Monday, 2021-10-18

*** bhagyashris__ is now known as bhagyashris04:11
*** pdeore|afk is now known as pdeore07:04
rosmaitaabhishekk: has the glance session started? i am getting nothing in bluejeans (though it says there are 3 people connected)14:05
abhishekkrosmaita, we don't have anything today14:06
rosmaitaabhishekk: sorry, i misread the etherpad!14:06
rosmaitadarn, so that means i will miss everything except the cinder/glance sessions14:06
abhishekkI am just helping intern to understand how we connect 14:07
rosmaitaok, i have hung up14:07
abhishekksorry :D14:08
*** timburke_ is now known as timburke14:39
abhishekk@all, Reminder, Glance PTG, tomorrow 14:00 UTC17:03

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