Wednesday, 2023-10-25

*** pranali|afk is now known as pranali05:41
pranaliwe are starting with the next topic, "Improve process of restoring image to active state which is set as 'pending_delete'"14:18
pranaliincase anyone wants to join it..14:18
abhishekkdansmith, are you going to join us for, "Use mysql database for caching instead of sqlite" ? it will be around 15:30 utc14:20
dansmithabhishekk: yeah I was going to, but I thought it was earlier14:21
dansmithnova is about to break for a while, but let me see what the upcoming agenda is14:21
abhishekkwe can switch it if you want earlier14:21
dansmithhang on14:22
dansmithokay 15:30 should be okay, so don't move it14:25
abhishekkack, thanks14:36
*** pranali is now known as pranali|afk16:05

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