Tuesday, 2021-06-15

opendevreviewStreSS.t proposed openstack/glance_store master: Allow to check the expected volume status multiple times before throwing an exception.  https://review.opendev.org/c/openstack/glance_store/+/79274706:50
dansmithabhishekk: I'm around, so whenever you're ready...13:45
abhishekkjust give me 5 minutes13:45
rosmaitasomebody give me a reminder later to take a look at the quotas patches, please13:53
rosmaita(i just remembered that i forgot to look yesterday)13:53
abhishekkrosmaita, reminder :D14:52
rosmaitaabhishekk: ack14:52
* abhishekk dinner break15:34
*** ricolin_ is now known as ricolin16:26
*** ricolin_ is now known as ricolin17:32

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