Monday, 2016-08-29

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SridarKyushiro: ping03:33
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yushiroSridarK: pong03:58
yushirosorry for late03:58
yushiroI'm still trying to resolve l2-agent extension.04:00
yushirochandanc_ has already sent for us about it.04:01
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chandanc_hello yushiro04:21
yushirochandanc_: Hi.04:21
yushirochandanc_: First of all, thanks for your e-mail.04:21
chandanc_So what is the process to integrate the L2 extension ?04:21
chandanc_Is there any step i missed out in the mail ?04:22
yushirochandanc_: well, I think your config is enough.04:22
chandanc_oh ok04:22
chandanc_Are you looking into the issue ?04:22
yushiroHowever, I still cannot load 'fwaas' as l2-agent extension.04:22
chandanc_If you need any help, let me know04:22
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chandanc_yes same here04:23
chandanc_I will let you debug that, will try the CLI patch04:23
chandanc_for l304:23
yushirochandanc_: IMO, current 'neutron side' doesn't have a feature to load another repositories module for l2-agent extension.04:23
chandanc_but the module loading is handled by stevedore, and should not be based on projects04:25
yushirochandanc_: I think so, but stevedore try to find ''04:26
yushiroin neutron repository.04:26
chandanc_do you see any error mesg ?04:26
yushiroI added some print msg in stevedore and pkg_resource and found them.04:27
yushiroex. in qos l2 extensions driver04:27
chandanc_for me even qos didnot lead04:28
yushiro{'module_name': 'neutron.agent.l2.extensions.qos', 'extras': (), 'dist': neutron 9.0.0.  0b3.dev479 (/opt/stack/neutron), 'name': 'qos', 'attrs': ('QosAgentExtension',)}04:32
yushirodef _load_one_plugin at stevedore/ +18404:33
yushiroin this case, the point is that 'dist' is (/opt/stack/neutron)04:34
yushirofinally, qos extension is loaded as follows:04:35
yushiromodule 'neutron.agent.l2.extensions.qos' from '/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/agent/l2/extensions/qos.pyc'04:35
yushiroOn the other hand, in case of 'fwaas':04:35
yushiroconstraint: a definition has configured -- fwaas =
yushiroIn this case, {'module_name': '', 'extras': (), 'dist': neutron (/opt/stack/neutron), 'name': 'fwaas', 'attrs': ('FWaaSV2AgentExtension',)}04:36
chandanc_so you mean the entrypoint should be in the neutron-fwaas module ?04:37
yushiroYes, but your definition has already specified neutron-fwaas.04:38
yushirofwaas =
chandanc_but i have put it in /etc/neutron/plugins/ml2/ml2_conf.ini04:38
chandanc_neutron.egg-info/entry_points.txt file04:39
chandanc_should we put it in neutron_fwaas.egg-info/entry_points.txt04:39
yushiroI think entry_point.txt is automatically generated.  Therefore, you should edit setup.cfg.04:40
yushiroAfter editted setup.cfg, then execute 'python install'.  So, entry_points.txt has automatically updated.04:41
chandanc_let me try04:41
yushiroanyway, the result is same as you.04:41
yushiroThe difference is only 'procedure'.04:42
yushiroSorry for my English.. It is difficult to say...  I'd like to use whiteboard and pen :)04:43
chandanc_no issues04:44
chandanc_One thing i noticed is that there is a traceback when i restart the l2 agent04:44
chandanc_I think there is some problem with ryu controller restart04:45
chandanc_hope this exception does not, stop extension loading04:45
yushiroyou mean 'restart the l2 agent' is 'restart q-agt'?04:45
chandanc_yushiro, how are you making sure that the extensions are loaded04:45
chandanc_ctrl+c and start again04:46
yushiroI checked log message.  you can check with 'grep -r -e "Loaded\sagent\sextensions" /opt/stack/logs/q-agt*'04:46
chandanc_let me try that04:47
yushirofor debugging, I set 'extensions=qos,fwaas' in ml2_conf.init04:47
chandanc_are you on the latest devstack ?04:48
chandanc_me too04:48
yushiroNot latest but 3 days ago.04:48
chandanc_this is the exception i get when restarting l2 agent04:48
chandanc_2016-08-29 04:29:08.912 ERROR ryu.lib.hub [-] hub: uncaught exception: Traceback (most recent call last):04:48
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ryu/lib/", line 54, in _launch04:48
chandanc_    return func(*args, **kwargs)04:48
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ryu/controller/", line 97, in __call__04:48
chandanc_    self.ofp_ssl_listen_port)04:48
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ryu/controller/", line 120, in server_loop04:48
chandanc_    datapath_connection_factory)04:48
