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amotoki | ameade: what kind of help do you need? | 10:57 |
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openstackgerrit | wei.ying proposed openstack/horizon master: Add angular server groups panel https://review.openstack.org/517754 | 11:37 |
openstackgerrit | wei.ying proposed openstack/horizon master: Add angular create server group action https://review.openstack.org/517755 | 11:37 |
openstackgerrit | wei.ying proposed openstack/horizon master: Add angular delete server groups action https://review.openstack.org/517756 | 11:37 |
openstackgerrit | wei.ying proposed openstack/horizon master: Add angular server group details page https://review.openstack.org/517824 | 11:37 |
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amotoki | e0ne: ying_zuo: what do you think about deprecating django launch-instance form in Queens? | 12:00 |
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mrch | may i configure automatic image untar un zip? | 12:01 |
amotoki | e0ne: ying_zuo: I know there are some missing feature features in launch-instances (compared to Django launch instance) like admin password, but it is a good chance to gather feedbacks on missing features from operators by deprecating the django launch-instance workflow. | 12:02 |
amotoki | e0ne: ying_zuo: you feedback would be apprecated and it is completely up to the community. | 12:02 |
amotoki | mrch: it can if glance API supports it. I don't know it is supported in glance. | 12:02 |
e0ne | amotoki, ying_zuo: IMO, it's too late to do it in Queens | 12:03 |
mrch | amotoki: no configuration to horizon is needed if so? | 12:04 |
amotoki | e0ne: ying_zuo: it is reasonable, but does anyone in the horizon team test the django form? | 12:05 |
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amotoki | mrch: do you hit any issue? | 12:06 |
amotoki | mrch: can you use the feature in glance or openstack CLI? | 12:06 |
mrch | +amotoki: no | 12:07 |
amotoki | mrch: so I think horizon does not support it too | 12:07 |
mrch | +amotoki dont know if it exist and i dont need it for cli, it has to work on the dashboard for stupid people | 12:09 |
amotoki | e0ne: ying_zuo: it is not easy to keep non-default form healthy and I don't want to have a regression we had in the network selection in the djnago form in Pike release. | 12:09 |
amotoki | mrch: it might be a possible improvement. It sounds a wishlist bug. | 12:10 |
e0ne | amotoki, ying_zuo: fair enough | 12:10 |
mrch | +amotoki "never heard of" should be enough next time , thx anyway | 12:10 |
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e0ne | amotoki, ying_zuo: we've got only 3 days until release. honestly, I don'e know what is the best option for us | 12:11 |
amotoki | e0ne: there is no actual code change even if we really would like to do it. | 12:12 |
amotoki | e0ne: i think it is just a relnote change. | 12:12 |
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mrch | +amotoki especially with image url location function it would be great, ceph i dumb as hell and cant handle it properly so i has to come as RAW upfront and nobody is mad enough uploads a unpack RAW image to his server, so.... ugly maintanance things are preprogrammed | 12:13 |
amotoki | mrch: doesn't horizon juss pass the image url to glance if you use image url location feature? | 12:16 |
amotoki | mrch: IIUC, there seems nothing we can do in horizon side. all interpretation of URLs depends on glance? | 12:16 |
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mrch | +amotoki ok, thx | 12:17 |
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amotoki | mrch: IIUC there are two behaviors in horizon. if you use image url, horizon just passes it to glance. | 12:17 |
amotoki | mrch: if you upload an image from local, horizon re-upload it to glance using a temporary file in horizon server. | 12:18 |
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e0ne | amotoki, ying_zuo: I'm OK if everything we need is to submit a release note | 12:43 |
amotoki | e0ne: ying_zuo: I am okay with either too. is anyone interested in proposing a relnote? anyway we need it first in the master branch. | 12:45 |
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amotoki | e0ne: regarding mock migration, I added best practice section to our etherpad https://etherpad.openstack.org/p/horizon-unittest-mock-migration | 13:12 |
amotoki | e0ne: feel free to add more entries and questions | 13:12 |
e0ne | amotoki: great | 13:12 |
e0ne | I'l lake a look on this later doay or tomorrow | 13:13 |
e0ne | s/doay/today | 13:13 |
amotoki | e0ne: nice. no need to rush | 13:13 |
tosky | amotoki, e0ne: do you have going to have examples on how to migrated from the "record and replay" paradigm? | 13:14 |
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tosky | we have the same migration issue in sahara-dashboard (and probably in other dashboards) | 13:14 |
amotoki | tosky: what kind of examples do you expect? I can write some. it would be simple. | 13:14 |
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tosky | amotoki: or probably looking at your existing patches - I though that migrating away was going to be more complicated | 13:15 |
