Thursday, 2019-09-19

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openstackgerritAsmita Singh proposed openstack/glance_store master: Remove warning filter
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack/glance master: doc: Clean up unnecessary left vertical lines
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openstackgerritAkihiro Motoki proposed openstack/glance master: Fix DeprecationWarning: invalid escape sequence
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jokke_abhishekk: you around budyd?09:27
abhishekkjokke_, yes, I am09:27
jokke_cool ... the storage option registeration patch09:28
jokke_I'm missing something from Brian's response. So the reserved stores comes from config file, not from the codebase?09:29
abhishekknope, reserved_stores comes from codebase09:30
jokke_ok, and they com from glance_store or from glance?09:30
abhishekkthey came from glance_store09:31
jokke_ok, so my point was correct. If say Glare2 would use glance_store, they would have the same reserved stores, right?09:32
abhishekkwhat brian is saying that, if any other project wants to use glance_store and then need to keep some stores reserved then they can do so by passing the list of stores to the glance_store09:32
abhishekkso if glare want to use glance_store then they can define what stores they want to reserve by passing it to glance_store while initilizing it09:32
jokke_ok, so is there a reason why we are not doing that and instead hardcoding the list in glance_store?09:33
jokke_This really brings my hatred up about the fact that we made the glance_store "independent" lib ... it would be so much easier to deal with if it wasn't09:34
abhishekkI have hardcoded it earlier, but got review comments about what if we decide to change the reserved store names or what if we want additional store as a reserved09:34
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jokke_yeah, so that makes sense. It will register the option groups from glance_store ... we really should refactor that a bit and remove the reservations from glance_store and pass that list from Glance as well. More of a matter of being good citizens than that it would actually matter a lot09:38
jokke_now when we still have a chance for that before the glance 19 is being released09:38
abhishekkso you are saying we should register these options from glance instead registering the same in store?09:39
jokke_No I'm saying we should keep using that to register them from glance_store09:39
abhishekkjokke_, then we are doing it same at the moment09:40
abhishekkwe are passing reserved_store list from glance to glance_store09:40
jokke_we should remove the hardcoded reserved store IDs from glance_store and have glance passing that list to glance_store as any other consumer would09:40
jokke_but oyu just said they are hardcoded in glance_store, not in glance :P09:40
abhishekkNo, that was my bad09:41
jokke_now that makes much more sense09:41
jokke_so any idea why it didn't blow up already on sample config generation?09:42
jokke_because that has not merged yet so the store doesn't try to register them!09:43
abhishekkthat is because this patch is not merged yet09:43
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jokke_makes much more sense to me now09:44
abhishekkit was hard to find out the reason as functional tests suddenly started failing on the rethinking FS patch09:45
jokke_well nice catch09:46
abhishekkyeah, and the failure was always throwing parser error :D09:46
jokke_hmm-m waait09:49
jokke_let me see that Brian's patch09:50
abhishekkok, that will generate sample config file without issue09:50
jokke_Ok, what we really should do is to revert that patch, as none of that is utilized09:54
jokke_it really shouldn't be there09:54
abhishekkit should only used for adding those reserved store section in sample config files09:55
jokke_and then we should have that function which registers the reserved stores in the first place, register their config options as well so it's coming from single source and is easily traceable09:55
abhishekkin that case we need to do changes in glance_store, release it and then use it in glance09:56
jokke_'cause now in that sample config addition we're importing from glance_store._drivers.filesystem import _FILESYSTEM_CONFIGS as fs_cfg to hack it coming partally from glance and partially from glance_store09:57
jokke_so this was the part that really messed me up ... as we're doing this messed up thing where we're using just bigger hammer as every issue seems like a nail09:58
abhishekkso the other option is we should revert this sample config generation patch and document it properly so that operator should include reserved_store section in api.conf?09:59
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jokke_we should document that anyways as our sample config files are fecking mess and no-one will notice those from there even by accident. But we should have them there so peope knows what they are looking for10:00
abhishekkhow current store drivers options are getting added in sample config file?10:01
