Friday, 2023-10-13

amotokivishalmanchanda: hi, I added topics and comments to the PTG etherpad.05:44
amotokivishalmanchanda: I don't know what are required and what are not for django4 support. I also think we need to clarify/revisit our Django support policy considering the current situation.05:45
amotokihope it helps the discussions05:46
vishalmanchandaamotoki: thanks.06:06
vishalmanchandaamotoki: are you going to join the PTG?06:07
vishalmanchandaI have asked for review on your patch in open-discuss meeting many times06:18
vishalmanchandabut no progress so far.06:18
vishalmanchandaI think when we discuss in the past there are some issue of few libraries which Django 4.x doesn't support.06:20
vishalmanchandaCould you please update your patch
vishalmanchandaI will check with other core member if we can merge it asap by next week.06:23
vishalmanchandapython version needs to be updated now python_version: "3.10" -> python_version: "3.11" 06:24
opendevreviewVadym Markov proposed openstack/horizon master: Make call to metadef namespaces API parallel

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