Thursday, 2016-09-01

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SridarK_yushiro: I was looking at that it seems osc_utils usage has some issues00:03
yushiroSridarK_: Thanks.  I confirmed that and I found these error are from 'test_network_trunk'00:06
yushiroI fixed Akihiro's utility patch but I forgot to fix network_trunk at that time.00:06
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yushiroI was rushed and I was lacking a little mental concentration.00:09
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yushiroI'll fix 'network_trunk' now.00:16
SridarK_yushiro: ok00:23
SridarK_yushiro: when i run it locally i was not able to pick up the osc_utils - it complained00:24
SridarK_can u also run locally in ur env to make sure00:24
yushiroSridarK_: 'run locally' means not UT but use devstack env?00:26
SridarK_no as UT00:26
SridarK_not devstack00:26
SridarK_may be u checked already00:26
yushiroSridarK_: Yes, I can run on my env but I'll  try to re-checkout.00:27
SridarK_ok great00:27
SridarK_njohnston: mfranc213:
SridarK_on the UT failure - seems like the the test fails as it is not in the ns as expected00:45
njohnstonSridarK_: If I pull the current version, does it have all the current fixes, or are there unstaged UT fixes yet?00:52
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SridarK_njohnston: i think mfranc213 got in the fixes00:53
SridarK_we still have this failure00:53
yushiroSridarK_: I updated python-neutronclient repos and checkout my patch [1]. Then, execute 'tox' and succeeded.00:59
SridarK_yushiro: ok good fingers crossed on Jenkins00:59
njohnstonall right, I figured it out01:21
njohnstonthe mock was bad01:22
njohnstonmock_get_namespaces.return_value = ri.ns_name was the problem01:24
njohnstonit needed to be01:24
njohnstonmock_get_namespaces.return_value = [ri.ns_name]01:24
njohnstonso all tests should pass now, but I am checking pep801:24
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njohnstonok, pushed another PS, there was a pep8 error01:26
njohnstonSridarK_: check it out01:26
SridarK_njohnston: ok01:27
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mfranc213njohnston: thank you02:05
mfranc213SridarK: thank you also02:05
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chandanc_yushiro, i tried to use the CLI but got the following error03:16
chandanc_ubuntu@devstack4:/opt/stack/python-neutronclient$ openstack firewall group list03:16
chandanc_WARNING: openstackclient.common.utils is deprecated and will be removed after Jun 2017. Please use osc_lib.utils03:16
chandanc_Exception raised: cannot import name utils03:16
chandanc_am i missing something ?03:17
yushirochandanc_: hmm, maybe you should install 'osc-lib' by pip03:17
yushiroHave you already tried it ?03:18
chandanc_thanks i will do that03:18
chandanc_just now03:18
chandanc_oh, hold on. the patch was pulled yday03:18
chandanc_will recheck with the latest patch03:18
yushiroYes. Jenkins got +1 version03:19
chandanc_ubuntu@devstack4:/opt/stack/python-neutronclient$ pip list |grep osc-lib03:21
chandanc_osc-lib (1.1.0)03:21
chandanc_I am using PS1203:22
chandanc_but sill getting the same issue03:22
yushiroYou cloned python-neutronclient and applied my latest patch and installed osc-lib, didn't you?03:23
chandanc_let me check my env, your code looks good03:25
yushiroPlease execute 'sudo python install' in your <path_to>/python-neutronclient/03:25
chandanc_Traceback (most recent call last):03:27
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/osc_lib/", line 135, in run03:27
chandanc_    ret_val = super(OpenStackShell, self).run(argv)03:27
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 267, in run03:27
chandanc_    result = self.run_subcommand(remainder)03:27
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/osc_lib/", line 180, in run_subcommand03:27
chandanc_    ret_value = super(OpenStackShell, self).run_subcommand(argv)03:27
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 350, in run_subcommand03:27
chandanc_    subcommand = self.command_manager.find_command(argv)03:27
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/cliff/", line 75, in find_command03:27