jokke_and hopefully the configgenerator will be smart enough to be able to process thos for me :P10:01
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jokke_they are defined in glance_store and pulled in from there10:01
jokke_now what I'm interested to see is how configgen will deal with it when they are dynamically registered10:02
jokke_'cause I'm literally adding a for loop into that register config function, that will iterate the reserved stores list and register their config options as well as the groups10:03
jokke_That way you can throw {"reserved store 1": "file", {"reserved store 2": "file", {"reserved store 3": "file",10:04
jokke_That way you can throw {"reserved store 1": "file", "reserved store 2": "file", "reserved store 3": "file",} or {"reserved store 1": "file", "reserved store 2": "file",} just when you're initializing glance_store and it will look for correct configs without any other changes10:05
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jokke_and without needing to hardcode any of those config options to either side10:06
abhishekkthat is what currently it is doing10:06
jokke_no it's not, with Brian's patch those config options are hardcoded in Glance10:06
abhishekkthe only problem is filesystem_store_datadir has default value of /var/lib/glance/images so all the reserved stores will get same data dir path10:07
abhishekkjokke_, yes10:07
jokke_so if we dynamically create the config options as well as their groups, we can avoid that10:08
abhishekkI guess I am not able to see the picture you are painting :D10:09
jokke_do you have time to hop on BJ?10:10
abhishekkI need to go back in 20 minutes10:11
abhishekklets hop on for 10-15 minutes10:11
jokke_that's fine ... lets take quick 10min one on mine10:11
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/glance master: Revert "Correct the deprecation messages of local dir config"
openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/glance master: Revert "Add reserved stores to the sample config file"
openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/glance_store master: Register reserved store configs
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openstackgerritErno Kuvaja proposed openstack/glance_store master: Register reserved store configs
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jokke_abhishekk: I think I got it and then when your rethink fs access merges I have plan how to include that to the sample configs :D12:38
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abhishekkjokke_, testing your patch12:39
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abhishekkit doesn't generates staging and tasks directories :(12:40
abhishekkfails with permission error on /var/lib/glance/os_glance_tasks_store12:41
abhishekksame for staging store12:41
jokke_so that's permission issue12:43
jokke_it tries12:44
jokke_which is good sign12:44
jokke_but it is able to create /var/lib/glance/images?12:45
abhishekkIf I change path to /opt/stack/data/glance then it's working12:46
abhishekkI am using devstack setup so it uses path of /opt/stack/data/glance12:46
jokke_ok, cool so that is just devstack thing12:46
abhishekkyes, I have made one change12:47
abhishekkwith your patch it is giving duplicate option error12:48
jokke_which means that we need to make devstack change before we can merge the rethinking fs access patch to add those into the devstack config ti give it correct paths12:48
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jokke_abhishekk: did you revert the two patches from glance my glance_store patch is depending on?12:49
abhishekkjokke_, I have commented those12:49
jokke_abhishekk: you need to apply & to glance12:49
abhishekkin your patch at line 130 you are adding reserved_stores to enabled_backends option12:50
abhishekkand then registering reserved store options using template, then going ahead in for loop of line #151 those options gets registered again12:51
jokke_abhishekk: to conf.enabled_backends not enabled_backends ... see the last revision12:51
abhishekkjokke_, even though I didn't apply those two patches and just commented out the changes it will work12:52
jokke_I found that hard way :D12:52
abhishekkI have just commented out 4 lines which were doing job of registration12:53
jokke_well yeah12:54
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jokke_if you do half of the patching manually it will work12:55
jokke_but if you apply those 3 patches (the two reverts to glance and that registering patch to glance_store) it should just work as well12:55
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jokke_at least it passes the tests and that part is actually well tested :D12:56
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jokke_and I'm working on glance/common/ that we can use to pull it all into the sample configs without needing to manually maintain it :P12:59
jokke_that will sit on top of your rethinking fs access patch13:00
abhishekkjokke_, your new patch is working fine13:03
abhishekkI have tried creating image via import13:03
abhishekkjust need to change the default path to /opt/stack/data/glance instead of /var/lib/glance13:04