amotoki | tosky: I see. I can pick up some simple example. | 13:16 |
tosky | amotoki: I was looking already at the list of migrated tests in the etherpad | 13:16 |
tosky | I think it may be enough | 13:17 |
amotoki | tosky: which one do you think is simple enough? any suggestion? | 13:18 |
tosky | well, even something like https://review.openstack.org/#/c/531938/ | 13:18 |
tosky | I guess I will check the patches already merged, and ask again in case of troubles | 13:18 |
amotoki | ah, it is simplest :) | 13:19 |
amotoki | tosky: if you use @create_stubs now, it might be worth waiting for landing https://review.openstack.org/#/c/545472/ | 13:20 |
tosky | I'm not planning any work before the PTG | 13:20 |
amotoki | :) | 13:20 |
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vladiskuz_ | amotoki: Are you around? | 14:22 |
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mugsie | does anyone have any idea how / where I would start to debug https://bugs.launchpad.net/designate-dashboard/+bug/1750384 ? | 14:39 |
openstack | Launchpad bug 1750384 in Designate Dashboard "Cannot Delete Recordset / Zone in ng_dns panels" [Critical,Triaged] | 14:39 |
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amotoki | vladiskuz_: hi | 14:51 |
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vladiskuz_ | amotoki: Hi! I can't find where this method used https://review.openstack.org/#/c/545529/1 You mentioned in comments that it used in https://review.openstack.org/#/c/531728/4/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/project/snapshots/tests.py but I can't find it | 14:57 |
amotoki | vladiskuz_: I can see assert_mock_multiple_calls_with_same_arguments added in review 545529 in L.56 of project/snapshots/tests.py | 14:58 |
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amotoki | vladiskuz_: I think you can find it easily by searching it in gerrit. | 14:58 |
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vladiskuz_ | amotoki: Oh, my bad. Sorry | 15:04 |
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amotoki | vladiskuz_: no problem. thanks for checking it | 15:07 |
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vladiskuz_ | amotoki: np ;) | 15:11 |
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Zuul has been restarted to pick up latest memory fixes. Queues were saved however patches uploaded after 14:40UTC may have been missed. Please recheck if needed. | 15:15 | |
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ejat | bugs 1645418 | 15:39 |
openstack | bug 1645418 in OpenStack Dashboard (Horizon) "Image Name does not show up when new instance are launched using horizon dashboard" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1645418 | 15:39 |
ejat | anyone can assist or verify the bugs? | 15:39 |
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amotoki | ejat: did you launch an instance with boot-from-volume? | 15:56 |
amotoki | ejat: in that case, image name are not shown as an image specified is just to used as volume source | 15:57 |
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ejat | select boot source : Image , create new volume : yes | 16:02 |
amotoki | ejat: create new volume: yes is equivalent to --block-device option in nova boot | 16:05 |
amotoki | ejat: can you see image name if you create a new volume from a image when using nova boot --block-device option? | 16:05 |
ejat | amotoki: u mean launching instance through cli? | 16:06 |
amotoki | ejat: yes. | 16:06 |
amotoki | ejat: In my understanding, most folks expects image name/ID like boot from image | 16:07 |
amotoki | but I am afraid boot-from-image with image copy is different from boot from image | 16:07 |
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ejat | amotoki: if i used CLI .. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yY4pQNKbZv/ | 16:15 |
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amotoki | ejat: which one should I look at? | 16:16 |
amotoki | ejat: I see three servers | 16:16 |
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ejat | xenial-test created using cli | 16:17 |
ejat | but if i rebuild the instances from horizon ... the image name shown | 16:17 |
amotoki | ejat: what is the command line you used to boot xenial-test? | 16:17 |
ejat | http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/F48YzKQvfm/ | 16:17 |
ejat | nova boot --image xenial --flavor m1.small --key-name x240 --nic net-id=$(neutron net-list | grep internal | awk '{ print $2 }') xenial-test | 16:18 |
amotoki | ejat: it means "boot from image" | 16:18 |
amotoki | ejat: to do the equivalent thing in horizon, you need to choose "create new volume : NO" | 16:19 |
amotoki | ejat: so these two are different. | 16:19 |
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amotoki | ejat: when I launched a server with "Create new volume: yes", I got the following output from "nova show" http://paste.openstack.org/show/677607/ | 16:21 |
amotoki | ejat: how can horizon know the image used to create a volume? | 16:22 |