chandanc_    cmd_factory = cmd_ep.resolve()03:27
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/pkg_resources/", line 2255, in resolve03:27
chandanc_    module = __import__(self.module_name, fromlist=['__name__'], level=0)03:27
chandanc_  File "/opt/stack/python-neutronclient/neutronclient/osc/v2/fwaas/", line 21, in <module>03:27
chandanc_    from neutronclient.osc import utils as osc_utils03:27
chandanc_ImportError: cannot import name utils03:27
chandanc_openstack firewall group list --debug03:27
yushiroIs your python-neutronclient repository included following commits?03:28
yushiroMy patch depends on ^^^ commit.03:31
chandanc_oh ok03:31
SarathMekalayushiro : I have brought up my setup and am running UT for the CLI. I am also hitting same issue03:31
SarathMekalastack@bng-vhost218-scbg:/tmp/python-neutronclient$ python -m neutronclient.tests.unit.osc.v2.fwaas.test_firewallgroup.py03:31
SarathMekalaTests running...03:31
SarathMekalaERROR: unittest2.loader._FailedTest.test_firewallgroup03:31
SarathMekalaTraceback (most recent call last):03:31
SarathMekalaImportError: Failed to import test module: test_firewallgroup03:31
SarathMekalaTraceback (most recent call last):03:31
SarathMekala  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/unittest2/", line 172, in loadTestsFromName03:31
SarathMekala    module = __import__(module_name)03:31
SarathMekala  File "neutronclient/tests/unit/osc/v2/fwaas/", line 21, in <module>03:32
SarathMekala    from neutronclient.osc import utils as osc_utils03:32
SarathMekalaImportError: cannot import name utils03:32
yushiroSarathMekala and chandanc_: I recommend you should 'checkout' my patch not 'cherry-pick'.03:32
SarathMekalaI too dont see the commit 04053c5e30913b518e6cf92b060dd77f75ae88e7 in my git log03:32
yushiroIf you do 'checkout',  dependency commits are included.03:33
yushiroOn other way, you should cherry-pick 04053c5e30913b518e6cf92b060dd77f75ae88e7 and rebase.03:33
yushiroBoth ways are same result.03:33
chandanc_openstack firewall group list03:36
chandanc_WARNING: openstackclient.common.utils is deprecated and will be removed after Jun 2017. Please use osc_lib.utils03:36
chandanc_Row has incorrect number of values, (actual) 0!=4 (expected)03:36
chandanc_yushiro, now hitting this03:36
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yushiroRow has incorrect number of values, (actual) 0!=4 (expected)03:39
yushiroIs this an error msg?03:39
chandanc_similar for rule list03:39
chandanc_ubuntu@devstack4:/opt/stack/python-neutronclient$ openstack firewall rule list03:40
chandanc_WARNING: openstackclient.common.utils is deprecated and will be removed after Jun 2017. Please use osc_lib.utils03:40
chandanc_Row has incorrect number of values, (actual) 0!=3 (expected)03:40
yushiroThanks.  I'll find  some errors.03:41
chandanc_sure yushiro03:41
chandanc_I will be away for breakfast03:41
chandanc_catch you soon03:41
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SridarK_chandanc_: hi03:45
SridarK_yes i also ran into the osc utils issues - which yushiro clarified03:45
chandanc_Hello SridarK_03:45
chandanc_Ya, just gave the trace to yushiro03:46
SridarK_sorry just saw u are out for breakfast03:46
chandanc_basically running with --debug03:46
SridarK_let me also grab some dinner03:46
chandanc_not yet :)03:46
chandanc_will go03:46
SridarK_ok i will talk to u after :-)03:46
SridarK_i want to validate the agent ext patch03:47
SridarK_we ran into some issues with v1, which njohnston & mfranc213 fixed03:47
chandanc_will ping03:47
SridarK_yes talk in a bit03:47
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SarathMekalayushiro, after checking out the PS UT is running fine for the CLI in my dev env03:48
SarathMekalastack@bng-vhost218-scbg:/tmp/python-neutronclient$ tox -e py27 neutronclient.tests.unit.osc.v2.fwaas03:48
SarathMekalapy27 develop-inst-nodeps: /tmp/python-neutronclient03:48
SarathMekalapy27 installed: appdirs==1.4.0,Babel==2.3.4,cffi==1.7.0,cliff==2.2.0,cmd2==0.6.8,coverage==4.2,cryptography==1.5,debtcollector==1.8.0,docutils==0.12,enum34==1.1.6,extras==1.0.0,fasteners==0.14.1,fixtures==3.0.0,flake8==2.2.4,funcsigs==1.0.2,functools32==3.2.3.post2,hacking==0.10.2,idna==2.1,ipaddress==1.0.16,iso8601==0.1.11,Jinja2==2.8,jsonpatch==1.14,jsonpointer==1.10,jsonschema==2.5.1,keystoneauth1==2.12.1,linecache2==1.0.0,MarkupSafe==0.203:48