jokke_that menas we can automate the maintenance of the reserved stores into sample configs \\o \o/ o// o/713:07
jokke_and it will work even if you add/remove/change the reserved store names without doing any other changes13:08
jokke_the logic is also pretty simple so if we want to start supporting, say ceph for reserved stores, we can just add condition for that in the register_store_opts and use rbd templating for those13:11
jokke_literally just need to check `if reserved_stores[key] == "file"` do what we do now `== "ceph"` use ceph config template13:13
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jokke_smcginnis already +2'd the reverts, if you abhishekk also agree on this approach, I'll just go and get the deprecations back in there and we add the reserved store stuff with/after your fs patch13:24
jokke_as they are the collateral for the revert13:25
abhishekkjokke_, looks good to me as well13:25
abhishekkIn addition we need to do store release as well13:25
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jokke_yeah, need to do 1.0.1 finally :P13:26
jokke_I'm very positively surprised it took us this long and was this small thing13:26
jokke_I was expecting something much bigger thinking how big the 1.0.0 was13:26
jokke_so well done13:26
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abhishekkjokke_, around?14:04
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rosmaitaso belmoreira, do you know what to do to revise your patch?15:00
abhishekkalso add train-backport-potential tag to your bug15:02
abhishekkback in a moment15:02
belmoreirayes, I will include this functionality when purging but preserving the data in images. Will need to have a look into it. As been a long time15:05
belmoreiraIn a different topic15:06
belmoreiraa talked already with jokke_ about!/story/2006561 and
openstackLaunchpad bug 1844298 in Glance Client "python-glanceclient doesn't implement find() method" [Undecided,New]15:07
belmoreirafor me this a high priority issue since it affects glance usability15:07
belmoreirahowever I'm clueless how to move this forward15:07
abhishekkbelmoreira, ideal way is when your patch doesn't get attention ping reviewers on the IRC channel or weekly meeting15:09
abhishekkwe are sorry that we didn't get attention towards this patch15:10
belmoreiraabhishekk ack15:11
abhishekkat this moment, if it is possible for you to modify your patch with the solution given by jokke_ and rosmaita then it will be good enough to have this in rc115:11
rosmaitabelmoreira: i think you just basically add your obfuscate code to the regular purge command15:12
belmoreiraabhishekk rosmaita yes, will try to do it asap. But probably will only have time by the beginning of next week.15:13
abhishekkrosmaita, I hope you are aware about the approach we are taking to fix the reserved stores config option problem15:14
abhishekkbelmoreira, anyhow rc1 will be released around end of next week15:14
rosmaitai saw some of the discussion, didn't think there was that big a change?15:15
rosmaitaor do i need to read back more carefully15:15
jokke_belmoreira: if it misses the release boat, as long as the impact is minimal outside of the necessary and the code is well contained, there is no problem backporting it15:15
rosmaitayeah, should be a pretty clean backport15:15
abhishekkrosmaita, no need, just to make sure you were aware of the change15:15
jokke_so you will have it in Train, stain, and I think Rocky at least once it's done15:16
rosmaitacool, sorry about that brainfart registering the sample config15:16
abhishekkso now we are registering these options in stores separately (thanks to jokke_ ) which can be used to get in sample config as well15:16
abhishekkrosmaita, no problem :D15:17
jokke_rosmaita: it was actually pretty good thing. It kind of surfaced a flaw that is nice to have fixed now15:17
jokke_makes maintenance in future easier15:17
rosmaitathat is good15:17
abhishekkjokke_, so are you going to propose deprecation patch differently?15:17
jokke_rosmaita: th deprecations are collateral on this so I will just propose them back in and put you in as co-author15:17
rosmaitathat's fine with me15:18
jokke_rosmaita: I think I figured out a way how we can have the configs registered automatically (and also being available for configgen) without need for anything else than changing the dict of reserved_stores15:19
jokke_So if we have new reserved stores in future, we don't need to manually do all that work to get them populated in the sample configs15:20
jokke_And it's not even absolutely horrible hack :D15:21
abhishekkI will approve those reverts once gates passes15:23
abhishekkalso jokke_ could you please have a look at location compatibility patch?15:23
jokke_don't hold your breath while waiting. We have stuff 7hrs in queue and not ran a single test yet15:23
abhishekkor we can have a look it together next week :D15:23
jokke_so maybe tmorrow morn15:24
abhishekksigning of for the day15:24
abhishekksee you guys soon \o/15:24
jokke_night o/~15:25
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