15:36 |
tmazur | Anyway, moving forward | 15:37 |
tmazur | Two more patches | 15:37 |
tmazur | 939389: Support new pytest 8.3.4 | | 15:37 |
tmazur | jjasek_, since you're a pytest expert, I would like to bug you again :D | 15:38 |
tmazur | Please take a look ^^^ | 15:38 |
tmazur | And this one: | 15:39 |
tmazur | 939546: [DNM] non-existent timezone fix | | 15:39 |
tmazur | omcgonag please see my comment | 15:39 |
jjasek_ | Ack, will try to review tomorrow all the patches that are waiting for reviews (y). | 15:40 |
tmazur | Great, thank you very much! | 15:40 |
tmazur | That's it from me for today | 15:40 |
tmazur | #topic Open discussion | 15:41 |
tmazur | Do we need to discuss anything else? | 15:41 |
jjasek_ | Not from me, thanks. | 15:41 |
tmazur | Okay, let's wrap it up then | 15:42 |
tmazur | Thanks everyone for joining and see you next week! | 15:42 |
tmazur | #endmeeting | 15:42 |
opendevmeet | Meeting ended Wed Jan 22 15:42:37 2025 UTC. Information about MeetBot at . (v 0.1.4) | 15:42 |
opendevmeet | Minutes: | 15:42 |
opendevmeet | Minutes (text): | 15:42 |
opendevmeet | Log: | 15:42 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: WIP | 15:55 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: WIP | 15:59 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: WIP | 16:00 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: Changing "Launch" action for "Create" instance | 17:08 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: Changing "Launch" action for "Create" instance | 17:10 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: Changing "Launch" action for "Create" instance | 17:11 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: WIP | 17:56 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: WIP | 17:56 |
opendevreview | Ivan Anfimov proposed openstack/horizon master: WIP | 18:00 |
opendevreview | Dmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/horizon master: Fixing port security checkbox for instance port | 22:15 |
opendevreview | Dmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/horizon master: Fixing port security checkbox for instance port | 22:16 |
opendevreview | Dmitriy Chubinidze proposed openstack/horizon master: Fixing port security checkbox for instance port | 22:18 |
-opendevstatus- NOTICE: The Gerrit service on will be offline momentarily for a restart to put some database compaction config changes into effect, and will return within a few minutes | 22:54 |
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