Friday, 2016-08-19

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SridarKyushiro: ping00:48
yushiroSridarK: pong00:48
SridarKyushiro: sent u email on the db patch00:48
yushiroSridarK: Yes, thank you. I'm reading now.00:49
SridarKyushiro: thank u :-)00:49
yushiroSridarK: Sure. I'll try it now and put +2 if there is no problems.00:51
SridarKyushiro: ok i will wait to provide any clarification b4 i drive back home00:52
yushiroSridarK: good. If exist some bugs, I'll put the comment ASAP.00:53
SridarKyushiro: ok i will wait here so we can discuss00:55
SridarKif u have questions00:55
yushiroSridarK: OK. thanks00:56
yushiroSridarK: I have one question about DB patch.01:08
yushiroSridarK: in PS45, An and I commented into migration file.01:09
yushiroSridarK: Is it not necessary to revert 'tenant_id'?01:11
yushiroI'll put the comment just in case.01:13
SridarKyushiro: hmm01:19
SridarKlet me look01:19
SridarKyushiro: i believe project_id is mapped to tenant_id01:20
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SridarKin the db layer01:20
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yushiroSridarK: Maybe I think so because migration file for mapping has already implemented.01:22
yushiroSridarK: Thanks for your link.01:26
yushiroSridarK: I should refer model_base.HasProject at neutron side. It's same strategy.  Does it make sense?(I think it's not an issue but nit fix)01:27
SridarKok if it is a nit, i will pick it up with the plugin changes01:29
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yushiroI just commented DB patch. please check it..01:52
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SridarKyushiro: looking02:03
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SridarKok so i will change models_v2.HasTenant to model_base.HasProject02:10
yushiroSridarK: OK, if you change this, please fix migration file too (add index=True)02:15
yushiroThanks for your checking.  You work so hard.  I think it's midnight for you.(11:18 in Japan)02:18
SridarKyushiro: what is that change02:18
SridarKno it is 7:20pm02:19
SridarKyushiro: i am just running the baseline ut02:19
SridarKand fixing this02:20
SridarKyushiro: and the change in the migration file - i want to make sure02:20
yushiroSridarK: OK. let me explain.  In migration file , sa.Column('project_id', sa.String(length=36))02:21
yushiroThere is no 'index=True'.02:21
yushiroIf you change model_base.HasProject at, I think it's necessary to align the option('index=True').02:22
yushirointo migration file.02:22
SridarKso like: sa.Column('project_id', sa.String(length=36), index=True)02:26
SridarKyushiro: ^^02:26
yushiroSridarK: Yes.02:26
SridarKok let me make the change and run UT02:26
SridarKyushiro: found another issue in the migration file02:35
SridarKwe dont have to create the addr group, cidr association02:35
yushiroSridarK: oh, really?  I have 1 concern too.02:35
SridarKalso on the L#10502:36
yushiroSridarK: oh, yes, you're right.02:36
SridarKthere is no project_id in the policy rule association table02:36
SridarKyushiro: if u see L#91 in the db file02:38
yushiroSridarK: watching... yes, missing 'project_id'..02:39
yushiromy concern is L#105's project_id02:40
yushiroIs project_id in firewall_rule_policy_associations_v2 for 'firewall_policy_id' or 'firewall_rule_id' or both?02:40
yushiroI'm confusing in case of 'public' policy and public rule.02:41
SridarKin policy rule association there is no project_id02:41
SridarKit just associates a policy with a rule02:42
SridarKwe are not tracking the project_id02:42
yushiroSridarK: ah, you just said above my comment!! sorry I missed.02:42
SridarKyushiro: ok :-)02:43
yushiroSridarK: Yes. OK, Can I comment it now?02:43
yushiroor you will ?02:43
SridarKyushiro: i will02:44
SridarKpls take a quick scan02:44
yushiroOK. watching02:46
yushirochecked!  LGTM02:47
SridarKactually not just project_id, id, name, desc do not belong in the policy rule assoc table02:47
yushirooh, indeed. these are not necessary.02:48
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yushiroI've commented on
yushiroI forgot to review and put same comment.02:50
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SridarKpls do a quick scan - esp on the primary keys for the policy rule assoc table02:52
SridarKrunning UT02:53
yushirodifference is OK.  but other thing...  in L#2602:54
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yushirodown_revision = 'kilo'02:54
yushiroI think we should specify previous migration revision as 'down_revision'02:55
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SridarKyes was just checking02:57
SridarKbut i am going to remove that as a vendor02:57
SridarKso it is a nop, i will set it to 540142f314f402:57
SridarKyushiro: other wise the diff looks ok ?02:59
yushiroYes, It's OK for me.02:59
SridarKi want to avoid multiple Jenkins02:59