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/ryu/lib/", line 117, in __init__04:48
chandanc_    self.server = eventlet.listen(listen_info)04:48
chandanc_  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/eventlet/", line 43, in listen04:48
chandanc_    sock.bind(addr)04:49
chandanc_  File "/usr/lib/python2.7/", line 224, in meth04:49
chandanc_    return getattr(self._sock,name)(*args)04:49
chandanc_error: [Errno 98] Address already in use04:49
chandanc_ubuntu@devstack4:~/devstack$ pip list|grep ryu04:49
chandanc_ryu (4.5)04:49
yushirohmm, I think it's another error.04:49
chandanc_do you have ryu installed ?04:49
chandanc_ubuntu@devstack4:~/devstack$ pip list|grep ryu04:49
chandanc_ryu (4.5)04:49
yushiroI found same version of ryu04:50
chandanc_hmm, then something is wrong on my devstack04:50
yushiroYou can use  for trace or some log messages :)04:50
chandanc_sure :)04:52
yushiromy local.conf(
chandanc_here is mine
yushirochandanc_: well, it looks no problem.04:59
yushiroI wonder ryu's new issue within 2 days?05:00
chandanc_did not get that05:00
chandanc_is there a new release of ryu ?05:00
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yushiroI think no, because the version of ryu is same b/w you and I devstack.05:01
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SridarKyushiro: sorry had stepped away for dinner, dont want to distract ur debugging, but quick q: are u going to be pushing up a CLI patch with the comments addressed05:05
yushiroSridarK: Yes but UT hasn't finished yet. So, I'll update only source code.05:07
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SridarKyushiro: ok - i think we may be cutting it close in terms of deadline - u may want to double check with Akihiro05:07
yushiroI see.05:09
chandanc_yushiro, i got my ryu issue resolved, looks like there was 2 copies of l2 agent running, not sure how05:12
chandanc_neutron agent-show 298c4cc3-1fff-4510-a113-f67796824d6505:12
chandanc_   ],                                               |05:12
chandanc_|                     |      "extensions": [                                  |05:12
chandanc_|                     |           "qos"                                       |05:12
chandanc_|                     |      ],05:12
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chandanc_Hello SridarK, quick question05:49
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SridarKchandanc_: yes pls go ahead05:50
chandanc_is the l3 extension patch merged to neutron05:50
SridarKchandanc_: not yet05:50
chandanc_i hope this is the one
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chandanc_but i could not figure out where the extension loading is done05:51
SridarKyes that is the one - i just went ot double check05:51
SridarKchandanc_: i have the same issue05:51
chandanc_i dont think the extension loading is part of this patch05:52
chandanc_is there any other patch05:52
SridarKyes there is a companion in fwaas05:52
SridarKlet me find that05:52
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chandanc_I dont see the entry point or loading mechanism in this too05:58
chandanc_SridarK, i think the l3 extension patch for neutron may not be complete06:01
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SridarKchandanc_: perhaps so - i am not too sure on this -06:13
chandanc_SridarK, if you install the l3 ext patches, dont forget to run "sudo python develop" in /opt/stack/neutron, this will fix the l3 agent console script06:21
SridarKchandanc_: yes got it06:21
chandanc_also added a extensions option to l3 config file06:21
chandanc_extensions = neutron_fwaas/services/firewall/agents/l3reference/firewall_l3_agent_v2:L3WithFWaaS06:22
chandanc_in the AGENT section06:22
chandanc_2016-08-29 05:58:05.951 DEBUG neutron.wsgi [-] agent.extensions               = ['neutron_fwaas/services/firewall/agents/l3reference/firewall_l3_agent_v2:L3WithFWaaS'] from (pid=26855) log_opt_values /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/oslo_config/
chandanc_got this in log06:22
chandanc_rest will update you later06:23
SridarKwhat is the format u used for the extension option06:24
SridarKok sorry i missed this line up - ok got it06:26
SridarKi will sign off now but will pick this up early am06:26
SridarKi have pulled the neutron patch and the corresponding neutron-fwaas ext patch in to my devstack - let me recheck things and kick off06:27
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SridarKyushiro: ping13:05
yushiroSridarK: pong13:09
yushirosorry, I was eating dinner.13:10