SarathMekala3,mccabe==0.2.1,mock==2.0.0,monotonic==1.2,mox3==0.18.0,msgpack-python==0.4.8,netaddr==0.7.18,netifaces==0.10.5,-e git+,openstacksdk==0.9.4,os-client-config==1.18.0,os-testr==0.7.0,osc-lib==1.1.0,oslo.concurrency==3.14.0,oslo.config==3.17.0,oslo.context==2.9.0,oslo.i18n==3.9.0,oslo.log==3.16.0,oslo.serialization==2.13.0,oslo.ut03:48
SarathMekalails==3.16.0,oslosphinx==4.7.0,oslotest==2.10.0,packaging==16.7,paramiko==2.0.2,Parsley==1.3,pbr==1.10.0,pep8==1.5.7,positional==1.1.1,prettytable==0.7.2,pyasn1==0.1.9,pycparser==2.14,pyflakes==0.8.1,Pygments==2.1.3,pyinotify==0.9.6,pyOpenSSL==16.1.0,pyparsing==2.1.8,python-cinderclient==1.8.0,python-dateutil==2.5.3,python-glanceclient==2.5.0,python-keystoneclient==3.5.0,python-mimeparse==1.5.2,-e git+
SarathMekalapy27 runtests: PYTHONHASHSEED='3713653351'03:48
SarathMekalapy27 runtests: commands[0] | sh -c find . -type d -name '.?*' -prune -o  \( -type d -name '__pycache__' -o -type f -name '*.py[co]' \) -print0 | xargs -0 rm -rf03:48
SarathMekalapy27 runtests: commands[1] | python testr --testr-args=neutronclient.tests.unit.osc.v2.fwaas03:48
SarathMekalarunning testr03:48
SarathMekalarunning=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./neutronclient/tests/unit} --list03:48
SarathMekalarunning=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./neutronclient/tests/unit}  --load-list /tmp/tmpy5QsZj03:48
SarathMekalarunning=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./neutronclient/tests/unit}  --load-list /tmp/tmpxnERXw03:48
SarathMekalarunning=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./neutronclient/tests/unit}  --load-list /tmp/tmp_P2lUq03:49
SarathMekalarunning=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./neutronclient/tests/unit}  --load-list /tmp/tmpn0IPrA03:49
SarathMekalarunning=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./neutronclient/tests/unit}  --load-list /tmp/tmpLMhEon03:49
SarathMekalarunning=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./neutronclient/tests/unit}  --load-list /tmp/tmpcbksxJ03:49
SarathMekalarunning=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./neutronclient/tests/unit}  --load-list /tmp/tmp5RzeK_03:49
SarathMekalarunning=OS_STDOUT_CAPTURE=1 OS_STDERR_CAPTURE=1 ${PYTHON:-python} -m discover -t ./ ${OS_TEST_PATH:-./neutronclient/tests/unit}  --load-list /tmp/tmp7S99HQ03:49
SarathMekalaRan 72 tests in 1.038s (-0.794s)03:49
SarathMekalaPASSED (id=5)03:49
SarathMekala____________________________________________________________________________________________ summary ____________________________________________________________________________________________03:49
SarathMekala  py27: commands succeeded03:49
SarathMekala  congratulations :)03:49
SarathMekalayushiro, is there any way to get the names of the test cases taht got executed?03:49
yushiroSarathMekala: Sorry. Would you use  ?03:50
yushiroif you want to specify some method, you should execute as follows:03:50
yushiro./.tox/py35/bin/python -m unittest neutronclient.tests.unit.osc.v2.fwaas.test_firewallgroup03:51
yushirotox -e py35  neutronclient.tests.unit.osc.v2.fwaas.test_firewallgroup03:51
yushiro'python' command is faster than 'tox' but 'tox' smiles :)03:53
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chandanc_Hello SridarK_04:25
yushirochandanc_: my devstack env cannot control fwaas v2 resources via 'openstack' command...04:29
yushirochandanc_: Therefore, I re-build devstack.04:29
yushirochandanc_: Is there any additional conf in local.conf ?04:30
chandanc_let me share my local.fonf04:30
chandanc_hold on04:30
yushiroplease paste
chandanc_the devstack doesnot bringup fwaas_v204:30
chandanc_i have configured neutron with the service plugin and agent side config manually04:31
chandanc_in neutron.conf service_plugins = firewall_v2,
yushiroOK. thanks.04:34
chandanc_the l3 agent config04:36
chandanc_SridarK_, ping04:36
yushiroThanks, chandanc_04:37
