Wednesday, 2023-04-05

pranaliSDK/OSC team is ready to add someone from glance team to SDK/CLI core group, so that we can merged our OSC patches quickly13:12
pranaliAnyone from glance cores is interested for the same ? 13:13
pranaliabhishekk, rosmaita, croelandt, dansmith ^13:13
rosmaitapranali: i'm not not interested, but i feel like i haven't been spending enough time on glance, so someone else may be better13:18
pranalirosmaita, ack :)13:19
rosmaitabut i will do it if no one else steps up13:21
opendevreviewCyril Roelandt proposed openstack/glance-specs master: Add a script to prepare the next cycle
croelandtyeah I would help merge the CLI patches13:22
croelandtI think Mridula is doing most of the work there so she cannot be core at the same time13:22
croelandtI think I've also sent some patches to the OSC so I guess Stephen sorts of knows who I am :)13:23
croelandtpranali: ^13:23
rosmaitai nominate croelandt !13:23
pranalicroelandt, cool :D13:23
croelandtdamn this conversation13:24
croelandthalf the messages here, half the message on the amazing downstream chat app13:24
pranaliI will ask to abhishek as well for the same and will convey this to OSC team ..13:24

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