amotoki | personally I think this bug is Invalid as horizon. there is no way to know image ID for servers with boot-from-volume | 16:23 |
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amotoki | ejat: I will be afk due to good night | 16:24 |
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ejat | amotoki: okay thanks alot for your assistant | 16:25 |
ejat | amotoki: i build using juju charms openstack bundles | 16:26 |
amotoki | i have no experience of juju charms. | 16:26 |
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mnaser | hi folks | 16:27 |
mnaser | in a fairly large cloud with a lot of tenants, logging in as an admin redirects to the /identity/ page which lists 1000s of projects | 16:28 |
mnaser | is there a remedy to this? | 16:28 |
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mnaser | it doesn't look like there's pagination? | 16:33 |
mnaser | i'm trying to go through the codebase | 16:33 |
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mnaser | ok, looks like there is, but it depends on keystone's config | 16:35 |
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mnaser | ok looks like keystone can only return all records for technical reasons. is there any example of horizon-side pagination to implement/add for project listing? | 19:00 |
mnaser | so it doesn't melt down my browser/horizon each time we login | 19:00 |
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openstackgerrit | Akihiro Motoki proposed openstack/horizon master: TabGroup: Make tabs pluggable via horizon plugin config https://review.openstack.org/540097 | 21:19 |
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openstackgerrit | Akihiro Motoki proposed openstack/horizon master: TabGroup: Make tabs pluggable via horizon plugin config https://review.openstack.org/540097 | 21:47 |
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amotoki | mnaser: I think the volume table has good pagination support https://github.com/openstack/horizon/blob/master/openstack_dashboard/dashboards/project/volumes/views.py#L53 | 21:49 |
mnaser | amotoki: looks like it depends on the api having pagination | 21:50 |
mnaser | (which the keystone api does not unfortunately) | 21:50 |
amotoki | mnaser: ah.. | 21:50 |
amotoki | mnaser: I think horizon supported pagination without API support previously but it seem it was dropped or does not work properly now.... | 21:51 |
amotoki | mnaser: the same thing happens in network related tables. | 21:51 |
mnaser | amotoki: thats a bummer, not sure what to do here | 21:52 |
amotoki | mnaser: if it is okay for you to retrieve all projects from keystone, you can filter project data in horizon server side. | 21:53 |
mnaser | amotoki: that would be nice, because retriving them all from keystone takes 0.6s | 21:53 |
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mnaser | so its not that bad of a hit | 21:53 |
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amotoki | mnaser: it seems keystone v3 API does not support pagination. right? | 21:57 |
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mnaser | amotoki: correct. for technical reasons (such as LDAP backends in use) | 21:58 |
amotoki | mnaser: I remember such discussion in pagination. | 21:58 |
mnaser | amotoki: http://eavesdrop.openstack.org/irclogs/%23openstack-keystone/latest.log.html#t2018-02-19T17:24:21 today i asked too :) | 21:58 |
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amotoki | mnaser: does the order of items change whenever loading data? | 22:00 |
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mnaser | amotoki: I believe that it does not | 22:45 |
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amotoki | mnaser: some quick hack http://paste.openstack.org/show/677901/ | 22:49 |
amotoki | at least it works in my side. | 22:49 |
amotoki | as of now, I have no plan to do more including proposing a patch to the master. | 22:50 |
amotoki | it assumes the order is not changed. for pagination it searches the project ID to determine the pagination range. | 22:51 |
mnaser | amotoki: if you want to push it, i will follow up by editing any changes needed and I’ll add myself as a co author to “clean it all up” | 22:51 |
amotoki | mnaser: feel free to push it. I don't mind if you push it based on it. I think there are more things to do. | 22:52 |
amotoki | for example, tenant_list and tenant_list_paged need to be merged. | 22:53 |
zigo | Gosh, there's no XStatic upgrade hell for this cycle, THANK YOU GUYS !!! | 22:54 |
zigo | Am I dreaming, or is there really no xstatic upgrade at all ? :) | 22:54 |
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amotoki | it is just because we are lazy enough :) | 22:56 |
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zigo | amotoki: I used to START by Horizon, because it used to be a lot of work, I'm happy I did it last for Queens ... :P | 22:57 |
zigo | Django 2 for Rocky ? | 22:58 |
zigo | :P | 22:58 |
zigo | amotoki: Do we have the config with .ini instead of python in this release? | 22:58 |
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amotoki | zigo: as you may notice, django-openstack-auth is retired, so you don't need to package it. | 22:59 |