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chandanc_yushiro, do you think the error i got in CLI is due to my devstack environment ? or is there some issue in the code ?04:45
yushiroI think code has some issue.04:46
chandanc_ok, I will wait for next PS04:47
yushiroHove you tried 'create' method?04:47
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chandanc_no haven't04:53
chandanc_let me try that04:53
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chandanc_(client) ubuntu@devstack4:~/WA/venv/client/src/python-neutronclient-orig$ openstack firewall rule create --destination-ip-address --destination-port 80 --action allow05:04
chandanc_WARNING: openstackclient.common.utils is deprecated and will be removed after Jun 2017. Please use osc_lib.utils05:04
chandanc_'Namespace' object has no attribute 'public'05:04
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SridarK_chandanc_: hi05:31
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yushiroping njohnston05:48
yushiroThanks for your comment policy.json05:49
yushiroAs armax says, we should close own repository for policy.json05:49
AndChat596400Sridark sorry I came out of office for some work05:49
AndChat596400On mobile05:50
AndChat596400Plz send me a mail05:50
SarathMekalayushiro, I did not understand what armax said05:52
yushiroSarathMekala: I think fwaas policy definition should be managed into neutron-fwaas repository.05:53
SarathMekaladoes he mean that the policy.json should be inside fwaas05:53
SarathMekalaso will fwaas attributes get injected into /ect/policy.json05:54
yushirobut, as njohnston says, there is no feature to merge definition with neutron's policy.json.05:54
SarathMekalaor is there any extension mechanism :)05:55
yushiroSarathMekala, Yes, in the future, we should remove policy definitions for fwaas and re-define into own repository.05:55
SarathMekalaok.. but how do they get used...05:56
SarathMekalaafter separation05:56
SarathMekalaits an area to think through i think05:57
yushiroAs you said, we need some extension mechanism.05:58
SarathMekalaok.. sound good :)05:59
yushiroI built devstack and tried to use CLI.06:02
yushirofirewall group create succeeded but list dosn't work.06:02
yushiroI'll investigate more.06:02
AndChat596400Thanks yushiro06:05
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yushirochandanc_,: I found the issue.  I'll fixing now.06:38
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AndChat596400Cool yushiro07:10
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yushiroHi, I'm fixing CLI patch and I found issue for pluginv2 - firewall-rule08:14
yushiroWhen updating firewall_rule, following error occurred.08:14
yushiroTRACE neutron.api.v2.resource KeyError: 'firewall_policy_id'08:15
SridarK_yushiro: ok yes that is a bug, i have a bug opened to fix add some ut and fix some issues around rules08:28
SridarK_i will track this08:28
yushiroSridarK_: I see. thanks.08:29
SridarK_yushiro: i think u can continue and let this not stop the CLI08:29
yushiroYes, still continue. and thanks for your e-mail to armax08:30
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chandanc_Sorry guys08:49
chandanc_I am back08:49
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SridarK_ah chandanc_09:02
SridarK_ok just sent an email09:02
chandanc_Sorry SridarK_09:02
SridarK_oh pls no worries09:02
SridarK_quick call ?09:02
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njohnstonOK, we need to land 355576 ASAP:
njohnstonGood morning, by the way. :-)10:44
chandanc_working on it10:45
njohnstonchandanc_: thanks!10:48
njohnstonyushiro: How goes - I asw Akihiro had some feedback?10:49
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yushironjohnston: Yes, I asked him to review and got some comments.  I'm now reflecting.10:51
chandanc_njohnston, I will have to leave for home now, office cab10:51
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chandanc_i am having trouble bringing up the l3 agent with v110:52
chandanc_Can you also look in parallel10:52
chandanc_i will login back in an hour10:53
njohnstonsure thing10:53
chandanc_thanks njohnston10:53
njohnstonyushiro: When amotoki said, "yushiro: I think you don't need to hurry. the feature is not targeted to Newton." was he saying that he thinks FWaaS v2 is not targeted for Newton?10:57
