Thursday, 2022-04-07

*** bhagyashris_ is now known as bhagyashris05:52
whoami-rajathi #openstack-glance , rubasov is facing an issue related to cache -- I just double checked and the 'status must be available ...' error message is present only once in the logs, and then a few seconds later I have this: FileNotFoundError: [Errno 2] No such file or directory: '/opt/stack/data/glance/cache/incomplete/88d4a9ac-1529-4f3d-8b18-a9eef8a93155' -> '/opt/stack/data/glance/cache/88d4a9ac-1529-4f3d-8b18-a9eef8a93155'07:49
rubasovhi, at the moment I'm note sure if this error is independent or not from a previous error we were discussing in #openstack-cinder, please note that for me to reproduce that other error I have to manually clear an image from the glance cache, that may be related to this07:51
whoami-rajati guess that makes sense, glance is unable to create cache entry because the image create itself failed, but i will leave the RCA to glance experts07:56
aditiTStarted with the environment setup of devstack. It is now showing me this
*** timburke_ is now known as timburke12:57
abhishekkGlance Virtual PTG - Day 3 - 1400 UTC to 1700 UTC13:04
abhishekk#link cinder room
abhishekkWe will be joining cinder team for cross project discussion between 1600 to 1700 UTC13:04
abhishekkjokke_, croelandt, mrjoshi, pdeore__ cinder session about to start!15:58
kiwi_36<aditiT> "Started with the environment..." <- Hi aditiT:  what command did you run to give you this error?15:58
abhishekk#link cinder room

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