Wednesday, 2023-08-16

opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add Location Import task flow
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add new add location api
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add functional tests for new add-location API
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add new get location api
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Add api-ref for new location apis
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Bump Images API version to 2.17
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/python-glanceclient master: WIP Add support for new location APIs
pdeoredansmith, I've updated the client patch for new add location api & works for nova & cinder, could you please have a look
dansmithpdeore: I don't see a recheck on my nova test patch, do you have one of your own I should be looking at?13:44
dansmithor did you mean you just tested locally?13:44
pdeoredansmith, yeah i tested locally, but i will add recheck on your nova patch 13:45
dansmithI can do it13:45
mnaserdansmith: i know you were playing around with this for a while.. but how hard would it be to make changes to interop image import so that it uses a glance store rather than local disk?17:26
mnaserlike in a case where you have a giant ceph cluster connected to glance.. and you have glance-api running on a system with not a lot of resources..17:26
dansmithmnaser: not possible18:14
dansmithmnaser: import requires running commands against the file in staging18:15
dansmithit's the fundamental flaw in the design, IMHO, and why I made things like my format inspector work on the stream, so it works for upload and import18:15
mnaserdansmith: blargh, well i think i was approaching it from a rbd pov where it could be possible to do a bunch of things like qemu-img convert directly rbd..rbd18:16
dansmithmnaser: if you do a local host mount then it's the same of course18:16
dansmithmnaser: qemu-img does not, TMK, support working against a remote target like an rbd url or anything18:17
mnaserdansmith: it does, for rbd at least :D
dansmithoh okay well, that's news to me then18:18
dansmithmnaser: that example shows converting a file format from disk to rbd:// not rbd:// to rbd:// so I dunno if that would also work or not18:19
dansmith(or be terrible performance-wise)18:19
mnaserdansmith: i've done it in the past personally, it will have to 'passthrough' the qemu-img process of course18:20
mnaserso you've got to do read and writes18:20
mnaserbut then i guess the argument could be that we mount a big volume from ceph for every glance-api and use that instead18:20
dansmithright, but for the same reason that using qcow2 on rbd is slow, I would expect that conversion to also be slow18:20
dansmithyeah, so I guess if qemu-img can do this then we could special-case it for rbd, but I think there'd need to be substantial evidence that it's worth that trouble over just doing a host mount18:21
mnaseryeah im just thinking that will increase traffic a lot more cause we have to do a write of the whole thing the first time its streamed, then another full read and full write on the convert18:22
mnaserbut i guess if its a host mount then yeah its also gonna be a full read and write over the network if you dont have a lot of scratch disk space18:22
mnaserits an annoying problem to solve :<18:22
dansmithwell, that's how staging is supposed to work, so it'd really be a pretty big change if we somehow didn't do that18:24
dansmithunless you had a direct rbd import mechanism that took an rbd url or uuid and did the conversion from there to the destination,18:24
dansmithbut that's a lot of new stuff and rules that aren't there currently18:25
dansmitheven web-download grabs it locally and then pushes it to the destination store18:25

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