yushironjohnston: I don't believe it but he does.  I strongly work to integrate fwaasv2 in Newton.10:59
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yushironjohnston: thanks for your follow.11:28
njohnstonSure thing.  More communication is always better.11:28
yushiroI'd like to communicate more easily in English..11:29
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yushiroI'm practicing English web training.  I hope I can talk to you more smart at the Summit(If I can go there)11:30
njohnstonI think your English is quite nice. :-)11:34
yushiroThanks. It is very confortable for me to talk to FWaaS members.11:35
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chandanc_njohnston, i am still on the way, but after the entrypoints are configured the l3 agent load is failing due to difference in the extension class
njohnstonchandanc_: Thanks!  I will make those changes and update the patch.11:43
chandanc_sure, I think you have a better handle of the agent side.11:44
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njohnstonFor some reason, my devstack doesn't seem to want to find the v1 plugin; I am getting "ImportError: Plugin 'firewall' not found." and my usual tricks don't seem to be working12:15
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njohnstonyushiro SridarK_ xgerman: request for reviews on
yushironjohnston: sure. I'll check it now.12:41
yushirook, LGTM12:44
yushiroThank you for update.12:45
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mfranc213unfortunately i am traveling today and tomorrow.  i will be away from keyboard most of the time.13:04
SridarK_Hi all13:05
SridarK_njohnston: looks like 362342 is in13:06
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SridarK_chandanc_: hi13:20
chandanc_hello SridarK_13:20
njohnstonback online from my office13:20
chandanc_still working13:20
SridarK_njohnston: hi13:20
njohnstonSridarK_: hi!13:22
chandanc_SridarK_, njohnston I am now stuck at tenent/project_id issue, looks like the l3 ext expects project_id but v1 plugin return tenant_id13:23
SridarK_oh boy13:23
SridarK_i thought we can still use them interchangeably13:24
chandanc_no the l3 ext framework expects project_id13:25
chandanc_ 50     def get_routers_in_project(self, project_id):13:25
chandanc_ 51         """Given a project_id, return a list of routers that are all in13:25
chandanc_ 52         the given project.  Returns empty list if the project_id provided13:25
chandanc_ 53         doesn't evaluate to True.13:25
chandanc_ 54         """13:25
chandanc_ 55         if project_id:13:25
chandanc_ 56             return [ri for ri in self._router_info.values()13:25
chandanc_ 57                     if ri.router['project_id'] == project_id]13:25
chandanc_we cannot change that, so we have to probably change v1 plugin ?13:26
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SridarK_but the v2 plugin also uses tenant_id13:28
SridarK_so i am a bit confused13:29
chandanc_let me do one test and get back13:29
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SridarK_njohnston: in L#48, should that be fwaas = ....13:36
SridarK_as in l3_agent.ini we are setting extensions = fwaas13:37
njohnstonok, so that should say fwaas and fwaas_v2 instead of firewall and firewall_v2 there?13:38
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SridarK_njohnston: yes that is fine too, chandanc_: pls comment as well13:39
SridarK_i think we need to match up on the l3_agent.ini and what we set here13:39
njohnstonchange to setup.cfg pushed13:40
chandanc_yes we can use fwaas for v113:40
chandanc_yes it has to matchup the ext name we use in the l3 ini file13:41
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chandanc_getting ready to push a change in 10 mins13:47
njohnstonchandanc_: Sounds good, be sure to rebase on master13:48
chandanc_thanks, you saved me aPS13:49
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SridarK_chandanc_: did u track down the issue ?13:54
chandanc_SridarK_, yes i did13:58
chandanc_but first i need help with the devstack patch13:58
SridarK_oh ?13:58