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SridarKok i actually put the down revision to the cisco thing - which would be the right thing, when i remove i will fix this -03:02
SridarKyushiro: so if are good - i push up a PS03:02
yushiroOK. I'll check it soon.03:03
SridarKyushiro: pep8 does not like it if i change the downrev, so i put it back to kilo03:08
SridarKi will fix this with my plugin03:09
yushiroSridarK: oh, OK.03:09
SridarKso at least other patches can move fwd, in any case for v2 it is a new set of tables and will not break v203:09
SridarKand since Jenkins was ok03:10
SridarKwith this on the prev patch03:10
SridarKwe can fix it quickly tomorrow03:10
SridarKyushiro: i will let njohnston know as well03:11
yushiroSure.  sorry, I'll go lunch and back to 13:00 pm(50 minutes later)03:12
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SridarKyushiro: ok shall i push ?03:12
SridarKyushiro|lunch: np i am pushing next rev - pls take a look when u are back03:13
yushiro|lunchyes, please.03:13
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yushiroI'm reviewing DB patch now.05:00
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yushiroSridarK: I tried to migrate DB and got result (
yushiroSridarK: I think it looks good.05:51
SridarKyushiro: ok good thanks for all the help with the reviews06:10
yushiroSridarK: NP!06:15
SarathMekala /chandanc ping06:24
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yushiroHi all,09:06
yushiroI have to leave my office today. If you have time, please take a look on CLI patch :)
yushiroCurrently, I'm going to support not only '--public' but '--shared' but I can't and some UT is missing (Coverage is about 80%)09:09
yushirobye bye !09:09
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SarathMekalaSridarK : I have tested out the db migration on my setup and its working fine11:01
SarathMekalaPlease find the output @
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-openstackstatus- NOTICE: Precise tests on OSIC provider are currently failing, please stop your checks until the issue is resolved.11:16
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: DSVM jobs on OSIC currently failing because of IP collisions, fix is in the gate - - please hold rechecks until merged11:21
-openstackstatus- NOTICE: OSIC has burned through the problematic IP range with failures, things should be back to normal now.11:49
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njohnstongood morning all13:57
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SridarKnjohnston: GM14:18
SridarKGM all14:18
SridarKSo the db patch is in, i am trying to finish up the plugin14:19
njohnstonGreat news about the DB patch14:20
njohnstonCongrats to everyone - it was a real team effort14:21
SridarKnjohnston: +114:24
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mfranc213hello everyone.16:42
SridarKmfranc213: njohnston: can we sync around 3:30pm EDT ? To discuss the plugin refactoring that we shd plan for17:08
SridarKi want to get a plugin patch that is as complete as possible b4 that17:09
mfranc213i can.  i have a detailed doc to send out first.  SridarK I can meet at pretty much anytime from now until sunday morning. :)17:09
SridarKmfranc213: ok perfect17:12
SridarKi have to add the agent -> plugin rpc methods (u have a comment on me for that already) I am testing some port validation17:13
SridarKmfranc213: only sun morn ? i can just see u pushing patches on the plane or car as u head for vacation. :-)17:15
mfranc213and my daughter can drive :)17:20
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njohnstonSridarK: 3:30pm works for me as well17:42
SridarKnjohnston: ok sounds good17:43
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SridarKSarathMekala: ping18:17
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SridarKmfranc213: njohnston: got pulled into a mtg - so could not get the patch out - are u guys okay to talk at 4:30pm EDT19:08
SridarKmfranc213: njohnston: if that is too late - we can just talk at 3:30pm EDT as discussed earlier19:09
njohnston4:30 is OK for me19:09
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njohnstonSridarK: Can we go ahead and drop a patch to get rid of the varmour stuff?19:21
SridarKnjohnston: on it no worries19:21
njohnstonThanks!  It'll make testing simpler19:21
SridarKnjohnston: agreed19:21
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njohnstonIt'll be interesting to see if our FWaaS talk was among the <20% of talks that were selected:
mfranc2134:30 works for me but i will be calling in only.19:44
mfranc213sending you guys the write-up now.19:44
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njohnstonThanks for writing that all up, mfranc213!20:07
mfranc213njohnston: it's pretty turgid!20:14
mfranc213SridarK: i can be on webex after all, as needed.20:28
SridarKmfranc213: ok20:28
SridarKmfranc213: ok starting up soon20:28
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