SridarKyushiro: just added to u a review for removing vendor code13:10
SridarKyushiro: oh sorry - pls nothing urgent - whenever u get a chance13:10
yushiroSridarK: no warries.  OK, I'll check it now.13:10
yushiroI just reviewed
yushiroIt looks good to me.13:12
yushiroon the other hand, I found some issue with devstack l3-agent.  It cannot be specified fwaas.ini file as a '--config-file'13:13
SridarKyushiro: thx13:16
SridarKyushiro: ok i see a review from u13:16
yushirosorry. I missed pep8 :( just a moment, please.13:16
yushiro^^ yes, I ran devstack 1 hour ago and fount this issue.13:18
SridarKbut as part of
SridarKthis file will get removed13:18
yushiroOh... Yes, you're right.13:19
yushiroSo, my patch is not necessary.13:20
SridarKchandanc also has some questions in an email out - i am hoping that once we have that clarification - we can help and do more L3 testing13:21
SridarKi think so too - perhaps u can just reply to chandanc 's email also13:21
yushiroOK. so sorry for late, chandanc..13:22
SridarKOur focus can be testing the L3 and i will not disturb u too much so u can continue with the CLI13:22
njohnstonmfranc213 and I are also looking at chandanc's email...13:24
SridarKyushiro: thx13:25
yushiroSridarK and njohnston : Thanks for your kindness.13:26
yushiroI don't want to sleep !!13:26
SridarKyushiro: pls no worries - thx so much for the help13:27
SridarKnjohnston: GM13:27
njohnstonSridarK: GM to you as well13:28
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SridarKnjohnston: once chandanc is online - we can try to quickly triage the errors he saw and we can continue with the testing13:29
chandanc_Hello All13:29
SridarKchandanc_: hi13:29
chandanc_Hello SridarK13:30
SridarKchandanc_: if we can quickly get clarification on the issues u ran into - i can continue with the testing13:31
chandanc_actually now i am stuck with the following error13:31
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 CRITICAL neutron [req-bbde1aae-986c-4454-9fc0-f9fef0c32d0d None None] AttributeError: 'L3AgentExtensionAPI' object has no attribute 'request_router_info'13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron Traceback (most recent call last):13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron   File "/usr/local/bin/neutron-l3-agent", line 10, in <module>13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron     sys.exit(main())13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron   File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/cmd/eventlet/agents/", line 17, in main13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron     l3_agent.main()13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron   File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/agent/", line 57, in main13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron     manager=manager)13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron   File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/", line 387, in create13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron     periodic_fuzzy_delay=periodic_fuzzy_delay)13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron   File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/", line 319, in __init__13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron     self.manager = manager_class(host=host, *args, **kwargs)13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron   File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/agent/l3/", line 634, in __init__13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron     super(L3NATAgentWithStateReport, self).__init__(host=host, conf=conf)13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron   File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/agent/l3/", line 228, in __init__13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron     self.init_extension_manager(self.plugin_rpc)13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron   File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/osprofiler/", line 154, in wrapper13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron     return f(*args, **kwargs)13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron   File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/agent/l3/", line 378, in init_extension_manager13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron     self.agent_api)13:32
chandanc_2016-08-29 13:13:42.076 TRACE neutron   File "/opt/stack/neutron/neutron/agent13:32
chandanc_oh, i think i should use paste link13:32
mfranc213thank you chandanc_ looking now.13:36
