Thursday, 2021-06-17

opendevreviewAbhishek Kekane proposed openstack/glance-specs master: Policy layer refactoring
*** akekane__ is now known as abhishekk08:04
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/glance master: WIP: Check get_image(s) in the API
abhishekkjokke_, rosmaita, dansmith, smcginnis glance weekly meeting in 10 minutes at #openstack-meeting13:48
dansmithabhishekk: the secure tests are failing on listing public images because of that default policy oversight I mentioned:
dansmithabhishekk: so I tweaked that in the latest WIP patch to see if those will work after,13:49
dansmithbut otherwise it's passing all those tests, which is surprising to me13:49
abhishekkdansmith, mocking could be the reason?13:50
dansmithmocking? those are all running against tempest13:50
dansmither, in tempest running against devstack13:51
dansmiththose tests fail because I'm now being strict about get_images policy, and we need this change:
dansmithwhich allows public images that you don't own13:52
abhishekkack, as we discussed day b413:52
abhishekkwill come back to it after meeting13:55
dansmithabhishekk: it was just FYI, didn't mean action was necessary :)13:55
abhishekkyep, I am still gathering myself together :D13:56
abhishekkrosmaita, are you joining?14:01
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opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/glance master: Reproduce bug #1932337
dansmithabhishekk: whoami-rajat ^15:52
dansmithfound that during the policy stuff, but also, we need to move that lazy migration away from the authorization layer15:53
dansmithit's weird to have it there anyway, but the policy refactor removes the authorization layer from the stack which also means we no longer do the migration15:53
dansmithbut I need to fix that bug first15:53
abhishekkdansmith, looking15:55
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/glance master: Reproduce bug #1932337
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/glance master: Fix failed cinder store migration for non-owners
dansmithabhishekk: whoami-rajat that'll need backporting ^15:59
dansmithand has to go in front of the policy stuff for sure15:59
abhishekkI guess you have used .elevated ?16:00
dansmithno, I think the better way is to just delay16:00
abhishekkMay be we need to update doc as well related to lazy migration16:01
abhishekk+ reno16:01
dansmithah, does the doc go into detail about this?16:02
abhishekkI think so16:02
abhishekklet me check16:02
dansmiththe policy pile gets even deeper :/16:02
dansmithnot deeper in patches so much as just.. it's a deep pile of s**t to dig out16:03
abhishekkNo detail about lazy loading in doc just a single line 16:06
abhishekkGET call for image will take additional time as we will perform the lazy loading16:06
abhishekkoperation to update legacy image location url to use new image location urls.16:06
dansmithso you want a reno for the master commit, or just the backport?16:06
abhishekkMaster will be good16:07
abhishekkWe need to record all efforts required for this policy work somewhere in the spec16:09
abhishekkline #27016:11
abhishekkyou need to get the image before this line, right?16:11
dansmithI did, on L 25916:12
dansmithsee the next patch?16:12
abhishekkSomething is wrong I guess16:13
abhishekkin PS 2 of same patch16:13
abhishekkline #269 to 271 is there by mistake?16:14
dansmiththe next patch removes the return after the bug is fixed to show that the rest of the test continues to work as expected16:15
dansmither, hmm, actually it shouldn't work without an extra get.. is that your point?16:15
dansmithhuh, yeah, okay not sure why it's passing now :D16:16
abhishekkstrange is not new for our tests :D16:17
dansmithI wonder if it's because that wrapper modifies the image itself,16:18
dansmithso it's returning it migrated, but just can't save it16:18
dansmithyep, that's what is happening16:19
dansmithso it runs _update_cinder_location_and_store() on the image, then tries to save it, the save fails, but we continue to use image for the API return value,16:19
dansmithso the user sees it as migrated, it's just not saved in the DB that way16:20
dansmithyou could argue that's good or bad I guess :)16:20
dansmithto prevent that we have to make a copy of the image in update_store_in_locations() which is kinda meh16:22
dansmithor refactor that more substantially16:22
abhishekklater I think16:28
dansmithso leave it as I have it here? I can put a comment detailing why that test continues to work, at least16:30
abhishekksounds good16:32
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/glance master: Reproduce bug #1932337
opendevreviewDan Smith proposed openstack/glance master: Fix failed cinder store migration for non-owners
*** akekane_ is now known as abhishekk16:44
* abhishekk facing frequent network issues16:45
* abhishekk signing out16:55

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