Friday, 2016-02-05

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openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat-translator: Update code to use tosca-parser 0.4.0
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bobhspzala: hello02:03
openstackgerritBob Haddleton proposed openstack/heat-translator: Fixed an import test in the OSC tests, and re-enabled
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openstackgerritMathieu Velten proposed openstack/heat-translator: Map get_property to an actual property
openstackgerritMathieu Velten proposed openstack/heat-translator: Interpret get_artifact in inputs handling
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openstackgerritMathieu Velten proposed openstack/heat-translator: Merge interfaces between the node template, its type and its type hierarchy. Disable some tests which import URL from GitHub, this commit needs to reach the repo for those tests to be valid again. A following patch will re-enable them.
openstackgerritMathieu Velten proposed openstack/heat-translator: Merge interfaces between the node template, its type and its type hierarchy. Disable some tests which import URL from GitHub, this commit needs to reach the repo for those tests to be valid again. A following patch will re-enable them.
openstackgerritMathieu Velten proposed openstack/heat-translator: Enable tests disabled in previous patch
openstackgerritMathieu Velten proposed openstack/heat-translator: Merge interfaces between the node template, its type and its type hierarchy. Disable some tests which import URL from GitHub, this commit needs to reach the repo for those tests to be valid again. A following patch will re-enable them.
openstackgerritMathieu Velten proposed openstack/heat-translator: Enable tests disabled in previous patch
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tbhspzala, ping16:22
spzalatbh: Hi16:27
spzalatbh: did you get my email? :)16:28
spzalatbh: I need to run for a team meeting16:29
spzalatbh: I see your email on bug16:29
spzalatbh: thanks for taking ownership of it .. please shoot me email for any questions. I will be back in about an hour.16:30
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tbhspzala_, sure16:36
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openstackgerritbharaththiruveedula proposed openstack/heat-translator: Fix OSC tests issues
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tbhspzala, pushed the patch for that bug, waiting for jenkins result18:12
spzalatbh: awesome18:14
tbhspzala, :)18:14
spzalatbh: :-) thanks. I just looked at the patch, it might not fix it but let's see18:15
tbhspzala, I tested in my local setup18:15
bobhspzala: I tried that same patch last night - worked in my test environment but not in the gate - very strange18:15
spzalatbh: I had that fix in my local environment before I disabled osc tests18:15
tbhspzala, I see18:16
bobhspzala: wondering if there is a requirements issue, where something local is at a higher release than what is in the gate18:16
spzalabobh: tbh: hmmm, I could see the same errors as I see on Jenkins18:16
bobhspzala: tbh: that patch is definitely needed, but something else going on too18:16
spzalabobh: but we don't have anything higher than 0.4.0 that's what gate should be using too18:16
bobhspzala: I'm wondering if a different library is involved18:17
spzalabobh: tbh: well, I agree it's needed18:17
spzalabobh: it shouldn't18:17
tbhbobh, spzala  any logs?18:17
spzalabobh: nope, I couldn't get anything .. locally all I can see it's something with mocking stdout18:18
bobhtbh: just the failing tests - OSC is doing something different or pulling in something18:18
bobhspzala: tbh: interesting that the heat template version shows up as a datetime(2013, 05, 13) or whatever instead of the string18:19
bobhin the failues18:19
spzalabobh: tbh: no, I don't think so, I could see the translation side on OSC is as expected18:19
tbhbobh, yes I got the same error in local setup, as difference of both dicts18:19
spzalabobh: yes, and I think that's where something with the way command line output is handled.. my guess18:20
tbhbobh, with this patch, I got rid of this18:20
tbhbobh, spzala  need to check in gate18:20
spzalatbh: that's strange. I tried the fix you have but locally it's giving same errors as gate18:21
tbhspzala, I checked in this way18:22
tbhspzala, before this line
tbhspzala,  I added the self.assertEqual("", mock_stdout_yaml)18:22
tbhspzala,  it gave the hot with out "heat template version"18:23
spzalatbh: similar what I see is, self.cmd.take_action works fine18:23
tbhspzala, so I added that line18:23
tbhso it worked fine18:23
spzalatbh: but starting line #73 it's giving error18:23
tbhand other case is to change expected_msg, copied from bobh commit18:24
tbhspzala, oh18:24
spzalatbh: I see,18:24
spzalatbh: I didn't see the change you made on #7318:24
tbhspzala, I meant for debugging18:25
spzalatbh: I thought it was the csar change only you checked in18:25
tbhspzala, you can see the change in 73 line also18:25
spzalatbh: yup, I just noticed18:26
bobhhave to see what Jenkins says18:26
bobhpretty slow - 2+ hours?18:26
spzalatbh: that is the fix then18:27
tbhbobh, yes18:27
spzalatbh: I just tried locally with one test and it worked18:27
spzalatbh: bobh: I feel it's Jenkins gonna be happy18:27
tbhspzala,  I hope so18:27
tbhspzala,  any reason why jenkins is slow?18:28
spzalatbh: nope, no idea18:28
spzalatbh: besides it's Friday :-)18:28
tbhspzala, :D18:28
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spzalatbh: my local tox is happy now ..hopefully so should be Jenkins with you #73 change18:30
tbhspzala, jenkins is happy18:30
spzalatbh: yay18:31
spzalatbh: awesome18:31
tbhspzala, :)18:31
spzalabobh: it's working :-)18:31
bobhspzala: great!  on the the next bug :-)18:31
bobhon to the next bug18:32
spzalabobh: :-) :-) Yup cool18:32
spzalatbh: thanks again .. going to merge it18:32
spzalatbh: hopefully you will sleep well now :-) good night unless you aren't ready for sleep yet18:33
tbhspzala, hehe, not yet though18:33
spzalatbh: OK :)18:34
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openstackgerritMerged openstack/heat-translator: Fix OSC tests issues
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openstackgerritMathieu Velten proposed openstack/heat-translator: Merge interfaces between the node template, its type and its type hierarchy. Disable some tests which import URL from GitHub, this commit needs to reach the repo for those tests to be valid again. A following patch will re-enable them.
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