njohnstonyes, the last PS of the l3_extension_api change altered that method name to to get_router_from_port_id13:37
chandanc_ok, will try using that13:37
njohnstonchandanc_: 1 sec, it will take a little more than a method rename13:38
mfranc213it looks like you are using the new PS
chandanc_sure, may be i should wait for the next PS ?13:38
njohnstonCan you give a diff of the changes you've needed to make so far in order to get to this point?  We should capture those.13:39
chandanc_the l3 extension one13:39
mfranc213sorry i've been on vacation so am a little behind, but i thought we are supposed to be testing
mfranc213but i have been out13:39
mfranc213so SridarK and/or njohnston should chime in13:39
chandanc_ya, i have tested that one13:39
mfranc213okah chandanc_ looking again then13:39
njohnstontesting it in conjunction with
SridarKin conjuction13:40
mfranc213sorry, testing what in conjunction with
SridarKat a logical point for everyone - we can have a quick call to run thru the steps and issues - so we can continue with the testing13:41
SridarKmfranc213: the neutron change 3570313:41
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SridarKmfranc213: also welcome back from vacation :-)13:42
chandanc__Here is the current diff
njohnstonOK, I will integrate that13:43
chandanc__njohnston, lot of it is for my testing. this is more of a hint :)13:43
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mfranc213ok. i know what the problem is.  it is in neutron.  there is a neutron PS that you need to use.13:44
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mfranc213i'm sort of out of it (more than usual) so let me find this.  one secont.13:44
mfranc213this is the PS that nate and i put together.13:45
mfranc213well, this is the PS:
mfranc213but the method changes13:48
mfranc213the method name13:48
mfranc213oh no, it looks like the method got removed13:48
mfranc213so hrm.13:48
chandanc__i applied that one13:48
mfranc213the request_router_info should have remained.13:48
njohnstonno, feedback was that they didn't just want to hand over the whole 'router_info' struct, that we needed to have a real API13:50
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chandanc_sorry, I am getting some connectivity issue13:51
chandanc_I can wait for the next PS13:52
mfranc213okay.  looking at the next PS now...13:52
chandanc_sure, will pick it up13:53
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mfranc213njohnston: i will issue the next PS for unless you want to?13:55
njohnstonmfranc213: Sure, go for it, but I am adding additional bits to the L3AgentExtensionAPI that your PS should pick up... but you go ahead and work on putting add_router, update_router, and delete_router in there as more than just 'pass'.13:57
mfranc213njohnston: i can do that.  however, the problem that chandanc_ is facing now is that the API for the l3 agent extension has changed in a way that the fwaas l3 agent extension cannot accommodate13:58
mfranc213i think.  checking that one more time.13:58
mfranc213no, i think i'm wrong about that.13:59
mfranc213diving into it now.13:59
SridarKmfranc213: perhaps u could first push a PS to align with the new method name that njohnston added as review comment in the neutron patch
SridarKthen u could fill in the update_router, delete_router etc14:01
mfranc213the latter is just applying  a git diff14:03
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SridarKok then which ever is easier14:04
mfranc213also njhonston just told me that i need to change the _get_firewall_group_ports in the fwaas l3 agent extension to instead use get_routers_in_tenant14:04
mfranc213so i'm gonna do that too.14:04
chandanc__folks I am AFK for 1/2 hour, will ping back14:04
SridarKok sounds good mfranc213 , chandanc__14:05
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mfranc213SridarK: sorry, just realized what you said about waiting to fill in the add_router stuff.  sorry, i will do what you suggest for now, and leave those as pass.14:10
SridarKmfranc213: no worries - whichever is easier - we can get a quick integration test going - so we can do more testing today14:11
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mfranc213makes sense SridarK.  diving in now.  wish me luck :)14:12
SridarKmfranc213: may the force be with u :-)14:12
mfranc213and also with you :)14:13
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mfranc213chandan__ and SridarK: nate is running his UTs on the neutron stuff now and i'm running my UTs on the fwaas l3 agent extension now.14:38
