Wednesday, 2022-06-29

opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance-tempest-plugin master: Refactor rbac metadef tests structure
opendevreviewPierre-Samuel Le Stang proposed openstack/glance master: Implement glance-download internal plugin
opendevreviewPierre-Samuel Le Stang proposed openstack/glance master: Implement glance-download internal plugin
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance-tempest-plugin master: Refactor rbac metadef tests structure
abhishekkpslestang, I am sorry I missed the point earlier which I added in the latest patch set, but other than that I think the patch looks good14:46
pslestangabhishekk: no problem I updated accordingly your comments15:16
abhishekkpslestang, thank you!15:16
pslestangI just read you latest comment about throwing 400 code, let me check what we are doing15:17
pslestangabhishekk: it would be the first plugin where we check for parameter presence in body, and I expect that get_flow fails when trying to get the parameters which is not present in the body15:37
abhishekkno,if you see the controller import method you can see lots of validation is performed for import methods15:38
abhishekkthis is called as fail safe validation15:38
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opendevreviewMerged openstack/glance master: [APIImpact] Correct API response code for DELETE cache APIs

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