chandanc_can you send me again13:58
chandanc_i seem to have lost it somehow13:59
SridarK_i think njohnston already got that13:59
chandanc_ok then pushing13:59
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xgermanare you guys all set?14:05
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SridarK_xgerman: hi14:07
SridarK_gettting there we just want to be sure fwaas v1 is default and not broken14:07
chandanc_Hello SridarK_ , njohnston14:07
SridarK_chandanc_: yes how does it look, did not want to keep bothering u until the PS got pushed14:08
chandanc_i pushed in the patch, the l3 ext for v1 seems to load without issue14:08
xgermanSridarK_ sounds good14:08
SridarK_ok that is good14:09
SridarK_were u able to do a tempest run ?14:09
chandanc_there was a issue with the l3 ext framework14:09
chandanc_SridarK_, no was not able to14:09
SridarK_ok no i understand14:10
SridarK_only now we have it loading14:10
chandanc_some issues with the ext class14:11
chandanc_one question14:12
chandanc_the the l3.ext name is fwaas and fwaas_v2 right ?14:12
chandanc_this is what will go in to the l3 Agent ini14:13
SridarK_hmm what we set in setup.cfg14:13
SridarK_let me check14:13
chandanc_and the same need to be used in the l3 .ini14:13
chandanc_where we call the plugin as firewall and firewall_v214:14
SridarK_ - what goes to l3_agent.ini14:14
chandanc_this is waht goes in neutron.conf14:14
SridarK_no not neutron.conf14:14
chandanc_i think we are on same page :)14:14
SridarK_iniset_multiline $Q_L3_CONF_FILE AGENT extension fwaas14:14
SridarK_ah ok14:14
SridarK_fwaas and fwaas_v214:15
chandanc_but what is firewall_v2 commented out ?14:15
SridarK_no look at PS36, njohnston has changed it14:16
njohnstonI don't see that in
SridarK_ok so now all pls pray hard14:16
chandanc_sorry was on 3314:16
njohnstonOK, so what are the pending issues before we can merge 355576?  Is it just jenkins?14:17
SridarK_i am hoping so14:17
chandanc_i could not run tempest14:17
SridarK_chandanc_: can we do a quick test14:17
SridarK_we can get on a call too14:17
SridarK_we can try to flush out any issues quickly and try to have a PS that has Jenkins passing and tempest also passing14:18
SridarK_njohnston: the UT fail is also ok ?14:18
njohnstonyushiro: Do you need any assistance with ?14:45
yushironjohnston: thanks but currently is OK. I'll push next PS 1 hour later.  So, please try to use in devstack env.14:47
njohnstonyushiro: Here is the new way to have policy.json changes - please take a look:
njohnstonwhen you have a moment, the client takes precedence14:48
yushironjohnston: wow! we can use policy.d .14:48
yushirothat's sounds good.14:49
njohnstonAnd I can see in devstack, in the devstack/ repo, where it gets appended to the main policy.json14:49
yushironjohnston: perfect.  BTW, do you know how we should test with policy.d ?14:50
yushiros/how we should test/how to test14:51
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njohnstonfunctionally, stacka  devstack and make sure that the resulting /etc/neutron/policy.json includes the fwaas entries14:53
yushirowell, in devstack,  I think it makes sense.  However, we'll add 'public' attribute and try to verify policy check when creating public resource or updating public resource.14:57
yushiroPlease let me check about 'testing'14:58
yushiroI understand fwaas policy will be integrated automatically regarding devstack :)14:59
njohnstonSridarK_: You are correct, the tempest tests are failing :-[15:05
SridarK_njohnston: ok i think once we have a handle on this rpc issue we shd be good15:05
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njohnstonyushiro: How is the client patch going?  I think python-neutronclient will release soon, based on the discussion I am seeing in #openstack-release15:47
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yushiroYes.  last 1 Ut!15:48
yushiro1 test is failure.15:48
yushiroother is OK.15:48
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njohnstonbrb grabbing lunch15:58
njohnstonchandanc_ and SridarK_: How are thing going with the RPC debugging?16:02
chandanc_we had a problem with the db, had to restack16:03