amotoki | zigo: ini-based config did not land in Queens. | 22:59 |
zigo | amotoki: I know, I've added a Conflicts: in python-django-horizon, to ensure its removal. | 22:59 |
zigo | amotoki: What a shame ... :( | 22:59 |
amotoki | zigo: nice | 22:59 |
zigo | amotoki: What happened to the patch? I saw it was merged at some point... | 23:00 |
amotoki | it seems the author rdopiera had no enough time to work on it. | 23:00 |
zigo | :( | 23:00 |
zigo | That was *THE* feature I would have like to land. | 23:00 |
amotoki | zigo: it is the basic patch but there is no actual config definition in the tree. | 23:00 |
zigo | The local_setting.py is a nightmare. | 23:00 |
amotoki | local_settings.d doesn't work? | 23:01 |
zigo | The point is, there's python structures there. | 23:01 |
amotoki | how bad is it? | 23:01 |
zigo | VALS=$(grep '^[# \t]*ALLOWED_HOSTS[\t ]*=[ \t]*' $CONF | cut -d= -f2 | sed -e 's/ //g' -e 's|\[||g' -e 's|\]||g' -e "s|'||g" -e 's|"||g' -e 's|#||g') | 23:02 |
zigo | reading allowed_hosts in shell... | 23:02 |
amotoki | aga.... | 23:02 |
zigo | for i in $(echo ${RET} | sed -e 's/ //g' -e "s|'||g" -e 's|"||g' | tr , \\n) ; do | 23:02 |
zigo | ALLOWED_HOSTS="${ALLOWED_HOSTS} '${i}'," | 23:02 |
zigo | writing it ... | 23:02 |
amotoki | so it is not easy to replace existing values :( | 23:02 |
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amotoki | zigo: re: django 2, most team members wanted so though i tried to push it in queens. | 23:04 |
zigo | Is it there? | 23:04 |
zigo | Great ! | 23:04 |
amotoki | zigo: no. it is for rocky | 23:04 |
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zigo | Oh ... | 23:04 |
zigo | I just hope Debian maintainers for django wont push it too early. | 23:05 |
zigo | In fact, I know they wll. | 23:05 |
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amotoki | zigo: it is based on condiering django LTS and the debian release date is not clear when we discusssed it | 23:05 |
zigo | amotoki: Is there a working patch for Queens, that I could use? | 23:05 |
amotoki | zigo: https://review.openstack.org/#/q/project:openstack/horizon+branch:master+topic:bp/django2-support | 23:05 |
zigo | There's no "debian release date" to consider, I'm maintaining in Sid, so it's to be considered a rolling release for me | 23:06 |
amotoki | zigo: I rebased it a few days ago | 23:06 |
zigo | So probably, I should save it *NOW* that I can apply it to Queens ... | 23:06 |
zigo | Just in case ... | 23:06 |
zigo | amotoki: Do you have all of them collected into a single patch somewhere? | 23:06 |
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zigo | Or should I just apply one by one? | 23:07 |
amotoki | zigo: no i have such thing, but it is a single series of patches | 23:07 |
zigo | amotoki: How do I get the ordering? | 23:07 |
amotoki | zigo: so what you need to download is just https://review.openstack.org/#/c/528497/ | 23:07 |
amotoki | zigo: if you have horizon git repo locally, run "git review -d 528497" after git review -s | 23:08 |
zigo | amotoki: What I'll do for Queens is switch to Python3, is Horizon ready, even with the older DJango 1.11 ? | 23:08 |
zigo | Oh ok. | 23:08 |
zigo | Got ya. | 23:08 |
zigo | Thanks. | 23:08 |
amotoki | zigo: I haven't tested horizon with django 1.11 and py3.. | 23:09 |
amotoki | zigo: "Related Changes" at right-top of the gerrit page shows a series of patches. the order is same as 'git log'. | 23:10 |
zigo | Sure ! :) | 23:10 |
zigo | I did pushed series of patches myself. :P | 23:10 |
amotoki | :) | 23:11 |
zigo | amotoki: For Queens, I'm switching all Debian packages to Py3, so I thought I'd do it with Horizon. | 23:11 |
zigo | Let's see how it goes... | 23:11 |
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zigo | amotoki: There's a few hunk failing to apply to the stable release of horizon, unfortunately. | 23:23 |
zigo | Though not much. | 23:23 |
zigo | That's a huge patch ... | 23:23 |
zigo | Thanks for working on this. | 23:24 |
amotoki | zigo: yeah, there was a few merge conflicts when I rebased a few days ago, so it is expected. | 23:24 |
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amotoki | as a glance it seems horizon with py3.5 and django 1.11 works well | 23:26 |
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zigo | amotoki: Sid has Python 3.6. | 23:37 |
zigo | We're always in advance of Ubuntu and Fedora. | 23:37 |
zigo | So I get all the problems first, and solve them before they reach other distros... :P | 23:37 |
zigo | Anyway, sleep time, bye, thanks for the chat. | 23:38 |
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openstackgerrit | Akihiro Motoki proposed openstack/horizon master: Make create_mocks compatible with create_stubs https://review.openstack.org/545472 | 23:59 |
openstackgerrit | Akihiro Motoki proposed openstack/horizon master: Add assert_mock_multiple_calls_with_same_arguments test helper https://review.openstack.org/545529 | 23:59 |
openstackgerrit | Akihiro Motoki proposed openstack/horizon master: Convert project tests into mock: api_access/backups/overview/snapshots https://review.openstack.org/531728 | 23:59 |
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