Wednesday, 2021-07-07

*** abhishekk is now known as akekane|home05:26
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opendevreviewjinyuanliu proposed openstack/python-glanceclient master: Clean up extra spaces
*** bhagyashris is now known as bhagyashris|ruck13:59
croelandtabhishekk: Hey! Wanna talk about upstream bugs? I went through the open "security" bugs and I think you had a lot of metadefs-related bugs14:00
abhishekkcroelandt, yep14:01
abhishekkcroelandt, For now we had ossn-0088 for metadef related issues14:02
croelandtwas it ?14:03
croelandtoh no14:03
croelandtshould we have some kind of quota for this as well?14:03
abhishekkThere could be one more14:03
abhishekkNope at the moment no14:04
abhishekkBut I am really not sure how many people are using it14:04
abhishekksince most of the APIs don't have full client support14:04
croelandtbut it's still enough to create security holes14:05
croelandthow could we fix #1545702?14:06
abhishekkFor that we need to add quotas for metadefs 14:08
abhishekkThis we can take as enhancement in upcoming cycle14:08
croelandtyeah using the quota feature we just merged14:08
croelandtwe should probably list all Glance resources that might suffer from the same problem14:09
croelandtthere is at least namespaces and tags14:09
abhishekkBut as you know we are approaching milestone 2 which is also spec freeze for us14:10
abhishekkso after m2 we are not accepting new enhancements14:10
croelandtyeah we might just want to know that this should be done in the next cycle14:11
abhishekk100 %14:11
croelandtand that we'll have to 1) list abusable resources 2) add keystone quotas for them14:11
abhishekkI have plan for this :D14:11
croelandtoh ok14:11
croelandtCan't wait to hear about that :)14:11
abhishekkSurely will discuss once its confirmed14:11
croelandtok ok14:12
croelandtso wanna go over your other metadefs bugs?14:12
abhishekkYeah, I have listed them at the end of the etherpad14:13
abhishekkas well as reported 2 which are at line #90 and #9114:14
croelandtoh yeah I see14:14
croelandtso docs & client14:14
abhishekkI think last one needs to be fixed on priority as we are migrating metadef to use RBAC14:15
croelandton the "OSNN" front, had a patch about 2 years ago that was forgotten14:17
croelandtit might be nice to discuss whether that is a feature we are interested in, and if so, to revive the patch14:17
abhishekkI think we already have some fix about it in purge command of glance-manage utility14:18
abhishekkLet me check14:20
abhishekkI remember, I guess we have added separate command to purge images table14:21
abhishekkand traditional purge command will only purge data from other tables than images14:21
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croelandtoh I see14:24
croelandtgood, we can close the bug then :)14:24
abhishekkI think we are good to close that issue14:25
abhishekkCool, could you please add above details to bug and mark it fixed released?14:25
abhishekkI will move it out from the etherpad after that14:25
abhishekkI found another issue between :P14:26
croelandtyeah I will14:27
abhishekkcool, 14:28
abhishekkalso dansmith has replied to your comment on policy refactoring spec14:28
croelandtoh about compatibility14:29
croelandtoh yeah I see14:31
croelandtyeah I was confused a bit by what you meant exactly14:31
croelandtI'll take another pass at the spec14:32
abhishekkcool, I have also added this as topic to tomorrows discussion14:32
croelandtAre we good?14:34
abhishekkThank you :D14:34
croelandtThank *you*14:35
opendevreviewNobuto Murata proposed openstack/glance_store master: s3: Optimize WRITE_CHUNKSIZE to minimize an overhead
croelandtrosmaita: hey! you filed about a year ago. I think it is solved by 8027d907109b6b3c96623f9793aff752cec8ed12 , could you check that it does in fact solve your problem?17:47
rosmaitacroelandt: i guess that plus a34419aecdf3db58426fe8fb7e1849ebdff6a5f1 in glance_store18:35
rosmaitacroelandt: should probably put a note in the bug that instead of no longer populating the 'checksum' property, it will continue to be populated, but we recommend that image consumers use the secure multihash for validation purposes18:37
croelandtit does work in the ultra-secure environments whose name is currently escaping me, right?18:38
rosmaitai guess ... when i wrote the bug, it wasn't clear to me that upstream python was going to accept the 'usedforsecurity' flag idea, and might remove md5 from hashlib altogether18:39
rosmaitabut it looks like "fips mode" is a real thing18:40
croelandtoh maybe I could ask vstinner tomorrow18:40
croelandtdo we want to release an OSSN as per ?18:40
rosmaitanot sure18:41
rosmaitaalso, i wonder about some of the usedforsecurity=False in a34419aecdf3db58426fe8fb7e1849ebdff6a5f118:42
croelandtwhat worries you?18:44
rosmaitawell, the idea is that you can use the resulting os_hash_value to verify an image download, which seems to me like a security context18:48
croelandtIsn't there a security team that could help review this and make sure we did the right thing?18:56
rosmaitayeah, should probably ask the VMT18:57
rosmaitafungi: ^^18:58
fungigimme a moment to regain context from however long ago that was ;)18:59
rosmaitaprobably 2 years ago19:00
croelandtthe patches are not that old though :D19:02
fungiyeah, so the idea is to suggest to operators of deployments <=victoria that upgrading to >=ussuri will allow them to stop relying on questionably weak md5 checksums... does that still seem relevant to folks at this point?19:02
rosmaitayes ... i think the question we have at this point is
fungioh, i see from the ussuri release note that it was available back as far as rocky, we simply also provided md5 checksums for backwards compatibility19:05
rosmaitayeah, the idea was we would remove the md5 computation code and no longer populate that field19:05
rosmaitaso that we didn't have to worry if md5 was not available on a glance node19:06
rosmaitabut in the meantime, it looks like FIPS will allow md5 usage for non-security-contexts, so we don't have to worry about the algorithm not being available19:07
fungione minor nit, would it make sense to treat usedforsecurity as a kwarg when calling get_hasher(), so it's more clear what's being overridden there?19:10
rosmaitai agree, it's a bit obscure otherwise19:11
fungii had to go looking at the function definition to realize that's what was being passed19:11
fungiwhich, for something like "we're treating this as a non-sensitive context" is fairly opaque19:12