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njohnstonOK, my UTs are all good, mfranc213 is finishing up15:14
mfranc2131 failure left15:19
mfranc213UTs done.15:35
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mfranc213doing a pep8 and then will push.15:35
mfranc213nate and i will then work on fleshing out the add_router, etc., methods.15:36
mfranc213my pep8 tests is running extremely slowly and only catching one error at a time.  anyone else ever seen this and know how to fix?15:44
mfranc213well, anyway, PS pushed.15:45
njohnstonthanks mfranc21315:45
njohnstonOK, so yushiro and chandanc and SridarK can feel free to test that out while we work on those implementation details15:47
njohnstonlet us know if any issues arise15:47
mfranc213njohnston: do i need to add this back in: ?15:47
yushironjohnston: sure.15:47
mfranc213it was producing an error and couldn't see (in 2 seconds) why it was there.15:47
mfranc213sorry about that.15:48
njohnstonyes, but I don't think you should have that host=host argument to it15:48
mfranc213i think i misread this:
mfranc213okay, adding that back in.15:49
njohnstonmfranc213: Test issue with 355576, check out
njohnstonIt happened for the python35 test but not for the python27 test15:52
mfranc213looking at that next15:52
mfranc213oh, i guess python 3 doesn't like dict.items().  blah.15:53
mfranc213or it does something weird with them.  fixing.15:54
njohnstonbrb, grabbing lunch15:58
mfranc213njohnston: i still don't get that init to super.16:03
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mfranc213i went ahead and added it.  needed host=host though.  so something about my env is diff from that of chandanc_16:08
mfranc213but chandan please go ahead.16:08
mfranc213njohnston: i'm working on add_router, etc.  ping me when you're back from lunch. :)16:09
mfranc213i need some chocolate16:09
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SridarKjust wrapping up a mtg - will head to work shortly - but will be good if we can have a quick sync up right after east coast lunch time and before chandanc goes to bed16:11
SridarKso i can carry on with the testing16:12
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njohnstonsounds good16:20
njohnstonmfranc213: Excellent, I figure that it will mostly just use process_add_router16:20
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mfranc213that's what i'm thinking.16:23
mfranc213will think a little bit more though :)16:23
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mfranc213yeah, i guess it's pretty trivial.  i kept thinking there should be more to this...16:36
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SridarKchandanc_: i am at the office17:59
SridarKwere u able to pull the latest patches17:59
chandanc_sorry i got busy with other stuff18:00
chandanc_do you want a call now18:00
chandanc_i will probably logout in some time18:00
SridarKyes we can18:00
SridarKnjohnston: , mfranc213: if u are not too busy on the patches - do u want to join to ?18:01
mfranc213yes.  is there a webex?18:04
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njohnstonchandanc_ mfranc213 SridarK: Apropos to our conversation - and
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dougwigheads up, fwaas kilo question incoming20:50
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njohnstonThanks dougwig, I saw zzelle on #openstack-neutron20:50
zzelleHi everyone20:50
njohnstonHi, zzelle.  I understand you have an issue related to FWaaS in kilo?20:51
njohnstonIs this occurring in a production environment?20:51
zzellenjohnston, some of our neutron-servers crashed which implied timeout in fwaas calls done by the l3-agent to neutron-servers20:51
njohnstonzzelle: Do you know which calls in particular?20:52
dougwigrocking, now you're talking to the experts.20:52
zzellelet me check the code :)20:52
zzellenjohnston, _process_router_add20:55
zzelletimeouts are related to remaining rpc workers in neutron-servers being overloaded20:55
zzellenjohnston, so every l3-agent set services_sync_needed = True and try to resync everything (in process_services_sync)20:56
njohnstonIs the FWaaS sync service call causing the overloading of RPC workers you mention, or is the overloading a separate issue of which FWaaS is just the leading indicator?20:57
zzellenjohnston, the overload is caused first by some neutron-servers crashed20:58
zzellenjohnston, secondly by every l3-agent trying to perform a "full" process_services_sync20:59
zzellenjohnston, when we restarted every crashed neutron-servers and purge neutron queues21:00
