Friday, 2024-04-05

dansmithrosmaita: looking over the glance agenda I only see the one item for the image encryption discussion.. is that where we should also discuss the nova overlap?16:35
rosmaitadansmith: i think so, and cinder too17:17
dansmithmelwitt: ^ wednesday at 15:45UTC work for you?17:18
rosmaitadansmith: lmk how long the session will be and I'll put a placeholder on the cinder agenda17:22
dansmithrosmaita: 8 hours17:22
rosmaitaok, we have wednesday all planned out, then17:23
dansmithidk what to say for real.. at least an hour, I can see it going on and on, but an hour slot probably makes more sense than 30m17:28
dansmithwhat is currently proposed in glance doesn't really make sense to me as it sort of (admittedly) excludes the actual stuff nova and cinder need to do17:28
melwittyes that works for me17:28
rosmaitaok, hour sounds good17:35

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