fungii feel like devs are at risk of just cargo-culting that without realizing what it says19:12
rosmaitathat is an excellent point, we should do a follow-up patch regardless of whether we need to change the value or not19:14
fungii also see i had ussuri and victoria backwards in my earlier comment here... need to relearn my alphabet apparently19:18
fungiso anyway, the new multihash field was made available as early as rocky, deprecation of the legacy (md5) checksum field happened shortly before ussuri. that field remains deprecated but is still being made available via usedforsecurity=false in wallaby19:23
rosmaitathe original plan was to stop populating it, but it looks like we can continue19:24
rosmaitaso the question now is just whether the usedforsecurity=False claims for the non-md5 algos throughout glance_store are correct19:24
fungii'm struggling to remember what exactly we wanted to convey to operators once glance no longer required an md5 implementation19:24
rosmaitayeah, i don't remember either19:25
rosmaitai think telling them about the "secure multihash" basically said it all, already19:25
fungibut yeah, auditing the usedforsecurity values is a good idea. probably important to consider both what those are meant to be used for and also what people might incorrectly assume they're safe to be relied on for19:26
rosmaitaand i guess, we need to stress that although the 'checksum' is md5, glance (and image consumers) don't need to rely on md5 for verification19:27
fungiand if the latter includes things which are security sensitive, maybe we need to figure out a way to make it more apparent what they should be using instead19:27
fungido clients still present that field in more recent releases?19:27
rosmaitai think so19:28
rosmaitamainly because legacy images won't have the alternative multihash19:28
fungiso probably 1. clients should either stop showing the old checksum field or make it clear they're not reliable, 2. the api docs need to clearly mark the checksum field in the responses as deprecated if it doesn't already19:29
fungimy concern at this point is end users thinking the checksum field is reliable, since they're unlikely to have ever seen the glance ussuri release notes19:31
rosmaitaglanceclient uses the multihash to validate a download, you have to explicitly request --allow-md5-fallback for it to use the checksum19:31
fungithat helps19:31
fungido commands like show provide the checksum by default or is it also hidden behind a non-default option now?19:32
rosmaitathis is what you see from the client:
rosmaitabut to answer your question, the checksum is displayed along with all the other image properties19:34
croelandtI think we might discuss this further at the end of tomorrow's meeting if we got time :)19:58
croelandtfungi: do you think it would make sense to release an OSSN once we are sure we did the right thing?19:58
fungicroelandt: if we can decide what we want to convey in it, sure. an ossn is essentially an appendix of the security guide, containing recommendations for configuration or operational practices20:00
fungiit's also fairly operator-focused20:00
fungiis there some particular action operators/deployers need to take in relation to this change?20:02
croelandtok so here it would be "maybe do not use --fallback-to-md5" for instance20:02
fungiwell, if the context help for that option already indicates it's not preferred20:04
fungiwhich it seems to20:04
fungithen that doesn't seem like as much of a risk20:04
fungiusers of glanceclient and osc are more likely to see the context help than an ossn published in various places they probably never pay attention to20:05
fungithe bigger risk might be more general reliance on the checksum field reported in the image properties, because it doesn't sound like that is hidden by default nor clearly identified as unreliable and deprecated20:07
fungiso it could constitute an attractive nuisance for users who don't understand why there are both a checksum and a multihash property20:08
croelandtso the OSSN could be clarifying that?20:09
fungimaybe, but even then it seems like the better route would be to improve the client(s) to make it apparent that value is unreliable20:09
fungisecurity notes, as i said, mostly target operators and deployers of clouds, not the end users, who are harder for us to reach with general broadcast communications20:10
fungiwhen it comes to users, it's better to just pad all the sharp edges so they don't cut themselves20:10
fungii'm also on the fence when it comes to making too much noise about eliminating md5 checksums. the primary risk with md5 is still chosen plaintext attacks, which basically rely on the attacker producing two items which happen to result in the same checksum, and substituting one for the other at some opportune moment. the  ways you could leverage that to nefarious ends with server images20:16
fungiuploaded to a cloud are few if any because it implies a situation where you trust the image but not the producer of the image20:16
fungionce someone figures out how to reliably execute a second preimage attack against md5, eliminating it will become more urgent20:18
fungithe main news here is "now you can use glance on fips mode systems" which is more of a regulatory compliance thing than actual operational security, truth be told20:20
croelandtokay, so maybe we should forget about the OSSN20:28
fungithe actual "risk" with these sorts of uses of md5 currently is that you risk people who don't know better thinking your software is insecure because they've been repeatedly been told "md5 bad"20:28
fungiso better to avoid it where possible (it's good future proofing anyway, for the eventual point where these uses of md5 actually becomes a genuine security risk), and hiding all the rest as best you can so you don't repeatedly have to answer questions from confused users who have been told md5 is unilaterally problematic20:30
* croelandt might be one of those users20:30
fungia good analogy is harvesting wild mushrooms. if you're educated about them you can identify which ones are tasty and which will kill you dead. but most people just avoid eating any mushrooms they find in the woods20:32
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Implement project personas for metadef namespaces
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Implement project personas for metadef resource-type and object
opendevreviewPranali Deore proposed openstack/glance master: Implement project personas for metadef property and tags APIs

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