Tuesday, 2023-01-10

rajivHi, i am testing my qa lab on openstack zed release11:59
rajivbuild# is 25, while on yoga release it was 2412:00
rajivalembic version was an indicator but there is no change in zed release or post wallaby release.12:01
rajivdoes 2.16 show up only when image cache is used ?12:09
croelandtquickly looking at glance/api/versions.py, it seems so12:18
rajivcroelandt: its fine to upgrading prod with v2.15 ? do we enable image cache via config or set images to cache or queued ?12:43
rajivalso should something like glance-download show up ? along with glance-manage in Zed release ?12:44
croelandtI don't know if it's fine to upgrade, that probably depends on the processes you defined12:49
croelandtyou'd enable image cache through config, yes12:49
rajivi meant are there any other parameters or findings to check if my binaries are on zed ? example alembic version, api version, etc12:50
croelandtThere is no glance-download command is that's your question12:50
croelandtrajiv: to be fair I never do any sysadmin work :/ I'd test it outside of prod just to be sure :)12:51
rajivokay :) my rally, tempest and unit tests are green. I usually check these parameters before prod upgrade. Hence i asked 12:51
croelandtjokke_: ^ any input? :)12:52
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-opendevstatus- NOTICE: One of our CI job log storage providers appears to be having trouble with log uploads and retrievals. We are in the process of removing that provider from the pool.22:44

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