njohnstonSo let me make sure I understand the timeline.  First, some neutron servers crashed.  Second, this crash caused RPC worker overload.  Third, FWaaS caused L3 agents to do a full sync.  Fourth, this caused further neutron server crashes.  Fifth, this degraded your ability to get out of this cascading failure scenario.  Is that a correct restatement?21:01
zzellenjohnston, the overload did not end because the load related "full" process_services_syncs is really bigger than usual load21:01
zzellefirst: ok, 2nd: ok, 3rd: ok21:01
zzelle4th: we restarted crashed neutron-servers21:02
zzelle5th: rpc workers are still overloaded because of full syncs21:03
zzellenjohnston, ^21:03
zzellenjohnston, rpc workers usually uses 20 % CPU, in 5th they use 100% CPU even after stopping 33% of our L3 agents21:04
njohnstonAnd by "rpc worker" do you mean the message broker, i.e. RabbitMQ?21:06
njohnstonIs your desire for us to advise you of some procedure you can use when this kind of situation presents itself, that will let you get everything working, without having to provision additional rpc worker capacity?21:06
zzellenjohnston, rpc worker = neutron-server worker handling rpc incoming messages21:07
njohnstonzzelle: Got it, thanks.21:07
zzellenjohnston, we solved the trouble only by stopping must of our l3-agents in order to let remaining ones perform their "full" sync and restarting slowly stopped l3-agents21:07
njohnstonHow many routers do you have per l3 agent, on average?21:08
zzellenjohnston, 1, exactly 121:08
zzellenjohnston, IMO, it seems abnormal that neutron is not able to self-heal itself when every rpc-worker get back online21:08
zzellenjohnston, ~ 60 l3-agents21:09
njohnstonWell, as far as fixing things in the Kilo timeframe, I think I would probably have done the same thing as you had to get out of the situation.21:09
njohnstonAnd I am sure there have been tremendous efficiency improvements in oslo.messaging between Kilo and Newton21:10
zzellenjohnston, my concern is that it crashes everything and that trunk seems not to solve the trouble21:10
zzellenjohnston, nope oslo.messaging nor rabbit are responsible21:10
njohnstonBut we can revisit this, and see if there are ways to optimize the full-sync process in trunk.21:11
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njohnstonzzelle: How do you know that trunk does not solve the trouble?21:11
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zzellenjohnston, git log --oneline neutron_fwaas/services/firewall/agents/l3reference/firewall_l3_agent.py21:13
njohnstonzzelle: We'll definitely take a serious look at this.  It may take a bit to really get visibility into the full sync process to see where we can optimize, and - full disclosure -  I don't think that will happen before the Newton code cutoff, which is in a couple of days.21:16
zzellenjohnston, typically i don't understand why in full sync a l3-agents request tenants with FWs intead of requesting its tenants with FW21:16
njohnstonzzelle: But we'll give this serious attention.  One thing you could do that would help is to file a bug, or give us the link to the bug you may already have filed, and we can work from the information you have on that.21:16
njohnstonzzelle: That is a valid question, and I don't know the answer to it.  have only been involved in FWaaS for about 7 months or so.  But I promise to work on finding out.21:17
njohnstonzzelle: I have to go - family dinner - but if you paste a bug link I'll catch it in the eavesdrop logs.  Thanks!21:18
zzellenjohnston, i would like first to check if the trouble is known or not21:21
zzellethan file a bug and work on it if i find some bandwith (sick)21:21
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SridarKsorry i missed this conversation with zzelle - opened to track this and we can triage22:49
openstackLaunchpad bug 1618244 in neutron "Possible scale issues with neutron-fwaas requesting all tenants with firewalls after RPC failures" [Undecided,New]22:49
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yushiromorning good, all23:47
yushiroooops,  good morning23:48
SridarKyushiro: hi GM23:54
yushiroI just came to my office.23:55
SridarKyushiro: i saw u updated ur patch, taking a look23:57
yushiroSridarK: thanks. However, I can update only firewallgroup and firewallpolicy in my home.23:57
yushirosorry for late :(23:57
SridarKyushiro: no worries, i think u have a TODO on ports23:59
SridarKso i will wait23:59

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