chandanc_njohnston, i think the devstack settings file is pointing to v2 plugin by default16:05
njohnstonI see, it is; should that say 'fwaas' instead?16:05
chandanc_no firewall16:06
njohnstonany other changes that need to be made?16:06
chandanc_i just realized after ther restack16:06
njohnstonchange pushed16:06
njohnstonSo while N-3 closes today, that doesn't mean that Newton is totally cut. If we have bugs to fix, they can get fixed during the Newton RC-1 timeframe16:08
SridarK_njohnston: chandanc_: back16:08
chandanc_i was just starting16:09
SridarK_ok give me 5 mins - i will get back on the call16:09
njohnstonI think we need to look at things with that perspective16:09
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SridarK_njohnston: ok i agree on that16:15
SridarK_lets discuss this more16:15
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yushiroOK finished!16:29
yushiroI' ll push it now.16:29
njohnstonyushiro: excellent!16:29
njohnstonyushiro: I haven't seen the push yet...16:39
yushironjohnston: sorry. I'll be late. I forgot writing releasenote..16:39
yushiroI just updated.16:39
yushiroSorry njohnston, I'm not sure about releasenote because of my thin English skill :(16:40
yushiroPlease take a look..16:40
njohnstonDid you do 'git review'?  I didn't see a message that it was pushed.16:40
njohnstonperhaps my IRC is lagged16:41
yushirome too. that's strange.  However the patch is definitely updated.16:41
yushiroAnyway, I updated PS1316:42
njohnstonThanks!  Is Akihiro still around to review, do you know?16:43
njohnstonOh, I didn't see that your change depends on another change -
njohnstonso we would need to get both reviewed in order to get yours merged16:45
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yushironjohnston: 2 hours ago, Akihiro asked me how to build devstack with fwaasv2.16:48
yushironjohnston: Maybe he will review fwaasv2. I hope so.16:49
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yushiroI tested on my devstack with my PS(CLI)16:52
yushiroCRUD can work.16:52
yushiroOK, please take a look...  I'll go home now.16:54
yushiroThanks for your awesome follow!!! also SridarK_  chandanc_ Sarath xgerman  and mfranc213 !!16:54
yushiroalso paddu!16:54
yushirosee you tomorrow(today)16:55
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njohnstonYushiro's patch for a -1, I am wondering if we should take a stab at fixing the issues since he is offline17:56
njohnston13:56:18 <#openstack-neutron> ihrachys armax: should we approach fwaas folks to tell them their OSC pieces not going in newton?17:56
xgermanwell, CLI stuff always needs to hit way BEFORE the rest18:19
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njohnstonsad but true18:38
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SridarK_njohnston: hope Jenkins is still keeping us hopeful18:41
njohnstonSridarK_: tempest tests are all passing, just very slowly18:41
SridarK_ah ok sigh18:42
SridarK_dang that super call - really took us out - sometimes the symptoms dont quite give us a clue on the right direction18:46
njohnstontempest tests passwd18:46
njohnstonxgerman SridarK_: Please review, Jenkins has reported in18:48
njohnstonBy the way, I think we should make the tempest job voting again18:48
njohnstonnot right now, but soon18:49
njohnstonthat would have helped me find the super() issue sooner18:49
njohnstonI might potentially have found ti during the course of development because I would not have been able to ignore it18:49
SridarK_dang armax just sent an email out18:49
SridarK_lets talk to him18:50
njohnstonOK, looks like it is approved18:53
SridarK_njohnston: can u join in on neutron18:56
njohnstonOh thank goodness, it merged18:58
njohnston14:58:30 openstackgerrit Merged openstack/neutron-fwaas: FWaaS v2 utilize L3 Agent Extension framework
SridarK_njohnston: oh boy that was like an Indiana Jones movie19:01
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njohnston|carHeading home to chill out and relax. Tomorrow I'll start on updates to the networking guide.19:14
SridarK_njohnston|car: ok well deserved - we can start pulling things in for that, will continue to test19:17
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